2023 04 29 16 50 06
2023 04 29 16 50 06
2023 04 29 16 50 06
MiPi Connected
Selected eMMC interface
Please click <Connect IC> button to initial ic
Selected eMMC interface
Please click <Connect IC> button to initial ic
Model Settings:
Interface : eMMC..........
CLK : 75MHz
BUS : Socket
VCC: 3.3V VCCQ: 1.9V
Connected. Reading information
Manufacturer Name: 0x11
Product Name: 016GE2
eMMC CID: 110100303136474532005BF32CCF22DA
eMMC CSD: D05E00320F5903FFFFFFFFEF924000D2
[NAME] ROW_SZ, PageSz, PageCount.
[User_Area] 14GB, 512, 30777344.
[Boot1] 4MB, 512, 8192.
[Boot2] 4MB, 512, 8192.
[RPMB] 4MB, 256, 16384.
[EXT_CSD] WR:1B, RD:512B.
Device life time estimation type B: 0x00 Not defined
Device life time estimation type A: 0x06 50% - 60% device life time used
Pre EOL information[267]: 0x01 Normal
DEVICE_VERSION[263:262]: 0h
Boot partition size[226]: 4096KB
SEC_COUNT[215:212]: 30777344
GPP1 size[143-145]: 0MB
GPP2 size[146-148]: 0MB
GPP3 size[149-151]: 0MB
GPP4 size[152-154]: 0MB
Device type[196]: 0x57
EXT_CSD revision[192]: 0x 7
Partition config[179]: 0x00 (00000000)
Boot bus config[177]: 0x00 (00000000)
RST_n signal[162]: 0x00 temporarily disabled (default)
Partitioning Setting[155]: 0x00
Counter: 4
PrimaryGPT_0: 0x0 - 0x4400 (17.00KB)
bootloader_a: 0x2400000 - 0x43ffe00 (32.00MB)
bootloader_b: 0x4400000 - 0x63ffe00 (32.00MB)
env_a: 0x6400000 - 0x643fe00 (256.00KB)
env_b: 0x6440000 - 0x647fe00 (256.00KB)
boot_a: 0x6480000 - 0xa47fe00 (64.00MB)
boot_b: 0xa480000 - 0xe47fe00 (64.00MB)
vendor_boot_a: 0xe480000 - 0x1047fe00 (32.00MB)
vendor_boot_b: 0x10480000 - 0x1247fe00 (32.00MB)
super: 0x12480000 - 0xf247fe00 (3.50GB)
misc: 0xf2480000 - 0xf347fe00 (16.00MB)
vbmeta_a: 0xf3480000 - 0xf349fe00 (128.00KB)
vbmeta_b: 0xf34a0000 - 0xf34bfe00 (128.00KB)
vbmeta_system_a: 0xf34c0000 - 0xf34cfe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_system_b: 0xf34d0000 - 0xf34dfe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_vendor_a: 0xf34e0000 - 0xf34efe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_vendor_b: 0xf34f0000 - 0xf34ffe00 (64.00KB)
frp: 0xf3500000 - 0xf357fe00 (512.00KB)
empty: 0xf3580000 - 0xf447fe00 (15.00MB)
metadata: 0xf4480000 - 0xf547fe00 (16.00MB)
private: 0xf5480000 - 0xf647fe00 (16.00MB)
dtbo_a: 0xf6480000 - 0xf667fe00 (2.00MB)
dtbo_b: 0xf6680000 - 0xf687fe00 (2.00MB)
media_data: 0xf6880000 - 0xf787fe00 (16.00MB)
userdata: 0xf7880000 - 0x3ab3fbc00 (10.81GB)
BackupGPT_0: 0x3ab3fbe00 - 0xab3ffe00 (16.50KB)
Universal Factory Reset...... Done
Remove FRP
Backuping frp...... Done
Removing frp...... Done
IC Disconnected
Model Settings:
Interface : eMMC..........
CLK : 75MHz
BUS : Socket
VCC: 3.3V VCCQ: 1.9V
Connected. Reading information
Manufacturer Name: 0x11
Product Name: 016GE2
eMMC CID: 110100303136474532005BF32CCF22DA
eMMC CSD: D05E00320F5903FFFFFFFFEF924000D2
[NAME] ROW_SZ, PageSz, PageCount.
[User_Area] 14GB, 512, 30777344.
[Boot1] 4MB, 512, 8192.
[Boot2] 4MB, 512, 8192.
[RPMB] 4MB, 256, 16384.
[EXT_CSD] WR:1B, RD:512B.
Device life time estimation type B: 0x00 Not defined
Device life time estimation type A: 0x06 50% - 60% device life time used
Pre EOL information[267]: 0x01 Normal
DEVICE_VERSION[263:262]: 0h
Boot partition size[226]: 4096KB
SEC_COUNT[215:212]: 30777344
GPP1 size[143-145]: 0MB
GPP2 size[146-148]: 0MB
GPP3 size[149-151]: 0MB
GPP4 size[152-154]: 0MB
Device type[196]: 0x57
EXT_CSD revision[192]: 0x 7
Partition config[179]: 0x00 (00000000)
Boot bus config[177]: 0x00 (00000000)
RST_n signal[162]: 0x00 temporarily disabled (default)
Partitioning Setting[155]: 0x00
Counter: 4
PrimaryGPT_0: 0x0 - 0x4400 (17.00KB)
bootloader_a: 0x2400000 - 0x43ffe00 (32.00MB)
bootloader_b: 0x4400000 - 0x63ffe00 (32.00MB)
env_a: 0x6400000 - 0x643fe00 (256.00KB)
env_b: 0x6440000 - 0x647fe00 (256.00KB)
boot_a: 0x6480000 - 0xa47fe00 (64.00MB)
boot_b: 0xa480000 - 0xe47fe00 (64.00MB)
vendor_boot_a: 0xe480000 - 0x1047fe00 (32.00MB)
vendor_boot_b: 0x10480000 - 0x1247fe00 (32.00MB)
super: 0x12480000 - 0xf247fe00 (3.50GB)
misc: 0xf2480000 - 0xf347fe00 (16.00MB)
vbmeta_a: 0xf3480000 - 0xf349fe00 (128.00KB)
vbmeta_b: 0xf34a0000 - 0xf34bfe00 (128.00KB)
vbmeta_system_a: 0xf34c0000 - 0xf34cfe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_system_b: 0xf34d0000 - 0xf34dfe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_vendor_a: 0xf34e0000 - 0xf34efe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_vendor_b: 0xf34f0000 - 0xf34ffe00 (64.00KB)
frp: 0xf3500000 - 0xf357fe00 (512.00KB)
empty: 0xf3580000 - 0xf447fe00 (15.00MB)
metadata: 0xf4480000 - 0xf547fe00 (16.00MB)
private: 0xf5480000 - 0xf647fe00 (16.00MB)
dtbo_a: 0xf6480000 - 0xf667fe00 (2.00MB)
dtbo_b: 0xf6680000 - 0xf687fe00 (2.00MB)
media_data: 0xf6880000 - 0xf787fe00 (16.00MB)
userdata: 0xf7880000 - 0x3ab3fbc00 (10.81GB)
BackupGPT_0: 0x3ab3fbe00 - 0xab3ffe00 (16.50KB)
IC Disconnected
Model Settings:
Interface : eMMC..........
CLK : 150MHz
BUS : Socket
VCC: 3.3V VCCQ: 1.9V
Connected. Reading information
Manufacturer Name: 0x11
Product Name: 016GE2
eMMC CID: 110100303136474532005BF32CCF22DA
eMMC CSD: D05E00320F5903FFFFFFFFEF924000D2
[NAME] ROW_SZ, PageSz, PageCount.
[User_Area] 14GB, 512, 30777344.
[Boot1] 4MB, 512, 8192.
[Boot2] 4MB, 512, 8192.
[RPMB] 4MB, 256, 16384.
[EXT_CSD] WR:1B, RD:512B.
Device life time estimation type B: 0x00 Not defined
Device life time estimation type A: 0x06 50% - 60% device life time used
Pre EOL information[267]: 0x01 Normal
DEVICE_VERSION[263:262]: 0h
Boot partition size[226]: 4096KB
SEC_COUNT[215:212]: 30777344
GPP1 size[143-145]: 0MB
GPP2 size[146-148]: 0MB
GPP3 size[149-151]: 0MB
GPP4 size[152-154]: 0MB
Device type[196]: 0x57
EXT_CSD revision[192]: 0x 7
Partition config[179]: 0x00 (00000000)
Boot bus config[177]: 0x00 (00000000)
RST_n signal[162]: 0x00 temporarily disabled (default)
Partitioning Setting[155]: 0x00
Counter: 4
PrimaryGPT_0: 0x0 - 0x4400 (17.00KB)
bootloader_a: 0x2400000 - 0x43ffe00 (32.00MB)
bootloader_b: 0x4400000 - 0x63ffe00 (32.00MB)
env_a: 0x6400000 - 0x643fe00 (256.00KB)
env_b: 0x6440000 - 0x647fe00 (256.00KB)
boot_a: 0x6480000 - 0xa47fe00 (64.00MB)
boot_b: 0xa480000 - 0xe47fe00 (64.00MB)
vendor_boot_a: 0xe480000 - 0x1047fe00 (32.00MB)
vendor_boot_b: 0x10480000 - 0x1247fe00 (32.00MB)
super: 0x12480000 - 0xf247fe00 (3.50GB)
misc: 0xf2480000 - 0xf347fe00 (16.00MB)
vbmeta_a: 0xf3480000 - 0xf349fe00 (128.00KB)
vbmeta_b: 0xf34a0000 - 0xf34bfe00 (128.00KB)
vbmeta_system_a: 0xf34c0000 - 0xf34cfe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_system_b: 0xf34d0000 - 0xf34dfe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_vendor_a: 0xf34e0000 - 0xf34efe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_vendor_b: 0xf34f0000 - 0xf34ffe00 (64.00KB)
frp: 0xf3500000 - 0xf357fe00 (512.00KB)
empty: 0xf3580000 - 0xf447fe00 (15.00MB)
metadata: 0xf4480000 - 0xf547fe00 (16.00MB)
private: 0xf5480000 - 0xf647fe00 (16.00MB)
dtbo_a: 0xf6480000 - 0xf667fe00 (2.00MB)
dtbo_b: 0xf6680000 - 0xf687fe00 (2.00MB)
media_data: 0xf6880000 - 0xf787fe00 (16.00MB)
userdata: 0xf7880000 - 0x3ab3fbc00 (10.81GB)
BackupGPT_0: 0x3ab3fbe00 - 0xab3ffe00 (16.50KB)
Reading User_Area_Part0_PrimaryGPT_0.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part1_bootloader_a.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part2_bootloader_b.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part3_env_a.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part4_env_b.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part5_boot_a.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part6_boot_b.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part7_vendor_boot_a.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part8_vendor_boot_b.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part9_super.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part10_misc.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part11_vbmeta_a.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part12_vbmeta_b.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part13_vbmeta_system_a.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part14_vbmeta_system_b.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part15_vbmeta_vendor_a.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part16_vbmeta_vendor_b.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part17_frp.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part18_empty.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part19_metadata.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part20_private.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part21_dtbo_a.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part22_dtbo_b.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part23_media_data.bin... Done
Reading User_Area_Part25_BackupGPT_0.bin... Done
Reading Boot1.bin... Done
Reading Boot2.bin... Done
Reading EXT_CSD.bin... Done
Read Finished
Erasing User_Area_Part10_misc...... Done
Erasing Boot1...... Done
Erasing Boot2...... Done
Erasing EXT_CSD...... Done
Erase Finished
Loading file C:/Users/MARGOM CEL/Downloads/TABLET ERICK/0x11_016GE2_2023-04-29-16-
Loading file C:/Users/MARGOM CEL/Downloads/TABLET ERICK/0x11_016GE2_2023-04-29-16-
Loading file C:/Users/MARGOM CEL/Downloads/TABLET ERICK/0x11_016GE2_2023-04-29-16-
Writing Boot1... Done
Writing Boot2... Done
Writing EXT_CSD... Done
Write Finished
IC Disconnected
Model Settings:
Interface : eMMC..........
CLK : 150MHz
BUS : Socket
VCC: 3.3V VCCQ: 1.9V
Connected. Reading information
Manufacturer Name: 0x11
Product Name: 016GE2
eMMC CID: 110100303136474532005BF32CCF22DA
eMMC CSD: D05E00320F5903FFFFFFFFEF924000D2
[NAME] ROW_SZ, PageSz, PageCount.
[User_Area] 14GB, 512, 30777344.
[Boot1] 4MB, 512, 8192.
[Boot2] 4MB, 512, 8192.
[RPMB] 4MB, 256, 16384.
[EXT_CSD] WR:1B, RD:512B.
Device life time estimation type B: 0x00 Not defined
Device life time estimation type A: 0x06 50% - 60% device life time used
Pre EOL information[267]: 0x01 Normal
DEVICE_VERSION[263:262]: 0h
Boot partition size[226]: 4096KB
SEC_COUNT[215:212]: 30777344
GPP1 size[143-145]: 0MB
GPP2 size[146-148]: 0MB
GPP3 size[149-151]: 0MB
GPP4 size[152-154]: 0MB
Device type[196]: 0x57
EXT_CSD revision[192]: 0x 7
Partition config[179]: 0x00 (00000000)
Boot bus config[177]: 0x00 (00000000)
RST_n signal[162]: 0x00 temporarily disabled (default)
Partitioning Setting[155]: 0x00
Counter: 4
PrimaryGPT_0: 0x0 - 0x4400 (17.00KB)
bootloader_a: 0x2400000 - 0x43ffe00 (32.00MB)
bootloader_b: 0x4400000 - 0x63ffe00 (32.00MB)
env_a: 0x6400000 - 0x643fe00 (256.00KB)
env_b: 0x6440000 - 0x647fe00 (256.00KB)
boot_a: 0x6480000 - 0xa47fe00 (64.00MB)
boot_b: 0xa480000 - 0xe47fe00 (64.00MB)
vendor_boot_a: 0xe480000 - 0x1047fe00 (32.00MB)
vendor_boot_b: 0x10480000 - 0x1247fe00 (32.00MB)
super: 0x12480000 - 0xf247fe00 (3.50GB)
misc: 0xf2480000 - 0xf347fe00 (16.00MB)
vbmeta_a: 0xf3480000 - 0xf349fe00 (128.00KB)
vbmeta_b: 0xf34a0000 - 0xf34bfe00 (128.00KB)
vbmeta_system_a: 0xf34c0000 - 0xf34cfe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_system_b: 0xf34d0000 - 0xf34dfe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_vendor_a: 0xf34e0000 - 0xf34efe00 (64.00KB)
vbmeta_vendor_b: 0xf34f0000 - 0xf34ffe00 (64.00KB)
frp: 0xf3500000 - 0xf357fe00 (512.00KB)
empty: 0xf3580000 - 0xf447fe00 (15.00MB)
metadata: 0xf4480000 - 0xf547fe00 (16.00MB)
private: 0xf5480000 - 0xf647fe00 (16.00MB)
dtbo_a: 0xf6480000 - 0xf667fe00 (2.00MB)
dtbo_b: 0xf6680000 - 0xf687fe00 (2.00MB)
media_data: 0xf6880000 - 0xf787fe00 (16.00MB)
userdata: 0xf7880000 - 0x3ab3fbc00 (10.81GB)
BackupGPT_0: 0x3ab3fbe00 - 0xab3ffe00 (16.50KB)
MiPi Disconnected
Connecting to MiPi Box, please insert the USB cable