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Lack of Study Plan or Strategy

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Lack of study plan or strategy

You need to prioritize the subjects and devote more done to those you feel you lag. It will
help you to learn the important topics and tackle the problems easily. The moment you finish
with one thing, start with another. Do not leave it for the last minute. This will surely lead to
exam stress. By this you will not get overwhelmed by the material that you have to learn. You
will have everything under control and wont give up.

It seems to be the most popular problem because of lack of knowledge how to organize your time.
Frequently it is also a reason why you procrastinate your duties.

You need to prioritize the subjects, otherwise you will start too late. Good organization is a key
to effective learning.

2. Distractions
Try to focus on what you have to do. It is recommended to put away your phone for better
concentration. Social media seems to be the major distraction. Opening one platform at a
time is sure to take a lot of your time.

Being surrounded by many devices can possibly prevent you from staying focus. Nowadays social
media seems to be the major distraction.

3. Lack of motivation
The crucial thing is to find out why are you so demotivated. Having this knowledge will help
to deal with it.

1. Lack of study plan or strategy- if we don’t have a plan how divide our tasks, material that we
have to learn we will feel stressed out that we won’t handle it on time. Amount of things to
do makes us overwhelmed what can lead to our procrastination. We see a lot of books on
our desk and we don’t know where to start. It is like I have so much to learn and many forms
to do and we decide to do it later. But If we have a plan at least we will try to do some of the
things from our list.
2. Distractions – Study distractions can either be internal or external. Internal study distractions
include physiological needs and emotional thoughts. External study distractions include
technology and people. we all know that the sound of our notifications makes that we take
our phone to see who texted us and it ends up scrolling social media. It is really though to
stay concentrated we need willpower in order not to get distracted by it.
3. Lack of motivation- from time to time or even frequently we are not able to force ourselves
to do something productive . it can happen for many reasons for instance when you have
difficulties in doing your tasks or if you are a perfectionist lack of motivation may stem from
the fear that you will not complete a task flawlessly
1. Avoid distractions- turn on mode “don’t disturb me” forget about your phone, if this doesn’t
help try keeping your phone in another room so you are less likely to use it while studying.
Give yourself a worry break. Life can get really busy, so we get distracted from studying by
thoughts about everything else. Rather than acting like all of those other needs don't exist,
give yourself an outlet. Spend 5 minutes thinking about everything that's on your plate, but
then tell yourself it's time to focus on the main task for now: studying.
2. Music- by listening to music the time of concentration is also extended. Choose sometnih
slow, calming or even classical music in order not to start dancing or lose focus. We have to
remember it is up to if listening to music is good for you for some of you it can be another
3. Motivation- Try to set goals for yourself, and after completing them, reward yourself. You will
be eager to go further. It can be something sweet or what you like thibk of something that
you wouldn’t get normally in daily life It brings you a pleasure When you have no motivation
to complete a task (or even start one), consider the possible reasons why you’re struggling.
Then, develop a plan to help motivate yourself to get going.

7. allow yourself a day off- this normal that sometimes we need a break self-care is important to
forget for a while about ur responsibilities. We will start another day with better concentration
and motivate. Spend this time focusing on yourself eat something decliciou watch your favourite

9. good organization - By this you will not get overwhelmed by the material that you have to learn.
You will have everything under control and wont give up. For example buy a planner calendar or find
something in the internet and write down all the deadlines in order not to forget about anything.
When you plan your day don’t forget to find some time for yourself and friends

10. don’t try to remember everything - Focus on vital information and learn it well, it would be better
than trying to remember everything in a short time. Compare your time to the material that you have
to learn. If the goal is only to pass an exam it is a good advice

Podcast- we can learn what misteakes we make while studyinghow to mlearn in effective way, you
can find there particular information without unnecessary talk.

Serial- You will learn how to improve the quality of your sleep. Each episode dispels myths, contains
helpful tips and ends with a mute session in order to help you fall asleep for instance before stressful


To sum up we have to remember that we all are different and have different preferences. Keep in
mind that not every strategy works for everyone—or in every situation. We need to try many ways of
learning and choose what is right for us. We have just provided you with methods that are effective
for us. We hope you enjoyed it and now you will learning faster and exam session will not make you
terrified stressed . and go through exam session without any struggle and difficulties

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