Senior High School Faculty, Divine Word College of Legazpi, Philippines
Senior High School Faculty, Divine Word College of Legazpi, Philippines
Senior High School Faculty, Divine Word College of Legazpi, Philippines
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to know the implications (35.8%) uses DCTV as their internet service provider. The Top 5
of ODL to college readiness of Grade 12 senior high school challenges encountered by the students: (1) I am having a hard
students and the relationship between the encountered challenges time studying online. (2) I have trouble concentrating when
and the college preparedness of the students. This study will also doing my activities at home. (3) My area is always affected by
enable the department to guide and prepare the students for power service interruptions. (4) I experience mental fatigue after
higher education. This study sought to answer the following online classes. (5) I do house chores while I am attending my
research questions: (1) What are the demographic profile of the classes. Half of the respondents meet the standards based on the
respondents in terms of the following: [a] Sex, [b] Device used standardized test administered by APSA. Only 1.1% of the
during online distance learning and [c] Internet Provider. (2) respondents had a descriptive rating of “excellent/highly
What are the challenges encountered by Grade 12 Senior High proficient” while 4.3% of the respondents had a descriptive
School students in their Online Distance Learning in terms of: rating of “does not meet standard”. Furthermore, 44.6% of the
[a] Academic Performance, [b] Technology and Internet respondents had a descriptive rating of “progressing towards
Connectivity, [c] Teacher-Related and [d] Personal-Related. (3) standards”. The researchers used Pearson r Correlation to know
What is the level of College Readiness of Grade 12 Senior High if there is a relationship between the college readiness and the
School students? (4) Is there a significant relationship between challenges encountered by the students during ODL. The
the challenges encountered by Grade 12 Senior High School Pearson r Correlation value is -0.02069 which indicates that it
students in their Online Distance Learning to their College has a negative relationship. Although it has a negative
Readiness? (5) What strategic interventions can be done to relationship it is a negligible correlation based on literature.
improve the implementation of Online Distance Learning? The
researchers chose the entire population of the Grade 12 Senior Keywords: College Readiness, Online Distance Learning
High School students of Divine Word College of Legazpi, the I. INTRODUCTION
School Year 2020-2021 as the respondents of the study. The total
respondents are three hundred twenty-three (323). The retrieval
rate of the response is 78.63% for the survey in the challenges
encountered by the students while the retrieval rate of the
O ne of the most urgent global concerns is the outbreak of
COVID 19, an infectious disease caused by a novel
coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, previously referred to as 2019
students took the aptitude test is 86.15%. This study made use of nCoV) transmitted from animals to humans (World Health
the correlational research design to measure two variables and
assess the statistical relationship (i.e., the correlation) between
Organization). Common symptoms include fever, cough, and
them with little or no effort to control extraneous variables. In breathing problems which can be transmitted through direct
addition, the researchers used survey questionnaire to identify exposure or contact with an infected person. Anyone can be
the challenges encountered by Grade 12 Senior High School infected but adults, children, and people with comorbidities
students in their Online Distance Learning. The challenges are are more vulnerable. This disease has drastically affected over
presented into four groups: Academic Performance, Internet and 240,940,937 people as of October 19, 2021 and has claimed
Connectivity, Teacher-related, and Personal-related challenges. 4,903,911 lives in over 200 countries and territories (World
Moreover, to measure the level of readiness of students in Higher Health Organization, 2021) since the first documented case in
Education, the researchers will use the data of the Aptitude Test Wuhan, China. With the number of infections from COVID
administered by Asian Psychological Services and Assessment
Inc (APSA). There was a total of two hundred fifty-four (254)
19 continues to increase around the world, strict health
grade 12 respondents, one hundred twenty-five (125) of them protocols such as quarantine, self-isolation, social distancing,
were male and one hundred twenty-nine (129) of them were wearing of face masks and face shields, contact tracing, hand
female. Majority of the respondents (59.1%) use both washing, and surface disinfecting are implemented in the hope
Laptop/Desktop and Smartphone as their gadgets for online to mitigate the spread of the virus.
distance learning. In addition, the majority of the respondents Page 63
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186
As the world continues to fight against this deadly DepEd outlined and specified learning delivery modalities that
virus, the repercussions brought about by it remain in the schools can adopt depending on the restrictions or
background of every aspect of human life. Aside from the requirements set forth by the local Inter-Agency Task Force
dramatic loss of human life in many countries, challenges to (IATF) and on the context of learners in the locality. Distance
public health, food systems, and work (WHO, 2020) carry on learning (Modular Distance Learning and Online Distance
with chains of problems affecting people regardless of age, Learning or ODL) and Blended Learning are among the
gender, and status in society. High burden of the functioning modalities being practiced. DepEd embarked on the
of the existing medical system, overload on doctors and other development of the BE-LCP to enable learners of basic
healthcare professionals, who are at a very high risk, slowing education to continue learning, and for teachers to be able to
of the manufacturing of essential goods, undue stress among deliver instruction in a safe work and learning environment
the population (Haleem A-n et al.,2020) travel restrictions, amid the threat of COVID-19 (DepEd BE-LCP, 2020)
closure of schools, lack of medical facilities and personnel to
Traditional learning or Face-to-Face learning is the
name a few of the examples of how disruptive it has been
mainstream modality in schools and universities. It involves
since the outbreak. Global economy is also significantly
live interaction between a learner and an instructor. It is the
affected. Significant economic impact has already occurred
most traditional type of learning instruction (Top Hat
across the globe due to reduced productivity, loss of life,
Glossary). The typical scenario for a traditional learning is
business closures, trade disruption, and decimation of the
where teachers and the students are situated in a physical
tourism industry. COVID-19 may be a “wake-up” call for
environment, attending an in-person session and closely
global leaders to intensify cooperation on epidemic
monitored at a specific time period. Alternatively, online
preparedness and provide the necessary financing for
learning has been present in the past years, offered to students
international collective action (Pak, et. al., 2020).
wanting to earn degrees, crash courses, and certificates but
In the Philippines, there are 2,727,286 confirmed cannot be physically present because of distance or other
cases as of October 19, 2021(Department of Health). Aside factors, however; only now with schools closed that
from being a public health crisis, one of the most affected adaptation of this mode of teaching and learning has replaced
sectors of this COVID 19 pandemic is education. According the traditional learning as the primary mode of instructional
to UNESCO (2020), more than 1.5 billion students and youth delivery.
across the planet are or have been affected by school and
One of the exits of Senior High School is the Higher
university closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In
Education. To be in college requires that a student is ready to
response to this, schools and universities have temporarily
perform in a higher education degree or program, thus, the
closed to contain the spread of the virus affecting students and
students must be college ready. College readiness can be
teaching professionals. This situation resulted in teachers and
defined operationally as the level of preparation a student
students to study and to work at home with lessons and
needs to enroll and succeed—without remediation—in a
activities being delivered through online learning platforms.
credit-bearing general education course at a postsecondary
The Higher Education Institutions and Basic Education, under
institution that offers a baccalaureate degree or transfer to a
the Commission on Higher Education and Department of
baccalaureate program (Conley, 2007).
Education respectively, adapted to different learning
modalities relative to the closure of learning centers. At the Along with other schools in the Philippines and true
basic education level, the Department of Education (DepEd) to its mission to give quality education and produce globally
reported that 21,724,454 learners have enrolled in public and competitive individuals, the Divine Word College of Legazpi
private schools nationwide for the academic year 2020-2021 Senior High School (SHS) department has adopted the Online
(Montemayor, 2020). As part of the Philippines’ short- and Distance Learning (ODL) as a modality of teaching and
long-term strategies, Secretary Leonor Briones introduced the learning. The schedule of classes is divided into two schemes:
Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) as a two (2) synchronous and (2) asynchronous per week per
guideline for the department on how to deliver education in subject. During synchronous classes, the teachers and students
time of the COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring the health, meet virtually through online platforms such as Google Meet,
safety, and welfare of all learners, teachers and personnel of Aralinks’ Collaborative Learning Environment, and
DepEd (DepEd, 2020). This Basic Education Learning Messenger. For asynchronous classes, the students are given
Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) responds to the directive of the activities or tasks to be accomplished during the time allotted
Secretary and provides guidance to the department on how to to the subject. Another option for this scheme is when
deliver education in this time of crisis. The BE-LCP lays teachers upload recorded video lessons so the students can
down the direction for basic education in the coming school access it at the most suitable time considering the internet
year. Implementation specifics will be embodied in connectivity in their area.
appropriate guidelines, rules or directives, and operationalized
through programs, projects and activities (DepEd BE-LCP, The researchers will conduct this study to know the
implications of ODL to college readiness of Grade 12 senior
2020). Public and private schools have implemented this BE-
high school students and the relationship between the
LPC since the beginning of the school year for 2020-2021.
encountered challenges and the college preparedness of the Page 64
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186
students. This study will also look into possible strategic Conceptual Framework
interventions to resolve the existing challenges being faced by
The main objective of this study is to know the level
the students. In doing so, the learning strategies and processes
of college readiness and challenges encountered in the online
will be meaningful and authentic as the ODL continues to be
distance learning of grade 12 senior high school students of
implemented. Furthermore, the institution, specifically the
Divine Word College of Legazpi, School Year 2020-2021 and
SHS department will be able to modify instructional
to identify whether there is a significant relationship between
methodologies and maintain relevant curriculum to cope up
the challenges encountered by grade 12 Senior High School
within the background of the pandemic. This study will also
students in their Online Distance Learning to their College
enable the department to guide and prepare the students for
Readiness. Figure 1 shows the process of achieving the main
higher education.
objective of the study.
Statement of the Problem
This study focused on the implication of Online
Distance Learning to College Readiness of Grade 12 Senior
High School students of Divine Word College of Legazpi.
This study sought to answer the following research questions:
1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents
in terms of the following:
a. Device used during online distance learning
b. Internet Provider
2. What are the challenges encountered by Grade 12
Senior High School students in their Online Distance
Learning in terms of: Figure 1. Conceptual Framework Model
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship This study used 2 types of data sources: primary and
between the challenges encountered by Grade 12 Senior High secondary. The primary sources of data will come from the
School students in their Online Distance Learning to their survey answers of the Grade 12 Senior High School students
College Readiness of Divine Word College of Legazpi and the results of the
Aptitude Test administered by Asian Psychological Services
Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant and Assessment Inc., that measured the readiness of the
relationship between the challenges encountered by Grade 12 students in Higher Education. The secondary sources of data
Senior High School students in their Online Distance were the internet articles & published and unpublished
Learning to their College Readiness research studies.
Scope and Limitations of the Study Respondents of the Study
This study focused on the level of college readiness The researchers chose the entire population of the
and challenges encountered in the online distance learning of Grade 12 Senior High School students of Divine Word
grade 12 senior high school students of Divine Word College College of Legazpi, the School Year 2020-2021 as the
of Legazpi, School Year 2020-2021. It is limited to Grade 12 respondents of the study. The total respondents are three
students and no other grade level is involved in this study. hundred twenty-three (323). The retrieval rate of the response
is 78.63% for the survey in the challenges encountered by the Page 65
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186
students while the retrieval rate of the students took the Services and Assessment Inc (APSA). The college readiness
aptitude test is 86.15%. test is a powerful assessment tool for gauging the readiness of
Table 1. Retrieval Rate
students for college life, responding to the challenges of
university education, and aligning skills and competencies
Challenges Encountered with existing national and international standards for 21st
Sections Population Aptitude Test
by the Students century learning and work. It has three major assessment
components: the Achievement Test, the Aptitude Test and the
Fr. Attitudinal Test. The respondents took the Aptitude Test. The
37 28 75.67% 26 70.27%
test examines if the students could pass and complete the
academic requirement using his or her innate abilities. It has
Bp. Duschak 29 26 89.67% 28 96.55%
five test areas: Verbal Analogy, Abstract Reasoning, Logic,
Quantitative Analysis and Knowledge Management. The table
Br. Meyer 36 27 75% 27 75% below shows the four proficiency levels are given with their
corresponding scaled ability scores and equivalent qualitative
Fr. descriptions.
31 30 96.77% 31 100%
Table 3.
Fr. Estioko 34 29 85.29% 29 85.29%
Scaled Ability Score Qualitative Descriptions for Aptitude Test
Fr. Floresca 32 29 90.63% 25 78.13%
90-110 Excellent/Highly Proficient
Fr. Limbrock 33 29 87.88% 30 90.91%
80-89 Meet Standards/Proficient
Fr. Mueller 33 21 63.64% 32 96.97%
70-79 Progressing Toward Standards
Fr. Rahmann 33 20 60.61% 31 93.94%
50-69 Does Not Meet Standards
Br. Punto 27 15 55.56% 21 77.78%
These instruments helped to know what strategic
Total 323 254 78.63% 280 86.15% interventions can be done to improve the implementation of
Online Distance Learning. Furthermore, the researchers would
Research Instrument know the implications of Online Distance Learning to College
Readiness of Grade 12 Senior High School students of Divine
This research used a survey questionnaire to identify Word College of Legazpi.
the challenges encountered by Grade 12 Senior High School
students in their Online Distance Learning. The challenges are Data-gathering Process
presented into four groups: Academic Performance, Internet The researchers surveyed all Grade 12 Senior High
and Connectivity, Teacher-related, and Personal-related School students of Divine Word College of Legazpi, the
challenges. The researchers test the reliability of the survey School Year 2020-2021. The researchers created an online
questionnaire using Cronbach’s Alpha. The researchers found survey form using Google Form as their platform. A link was
out that the survey questionnaire has an internal consistency forwarded to the graduates of Grade 12 Senior High School
descriptive rating of “good” with a Cronbach’s alpha value of students of Divine Word College of Legazpi, School Year
“0.888”. 2020-2021. The respondents were asked to indicate some
Table 2. Test of Reliability of the Survey Questionnaire personal information but were also assured of confidentiality.
Furthermore, the researchers wrote a letter to Rev. Fr. Bernard
Collera, SVD, RGC, director of Admission, Guidance and
Testing Center, asking permission to access the results of the
Aptitude Test as part of the program of the AGTC with the
Asian Psychological Services and Assessment, Inc. (APSA) as
the test provider for Divine Word College of Legazpi Senior
High School Department.
Moreover, to measure the level of readiness of Demographic Profile of the Respondents
students in Higher Education, the researchers used the data of There was a total of two hundred fifty-four (254)
the Aptitude Test administered by Asian Psychological grade 12 respondents, one hundred twenty-five (125) of them Page 66
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186
were male and one hundred twenty-nine (129) of them were activities at home. (3) I am not confident to voice out during
female. The population is three hundred twenty-three (323) class recitation. (4) I find it difficult to cope with a lot of
grade 12 students, and the retrieval rate of the survey activities. (5) I cram when I do the activities. (6) I do not stay
questionnaire is 78.15%. One hundred fifty of the respondents in a conducive area during classes. (7) I cannot attend
(59.1%) use both Laptop/Desktop and Smartphone as their synchronous classes regularly. (8) I cannot submit the given
gadgets for online distance learning. Also, fifty-six of the tasks during asynchronous classes on time.
respondents (22%) use smartphones only. While the Table 5. Technology and Internet Connectivity-related challenges (N=232)
remaining forty-eight (18.9%) respondents use
Laptop/Desktop only. The researchers also asked the Technology and Internet Connectivity- Weighted
respondents to identify their internet provider used for online Related Mean
distance learning. Ninety-one of the respondents (35.8%) uses
DCTV as their internet service provider, forty-five (17.7%) My area is always affected by power
3.22 Agree
service interruptions.
uses PLDT, thirty-nine (15.4%) uses Globe at Home Wi-Fi,
thirty-two (12.6%) uses Converge, twenty-six (10.3%) uses It is difficult for me to finish an activity or
Globe/TM Prepaid Data, fourteen (5.5%) uses 3.08 Agree
task because of the internet connection.
Smart/TNT/Sun Prepaid Data, six (2.36%) uses other internet
service provider. Online games get in the way of doing my
1.94 Disagree
The challenges encountered by Grade 12 Senior High School
students in their Online Distance Learning My device cannot handle software needed
2.39 Disagree
in Online Distance Learning.
Table 4. Academic performance-related challenges (N=232)
I am not familiar with learning platforms
Weighted 1.85 Disagree
Academic Performance-Related Interpretation (Google Classroom, CLE).
Table 5 presents the challenges encountered by the students
I cannot submit the given tasks during
asynchronous classes on time.
2.53 Agree pertaining to their technology and internet Connectivity.
Based on the result, students were able to identify two (2) out
I cannot attend synchronous classes of five (5) challenges that they experienced during the ODL.
2.67 Agree
regularly. The following are the challenges faced by the students: (1)
My area is always affected by power service interruptions. (2)
I find it difficult to cope with a lot of
2.98 Agree It is difficult for me to finish an activity or task because of the
internet connection.
I do not stay in a conducive area during Table 6. Teacher-Related challenges (N=232)
2.71 Agree
I do not have a complete set of books that Teacher-Related Interpretation
aid in my learning whether synchronous or 2.48 Disagree
My subject teachers do not deliver the
2.05 Disagree
lessons clearly.
I do not study the lesson I missed if I was
2.20 Disagree
absent from the class.
My subject teachers do not give feedback
about my performance in their respective 2.28 Disagree
I have trouble concentrating when doing my classes.
3.23 Agree
activities at home.
My subject teachers do not give enough
I cram when I do the activities. 2.90 Agree 2.05 Disagree
learning resources.
I am not confident to voice out during class My subject teachers give more than 2
3.04 Agree 3.01 Agree
recitation. activities in a week.
The table above illustrates the challenges Table 6 exhibits the challenges encountered by the students
encountered by the students pertaining to their academic pertaining to their teachers. Based on the result, students were
performance. Based on the result, students were able to able to identify only one (1) out of five (5) challenges that
identify eight (8) out of ten (10) challenges that they they experienced during the ODL. The number of activities
experienced during the ODL. The following are the challenges being given to the students by the teachers exceeds the
faced by the students: (1) I am having a hard time studying allowed number of activities per week.
online. (2) I have trouble concentrating when doing my Page 67
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186
Table 7. Personal-Related challenges (N=232) Significant relationship between the challenges encountered
by Grade 12 Senior High School students in their Online
Weighted Distance Learning to their College Readiness
Personal-Related Interpretation
Figure 3 shows that the Pearson r Correlation value is -0.02069 which
I do house chores while I am attending my indicates that it has a negative relationship. Although it has a negative
3.16 Agree relationship it is a negligible correlation based on literature.
classes. Page 68
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186 Page 69
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186
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