Differences and Similarities of Softwares
Differences and Similarities of Softwares
Differences and Similarities of Softwares
Similarities Differences
1. Open Source Similarities between Open Source Software Cost: Open source software is generally free,
Software and Closed Source Software: which means organizations can use it without
Can be used to perform a wide range of any licensing fees.
tasks and support a variety of Customization: Developers can modify and
applications. customize the software to meet specific
Can be designed to work on multiple requirements since the source code is available.
operating systems, including Windows, Community Support: Open source software
Linux, and macOS. has a large community of users who contribute
Can be used to support mission-critical to documentation, bug fixes, and improvements.
applications and services. Security: With open source software, security
Can be optimized for performance, vulnerabilities can be detected and fixed
scalability, and security. quickly by the community.
Can be accessed and managed remotely Transparency: Since the source code is open,
using a variety of tools and interfaces. users can see how the software works and what
Can be updated and maintained data it collects.
regularly to fix bugs, add new features, Transparency: Since the source code is open,
and improve performance. users can see how the software works and what
data it collects.
Similarities between Free Software and Technical Support: While there is a large
Open Source Software: community of users who can help troubleshoot
Both free software and open source issues, there is no guarantee of professional
software have access to the source code, technical support.
allowing users to modify and improve Complexity: Open source software can be
the software. more difficult to set up and configure than
Both types of software often rely on a closed source software, especially for users who
community of users and developers to are not experienced in software development.
provide support and contribute to the Features: Open source software may not have
development of the software. all the features that are available in closed
Both free software and open source source software, especially for niche or
software are often distributed under specialized industries.
open licenses, allowing users to use, Examples: Firefox, OpenOffice, Gimp,
modify, and distribute the software Alfresco, Android, Zimbra, Thunderbird,
without restrictions. MySQL, Mailman, Moodle, TeX, Samba, Perl,
PHP, KDE etc.
2. Closed Source Similarities between Open Source Software Cost: Closed source software can be
Software and Closed Source Software: expensive, with licensing fees and maintenance
Can be used to perform a wide range of costs that can add up over time.
tasks and support a variety of Customization: Closed source software may
applications. not be as customizable as open source
Can be designed to work on multiple software, which can be a disadvantage for
operating systems, including Windows, organizations with specific requirements.
Linux, and macOS. Integration: Closed source software is often
Can be used to support mission-critical designed to work seamlessly with other
applications and services. enterprise software, making integration with
Can be optimized for performance, existing systems easier.
scalability, and security. Security: Closed source software often has
Can be accessed and managed remotely built-in security features and can provide better
using a variety of tools and interfaces. protection against cyber threats.
Can be updated and maintained Transparency: Since the source code is not
regularly to fix bugs, add new features, available, users cannot see how the software
and improve performance. works or what data it collects, which may raise
privacy concerns.
Similarities between Closed Source Technical Support: Closed source software
Software and Free Software: usually comes with professional technical
Functionality and Applications: support, which can be helpful for organizations
- Both types of software can be used to that need assistance with setup, configuration,
perform a wide range of tasks and support or troubleshooting.
various applications. Vendor Lock-In: Organizations that use
- They can be designed to work on multiple closed source software may become dependent
operating systems, including Windows, on the vendor and find it difficult to switch to
Linux, and macOS1. another software.
Mission-Critical Support: Security: Closed source software often has
- Both free and closed-source software can be built-in security features and can provide better
used to support mission-critical applications protection against cyber threats.
and services. Features: Closed source software typically has
- Organizations rely on both types of software more features than open source software,
to ensure smooth operations and productivity. including advanced analytics, reporting, and
Access to Source Code: data visualization tools.
- Free software and closed-source software Examples: Skype, Google earth, Java, Adobe
have access to the source code. Flash, Virtual Box, Adobe Reader, Microsoft
- Users can modify and improve the software office, Microsoft Windows, WinRAR, mac
based on their needs and preferences. OS, Adobe Flash Player etc.
3. Free Software Similarities between Free Software and Cost: Free software is typically free to use,
Open Source Software: modify and distribute.
Freedom: Free software is often accompanied
Both free software and open source by a set of ethical principles that promote users’
software have access to the source code, freedom to use, study, modify, and share the
allowing users to modify and improve software.
the software. Collaboration: Free software often encourages
Both types of software often rely on a collaboration among developers and users,
community of users and developers to leading to faster development and better quality
provide support and contribute to the software.
development of the software. Security: Because free software is available for
Both free software and open source everyone to use and modify, it may be easier for
software are often distributed under malicious actors to identify and exploit
open licenses, allowing users to use, vulnerabilities.
modify, and distribute the software Transparency: Free software is often
without restrictions. developed in a transparent way, with the source
code and development process available for
Similarities between Free Software and public scrutiny.
Closed Source Software: Complexity: Free software can be more
complex and difficult to use than commercial
Functionality and Applications: software, especially for non-technical users.
- Both types of software can be used to Flexibility: Free software can be used on a
perform a wide range of tasks and support wide range of platforms and devices.
various applications. Support: While free software does have a
- They can be designed to work on multiple community of developers and users, it may not
operating systems, including Windows, always have the same level of professional
Linux, and macOS1. support as commercial software.
Mission-Critical Support: Compatibility: Free software may not always
- Both free and closed-source software can be be compatible with other software applications
used to support mission-critical applications and hardware devices.
and services. Documentation: Free software may not always
- Organizations rely on both types of software have the same level of documentation and user
to ensure smooth operations and productivity. guides as commercial software.
Access to Source Code: Examples: Linux kernel, BSD, GNU Compiler
- Free software and closed-source software Collection and C library, MySQL relational
have access to the source code. database; Apache web server, and Sendmail
- Users can modify and improve the software mail transport agent, etc.
based on their needs and preferences.
GfG. (2023, March 24). Difference between Free Software and Open Source Software. GeeksforGeeks.
GfG. (2023b, March 24). Difference between Open Source Software and Closed Source Software. GeeksforGeeks.