Recruitment Booklet 2023 24
Recruitment Booklet 2023 24
Recruitment Booklet 2023 24
Staff Recruitment
Dear Candidate,
Bangkok Patana School is one of the leading British international schools in South East Asia with a worldwide
reputation for excellence. The school is an exciting place to develop professionally in an international context and
offers opportunities for teachers at a variety of stages in their career. Successful teachers at Bangkok Patana have
a number of things in common. They are enthusiastic and flexible, and have been willing to rise to the challenge
of adapting both culturally and socially to a new and very different environment. While motivated by a desire to
broaden personal horizons and to travel, they have decided to apply to Bangkok Patana as a conscious professional
choice to become part of a leading, innovative educational community. Most importantly, they are inspired by the
holistic idea of learning and teaching, and operate best as part of a collaborative team. They are comfortable with
the idea of working in an independent, non selective, fee-paying school, with parents who take a strong interest in
their children’s education and who are used to regular access to the professionals responsible for it.
Teaching at Bangkok Patana is as demanding as it is rewarding. You have to be prepared to go the extra mile: hours
are long and commitment is taken for granted. However, with the school’s collegial environment, the opportunity
provided for professional development, an excellently resourced, state-of-the-art campus and students who are full
of enthusiasm, Patana has become a place where many teachers have spent a significant portion of their teaching
Bangkok is a huge, sprawling city, with a tropical climate. It is a culturally and socially vibrant place, boasting a
wide range of cuisine and it is a wonderful centre from which to explore South East Asia. In short, you must think
carefully about whether Bangkok is the environment for you. It is fair to say that those who arrive in this incredible
city with their eyes open, and are prepared to take advantage of what Thailand has to offer, will enjoy their stay,
and, like so many before them, come to regard South East Asia as an area in which they can live for much longer
than an initial contract.
I look forward to meeting you as we undertake recruitment for staff to join us in the next academic year.
Best wishes,
Chris Sammons
Head of School
Professional Standards
To support all the work that teachers do, we have devised a set of
Professional Standards for learning and teaching.
We inspire students to fulfil their potential at an individually challenging level through the
following professional standards:
Professional Responsibilities
We fulfil our professional responsibilities
We have positive relationships with our students.
We are accountable for students’ progress and learning outcomes.
We reflect systematically upon our practice and experiences to support our professional growth and to have
a positive impact on student learning.
We take responsibility for improving our teaching through professional development, proactively seeking and
responding to feedback.
We develop effective professional relationships with colleagues, supporting a culture in which views, ideas
and feedback are openly exchanged and respected.
We prioritise student safeguarding, well-being and learning and we collaborate and communicate effectively
with all members of our community to ensure these.
We work together in following common policies that help us to achieve our educational goals.
We contribute to the design of an engaging curriculum for our students.
We promote all aspects of global citizenship.
We contribute positively to the wider life of the school.
We promote respectful behaviour in our school community.
We value diversity and equity of opportunity.
Staff Recruitment Guide 2023/24
Student Learning
Each of our students is able to fulfil their potential.
Students benefit from a safe, supportive and challenging learning environment.
Students are positive and engaged learners.
Students demonstrate commitment to the school’s Mission, Vision and Values and the attitudes and
attributes of the IB learner profile.
Students are able to identify and explain the learning intention(s).
Students demonstrate progress with the success criteria.
Students use feedback to know where they are, their targets and next steps.
Students have opportunities to co-construct their learning.
Research by Hattie (2008, 2011, 2013); Black and Wiliam (1990)
What makes great teaching? Review of the underpinning research (Coe et al, 2014)
Bangkok Patana’s Essential Agreements (2006 – 2015)
Bangkok Patana’s Quality of Learning Descriptors (2010- 2015)
Teachers’ Standards (UK Department for Education, 2013)
Bangkok Patana School
Bangkok Patana School was established in 1957 to provide a British education for the children of expatriate
families in Thailand. It was recognised by the Thai government in 1964 and was the name ‘Patana’, the Thai word
for development, was chosen. The school has grown considerably and now occupies an award-winning facility on
the south-eastern fringe of Bangkok. The school has been constantly developing its facilities which include specialist
and collaborative facilites. Altogether the campus occupies approximately 22 hectares of land.
Governance of the school is vested in a self-perpetuating, non-profit Foundation Board, which includes represen-
tatives of the Thai and international business and professional community and members of the parent body. The
Steering Committee of the Board meets regularly and oversees the operation and management of the school. The
Head of School, Chris Sammons, directs all aspects of the school supported by the Business Director, Craig White
who leads the business teams. A Staff Welfare Committee meets with the Head of School, Business Director, Head
of Human Resources on a regular basis to receive updates and discuss various issues.
The school is a Thai charitable organisation and receives its licence directly from the government. Bangkok Patana
is an independent school in the tradition of British, American and Australian private education, and our primary
source of income is from tuition fees. We are a not-for-profit organisation and we receive no funding from either
the British or Thai governments.
We are a non-selective school and welcome children with a range of abilities provided they are able to access the
curriculum with normal classroom differentiation and/or the learning support resources available. We give priority
to applicants with English as a first language, but we are also committed to making our programmes available
to those students whose first language is not English. Both Primary and Secondary Schools have well-equipped
English as an Additional Language, Learning Support and Extended Learning Departments.
The majority of our teachers are British, although you will find colleagues from Australia, New Zealand, Thailand,
Canada, the United States and a number of other countries. Together they bring to the school a wealth of educational
expertise and international experience. The age profile is fairly broad, with the majority falling in the 27-50 group.
Like all independent schools, there are high expectations placed upon the teachers. Teachers behave and dress in a
professional way which reflects the expectations of expatriate and local
communities. They are also required to participate fully in the school’s
extensive extra-curricular activities programme.
Our Students
We have a diverse student population of over 65 nationalities, with approximately 2,200 students across
the Primary and Secondary School. Our top student populations are British (18%), Continental Europe
(14%), North America (10%), Australia and New Zealand (8%), India (8%) and Thai (20%). Many
of our students arrive at Bangkok Patana from overseas and study here for a limited period of time
before moving on. Their average stay is four to five years, although there is also a group of long-
stay families whose children will be with us until they enter higher education.
Most of our students have travelled widely and think nothing of flying to Bali or Singapore
to compete in a regional sports event, drama festival or Model United Nations (MUN)
conference - examples of events in which we have recently participated. Our students
are articulate, open, and confident and have the charm and courtesy that comes from
exposure to an international lifestyle. They also have personal and social needs that
arise directly from these varied experiences and it would be a mistake to assume too
great a degree of maturity from their social ease. Some may have experienced
a considerably transient education in schools around the world thus far and
require some flexibility and nurturing.
Our Facilities
We have leading edge environments to educate our students and facilitate our teachers to deliver the best
pedagogy. Collaborative spaces have been included throughout the school and it is common to find numbers of
parents and instructors/assistants working with small groups of children. Parental help during school educational
activities is readily forthcoming.
Among the features of the Bangkok Patana campus is a large 602-seat theatre, a separate Black Box theatre, a range
of studio and rehearsal rooms, a suite of music and practice rooms, and two libraries with a combined collection of
over 50,000 volumes. We have a large, and exceptionally well-appointed Sports Hall, a gymnasium, Conference
Centre, three swimming pools (one of which is Olympic-sized), dance studios, football and rugby fields, tennis
courts, landscaped gardens, an outdoor classroom and a traditional Thai sala, which houses the Head of School’s
office. In addition, there are two large hard courts which fulfil a variety of functions, from sports competitions to
covered performance areas. We believe that our classrooms are some of the best learning environments in the
Technology is tremendously important at Bangkok Patana both in terms of infrastructure of learning and teaching.
Students in Years 6–13 are required to bring their own laptop computers to school whilst all other Primary students
have access to a wide range of devices. We work in a Microsoft environment, but teachers also access Google
apps and a multitude of other tools to engage their students. We have even been recognised as a global leader in
Minecraft for Learning!
The Curriculum
The school receives regular updates on curricular issues in the UK, and in fact worldwide. We are well aware of the
pace of development, pedagogical innovations and trends and are able to take an informed and considered view
before deciding how to respond. Our Guiding Statements and Professional Standards for Learning and Teaching
drive a curriculum which is devised to serve our UK and international student body.
Bangkok Patana is committed to delivering a curriculum based on the English National Curriculum in the Foundation
Stage and Key Stages 1, 2 and 3, with a combination of International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE)
courses at age 16 and the International Baccalaureate Diploma at age 18. Our teaching approaches are interactive
Staff Recruitment Guide 2023/24
and we encourage learning through direct experience. Our Guiding Statements, listed at the front of this booklet,
identify the key attributes that permeate all aspects of learning and which we wish our students to develop.
Throughout the age-ranges, activities are based on exposure to the external environment. A coherent programme of
Residential Visits begins in Year 3 and continues up to and includes Senior Studies. Both the Primary and Secondary
Schools’ sports activities take our students to a range of countries within the region, although this has been curtailed
during the COVID pandemic.
Ultimately, we are concerned with the achievement of excellence. Experience has shown that this comes more
readily when children are committed to tasks which they find challenging and which are rooted in their personal
experience. We welcome teachers who agree with and practise this philosophy.
Curriculum Technology
Students at Bangkok Patana use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a tool to enrich and extend
their learning across the whole curriculum. Years 6 through to Year 13 are part of a 1:1 (Bring Your Own Device)
laptop programme. Access to devices is regularly reviewed to ensure students have access to technology whenever
it is appropriate.
All teachers have the facilities to integrate the use of technology in all areas of the curriculum. In addition, ICT is
taught as a discreet subject in Primary and Computing in Secondary.
Bangkok Patana has an extensive in-house web-based administrative system that dovetails into our iSAMS
Information Management System. Our Virtual Learning Environment is hosted in the cloud via Firefly and we make
use of the best aspects of the Microsoft Office 365 environments. Digital Citizenship is further integrated into the
whole school pastoral programme.
Our aim is to create a world-renowned centre of excellence for CPL, which fosters teacher collective efficacy through
a dynamic, collaborative and empowering professional learning community. We strive for CPL to be high-quality,
relevant, sustainable and future-focused, with rich opportunities for self-development. Nurturing professional
curiosity and creativity, encouraging dialogue and collaboration with colleagues, and building professional trust.
At Bangkok Patana, we work with internationally renowned partners and organisations to deliver evidence-based
programmes of CPL, which are effective in improving professional practice and student outcomes.
CPL opportunities for staff are extensive and we are always looking at innovative ways in which to embed
professional learning into the fabric of our community. Professional learning is offered in-house and externally,
through a variety of different pathways at individual, team and school level. At Bangkok Patana you will have the
opportunity to be part of a teacher learning community or World Cafe, participate in our many wide and varied
Learning 4 Learners workshops, hear from world renowned educational experts or undertake further study such as
Masters degrees or the National Professional Qualifications for Leadership.
We invest in our staff and proactively engage and promote professional learning opportunities that develop
individual and collective capacity across the teaching profession and to ensure improved outcomes for students.
As part of our team at Bangkok Patana you will be encouraged and supported to undertake CPL that enhances and
strengthens your professional toolkit and supports you in continuing to grow and flourish.
The Year group teams provide the basis for planning and
organisation in each of the Year groups. The teams are jointly
led by a Leader of Learning and Welfare and a Leader
of Learning and Curriculum, supported by the Assistant
Leader of Learning. Collaborative planning and mutual
support are strengths of this system. The Year teams
provide a very supportive environment for new
members of staff, and a colleague is appointed
as a mentor in the first year. Class teachers play a
key role in the pastoral care of the students.
Staff Recruitment Guide 2023/24
Being an international school, English is not the
first language for many of our students. Class
teachers will therefore need to support these children
in conjunction with our EAL team. Most EAL support
is “in-class” with instructors and specialist teachers
providing focused intervention and support.
All teachers enjoy the benefits of generous non-contact time. This enables
them to be even more effective in the classrooms and give time to meeting the
needs of all the students.
We seek understanding and strong professionals who have a real awareness of how
children learn through first-hand experiences and who reflect this in their classroom
practice. All teachers contribute to the life of the school and place great importance
on creating opportunities outside the classrooms. We are looking for enthusiastic team
players who are prepared to be flexible and can ‘throw themselves into the job’!
In Key Stage 1, there are eight classes per Year group (Year 1 and Year 2) and these are supported by teaching
assistants. EAL support is provided for those children whose English is not sufficiently developed to fully access the
curriculum. EAL teachers and instructors give in-class support and may withdraw children to work in small groups,
closely following the themes in literacy and other subjects.
The Assistant Principal Learning and Welfare oversees pastoral matters in Key Stage 1.
Key Stage 2
Each Year group in Key Stage 2 has eight classes with approximately 22 students per class.
The English National Curriculum forms the basis of the teaching programme from Year 3 onwards, our World
Languages programme offers students the opportunity to study French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, Japanese or
Thai. EAL assistance is provided by a team of specialist teachers and instructors through in-class support and more
focused sessions.
Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 sit the International Schools Assessment (ISA) which test core skills in mathematical
literacy and reading. The tests are not specific to a single curriculum, drawing on many cultural and national
sources and therefore provide a clear indication of our alignment against international expectation.
The Residential Visits programme is an integral part of the curriculum. The visits usually take place in late January
each year. All Key Stage 2 teachers take part in these visits. The Assistant Principal Learning and Welfare oversees
pastoral matters in Key Stage 2.
The Secondary School
Key Stage 3, 4 and Senior Studies
The Secondary School spans Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Senior Studies. It is led by a Principal, two Assistant
Principals and two Senior Teachers.
One Assistant Principal oversees the academic curriculum and is supported by an assessment team throughout
the Key Stages. The Secondary School is organised into faculty areas, each under the management of a Head of
Faculty. Subject Coordinators and Key Stage Coordinators are appointed to lead and manage specific subject
disciplines within the faculties or to oversee specific areas such as learning and teaching within a department or
We also place emphasis on the pastoral system and devote two periods every week to tutorial sessions. The
Assistant Principal for Student Welfare and the Senior Teacher for Key Stage 3 lead pastoral developments and
work with the Heads of Year and tutors. The tutors also act as mentors for their tutees focusing on academic
progress. The seven Heads of Year all play an important role in the leadership of the school, each one having a
slightly different emphasis in line with the requirements of their particular Year group, including oversight of students’
progress. The Pastoral Team are also responsible for reporting to and consultation with parents.
In May and June our students sit the (I)GCSE and International Baccalaureate examinations. Our results are
extremely good with excellent pass rates. This success is in no small part due to our able, dedicated and enthusiastic
staff who work extremely hard and contribute widely to the life of the school both inside and out of the classroom.
We require excellent classroom practitioners who have experience of teaching the English National Curriculum, (I)
GCSE courses and preferably the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme or similar post – 16 courses.
We are looking for enthusiastic teachers who see the importance of all aspects of school life. Successful teachers
have a sound knowledge of their subject and contribute to curriculum development, act as a tutor/support tutor
and deliver the pastoral programme and contribute to the Extra-curricular (ECA) programme.
Staff Recruitment Guide 2023/24
Cross Campus
We are very fortunate that both our Primary and Secondary Schools occupy one site, allowing for valuable
links between both schools. A great many of our Primary students transfer directly to the Secondary School so it
is really important that there is productive continuity in the learning across all of our age stages. The position of
Cross Campus Principal seeks to ensure that there is cohesion, consistency and cooperation across the Primary and
Secondary schools.
Living in Bangkok is as exhilarating and frustrating an experience as you could find anywhere. Thailand is a
wonderful country for travel and the people are friendly and open. Expatriate teachers have to remember, however,
that we are essentially guests in this country and, while our contribution is valued and respected, we are expected
to observe cultural sensitivities at all times.
Things often happen more slowly here (travelling within the city being a prime example) and if you are the kind
of person who is easily irritated when things do not go just according to plan, you may want to reconsider your
application. Working and living here is fun and rewarding
but can be demanding and as stressful as any urban
environment; it is really up to each individual to see both
of these aspects as an integral part of being in Thailand.
The Rewards
A teacher’s salary is calculated in line with the Bangkok Patana pay scale and is based on the number of years
teaching experience completed since qualifying. Varying levels of responsibility allowances are awarded to those
who lead teams or participate in curriculum development activities.
A detailed salary offer will be discussed at interview stage and will later be confirmed with the formal offer of a
contract. Our scales and benefits are highly competitive.
The experience of working here will certainly enhance your career and expand your horizons, as you will read
in the teachers’ comments that follow. An interesting fact that will support this is our track record in seeing former
teachers secure senior positions in other schools. Recently, seven former staff members have become Deputy
Heads, two have become educational inspectors, and three were appointed Principals of international schools.
This represents two things: firstly, the quality of Bangkok Patana teachers and, secondly, the quality of the Patana
experience and the benefit of the professional development we provide for our staff.
We therefore seek to recruit professionals of the highest calibre, individuals who will also grow with us as we
expand our own horizons. If you think that you can match our expectations, please submit an application, and
thank you for considering Bangkok Patana School.
Staff Recruitment Guide 2023/24
Staff Testimonials
Kevin Keller, Head of Careers and University Counselling
October 2017 Teaching Cohort
Bangkok Patana School was one of hundreds of international
schools that I visited every year in my previous role as an admission
officer for a small, liberal arts college in the United States. Part of
my role was to carefully examine each school’s services, facilities
and teaching as I considered their students as applicants to my
university. Bangkok Patana consistently stood out among the rest,
with students who were globally minded, academically prepared
and community oriented. When the position of university counsellor
at Bangkok Patana became available, I couldn’t resist taking the
My journey to Bangkok Patana was unique in several ways: I was an American moving from a small farm-town in
the Midwest to a British school in a major international hub. I was a non-teacher foraying into secondary education
for the first time and I was recruited outside of the usual cycle for teachers, missing all the fabulous induction
activities meant to put everyone at ease and build community. Almost immediately, my fears of being an outsider
were alleviated when I was met at my accommodation after arriving on a late-night flight during a school holiday
by a member of the school leadership. She brought me heaving bags of groceries and made sure I had a kettle for
my tea, even though I tried to remind her I didn’t drink tea (I do now!). When I finally met my cohort, I was certain
that I had found a new family on the other side of the world. They immediately accepted me into the fold and the
rest is history.
It’s not easy to prepare students for the rigours of the world’s top universities, but our teachers create a healthy,
challenging environment to build personal and academic resilience. Post-Patana destinations are as diverse as
our student body; on any given year, our students matriculate to universities in one of 15 countries, adding to the
challenging but rewarding nature of my position. Nothing happens in a silo here, everyone works together for the
success of the students.
I feel very lucky to have access to so many professional development opportunities during my time at Bangkok
Patana. As a middle-leader, the school has provided workshops on coaching and other skills necessary for
managing a team. Now that I’ve started my terminal degree programme, the school has been nothing short of
supportive. The school realises the importance of maintaining your subject expertise and emphasises a collaborative
approach to teaching and learning. Finally, it must be said that as members of the LGBTQ+ community, my partner
and I have always felt supported and safe in Thailand, by school leadership, by peers and students. All types of
diversity are embraced.
Living in Thailand has obvious benefits and it’s been my aim to take full advantage since day one. Weekend trips
can bring expeditions to Singapore, Bali, Hong Kong and Ho Chi Minh while longer holidays mean ski trips to
Japan or South Korea, or even exploring Europe. Thailand offers beautiful scenery in our own backyard. I’ve
become a certified PADI diver on the idyllic island of Koh Lipe and earned my bareboat skipper sailing license
after island hopping around stunning Phang Nga Bay. There’s plenty to keep you busy during the week in a city like
Bangkok, a foodie’s paradise with an undeniable buzz. If you’re a little apprehensive, there’s always a colleague
willing to try something new with you or help you discover a hidden gem down a quaint soi.
I never intended to be at Bangkok Patana School for longer than two years. It was meant to be a stepping stone
but it has become my home after four years. The tightly knit community makes it feel like a home away from home
and I can assure you that you will meet lifelong friends and make professional strides you never thought possible.
I wish you all the best in what will surely be a life-changing journey.
Claire Myers, Primary Assistant Leader of
Learning EAL and
James Myers, Design + Technology Teacher
August 2011 Teaching Cohort
Back in 2011, we took the giant leap of moving to Thailand with
our four year old and one year old children so we could work
at Bangkok Patana School. We knew of the school from having
worked in Bangkok previously and had heard such great things
about the campus, the professional development opportunities and
the benefits package. Telling our family and friends we’d see them
in two years, we set off on what turned out to be a much longer
More than ten years later we’re still very happy with where we work.
In addition to her school learning, our daughter supports at a local charity after school each week with some
“Our children are thriving and can’t imagine going to school anywhere else. They are
clear and confident communicators who strive to excel both academically and in extra-
curricular activities. It seems it’s cool to do your best at Patana...”
friends, as well as learning to play the ukulele and is a keen member of her debating class. My son is part of the
Gymnastics and Football Academies, learns drums and loves BMXing, all of which he somehow fits around his
busy gaming schedule and school! They love Residential Visits with school each year, where they have kayaked,
snorkelled, hiked, made friends, played and helped local communities.
Living and working in Asia has afforded us some amazing travel opportunities. During our ten years, we have
travelled to Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bali, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and all around
Thailand. We have got amazing memories from all of these places and are always planning ‘where to next?’ When
we visit family in the UK each July, we plan lovely holidays there with our families.
My husband, Jim, is a Secondary Design+Technology teacher and I work in Primary. Originally a class teacher,
I applied to work with the EAL (English as an Additional Language) team. I have learnt a huge amount about
language acquisition and working within a support team. Being in a school with such large and knowledgeable
specialist learning support teams, it seemed a perfect opportunity to broaden my experience beyond regular class
teaching. I have been on various professional learning courses around Thailand and overseas, such as in Vietnam.
I also completed a three-year Master’s degree in Linguistics and TESOL, which Bangkok Patana partially funded
and they also provided study days to help me complete my coursework.
Working at Bangkok Patana is clearly rewarding but is also very busy. Of course it is expected that our teaching
will be effective, well-resourced and planned, then there are the usual parent meetings, assessments, staff meetings
and continuous professional learning opportunities. My husband and I both agree, though, that we bring some of
the hard work upon ourselves because we want to improve our practice for the wonderful students we teach and
because there is a culture of excellence within the school. [Most days] we still manage a good work-life balance
as, like most families, we have a full time helper at home to support with cleaning and cooking and general life
organisation. She is amazing!
So getting up at 5.30 am for ten years has been worth it so far – who would have thought it?! We honestly believe
we work in one of the best schools in the world and that our children are incredibly lucky to go there. The upheaval
of moving your family is particularly tough but one we’re sure you won’t regret.
Staff Recruitment Guide 2023/24
expectations are high, but if Moving to another country to work, especially a country you have
never been to before, is a daunting task. Since arriving, everyone
you’re looking for a shake- I have met in school has been warm, welcoming and happy to
up, looking for a challenge, help in any way they can. First year teachers move into one of
two apartment buildings arranged by Bangkok Patana which is a
looking to try something new, fantastic way to meet lots of people. I was nervous moving out here
then Bangkok Patana School as I didn’t know anybody, but you soon feel like one of the family
and I’ve already met some absolute friends for life.
is the place for you.”
I feel like a valued and respected member of the team. It’s hard
work, and expectations are high, but if you’re looking for a shake-up, looking for a challenge,
looking to try something new, then Bangkok Patana School is the place for you.
I had never been to Thailand before and didn’t really know what to expect. I’ve never been to a
place more exciting, overwhelming, confusing, warm (the climate AND the people), wild, open,
vibrant, scary and beautiful all at the same time. Since arriving, though, I have sailed through rivers
and oceans, explored wet and wild markets, wandered through sprawling temples, spent more time
in swimming pools than the rest of my life combined, enjoyed cycling and e-scooter tours, travelled
further afield to beautiful beaches and breath-taking islands,walked miles through countless
shopping malls, seen whales feeding up close, taken part in Thai cooking classes, snorkelled in coral
reef and so much more. What helps are the people you share these experiences with, like-minded
in their passion for international life.
From the very start of the application process right up to packing for my flight, various people I spoke
to told me that Bangkok Patana School is special. Now that I’m here? It’s easy to see why.
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