Design Guide
Design Guide
Design Guide
Water cycle
Water demand................................................................................................. p.3
Water demand
– Water resources, determined from the appropriate hydrogeological and hydrological data
for each region
In general, the following mean daily consumptions are assumed per capita:
– 144.6 liters/inhabitant/day, i.e. 52.79 m³/inhabitant/year (domestic water consumption)
– 157.7 m³/subscriber/year (total water consumption: domestic and non-domestic)
Source: ONEMA intelligence report on public water and sewerage services: overview of services and
performance (2014 data).
It is advisable in all cases to design the water supply and distribution systems taking into account the prospects
for long-term urban development in the area.
Consideration must be given for any residential buildings or industrial facilities. The average requirements for
some common examples are as follows:
– Schools: 100 liters per pupil per day
– Slaughterhouses: 500 liters per head of livestock
– Dairies, butter and cheese-making: 5 liters per liter of processed milk
– Hospitals: 400 liters per bed per day
– Wine-making: 2 liters per liter of product
– Firefighting: a minimum reserve of 120 m³, capable of supplying a DN 100 hydrant for two hours (French
standard NF S62-200 – August 2009 – Pillar hydrants and flush hydrants – Rules for installation, delivery
acceptance and maintenance); some fire departments may have additional requirements
– Industry: each case has to be studied separately
It is essential to provide a safety margin, to take into account (a) the oversights and the inaccuracies which
may affect the estimates and (b) the effective yield of the system,
Net requirement
Gross water requirement = × Ksec × Kcol
Volume supplied
Water demand
l Flow rates
Qp = Kd × Kh × (m³/h)
Vannual (m³)
VdAv. = : average daily consumption throughout the year
Kh = × 24: hourly peak coefficient
Kd = : daily peak coefficient
Vhmax: volume used during the hour of greatest consumption on the day featuring the highest con-
sumption (m³/hour).
Vdmax: volume used on the day featuring the highest consumption during the year (m³/day).
where: k =
l Simple example 1
• Semi-rural community:
Current village: 1,500 inhabitants
Future housing developments: 1,000 inhabitants (over 25 years)
• Annual volume metered: 75,000 m3
• Estimated system performance: r = 75%
• Estimated peak coefficients: Kd = 2.5; Kh = 1.8
Vafuture 148,000
Kcol = = = 1.97
Vacurrent 75,000
• Allowance for data uncertainty: 20% (Ksec = 1.2)
• Gross annual requirement: G= × Kcol × Ksec = 236,000 m³
• Future average daily flow: QdAv.f = = 647 m³
• Future peak hourly flow: Qp = Kd × Kh × = 121 m³/h
In this example, a supply main for the village should be designed to deliver 121 m³/h within the next 25 years.
l Simple example 2
• Residential building:
Ten apartments
Seven appliances per apartment
Average unit flow per appliance: 0.1 l/s
d(7 × 10) – 1
k= = 0.12
Water intended for human consumption
European regulations
Council Directive 98/83/EC of 3 November 1998 on the quality of water intended for human
consumption, as amended.
The objective of this Directive shall be to protect human health from the adverse effects of any contamination
of water intended for human consumption by ensuring that it is wholesome and clean.
Water shall be wholesome and clean if it:
– Is free from any micro-organisms and parasites and from any substances which, in numbers or
concentrations, constitute a potential danger to human health, and
– Meets the minimum requirements concerning the parameters set out in the Directive.
The Directive stipulates the minimum requirements that the Member States must incorporate into their
national laws. Member States are required to take the necessary measures to ensure that water intended for
human consumption is wholesome and clean.
The Regulation incorporates and updates the minimum requirements stipulated in the Directive, while
including organoleptic parameters (color, odor, taste, turbidity, etc.) and radioactivity parameters (tritium,
TID, etc.).
It specifies the following baseline values for the quality of water intended for human consumption:
– Conductivity:
• ≥ 180 and ≤ 1,000 μS/cm at 20°C
• ≥ 200 and ≤ 1,100 μS/cm at 25°C
– Hydrogen ion concentration: 6.5 ≤ pH units ≤ 9
– Calco-carbonic equilibrium: water must be at calco-carbonic equilibrium or slightly scaling
– Ammonium: 0.10 mg/L
– Chloride: 250 mg/L
– Sulfate: 250 mg/L
The quality of the water distributed to consumers, and therefore its compliance with regulations, is the result
of the entire supply chain (source environment, raw water quality, water treatment, pipeline transport,
hydraulic equipment, external installations, etc.).
For specific requirements regarding pipes, refer to MATERIALS IN CONTACT WITH WATER INTENDED FOR
Aggressive or corrosive water
Water transported through pipelines may have very different physical and chemical
properties. Water can be characterized by its corrosivity (propensity to attack exposed
metals) and its aggressivity (towards cement-based materials). pipes are internally
protected with linings that enable them to carry the various types of water encountered.
The behavior of water towards ferrous metals and cement-based products depends on many factors, including
mineralization, oxygen content, electrical conductivity, pH, calco-carbonic equilibrium and temperature.
Two main types of water are taken into account:
– Corrosive water, which can attack uncoated metal
– Aggressive water, which can attack cement-based materials
Corrosive water
l Definition
Some types of water can attack metal pipes without an internal coating. The chemical reactions produce
ferrous and then ferric hydroxides, forming nodules and tuberculation, which can eventually reduce the pipe's
cross-sectional area and significantly increase head loss.
This phenomenon is encountered in old mains without an internal cement mortar lining. ductile iron
pipes are lined internally with cement mortar, polyurethane or Ductan*, which eliminates this risk.
* find out more:
Note that corrosion by water intended for human consumption is generally a slow process. Drinking water
standards recommend the distribution of non-corrosive and non-aggressive water, thereby guaranteeing
consistent water quality and protecting pipelines as well as public and private installations.
Aggressive or corrosive water
Aggressive water
l Definition
The aggressivity of water is defined as its propensity to react with materials containing calcium (e.g. hydraulic
binders). Depending on the chemical analysis, mineral content, pH and temperature of the water, three cases
can occur:
– Water in calco-carbonic equilibrium does not attack or deposit calcium carbonate at a given temperature.
– Scaling water has a tendency to deposit calcium salts (carbonates, etc.) on the pipe's inner surface.
– Aggressive water may attack certain components of cement mortar containing calcium (lime, calcium
silicate and calcium silicoaluminate).
l Measurement
Aggressivity is determined through water analysis, either using charts indicating the position of the water
examined in relation to the equilibrium curve, or simply with software. This method allows rapid characterization
of the water, in particular at different temperatures, and allows the free CO2 content and characteristic indices
to be calculated, e.g. the LANGELIER saturation index, which gives the difference between the actual pH value
of the water and the saturation pH value.
Applicable legislation requires water intended for human consumption to be non-aggressive and non-
corrosive. Refer to WATER INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION on page 6.
However, given the many different types of water supplied, water with a low mineral content (soft water)
may be encountered that can attack materials, just like corrosive and/or aggressive water.
has software for assessing water aggressivity and helping select the best type of internal coating
(cement mortar lining or PUR lining).
Contact your local PAM representative for further information.
Diameter selection
– Optimized hydraulic and economic parameters (pumping costs and asset depreciation) for
pumped supply systems.
Depending on the operating conditions, there may be a need to quantify the potential risks
of a water hammer, cavitation and abrasion, as well as install suitable protective measures.
Sizing principle
l System characteristics
Diameter selection
l Topographical features
pieétzr H = minimum height level in A – overflow height of B
ueent As a safety precaution, the foundation slab is sometimes
taken as the minimum level of A.
• Distribution
ezomne p
mét H: minimum level of A, reduced by (z + P)
P: minimum distribution pressure at the highest point
l Formulae
p ID2
Since: Q = ×V
lV2 8l Q2
the DARCY equation is written as: j = =
2gID p2gID5
λ, a function of (k, u, ID), is deduced from the COLEBROOK formula, where
k = 0.1 mm (roughness).
For more information, refer to HEAD LOSSES on page 16.
l Determination of ID
The maximum unit head loss is: j =
The DN can be determined:
– By calculating and resolving the system of equations constituted by the DARCY and COLEBROOK formu-
lae (iterative calculations requiring the use of a computer).
– By direct reading of head loss tables.
Refer to HEAD LOSSES (TABLES) on page 18.
l Example
Flow: Q = 30 L/s
Length: L = 4,000 m
Available height: H = 80 m
H 80
j= = = 0.02 m/m = 20 m/km
L 4,000
The table shows that DN 150 is required, with:
Velocity: V = 1.7 m/s
Head loss: j = 19.244 m/km
Diameter selection
DN 150
L/s j (m/km)
V (m/s)
k = 0.03 m k = 0.1 mm
24.00 11.092 12.552 1.36
26.00 12.867 14.627 1.47
28.00 14.766 16.857 1.58
30.00 16.790 19.244 1.70
32.00 18.937 21.787 1.81
34.00 21.208 24.485 1.92
36.00 23.602 27.339 2.04
38.00 26.119 30.348 2.15
40.00 28.785 33.513 2.26
42.00 31.520 36.833 2.38
44.00 34.404 40.309 2.49
46.00 37.409 43.940 2.60
Pumped supply
l Pumped distribution
P = minimum
Pression minimale
operatingde service
HMT == H + J1 +
HMT Hgéo
geo + J1 J22
Diameter selection
Energy therefore has to be imparted to the liquid to
make distribution possible.
Sizing principle
l Graphical resolution
Cc : pipeline characteristic
M H : Hgeo + J J = f (Q2)
Pp : pump characteristic
M : operating point
Q0 Otherwise, the envelope formed by the extreme curves
must be taken into account.
l Hydraulic sizing
As before:
l V2
2 gD
l is a function of u, k. D.
For pumping, the characteristic curves of the pumps and system have to be taken into account to ensure that
operating point M corresponds to the required flow Q0 according to the chosen DN.
Diameter selection
l Economic sizing
The economic diameter is calculated by taking into account:
– The pumping costs, where the power is calculated using the following formula:
P = 0.0098 ×
P : power to be supplied to the pump shaft (kW)
Q : flow (L/s)
HMT : total manometric height (m)
r : pump motor efficiency
– Asset depreciation (pumping station + main)
Both methods are generally used, depending on the scale of the project.
l Small projects
The Vibert formula is used, which applies to small and medium DNs and short lengths:
ne 0.154
D = 1.456 ( f )
× Q 0.46
D : economic diameter
f : installed pipeline cost in €/kg
Q : flow in m3/s
n = pumping time in h / 24
e : price per kWh in €
l Major projects
A detailed economic study is required in case of long lengths and large diameters. The diameter used must be
the one giving the minimum annual cost (depreciation + pumping costs).
The flow rate varies significantly with the diameter.
In addition to head losses, compatibility should be checked with the following phenomena:
– Water hammers
– Cavitation
– Abrasion
Pipeline profile
Air is detrimental to the efficient functioning of a pressure main. Its presence can cause:
– A reduction in flow rate
– Energy wastage
– Increased likelihood of transient phenomena (water hammers)
It can be prevented by taking a number of simple precautions when planning the pipeline
Niveau hydrostatic
hydrostatique level
The air pocket transmits static pressure P from its upstream face to the downstream face and the hydrostatic
level drops. Operating pressure H is reduced by quantity h, corresponding to the difference in level between
the ends of the air pocket and the missing head height.
Dynamically, it can be considered that, neglecting the head loss due to any turbulence at this point, the
pressure reduction is also equal to h, and the flow is correspondingly reduced.
Pipeline profile
Niveau hydrostatic level
hydrostatique relevé
Niveau hydrostatic normal
hydrostatique level
In the same way as in a gravity main, the presence of air pockets is detrimental to the effective performance of
a pumping main. In this case, there is a pressure increase h (height h of the additional head to be lifted), which
the pump must supply in addition to pressure H in order to compensate for the increased head due to the air
pocket, with the hydrostatic level being raised by this value. For the same flow rate, the energy consumption
is increased proportionally.
Furthermore, these disadvantages are repeated at every high spot if the main is inadequately purged.
The effects are cumulative, and the performance of the main drops. This fall in performance is sometimes
incorrectly attributed to other causes, such as a drop in pump efficiency or deposits in the pipes. Purging the
main is sufficient to immediately restore normal flow capacity.
Finally, there is a risk of large air pockets being drawn along by the flow and carried to points other than the
high spots. Their displacement, compensated for by a sudden rush of water of equal volume, results in violent
water hammers.
In summary, if high spots are not consistently purged:
– Water flow is diminished.
– Energy is wasted.
– Water hammers may occur.
Practical recommendations
Head losses
Head losses are hydraulic energy losses essentially caused by the water viscosity and its
friction against the pipe walls.
l DARCY equation
l Colebrook-White formula
The COLEBROOK-WHITE formula is now universally used for determining the head loss coefficient:
al ( Re al
1 2.51 k
= – 2 log +
3.71 D )
Re = (Reynolds NUMBER)
m: kinematic viscosity of the fluid at the operating temperature (m2/s)
k: the equivalent pipe surface roughness (in m); note that k is not equal to the height of the surface
imperfections: it is a theoretical concept relating to the surface roughness, hence the term “equivalent”
The two terms in the logarithmic function correspond to:
( Re al ) , the portion of head losses due to the liquid's own internal friction
– For the first term
Head losses
– For the second term ( 3.71k D ) , the portion of head losses caused by the friction of the liquid against
the pipe wall; for a perfectly smooth pipe (k = 0), the head losses are only due to the internal friction of the
l Hazen-Williams equation
The head losses correspond to the energy that must be supplied for the water to flow through the
pipeline. It is the sum of three factors:
a – Internal water friction (linked to the viscosity)
b – Water friction along the pipe wall (linked to the roughness)
c – Local changes to the flow (addition of bends, joints, etc.)
Head losses
A series of investigations carried out on old and recent cement-lined pipelines in the US has produced C values
(according to the Hazen-Williams equation) for a large range of diameters and service lives.
The results are summarized in the table below, which shows C values converted to equivalent k values (in the
Colebrook-White formula).
l Note
In some cases when transporting raw water with a high solid fraction content at a low flow velocity, experience
has shown that an increase in k over time must be factored in, irrespective of the type of pipe used.
The results cover different types of cement mortar linings and water from widely spread geographical locations.
0 145 0.025
16 143 0.060
16 134 0.148
39 138 0.098
13 134 0.160
36 146 0.030
13 143 0.054
300 29 140 0.075
36 140 0.075
19 148 0.027
700 1939
25 146 0.046
13 148 0.027
700 1944
20 146 0.046
Head losses (tables)
Head losses have been calculated for ductile iron pipelines with a cement mortar lining.
Assumptions for the calculation:
– The pipeline is full of water
– DN 40 to 2000
– Roughness coefficient: k = 0.03 mm and k = 0.1 mm
– Kinematic viscosity of water: u = 1.301 . 10-6m2/s
– Water temperature: T = 10°C
For BLUTOP ® pipelines internally coated with DUCTAN, the calculation assumptions used
are as follows:
– The pipeline is full of water
– DN/OD (outside diameter) 75, 90, 110, 125, 140 and 160
– Roughness coefficient:
k = 0.01 mm
k = 0.05 mm (including singular head losses)
– Kinematic viscosity of water: u = 1.301 . 10-6m2/s
– Water temperature: T = 10°C
Head losses (tables)
Q DN 60 DN 80 DN 100
j (m/km)* j (m/km)* j (m/km)*
(L/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s)
1.50 6.184 6.763 0.53
1.60 6.943 7.620 0.57
1.70 7.743 8.524 0.60
1.80 8.582 9.478 0.64
2.00 10.379 11.529 0.71
2.20 12.333 13.775 0.78
2.40 14.442 16.213 0.85
2.60 16.705 18.843 0.92 4.128 4.486 0.52
2.80 19.120 21.665 0.99 4.717 5.145 0.56
3.00 21.688 24.679 1.06 5.342 5.846 0.60
3.20 24.407 27.884 1.13 6.002 6.591 0.64
3.40 27.277 31.280 1.20 6.697 7.378 0.68
3.60 30.296 34.868 1.27 7.427 8.208 0.72
3.80 33.465 38.646 1.34 8.193 9.081 0.76
4.00 36.782 42.615 1.41 8.993 9.996 0.80 3.044 3.294 0.51
4.20 40.248 46.775 1.49 9.827 10.953 0.84 3.324 3.604 0.53
4.40 43.861 51.125 1.56 10.696 11.954 0.88 3.615 3.929 0.56
4.60 47.622 55.666 1.63 11.599 12.996 0.92 3.917 4.266 0.59
4.80 51.531 60.397 1.70 12.536 14.081 0.95 4.230 4.617 0.61
5.00 55.586 65.319 1.77 13.508 15.208 0.99 4.555 4.982 0.64
5.20 59.787 70.431 1.84 14.513 16.377 1.03 4.890 5.359 0.66
5.40 64.136 75.733 1.91 15.551 17.589 1.07 5.236 5.750 0.69
5.60 68.630 81.225 1.98 16.624 18.843 1.11 5.594 6.154 0.71
5.80 73.270 86.908 2.05 17.730 20.139 1.15 5.962 6.571 0.74
6.00 78.055 92.781 2.12 18.869 21.477 1.19 6.341 7.002 0.76
6.20 82.986 98.844 2.19 20.042 22.858 1.23 6.731 7.445 0.79
6.40 88.063 105.096 2.26 21.248 24.280 1.27 7.131 7.902 0.81
6.60 93.284 111.539 2.33 22.488 25.745 1.31 7.543 8.372 0.84
6.80 98.650 118.172 2.41 23.761 27.252 1.35 7.965 8.855 0.87
7.00 104.162 124.995 2.48 25.067 28.801 1.39 8.398 9.352 0.89
7.20 109.817 132.008 2.55 26.406 30.391 1.43 8.842 9.861 0.92
7.40 115.618 139.211 2.62 27.778 32.024 1.47 9.296 10.384 0.94
7.60 121.563 146.604 2.69 29.183 33.699 1.51 9.761 10.920 0.97
7.80 127.652 154.187 2.76 30.620 35.416 1.55 10.236 11.469 0.99
8.00 133.885 161.960 2.83 32.091 37.175 1.59 10.722 12.031 1.02
8.20 140.263 169.922 2.90 33.595 38.976 1.63 11.219 12.606 1.04
8.40 146.784 178.075 2.97 35.131 40.819 1.67 11.726 13.194 1.07
8.60 36.700 42.704 1.71 12.243 13.795 1.09
8.80 38.302 44.631 1.75 12.772 14.410 1.12
9.00 39.937 46.600 1.79 13.310 15.037 1.15
9.50 44.166 51.707 1.89 14.703 16.663 1.21
10.00 48.599 57.075 1.99 16.160 18.371 1.27
10.50 53.234 62.705 2.09 17.683 20.160 1.34
11.00 58.073 68.598 2.19 19.270 22.031 1.40
11.50 63.114 74.752 2.29 20.922 23.983 1.46
12.00 68.356 81.169 2.39 22.639 26.017 1.53
12.50 73.801 87.847 2.49 24.420 28.133 1.59
13.00 79.447 94.788 2.59 26.264 30.330 1.66
13.50 85.294 101.990 2.69 28.173 32.608 1.72
14.00 91.342 109.454 2.79 30.146 34.968 1.78
15.00 104.040 125.167 2.98 34.283 39.931 1.91
16.00 38.674 45.220 2.04
17.00 43.318 50.834 2.16
18.00 48.216 56.773 2.29
19.00 53.366 63.037 2.42
20.00 58.768 69.626 2.55
21.00 64.422 76.539 2.67
22.00 70.327 83.778 2.80
23.00 76.482 91.341 2.93
Figures directly applicable for water at 10°C
* Head (in meters) of the fluid as it flows through a standard kilometer of the pipe.
Head losses (tables)
(L/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s)
7.00 2.832 3.070 0.57
7.50 3.209 3.490 0.61
8.00 3.607 3.936 0.65
8.50 4.027 4.408 0.69
9.00 4.469 4.906 0.73 1.844 1.984 0.51
9.50 4.931 5.429 0.77 2.034 2.193 0.54
10.00 5.415 5.977 0.81 2.232 2.412 0.57
10.50 5.920 6.552 0.86 2.438 2.641 0.59
11.00 6.445 7.151 0.90 2.653 2.880 0.62
11.50 6.992 7.777 0.94 2.876 3.129 0.65
12.00 7.559 8.428 0.98 3.107 3.388 0.68
12.50 8.147 9.104 1.02 3.347 3.656 0.71
13.00 8.756 9.806 1.06 3.595 3.935 0.74
13.50 9.385 10.533 1.10 3.852 4.224 0.76
14.00 10.035 11.285 1.14 4.116 4.522 0.79
14.50 10.705 12.063 1.18 4.389 4.830 0.82
15.00 11.396 12.867 1.22 4.669 5.149 0.85
15.50 12.107 13.695 1.26 4.958 5.477 0.88
16.00 12.838 14.549 1.30 5.255 5.814 0.91 1.297 1.389 0.51
16.50 13.590 15.429 1.34 5.560 6.162 0.93 1.371 1.471 0.53
17.00 14.362 16.333 1.39 5.873 6.519 0.96 1.448 1.555 0.54
17.50 15.154 17.263 1.43 6.194 6.887 0.99 1.526 1.641 0.56
18.00 15.966 18.219 1.47 6.523 7.264 1.02 1.606 1.729 0.57
18.50 16.799 19.199 1.51 6.861 7.651 1.05 1.688 1.820 0.59
19.00 17.651 20.205 1.55 7.206 8.047 1.08 1.772 1.913 0.60
19.50 18.524 21.237 1.59 7.559 8.454 1.10 1.858 2.008 0.62
20.00 19.416 22.293 1.63 7.920 8.870 1.13 1.945 2.105 0.64
20.50 20.329 23.375 1.67 8.289 9.296 1.16 2.035 2.204 0.65
21.00 21.262 24.482 1.71 8.665 9.732 1.19 2.126 2.306 0.67
21.50 22.214 25.614 1.75 9.050 10.177 1.22 2.219 2.410 0.68
22.00 23.187 26.772 1.79 9.443 10.633 1.24 2.314 2.516 0.70
22.50 24.180 27.955 1.83 9.843 11.098 1.27 2.411 2.624 0.72
23.00 25.192 29.163 1.87 10.252 11.573 1.30 2.510 2.734 0.73
23.50 26.224 30.397 1.91 10.668 12.057 1.33 2.611 2.847 0.75
24.00 27.277 31.655 1.96 11.092 12.552 1.36 2.713 2.962 0.76
26.00 31.684 36.942 2.12 12.867 14.627 1.47 3.141 3.443 0.83
28.00 36.408 42.633 2.28 14.766 16.857 1.58 3.599 3.959 0.89
30.00 41.448 48.728 2.44 16.790 19.244 1.70 4.085 4.510 0.95
32.00 46.802 55.226 2.61 18.937 21.787 1.81 4.600 5.096 1.02
34.00 52.471 62.128 2.77 21.208 24.485 1.92 5.144 5.717 1.08
36.00 58.454 69.432 2.93 23.602 27.339 2.04 5.717 6.372 1.15
38.00 26.119 30.348 2.15 6.317 7.063 1.21
40.00 28.758 33.513 2.26 6.946 7.788 1.27
42.00 31.520 36.833 2.38 7.604 8.548 1.34
44.00 34.404 40.309 2.49 8.289 9.342 1.40
46.00 37.409 43.940 2.60 9.003 10.172 1.46
48.00 40.537 47.726 2.72 9.744 11.035 1.53
50.00 43.786 51.668 2.83 10.514 11.934 1.59
55.00 12.559 14.332 1.75
60.00 14.777 16.946 1.91
65.00 17.168 19.777 2.07
70.00 19.731 22.823 2.23
75.00 22.465 26.085 2.39
80.00 25.370 29.564 2.55
85.00 28.446 33.258 2.71
90.00 31.692 37.167 2.86
Figures directly applicable for water at 10°C
* Head (in meters) of the fluid as it flows through a standard kilometer of the pipe.
Head losses (tables)
(L/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s)
30.00 1.377 1.483 0.61
32.00 1.549 1.673 0.65
34.00 1.730 1.874 0.69
36.00 1.921 2.086 0.73 0.792 0.844 0.51
38.00 2.121 2.309 0.77 0.874 0.934 0.54
40.00 2.330 2.543 0.81 0.960 1.027 0.57
42.00 2.549 2.788 0.86 1.049 1.125 0.59
44.00 2.776 3.044 0.90 1.142 1.227 0.62
46.00 3.013 3.310 0.94 1.238 1.334 0.65
48.00 3.258 3.588 0.98 1.339 1.445 0.68
50.00 3.513 3.876 1.02 1.442 1.559 0.71 0.682 0.726 0.52
52.00 3.776 4.176 1.06 1.550 1.679 0.74 0.732 0.781 0.54
54.00 4.049 4.486 1.10 1.661 1.802 0.76 0.785 0.838 0.56
56.00 4.331 4.807 1.14 1.776 1.930 0.79 0.838 0.897 0.58
58.00 4.621 5.139 1.18 1.894 2.062 0.82 0.894 0.958 0.60
60.00 4.920 5.482 1.22 2.016 2.198 0.85 0.951 1.021 0.62
62.00 5.229 5.836 1.26 2.141 2.338 0.88 1.010 1.085 0.64
64.00 5.546 6.200 1.30 2.270 2.483 0.91 1.070 1.152 0.67
66.00 5.872 6.575 1.34 2.402 2.631 0.93 1.132 1.220 0.69
68.00 6.207 6.961 1.39 2.538 2.784 0.96 1.196 1.290 0.71
70.00 6.550 7.358 1.43 2.677 2.942 0.99 1.261 1.363 0.73
72.00 6.902 7.766 1.47 2.820 3.103 1.02 1.328 1.437 0.75
74.00 7.264 8.185 1.51 2.967 3.269 1.05 1.397 1.513 0.77
76.00 7.634 8.614 1.55 3.116 3.438 1.08 1.467 1.591 0.79
78.00 8.012 9.054 1.59 3.270 3.612 1.10 1.539 1.670 0.81
80.00 8.400 9.505 1.63 3.427 3.790 1.13 1.612 1.752 0.83
85.00 9.406 10.680 1.73 3.834 4.254 1.20 1.802 1.965 0.88
90.00 10.467 11.922 1.83 4.262 4.744 1.27 2.002 2.189 0.94
95.00 11.583 13.232 1.94 4.713 5.260 1.34 2.213 2.425 0.99
100.00 12.752 14.609 2.04 5.184 5.802 1.41 2.433 2.673 1.04
105.00 13.976 16.053 2.14 5.677 6.371 1.49 2.662 2.932 1.09
110.00 15.253 17.565 2.24 6.192 6.965 1.56 2.902 3.204 1.14
115.00 16.584 19.144 2.34 6.727 7.586 1.63 3.151 3.487 1.20
120.00 17.969 20.790 2.44 7.284 8.232 1.70 3.410 3.782 1.25
125.00 19.407 22.504 2.55 7.862 8.905 1.77 3.679 4.088 1.30
130.00 20.899 24.285 2.65 8.460 9.604 1.84 3.957 4.406 1.35
135.00 22.444 26.134 2.75 9.080 10.329 1.91 4.245 4.736 1.40
140.00 24.043 28.049 2.85 9.721 11.080 1.98 4.542 5.078 1.46
145.00 25.695 30.032 2.95 10.383 11.856 2.05 4.849 5.431 1.51
150.00 11.066 12.659 2.12 5.166 5.796 1.56
155.00 11.770 13.488 2.19 5.492 6.173 1.61
160.00 12.495 14.343 2.26 5.828 6.561 1.66
165.00 13.240 15.224 2.33 6.173 6.961 1.71
170.00 14.007 16.131 2.41 6.528 7.373 1.77
175.00 14.794 17.064 2.48 6.892 7.796 1.82
180.00 15.602 18.023 2.55 7.266 8.231 1.87
185.00 16.431 19.008 2.62 7.649 8.678 1.92
190.00 17.281 20.019 2.69 8.041 9.136 1.97
195.00 18.151 21.056 2.76 8.443 9.606 2.03
200.00 19.042 22.119 2.83 8.855 10.088 2.08
210.00 20.886 24.323 2.97 9.706 11.086 2.18
220.00 10.594 12.131 2.29
230.00 11.520 13.223 2.39
240.00 12.484 14.361 2.49
250.00 13.485 15.546 2.60
260.00 14.523 16.777 2.70
270.00 15.599 18.055 2.81
280.00 16.712 19.379 2.91
Figures directly applicable for water at 10°C
* Head (in meters) of the fluid as it flows through a standard kilometer of the pipe.
Head losses (tables)
(L/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s)
65.00 0.575 0.612 0.52
70.00 0.659 0.702 0.56
75.00 0.747 0.799 0.60
80.00 0.841 0.902 0.64 0.474 0.503 0.50
85.00 0.940 1.010 0.68 0.530 0.564 0.53
90.00 1.044 1.125 0.72 0.588 0.627 0.57
95.00 1.153 1.245 0.76 0.650 0.694 0.60
100.00 1.267 1.371 0.80 0.713 0.764 0.63 0.428 0.453 0.51
105.00 1.385 1.504 0.84 0.780 0.837 0.66 0.467 0.496 0.53
110.00 1.509 1.642 0.88 0.850 0.913 0.69 0.509 0.542 0.56
115.00 1.638 1.786 0.92 0.922 0.993 0.72 0.552 0.588 0.59
120.00 1.772 1.935 0.95 0.997 1.075 0.75 0.597 0.637 0.61
125.00 1.911 2.091 0.99 1.075 1.161 0.79 0.643 0.688 0.64
130.00 2.055 2.253 1.03 1.155 1.251 0.82 0.691 0.740 0.66
135.00 2.204 2.420 1.07 1.239 1.343 0.85 0.741 0.795 0.69
140.00 2.357 2.594 1.11 1.324 1.438 0.88 0.792 0.851 0.71
145.00 2.516 2.773 1.15 1.413 1.537 0.91 0.845 0.909 0.74
150.00 2.679 2.958 1.19 1.504 1.639 0.94 0.899 0.969 0.76
155.00 2.847 3.149 1.23 1.598 1.744 0.97 0.955 1.031 0.79
160.00 3.020 3.345 1.27 1.695 1.852 1.01 1.013 1.094 0.81
165.00 3.198 3.548 1.31 1.794 1.964 1.04 1.072 1.160 0.84
170.00 3.380 3.756 1.35 1.896 2.079 1.07 1.132 1.227 0.87
175.00 3.568 3.971 1.39 2.001 2.196 1.10 1.195 1.296 0.89
180.00 3.760 4.191 1.43 2.108 2.317 1.13 1.259 1.368 0.92
185.00 3.957 4.417 1.47 2.218 2.442 1.16 1.324 1.440 0.94
190.00 4.159 4.648 1.51 2.331 2.569 1.19 1.391 1.515 0.97
195.00 4.366 4.886 1.55 2.446 2.699 1.23 1.459 1.592 0.99
200.00 4.577 5.129 1.59 2.564 2.833 1.26 1.529 1.670 1.02
210.00 5.014 5.634 1.67 2.807 3.110 1.32 1.674 1.832 1.07
220.00 5.471 6.161 1.75 3.061 3.399 1.38 1.825 2.002 1.12
230.00 5.946 6.712 1.83 3.326 3.701 1.45 1.982 2.179 1.17
240.00 6.440 7.286 1.91 3.601 4.016 1.51 2.145 2.363 1.22
250.00 6.953 7.883 1.99 3.886 4.344 1.57 2.314 2.555 1.27
260.00 7.485 8.504 2.07 4.182 4.684 1.63 2.489 2.753 1.32
270.00 8.035 9.148 2.15 4.488 5.036 1.70 2.671 2.960 1.38
280.00 8.605 9.815 2.23 4.804 5.401 1.76 2.858 3.173 1.43
290.00 9.193 10.506 2.31 5.131 5.779 1.82 3.051 3.394 1.48
300.00 9.800 11.219 2.39 5.468 6.170 1.89 3.251 3.622 1.53
310.00 10.426 11.956 2.47 5.815 6.573 1.95 3.456 3.857 1.58
320.00 11.071 12.716 2.55 6.173 6.988 2.01 3.668 4.100 1.63
330.00 11.734 13.499 2.63 6.541 7.417 2.07 3.885 4.350 1.68
340.00 12.416 14.306 2.71 6.919 7.857 2.14 4.109 4.607 1.73
350.00 13.117 15.136 2.79 7.307 8.311 2.20 4.338 4.872 1.78
360.00 13.836 15.989 2.86 7.705 8.777 2.26 4.574 5.144 1.83
370.00 14.574 16.865 2.94 8.114 9.255 2.33 4.815 5.423 1.88
380.00 8.533 9.747 2.39 5.062 5.709 1.94
390.00 8.962 10.250 2.45 5.316 6.003 1.99
400.00 9.401 10.767 2.52 5.575 6.304 2.04
420.00 10.310 11.837 2.64 6.111 6.928 2.14
440.00 11.259 12.958 2.77 6.671 7.581 2.24
460.00 12.249 14.129 2.89 7.255 8.263 2.34
480.00 7.862 8.974 2.44
500.00 8.493 9.714 2.55
520.00 9.147 10.483 2.65
540.00 9.825 11.282 2.75
560.00 10.526 12.109 2.85
580.00 11.251 12.965 2.95
Figures directly applicable for water at 10°C
* Head (in meters) of the fluid as it flows through a standard kilometer of the pipe.
Head losses (tables)
(L/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s)
160.00 0.417 0.443 0.57
170.00 0.466 0.496 0.60
180.00 0.517 0.552 0.64
190.00 0.571 0.611 0.67
200.00 0.628 0.673 0.71 0.296 0.313 0.52
210.00 0.687 0.737 0.74 0.324 0.343 0.55
220.00 0.748 0.805 0.78 0.353 0.375 0.57
230.00 0.812 0.875 0.81 0.383 0.407 0.60
240.00 0.878 0.949 0.85 0.414 0.441 0.62
250.00 0.947 1.025 0.88 0.446 0.476 0.65
260.00 1.018 1.104 0.92 0.480 0.512 0.68 0.251 0.265 0.52
270.00 1.092 1.186 0.95 0.514 0.550 0.70 0.269 0.284 0.54
280.00 1.168 1.271 0.99 0.550 0.589 0.73 0.287 0.304 0.56
290.00 1.247 1.358 1.03 0.587 0.629 0.75 0.306 0.325 0.58
300.00 1.327 1.449 1.06 0.625 0.671 0.78 0.326 0.346 0.60
310.00 1.411 1.542 1.10 0.664 0.714 0.81 0.346 0.368 0.62
320.00 1.496 1.638 1.13 0.704 0.758 0.83 0.367 0.390 0.64
330.00 1.584 1.737 1.17 0.745 0.804 0.86 0.388 0.414 0.66
340.00 1.675 1.839 1.20 0.787 0.850 0.88 0.410 0.438 0.68
350.00 1.768 1.943 1.24 0.830 0.898 0.91 0.433 0.462 0.70
360.00 1.863 2.051 1.27 0.875 0.947 0.94 0.456 0.487 0.72
370.00 1.960 2.161 1.31 0.921 0.998 0.96 0.479 0.513 0.74
380.00 2.060 2.274 1.34 0.967 1.050 0.99 0.504 0.540 0.76
390.00 2.163 2.390 1.38 1.015 1.103 1.01 0.528 0.567 0.78
400.00 2.267 2.509 1.41 1.064 1.157 1.04 0.554 0.594 0.80
420.00 2.483 2.755 1.49 1.165 1.270 1.09 0.606 0.652 0.84
440.00 2.709 3.013 1.56 1.270 1.388 1.14 0.660 0.712 0.88
460.00 2.944 3.281 1.63 1.379 1.510 1.20 0.717 0.774 0.92
480.00 3.189 3.561 1.70 1.493 1.638 1.25 0.776 0.839 0.95
500.00 3.442 3.853 1.77 1.611 1.771 1.30 0.837 0.907 0.99
520.00 3.705 4.155 1.84 1.733 1.909 1.35 0.900 0.977 1.03
540.00 3.977 4.469 1.91 1.860 2.053 1.40 0.965 1.050 1.07
560.00 4.259 4.794 1.98 1.990 2.201 1.46 1.033 1.125 1.11
580.00 4.550 5.131 2.05 2.125 2.354 1.51 1.102 1.203 1.15
600.00 4.850 5.478 2.12 2.265 2.513 1.56 1.174 1.284 1.19
620.00 5.159 5.837 2.19 2.408 2.676 1.61 1.248 1.367 1.23
640.00 5.477 6.208 2.26 2.556 2.845 1.66 1.324 1.452 1.27
660.00 5.805 6.589 2.33 2.707 3.018 1.71 1.403 1.540 1.31
680.00 6.142 6.982 2.41 2.863 3.197 1.77 1.483 1.631 1.35
700.00 6.488 7.386 2.48 3.024 3.381 1.82 1.566 1.724 1.39
720.00 6.843 7.801 2.55 3.188 3.569 1.87 1.650 1.820 1.43
740.00 7.207 8.228 2.62 3.357 3.763 1.92 1.737 1.918 1.47
760.00 7.581 8.666 2.69 3.529 3.962 1.97 1.826 2.019 1.51
780.00 7.963 9.115 2.76 3.706 4.166 2.03 1.917 2.122 1.55
800.00 8.355 9.575 2.83 3.887 4.375 2.08 2.010 2.228 1.59
850.00 4.358 4.920 2.21 2.252 2.503 1.69
900.00 4.855 5.497 2.34 2.507 2.795 1.79
950.00 5.377 6.105 2.47 2.775 3.102 1.89
1,000.00 5.925 6.744 2.60 3.056 3.425 1.99
1,050.00 6.500 7.415 2.73 3.351 3.764 2.09
1,100.00 7.099 8.118 2.86 3.658 4.119 2.19
1,150.00 7.725 8.853 2.99 3.978 4.490 2.29
1,200.00 4.312 4.876 2.39
1,250.00 4.658 5.278 2.49
1,300.00 5.017 5.696 2.59
1,350.00 5.389 6.130 2.69
1,400.00 5.774 6.579 2.79
1,450.00 6.172 7.045 2.88
Figures directly applicable for water at 10°C
* Head (in meters) of the fluid as it flows through a standard kilometer of the pipe.
Head losses (tables)
(L/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s)
340.00 0.231 0.244 0.53
360.00 0.257 0.272 0.57
380.00 0.284 0.301 0.60
400.00 0.312 0.331 0.63 0.187 0.197 0.51
420.00 0.341 0.363 0.66 0.204 0.215 0.53
440.00 0.372 0.396 0.69 0.222 0.235 0.56
460.00 0.403 0.431 0.72 0.241 0.255 0.59
480.00 0.436 0.467 0.75 0.261 0.277 0.61 0.164 0.173 0.51
500.00 0.470 0.504 0.79 0.281 0.299 0.64 0.177 0.186 0.53
520.00 0.506 0.543 0.82 0.303 0.322 0.66 0.190 0.201 0.55
540.00 0.542 0.583 0.85 0.324 0.345 0.69 0.204 0.215 0.57
560.00 0.580 0.625 0.88 0.347 0.370 0.71 0.218 0.231 0.59
580.00 0.619 0.668 0.91 0.370 0.395 0.74 0.233 0.246 0.61
600.00 0.659 0.712 0.94 0.394 0.421 0.76 0.248 0.262 0.63
620.00 0.701 0.758 0.97 0.419 0.448 0.79 0.263 0.279 0.65
640.00 0.743 0.805 1.01 0.444 0.476 0.81 0.279 0.296 0.67
660.00 0.787 0.853 1.04 0.470 0.504 0.84 0.295 0.314 0.69
680.00 0.832 0.903 1.07 0.497 0.534 0.87 0.312 0.332 0.72
700.00 0.878 0.955 1.10 0.524 0.564 0.89 0.329 0.351 0.74
720.00 0.925 1.007 1.13 0.552 0.595 0.92 0.347 0.370 0.76
740.00 0.974 1.061 1.16 0.581 0.627 0.94 0.365 0.390 0.78
760.00 1.023 1.117 1.19 0.610 0.659 0.97 0.383 0.410 0.80
780.00 1.074 1.174 1.23 0.641 0.693 0.99 0.402 0.431 0.82
800.00 1.126 1.232 1.26 0.671 0.727 1.02 0.421 0.452 0.84
850.00 1.261 1.383 1.34 0.752 0.816 1.08 0.471 0.507 0.89
900.00 1.403 1.544 1.41 0.836 0.910 1.15 0.524 0.565 0.95
950.00 1.552 1.712 1.49 0.925 1.008 1.21 0.579 0.626 1.00
1,000.00 1.709 1.890 1.57 1.017 1.112 1.27 0.637 0.690 1.05
1,050.00 1.872 2.076 1.65 1.114 1.221 1.34 0.698 0.757 1.10
1,100.00 2.043 2.270 1.73 1.216 1.335 1.40 0.761 0.828 1.16
1,150.00 2.221 2.473 1.81 1.321 1.454 1.46 0.827 0.901 1.21
1,200.00 2.406 2.685 1.89 1.431 1.578 1.53 0.895 0.977 1.26
1,250.00 2.599 2.905 1.96 1.545 1.707 1.59 0.966 1.057 1.32
1,300.00 2.798 3.134 2.04 1.663 1.840 1.66 1.040 1.139 1.37
1,350.00 3.004 3.372 2.12 1.785 1.979 1.72 1.116 1.225 1.42
1,400.00 3.218 3.618 2.20 1.911 2.123 1.78 1.194 1.313 1.47
1,450.00 3.438 3.872 2.28 2.041 2.272 1.85 1.276 1.405 1.53
1,500.00 3.666 4.135 2.36 2.176 2.425 1.91 1.359 1.499 1.58
1,550.00 3.901 4.407 2.44 2.314 2.584 1.97 1.446 1.597 1.63
1,600.00 4.142 4.687 2.52 2.457 2.748 2.04 1.534 1.698 1.68
1,650.00 4.391 4.976 2.59 2.604 2.916 2.10 1.626 1.801 1.74
1,700.00 4.647 5.274 2.67 2.755 3.090 2.16 1.720 1.908 1.79
1,750.00 4.909 5.580 2.75 2.910 3.268 2.23 1.816 2.018 1.84
1,800.00 5.179 5.894 2.83 3.069 3.452 2.29 1.915 2.131 1.89
1,850.00 5.456 6.217 2.91 3.232 3.640 2.36 2.016 2.247 1.95
1,900.00 5.739 6.549 2.99 3.400 3.834 2.42 2.120 2.365 2.00
1,950.00 3.571 4.032 2.48 2.227 2.487 2.05
2,000.00 3.747 4.235 2.55 2.336 2.612 2.10
2,100.00 4.110 4.657 2.67 2.561 2.871 2.21
2,200.00 4.489 5.098 2.80 2.797 3.142 2.31
2,300.00 4.885 5.559 2.93 3.042 3.425 2.42
2,400.00 3.298 3.720 2.53
2,500.00 3.563 4.028 2.63
2,600.00 3.838 4.347 2.74
2,700.00 4.124 4.679 2.84
2,800.00 4.419 5.022 2.95
Figures directly applicable for water at 10°C
* Head (in meters) of the fluid as it flows through a standard kilometer of the pipe.
Head losses (tables)
(L/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s)
600.00 0.162 0.171 0.53
650.00 0.188 0.198 0.57
700.00 0.215 0.228 0.62
750.00 0.244 0.259 0.66
800.00 0.275 0.293 0.71 0.130 0.137 0.52
850.00 0.308 0.329 0.75 0.145 0.153 0.55
900.00 0.342 0.366 0.80 0.161 0.170 0.58 0.115 0.121 0.51
950.00 0.379 0.406 0.84 0.178 0.189 0.62 0.128 0.134 0.54
1,000.00 0.416 0.447 0.88 0.196 0.208 0.65 0.140 0.148 0.57
1,050.00 0.456 0.490 0.93 0.215 0.228 0.68 0.153 0.162 0.59
1,100.00 0.497 0.536 0.97 0.234 0.249 0.71 0.167 0.177 0.62
1,150.00 0.540 0.583 1.02 0.254 0.270 0.75 0.181 0.192 0.65
1,200.00 0.584 0.632 1.06 0.275 0.293 0.78 0.196 0.208 0.68
1,250.00 0.630 0.683 1.11 0.296 0.317 0.81 0.212 0.225 0.71
1,300.00 0.678 0.736 1.15 0.319 0.341 0.84 0.228 0.242 0.74
1,350.00 0.728 0.791 1.19 0.342 0.366 0.88 0.244 0.260 0.76
1,400.00 0.779 0.848 1.24 0.366 0.392 0.91 0.261 0.278 0.79
1,450.00 0.831 0.907 1.28 0.390 0.420 0.94 0.279 0.297 0.82
1,500.00 0.886 0.968 1.33 0.416 0.447 0.97 0.297 0.317 0.85
1,550.00 0.942 1.031 1.37 0.442 0.476 1.01 0.315 0.338 0.88
1,600.00 0.999 1.096 1.41 0.469 0.506 1.04 0.334 0.359 0.91
1,650.00 1.059 1.162 1.46 0.496 0.536 1.07 0.354 0.380 0.93
1,700.00 1.120 1.231 1.50 0.525 0.568 1.10 0.374 0.402 0.96
1,750.00 1.182 1.301 1.55 0.554 0.600 1.14 0.395 0.425 0.99
1,800.00 1.246 1.374 1.59 0.584 0.633 1.17 0.416 0.449 1.02
1,850.00 1.312 1.448 1.64 0.615 0.667 1.20 0.438 0.473 1.05
1,900.00 1.380 1.524 1.68 0.646 0.702 1.23 0.460 0.497 1.08
1,950.00 1.449 1.603 1.72 0.678 0.738 1.27 0.483 0.522 1.10
2,000.00 1.519 1.683 1.77 0.711 0.775 1.30 0.507 0.548 1.13
2,100.00 1.665 1.849 1.86 0.779 0.851 1.36 0.555 0.602 1.19
2,200.00 1.818 2.023 1.95 0.850 0.930 1.43 0.605 0.658 1.24
2,300.00 1.977 2.204 2.03 0.924 1.013 1.49 0.658 0.716 1.30
2,400.00 2.142 2.394 2.12 1.001 1.099 1.56 0.712 0.777 1.36
2,500.00 2.314 2.591 2.21 1.080 1.189 1.62 0.769 0.841 1.41
2,600.00 2.492 2.795 2.30 1.163 1.283 1.69 0.828 0.906 1.47
2,700.00 2.677 3.008 2.39 1.248 1.379 1.75 0.888 0.974 1.53
2,800.00 2.867 3.228 2.48 1.337 1.480 1.82 0.951 1.045 1.58
2,900.00 3.065 3.456 2.56 1.428 1.583 1.88 1.016 1.118 1.64
3,000.00 3.268 3.691 2.65 1.522 1.691 1.95 1.083 1.194 1.70
3,100.00 3.478 3.934 2.74 1.620 1.801 2.01 1.152 1.271 1.75
3,200.00 3.694 4.185 2.83 1.720 1.915 2.08 1.223 1.352 1.81
3,300.00 3.917 4.444 2.92 1.823 2.033 2.14 1.296 1.435 1.87
3,400.00 1.928 2.154 2.21 1.371 1.520 1.92
3,500.00 2.037 2.279 2.27 1.448 1.607 1.98
3,650.00 2.206 2.472 2.37 1.567 1.743 2.07
3,800.00 2.380 2.673 2.47 1.691 1.885 2.15
3,950.00 2.562 2.882 2.57 1.819 2.032 2.24
4,100.00 2.750 3.099 2.66 1.952 2.184 2.32
4,250.00 2.944 3.323 2.76 2.090 2.342 2.41
4,400.00 3.144 3.555 2.86 2.232 2.505 2.49
4,550.00 3.351 3.795 2.96 2.379 2.674 2.57
4,700.00 2.530 2.848 2.66
4,850.00 2.685 3.027 2.74
5,000.00 2.845 3.212 2.83
5,150.00 3.010 3.403 2.91
5,300.00 3.179 3.599 3.00
Figures directly applicable for water at 10°C
* Head (in meters) of the fluid as it flows through a standard kilometer of the pipe.
Head losses (tables)
(L/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s) k = 0.03 m k = 0.10 mm V (m/s)
1,100.00 0.122 0.128 0.55
1,200.00 0.143 0.151 0.60
1,300.00 0.166 0.176 0.65 0.094 0.098 0.51
1,400.00 0.190 0.202 0.70 0.107 0.113 0.55
1,500.00 0.216 0.230 0.75 0.122 0.128 0.59
1,600.00 0.244 0.260 0.80 0.137 0.145 0.63 0.082 0.086 0.51
1,700.00 0.273 0.292 0.85 0.154 0.162 0.67 0.092 0.096 0.54
1,800.00 0.304 0.325 0.90 0.171 0.181 0.71 0.102 0.107 0.57
1,900.00 0.336 0.360 0.94 0.189 0.200 0.75 0.113 0.119 0.60
2,000.00 0.369 0.397 0.99 0.208 0.221 0.79 0.124 0.131 0.64
2,100.00 0.404 0.436 1.04 0.227 0.242 0.83 0.136 0.144 0.67
2,200.00 0.441 0.476 1.09 0.248 0.265 0.86 0.148 0.157 0.70
2,300.00 0.479 0.518 1.14 0.269 0.288 0.90 0.161 0.170 0.73
2,400.00 0.519 0.562 1.19 0.291 0.312 0.94 0.174 0.185 0.76
2,500.00 0.560 0.608 1.24 0.314 0.337 0.98 0.188 0.200 0.80
2,600.00 0.603 0.655 1.29 0.338 0.364 1.02 0.202 0.215 0.83
2,700.00 0.647 0.705 1.34 0.363 0.391 1.06 0.216 0.231 0.86
2,800.00 0.692 0.755 1.39 0.388 0.419 1.10 0.232 0.247 0.89
2,900.00 0.739 0.808 1.44 0.414 0.448 1.14 0.247 0.265 0.92
3,000.00 0.788 0.863 1.49 0.441 0.478 1.18 0.263 0.282 0.95
3,100.00 0.838 0.919 1.54 0.469 0.509 1.22 0.280 0.300 0.99
3,200.00 0.889 0.977 1.59 0.498 0.540 1.26 0.297 0.319 1.02
3,300.00 0.942 1.036 1.64 0.528 0.573 1.30 0.315 0.338 1.05
3,400.00 0.997 1.097 1.69 0.558 0.607 1.34 0.333 0.358 1.08
3,500.00 1.053 1.161 1.74 0.589 0.642 1.38 0.351 0.379 1.11
3,650.00 1.139 1.258 1.82 0.637 0.696 1.43 0.380 0.410 1.16
3,800.00 1.229 1.360 1.89 0.687 0.752 1.49 0.409 0.443 1.21
3,950.00 1.322 1.466 1.96 0.739 0.810 1.55 0.440 0.477 1.26
4,100.00 1.418 1.576 2.04 0.793 0.870 1.61 0.472 0.512 1.31
4,250.00 1.518 1.689 2.11 0.848 0.932 1.67 0.505 0.549 1.35
4,400.00 1.621 1.806 2.19 0.906 0.997 1.73 0.539 0.587 1.40
4,550.00 1.727 1.928 2.26 0.965 1.063 1.79 0.574 0.626 1.45
4,700.00 1.836 2.053 2.34 1.025 1.132 1.85 0.610 0.666 1.50
4,850.00 1.949 2.182 2.41 1.088 1.203 1.91 0.647 0.707 1.54
5,000.00 2.065 2.315 2.49 1.152 1.276 1.96 0.685 0.750 1.59
5,200.00 2.224 2.498 2.59 1.241 1.376 2.04 0.737 0.809 1.66
5,400.00 2.390 2.689 2.69 1.333 1.481 2.12 0.792 0.870 1.72
5,600.00 2.561 2.886 2.79 1.428 1.589 2.20 0.848 0.933 1.78
5,800.00 2.737 3.090 2.88 1.526 1.701 2.28 0.906 0.999 1.85
6,000.00 2.920 3.301 2.98 1.627 1.816 2.36 0.966 1.066 1.91
6,200.00 1.731 1.936 2.44 1.027 1.136 1.97
6,400.00 1.839 2.059 2.52 1.091 1.208 2.04
6,600.00 1.949 2.186 2.59 1.156 1.282 2.10
6,800.00 2.063 2.317 2.67 1.223 1.359 2.16
7,000.00 2.180 2.451 2.75 1.292 1.437 2.23
7,200.00 2.300 2.589 2.83 1.363 1.518 2.29
7,400.00 2.423 2.731 2.91 1.436 1.601 2.36
7,600.00 2.549 2.877 2.99 1.510 1.686 2.42
7,800.00 1.587 1.773 2.48
8,000.00 1.665 1.863 2.55
8,200.00 1.745 1.954 2.61
8,400.00 1.826 2.048 2.67
8,600.00 1.910 2.144 2.74
8,800.00 1.995 2.242 2.80
9,000.00 2.083 2.343 2.86
9,200.00 2.171 2.445 2.93
9,400.00 2.262 2.550 2.99
Figures directly applicable for water at 10°C
* Head (in meters) of the fluid as it flows through a standard kilometer of the pipe.
BLUTOP® head losses (tables)
(L/s) 0.01 0.05 V (m/s) 0.01 0.05 V (m/s) 0.01 0.05 V (m/s)
1.80 4.55 4.80 0.50
2.00 5.49 5.82 0.55
2.20 6.50 6.92 0.61
2.40 7.59 8.10 0.66
2.60 8.76 9.38 0.72
2.80 10.00 10.74 0.77 3.84 4.05 0.52
3.00 11.31 12.20 0.83 4.34 4.59 0.55
3.20 12.69 13.73 0.88 4.87 5.16 0.59
3.40 14.15 15.36 0.94 5.43 5.77 0.63
3.60 15.68 17.07 0.99 6.01 6.40 0.67
3.80 17.28 18.86 1.05 6.62 7.07 0.70
4.00 18.95 20.75 1.10 7.26 7.76 0.74
4.20 20.69 22.71 1.16 7.92 8.49 0.78 2.81 2.95 0.50
4.40 22.51 24.76 1.21 8.61 9.25 0.81 3.05 3.21 0.53
4.60 24.39 26.90 1.27 9.32 10.04 0.85 3.30 3.48 0.55
4.80 26.33 29.12 1.32 10.06 10.85 0.89 3.56 3.76 0.58
5.00 28.35 31.43 1.38 10.83 11.70 0.92 3.83 4.05 0.60
5.20 30.44 33.82 1.43 11.62 12.58 0.96 4.11 4.35 0.62
5.40 32.59 36.30 1.49 12.44 13.49 1.00 4.40 4.67 0.65
5.60 34.81 38.86 1.54 13.28 14.43 1.04 4.69 4.99 0.67
5.80 37.10 41.51 1.60 14.14 15.41 1.07 5.00 5.32 0.70
6.00 39.45 44.24 1.65 15.04 16.41 1.11 5.31 5.66 0.72
6.20 41.87 47.05 1.71 15.95 17.44 1.15 5.63 6.01 0.74
6.40 44.36 49.95 1.76 16.89 18.50 1.18 5.96 6.37 0.77
6.60 46.91 52.93 1.82 17.86 19.59 1.22 6.30 6.74 0.79
6.80 49.53 56.00 1.87 18.85 20.71 1.26 6.65 7.12 0.82
7.00 52.22 59.15 1.93 19.86 21.86 1.29 7.01 7.52 0.84
7.20 54.97 62.38 1.98 20.90 23.04 1.33 7.37 7.92 0.86
7.40 57.78 65.70 2.04 21.97 24.25 1.37 7.74 8.33 0.89
7.60 60.67 69.10 2.09 23.05 25.49 1.40 8.12 8.75 0.91
7.80 63.61 72.58 2.15 24.17 26.76 1.44 8.51 9.18 0.94
8.00 66.62 76.15 2.20 25.30 28.06 1.48 8.91 9.62 0.96
8.20 69.70 79.81 2.26 26.46 29.39 1.52 9.32 10.07 0.98
8.40 72.84 83.54 2.31 27.65 30.75 1.55 9.73 10.53 1.01
8.60 76.04 87.36 2.37 28.85 32.14 1.59 10.15 11.00 1.03
8.80 79.31 91.27 2.42 30.08 33.56 1.63 10.58 11.48 1.06
9.00 82.65 95.25 2.48 31.34 35.01 1.66 11.02 11.97 1.08
9.20 86.04 99.32 2.53 32.62 36.49 1.70 11.47 12.47 1.10
9.40 89.51 103.48 2.59 33.92 38.00 1.74 11.92 12.97 1.13
9.60 93.03 107.72 2.64 35.25 39.54 1.77 12.38 13.49 1.15
9.80 96.62 112.04 2.70 36.59 41.10 1.81 12.85 14.02 1.18
10.00 100.27 116.44 2.75 37.97 42.70 1.85 13.33 14.56 1.20
10.50 109.68 127.82 2.89 41.50 46.82 1.94 14.57 15.95 1.26
11.00 45.18 51.13 2.03 15.85 17.39 1.32
11.50 49.00 55.62 2.13 17.18 18.90 1.38
12.00 52.97 60.30 2.22 18.56 20.47 1.44
12.50 57.08 65.16 2.31 19.99 22.10 1.50
13.00 61.34 70.21 2.40 21.47 23.79 1.56
13.50 65.74 75.44 2.50 22.99 25.54 1.62
14.00 70.27 80.85 2.59 24.57 27.35 1.68
14.50 74.95 86.45 2.68 26.19 29.22 1.74
16.50 33.16 37.30 1.98
18.50 40.89 46.33 2.22
20.50 49.37 56.32 2.46
22.50 58.59 67.27 2.70
24.50 68.54 79.16 2.94
Figures directly applicable for water at 10°C
* Head (in meters) of the fluid as it flows through a standard kilometer of the pipe.
BLUTOP® head losses (tables)
(L/s) 0.01 0.05 V (m/s) 0.01 0.05 V (m/s) 0.01 0.05 V (m/s)
5.50 2.37 2.48 0.50
6.00 2.76 2.91 0.55
6.5 3.19 3.37 0.59
7.00 3.64 3.86 0.64 2.12 2.23 0.51
7.50 4.12 4.38 0.69 2.40 2.53 0.55
8.00 4.63 4.93 0.73 2.70 2.84 0.58
8.50 5.16 5.51 0.78 3.01 3.18 0.62
9.00 5.72 6.12 0.82 3.33 3.53 0.66 1.69 1.77 0.50
9.50 6.30 6.76 0.87 3.67 3.90 0.69 1.86 1.95 0.52
10.00 6.91 7.43 0.91 4.03 4.28 0.73 2.04 2.15 0.55
10.50 7.55 8.14 0.96 4.40 4.68 0.77 2.23 2.35 0.58
11.00 8.21 8.87 1.01 4.78 5.10 0.80 2.42 2.55 0.61
11.50 8.90 9.63 1.05 5.18 5.54 0.84 2.63 2.77 0.63
12.00 9.61 10.42 1.10 5.59 5.99 0.88 2.83 3.00 0.66
12.50 10.35 11.25 1.14 6.02 6.46 0.91 3.05 3.23 0.69
13.00 11.11 12.10 1.19 6.46 6.95 0.95 3.27 3.47 0.72
13.50 11.90 12.98 1.23 6.92 7.45 0.99 3.50 3.72 0.74
14.00 12.71 13.90 1.28 7.39 7.97 1.02 3.74 3.98 0.77
14.50 13.55 14.84 1.33 7.88 8.51 1.06 3.99 4.25 0.80
15.00 14.41 15.81 1.37 8.37 9.07 1.10 4.24 4.52 0.83
15.50 15.29 16.81 1.42 8.89 9.64 1.13 4.50 4.80 0.85
16.00 16.20 17.84 1.46 9.41 10.22 1.17 4.76 5.09 0.88
16.50 17.13 18.91 1.51 9.95 10.83 1.21 5.03 5.39 0.91
17.00 18.09 20.00 1.55 10.51 11.45 1.24 5.31 5.70 0.94
17.50 19.07 21.12 1.60 11.08 12.09 1.28 5.60 6.01 0.96
18.00 20.08 22.27 1.65 11.66 12.74 1.32 5.89 6.34 0.99
18.50 21.11 23.45 1.69 12.25 13.41 1.35 6.19 6.67 1.02
19.00 22.16 24.66 1.74 12.86 14.10 1.39 6.50 7.01 1.05
19.50 23.24 25.89 1.78 13.48 14.80 1.42 6.81 7.35 1.07
20.00 24.34 27.16 1.83 14.12 15.52 1.46 7.13 7.71 1.10
20.50 25.46 28.46 1.87 14.77 16.26 1.50 7.46 8.07 1.13
21.00 26.61 29.79 1.92 15.43 17.01 1.53 7.79 8.44 1.16
21.50 27.78 31.14 1.97 16.11 17.78 1.57 8.13 8.82 1.18
22.00 28.97 32.53 2.01 16.80 18.57 1.61 8.48 9.21 1.21
22.50 30.19 33.94 2.06 17.50 19.37 1.64 8.83 9.60 1.24
23.00 31.43 35.39 2.10 18.22 20.19 1.68 9.19 10.00 1.27
23.50 32.69 36.86 2.15 18.95 21.03 1.72 9.56 10.41 1.30
24.00 33.98 38.36 2.19 19.69 21.88 1.75 9.93 10.83 1.32
26.00 39.36 44.67 2.38 22.80 25.45 1.90 11.49 12.59 1.43
28.00 45.11 51.45 2.56 26.11 29.28 2.05 13.15 14.47 1.54
30.00 51.22 58.69 2.74 29.63 33.38 2.19 14.92 16.48 1.65
32.00 57.69 66.40 2.93 33.36 37.74 2.34 16.79 18.61 1.76
34.00 37.30 42.36 2.48 18.76 20.87 1.87
36.00 41.44 47.24 2.63 20.83 23.25 1.98
38.00 45.79 52.38 2.78 23.00 25.77 2.09
40.00 50.33 57.78 2.92 25.27 28.40 2.20
42.00 27.65 31.16 2.31
44.00 30.12 34.05 2.42
46.00 32.69 37.06 2.54
48.00 35.36 40.20 2.65
50.00 38.12 43.46 2.76
Figures directly applicable for water at 10°C
* Head (in meters) of the fluid as it flows through a standard kilometer of the pipe.
With the term “pressure”, a distinction needs to be made between the terminology used
by the:
The terminology listed below is based on European standard EN 805 – Water supply – Requirements for
systems and components outside buildings – applicable to all materials.
Abbreviation French English German
pression de calcul en
DP design pressure Systembetriebsdruck
régime permanent
pression maximale maximum design höchster
Designer MDP
de calcul pressure Systembetriebsdruck
pression d'épreuve
STP system test pressure Systemprüfdruck
du réseau
pression de
allowable operating zulässiger
PFA fonctionnement
pressure Bauteilbetriebsdruck
Manufacturer pression maximale allowable maximum höchster zulässigen
admissible operating pressure Bauteilbetriebsdruck
pression d'épreuve zulässiger
PEA allowable test pressure
admissible Bauteilprüfdruck
pression de
OP operating pressure Betriebsdruck
SP pression de service service pressure Versorgungsdruck
The EN 545 standard (Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines) uses the same
manufacturer-related terminology.
Designer's terminology
l DP – Design pressure
Maximum operating pressure of the system or of the pressure zone fixed by the designer considering future
developments but excluding surge.
Maximum operating pressure of the system or of the pressure zone fixed by the designer considering future
developments and including surge.
MDP is designated MDPa when there is a fixed allowance for surge.
MDP is designated MDPc when the surge is calculated.
Hydrostatic pressure applied to a newly laid pipeline in order to ensure its integrity and tightness.
Maximum hydrostatic pressure that a component is capable of withstanding continuously in service. This is the
pressure at which the system is capable of operating continuously.
Maximum pressure occurring from time to time, including surge, that a component is capable of withstanding
in service. This is the pressure at which the system is capable of operating continuously, including surge.
In case of ductile iron pipes, PMA = 1.2 × PFA, measured in bar (according to EN 545).
Maximum hydrostatic pressure that a newly installed component is capable of withstanding. This is the
pressure at which the system is capable of operating continuously for a relatively short duration in order to
ensure the integrity and tightness of the pipeline.
In case of ductile iron pipes, PEA = PMA + 5 = 1.2 × PFA + 5, measured in bar (according to EN 545).
User's terminology
l OP – Operating pressure
Internal pressure which occurs at a particular time and at a particular point in the water supply system.
l SP – Service pressure
Internal pressure delivered at the point of connection to the consumer's installation at zero flow in the service
Numerical designation, which is a convenient rounded number, used for reference purposes. All components
of the same nominal size DN designated by the same PN number have compatible mating dimensions.
EN 545 – Annex A.4, Table A.2 – specifies the following PN equivalents in PFA, PMA and PEA for flanged pipes
and fittings:
PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 40
40 to 50 See PN 40 See PN 40 See PN 40 40 48 53
60 to 80 See PN 16 16 20 25 See PN 40 40 48 53
100 to 150 See PN 16 16 20 25 25 30 35 40 48 53
200 to 300 10 12 17 16 20 25 25 30 35 40 48 53
350 to 1 200 10 12 17 16 20 25 25 30 35 – – –
1 400 to 2 000 10 12 17 16 20 25 – – – – – –
For DN 80 flanged parts manufactured by p, use the following equivalents:
80 See PN 40 See PN 40 See PN 40 40 48 53
p pipelines are designed to withstand high pressures, generally far higher than the
values usually encountered in the networks. This is justified by the need to withstand
the numerous stresses to which pipelines are subjected during installation and especially
during their service life.
Safety factor
The pressures indicated in the following tables were produced using high safety factors
DP ≤ PFA that not only take into account the forces due to the internal pressure but also the many
MDP ≤ PMA other accidental stresses to which pipelines are sometimes subjected during installation
and when in service.
Example: the PFA of a pipe is calculated with a safety factor of:
– 3 with respect to the minimum tensile strength
– 2 with respect to the minimum elastic limit
When mating two components, take account of the resistance of the weakest component.
For each type of component (pipes, fittings, etc.) and each type of joint, the following tables provide the
applicable PFA, PMA and PEA values.
If a pipe is equipped with two types of joint (one at each end), choose the lowest PFA, PMA and PEA values.
If a pipe is equipped with two types of joint (e.g. double socket tee with a flanged branch), choose the lowest
PFA, PMA and PEA values.
Example: DN 300 tee with 2 EXPRESS sockets and flanged branch DN 150 PN 40, Class C50:
PFA = 40
PMA = 48
PEA = 53
DN class PFA class
60 C40 40 64 (C64)
80 C40 40 64 (C64)
700 C25 25
700 C30 30
800 C25 25
800 C30 30
900 C25 25
900 C30 30
1000 C25 25
1000 C30 30
1100 C25 25
1100 C30 30
1200 C25 25
1200 C30 30
1400 C25 25
1500 C25 25
1600 C25 25
1800 C25 25
2000 C25 25
These PFA values also apply to the Standard joint fittings in the table below.
DN class PFA
60 C40 22 30 (C64)
80 C40 16 25 (C64)
100 C40 16 25 (C64)
125 C40 16 20 (C64)
150 C40 16 25 (C64)
200 C40 16 20 (C50)
250 C40 16 20 (C50)
300 C40 16 20 (C50)
350 C30 16 20 (C40)
400 C30 16 20 (C40)
450 C30 13 20 (C40)
500 C30 11 18 (C40)
600 C30 10 16 (C40)
700 C25 10 NC
DN class PFA
80 C100 100
100 C100 56
125 C64 52
150 C64 48
200 C64 43
250 C50 39
300 C50 34
350 C40 25
400 C40 20
450 C40 16
500 C40 16
600 C40 16
700 C30 10
DN class PFA
80 C100 100
100 C100 85
125 C64 63
150 C64 63
200 C64 63
250 C50 50
300 C50 41
350 C40 38
400 C40 35
450 C40 32
500 C40 30
600 C40 30
700 C30 27
800 C30 25
900 C30 25
1000 C30 25
1100 C30 25
1200 C25 20
1200 C30 25
1400 C25 16
1500 C25 16
1600 C25 16
DN class PFA
1400 C25 25
1500 C25 25
1600 C25 25
1800 C25 16
2000 C25 16
80 C100 64
100 C100 64
125 C64 64
150 C64 55
200 C64 46
250 C50 35
300 C50 30
350 C30 27
400 C30 25
450 C30 23
500 C30 22
600 C30 20
700 C30 25
800 C30 16/25*
900 C30 16/25*
1000 C30 16/25*
1100 C25 16/25*
1200 C25 16/20*
*with steel bolts and bearing plates, other cast iron bolt DN sizes
l ALPINAL® range
DN Class
80 C100 100 100 100
100 C100 100 56 85
100 C145 145 100 100
125 C64 63 52 63
125 C100 100 100 100
150 C64 63 48 63
150 C100 100 63 100
200 C64 63 63
200 C100 100 100
250 C50 50 50
250 C85 85 78
250 C100 100 100
300 C50 50 41
300 C75 75 70
300 C85 85 80
300 C100 100 100
400 C100 100 85 C40 40 35
400 C64 63 63
500 C64 64 C40 40 30
500 C75 75 75 C50 50 50
500 C100 100
600 C64 64 64
600 C100 100
These PFA values apply to the fittings in the ALPINAL range.
l BLUTOP® range
DN Class Non-restrained Restrained
75 C25 25 16
90 C25 25 16
110 C25 25 16
125 C25 25 16
140 C25 25 16
160 C25 25 16
60 100 40 40 16
80 100 40 40 16
100 100 40 40 16
125 64 40 40 16
150 64 40 40 16
200 64 40 40 16
250 50 40 40 16
300 50 40 40 16
350 50 30 30 -
400 40 30 30 -
450 40 30 30 -
500 40 30 30 -
600 40 30 30 -
700 30 25 25 -
800 30 25 25 -
900 30 25 25 -
1 000 30 25 25 -
1 100 30 25 25 -
1 200 30 25 25 -
1 400 30 25 25 -
1 500 25 25 25 -
1 600 25 25 25 -
1 800 25 25 25 -
2 000 25 25 25 -
For fittings mounted on pipes with a higher pressure class rating, contact us.
Hydraulic thrust forces occur at the location of changes in direction, reductions in diameter (bends, tees,
tapered sections, etc.) and at the end of pipelines carrying pressurized fluid. These forces may lead to joint
separation on the pipeline unless they are counteracted with concrete anchor blocks or anchoring devices.
Hydraulic thrust forces may be extremely high and must be counteracted using suitable anchoring devices or
concrete anchor blocks.
Hydraulic thrust forces can be calculated using the following general formula:
F = K.P.S
Hydraulic thrust: the table below gives the thrust forces at a pressure of 1 bar.
(For other pressures, multiply by the site test pressure in bar).
60 66 36 18 9 47
80 106 57 29 15 75
100 154 83 43 21 109
125 230 125 64 32 163
150 321 174 89 44 227
200 547 296 151 76 387
250 834 451 230 116 590
300 1,181 639 326 164 835
350 1,587 858 438 220 1,122
400 2,043 1,105 564 283 1,445
450 2,558 1,384 706 355 1,809
500 3,143 1,701 867 436 2,223
600 4,478 2,423 1,235 621 3,167
700 6,049 3,273 1,668 838 4,278
800 7,873 4,260 2,172 1,091 5,568
900 9,918 5,366 2,735 1,375 7,014
1,000 12,197 6,599 3,364 1,691 8,626
1,100 - 7,960 4,058 2,039 10,405
1,200 17,491 9,463 4,824 2,425 12,370
1,400 - 12,842 6,547 3,290 16,787
1,500 - 14,716 7,502 3,770 19,236
1,600 - 16,716 8,522 4,283 21,851
1,800 - 21,123 10,769 5,412 27,612
2,000 - 26,044 13,278 6,673 34,045
l Phasing out concrete anchor blocks
Anchoring technologies are increasingly taking the place of concrete anchor blocks, which have many
drawbacks due to their weight and size:
• Footprint on construction sites
The greater the diameter of the pipeline, the larger the anchor blocks required. This can lead to real
problems, since the limited space available underground has to be shared by many different networks (such
as gas, sewage, telecommunications and cable networks).
• Trench opening time
Best concreting practices specify a curing time of 28 days before loads can be applied. Even if this time can
be shortened, it constitutes a major constraint that is no longer acceptable in urban areas.
• Long-term risks of destabilization
These risks may be due to natural causes, such as non-homogeneous soil or irregular ground, nearby digging
for other grids and networks, especially in urban areas. These factors affect the stability and consequently
the durability of concrete structures and raise the fear of ruptured joints.
• The problems inherent in legacy systems
Major dismantling works have to be carried out when pipelines require maintenance and later on when
pipelines reach the end of their service life.
Anchoring solutions are gaining traction in most countries around the world. These solutions offer significant
• Small underground footprint
Pipelines fitted with anchoring systems take up no more space than pipelines without anchoring. This leaves
adequate space for other networks, while reducing the amount of excavation material.
• Fewer logistical constraints
For reasons such as accessibility and cost, it is not always easy to bring in several cubic meters of concrete to
make anchor blocks. Pipeline installation speed is often limited by the rotation of trucks delivering concrete.
Anchoring devices are light and easy to transport to the installation site, whether in the city, the countryside
or remote mountainous or desert regions.
• Quick installation and commissioning
Anchoring systems are extremely quick to install, especially the STANDARD Vi and EXPRESS Vi systems. In
addition, they can be subjected to hydraulic testing immediately after being installed.
• Proven stability and durability
The operation of anchoring systems relies on a combination of their intrinsic slip-out resistance and friction
with the soil. 's recommendations on anchoring lengths take into account the type of soil and the
risks of works conducted in the vicinity of the pipes. The anchoring systems receive the same level of
corrosion protection as the pipes and fittings.
• Possibility of dismantling
Pipelines can always be dismantled with the tools supplied by , without entailing long and extensive
civil engineering work.
Pipe laying and site acceptance procedures have accelerated and reached an unprecedented level of reliability
thanks to anchoring devices.
• No need to wait for concrete to set
Pipes are ready for pressure testing as soon as the anchoring devices have been fitted.
• An alternative to test anchor blocks
There is no longer any need to make test anchor blocks for testing individual pipeline segments thanks to
the use of EXPRESS Vi flanged socket fittings.
• Possibility of testing shorter segments
Shorter lengths of pipeline can now be tested, meaning that it is easier to locate and solve any problems
that may arise, while trenches can be refilled more quickly.
anchoring devices can be tested up to their allowable test pressure (PEA) during acceptance testing.
The various anchoring solutions can be adapted to respond to even the most difficult pipe-laying situations:
• Casing pipe-laying, road crossing, tunnels, bridges
• Directional drilling or pipe bursting replacement (UNIVERSAL Ve – refer to the directional drilling brochure)
• Installation in mountainous areas, especially using the UNIVERSAL anchoring solutions adopted in the
ALPINAL range (refer to the ALPINAL brochure), and also for micro-hydroelectric power plants
• Pipe-laying in poor soil or submerged ground, etc.
– Material savings: joints weighing just a few kilos can replace several tons of concrete
– Space-saving designs thanks to their small footprint
– Lower transport costs (for excavated soil and concrete)
– Time savings
– Reduced timber use, since formwork for concrete anchor blocks is no longer needed
Concrete anchor blocks are not required if anchoring systems are used.
The technique involves anchoring joints over a sufficient length on both sides of the hydraulic thrust area,
such as a bend, in order to harness the soil/pipe friction forces to counteract the thrust force.
The calculation of the length to be anchored does not depend on the anchoring system used. It depends on
the test pressure, the pipe diameter and the parameters shown in Figures C and D.
We = g.HDa1
ƒ = a2 .tg (o.8.f)
60 4.6 3.1 2.4 2.9 1.9 1.5 1.6 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.4 5.8 4.0 3.0
80 5.8 4.0 3.0 3.6 2.5 1.9 2.0 1.4 1.0 1.1 0.7 0.6 7.4 5.0 3.8
100 7.0 4.7 3.6 4.3 2.9 2.2 2.4 1.7 1.3 1.3 0.9 0.7 8.9 6.0 4.6
125 8.4 5.8 4.4 5.2 3.6 2.7 2.9 2.0 1.5 1.6 1.1 0.8 10.7 7.3 5.6
150 9.9 6.8 5.1 6.1 4.2 3.2 3.4 2.4 1.8 1.8 1.2 0.9 12.6 8.6 6.5
200 12.7 8.7 6.7 7.9 5.4 4.1 4.4 3.0 2.3 2.3 1.6 1.2 16.2 11.1 8.5
250 15.4 10.7 8.1 9.6 6.6 5.1 5.4 3.7 2.8 2.8 2.0 1.5 19.6 13.6 10.4
300 18.0 12.5 9.6 11.2 7.8 6.0 6.3 4.4 3.3 3.3 2.3 1.8 22.9 15.9 12.2
350 20.5 14.4 11.0 12.7 8.9 6.9 7.1 5.0 3.8 3.8 2.7 2.0 26.1 18.3 14.1
400 23.0 16.1 12.4 14.3 10.0 7.7 8.0 5.6 4.3 4.2 3.0 2.3 29.3 20.5 15.8
450 25.3 17.9 13.8 15.7 11.1 8.6 8.8 6.2 4.8 4.7 3.3 2.5 32.2 22.7 17.6
500 27.6 19.6 15.2 17.2 12.2 9.4 9.6 6.8 5.3 5.1 3.6 2.8 35.2 24.9 19.3
600 31.9 22.8 17.8 19.8 14.2 11.0 11.1 8.0 6.2 5.9 4.2 3.3 40.7 29.1 22.6
700 35.6 25.7 20.2 22.1 16.0 12.5 12.4 9.0 7.0 6.6 4.8 3.7 45.3 32.8 25.7
800 39.5 28.8 22.7 24.5 17.9 14.1 13.7 10.0 7.9 7.3 5.3 4.2 50.3 36.7 28.8
900 42.9 31.6 25.0 26.7 19.6 15.5 14.9 11.0 8.7 7.9 5.8 4.6 54.6 40.2 31.8
1,000 46.4 34.4 27.3 28.9 21.4 17.0 16.2 12.0 9.5 8.6 6.3 5.0 59.1 43.8 34.8
1,100 50.5 37.5 29.8 31.4 23.3 18.5 17.6 13.1 10.4 9.3 6.9 5.5 64.4 47.8 38.0
1,200 52.7 39.6 31.7 32.8 24.6 19.7 18.4 13.8 11.0 9.7 7.3 5.8 67.1 50.4 40.3
1,400 58.8 44.6 35.9 36.5 27.7 22.3 20.5 15.5 12.5 10.9 8.2 6.6 74.8 56.8 45.7
1,500 61.4 46.8 37.9 38.1 29.1 23.5 21.4 16.3 13.2 11.3 8.7 7.0 78.2 59.6 48.2
1,600 63.9 49.1 39.8 39.7 30.5 24.7 22.3 17.1 13.9 11.8 9.1 7.3 81.4 62.5 50.7
1,800 68.8 53.3 43.5 42.7 33.1 27.0 23.9 18.6 15.1 12.7 9.8 8.0 87.6 67.9 55.4
2,000 73.0 57.2 47.0 45.4 35.5 29.2 25.4 19.9 16.3 13.5 10.6 8.7 93.0 72.8 59.8
Where applicable, allowance should be made for any partial presence of groundwater by correcting the
weight of the full pipe by applying the corresponding Archimedes' value.
Concrete anchor blocks are the most commonly used technique for containing the hydraulic
thrust of pressurized socket pipes.
Their use is now in sharp decline.
Various types of concrete anchor blocks can be designed, depending on the configuration of the main, the
strength and type of soil, and the presence or absence of significant amounts of groundwater.
The block contains the hydraulic thrust forces:
- Either by friction on the soil
- Or by bearing against the ground
In practice, anchor blocks are designed by taking into account both the friction forces and the soil reaction
against their bearing surfaces.
If the construction of concrete anchor blocks is prevented either by congestion problems or low-strength
ground, the joint anchoring technologies developed by can be used.
Refer to ANCHORING on page 39.
F: hydraulic thrust
P: block weight
W: soil weight
B: force bearing on trench wall
f: friction on soil
H: height of cover
l Ground
g : density
Mechanical properties:
– Table page 47: F = 30°; s ≈ 0.6 daN/cm2; g = 2 t/m3
(moderate mechanical strength ground*)
No groundwater
* Refer to SOILS (MECHANICAL PROPERTIES) on page 54.
l Concrete
l Example
l × h = 0.70 m × 0.45 m
V = 0.25 m3
Advisory note
It is important to cast the concrete directly against the surrounding soil and use a concrete mix offering
adequate strength.
When designing the anchor blocks, do not forget to leave the pipe joints exposed for inspection during
subsequent hydraulic testing.
Strength : s ≈ 0.6 daN/cm2
Density : g = 2 t/m3
Height of cover :H=1m
No groundwater
The mechanical stresses (internal pressure and external loading) to which pipelines are
subjected in service can be evaluated with a high degree of accuracy. However, it is much
more difficult to predict with certainty the stresses to which pipes will be subjected over
time. That is why has chosen high safety factors to maximize the service life of its
ductile iron pipes.
sWork (tensile) ≤
Actual safety coefficients
≤ 4% The actual safety of pipes is greater in practice than the nominal service
levels (allowable operating pressure and height of cover).
• The material's ductility gives ductile iron pipes a high capacity to absorb work or energy beyond their
actual elastic limits.
• The methods used to calculate parts are conservative and include high safety coefficients.
This is clearly illustrated by the chart opposite.
Pressure (bar)
Usually observed ser-
vice pressures
160 Allowable operating
150 pressure
130 Minimum calculated
120 bursting pressure
DN 150 DN 600 DN 1200 Pipes of
Class C40 Class C30 Class C25 current
When designing a pipeline, the potential risk of a water hammer or surge must be examined
and quantified in order to install the necessary protection devices, particularly in pumping
mains. When there are no plans to fit protection devices, ductile iron pipes have a safety
coefficient that is often effective against accidental pressure surges.
In critical cases, the pressure surges involved can rupture certain pipes with inadequate safety factors. Pressure
drops can create pockets of cavitation, which can damage pipes, valves and fittings.
Simplified evaluation
Pressure surges and drops: DH = ± a (ALLIEVI) (1)
DH = ± (MICHAUD) (2)
a : wave propagation speed (m/s)
( t ≤ 2La ).
Formula (2) takes into account the linear variation in the flow velocity as a function of time (function of a
valve closure law, for example):
( t ≥ 2La ).
The pressure varies from ± DH around the normal static pressure. This figure is at its maximum for the
instantaneous closure of a valve, for example.
These simplified formulae provide a maximum evaluation of the water hammer and must be used with
caution. They assume that the pipe is not fitted with anti-surge devices and that head losses are negligible.
Furthermore, they do not take into account such limiting factors as the pump turbine operation and the
pressure of saturating vapor in a pressure drop.
l Examples
Complete evaluation
The BERGERON graph method can be used to determine precisely the pressures and flow rates as a function
of time at any point in a pipe subject to a water hammer.
Computer programs are now available for resolving these complex problems.
The protective systems that can be installed to limit water hammers to an
Initial permanent
permanent initial
flow acceptable level are varied and must be adapted to suit each situation.
Ballon They act by slowing the change in fluid velocity or by limiting the pressure surge
in relation to the pressure drop.
The user must determine the pressure surge and pressure drop envelope created by
the water hammer and judge, according to the pipe profile, the type of protection
to be installed:
Q0 Check
avec – Pump inertia impellor
trou calibrated
– Pressure relief valve
– Air tank or self-regulating surge tank
– Auxiliary suction
– Balancing column
Surge tanks are frequently used. They have two functions:
Arrêt brusque
Sudden de la pompe
pump shutdown
– Limit the pressure surge (head loss controlled by a check valve)
– Prevent cavitation (tank drainage)
In the event of a sudden pump shutdown, the pressure drop is offset by a flow
rate provided by draining the tank.
When the direction of water flow reverses, the energy in the water mass is
transformed into a head loss by filling the tank through a calibrated check valve.
The pipeline profile plays a decisive role when deciding the tank dimensions. In
Clapetcheck valve
practice, the minimum pressure drop curve (after installing protection devices)
must not fall more than five meters below the actual profile of the main.
The surge tank volume can be determined from the PUECH and MEUNIER charts
or using software.
Minimum pressure envelope
des pressions minimales
hh ≤ 5
5mm h ≤ 55 m
h m
l Other joints:
DN / OD Allowable deflection during installation
75 6°
90 6°
110 6°
125 6°
140 6°
160 6°
Some large radius bends can easily be created with successive deflections in socketed joints. In this
case. pipes must be inserted while perfectly aligned. both horizontally and vertically. The joint must
only be deflected when fully assembled.
θ L
• Bend radius: R =
∆d 2
Pipe length
Déplacement Angular
∆∆dd 6m 7m 8m
° Bend radius Displacement Bend radius Displacement Bend radius Displacement
m cm m cm m cm
1 - - 401 12 458 14
2 172 21 201 24 229 28
3 115 31 134 37 153 42
4 86 42 100 49 115 56
5 69 52 - - - -
6 57 63 - - - -
The values in the tables are those generally accepted for soil characterization. They can be used to calculate
some of the simplified design formulae in this catalog and assess their scope of validity. They cannot replace
Type of ground F g F g
degrees t/m3 degrees t/m3
Fragmented rock 40° 2 35° 1.1
Gravel and sand 35° 1.9 30° 1.1
Soil classification
Refer to page 66 for the characteristics provided by French regulations “Fascicule 70”.
Elastomer joint gaskets provide ductile iron pipelines with a degree of flexibility, which
ensures an element of safety when passing through inconsistent or unstable ground.
A pipeline's route may pass through inconsistent or unstable ground (marshy regions, subsidence due to
pumping underground water, mining areas, consolidation of roadwork backfill, etc.).
In each of these cases, it is necessary to assess the potential subsidence and take all precautions to minimize
the effect of soil movement on the pipeline. Site measurements are always recommended.
Experience has shown that when soil movement occurs, pipes must be able to match the deformation imposed
by the mass of moving earth rather than resisting the often considerable mechanical stress (axial and bending
stresses). In this respect, PAM socket joints are nil tension and nil bending points, within the range of their
joint deflection.
For extensive and uniform subsidence, the joint allows the pipe to function like a flexible chain.
Deformation extremes are obviously determined by the maximum admissible deflection and slippage
for each joint.
Subsidence: DH = l tgq
Axial slip: Dl = (DH2 + l2)1/2 – l
l : pipe length (m)
q: admissible joint deflection
l Examples
Chain behavior
Subsidence DH = 2l ( tgq + tg2q + tg3q + … + tg 4 q )
16 1/2
Axial extension: DL ≈ (
L2 + 3 DH2 ) – L (where q is very small)
l = pipe length
L = length of the subsided section
n = number of pipes in the subsided section n = ( l )
The pipe moves with the soil until the extreme limit before separation of the joint, according to the
admissible play in the joints.
Note: in the event of subsidence causing high DL extension, one solution may be to anchor the joints
and offset the extension with collars installed at the borders between the stable and unstable areas.
l Examples
– Characteristics of the main (type of joint and diameter)
– Type of soil (presence or absence of water)
– Laying depth
The laying recommendations given below are those usually prescribed for ductile iron pipes.
Preparatory work
After conducting a thorough survey of the environment and obtaining authorization from the various
utilities (telecoms, gas, water, etc.), the contractor marks out the route and profile of the main to be laid, in
accordance with the project specifications, and ensures that actual conditions match the assumptions defined
in the project brief.
Trench opening
Prepare to break up road surfaces by pre-cutting the edges of the trench to avoid damaging the neighboring
areas. The width is slightly greater than the trench.
Excavation is usually carried out with a mechanical digger, suited to the pipe diameter, the type of ground
and installation depth.
Trench width
The trench width depends on the DN, the type of soil, the installation depth and the methods of shoring and
Care is taken during work to:
– Stabilize the walls, either by battering or shoring
– Clear lumps of rock or clods of earth from the edges of the excavation to prevent them from falling
– Deposit the excavated material so as to leave a 0.4-meter space between the pipe and the trench
A enlever
To remove 0,4 m
0.4 m
Trench depth
avant lalaying
before pose
Section 47 of French regulations “Fascicule 71” specifies that: “Trenches are pre-
pared at every point to the depth indicated by the longitudinal profile. Unless
11 m
otherwise specified, the normal trench depth is such that the depth of backfill
above the crown of the pipe is not less than 1 meter.” This depth is justified by the
need to protect against frost damage.
(*) According to the published specifications for water pipe foundations, “LAYING PIPELINES”.
Types of soil
Soils can be divided into three main classes, based on their cohesion:
l Rock
Extremely cohesive, making excavation difficult but not precluding any possibility
of collapse.
Cracks are sometimes present, which can result in complete chunks falling.
l Friable soil
By far the most common. These exhibit a certain amount of cohesion, which al-
lows them to hold together for a while during excavation. Cohesion can change
very rapidly under the influence of the factors already mentioned (water ingress,
nearby equipment movement, etc.): landslides are possible.
l Non-cohesive ground
This ground lacks any cohesion, such as dry sand, mud or freshly deposited back-
fill. This type of ground collapses almost instantly. Special procedures are needed
when working with this type of ground.
Protection against the danger of collapse is therefore essential:
– Either by sloping the trench sides backwards
– Or by shoring the trench sides
The precautions to be taken also depend on the situation (urban or rural), and the
depth of installation.
Battering is rarely used in urban situations because of the space needed and in-
volves giving the walls an outward slope known as “the angle of slope”, which
Angle of
slope must be close to the internal friction angle of the soil. This angle varies with the
Φ talutage type of soil.
Trench shoring
There are numerous shoring techniques, meaning that it is impor-
tant to analyze and adapt them before starting work.
Shoring must be used in the cases prescribed in existing regulations
or generally when required by the type of ground.
Trench bottom
The trench bottom must be levelled to comply with the longitudinal profile of the main, and all stony
protrusions or rubble must be eliminated. Ensure that the pipe rests on evenly distributed soil.
Joint holes need to be excavated to facilitate assembly.
Presence of water: excavation must be from downstream to upstream in order to allow the water to drain
by itself from the trench bottom.
If the trench passes through waterlogged ground (water table), the water may need to be removed from
the trench by:
– Pumping it out (directly from the trench or a sump at the side)
– Dewatering with probes or filter wells
Pompe Pumping
Pompage Shoring
Blindage Pumping
Aiguille Probe
Aiguille level
l Pipe bed
The trench bottom provides the pipe foundation. In cases where the native soil is
well broken up and relatively homogeneous, the pipes can be laid on the trench
bottom, as previously described.
It is essential to ensure that the pipes are properly bedded on the soil, particularly
in case of large diameters. If the trench bottom is not suitable for direct laying, a
bed of pea gravel or sand must be laid over an approximate thickness of 10 cm.
Canalisations flexibles
Zone de
Remblai (1)
Backfill (1) Refer to HEIGHTS OF COVER on page 63 for details of the different types of
surrounds and backfills, in terms of:
– Environment (earth loading, traffic, backfill quality)
Pipe – Pipe diameter
(2) Supporting
– Types of soil encountered
Lit debed
Pipe pose
Sol en place
Existing (3)
soil (3)
l Particle size
The following limit values apply to the pipe surround area, up to 15 cm above the pipe's assembly crown.
Natural granular and Crushed backfill other than Reuse of the excavated
Type of coating
limestone backfill limestone (4) materials (Dmax)
Biozinalium + Aquacoat
0-31.5 (1) 0-16 63 mm
Particle size 63 mm less than 2% Particle size 32 mm less than 2% (92% < 32 mm)
Zinc + synthetic paint
TT PE (extruded polyethylene)
0-6.3 (3) 0-4 12 mm
TT PUX (polyurethane + Particle size 12 mm less than 2% Particle size 8 mm less than 2% (92% < 6 mm)
epoxy ends)
0-63 0-63 100 mm
ZMU (fiber-reinforced mortar)
Particle size 100 mm less than 2% Particle size 100 mm less than 2% (92% < 63 mm)
0-2 (2) 0-2 2 mm
PE sleeve
Sand Sand Sandy materials
(1) Granular materials with low or medium hardness and angularity (rounded stones and gravel) and crushed limestone with a
particle size of 0/31.5
(2) Coarse sand, particle size 0-2 mm
(3) Fine gravel (similar to the consistency of rice) with over 50% elements with D > 2 mm – Particle sizes: 0/4 – 2/4 – 0/6.3 – 2/6.3
– 4/6.3
(4) Crushed materials with high hardness and angularity: natural materials (gravel, stones and flint), artificial materials (slag)
and recycled materials (deconstruction materials)
Note: the different coatings do not apply to the entire range of DN sizes.
l Pipe surround
Two types can be distinguished:
– A pipe supporting surround (to resist any ovalization in the case of large diameter pipes), consisting of soil free from
stones, and so on, or backfill compacted on the sides.
– A protective surround (in the case of highly heterogeneous soil) consisting of stone-free soil or sand; this surround
can act as both protection and support.
Lit de
Pipe pose:
gravillons concassés
gravel or sand
l Main backfill ou sable
This is usually the non-compacted excavated earth (away from the road)
or compacted backfill (beneath the road) when required by the project
Buried pipes are subject to a variety of stresses, including soil and backfill corrosivity.
The coatings on the basic versions of the range of pipes boast a high level of corrosion
resistance (400 g/m2 Zn85 Al15 alloy optionally enhanced with copper, or zinc 200 g/m2),
which is suitable for most applications.
However, the soil's corrosivity must be assessed to determine whether additional protection
is required, such as a polyethylene sleeve or special coatings. 's technical staff can
carry out a soil survey at the customer's request.
Topographical study
l General corrosion indicators
The general corrosion indicators are determined with the aid of a detailed map (Ordnance Survey type), which
– The ground contours: high spots are drier and better aerated, therefore less corrosive, while low spots are
wet and unaerated, therefore likely to be more corrosive
– Water courses to be crossed, wet areas
– Ponds, marshes, lakes, peat beds and other low areas, rich in humic acids and bacteria, and often polluted
– Estuaries, polders, salt marshes and saline soils bordering the sea
Drawings and plans (obtained from public record offices) can be used to determine the following:
– Areas polluted by various types of effluent, such as liquid manure and distillery, dairy and papermaking
waste, or by sewage, mainly from households
– Industrial waste, like slag and clinker
– The proximity of other mains, like leaking sewage mains
– Industrial plants or equipment using direct current electricity (cathodic protection, electric traction
systems, plants, etc.)
This survey indicates the various strata traversed and provides information on the nature of the terrain and
its natural corrosivity.
Geological survey
– High risk:
• Marl
• Clay
Note any indications of the presence of fossil fuels, especially pyrite ammonites, which reveal indicate that the
soil contains pyrites (iron sulfides) and is therefore very corrosive, particularly since it is anaerobic.
l Hydrogeology
Site surveys
Through visual observations, measurements (resistivity) and analyses (soil samples), site surveys help to confirm
and complement the topographical and geological findings.
The resistivity of a soil provides information about its ability to promote the phenomenon of electrochemical
corrosion of a metal. It is an especially significant parameter, because:
– It integrates virtually all the factors that influence corrosivity (presence of salts, water, etc.).
– It is very easy to measure on site (the Wenner four-pin method).
The different measurement points are plotted along the provisional route for the pipeline. Their intervals are
dictated by the topography of the terrain and the values obtained.
The lower the resistivity, the greater the soil corrosivity. In case of a resistivity value below 3,000 Ω-cm, the
measurements should be confirmed by taking a sample at the depth of installation and measuring its resistivity
(gross and minimum values) in a laboratory.
The minimum and maximum heights of cover depend on the pipe characteristics and laying
In French regulations “Fascicule 70”, a distinction is made between:
– The backfill area (1)
– The pipe surround (2):
• The pipe bed and pipe surround backfill up to at least 0.10 m above the assembly crown for flexible
• The pipe bed and surround up to the horizontal diameter for rigid pipes
– The existing soil (3)
Canalisations rigides Canalisations flexibles
Zone de
Backfill Remblai (1)
Backfill (1)
one de Remblai
Zone (2)
(2) Supporting
robage Assise (2) Assise
The pipe surround (2) protects and/or provides stability for the pipeline.
It must be executed in accordance with varying requirements depending on the:
– Pipe characteristics (rigid, semi-rigid or flexible)
– External load (height of cover, traffic, etc.)
– Invariably rocky or heterogeneous nature of the ground
The backfill area (1) varies according to the area involved (rural, semi-urban or urban) and must take road
stability into account.
Other constraints also affect laying conditions:
– Keeping the pipe frost-free (minimum heights of cover)
– Passing through critical safety areas (railways, motorways, etc.), which require special arrangements
– Current regulations and local requirements applicable to roadways
DN ≤ 600 DN 60 to 2000
DN > 1400 DN > 600
Pipe bed Levelled base Levelled base Bed made from selected Bed made from selected
and appropriate and appropriate
materials materials
Backfill area (2)
– Soil group * G3 G3 G2 G1
– Compacting Non-compacted Controlled compaction Compaction q5 t1 Compaction q4 t1
q5 t2
– Es (MPa) 0.5 1 1.2 2
– 2 a (°) 60 90 90 90
Choice of materials
The backfill materials used (selected or otherwise) that are directly in contact with the pipe must be
free of stones or corrosive elements.
* See table 1.
The cases defined above exclude aquifers and reinforced trenches.
For all other cases (beneath barriers, reinforcements, etc.), refer to French regulations “Fascicule 70” or
contact .
Classe de
pression Maximum and minimum
Hauteurs minimales heightsdeofcouverture.
et maximales cover – without trafficroulantes.
Sans charges loading
pressure classes
C40 C30 C25
DN 60 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1500 1600 1800 2000
cover (m)(m)
Cas 1 1 Case2 2
Cas Case
Cas 33 Case
Cas 44
Pour des hauteurs
For heights de couverture
of cover < 0.80 m <or0,80 m ou
other autres classes
pressure decontact
classes, pression,us.
nous consulter.
Classe de
pression Hauteurs
Maximum minimales et maximales
and minimum de couverture.
heights of cover – Avec
with charges roulantes.
traffic loading
pressure classes
C40 C30 C25
DN 60 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1500 1600 1800 2000
cover (m)(m)
Cas 1 1
Case Cas 2 2
Case Cas 3 3
Case Cas 4 4
Pourheights of cover
des hauteurs < 0.80 m or
de couverture other
< 0,80 pressure
m ou classes,decontact
autres classes us.nous consulter.
Installation level
Recommended densification targets
q5-t2(1) q5 - t1(1) q4 - t1(1)
Minimum average Minimum average
Soil group value(3): value(3):
90% of the SPO(2) 90% of the SPO(2)
G1 2 5 10
G2 1.2 3 7
G3 1 2.5 4.5
G4 0.6 1.5 3
G5 - - 2
Zone de
remblai Remblai
de pose
Sol soil
en place
The various types of pipe can be divided into three categories according to how they react to external loads:
– Rigid pipes
– Flexible pipes
– Semi-rigid pipes
Ductile iron pipes are classed as semi-rigid. They offer a good compromise between resistance to top loading
and vertical deflection, thereby providing long-term operational safety.
Pipes can be divided into three categories according to their resistance to external
– Rigid pipes
– Flexible pipes
Reaction – Semi-rigid pipes
Prestressed concrete.
l Performance
Contraintes de flexion
α = angle d’appui
Bending stresses Rigid pipes only tolerate a very small amount of ovality before they fail. The
α = bedding angle deformation is insufficient to leverage the side support resistance of the backfill.
The entire soil top load is supported by the pipe, which exerts high bending
stresses on the walls.
l Design criteria
l Consequences
Rigid pipes favor concentrated loads at the pipe crown and invert. The performance of the rigid pipe/soil
system is highly dependent on the bedding angle a and therefore on good bed preparation, particularly if
there is any traffic loading.
Flexible pipes
l Example
l Performance
Flexible pipes can withstand high vertical deflection without failure. The soil top load is therefore simply
balanced by the pipe side support provided by the surrounding backfill.
Sol l Design criteria
l Consequences
E' E'
The stability of the flexible pipe/soil system is directly dependent on the capacity
of the backfill to develop passive side support resistance, therefore on its modulus
of passive soil resistance E’ and consequently on the quality of the backfill and its
Semi-rigid pipes
l Example
Ductile iron.
l Performance
Semi-rigid pipes sustain sufficient ovality for part of the soil top load to mobilize side support from
the backfill. The forces brought into play are therefore passive sidefill support and internal bending
stresses in the pipe wall. The resistance to top loading is therefore distributed between the resistance
of the pipe itself and that of the soil surround, the contributions of each being a function of the
ratio of pipe and soil stiffness.
Soil l Design criteria
l Consequences
By distributing the forces between the pipe and backfill, the semi-rigid pipe/soil
system provides security against any changes in mechanical stresses over time or
in the support conditions.
ductile iron pipeline products comply with the requirements of French (NF), European
(EN) and international (ISO) standards.
pipeline systems comply with applicable standards:
Compliance with European or international standards reflects the high degree of quality of the ductile iron
pipeline systems.
Water supply
EN 805 -
Requirements for networks outside buildings
The characteristics of water intended for human consumption are defined in a European Directive.
There is no European Directive or standard that defines technical requirements for materials in contact with
water intended for human consumption used in production, treatment and distribution facilities, and which are
aimed at verifying their compatibility with this type of water.
However, there is a French Regulation addressing this topic: the Regulation of 29 May 1997, as amended by
the Regulation of 24 June 1998, and by the Regulation of 13 January 2000 and Regulation of 22 August 2002.
Section 2 of this Regulation (Materials used for pipes and fittings, tanks and accessories) authorizes the use
of materials whose composition meets the recommendations set down in the annexes (type and maximum
content of components), and makes provisions, as applicable, for prior testing to assess the potential effect
on the organoleptic, physical, chemical and biological quality of the water that comes into contact with the
relevant materials.
The materials covered by these regulatory requirements are listed in the following table:
Material Use
Black synthetic paint Lining around pipe joints and certain fittings
l Compliance
All the above-mentioned materials used by in its products are covered by reports from organizations
approved by the French health authorities under the French Regulation of 29 May 1997, certifying compliance
with applicable regulations defined in this Regulation. All the materials listed are totally compatible with the
distribution of water intended for human consumption.
These reports, as well as the technical documentation for the relevant products (pipes and fittings for
distribution networks DN 60 to 2000 for water intended for human consumption), have been reviewed by
an independent organization.
Transport and laying
uses modes of transport that emit low levels of CO2 in order to supply its factories with raw materials
and deliver its products to its customers.
Both 's production and distribution sites are generally interconnected by rail and waterways.
In France for instance, the site in the Lorraine region at Pont-à-Mousson receives most of its raw materials via
rail or waterway. The products manufactured are then loaded onto trains or barges, and then switched to a
vessel at a port if necessary.
65% of manufactured products are transported
by waterway, rail and sea
1 1péniche
barge == 2 trains 11train
= =
Offering superior resistance, solidity and flexibility, the range of ductile iron pipelines allows the
excavated earth to be reused as backfill for the trenches.
Simple, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly installation!
Laying pipelines may require the excavation of large amounts of earth, which may be as much as 5 to 10 times
the volume of the pipeline laid. All too often, this earth is dumped and replaced with imported backfill.
The sturdy and solid nature of ductile iron pipelines, together with their resistance to cracking and the active
properties of the coatings, allow for the use of native soil in most cases (following the clearing of larger
stones) as a covering for the pipe bed.
Zone de déchar
12 m
ÉCOPOSE, –c’est
PAM ÉCOPOSE theéconomique ! solution!
cost-effective 10
Life cycle assessment
100% of ductile iron materials can be recycled over and over again without any loss of
Taking account of all operations, from production and installation through to the entire life cycle of the
facility, is essential to ensure the correct approach to sustainable development.
has carried out a life cycle assessment for its products in accordance with ISO 14040 and 14044, meaning
that we can evaluate the environmental impact of our products on the human water cycle and identify
opportunities for improvement and best-fit solutions.
The life cycle assessment can also be used to provide our customers with environmental product declarations
in accordance with EN 15804 and ISO 21930 and help them assess their projects.
• Sourcing of raw
• Transport
• Production
• Distribution
• Transport
• Construction (new builds
and renovations)
• Laying
End of life
• Deconstruction and demolition
• Transport
• Reuse, recycle or landfill
• Use of installed products
• Maintenance
• Repairs, replacements and renovation
• Use of the building
Total cost of ownership
Since sustainable development involves identifying the solution that offers the highest environmental
performance combined with the best value for money, has pioneered and endorsed a tool for
quantifying the life cycle cost of a pipeline.
Right from the drawing board stage of any project, provides stakeholders and interested parties with
best-in-class solutions aimed at improving the performance of the networks to be laid and facilitating their
installation, while streamlining costs throughout the life cycle.
Extraction and refining
of resources
End of life
Cathodic protection
operating costs
EUR '000 / km / 100 years
Pumping costs
Loan repayment
Installation costs
Acquisition costs
Acquisition costs
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4
Total cost of ownership
Investing money today in high-quality pipelines will reduce your • Acquisition costs (pipes, installation, loans, etc.)
organization's expenditure in the future. • Operating costs (maintenance, water losses, pumping
energy, etc.)
The price of pumping water and the cost of water losses throughout • End-of-life costs (dismantling, recycling, and so on)
the system's service life significantly outweigh the initial purchase cost.
The PAM TCO calculator is designed to assess the total cost of
ownership, while highlighting the immediate outlay for the investor
and the deferred costs for the operator. The calculator factors in such
variables as:
€ '000 / km / 100 years
Total cost of ownership
The drawings, illustrations and weights shown in this document are not contractual. SAINT-GOBAIN PAM Canalisation reserves the right to change the characteristics of its products to improve them, without notice • photos credits: Saint-Gobain PAM Canalisation • AEP-DESIGN-80F • 02/2023 •
Tel.: +33 3 83 80 67 89 Halfway House , Midrand
Antillanca Norte 600 (Caribbean Regional Agency) Brobekkveien 84
Parque Industrial Vespucio, Comuna de Pudahuel Rue Alfred Lumière - ZI de Jarry - BP 2104 0582 Oslo SPAIN
SANTIAGO DE CHILE - Chili 97122 - BAIE MAHAULT - Guadeloupe Tel.: + 47 23 17 58 60 SAINT-GOBAIN PAM ESPANA
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SAINT-GOBAIN HELLAS ABEE SP. Z O.O. Tel.: + 44 115 930 5000
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COLOMBIA, CENTRAL AMERICA, ECUADOR & Metamorfosi Athens 14452, Greece Tel.: +48 600 421 996 VIETNAM
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Tel.: + 30 210 6147500 SG PAM HCM
Km 20 Carretera Occidente, MOSQUERA, CUNDINAMARCA ITALY 10 Mai Chi Tho Street, Thu Thiem Ward, District 2
Rua das Marinhas do Tejo , nº 15
Tel.: + 57 (1) 893 3993 Via Romagnoli n°6 Viet Nam
2690-361 - SANTA IRIA DE AZOIA - Portugal
I-20146 - MILAN - Italy Tel.: +84 28 3776 1888
Tel.: + 351 218 925 000
CZECH REPUBLIC Tel.: + 39 02 42 431
Smrčkova 2485/4
180 00 Praha 8 - Czech Republic
Tel.: + 420 220 406 640