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Preparation of Polypropylene/Short Glass Fiber Composite as Fused

Deposition Modeling (FDM) Filament

Article in Results in Physics · March 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.rinp.2018.11.065


180 1,327

3 authors:

Gholamhossein Sodeifian Saghar Ghaseminejad

University of Kashan University of Kashan


Ali Akbar Yousefi

Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute


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Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Results in Physics
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/rinp

Preparation of polypropylene/short glass fiber composite as Fused T

Deposition Modeling (FDM) filament
Gholamhossein Sodeifiana,b,c, , Saghar Ghaseminejada, Ali Akbar Yousefid

Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kashan, 87317-53153 Kashan, Iran
Laboratory of Advanced Rheology and Rheometry, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kashan, 87317-53153 Kashan, Iran
Modeling and Simulation Center, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kashan, 87317-53153 Kashan, Iran
Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (IPPI), 14977-13115 Tehran, Iran


Keywords: Mechanical, morphological, rheological, and crystallinity properties of pure polypropylene (PP)/glass fiber (GF)
3D printing and PP/GF composites containing maleic anhydride polyolefin (POE-g-MA) at three different weight percentages
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) (10, 20 and 30 wt%) were investigated. The test specimens were provided using 3D printing (FDM) and com-
Polypropylene polymer composite pression molding (CM) methods. Given brittleness and insufficient flexibility of the prepared filaments, POE-g-
Glass fiber
MA was used at different weight percentages, leading to enhanced filament flexibility. The test specimens were
Mechanical properties
also provided using the CM method to compare the results with those of FDM method. Tensile tests were per-
formed to evaluate mechanical properties of the specimens. Results showed that, addition of GF increased the
modulus and strength of the composite while lowering its flexibility; on the other hand the composite exhibited
decreased modulus and strength and increased flexibility upon adding the POE-g-MA. The specimens prepared
via CM method exhibited higher values of strength and modulus, as compared to those prepared via 3D printing.
Results of rheological studies further showed that the introduction of POE-g-MA tends to increase the storage
modulus, loss modulus and viscosity, while lowering the value of tan δ. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis results
indicated higher crystallinity of the specimens prepared via the CM method rather than 3D printing.

Introduction computer aided design (CAD) file. Before such file can be printed, it
must be converted to a format that is understandable to the 3D printer.
3D printing is based on manufacturing a final product through a The most common format for such purpose is STL (surface tessellation
layer-by-layer process. The main advantages of this method over tra- language). In order to create the object, a plastic filament is unwounded
ditional prototyping methods include higher accuracy, faster pace, and from a coil and fed through an extrusion nozzle. The nozzle melts the
less waste of material. Moreover, a 3D printer is free of any limitation filament and extrudes it onto a base called a build platform or table.
on geometry of the product and needs no extra tools. 3D printers are Both the nozzle and the platform are controlled by a computer that
available in a variety of models functioning based on various technol- translates the object geometry into (x, y, z) coordinates. Using such
ogies, including Stereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Sintering coordinates, the extrusion nozzle moves over the build platform along
(SLS), Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM), Digital Light Processing horizontal and vertical axes to draw a cross section of the object on the
(DLP), and Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). As the most widely used platform using a thin layer of plastic that immediately binds to the layer
technology for 3D prototyping with 3D printers, FDM technology was beneath it as it is cooled and hardened. Once a particular layer is
used for 3D printing in this study [1,2]. completely set out, the base is lowered by some one-sixteenth of an inch
3D printing has found a growing spectrum of applications ranging to make room for the next layer of plastic. The printing time depends on
from medical uses to automotive and aerospace industries, with new the size of the object being manufactured [6]. As of current, thermo-
materials (metal- or wood-based materials, for example) being con- plastic filaments comprise the primary feed for FDM-based 3D printers.
stantly released to the market and 3D printers getting less expensive Some materials have also been used for this purpose, including Acry-
every day [3–5]. lonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Polylactic Acid (PLA), Polycarbonate
The process of creating an object by an FDM printer starts out with a (PC), Polyamide (PA) and a mixture of the two thermoplastics. ABS and

Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kashan, 87317-53153 Kashan, Iran.
E-mail address: sodeifian@kashanu.ac.ir (G. Sodeifian).

Received 8 August 2018; Received in revised form 19 November 2018; Accepted 19 November 2018
Available online 22 November 2018
2211-3797/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Table 1
Filament properties and manufacturing conditions.
Specimen Temperature (°C) Tensile speed (mm/min) Rotational speed (rpm)

PP 190–200 3.5 10
PP/GF 175–200 3.5 10
PP/GF/30/POE-g-MA/10 175–200 3.5 10
PP/GF/30/POE-g-MA/20 175–200 3.5 10
PP/GF/30/POE-g-MA/30 175–200 3.5 10

filament production. Thanks to its unique properties such as reasonable

price, low density, non-toxicity, excellent dye-compatibility, re-pro-
cessability, and high resistance to acids, bases, and oils, PP has found a
wide range of applications such as those in film production, sheet
manufacturing, injection molding, food packaging, textile industry,
medical facilities, piping, construction industry, and automotive in-
Oscaneiro et al. investigated the effects of printing orientation,
thickness layer, infill degree (%), and glass fiber (GF) properties on the
final product and presented a comparison to injection molding method.
They observed 30% and 40% higher modulus and strength, respec-
tively, for PP upon adding glass fibers at 30%. Mechanical properties of
the test specimens manufactured by 3D printing were, however, 30%
lower than those with injection molding [17]. Ning et al. studied the
use of thermoplastic ABS composites with different percentages of
Fig. 1. 3D design of dumbbell-shaped specimen. added carbon fiber of various sizes in an FDM-based printer. Their
observations were indicative of increased tensile strength and Young’s
modulus of the plastic material upon adding the carbon fiber, while the
PLA are the most popular materials used in FDM-based 3D printing modified material exhibited lower ductility and yield strength, as
[7–9]. compared to pure plastic specimens. Moreover, the composite speci-
Thanks to numerous advantages of 3D printers over traditional mens (CFRP) enriched with longer carbon fibers (150 µm) maintained
molding methods, researchers are seeking to substitute such printers for higher tensile strength and Young’s modulus and lower toughness and
the molding methods. A major restriction on the application of 3D ductility in comparison with those containing shorter carbon fibers
printers is, however, the limited variety of the materials that can be fed (100 µm) [18].
into such printers. In the present research, application of polypropylene Zhang et al. investigated the used of fiber-reinforced ABS in FDM
(PP) as raw material for 3D printers was investigated. The PP was method. The glass fiber was used to increase the material strength, but
considered as it could be formed into filaments for industrial market ended up reducing its flexibility at the same time. In order to improve
segmentation. Automotive industry has been a candidate for applying the toughness and flexibility at the same time, LLDPE was used. This led
this composite. to the occurrence of phase separation, changing the appearance of the
The parts manufactured from pure thermoplastic via FDM have filaments. To overcome this problem, the researchers considered hy-
exhibited insufficient strength during loading tests. This limits the drogenated Buna-N, leading to significantly improved properties of the
range of applications where of FDM technology can be adopted, ne- composite [19].
cessitating the modification of pure thermoplastics to enhance their In their research, Kumal et al. worked on influences of barrel and
strength characteristics. Attempting to overcome the mentioned lim- platform temperatures, raster angle, build orientation, and count of
itations, researchers have used fiber reinforcements, compatibilizers, contours on tensile properties in terms of ultimate tensile strength
nano materials, etc. [10–16]. (UTS) and elongation percentage of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). The
As mentioned previously, the most common raw material for FDM results showed that UTS was most significantly affected by barrel
printers are comprised of ABS and PLA. However, as far as 3D printing temperature and raster angle. Indeed, increased barrel temperature and
is concerned, the PLA suffers from low resistance to heat. This was why raster angle contributed to higher and lower values of UTS, respec-
PP, with its good thermal resistance, was used in the present research, tively. Moreover, the barrel temperature and count of contours were
and modifications were made to the material to make it an appropriate seen to affect the elongation percentage directly and inversely, re-
filament for 3D printing. spectively [20].
In this research, PP was selected as a thermoplastic material for Investigating possible impacts of infill density and printing patterns

Table 2
Characteristics of the test specimens and FDM process conditions.
Specimen Layer thickness (mm) Nozzle temperature (°C) Bed temperature (°C) Filament diameter (mm) Infill (%) Filling pattern

PP 0.1 240 30 1.7 100 Triangular

PP/GF 0.1 240 30 1.58–1.53 100 Triangular
PP/GF/30/POE-g-MA/10 0.1 240 30 1.5–1.45 100 Triangular
PP/GF/30/POE-g-MA/20 0.1 240 30 1.55–1.48 100 Triangular
PP/GF/30/POE-g-MA/10 0.4 240 30 1.5–1.45 100 Triangular
PP/GF/30/POE-g-MA/30 0.1 240 30 1.59–1.53 100 Triangular

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 2. Pure PP test specimens.

Fig. 3. The procedure followed to manufacture test specimens by CM method.

Fig. 4. 3D design of the disc-shaped specimens for rheology test.

Fig. 5. Disc-shaped specimens for rheology test, as manufactured by (a): 3D

on tensile, thermoelectric, and dynamic mechanical characteristics of
printing, (b): compression modeling.
ABS/ZnO composites prepared via FDM method, Aw et al. observed
considerably higher tensile strength and Young’s modulus and shorter
elongation at break when infill density was increased. On the other factor. The linear pattern outperformed the rectilinear one, particularly
hand, a reduction in the infill density ended up increasing dynamic when it came to tensile characteristics and electrical conductivity [21].
storage modulus (G′) while lowering loss modulus (G″) and damping Onwubolu et al. examined five significant process parameters: part

Table 3
Manufacturing conditions for the test specimens prepared via 3D printing for rheology test.
Specimen Layer thickness (mm) No. of layers Nozzle temperature (°C) Bed temperature (°C) Filament diameter (mm) Infill (%) Filling pattern

PP 0.1 20 240 30 1.7 100 Triangular

PP/GF 0.1 20 240 30 1.58–1.53 100 Triangular
PP/GF/30/POE-g-MA/10 0.1 20 240 30 1.5–1.45 100 Triangular
PP/GF/30/POE-g-MA/20 0.1 20 240 30 1.55–1.48 100 Triangular
PP/GF/30/POE-g-MA/10 0.4 20 240 30 1.5–1.45 100 Triangular
PP/GF/30/POE-g-MA/30 0.1 20 240 30 1.59–1.53 100 Triangular

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the process followed to manufacture and measure mechanical properties of the test specimens prepared via FDM-based 3D printing.

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of the process followed to manufacture and measure mechanical properties of the test specimens prepared via CM method.

orientation, layer thickness, raster width, raster angle, and air gap. Materials and methods
Based on the results, tensile strength was maximal at zero part or-
ientation angle (in which case the layers were parallel to the direction Materials
of load application) and minimal at an orientation angle of 90°.
Moreover, the tensile strength was found to be directly and indirectly In this research, PP was supplied by Hyosung Company (grade
related to raster angle and layer thickness, respectively. Other ob- H1500, made in Korea), PP with glass fiber at 30% was supplied by
servations suggested that the strength of AM samples was minimal with Niroumand Polymer Company (Iran) with a density of 1.16 g/cm3, a
the widest air gap [22]. melt flow index (MFI, at 230 °C/2.16 kg) of 6-g/10 min, and a shrinkage
Testing PLA specimens, Li et al. made an attempt to see how their factor lower than 0.2%, and POE-g-MA was procured from Karangin
mechanical properties are affected by layer thickness, deposition ve- Company (Iran) with a MFI (190 °C/2.16 kg) of 1.4 ± 0.05 g/10 min,
locity and infill rate. The findings were indicative of deteriorated tensile maleic content of 1.8%, density of 0.9 ± 0.01 kg/m3, and softening
strength and bonding degree for the sample with thicker layers. In point of 90 °C.
addition, the tensile strength was found to be enhanced upon lowering
the deposition velocity and/or enhancing the infill rate [23]. Apparatus
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on preparation
of PP/short GF composites as Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) fila- Used in this research were the following pieces of equipment: a
ment. Mechanical, morphological, rheological, and crystallinity prop- single-screw extruder (Haake, Germany) with an L/D of 26, an FDM 3D
erties of pure PP/GF and PP/GF containing maleic anhydride polyolefin printer (SIZAN2 3D printer, Iran), a CM machine (WCH, Japan), a
(POE-g-MA) at different weight percentages were evaluated. The results tensile testing machine (Santam, Iran) with a cross head speed of 5 mm/
obtained from 3D printing were compared to those of compression min and a capacity of 500 kgf at ambient temperature, and a scanning
molding (CM) method. electron microscope (Hitachi, Japan) to undertake Field Emission

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Manufacturing the test specimens using 3D printing

Dumbbell-shaped test specimens were prepared using FDM tech-

nology according to 3D design demonstrated in Fig. 1. Specification of
the test specimens with added filaments are presented in Table 2 [24].
During the manufacturing of the specimens, pure PP was observed to be
shrank, detached from the platform surface, and finally distorted. This
difficulty was resolved roughly by applying PP-made adhesive tapes.
The test specimens are demonstrated in Fig. 2. The layered PP/GF
specimens were further provided with a sufficient adhesive [25]. The
detachment problem could be solved because of two reasons: (1) given
that PP is a crystalized material, GF tends to limit its degree of crys-
tallinity, and (2) PP is a non-polar polyolefin, keeping it from attaching
to a polar platform firmly; however, being a polar compound, GF
contributes to enhanced attachment of the PP onto the 3D printing
platform for forming layers of melt filament. Finally, the dumbbell-
shaped test specimens of PP/GF and PP/GF composites were appro-
priately manufactured with various percentages POE-g-MA.

Manufacturing the test specimens using compression molding (CM method)

In order to manufacture test specimens via CM method, the fila-

ments were converted to granules and then mixed using the extruder.
The mixed granules were then formed into sheets by being preheated at
200 °C and 5 MPa for 6 min followed by increasing the pressure to
50 MPa for 1 min. The heater was then shut down and the specimen was
left for cooling to ambient temperature. The cooled material was
formed into dumbbell-shaped test specimen by a punch tool according
to ASTM D638-V. Fig. 3 demonstrates the procedure followed to man-
ufacture the test specimens via CM method.

Manufacturing the disc-shaped specimens for rheology tests using

compression molding

Fig. 8. SEM images of fracture surface on the specimens fabricated via FDM Specimens were provided via the compression molding apparatus
method: (a) pure PP, (b) PP with GF at 30%, (c) PP/GF with POE-g-MA at 10 wt shown in Fig. 3. In order to form the material into disk-shaped spe-
%, (d) 20 wt%, and (e) 30 wt%. cimen, a 2-mm thick rounded mold was used. The mold was filled with
granules of PP, PP/GF and PP/GF with added POE-g-MA at 10, 20,
30 wt%. The mold was then covered with fire-proof paper on the sides
Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM). All fracture surfaces of the and metal sheets on the top and bottom. The molds were kept in the
specimens were sputter-coated with gold. apparatus at 220 °C and 5 bar for 5 min, with the pressure then in-
Rheological tests were performed on a controlled-stress rheometer creased to 50 bar and keep there for 2 min. Once cooled, the specimens
(Anton Paar, Austria) using parallel plates of 2.5 cm in diameter with were prepared.
small amplitude oscillatory shear frequency dependence (strain = 1%,
in the linear region). X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was performed on
an XPert Pro apparatus (Panalytical, Netherland) within the wavelength Manufacturing disc-shaped specimens for rheology test using 3D printer
range of X-ray (CU Kα) and with a Cu-made anode.
The disc-shaped specimens were manufactured according to the 3D
design demonstrated in Fig. 4 and detained in Table 3. Each specimen
Preparation of test specimens was composed of a total of 20 layers of 0.1 mm in thickness, making up
a total thickness of 2 mm.
At a first stage, filaments were provided through extrusion under
specific conditions (as detailed in Table 1). Different types of filaments
utilized in this research are introduced in Table 1. Being well-flexible in Appearance of the disc-shaped specimens manufactured via CM and 3D
pure state, PP filaments become slightly brittle upon adding glass fiber. printing methods
Flexibility of the GF-added filaments can be enhanced by adding POE-g-
MA. In the present research, adding to the filaments at three different The specimens fabricated using CM method had smoother surfaces
weight percentages, namely 10, 20, and 30 wt%, test specimens were than those provided by the FDM-based 3D printer. The 3D-printed
prepared via two distinctive methods: 3D printing using FDM tech- specimens were neat and rounded in shape. The 3D printer could fab-
nology and CM method. ricate precise specimens with complicated geometries, as shown in
Fig. 5.

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 9. SEM images of fracture surface on the specimens fabricated via CM method: (a) PP with GF at 30%, (b) PP/GF with POE-g-MA at 10 wt%, (c) 20 wt%, and (d)
30 wt%.

Schematics of the processes adopted to manufacture the test specimens and interaction in PP/SEBS-g-MA/GF hybrid composites. Such interaction
measure their mechanical properties were thought to be caused by the reaction, in the compounding stage,
between functional groups on EB-grafted MA in SEB and the hydroxyl
Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate schematic diagrams of the processes followed group on top of the GF surface. They found that SGF and rubber content
to manufacture and measure mechanical properties of the test speci- of this ternary system can be tuned to obtain a balanced combination of
mens prepared via FDM-based 3D printing and CM methods, respec- stiffness and toughness [28]. Based on Fig. 9c, an increase in polyolefin
tively. content led to a weaker structure with occasional holes. The specimen
made from PP/GF with added POE-g-MA at 30 wt% (Fig. 9c) showed a
better structure than that of the specimen containing POE-g-MA at
Results and discussion 20 wt%, not to say that it was associated with superior fiber-matrix
SEM analysis results Fig. 10a and b show the orientation of GF fragments. Taken from
3D-printed specimens, Fig. 10a demonstrates the reaction of POE-g-MA
Shown in Fig. 8 are SEM images of fracture surface on the specimens with GF clearly. Fig. 10b shows the specimen manufactured by CM
fabricated via FDM method. On this figure, GF is clearly observed as method, where GF fragments are aligned with the matrix. The observed
bonded to the matrix. Moreover, alignment of the GFs along the ex- GF fragments were 11–15 µm in diameter. According to Fig. 10c, in-
trusion direction was resulted from the extrusion-induced shear stress troduction of POE-g-MA, as an elastomer, improved flexibility of the
at the extrusion nozzle [26]. The figure indicates that an increase in the specimen [29].
POE-g-MA content tend to weaken the material structure, so that more Fig. 11 refers to the PP/GF specimen with added POE-g-MA at 30 wt
glass fibers were detached from the matrix [27]. %, as manufactured via the two methods. Accordingly, Fig. 11a high-
Fig. 9 shows SEM images of the specimens fabricated by CM lights the layered nature and lower inter-layer adhesion of 3D-printed
method. As observed in Fig. 9a, the specimen made from PP with GF at specimen, as compared to that prepared via CM method (Fig. 11b).
30% exhibited good fiber-matrix adhesion. Shown in Fig. 9b, the spe- Fig. 11b further shows the effects of compression clearly.
cimen made from PP/GF with added POE-g-MA at 10 wt% showed
polyolefin accumulation around the GF due to the reaction of MA group
with hydroxyl group on the GF surface. Morphologically investigating Mechanical properties tests
PP/SEBS and PP/SEBS-g-MA/GF composites manufactured through
using a dual extruder, Mohseni et al. witnessed strong fiber-matrix In order to study mechanical properties of the specimens, including

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 10. (a) Reaction of POE-g-MA with Glass Fiber (b), orientation of fibers in matrix and (c) effect of POE-g-MA as an elastomer.

Fig. 11. SEM images of the specimens manufactured via (a) 3D printing and (b) CM methods.

their strength and flexibility, at an acceptable level of accuracy, tests enhances the strength and modulus while reducing the flexibility of the
were performed, with 5 replicates, on specimens manufactured via 3D material [30].
printing and CM methods. The collected data was then analyzed using Although the GF contributed to flexibility of the PP/GF material, but
OriginLab Software. The results are demonstrated in Fig. 12. As ob- many applications need even higher flexibility. Accordingly, the PP/GF
served on the figure, the PP/GF-made specimen showed higher values filaments were introduced by POE-g-MA at 10, 20 and 30 wt% to en-
of strength and modulus and hence lower flexibility and elongation at hance the overall flexibility of the material. As an elastomer, POE-g-MA
break. This suggests that the dispersion of GF through the filaments tends to remain isolated from the surfaces of glass fiber and PP, thereby

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 12. Stress–elongation curves of different specimens manufactured via (a) FDM-based 3D printing, and (b) CM methods.

Fig. 13. Stress–elongation curves of different specimens manufactured via 3D printing and CM methods.

decreasing the strength and mechanical properties of the material

through phase separation and formation. Accordingly, different per-
centages of the additive were considered to see their effects. The results
obtained from the tensile testing were indicative of a slight decrease in
strength along with larger elongation at break and higher flexibility for
the specimen containing POE-g-MA at 10 wt%, rather than the PP/GF
specimen with no POE-g-MA. The specimen containing POE-g-MA at
20 wt% exhibited a much smaller strength but higher values of flex-
ibility and elongation at break. Finally, the sample containing POE-g-
MA at 30 wt% showed lower strength and flexibility, as compared to the
PP/GF specimen with no POE-g-MA [31].

Comparing mechanical properties of the specimens manufactured via 3D

printing and CM methods
Fig. 14. Stress–elongation curves of specimens with layer thicknesses of 0.1 and
Fig. 13 compares stress-elongation curves for specimens manu-
0.4 in 3D printing.
factured by the two methods, namely 3D printing and CM methods.
According to the figure, the PP/GF specimens manufactured via CM

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

(a) (b)
Fig. 15. (a) Modulus and (b) elongation of different specimens manufactured via 3D printing and CM methods.

method exhibited higher strength. Strengths of the specimens into Although the polyolefin is not so reactive toward PP matrix, but at
which POE-g-MA was introduced at 10 wt% was the same irrespective higher concentrations, it reacts with GF, leading to enlarged diameter of
of the manufacturing method used, but the 3D-printed specimens ended GF fragments. This expansion increases the modulus of the composite
up with higher flexibility. The 3D-printed specimen with POE-g-MA at material but reduces its flexibility at the same time.
20 wt% showed superior mechanical properties over those prepared via As shown in Fig. 15, the moduli of the specimens manufactured via
CM method. However, when the added content of POE-g-MA increased CM method were higher than those of the 3D-printed specimens. When
to 30 wt%, the CM method led to specimens of higher strength and it came to the elongation at break, the 3D-printed specimens containing
lower flexibility, as compared to the previous cases. In general, the two POE-g-MA at 10 or 20 wt% exhibited larger elongation at break, as
manufacturing methods returned comparable results, but there were compared to those prepared via CM method. However, for the PP/GF
cases where either CM method or 3D printing resulted in superior specimens with no added POE-g-MA and those with added POE-g-MA at
mechanical properties [32–34]. 30 wt%, the elongation at break was larger when CM method, rather
than 3D printing, was used to prepare the specimen.
Effect of layer thickness in 3D printing on mechanical properties
Rheology tests
A comparative study was performed to see the effect of layer
thickness in 3D printing on the specimen properties. For this purpose, Rheology tests were performed on four sets of specimens, namely
tests were conducted with layer thicknesses of 0.1 and 0.4 mm, with the PP/GF and PP/GF with POE-g-MA at 10, 20, and 30 wt%, at four
results shown in Fig. 14. According to the results, the layer thickness of temperatures: 190 °C, 200 °C, 210 °C, and 240 °C. Performing oscillatory
0.1 mm resulted in higher tensile strength, possibly by enhancing the tests in the frequency range of 0.01–100 Hz, the values of storage
inter-layer adhesion. This finding was in agreement with those reported modulus (G′), loss modulus (G″), viscosity (µ*), and tan δ were obtained
by Onwubolu et al. and Li et al., while Oscaneiro et al. concluded the for the specimens prepared via 3D printing and CM method. A com-
material strength is inversely related to the layer thickness [22,23,35]. parative study was undertaken to check fluidity and proper formation
of the specimens containing POE-g-MA, so as to compare rheological
Modulus and elongation at break properties between the two manufacturing methods. The rheology
provides a lot of information on structure and the processes underwent
As observed previously, the specimens with added GF exhibited by a polymer. Rheological properties of multiphase systems are strongly
higher modulus and mechanical properties along with lower flexibility influenced by phase morphology, which in turn depends on thermo-
and elongation at break point. Moreover, as an elastomer additive, the dynamic interactions among the constituent polymers and flow history
POE-g-MA decreased the modulus and increased the elongation at [36]. Based on the molecular theory, viscoelasticity of a polymer fluid is
break of the specimens, when added at 10 or 20 wt%. With increasing in connection with flexural motion of the polymer molecules and the
the POE-g-MA content to 30 wt%, the modulus increased even further, entanglement between polymer networks.
possibly because of continuation of the reaction between functional According to Figs. 16–19, increase in the test frequency at high
groups on the POE-g-MA, as a polyolefin, and the GF content of the frequency range, leads to increase in linear rheological properties, i.e.,
composite, which tends to harden the specimen. storage modulus, and loss modulus of the polymer melts. Moreover,

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 16. Linear rheological properties of the specimens prepared via CM method in melt-state as a function of frequency at 190 °C: (a) G′, (b) G″, (c) ƞ, and (d) tan δ.

viscosity of the specimens decreased uniformly with the frequency, i.e. increased to 240 °C, however, as illustrated in Figs. 17 and 19, the same
the frequency exhibited a diluting effect on the polymer melt. The change in the content of POE-g-MA enhanced the storage modulus. As
storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G″) are measures of elasticity expected, the increase in POE-g-MA boosted the effect of GF and hence
and viscosity of a material, respectively. The storage modulus (G′) re- improved the overall elasticity. In the 3D-printed specimens, an in-
presents the energy stored in the polymer and is evaluated as real part crease in POE-g-MA content at 240 °C increased the storage modulus at
of complex modulus. The loss modulus (G″) is a measure of heat loss lower frequencies [38–41].
through material deformation and is evaluated as imaginary part of the
complex modulus [37]. Finally, the loss tangent (tan δ) represents the
loss energy and is defined by the following relation: Linear rheological properties: loss modulus
Measuring a material ability to lose energy, loss modulus is in-
tan = G /G , where G = G + iG (1)
versely proportional to storage modulus. A look on Figs. 16 and 18
The following sub-sections present an investigation on rheological indicates that the specimens showed similar behaviors at lower fre-
properties of the specimen materials. quencies at 190 °C. As shown in Figs. 17 and 19, higher values of G″
were obtained upon increasing the POE-g-MA content at 240 °C.
Linear rheological properties: storage modulus Moreover, the results exhibited further discrepancy at 240 °C rather
As observed in Figs. 16 and 18, at lower test frequencies, with in- than 190 °C due to increased molecular mobility of the polymer chains
creasing the added content of POE-g-MA at 190 °C, all specimens at elevated temperatures [42].
showed more or less the same behavior. When the temperature was

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 17. Linear rheological properties of the specimens prepared via CM method in melt-state as a function of frequency at 240 °C: (a) G′, (b) G″, (c) ƞ, and (d) tan δ.

Linear rheological properties: viscosity Comparing linear rheological properties of the samples manufactured via CM
As observed in Figs. 16 and 18, at lower frequencies at 190 °C, all and 3D printing methods
specimens showed almost the same behavior. However, Figs. 17 and 19 Figs. 20 and 21 demonstrate comparisons between rheological
indicate an increase in viscosity with increasing the POE-g-MA content properties of the specimens provided via CM and 3D printing methods
at lower frequencies at 240 °C. at 240 °C. The results indicate that the manufacturing process affects
the rheological properties of the resultant materials. Based on the fig-
ures, storage moduli (G′) of the specimens manufactured via 3D
Linear rheological properties: tan δ printing were higher than those of the samples manufactured via CM
The tan δ represents the loss energy. As shown in Figs. 16 and 18, method, and the opposite was observed when it came to loss modulus
when the temperature was set to 190 °C, the loss energy (or tan δ) (G″) and viscosity (ƞ). Moreover, the 3D-printed specimens were lower
decreased with increasing the POE-g-MA content to up to 20 wt%, while in tan δ (loss energy), as shown in Fig. 21.
less reduction was observed with added POE-g-MA at 30 wt%. At
240 °C, the loss energy decreased with increasing the POE-g-MA content X-ray diffraction
(as observed in Figs. 24 and 25). Figs. 16, 18 and 17, 19 illustrate that
in both temperatures the loss energy (tan δ) were reduced with in- In this paper, degree of crystallinity of the specimens was studied
creasing the content of POE-g-MA orderly [43,44]. using x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. In this way, a comparative study

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 18. Linear rheological properties of the specimens prepared via 3Dprinting in melt-state as a function of frequency at 190 °C: (a) G′, (b) G″, (c) ƞ, and (d) tan δ.

was performed among all of the specimens manufactured by either 3D have higher densities as the crystallinity contributes to compactness of
printing or CM method. The degree of crystallinity was computed by the plastic molecules. Different patterns of peaks were obtained for the
the following equation [45]: specimens manufactured via different methods (Figs. 22–25), indicating
effectiveness of the manufacturing method on the crystal structures.
Crystallinity (%) = area under crystalline peaks/total area under all peaks
The results showed that the addition of polyolefin increased the degree
(2) of crystallinity. Accordingly, higher degrees of crystallinity were ob-
The total area under all peaks and the area under crystalline peaks served with CM method rather than 3D printing (Table 4), because of
were obtained using the OriginLab Software. Final results are sum- further aggregation of the plastic molecules and hence higher density of
marized in Table 4. The amorphous region of the curve was separated the produced material via this method.
from the crystalline region by Xpert Highscore Software, followed by
calculating the areas under the peaks. Thermoplastic materials are Conclusions
commonly characterized in terms of crystallinity. In practice, a molded
part from a thermoplastic material may not exhibit a perfect crystal The following conclusions were drawn from this paper:
structure because of complicated physical nature of the molecular
chains. The degree of crystallinity depends on the heating history and 1. 3D printing provides a novel tool for a wide range of research
processing conditions. In turn, mechanical properties of the part depend fields. In the present work, a FDM-based 3D printer was used for
on the fraction of crystalline regions. Generally, crystalline plastics manufacturing test specimens. Low material strength is a major

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 19. Linear rheological properties of the specimens prepared via 3Dprinting in melt-state as a function of frequency at 240 °C: (a) G′, (b) G″, (c) ƞ, and (d) tan δ.

difficulty encountered in part manufacturing. In this paper, an at- the presence of GF that restricted the movement of polymeric
tempt was made to formulate a PP-based composite with glass fiber chains. The adverse effect of GF on flexibility of the filaments,
(GF) and a modifier as additives. Tensile strength testing and SEM however, was alleviated partially by adding an elastomer modifier,
analysis were performed to evaluate specimens of the material. namely POE-g-MA.
2. During the manufacturing of the specimens, pure PP was observed 5. The 3D printing and CM methods were compared. The specimens
to be shrank, detached from the platform surface, and finally dis- manufactured via CM method exhibited higher strength and mod-
torted, due to weak adhesion. This problem was addressed partially ulus, while the 3D-printed specimens were more flexible. That is,
by applying adhesive tapes made from pure PP. the manufacturing method imposed no significant effect on the
3. A combination of PP with GF provided convenient adhesion for the mentioned properties.
melt layers on the platform surface, thereby addressing the dis- 6. SEM images showed that, an increase in the added content of POE-
tortion and shrinkage problems. g-MA could pull out more GF fragments from the matrix, with
4. As additives, GF and POE-g-MA were added to pure PP, and their elastomers observed on top of the GF fragments, possibly because of
effects on mechanical, morphological, and rheological properties the interactions between the functional groups on MA and hydroxyl
and crystallinity of the resultant material were investigated. groups of GF.
Accordingly, increased strength and reduced flexibility were ob- 7. The values of modulus and elongation at break points showed op-
served by adding GF to pure PP. These changes were attributed to posite behaviors. Indeed, the interactions between the functional

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 20. A comparison between 3D-printed specimens and those prepared via CM method in terms of (a) G′ and (b) G″.

groups on MA and hydroxyl groups of GF contributed to stiffness of 9. XRD analysis showed different crystallinity patterns for the speci-
the specimen, thereby reducing the material modulus at lower mens manufactured via different methods. Accordingly, the speci-
concentrations of POE-g-MA (10 and 20 wt%); but the modulus mens manufactured via CM method were further crystallized be-
increased when POE-g-MA was added at 30 wt%. cause of heavier molecular aggregation. Moreover, the addition of
8. The curves from the rheological analysis demonstrated that, when POE-g-MA contributed to higher degrees of crystallinity.
the POE-g-MA was used as an additive, the viscosity increased with 10. Based on the results, FDM-based printers can be provided with
test frequency. The storage modulus and loss modulus exhibited better materials than unmodified polymer filaments. Future works
similar behavior but with some more elasticity. As expected, the are recommended to focus on improvement of the composite
increase in POE-g-MA boosted the effect of GF and hence improved plastic-based materials for optimal performance of FDM-based
the overall elasticity. printers [26].

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 21. A comparison between 3D-printed specimens and those prepared via CM method in terms of (a) viscosity and (b) tan δ.

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Table 4
Degree of crystallinity (%) of the specimens manufactured via 3D printing and CM methods.
Specimens Curves total surface Crystal peaks surface Crystallinity (%)

PP/GF 15044.67 7840.56 59.2

PP/GF/POE-g-MA 10% 14702.04 7979.19 68.5
PP/GF/POE-g-MA 20% 19953.63 7526.60 53.6
PP/GF/POE-g-MA 30% 19635.21 9766.68 80.7
PP/GF CM 13300.50 8361.00 71.4
PP/GF/POE-g-MA 10% CM 13501.05 6490.14 60.7
PP/GF/POE-g-MA 20% CM 15306.78 9015.24 83.7
PP/GF/POE-g-MA 30% CM 18998.82 9751.98 83.3

Fig. 22. Crystallinity peaks of the 3D-printed specimens made from (a) PP/GF with POE-g-MA at 10 wt% and (b) PP/GF.

Fig. 23. Crystallinity peaks of the 3D-printed specimens made from (a) PP/GF with POE-g-MA at 30 wt% and (b) PP/GF-g-MA at 20 wt%.

G. Sodeifian et al. Results in Physics 12 (2019) 205–222

Fig. 24. Crystallinity peaks of the specimens manufactured via CM method from (a) PP/GF with POE-g-MA at 10 wt% and (b) PP/GF.

Fig. 25. Crystallinity peaks of the specimens manufactured via CM method from (a) PP/GF with POE-g-MA at 30 wt% and (b) PP/GF with POE-g-MA at 20 wt%.

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