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Annual Exam Revision Answer Key1709710446862

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Gr 6 Annual Exam Revision Worksheet


I. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions:

1. When we enter the New York harbour, the first thing we see is the Statue of Liberty. It is 305
feet tall and stands on Ellis Island in New York City. When it was built, it was the tallest structure
in New York City. For people who came to America from other countries in the early 1900s,
“Lady Liberty” meant the start of a new life where anything was possible. It was also a symbol
of freedom to them. The monument was officially known as “Liberty Lightening the World”.
2. Have you ever wondered how it came to be there? The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the
people of France to mark the hundredth anniversary of American Independence. In 1869, the
sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi began to plan his concept for the monument.
3. Bartholdi chose the look of classic Greek and Roman figures. He envisioned Liberty as a strong
and proud figure, one who personified not only the majestic Greek Goddesses of the past, but
also the working men and women of the present. Finally, in 1884, the work was finished, and
Liberty was packed into 214 crates and sent to New York City.
4. Only one problem stood in the way. While the French had raised a lot of funds to build the
statue, New York had not secured the funds to build its foundation. A New York newspaper
implored people for donations that money became available. Finally, on 28th October 1886,
Americans celebrated the unveiling of the Statue of Liberty. It is made of copper and it is
honoured on U.S .coins and countless postage stamps.

i. Why was the Statue of Liberty an important symbol for people who migrated to
Ans: The Statue of Liberty represented freedom and a new life for people who came
to America from other countries. Hence, it was an important symbol for them.
ii. Why did New York implore people to donate through a newspaper?
Ans: The French had raised a lot of funds to build the statue but, New York had not
secured the funds to build its foundation. It was then, that a newspaper implored for
donations so that they could raise sufficient money.
iii. The official name of the statue was:
a) Lady Liberty b ) Symbol of America c ) Liberty Lightening the World
Ans: Liberty Lightening the World
iv. The sculptor of the monument was:
a) The American government b ) Frederic Auguste Bartholdi c ) Roman citizens
Ans: Frederic Auguste Bartholdi
v. The metal used to build the Statue of Liberty is ______________________:
Ans: Copper
vi. Give the synonym of the word ‘visualised’ [para 3]
Ans: envisioned
vii. Give the antonym of the word ‘demolish’ [para 4]
Ans: build
viii. Frame a sentence using the word ‘possible’
Ans: Free Response
II. Read the comprehension passage and answer the questions that follow:
1. Saving money is a special adventure. It is one of the essential aspects of building wealth and
having a riskless financial future. There are three basic reasons to save money. First, we save
for emergency funds. Second, we save for purchases and third, we save for wealth - building.
2. It is not only about putting coins into a piggy bank but it’s about being clever with our money. We
need to understand the difference between needs and wants. By understanding this distinction,
we can wisely allocate money for different purposes.
3. When we save money, it’s like making plans for things we dream of; such as going for higher
education, exploring exciting places, or being prepared for surprises. It’s like having a safety net
that protects us if things don’t go as planned. It also gives us the superpower to invest in our
dreams, like starting a fun project, owning a home, or doing something we’re passionate about.
4. The habit of saving money can help us relax and not stress about money. When we grow up,
we will have a comfy retirement to enjoy. It is the magical key that unlocks our dreams and helps
us live a happy and secure life. As the proverb reads, ‘Save money, and money will save you.”

i. What are the basic reasons to save money?

Ans: The basic reasons to save money are, emergency funds, purchases and wealth-
ii. How does saving money act as a safety net?
Ans: Saving money acts as a safety net by protecting us when things don’t go as
iii. Being aware of the difference between needs and wants helps us to:
a) manage expenses b) waste money c) earn more
Ans: manage expenses
iv. A consistent saving plan helps a person to :
a) have a secured job b) remain anxious c) retire comfortably
Ans: retire comfortably
v. Saving money gives us the _________________ to invest in our dreams.
Ans: superpower
vi. Find the synonym of the word ‘important’ from para 1.
Ans: essential
vii. Find the antonym of the word ‘uncertain’ from para 4.
Ans: secure
viii. Frame a sentence using the word ‘protect’.
Ans: Free Response

III. Read the poem given below and answer the following questions:
1. In fields of green, where flowers sway,
Underneath the sun's bright ray,
Birds sing their joyful song,
As the day grows bright and long.

2. Beneath the sky, so vast and blue,

Nature's beauty, ever true,
Grasses whisper in the breeze,
As we find peace among the trees.
3. Rivers flow with a gentle sound,
Reflecting sunlight all around,
Majestic mountains standing tall,
Nature's wonders enchant us all.

1. What is being described as “standing tall” in the above poem? – majestic mountains
2. Mention any two ways in which nature has been described. Fields of green filled with beautiful
flowers/ the birds chirping in the bright sunshine / the whispering sounds of the gentle breeze /
3. Provide 2 pairs of rhyming words from the poem. sound / around – tall / all
4. “Majestic mountains standing tall,”
Identify the literary device in the above line. Alliteration – majestic mountains / standing tall –
5. Provide a word from Stanza 3 which means the same as ‘mesmerise’. Enchant
6. Provide a word from Stanza 2 which means the opposite of ‘shouting’. Whisper

The Banyan Tree

I. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:
1. Why does the boy consider the banyan tree his "own world"?
Ans: The boy considers the banyan tree his "own world" because it offers him a private space for
exploration, adventure, and observation, away from adult supervision. He builds his platform there,
creating a haven for reading and imaginative play.
2. Explain the significance of the fig season for the banyan tree's ecosystem.
Ans: The fig season is significant because it brings an abundance of food to the banyan tree’s ecosystem.
Birds, squirrels, and other creatures feed on the figs, contributing to the vibrant activity and
interconnectedness of the tree's life.
II. Answer in 80-100 words.
1. How did the fight end in the story: “The Banyan Tree”? Explain in your own words.
Ans: The thrilling fight between the cobra and mongoose ended with the mongoose winning, eventually
dragging its prize into the shrubs. The myna cheered carefully while the crow experienced a different
outcome. Their effort to participate in the fray failed, with them in mid-air as the cobra bit the crow who
was knocked across the yard and perished quite tragically in the middle of a very fierce fight. This minor
incident became a chilling reminder that dangers waiting unaware in the wild can attack even those
simply looking for leftovers.


The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the error and
the correction against the correct question.
Error Correction
My little sister Lisa is practicing how to (a) is was
riding a bicycle yesterday. Suddenly, (b)riding ride
I hear a loud crash and ran to see what (c)hear heard
happened. I saw that she was lying in the (d)in on
ground. I quickly pulled her up and bought (e)bought brought
her home. She was cried out loud. I quickly (f)cried crying
went inside the house but brought the first (g)but and
aid box. After cleaning a wound, I applied (h)a the
antiseptic to the wound. Lisa had scratches
on her hand and knee. For calm her down (i)calm calming
I bought her a bigger chocolate. (j)bigger big


Hard work is the secret in success. A. in to

Parents, teachers as well as others guides B guides guide
a child to work hard. A person can be succesful C succesful successful
about his life only due to his hard work. D. about in
If he sits at home, no one would offer him a job
unless he go in search of it. E goes go
If you looks at the lives of great people in the F looks look
world, you will understand that it is only hard
work that has make them great achievers. G. make made
One should learn the habit of working hard since
ones childhood itself. H. ones one’s
The lifes of great personalities like Mahatma I. lifes lives
and Abdul Kalam teaches us the importance of hard G. teaches teach

Read the extract and answer the questions.
“He does what he likes with his spade, he soils his clothes with dust,
nobody takes him to task, if he gets baked in the sun or gets wet.”
a. Name the poet.
Rabindranath Tagore
b. Who is being referred to in the above lines?
The poet is referring to the gardener in the above lines.
c. Explain the phrase ‘take him to task’.
It means to scold or punish for a mistake.
2. Answer in 30-40 words
a. Why does the poet wish to take up the occupation of a bangle seller?
The child wishes to take up the occupation of a bangle seller because he is not bound by any
restriction. He does not have to go to a particular place for work. Moreover, he can go
whenever he wants and return home at any time he wishes to.

b. Whom does the poet see after dusk? What attracts him to that person?
At dusk, the poet sees a watchman through his window who is walking up and down. He is
attracted to him because he never goes to bed but just walks on the street all night with a
lantern in his hand.

1. John Doe, who graduated (1) __from__ the University of North Carolina two
years ago, is now graduating (2) _in_ engineering (3) _at_ Georgia
Tech. He expects to receive his Master’s degree (4) _by_ next June. After that,
he plans to accept a job as a technician with an oil company (5) _in South

2. The adventurous explorers walked (1) _along/into/towards__ the thick forest, following the paths
(2) _under/beneath__ tall trees and vines. Using their compass, they moved (3) __along___ the
winding trails, sometimes stopping to enjoy the lush scenery. As they journeyed (4) _into__ the
wilderness, they found a calm river. Finally, they discovered a secret clearing (6) __beside/ next
to/ in front of__ the river and decided to camp there for the night.

3. Rahul set out _towards_(towards/on) the New Space Centre on

(in/on) his new bicycle. He rode down (above/down) Nehru Marg and ate
a sandwich at (at/into) the snacks counter. He turned right ___down the corner_____
(at the corner/down the corner).
The Wonderful Words
I. Read the Extract and answer the following question:
“Never let a thought shrivel and die,
For want of a way to say it.
For English is a wonderful game,
And all of you can play it.”

1. What does the poem advise against regarding thoughts?

2. What does the poem compare language to?
3. Who does the poem say can play with language?

Ans: i) We should not lose our ideas. Words can help share them.
ii) Learning words is like a fun game, anyone can join in that amazing game.
iii) The above words suggest using the words wisely, to set them free and fly.

II. Answer in 30-40 words:

1. How does the poem explore the idea of words being a reflection of oneself?
Ans: The poem suggests that words act as mirrors, reflecting our thoughts, ideas, and emotions. It
emphasizes the importance of choosing words wisely as they have the power to shape perceptions
and create connections with others.
2. Do you think words are the food and dress of thought? Give a reason to support your answer.
Ans: Yes, words are the food and dress of our thoughts because without them thoughts have no identity
and meaning. Only words can express our feelings which we can convey to others. Thoughts will remain
captive in our mind in the absence of words.

I. Read the extract and answer the following questions:

Beauty is in yourself.
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams,
In your work,
And even in your rest.

a. Name the poem and the poet

The name of the poem is “Beauty” written by E-Yeh-Shure
b. When can the ‘rest’ be beautiful?
The ‘rest’ can be beautiful when it is spent in thinking happy thoughts.
c.Identify one literary device from the given extract.
Repetition – ‘In your’

II. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.

1. Describe the first stanza of the poem Beauty.
The first stanza is about the beautiful things that can be seen in the daytime. All we have to do is open
our eyes and witness the beauty of Mother Nature. The trees, birds, people working in the fields, or
them dancing for the harvest are all beautiful if we take time to enjoy them.

2. When is beauty heard? Beauty is not only seen but can also be heard or felt. For instance,
when night falls, the wind blows slowly, the sound of rainfall, or when a singer sings. They all
give pleasure to the mind and make it feel happy.
Fair Play
I. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:
1. What was Algu’s verdict as head Panch? How did Jumman take it?
Ans. Algu’s verdict as head Panch was that Jumman had to pay his aunt a monthly allowance, or else
the property would go back to her. Jumman felt betrayed and became Algu’s enemy.
2. Why was Jumman unhappy with Algu? What brought the two friends together?
Ans. The bond of friendship between Algu and Jumman was broken after Algu had given a verdict in
favour of Jumman’s aunt. Jumman was Algu’s enemy and wanted revenge. Jumman’s verdict was in
favour of Algu. Their sense of judgement brought them together.
II. Answer the following questions in 80-100 words:
“God lives in the heart of the Panch .” Said the aunt. What did she mean by this?
The judge should only know about justice, there is no place or importance for his/her personal
feelings. Discuss.
Ans. The story revolves around two friends Jumman and Algu. These lines refer to the situation when
Jumman got the property legally transferred to his name from his aunt. The situation changed when
Jumman broke the promise he made to his aunt about taking care of her throughout her life. When the
old lady realised that she was not welcomed or respected in his house, she couldn’t accept the ill-
treatment and the insults from Jumman and his wife. She asked her nephew Jumman to at least provide
her with a monthly allowance. She went to the panchayat to seek justice when Jumman did not agree.
Jumman trusted his best friend the most and was delighted to hear that Algu had been nominated to
be the head of the panchayat. The old lady said that God lives in the heart of the panch and that sitting
on the seat of a judge puts one in the position of God to make a just and fair decision. According to the
old lady, the Judge was a representative of God. Algu heard both parties and made a fair decision. He
demanded Jumman to either transfer all the property to his aunt’s name or pay her the allowance.
Jumman was shocked after hearing his best friend Algu’s verdict, developed a hatred for his own best
friend and decided to take revenge for the verdict he gave against him
Direct & Indirect
Change the following sentences from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech:
1. Sita said to him,” Will you play today?”
Ans. Sita asked him if he would play that day.
2. They said,” Alas! We have lost our way in the forest.”
Ans. They exclaimed with regret that they had lost their way in the forest.
3. He said to his sister,” Can you sing like a professional singer?”
Ans. He asked his sister if she could sing like a professional singer.
4. Mridula said to Manisha,” Did you buy the magic show tickets?”
Ans. Mridula asked Manisha whether she bought the magic show tickets.
5. Ashok said,”I have bought tickets for the lawn tennis match.”
Ans. Ashok said that he had bought tickets for the lawn tennis match.
6. Shiva says, I am eating an apple pie.”
Ans. Shiva says that he is eating an apple pie.
7. The granny said,” The pickle will be ready by next week.”
Ans. The granny said that the pickle would be ready by the following week.
8. Maya told Ruby,” The boys liked the story that was narrated yesterday.”
Ans. Maya told Ruby that the boys had liked the story that had been narrated the previous day.
9. The teacher said to us,” The water boils at 100 C.”
Ans. The teacher told us that the water boils at 100 C.
10. Swati said to Neena,” Do you go to the gym every day?”
Ans. Swati asked Neena whether she goes to the gym everyday.


Answer the following in 30-40 words:

1. Which day in Miss Beam’s school was the hardest? Why?

In Miss Beam’s school, the dumb day was the hardest because the children’s mouths could not be
bandaged. So, they really had to be honest and exercise their will power to remain silent.

2. What did Miss Beam inform the author about the children in the playground?

Miss Beam informed the author that no child in the playground was lame, blind or crippled. They
were being made to understand misfortune. Every child had one blind day, one lame day and one
dumb day. They were helped by other children.

Answer the following in 80-100 words:

1. Which incident made the author ten times more thoughtful than ever?
The author had heard a lot about the unique method of teaching in Miss Beam’s school. At first, he
saw a blind girl being led out. Then he saw a lame boy. He thought that the students were not at all
healthy and active. But soon he came to know that they were just acting blind, lame, crippled etc.
Meanwhile, he was asked to lead a blind girl around. The blind girl asked him to tell her about
things. And he had to observe to describe people and things. He gradually realised that he had
become ten times more thoughtful than ever. He also realised that describing people and things to
someone else made them more interesting to him.
Answer the following in 30-40 words:
1. Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space.
Kalpana’s first mission in the space shuttle, Columbia, was 15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes long.
She went around the earth 252 times. Her colleagues included a Japanese and a Ukrainian
astronaut. They performed many experiments in the space.
2. What message did Kalpana Chawla send from the space shuttle to the students of her college?
In the message that Kalpana Chawla sent from Columbia to students of her college in Chandigarh,
she told them that the path from dreams to success does exist. They should have the vision to find
it and with courage, they too can fulfil their dreams. She wished them all a great journey.
Answer the following in 80-100 words:
1. How is the story of Kalpana Chawla an inspiration to millions of Indians, especially girls?
Kalpana Chawla became the first Indian-born woman in space, completing two space missions
aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. Kalpana was born in Karnal, Haryana. She was an intelligent
and hardworking student. After a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering, she
pursued a Master's and Ph.D. in aerospace engineering in the USA. Besides being an astronaut,
she held licenses for flying various aircrafts and was a certified flight instructor too. Her journey
from a small town in Haryana to NASA exemplifies courage, determination and breaking gender
stereotypes. So, her story is an inspiration to millions of Indians and especially girls, to pursue
careers in science and aerospace.

Where do all the teachers go?

Read the extract and answer the questions.
Did they ever, never spell right
Did they ever make mistakes?
Were they punished in the corner?
If they pinched the chocolate flakes?
a. Who is referred to as ‘they’ in the above lines?
The child’s teacher is referred to in the above lines.
b. Identify the literary device giving an example from the above lines.
Repetition – ‘Did they ever’ is repeated; Alliteration – make mistakes
c. What does the phrase ‘pinched chocolate flakes’ mean?
It means to eat small bits of chocolate cake without permission.
2. Answer in 30-40 words:
a. Why does the child think a teacher is special?
A teacher is special to the child because he/she thinks that the teacher knows everything and
cannot make any mistake. The child does not consider the teacher to be an ordinary person.
b. How does the child decide to overcome his/her curiosity?
The child wondered if the teacher would also make mistakes like him/her. To overcome his/her
curiosity, the child decides to follow the teacher to her house to find out what she does after
she gets back home and then write it in the form of a poem for the rest of the children to read.
I. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice:
1. The farmer is ploughing the field.
The field is being ploughed by the farmer.
2. Harish stole my book.
My book was stolen by Harish.
3. Ashok has written this letter.
This letter has been written by Ashok.
4. The grocer sells sugar.
Sugar is sold by the grocer.
5. The postman was delivering the cards.
The cards were being delivered by the postman.
6. The boys had eaten all the cakes before the party began.
All the cakes had been eaten by the boys before the party began.
7. The rain has ruined the crops.
The crops have been ruined by the rain.
8. The teacher punished all the pupils.
All the pupils were punished by the teacher.
9. He will have joined the party.
The party will have been joined by him.
10. I shall have helped Jim a lot.
Jim will have been helped a lot by me.

The Wonder Called Sleep
Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.
1. What is the most obvious advantage of sleep?
The most obvious advantage of sleep is that it helps our body recover from fatigue caused by the day’s
activities. It helps us relax our minds and gives rest to our exhausted bodies. We tend to become alert
and active after taking a nap, and it prepares us to take on the normal activities of the day.
2. Are all our dreams probable or improbable?
Some dreams are probable. It means that many of the things that happen in dreams could happen
when we are awake. But other dreams are improbable. It means that all our dreams don’t occur with us
actually; they get erased from our memories once we wake up from sleep.

Answer the following questions in 80-100 words.

1. Does dreaming mean that we are seeing the future? What have doctors figured about dreams?
No, dreaming doesn’t mean seeing the future because dreaming is a state of the subconscious
mind. Dreams often suggest ways of solving life’s problems but they never show how we will
solve such problems in the future. Dreams may indicate something related to an upcoming
event but they do not exactly mean we are seeing the future. Sometimes, we even dream
about the things that have already happened. According to some doctors, dreams can reveal
something important about one’s problems. If we analyse such dreams closely and pay
attention to them, they might help us in solving our problems.

The Monkey and the Crocodile.

I. Answer the following briefly:
1.Why did the monkey feel isolated?
The monkey was happy but lonely and wanted a companion to talk to and share the fruits with. But there
was no one around, not even another monkey.
2.Describe the friendship between the monkey and the crocodile.
The crocodile visited the monkey regularly and ate the fruits which his host threw down. He took some
home for his wife. The monkey and the crocodile were now the best of friends. They talked and were
never tired of talking. They talked about birds and animals, about the villages nearby and the difficulties
faced by the villagers due to lack of rain.
II. Answer the following in detail:
1. The crocodile was in a serious dilemma. Elaborate.
The monkey and the crocodile developed a good friendship in the course of time. They used to talk for
hours and share the fruits. The crocodile used to carry fruits for his wife. One day the crocodile stayed
with the monkey longer than usual. His wife was annoyed waiting and waiting and manging the little
crocodiles. She got angry at the crocodile once he came home. The crocodile tried to defend his friend
and himself. The crocodile’s wife expressed her desire to eat the monkey’s heart. The crocodile got very
angry and told his wife that he cannot kill his friend. He admitted to the fact he would also love to taste a
monkey occasionally but would not betray his dear friend. The wife ordered her husband to get the
monkey home so that she could eat its heart. The crocodile disagreed. His wife got furious and she dived
in to hide herself at the bottom of the river leaving the little ones to pester their father. The crocodile was
in a serious dilemma. He loved his wife and was fond of his friend too. He didn’t know whose side he
should take. Finally, he decided to be on the side of his wife.
Write a story in not more than 120 – 150 words using the stem line given below.
As the school bell rang at the end of another ordinary day, little did Zara know that her life was about to
take an unexpected turn…..
A Purr-fect Twist of Fate
As the school bell rang at the end of another ordinary day, little did Zara know that her life was about to
take an unexpected turn. Walking home, she noticed a stray kitten meowing pitifully by the side of the
road. Without hesitation,
Zara scooped up the tiny creature and decided to take it home. Little did she know, this simple act of
kindness would lead to a series of events that would change her life forever. As she nursed the kitten
back to health, Zara discovered her passion for animal welfare. Inspired by her experience, she started
volunteering at the local animal shelter, where she met like-minded individuals and found a sense of
From that day on, Zara's life was filled with love, compassion, and a newfound sense of fulfillment—all
because of a chance encounter with a stray kitten.
1. You are a student of VI Z. Write a letter to your class teacher apologising for accidentally
breaking the classroom cupboard.
2. You are a student of VI Z. You would like to participate in the school concert however you have
missed the deadline to submit your name. Write a letter to your coordinator requesting to
consider your participation.

No 13 – Brigade Apartments
Richmond Road
Bangalore – 560041

28th February, 2024

The Class Teacher

Delhi Public School Bangalore North
Bangalore 562149

Subject: Apology for damaging classroom property

Respected Ma’am,
I,______(Full Name) of Class VI Z, am writing to apologize for an unfortunate incident that happened in
the classroom recently.
Unfortunately, while rearranging some materials in the classroom, I accidentally broke the cupboard. It
was entirely unintentional, and I take full responsibility for the damage caused. I understand the
importance of taking care of school property, and I am truly sorry for any inconvenience and expense
this may have caused.
I assure you that I will be more cautious and attentive in the future to prevent such incidents from
happening again. If there is anything such as assisting with repairs or covering any costs, please do let
me know. I submit my heartfelt regrets once again.
Thank You
Yours Sincerely

No 13 – Brigade Apartments
Richmond Road
Bangalore – 560041

28th February, 2024

The Coordinator
Delhi Public School Bangalore North
Bangalore 562149

Subject: Apology for damaging classroom property

Respected Ma’am,
I, ______ full name____, of class VI Z am writing to express my sincere interest in participating in the
upcoming school concert.
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I missed the deadline to submit my name for
consideration. However, music and performance are passions of mine, and I would be incredibly grateful
if you could make an exception and allow me to participate in this event.
I assure you that I will contribute positively to the concert rehearsals and performances. I am willing to
put in the extra effort to catch up with any missed preparations and ensure that I am well-prepared for
the event. Participating in the school concert means a lot to me, not only as an opportunity to showcase
my talents but also as a chance to be part of the school community and contribute to its vibrant culture. I
kindly request your understanding and consideration in this matter.

Thank You
Yours Sincerely

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