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Watershed Management Plan for Lake Fred at Stockton

BY: Samantha Coleman





Instructor: Dr. Tait Chirenje


As stated by the EPA, “The Clean Water act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for

regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality

standards for surface waters.” With a increase in human activity there has been an increase in

polluted water ways. To identify these impaired waterways, the nine-element method is

developed for a management plan. Examining Lake Fred on Stockton University in Galloway,

New Jersey (08205) we can address some water concerns. This is the corner of coliform and pH

having high levels within the water. Some potential sources of pollutants can be from humans but

from waterfowl as well. This can contribute to the higher coliform levels. A way to address this

issue is by a filtration device to reduce the pollutants. Another way is to examine the septic

systems above and underground for any leakage. For Lake Fred the coliform must be reduced by

80% to be in the standards so it can be taken off listed as an impaired waterway. This plan will

have short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals and results. There will be constant monitoring

which students can do as credit for college course. Outreach and education for the campus and

community will be implemented to educate those on what the study is and the overall goal. The

water will continue to be tested for ammonia, dissolved oxygen, index of biological integrity,

phosphorous, temperature, turbity, pH, and bacteria. This is to ensure that the effectiveness of the

restoration project has worked.

Table of Contents
Abstract ........................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3
Identify causes and sources...................................................................................................................5
NPS management and achieved load reductions. .....................................................................................7
Estimate of pollutant load reduction.......................................................................................................8
Estimate amount for the plan. ...............................................................................................................8
Education for public ............................................................................................................................9
Schedule for implementing the non-point source management. .................................................................9
Monitoring for effectiveness ............................................................................................................... 10
Mitigation, Resiliency, and adaptations...............................................................................10
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................11

Clean water is a necessity for anyone and everyone. As stated by the EPA “The Clean

Water act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the

waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters… EPA has

implemented pollution control programs such as setting wastewater standards for industry. EPA

has also developed national water quality criteria recommendations for pollutants in surface

waters.” This act has allowed there to be a strict quality control limit on water. Humans have

increased their negative impact on water quality greatly. This is from all the fertilizers,

pesticides, and all other pollutants. To identify these impaired waterways, the nine-element
method is developed for a management plan. The nine-elements are described by NC Division of

Water and Resources from the EPA (2014):

1. And identification of the causes and sources that will need to be controlled to achieve pollutant load
reductions estimated in the watershed.

2. A description of the NPS management measures that will need to be implemented to achieve load
reductions as well as to achieve other watershed goals identified in the watershed management plan.

3. An estimate of pollutant load reductions expected for the management measure.

4. An estimate of the amount of technical and financial assistance needed, associated cost or sources, and
authorities that will be relied upon to implement the plan.

5. An Information and education component that will be used to enhance public understanding of the

6. Schedule for implementing the non-point source management measures identified in the plan that is
reasonably expeditious.

7. A description or interim comma measurable milestones for determining whether non- point source
management measures or other management control actions are being implemented.

8. A set of criteria that can be used to determine whether pollutant load reductions are being achieved
overtime and substantial progress is being made towards attaining water quality standards.

9. A monitoring component to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation efforts over time, measure
against the criteria established to measure achieve pollutant load reduction.

Within this lab we will focus on Lake Fred. This lake is located on the ground of

Stockton University in Galloway, New Jersey (08205). This waterway in the past was a bog

creek stream then was damned in the eighteenth century. It is a series of ponds linked covering a

span of a half mile with a width of quarter mile. Through the EPA the water stream is monitored

through the Morses Mill Stream in the Nactoe Creek watershed, and the last report was done in

2020. During this report the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) listed impaired water is a

waterbody that is impaired or threatened and needs a TMDL restoration plan. Overall this report
will focus on coliform and how to reduce the pollutant and set place a restoration plan to address

the impaired waterway.

Figure 1: Aerial view of Lake Fred on Stockton University


Identify causes and sources.

The area surrounding Lake Fred is very forested but very active. The lake itself has a

natural path surrounding the lake with about two man made bridges. Humans use the lake

fishing, recreational, research, and countless other uses. Along with humans many species live in

or around the lake. Specifically, there are many types of waterfowl like Canada geese, mallards,

Atlantic brants, etc. These waterfowl will create waste and deposit this waste within Lake Fred.

This can create a high coliform test within that waterway.

Parameters tested with this waterway showed mainly that the waterway was impaired.

The parameters within this test were ammonia, dissolved oxygen, index of biological integrity,

phosphorous, temperature, turbity, pH, bacteria, microbes which in this case is coliform. The

highest testing parameter was pH and coliform. Within the lake 43% of the area was tested for

bacteria and other microbes which enter the water way by depositing waste. Other sources of this

pollution can be from septic leakage, sewage discharge, and runoff. When it rains the rainwater

carries these bacteria right into the lake as well as carrying pesticides, fertilizers, and other

nutrients. These bacteria enter the water and can create bacterial blooms. This is caused by

temperature increase and light which causes the bacteria to grow rapidly and creates

eutrophication. This leads to death of animal life and plant life due to deceasing oxygen.

Increased pollution within the water way of Lake Fred can be increased due to the

amount people on Stockton Campus. During the winter and spring semester there are larger

amounts of people near or on Lake Fred so the contamination during this time could be higher.

As compared to the summer months when contamination is at a low because of the “off” season

for school.
Figure 2: Water Impairment in red exhibiting Lake Fred in the concerned area. (EPA)

NPS management and achieved load reductions.

To reduce coliform in Lake Fred by 80% the NPS (Non-Point Source) pollution usually

occurs from runoff, precipitation, atmospheric deposition, drainage, seepage, or hydraulic

modification. One practice that is good at helping treat water quality to get the end goal is

filtration. This filter can be a carbon filter or sediment filter. This filtration device should be able

to filter out these pollutants such as coliform within the water. Another practice that can be

added is assessing the septic tanks above or underground. This is to see if any leakage is

occurring. There are currently 5 NPS projects funded from the EPA through Clean Water Act in

the Nactoe creek watershed. These projects are, Barnegat Bay Education & Enforcement, Bay

Friendly Stewardship Program, NEMO & Municipal Stormwater Outreach, Restoration/

Enhancement of Submerges Aquatic Vegetation in Barnegat Bay, and Submerges Aquatic

Vegetation Habitat Sustainability Modeling & Restoration. There are no restoration plans in

place for Lake Fred.

Estimate of pollutant load reduction

In order find and eliminate the pollutant there needs to be a pollutant load reduction

amount within the overall water quality. The water deposition is defined by the TDML (total

daily maximum load). This is the maximum pollutant load a water body can have before it

becomes impaired. For Lake Fred the coliform must be reduced by 80% to be in the standards so

it can be taken off listed as an impaired waterway.

Estimate amount for the plan.

Funding is necessary for this water quality test. CWSRF is a federal-state partnership that

helps provide low-cost funding for communities affected waterways. The 5 NPS projects have a

budget for different projects within the watershed. The EPA has grants under the Clean Water

Act Section 319 that help the Nactoe Creek watershed. Barnegat Bay Education & Enforcement

has a budget of $530,000. Bay Friendly Stewardship Program has a budget of $124,539. NEMO

& Municipal Stormwater Outreach has a budget of $130,001. Restoration/ Enhancement of

Submerges Aquatic Vegetation in Barnegat Bay has a budget of $440,606. Lastly, Submerges

Aquatic Vegetation Habitat Sustainability Modeling & Restoration has a budget of $225,001.

The total estimated budget between all these projects is around $1,450,147. Specifically for Lake

Fred there needs to be a budget for plant and water management for the surroundings of Stockton

from pesticides, fertilizer, and other contaminates. Administering a budget for plant and water

quality is necessary but also for waterfowl control and addressing runoff within the campus.
Education for public

Educating the public helps enhance the public knowledge of the goal and expectations for

this project. One is as simple as signage around the lake and around campus. It can also be

through events with tabling around the town. For example, Smithville, NJ has many events

where local people come and talk about the environment. This project can be tabled at an event

like this for community involvement. Hosting involvement fairs through the environmental

sciences, clubs, and local environmental agencies like “Re-clamming the Bay” can bring notice

of the restoration project. Another way is to use social media to promote more awareness about

the project. This restoration project can also be broadcasted throughout Stockton. Many students

in ENVL major are looking for projects for credit or resume additions. This is a perfect

monitoring project for them to do.

Schedule for implementing the non-point source management.

To develop a schedule, analyzing short term, mid-term, and long-term sources are

beneficial. Short term (1-2 yrs.) is identifying coliform and the pollutant load. Then mid-term (2-

5 yrs.) can be done which bring educating the public and implementing a plan and executing.

Mid-term can also be picking up after pets and checking septic tanks. Long term (5+ yrs.) is

monitoring the land that was changed and make sure the progress is effective. Tracking

waterfowl and other wildlife on the lake is important to track the progress as well as noticing if

algae blooms occur within Lake Fred.

Measurable milestones & Criteria for progress

Interim, measurable milestones are to determine if NPS actions are being implemented.

This is very important because it sets goals, organized priorities, time estimates, and potential
parties. The goals can be described through short-term, mid-term, and long-term. Measurable

milestones are also used for the criteria to track progress. This includes pre-project monitoring,

installing projects, tracking for over a 5+ years, load reductions, implementation of enforcing the

recommendations from the plan. The main goal of this project to reduce the amount of coliform

in Lake Fred after 5 years hopefully the goal is met.

Monitoring for effectiveness

The water will continue to be tested for ammonia, dissolved oxygen, index of biological

integrity, phosphorous, temperature, turbity, pH, and bacteria. This is to ensure that the

effectiveness of the restoration project has worked. The surrounding areas of the lake like forest

area, lawn, and other connections to the lake stay monitored to track runoff. Continuing to stop

spraying chemicals in these certain areas is necessary. Monitoring the project will take a long

range of time so being able to continue this vital for the study.

Mitigation, Resiliency, and adaptations

There would be forms of mitigation necessary because of the risk of high levels of

coliform. This increases the pH and can cause a change in dissolved oxygen. Being resilient to

changes will be difficult because the Lake is a natural changing habitat. Although enforcing

regulations and other necessary strategies can be helpful in stopping these negative effects on

Lake Fred. Adapting to climate change will be difficult as well for Lake Fred. Stopping erosion

and runoff will be necessary to keep up with the water quality and its health. Another way to

adapt to climate change is to attempt to plant more vegetation buffers. There are some areas

where the vegetation leading into Lake Fred is sparse so planting this there can help with the

water quality.
All in all, Lake Fred is an impaired water body. This water body is mainly impaired by

pH and coliform. There can be countless areas for the source of this pollution. To really

understand where it is coming from an in-depth study should be done. Implementing strategies

and a plan to reduce the pollutants within the water way is necessary to address the health of the

water, ecosystem, and human health. Lake Fred should have its contamination reduced to at least

80% to equality to meet the standards of a healthy water system.

Clean-Flo (2023). Coliform Bacteria in Lakes. https://clean-flo.com/coliform-bacteria-in-lakes/

EPA. (2023). Funding Resources for Watershed Protection and Restoration.


EPA. (2020). How’s My Water Way, Morses Mill Stream.

https://mywaterway.epa.gov/waterbody- report/21NJDEP1/NJ02040301200100-01/2020

EPA. (2020). My Water Way. https://mywaterway.epa.gov/community/08205/overview

EPA. (2023). Summary of the Clean Water Act. https://www.epa.gov/laws-regulations/summary-


Katie Pekarek. (2020). Understanding Bacteria in Lakes.https://water.unl.edu/article/lakes-


National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program. (2013). Pollutant Load Estimation for Water
Quality Monitoring Projects. https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016-

Tom Kinsella. (2015). Naming Lake Fred. https://stockton.edu/stories/naming-lake-fred.html

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