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REST Basics

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REST Basics

{ JSON } http://

Introduction to Software
Department of Software Engineering
Rochester Institute of Technology
What is an API?
▪ APIs (Application Program Interfaces) allow applications to communicate
with one another
• Applications that communicate via APIs can be located on the same computer, over a
local network, or over the internet
▪ An API is a contract between a client application and a service application
• The client application sends a request in an agreed upon format to the API of the
service application
• The service application API sends a response back to the client in an agreed upon
• Neither the client application nor the service application need to know the
implementation details of the other
▪ APIs allow access to resources while maintaining security and control

APIs in Action
Consider a travel website
Travel Website
• Its “product” is a one-stop shop for a customer’s travel needs
• The travel company itself does not directly provide nor control
Weather Hotel
the travel services
• It must rely on other companies for these services, needs access
to their data, schedules, etc, and does so via APIs Airline Credit
 Weather – warn customers of advisories and warnings
 Airline – compare fares and schedules, book flights Car Rental
 Car Rental – compare rates and availability, reserve cars
 Hotel – compare rates and availability, reserve rooms
 Credit – payments
Auto Insurance
Now consider the benefits the service provider gains by Travel Website

making an API available

• By integrating its services into the travel website, it increases the
opportunity for sales
• With little or no extra development, it can expand its presence
 Other travel websites
 Other industries
– For example, a Car Rental company can make its services and data available to an auto
3 insurance company for clients whose car has been in an accident
What is REST?
▪ REpresentational State Transfer – an architectural standard for accessing and
modifying resources
▪ A REST server provides access to resources via standard HyperText Transfer
Protocol (HTTP) methods
▪ A REST API is stateless which means it is a client’s responsibility to maintain state
and pass this state with each request
▪ A resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which looks very
similar to a website URL
▪ REST APIs define a set of functions in which the developers can perform requests
and receive responses
▪ First introduced by Roy Fielding in his 2000 doctoral dissertation entitled
“Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures”
▪ Maintains separation between client and server
• The same interface can be used whether the client is a user Client
interface or another REST API server
▪ Provides a uniform interface to access and manage resources
▪ Scalability and Reliability HTTP HTTP
• REST APIs can be deployed to multiple servers in different Request Response
• If one server becomes unavailable, requests can be automatically
routed to another with no loss in service (load balancing)
• As request volumes increase, additional REST API servers can be REST API
brought online
▪ Language and Platform Independence
• REST APIs can be written in nearly any language and clients can be
written in a completely different language
• REST APIs can be hosted on nearly any Operating System
▪ Flexible Data Formats
• REST APIs can accept and return multiple data formats, e.g. JSON,
Resources and URIs

▪ A resource is identified by a Uniform Resource Identifier

▪ A URI looks very similar to a website address
▪ The basic format is
scheme :// host:port / path to resource ? query parameter
• Example

http :// www.state.edu:9150 / se/faculty ? id=310

▪ JavaScript Object Notation – a human readable data interchange format for defining and transmitting objects
▪ The syntax supports name-value pairs and arrays
• A name is surrounded by double quotes and separated from the value by a colon
• A value can a number, string, boolean, array, object, or null
• An array is surrounded by square brackets
▪ Curly braces wrap objects
▪ Commas separate name-value pairs and array elements
▪ Names follow the camel case convention
JSON Example: Student

Name Value
"firstName": "Pete", String
"lastName": "Jones"
"year": 2, Number
"address": {
"street": "50 Main St",
"city": "Rochester", Object
"state: "NY",
"zipCode": "14623"
"classes": ["SWEN-261", "MATH-181", "ENGL-150"],
"avatar": null,
"enrolled": true Null

▪ The most commonly used HTTP methods in REST carry out CRUD operations
(Create, Read, Update, Delete)
• POST – Create a new resource
 POST /petstore/pets/dog Create a new dog
• GET – Read access to a resource
 GET /petstore/pets Get all pets
 GET /petstore/pets/dog/{id} Get a specific dog
• PUT – Update or create a resource
 PUT /petstore/pets/dog/{id} Update a specific dog
• DELETE – Delete a resource
 DELETE /petstore/pets/dog/{id} Delete a specific dog (because it went to a loving home)
▪ When you type a URL into a browser, an HTTP GET request is sent to the
website and the response data is used to render the page
REST Request Components

▪ A REST API request consists of four main parts:

• Method
 Required
 Identifies the operation
 Example: GET
 Required
 Identifies the resource
 May include query parameters to identify specific content or actions
 Example: http://localhost:8080/jedi/5
• Headers
 Optional, but generally used
 Provides additional information about the request or client
 Applications, e.g. Browsers, or frameworks, e.g. Spring, often add standard and their own headers to
– For the purposes of the term project, we will focus on Content-Type and custom headers
 Example: Content-Type: application/json
• Body
 Generally used for POST and PUT, but not for GET and DELETE
 Representation of one or more objects
 Example: {"id": 3, "lastName": "Skywalker", "firstName": "Anakin"}
REST Response Components
▪ A REST API response consists of three main parts:
• Status Code
 Required
 Identifies the result of the operation
 Example: 200/OK
• Headers
 Optional
 Provides additional information about the response to the client
 Example: api-status-code: 3
• Body
 Required for GET, but often used for other methods
 Representation of one or more objects
 Example: {"id": 3, "lastName": "Skywalker", "firstName": "Anakin"}
▪ Common HTTP Status Codes
• 200/OK – Request was completed successfully
• 201/Created – Resource was created successfully
• 400/Bad Request – Body of request was invalid
• 403/Forbidden – Caller does not have permissions for the requested resource
• 404/Not Found – Requested resource could not be found
• 500/Internal Server Error – Server cannot fulfill request and does not want to expose specifics
to client
• 501/Not Implemented – Requested method is not currently supported
▪ Creates a new resource
▪ Request
• URI specifies the resource to be created
• Header tells the REST API the format of the Body
Content-Type: application/json
• Body is a representation of the jedi object
"lastName": "Skywalker",
"firstName": "Anakin“
Notice the "id" field is not included - The unique identifier of a resource should be created and managed by the REST API service unless a field is determined to be
▪ Response
• Common Status Codes
• Header
Application dependent
• Body is a representation of the created object
“id": 3,
"lastName": "Skywalker",
"firstName": "Anakin“
▪ Retrieves a resource
▪ Request
• URI provides enough information identify the resource
• Header
Generally not applicable
• Body
Generally not applicable
▪ Response
• Common Status Codes
200 – OK
• Header
Application dependent
• Body is a representation of the object requested
"id": 3,
"lastName": "Skywalker",
"firstName": "Anakin"
If multiple objects are requested, an array would be returned
▪ Update a resource or create the resource if it does not exist
▪ Request
• URI provides enough information identify the resource
• Header tells the REST API the format of the Body
Content-Type: application/json
• Body of the request contains an object with the fields to be updated
"id": 3,
"lastName": "Vader",
"firstName": "Darth"
▪ Response
• Common Status Codes
200 – OK
• Header
Application dependent
• Body is a representation of the updated object
"id": 3,
"lastName": “Vader",
"firstName": “Darth"

▪ Deletes a resource
▪ Request
• The URI specifies the resource to be deleted
• Header
Generally not applicable
• Body
Not Applicable

▪ Response
• Common Status Codes
 200 – OK
 404 – NOT FOUND
• Header
Application dependent
• Body
Not applicable
Accessing a REST API

▪ Write a client application

▪ Use an existing tool
• Two of the most popular tools are
 cURL (client URL) – a command-line tool available by default in most operating systems including Windows, Mac,
and Linux
 Postman – a graphical user interface for API testing (www.postman.com)
Serialization and Deserialization
▪ As we’ve seen, JSON is a human-readable text format
▪ In our REST API application, we do not want to deal with text, but rather Java objects
• From the previous HTTP examples, you can envision Jedi being a class with 3 fields:
 id – Number
 firstname – String
 lastname – String
▪ Serialization is the process of converting an application object (e.g. Java object) to text (or byte stream)
▪ Deserialization is the reverse – converting text (or byte stream) into an application object
▪ HTTP POST and PUT requests contain a JSON Object (text representation) that needs to be converted to an
application object our REST API application code can work with
▪ Conversely, GET responses from our REST API need to be converted from an application object into a JSON
object that can be transmitted back to the client
▪ Additionally, within a REST API service, we usually want to persist data, whether it be in a file, database, or
other storage
• As information is typically represented in files and database as text, serialization and deserialization can be used to transform
application objects to JSON objects and vice-versa
• The JSON objects, which are text, are then easily written to and read from a file, a database, etc

REST API Frameworks
▪ Nearly every language has REST frameworks available, most are open
source, that support rapid and reliable development
▪ We will use Java and the Spring Boot framework in our term project
• Spring Boot provides the scaffolding for stand-alone, light-weight, production-grade
REST API applications
• Includes an embedded Tomcat server that hosts your APIs and makes them available
to clients on a network
• Routes HTTP requests to your class methods for handling
• Built-in support for serialization and deserialization
• The Spring Initializr wizard, available at start.spring.io or via VSCode extension,
quickly builds a baseline project
 You will not need to use Spring Initializr as the starter projects are provided
• Many annotations, e.g. @RestController, are available to easily control
• See the course resources page for more information and helpful links

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