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Princeed Gracefsonjakw Instructional Lesson Template 1

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Instructional Lesson Plan

Wide Reading/Listening Comprehension Master Plan

Subject & Topic: The American Civil War Article 1: Black Soldiers in the Civil War (Lexile 830)
SOL: VS.7 and VS.8 (Civil War) Article 2: Harriet Tubman was a Civil War spy and hero (Lexile 800)
Essential Question: When is it alright for a person to fight for what Article 3: 5 Things you may not know about Lincoln, Slavery, and
they believe in? Emancipation (Lexile 860)
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Lesson #: 1 Date: 2-29-2024 Word knowledge Target: -es ending

Lesson Part Activity* Words/Notes Justification

Reader/Writer Lives 3m What have you been reading this week? Giving C personal connections
Grace: I’ve been reading to study for my reading test that I took to us as writers and readers
Both this weekend. I don’t have time to read for fun right now, but will help him to see that
can’t wait to read for fun over the summer! I like mysteries. reading and writing is
Sonja: I read the Island of the Blue Dolphins. It was about a girl something that’s important to
who was stranded on an Island and how she survived. She had all of us.
to make her own weapons to protect herself from wild dogs. It
was very exciting.

Review 3m Review Visual Drill from UFLI Review Graphemes: g, c, a, i, We are using the UFLI review
slides presentation. o, e, u, nk, ng, wh, ph, ch, th, section for our first lesson. We
Grace sh, ck, ar, or, ir, ur, er, ou, ow, are reviewing vowel sounds,
ee, igh, oo, qu, ea, oa, ai, ay, vowel teams, and diphthongs.
Did not know the short /e/ oi, oy The review slides were
sound or long e selected based on C’s DSA
Missed -nk data showing a weakness in

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
vowel teams and complex
Said /u/ for OU consonants (ex. cwite/QUITE).
He also shows weakness in
Did not know that “ow” can reading vowel teams in
spell long o multisyllabic words (ex.
Was unsure about the sound fanetyl/FAUNTOON)
of /qu/ but then got it.

Goal/Purpose 1m Today we’ll be working on Based on our tutee’s data, he We are starting Lesson 63 to
adding -s or -es. The -s ending is struggling to read begin word study on
Grace is used to make nouns plural. multisyllabic words. By starting multisyllabic words. For
Plural means more than one: with an introduction to example, on the WRI 3rd
C was a bit distracted at the one cat, three cats. The -s multisyllabic words with ending grade word list, he misread
beginning. The room is ending can also change the -s or -es, we will gauge his “interested” as “interest.” He
noisy and busy. tense of verbs: I run, he runs. skills and determine which also was not able to read
If a word ends with -ch, -sh, -s, multisyllabic lesson in UFLI to “enemies” on the 3rd grade
-x, or -z, we add -es instead of follow next. WRI list. In his phonics survey,
just -s, like in the words he had difficulty reading
bunches, dishes, glasses, multisyllabic words - especially
boxes, and foxes. the multisyllabic pseudo words
(ex. po/PODATED)

Hear-It 3m Warm up the ear with Now we’re going to practice We are completing deleting
phonological awareness deleting the beginning sound and substituting phoneme
Grace priming the word knowledge in words. teacher will use activities based on his scores
target. magnetic cookie tray with on the PAST, Levels F and G
Went from losses to sauces. colored dots for the “I Do” and where he scored a 2/5 and 3/5
He needed assistance from part of the “We Do” then try to respectively. If he is
his teacher to be able to get remove the support and have successful, we will work on
this one correct. She the task completed orally other instructional levels from
prompted him with the vowel the PAST.
sound. I Do: (b)enches, (k)isses
We Do: (l)ashes, (l)osses
You Do: (w)ishes, (t)axes,

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Conner was very distracted (b)osses, (f)oxes
and sleepy.
All correct. Now we’re going to practice
changing the first sound in a
word and replacing it with a
different sound. the teacher
will use the magnetic cookie
sheet and colored counters
again and remove the
manipulative support when
student can complete the task

I Do: boxes - foxes, dishes -

We Do: fishes - wishes,
brushes - crushes
You Do: kisses - misses,
bunches - munches, sashes -
rashes, rashes - smashes,
smashes - bashes

Spell-It 10m The student will be given I Do: blocks, smushes New concepts are introduced
words to repeat and tap out with direct instruction. I will
Grace the individual phonemes. He We Do: rushes, creeps state the rules for when -s or
will then write them on his -es are added to words. I will
litgh for lights white board. You Do: taxes, lights, plays, model. We will complete some
Seaks for sinks crushes, waxes, asks, ashes, items together and the student
Spelled “ick” for how to sinks, shushes will complete several items
spell “ink” independently. Scaffolding will
Phoneme-grapheme mapping be provided as needed.
Virtual word work map

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
(intermediate) from UFLI.

Decode-It 3m The teacher will use the UFLI I Do: fix -es, craft -s, We are completing the activity
Virtual word work map to have in this manner to have him
Grace the student decode provided We Do: class -es, slot -s think about the rule for adding
words. He will then need to -s or -es.
Said glasses for gases then determine whether to write the You Do: dash -es, tax -es,
corrected. final ending as -s or -es and doll -s, slash -es, slush, -es, Explicit instruction of blends,
place it on the t-chart he has rule -s, clutch -es practice word building, and
created on his whiteboard. application in writing a dictated
sentence and reading a
decodable book to foster
orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)

Write-It 10m The teacher will use the UFLI Dictated Sentences: We are using a combination of
dictated sentences. The 1. The two bosses were UFLI writing dictated
Sonja students will write the quite nice. sentences and some additions
sentences on the whiteboard. 2. There are two dishes in of our own based on his DSA
Student was a bit distracted We will use the routine: the sink to wash assessment for our first
1) Say the sentence out loud. quickly. lesson. His DSA shows he is
The two bosses were cwite 2) Have the student repeat it. 3. They all have black missing the /qu/ sound in
nice. (corrected cwite after 3) Student writes it. dresses. words (ex. cwite/QUITE). The
support from teacher) 4) Teacher writes it too addition of the word “quite”
5) Student looks at teacher and “quickly” will help target
There are to dishes in the sentence to self-correct their that skill.
seenk to walsh qucley. own
(corrected “two,” seenk to Explicit instruction of blends,
“sink,” and “walsh” to wash) practice word building, and
application in writing a dictated

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
They all have blak dress. sentence and reading a
(quickly corrected black and decodable book to foster
dresses) orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)

Read-It** 8m The teacher will use the UFLI I Do: He has to scrub the two Based on C’s WPM data, he
connected text slides to read dishes. struggles with reading fluency.
Sonja sentences and then a full We Do: Which one of the Based on his CORE Phonics
decodable passage. buses is mine? Survey and PAST, his lack of
You Do: Does Phil have automaticity may stem from a
Student easily read through glasses? lack of phonics knowledge and
words. Easily identified experience in decodable text.
words with ending -es. Said Decodable Passage By using decodable text
“likes” we corrected and “Two Foxes” **If needed, we directly related to the phonics
told him “likes” has an will find the -es words and lesson, C will apply what he
ending es because of the highlight them to read before has learned in encoding and
magic e. reading the whole passage. If decoding, and apply it to
student does not show connected text. C also shows
Student a bit distracted - difficulty, he will read the weaknesses reading
mumbling a bit difficult to passage completely through multisyllabic words. The -es
hear. re-read “for walks” without the highlighting** and -s endings are a good
twice. Read “he brings introduction to multisyllabic
boxes of snacks” as “he We will read through the word reading.
brings a box of snacks” decodable passage twice. The
(forgot -es ending) first time we’ll hunt for words Explicit instruction of blends,
with ending -es and discuss practice word building, and
Who was the character in the punctuation marks. When application in writing a dictated
the story? (the foxes, the we read the first copy, we’ll sentence and reading a
kid) discuss the punctuation and decodable book to foster
how we pause when we get to orthographic mapping
Why do you think Alex likes a period. We’ll use the “clean (Kilpatrick, 2015)

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
the foxes? (because they’re copy” for the second reading.
nice to him)
Comprehension Questions:
Do you think this passage is
fiction or nonfiction? How do
you know? Who was the
character in the story? What is
a fox den? Why do you think
Alex likes the foxes?

Wide Reading/Listening Article 1: Black Soldiers in the Before reading vocab We will use the PAVE strategy
Comprehension** 17m Civil War context sentences: for vocabulary work ( Honig,
● “The Civil War was Diamond, and Gutlohn, 2018,
Vocabulary words: Before: Introduce vocab fought between the p. 511) To encourage
● Civil War words (Civil War, Confederacy, Northern and Southern metacognition with vocabulary
● enslavement Emancipation Proclamation) states more than 150 words during reading.
● Confederacy with the slides including a years ago.”
● Emancipation student friendly definition and ● “It was caused mainly Since the passages are on the
Proclamation visuals. The word by a disagreement over fourth grade level and our
“enslavement” will be covered enslavement.” tutee is an instructional level
Very distracted. Not focussing. using the PAVE strategy (steps ● “They formed their own reader,Do third grade, We will
Getting anxious to leave 1 through 4): Share the country called the scaffold his instruction with
before he even reads the contact sentence, Repeat the confederacy.” assisted reading techniques of
passage. target word, Predict the ● “On January 1, 1863, read aloud, echo reading, and
meaning And compose a President Lincoln a paragraph of his choice to
Grace - pre-teach sentence with the predicted issued the work on. We will use this time
vocabulary, read entire meaning.) And set a purpose Emancipation to work on word attack and
article To listen for cause and effect. Proclamation.” application of correct suffixes.

Sonja - help him choose During: Read the passage

which paragraph to read aloud, stopping at key .
himself and provide vocabulary to complete PAVE
corrections as needed (step 5 and 6: provide the
definition and revise the

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Word Reading Errors: sentence if needed). 2 The
insisted, officials, student will choose one
concerned, volunteers, paragraph to re-read
declining themselves, with two to
provide coaching and
Read “1861” as “1618” feedback - especially for
applying syllabication to
We did not have time for the multisyllabic words.
written response.
After: Written response: Why
is the event described in the
article taught in schools today?
What are the lasting lessons
that we can learn from
studying this event?

Closure 2m Today we learned when to put -s or -es at the end of words. I will “bring closure to the
How do we know when to use -s or -es at the end of words? exercise with direct and clear
Can you state the rule? language” (Mesmer, 2029,
What is something you learned today from the Black Soldiers in p.49).
the Civil War article?
Do you believe that there was
a reason for the Black soldiers
to fight? Why or why not ?
Remember to partner debrief at the end of each lesson!
C had difficulty with -nk. We could take some slides from UFLI Lesson 52 and instruct this skill in our Powerpoint. Slides from UFLI
lessons only address -nk. How will we approach this? I think chunking glued sounds are easier, e.g. -ink. Let me know your thoughts.
I think it would be beneficial to repeat the same passage that we used this week for Social Studies. We can ask for permission to stay
with the same text. That way we can address accuracy, rate, and prosody to address fluency. If we keep switching passages, we
won't be able to measure the increase in the fluency rate. Let me know your thoughts.

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Instructional Lesson Plan
UFLI Slides Presentation
Lesson #: 2 Date: 3/7/2024 Word knowledge Target: Closed Syllables, VC/CV
Lesson Part Activity* Words/Notes Justification

Reader/Writer Lives 3m We will share what we’ve been reading and writing this week. Giving C personal connections
to us as writers and readers
Both Grace: Reading a new book for grad school about how to be a will help him to see that
literacy coach. Writing lesson plans for school and grad school. reading and writing is
Sonja: Reading a new book on how to teach multisyllabic words. something that’s important to
all of us.

Review 3m Review Visual Drill from UFLI Review Graphemes: g, c, a, i, We are continuing to do a
slides presentation. o, e, u, ink, ank, onk, unk, ing, visual review drill from UFL. In
Sonja ang, ong, ung, wh, ph, ch, th, our last lesson, C did not
sh, ck, ar, or, ir, ur, er, ou, ow, correctly give the correct
missed ank, slow with unk, ee, igh, oo, qu, ea, oa, ai, ay, sounds for igh, qu, ou, ow, and
ong, ang, voiced th, slow with oi, oy, tion nk. He also struggled to spell
/ow/, missed oo, tion words with ending nk. We
added in slides with ink, ank,
onk, unk, and ing, ang, ong,
ung. On the slides for ou, ow,
and igh we added key words
to help make the connection to
the sound. We also added
“tion” since some of the
multisyllabic words in the Wide
Reading passage contain the
tion syllable. On the qu and
tion slides we added a snippet
of the Secret Stories posters.

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Goal/Purpose 1m UFLI Powerpoint 67b slides Today we have three goals. Based on our tutee’s data, he
37-42 We’re going to review the struggles with decoding
Sonja concept of a syllable. We’re multisyllabic words. Based on
State the new learning for going to learn what a closed our previous conversations
participated in the dropped today and provide explicit syllable is and we’re going to with him, he does not know the
chin instruction to introduce the learn how to divide words with concept of open and closed
correctly identified number of word knowledge target. the Rabbit Rule VC/CV syllables. This week we’re
syllables in robot, octopus, pattern. teaching him closed syllables
macaroni, shoe, umbrella, and the VC/CV pattern. Next
zebra (all 1-3 syllables) Introduce concept of closed week, we’ll teach him open
syllables. When we have a syllables and the V/CV and
Missed 4 Syllable Words closed syllable, the vowel is VC/C patterns.
blocked in and makes its short
watermelon - said 3 with sound. Examples: hop, kick, Syllable Division Principles
clapping, 2 with dropping chin, fast. Sometimes when we (Honig, Diamond, & Gutlohn,
second time with chin correctly have longer words, there are 2018)
said 4 syllables patterns we can use to know
where the syllable division
helicopter - said 3 with happens. When we learn Explicit instruction of blends,
clapping, correctly said 4 when these syllable division practice word building, and
dropping chin patterns, it helps us to know application in writing a dictated
what sounds the vowel will sentence and reading a
Seeming distracted by room make. One of the most decodable book to foster
noise. common division patterns is orthographic mapping
called the Rabbit Rule. When (Kilpatrick, 2015)
Missed short o sound, a vowel is followed by two
correctly identified a, e, i, u. consonants and then another
vowel, the word is divided
We cut out some of the words between the consonants. For
because the lesson was example, the words rabbit and
running a little long and C was kitten.
becoming disinterested.
Introduce how to break down
multisyllabic words by VCCV.
Student will use a whiteboard

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
and write a word. The teacher
will then teach how to divide
words into syllables following
these steps:

-Identify and label the vowels.

-Draw a bridge (“we live on the
-Label the consonants on the
-Divide between the two
middle consonants
-Label the vowels as closed
(we’ll learn open next week)
-Sound out each syllable
-Blend the syllables together

I Do: number
You Do: butter, napkin, bitten

Hear-It 3m Warm up the ear with Now we’re going to practice We are completing deleting
phonological awareness deleting the beginning sound and substituting phoneme
Sonja priming the word knowledge in words that have beginning activities based on his scores
target. blends. teacher will use on the PAST, Levels F and G
magnetic cookie tray with where he scored a 2/5 and 3/5
correctly answered all words colored dots for the “I Do” and respectively. If he is
automatically part of the “We Do” then try to successful, we will work on
remove the support and have other instructional levels from
the task completed orally the PAST.

I Do: (s)lumber, The UFLI lesson is working

You Do: (p)lunge, (t)winkle, with 2 syllable words. We are
(t)rample, (b)risket using 2 syllable words for the
deleting and substituting to

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Now we’re going to practice connect to the rest of our
changing the first sound in a lesson.
word and replacing it with a
different sound. the teacher
will use the magnetic cookie
sheet and colored counters
again and remove the
manipulative support when
student can complete the task

I Do: rumble - fumble

You Do: fumble - bumble,
cuddle - puddle, mellow -

Spell-It 10m UFLI Spelling using a Introduce spelling words with Based on our tutee’s previous
whiteboard more than one syllable. Clap lesson, he does not know
Sonja out the syllables, tap out the about open and closed
Use phoneme-grapheme sounds one syllable at a time. syllables. We are explicitly
until - “untile” - fixed e and mapping to connect phonology teaching him open and closed
correctly divided to orthography. Teacher will model spelling syllables so he will have
one word, then the student will greater fluency decoding
object - “object” - correctly spell the remaining words on multisyllabic words.
divided his whiteboard using the clap Connecting the decoding with
and tap strategy. Scaffolding the encoding will help him
will be provided as needed. master this concept.

I Do: contact Explicit instruction of blends,

You Do: until, object, timid, practice word building, and
contest application in writing a dictated
sentence and reading a
decodable book to foster

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)

Decode-It 3m UFLI Spiral Game Student and teacher will play Based on our tutee’s last
(Tic-Tac-Toe) the Tic-Tac-Toe game from session, he is struggling to
Grace UFLI that includes words from focus during the phonics
Read words in isolation and/or lessons 67a and b. If student portion of the lesson. We hope
He avoided the word anklet. decodable sentences. struggles with any words, we’ll that by using a game, he will
Insult was a problem, but use the syllable division have more motivation, focus,
Grace worked with him to read method to break down the and attention. The words used
it by syllables. word into two syllables and are all 2 syllable words with
mark the closed syllables. closed vowel patterns.

muffin, transit, picnic, helmet, Explicit instruction of blends,

drumstick, subject, basket, practice word building, and
magnet, until, anklet, hundred, application in writing a dictated
uplift, bedrock, figment, sentence and reading a
cannot, upset, eggshell, valid, decodable book to foster
snapshot, candid, content, orthographic mapping
submit, habit, pocket, distant, (Kilpatrick, 2015)
bulldog, suntan, napkin.

Write-It 10m The teacher will use the UFLI Dictated Sentences: We are using a combination of
dictated sentences. The 1. Did you plug in the pink UFLI writing dictated
Grace students will write the tablet? sentences and some additions
sentences on the whiteboard. 2. I was absent because I of our own based on his DSA
Sentence 1 We will use the routine: was quite sick. assessment for our first
He wrote pink and tablet 1) Say the sentence out loud. 3. I felt timid when I went lesson. His DSA shows he is
correctly, but did not use 2) Have the student repeat it. to the dentist. missing the /qu/ sound in
correct punctuation. He used a 3) Student writes it. 4. I think there is an insect words (ex. cwite/QUITE). The
period instead of a question 4) Teacher writes it too in my pocket. addition of the word “quite” will
mark. 5) Student looks at teacher help target that skill. He also
sentence to self-correct their misspelled words with -ink in
Sentence 4 own our previous lesson.
He used “a” for “an” and Therefore, we included words

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
spelled pocket as “pocet.” He such as “think” and “pink.”
was able to fix this with a
discussion about the syllables Explicit instruction of blends,
in the word. practice word building, and
application in writing a dictated
sentence and reading a
decodable book to foster
orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)

Read-It** 8m The teacher will use the UFLI I Do: You are my friend Based on C’s WPM data, he
connected text slides to read because you are kind. struggles with reading fluency.
Grace sentences and then a full You Do: We bring the lunches Based on his CORE Phonics
decodable passage. in a picnic basket. Survey and PAST, his lack of
The Rocket Contest Can you go into the bag and automaticity may stem from a
get me a napkin? lack of phonics knowledge and
Repeated “dash.” He spends experience in decodable text.
too much time pausing at the Decodable Passage By using decodable text
end of punctuation. Not in all “The Rocket Contest” We will directly related to the phonics
sentences. start by going through and lesson, C will apply what he
highlighting the multisyllabic has learned in encoding and
Then “the” red (insertion) words with closed syllables decoding, and apply it to
that follow the VC/CV pattern connected text. C also shows
(Denzel, Edwin, rocket, weaknesses reading
Q1 - They feel excited contest, ticket, basket). The multisyllabic words.
Q2 - So they could sit on the first reading will be only the
ground highlighted words.
Q3 - They were both together Explicit instruction of blends,
and would remember that day. Then, we’ll read a second practice word building, and
“clean” copy of the passage. application in writing a dictated
Student will be reminded to sentence and reading a
take a brief pause at ending decodable book to foster
punctuation marks and use orthographic mapping
prosody for the sentences with (Kilpatrick, 2015)
question marks and

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
exclamation marks.

Comprehension Questions
Focused on Inferencing:
How do Denzel and Edwin feel
about the rocket contest? Why
do you think Denzel and Edwin
bring blankets with them? How
do you think Denzel and Edwin
will remember this day?

Wide Reading/Listening Article 1: Black Soldiers in the We will review vocabulary from To develop fluency it must be
Comprehension** 17m Civil War the last lesson. addressed in this order, First,
Vocabulary words: Before: Review vocabulary Syllabification of words will be accuracy must be addressed.
● Civil War words included. When that is accomplished,
Discuss past reading Comments on fluency will be reading rate is the next
● enslavement During included in instruction. concern. When reading rate is
People that are Revisit past The student will be asked to at acceptable levels, prosody
slaves vocabulary words and their reflect upon their reading needs to be addressed.
● Confederacy meaning considering word work and Prosodic reading combined
In the south Teacher reads the text whole word reading. with accuracy and rate will
people that Student reads selected assist with comprehension. We
didn't want it to paragraph will work on word work at the
end. Promote rereading of the letter level in CVC words and
● Emancipation paragraph discussing multisyllabic words broken
Proclamation accuracy. If 100% accuracy is down by syllables.
achieved, then we will move
Grace - review vocabulary, on to reading rate.
discuss past reading After: Elicit a written response
of why the black soldiers
Sonja - read the second half of decided to fight and also
passage, student will select whether he agrees or not with
paragraph to read - twice if their decision.
there is time, written response

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Closure 2m Why is the event described in the article taught in schools Student responses are
today? What are the lasting lessons that we can learn from evidence of synthesizing
studying this event? Support your response with evidence learning. This includes story
from the text. information and word learning.

How do you spell the glued sound of -ink?

What is a closed syllable?
Where do we divide words with a VCCV pattern?
Remember to partner debrief at the end of each lesson!
C correctly identified -ink but missed -ank. We will go over this again in the next lesson and continue to do all of the glued sounds In
the review and the writing sections of the lesson plan. The dropped-chin procedure seemed to help C to better identify how many
syllables are in a word. C needs more practice with identifying the vowel sounds of /oo/ and the pronunciation spelling of /shun/, tion.
We will review the rules for these. We want to ensure that C is successfully completing the steps of the lesson. However, we would
like to get more quickly to the Wide Reading/Listening Comprehension section. This would allow the tutee to spend more time
reading and working on fluency. We would like to clip one paragraph from the initial reading to continue with fluency instruction, while
moving on to the next article to maintain interest and have the opportunity to provide a written response to what has been read
through the use of higher-order questioning skills. We would also like to allow a small amount of time for a motivational learning hook
that makes him want to reach the end of the lesson. This could be a small video about the Civil War that would provide opportunities
for writing prompts and discussion.

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Instructional Lesson Plan
UFLI Slides

Lesson #: 3 Date: 3.14.2024 Word knowledge Target: Open Syllables Lesson 68

Lesson Part Activity* Words/Notes Justification

Reader/Writer Lives 3m Sonja will discuss her current reading and writing projects this Giving C personal connections
week. Give C a chance to share what he’s been reading and to us as writers and readers
Both enjoying.this week. will help him to see that
reading and writing is
something that’s important to
all of us.

Review 3m Review Visual Drill from UFLI Review Graphemes: ink, ank, We are continuing to do a
slides presentation. onk, unk, ing, ang, ong, ung, visual review drill from UFL. In
Grace ou, ow, oo, qu, tion, closed our last lesson, C missed ank,
sylable slow with unk, ong, ang,
Student correctly identified voiced th, slow with /ow/, oo,
nasals, ou, ow (how), oo **shortened list based on C’s tion.
(cool), qu, tion, closed past performance

Student did not correctly

give second sound for ow
(snow), and oo (good)

Goal/Purpose 1m UFLI Powerpoint 68 Today we have two goals: Based on our tutee’s data, he
review closed syllables and struggles with decoding
Grace State the new learning for words with the VC/CV pattern, multisyllabic words. Based on
today and provide explicit and introduce open syllables our previous conversations
C caught on very quickly instruction to introduce the with him, he does not know the
with the concept of open word knowledge target. “We have been learning about concept of open and closed

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
and closed syllables. He closed and open syllables. A syllables. Last week we taught
remembered the rabbit rule closed syllable has one vowel him closed syllables and the
caught on quickly to the that makes a short sound and VC/CV pattern. This week,
tiger rule. ends with a consonant. Met is we’ll teach him open syllables
a closed syllable. An open and the V/CV pattern.
syllable has one vowel that
makes a long vowel sound and Syllable Division Principles
ends with that vowel. Me is an (Honig, Diamond, & Gutlohn,
open vowel.” 2018)
Introduce how to break down
multisyllabic words by V/VC.
Student will use a whiteboard Explicit instruction of blends,
and write a word. The teacher practice word building, and
will then teach how to divide application in writing a dictated
words into syllables following sentence and reading a
these steps: decodable book to foster
orthographic mapping
-Identify and label the vowels. (Kilpatrick, 2015)
-Draw a bridge (“we live on the
-Label the consonants on the
-Divide between the two
middle consonants
-Label the vowels as closed
(we’ll learn open next week)
-Sound out each syllable
-Blend the syllables together

Words - robot, raven, silent

Hear-It 3m Warm up the ear with Blend two-syllable words with We are completing deleting
phonological awareness the the VC/CV pattern and substituting phoneme
Grace priming the word knowledge Discuss open syllables activities based on his scores

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
target. Blend words with the V/VC on the PAST, Levels F and G
Student correctly separated pattern. where he scored a 2/5 and 3/5
the syllables in cupcake, Identify syllable types. respectively. If he is
raven, and tiger and successful, we will work on
correctly identified them as Words: cupcake, raven, tiger, other instructional levels from
open/closed. We realized and behave. Students the PAST.
cupcake should not have respond.
been used since it has a The UFLI lesson is working
magic e syllable that we with 2 syllable words. We are
haven’t discussed yet. using 2 syllable words for the
deleting and substituting to
connect to the rest of our

Spell-It 10m UFLI Spelling using a Introduce spelling words with Based on our tutee’s previous
whiteboard more than one syllable. Clap lesson, he does not know
Grace out the syllables, tap out the about open and closed
Use phoneme-grapheme sounds one syllable at a time syllables. We are explicitly
C did an excellent job mapping to connect phonology and identify the syllable type. teaching him open and closed
spelling all of the words. He to orthography. Teachers will model spelling syllables so he will have
even wrote the twice - once one word, then the student will greater fluency decoding
with the open and closed spell the remaining words on multisyllabic words.
syllables separated, then his/her whiteboard using the Connecting the decoding with
again with them put clap and tap strategy. the encoding will help him
together. When asked to Scaffolding will be provided as master this concept.
explain the syllables, C did needed. Syllable division and
an excellent job correctly types of syllables will be Explicit instruction of blends,
identifying open and closed identified. practice word building, and
syllables. application in writing a dictated
I Do: began sentence and reading a
We Do: zero, decodable book to foster
You Do: item, depend orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)

Decode-It 3m UFLI Spiral Game Student and teacher will play Based on our tutee’s last

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
(Tic-Tac-Toe) the Tic-Tac-Toe game from session, he is struggling to
Grace UFLI that includes words from focus during the phonics
Read words in isolation and/or lessons 68. portion of the lesson. We hope
Self corrected evil from a decodable sentences. that by using a game, he will
short beginning e to a long have more motivation, focus,
e. Read the rest of the words and attention. The words used
correctly. are all 2 syllable words with
closed and open vowel

Explicit instruction of blends,

practice word building, and
application in writing a dictated
sentence and reading a
decodable book to foster
orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)

Write-It 10m The teacher will use the UFLI Dictated Sentences: We are using a combination of
dictated sentences. The 1. It has been humid. UFLI writing dictated
Sonja students will write the 2. Do you have many sentences and some additions
sentences on the whiteboard. items in your bag? of our own based on his DSA
It has ben humed. (worked We will use the routine: 3. I am quite tired after assessment for our first
with Sonja to correct “been” 1) Say the sentence out loud. workouts. lesson. His DSA shows he is
discussed it being irregular 2) Have the student repeat it. 4. I put the pill in my missing the /qu/ sound in
word, and “humed”) 3) Student writes it. pocket. words (ex. cwite/QUITE). The
4) Teacher writes it too addition of the word “quite” will
Do you have many items in 5) Student looks at teacher help target that skill. Last
your bag. (corrected sentence to self-correct their week, he spelled “pocket” as
punctuation to have a own “pocet.” Including the word
question mark) “backpack” will ensure he
remembers to apply the final
-ck rule to multisyllabic words.
We decided to only do two
sentences for the sake of Explicit instruction of blends,

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
time. practice word building, and
application in writing a dictated
sentence and reading a
decodable book to foster
orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)

Read-It** 8m The teacher will use the UFLI I Do: My phone has been on Based on C’s WPM data, he
connected text slides to read silent. struggles with reading fluency.
Sonja sentences and then a full You Do: Did your friends begin Based on his CORE Phonics
decodable passage. the race? I love music class Survey and PAST, his lack of
Student first split “silent” because we sing! automaticity may stem from a
between l and e, then Decodable Passage lack of phonics knowledge and
corrected to between i and l. “Music Class” experience in decodable text.
Identified si as open and lent By using decodable text
as closed. directly related to the phonics
lesson, C will apply what he
Correctly read “Did your Comprehension Questions has learned in encoding and
friends begin the race.” and Focused on Inferencing: decoding, and apply it to
“I love music class because Why does the speaker think connected text. C also shows
we sing.” music class is the best? weaknesses reading
What does the speaker mean multisyllabic words.
Decodable Text: when they say, “I sing like time
is frozen.”? How does the
Left out the word “a” in last speaker feel about receiving Explicit instruction of blends,
sentence “That is a nice applause from their friends? practice word building, and
bonus.” application in writing a dictated
sentence and reading a
Question 1: Cause you get decodable book to foster
to sing. orthographic mapping
Question 2: Cause you sing (Kilpatrick, 2015)
like there’s nothing that’s
happening. She feels likes
she’s by herself.
Question 3: She feels like its

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
a nice bonus.

Wide Reading/Listening Past Selected Paragraph for We will review vocabulary from We will work with the
Comprehension** 17m fluency the last lesson. paragraph from the first article
Vocabulary words: https://docs.google.com/doc Syllabification of words will be to practice with fluency.
● Underground Railroad ument/d/1-_lhaVwu1yqbBOP included as needed to convey
A secret network of safe BCL76UBNgMwOQlEcdz7Fz meanings of words.
houses and people that c1XZzas/edit We will continue to address
helped enslaved people word with the suffix -ion as
escape to freedom in Article2: Harriet Tubman they appear in context.
the 19th century. was a Civil War Spy and The vocabulary remains the
● Civil War same to support word learning.
A war fought between
citizens of the same May have time to possibly
country. https://newsela.com/view/ck9n
oonjx08hg0iqjp18aznfg/?levelI reread the text two times. After
● Emancipation a discussion on accuracy the
Proclamation d=ck7ecxxqe180j
14p7hmw2t820 student can improve on their
An official statement score.
made by President
Abraham Lincoln in Before: Read past selected
paragraph for fluency work. This video is intended to
1863 that freed all
enslaved people in Connect it to the reading for provide to inspire
Confederate territory today. The student with motivation to
during the American Discuss vocabulary words for engage with the text.
Civil War. today
● Plantations Discuss past reading to
A large farm or estate connect to today’s article
where crops like cotton, During:
tobacco, or sugar are Teacher reads the text.
grown, often by Student reads a self-selected
enslaved workers. paragraph.
Teacher promotes rereading of
the paragraph discussing

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Grace - pre-teach accuracy. If 100% accuracy is
vocabulary, read entire achieved, then we will move
article on to reading rate.
Watch a video from Brain Pop
Sonja - help him choose on
which paragraph to read Harriet Tubman
himself and provide
corrections as needed After: Elicit a response from
the student. ‘What did you find
C did an excellent job most interesting from this
reading the entire section video? Did it leave you with
with the heading “Formed a any questions?
Spy Ring” Missed the
words: colonel, wealthiest,

Re-read paragraph 2:
error: colonel, Combahee

Looked at the words:

regiment (correctly

Read paragraph a 3rd time:

correctly read “colonel”

Closure 2m Why was Harriet Tubman instrumental in helping slaves in

the Civil War?
Do you know what perseverance means?
How did Harriet Tubman show perseverance?

Remember to partner debrief at the end of each lesson!

C worked extremely hard this session. We feel like we’ve finally gotten a good pace to the UFLI lessons. We tried to build in more
conversations with him explaining his reasoning for the phonics portion. He enjoys social interaction and learning about our lives. The

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
connection seems to motivate him. Next time, we’re going to briefly go over all of the syllable types (closed, open, magic e,
r-controlled, vowel team, -cle). This will help him with syllable division. He is remembering our previous instruction, and
our plan is to move on to the “camel” syllable division rule. We’re going to compare and contrast the “tiger” and “camel” rules.
Previous instruction in all syllable types will help with this process. In regard to reading fluency, C read a review passage and
accepted corrections and improved his reading rate. His first reading of the repeated passage gave him a reading rate of 55%,
regarding words per minute. After instructional assistance, his reading rate improved to 82% of words read correctly after instruction.
This indicates that C is responsive to instruction.

Instructional Lesson Plan

UFLI Slides
Lesson #: 4 Date: 3.21.2024 Word knowledge Target: Open Syllables Lesson 68
(continued), addressing ti-ger and cam-el syllables.
Lesson Part Activity* Words/Notes Justification

Reader/Writer Lives 3m Sonja will discuss how she is spending her time reading Giving C personal connections
contracts to purchase a new home and let C. know that if she to us as writers and readers
Both couldn’t read these, she would be taken advantage of. will help him to see that
reading and writing is
Grace will discuss reading for grad school and doing a writing something that’s important to
prompt about when you feel like your best self. all of us.

Review 3m Review Visual Drill from UFLI Review Graphemes: ink, ank, C continues to need review of
slides presentation. onk, unk, ing, ang, ong, ung, these skills, especially giving
Grace ou, ow, oo, qu, tion, closed the correct second sound
Correctly identified short vowel syllable, open syllable, V/CV, for”ow” as in snow and “oo” as
sounds and long and VC/CV pattern in good.

Goal/Purpose 1m UFLI Powerpoint 68 Cont. 1. Exposure to the 6 Based on our tutee’s data, he
Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Grace adding cam-el rule. syllable types (closed, struggles with decoding
open, magic e, vowel multisyllabic words. Based on
missed /ow/ spells grow State the new learning for teams, bossy r, our previous work with him, we
missed /oo/ spells cool today and provide explicit diphthong, c-le) will build on our past lessons
instruction to introduce the 2. Introduce the “Camel” and instruct him on all syllable
word knowledge target. syllable division rule types in order to assist him in
3. Contrast the “Tiger” reading multisyllabic words.
and “Camel” rules with Last week we taught him the
a blind sort V/CV pattern that identified
tiger syllables. This week,
we’ll teach him open syllables
Responded well to the 6 Syllable Type Examples: with the VC/V pattern and
introduction of new syllable assist him to identify them as
types. Magic E - cupcake tiger or camel syllables.
Vowel Teams - oatmeal
Bossy R - marker Syllable Division Principles
C-le - bubble (Honig, Diamond, & Gutlohn,

Explicit instruction of blends,

practice word building, and
application in writing a dictated
sentence and reading a
decodable book to foster
orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)

Hear-It 3m Warm up the ear with Blend and segment The UFLI lesson is working
phonological awareness two-syllable words that follow with 2 syllable words. We are
Grace priming the word knowledge the camel and tiger syllable using 2 syllable words that
target. division rule. follow the tiger and camel rule
Frozen corect in order to connect with the
Srek, then socket Blend:frozen, secret, panic, rest of our lesson.Our tutee is
Then correctly identified secret denim making great progress
Panic - correct identifying open and closed
Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Denim dinner Segment: music, spider, robin, syllables. We are continuing to
polish build on this knowledge to
Music correct in segmenting Student responds by breaking increase his capacity with
the words into syllables and multisyllabic words.
Difficulty breaking down segmenting each part of the
secret. syllable.
Very distracted by noise

Spell-It 10m UFLI Spelling using a Introduce spelling words with We are explicitly teaching him
whiteboard more than one syllable. Clap open and closed syllables so
Grace out the syllables, tap out the he will have greater fluency
I Do: Use phoneme-grapheme sounds one syllable at a time decoding multisyllabic words.
Grace did a good job of mapping to connect phonology and identify the syllable type. Connecting the decoding with
modeling how to break a word to orthography. Teachers will model spelling the encoding will help him
down into syllables and then one word, then the student will master this concept.
segment the sounds to spell spell the remaining words on
the word. his/her whiteboard using the Explicit instruction of blends,
clap and tap strategy. practice word building, and
We Do: Scaffolding will be provided as application in writing a dictated
needed. Syllable division and sentence and reading a
types of syllables will be decodable book to foster
identified. orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)
I Do: seven
We Do: dragon, polo
You Do: topic, diver, fever

Decode-It 3m UFLI Spiral Game The student and teacher will We had success using a game
(Tic-Tac-Toe) play the Tic-Tac-Toe game to motivate our tutee. The
Grace from UFLI that includes words words we will use are all 2
Read words in isolation and/or with tiger and camel words. syllable words with closed and
decodable sentences. open vowel patterns including
Words for Tic-Tac-Toe: tiger and camel words.

panic Explicit instruction of blends,

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
polish practice word building, and
visit application in writing a dictated
sentence and reading a
timid decodable book to foster
robin orthographic mapping
clever (Kilpatrick, 2015)

Write-It 10m The teacher will use the Dictated Sentences: We are using a combination of
created sentences 1. I ran at a rapid pace. UFLI writing dictated
Sonja incorporating tiger and camel 2. Her leg is quite sentences and some additions
words. The student will write broken!. of our own based on his DSA
the sentences on the 3. Is this unit of math assessment for our first
whiteboard. We will use the hard? lesson. His DSA shows he is
routine: 4. The ice in the backpack missing the /qu/ sound in
1) Say the sentence out loud. is solid. words (ex. cwite/QUITE). The
2) Have the student repeat it. addition of the word “quite” will
3) Student writes it. help target that skill. We will
4) Teacher writes it too use “backpack” to reinforce the

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
5) Student looks at teacher use of “ck” after the short
sentence to self-correct their vowel in a syllable or
own one-syllable word.

Explicit instruction of blends,

practice word building, and
application in writing a dictated
sentence and reading a
decodable book to foster
orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)

Read-It** 8m The teacher will create I Do: The cabin is old. We will use the sentences as
sentences based on the words We Do: My paper is messy. the connected text this week.
Sonja that we have studied using the You Do: I took my backpack to This will allow us extra time to
tiger and camel rules. the river. discuss syllable division and
I am quite timid. types as needed.

Wide Reading/Listening Revisit article for fluency We will review vocabulary from We will work with the
Comprehension** 17m target: the last lesson. paragraph from the first article
Vocabulary Review - https://docs.google.com/doc to practice with fluency.
● Underground Railroad ument/d/1-_lhaVwu1yqbBOP Syllabification of words will be
A secret network of safe BCL76UBNgMwOQlEcdz7Fz included as needed to convey
houses and people that c1XZzas/edit meanings of words. We are rereading the second
helped enslaved people passage for comprehension.
escape to freedom in Revisit We will continue to address We would also like to use this
the 19th century. Article2: Harriet Tubman words with the suffix -ion as article to improve our tutee’s
● Civil War was a Civil War Spy and they appear in context. writing skills, which will display
A war fought between Hero his comprehension of the
citizens of the same Existing vocabulary will be passage.
country. reinforced as we add a few
● Emancipation more words. The student will write and
Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
An official statement d=ck7ecxxqe180j respond to the prompt: “Did
made by President 14p7hmw2t820 Harriet Tubman work for a
Abraham Lincoln in cause that was worth fighting
1863 that freed all for? Why or why not? Defend
enslaved people in Before: Read past selected your answer.
Confederate territory paragraph for fluency work.
during the American Connect it to the reading for
Civil War.
● Plantations
Review vocabulary words for
A large farm or estate
where crops like cotton,
tobacco, or sugar are
grown, often by During:
enslaved workers. Teacher reads the text.
Student reads a self-selected
Both Teacher promotes rereading of
the paragraph discussing
C remembered the passage accuracy.
about Harriet Tubman and the
vocabulary words. EQ Writing:
Did Harriet Tubman work for a
cause that was worth fighting
for? Why or why not? Defend
your answer.

Closure 2m Why did people not want to be enslaved?

Why do you think the slave owners wanted slaves?
C - “I would fight against Do you feel that slavery is right?
slavery because a lot of my Would you have fought for slavery? Why or why not.
friends are black and they are
the same people they are just
a different skin color.”

C said he would want to go

back in time and meet

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Abraham Lincoln.
Remember to partner debrief at the end of each lesson!
We had a difficult time with this tutoring session. Our tutee’s headphones weren’t working, and Grace’s camera was periodically not
working. We worked through these challenges as best as we could. Due to the technical difficulties, C had a difficult time staying
focused and motivated. He also struggled to hear us throughout the lesson. I (Grace) also felt a little scattered due to my camera not
working. I could have been more clear and concise with my teaching. Sonja took over much of the lesson in the Wide Reading
section due to these technical problems. While C understood the concept of the “camel” rule, he struggled comparing and contrasting
the “tiger” vs. “camel” rules. We may want to try another sort with new words next week. We cut our phonics portion short to make
sure we spent a good amount of time on the Wide Reading. We re-read the Harriet Tubman piece from last week because our tutee
enjoyed the passage and it gave us good information for writing. We completed a graphic organizer answering our essential question
and we’ll use this organizer next week to complete the constructed response. We finished the graphic organizer quickly so Sonja had
time to complete a fluency passage at the very end. C has done a great job remembering our information from previous weeks and
increasing his fluency. Sonja did a great job increasing C’s fluency by motivating him with his previous reading progress, targeting
specific words he had missed (colonel, regiment, as). C was motivated to beat his previous time.

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Instructional Lesson Plan
UFLI Slides
Lesson #: 5 Date: 3.28 Word knowledge Target: Camel vs. Tiger Syllable Rule
Lesson Part Activity* Words/Notes Justification

Reader/Writer Lives 3m Sonja will discuss reading about how to clean a washing Giving C personal connections
machine that smells of mildew in her new house. I am also to us as writers and readers
Both reading about how to train a puppy. will help him to see that
reading and writing is
Grace will discuss reading for grad school and looking forward something that’s important to
to reading for fun in the summer (mysteries, thrillers, nonfiction) all of us.

Review 3m Review Camel/Tiger Rule ● Tiger beats Camel In our last lesson C did well
using google slides ● If you hear an open identifying Tiger and Camel in
Sonja (long) vowel sound in isolation, but struggled when
the first syllable, it comparing the two. We want to
student a bit distracted today follows the Tiger Rule. do a quick review and another
missed short u (said o) sort.
student remembered
open/closed syllables and the
sound the vowel makes in
those syllables

Goal/Purpose 1m Review Tiger/Camel Rules Review Tiger/Camel Rule and Based on our tutee’s data, he
increase practice struggles with decoding

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
comparing/contrasting the two multisyllabic words. in our last
Sonja syllables. lesson he understood “tiger”
and “camel” by themselves,
but struggled when they were
mixed together.

Syllable Division Principles

(Honig, Diamond, & Gutlohn,

Explicit instruction of blends,

practice word building, and
application in writing a dictated
sentence and reading a
decodable book to foster
orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)

Hear-It 3m Compare the rules using a Sort for tiger/camel in the Our tutee has made great
picture sort google slides progress with open/closed
Sonja syllables. We’re doing this
Tutee will have to listen for the lesson to make his knowledge
Good teacher modeling for first vowel and determine if it is more firm and do the higher
“punish” breaking it down open (tiger) or closed (camel) level skill of comparing the two
helped him to differentiate syllables.
between the camel and tiger
rules. Last week when we tried
this sort, it did not go well.

Still not quite getting

camel/tiger without the
breaking down support -
identifying short vs. long
syllables (over, event)

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
sorted correctly - river, event,
tiny, over, basic, rapid

sorted incorrectly - over

Spell-It 10m UFLI Spelling using a Introduce spelling words with We are explicitly teaching him
whiteboard more than one syllable. Clap open and closed syllables so
Sonja out the syllables, tap out the he will have greater fluency
Use phoneme-grapheme sounds one syllable at a time decoding multisyllabic words.
bacon - spelled correctly, mapping to connect phonology and identify the syllable type. Connecting the decoding with
labeled syllables, and divided to orthography. Teachers will model spelling the encoding will help him
syllables!!!! one word, then the student will master this concept.
spell the remaining words on
visit - spelled correctly, labeled his/her whiteboard using the Our list is shorter this week to
syllables, and divided syllables clap and tap strategy. allow more time for Wide
correctly! Scaffolding will be provided as Reading.
needed. Syllable division and
types of syllables will be Explicit instruction of blends,
identified. practice word building, and
application in writing a dictated
I Do: music sentence and reading a
You Do: bacon, visit decodable book to foster
orthographic mapping
(Kilpatrick, 2015)

Decode-It 3m UFLI Spiral Game The student and teacher will We had success using a game
(Tic-Tac-Toe) play the Tic-Tac-Toe game to motivate our tutee. The
Grace from UFLI that includes words words we will use are all 2
C was motivated to beat Miss Read words in isolation and/or with tiger and camel words. syllable words with closed and
Forman decodable sentences. open vowel patterns including
Words for Tic-Tac-Toe: tiger and camel words.

panic Explicit instruction of blends,

polish practice word building, and
application in writing a dictated
Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
timid sentence and reading a
robin decodable book to foster
First said sir-en. He corrected orthographic mapping
himself to si-ren
clever (Kilpatrick, 2015)
when reminded to use the denim
syllable division rules. finish

Write-It 10m We are eliminating this section today in order to allow more time for the Wide Reading and EQ

Read-It** 8m We are eliminating this section today in order to allow more time for the Wide Reading and EQ

Wide Reading/Listening EQ Writing: Did Harriet Build on the graphic organizer Based on our tutee’s writing
Comprehension** 17m Tubman work for a cause we completed last week and sample from the assessment
worth fighting for? Why or why turn it into a full written session, he has a weakness in
Both not? Defend your answer. response with an introduction, applying his phonics
-review of article and his 2 supporting details, and a knowledge to his writing. He
graphic organizer Relisten to Harriet Tubman closing statement. also had a relative strength in
- work on making it into a before graphic organizer? presenting an adequately
written response Assist tutee in coming up with clear, focused idea with
Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
He worked very diligently to Article: 5 Things You May not a transitional sentence supporting details, but this
compose his writing. Know About Lincoln, Slavery, between the two paragraphs. content specific writing prompt
- start new article and Emancipation will increase his content
After the written response is knowledge of the Civil War and
Vocabulary Before: Discuss vocabulary completed, we will read 1 last present him with the
words for today. Discuss past Newsela article since opportunity to write a formal
Constitution reading to connect to today’s throughout the course of our written response.
The American Constitution article. tutoring sessions, we only got
is like a special rulebook to 2 articles.
that tells us how our country During: Teacher reads the text.
Student reads a self-selected Article: 5 Things You May not
should work, including who
paragraph. Teacher promotes Know About Lincoln, Slavery,
makes the rules, how rereading of the paragraph and Emancipation
leaders are chosen, and discussing accuracy. If 100%
what rights everyone has. accuracy is achieved, then we
will move on to reading rate.
Abolitionist (abolish)
A slavery abolitionist is Abraham Lincoln Brain Pop
someone who works to stop
the unfair practice of After: Elicit a response from
the student: What new and
slavery, making sure that
surprising things did you learn
everyone is treated equally from this article? Does it affect
and no one is owned by your view of Lincoln?
another person.

Colonization is when people
from one place move to
another place and start
living there, sometimes
taking control over the land
from the people who were
already there.

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)
Closure 2m Out of everything that we have talked about regarding the
Civil War, what is the one thing that you would want to tell
your friend about and why?
Remember to partner debrief at the end of each lesson!
C. displayed tremendous growth during this lesson. His responses to the ti-ger and cam-el exercises revealed that he has gained a
deeper understanding of how to approach reading multisyllabic words. He was highly motivated to complete his writing about Harriet
Tubman and The Civil War. We are planning to look back and determine what assessments we need to revisit according to our
original plan to measure C.’s growth. We are also thinking about other interesting activities we can present surrounding the topic of
The Civil War to close out our tutoring time with C.

Adapted from LETRS General Phonics Lesson Template (Moats & Tolman, 2019), Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia
Lesson Frameworks (Middle Tennessee State University), Letter Lessons & First Words by Heidi Anne Mesmer (2019), & UFLI Foundations
(University of Florida Literacy Institute)

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