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Helphy Pitchdeck

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world's largest self-help group

Angel Vazquez
Have you ever had
a panic attack in
your life?
Did you know that the symptoms of a panic attack are uncomfortable, but not life threatening?

> 500'000 panic attacks every day

# 1 disease by 2030 all around the world
$ 1'000 billion costs per year
About 2.5% of the population suffer from panic attacks; women twice as often as men. The relationship
between panic disorder and depression is undeniable. About half of all panic disorder sufferers will be
diagnosed with depression. The WHO predicts that depression will become the number 1 disease by
2030, at a cost to the world economy over $ 1'000 billion per year.
However, we still don't know much
about panic attacks.

Taboo and stigmatization

 Still exists almost everywhere in the world
People with anxiety disorders
 Affected people cannot deal with the disease and its symptoms
 Often they are a burden for family and friends
 They have a negative impact on the economy
Mental health care
 Family doctors are overwhelmed with mental illness
 Family doctors doesn't really have time for the patient
 You wait a long time for a therapy place
 Mental health costs are exploding

To break the taboo of panic attacks and to fight the stigma of mental health.
To show people with anxiety disorders they're not alone going through this.
To understand panic attacks in order to provide targeted help.

Platform as a resource to help advance the understanding

of panic attacks
 Check in real time how many people are experiencing a panic attack right now.
 Press the panic attack button when you are having a panic attack yourself.
 Note down your experiences with your own panic attacks.
 Share all this valuable information with like-minded people.
Product Panic Attack Button

How it works
1. You suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.

2. Download the app and create a simple, anonymous
profile: gender and age...
A T T A C K 3. You can see in real time where someone is having a

. panic attack in the world.

150 4. You can limit or expand the geographical radius.
. someone out there
feeling like me? 5. There are many different filtering options.

6. There is the possibility to receive a push message if


someone (anonymized) in your area gets a panic
7. The next time you have a panic attack you will hit the
panic button too.
8. And you will know that you are not the only one going
through something like this. That fact in itself can be
a great relief for you.
Product Dashboard|Newsfeed

Valuable information meets

emotional messages
Provide us with any information you have about your panic
attack experience. Fill out a small, simple questionnaire, e.g.:
 Where were you when you had a panic attack?
 Post a picture of the place where you had a panic attack
and write a comment if you want.
 Make posts about stories and experiences, whatever is on
your mind.

 etc.

We will evaluate and anonymize the collected information and

make it available on a web and mobile dashboard so that we
can better understand panic attacks and learn to help you deal
with them.

Huge potential for "digital" mental health products is there

Self-Help Groups Anxiety Relief

Wellbeing Online Therapy

Game Changer

Helphy: rethinking, transforming and digitizing

the traditional concept of self-help
Helphy Competitors
1. Absolutely independent 1. Managed and supervised by healthcare institutions
2. Your data is processed and made available to you again 2. Often you have no clue what happens to your data
3. You are either a caretaker or a caregiver 3. You can't help others
4. Help comes primarily from the affected 4. Help comes primarily from professionals
5. Creates a sense of belonging and community 5. Community is not priority
6. Treats you like humans 6. They treat you like a sick one
7. No coaching at all 7. Digital coaches
8. No therapies and no promises 8. It's all about therapies and health promises
9. You decide which way to do 9. Tons of instructions to do this and that

7 Steps to "world's largest self-help group"

Step 1 Panic attack button with dashboard/world map
Step 2 Newsfeed and posts of personal experiences

Step 3 Messenger feature to connect and help each other

Step 4 Matchmaking services for people with common issues ("Tinder" for self-help groups)
Step 5 Self-help management online platform for individuals, groups and organizations
Step 6 Franchise business model for onsite self-help groups ("Starbucks" for self-help groups)
Step 7 Peer-to-peer lending - Hub connecting borrowers with lenders and distribute loans via mobile money
Business Model

Minimal viable product (MVP) is offered for free

The top priority for the time being is to build up a community and get to
know better the needs of typical users and develop together new solutions.
From the third step onwards, a sophisticated fee model comes into play.
Donations are welcome.

Panic Goes Global

This is the world's biggest mental health problem,
and you might not have heard of it.
An estimated 275 million people suffer from anxiety disorders.
That’s around 4% of the global population, with a spread of
between 2.5% and 6.5% of population per country. Around 62%
of those suffering from anxiety are female (170 million),
compared with 105 million male sufferers.
Educational Awareness Campaign

Strategy Partnership in Healthcare
"Taboo: Panic Attack" – Start a global educational awareness campaign  Public and private institutions (medical practices, clinics,
about panic attacks for young people. hospitals, retirement and nursing homes, pharmacies, etc.)
 Corporations
Target Group  Health insurances, insurance companies
Young People (from 13 years on)  Associations
 Foundations
Storytelling  Political organizations
For the purpose of empirical research studies, we need to collect data from
those directly affected to learn and understand everything that's possible Partnership in Education and Leisure
about panic attacks.  Schools, colleges, universities
 Sports and leisure clubs
Content Formats  Youth organizations
 Online tool (Mobile/Web App – helphy.net | panicattackbutton.com)
 Video Partnership in Business
 Whitepaper  Companies with corporate health management (CHM)
 Advisory articles
 Podcasts
 Newsletter
Underlying Magic

It's about social innovation not technological innovation

It's about real people not digital coaches
It's about peers not professionals
It's about selfcare not healthcare
It's about humans not patients
It's about zebras not unicorns
Why Now?

COVID - 19
The pandemic as a turning point
Depression during pandemic increased sharply worldwide according to a study, there are
52 million more cases of depression due to Corona than there would have been without
the pandemic. Anxiety has also increased by around a quarter. Women are affected to an
above average extent.
Why Me?

I died a thousand deaths

 For over 30 years I have lived with depression and anxiety disorder
 For over 25 years with tinnitus
 For almost two years now I'm unemployed
 Two years ago, I was diagnosed ADHD

Me, my wife and a lot of volunteers

Angel Vázquez Pérez (Switzerland, 1966)
Angel Vázquez holds a master of science in architecture from the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology (ETH). In the mid-nineties he founded together with two fellow students an
internet start-up company as a spin-off from the ETH. Because of its affinity for gastronomy
he developed, implemented and managed afterwards two successful and innovative
gastronomy concepts in Zurich for about 6 years. As an e-business consultant at Credit
Suisse and real estate economist at Julius Baer, he has more than 10 years of experience
in the financial sector. In 2014 he completed a master's degree in real estate management
at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences. Today he's working as an
independent expert for real estate.

Claudia Wilden (Switzerland, 1969)

Claudia Wilden is currently coordinator at the university of applied science ZHAW in Zurich,
© Adrian Ehrbar Photography

in the institute of applied psychology. More than 10 years she worked in the communica-
tion department at Zurich Airport in marketing research and customer surveys among
others. She gained experience in the media industry for many years, as responsible for
communication and public relations of an international cosmetic chain, among others.
Being a movie lover, she started her career as country sales manager Switzerland for
cinema advertising.
The Ask

75'000 EUR in seed funding for a minimal viable product (MVP)

Product Development Usability/Testing f Corporate Identity/ Marketing/SEO/
(Application/Website) aya Corporate Design Communicationaya

25'000 EUR 5'000 EUR 15'000 EUR 30'000 EUR

In 03|2021 we already had a pre-seed round of 20'000 EUR for a Design Sprint by "The Ergonomen Usability" in Zurich, where
we could validate our business idea by testing it on a selected group of people.
Closing Thought

Social Impact Startup

Mental health is preliminary to improving the
wellbeing of all people for a sustainable future
and by improving people's wellbeing we help
our planet too.
It took you less than 4 minutes to read
this pitch deck - during this time, around
1'500 panic attacks occurred worldwide.
It's about time to push the button…

call +41 79 430 04 00

Angel Vazquez | Email angel@helphy.net

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