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Eletronic Books

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Electronic books: a The new word in the publishing industry is not

review and evaluation a word, but a letter ``e'' in electronic books or
e-books. The e-book is the most important
Siriginidi Subba Rao development in the world of literature since the
Gutenberg press and is destined to change the
reading habits of many over the next several
years. Traditional book publishers are seeing
the potential of digital publications and are
working to ensure they enjoy a share in the
market's growth. Technologies such as the
Internet, Web, electronic editing, print-on-
demand, online subscription services and
e-books are beginning to transform the
publishing industry.
The growing popularity of the Web and
The author public acceptance of newly improved easy-to-
Siriginidi Subba Rao is Deputy Director and Head, use e-book technologies is paving way for their
Information Technology, Central Leather Research Institute, proliferation. In 1999 over 9 million
Adyar, Chennai, India. E-mail: ssrao@eth.net, ssrao@clrim.org information products were sold over the
Internet and accounted for over 20 percent of
all Internet sales. It is difficult to gauge the
entire scale of the e-book market because books
Electronic publishing, Libraries, India can be downloaded onto essentially any form of
computer, from handheld to mega-server.
Abstract Gartner predicts personal digital assistant
This paper discusses the genesis of e-books and derives a (PDA) sales to top 38 million by 2003 and
comprehensive definition from various definitions reported PDAs currently cost no more than dedicated
for them. It lists the various types of e-books with their devices (Unicorn, 2000). The current usage of
characteristics and the major players in the market. It also e-books is tiny considering the potential market.
highlights the pros and cons of e-books, and compares Jupiter Research forecasts 1.9 million users of
select e-book reader hardware and software with their e-books by 2005 (Flash, 2000). IDC predicts
specifications, requirements and characteristics. The impact the market in the USA alone would mushroom
of e-books on the publishing industry, on libraries and from US$9 million in 2000 to US$414 million
librarians, and digital rights management is discussed. The in 2004 (Bartlett, 2000). Forrester Research
author concludes that e-books are rapidly becoming a viable estimated revenue from digitized book
alternative and provide growing advantages over the publishing at US$7.8 billion in 2005, up from
traditional medium. US$838 million of the year 2000 (Butterfield,
2000). This paper attempts to familiarize the
Electronic access
e-book technologies through a review and
evaluation process.
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at

The current issue and full text archive of this journal is Emergence of e-books
available at
http://www.emeraldinsight.com/0737-8831.htm The idea of e-books is not new, ever since there
have been computers. People have envisioned
using them to store and access individual titles
Library Hi Tech
or vast libraries. Over the last two decades, a
Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2003 . pp. 85-93
# MCB UP Limited . ISSN 0737-8831 number of important factors have influenced
DOI 10.1108/07378830310467427 the need for and development of e-books:
Electronic books: a review and evaluation Library Hi Tech
Siriginidi Subba Rao Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2003 . 85-93

. the advent of desktop publishing; medium (bound paper). The one without the
. the growing importance of paperless other is not a book.
publishing; The select definitions of an e-book include:
. the ease with which electronic information . An e-book is a term used to describe a text
can be created, updated, copied, shared, analogous to a book that is in digital form to
distributed and searched; be displayed on a computer screen (Cox
. the more widespread availability of both and Mohammed, 2001).
local and global computer based . A book that has been converted to digital
communication networks; and form and could be read on a computer,
. the incipient onset of the electronic usually through network services or
information explosion. CD-ROM. E-books could expand over
print media by adding hypertext links,
Recently e-books caught the popular
search and cross-reference functions and
imagination and showed real promise of
multimedia (Computer User, 2002).
succeeding in the consumer marketplace. . An e-book is a digital reading material that
Several factors have converged to make this
one views on a desktop or note-book
computer or on a dedicated, portable
. advances in computer hardware and
device with a large storage capacity and the
ability to download new titles through a
. Internet improvements to facilitate the
network connection (Adobe Systems,
electronic exchange of text and data; and
. easy Web applications using enabling . E-books are books in computer file format
technologies such as HyperText markup
and read on all types of computers,
language (HTML), extensible markup including handheld devices designed
language (XML) and portable document specifically for reading e-books; e-books are
format (PDF) as underlying standards. as familiar as their print counterparts or as
The Web has made publishers realize that they unique as the electronic medium itself,
need not choose between print and electronic containing audio, video or live hyperlinks;
publishing. Publishers are increasingly they can be delivered by download or e-
re-purposing the electronic files used in the mail file attachment; e-books on diskette or
production of print, and some are CD-ROM are sent by postal mail or sold in
re-engineering their editorial and production bookstores (Brooker, 2000).
processes to produce files better suited to . An e-book refers to electronic files of words
electronic products in the first place. Currently, and images that are of book length,
several modes of electronic publishing are formatted for display on one or more
available. Many journals are delivered by devices known as e-book readers, and sold
subscription over the Web; reference, legal and or distributed as standalone products;
medical books are on CD-ROM or DVD-ROM e-book readers are defined as the devices
and are becoming more Web savvy. In the used to read e-books; these could be
context of e-books, they are more often referred handheld or not, dedicated or not; the
to as a single volume, such as a trade book that software that enables the display of e-books
on PCs or other devices may be referred to
can be bought over the Web and read in a
as e-book reader software, even though
laptop, a desktop computer, a PDA, or a
some software companies such as Microsoft
dedicated e-book reading device.
refer to their applications as readers
(NetRead, 2000).
Definition of an e-book
Some confusion persists about what the term e- From the above definitions, a more
book refers to: is it a piece of book shaped comprehensive definition for an e-book could
hardware, or the words and images on a piece of be derived: text in digital form, or a book
hardware, or both. The term book denotes both converted into digital form, or digital reading
the message (words and images) and the material, or a book in a computer file format, or
Electronic books: a review and evaluation Library Hi Tech
Siriginidi Subba Rao Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2003 . 85-93

an electronic file of words and images displayed . Increasing capabilities of hardware. A single
on a desktop, note-book computer, or portable e-book reader can hold more than one
device, or formatted for display on dedicated electronic text and the potential exists for
e-book readers. portable readers to hold the entire libraries.
The content of electronic documents can
Types of e-books be expanded, customized or updated as
The e-book arena is in a state of flux and the users desire. Significant enhancements
concept of an e-book is not attached to one include: complete e-text searching (a
single medium in the way that DVDs or CDs navigation tool unmatched by traditional
are. Therefore, it is appropriate to introduce a back-of-the-book indexing systems); an
classification of the various types of e-books. interactive dictionary with instant access to
Hawkins (2000) and Crawford (2000) have the definitions of highlighted words within
attempted to identify the various concepts, the text; multimedia display capabilities,
products and models. Hawkins has identified which are impossible on paper; and
four types based on content availability and adjustable displays with variable font sizes
access, while Crawford identified nine types and levels of backlighting. All these
based on proprietary formats, standards, media advantages are a reality in existing e-book
form, length of contents and access. These are products (DiNucci, 1999a), and have the
listed at Table I with their characteristics and potential to improve further with future
major players in the market. technological advances.
. Business applications. E-books can be used
conveniently at a substantial cost savings.
For instance, distribution of operating
E-books: pros and cons
procedures to production workers the day
Pros they go into effect. The benefits lie in
Many of the advantages of e-books are inherent reduced paper costs of creating, copying
in the format of electronic devices and offer a and disposing of thousands of pages, and in
level of features and flexibility that are moving distribution from costly courier
impossible in printed books. The overall service to instant downloads via the
advantages include: Internet.
. Method of publication. Once the electronic . Convenience. E-books are very convenient
text is created, it has the potential for and are always in stock. With online books,
instant worldwide distribution over the no disappointment will occur due to a work
Internet and access from virtually any being out-of-print, and there will be no
location, without the dangers of damaging a wasted trips to libraries or bookstores, only
printed copy. Also, it is very easy to to find the required book is loaned or sold.
integrate the available list of e-books into a There are also no inventory storage worries,
library's online catalog (Ballard, 2000), and no waiting forever to get materials.
thereby offering a substitute for having to . Environment friendliness. Unlike
visit a library building. conventional printed books, not a single
. Economic advantages. The overhead tree must be cut to produce an e-book.
publication and distribution cost of e-books When downloading an electronic novel,
is considerably lower than using a printing online fiction, digital textbook or any other
mode (Hayes, 2000). Some costs are kind of virtual book, not even a single sheet
passed on to the book consumer, who must of paper enters the waste stream.
download or somehow obtain the . Ability to improve literacy and education in less
document, but in most areas the developed countries. People in poor countries
corresponding expenses relating to printing may not be able to afford to buy books and
materials are obsolete in the digital world. rarely have access to libraries. But in a few
There is no cost for paper, ink, binding, years, as the cost of hardware continues to
wrapping, postage, or transport. In fact, decline, it will be possible to set up virtual
hundreds of virtual books are free. public libraries.
Electronic books: a review and evaluation Library Hi Tech
Siriginidi Subba Rao Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2003 . 85-93

Table I List of various types of e-books with their characteristicsand major players
E-book types Characteristics Major players
According to Hawkins
Downloadable e-books Contents are available on the Internet for Bartleby (http://www.bartleby.com),
downloading to the user's PC. No special reading Librius (http://www.librius.com/),
device is required Glassbook (http://www.glassbook.com/),
Gutenberg (http://www.promo.net/pg/)
Dedicated e-book readers Contents are downloaded to a dedicated hardware Gemstar's REBs (http://www.e-book-gemstar.com/),
device with a high quality screen and special Franklin's eBookman (http://www.franklin.com/e-bookman/)
capabilities for book reading
Print-on-demand books Contents are stored in a system connected to a Xerox, IBM, Sprout, Lightning
high-speed, high quality printer and bound copies Source (http://www.lightningsource.com/),
are produced on demand Hewlett Packard
Web-accessible e-books Published on the provider's Web site and may be
accessed for a fee or purchase the books to receive
indefinite access
According to Crawford
Proprietary e-book devices Text is downloaded in proprietary formats that are Portable hardware devices from Gemstar's REBs and
locked to a single reader Franklin's eBookman
Open e-books XML based standard that allows any text to reside Open Ebook Forum Specifications
on any reader. Potential reading devices include PCs,
note-books, palmtops and proprietary e-book devices
Free books or Public domain Digital copies of books available or texts placed in Internet Public Library (http://www.ipl.org/),
e-books public domain for free downloading, printing and Project Gutenberg, Bartleby
Pseudobooks Titles bought by libraries or consortia and loaned out netLibrary
to users to download to their own PCs. Users can
borrow one title at a time, unless libraries paid for
more than one copy
Instabooks Books printed and bound on-demand from fully Lightning Source, Replica Books
marked up digital texts or scanned page images (http://www.replicabooks.com/)
stored digitally
Not quite a book Mid-length texts (novellas or novelettes) that are not
suitable to publish in print media. Converted to PDF,
packaged, e-published and e-distributed
E-vanity and self-publishing Books published by individuals on the Web Various sources
Ebooks before the Web Books on CD-ROM or disk Modern Age Books
Extended books Published on CD-ROM or Web, offering searchable Voyager
text through hypertext, multimedia and interactive

. Raise national literacy and educational would be far less than currently payable
standards. E-books can be used to raise library services, and yet the potential
national literacy standards and to aid would be far larger.
publishers and authors along the way. A These utility advantages include:
national library online could do this by . For authors: increased readership, a
offering a list of free downloadable reasonable monetary return for their work
readings and videos. Classical and other and continuing ability to control the rights
special titles could be bought from to their works.
publishers at a fair price before . For publishers: less expensive paperless mass
distribution. Collectively, all of these costs production, the potential end to
Electronic books: a review and evaluation Library Hi Tech
Siriginidi Subba Rao Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2003 . 85-93

out-of-print problems, and easy . Availability. The dedicated readers are not
distribution via online distributors, direct widely available throughout the world.
marketing to customers, or affiliate . Compatibility. The problem of compatibility
program. is due to lack of standard formats across
. For customers: dictionary software to look up different hardware and software and
words, an audio mode to have an e-book vendors. A title purchased for one
read out loud, search tools to find specific dedicated reader will not be able to read on
texts, multiple books in one small package, a PC.
to links between e-books, customization to . Bibliographic data. The available e-book
suit individual interests and tastes, easily titles rarely have sufficient bibliographic
updated reference material, audio and full data, which is a problem for libraries.
motion video content, out-of-print books, Cataloging titles raises all the cataloging
low light reading, a choice of font sizes, and problems of parallel publication of
portability for one's own virtual library. e-journals.
. For libraries: the instant delivery of . Licensing. Most vendors of e-books do not
purchased books, adjustable fonts instead seem to understand library needs, or have
of large print books, lower prices due to suitable licenses.
lower production costs, eco-friendliness, . Printing. The users may not be able to print
shelf space savings, an end to lost or from their readers.
damaged titles, and the ability to create . Limited rights. The rights of resale are
their own texts. different from when a book is purchased.
. For entertainment: multimedia capabilities These are familiar issues that have arisen
and rich color photographs. from e-journals, e.g. licensing versus sales.
The issues for the new wave of large-scale
The cons for e-books can be traced to one of the e-book distributors are somewhat different.
two causes: They need to:
(1) the shortcomings of current e-book
. find a business model that works and that
technology and its derivatives, including users find acceptable;
costs; and
. reassure publishers about their intellectual
(2) the incongruence with current user property rights by providing a very
expectations about how books are handled. controlled user interface, without making it
too cumbersome and unwieldy for users
Some of the problems with reading e-books on (electronic copyright management systems
dedicated machines or software are: have found that if the environment is
. Durability. The current generation of
tortuous, users simply do not use the
hardware is too fragile to be used in the
system, but this might not be repeated if the
same manner as printed books (Sottong,
content is sufficiently massive);
1999). . have reliable and speedy access;
. Expense. The dedicated readers are . have the right books; and
expensive, at present. . persuade academics to recommend using
. Technological change. There is a risk of
such a service to their students.
buying a soon-to-be-defunct reader.
. Screen resolutions. The typical screen As the e-book technology improves, so will its
resolutions on handhelds and PCs probably ease of use. A new generation of e-book
are not good enough for extended screen hardware offers reduced screen glare, improved
reading and do not yet match the quality of fonts and layout, along with the flexibility of
printed books. instant access to personalized and customizable
. Limited availability of titles. The availability e-books (DiNucci, 1999b). As e-book
of titles in electronic form is very limited, at technology develops, systems will need to be
the moment. established to preserve older e-book formats.
Electronic books: a review and evaluation Library Hi Tech
Siriginidi Subba Rao Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2003 . 85-93

E-book readers: hardware and software warehousing, national retail distributor, sales
representatives or bricks-and-mortar
A number of portable e-book devices in a range booksellers. Also, writers can submit
of shapes, sizes and prices are available. They manuscripts to publishers electronically,
have little or no inter-operability. Some involve without an agent. A publisher can build an
attaching the reader to the computer and e-commerce Web site, connect personally with
require proprietary software, plus the each customer, deliver e-books direct,
purchasing and downloading of titles from the worldwide, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
vendor's library on the Internet. Others allow Broadly, e-book vendors fall into two groups.
connection directly to their library through The first group is full-service hardware,
communication links. The specifications of software and content providers. These include
select e-book readers are listed in Table II. The Everybook (Everybook), NuvoMedia (Rocket
other e-book reader hardware include: the eBook) and Softbook Press (Softbook). These
EveryBook Dedicated Reader from EveryBook vendors cover trade press (novels, romance and
Inc., the Millennium eBook from Librius, self-help), periodicals, and partnering deals.
Handspring Visor, the Compaq iPac series, and The second group is software and content-only
the Casio series. providers. These include Librius, which offered
E-book titles are not just readable on any its own viewer until recently, and Glassbook,
software or reading device. Most are device or which focuses solely on conversion, library
software dependent. Hence, matching of the e- control and viewer software. Both vendors
book title's format to the reading device or support e-books for Palms, Windows CE
software is a prerequisite. Some of the most devices, note-books and unspecified
popular e-book reader software available in the information appliances (Perlin, 1999).
market can be found in Table III, along with
their hardware requirement and characteristics. Libraries/librarians
E-book technology creates circulation
challenges for libraries/librarians. E-books,
Impact of e-books when downloaded, are locked into one specific
device due to encryption and each title on each
E-books will have impact on the publishing reader has to be paid for, so users cannot select
industry, on libraries and librarians, and on specific titles to take home on the reader. This
digital rights management. can be overcome by creating theme readers on
which various titles can be loaded. The issuing
E-book publishers/vendors and returning of e-book readers is time
The centuries-old business model used by the consuming. New users must be familiarized
publishing industry is unraveling. Its arcane with the hardware during the check-out
hierarchical structure of writer, agent, editor, process, and notes made by previous users must
publisher, printer/binder, distributor and be cleaned up after items are returned. Libraries
retailer is imploding. The e-book enables also have to have credit cards to purchase
anyone to create books without the huge capital e-books instantaneously. The e-book market is
required to service this established order. Once aimed at the individual customer and the
an e-book is formatted, it can be distributed vendors have no concept and little interest in
over the Internet without the conventional the library market. Replacing the readers lost or
distribution and printing costs. The formatting damaged by users and cataloging the devices
process is very simple. The Microsoft Reader and the titles on the devices remains a
with ClearType offers one-click conversion of challenge.
Word documents. The Open e-book Standard
supports open source coding, hence all e-books Digital rights management (DRM)
formatted to this standard will work on all The DRM distribution cycle begins when an
platforms, even though encryption solutions author creates an original work and submits it
vary. Hence, publishers no longer need to to an e-book publisher. The publisher converts
contract with a printer/bindery, and need no the work to an e-book format, then employs
Electronic books: a review and evaluation Library Hi Tech
Siriginidi Subba Rao Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2003 . 85-93

Table II Specifications of select e-book reader hardware

E-book reader hardware
(successor to Rocket (successor to
Specifications eBook) SoftBook Reader) Franklin eBookman Palm PDAs HP Jornada
Size 7.1  5.0  0.8in. 9.0  7.5  1.25in. 5.2  3.4  0.7in. 5.0  3.2  0.7in. 5.2  3.1x  0.6in.
Weight 1.1lb 2.1lb 0.4lb 0.4lb 0.6lb
Screen Black and white, 3.0 32,768 colors, 8.2in. 16 level gray scale, Black and white (Palm Color, 320  240
 4.5in., 320  480 diagonal, 480  640 200  240 pixels IIIc has active matrix pixels
pixels, 108dpi, pixels (VGA), 97.3 dots color), 2.25  2.25in.,
monochrome STN LCD 160  160 pixels
Memory 8MB, expandable with 8MB, expandable to 8MB, expandable by 2-8MB 16MB, expandable
Smart Media cards 128MB using Compact MultiMediaCards using Compact Flash
Flash cards cards
Battery life (hours) 15-35 6-12 Depends on use Depends on use 8
(2 AAA batteries) (2 AAA batteries)
E-book format .RB, a proprietary .SB, a proprietary Franklin Reader .DOC; .PRC from Microsoft Reader
Gemstar Gemstar Peanutpress; .PDB
from Qvadis
Storage capacity and 20 novels. Backlit 5,000-50,000 pages. Combines the Microsoft Reader's
special features screen, variable font Backlit screen, variable functions of a reading ClearType make text
size, bookmark pages, font size, bookmark device, a PDA and a easier to read, MP3
search, stylus and pages, stylus, etc. digital music player player, organizer
built-in Webster's software, games, etc.
Connectivity Dials up Gemstar Built-in modem and Cradle with USB Cradle with serial Cradle with USB
e-Book catalog via Ethernet connection to connector to Windows connector to PC or connector to Windows
internal telephone download books over PCs Macintosh (with PC
modem. PC not the telephone line converter)
required, but device without using a
can connect to a PC or computer
Mac via USB cable
Titles availability Barnes and Noble, Gemstar eBook catalog Franklin.com Peanutpress and Barnesandnoble.com
Powells, others Qvadis and Amazon.com
Price in US$ 299 599 outright purchase 129.95-229.95 149-449 499-549
Vendor Gemstar Gemstar Franklin.com Numerous electronics Numerous electronics
and office supply and office supply
stores, Outpost.com, stores, Outpost.com,
etc. Amazon.com, etc.

DRM encryption to lock the file and generate a reading device, after unlocking the file with a
unique encryption key. The e-book distributor DRM key.
manages the encryption key and locked file, The select market-leading DRM providers
ensuring that unauthorized users cannot view and solutions include: Adobe PDF Merchant
the protected work. The e-book distributor and WebBuy; Xerox/Microsoft's
transfers the work to an e-book retailer, who ContentGuard; Reciprocal.com; SoftLock;
then sells the secure e-book online and offers netLibrary; InterTrust MetaTrust Utility;
e-book buyers an easy way to purchase keys to LockStream.com; and e-book publisher
decrypt and read the work. The e-book buyer solutions such as MightyWords.com. Based on
who visits an e-book retailer Web site can competing formats and emerging open-source
purchase the work and read it, using an e-book specifications, the industry is concerned to
Electronic books: a review and evaluation Library Hi Tech
Siriginidi Subba Rao Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2003 . 85-93

Table III Select list of e-book reader software formats with hardware requirement and characteristics
Software format Requirements Characteristics Remarks
Adobe Acrobat (http:// Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files can be Most popular format for creating The learning curve for the Acrobat is
www.adobe.com/products/ read on a laptop or desktop PC with e-books with its high-quality difficult to master for the graphically
acrobat/) Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. rendering of graphics and text. challenged
Acrobat Reader is available for free Facilitates file encryption, document
from Adobe site navigation and annotation
Microsoft Reader (http:// MS Reader files can be read on a Lets users purchase e-book titles MS Reader has set the standard for
www.microsoft. com/download/ Rocket PC or on desktop or laptop directly through Barnes and Noble. the next generation of e-book reader
msreader/) PC with MS Reader. The free MS Reader application with applications. It is not yet available
download requires 16MB RAM on ClearType technology specifically for Macintosh.
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT or 2000, engineered for reading high quality
13MB free hard disc space, MS e-books. Includes tools for book
Internet Explorer 4.01, Service Pack 1 marking, highlighting and annotating
or later text

Glassbook Reader (http:// Glassbook Reader is for note-books Enhanced version includes an Glassbook Reader has three
www.glassbook. com) and PC users. Available as a free unabridged dictionary, infrared beam, components: bookstore ± for buying
download or enhanced version for Internet lend and give capabilities for e-book titles, library ± for organizing
US$39, requires Windows 95 or NT, selected titles. Offers color display of titles and reader-where one able to
Internet Explorer version 4/5 e-book pages, Adobe PDF e-books read e-books one owns or borrowed
and Web pages, the ability to search
for text and bookmark items
DocAble (http:// EveryBook's DocAble is PC-based DocAble permits to view multiple Only software permits to view two
www.everybook.net) document management software that documents at the same time search pages at a time.
reads PDF documents in a book-like within and between the documents.
format of two-page presentation. It The pages need not be contiguous.
costs US$295 Allows marking important parts of
documents for quick retrieval
HTML Compilers Internet browsers Netscape or Ebook compiler software programs Files are often bulky and e-books
Internet Explorer higher than version use standard HTML files to produce appear as a single, unbroken page
3.0 can read HTML eBook files on e-books. The HTML compiler
either a PC or Mac. The latest software compresses normal HTML
version of Internet Explorer can be files into a self-extracting executable
downloaded from Microsoft site file. One could download and view
e-books produced with any compiler
software using any Internet browser

RocketLibrarian (http:// A free downloadable software that Facilitates downloading and manages Most popular of all the handheld
www.rocket-e-book.com/ enables one to use Rocket e-book RocketEditions. Stores up to 20 e-book devices to date
Software/index.html) reading technology on ones laptop novels on a device and supports
or desktop PC hyperlinks and graphics

Microsoft Word (http:// Microsoft Word files can be read The leading word processing Strictly, Word is not an e-book
www.microsoft.com/office/) using any version of Microsoft Word package on the market, Microsoft friendly application and remains one
higher than version 6.0/95 on either Word allows great versatility for of the most popular formats for this
the PC or Mac presentation of graphics and text media

Palm Pilot (http:// Peanut Reader format is available as It supports Palm Pilot DOC format Peanut Reader format is one of the
www.peanutpress.com/) a free download for the presentation and enables searches, book marking, leading formats for e-books and
of e-books and contents on the Palm annotations, screen orientation and content on the Palm Pilot PDA
family of PDAs toggle between fonts

Electronic books: a review and evaluation Library Hi Tech
Siriginidi Subba Rao Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2003 . 85-93

bring out a flexible DRM specification. The early stages of development and there is reason
Electronic Book Exchange (EBX) Working to hope that industry standards will soon be
Group was formed to create a copyright adopted. E-books complement rather than
protection and distribution specification that supplant printed books. While pixels and pulp
works with all e-book formats. EBX is a will co-exist for a time, the inevitable move to
voucher-file model that allows super- e-books will be felt by libraries and by the
distribution, which enables e-book buyers to publishing industry.
move e-books among different reading devices
and permits borrowing, loaning and gift giving.
While negotiating e-book contracts, authors
want acceptable compensation from all players
in the DRM distribution cycle if, because of Adobe Systems 2000 (2001), ``The year of the e-book'',
negligence, any one of them fails to encrypt or available at: www.adobe.com/epaper/features/
protect the author's works. E-book publishers newleaf/main.html
will seek to limit liability for loss in value of an Ballard, T. (2000), ``Adding a new dimension: e-books'',
Information Today, Vol. 17 No. 4, p. 48.
author's copyright as a result of preventable or
Bartlett, M. (2000), ``E-book market set for explosion ± IDC
foreseeable piracy. E-book DRM solutions are study'', available at: www.newsbytes.com/news/00/
being coupled with rights clearinghouses that 159594.html
connect publishers, agents, sub-agents and Brooker, A.M. (2000), ``All about e-books'', available at:
book scouts worldwide. http://nzwriters.com.nz/help/e-books.htm
Companies such as rightscenter.com and Butterfield, K. (2000), ``The e-book revolution: when will it
reciprocal.com provide secure receipt, storage, happen'', available at: www.electronic-publisher.com/
tracking and fulfillment of consumer orders for
Computer User (2002), ``Hi-Tech Dictionary'', available at:
digital goods distributed through Web retail www.computeruser.com/resources/dictionary/
storefronts. Audit records of ``keys'' sent to e- Cox, A. and Mohammed, H. (2001), ``E-books'', available at:
book consumers are sent to the digital clearing www.freeprint.co.uk/issues/010201.htm#feature
service; this information is used to generate Crawford, W. (2000), ``Nine models, one name: untangling
reports and distribute financial payments to the e-book muddle'', American Libraries, Vol. 31 No. 8,
pp. 56-9.
publishers. Other techniques forward
DiNucci, D. (1999a), ``Palm readers'', Print, Vol. 53 No. 5,
transactions in secure DigiBox containers that pp. 58+.
ensure that everyone who is supposed to be paid DiNucci, D (1999b), ``Electronic books: the future of
is paid and that audit data are immediately publishing?'', available at: www.publish.com/features/
available. The implication of real-time payment 9908/e-books/e-books.html
and transaction-tracking means that standard Flash, C. (2000), ``Will E-books ever really catch on?'',
publishing clauses, whereby royalty payments available at: www.techweb.com/wire/story/
are held for months to facilitate publisher
Hawkins, D.T. (2000), ``Electronic books: a major publishing
accounting systems will no longer be justified revolution (part 1)'', Online, Vol. 24 No. 4, pp. 14-28.
with regard to e-books (Neylon, 2001; Pimm, Hayes, R.M. (2000), ``The economics of digital libraries'',
2002). available at: www.usp.br/sibi/economics.html
NetRead (2000), ``The e-book'', available at:
Neylon, E. (2001), ``First steps in an information commerce
Conclusion economy: digital rights management in the emerging
e-book environment'', available at: www.dlib.org/dlib/
Ultimately, the success or failure of e-books january01/neylon/01neylon.html
depends not only on acceptance by users, but Perlin, N. (1999), ``Beyond the bleeding edge: e-books'',
also on the publishing industry's ability to see available at: www.stcsig.org/oi/hyperviews/archive/
beyond traditional business models and to 99Fall/994cedge.htm
Pimm, B. (2002), ``Author's rights in the e-book revolution'',
recognize that e-books are not a replacement for
available at: www.gigalaw.com/articles/pimm-2000-
paper-based books. However, e-books are
rapidly becoming a viable alternative and are Sottong, S. (1999), ``Don't power that e-book just yet
providing growing advantages over the (electronic books)'', American Libraries, Vol. 30 No. 5,
traditional medium. E-readers are still in the pp. 50-3.

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