O229158n Toc
O229158n Toc
O229158n Toc
Induction Heating
Toccotron AC
Protect yourself and others from injury — read, follow, and save these important safety precautions and operating instructions.
Pour écarter les risques de blessure pour vous−même et pour autrui — lire, appliquer et ranger en lieu sûr ces consignes relatives
aux précautions de sécurité et au mode opératoire.
Les équipements de soudage et de coupage produisent des Ce produit contient des éléments chimiques, dont le plomb,
fumées et des gaz qui contiennent des produits chimiques reconnus par l’État de Californie pour leur caractère
dont l’État de Californie reconnaît qu’ils provoquent des mal- cancérogène ainsi que provoquant des malformations
formations congénitales et, dans certains cas, des cancers. congénitales ou autres problèmes de procréation. Se laver les
(Code de santé et de sécurité de Californie, chapitre 25249.5 mains après toute manipulation.
et suivants).
Safe5 2012−05
Safe20 2012−05
Safe73 2012−07
Induction heating can cause injury or burns from hot items such as rings, watches, or parts.
Safe74 2012−07
Do not wear metal jewelry and other metal personal items such as rings and watches during operation.
Safe75 2012−07
Induction heating sparks can cause fire. Do not overheat parts and adhesives.
Safe76 2012−07
Keep flammables away from heating operation. Do not heat near flammables.
Safe77 2012−07
Heating sparks can cause fires. Have a fire extinguisher nearby and have a watchperson ready to use it.
Safe78 2012−07
Breathing heating fumes can be hazardous to your health. Read Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) and
manufacturer’s instructions for material used.
Safe79 2012−07
Safe80 2012−07
Safe81 2012−07
Safe82 2012−07
Always wear safety glasses or goggles during and around heating operations to prevent possible injury.
Safe83 2012−07
Wear either safety glasses or full goggles depending on type of operation and nearby processes.
Safe84 2012−07
? V
? A Consult rating label for input power requirements.
Safe34 2012−05
Become trained and read the instructions and labels before working on machine.
Safe35 2012−05
Safe85 2012−06
A Amperes
V Volts Alternating Current
X Duty Cycle
IP Degree Of
Protection Hz Hertz Circuit Protector Output
Off On
4-2. Specifications
Amperes Input at
Required Rated Load Output
Output 50 or 60 Hz, Overall
Rated Output Reflective Weight
Frequency Three-Phase Dimensions
400 V 460 V 575 V kVA kW
Length: 36-3/4 in.
(993 mm)
35 kW At 100% Duty Cycle
5 To 30 2.5 To 50 Width: 21-1/2 in. 227 lb
700 A (RMS), 60 A 50 A 40 A 39 37
kHz μh (546 mm) (103 kg)
700 V (RMS)
Height: 29 in.
(737 mm)
*While idling
! This Class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where the electrical power is provided by the public low−
voltage supply system. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in those locations, due to
conducted as well as radiated disturbances.
This equipment complies with IEC 61000−3−12 provided that the short−circuit power Ssc is greater than or equal to 8,911,817 at the interface
point between the user’s supply and the public system. It is the responsibility of the installer or user of the equipment to ensure, by consultation
with the distribution network operator if necessary, that the equipment is connected only to a supply with a short−circuit power Ssc greater than
or equal to 8,911,817.
12 in.
(305 mm)
18 in.
(460 mm)
12 in.
(305 mm)
18 in.
(460 mm)
804 596-A
In dedicated circuit installations, the National Electrical Code (NEC) allows the receptacle or conductor rating to be less than the rating
of the circuit protection device. All components of the circuit must be physically compatible. See NEC articles 210.21, 630.11, and
50 Hz
Three 60 Hz Three Phase
Input Voltage (V) 400 460 575
Input Amperes (A) At Rated Output 60 50 40
Max Recommended Standard Fuse Or Circuit Breaker Rating In Amperes 1
5 4
Tools Needed:
3/8 in.
3/8 in.
! Installation must meet all National and Welding Power Source Input Power Con- Disconnect Device Input Power Connec-
Local Codes − have only qualified per- nections tions
sons make this installation. 2. Strain Relief 7. Disconnect Device (switch shown in
! Disconnect and lockout/tagout input OFF position)
Route conductors (cord) through strain relief
power before connecting input con- and tighten screws. 8. Disconnect Device (Supply) Grounding
ductors from unit. Follow established Terminal
3. Machine Grounding Terminal
procedures regarding the installation Connect green or green/yellow grounding
and removal of lockout/tagout 4. Green Or Green/Yellow Grounding conductor to disconnect device grounding ter-
devices. Conductor minal first.
! Make input power connections to the Connect green or green/yellow grounding 9. Disconnect Device Line Terminals
welding power source first. conductor to welding power source grounding
terminal first. Connect input conductors L1 (U), L2 (V) And
! Always connect green or green/yellow L3 (W) to disconnect device line terminals.
conductor to supply grounding termi- 5. Welding Power Source Line Terminals
10. Over-Current Protection
nal first, and never to a line terminal. 6. Input Conductors L1 (U), L2 (V) And L3
Select type and size of over-current protection
. The circuitry in this unit automatically
using Section 5-3 (fused disconnect switch
adapts the power source to the primary Connect input conductors L1 (U), L2 (V) and shown).
voltage being applied. Check input L3 (W) to welding power source line terminals.
Close and secure door on line disconnect de-
voltage available at site. This unit can be Close and secure access door on welding vice. Follow established lockout/tagout pro-
connected to either 460 or 575 VAC input power source. cedures to put unit in service.
See rating label on unit and check input volt-
age available at site.
1. Input Power Conductors (Customer
Supplied Cord)
Select size and length of conductors using
Section 5-3. Conductors must comply with
national, state, and local electrical codes. If
applicable, use lugs of proper amperage
capacity and correct hole size.
input3 2012−05
= GND/PE Earth Ground
L2 6
4 L3
5 2
3 4
Tools Needed:
3/8 in.
3/8 in.
! Installation must meet all National and Select size and length of conductors using Disconnect Device Input Power Connec-
Local Codes − have only qualified per- Section 5-3. Conductors must comply with tions
sons make this installation. national, state, and local electrical codes. If
applicable, use lugs of proper amperage 7. Disconnect Device (switch shown in
! Disconnect and lockout/tagout input capacity and correct hole size. OFF position)
power before connecting input con-
ductors from unit. Follow established Welding Power Source Input Power Con- 8. Disconnect Device (Supply) Grounding
procedures regarding the installation nections
and removal of lockout/tagout 2. Strain Relief
devices. Connect green or green/yellow grounding
Route conductors (cord) through strain relief
! Make input power connections to the and tighten screws. conductor to disconnect device grounding ter-
welding power source first. minal first.
3. Machine Grounding Terminal
! Always connect green or green/yellow 4. Green Or Green/Yellow Grounding 9. Disconnect Device Line Terminals
conductor to supply grounding termi- Conductor
nal first, and never to a line terminal. Connect input conductors L1 (U), L2 (V) And
Connect green or green/yellow grounding L3 (W) to disconnect device line terminals.
. The circuitry in this unit automatically conductor to welding power source grounding
adapts the power source to the primary terminal first.
10. Over-Current Protection
voltage being applied. Check input 5. Welding Power Source Line Terminals
voltage available at site. This unit can be
6. Input Conductors L1 (U), L2 (V) And L3 Select type and size of over-current protection
connected to either 400 or 460 VAC input
(W) using Section 5-3 (fused disconnect switch
See rating label on unit and check input volt- Connect input conductors L1 (U), L2 (V) and
age available at site. L3 (W) to welding power source line terminals.
Close and secure door on line disconnect de-
1. Input Power Conductors (Customer Close and secure access door on welding vice. Follow established lockout/tagout pro-
Supplied Cord) power source. cedures to put unit in service.
input3 2012−05
804 597-A
804 597-A
H Not used.
I Actual frequency output signal (1 volt/10 kHz).
L Average power output signal (1 volt/10 kW).
Remote Metering
M Voltage output signal RMS (1 volt/100 volts).
N Total current output signal RMS (1 volt/100 amperes).
K Chassis common.
804 597-A
804 597-A
7 8 10 12 13 14
9 11
804 599-A
. When a control panel button is pushed 6. Degrees C LED 13. Cursor Button
the yellow lamp lights to indicate ac- Power source temperature display in de- Use button to move selection cursor in the
tivation. grees C when lit. 4 x 40 LCD display (item 14.).
1. Power Switch 7. KW Seconds Scaled LEDs 14. 4 x 40 LCD Display
Multiply displayed value by value of lit LED. Displays programming, runs status, pa-
Use switch to turn power source On and rameter, fault and limit conditions, and trou-
Off. 8. Fault LED bleshooting guide.
2. Power Source Temperature Display LED lights to indicate a system fault condi- 15. Increase Button
Provides temperature display of the domi- Use button to increase value as required.
nant heat sink. 9. Limit LED
16. Decrease Button
LED lights to indicate a system limit condi-
3. KW Output Use button to decrease value as required.
Provides display of actual power output val- 17. Parameter Button
10. Heat On LED
ue. Use button to display “real time” power
LED lights to indicate the power source out- source operating parameters.
4. KW Seconds put is energized.
18. Run Status Button
Provides display of energy output value. 11. Run Button
Use button to display “real time” operating
5. Command Setting Use button to run a heating process. status.
Displays power level programmed by oper- 12. Stop Button 19. Program Button
ator. Use button to stop a heating process. Use button to program the process control.
To view the System Setup screen, simultaneously press the Parameters V
A and Program buttons and the following screen appears on
the display:
To change a setting:
S Press the Cursor button to move the cursor to the parameter to be changed
Time Resolution − press the Increase or Decrease button to select the desired time resolution.
KW Second Alarm − press the Increase or Decrease button to select the desired KW Second Alarm.
KW Second Scale − press the Increase or Decrease button to select the desired KW Second Scale.
External Interrupt − press the Increase or Decrease button to enable or disable this feature.
Remote Enable − press the Increase or Decrease button to select a remote command source.
System Lock − press the Increase or Decrease button to lock or unlock the operator interface to
prevent tampering with any programs. Yes indicates the system is locked, and No indicates the system is
Control Mode − press the Increase or Decrease button to select the desired method of system control. For more de-
Command − press the Increase or Decrease button to select the desired command mode.
Max KW − press the Increase or Decrease button to adjust the maximum power source output.
Degree Units − press the Increase or Decrease buttons to select temperature units. Selection will drive the °C indicator
Isolation Detect− press the Increase or Decrease button to enable or disable this feature.
Display Contrast − press and hold the cursor and press the Increase button to darken, or press the Decrease button to lighten the
. All parameters in System Setup are considered global, and any changes to the system set-up parameters will apply to all programs.
To reset the system back to factory default settings, turn off the power source, and wait until the display goes blank. Turn on the power source. When
the display lights, press and hold the Increase and Decrease buttons. A message will display Press Program to reset factory
defaults. Release the Increase and Decrease buttons, and press the Program button.
7-4. Programming
Programming allows the operator to setup a program for a particular heating process. The selections available are Timed, Remote, or Manual.
7-4-1. Time-Based Control
Time-based control operates the system and controls the heating process based on programmed time and power, voltage, current, or energy values.
An auxiliary relay can also be programmed to interface with a PLC or similar controller.
Press the Program button to access the programming mode. Use the cursor button to move the cursor between Program, Segement, Type, Power,
and Time.
Mode...: Timed
Program: 1 Segment: 1
Type...:>Power Level
Power..: 0.0 KW Time: 00:00:00
The default position of the cursor is next to Program. Press the Increase or Decrease button.
Use the Cursor button to move the cursor to the desired selection, and press the Increase or Decrease button to
Program: 1 − 8 Segement: 1 − 10
Power: 0.0 − 35 or Voltage: 0.0 − 700, or Current: 0.0 − 700 Time: 00:00:00 − 99:59:59 or infinity
Time is the only parameter that can be set. The values are 0 − 99:59:59 or infinity.
The only programmable selections are Command power and Run Time. Command can be adjusted to deliver up to 35 KW (based on maximum
power selected in the set-up screen) for a period of up to 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds or infinity.
Possible selections:
Enable − Yes/No
Auxiliary Relay
Enable.....: No
Delay Time.: 00:00:00
On Time....: 00:00:00
Mode displays the control mode. Also displayed are the present program number, program segment, KW seconds, Segment type, current power
level and elapsed time of the current segment.
Mode.....: Remote
Power....: 0.0 KW
CycleTime: 00:00:00
Status...: Stopped
During active operation, Power shows the actual power delivered from the power source, Cycle Time shows the elapsed time of the heating cycle,
and Status indicates if the system is running or stopped. This screen is for monitoring purposes only.
. No changes can be made to the run status screen, and the Cursor, Increase and Decrease buttons are not functional.
Mode.....: Manual
Power....: 0.0 KW
CycleTime: 00:00:00
Status...: Stopped
During active operation, Power shows the actual power delivered from the power source, Cycle Time shows the elapsed time in the heating cycle,
and Status indicates if the system is running or stopped. This screen is for monitoring purposes only.
. No changes can be made to the run status screen, and the Cursor, Increase and Decrease buttons are not functional.
7-6. Parameters
During active operation, the Parameters screen allows the operator to monitor the power source output operating parameters. These parameters in-
clude output power, output amperage, output voltage, and output frequency. The Parameters screen is for monitoring purposes only and has no
selectable or changeable parameters. Once the cycle has ended or the Stop button has been pressed, the Power, Voltage, and Current values return to
zero (0). To review the latest run parameter, press and hold the Parameters button.
Firmware Revision OEM 0.52
Copyright (c) 2006
If an error is detected during the check routine, the system fault LED illuminates and an error message screen appears on the display (see Section
When the check routine is completed successfully, the operator interface defaults to the following:
S The Stop button indicator LED illuminates to indicate no heating cycle is in process.
S The display defaults to the Run Status screen from the last program used and the Run Status
S If no fault or limit conditions are present, system status lights are not illuminated.
Once set up is complete for the desired program procedure (see Section 7-3), pressing the Run button will initiate a heating cycle. When a
program run is initiated, the Run button yellow indicator LED illuminates and the Heat On blue indicator LED illuminates to indicate output is
present to the coil. The cycle will continue until the end of the program is reached or the Stop button is pressed.
S Press the Program button and the yellow indicator LED will illuminate. The display will change to
show the current mode of operation or the current segment of a Timed Program.
S Use the Cursor button to move the cursor to the parameter that will be changed.
l Damaged or Unreadable ~ Output Bus Bar Con- ~ Ground Sense Lead Re- ~ Operator Interface Over-
Labels tacts ceptacles lay
nlCracked Cables
Every Section
6 10-8
~ Inside Unit
The symbols shown below are used throughout this manual FLYING METAL or DIRT can injure eyes.
to call attention to and identify possible hazards. When you
see the symbol, watch out, and follow the related instructions D Wear safety glasses with side shields or face
to avoid the hazard. shield during servicing.
D Be careful not to short metal tools, parts, or
Only qualified persons should service, test, maintain, and re-
pair this unit. wires together during testing and servicing.
D Keep away from moving parts such as fans. D High-frequency (H.F.) can interfere with radio
D Have only qualified persons remove doors, navigation, safety services, computers, and
panels, covers, or guards for maintenance and communications equipment.
troubleshooting as necessary. D Have only qualified persons familiar with
D Keep hands, hair, loose clothing, and tools away from moving electronic equipment install, test, and service
parts. H.F. producing units.
D Reinstall doors, panels, covers, or guards when maintenance is D The user is responsible for having a qualified electrician prompt-
finished and before reconnecting input power. ly correct any interference problem resulting from the installa-
D If notified by the FCC about interference, stop using the
equipment at once.
can affect Implanted Medical Devices. D Have the installation regularly checked and maintained.
D Keep high-frequency source doors and panels tightly shut, keep
D Wearers of Pacemakers and other Implanted spark gaps at correct setting, and use grounding and shielding to
Medical Devices should keep away from serv- minimize the possibility of interference.
icing areas until consulting their doctor and the
device manufacturer. READ INSTRUCTIONS.
D Use Testing Booklet (Part No. 150 853) when
servicing this unit.
D Consult the Owner’s Manual for welding safety
D Allow cooling period; follow rated duty cycle. precautions.
D Reduce current or reduce duty cycle before us- D Use only genuine replacement parts from the manufacturer.
ing induction heating equipment again. D Read and follow all labels and the Technical Manual carefully be-
fore installing, operating, or servicing unit. Read the safety in-
D Do not block or filter airflow to unit.
formation at the beginning of the manual and in each section.
Welding or cutting equipment produces fumes or gases This product contains chemicals, including lead, known to
which contain chemicals known to the State of California to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other
cause birth defects and, in some cases, cancer. (California reproductive harm. Wash hands after use.
Health & Safety Code Section 25249.5 et seq.)
1 2 3
804 599-A
ing the particular limit condition will appear on the display. If the active screen is Program, press the Run Status button to display the limit
In a limit condition, the power source will continue to deliver output power and protect itself from damage by reducing the output power. This situation
allows the operator time to determine the best action to correct the problem as described by the limit message on the LCD display.
Limit LED will stop flashing and remain on continuously. The LCD display will revert to an active screen once the Program button, Run Status
button, or Parameters V
A button is pressed.
If a new limit condition should occur after the first is acknowledged, the yellow Limit LED will start flashing to indicate a new problem. To display the limit
condition, press the Run Status button and the LCD display will show a message describing the new and previous limit messages.
To obtain additional information regarding the limit condition and suggested solutions to resolve the limit, press the Increase button, and the
LCD display will indicate possible solutions based on the type of limit condition.
If the operator determines that the best course of action is to terminate operation and make suggested changes to the setup to eliminate the limit condi-
tion, press the Stop button. After changes are made to the setup, press the Run button to restart the process.
problem with the system. Should a fault condition occur, the output is immediately turned off, the red Fault LED flashes and the Stop button
LED flashes. If the active screen on the LCD display is Run Status or Parameters, a message describing the particular fault condition will appear on the
display. If the active screen is Program, press the Run Status button to display the fault condition.
Pressing the Decrease button will acknowledge the fault and the red Fault LED will stop flashing and remain on continuously. However, the
Stop button LED will continue to flash indicating that the process has stopped.
To obtain additional information regarding the fault condition and suggested solutions to resolve the fault, press the Increase button, and the
LCD display will indicate possible solutions based on the type of fault condition. In most cases, a fault condition will indicate that service is required.
and holding the Run Status button and pressing the Parameters V
A button.
When this feature is initially activated, the following screen appears on the LCD display:
RemCmd − This is the value of the remote command and the status of the remote contactor.
Out I1 − This is the value of the tank current.
Out I2 − Not Used.
Isrc FB − This is the value of the amperage in the current source inverter.
The second diagnostic screen is available by again pressing and holding the Run Status button and pressing the Parameters V
A button.
VLnB-C − This is the approximate phase to phase line voltage between phases B and C.
VLnC-A − This is the approximate phase to phase line voltage between phases C and A.
Therm3 − This the the temperature of the current source secondary heatsink.
ExtInt − This is the status of the relay contacts for a remote protection device..
The third diagnostic screen is available by again pressing and holding the Run Status button and pressing the Parameters V
A button.
This screen displays the values of cycles and running time. Cycle Counts and Run−Time can be reset to zero (0). Lifetime Cycles and Lifetime Run−
Time values cannot be reset.
Press the Increase or Decrease button simultaneously to reset Cycle Counts and Run−Time.
Press Program
to reset cycle counts
Press the Program button and the cycle counts and run time will be reset to zero (o).
804 600-B
804 601-B
See Figure
See Figure
804 601-C
Figure 12-1. Wrappers
Item Dia. Part
No. Mkgs. No. Description Quantity
4 5
9 16
804 221-D
Figure 12-4. Base w/Components
Item Dia. Part
No. Mkgs. No. Description Quantity
804 604-B
Figure 12-5. Top Windtunnel
8 3
10 9
11 14 12
804 605-C
3 15
804 225-A
. . . . . . . PLG16,
121,122 . . . 131 054 . . HOUSING RCPT+SKTS,(SERVICE KIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
. . . . . . . PLG19,
120 . . . . . . 115 094 . . HOUSING PLUG+SKTS,(SERVICE KIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . . PLG15,
118 . . . . . . 115 093 . . HOUSING PLUG+SKTS,(SERVICE KIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . . PLG77,
119 . . . . . . 115 092 . . HOUSING PLUG+SKTS,(SERVICE KIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . . . PLG17 . . . . 115 091 . . HOUSING PLUG+SKTS,(SERVICE KIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . . . . . PLG18,
116 . . . . . 131 056 . . HOUSING RCPT+SKTS,(SERVICE KIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . . PLG13,
113 . . . . . 162 382 . . HOUSING PLUG+SKTS,(SERVICE KIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . . . PLG14 . . . 130 203 . . HOUSING PLUG+SKTS,(SERVICE KIT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
*Recommended Spare Parts.
To maintain the factory original performance of your equipment, use only Manufacturer’s Suggested
Replacement Parts. Model and serial number required when ordering parts from your local distributor.
State Zip
Resources Available
Always provide Model Name and Serial/Style Number.
Contact the Delivering Carrier to: File a claim for loss or damage during
For assistance in filing or settling claims, contact
your distributor and/or equipment manufacturer’s
Transportation Department.