Pmls Reviewer
Pmls Reviewer
Pmls Reviewer
• It was approved on June 18, 1966, by President 1. Government – operated and maintained by a
Ferdinand Edralin Marcos. government unit.
Limited-Service Capability
❖ Must operate only within a 100-kilometre radius
1. Dialysis centers from its base laboratory.
2. Social hygiene clinics
• Confirmatory testing
• Surveillance Hematology
• Resolution of conflicts
Hematology – scientific study of blood and its components
• Training and research
that helps physicians diagnose abnormalities in the blood.
• Evaluation of kits and reagents
• External quality assessment program
2. East Avenue Medical Center Whole blood – composed of plasma (least dense
• Toxicology component), buffy coat and erythrocytes (most dense
3. Lung Center of the Philippines
• Clinical Chemistry • 55% plasma
o 91.5% H2O
4. Research Institute for Tropical Medicine o Proteins 7.5%
• Tuberculosis ▪ 54% Albumins – smallest, most
• Mycology abundant transport fatty acids
• Transfusion-transmissible infections ▪ 38% Globulins – from plasma and
• Bacterial Diseases liver cells
• Antimicrobial Resistance ▪ 7% Fibrinogen + trace substances
o 1% Solutes/waste
• Influenza
• Malaria
• 45% formed elements
• Measles
o 99% RBCs
• And other exanthems, Rotavirus, Polio
o 1% WBCs and platelets
▪ 65% Neutrophil 3. Eosinophil – usually with a bi-lobed nucleus and
▪ 23% Lymphocyte has granules that are stained bright reddish orange
▪ 5% Monocyte that act as the defense against parasites and
▪ 4% Eosinophil activate our allergic response.
▪ 1% Basophil
• Associated conditions:
o Anemia – low number of RBCs
Hematology Section:
b) Automated Hemoglobinometry – utilizes 2. While maintaining contact with the bottom slide,
cyanmethemoglobin method with modified pull the top slide back to contact the drop, which
Drabkin’s reagent. will spread by capillary action.
Hematocrit Determination
a) Spun microhematocrit
o Manual procedure
o Blood collection method: skin puncture
o Spin a blood-filled capillary tube using a Reticulocyte Count
microhematocrit centrifuge Reticulocyte – young RBCs without nucleus but still bears
cytoplasmic RNA that determines how the bone marrow
b) Automated – computed from the mean cell produce and release new RBCs to compensate
volume and the red cell count. lost/damaged RBCs. The blood film is stained with
supravital stain.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate - rate at which RBCs fall
in a column in known as erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
o Coagulation Testing
o Detect abnormalities in hemostasis
o Anticoagulant: Sodium Citrate
o Sample: Plasma only
2. Mycology – study of fungi 8. Hans Christian Gram – credited for the Gram
staining technique which distinguishes two major
3. Bacteriology – study of bacteria groups of bacteria: Gram-positive and Gram-
4. Virology – study of viruses
9. Alexander Fleming – discovered the first
antibiotic, Penicillin G, from a mold Penicillium
Pioneers in Microbiology notatum.
1. Girolamo Fracastoro – believed that diseases are 10. Robert Koch – established the theory of etiologic
caused by different types of rapidly multiplying agents cause diseases by providing experimental
minute body and that these bodies are transferred steps (Koch’s postulates) used to prove that a
from the infector to the infected in three ways: specific microbe causes a specific disease.
o By direct contact;
o By carriers such as soiled clothing and o Koch’s postulates – 4 generalized
linen; principles linking specific microorganisms
o Through the air. to specific diseases that remain today as
the “gold standard” in medical
2. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek – father of bacteriology microbiology.
and protozoology that discovered many life forms
called “animalcules”. He also made a single lens
microscope which enable the study of minute
Bacterial Forms
Spheres (Cocci)
Rods (Bacilli)
Cell Wall – the semi-rigid casing that provides structural o Chain of bacilli (Bacillus anthracis)
shape and support to the cell. o Flagellate rods (Salmonella typhi)
o Spore-former (Clostridium botulinum)
Capsule – the protective layer of a bacterium that resist Common Bacterial Pathogens
phagocytosis and desiccation.
Bacillus anthracis Anthrax
Pili – hair-like proteinaceous structures that extend from
the cell membrane into the external environment. Clostridium botulinum Botulism/food poisoning
o Neisseria gonorrheae has two types: somatic pili Corynebacterium
for adhesion and sex pili for conjugation. diphtheriae
Escherichia coli Urinary tract infection
Flagellum – the structure that allows the bacteria to move. Staphylococcus aureus Pyogenic infections
o Carbon Dioxide
o Capnophiles: need 5-10% carbon dioxide
to live
o Placed in candle jars
o Nutrients
o Autrotrophs – able to make energy-
containing organic molecules from
inorganic raw material by using basic
energy sources such as sunlight.
o Heterotrophs – organisms that must
make use of food that comes from other
organisms in the form of fats,
carbohydrates, and proteins.
Bacterial Staining
Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing – for therapeutic
1. Simple Stain guidelines that helps indicate which antibiotic is effective in
a. One stain is used (e.g., methylene blue) killing the bacteria causing the infection or disease.
b. Organisms should only be observed for
o Disk diffusion susceptibility test/Kirby-Bauer
size, shape, and uniformity of staining.
o Broth dilution susceptibility test
2. Differential Stain
a. Used to distinguish between groups of
b. Gram staining, acid-fast staining Broth Dilution