Module-02 AIML NOTES
Module-02 AIML NOTES
Module-02 AIML NOTES
Step 3: Remove the node n, from the OPEN list which has the lowest value of h(n), and places
it in the CLOSED list.
Step 5: Check each successor of node n, and find whether any node is a goal node or not. If any
successor node is goal node, then return success and terminate the search, else proceed to Step 6.
Step 6: For each successor node, algorithm checks for evaluation function f(n), and then check
if the node has been in either OPEN or CLOSED list. If the node has not been in both lists, then
• Best first search can switch between BFS and DFS by gaining the advantages of both the
• This algorithm is more efficient than BFS and DFS algorithms.
Consider the below search problem, and we will traverse it using greedy best-first search. At each
iteration, each node is expanded using evaluation function f(n)=h(n) , which is given in the below
In this search example, we are using two lists which are OPEN and CLOSED Lists. Following
are the iteration for traversing the above example.
Dr SNK, VS, AG Dept of ISE, RNSIT Page 2
21CS54 | Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Hence the final solution path will be: S----> B----->F --- > G
Time Complexity: The worst-case time complexity of Greedy best first search is O(bm).
Space Complexity: The worst-case space complexity of Greedy best first search is O(bm).
Where, m is the maximum depth of the search space.
Complete: Greedy best-first search is also incomplete, even if the given state space is finite.
The first node to be expanded from Arad will be Sibiu because it is closer to
Bucharest than either Zerind or Timisoara. The next node to be expanded will be Fagaras
because it is closest. Fagaras in turn generates Bucharest, which is the goal. For this
particular problem, greedy best-first search using hSLD finds a solution without ever
expanding a node that is not on the solution path; hence, its search cost is minimal. It is not
optimal, however: the path via Sibiu and Fagaras to Bucharest is 32 kilometers longer than
the path through Rimnicu Vilcea and Pitesti. This shows why the algorithm is called
“greedy”—at each step it tries to get as close to the goal as it can. Greedy best-first tree
search is also incomplete even in a finite state space, much like depth-first search. Consider
the problem of getting from Iasi to Fagaras. The heuristic suggests that Neamt be expanded
first because it is closest to Fagaras, but it is a dead end. The solution is to go first to Vaslui—
a step that is actually farther from the goal according to the heuristic—and then to continue
to Urziceni, Bucharest, and Fagaras. The algorithm will never find this solution, however,
Dr SNK, VS, AG Dept of ISE, RNSIT Page 4
21CS54 | Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
because expanding Neamt puts Iasi back into the frontier, Iasi is closer to Fagaras than
Vaslui is, and so Iasi will be expanded again, leading
to an infinite loop. (The graph search version is complete in finite spaces, but not in infinite
ones.) The worst-case time and space complexity for the tree version is O(bm), where m is
the maximum depth of the search space. With a good heuristic function, however, the
complexity can be reduced substantially. The amount of the reduction depends on the
particular problem and on the quality of the heuristic
In A* search algorithm, we use search heuristic as well as the cost to reach the node. Hence, we
can combine both costs as following, and this sum is called as a fitness number.
Algorithm of A* search:
Step 2: Check if the OPEN list is empty or not, if the list is empty then return failure and stops.
Step 3: Select the node from the OPEN list which has the smallest value of evaluation function
(g+h), if node n is goal node, then return success and stop, otherwise
Step 4: Expand node n and generate all of its successors, and put n into the closed list. For each
successor n', check whether n' is already in the OPEN or CLOSED list, if not then compute
Step 5: Else if node n' is already in OPEN and CLOSED, then it should be attached to the back
• It does not always produce the shortest path as it mostly based on heuristics and
• The main drawback of A* is memory requirement as it keeps all generated nodes in the
In this example, we will traverse the given graph using the A* algorithm. The heuristic value of
all states is given in the below table so we will calculate the f(n) of each state using the formula
f(n)= g(n) + h(n), where g(n) is the cost to reach any node from start state.
Iteration3: {(S--> A-->C--->G, 6), (S--> A-->C--->D, 11), (S--> A-->B, 7), (S-->G, 10)}
Iteration 4 will give the final result, as S--->A--->C--->G it provides the optimal path with cost
Points to remember:
• A* algorithm returns the path which occurred first, and it does not search for all remaining
Admissible: the first condition requires for optimality is that h(n) should be an admissible
If the heuristic function is admissible, then A* tree search will always find the least cost path.
Time Complexity: The time complexity of A* search algorithm depends on heuristic function,
and the number of nodes expanded is exponential to the depth of solution d. So, the time
• Therefore, there are several pathways in a search tree to reach the goal node from the
current node.
• More is the information about the problem, more is the processing time.
• Consider the following 8-puzzle problem where we have a start state and a goal state.
• Our task is to slide the tiles of the current/start state and place it in an order followed in the
goal state. There can be four moves either left, right, up, or down.
• There can be several ways to convert the current/start state to the goal state, but we can use
So, there is total of three tiles out of position i.e., 6,5 and 4. Do not count the empty tile present in
the goal state). i.e. h(n)=3. Now, we require to minimize the value of h(n) =0.
We can construct a state-space tree to minimize the h(n) value to 0, as shown below:
• It is seen from the above state space tree that the goal state is minimized from h(n)=3 to
h(n)=0. However, we can create and use several heuristic functions as per the requirement.
• It is also clear from the above example that a heuristic function h(n) can be defined as the
information required to solve a given problem more efficiently.
• The information can be related to the nature of the state, cost of transforming from one
state to another, goal node characteristics, etc., which is expressed as a heuristic function.
In the real world, we are surrounded by humans who can learn everything from their experiences
with their learning capability, and we have computers or machines which work on our
But can a machine also learn from experiences or past data like a human does? So here comes
the role of Machine Learning.
A subset of artificial intelligence known as machine learning focuses primarily on the creation of
algorithms that enable a computer to independently learn from data and previous experiences.
Arthur Samuel first used the term "machine learning" in 1959.
A machine can learn if it can gain more data to improve its performance.
• A machine learning system builds prediction models, learns from previous data, and
predicts the output of new data whenever it receives it.
• The amount of data helps to build a better model that accurately predicts the output, which
in turn affects the accuracy of the predicted output.
• Let's say we have a complex problem in which we need to make predictions.
• Instead of writing code, we just need to feed the data to generic algorithms, which build
the logic based on the data and predict the output.
• Our perspective on the issue has changed as a result of machine learning.
• The Machine Learning algorithm's operation is depicted in the following block diagram:
Following are some key points which show the importance of Machine Learning:
1. Supervised learning
2. Unsupervised learning
3. Reinforcement learning
1) Supervised Learning
In supervised learning, sample labeled data are provided to the machine learning system for
training, and the system then predicts the output based on the training data.
• The system uses labeled data to build a model that understands the datasets and learns about
each one.
• After the training and processing are done, we test the model with sample data to see if it
can accurately predict the output.
• The mapping of the input data to the output data is the objective of supervised learning.
The managed learning depends on oversight, and it is equivalent to when an understudy
learns things in the management of the educator.
• Spam filtering is an example of supervised learning.
1. Classification
2. Regression
2) Unsupervised Learning
1. Clustering
2. Association
3) Reinforcement Learning
• Then, these rules are formulated into logic and implemented in a program to create
intelligent systems.
• This idea of developing intelligent systems by using logic and reasoning by converting an
expert’s knowledge into a set of rules and programs is called an expert system.
• An expert system like MYCIN was designed for medical diagnosis after converting the
expert knowledge of many doctors into a system.
• However, this approach did not progress much as programs lacked real intelligence.
• The word MYCIN is derived from the fact that most of the antibiotics’ names end with
• The above approach was impractical in many domains as programs still depended on
human expertise and hence did not truly exhibit intelligence.
• Then, the momentum shifted to machine learning in the form of data driven systems. The
focus of AI is to develop intelligent systems by using data-driven approach, where data is
used as an input to develop intelligent models.
• The models can then be used to predict new inputs.
• Thus, the aim of machine learning is to learn a model or set of rules from the given dataset
automatically so that it can predict the unknown data correctly.
• As humans take decisions based on an experience, computers make models based on
extracted patterns in the input data and then use these data-filled models for prediction and
to take decisions. For computers, the learnt model is equivalent to human experience. This
is shown in Figure 1.2.
Machine learning uses the concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Statistics
primarily. It is the resultant of combined ideas of diverse fields.
Machine learning is an important branch of AI, which is a much broader subject. The aim of AI
is to develop intelligent agents. An agent can be a robot, humans, or any autonomous systems.
Initially, the idea of AI was ambitious, that is, to develop intelligent systems like human beings.
The focus was on logic and logical inferences. It had seen many ups and downs. These down
periods were called AI winters.
The resurgence in AI happened due to development of data driven systems. The aim is to find
relations and regularities present in the data. Machine learning is the subbranch of AI, whose aim
is to extract the patterns for prediction. It is a broad field that includes learning from examples
and other areas like reinforcement learning.
The relationship of AI and machine learning is shown in Figure 1.3. The model can take an
unknown instance and generate results.
• All facts are data. In computer systems, bits encode facts present in numbers, text, images,
audio, and video.
• Data can be directly human interpretable (such as numbers or texts) or diffused data such
as images or video that can be interpreted only by a computer.
• Data is available in different data sources like flat files, databases, or data warehouses. It
can either be an operational data or a non-operational data.
• Operational data is the one that is encountered in normal business procedures and
processes. For example, daily sales data is operational data, on the other hand,
non-operational data is the kind of data that is used for decision making.
• Data by itself is meaningless. It has to be processed to generate any information. A string
of bytes is meaningless. Only when a label is attached like height of students of a class, the
data becomes meaningful.
• Processed data is called information that includes patterns, associations, or relationships
among data. For example, sales data can be analyzed to extract information like which
product was sold larger in the last quarter of the year.
Data whose volume is less and can be stored and processed by a small-scale computer is called
‘small data’. These
data are collected from several sources, and integrated and processed by a small-scale computer.
Big data, on the other hand, is a larger data whose volume is much larger than ‘small data’ and is
characterized as follows:
1. Volume – Since there is a reduction in the cost of storing devices, there has been a
tremendous growth of data. Small traditional data is measured in terms of gigabytes (GB)
and terabytes (TB), but Big Data is measured in terms of petabytes (PB) and exabytes
(EB). One exabyte is 1 million terabytes.
2. Velocity – The fast arrival speed of data and its increase in data volume is noted as
velocity. The availability of IoT devices and Internet power ensures that the data is
arriving at a faster rate. Velocity helps to understand the relative growth of big data and
its accessibility by users, systems and applications.
3. Variety – The variety of Big Data includes:
• Form – There are many forms of data. Data types range from text, graph, audio, video, to
maps. There can be composite data too, where one media can have many other sources of
data, for example, a video can have an audio song.
• Function – These are data from various sources like human conversations, transaction
records, and old archive data.
• Source of data – This is the third aspect of variety. There are many sources of data.
Broadly, the data source can be classified as open/public data, social media data and
multimodal data.
• Some of the other forms of Vs that are often quoted in the literature as characteristics of
big data are:
4. Veracity of data – Veracity of data deals with aspects like conformity to the facts, truthfulness,
believability, and confidence in data. There may be many sources of error such as technical
typographical errors, and human errors. So, veracity is one of the most important aspects of data.
5. Validity – Validity is the accuracy of the data for taking decisions or for any other goals that
are needed
6. Value – Value is the characteristic of big data that indicates the value of the information that is
• from the data and its influence on the decisions that are taken based on it. Thus, these 6
Vs are helpful to characterize the big data. The data quality of the numeric attributes is
determined by factors like precision, bias, and accuracy.
• Precision is defined as the closeness of repeated measurements. Often, standard deviation
is used to measure the precision.
• Bias is a systematic result due to erroneous assumptions of the algorithms or procedures.
Accuracy is the degree of measurement of errors that refers to the closeness of
measurements to the true value of the quantity. Normally, the significant digits used to
store and manipulate indicate the accuracy of the measurement.
Types of Data
In Big Data, there are three kinds of data. They are structured data, unstructured data, and semi
structured data.
Structured Data
In structured data, data is stored in an organized manner such as a database where it is available
in the form of a table. The data can also be retrieved in an organized manner using tools like
SQL. The structured data
dataset and each object has a set of measurements. The measurements can be arranged in the
form of a matrix.
Rows in the matrix represent an object and can be called as entities, cases, or records. The
columns of the dataset
are called attributes, features, or fields. The table is filled with observed data. Also, it is better to
note the general
jargons that are associated with the dataset. Label is the term that is used to describe the
individual observations.
Data Matrix It is a variation of the record type because it consists of numeric attributes. The
standard matrix
operations can be applied on these data. The data is thought of as points or vectors in the
multidimensional space
Graph Data It involves the relationships among objects. For example, a web page can refer to
another web page.
This can be modeled as a graph. The modes are web pages and the hyperlink is an edge that
connects the nodes.
Ordered Data Ordered data objects involve attributes that have an implicit order among them.
The examples
• Temporal data – It is the data whose attributes are associated with time. For example, the
customer purchasing patterns during festival time is sequential data. Time series data is a
special type of sequence data where the data is a series of measurements over time.
• Sequence data – It is like sequential data but does not have time stamps. This data
involves the sequence of words or letters. For example, DNA data is a sequence of four
characters – A T G C.
• Spatial data – It has attributes such as positions or areas. For example, maps are spatial
data where the points are related by location.
Unstructured Data
Unstructured data includes video, image, and audio. It also includes textual documents,
programs, and blog data. It is estimated that 80% of the data are unstructured data.
Semi-Structured Data
Semi-structured data are partially structured and partially unstructured. These include data like
XML/JSON data, RSS feeds, and hierarchical data.
Once the dataset is assembled, it must be stored in a structure that is suitable for data analysis.
The goal of data storage management is to make data available for analysis. There are different
approaches to organize and
manage data in storage files and systems from flat file to data warehouses. Some of them are
listed below:
Flat Files These are the simplest and most commonly available data source. It is also the
cheapest way of organizing the data. These flat files are the files where data is stored in plain
ASCII or EBCDIC format. Minor changes of data in flat files affect the results of the data mining
Hence, flat file is suitable only for storing small dataset and not desirable if the dataset becomes
• CSV files – CSV stands for comma-separated value files where the values are separated by
commas. These
are used by spreadsheet and database applications. The first row may have attributes and the rest
of the rows
• TSV files – TSV stands for Tab separated values files where values are separated by Tab. Both
CSV and
TSV files are generic in nature and can be shared. There are many tools like Google Sheets and
Microsoft Excel to process these files.
• The primary aim of data analysis is to assist business organizations to take decisions. For
example, a business organization may want to know which is the fastest selling product,
in order for them to market activities.
• Data analysis is an activity that takes the data and generates useful information and
insights for assisting the organizations.
• Data analysis and data analytics are terms that are used interchangeably to refer to the
same concept.
• However, there is a subtle difference. Data analytics is a general term and data analysis is
a part of it. Data analytics refers to the process of data collection, preprocessing and
analysis. It deals with the complete cycle of data management. Data analysis is just
analysis and is a part of data analytics. It takes historical data and does the analysis.
1. Descriptive analytics
2. Diagnostic analytics
3. Predictive analytics
4. Prescriptive analytics
For performing data analytics, many frameworks are proposed. All proposed analytics frameworks
have some common factors. Big data framework is a layered architecture. Such an architecture has
many advantages such as genericness.
4. Presentation layer
• Data Connection Layer It has data ingestion mechanisms and data connectors. Data
ingestion means taking raw data and importing it into appropriate data structures. It
performs the tasks of ETL process. By ETL, it means extract, transform and load
• Data Management Layer It performs preprocessing of data. The purpose of this layer is to
allow parallel execution of queries, and read, write and data management tasks. There may
be many schemes that can be implemented by this layer such as data-in-place, where the
data is not moved at all, or constructing data repositories such as data warehouses and pull
data on-demand mechanisms.
• Data Analytic Layer It has many functionalities such as statistical tests, machine learning
algorithms to understand, and construction of machine learning models. This layer
implements many model validation mechanisms too.
• The processing is done as shown in Box 2.1.
• Presentation Layer It has mechanisms such as dashboards, and applications that display the
results of analytical engines and machine learning algorithms.
• Thus, the Big Data processing cycle involves data management that consists of the
following steps.
1. Data collection
2. Data preprocessing
• This is an iterative process and is carried out on a permanent basis to ensure that data is
suitable for data mining.
• Application and interpretation of machine learning algorithms constitute the basis for the
rest of the book. So, primarily, data collection and data preprocessing are covered as part
of this chapter.
Data Collection
The first task of gathering datasets is the collection of data. It is often estimated that most of the
time is spent for collection of good quality data. A good quality data yields a better result. It is
often difficult to characterize a ‘Good data’. ‘Good data’ is one that has the following properties:
1. Timeliness – The data should be relevant and not stale or obsolete data.
2. Relevancy – The data should be relevant and ready for the machine learning or data mining
algorithms. All
the necessary information should be available and there should be no bias in the data.
3. Knowledge about the data – The data should be understandable and interpretable, and should be
sufficient for the required application as desired by the domain knowledge engineer.
Broadly, the data source can be classified as open/public data, social media data and multimodal
1. Open or public data source – It is a data source that does not have any stringent copyright rules
restrictions. Its data can be primarily used for many purposes. Government census data are good
• Digital libraries that have huge amount of text data as well as document images • Scientific
with a huge collection of experimental data like genomic data and biological data
• Healthcare systems that use extensive databases like patient databases, health insurance data,
2. Social media – It is the data that is generated by various social media platforms like Twitter,
Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. An enormous amount of data is generated by these platforms.
Data Preprocessing
In real world, the available data is ’dirty’. By this word ’dirty’, it means:
• Data preprocessing improves the quality of the data mining techniques. The raw data must
be preprocessed to give accurate results. The process of detection and removal of errors in
data is called data cleaning.
• Data wrangling means making the data processable for machine learning algorithms. Some
of the data errors include human errors such as typographical errors or incorrect
measurement and structural errors like improper data formats. Data errors can also arise
from omission and duplication of attributes.
• Noise is a random component and involves distortion of a value or introduction of spurious
objects. Often, the noise is used if the data is a spatial or temporal component. Certain
deterministic distortions in the form of a streak are known as artifacts.
• Consider, for example, the following patient Table 2.1. The ‘bad’ or ‘dirty’ data can be
observed in this table.