August 6, 2019
This document specifies the protocol implementation extra information for testing (PIXIT) of the
IEC 61850 interface in Total ECLIPSE with IEC 61850 Server firmware version EC-01-01.
Together with the PICS and the MICS the PIXIT forms the basis for a conformance test
according to IEC 61850-10. The PIXIT entries contain information which is not available in the
PICS, MICS, TICS documents or SCL file.
Each table specifies the PIXIT for applicable ACSI service model as structured in IEC 61850-10.
ID Description Value / Clarification
As9 Does this device function only as test N
(test equipment need not have a non-volatile
configuration; but it cannot be part of the
substation automation system)
IEC 61850-6:2009 clause 9.5.6 states that if only a subrange of the enumeration value set is supported, this shall be indicated
within an ICD file by an enumeration type, where the unsupported values are missing
PIXIT for Reporting model
ID Description Value / Clarification
Rp1 The supported trigger conditions are integrity Y
(compare PICS) data change Y
quality change Y
data update N
general interrogation Y
Rp2 The supported optional fields are sequence-number Y
report-time-stamp Y
reason-for-inclusion Y
data-set-name Y
data-reference Y
entryID Y
conf-rev Y
Rp3 Can the server send segmented reports Y
(when not supported the device shall refuse
an association request with a smaller than
minimum PDU size)
Rp4 Mechanism on second internal data change Send report immediately
notification of the same analogue data value
within buffer period (Compare IEC 61850-7-2
Rp5 Multi client URCB approach URCB is visible to all clients
(compare IEC 61850-7-2:2003 §14.2.1)
Rp6 What is the format of EntryID Deprecated
Rp7 What is the buffer size for each BRCB or how 30000 bytes holding
many reports can be buffered approximately 1035 individual
binary status reports.
Rp8 Pre-configured RCB attributes that are Deprecated
dynamic, compare SCL report settings
Rp9 May the reported data set contain:
- structured data objects Y
- data attributes Y
Rp10 What is the scan cycle for binary events 1 second
Is this fixed, configurable Fixed
Rp11 Does the device support to pre-assign a RCB N
to a specific client in the SCL
Rp12 After restart of the server is the value of Restored from original
ConfRev restored from the original configuration
configuration or retained prior to restart
ID Description Value / Clarification
Rp13 Does the server accept any client to Y
configure / enable a BRCB with
What fields are used to do the identification?
Rp14 What is default value for BRCB.ResvTms if 0 milliseconds
client does not write or ResvTms not
exposed in the control block (must be >= 0)
PIXIT for GOOSE publish model
ID Description Value / Clarification
Gp1 Can the test (Ed1) / simulation (Ed2) flag in N
the published GOOSE be set
Gp2 What is the behaviour when the GOOSE NdsCom=T
publish configuration is incorrect DUT keeps GoEna=F
Gp3 Published FCD supported common data ACD, ACT, APC, BCR, BSC,
classes are CMV, INC, INS, ISC, MV,
Gp4 What is the maximum value of TAL Configured by SCL with max of
(maxTime) 30 seconds
Is it fixed or configurable
Gp5 What is the fastest retransmission time 200 ms
Gp6 Can the GOOSE publish be turned on / off Deprecated
by using SetGoCBValues(GoEna) See PICS - SetGoCBValues
Gp7 What is the initial GOOSE sqNum after sqNum = 0
Gp8 May the GOOSE data set contain:
- structured data objects (FCD) Y
- timestamp data attributes Y
Gp9 Does Server or ICT refuse GOOSE payload N
dataset length greater than SCSM
PIXIT for GOOSE subscribe model
ID Description Value / Clarification
Gs1 What elements of a subscribed GOOSE Y destination MAC address
message are checked to decide the N APPID
message is valid and the allData values Y gocbRef
are accepted? If yes, describe the N timeAllowedtoLive
conditions. N datSet
Notes: Y goID
• the VLAN tag may be removed by an N T
Ethernet switch and shall not be N stNum
checked N sqNum
• the simulation flag shall always be Y simulation / test
checked (Ed2) Y confRev
Y ndsCom
N numDatSetEntries
Y out-of-order dataset
Gs2 When is a subscribed GOOSE marked as message does not arrive prior to
lost (TAL = time allowed to live value from TAL
the last received GOOSE message)
Gs3 What is the behaviour when one or more message is ignored and
subscribed GOOSE messages is not subsequent messages are
received or syntactically incorrect (missing processed normally
Gs4 What is the behaviour when a subscribed Message is processed
GOOSE message is out-of-order
Gs5 What is the behaviour when a subscribed Message is ignored
GOOSE message is duplicated
Gs6 Does the device subscribe to GOOSE Y, with the VLAN tag
messages with/without the VLAN tag Y, without the VLAN tag
Gs7 May the GOOSE data set contain:
- structured data objects (FCD) Y
- timestamp data attributes N
Gs8 Subscribed FCD supported common data ACD, ACT, APC, CMV, INC, INS,
classes are MV, SAV, SPC, SPS
Gs9 Are subscribed GOOSE with test=T (Ed1) N
/ simulation=T (Ed2) accepted in
test/simulation mode
Gs10 Max number of dataset members Not limited - Max GOOSE dataset
size 1265 bytes
Gs11 Is Fixed-length encoded GOOSE N
PIXIT for Control model
ID Description Value / Clarification
Ct1 What control models are supported Dons: Y
(compare ICD file enums for Ed2) SBOns: N
DOes: Y
SBOes: Y
Ct2 Is the control model fixed, configurable Configurable
and/or dynamic
Ct3 Is TimeActivatedOperate supported Deprecated
(compare PICS or SCL)
Ct4 Is “operate-many” supported (compare Deprecated, see
sboClass) sboClass in datamodel
Ct5 Will the DUT activate the control output N
when the test attribute is set in the
SelectWithValue and/or Operate request
(when N test procedure Ctl2 is applicable)
Ct6 What are the conditions for the time (T) Deprecated
attribute in the SelectWithValue and/or
Operate request
Ct7 Is pulse configuration supported Deprecated
(compare pulseConfig)
Ct8 What is the behaviour of the DUT when N synchrocheck
the check conditions are set N interlock-check
DUT ignores the check
value and the command
is executed as usual
Is this behaviour fixed, configurable,
online changeable
ID Description Value / Clarification
Ct9 Which additional cause diagnosis are Y Unknown
supported Y Not-supported
N Blocked-by-switching-
Y Select-failed
Y Invalid-position
Y Position-reached
N Step-limit
Y Blocked-by-Mode
N Blocked-by-process
N Blocked-by-interlocking
N Blocked-by-
Y Command-already-in-
N Blocked-by-health
Y 1-of-n-control
N Abortion-by-cancel
Y Time-limit-over
N Abortion-by-trip
Y Object-not-selected
ID Description Value / Clarification
Ct10 How to force a “test-not-ok” respond with Set orCat not-supported.
SelectWithValue request response- with
Ct11 How to force a “test-not-ok” respond with orCat not-supported
Select request
Ct12 How to force a “test-not-ok” respond with Set orCat not-supported.
Operate request response- with
Ct13 Which origin categories are supported / Y bay-control
accepted Y station-control
Y remote-control
Y automatic-bay
Y automatic-station
Y automatic-remote
Y maintenance
Y process
Ct14 What happens if the orCat value is not DOns:
supported or invalid object-access-denied
SBOns: N/A
DOes :
ID Description Value / Clarification
Ct19 Can a control operation be blocked by Deprecated
Mod=Off or [On-]Blocked (Compare
Ct20 Does the IED support local / remote N
Ct21 Does the IED send an InformationReport DOns: N
with LastApplError as part of the Operate
response- for control with normal security
Ct22 How to force a “parameter-change-in- SBOns: N/A
execution” SBOes: not supported
Ct23 How many SBOns/SBOes control objects SBOes: n = “1”
can be selected at the same time?
Ct24 Can a controllable object be forced to N
keep its old state e.g. Internal
Controllable Objects may not be
accessible to force this, whereas a switch
like Circuit Breaker outside the DUT can?
Ct25 When CDC=DPC is supported, is it N/A
possible to have DPC (Controllable
Double Point) go to the intermediate
state? (00)
Ct26 Name an enhanced security point (if any) No enhanced security
with a finite operate timeout points have finite timeout
PIXIT for Time synchronisation model
ID Description Value / Clarification
Tm1 What time quality bits are supported (may N LeapSecondsKnown
be set by the IED) N ClockFailure
Y ClockNotSynchronized
Tm2 Describe the behaviour when all time When time synchronization is
server(s) cease to respond lost, time quality "clock not
synchronized" is set
What is the time server lost detection time
Time synchronization interval is
configurable. Time server lost is
detected within 10 seconds of a
time synchronization interval with
no valid response from a server.
Tm3 How long does it take to take over the new Time synchronization interval is
time from time server configurable. New time applied
within one second after being
received from server. Tested at
10 seconds
Tm4 When is the time quality bit “ClockFailure” Never set
Tm5 When is the time quality bit “Clock not When time server fails to respond
Synchronized” set time quality "clock not
synchronized" is set