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Ship To Academe

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Vol XVI. No. II (2019) pp 96–104

ISSN: 1697-4040, www.jmr.unican.es

Ship to Academe, Seafaring to Teaching: A Paradigm Shift for Marine

Emeliza T. Estimo1


Article history: Years of working on board vessels as marine officers to teaching in maritime schools as full-time in-
Received 5 July 2019; structors entails a big transition and a sharp turn of events in a seafarer’s role and way of life. This in-
in revised form 15 July 2019; vestigation aimed to measure the level of commitment of seafarers-turned-maritime instructors on their
accepted 31 July 2019. roles as teachers as well as to determine their level of competence as based on their self-assessment in
reference to Lloyd’s list of key attributes for maritime educators, namely, subject knowledge and tech-
nical skills, communication skills, pedagogy, and soft skills. It also attempts to identify the challenges
Maritime Education and Training,
that they experience being fully connected with the academe and to propose a customized set of training
Seafarer Teachers, Maritime
courses for professional instructors which can be included in the Faculty Development Plan to address
Instructors, Teaching Competence,
the gaps that have been identified.
Soft Skills.
© SEECMAR | All rights reserved

1. Introduction. job options because for some reasons, they have decided to quit
seaboard practice or have been forced to quit due to varied cir-
Sea experience lays the ground on the question of what to cumstances. The rest of them may simply want a preoccupation
deliver to students through instruction. However, while techni- that will keep them active in between their job contracts.
cal knowledge of the field is necessary, it is also equally essen- An article entitled “Institutionalizing Maritime Faculty De-
tial that a maritime instructor must have the ability and capa- velopment Program” (2016) published in Marino World quotes
bility to deliver this technical knowledge to influence positive Salandanan (2016) who explained that maritime educators and
learning. The demand for students who desire to be future sea- trainers must be good teachers, in the true sense. According
farers continues to increase. In the article “The Philippine Mar- to her, a seafarer instructor needs more than shipboard expe-
itime Industry: Prospects and Challenges in 2013 and Beyond,” rience and subject matter expertise. It is crucial to be profi-
it was reported that there are 95 accredited maritime education cient in the art and science of teaching, as well. It is essential
institutions averaging an annual enrollment of 71,200 students that a maritime instructor must love to teach. He must have
in 2006 to 2010 and the number continues to grow. However, a burning passion for making a difference. He must possess
while the demand for students increases, the supply of quali- a passion for learning communicated through teaching. Fur-
fied maritime instructors dwindles. According to Cross (2012), thermore, according to Salandanan (2016), maritime instruc-
to sustain the production of highly skilled seafarers, seafarer tors must engage students, possess leadership and motivational
teachers are recruited among seafarers. New initiatives are re- skills, demonstrate solid presentation and classroom manage-
quired to enhance the professional expertise of seafarers who ment skills and should have feedbacks from students to build
opt to shift to teaching. Most of these seafarer teachers have confidence and promote credibility.
either retired from the industry or have considered land-based Currently, there is a shortage of professional seafarers who
are pedagogically competent enough to assume teaching jobs as
1 Research Coordinator. these seafarers were not trained or do not have adequate train-
Research and Development Center John
B. Lacson Colleges Foundation-Bacolod. Bacolod City, Philippines. ing as instructors. Considering the dearth of seafarers who may
emeliza.estimo@jblfmu.edu.ph. be interested in teaching, initiatives are taken to address the ex-
Emeliza T. Estimo. / Journal of Maritime Research Vol XVI. No. II (2019) 96–104 97

isting shortage of qualified faculty for deck and engine courses. changes are fully understood so that the decisions on how best
As stipulated in the STCW 2010 latest Manila amendment, to meet these changes are made in an informed way. Hence,
those who are responsible for training and assessment must be with the rapid shifts in the demand for maritime education and
appropriately qualified (Annex: Regulation 1/6 Training and training, teaching seafarers must come prepared and equipped
Assessment). Also, instructors, supervisors, and assessors must in delivering the goods.
be adequately qualified for the particular types and levels of The shipping industry calls for education and training that
training or assessment of competence of seafarers, either on- develops critical thinking for future seafarers who are honed
board or ashore (Code Part A: Section A-1/6). The Code re- to develop such skills in maritime institutions. According to
quires that maritime instructors have to be ‘appropriately qual- Cerit, Zorba, Deveci and Tuna (2004), the ability to analyze,
ified,’ have an ‘appropriate level of knowledge and understand- synthesize and evaluate information, as well as to apply that
ing’ and have received ‘proper training in instructional tech- information appropriate to a given context is an important part
niques, and training and assessment methods.’ This goes to say of the MET (Maritime Education and Training) system. Mar-
that professional seafarers who sign a teaching contract with itime students are expected to move beyond Bloom’s lower cog-
maritime institutions and training centers are expected to meet nitive levels of knowledge and comprehension to the higher
the standards befitting of the task that may be assigned to them. Bloom levels, where they apply, analyze, synthesize and evalu-
Even if they unquestionably possess the knowledge of the pro- ate. These are the skills that are so important for our students
fession, they have to be equipped with the skills needed to be to develop to succeed in their professional maritime career and
able to deliver the knowledge of the technical content of the it is the responsibility of maritime instructors to develop such
field to the intended recipients of this knowledge who are their higher order thinking skills among their students. What if they
students/trainees. As Lloyd (2012) puts it, maritime education fall short of this responsibility? What if they do not possess
and training depend so much on former Mariners to pass on the the intellectual machinery to educate their students? What if
skills and knowledge necessary to the next generation of sea- they only have a half-baked commitment to their responsibility
farers. Just being an experienced mariner does not make for as teachers? True enough; seafarers have gained much prac-
an excellent educator and trainer. According to him, while the tical knowledge of the field. However, practical knowledge
traditional hierarchy on board a ship provides a structure of re- is not enough as more are expected of them if they were to
sponsibility and authority, this setup may not be the same with teach. They need to be fully committed to their role as teach-
that on land, in which case the working environment leans more ers. They need to develop competence in explaining challeng-
on coalition and negotiation, agreement and implementation, ing and complex tasks to motivate students to learn. The issue
rather than just decision and action. of commitment and the basic elements of teaching pedagogy
Furthermore, Pekcan (2012) points out that the current thrust are crucial and a key to the learning success.
in maritime education and training is to enhance the curriculum The Philippine Government has embarked on massive ef-
to include non-technical competencies such as leadership, man- forts to train faculty members to be effective communicators
agement, and cultural awareness. This places even greater em- of maritime education. Maritime instructors nowadays are a
phasis on student-centered learning. Teachers should not just combination of experienced seafarers and other professionals.
teach these skills through lectures; they should provide their Some teach without teaching background; others have no mar-
student’s meaningful experiences that can facilitate better learn- itime education at all. They qualify to teach by attending the 10-
ing. day Training Course for Instructors (IMO Model Course 6.09)
Moreover, maritime educators and trainers must have ade- and another 10-day training on Assessment, Examination, and
quate sea experience to provide their students a real foundation Certification of Seafarers (IMO Model Course 3.12), and addi-
of the field. They must be abreast with the latest update on tional training on simulator course for instructors and assessors
modern day ship operations and with new technologies. They (IMO Model Course 6.10).
need to be able to communicate that knowledge in a manner While much emphasis has been placed so much on qualifi-
that can be understood by all their students. However, the re- cation and training as significant factors for maritime instruc-
sponsibility of maritime instructors is not just to impart knowl- tors, little importance was attributed to the attainment of other
edge; they must be effective and efficient teachers. They must dimensions such as teaching commitment and soft skills. It is
be effective motivators and should possess good leadership and for this objective that this study was conceptualized.
motivation skills, and presentation and classroom management
skills. They must also seek feedback from their students so as 1.1. Conceptual Framework.
to build confidence and promote credibility (The International This study is supported by the following concepts as they re-
Maritime Human Element Bulletin, May 2012). late to teacher’s commitment and key attributes of professional
The transition from seafaring to teaching may be challeng- maritime instructors:
ing to deck and engine instructors, particularly to those who
are new in the field of teaching in that their training was cus- 1.1.1. Commitment to Teaching.
tomized to being that of a seafarer, not of a teacher. According Maritime instructors, just like others who are into teach-
to Cerit, Zorba, Deveci and Tuna (2004), educational paradigms ing, should be passionate about their roles as teachers. This
are rapidly changing, and it is, therefore, critical to the success passion drives and motivates teachers to give their best to ed-
and development of maritime education and training that these ucate students and to maximize their potentials. According to
Emeliza T. Estimo. / Journal of Maritime Research Vol XVI. No. II (2019) 96–104 98

Mart (2013), passionate teachers are committed and dedicated navigators. The instructor, though, must be prepared for all the
to their schools and a good education achievement is an out- questions that students might think of. How does this work?
come of this commitment and dedication. Garrison and Lis- What order do we adjust the controls? Why should they learn
ton (2004) further explain that those who feel the call to teach to operate it?
and who find teaching profoundly meaningful have a passion Secondly, he must be wired with adequate communication
for teaching. Passionate teachers are fiercely devoted to their skills. The seafaring community is an international one, and
work and greatly inspire their students. In relation to this, Rowe while English may be the language of the sea, students come
(2003) found evidence that teachers can and do make a differ- from many different places to learn and have widely differing
ence and that consistent, high-quality teaching, supported by educational standards on entry. The educator needs to be clear
strategic professional development, can and does deliver dra- with the information transmitted, must be able to give clear
matic improvements in student learning. written and oral instructions and be able to present information
According to Fried (2001), passionate teachers like work- in a manner that can be understood by the learners. This may
ing with young people, and take an interest in knowledge and be in written handbooks or learner guides or may involve the
ideas, care about students, are aware of world issues, and cur- use of multi-media presentations and materials. When giving
rent events in the classroom and effectively reflects them in his assessments, he should see to it that evaluations must be valid,
works at school, are serious and have sense of humor, and tol- reliable, fair, clear and unambiguous, so students have a clear
erates absurd and meaningless things that students exhibit in grasp of what is required for success. He must be able to present
their behaviors but at the same time critical and very attentive information in a manner that can be understood by students and
to manners that students must have. Furthermore, passionate to communicate complex ideas in a clear and complex manner,
teachers avoid condemning ideas of unpopular and young peo- translating information in a vocabulary that the learners can un-
ple and attempt to create a culture of mutual respect, take risks derstand. He must have the ability to read, write, synthesize,
but derives lessons from mistakes rather than ignore them, en- evaluate and make decisions and communicate his ideas.
deavor to establish and maintain a learning environment where
students can learn from their mistakes, and take their missions 1.1.3. Pedagogy.
seriously and reflect their ideas and beliefs clearly. The same This term refers to strategies of instruction and the cor-
extent of teaching commitment is expected of professional mar- rect use of those strategies. Understanding the fundamentals
itime instructors. of pedagogy is an overarching skill necessary for educators to
bring together their skills and attributes to enhance the students’
1.1.2. Teaching Competence. learning experience and maximize their chances of success. A
In addition to strong teaching commitment, Captain John clear understanding of instructional strategies also greatly as-
Lloyd (2012), Director, National Centre for Ports and Shipping, sists today’s maritime educators to find their way through the
Australian Maritime College, provides a useful list of key at- maze of technology which can be used for educational delivery,
tributes for maritime educators which served as a foundation and make choices which help students to learn. Inherent in ped-
for the major premise of this study. According to him, mar- agogy or the theory and practice of education are the following:
itime education and training are heavily dependent upon for- knowledge of lesson planning procedures, identifying and writ-
mer Mariners to deliver the skills and knowledge necessary to ing lesson objectives, selecting instructional methods and ma-
the next generation of seafarers. It takes a special person to join terials, planning assessments, ability to transfer knowledge and
the worldwide band of maritime educators. Furthermore, he skills to students, facilitating learning and answering questions,
opined that being an experienced mariner does not make for an classroom management skills, presentation skills, knowledge of
excellent educator and trainer. A good maritime educator needs teaching methodologies, ability to gauge learner’s understand-
to acquire a whole new set of skills to complement all the nauti- ing through facial expressions, body language and comments,
cal skills he has established at sea. Working ashore is different. and using feedback to improve teaching and materials.
The traditional hierarchy on board a ship provides a structure On teaching pedagogy, the article Institutionalizing Mar-
of responsibility and authority not usually replicated on shore. itime Faculty Development Program published in Marino World
Consequently, the first adjustment to make is working in an en- (2016) specified that maritime instructors must possess the fol-
vironment leaning more to coalition and negotiation, agreement lowing competencies: (1) Conducting training needs analysis,
and implementation, rather than just decision and action. The (2) Constructing alignment of course objectives, content, method-
desire to help others to learn is very much a pre-requisite for the ologies, assessment, and evaluation that support the required
aspiring educator. competencies prescribed in relevant regulations, (3) Managing
The key attributes that maritime educators need to have in- a student-centered learning environment, (4) Employing appro-
clude, subject knowledge and technical skills, communication priate teaching strategies that actively engage learners to achieve
skills, pedagogy and soft skills, among others. In particular, desired performance outcomes, (5) Adapting teaching styles
this study only directs its focus on these four attributes. to accommodate different student learning styles, (6) Interact-
First, all maritime educators should have a thorough under- ing effectively with a student population having diverse inter-
standing of the subject. It is essential that the instructor knows ests, learning styles, and levels of competence, (7) Incorpo-
his or her subject better than the learner. For instance, learn- rating instructional technology to support the teaching-learning
ing to operate a Radar set successfully is a skill required by all process, (8) Providing student feedbacks in a manner that pro-
Emeliza T. Estimo. / Journal of Maritime Research Vol XVI. No. II (2019) 96–104 99

motes learning; (9) Selecting and using appropriate assessment 39 years old, 40 to 53, and 54 to 65 years old. In terms of sea
methods to evaluate student learning, and (10) Applying assess- experience, the instructors were grouped into two: those with
ment and evaluation results to improve teaching-learning effec- one to 9 years and those with 10 to 18 years of sea experience.
tiveness. Finally, the respondents were also grouped into Deck and En-
gine instructors.
1.1.4. Soft Skills. A researcher-made survey instrument was used in this study.
Finally, there are certain soft skills or personal characteris- This instrument was composed of four parts: Part I, which in-
tics, innate or acquired; that maritime educators must also pos- cluded questions for the profile of the respondents based on
sess. These built-in skills include leadership, patience, moti- age, sea experience and department; Part II, which contained
vation, adaptability, empathy, willingness to learn, self-control, ten items that were used to measure the level of commitment of
professionalism, integrity, impartiality, and dedication among the respondents to teaching; Part III, which contained 20 items
others. The concept of the study is illustrated in the following to measure the level of competence of respondents in terms of
paradigm: the four components listed in the study, namely, Subject Knowl-
edge and Technical Skills, Communication Skills, Pedagogical
1.2. Objectives. Skills, and Soft Skills; and Part IV which was designed to elicit
their responses given the directions, “List down and discuss the
This investigation aimed to measure the level of commit-
difficulties and challenges that you have experienced or con-
ment of seafarers-turned-maritime instructors on their roles as
tinue to experience in your transition from being a full-time ship
teachers as well as to determine their level of competence as
officer to being a full-time instructor in a maritime institution.”
based on their self-assessment in terms of Lloyd’s list of key
To determine the seafarer teachers’ level of commitment
attributes for maritime educators, namely, subject knowledge
towards teaching (Problem 1) and their level of competence
and technical skills, communication skills, pedagogy, and soft
(Problem 2), the mean and standard deviation were used. The
skills. Specifically, the following were its objectives:
results were then interpreted using the following scales:
• To determine the level of commitment towards teaching Level of Commitment Level of Competence
of professional maritime instructors when taken as a whole Range Description Range Description
and when grouped according to age, sea experience, and 4.24-5.00 Very Strong 4.24-5.00 Very Good
department 3.43-4.23 Strong 3.43-4.23 Good
2.62-3.42 Fair 2.62-3.42 Fair
• To measure their level of competence in terms of Subject 1.81-2.61 Weak 1.81-2.61 Poor
Knowledge and Technical Skills, Communication Skills, 1.00-1.80 Very Weak 1.00-1.80 Very Poor
Pedagogical Skills, and Soft Skills Data for Problem 3 were reported and analyzed using fre-
quency count. A customized training plan was then designed to
• To identify the challenges they had experienced or con- strengthen the teaching skills of seafarer teachers of the academe
tinue to experience in their transition from being full-time and to address the gaps that have emerged in the study.
ship officers to full-time instructors

• To propose a customized training plan for professional 3. Results.

instructors which can be included in the Faculty Devel-
opment Plan to address the gaps This portion of the paper reports and discusses the results of
the study based on the questions that were raised. These results
are presented in the same sequence as they were presented in
2. Methods. the objectives.
The descriptive design was used in this study, a design which,
according to Polit and Hungler (1999), involves the collection 3.1. Level of Commitment towards Teaching of Professional
of data that will provide an account or description of individ- Maritime Instructors.
uals, groups or situations. Primarily, the data were gathered On April 14, 1912, at 11:40 p.m. the largest and most lux-
using a survey questionnaire. A follow-up interview was also urious ocean liner built to date collided with an iceberg during
used with selected respondents to support the numerical data its journey through the North Atlantic, just 300 miles off the
and to clarify certain issues which emerged from the qualitative coast of Newfoundland, with 2,223 passengers and 885 crew.
data gathered. on board, with a balance of 1,512 deceased and 706 survivors,
The respondents of this study comprised a total of 58 Deck after their sinking at 2:20 in the morning.
and Engine professional instructors who have opted to consider Undoubtedly, the sinking of the Titanic is one of the tragedies
full-time teaching as an alternative profession after years of that marked the marine sector and from this, a series of regula-
working onboard as seafarers. tions began to be made to improve maritime safety. With this
The presentation and discussion of the results of this study accident they were clear that the ships had to have a better con-
were done on the basis of age, sea experience and department. struction, equipment, and operability of the ships. And from
As regards age, the following age groupings were used: 26 to this tragic accident is when they began to issue rules to solve it.
Emeliza T. Estimo. / Journal of Maritime Research Vol XVI. No. II (2019) 96–104 100

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of the Concept of the Study.

Source: Author.

Table 1: Degree of commitment towards teaching of professional maritime instructors.

Source: Author.
Emeliza T. Estimo. / Journal of Maritime Research Vol XVI. No. II (2019) 96–104 101

It is interesting to note that while they express a strong to gauge learner’s understanding through facial expressions, body
very strong commitment to the rest of the indicators, this com- language and comments, and using feedback to improve teach-
mitment diminishes in terms of the following items in the sur- ing. Moreover, in Table 4, the professional instructors also rated
vey: teaching difficult students, teaching in comparison to sea- themselves the least on their capability to use research as a tool
faring, students’ success or failure in their studies, being given for solving problems related to teaching.
additional tasks related to teaching, and undergoing further In terms of pedagogical skills (Table 5), the data reveal that
training to upgrade their teaching competencies. This informa- the professional instructors rate themselves very good. How-
tion implies that the instructors are strongly committed to their ever, it should be recalled that among the areas, this is the area
job of delivering instruction, but this commitment can decline where they scored themselves the least. The professional in-
when they are given a more challenging role to play or perform structors rate themselves highest on their ability to adapt their
other than their routine tasks as teachers. teaching styles to accommodate different student learning styles.
Comparing the means as an indicator of the instructors’ However, they scored themselves lowest on their ability to trans-
level of commitment, the results further revealed that younger fer knowledge and skills to students, facilitate learning and an-
instructors rate themselves higher than how older instructors swer questions.
rate themselves. In terms of sea experience, the pattern is also This finding supports the data provided in Table 4 where
the same. Furthermore, the deck instructors express a higher they rate themselves lowest on their skills in transmitting in-
level of commitment towards teaching than their engine coun- formation instructions (oral and written) in a manner that is
terparts. understood by the learners. This implies that while they can
be flexible in adapting their teaching style to their students?
3.2. Instructors’ Self-Assessment of Their Level of Competence. needs, the biggest challenge for them is how to communicate
or transfer their knowledge and skills so that the students could
Table 2 reveals the level of competence of the professional be able to understand and learn from them. They also appear
instructors as based on their self-assessment. The data show to be challenged when it comes to responding to their students’
that they have a very good level of competence in all the areas questions.
that include knowledge of the subject and technical skills, com- Finally, Table 6 shows that in terms of soft skills, the pro-
munication skills, pedagogical skills, and soft skills. Among fessional instructors rate themselves highest on their willing-
these areas, they rate themselves highest on soft skills and least ness to share themselves as well to learn from others. However,
on pedagogical skills. The overall result implies that the profes- they scored themselves lowest on their patience and empathy in
sional instructors consider themselves competent in delivering dealing with problematic and difficult students.
instruction to their students.
Table 3 shows that the professional instructors rate them-
selves highest (very good) on competence to operate equipment 4. Challenges Experienced by Deck and Engine Instructors
and machinery in your department (deck or engine), standard in Their Transition from Being Full-Time Seafarers to
procedures for performing various ship operations relative to Full-Time Instructors.
your department (deck or engine), and ship nomenclature, du-
ties and responsibilities of the crew, and safety and security- Those who have been trained to become ship officers and
related issues. However, they rate themselves least (good) on later end up teaching in a maritime institution often experience
latest updates and information in the maritime industry. The some challenges during the transition. A portion of the survey
data imply that while they are confident in their knowledge and questionnaire had asked the professional instructors to list down
technical skills relevant to the subject that they teach, they feel and discuss the difficulties and challenges that they had experi-
the need to be continually updated with the latest news and in- enced or continue to experience. Table 7 reveals that on top of
formation in the maritime industry. these challenges are coming up with a research output as a re-
On communication skills (Table 4), a very good level of quirement on top of their teaching loads, financial adjustment,
competence was claimed by the professional instructors. Among and inadequate background knowledge and skills in teaching.
the five indicators, they rate themselves highest on their abil-
ity to use multimedia presentations and materials in present- Conclusions and Implications
ing the lessons while they rate themselves lowest on their skills
in transmitting information instructions (oral and written) in a Marine officers who have taken the challenge to serve as
manner that is understood by the learners. full-time instructors in maritime colleges and universities bear
This affirms the common challenge claimed by most of the a promising potential as mentors as they help mold future sea-
professional instructors when they often say ”We can communi- farers. The commitment to teach is there, and the competence to
cate, but we are not really sure if all the students can understand transfer to knowledge and skills is also in place. However, to be
what we are saying.” able to maximize their teaching skills, they need to constantly
Inherent in pedagogy or the theory and practice of edu- be abreast of the continuing developments in the maritime in-
cation is the ability to transfer knowledge and skills to stu- dustry to be able to provide up-to-date inputs and to make the
dents, facilitating learning and answering questions, presen- teaching and learning process become more realistic and rele-
tation skills, knowledge of teaching methodologies, ability to vant. As maritime instructors, they should possess the passion
Emeliza T. Estimo. / Journal of Maritime Research Vol XVI. No. II (2019) 96–104 102

Table 2: Level of competence of professional instructors.

Source: Author.

Table 3: Level of competence in subject knowledge and technical skills.

Source: Author.

Table 4: Level of competence in communication skills.

Source: Author.
Emeliza T. Estimo. / Journal of Maritime Research Vol XVI. No. II (2019) 96–104 103

Table 5: Level of competence in pedagogical skills.

Source: Author.

Table 6: Level of competence in soft skills.

Source: Author.

Table 7: Challenges experienced by professional instructors.

Source: Author.
Emeliza T. Estimo. / Journal of Maritime Research Vol XVI. No. II (2019) 96–104 104

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