10.1007@978 3 030 39978 8
10.1007@978 3 030 39978 8
10.1007@978 3 030 39978 8
in Agriculture
An Approach Towards Sustainability
Nanotechnology in the Life Sciences
Series Editor
Ram Prasad
Department of Botany
Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, Bihar, India
Nano and biotechnology are two of the 21st century’s most promising technologies.
Nanotechnology is demarcated as the design, development, and application of
materials and devices whose least functional make up is on a nanometer scale (1 to
100 nm). Meanwhile, biotechnology deals with metabolic and other physiological
developments of biological subjects including microorganisms. These microbial
processes have opened up new opportunities to explore novel applications, for
example, the biosynthesis of metal nanomaterials, with the implication that these
two technologies (i.e., thus nanobiotechnology) can play a vital role in developing
and executing many valuable tools in the study of life. Nanotechnology is very
diverse, ranging from extensions of conventional device physics to completely new
approaches based upon molecular self-assembly, from developing new materials
with dimensions on the nanoscale, to investigating whether we can directly control
matters on/in the atomic scale level. This idea entails its application to diverse fields
of science such as plant biology, organic chemistry, agriculture, the food industry,
and more.
Nanobiotechnology offers a wide range of uses in medicine, agriculture, and the
environment. Many diseases that do not have cures today may be cured by
nanotechnology in the future. Use of nanotechnology in medical therapeutics needs
adequate evaluation of its risk and safety factors. Scientists who are against the use
of nanotechnology also agree that advancement in nanotechnology should continue
because this field promises great benefits, but testing should be carried out to ensure
its safety in people. It is possible that nanomedicine in the future will play a crucial
role in the treatment of human and plant diseases, and also in the enhancement of
normal human physiology and plant systems, respectively. If everything proceeds as
expected, nanobiotechnology will, one day, become an inevitable part of our
everyday life and will help save many lives.
in Agriculture
An Approach Towards Sustainability
Khalid Rehman Hakeem Tanveer Bilal Pirzadah
Department of Biological Sciences Assistant Professor
Faculty of Science University Centre for Research and
King Abdulaziz University Development (UCRD)
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Chandigarh University
Mohali, Punjab, India
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
This book is dedicated to
viii Foreword
x Preface
In this book, we have tried to integrate literature focusing the issue related to
agricultural productivity, different practices to manage these issues and then the role
of the nano-biotechnology in environmental and agricultural sustainability. The
chapters in this book highlight importance of nano-biotechnology as an innovative
tool to enhance production yield and environmental sustainability.
We are highly grateful to all our contributors for readily accepting our invitation
for not only sharing their knowledge and research, but for venerably integrating
their expertise in dispersed information from diverse fields in composing the chap-
ters and enduring editorial suggestions to finally produce this venture. We greatly
appreciate their commitment.
We thank Springer-International team for their generous cooperation at every
stage of the book production.
xii Contents
Index������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 223
About the Editors
xiv About the Editors
Sheikh Tanveer Salam, Tanveer Bilal Pirzadah, and Pervaiz Ahmad Dar
1 Introduction
Nanotechnology was first used by Norio Taniguchi in 1974 and it is the art of
manipulating matter at the nano-scale because at this scale materials behave dif-
ferently because the rules that manage the behavior of the elements of our
known world start to give way to the rules of quantum mechanics, and every-
thing changes. The term “nano” is a Greek word meaning “dwarf” and it means
10−9 or one-billionth part of a meter (Thakkar et al. 2010). Due to small size
nanoparticles have some unique properties like higher charge density and reac-
tivity, more strength, increased heat resistance, decreased melting point, and
different magnetic properties of nano-clusters. Differences in the exposed sur-
faces of different nanoparticles lead to variances in atomic distribution across
the nanoparticles, which in turn affect the electron transfer rate kinetics between
metal nanoparticles and corresponding adsorbed species. These unique proper-
ties give the following advantages to nanoparticles in agriculture such as higher
solubility in suspension; higher penetration of seed coats and subsequently
emerging roots; better bioavailability of molecules to the seed radicals; provid-
ing actual concentration and controlled release of fertilizers or pesticides in
response to certain conditions; improved targeted activity and eco-friendly with
safe and relaxed transport (Pirzadah et al. 2019). Here, we summarize the gen-
eral overview and categorization of nano-formulations besides its applications
in the agriculture sector.
2 Categorization of Nano-agrochemicals
2.1 Nano-fertilizers
Nano-composite Polymers
These are used to bind fertilizer nutrients into pellets to improve nutrient use effi-
ciency. Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) claimed that
they have observed in field experiment that by adding a nano-composite polymer
to urea, nitrous oxide emissions were reduced by more than 50% (Pereira et al.
2015). Some of the nano-composite polymers that can be used in fertilizers are
as under:
1. Polycaprolactone (PCL): It is easy and cheap to manufacture and has the techni-
cal advantage of being degraded slowly by micro-organisms like bacteria and
fungi. PCL is a polymer of choice used in slow drug delivery for implanted medi-
cal devices and this property can be explored by researchers to use PCL to help
in slow release of fertilizer nutrients.
2. Polyacrylamide hydrogel: It can be incorporated into pelletized fertilizers to
improve montmorillonite’s water retention performance, thereby reducing the
water usage in landscape gardening. However, as the polymer breaks down, the
resulting acrylamide is a lethal neurotoxin and carcinogen which can damage the
microscopic soil engineers like bacteria, protozoa, and fungi. Besides this acryl-
amide can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled, thereby posing serious risks
to fertilizer manufacturing workers and farmers.
3. Hydroxyapatite nanoparticle (HANP): Hydroxyapatite is a bioceramic com-
pound used in medical applications to provide calcium, phosphate, and other
minerals to bone and other hard tissues. Urea coated with HANPs slows the
release of nitrogen due to chemical bonding properties between nitrogen and
HA, increasing the plant’s uptake of urea. In the farm field trials using urea-
HA NP hybrids, about 50% reduction in urea use allows the yield to be main-
tained at about 7.9 tons/hectare, which is higher than the yields (7.3 tons/
hectare) for urea only rice crop using the recommended levels of urea
(Kottegoda et al. 2017).
Nanotechnology: An Overview 3
2.2 Nano-biosensors
These are embedded into biopolymer coating of fertilizers to release nutrients just
in time in response to the chemical signals from soil microbes like rhizobium in
plants root system. Application of nanotechnology to increase the control of the
plant over the release of nutrients was proposed in 2012 by a Canadian research
team as “Intelligent Nano-Fertilizer.” The application is based on the discovery of
root exudation of chemical signals in response to the decrease in the soil nitrogen.
The Intelligent Nano-Fertilizer project has shifted its focus from incorporating a
nano-biosensor in a polymer coating fertilizer to release urea, to a focus on increas-
ing macro-nutrient uptake efficiency by putting nano-biosensors in a polymer that
coats micro-nutrients like iron and zinc. This project has selected synthetic DNA
aptamers as nano-biosensors that fold into unique three-dimensional structures
capable of binding tightly to a target which here is chemical signals from the soil
microbes in the rhizosphere of a plant (Qureshi et al. 2018). The polymer becomes
more permeable delivering a payload of nutrients in response to the binding of
aptamer with the target. Nano-biosensors face the challenge of accurate identifica-
tion of specific signals by aptamer between the soil microbes and plant rhizosphere
because misidentification can lead to no or sub-optimal release of nutrients
(Neethirajan et al. 2018). Furthermore, if a polymer designed to be permeable in
response to the rhizosphere, chemical signal becomes less permeable or even imper-
meable because of the effect of target binding on the properties of the polymer, the
polymer would simply degrade, releasing the nutrient in an unintelligent fashion.
The impurities in the nutrient payload can lead to aptamer misreading the chemical
signal and binding incompletely with the target, leading to an inaccurate or partial
delivery of the nutrients.
2.3 Nano-clays
These are added to the soil samples to create soil micro-structures and reduce nitrate
loaded runoff and release of ammonia and nitrous oxide. One of the best examples
of use of nano-clays is the loss control urea (LCU), which is a ternary system com-
prised of attapulgite (nano-clay), polyacrylamide, and urea which has highest con-
tent of nitrogen among all commonly used fertilizers (Cai et al. 2014). The addition
of polyacrylamide, together with oxidation and hydrothermal processing of
attapulgite increases the pore space in soils with clay and stops erosion and water
runoff. Water soluble polyacrylamide is used as soil conditioner and without adding
polyacrylamide; attapulgite rods (20–50 nm in diameter and 1 μ in length) would
agglomerate and prevent creation of micro-structures to reduce nitrogen loss. It has
been observed that under stimulated conditions, about 50% leaching, 36% volatil-
ization losses, and 45% surface runoff of nitrogen can be reduced by this loss con-
trol technology (Cai et al. 2014).
4 S. T. Salam et al.
2.4 Nano-pesticides
Researchers from China have investigated the potential of hollow silica nanoparti-
cles to be used as carriers for the controlled release and UV-shielding of avermectin
and validamycin (Li et al. 2006, 2007; Liu et al. 2006). The rate of release was
influenced by temperature, pH, and shell thickness. Although Li et al. (2007) men-
tioned the encapsulation of avermectin, the release profile exhibited a multistage
pattern which was interpreted as being due to the release of active ingredients
located in different parts of the particles (i.e., external, in pore channels, and in the
internal core). Prado et al. (2011) recently reported a method to modify hexagonal
mesoporous silica with carboxyl acid. The nano-spheres synthesized were <50 nm
(determined by thermogravimetry) and had a mean pore diameter of 10 nm (derived
from N2 sorption isotherms). The spheres were subsequently used as a support for
the controlled release of 2, 4-D and picloram. Faster release was observed for 2, 4-D
than for picloram (the release of 20% of active ingredients required about 7 and
20 days, respectively) but for both compounds, the delivery rate was maintained up
to 30 days. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles have also been considered as carriers to
transport DNA and chemicals into plant cells and leaves by bombardment (Torney
et al. 2007). The nanoparticles were loaded with genetic material together with
chemical inducer and the open ends were capped with gold nanoparticles to keep
the molecules from leaching out. Uncapping the gold nanoparticles released the
chemicals and triggered gene expression in the plants under controlled release con-
ditions. Further development of similar technologies will open new perspectives in
plant biotechnologies, with possible applications in the development of new plant
protection strategies. Zinc-aluminium-layered double hydroxides and clays layered
double hydroxides are good candidates to serve as a matrix for developing slow/
targeted release formulations of agrochemicals. Even though the term nano-hybrids
has often been used to describe layered double hydroxide formulations, size mea-
surements have generally not been provided and some electronic microscopy images
suggest that the resulting structures often belong to the μm range (Hussein et al.
2005). Although organo-clay formulations have also been classified as nano-
formulations (ObservatoryNano 2010), size measurements again suggest sizes in
the micrometer range (Maqueda et al. 2009). Park et al. (2010) evaluated the poten-
tial of a layered double hydroxide as a carrier for cinnamate, a natural antibiotic
substance that has the potential to be used as a fungicide. Natural antibiotics are
rarely used for pest control because they degrade rapidly in soil, need to be used at
high doses, and are often not readily available in large quantities. The formulation
tested by Park et al. (2010) resulted in a slow release of the antibiotic and a pro-
longed retention of cinnamate in soil. The formulation also showed promising fun-
gicidal activity against root rot in red pepper. Research teams in Malaysia and Korea
have investigated the influence of preparation parameters and the properties of
nano-hybrids consisting of double-layered hydroxides loaded with various anionic
herbicides, growth regulators, and fungicides. The addition of surfactants in a for-
mulation based on layered double hydroxides (with the primary aim of intercalating
Nanotechnology: An Overview 9
3.3 Nano-metals
Silver (Ag) has long been known for antimicrobial properties and several in vitro
studies have demonstrated that nano-Ag can significantly inhibit the growth of plant
pathogens in a dose-dependent manner (Chun et al. 2010; Jo et al. 2009; Jung et al.
2010; Kim et al. 2009; Min et al. 2009). Jo et al. (2009) showed that preventive
application of both ionic and nano-Ag can significantly reduce the development of
fungal diseases on rye grass (in vitro and growth chamber experiments at concentra-
tions of 100–200 mg/L). Maximum efficacy was observed when application
occurred 3 h before fungi inoculation. Efficacy was significantly reduced if applica-
tion occurred later than 24 h after inoculation (Jo et al. 2009). Jung et al. (2010)
carried out greenhouse experiments and showed that a weekly application of nano-
Ag solutions to the roots of cultivated green onions efficiently inhibited the develop-
ment of white rot. An increase in the rate of development of the treated plants was
also observed (after 4–5 weeks, 1.4–2.5-fold increase in biomass). In addition, plate
counting tests indicated that the application of nano-Ag did not appear to drastically
reduce the number of soil bacteria and fungi (Jung et al. 2010). Other suggested
applications of nano-Ag as a replacement for synthetic organic bactericides include
the coating of fruit bags to efficiently control the development of black stain on fruit
(Chun et al. 2010) and the treatment of cut flower stems to extend vase life (Liu
et al. 2009; Solgi et al. 2009). Silicon (Si) has long been known to enhance plant
tolerance of various abiotic and biotic stresses (metal toxicity, water stress, and
fungal attack) (Fauteux et al. 2005; Zargar et al. 2010) and the application of nano-
forms of Si (e.g., potassium silicate) is common practice. Surface modified hydro-
phobic nano-Si particles have been suggested as a potential candidate for the control
of a range of agricultural insect pests but no supporting experimental data has been
found in the literature (Nair et al. 2010). The efficacy of combined Si and Ag
nanoparticles stabilized with polymers has been tested in greenhouse experiments
on green squash plants infected with powdery mildew (Park et al. 2006). The anti-
fungal effects of nano-Si-Ag were observed almost immediately after application at
3 mg/L, and symptoms of infection had completely disappeared after 3 weeks. The
absence of phytotoxicity response was also demonstrated for several plants sprayed
with solutions of nano-Si-Ag concentrations of up to 3200 mg/L (Park et al. 2006).
Suggested benefits of nano-metals (and nano-Ag in particular) over synthetic fungi-
cides are a possible reductions in human toxicity, development of resistance (due to
10 S. T. Salam et al.
the multiple modes of action of Ag), and plant protection related costs (Jo et al.
2009; Jung et al. 2010).
Both release rate and release pattern of nutrients for water soluble fertilizers might
be precisely controlled through encapsulation in envelope forms of semipermeable
membranes coated by resin-polymer, waxes, and sulfur, unlike conventional fertil-
izers where excess release of fertilizers may produce toxicity and destroy ecological
balance of soil.
Nanotechnology: An Overview 11
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leaching and/or leaking. On the other hand, in case of conventional fertilizers there
is high loss rate by leaching, rain-off, and drift.
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Nanotechnology: A Boost for the Urgently
Needed Second Green Revolution in Indian
1 Introduction
Agriculture is one of the major sectors that provide food for human, indirectly or
directly in addition to feed, fibre, fire, and fuels. World agricultural industry is fac-
ing challenges such as climate change, urbanization, sustainable use of natural
resources, and other environmental issues including urban runoff and accumulation
of pesticides and fertilizers (Mukhopadhyay 2014). These problems are further
intensified by an alarming population and food demand increment as an estimated
population of 6–9 billion by 2050 is to be fed (Scott and Chen 2013; Chen and Yada
2011). India has targeted an average growth of 4% per annum for the agricultural
sector by 2020 (Subramanian and Tarafdar 2011). However, India’s agricultural
growth has been experiencing decline during the last decade from about 3.6%
(1985–1995) to less than 2% (1995–2005). Food grains production level is the
major concern. The per capita annual production of cereals has shown declination
from 200–205 kg in 1991/1995 to only 180–185 kg during 2004–2007, and it is still
in decreasing trends which leads to great concerns towards food security. In order to
achieve the 4% annual growth target, productivity and income per unit of these
K. Hossain (*)
Department of Environmental Science, Asutosh College (Estd.- 1916),
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
S. Z. Abbas · A. Ahmad · M. Rafatullah · N. Ismail
Environmental Technology Division, School of Industrial Technology, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Gelugor, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
G. Pant
Institute of Applied Sciences and Humanities, GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
M. Avasn
Department of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Krishna University,
Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
scarce natural resources such as limited land and water resource have to be improved.
The national agricultural research system has led the focus on the application of
eco-friendly and green revolution technology model in short-duration high yielding
cultivars, efficient irrigation, and intensive use of fertilizers and other agrochemi-
cals (Subramanian and Tarafdar 2011). The ‘First Green Revolution’ observed dur-
ing early 1970s ended in wonderful yield increase through four basic elements of
production system, viz. semi-dwarf high yielding varieties of rice and wheat, exten-
sive use of irrigation, fertilizers, and agrochemicals. Though, after wonderful
growth, there has been a distinct slowdown in the agricultural growth rate since the
mid-1990s. The agricultural production is facing a plateau, which has adversely
affected the livelihood base of the farming community at large. The green revolution
includes the implementation of micro-farm economics that directed the use of inputs
such as land, cultivar, labour, machinery, and chemicals balanced against profits
from crop yields and the macro-economic that ensured better access to inputs and
markets (Khot et al. 2012). The green revolution model has increased the potential
yields and farm incomes substantially, but less focus has been given on the efficient
and sustainable use of soil nutrients and water. Macro policies that favoured Indian
agriculture are affected by the globalization of agricultural trade. Local farmers are
subjected to greater market risks. Hence, lead to decline in income of farmers as
well as rural distress. Approximately about 60% of Indian work force is employed
in the agricultural sector and therefore, it is very important to increase and stabilize
agricultural income. However, there are many challenges faced by agriculture sector
such as degradation of soil health, water resources, overexploitation of natural
resources, excess use of fertilizers and pesticides that need to be addressed in near
future (Chen and Yada 2011). The worrying situation in Indian agriculture has been
described as ‘technology fatigue’. As the availability of arable land for agriculture
would reduce in future due to urbanization, the only way out could be expected
through productivity route. In fact, the country needs a ‘Second Green Revolution’
(Thakur 2009). In this background, the present paper attempts to investigate and
review whether nanotechnology can be used as a catalyst to initiate ‘Second Green
Revolution’ in India. Nanotechnology (NT) is said to possess high potential in
bringing revolution to our current agriculture and food systems as well as to improve
the conditions of the less privileged class (Roco 2003; Juma and Yee-Cheong 2005).
Combining nanotechnology with other measures may be answer to the worldwide
concerned sustainable issues in areas such as water, energy, health and environment,
agriculture and biodiversity, and management of our threatened ecosystem. In 2002
United Nations Johannesburg Summit on Sustainable Development, these five areas
have been identified and known as WEHAB (Report of the World Summit on
Sustainable Development 2002). According to a survey conducted by UN, improve-
ment in agricultural productivity especially in developing countries with the imple-
mentation of nanotechnology is considered as the second most vital area of efforts
in achieving the millennium development goals. On the other hand, energy conver-
sion and storage was identified as the top concern, while water treatment scored the
third in areas of focus (Slamanca-Buentello et al. 2005). Evidences from various
research conducted in many developed countries have inspired the study on applying
Nanotechnology: A Boost for the Urgently Needed Second Green Revolution in Indian… 17
nanotechnology into our current food and agriculture systems (Opara 2004; Ward
and Dutta 2003). Research conducted in many developed countries have indicated
the vast potential of nanotechnology in enhancing agricultural productivity through
genetic improvement ((Kuzma 2007; Scott 2007), specific targeted site genes and
drug delivery at cellular level (Maysinger 2007), nano-array based gene-technologies
for gene expressions in plants and animals under stress conditions (Walker 2005).
The potential is promising especially with incorporation of suitable technique and
sensors for precision agriculture, natural resource management, early detection of
contaminants in food products, smart delivery systems for agrochemicals, smart
system in food processing and packaging as well as other areas such as agricultural
and food system security monitoring (Day 2005; Moraru et al. 2003; Chau
et al. 2007).
Continuous developments in nanotechnology are expected to play the vital role
as main economic energetic forces for benefiting producers, farmers, ecosystem as
well as our society. More than 100 research projects on synthesizing and assembly
of ceramic particles, nanotubes, nanowires, nano-porous solids, nanostructured
alloys, and DNA chips have been supported along with establishment of a number
of shared facilities and infrastructure under this initiative. Some of the laboratories
are actively engaged in the research on design and synthesis of inorganic nanoma-
terials, especially in utilizing high Tc superconductors, magnetic materials, cataly-
sis, etc. (Hager 2011). If Indian agriculture is to achieve its broad national goal of
sustainable agricultural growth of over 4–5%, it is important that the nanotechnol-
ogy research is extended to the agricultural total production–consumption system,
i.e., across the comprehensive agricultural value chain. This would require focusing
on technologies that increase agricultural productivities, product quality, and effi-
cacy of resource usage that reduces the farm costs, raises the production value, and
increases farm incomes; as well as on conserving and enhancing the quality of the
natural resources. It would also require a conscientious effort in providing a system
to deliver these innovations based on nanotechnology to a product delivery stage
and ensure that these reach the rural stakeholders at the end of the agri-value chain
(Sekhon 2010).
The present study attempts to map out areas relevant to Indian agriculture, where
nanotechnology can provide viable solutions towards the challenges faced by our
agricultural industry. So we attempt in identifying areas where nanotechnology can
bring immediate impacts especially in Indian rural areas. Possible areas of nano-
technology with potential applications in Indian agriculture are: nanofertilizers that
possess slow release ability; nano-pesticides for controlled release; nano-emulsions
for greater efficiency; nanoparticles for soil conservation; smart delivery of nutri-
ents and drugs for livestock and fisheries; nanobrushes and membranes for soil and
water purification, cleaning of fishponds; and nanosensors for monitoring soil qual-
ity, plant health, and for precision agriculture and controlled environment agricul-
ture (National Planning Workshop 2003). Application of nanotechnology would be
possible in food processing industry such as nanocomposites and nano-
biocomposites for plastic film coatings used in food packaging, antimicrobial nano-
emulsions for applications in decontamination of food equipment, packaging, or
18 K. Hossain et al.
processing (Rai and Ingle 2012). We believe that the responsible development of
nanotechnology and nanomaterials in Indian agriculture must be accentuated as
application of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in agriculture and food systems in
global scale has been showing promising results.
Table 1 (continued)
Particle Preparation/synthesis
(nanoparticle) methods Main applications References
Nano-clays They are synthesized Geology, agriculture, Garrido-
(NCs): mainly by top-down construction, engineering, Ramirez et al.
(fine-grained approach from suitable process industries, and (2010) and
minerals having materials environmental applications, in Carretero and
sheet-like drug products as excipients and Pozo (2009,
geometry) active agents, improve the 2010)
mechanical strength of
Recently NCs have been found Grasielli et al.
to have application in sensor (2012)
Nanoremediation—mainly Gholam et al.
dyes, pesticides, etc. (2013) and Yan
et al. (2014)
Used in the manufacture of Jin and Zhong
biodegradable nanocomposite (2013)
Used in nanoreinforcement Aníbal et al.
packaging, nanocomposite (2014) and
active and nanocomposite smart Ranjan et al.
packaging (2014)
Nano-emulsions High-energy (high- Encapsulate functional food Ranjan et al.
(lipid phase pressure homogenization, components (2014), Astete
dispersed in an ultrasound, high-speed et al. (2009)
aqueous devices) and low energy and Finke et al.
continuous approaches (membrane (2014)
phase) emulsification, Increase bioavailability and Hira et al.
spontaneous bioactivity (2014), Ranjan
emulsification, solvent et al. (2014),
displacement, emulsion Joseph and
inversion point, phase Heike (2014)
inversion point) and Ghosh et al.
Antimicrobial, anthelmintic, Karthikeyan
insecticidal, pesticidal, et al. (2011,
weedicidal 2012), Megha
et al. (2014),
Chaw et al.
(2013) and
Chaw Jiang
et al. (2012)
Nanoremediation Alexey and
Simon (2014)
and Shams and
Ahi (2013)
Sources: Modified from Dasgupta et al. (2014)
Nanotechnology: A Boost for the Urgently Needed Second Green Revolution in Indian… 21
For this review, the first three sectors are discussed under the title ‘precision
farming’. Sensors and delivery systems are developed with the purpose of produc-
ing early, controlled, targeted, and more efficient interventions (irrigation, fertiliza-
tion, pest control, harvest). In addition, as fewer pesticides are lost during delivery/
application, adverse effects on the environment resulting from the accumulation of
harmful pollutants contained can be constrained and costs can be spared (Grobe and
Rissanen 2012). In accordance to Robinson and Morrison’s analyses, FAO and
WHO listed three main categories for the agricultural sector like nanosized agro-
chemicals; for smart delivery of agrochemicals in the field, better efficacy of pesti-
cides, better control over dosing of veterinary products, second water
decontamination; breakdown of organic pollutants, oxidation of heavy metals, elim-
ination of pathogens through use of nano-iron or other photocatalysts and animal
feed (use of nanosized additives, minerals, or vitamins) (Grobe and Rissanen 2012).
Plant parasitic nematodes are one of the world’s major agricultural pests, causing
a loss of about US$125 billion worldwide annually. Previously, nematode infesta-
tions were controlled by using nematicides which are toxic and are not eco-friendly.
These chemicals are either heavily restricted or eliminated entirely for use in the
United States due to their high toxicity. Therefore, research should be focused on
novel chemicals and smart delivery systems that will not only enhance the produc-
tion yield but are also eco-friendly in nature (Mousavi and Rezaei 2011). This
nanotechnology based delivery system has the ideal attributes for agricultural
application; it is robust and viable in a wide range of environments (Mousavi and
Rezaei 2011). Nanosensors and nano-based smart delivery systems can be used to
assist more efficient use of water, nutrients, and chemicals through precision farm-
ing. Through the use of nanomaterials together with global positioning systems
with satellite imaging of fields, farm managers could remotely detect crop pests or
evidence of stress easily such as drought (Fig. 1). Nanosensors dispersed in the
field can also help to detect the presence of plant viruses and to monitor the level
of nutrients in soil. Nano-encapsulated slow-release fertilizers are also receiving
lots of attention as they help to reduce unnecessary fertilizer consumption and to
minimize environmental pollution due to excessive use (Mousavi and Rezaei
2011). Some of the nanoparticles that have entered into the arena of controlling
plant diseases are nanoforms of carbon, silver, silica, and alumina-silicates
(Table 2). Nanoparticles of defined concentrations could be successfully used for
the control of various plant diseases caused by several phytopathogens (Kuzma
and Verhage 2006).
22 K. Hossain et al.
Fig. 1 Conceptual diagram of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) (a) and multi-walled
carbon nanotube (MWCNT) (b) delivery systems showing typical dimensions of length, width,
and separation distance between graphene layers in MWCNTs. (Source: Zheng et al. 2009)
Table 2 Nano particles which can use for controlling plant diseases
Nanoparticles Uses/Application References
Nano silver Nano silver is the most studied and utilized nano particle for Márcia
bio-system. It has long been known to have strong inhibitory et al. (2012)
and bactericidal effects as well as a broad spectrum of
antimicrobial activities
Silver nanoparticles, which have high surface area and high
fraction of surface atoms, have high antimicrobial effect as
compared to the bulk silver. Antifungal effectiveness of
colloidal nano silver (1.5 nm average diameter) solution against
rose powdery mildew caused by Sphaerotheca pannosa Var
It is being used as foliar spray to stop fungi, moulds, rot, and
several other plant diseases
Nano Alumino-silicate nanotubes with active ingredients are popular. Márcia
alumino-silicate The benefit of alumino-silicate nanotubes are sprayed on plant et al. (2012)
surfaces are easily picked up in insect hairs
Silica nanoparticles have shown that mesoporous silica nano
particles can deliver DNA and chemicals into plants, thus
creating a powerful new tool for targeted delivery into plant cells
Titanium dioxide TiO2 is harmless and no toxic so it can use in food products up Yao et al.
(TiO2) to 1% of product final weight (2009)
nanoparticles TiO2 photocatalyst technique has great potential in various
agricultural applications including plant protection since it has
non-toxic compounds and possesses great pathogen disinfection
Carbon Carbon-based nanomaterials (such as single-walled carbon Jurgons
nanomaterials nanotubes (SWCNTs), multi-walled carbon nanotubes et al. (2006)
(MWCNTs), buckyballs, graphene, etc.) occupy a prominent
position in various nano-biotechnology applications (Fig. 1)
Magnetic Magnetic-based nanomaterials could be utilized for site- Mornet
nanoparticles targeted delivery of systemic plant protection chemicals for the et al. (2004)
disease treatment which affect only specific regions of plants and Jurgons
The carbon-based nanomaterials (such as SWCNTs and et al. (2006)
MWCNTs) are functionalized with magnetic nano particles can
be used in internal space allows filling of suitable plant
protecting chemicals and the functionalized magnetic nano
particles allow external control of the movement of nano
carriers inside the plant system
Nanotechnology: A Boost for the Urgently Needed Second Green Revolution in Indian… 23
Nanotechnology provides new ways for improving and modifying existing crop
management techniques. Plant nutrients and plant protecting chemicals are used to
crops by spraying. Due to the difficulty such as degradation by photolysis, hydroly-
sis and microbial degradation, leaching of chemicals, only a very low concentration
of chemicals which is much below required minimal effective concentration, reach
the target site of crops (Singh et al. 2015).
There is a need for detecting plant disease at an initial stage so that tons of food can
be protected from the possible out-breaks. The Nanotechnologists have attempted
to look for a nano-solution for protecting the food and agriculture from bacteria,
fungus, and viral agents. It works as a detection method that can give results within
a few hours. The technology is very simple, portable, and accurate and does not
require any complicated technique for operation so that even a simple farmer can
use the portable system. If an independent nanosensors linked into a GPS system
for real-time monitoring can be distributed throughout the field to monitor soil
conditions and crop yield, it would be of great help. As per Sharon et al. (2010) the
union of biotechnology and nanotechnology in sensors will create equipment of
increased sensitivity, allowing an earlier response to environmental changes and
6.1 Fungi
Fungi are relatively recent in their use in synthesis of nanoparticles. There has been
a shift from bacteria to fungi to be used as natural ‘nano-factories’ owing to easy
downstream processing, easy handling (Mandal et al. 2006; Pirzadah et al. 2019),
and their ability to secrete a large amount of enzymes. However, fungi being eukaryotes
24 K. Hossain et al.
6.2 Bacteria
Among microbes, prokaryotes have received the most attention for biosynthesis of
nanoparticles (Mandal et al. 2006). Bacteria have been used to biosynthesize mostly
silver, gold, FeS, and magnetite nanoparticles and quantum dots (QDs) of cadmium
sulphide (CdS), zinc sulphide (ZnS), and lead sulphide (PbS).
Fig. 2 (a) Stereographic image of the surrounding of a triangle; (b) Stereographic image of the
rhombohedral cavity (white lines) formed by the triangles. (Source: F. Torney et al. 2007)
as magic bullets, containing chemicals, herbicides, or and genes, which target spe-
cific plant parts to release their content. Nano-capsules can empower effective
penetration of herbicides through cuticles and tissues, allowing slow and constant
release of the active substances (Perea-de-Lugue and Rubiales 2009). Scholars at
the Iowa State University have employed a 3 nm mesoporous silica nanoparticle
(MSN) in delivering DNA and chemicals into isolated plant cells. MSNs are
chemically coated and help as containers for the genes delivered into the plants.
The coating triggers the plant to take the particles through the cell walls, where the
genes are introduced and triggered in a precise and controlled manner, without any
toxic side and after effects. This technique has been applied to introduce DNA
effectively to tobacco and corn plants (Torney et al. 2007).
handled into fabric or garment, some of the cellulose or the fibres are discarded as
waste or used for low-value products such as cotton balls, yarns, and cotton batting.
The process of electrospinning usually uses an electrical charge to draw very fine
fibres from a liquid. The application of current should be in high voltage with liquid
droplet, the body of the liquid becomes charged, and electrostatic repulsion counter-
acts on the surface tension. At this juncture, the droplets are stretched at a critical
point where a stream of liquid erupts through the surface as the Taylor cone and
forms a charged liquid jet. The elongation and thinning of the fibre resulting from
this bending instability leads to the formation of uniform fibres with nanometre-
scale diameters (Fig. 3). These high-performance absorbents allow targeted applica-
tion at desired time and location (Mousavi and Rezaei 2011; Bhattacharyya et al.
2014, 2015). In the past 2 years, the ethanol production from maize feedstock has
augmented the global price of maize. Cellulosic feedstocks are now observed as a
viable option for biofuels production and nanotechnology can also improve the per-
formance of enzymes used in the conversion of cellulose to ethanol. Researchers are
working on nano-engineered enzymes that will license simple and cost-effective
alteration of cellulose from waste plant parts into ethanol (Ranjan et al. 2014). Rice
husk, a rice-milling by-product can be used as a source of renewable energy. When
rice husk is burned into thermal energy, a large amount of high-quality nanosilica is
formed which can be further exploited in making other materials such as glass and
concrete. Since there is an incessant source of rice husk, mass production of nano-
silica through nanotechnology can alleviate the growing rice husk disposal concern
(Mousavi and Rezaei 2011).
Taylor cone
Spinning tip
+ or –kV
Geometry of cone is governed
by the ratio of surface tension Zone of transition between
to electrostatic repulsion liquid and solid
Fig. 3 Diagram showing fibre formation by electrospinning (Source- Joanna Gatford 2008 The
New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Ltd)
Nanotechnology: A Boost for the Urgently Needed Second Green Revolution in Indian… 27
Two categories are often used to describe the broad field of nanotechnology applica-
tions in the food sector: First, ‘Nano inside’ for nutrients, food additives, or food
supplements with nanostructured ingredients or structures modified through the use
of nanotechnology; and second, ‘Nano outside’ for the use of nanotechnology in
food contact materials, including food processing, packaging, and sensor technolo-
gies. The World Health Organization (WHO) discusses the development of nano-
technology in the food industry, their current and potential benefits, and compares
them with conventional equivalents (FAO/WHO 2010). The applications of nano-
technology in the food sector are included in Table 3.
Table 3 Categorical uses of nanotechnology in food sector (FAO-UN & WHO 2010)
Category Area Function as Applications
Category-1 Nano- Nanostructured food Processed nanostructures in food or beverages
inside ingredients for improved taste or texture
Nanodelivery systems Nanomicelles, liposomes, or biopolymer-
for nutrients and based carrier systems that are used for taste
supplements masking of ingredients and additives, for
protection from degradation during
processing, for improvement of the nutrients’
or supplements’ bioavailability, for
antimicrobial activity, or for better optical
Organic nanosized For better dispensability of water-insoluble
additives for food, health additives in foodstuffs, enhanced taste or for
food supplements, and enhanced absorption, and improved
animal feed applications bioavailability in the body
Example—vitamins, colourants, flavouring
agents, and antioxidants
Inorganic nanosized Enhanced taste, enhanced absorption, and
additives for food, health improved bioavailability in the body,
food supplements, and including alkaline earth metals and non-
feed applications metals, silver, iron, silica, titanium dioxide,
selenium, calcium, magnesium
Category-2 Nano- Food packaging Plastic polymers containing or coated with
outside applications engineered nanomaterials for improved
mechanical or functional purposes
Nanocoatings on food Antimicrobial properties, for active or
contact surfaces self-cleaning surfaces. Surface functionalized
nanomaterials; adding functionalities such as
antimicrobial activity or a preservative action
(barrier properties)
Nanofiltration Filtrating of undesired components (tastes,
flavours, toxins, etc.) in food or clarifying
wines and beers, based on porous silica or
regenerated cellulose membranes
Nanosensors for food Incorporation of nanomaterials into intelligent
labelling inks, monitoring condition of the food during
transportation and storage (improving food
The current regulatory and public debate as well as NGOs activities, ‘nano inside’—
products where nanotechnology is directly applied to foodstuff will have a difficult
starting position and it can be taken into doubt if the communicational patterns of
the GMO-debate can be left behind without a quick and clear change of industries
communication strategies. For intelligent packaging and other applications of ‘nano
outside’ market acceptance could be easier if the key questions of risk assessment
concerning abrasion or uptake of nanoparticles from the packaging or food contact
materials are sufficiently answered. For applications in the agriculture sector the
future development is difficult to predict if it is becoming a part of the NGOs agen-
das, and as the fronts are not yet hardened, the agriculture industry is in a better
position to communicate transparently about the safety and sustainability of nano-
technological applications.
13 Conclusions
to innovate and adapt them to suit the socio-economic milieu. The research in this
sector in India is still at a preliminary stage and also at a conceptual level to under-
stand realistic assessments. This critical evaluation and its potential assessment play
a significant role before it could be used in any sectors.
Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge Asutosh College, Kolkata, GLA University and
Krishna University, India, and Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, for providing world class
infrastructure to continue the research work.
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Nano-enabled Agriculture Can Sustain
“Farm to Fork” Chain
Deepu Pandita
1 Introduction
D. Pandita (*)
Government Department of School Education, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
advanced research in the field of biotechnology and agriculture that makes use of
the manipulation of materials for their novel, physical as well as chemical properties
at nanoscale. The application of nanotechnology to agriculture is getting attention
nowadays (Shapira and Youtie 2015; Resham et al. 2015; Nath 2015; Prasad et al.
2014, 2017; Sekhon 2014; Jampílek and Kráľová 2015; Pirzadah et al. 2019).
Nanotechnology could revolutionize the field of agriculture (Dimkpa and Bindraban
2016; Manjunatha et al. 2016) and the entire nanotechnology industry in 2015 was
worth US$1 trillion (Harper 2015). The field of agri-nanotechnology is in its infancy,
but it has the power to change the whole agriculture and food sector in coming
years. Nanosciences and nanotechnology have been introduced into agricultural
system during the last decade, with the primary goal of increasing the crop yield and
improving food quality. This novel scientific approach has the potential to advance
and enhance the agricultural productivity of the crop plants by the use of NPs
through efficient nanofertilizers, nanopesticides, nanoherbicides (Tarafdar et al.
2013), nanosensors, nanotracers (Dimkpa et al. 2017) and disease management,
nanoporous zeolites for slow release and efficient dosage of water and fertilizer,
nanocapsules for chemical herbicide delivery, vector and pest control, and nanosen-
sors for early and rapid disease and pest detection (Scrinis and Lyons 2007) coating
with genetic and organic or inorganic nanomaterials (Fernández-Luqueño et al.
2016), genetic improvement of plants, delivery of genes and drug molecules to spe-
cific sites at cellular levels, by using nanosensors and controlled and smart delivery
systems for agrochemicals like fertilizers and pesticides (Chinnamuthu and
Boopathi 2009), detection of the presence of any kind of bacteria and pathogens
rapidly and accurately to keep the food fresh for long time can also be achieved by
small particulate nanotechnology (Fig. 1). Above 90% of Indian soils have low N
and P content, while 50% of soil samples are low in K, zinc (49%), boron (33%),
molybdenum (13%), iron (12%), manganese (5%), and copper (3%) (Singh et al.
2008) and these deficiencies cause stagnation in crop productivity. Chemical fertil-
izers improve crop productivity by 50% (Samra and Sharma 2009). But the nutrient
use efficiency by crops is very low due to nutrient loss through fixation, leaching,
volatilization, and microbial mineralization with losses averaging 10–75% present-
ing a prime target for improvement. Also the cost of production inputs like chemical
fertilizers and pesticides is expected to increase at an alarming rate due to limited
reserves of fuel like natural gas and petroleum (Prasad et al. 2012). Hence, it is
necessary to minimize nutrient losses in fertilization, and to increase the crop yield
through the exploitation of new applications with the help of nanotechnology and
nanomaterials. Kah et al. (2018) reported that the median gain in efficiency with
nanofertilizers was approximately 20–30%. Nanoparticles (NPs) can be utilized for
delivery of pesticides, fertilizers, and other agrochemicals by the production of
nanocapsules being highly stable and biodegradable (Jha et al. 2009). Nanofertilizers
or nano-encapsulated nutrients might have properties that are effective to crops,
release the nutrients on-demand, controlled release of chemicals fertilizers that reg-
ulate plant growth and enhanced target activity (De Rosa et al. 2010; Nair et al.
2010). Nanotechnology proponents (IFRI 2008) and academics keen to promote the
Millennium Development Goals have suggested that agri-nanotechnology will
Nano-enabled Agriculture Can Sustain “Farm to Fork” Chain 37
and Disease
Shoot/root biomass
Application of Engineered Nanoparticles on Plant and Crops
Nanosensors and
Nanotracers Root elongation
Monitor Soil
Improved number,
Irrigation size and biomass
Agronomic Traits of flowers and fruits
Enhanced protein,
Qualitative Traits Carbohydrate and
Crop Improvement lipid content
Improved Pigment
Nanoparticles altered gene expression
Physiological Traits
Enhanced RuBisCO Increased Productivity
Enhanced Anticancer
Secondary Metabolite and antidiabetic
enhancement contents Stomatal
Increased concentration
Efficient reduction of of artimisinin, hypericin,
agrochemicals usage hyperforin, aloin etc.
Fig. 1 Applications of engineered nanoparticles in the agriculture sector. Source: Misra P, Shukla
PK, Pramanik K, Gautam S, Kole C (2016) Nanotechnology for Crop Improvement. In: Kole
C, Kumar D, Khodakovskaya M. (eds) Plant Nanotechnology. Springer, Cham
2.1 Nanobarcodes
In our daily life, identification tags have been applied in wholesale agriculture and
livestock products. Due to small size, NPs have been applied in many fields ranging
from advanced biotechnology to agricultural encoding. Nanobarcodes have been
used as ID tags for multiplexed analysis of gene expression and intracellular histo-
pathology (Branton et al. 2008). It has been proved economically proficient, rapid,
and effortless technique in decoding and recognition of diseases as multiple patho-
gens in a farm could be tagged and detected at any time by fluorescent-based tools
through this scientific technique (Li et al. 2005). The nanobarcodes serve as uniquely
identifiable nanoscale tags and have also been applied for authentication or tracking
in agricultural food and husbandry products (Han et al. 2001).
2.2 Nanosensors
and nanostructural layer biosensors are used for detecting Aspergillus niger (Etefagh
et al. 2013). The demand for onsite and real-time and sensor-based pathogen detec-
tion is expanding due to dynamic changes in plant-pathogen types. Methods based
on direct-charge transfer conductometric biosensor (Pal et al. 2008), CNTs (Serag
et al. 2013), and silver and gold NPs (Sadowski 2010) have been developed to detect
DNA or protein-functionalized gold NPs to be used as target-specific probes. A CO2
sensor was developed using polyaniline boronic acid conducting polymer for detect-
ing real-time spoilage of stored grain (Neethirajan et al. 2010). The conjunction of
NPs with enzymes has enhanced the sensitivity and stability of biosensors. Several
NP-based enzymatic biosensors like nanofibers, nanocomposite, graphene, and
nanotubes are available for detecting organophosphorus and non-organophosphorus
pesticides (Zhang et al. 2015). Acetolactate synthase-inhibitor herbicides metsulfu-
ron-methyl and imazaquin were detected by atomic force microscope tip functional-
ized with acetolactate synthase (da Silva et al. 2014). Another nanobiosensor type
was made by entrapping acetylcholinesterase in the liposome setup which success-
fully detected organophosphorus pesticides paraoxon and dichlorvos (Vamvakaki
and Chaniotakis 2007). Nanobiosensor based multi-walled carbon nanotubes
(MWCNT)-immobilized acetylcholinesterase was introduced for pesticide detec-
tion (Du et al. 2007). The same setup was used to detect aflatoxin through MWCNT-
immobilized aflatoxin oxidase (Li et al. 2017). Such ultrasensitive enzymatic
nanobiosensors have a pesticide detection limit of 50 pg/liter (Verma 2017). DNA-
based nanosensors can prove an important rapid solution for detection of plant dis-
eases (Fang and Ramasamy 2015). By using smart nanosensors, the precise amount
of plant-specific fertilizers and insecticides can be delivered. Designing diagnostic
nanosensors that can be integrated with pesticide delivery system for automatically
combating insect attack, fungal infection, or drought could revolutionize the agri-
culture field. Porous hollow silica NPs (PHSNs) complemented with a pesticide
have been tested with success in agriculture for prolonged controlled delivery of a
chemical agent (Liu et al. 2006). The graphene oxide biosensing enhances detection
of aflatoxins in food materials (Zhang et al. 2016). Nanobased biosensors are avail-
able against Cowpea mosaic virus, Tobacco mosaic virus, and Lettuce mosaic virus
(Lin et al. 2014).
The global market value for food and food packaging products in 2006 which were
developed through the use of nanotechnology was estimated by two market reports
at US$4 million and US$7 billion, and predicted for growth to US$6 billion by 2012
and >US$20 billion by 2010 (www.cientifica.com, www.hkc22.com). The economic
value of nanotechnology in the agri-food market in 2010 was expected to be US$20.4
billion (Farhang 2009), in form of product development (e.g., nano-delivery, nano-
42 D. Pandita
(Scrinis and Lyons 2007; Sozer and Kokini 2009). In real market applications,
Nestlé, British Airways, Monoprix Supermarkets are utilizing chemical nanosensors
that can detect color modification (Pehanich 2006).
Soil security aims at the long-term sustainable production of sufficient food quan-
tity (Bouma et al. 2015). The security conception is more difficult once applied to
soils. Rather than relate to a sustainable, daily need in terms of food intake, soil
security relates to what might happen if soils degrade to the extent that sufficient
food production is not feasible anymore. Soil degradation may be a long run process,
very much related to varying socio-economic conditions. Except for erosion, its
effects are often gradual and difficult to communicate and translate into environ-
mental and economic values. However, once soils degrade to the extent that they
cannot any longer offer certain ecosystem services, of which food production is
only one provisioning service, the consequences for society are devastating. To
mitigate degraded soils is very difficult and even impossible when soil has been
removed by erosion. The challenge, therefore, is to create early awareness about the
dangers of soil degradation that may, in the end, terminate many ecosystem services
the soil can provide (Bouma et al. 2015). Nanomaterials (NMs) can work out soil
restoration problems. These play an imperative part as clay minerals which control
both the physical and chemical properties of the soil and governing cation exchange
capacity (CEC) of the soil which in turn enhances fertility and productivity (De
Boodt et al. 2013). Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) improve plant growth, boost
soil water and nutrient holding capacity of soil, enhance the amount of biosolids to
agricultural fields, and clean up and restore soil after accidental spills (Gardea-
Torresdey et al. 2014). Besides the soil security, the food security was and will
remain a major global issue of the twenty-first century. Furthermore, principal
determinants of food security include the availability and quality of soil resources,
and their interactions with water resources as well as vegetation (crop species)
through energy-based inputs using social control skills for optimizing the net pri-
mary productivity (Lal 2015). This net primary productivity is specifically affected
by critical linkages that govern some specific functions of nexuses. These nexuses
embody the primary one, soil and water for the plant, available water capacity by
influencing water retention and transmission, conversion of blue and gray into green
water, and elevate the consequences of pedologic and agronomic droughts (Lal
2015). The second one includes the soil and vegetation for biogeochemical cycling,
which determines elemental budgets, nutrient use efficiency, root distribution and
turnover, and soil/root respiration. The third is vegetation and energy for energy/
mass transformation and influencing energy productivity, ecosystem carbon budget,
and biomass feed stocks for biofuel production. Finally, the fourth one is energy and
water affecting the hydrological cycle with specific impacts on water and energy
balance on a landscape, energy use in irrigated systems, and moderation of the
hydrological/meteorological droughts. These nexuses have an effect on and are
influenced by climate changes and variability on the one hand and anthropogenic/
manmade perturbations on the opposite (Lal 2015). Lal (2015) reported about the
importance of nexuses and their inter-connectivity. There is a close relationship
between soil security, water security, climate security, energy security, economic
Nano-enabled Agriculture Can Sustain “Farm to Fork” Chain 45
security, and political security (Lal 2015). Concerning the food security, it includes
availability, access, nutritional quality, and retention, which strongly depends on
soil security (quality, resilience), water security (quality, renewability, availability),
energy security (dependability, supply, price), climate security (optimal temperature
and moisture regimes, and low frequency of extreme events), economic security
(income and access to resources), and political stability (peace and harmony).
Therefore, the co-productivity generated by the anthropogenic use of primary
resources (soil, water, climate) and secondary inputs (amendments, fertilizers,
irrigation, tillage) should be optimized. Understanding and judiciously managing
the water-soil-waste nexus for food security is important to enhancing human well-
being, achieving the sustainable use of natural resources, improving the environ-
ment, and sustaining ecosystem functions and services (Lal 2015). The zero-valent
iron NPs have high absorption affinity toward heavy metals and organic compounds
because of which these help in remediation of pesticide-infested soil. Fe NPs pos-
sess great soil-binding qualities like CaCO3. The nanosized sulfonated polyaniline
(nSPANI) NM delays soil surface crust formation and has no impact on crop germi-
nation (Mohammadi and Khalafi-Nezhad 2012). Nanoclays stabilize sandy soil
with soil application as grown media additive in small-scale cultivation (Boroghani
et al. 2011) and cause thymol encapsulation with insecticide and bactericide activity
(Guarda et al. 2011). Chitosan NPs lead to carvacrol encapsulation wherein bioac-
tive compound found in thyme has bactericidal activity (Higueras et al. 2013). Zein
NPs cause eugenol and curcumin encapsulation which have insecticide, nematicide,
and bactericide activity (Zhang et al. 2014).
It has been reported in the plant system that chitosan has the ability to induce mul-
tifaceted disease resistance (El-Hadrami et al. 2010) and antimicrobial activity
(Prasad et al. 2017). Chitosan is an effective biotic elicitor that induces the systemic
resistance in plants. CNP have antifungal properties in response to different plant
pathogens (Saharan et al. 2013). The induction of natural defense mechanism
involves overexpression of different defensive genes and enzymes, amplified depo-
sition of phenolic compounds, cell wall synthesis, etc. Plants treated with different
biological elicitor molecules have shown to provoke such innate immune response
by mimicking variety of pathogens (McCann et al. 2012). As an exogenous elicitor,
chitosan can stimulate resistance in plant host by increasing some defense-related
enzyme activities, such as phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POD),
catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activi-
ties (Xing et al. 2015). Six plant defense responses to chitosan nanostructures
including: reactive oxygen species (ROS), hypersensitive response (HR),
46 D. Pandita
TiO2 increases the enzyme activities which decreases the accumulation of ROS. TiO2
nanoparticle treatment defends chloroplasts aging for extended-time illumination
by increasing the defense properties of POD, SOD, and CAT. Decrease deposition
of ROS and the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) maintain steadiness of membrane
structure of chloroplast treated with luminance (Hong et al. 2005). In Phaseolus
vulgaris, nano-TiO2 enhanced activities of SOD, CAT, POD, MDA, and 8-deoxy-2-
hydroxyguanosine (8-OHDG) content (Ebrahimi et al. 2016).
Tan et al. (2009) showed that when rice seedlings were exposed with MWCNTs, the
ROS levels significantly increased and the cell viability decreased. This is because
these nanotubes make contact with the cell walls and undergo ROS defense response
cascade, which is ample to avoid microbial pathogens from finishing their life cycle
(Smirnova et al. 2011). Moreover, Lin and Xing (2007) also observed apoptosis in
cells of lettuce exposed to multiwall carbon nanotube. Multiwalled carbon nano-
tubes (MWCNTs) when coated with metallic nanomaterials like Ag NPs or Zn NPs
control the growth of the phytopathogens, Aspergillus fumigatus, and A. ochraceus
(Fosso-Kankeu et al. 2016).
Nano-enabled Agriculture Can Sustain “Farm to Fork” Chain 47
Nano-Zn increased GSH levels and CAT activity in buckwheat leaves (Lee et al.
2013). Kim et al. (2012b) noticed high activity for SOD, POD, and CAT when
treated by nano-ZnO in cucumber plants and higher SOD in Spirodela polyrhiza
(Hu et al. 2013). The ZnO NPs increased the action of antioxidant defense enzymes
and upregulated the production level of SOD and POX isoenzymes in Gossypium
hirsutum plants (Priyanka and Venkatachalam 2016).
NPs are discovered to induce oxidative stress and alter gene expression in plants
(Wang et al. 2013). ROS not only restrict pathogen entrance but also play an impor-
tant role in activating local and systemic defense systems such as the stimulation of
pathogenesis associated protein genes (Henry et al. 2013). The plant hormones sali-
cylic acid, jasmonic acid, and ethylene play significant roles in defense reactions as
signaling molecules (Robert-Seilaniantz et al. 2011). The speedy production of O2
or phenoxyl radicals in tomato roots treated with MgO NPs may play a related role
in the resistance response of tomatoes against Ralstonia solanacearum (Imada et al.
2016). Chitosan extensively elevates polyphenol oxidase activity in rice plantlets
followed by inoculation of two rice pathogens (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and
X. oryzae pv. oryzicola) (Li et al. 2013). Silver and ZnO NP treatment lead to
increase in contents of free radicals, together with ROS, reactive nitrogen species,
and hydrogen peroxide in duckweed (Thwala et al. 2013). Cu-chitosan NPs showed
48 D. Pandita
significant fungicidal activity against Curvularia leaf spot (CLS) in maize and
induce the systemic acquired resistance as well as promote development of Zea
mays (Choudhary et al. 2017). Cu-chitosan NPs adhere to fungal hyphae and
obstruct the mycelial growth of R. solani and S. rolfsii and inhibit their sclerotia
formation (Rubina et al. 2017).
uptake (Meir et al. 2014). The nanoscale drug-delivery systems with agricultural
nutrients (liposomes loaded with Mg or Fe), when sprayed to leaves of tomato
plants with acute nutrient deficiency of Mg and Fe deficiencies, penetrate the leaf
and translocate in a bi-directionally throughout the plant, taking advantage of the
plant’s natural transportation mechanisms and without exerting any toxicity.
Liposomal formulations restored both chlorosis and epinasty, and activated plant-
growth mechanisms. These research findings support developing the implementa-
tion of nanotechnology field for delivering micronutrients to agricultural crops for
increasing yield (Karny et al. 2018). Intracellular (in the nucleus or cytoplasm)
cargo release (dye from the liposomes) can be mediated by the disruption of the
nanoparticle by lipases, or due to dye leakage caused by osmotic destabilization
(Brodin et al. 2015). These results show that nanotechnology grants a new techno-
logical alternative for treating fully grown crops.
Zarei et al. (2018) reported that a great attention is recently given to the smart deliv-
ery systems of organic and inorganic agrochemical to deliver the nucleic acids into
the plant cells. The nanosized materials are a promising tool for delivery of genetic
material inside plant cells. Carbon nanomaterials can penetrate and enter into cells
and thus can be employed for the purpose of DNA molecule delivery (Burlaka et al.
2015). The technology of nucleic acid and chemicals delivery to plant cells using
mesoporous silica nanoparticle system (MSNPs) has become apparent (Galbraith
2007; Torney et al. 2007; Martin-Gullon et al. 2006; Martin-Ortigosa et al. 2014).
Liu et al. (2009) proved the possibility of delivery of DNA by carbon nanotubes
inside Nicotiana tabacum cell for the first time. Carbon nanotubes are the best
example showing safe interaction with biomacromolecules and a remarkable poten-
tial nano-vector to transfect plant cells with genes of interest (Wang et al. 2014).
The single-walled-CNTs (SWCNTs) act as nano-transporters for delivery of DNA
and dye molecules into plant cells (Srinivasan and Saraswathi 2010). Khodakovskaya
et al. (2012) reported MWCNTs induce cell division, proliferation, and activated
expression of several genes of cell division (CycB), cell wall extension (NtLRX1),
and water transport (NtPIP1) in tobacco callus after penetration. Martin-Ortigosa
et al. (2012) reported improvement of delivery of DNA inside Allium cepa epider-
mal tissue with use of gold nanorods (NRs). Created MSNPs were effective for
mediated co-delivery of protein and plasmid DNA into plant cells (Martin-Ortigosa
et al. 2012). According to Nima et al. (2014), AuNR/Ag nanoparticles are excellent
candidates for delivery of different molecules including nucleic acid into plant cells.
Another promising type of nanomaterials for nucleic acid delivery is polymer
nanoparticles. Thus, fluorescent conjugated polymer nanoparticles (CPNs) were
used to deliver siRNAs and knockdown specific gene target in tobacco BY-2 proto-
Nano-enabled Agriculture Can Sustain “Farm to Fork” Chain 51
plasts (da Silva et al. 2014). MSNPs can edit genome and generate precisely modi-
fied “nontransgenic” plants. Using MSNPs as carrier, cre-recombinase protein when
delivered into Zea mays (Martin-Ortigosa et al. 2014) removed loxP-defined DNA
fragment from maize genome. Different reports suggested that the MWCNTs have
a more magic ability to influence the seed germination and plant growth and work
as a delivery system of DNA and chemicals to plant cells (Lahiani et al. 2015). On
the other hand, scientists indicated that both MWCNTs and SWCNTs were docu-
mented by using Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
(Lahiani et al. 2015). The single-stranded DNA molecules wrapped around
SWCNTs were able to target the cytoplasm of walled plant cells. So RNA pieces
can be sent into the nucleus to activate or silence the genes and plasmids into proto-
plast for delivery into the plant cell genome (Serag et al. 2015). Plant genetic engi-
neering can benefit from nanotechnology in the area of improvement of plant
transformation. Plant transformation efficiency can be increased with nanovehicles
by more precise delivery of genetic material, ability to control gene expression
through release of incorporated chemical inducer and better detection of nano-
delivered genetic material inside cell. Nanoparticle-mediated transformation signi-
fies a promising approach for plant genetic engineering because of being simple,
easy to perform, cost effective, applicable to adult plants across varied species, does
not require specialized, expensive devices and thus is widely applicable. Based on
the particle size and surface charge, SWCNTs can navigate the stiff plant cell walls,
cell membranes, and chloroplast membrane by lipid exchange envelope penetration
(LEEP), and finally get kinetically entrapped inside the chloroplasts (Giraldo et al.
2014; Wong et al. 2016; Lew et al. 2018). Recently Kwak et al. (2019) have demon-
strated the possibility of chloroplast transformation (chloroplast-targeted gene
delivery) using chitosan-complexed SWCNTs as nanocarriers designed using the
LEEP model to maximize the trafficking efficiency and protect and deliver pDNA–
SWNT 9pDNA encoding a YFP reporter gene) conjugates into the chloroplasts
transiently transgene expression in mature Eruca sativa, Nasturtium officinale,
Nicotiana tabacum, and Spinacia oleracea plants and in isolated Arabidopsis thali-
ana mesophyll protoplasts. This nanoparticle-mediated chloroplast transgene deliv-
ery tool provides practical advantages over current delivery techniques as a potential
transformation method for mature plants to benefit plant bioengineering and bio-
logical studies. Recently, Demirer et al. (2019) reported efficient diffusion-based
DNA delivery with nanomaterials and protein expression without transgene integra-
tion in Nicotiana benthamiana (Nb), Eruca sativa (arugula), Triticum aestivum
(wheat), and Gossypium hirsutum (cotton) leaves and arugula protoplasts.
Global economy reported that the agribusiness market estimation was in the range
of US$ 20.7 billion to US$ 0.98 trillion in 2010 which was expected to go beyond
US$ 3.4 trillion by 2020 (Hooley et al. 2014). Under National Nanotechnology
52 D. Pandita
Initiative, USA invested US$ 3.7, while Japan and the European Union enhance
nanotechnology area with annual funding of US$750 million and US$ 1.2 billion,
respectively (Hirsh et al. 2014). The developing countries which face the stigma of
population explosion, also need to take up research in this area and apply nanobio-
technology based concepts for the sustainable agriculture. The agri-nanotechnology
may take many decades to maneuver from laboratory to land. To feed billions of
people, agricultural practices like plant breeding and IPM are not sufficient and
need smart alternatives that could match our current and future food demands.
Nanotechnology, a novel high-tech for agriculture is most promising and attractive
field which could potentially address global challenges in food and agriculture and
will ensure food security, development of environment friendly and sustainable
agriculture. By employing NPs we can reduce input on chemicals, minimize nutri-
ent loss and environmental footprints, and enhance crop yield. Nanotechnology as a
versatile platform is sufficient in alleviating problems of higher chemical input cost,
poor efficiency of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers and their con-
tamination in land and groundwater by providing cost-effective, reduced use of effi-
cient high-targeting delivery and smart controlled releasing nano-agrochemicals.
These nanochemicals release the nutrients during the demand-driven period in a
precise manner. Nanotechnology also enables the environmentally acceptable solu-
tions for reduced water pollution, food product residual contamination and the
nanosensors and barcodes enable efficient and healthy useage of agricultural
resources which increase the soil and environmental qualities. The mode of action
of NPs is possibly more complex, linking to a long way of actions, which need to
further investigate.
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Role of Nanotechnology in Crop
1 Introduction
Weed Management
aspects (González-Melendi et al. 2008), etc. Due to its rapid development, nano-
technology is expected to change greatly many areas of food science and industry
with increasing investment and market share (He and Hwang 2016; Yata et al. 2018).
In the field of crop improvement, scientists are trying to disclose the inherent poten-
tial of the nanotechnology through an array of experiments in different directions by
taking the advantage of biotechnology (called as Nanobiotechnology). The use of
nanoparticles in crop science is developing a great interest among the researchers
because of their various beneficial effects (Zheng et al. 2005). A number of studies
showed positive response towards plant growth and development on exposure to
nanoparticles (Lu et al. 2002; Shah and Belozerova 2009; Sharon et al. 2010;
Sheykhbaglou et al. 2010; Kole et al. 2013; Razzaq et al. 2016) and their role in
relation to their uptake, internalization, translocation, and persistence has been well
presented and documented in many research articles.
Nanotechnology is emerging as a paradigm shift and is evolving as an encourag-
ing tool to initiate a new era of precise farming techniques and methods, hence may
furnish with a possible solution for enhanced agricultural productivity and crop
improvement (Misra et al. 2016). It will strengthen the mission towards evergreen
revolution with limited inputs but maximum output. Although implementation of
nanotechnology for agriculture sustainability is in its infancy stage, there are excep-
tional and unparalleled examples of nanoparticles where it has energized agriculture
in many ways. In the present chapter, influences of different nanoparticles (carbon,
metal-based, and metal oxide) on various growth parameters of different crop plants
have been presented. Beneficial role of nanoparticles through plant biomass and
yield, seed germination, increased root-shoot length as well as enhancement in
secondary metabolite production of various crop plants including onion, cucumber,
tomato, soybean, rice, maize, wheat, potato, chickpea, barley, mustard, mung bean,
cluster bean cabbage, etc. has been discussed throughout the chapter.
detection of diseases and pests by nanosensors, seed management and their protec-
tion from pathogens and maintaining their genetic purity by separation of unviable
and infected seeds (Chinnamuthu and Boopathi 2009). Due to its rapid progression
and development towards possible solutions, nanotechnology is considered to play
its important roles for the current problems in the field of agriculture (Abobatta
2018). A number of patents and products have been developed where nanomaterials
have been incorporated into agricultural practices, for instance, nanopesticides,
nanofertilizers, and nanosensors (Servin et al. 2015).
The advantageous role of nanoparticles in crop plants has been evidenced through
effective demonstration of enhanced percentage in seed germination (Lu et al. 2002;
Nair et al. 2010; Gopinath et al. 2014), increased shoot and root length (Liu et al.
2005; Hafeez et al. 2015), increased yield of fruits, enhancement in metabolite con-
tent (Kole et al. 2013), and a substantial increase in vegetative biomass of seedlings
and plants in many crops. Likewise, the influence of nanoparticles in many bio-
chemical parameters related to plant growth and development has also been reported,
viz. enhanced photosynthetic rate and nitrogen use efficiency in many crop plants
including soybean (Ngo et al. 2014), peanut (Prasad et al. 2012; Liu et al. 2005),
spinach (Zheng et al. 2005; Hong et al. 2005; Yang et al. 2006; Gao et al. 2008;
Klaine et al. 2008; Linglan et al. 2008). A much better understanding of the nature
of dynamic interactions between nanoparticles (NPs) and plant responses, such as
their uptake, localization, and activity, could significantly revolutionize crop pro-
duction through increased resistance against diseases, nutrient utilization, and crop
yield (Wang et al. 2016). Nanoscale materials can provide programmed, time-
controlled, target-specific, self-regulated, and many more multifunctional capabili-
ties (Nair et al. 2010). For example, engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) can deliver
agrochemicals in an “on-demand” manner, which may serve either as nutritional
demand or protection against pathogens and pests. Hence nanotechnology provides
a way to avoid regular and repeated application of conventional agrochemicals and
thus reduces adverse effects on plants as well as environment. In addition to this,
nanoparticle-mediated targeted delivery of various phytoactive molecules including
nucleotides and proteins has the capability to regulate plant metabolism and their
genetic modification.
In a long list of nanoparticles (NPs), the most significant group is formed by carbon
nanomaterials (CNMs) due to their unique chemical, electrical, mechanical, and
thermal properties. Carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) including single-/multi-walled
carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs/MWCNTs), C60/70 fullerenes, carbon NPs, and
Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Improvement 67
Different studies have been carried out to ascertain the effect of metal-based
nanoparticles (MBNPs) such as silver (Ag), copper (Cu), gold (Au), iron (Fe), and
molybdenum (Mo) on plants including wheat, maize, mung bean, mustard, spinach,
etc. Application of MBNPs has a profound effect on various growth parameters of
plants. They have been found to increase growth and physiological activities, water
and fertilizer use efficiency, germination of seeds, stimulate nodule formation, and
inhibit abscission of reproductive organs of plant. The use of silver nanoparticles
(SNPs) for crop improvement has been a topic of interest for researchers. SNPs
have variable responses in different plants and they affect plant growth by inducing
changes at physiological and molecular levels (Yan and Chen 2019). In a study, the
effect of soil applied SNPs at concentrations of 25–50 ppm on wheat plants showed
increased plant height and fresh and dry weights as compared to control. The expo-
sure of SNPs positively affected the number of seminal roots and at lower concen-
tration (25 ppm), it enhanced yield by increasing grain number/spike (Razzaq et al.
2016). Thus, sensible use of SNPs to soil can improve the yield of wheat; however,
further investigations need to be taken into consideration like concentration, mode
and time of application so as to realize the potential of SNPs in crop growth and
yield improvements for other plants in an ecofriendly manner. SNPs at 50 ppm con-
centration have been found to increase root fresh weight, total chlorophyll in mung
bean plants (Najafi and Jamei 2014). Similar effects of these nanoparticles have
been observed in case of Indian mustard seedlings wherein SNPs enhanced root and
shoot length, fresh weight, vigor index, and chlorophyll contents (Sharma et al.
2012). SNPs delay senescence as reported in mung bean where application of
100 μL of SNPs effectively suppressed oxidative stress-induced senescence
(Karuppanapandian et al. 2011). In another study, effects of different concentrations
(20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 ppm) of SNPs on various growth parameters in common
bean and maize was carried out and it was observed that at lower concentrations (20,
40, and 60 ppm), SNPs showed positive impact on the growth of both common bean
and maize plantlets, viz. increasing shoot and root lengths, leaf area, chlorophyll,
carbohydrate, and protein contents; however, at higher concentrations (80 and
Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Improvement 69
Table 1 (continued)
NPs concentration Plant Effects Reference
ZnO NPs 20 ppm Mung bean Root and shoot Mahajan et al. (2011)
1 ppm Gram biomass
20 mg/L Tomato Growth and Panwar et al. (2012)
1000 ppm Peanut Stem and root Prasad et al. (2012)
growth, high
500, 1000, Mung bean Dry weight Patra et al. (2013)
4000 ppm
1.5 ppm Chick pea Shoot and dry Burman et al. (2013)
10–40 μg/mL Onion Seed yield Laware and Raskar
50 mg Mung bean Biomass weight Jayarambabu et al.
10 mg/L Cluster bean Shoot length, Raliya and Tarafdar
root area, and (2013)
plant biomass
Silicon dioxide 15 kg/ha Maize Growth and Yuvakumar et al.
NPs growth (2011)
– Tomato Antioxidant Haghighi et al. (2012)
– Squash Antioxidant Siddiqui and
system under Al-Whaibi (2014)
Stress condition
CuO NPs 500 mg/kg Wheat Biomass Dimkpa et al. (2012)
30 ppm Wheat Growth and Hafeez et al. (2015)
CeO2 NPs 2000 mg/L Maize, Shoot growth López-Moreno et al.
4000 mg/L alfalfa, and biomass (2010)
125, 250, Wheat Yield and Rico et al. (2014)
500 mg/kg soil nutritional
CaCO3 NPs – Mung bean Seedling growth Yugandhar and
and biomass Savithramma (2013)
100 ppm), they show inhibitory effect (Salama 2012). Besides SNPs, gold (Au)
nanoparticles are regarded as a promising tool in the field of crop improvement.
Au nanoparticles have long ago been used for delivery of genetic material in plant
cells. They have been reported to enhance seed yield by threefold over the control
Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Improvement 71
Nanoparticles of metal oxides such as ZnO, TiO2, Fe2O3, CeO2, and SiO2 have been
used for crop improvement in various plants. They have a significant potential to
improve seed germination, plant growth, and yield (Razzaq et al. 2016). However,
their effect varies depending upon the dosage or concentration of the nanoparticle
used. For example, ZnO NPs enhance root elongation in soybean at lower concen-
tration (500 mg/L), but at the same time it shows inhibitory effect at higher concen-
trations (4000 mg/L) and hence reduces the root length (López-Moreno et al. 2010).
Similarly, ZnO NPs showed concentration-dependent growth pattern in chickpea
and mung bean seedlings. Maximum growth in case of mung bean was observed at
20 ppm, while for chickpea seedlings, the maximum growth occurred at 1 ppm
concentration (Mahajan et al. 2011). ZnO nanoparticles have been proved much
more beneficial for growth, flowering, and seed productivity in onion plants (Laware
and Raskar 2014). Exposure of different concentrations (0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 μg/
mL) of ZnO NPs was given to 6-month-aged onion bulbs and the treatment was
given three times at the interval of 15 days and different growth parameters were
assessed both at flowering as well as at the time of harvest. It was observed that
plants treated with ZnO NPs at the concentrations of 20 and 30 μg/ml showed sig-
nificant growth and flowered 12–14 days earlier in comparison with control.
Moreover, a remarkable enhancement in yield was obtained due to production of
high-quality and healthy seeds. ZnO nanoparticles have also been used to enhance
nutritional quality and growth of leaves in spinach. Application of 500 and 1000 ppm
ZnO nanoparticle has increased leaf length, width, surface area, and color of spin-
ach leaves as compared to control. At the same concentration, elevated levels of
protein and dietary fiber contents were observed (Kisan et al. 2015). In another
study, chlorophyll formation, photosynthesis, and plant dry weight of spinach were
enhanced by the application of TiO2 nanoparticles (Hong et al. 2005). Thus, there is
the possibility of using nanoparticles of ZnO and TiO2 as biofortification agents so
as to improve protein and dietary fiber contents of spinach leaves to reduce malnu-
trition. Feizi et al. (2013) reported that application of nano-sized TiO2 at 60 ppm
concentration increases seed germination in Foeniculum species. In Zea mays,
nano-TiO2 plays a significant role in increasing pigments when sprayed at reproduc-
tive stage which finally led to increase in yield (Morteza et al. 2013). Application of
TiO2 NPs exhibited positive response on regeneration efficiency in aromatic rice
(cultivar KDML105) (Zahra et al. 2017).
The effects of iron oxide (Fe2O3) nanoparticles have been studied in peanut and
it was demonstrated that application of nano-Fe2O3 significantly increased nutrient
absorption that resulted in enhanced growth and photosynthesis (Liu et al. 2005).
Similarly, exposure of nano-Fe2O3 (0.5 g/L) increased yield in soybean due to
increase in leaf and pod dry weight (Sheykhbaglou et al. 2010). The application of
Fe2O3 NPs on soybean via foliar and soil route had different effects. Enhancement
in root elongation and photosynthetic potential were remarkably higher by foliar
spray as compared to soil route probably due to accumulation of iron ions (Alidoust
and Isoda 2013). However, nanoparticles vary in their effects depending upon mode
Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Improvement 73
cells (Galbraith 2007; Torney et al. 2007). Application of nanoparticles for enhance-
ment of secondary metabolite production has been carried out under both in vivo
and in vitro conditions. In the former, there is direct usage of nanoparticles in a
precise concentration either by foliar spray or treatment with seeds or soil. Whereas
in the latter case, nanoparticles have been used as elicitors for enhancing the expres-
sion level of genes related to the production of secondary metabolites (Isah 2019).
Much of the work has been done to realize the effect of nanoparticles as elicitors for
secondary metabolite production under in vitro conditions. However, there are
many reports regarding the enhancement of secondary metabolites through in vivo
nanotreatments. For example, foliar application of nano-iron (Fe NP) had signifi-
cant effect on the production of essential oil content in pot marigold. Fe NPs (0, 1,
2, and 3 g/L) were sprayed at different stages and the effect on yield of essential oil
was highly remarkable at first harvest. Highest percentage (1.573%) of essential oil
was achieved when spraying at early stage (stem initialized) that led to the maxi-
mum yield of essential oil (2.397 kg/ha) in the flower (López-Moreno et al. 2010).
Similarly, application of ZnO NPs improved gum content and its viscosity in cluster
bean when 14-day-old plant was foliar-sprayed with NP concentration of 10 mg/L
(Raliya and Tarafdar 2013). Likewise, the impact of fullerol [C60(OH)20] signifi-
cantly increased phytomedicinal content in exposed bitter melon (Momordica
charantia) fruits. There was an increase in the levels of both anticancer, including
cucurbitacin-B and lycopene by 74 and 82%, and antidiabetic compounds, includ-
ing charantin and insulin by 20 and 91%, respectively (Kole et al. 2013). Generally,
plants produce secondary metabolites when exposed to different inducer molecules
or elicitors (Zhao et al. 2005a, b). Nanoparticles are potentially effective and novel
elicitors that have been used in plant biotechnology to enhance production of sec-
ondary metabolites (Fakruddin et al. 2012). Given below are the examples of sec-
ondary metabolites that have been significantly influenced by the application of
nanoparticles under in vitro conditions.
Aloin is one of the important secondary metabolites derived from Aloe vera that
possesses antimicrobial and medicinal property, and is used to treat skin burns, cuta-
neous injuries, and ulcers. Cell suspension cultures of Aloe vera were treated with
different elicitors (nano-Ag, nano-TiO2, NH4NO3, and sucrose) to investigate their
effects on aloin production after analyzing cultures at 6 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, and
168 h. It was observed that elicitation by Ag NPs effectively enhanced aloin content
at 48 h after which it declined and reached the control level. Same thing happened
when nano-TiO2 was used as elicitor and it was suggested that the decline in aloin
production after 48 h might be due to feedback inhibition of increased aloin or NP
on gene expression (Raei et al. 2014). Despite this fact, Ag NPs are still considered
as potential elicitors for the production of some important secondary metabolites.
Biologically synthesized Ag NPs had been shown to increase total phenol content in
Bacopa monnieri when these plants are grown in hydroponic solution. This enhance-
ment effect is due to slight stress on the growth and metabolism of B. monnieri by
Ag NPs (Krishnaraj et al. 2012).
Flavonoids and isoflavonoids are among the important groups of secondary metabo-
lites in plants. Many legume plants are rich sources of these secondary metabolites
(Heiras-Palazuelos et al. 2013). Impact of TiO2 NPs (0.5, 1.5, 3, 4.5, and 6 mg/L) on
the production of secondary metabolites (phenolic and flavonoid compounds) were
studied in gram under in vitro conditions. Estimation of secondary metabolites from
callus was done by HPLC and then compared with the mother plant. It was found
that TiO2 NPs significantly increased secondary metabolites in callus embryo of
gram at the concentrations of 4.5 and 6.0 mg/L (Al-Oubaidi and Kasid 2015).
Similarly, Au and Cu NPs have also been reported to enhance the production of
phenolics and flavonoids in milk thistle plants (Khan et al. 2016).
76 J. M. War et al.
Fennel is an annual or biennial aromatic plant which is used for the preparation of
herbal drugs. Major components of fennel oil include phenyl propanoids and terpe-
noids. The amount of trans-anethole compound is the deciding factor for the quality
of fennel volatile oil (Chaouche et al. 2011). Phytochemical analysis of normal and
nanoelicited (TiO2 and SiO2) in vitro grown fennel plantlets was carried out and
there was a significant difference between the two (Bahreini et al. 2015). Normal
plants contain anethole, fenchone, limonene, and decane. However, it was observed
that TiO2-elicited plant extract contains phytol, octane, dodecane, and phenol 2, 4
bis (1, 1 dimethylethyl), while the constituents in SiO2-elicited plants include ben-
zoic acid, jasmonic acid, and hexadecanoic acid and pyrrolidinone as the major
metabolites. All these differences in the chemical composition are due to the elicita-
tion or induction by TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles. The metabolites like phytol and
benzoic acid which appeared by elicitation process can be used as industrial and
pharmaceutical precursors.
Diseases represent one of the major factors in limiting crop productivity. Annual
agricultural crop losses due to plant diseases account for billions of dollars in the
United States alone (USDA). In order to control fungal pathogens, cost over fungi-
cide applications exceeds $600 million per year (González-Melendi et al. 2008).
Disease causing organisms in plants include viruses, bacteria, fungi, and nematodes
whose infection leads to economic loss by reducing yield, product quality, and/or
Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Improvement 77
shelf life. These economic losses may prove to be of secondary concern on agricul-
tural productivity in addition to increasing global population and changing climate.
Therefore, innovative and novel techniques are critically needed for crop disease
management that will be a central component to any long-term strategy for sustain-
ing agricultural production. Among the various strategies, the use of nanotechnol-
ogy is currently considered as a promising and effective method for control of plant
pathogens or phytopathogens. The active ingredients of traditional pesticides and
fertilizers often have low water solubility due to which availability to targeted crops
can be quite low and larger quantities of these formulations are required to control
pathogens effectively to attain a good yield. In addition, fertilizers and metal-based
pesticide formulations currently in practice are prone to leaching, precipitation, and
volatilization. All this results in a highly expensive and inefficient approach towards
pathogen control and plant fertilization (Servin et al. 2015). In comparison to this,
nanofertilizers could offer more controlled release of nutrients and that too in a
coordinated way so as to harmonize in regard to time with the uptake by the devel-
oping crop. This approach would both increase nutrient availability and minimize
wasteful interactions with soil or air that result in loss of nutrients from the agricul-
tural system. The application and production of nanoenabled pesticides and fertil-
izers is proceeding at a rapid pace because of their greater solubility, stabilized
dispersal, decreased persistence, and greater target specificity (Rai et al. 2012;
Pirzadah et al. 2019).
There are numerous reports showing positive impacts of metal and metal oxide
nanoparticles on crop growth and/or pathogen inhibition. Nanoparticles such as Ag,
Si, ZnO, Mg, and TiO2 possess antimicrobial activity and likely suppress crop dis-
eases directly (Prasad et al. 2014). Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) exhibit a strong
inhibitory activity against various microorganisms due to which their application
has gained a significant research for management of phytopathogens. For example,
application of Ag NPs at 200 mg/L concentration reduces colony formation of
pathogenic fungi that causes diseases in rye grass (Lolium perenne) to about 50%
(Jo et al. 2009). These nanoparticles had been used in field trials where they inhib-
ited the activity of Colletotrichum spp. (anthracnose pathogen) (Lamsal et al. 2011).
Similarly, the combined effect of Ag NPs and fungicide fluconazole has been
reported to exhibit greatest antifungal activity against several pathogenic fungi
including Candida albicans, Phoma glomerata, and Trichoderma sp. (Gajbhiye
et al. 2009). It has been shown that Ag ions bind to plasma membrane proteins con-
taining cysteine amino acids, damaging its membrane integrity that causes change
in physiological and biochemical processes of a cell. Subsequent penetration of Ag
into cell cytoplasm causes inactivation of important enzymes and finally cell death
(Ocsoy et al. 2013). ZnO NPs effectively reduce the growth of Fusarium gra-
minearum, a pathogenic fungus in mung bean, by about 26% when compared to
bulk oxide and controls (Dimkpa et al. 2013). These nanoparticles have also been
reported to work against Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum, reducing their
growth by 63–80% and 61–91%, respectively. ZnO NPs function by cellular disrup-
tion in both the pathogens, leading to hyphal malformation and ultimately fungal
death (He et al. 2011). A high inhibition rate in germination was found in the fungal
78 J. M. War et al.
them as smart delivery systems. These systems have the ability to detect the effects
of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, nutrients, food supplements, insecticides, fungi-
cides, vaccinations, bioactive compounds, probiotics, etc., once after their delivery.
In case of crop improvement, target-specific and controlled delivery of various
chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, and nutrients will certainly reduce applications of
plant protection products, decrease nutrient losses from fertilizers, and increase
yields through optimized nutrient management. Engineered NPs would reduce phy-
totoxicity and will allow controlled release of various agrochemicals “on demand”
or “on command” basis.
Agricultural production and crop quality largely depend upon plant nutrition. Nearly
40–60% of the total world food production is achieved by maintaining nutritional
status via application of fertilizers (Roberts 2009). Fertilizers play a key role for the
improvement of agricultural production; however, the nutrient use efficiency of nor-
mally used fertilizers is still very low and a large quantity goes waste due to runoff,
leaching, denitrification, fixation, and microbial immobilization. There is a huge
percentage of nutrient loss from the fertilizers to the environment and hence cannot
be absorbed by plants. In general, nearly 40–70% nitrogen, 80–90% phosphorus,
and 50–70% potassium are lost to the surroundings causing economy and resource
losses as well as serious environmental pollution (Wu and Liu 2008). To overcome
these problems, application of nano-based fertilizers is an advanced approach of
nanotechnology that will revolutionize the fertilizer industries in near future. These
fertilizers have been developed by using nanoencapsulation technique so as to allow
Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Improvement 81
slow and controlled release of nutrients to plants. This controlled release will reduce
loss of nutrients to the surroundings and also enhance nutrient use efficiency
(Abobatta 2018). Ideally, nanofertilizers release nutrients in accordance with the
demand of plants. This timely release does not allow premature conversion of nutri-
ents to chemical and/or gaseous forms which remain unavailable to plants (e.g.,
volatilization of NH3 from urea) (DeRosa et al. 2010). Nanofertilizers are also
called as smart fertilizers because of their smart delivery system. Slow-release fer-
tilizers have advantage over soluble fertilizers as they can reduce the application
rate and frequency by releasing their nutrients slowly and in accordance with the
requirement of the plant. Due to large surface area to volume ratio, nanomaterials
could effectively retain nutrients, thereby serving as a longer term and more stable
nutrient reservoir to plants (Navarro et al. 2008). Wu and Liu (2008) reported a
slow-release double-coated NPK fertilizer having high water retention and superab-
sorbent capacity by cross-linked poly(acrylic acid)/diatomite containing urea, chi-
tosan, and water-soluble granular fertilizer NPK as outer coating, inner coating, and
the core, respectively. This fertilizer with higher water retention capacity and con-
trolled delivery system of nutrients is nontoxic and environment-friendly and hence
could be immensely useful in agricultural and horticultural applications. Similarly,
chitosan along with methacrylic acid (MAA) nanoparticles has been used for incor-
poration of NPK fertilizer sources such as urea, calcium phosphate, and potassium
chloride for controlled release of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium nutrients
(Corradini 2010). Nanocoating of sulfur (≤100 nm layer) has been used for encap-
sulation of urea and phosphorus fertilizers for their slow and controlled release,
with additional benefit of sulfur especially for sulfur deficient soils (Brady and Weil
1999). Increased stability on coating reduces the rate of dissolution of fertilizer and
allows its slow and sustained release. Synthetic apatite nanoparticles have been used
as a novel type of phosphorus (P) fertilizer for plants because of their slow and sus-
tained release of phosphorus, thereby decreasing risk of water eutrophication (Liu
and Lal 2014).
Engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) are a source of new vector for the delivery of
bioactive molecules including proteins, nucleotides, and activators. The employ-
ment of mesoporous silica NPs (MSNPs) has gained a special interest to deliver
DNA and its activator into isolated cells of plants and even in intact leaves of tobacco
(Torney et al. 2007). A honeycomb-like MSNP system (3 nm pore size) was armed
with a gene (GFP gene) and its chemical inducer, with the ends of MSNPs covered
with gold (Au) nanoparticles. An uncapping trigger was applied to break the bond
interaction between Au NPs and MSNPs after their entry into the cells, resulting in
the release of biomolecules followed by gene expression. MSNPs can also deliver
proteins or enzymes into plant cells, thereby enabling their transient presence that
may be used for genome modifications and biochemical analysis (Martin-Ortigosa
82 J. M. War et al.
et al. 2014). As such, lengthy process of DNA transgenics can be avoided and modi-
fied traits can be directly transferred into future generations. In addition to MSNPs,
other nanoparticles are also used for the delivery of bioactive molecules into plant
cells including single- or multi-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs or MWCNTs)
(Liu et al. 2009; Serag et al. 2011), quantum dots (QDs) (Etxeberria et al. 2006),
magnetic virus-like NPs (VNPs) (Huang et al. 2011), Au NPs (Wu et al. 2011;
Martin-Ortigosa et al. 2012), and starch NPs (Liu et al. 2008b). As compared to
conventional methods of gene delivery, nanoparticle-mediated delivery systems
have several benefits. They are highly efficient with ease of operation. For example,
the amount of DNA required for detection of expression via nanoparticle methods
is 1000 times lower than that required for conventional methods (Torney et al.
2007). Nano-based delivery system makes possible the transient DNA-free genome
editing of plants via direct transfer of biomolecules in a controlled fashion (includ-
ing gene silencing), leading to production of modified nontransgenic plants which
differs from conventional genetic engineering methods. Nanoparticle-mediated
delivery system has the potential to deliver more than one biomolecules simultane-
ously to the target cell, for example, DNA and proteins (Martin-Ortigosa et al.
2012), DNA and its activator (Torney et al. 2007), or even different genes. Moreover,
ENPs can be easily armed with biological molecules through their surface function-
alization for specific and targeted delivery.
Weeds have always been one of the main reasons for reduction in crop productivity.
Continuous exposure of plant community to different herbicides in different seasons
has led to herbicide resistance in plants and becomes uncontrollable through chemi-
cals. Target-specific herbicide molecules have been developed by virtue of nanopar-
ticle encapsulation techniques and are aimed at specific receptors in the roots of
target weeds which after translocation inhibit glycolysis and make the weed to
starve for food and get killed (Chinnamuthu and Kokiladevi 2007). Application of
herbicides in rainfed areas having insufficient soil moisture may lead to loss as
vapor. Thus, herbicides cannot be applied in advance anticipating rainfall in these
areas. However, nanoparticle-based herbicides may prove to be much more benefi-
cial under all these circumstances. NP-based herbicides control parasitic weeds
effectively at lower doses, thus reducing chances of adverse effects on the crops
(Goldwasser et al. 2003). The release of active components from nano-based herbi-
cides is pre-programmed as they have been encapsulated by using nanoparticles and
hence can be trigged under certain conditions within the parasitic weed. Adjuvants
for herbicide application are currently available that include nanomaterials. In
one study, alginate/chitosan nanoparticles were prepared and used as a vector for
paraquat herbicide (Silva et al. 2011). The release profiles of free paraquat and
paraquat associated with alginate/chitosan nanoparticles showed significant differ-
ences during the observation. The herbicide in association with alginate/chitosan
Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Improvement 83
nanoparticles revealed changes in release profile as well as its interaction with the
soil. It was suggested that this system may prove to be an effective means of reduc-
ing negative impacts caused by paraquat. Besides, it was also observed that soil
sorption of paraquat in both free and associated case was dependent on the amount
of organic matter.
aggregation, and availability to biota. For example, Ag NPs shows greater mobility
in negatively charged soils that will have a long-term impact on transport potential
of NPs. The addition of stabilizing agents such as sodium citrate, sugars, polyvinyl
pyrrolidone, amines, and amides significantly changed the interaction of NPs with
soil and influenced its resulting mobility (Tolaymat et al. 2010). Sulfidation of Ag
NPs occurs under both oxic and anoxic conditions and the transformed particles
exhibit different mobility and activity (Thalmann et al. 2014). Interestingly, the
effect of humic acid, a common soil component, has been reported to completely
alleviate graphene phytotoxicity in wheat grown in hydroponic solution (Hu et al.
2014) and also increased the mobility of Ag nanoparticles (Tian et al. 2010). In the
rhizosphere of cowpea, a rapid dissolution of ZnO NPs was found prior to uptake of
ionic Zn into plant tissues (Wang et al. 2013). Soil pH is one of the important factors
that determine the availability of nutrients to plants. For example, as soil pH
approaches 7.0, nutrients like Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn become progressively less avail-
able which results in low uptake by crop roots and hence compromised nutritional
status (Sims 1986). Therefore, efficacious soil-based nanoscale supplements will
need to consider physicochemical properties of soil such as pH. In a study, wheat
was grown in acidic and alkaline soils amended with ZnO NPs and it was observed
that there was a 200-fold higher soluble Zn content in the acidic soil as compared to
Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Improvement 85
capability to traverse physiological barriers. Many studies have revealed that the
uptake and phytotoxicity of ENPs depends on particle size, the smaller particles
generally get accumulated to higher levels and are more toxic than their bulk parti-
cles (Slomberg and Schoenfisch 2012; Judy et al. 2012). The shape and crystal
structure of NPs also influence its uptake and toxicity, for example, anatase TiO2
NPs being more toxic than rutile TiO2; anatase NPs cause membrane leakage and
cell necrosis, while rutile NPs lead to formation of ROS and cause apoptosis (Auffan
et al. 2009). Similarly, ZnO nanopyramids showed significant inhibition of
β-galactosidase enzyme as compared to ZnO nanoplates and spheres (Cha et al.
2015). The extrinsic properties of NPs such as surface charge (zeta potential), sur-
face coating, stability characteristics, valence of the surface layer, and particle
aggregation are also of great importance that influence their interactions with plants.
Research-based evidences had shown that positively charged surfaces are
absorbed through endocytosis (Navarro et al. 2008; Onelli et al. 2008), while nega-
tively charged surfaces are more likely to be transported through vascular tissues
(Zhu et al. 2012; Zhai et al. 2015). By modifying the surface coating, behavior of
ENPs can be altered, e.g., coating MSNPs with triethyleneglycol to improve their
penetration potential into plant cells (Torney et al. 2007). ENP coatings have also
been successfully used as an effective means of reducing the dissolution properties
and release of toxic ions (Yang et al. 2012). Extrinsic properties are however effec-
tively influenced by the nature of suspending media (Auffan et al. 2009), its ionic
strength, pH, and composition.
Although the risk of environmental exposure has increased due to global produc-
tion and consumption of nanomaterials, there is a general agreement between the
scientific communities that the information regarding the interactions of nanomate-
rials with plants and microbes is limited. A guideline was published by European
Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2009 which emphasizes on potential toxicity of
nanomaterials (Ganzleben et al. 2011). Nanoparticle-based antimicrobial pesticide
called as HeiQ AGS-20 has already been approved by USEPA in 2010, but in case
of other agrochemicals the regulations for use of nanomaterials remained elusive.
Similarly, the use of nanomaterials (NMs) in food processing and packaging at the
US FDA is lacking a specific regulatory guidance. However, in spite of lacking
regulatory framework, it will not inhibit the application of NMs in agriculture.
There is a need for extensive assessment of NPs in agri-food sector for public accep-
tance so that the challenges which were faced by genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) worldwide could be prevented. Their application in agriculture (e.g., crop
improvement) should be governed in a precise manner based on safety-by-design
principle and guided by plant physiology, NP functionalization, and nanomedicine-
inspired nano-delivery systems to effectively supply bioactive molecules, pesti-
cides, and nutrients to crops with minimizing adverse effects on other organisms
and environment.
Role of Nanotechnology in Crop Improvement 87
Al-Oubaidi HKM, Kasid NM (2015) Increasing (phenolyic and flavonoids compounds) of Cicer
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Nanofertilizers: A Way Forward for Green
1 Introduction
During 1970s first green revolution which was targeted to the four basic elements
of production system viz., semi-dwarf high yielding varieties of wheat and rice,
ample use of chemical fertilizers, irrigation which consequently resulted in an
immeasurable increase in the agricultural production (Qureshi et al. 2018).
However, extensive use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides to achieve more
production per unit area using high doses than optimum levels leads to major
problems like environmental pollution, degradation in the quality of food material,
development of resistance in different weeds, diseases, insects, soil degradation
and deficiency in the essential nutrients in soil, toxicity to beneficial micro-organ-
ism present above and below the soil surfaces, etc. (Pirzadah et al. 2019).
Nowadays because of these problems agricultural production is experiencing a
sharp decline, which has untimely affected the livelihood base of the farming com-
munity at large besides, it leads to food crises in near future (Ghaly 2009; Quasem
et al. 2009). Therefore there is need to produce nutritive agricultural produce rich
in protein and other essential nutrient required to the human and animal consump-
tion that is why emphasis should be laid on production of high quality food with
the required level of nutrients and proteins (Pijls et al. 2009). The need of the
hour is second green revolution in the world in which nano-scale science and
chain of entire agriculture production system (Fig. 2) (Meena et al. 2017). The
present chapter critically analyzes the pertinent information available on the scope
and applications of nanofertilizer, nanofertilizer industry and its products. In this
chapter, we also discussed the economic analysis as well as the current and future
possibilities of nanofertilizer industry.
Conventional fertilizers are applied to the plants either through soil or by foliar
application in order to improve plant growth and yield to a greater extent (Bahera
and Panda 2009). Localized application of large amounts of fertilizer, in the form
of ammonium salts, urea, and a nitrate or phosphate compound possesses delete-
rious effects to the soil and thus deteriorates the environment. Besides much of
these fertilizers are unavailable to plants as they are lost as run-off and leaching
(Wilson et al. 2008). Commonly available chemical fertilizers include nitrogen,
phosphorous, and potassium that play an essential role in plant growth and devel-
opment, viz., nitrogen enhances growth of leaf and synthesis of chlorophyll and
protein; phosphorous enhances root, flower, and fruit growth; and potassium
plays a role in the synthesis of protein and boosts root and stem growth (Mandal
et al. 2009; Gu et al. 2009). In the applied dosage level of these fertilizers only
30–60% of nitrogen, 10–20% phosphorous, and 30–50% potassium were taken
102 B. Pirzadah et al.
up by the plant and the remaining amount was left in the soil. This causes con-
tamination to the soil and water resources as well as leads to the significant eco-
nomic loss. These demerits of conventional fertilizers can be reduced with the
help of nanotechnology in which major portion of these chemicals can be uti-
lized by the plants and a minimum portion remains in the environment. This can
be attained by utilizing nanomaterials which encapsulate the material with a thin
coating of protective film or supplied as emulsions or nanoparticles (deRosa
et al. 2010). Nanomaterials have potential contribution in slow release of fertil-
izers. Nano-coatings or surface coatings of nanomaterials on fertilizer particles
hold the material more strongly from the plant due to higher surface tension than
conventional surfaces. The comparison of nanotechnology-based formulations
and conventional fertilizer applications is given in Table 1 (Cui et al. 2010).
Moreover, nano-coatings provide surface protection for larger particles (Brady
and Weil 1999; Santoso et al. 1995). Nanofertilizers are synthesized or modified
form of traditional fertilizers which can be produced from different biological
materials using various nanotechnological approaches in order to improve soil
fertility, productivity, and quality of agricultural produces (Brunnert et al. 2006).
At nano-scale physical and chemical properties are different than the properties
of bulk material (Nel et al. 2006). Particles size of nanofertilizers is less than
100 nm which facilitates more penetration of nanoparticles into the plant from
applied surface such as soil or leaves for efficient nutrient management which are
more eco-friendly and reduce environmental pollution (Lin and Xing 2007).
In order to prevent loss of fertilizer in the environment, minimize the dosage level,
and enhance efficiency, the fertilizers can be encapsulated or coated with some
particular nanomaterials. The procedure of coating or binding nano- and subnano-
composites helps to balance the delivery of nutrients from the fertilizer capsule (Liu
et al. 2001). This process of coating or binding nano-composites (nitrogen, phos-
phorous, potassium, micronutrients, mannose, and amino acid) results in the
increase of uptake and utilization of nutrients by several grain crops (Guo 2011). In
addition to this, Zn-Al coated double-hydroxide nano-composites have been uti-
lized for the slow delivery of chemical compounds that functions as regulators of
plant growth. Besides, Gliricidia sepium nano-composite encapsulated by urea
modified hydroxyapatite nanoparticle exhibited a moderate and controlled delivery
of nitrogen at three divergent pH values over time (Kottegoda et al. 2011). In the
crop productivity system, nitrogen fertilizer coated with nanoporous zeolite base
can be utilized as a secondary approach to boost nitrogen efficiency (Manikanadan
and Subramanian 2014). Carbon nanotubes are remarkable fertilizers which were
found to perforate into tomato seeds and enhance their rate of development and
growth. Carbon nanotubes actually perforated thick coat of seeds to help uptake of
water in seeds which was proven by several analytical methods (Khodakovskaya
et al. 2009). The process of fertilizer encapsulation within a nanoparticle is achieved
by encapsulating or coated with thin protective film on the nutrients or may be
released as emulsions or particles of nanoporous material (Rai et al. 2012). In recent
years, the utilization of controlled delivery of fertilizers begin to be one of the most
significant and novel technology to retain use of fertilizer and to reduce environ-
mental pollution (Guo et al. 2005). This technology involves the encapsulation or
coating of fertilizers with nanoparticle in order to protect the nanoparticles in the
soil for longer period of time and allow its controlled or slow delivery into the soil
for better management (Saigusa 2000; Teodorescu et al. 2009). The application of
nanofertilizers results in the slow and controlled delivery of elements in the soil and
halts eutrophication and restrains water pollution. Nanoparticles like chitosan have
been widely explored as a carrier for drug delivery system and also described as an
effective carrier for the slow/controlled delivery of nitrogen, phosphorous, and
potassium fertilizers in the soil. Chitosan is a bactericidal polymer which is biode-
gradable (Coma et al. 2002; No et al. 2007) and shows a beneficial interaction due
to the presence of polymeric cationic attributes which might be linked with nega-
tively charged polymers and molecules. These chitosan nanoparticles produced by
polymerization reaction with methacrylic acid were employed to absorb on to nitro-
gen, phosphorous, and potassium fertilizers for increasing efficiency and slow
release in the soil resulting in the overall progress in plant growth and productivity
(Corradini et al. 2010). Nanofertilizer technology is very innovative and scanty
reported literatures are available in the scientific journals. The data remain constant
for the past several decade and research efforts did not yield fruitful results. The
current growing awareness of the phenomenon and availability of inexpensive
104 B. Pirzadah et al.
Table 2 Nanofertilizer products approved for use in Myanmar (Dimkpa and Bindraban 2018)
Company name Fertilizer name Specification of origin
SMTET Eco- Nano Ultra- Organic matter, 5.5%; T-N, 10%; Taiwan
technologies Co., Fertilizer (500) g T-P2O5, 9%; T-K2O, 14%; AC-P2O5, 8%;
Ltd. CA-K2O, 14%; CA-MgO, 3%
Shan Maw Myae Nano Micro Zn, 6%; B, 2%; Cu, 1%; Fe, 6%+; India
Trading Co., Ltd Nutrient (Eco Star) EDTA Mo, 0.05%; Mn, 5%+;
(500) g AMINOS, 5%
Green Organic Plant Nutrition N, 0.5%; P2O5, 0.7%; K2O, 3.9%; Ca, Thailand
World Co., Ltd. Powder (Green 2.0%; Mg, 0.2%; S, 0.8%; Fe, 1.0%;
Nano) (25) g Mn, 49 ppm; Cu, 17 ppm; Zn, 12 ppm
WAI International PPC Nano (120) mL M protein, 19.6%; Na2O, 0.3%; K2O, Malaysia
Development Co., 2.1%; (NH4)2SO4, 1.7%; diluent, 76%
PAC International Nano Calcium CaCO3, 77.9%; MgCO3, 7.4%; SiO2, Germany
Network Co., Ltd (Magic Green) (1) 7.47%; K, 0.2%; Na, 0.03%; P, 0.02%;
kg Fe, 7.4 ppm; Al2O3, 6.3 ppm; Sr,
804 ppm; sulfate, 278 ppm; Ba,
174 ppm; Mn, 172 ppm; Zn, 10 ppm
The Best Supplementary N, 0.5%; P2O5, 0.7%; K2O, 3.9%; Ca, Thailand
International Powder (The Best 2.0%; Mg, 0.2%; S, 0.75%; Fe, 0.03%;
Network Co., Ltd. Nano) (25) g Mn, 0.004%; Cu, 0.007%; Zn, 0.004%
Shan Maw Myae Nano Fertilizer (Eco N, 8.2%; K2O, 2.3%; organic matter, India
Trading Co., Ltd Star) (5) gm 75.9%; C:N, 5.4
World Connect Plus Hero Super Nano N, 0.7%; P2O5, 2.3%; K2O, 8.9%; Ca, Thailand
Myanmar Co., Ltd. (25) gm 0.5%; Mg, 0.2%; S, 0.4%; pH 12.08
The Best Nano Capsule (The N, 0.5%; P2O5, 0.7%; K2O, 3.9%; Ca, Thailand
International Best) 2.0%; Mg, 0.2%; S, 0.8%; Fe, 2.0%;
Network Co., Ltd. (60) capsule) Mn, 0.004%; Cu, 0.007%; Zn, 0.004%
names, it seems that the nanofertilizer products are just preparations of multiple
traditional nutrients and other additive such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA-chelating agent). Neither there was complete information regarding what
makes a product Nano (i.e., size) nor the type of material which forms the nano-
product (i.e., whether it is composite or nano-enabled bulk fertilizers, surface
modified, or pristine nanofertilizers). There are many factors that could influence
the quality of nano-products produced that is why the government of Myanmar in
the year 2016 was trying to find out support with individual characterization and
authentication of the products, possibly indicating doubts by them related to
geniuses of the products as nanofertilizers (Dimkpa and Bindraban 2016). In order
to assess the nature of nanomaterials, a particular set of criteria for the quality
check has to be developed and utilized for ratification of nanofertilizers, besides it
also requires chemical quality assessment check for all types of fertilizers (con-
centration and purity). Some of the basic and important perquisite examinations
particularly related to the authentication of nanofertilizers include (1) size (100 nm
106 B. Pirzadah et al.
or less), aggregates, or bulk (size>100 nm), (2) strength (to assess their finality as
nano-product or the rate of transformation before and after interconnection with
crop or soil, (3) shape, which affects the rate of termination and feasibly bioactiv-
ity (Misra et al. 2014; Prasad 2017), and (4) composition which determines the
chemical nature of nano-products (surface modified or hybrid). Except for the vol-
ume/concentration ratio, the above-mentioned criteria require a number of analyti-
cal examinations with nanoscale responsiveness that do not generally applied to
bulk materials.
The above-mentioned statements revealed that the nanomaterials are not more
toxic than their ionic or micro-scale counterparts and that they can improve crops
when utilized sensibly. Hence completely utilizing the benefits of nanomaterials
needed more attention to attract the industry that brings nanotechnology into the
fertilizer management. In this regard, researchers of nanofertilizers require for
accessing the needs what the fertilizer industry requires and how their present
research viewpoint fulfilled those requirements. In carrying out such approaches,
nanofertilizers should be treated as fertilizers; however, all assessments of their
consequences on crops are performed in the same way to common fertilizers; there
was also need to aware the farmers about the ratio of application of fertilizers
associated with crops and soil; conclusion of results should be firm on investiga-
tions conducted in the growth pattern most suitable for the crops being investi-
gated; introduction of conventional crops (relevant controls) in the experimental
protocol; utilizing and investigating suitable strategies of nanofertilizers applica-
tion; and experimenting mature crops. In addition to this, nanofertilizers evalua-
tions should be done by utilizing combination of nanomaterials to imitate
traditional fertilizer application managements commonly require applications of
several nutrients (e.g., NPK) concomitantly. This was true for the concept of bal-
anced nourishment for crops, which was applicable for the world’s agricultural
regions with impoverished soils, where crops did not respond to one nutrient use
and where multiple nutrient inadequacy are ubiquitous. Principally Research and
Development (R&D) on nanofertilizers should work more on macronutrient
(NPK) which were the key nutrients for the nanofertilizers industry (Dimkpa and
Bindraban 2018). In the meantime, scientist should not only generate representa-
tive of productive nanofertilizers but also expand plan and ideas that eventually
help in the scale up process that could be sold to the industry. It has been realized
from the past that there was a need to improve the application efficiency of current
macronutrient fertilizers, efforts of R&D lead to the development of products with
unique properties such as control release and targeted release of fertilizers and
have scaled up all of these properties. With the advancements so far made to nano-
108 B. Pirzadah et al.
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Production of NPK fertilizer occurs upstream and the finished fertilizers functionalized with sepa-
rately produced nanoparticles (NPs) of micronutrient (e.g., Zn, B, Fe) by spraying or mixing the
NPK with nanoparticles in-line, downstream
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Embodiment of Nanobiotechnology
in Agriculture: An Overview
1 Introduction
the present situation. Therefore, we should have to take one bold step for agriculture
development. In present world, most of the population lies under below poverty
levels, scattered across the rural areas where agriculture enlargement has not been
so effective. Therefore, new technology should have to be adopted that decidedly
focuses on getting better agricultural production (Yunlong and Smit 1994). The
agriculture development also depends on the social inclusion, health, climate
changes, energy, ecosystem processes, natural resources, good supremacy, etc.,
which must be documented in specific target oriented goals (Thornhill et al. 2016).
No doubt that the sustainable growth of agriculture totally depends on the new and
innovative techniques like nanotechnology. If we like to go in the year 1959
Feynman’s lecture on “Plenty of room at the bottom,” from this very day, the nano-
process is in underway (Feynman 1996). Later on Professor Norio Tanaguchi pro-
posed the actual term of nanotechnology (Bulovic et al. 2004; Gibney 2015).
Subsequently, nanotechnology developed in more dramatic ways, as more recent
appliances develop to isolate nanomaterials in more precise ways. Additionally, the
number of publications related to the term of “nano” was also grown exponentially.
About 14,000 documents with word nanotechnology in food or agriculture were
listed until 2016 pointing towards the importance gained by this field. Also about
2707 patents matched this criteria are found in world patent database. The world
market size of nanotechnology in 2002 was about US$ 110.6 billion and predicted
to grow to US$ 891.1 billion in 2015 according to analysis of Helmut Kaiser
Consultancy. In the present century, there is a big demand for fast, reliable, and low-
cost systems for the detection, monitoring, and diagnosis for biological host mole-
cules in agricultural sectors (Vidotti et al. 2011; Sagadevan and Periasamy 2014).
The application of chemically synthesized nanomaterials nowadays is considered as
toxic in the nature; however, biosynthesis of nanomaterials using microbial or
phyto-engineering approach is safe and is considered as green nanotechnology
(Prasad et al. 2014). Green nanotechnology is a safe process, energy efficient,
reduces waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Use of renewable materials in
production of such products is beneficial, thus these processes have low influence
on the environment (Prasad et al. 2014, 2016). Since the last decade, there is a para-
digm shift toward the green synthesis of nano-particles and its implementation in
agro-industry. Still it is not clear how the environmental sustainability of green
nanotechnology will be achieved in future? These risks must be mitigated in
advanced green nanotechnology solutions (Kandasamy and Prema 2015).
The development of the high-tech agricultural system with use of engineered
smart nano-tools could be excellent strategy to make a revolution in agricultural
practices, and thus reduce and/or eliminate the influence of modern agriculture on
the environment as well as to enhance both the quality and quantity of yields
(Sekhon 2014; Liu and Lal 2015). Further the development of biosensors in the
smart agro-food sector is also a good field for exploitation of many strengths of
nanotechnology (Sertova 2015; Fraceto et al. 2016). Additionally, use of nanomate-
rials let to miniaturize many biosensors to small and compact/smart devices such as
nanosensors and other nano-systems that are very important in biochemical analysis
(Viswanathan and Radecki 2008; Sertova 2015; Fraceto et al. 2016). Keeping in
Embodiment of Nanobiotechnology in Agriculture: An Overview 115
Fig. 1 Flowchart
involving the convergence
of nanotechnology and
biotechnology results in
nanobiotechnology, which
entails knowledge of
structural and genetic
view of the above facts, here we summarize encapsulation of nanoparticles and how
nanotechnology boosts the agriculture sector besides its negative impact on the
environment (Fig. 1).
or nutraceuticals, for food fortification, and for the self-healing of several materials,
and also it possesses big prospective phenomenon in plant science (Ozdemir and
Kemerli 2016). Furthermore, the development of this technology will build more
possibility to create new drugs with precise therapeutic action on embattled tissues.
Nano-capsules can potentially be used as MRI-guided nanorobots or nanobots
(Vartholomeos et al. 2011). Recently, a wide range of potential applications of nan-
otechnology have been envisaged also in agriculture, leading to intense research at
both academic and industrial levels (Parisi et al. 2015). Indeed, the unique proper-
ties of materials at nano-scale make them suitable candidates for the design and
development of novel tools in support of a sustainable agriculture. Some of the main
applications of these nano-tools in agriculture are reported in the following
3 Precision Farming
The process of maximizing crop yields and minimizing the usage of pesticides,
fertilizers, and herbicides through efficient monitoring procedures is referred to as
precision farming. Precision farming utilizes remote sensing devices, computers,
and global satellite positioning systems to analyze various environmental condi-
tions in order to determine the growth of plants under these conditions and identify
problems related to crops and their growing environments. Precision farming helps
determine plant development, soil conditions, usage of water and chemicals, fertil-
izers and seeding and controls environmental pollution to a minimum extent by
reducing agricultural waste (Prasad et al. 2017; Pirzadah et al. 2019). The imple-
mentation of nanotechnology in the form of small sensors and monitoring devices
will create a positive impact on the future use of precision farming methodologies.
Nanotech-enabled systems help in increasing the use of autonomous sensors that
are linked into GPS systems to provide efficient monitoring services focused on
crop growth and soil conditions. The usage of smart sensors in precision farming
will result in increased agricultural productivity by providing farmers with accurate
information that will enable them to make accurate decisions related to plant growth
and soil suitability.
“smart” devices that can perform a dual role of being a preventive and early warning
system (Singh et al. 2017). These devices can identify plant-related health issues
even before they become visible to the farmers and simultaneously provide reme-
dial measures. User-friendly and eco-friendly nano delivery systems for nutrients
and pesticides have started to find their place in the market. These can allow the use
of pesticides with the absolute minimum risk of environmental damage. Companies
have implemented nano-emulsions in commercial pesticide products. Syngenta, a
leading agrochemical corporation, produces a quick-release microencapsulated
product, which is available under the name Karate® ZEON (Misra et al. 2016).
Hydrogels, nanoclays, and nanozeolites have been reported to enhance the water-
holding capacity of soil (Sekhon 2014), hence acting as a slow-release source of
water, reducing the hydric shortage periods during crop season. Applications of
such systems are favorable for both agricultural purposes and reforestation of
degraded areas. For example; organic polymer and carbon nanotubes and inorganics
like nano-metals and metal oxides nanomaterials have also been used to absorb
environmental contaminants (Khin et al. 2012), increasing soil remediation capacity
and reducing times and costs of the treatments.
118 T. A. Wani et al.
Carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles of Au, SiO2, ZnO, and TiO2 can contribute to
ameliorate development of plants by enhancing elemental uptake and use of nutri-
ents (Khota et al. 2012). However, the real impact of nanomaterials on plants
depends on their composition, concentration, size, surface charge, and physiochem-
ical properties, besides the susceptibility of the plant species (Lambreva et al. 2015).
The development of new protocols and the use of different analytical techniques
(such as microscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, and fluorescence spectroscopy)
could considerably contribute to understand the interactions between plants and
potential in managing all the phases of the food supply chain, from crop cultivation
and harvesting to food processing, transportation, packaging, and distribution
(Scognamiglio et al. 2014). Among them, nanosensors for dynamic measurement of
soil parameters (pH and nutrients, residual pesticides in crop and soil, and soil
humidity), detection of pathogens, and prediction of nitrogen uptake are only few
examples to foster a sustainable farming (Bellingham 2011). Controlled-release
mechanisms via nano-scale carriers monitored by nanosensors integrated in plat-
forms employing wireless signals will avoid overdose of agricultural chemicals and
minimize inputs of fertilizers and pesticides during the course of cultivations,
improving productivity and reducing waste. Networks of nanosensors located
throughout cultivated fields will assure a real time and comprehensive monitoring
of the crop growth, furnishing effective high-quality data for best management prac-
tices (El Beyrouthya and El Azzi 2014).
Nanotechnologists are hoping that this technology will transform the entire food
industry by bringing about changes in the production, processing, packaging, trans-
portation, and consumption of food. Usage of nanotechnology in these processes
ensures safety of food products, thus creates a healthy food culture and enhances the
nutritional quality of foods. Smart food packaging systems can be developed using
nanotechnology that in turn increases the shelf life of food products by developing
active antifungal and antimicrobial surfaces, improving heat-resistance and mechan-
ical properties, modifying the permeation behavior of foils, and detecting and sig-
naling biochemical and microbiological changes. A number of companies have
started to develop Smart Packaging systems—one such company is Bayer Polymers,
who developed the Durethan KU2-2601 packaging film whose key purpose is to
prevent drying of food content and protect the food content from oxygen and mois-
ture. This packaging film is made from a number of silicate nanoparticles. Nano-
capsules are added into food products in order to deliver nutrients, and nanoparticles
when added to food increase the absorption of nutrients. An increasing number of
companies are researching on additives that can be easily absorbed by the body and
increase product shelf life. Bio-delivery Sciences International developed coiled
nanoparticles called nano-cochleates that deliver nutrients and omega fatty acids to
cells without causing any changes to the taste and color of food (Ravichandran
2010). The automation of irrigation systems is also a crucial requirement of smart
agriculture, mainly in a scenario of water shortage. In this regard, sensor technology
has the potential to maximize the efficiency of water use. Nanosensors estimating
soil water tension in real time may be coupled with autonomous irrigation control-
lers. This feature allows a sustainable irrigation management based on drying soil,
otherwise an approach too difficult for farmers because it involves evaluation of
climate and crop growth aspects of high complexity (de Medeiros et al. 2001).
Furthermore, nanosensors find also application in fast, sensitive, and cost-effective
detection of different targets to ensure food quality, safety, freshness, authenticity,
and traceability along the entire food supply chain. Surely, nanosensors represent
one of the emerging technologies challenging the assessment of food quality and
safety, being able to provide smart monitoring of food components (e.g., sugars,
amino acid, alcohol, vitamins, and minerals) and contaminants (e.g., pesticides,
120 T. A. Wani et al.
heavy metals, toxins, and food additives). Food quality and food safety control rep-
resents a crucial effort not only to obtain a healthy food, but also to avoid huge
waste of food products. The potential of nanosensor can also be demonstrated by the
last trends on intelligent or smart packaging to monitor the freshness properties of
food and check the integrity of the packages during transport, storage, and display
in markets (Vanderroost et al. 2014). Many intelligent packaging involve nanosen-
sors as monitoring systems to measure physical parameters (humidity, pH, tempera-
ture, light exposure), to reveal gas mixtures (e.g., oxygen and carbon dioxide), to
detect pathogens and toxins, or to control freshness (e.g., ethanol, lactic acid, acetic
acid) and decomposition (e.g., putrescine, cadaverine).
the dosage of pesticides and human beings exposure to them which is environment-
friendly for crop protection (Nuruzzaman et al. 2016), thus developing non-toxic
and promising pesticide delivery systems for increasing global food production
while reducing the negative environmental impacts to ecosystem (Bhattacharyya
et al. 2016; Grillo et al. 2016).
With nanotechnology gaining recognition in the agricultural and food sectors, sci-
entists have recently showcased their nanotechnology expertise to farmers in
Africa. Three significant innovations were demonstrated: the scientists have
planned to develop a plastic storage bag lined with nanoparticles that are capable
of reacting with oxygen and preventing cassava from rotting. In this way, the
African farmers can prolong the shelf life of cassava and prevent wastage of this
vegetable. Secondly, milk container was designed with a nano-patterned, antimi-
crobial coating that helps the dairy farmers in Africa to preserve milk for a pro-
longed time period as they take almost a whole day to reach the cooling centers.
These nanotechnology-based milk containers replace the currently used plain plas-
tic bags. Besides, they have also planned to develop nano-patterned paper sensors
to detect bovine pregnancy in order to enable the dairy farmers determine if their
cows will run dry without milk due to udder infection or pregnancy (Fraceto et al.
2016; Prasad et al. 2017).
Embodiment of Nanobiotechnology in Agriculture: An Overview 125
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Nano-Biosensors: NextGen Diagnostic
Tools in Agriculture
1 Introduction
F. A. Dar (*)
Department of Bioresources, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
T. B. Pirzadah
Assistant Professor, University Centre for Research and Development (UCRD),
Chandigarh University, Mohali, Punjab, India
G. Qazi
Department of Botany, Islamia College of Science and Commerce,
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
There are various types of nano-biosensors that are used in agriculture, such as
electrochemical nanosensors, optical nanosensors, nano-barcode technology,
e-Nose and e-Tongue, wireless nanosensors, and wireless sensor network (Fig. 1).
Some of the examples of various types of nano-biosensors and their mode of detec-
tion are given in Table 1.
Table 1 (continued)
Target element/pathogen/application Mode of detection Reference
Real-time traceability and food chain Wireless Ko et al. (2014), Wang et al.
management system nanosensors and (2015)
Marine fish farming and Wireless Lloret et al. (2015)
sustainability monitoring nanosensors and
Electrochemical nanosensors are the most widely used sensors that are based on
chemical reactions between nanofabricated biomolecule and the biological element
and target analyte to produce or consume ions or electrons, which are measured as
electrochemical signals (Asha Chaubey 2002). Quantitatively, the electrochemical
signal generated is correlated with the amount of analyte present in a sample. These
nanosensors are highly sensitive, compatible, robust, economical, rapid, low main-
tenance, energy efficient make them applicable for sensing in a wide range of appli-
cations. Based on their working principle, electrochemical nanosensors device
could be categorized in amperometry (based on redox reaction), voltammetry (based
on varying electric current), and potentiometry (based on variable potential differ-
ence of electrodes). Nanomaterials like electrochemically active carbon nanotubes,
nanofibers, and fullerenes have been recently developed and applied for highly sen-
sitive biochemical sensors. These nanosensors have also relevant implications for
application in agriculture, in particular for soil analysis, easy biochemical sensing
and control, water management and delivery, pesticide, and nutrient delivery.
Nanomaterial is considered as one of the possible solutions to problems in food and
agriculture, just like biotechnological issues of safety on health, biodiversity, and
environment along with appropriate rules and regulation (Kuzma and verHage 2006).
Optical nanosensors depend on the detection of the change in the optical signal and
consequently make it suitable for various spectroscopic measurements, such as
absorption, fluorescence, phosphorescence, Raman effect, Raman scattering, and
refraction by sensing changes in wavelength, phase, time, intensity, and polarity of
the light. In general, the functioning of optical biosensors is based on fluorescence
spectroscopy, surface plasmon resonance, interferometry, and spectroscopy
(Srivastava et al. 2017). Recently, fluorescent nanoparticles (NPs) or quantum dots
(QDs) have been developed for labeling the plant proteins (Pyrzynska 2011; Chahine
et al. 2014). It has been observed that QDs at low concentration have no detectable
cytotoxicity for seed germination and seedling growth. Therefore, based on such
134 F. A. Dar et al.
observation, QDs can be utilized for live imaging in plant root systems to verify
known physiological processes (Hu et al. 2010; Das et al. 2015).
Nano-barcoding and nano-processing are novel technologies that can change the
way of keeping check on agricultural trade (Li et al. 2005). Although, barcoding is
well known phenomenon and has been extensively used as a tool for the identifica-
tion of plant, animal, and microbial species using a small stretch of gene sequence
(Ferri et al. 2009). With the help of metallic and magnetic nanoparticles, significant
development has been made in utilizing nanotechnology. For instance, the dual gold
and iron oxide nanoparticle have been separately conjugated with two different
DNA sequences for rapid and reliable detection of Salmonella enteric, Serovar
enteritidis in the food sample (Zhang et al. 2009). Furthermore, grocery barcoding
has been put into practice for the efficient analysis and identification of crop dis-
eases. Nano-barcodes were created in such a manner, so that they can tag variable
pathogens observed in the agricultural field and can be checked by utilizing tools
reliant on fluorescence (Kaushal and Wani 2017). Nano-barcoding can be employed
in labeling food products as well as in combination with nanoparticle based intelli-
gent inks that may offer smart recognition of relevant food item. Printed labels on
food items can provide reliable information about temperature, time, pathogens,
freshness, humidity, etc. (Prasad et al. 2017).
e-Nose and e-Tongue are nanomaterial based devices that are functionally similar to
human sensory organs and are used to detect array of gases, odors, taste, and their
variable concentration (Fig. 2). They have acquired critical importance to determine
the quality and quantity of material such as food, beverages, agriculture, pharmacol-
ogy, personal care product manufacturing and processing (Baldwin et al. 2011). For
instance, e-Nose can be used to assess the release of volatile aldehydes by seeds
during storage condition thereby preventing their degradation through timely inter-
vention. Besides, there are nano-scale based smart delivery systems that can be used
to prevent nutrient deficiencies and diagnose diseases in plants to provide complete
protection (Shang et al. 2019). The main aim of these nano-scale based devices is to
control, target, and regulate the plant systems to escape biological intervention
(Kessler 2011). The nanosensor based e-Nose and e-Tongue are highly sensitive,
selective, redundant, accurate, reliable devices that has wider application in agricul-
ture, forestry, and food industry (Srivastava et al. 2017).
Nano-Biosensors: NextGen Diagnostic Tools in Agriculture 135
Fig. 2 Schematic representation of electronic nose with its component; sample head space, nano-
sensor array, unit for algorithmic processing, and classified data after the detection in form of a
The aim of precision agriculture/precision farming is to increase the crop yield with
limited input of agrochemicals by employing high-tech information technological
resources to monitor and control the environmental variables (Kaushal and Wani
2017). Remote sensing (RS), geographical information system (GIS), and geosyn-
chronous positioning system (GPS) can play an important role in yield analysis,
pest monitoring, natural catastrophes, and forecasting, thereby helping in a ddressing
the problems due to pathogens and pests, fertilizer requirements, and other variables
with accuracy and precision (Sekhon 2014). Variable rate technology (VRT) and
yield monitors are the two main parts of precision agriculture which works in coor-
dination of GIS and GPS along with the VRT field instruments. VRT is a device that
manipulates and utilizes all the information based on variables like soil status, fertil-
izer, chemical and water requirement in order to increase yields and reduce input
expenses, thus dropping waste and labor expenditure. Nanotech based sensors in
combination with RS and GIS can provide efficient monitoring and information
services in relation to crop growth and soil conditions (Kaushal and Wani 2017).
Precision farming takes advantage of nanosensors and nano-based smart delivery
systems to efficiently utilize the agricultural resources and precisely detect the crop
pathogens in order to enhance the crop productivity in an economic way (Rai et al.
2012; Jones 2014; Prasad et al. 2014; Kaushal and Wani 2017). Therefore nano-
biosensors can be major tool to distribute nutrients and fertilizers as per the require-
ment of the crop and to successfully achieve the goal of precision farming (Kaushal
and Wani 2017).
Solanki et al. 2015; Liu and Lal 2015). Another important feature of smart delivery
systems is to enhance the delivery of nutrients and ppp’s as they enable their con-
trolled release and extend their effectiveness from three to over 30 days (Adak
et al. 2012; Solanki et al. 2015). Smart delivery of nutrients and ppp’s improves
the resistance of crops towards droughts, pests, and pollution and in the same way
the effect of pesticides was found to be doubled (Song et al. 2012; Xiang et al.
2013; Kah and Hofmann 2014). Thus, there was a significant improvement in the
quality and quantity of yields (Mukhopadhyay 2014; Solanki et al. 2015; Chhipa
and Joshi 2016). Nano-biosensor based smart delivery systems can further enhance
the process of releasing nutrients and ppp’s in response to environmental stresses
and biological needs and thus provides an opportunities for real time monitoring
and control (Solanki et al. 2015; Liu and Lal 2015; Ramesiah 2015). Nano-
biosensors and nano-based smart delivery systems could help in the efficient use
of agricultural natural resources like water, nutrients, and chemicals through preci-
sion farming. Through the use of nanomaterials and global positioning systems
with satellite imaging of fields, farm managers could remotely detect crop pests or
evidence of stress such as drought. Once pest or drought is detected, there would
be automatic adjustment of pesticide applications or irrigation levels. Nano-
encapsulated slow release fertilizers have also become a trend to save fertilizer
consumption and to minimize environmental pollution.
been developed having ability to detect these specific threats (Perumal and Hashim
2014; Otles and Yalcın 2015). Therefore, nano-biosensors provide a very precise
tool that can be used to prevent pest out-breaks and monitor soil quality, which ulti-
mately leads to improved yields. With the help of nanotechnological intervention,
the sustainable agriculture intensification concept can be achieved. The application
of nanotechnology approach to agricultural practices can play an important role in
plant protection strategies, prevents nutrient losses, promotes rapid pest detection,
and enhances yields through improved pest management (Ghormade et al. 2011;
Shang et al. 2019). The applications of nanotechnology to agriculture can be broadly
categorized as:
1. Nanoclays and nanozeolites have the ability to enhance water holding capacity
of soil (Sekhon 2014).
2. Nanosensor based devices for the analysis of soil, water, nutrient, and pesticide
3. Nano-magnets for the expulsion of soil contaminants.
4. Nanoparticles (NPs) for the production of improved insecticides, pesticides, and
insect repellents.
5. Nanomaterial based devices for the discharge of genetic material for crop
enhancement (Kaushal and Wani 2017).
A variety of nano-biosensors have been developed by using inorganic, poly-
meric, and lipid NPs through different techniques which include emulsification,
ionic gelation, polymerization to increase the plant protection and productivity
(Fraceto et al. 2016). Such techniques can be used for the development of intelligent
nano-systems which has the ability to minimize leaching and at the same time
improving the uptake of nutrients by plants. Besides, such systems can mitigate
eutrophication by reducing the transfer of nitrogen to groundwater (Liu and Lal
2015). Moreover, nanomaterials could also be exploited to improve the structure
and function of pesticides by increasing solubility, enhancing resistance against
hydrolysis and photodecomposition, and/or by providing a more specific and con-
trolled release toward target organisms (Mishra and Singh 2015; Grillo et al. 2016;
Nuruzzaman et al. 2016).
Furthermore, the availability of diagnostic kits has enabled fast and easy detection
of harmful pathogens, made it possible through timely intervention the prevention
of epidemic diseases (Savaliya et al. 2015; Khiyami et al. 2014). The application of
nano-biosensors and nanomaterial based devices has made it possible to detect
pathogens in a quicker, cost-effective and precisely for the treatment of diseases.
Such accuracy in technology has enabled to devise effective integrated disease pest
management systems in order to modify crop environments to stop the intrusion of
plant pathogens (Kashyap et al. 2016). However, there is a need to assess the health
hazards and toxicity caused by the use of nanomaterial based products in agricul-
ture, environment, and human health. Nanomaterials such as fullerenes (C60), CNTs,
silver, iron, titanium dioxide, aluminum oxide, cerium oxide, zinc oxide, silicon
dioxide, dendrimers, nanoclays, and gold nanoparticles are under investigation
(Duhan et al. 2017). Although, nanomaterials have the ability to resolve the prob-
lems associated with agriculture like overdependence on irrigation, climatic insta-
bility, poor energy conversion to products like nanopesticides and nano-fertilizers,
disease prevention in crops, use of agricultural wastes and nanosensors.
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Nanoparticles: The Magic Bullets
in Mitigating Drought Stress in Plants
1 Introduction
of stress mitigator for crops (Kim et al. 2018; Pandey 2018; Shojaei et al. 2019). For
example, fertilizers play a vital role in crop growth and development but most of
their part remains unutilized by plants due to many inherent factors, such as, leach-
ing in soil, hydrolysis, decomposition, etc. Therefore, there is a constant need to
develop novel applications with the help of nanotechnology and nanomaterials to
increase the crop production and to minimize the nutrient loss of fertilizers (León-
Silva et al. 2018; Saranya et al. 2019). Application of nano-fertilizers may provide
alternative to increase resource’s use efficiency and to reduce increased soil toxicity
created due to accumulation of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the soil
(Pirzadah et al. 2019). Despite advances of nanotechnology in other sectors, devel-
opment of nanobiotechnology and its applications in agriculture sector (Fig. 1) is
still at native stage. However, there is an increasing interest of researchers in this
field. In this chapter, we discuss the recent advances in nanobiotechnology research
related to drought stress alleviation and modulation of crop yield.
2 Nanoparticles (Nano-powder/Nano-cluster/Nano-crystal)
Fig. 2 Various types of nanomaterials: (a) polymer nanoparticle, (b) nano-crystal, (c) nanotubes,
(d) nanogels, (e) nano-cluster, (f) nanoshell, (g) nanogels, (h) micelles
148 J. Ahmad et al.
n anotubes) increased the plants’ capability to collect the range of light energy after
introducing the carbon nanotubes into chloroplast. These carbon nanotubes act as an
artificial antenna which permits the chloroplast to collect the wavelengths of light
besides the normal range, such as ultraviolet, green, and near-infrared (Khatri and
Rathore 2018). The engineered/modified carbon nanotubes also improve the growth,
physiology, metabolism, and tolerance level of plants which could be helpful under
stress conditions (Vithanage et al. 2017). Though, the several studies on nanoparti-
cles to date concern toxicity on plant system (Chichiriccò and Poma 2015; Tripathi
et al. 2017). On the other hand, various studies have shown that nanoparticles have
positive effects on the plant system (Table 1). Nanoparticles can be a potential tool
to be used as nano-herbicides, nano-pesticides, nano-fertilizers, etc. which can
effectively release their content in required quantity to target cellular organelles in
plants (Cicek and Nadaroglu 2015). Different activities including the improper
clearance of industrial waste and improper management of disposal of products by
user can pollute the environment. Several mathematical models are being currently
used to evaluate the discharge of nanoparticles in the environment (Nowack 2017).
The NPs have high surface to volume ratio which improves their activity and prop-
erties. Environmental conditions also affect the properties of nanoparticles such as
stability, oxidation state, precipitation, and aggregation. Hence, nanoparticles can
act differently in different environmental conditions, and consequently their acces-
sibility as well as reactivity in ecosystem is varied (Ealias and Saravanakumar 2017).
Plants must cope with climate changes and environmental stresses such as drought,
salinity, elevated temperatures, heavy metals, etc. for sustainability and mainte-
nance of life on Earth. Such stresses might hardly occur in single but more com-
monly in combination. Climate change catastrophes impact all aspects of plant
metabolism, growth, and development and thus posing a serious challenge for
developing sustainable agriculture at a time of significant growth in the global popu-
lation (Ahmad et al. 2018b; Roychoudhury and Tripathi 2019). To cope with envi-
ronmental stresses plants have developed a wide spectrum of effective and integrative
molecular programs to sense it rapidly and adapt accordingly (VanWallendael et al.
2019). Such responses can boost up by plant by the interaction of nanoparticles with
plants. Nanotechnology holds the pledge of enhancing crop yield by improving
plant tolerance mechanism under abiotic stress conditions (Khan and Upadhyaya
2019). Several studies demonstrated that nanoparticles play important role in pro-
tecting plants from abiotic stresses through modulation of various physiological,
biochemical, and molecular processes (Fig. 3). In addition, nanoparticles are gener-
ally involved in enhancing the activities of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxi-
dants under abiotic stress (Table 1). Many natural biological systems have native
form of nanoparticles such as chemicals derived from soil organic content, nano-
clay, magnetosomes, ferritin, viruses, exosomes, and lipoproteins which exhibit
Nanoparticles: The Magic Bullets in Mitigating Drought Stress in Plants 149
Table 1 (continued)
Treatment Effect on drought
Nanoparticles duration Plant stress Reference
Composite – – The SiO2 Nps Mushtaq et al.
NPs = SiO2 Nps consisting of (2018)
(core) + chitosan superabsorbent
(first semi- control release
permeable fertilizer was
coating) + sodium competent of
alginate and kaolin releasing the
(outer most nutrients slowly,
superabsorbent withhold good
coating) quantities of water
hence can facilitate
plants control
salinity and drought
without disturbing
the ecosystem
Nano TiO2 and nano 20 and 20 ppm Hordeum Present Ghorbanian
SiO2 vulgare L. investigation et al. (2017)
showed beneficial
effects of TiO2 and
SiO2 on yield and
biomass of barley
Encapsulation of 100 μM Saccharum spp. Such nanoparticles Silveira et al.
S-nitrosoglutathione 5, 8 days cv. 99 can be used for (2019)
into chitosan IACSP94-2094 increasing
nanoparticles NO-induced
benefits for plants
under stress,
mitigating the
negative impact of
drought on plant
physiology and
Nano ZnO 1, 3, and 5 mg Hordeum The ZnO-NPs Dimkpa et al.
Zn/kg vulgare L. promoted growth, (2019)
4 weeks yield, development,
and fortify edible
grains with crucial
nutrients and also
improved N
acquisition under
Nanoparticles: The Magic Bullets in Mitigating Drought Stress in Plants 151
Table 1 (continued)
Treatment Effect on drought
Nanoparticles duration Plant stress Reference
Nano TiO2 0, 10, 100, and Linum Increased Aghdam et al.
500 mg/L usitatissimum chlorophyll and (2016)
3 days L. carotenoids content,
growth and yield,
reduced H2O2 and
(MDA) content
Nano TiO2 and SiO2 Nano TiO2 (25, Gossypium Increased pigments Shallan et al.
50, 100, and barbadense L. content, total (2016)
200 ppm) or soluble sugars, total
nano SiO2 (400, phenolics, total
800, 1600, and soluble proteins,
3200 ppm) total free amino
24 days acids, proline
content, total
reducing power,
total antioxidant
capacity, and
antioxidant enzyme
activities and yield
Yttrium doping- 0.5, 0.8, 1, or Brassica napus Reduced level of Palmqvist et al.
stabilized γ-Fe2O3 2 mg ml−1 L. hydrogen peroxide (2017)
nanoparticles 5 days and
and increased the
chlorophyll and
growth of plants
under drought
Nano SiO2 30, 60, and Triticum Increased leaf Behboudi et al.
90 ppm were aestivum cv. pigments and (2018a)
applied three pishtaz relative water
times at the stage content, plant
of tillering, stem height, and biomass
elongation and
heading in the
soil and through
foliar application
Nano TiO2 0.1% Triticum Improved leaf Dawood et al.
4 weeks aestivum L. cvs health and growth (2019)
kinetic trait
152 J. Ahmad et al.
Table 1 (continued)
Treatment Effect on drought
Nanoparticles duration Plant stress Reference
Chitosan 30, 60, and 90 Hordeum Increased the Behboudi et al.
nanoparticles ppm were vulgare L. relative water (2018b)
applied three content, grain
times at the stage protein, proline
of tillering, stem content, catalase,
elongation and and superoxide
heading in the dismutase
soil and through
foliar application
Nano SiO2 100, 200, 300, Cucumis sativus Increased nutrient Alsaeedi et al.
and 400 mg/kg L. uptake, fruit yield (2019)
were applied
from first day
transplantation of
Fig. 3 Nanoparticles operate as signals that trigger the defense mechanism in plants to alleviate
abiotic stresses
Nanoparticles: The Magic Bullets in Mitigating Drought Stress in Plants 153
Drought is a perennial and recurring feature in many parts of the world including
India. Drought only affects 45% of the world’s agricultural land (Dos Reis et al.
2016). Drought, as an abiotic stress, is multidimensional in nature, and it affects
plants at various levels of their organization. In fact, under prolonged drought, many
plants dehydrate and die off (Takahashi et al. 2018). Water stress in plants reduces
the plant cell’s water potential and turgor, which elevate the solutes’ concentrations
in the cytosol and extracellular matrices. As a result, cell enlargement decreases lead-
ing to growth inhibition and reproductive failure. This is followed by accumulation
of abscisic acid (ABA) and compatible osmolytes like proline, which cause wilting
(Ahmad et al. 2017; Hussain et al. 2019). At this stage, overproduction of reactive
oxygen species (ROS) and formation of radical scavenging compounds such as
ascorbate and glutathione further aggravate the adverse influence (Ahmad et al.
2019a; Hussain et al. 2019). Drought not only affects plant–water relations through
the reduction of water content, turgor, and total water, it also affects stomatal closure,
limits gaseous exchange, reduces transpiration, and arrests carbon assimilation (pho-
tosynthesis) rates (Schulze et al. 2019). Nanotechnology has the potential to improve
function of photosynthetic machinery. Nanoparticles increase photosynthetic rate by
changing the activity of enzymes involved in C3 cycle and synthesis of photosyn-
thetic pigments that could promote carboxylation, reflecting increase in plant growth
(Lowry et al. 2019). Nanoparticles have a positive effect on germination and growth
of plants. Effectiveness of NPs is determined by their concentration and it varies
from plant to plant. Oxidative stress has largely been reported to be implicated in NP
induced toxicity. It could activate a wide variety of cellular events such as cell cycle
arrest, program cell death, modulation of proteins, and induction of antioxidant
enzymes (Jalil and Ansari 2019).
As compared to the water sprayed control plants, the plants sprayed with the
nanoceria show substantial reduction in the contents of malondialdehyde (such as
MDA, a metric of lipid peroxidation) as well as in the level of free radicals (such as
hydrogen peroxide and super oxides) when examined under drought condition. In
sorghum plant, nanoceria foliar spray results in augmented seed yield per plant
154 J. Ahmad et al.
when compared to the water sprayed plants under drought conditions. The nanopar-
ticles of TiO2 have numerous intense effects on the morphological, biochemical, and
the crop physiological characteristics (Djanaguiraman et al. 2018). However, during
the growing period of the spinach plant exogenous application of nano TiO2 pro-
motes rubisco activase activity, formation of chlorophyll, and increased rate of pho-
tosynthesis which ultimately results in increase in the dry mass of the plant (Gao
et al. 2008). It was further stated that the seed yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata
L.) increases by foliar application of NPs and TiO2 which may be possibly due to
the augmented rate of photosynthesis (Owolade et al. 2008). Also the activity of
various antioxidant enzymes like peroxidase and catalase has also been found to
enhance in response to nano TiO2 application. As a result of induction of the antioxi-
dant systems of the plant the MDA accumulation is reduced (Ahmad et al. 2019a).
Hence, TiO2 has unlocked new and fascinating horizon for various plant physiolo-
gists or improves the performance of plants even under severe stress conditions. The
effect of nano TiO2 differs in all environmental conditions and may vary among
different species of plant and varied applied conditions. In this context, under con-
trol and drought stress conditions, the influence of nano TiO2 concentrations on
biochemical and morpho-physiological characteristics of medicinal and aromatic
plant dragon head was investigated by Mohammadi et al. (2016). Formulations of
nano-sized ZnO and CuO act as a source of Zn and Cu and thus considered for agri-
cultural applications and can be used as fertilizers. The effects of such nanoparticles
(NPs) showed three way interactions of these NPs with the plants and its microbi-
ome. At various doses that made shortening of root by both NPs, the NPs of Zn
enlarge the formation of lateral roots whereas the NPs of Cu induce the proliferation
and elongation of root hair which are closer to the tip of roots in wheat seedlings
under drought stress (Yang et al. 2017). These responses usually occurred with roots
colonized by a Pseudomonas chlororaphis O6 (PcO6) beneficial bacteria, which is
isolated from the roots of the wheat grown in calcareous soils under dry land farming
conditions. In seedling of wheat plant the drought stress tolerance induced by PcO6
was not reduced by the NPs. Rather PcO6-colonized plants growth with NPs thus
resulted in general increased in the expression of those genes which are related with
the water stress tolerance. The work elucidates that those plants which are grown
under the ZnO or CuO exhibited cross protection for challenges of drought and
metal stress. Emerging approaches for sustainable agriculture thus includes formu-
lations using nanoparticles (NPs). NPs of ZnO and CuO are being reflected as fertil-
izers used to provide vital elements or as pesticides at higher doses. NPs of Zn and
Cu also provide protection in different plants against drought stress (Yang et al.
2017). Although root hair formation is enhanced by CuNPs (CuO NPs) and ZnNPs
(ZnO NPs) raises the production of lateral roots. The reduced length of root possibly
lessens the access to water. Enhanced lignification of wall as described for mustard
and Arabidopsis grown with the CuO possibly alter the flow of water and thus limit
the extension of cell wall. The wall recognized response to the drought stress in
plant is increased lignification. Impairment of the water flow may also be due to the
association of Cu ions with pectins of cell wall (Nair and Chung 2015). Elevated
Nanoparticles: The Magic Bullets in Mitigating Drought Stress in Plants 155
level of anthocyanin for plants which are exposed to the NPs of CuO is continuous
with the water stress, also it has been documented proline is increased during the
strategy of drought tolerance. The roots of wheat grown with NPs of CuO show
greater accumulation of the free radical in agreement with the fact that plants meet
the challenges for NP results in ROS burst. The increased level of ROS, which fur-
ther suggested the result of elevated ABA triggered by the drought stress, may cause
transcriptional changes and thus leads to stress tolerance (Dimkpa et al. 2012).
Some remarkable results are found in certain studies such as seed germination
and antioxidants increased in barley, soybean, and corn when treated with carbon
nanotubes (CNTs) (Lahiani et al. 2013; Liu et al. 2016). CNTs induced root and
shoot growth of wheat plants (Srivastava and Rao 2014). To reduce the effects of
drought stress on quality and productivity of plants various significant efforts have
been made over the past decades. We further recommend that the nanoparticles of
fullerenol (FNPs), molecular formula C60(OH)24 may help to lessen the effect of
drought stress by aiding as an extra water supply to intercellular cells of plants.
Precisely, the nanoparticles of fullerenol (FNPs) able to enter the root and leaf tissue
of plants, where they are able to bind molecules of water in different compartments
of the cell. This hydroscopic FNPs activity further proposes that the FNPs could be
useful in plants (Borišev et al. 2016; Verma et al. 2019). Such interesting study was
done to investigate the effect of FNPs on sugar beet plants exposed to the drought
stress (Borišev et al. 2016). Findings of this study further suggest that in those plants
which are exposed to the drought stress, the foliar application of nanoparticles of
fullerenol can modify the intracellular water metabolism. In roots and leaves of
drought stressed plants made a significant elevation in the osmolyte proline in expo-
sure of FNPs. These findings further suggest that the FNPs could also act as a binder
of intracellular water, thus generating extra reserve for water and hence permitting
the adaptation under the drought stress. Furthermore, amplification of various anti-
oxidant enzymes in plants including (GR, SOD, GPX, APX, and CAT) indicates the
foliar application of fullerenol may have some valuable effect on lessening the
oxidative effects of the drought stress which further depends upon the concentration
of applied nanoparticles (Liu et al. 2016). The exact mode of action, physiology, and
mechanism of FNPs on plants further studies are needed. However, we can con-
clude that FNPs could directly be more effective on various agricultural practices,
where supply of water is often a limiting factor. In addition, the insolubility of
native fullerene in water is the main drawback for biological applications. To over-
come this problem, derivatives of water-soluble fullerene have been synthesized and
designed which maintain many of the exclusive properties of the native fullerene.
These derivatives of fullerene due to their high solubility in the water represent
attractive nanoparticles for different biological applications (Verma et al. 2019).
Silver (Ag) nanoparticle (AgNPs) is of the most frequently used nanoparticles in
research experiments (Ahmad et al. 2019b). In some research the nanoparticles of
silver have been validated for their inhibitory effects on the bacteria and other
organisms (Beyene et al. 2017). Various researches have demonstrated the effects of
silver nanoparticles on the hydraulic conductivity of plant stem, but on the other
156 J. Ahmad et al.
hand these nanoparticles may be able to penetrate the plant and could hinder the
intracellular compartments and thus cause impairment to cell division (Tripathi
et al. 2017). Hojjat and Ganjali (2016) reported positive interaction of AgNPs with
lentil in drought stress. The germination rate, germination percentage, root length,
root fresh and dry weight were increased under exposure of drought and AgNPs.
The results of Mousavi et al. (2018) showed impact of nanosilver on Tanacetum
parthenium plants under drought stress conditions has reduced the level of antioxi-
dant enzymes may be less requirement of plant for antioxidant metabolism after
exposure of nanosilver under drought. Nanoparticles may directly implicated in the
removal of reactive oxygen species and, as result of purifying these free radicals,
reduce the level of antioxidant enzymes. There is little knowledge on responses of
medicinal plants, particularly in conditions like drought stress. The experiment was
conducted to access the responses of Carum copticum under drought stress by vari-
ous treatments testing the magnetic field and silver nanoparticles. Investigation
indicated that exposure with magnetic field had more yield as compared to the con-
trol and nanosilver treatments (Seghatoleslami et al. 2015).
The nonporous material silica occupy analytical interest due to their great use in
chromatography, biological images, delivery of drug, agriculture, cell markers,
chemical sensors, and enzyme encapsulation (Asefa and Tao 2012). Due to wide
application of the nanoparticles of silica in multidiscipline their production by dif-
ferent methods is receiving researcher’s greatest attention. The nanoparticles of
silica can be used in the field of agriculture, as a silicon source to reduce the salinity
stress in plants which are growing under saline and drought environments (Jeelani
et al. 2019). The nanoparticles of silica have been successfully prepared by both
organic and inorganic colloids. Ultrasonic synthesis of NPs of SiO2 resulted in the
synthesis of minute particles of about 13 nm (Jeelani et al. 2019). This research has
been carried out by modified process of Stober (Sol-Gel) utilizing ultra-sonication
based production of nanoparticle of SiO2 (Noriega et al. 2019). The NPs of SiO2 are
further encapsulated in a compound-controlled release fertilizer used for improving
the quality of agriculture in saline and drought areas (Mushtaq et al. 2018). Silicon
has not been proven to be a vital element for the higher plants, but its useful effects
on the plant growth have been reported in variety of crops including wheat, cucum-
ber, and barley (Table 1). In plants, the deposition of silicon is in the form of amor-
phous silica (SiO2-nH2O) in the cell wall and improves the strength and rigidity of
cell wall and interacts with the polyphenols and pectins (Bhatt and Sharma 2018).
It was demonstrated by Marschner (2011) that in epidermal cell of the leaves Si4+
deposits and thus improving leaf exposure towards light by keeping leaves upright,
whereas in roots it increases the elongation of cell and thus augmenting the elastic-
ity of cell wall. Si acts as a mechanical–physical barrier that can inhibit the penetra-
tion of pathogens or pesticides into the plant cell. The deposition of silicon takes
place on the epidermal walls, surface of leaves, and stem vascular tissues in most of
the plants, particularly monocots and thus controls various physiological properties
of plants.
Nanoparticles: The Magic Bullets in Mitigating Drought Stress in Plants 157
The nanoparticles due to their unique physio-chemical properties are being used in
the field of biotechnology and agriculture industry. Plenty of studies have concluded
to explore mechanism by which nanoparticles influence on plant growth and devel-
opment. Application of biosynthesized nanoparticles in agricultural field leads to
sustainable development. They facilitate site targeted delivery of various nutrients
needed for better growth and high productivity of plants. Nanoparticle increases the
drought tolerance through enhancing antioxidant system, nutrient uptake, photosyn-
thesis, reduction of reactive oxygen species, modulation of proteins, and signaling
pathway. It is evident from compiled information that the effect of nanoparticles
varies from plant to plant and depends on their mode of application, size, and con-
centration. Also more studies are required to explore the mode of action of nanopar-
ticles, their interaction with biomolecules, and their impact on gene regulation and
expression in plant under drought stress. Another application of nanoparticles in
agriculture can be use as nano-biosensors in the crop protection and nano-devices
for genetic manipulation of plants. However, some reports reflect the negative
impact of nanoparticles on the environment. Therefore, the researchers should focus
on dynamic interactions between plants and nanoparticles and its impact on the
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Nanotechnology: An Innovative Tool
to Enhance Crop Production
1 Introduction
Seed germination rate is an important parameter for the initial assessment of the
effects of various nanomaterials on the subsequent developmental stages of
plants. The emergence of radicle and plumule is the initiation of seed germina-
tion and seedling growth. The effect of nanomaterials on plant germination and
growth has been studied by various scientists with the aim to enhance its use in
agriculture. For instance, TiO2 nanoparticles (0.25–4%) promote photosynthesis
and nitrogen metabolism in spinach and, therefore, improve the growth of the
plants (Zheng et al. 2005; Klaine et al. 2008). Engineered nanoparticles (ENPs)
may be classified into the metal (or non-metal) and metal oxide nanoparticles.
Most widely used ENPs evaluated in the field of crop improvement include
nano-ferrous/ferric oxides (Alidoust and Isoda 2013; Bakhtiari et al. 2015),
nano-silver (Sharma et al. 2012; Razzaq et al. 2016), nano-gold (Arora et al.
2012; Kumar et al. 2013), nano-copper (Ngo et al. 2014), nano-zinc oxide
(Burman et al. 2013), nano-titanium oxide (Feizi et al. 2013), nano-cerium
oxide (Rico et al. 2014), carbon nanotubes, and fullerols (Villagarcia et al.
2012; Kole et al. 2013).
Nanotechnology: An Innovative Tool to Enhance Crop Production 165
in increase in plant height, fresh and dry weight as compared to control. SNPs also
affected the number of seminal roots in wheat. Soil applied SNPs showed favorable
effects on plant growth which may be due to the more bioavailability and accumula-
tion in plants, thereby stimulating plant growth. Razzaq et al. (2016) further reported
that in order to explore precise concentration, suitable mode, and time of application
to realize growth- and yield-enhancing potential of SNPs for wheat and other crops
in an eco-friendly manner more investigations are required.
Indications of magnetic NPs were found in roots, stems, and leaves under hydro-
ponic conditions, while the plants did not show any signs of magnetic NPs growing
in soil or in sand confirming no particle uptake. Shah and Belozerova (2009)
reported that nanoparticles (Pd, Au at low concentrations; Si, Cu at higher concen-
trations, and combination of Au and Cu) had a positive impact on seed germination
and growth of the seedling of lettuce. The effect of colloidal solution of molybde-
num nanoparticles (Mo NPs) on the microbial composition in the rhizosphere of
chick pea (Cicer arietinum) was studied by Taran et al. (2014) and reported that
seeds of chick pea when treated with combination of colloidal solution of Mo NPs
(8 mg/L) and microbial preparation caused the development of “agronomically
valuable” microflora and resulted in increase in number of nodules per plant by four
times, while single treatment with colloidal solution of Mo NPs increased the num-
ber of nodules twofold as compared to control. Ma et al. (2010) reported the effects
of four oxide nanoparticles (CeO2, Lanthanum (III) oxide-La2O3, Gadolinium (III)
oxide-Gd2O3, Ytterbium oxide-Yb2O3) on radish, rape, tomato, lettuce, wheat, cab-
bage, and cucumber plant species and reported that the nano-CeO2 at 2000 mg/L
concentration caused root elongation in lettuce and did not affect root elongation in
other plant species. The other three types of nanoparticles (La2O3, Gd2O3, and
Yb2O3) at same concentration greatly influenced root growth. The inhibitory effect
of these nanoparticles was observed at various stages of root growth. The need is to
understand the phytotoxic nature of the nanoparticles thoroughly before their appli-
cation under field conditions. In order to avoid the phytotoxic effects of nanoparti-
cles to other plant species the possible solution is to grow the plant seedlings in
greenhouse and then transferring them to field.
Secondary metabolites have medicinal properties and are also known as natural
products or phytochemicals. It has been reported in various research papers that
most of the secondary metabolites are beneficial for human body and are also con-
sidered as phyto-medicines. Secondary metabolites play a significant role in sur-
vival of plants, protection against pests, insect attack, mechanical injury, and other
biotic and abiotic stresses (Misra et al. 2016). The various secondary metabolites
include terpenoids, alkaloids, and phenolics (Kabera et al. 2014).
A great diversity of bioactive small molecular metabolites is present in plants
that are highly important as pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and agrochemicals. In
Nanotechnology: An Innovative Tool to Enhance Crop Production 167
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change, population explosion, and other geogenic activities nano-agrotechnology
has a vast potential to enhance production yield by incorporating beneficial traits in
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Development of Nano-formulations
via Green Synthesis Approach
Tanveer Bilal Pirzadah, Bisma Pirzadah, Aarifa Jan, Fayaz Ahmad Dar,
Khalid Rehman Hakeem, Seema Rashid, Sheikh Tanveer Salam,
Pervaiz Ahmad Dar, and Mohammad Afaan Fazili
1 Introduction
Due to the growing population and other anthropogenic activities, global agricul-
tural production faces many challenges such as decreased crop yield, soil fertility,
soil degradation, low efficiency, and labor shortages due to expulsion from agricul-
ture (Godfray et al. 2010; FAO 2017; Pirzadah et al. 2019). In addition, losses of
biological resources are occurring at an alarming rate, with dramatic effects on
people’s livelihood. The population is projected to reach 8.5 billion by 2030, and it
will be mandatory to generate at least 50% more production to feed such a large
population (Wiens 2016). To combat future food crises, an effective protocol is
T. B. Pirzadah (*)
Assistant Professor, University Centre for Research and Development (UCRD),
Chandigarh University, Mohali, Punjab, India
B. Pirzadah · A. Jan · F. A. Dar
Department of Bioresources, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
K. R. Hakeem
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Princess Dr Najla Bint Saud Al-Saud Center for Excellence Research in Biotechnology, King
Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
S. Rashid · S. T. Salam · P. A. Dar
Department of Zoology, Amar Singh College, Cluster University,
Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
M. A. Fazili
Section of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Department of Botany, University of Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
Advanced Plant Physiology section, Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
needed to manage and improve the agricultural sector. The exorbitant use of con-
ventional fertilizers and pesticides to increase production efficiency is of course not
an appropriate choice for the long term, as these fertilizers are considered a double-
edged sword, which increases crop yields but at the same time, they have a detri-
mental effect on the soil microflora and thus reduce fertility (Pirzadah et al. 2019).
In addition, it irreversibly damages soil texture and disrupts the balance of the food
web in the ecosystem, which can lead to genetic mutations in future generations.
The increased reliance on conventional fertilizers during and after the Green
Revolution has caused serious problems of sustainability and health risks. To over-
come the disadvantages of conventional fertilizers, bioformulations have been cre-
ated to revolutionize the agricultural sector because of their eco-friendly nature and
their cost-effectiveness (Mishra et al. 2015). Nevertheless, this approach has also
been confronted with some problems, namely the short life span, stability, solubil-
ity, low absorption efficiency by plants, and the high doses required. To combat
these problems, nano-formulations have received an overwhelming response due to
superiority over bioformulations (Auffan et al. 2009). Nano-biotechnologies have
thus become a promising tool to tackle the above-mentioned problems, particularly
in the agricultural sector, to combat global food production and boost the agricul-
tural sector (Shang et al. 2019). Nano-agribusiness is a new field that improves crop
yields, regenerates soil health, ensures precision agriculture, and stimulates plant
growth (Verma et al. 2018) (Fig. 1). Previously, these nano-formulations were pre-
Fig. 1 Various applications of nanotechnology in the agricultural sector (Source: Shang et al. 2019)
Development of Nano-formulations via Green Synthesis Approach 173
release, enhanced targeted activity with effective concentration, and less eco-
toxicity with safe, easy mode of delivery and disposal (Torney et al. 2007). Recently,
myconanotechnology has emerged as an attractive field where fungi can be used to
synthesize the nanoproducts which possess great application in agriculture sector.
Fungi play a lead role in the biosynthesis of nanoparticles because of the potent
efficiency in extracellular as well as intracellular enzyme production compared to
other microorganism like bacteria and actinomycetes (Rai et al. 2009; Narayanan
and Sakthivel 2010; Prasad 2017; Pirzadah et al. 2019). Some microorganisms pos-
sess innate ability to survive in extremophilic conditions such as high metal concen-
trations and this is due to some important mechanisms like efflux systems, oozing
out some organic acids that cause precipitation of metals through redox reactions or
chelate formations. However, in case of microorganisms culturing protocol is an
essential parameter, thus standardization of culturing parameters (pH, nutrients,
temperature, light, etc.) is of paramount importance to enhance the activity of
enzymes (Mukherjee et al. 2001a; Iravani 2011). The mode of nanomaterial fabrica-
tion using mycogenic approach is represented in Fig. 2. Several studies reported the
zy Protein
Gold nanoparticle
Fig. 2 Synthesis and fabrication of nanomaterials using mycogenic approach (Source: Pirzadah
et al. 2019)
Development of Nano-formulations via Green Synthesis Approach 175
Table 1 Quality criteria of carriers for the development of smart fertilizers based on microbial
inoculants (adapted from Sahu and Brahmaprakash 2016)
Quality criteria of model carriers of bioformulations References
High water-holding and water-retention capacity and suitable for as Mishra and Dahich
many bacteria as possible/cost-effective (2010)
Free from lump-forming material/near sterile or easy to sterilize by Keyser et al. (1993)
autoclaving or by other methods like gamma irradiation/nearly neutral
pH or easily adjustable and good pH buffering capacity
Available in adequate amounts/nontoxic in nature Bazilah et al. (2011)
For carriers used for seed treatment, should assure the survival of the Muresu et al. (2003)
inoculants on the seed since normally seeds are not immediately sown
after seed coating
For carriers that shall be used for seed coating, should have a good Hegde and
adhesion to seeds Brahmaprakash
No heat of wetting/easily biodegradable and non-polluting/supports Smith (1992)
growth and survival of bacteria/amenable to nutrient supplement/
manageable in mixing, curing, and packaging operations
Chemically and physically uniform Bashan (1998)
The inoculant should be non-toxic, biodegradable, and non-polluting, Bashan (1998)
and should minimize environmental risks such as the dispersal of cells to
the atmosphere or to the ground water
176 T. B. Pirzadah et al.
The nano-formulations synthesis via plants involves the mixing of the respective
salts with the plant extract which undergo redox reactions and the production of
nanoparticle is indicated by the change in color of the reaction mixture (Fig. 3).
Usually, the synthesis of nanoparticles via plant extract involves the donation of
electrons to the metal ions and resulting in the formation of nanoparticles. During
the biosynthesis of nano-formulations, there is an initial activation period when
Development of Nano-formulations via Green Synthesis Approach 177
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram showing possible mechanism behind the biosynthesis of nanoparticles
that involves mixing of the respective salts with the plant extract which undergo redox reactions
and the production of nanoparticle is indicated by the change in color of the reaction mixture
processed metal ions are changed into their elemental form (zero valent) from mono
or divalent oxidation states and later on nucleation of the reduced metal atoms takes
place (Malik et al. 2014). This is rapidly followed by the amalgamation of smaller
nanoparticles resulting in the formation of thermodynamically more stable larger
nanoparticles while the process of reduction of metal ions continues and further
growth processes lead to the production of nanoparticles in varied shape and size
viz., hexagons, rods, wires, spheres, and cubes and the energy in the form of heat
plays a key role in the reaction (Akhtar et al. 2013). This reaction continues until the
capping agent from the biological entity (plant extracts), which will eventually
inhibit the growth of the high-energy atomic growth planes which in turn leads to
the formation of specific type of nanoparticles. In other words, these nanoparticles
have the tendency to revert to their lower-surface energy state from high-energy
state by agglomeration. Therefore, the presence of large concentration of reductants
and stabilizing agents inhibits the agglomeration of nanoparticles and thus helps the
formation of smaller nanoparticles. However, the morphology of the synthesized
nanoparticle depends upon several factors like concentration of respective salt, pH,
temperature, concentration and source of metabolites and reaction time (Mittal et al.
2013; Dwivedi and Gopal 2010; Malik et al. 2017).
178 T. B. Pirzadah et al.
An innovative approach to the use of green manure has been used as a promising
alternative to fertilizers for sustainable agriculture (Mishra et al. 2015). However,
the organic fertilizers possess certain limitations such as low stability, efficiency,
and performance under changing weather conditions and the most important factor
involves the application of high dosage for maximum coverage area. In recent
years, nanotechnologies have become a tool in the agricultural industry to promote
growth and productivity through the design and development of ultra-small parti-
cles possessing large surface to volume ratios and high efficacy compared to clas-
sical approaches. Nanotechnology is an emerging field that has revolutionized the
world and it involves a multidisciplinary approach and is considered as the sixth
most revolutionary technology of the present era (Knell 2010). The world’s nano-
technology industry is predictable, with an estimated value of 75.8 billion US$ by
2020, thanks to remarkable global development (Research and Markets 2015).
There is no doubt that nanotechnology has evolved into the development of solid
applications in many of the aforementioned mechanical segments. At the same
time, nanotechnology can potentially benefit society and change the agricultural
sector. This technology has sponsored that agribusiness sector with yearly devel-
opment rate of 25% (US$ 1.08 billion). Moreover, joining of cutting edge nano-
technology in agro-food business would increase global monetary development to
US$ 3.4 trillion by 2020 (Sabourin and Ayande 2015). This makes it clear that the
role of agro-nanobiotechnology in agriculture is essential, without negative impact
on the environment and other problems of regulation of biosecurity. Agro-
nanobiotechnology is an innovative green technology that offers global food secu-
rity, sustainability, and climate change (Mishra et al. 2014).
The nano-fertilizers possess the efficiency to reduce nutrient loss via leaching and
prevent brisk modifications in their chemical nature which in turn increases the
nutrient use efficiency and thus addressing fertilizer related environmental concerns.
Moreover, the application of nanotechnology in agriculture counteracts the prob-
lems such as crop yield, food security, climate change, and sustainability (Mishra
et al. 2014). Nano-fertilizers are a nano-structured formulation that delivers nutri-
ents to the plants, allowing dynamic uptake or gradual discharge of active ingredi-
ents. Nanoparticles are regarded as efficient vehicles to carry nutrients to the target
site by encapsulation or in the form of emulsion of nanoscale dimension. However,
the surface coating of nano-materials on fertilizer particles holds the material more
firmly due to higher surface tension than the conventional surfaces and thus aids in
controlled release (Brady and Weil 1999; DeRosa et al. 2010). Cui et al. (2010)
reported that nano-fertilizers possess a great advantage over conventional fertilizers
Development of Nano-formulations via Green Synthesis Approach 179
In the present scenario, the exorbitant use of fertilizers in the agricultural sector to
increase production not only affects the quality of the soil, but also has adverse
effects on the environment. It is essential to improve agricultural production to meet
the demand of the population, without negative impact on the environment, so eco-
friendly synthesis approaches must be considered. Nanotechnology is a promising
approach that has revolutionized the agribusiness sector. The use of microbial
enzymes for nano-fertilizer biosynthesis is gaining momentum in nano-
bioformulations because of its excellent efficiency and cost-effective nature. Due to
the small size of nano-fertilizers (chemically synthesized), a risk assessment for our
environment is needed, especially in terms of consumption in the form of food or
feed. However, nano-biofertilizers appear to be more eco-friendly since they are
synthesized from the biological form, but this does not mean that their risk assess-
ment is not required. In addition, it is necessary to develop more technologies for
the synthesis of nanoparticles containing microorganisms well adapted and adapted
within the rhizosphere of a given plant. This could help to develop nano-biofertilizers
180 T. B. Pirzadah et al.
specific to crops/plants (biomimetic approach) and thus help improve yield. This
technology would not only help us today, but also future generations and play an
active role in global food security.
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1 Introduction
The human population is increasing at an alarming rate and the present status being
7.7 billion as per the recent United Nations reports; in contrast to this the agricul-
tural land covering 38.4% as of 2011 of the world’s land area (FAO/WHO 2013) is
shrinking due to rapid urbanization, desertification, abandonment, and mal-
agricultural practices thus, leading to the scarcity of food production. Further, the
farmers find it challenging to generate the adequate money from the conventional
agricultural practices, hence they are forced to use the fertilizers (especially the
synthetic ones) and other chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.
indiscriminately which leads to the increase in the yield but at the same time have
the negative impact on the environment causing pollution, biodiversity loss, bio-
magnification, and ultimately degradation of soil quality. So, we are in dire need of
a miraculous product which will eradicate this problem. Nanotechnology can rescue
us in solving this problem because novel nano-agricultural products also known as
nano-agrochemicals can be formulated through this emerging technology. The
agricultural products thus formed are known as nano-agrochemicals which are an
amalgamation of nanotechnology and agrochemicals and have resulted in the pro-
duction of nano-fertilizers, nano-herbicides, nano-fungicides, nano-pesticides,
nano-insecticides, and so on. Furthermore, agriculture is the backbone of develop-
ing nations, with more than 60% of the population depending on it for their liveli-
hood (Brock et al. 2011). Currently, the major challenges faced by world agriculture
G. Qazi (*)
Department of Botany, Islamia College of Science and Commerce, Srinagar,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
F. A. Dar
Department of Bioresources, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
2.1 Nano-fertilizers
Nano-fertilizers are considered as smart fertilizers that play a lead role in the agri-
cultural sector to improve soil fertility, productivity, and quality of agricultural
products (Meena et al. 2017). Nano-scale materials exhibit unique properties when
compared at their bulk level (Klabunde 2002). These unique properties of nano-
fertilizers include their penetration capacity, size, and more surface area than the
identical material found in their bulk form. The reason for the higher surface area is
the minute size of the particles making them very reactive and soluble in nature.
Sometimes, the particle size of the nano-fertilizer is less than the pore size of roots
and leaves, thus increasing their penetration power into the plant when applied even
Nano-agrochemicals: Economic Potential and Future Trends 187
on the surface of the plant and subsequently increasing the nutrient use efficiency
thus minimizes the input cost (Lin and Xing 2007; Nair et al. 2010). Fertilizers
encapsulated in nanoparticles will increase availability and uptake of nutrient to the
crop plants (Liscano et al. 2000). Nanoparticle size below 100 nm can be used as
fertilizer for efficient nutrient management which are more eco-friendly and reduce
environment pollution (Chinnamuttu and Kokiladevi 2007). Foliar application of
nanoparticles as fertilizer significantly increases yield of the crop (Liu et al. 2005).
Nanotech materials are being developed for slow release and efficient dosages of
fertilizers for plant (Tarafdar et al. 2012). Slow-release fertilizers are excellent alter-
natives to soluble fertilizers as nutrients are released at a slower rate throughout the
crop growth; plants are able to take up most of the nutrients without wastage by
2.2 Nano-herbicides
2.3 Nano-fungicides
Plant diseases have caused severe losses to humans ever since the beginning of
agriculture (Dangl and Jones 2001) and these pathogens are able to contaminate any
plant tissue at different stages of crop growth (Francisco et al. 2007). The main
causative agents include fungi, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and plant parasites; how-
ever, the fungi plays a dominant role and it has been reported that approximately
85% of all plant diseases are fungal in nature (Giraud et al. 2010; van Bruggen and
Finckh 2016; Parul et al. 2017). Kamel and Mousa (2015) reported that phyto-
pathogenic fungi comprise an important group of plant pathogens that cause
approximately $45 billion losses in crop yield every year all over the world. To
combat fungal diseases, farmers have been evolving their practices by using various
types of chemical fungicides such as mancozeb (Pirozzi et al. 2016), kitazin (Bass
et al. 1981), and copper hydroxide (Capinera and Dickens 2016) but the main limi-
tation of using these conventional fungicides involves developing resistance by the
microorganism against the particular fungicide thereby declines the crop yield
188 G. Qazi and F. A. Dar
(Wiesner-Hanks and Nelson 2016). Moreover, the plants develop the resistance to
fungicides either instantly or slowly. Thus, farmers either use single or a blend of
fungicides or in bulk quantities to control various fungal diseases which can lead to
either damaged crops or accumulation of residues in the plant which in turn enters
food chain and causes detrimental effects to human health (Shukla and Arora 2001;
Ragsdale and Sisler 1994; Lundqvist et al. 2016). Thus, with the escalating demand
to control these fungal pathogens, there is a dire need to control the excessive usage
of fungicides by discovering eco-friendly substitutes. Nanoparticle (NP) based
materials have received increasing attention due to their unique physical and chemi-
cal properties, which differ significantly from their conventional macroscale coun-
terparts (Phogat et al. 2016). Due to the antimicrobial properties of these nano-based
materials, they find great applications in the agricultural sector by controlling vari-
ous diseases (Panacek et al. 2009; Gutierrez et al. 2010; He et al. 2011; Wani and
Shah 2012; Kanhed et al. 2014). However, Parul et al. (2017) reported the limited
application of these smart chemicals in agriculture due to their cytotoxicity in plants.
2.4 Nano-pesticides
2.5 Nano-insecticides
Insecticides are the substances which are toxic in nature and are primarily used to
kill insects that can cause various diseases in plants. It is estimated that insect causes
an estimated loss of 14% which is approximately about US$ 2000 billion/annum in
crop yield worldwide and thus affects the agricultural economics (Pimentel 2009;
Kamel and Mousa 2015). To combat such a huge loses, insecticides are considered
to be the main factor for increasing the agricultural productivity in the twentieth
century. Further, nanoparticles as potential insecticides have been reported to play a
lead role in insect pest management (Bhattacharyya et al. 2010). Nanotechnology in
the management of polyphagous pest such as Helicoverpa armigera has been earlier
reported (Vinutha et al. 2013). Synthesized silver nanoparticles possessed excellent
anti-lice and mosquito larvicidal activity (Jayaseelan et al. 2011). Nano-
encapsulation helps slow release of a chemical to the particular host for insect pest
Nano-agrochemicals: Economic Potential and Future Trends 189
nano-materials has improved the quality of the environment and helped to detect
and remediate polluted sites; however, only a small number of nano-materials
demonstrated potential toxic effects (Mura et al. 2013).
The use of nano-agrochemicals benefits the agriculture but at the same time it also
has negative impact on the environment. The possible reasons being the size of
these nanoparticles which can easily find their way into the living organisms, mak-
ing them dangerous. The nano-agrochemicals are the novel products and the farm-
ers are not aware about their benefits yet. Further, their use has the stigma attached
to them due to the lack of awareness about them, thus these are not used exten-
sively. Moreover, agro-nanotech innovative products are experiencing difficulties
in reaching the market, making agriculture still a marginal sector for nanotechnol-
ogy (Claudia et al. 2015). The reason being the high investments involved in manu-
facturing nano-agrochemicals, lack of knowledge about the benefits associated
with their use, legislative unpredictability, and most importantly their acceptance
by the common man. Agrochemicals are an integral part of agriculture, but till date
nano-agrochemicals have received less attention in this sector. Due to their direct
and intentional application in the environment, nano-agrochemicals may be
regarded as critical in terms of possible environmental impact, as they represent the
only intentional diffuse source of engineered nanoparticles in the environment
(Kah et al. 2013).
equipped with skill of marketing the same. So, scientific discoveries should take the
help of the marketing professionals in order to transform the scientific discovery
into the commercially viable product.
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CRISPR/Cas9: A New Revolutionary
Science in Agricultural and Horticulture
1 Introduction
For the past few decades, plant biotechnologists unravel our understanding of
biology of the plants and have made crop plants with valuable novel agricultural and
nutritional traits that are valuable to the farmers, consumers, and the environment to
boost the sustainability (Ronald 2011). Biotechnology acts as an important tool to
offer innovation and economic ways to produce a diverse range of new products.
The plants with abiotic stress tolerance, disease, pest, herbicide resistance, and bet-
ter nutritional profile have been produced through transgenic integration and RNA
interference (RNAi)-gene silencing approaches (Sedeek et al. 2019). However,
transgenic plants or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are mostly produced
with a single transgene inserted into the plant genome, and the transgenes are often
from heterologous organisms. It is difficult to engineer plants that are resistant to
more than one pest through the single transgene integration. Tolerant engineering
plant is also a challenge because of a multiple environmental stresses, such as heat,
drought, heavy metal, and salinity because there are complex responses from plants
to stress (Pandey et al. 2017). Additionally, the integration of transgenes is random
in the genome and difficult to control. Technologies other than transgene integration
should be explored to better engineer stress tolerance and pest resistance in plants.
Increasing public concern regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
should also be addressed (Bawa and Anilakumar 2012). Whole genome information
and functional genomics have greatly enhanced our ability to engineer plant
Q. M. I. Haq (*)
Department of Biological Sciences and Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences,
University of Nizwa, Nizwa, Oman
T. Hussain
Plant Pathology and Nematology Section, Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, U.P., India
In recent years, genomic DNA had many independent studies reporting the repair
applications of the CRISPR/Cas9 system, a DNA repair system prone to congenital
errors that is ideal for mutation. Known for the remarkable adaptive immune system
based on nucleic acid bacteria or archaea, the researchers re-initiated the CRISPR/
Cas9 system into molecular technology to create double stranded breaks (DSBs) in
specific genomic sites to facilitate site-specific genome editing (Schiml and Puchta
2016; Schwank et al. 2013). The creation of a unique RNA (sgRNA) guide, which is
able to correctly address Cas9 at the predetermined site in the host genome, was the
most innovative review. Therefore, the CRISPR/Cas9 system has been reduced not
only by three or two component numbers, but has also been able to design modular
or vector DNA expression for a possible simple and high-throughput selection of
DNA sites in genomes in all organisms, including humans, animals, and plants.
In making such a modular DNA expression, the synthesis of oligonucleotides
from targeting sites was necessary for a new orientation and, originally, they were
required to be assembled in modular form for the cRNA spacer. This technical
CRISPR/Cas9: A New Revolutionary Science in Agricultural and Horticulture 197
CRISPR/Cas9 technology was first reported in 2012 and since then thousands of
research papers have been published (Adli 2018). Together with its applicability as
a fundamental biological research tool in research laboratories, the CRISPR/Cas9
system has been prepared for its wide range of potential applications in the “real
world.” For example, many are interested in the possible applications of CRISPR/
Cas9, in solving some of the challenges of genetic engineering such as the creation
of bacteria that can break down hard plant material (e.g., lignin) in the production
of biofuels (Roy et al. 2018). Increasingly, the potential applications of CRISPR/
Cas9 for agricultural problems are presented in the context of crop improvement in
particular, such as stress or disease tolerance and the most productive varieties, but
in relation to livestock engineering (Yan and Fong 2017) (Fig. 1). The performance
in the form of genome editing tool in Arabidopsis and Tobacco -CRISPR has been
road-testing, in other crops including wheat, rice, soya bean, potato, sorbet, orange,
and tomatoes has been done. By the end of 2014, scientists focus on the develop-
ment of abiotic stress tolerant plants using CRISPR/Cas9 technology (Arora and
Narula 2017). The potential application of CRISPR-Cas9 raises questions for the
improvement of crops or animals: “does CRISPR-Cas9 have a role in food secu-
rity?” The answer is far from simple, because it depends on a wide range of factors
in the food system (Table 1). This innovative tool provides us the ways to achieve
sustainability in the food sector to feed nine billion mouths by 2050 by incorporat-
ing value-added genes. The efficiency of CRISPR/Cas9 is due to its precise, fast,
and specificity in nature. In some genes specific genomic sites were targeted with
this system and the desired site-specific mutation rate was significantly higher.
Transient expression of the CRISPR/Cas9 system in protoplasts (plant cells with-
out cell wall) or tissue, recorded mutagenesis rate of 11.1% (Arabidopsis proto-
plast) up to 90.1% (rice immature embryo) (Lin et al. 2018). In cases of steady
expression of systems in revived plants, the mutation rate was also higher, which
was different from 4.0% to 91.6%. The highest mutation rate of 91.6% of the reju-
venated rice plants was observed in which the Lazy 1 gene was targeted (Viana
et al. 2019). It has been demonstrated that the Lazy 1 gene of rice has an important
198 Q. M. I. Haq and T. Hussain
role in determining rice lazy angle and inhibit laziness, which results in plants
spreading wide. Interestingly, in a recent report, it has been demonstrated that
TAC1 gene that regulates the growth of pillow in peach is related to Lazy1. It is
possible that by targeting the apple equivalent of TAC1 or Lazy1 gene, there can be
a large angle of branches in the apple, which is an ideal and preferred tree form in
the current orchard system (Smith et al. 2006).
The CRISPR/Cas system generates stable and inherited mutations, which can be
easily separated from the Cas9/sgRNA construct to avoid further modifications by
CRISPR/Cas. As a result, only one generation of homogenizing modified transgenic-
free plants is developed. Transgenic rice has been successfully developed with the
mutation of the desired gene by separating the transgenes with self-pollination in
the T1 generation (Brooks et al. 2014; Fauser et al. 2014; Feng et al. 2014; Gao and
Zhao 2014; Jiang et al. 2014; Schiml et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2014; Zhou et al.
2014). Xu et al. (2015) reported that relative cleavage efficacy of Cas9 nucleases is
better than before: TALEN and ZFN against the same target sites (Gaj et al. 2013;
CRISPR/Cas9: A New Revolutionary Science in Agricultural and Horticulture 199
Table 1 Application of genome editing tools in different plant species to improve yield, biotic and
abiotic stress resistance, and nutritional quality (Sedeek et al. 2019)
Target trait Plant species sequence(s) Result Method Reference
Yield Oryza sativa GS3, Gn 1a Grain size and CRISPR/ Shen et al.
no. increases Cas9 (2018)
O. sativa GW2, GW5, Grain weight CRISPR/ Xu et al. (2016)
TGW6 increases Cas9
O. sativa Gn1a, DEP1, Grain size and CRISPR/ Li et al.
GS3 number increase Cas9 (2016a, b)
and dense, erect
Virus Arabidopsis eIF (iso) 4E Potyvirus CRISPR/ Pyott et al.
resistance thaliana resistance Cas9 (2016)
A. thaliana BSCTV Beet severe CRISPR/ Ji et al. (2015)
genome curly top virus Cas9
Cucumis eIF4E1 Cucumber vein CRISPR/ Chandrasekaran
sativus yellowing virus, Cas9 et al. (2016)
zucchini yellow
mosaic virus,
and papaya ring
spot mosaic
Nicotiana BSCTV Beet severe CRISPR/ Ji et al. (2015)
benthamiana genome curly top virus Cas9
N. benthamiana TYLCV Tomato yellow CRISPR/ Ali et al. 2015
genome leaf curl virus Cas9
N. benthamiana AGO2 Virus resistance
CRISPR/ Ludman et al.
Cas9 (2017)
Fungus Oryza sativa OsERF922 Rice blast CRISPR/ Wang et al.
resistance resistance Cas9 (2016)
Solanum SlMlo Powdery mildew CRISPR/ Nekrasov et al.
lycopersicum resistance Cas9 (2017)
Triticum TaMLO-A1 Powdery mildew CRISPR/ Wang et al.
aestivum resistance Cas9 (2014)
Bacterial Citrus sinensis CsLOB1 Canker CRISPR/ Peng et al.
resistance resistance Cas9 (2017)
Oryza sativa OsSWEET13 Bacterial blight CRISPR/ Zhou et al.
resistance Cas9 (2015)
O. sativa Os11N3 Bacterial blight TALEN Li et al. (2012)
(OsSWEET14) resistance
200 Q. M. I. Haq and T. Hussain
Table 1 (continued)
Target trait Plant species sequence(s) Result Method Reference
Drought Arabidopsis mir169a Improved CRISPR/ Zhao et al.
resistance drought Cas9 (2016)
Zea mays ARGOS8 Improved grain CRISPR/ Shi et al. (2017)
yield under field Cas9
drought stress
Salt tolerance Oryza sativa OsRAV2 Salt stress CRISPR/ Duan et al.
tolerance Cas9 (2016)
Herbicide Linum EPSPS Glyphosate CRISPR/ Sauer et al.
tolerance usitatissimum tolerance Cas9 (2016)
Nicotiana MEL1 Herbicide ZFN Cai et al. (2009)
tabacum tolerance
Nicotiana ALS Resistance to TALEN Zhang et al.
tabacum imidazolinone (2013)
and sulfonylurea
Oryza sativa ALS Chlorsulfuron CRISPR/
and bispyribac Cas9
sodium tolerance
Oryza sativa EPSPS Glyphosate CRISPR/ Li et al. (2016a,
tolerance Cas9 b)
Solanum ALS1 Chlorsulfuron CRISPR/ Butler et al.
tuberosum and bispyribac Cas9 (2016)
sodium tolerance
Zea mays IPK1 Herbicide ZFN Shukla et al.
tolerance (2009)
Nutritional Camelina FAD2 Increase seed oil CRISPR/ Jiang et al.
improvement sativa content Cas9 (2017)
Oryza sativa SBEI, SBEIIb High amylose CRISPR/ Sun et al.
content Cas9 (2017)
O. sativa OsBADH22 Increase TALEN Shan et al.
fragrance (2015)
Solanum GBSS High CRISPR/ Andersson et al.
tuberosum amylopectin Cas9 (2017)
Zea mays ZmIPK Reduce phytic CRISPR/ Liang et al.
acid content Cas9 (2014)
Johnson et al. 2015). Xing et al. (2014) developed a toolkit for modifying multiplex
genomes in plants using the set of binary vectors based on CRISPR/Cas9 and a
series of vectors of gRNA modules. This will facilitate the transient or constant
expression of CRISPR/Cas9 in various types of plant systems and is particularly
useful for the modification of high-efficiency multiplex plant genomes (Xing et al.
CRISPR/Cas9: A New Revolutionary Science in Agricultural and Horticulture 201
2014). Therefore, the only requirement for genetic modification methods is the pro-
vision of only two components of the host cell, i.e., the supply of Cas9 and sgRNA,
the genomes of plants. Baltes et al. (2014) suggested that replication of the Gemini
virus (GVR) can be used to administer plants with improved mutations to deliver
Cas9/sgRNA when the replication protein gene co-formation has been transformed
(REP) with the gene or the sgRNA. The rapid progress in the development of
CRISPR/Cas9 in a series of tools for the study of cellular and molecular biology is
remarkable, thanks to the simplicity of the system, its high efficiency, and versatil-
ity. In the nuclear design system, currently available for accurate genomic engineer-
ing, the CRISPR/Cas9 system is the easiest to use. It is now also clear that the
probability that Cas9 reaches DNA beyond the rupture and its genome for the spe-
cific recruitment of proteins, its usefulness will be limited only by our imagination.
5 Future Prospects
Possible future crops for sustainable productive agriculture through genome editing
are those that have better resistance to harmful insects, with greater nutritional value
and which can survive in a changing climate. Climate-resistant agriculture to com-
bat biotic and abiotic stress is the future of crop improvement by modifying the
genome for manipulation mediated by direct mutagenesis and the study of tran-
scriptional control by dissection of physiological and molecular interferences under
combined stress (Kissoudis et al. 2014; Jain 2015). The genome assembly has
played a very important role in the development of new bioenergy crops, which
could give maximum performance in the different conditions and climate changes
(Bosch and Hazen 2013). This technology could offer any new concept of genome
modification for plants in order to improve crops for better nutrition and food safety.
Furthermore, methods of direct administration of Cas9 and gRNA using
Agrobacterium and viral replicons through the use of nanoparticles can be very use-
ful for simplifying genome modification technology. (Hiei et al. 2014; Khatodia
et al. 2014; Nonaka and Ezura 2014). The Cas9 inducible system for transcription
modulation such as the Cas9 and chemically inducible system and the activated
light Cas9 effector (LACE) could be used to improve culture in the future (Polstein
and Gersbach 2015; Zetsche et al. 2015). The generation of large-scale, genome-
wide sgRNA libraries for high-speed function loss detection applications based on
the CRISPRi system such as the RNAi system is particularly feasible for model
plants in the future (Heintze et al. 2013).
6 Conclusion
system is becoming the main choice technique that replaces the central role of
TALEN-based biotechnology in site-specific genome editing. Crops produced
through the Cas9-RNP genome/technology edition will certainly improve the pre-
cision farming approach to obtain useful traits and minimize the obstacle to dereg-
ulation for sustainable agriculture. The CRISPR/Cas9 system quickly adapted to
both the model and the cultivated plants and was established with a desirable effi-
ciency in the selection of genes for specific sites. It is likely that this system will
become more efficient over time, allowing high-throughput applications that will
direct the entire genome into plants. Ultimately, the wave of shock sent today to
the community of genome engineers by the discoverers of this brainstorming
genome modification technique will be perceived by agriculture in a positive way
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Pros and Cons of Nanotechnology
1 Introduction
Global food demand is rising at an alarming rate as the human population is increas-
ing exponentially and may hit a record of nine billion by 2050. To combat this
problem of food demand various strategies are being implemented to increase the
productivity of crops and protect them from agricultural pests. The increased popu-
lation rate forces agricultural society to find new ways of improved crop productiv-
ity. The problem of poverty and malnutrition has become a deep concern for
countries across world. The progress in agriculture sector plays a critical role in
population growth and economic forums as it produces raw materials for food and
feed industry. With economic development, the soil nutrient balances are differed.
W. Mushtaq (*)
Allelopathy Laboratory, Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
A. Shakeel
Environmental and Pathology Section, Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, U.P., India
M. A. Fazili
Section of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Department of Botany, University of Kashmir,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
Advanced Plant Physiology Section, Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
I. Chakrabartty
Department of Science, PAFGC, P.A. College of Engineering, Mangalore University,
Mangalore, India
M. Sevindik
Department of Food Processing, Bahçe Vocational School, Osmaniye Korkut Ata,
Osmaniye, Turkey
In developing countries, the soil fertility plays a significant role to assist economy
and agriculture (Campbell 2014). Present century holds a good demand for efficient,
reliable, and cost-effective systems for detecting, monitoring, and diagnosis of bio-
logical host molecules (Sagadevan and Periasamy 2014). The traditional farming
approaches are incapable of maintaining a pace at which food needs are required
and consequently we have to depend and imply the nanotechnology in agriculture
and its allied sectors. In modern agriculture, one cannot think of improving agricul-
tural productivity without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides; however,
most of the agrochemicals are not eco-friendly and are thus detrimental to human
health (Kah 2015). Nanotechnology is a novel technique for improved and sustain-
able agricultural production and also harbors a good capacity to bring novel altera-
tions in the agricultural systems. Nanotechnology introduces new technologies and
materials for use in molecular biology for the identification of plant pathogenic
microorganisms (Mousavi and Rezaei 2011). In agriculture, nanotechnology has the
potential to revolutionize this sector by introducing new techniques for disease
diagnosis, specific pathogen targeted treatment, and increasing the resistance of
plants to fight pests. It can also improve nutrient uptake by plants and can boost
plants to withstand ecological pressures. In developing countries, the soil fertility
plays a significant role to assist economy and agriculture (Campbell 2014). The
advantages of nanotechnology operated techniques for sustainable agriculture are
discussed below under the following headings.
To enhance the crop yield production, fertilizers play a pivotal role in the agriculture
sector; however, most of the fertilizers applied are unavailable to plant due to vari-
ous factors. These include leaching, degradation of fertilizers by photolysis, hydro-
lysis, and decomposition. As a result of this, the soils and underground water
become polluted or face nutrient imbalance. This problem can be solved through the
use of nanofertilizers or nano-encapsulated nutrient. A nano-fertilizer can be defined
as a substance having dimensions in nanometers and is capable of delivering nutri-
ents to crops in an efficient manner. For instance, nanomaterial encapsulated in a
thin protective polymer film or in the form of particles or emulsions of nanoscale
dimensions (DeRosa et al. 2010). Nanofertilizers are expected to possess beneficial
properties to crops which include sustained release of fertilizers to regulate plant
growth and development with an enhanced target activity (Ghormade et al. 2011).
For the effective release of nitrogen fertilizers, urea-fertilized zeolite chips were
used (Millán et al. 2008). The solubilization of phosphate minerals has been reported
to be improved through ammonium-charged zeolites. This results in enhanced phos-
phate uptake by plants which ultimately improve the yield of crops. Urea-modified
hydroxyapatite nanoparticles encapsulated within softwood of Gliricidia sepium
have been reported to regulate the sustained release of nitrogen fertilizers into soil
(Kottegoda et al. 2011). The conventional fertilizers have nutrient use efficiencies of
Pros and Cons of Nanotechnology 209
about 30–35%, 18–20%, and 35–40% for N, P, and K. However, nano-fertilizer has
the ability to enhance nutrient use efficiency by using the properties of nanoparticles
like increased surface area. Both physical and chemical approaches are used to
fortify nutrients singly or in combination onto the absorbents with nano-dimen-
sions. The nutrients are loaded on nanoparticles through different methods that
includes (a) by encapsulating the nutrient in nanoparticulate polymeric shell, (b) by
absorption on nanoparticles, (c) ligand mediated attachment to nanoparticle, and (d)
through synthesis of nanoparticles by nutrient itself. The anionic nutrients (NO3−,
PO42−, SO42) are surface modified before loading, while the cationic nutrients (NH4+,
K+, Ca2+, Mg2) are loaded as such. Corradini et al. (2010) studied the interaction of
chitosan nanoparticles suspensions comprising of N, P, and K fertilizers and their
stability and concluded their usefulness agricultural sectors. Mesoporous silica
nanoparticles (150 nm) have been reported to entrap urea. This study reported five
times improvement in release period of nitrogen than conventional fertilization
(Wanyika et al. 2012). Milani et al. (2012) compared the ZnO nanoparticles coated
on urea and monoammonium phosphate and found that the later showed faster dis-
solution rate. Table 1 presents a comparison between nanofertilizers and conven-
tional fertilizers.
The use of conventional methods for the control of pathogens and parasites adversely
affects the environment and the farmer’s economy, as 90% of applied pesticides are
lost in the air or as runoff. Furthermore, the haphazard use of pesticides enhances
210 W. Mushtaq et al.
resistance to pathogens and parasites, reduces soil biodiversity and the rate of nitro-
gen fixation, and facilitates bioaccumulation of pesticides (Ghormade et al. 2011;
Tilman et al. 2002). To mitigate the loss of pesticide and its hazardous effects,
nanoparticles or nano-capsules play a significant role due to their ability to control
release of active compound. This also equips agricultural scientists to mitigate envi-
ronmental pollution by production of eco-friendly pesticides. The nanoscale deliv-
ery system with active compound (pesticides and/or herbicides) can only be applied
when necessary in the field (Gruere et al. 2011). It can also produce nanocrystals to
augment the pesticide efficiency that decreases the dose of insecticides. In near
future, the application of nanoparticles for the smart delivery of active components
will be an attractive subject for treating all the pathological sufferings of plants
(Mousavi and Rezaei 2011). Nano-biotechnology has produced innovative means to
identify the pathogen and control the disease. Besides, nanosensors can be used to
detect the plant pathogen and pesticide (Fig. 1). The formulation of biopesticides
with nanomaterial and delivery of insecticides through encapsulation in nano-
materials for controlled release are the expected applications of nano-biotechnology
in plant protection (Debnath et al. 2012). Generally large volume of enzymes is
required in the biocontrol of plant diseases that becomes costly but application of
nano-biosensors cuts down the cost by immobilizing the enzyme/inhibitor on a
nanostructure which uses low volume of enzyme (Kim et al. 2006). Nowadays
almost all the pathogens can be identified and typed through various methods.
However, methods based on traditional culture are laborious and time consuming
Natural nanoclays
Soil binding
Fertilizer delivery
Fig. 1 Use of nano-biotechnology in plant protection and nutrition (Ghormade et al. 2011)
Pros and Cons of Nanotechnology 211
(Fletcher et al. 2006) and those based on population of strains characterized in the
databases limit the identification using biochemical profiling. The antibody
specificity is required in more sensitive serological specific techniques such as
ELISA and indirect fluorescent antibody staining with immunofluorescence (Uddin
et al. 2003). The modern polymerase chain reaction based methods, such as RFLP
(restriction fragment length polymorphism), DNA fingerprinting, and amplification
of rRNA gene’s transcribed spacer region, increase the specificity of identification
but all these methods are very costly (van Doorn et al. 2007). The nanotechnology
based sensory systems for monitoring the environmental conditions and diagnostic
system for protection may allow farmers to minimize the use of agrochemicals with
an increased productivity (Ghormade et al. 2011). The development of silica-based
nano-biosensors (60 nm) is a novel microbial technology and it is a very sensitive
technique to detect a single bacterial cell (Zhao et al. 2004).
Recent literature supported the efficacy of metal nanoparticles against a wide
range of plant pathogens and pests. Hence, nanoparticles could be employed in the
new formulations of insect repellents and pesticides preparation (Owolade et al.
2008; Gajbhiye et al. 2009; Goswami et al. 2010). The pesticides which can be eas-
ily prepared and employed include polymeric nanoparticles such as iron oxide
nanoparticles and gold nanoparticles (Sharon et al. 2010). Several insecticides, such
as imidacloprid, carbofuran, and thiram, have been formulated through polyethyl-
ene glycol (PEG) to control the release of active compound (Adak et al. 2012;
Pankaj et al. 2012; Kaushik et al. 2013) as PEG was noted to be required for the
release of insecticide. The release of β-cyfluthrin improved through nanoformula-
tion from 4 to 5 days under commercial formulation to 20 days under nanoformula-
tion (Loha et al. 2011, 2012). In other study, a nanofiber network in which
thiamethoxam (50%) was loaded over lactic acid and cellulose nanocrystals against
white fly proved effective over a period of 9 days under greenhouse conditions
(Xiang et al. 2013).
5 Nano-biotechnology-Cost-Effective Approach
for Ecological Remediation
Environmental pollution is one of the most serious concerns that need an immediate
interest. Currently various organizations are working on the process of environmen-
tal remediation. Most of these programs are time consuming and costly. The use of
nanotechnology based techniques could provide a cost-effective solution to envi-
ronmental degradation. Nanoscale iron particles have some excellent properties for
in situ applications. These properties include large surface area, high surface reac-
tivity, and enormous flexibility. They are very effective in detoxification of various
ecological pollutants, like organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs), and chlorinated organic solvents. Recent studies have advocated that
nanoscale iron particles play a critical role in the transformation and detoxification
of a diversity of common ecological contaminants including chlorinated organic
solvents, organochlorine pesticides, and PCBs. Additionally the pace and effective-
ness of remediation can be improved by the use of catalyzed and supported iron
nanoparticles which represent the modified iron nanoparticle that has been synthe-
sized to improve the remediation process (Chinnamuthu and Boopathi 2009). The
use of nanoscale iron particles in ecological remediation has several advantages.
These are:
1. They can be used effectively for the transformation for a wide range of environ-
mental contaminants.
2. They are less expensive.
3. They are nontoxic.
Pros and Cons of Nanotechnology 213
The heavy metal pollution of soil and water causes harm to both terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems. Use of “magnetic” bacteria could prove very effective for the
removal of heavy metals from aquatic systems. The occurrence of magnetic ions
like iron sulfide causes precipitation of heavy metal on bacterial cell wall. This
results in magnetization of bacteria for removal by magnetic separation process.
Chinnamuthu and Boopathi (2009) proposed a new way of synthesizing meso
porous magnetic nanocomposite particles for the remediation of environmental
pollutants. This method employs molecular templates to coat nanoparticles of
magnetite with mesoporous silica. The development of a biodegradable and
quick-setting organic mulch technique based on soil binder by a US based com-
pany is a good example. This technique caused the silicates of soil and product to
self-assemble into a layer that remained for longer durations. This layer was
reported to retain soil water that enhanced the seeds blended in product to ger
minate. In Mexico it was claimed to prevent soil erosion that resulted from
forest fires.
The extreme use of pesticides and herbicides in crop protection causes harmful
contamination to ecosystem. Various conventional methods for treatment of con-
taminated soil and water have been developed. These methods include incineration,
phytoremediation, and photochemical methods. More innovative methods include
advanced oxidation methods and ultrasound-promoted remediation (Farre et al.
2007). The use of nanoparticles in remediation provides an innovative and promis-
ing approach (Joo and Cheng 2006). Various common pesticides like atrazine,
molinate, and chlorpyrifos can be degraded through nanoionized ZVI. The use of
LbL (Layer-by-layer) nano-engineering for direct surface modification for colloidal
substances is a novel approach. It involves the electrostatic interactions of oppo-
sitely charged electrolytes through a sequential adsorption process (Sasson et al.
2007). The excessive and continuous application of herbicide cause harm to suc-
ceeding crops. It can also lead to evolution of weed species with more resistance to
herbicides and may cause a change in weed flora. The residual problem of atrazine,
a globally used herbicide for broadleaved weeds, has limited its widespread use.
Nanotechnology provides a reliable solution to the residual problem of atrazine
through the application of modified silver NPs. AgNPs were modified through sta-
bilization of magnetite nanoparticles with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). The
residue atrazine was degraded by 88% through modified silver particles (Susha and
Chinnamuthu 2012).
214 W. Mushtaq et al.
Yang and Watts (2005) studied the effect of nanoscale uncoated and phenanth
rene-coated alumina on root growth in corn, cucumber, soybeans, cabbage, and car-
rot and advocated that the uncoated alumina particles in a concentration of 2 mg/L
inhibited all the growth parameters. This was the first report on the phytotoxicity of
nanoscale particles in relation to the coating and uncoating. Murashov (2006) is of
view that the phytotoxic effect may not be nanospecific but could also be attributed
to the dissolution of aluminum. With the rapid expansion of nanotechnology, there
is apprehension about their possible entry into the food chain and subsequent bioac-
cumulation of manufactured nanomaterial (Priester et al. 2012). The use of nanoma-
terial is not inherently risky, for instance, traditional foods harbor numerous
nanoscale materials including proteins in milk, fat globules in mayonnaise, carbo-
hydrates, DNA, etc. However, the use of some nanoscale materials designed in agri-
culture, water, and food may prove detrimental for human health and environment
(Gruere et al. 2011). Priester et al. (2012) documented that the exposure path for
plants is the absorption of nanomaterial from the soil. Plants are considered as
essential components of ecosystems and play a crucial role in the environment
through the absorption and bioaccumulation (Xingmao et al. 2010). The underlying
mechanism of bioaccumulation, bio-magnification, and biotransformation of
nanoparticles designed in food crops is yet under study. Moreover few nanoparticles
and plant species have been investigated to understand the accumulation phenome-
non followed availability of nanoparticles in food crops. The engineered nanopar-
ticles (ENP) are most common in the environment and are classified into one of the
following five groups: carbon nanoparticles, metal oxides, quantum dots, zero
valence metals, and nanopolymers. These ENPs interact closely with the surround-
ing environment and, consequently, the ENP will certainly interact with the plants
and such interactions will lead to their absorption and accumulation in the biomass
of the plant, which later on influence their fate and transport in the environment. For
a successful ENP-plant interaction the penetration of ENPs in to the cell walls and
plasma membranes of the epidermis of the roots and their subsequent entry in to the
vascular tissues (xylem) is of paramount importance. It is assumed that the smaller
ENP aggregates pass through porous network of polysaccharide fibrous network of
cell wall. The smaller ENP induces the synthesis of newer and large pores that
facilitate the internalization of large ENPs (Xingmao et al. 2010).
The phytotoxicity of five types of nanoparticles such as multi-wall carbon nano-
tubes, alumina, aluminum, zinc, and zinc oxide on germination percentage and
growth rate of root has been reported in several plants including radish, canola, rye,
lettuce, corn, and cucumber. The germination percentage of seed remain unaffected
except for inhibition of zinc on nanoscale (nano-Zn) in ryegrass and zinc oxide
(nano-ZnO) in maize at 2000 mg/L, a great variation was found in the inhibition of
root growth depending on the type of nanoparticles used and plant in question (Lin
and Xing 2007). The suspensions of 2000 mg/L of nano-Zn or nano-ZnO have
216 W. Mushtaq et al.
p ractically completed the elongation of the root of the tested plant species (Lin and
Xing 2007). It was estimated that the inhibitory concentrations (IC50) of 50% of
nano-Zn and nano-ZnO were close to 50 mg/L for the radish and about 20 mg/L for
rapeseed and ryegrass (Lin and Xing 2007). Inhibition occurred during the seed
incubation process instead of the seeds soaking phase. These results are significant
in terms of the use and disposal of designed nanoparticles (Lin and Xing 2007). On
the contrary, pods size and plant growth were reduced even at the low doses of nano-
cerium oxide in soybean plants. Furthermore, it is apparent that nano-cerium oxides
has entered into the root nodules and influence the process of nitrogen fixation.
Priester et al. (2012) further reported that increase in the level of nano-cerium oxide
in the soil, there was a progressive reduction in the nitrogen fixation process in soy-
beans. Furthermore, the nanomaterial produced may represent a greater risk for
humans and livestock if it enters the food chain in an unregulated way. Nevertheless,
it was also noticed that a very high concentration of nano-silica silver produced
some chemical lesions in the analyzed plants. Several hydroponically cultivated
plants are influenced by a large number of manufactured nano-materials (MNM),
raising concern about the long-term effects of these materials on food supply (Rico
et al. 2011). However, MNMs may not be bioavailable (i.e., accessible to organ-
isms) in the soil (Tong et al. 2007). Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)
have been shown to be harmful to Arabidopsis T87 suspension cells when they dif-
fer as a function of dissolved agglomerates and fine agglomerates (obtained after
ultrasound) (Lin et al. 2009). The cultured cells represented a decrease in dry
weight, lower profitability, and lower chlorophyll content and superoxide dismutase
activity. The effects were more pronounced in the fine agglomerates than in the
loose ones. This was explained due to the characteristic of forming groups of plant
cells with surrounding cells. Large but loose agglomerates could not penetrate such
groups of cells, while small and thin agglomerates can easily be distributed into
groups of plants because of their small size and their interactions with proteins and
polysaccharides of the cell wall. These characteristics of NP could be responsible
for the toxic behavior of NPs. Lin et al. (2009) also suggested that the presence of
metallic impurities (residual metals used as catalysts for the synthesis of carbon
nanotubes, CNT) could be the cause of the toxicity of MWCNT (Table 2). The CNT
can be stabilized through the natural organic substance (NOM) according to its
hydrophobic behavior (Navarro et al. 2008). Absorption, translocation, and accu-
mulation of NOM-CNT were observed in rice plants (Lin et al. 2009), Fullerene
C70-NOM-NOM or MWCNT with reduced hydrophobicity were studied in rice
plants at different concentrations. This may have occurred through osmotic pressure
and capillary action at the tip of the root of the plant, and the NP could penetrate
through the pores of the cell wall and were transferred through the plasmodesmata.
The presence of NP near the vascular bundle could interfere with the absorption of
water and nutrients from plants, which has a secondary effect on plant growth.
Epigenetic modifications through deacetylation of global histones were also induced
by the treatment of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) in the roots of Zea
mays L., which translates into changes in gene expression and, consequently, influ-
ences growth and root development (Yan et al. 2013).
Pros and Cons of Nanotechnology 217
Table 2 Negative effects of NPs in routinely used food crops since 2009
Nanoparticles Size of
Crop (NPs) NPs (nm) Effects on growth References
Oryza sativa Single-walled 1.19 722 Lin et al.
carbon (major) 18, Delayed flowering, (2009)
nanotubes 722 decreased yield
Cucurbita pepo Multi-walled Diameter Reduced biomass Stampoulis
carbon range (38%) et al. (2009)
nanotubes 10–30
Zea mays TiO2/inorganic 30/1–60 Inhibited hydraulic Asli and
bentonite clay conductivity, leaf Neumann
growth, and (2009)
Cucurbita pepo Ag 100 Inhibited transpiration Stampoulis
et al. (2009)
Allium cepa Ag <100 Mitotic abnormalities Kumari et al.
Cucurbita pepo Cu 50 Biomass reduced to Stampoulis
90% et al. (2009)
Zea mays, Solanum CeO2 7 Germination reduced Lopez-
lycopersicum, Glycine Moreno et al.
max, Cucumis sativus (2010)
Glycine max ZnO 8 Inhibited radicle Lopez-
growth Moreno et al.
Lycopersicum NiO ~23 Induced oxidative Faisal et al.
esculentum stress and necrosis (2013)
Phaseolus vulgaris CeO2 ~8 Induced oxidative Majumdar
stress et al. (2014)
Allium cepa Al2O3 Not Induced oxidative Rajeshwari
specified stress in root et al. (2015)
Cucurbita pepo Nd2O3 and bulk 30–45 Induced oxidative Chen et al.
stress and inhibition of (2016)
uptake of minerals by
Lactuca sativa CeO2 16.5 Induced oxidative Zhang et al.
stress (2017)
diverted based on growth conditions, plant species, and the size and concentration
of NPs. Therefore, it is important to explore the absorption kinetics of NPs under the
influence of particle size, agglomeration, and compositions. Its translocation, accu-
mulation, and biotransformation in different parts of the plant are another approach
to consider. Accumulated evidence suggests the toxic effects of NPs; however, the
results were modulated to produce positive effects through the modification of the
NP surface. It has been reported that NPs in different concentrations possess both
positive as well as negative effects on different plant species. This function could be
used simultaneously to promote the growth of edible crops and eliminate weeds or
phyto-pathogens that affect crops. The size and concentrations of NP could be
optimized to produce such desirable effects. Also the assimilation of NP and its
subsequent accumulation in the food web represent an important concern. Therefore,
one should try to design experimental models that describe the interaction between
the plant and the animal and the effects studied at the individual atrophic level. The
plant-NP interactions modifies the gene and the protein profiles of plant cells, which
eventually lead to changes in biological pathways that produce changes in plant
growth and development. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an experimentation
to generate information at the molecular level caused by the absorption and translo-
cation of NP.
Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to the Aligarh Muslim University, India, for provid-
ing facilities and UGC for providing financial assistance.
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A gene expressions, 17
Abiotic stress, 148, 153 industries communication strategies, 29
Accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA), 153 inorganic nanomaterials, 17
Actinomycetes, 174 macro policies, 16
Activated carbon (AC), 67 nanofertilizers, 17
Agglomeration, 177 nanoparticles, 25, 26
Agricultural sector, 65, 85, 178, 188 nanotechnology, 18, 21
Agricultural sustainable development, 120 nutrients, 21, 22
Agriculture pesticides, 15
development, 114 pests, 21, 22
food supply chain, 118–120 plant diseases, 23
gaps and obstacles, 121–124 plant hormones, 21, 22
micro- and nano-encapsulation, 115, 116 recycling agricultural waste, 25, 26
nano-biosensors (see Nano-biosensors) risk assessment, nanomaterials, 27
nano delivery systems, 116, 117 rural distress, 16
nanofertilizers, 120, 121 smart delivery systems, 21, 22
nanoherbicides, 122 socio-economic issues, 28, 29
nano-pesticides, 120, 122, 123 technology fatigue, 16
plant growth, 118 Agriculture sector, 18, 21, 64
precision farming, 116 Agri-nanotechnology, 36
smart agro-food sector, 114 Agrochemicals, 16, 79
soil quality improvement, 117 Agro-food business, 178
sustainable intensification, 117 Agro-formulations, 190
Agriculture growth and India Agro-industry, 189
agriculture sector, 18, 21 agricultural crops, 49, 50
agri-value chain, 17 CNP, 45, 46
agrochemicals, 16 MWCNTs, 46
applications, 18–20 plant induced resistance, 47, 48
cereals, 15 silicon nanoparticles, 47
crop biotechnology, 24, 25 TiO2 nanoparticles, 46
economic energetic forces, 17 zinc oxide nanoparticles, 47
energy conversion and storage, 16 Agro-nanobiotechnology, 178
fertilizers, 15, 16 Agro-nanotechnology, 65, 66, 124
food processing industry, 17 Aleurone cell layer, 71
food system security monitoring, 17 Alginate/chitosan nanoparticles, 82
Eco-friendly, 186–188, 190 Gelatin, 7
EDTA-chelating agent, 105 Gemini virus (GVR), 201
Electrochemical nanosensors, 133 Gene delivery, 39, 51
Electron diffraction, 6 Genetically modified organisms (GMOs),
“Electronic tongue”, 43 38, 86, 195
Electrospinning, 26 Geographical information system
Emulsifiable concentrates (ECs), 4 (GIS), 136
Encapsulation methods, 115 Geosynchronous positioning system
Engineered/modified nanoparticles, 147 (GPS), 136
Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), Global positioning system (GPS) system, 83
44, 164 Glutathione, 153
Engineered nanoparticles (ENPs), 66, 164, 215 Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), 212
application, 69–70 Green Revolution, 172
bioactive molecules, 81, 82
consumer and commercial products, 78
fertilizers, 80, 81 H
nanoherbicides, 82, 83 Helicoverpa armigera, 188
nanomedicine, 78 Hydrological cycle, 44
nanopharmacology, 78 Hydroxyapatite (HA), 179
optimized nutrient management, 79 Hydroxyapatite nanoparticle (HANP), 2
226 Index
O Radical scavenging compounds, 153
Oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions, 4 Raman spectroscopy, 51, 67
Oligonucleotides, 196 Reactive oxygen species (ROS), 153
Optical nanosensors, 133, 134 Redox reactions, 174
Oxidative stress, 153 Remote sensing (RS), 136
Research-based evidences, 86
Research and Development (R&D), 107
P Restriction fragment length polymorphism
Pathogenic fungi, 77 (RFLP), 211
Pesticides, 35 Rural distress, 16
Pests, 21, 22
Phenols, 75
Phenyl propanoids, 76 S
Physical and chemical approaches, 209 Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 40
Physicochemical properties, 84 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, 40
Phytochemical analysis, 76 Secondary metabolites, 166, 167
Phytochemicals, 166 agriculture sector, 64
Phyto-medicines, 166 application, nanoparticles, 74
Phyto-nanotechnology approach, 175, 176 Fe NPs, 74
Phyto-pathogenic fungi, 187 influence of soil, 83–85
Phytopathogens, 77 nano-enabled disease suppression, 76–78
Plant biotechnology, 167 nanotoxicology, 85, 86
Plant diseases, 23 phenols, 75
Plant genetic engineering, 51 phenyl propanoids, 76
Plant hormones, 21, 22 polyketides, 76
Plant induced resistance, 47, 48 regulatory perspectives, 85, 86
Plant nanotoxicology, 85 terpenoids, 74–76
Index 229
Tanacetum parthenium, 156 Z
Technology fatigue, 16 Zinc nanoparticles (ZnONPs), 212