BioStar SDK Revision Notes V1.35
BioStar SDK Revision Notes V1.35
BioStar SDK Revision Notes V1.35
Revision Notes
Version 1.35
Revision Notes
Software Version 1.35
Incorporated X-Station. XSTnaEventConfig, XSTnaEventExConfig struct are added. XSSerialConfig struct is added. XS485NetworkConfig struct is added. XSOPModeConfig struct is added. XSSaveImageEventConfig struct is added. XSDisplayConfig struct is added. XSInputConfig struct is added. XSUserHdr struct is added. XSWiegandConfig struct is added. BS_EnrollUserXStation, BS_EnrollMultipleUserXStation is added. BS_GetAllUserInfoXStation, BS_GetUserInfoXStation, BS_GetUserXStation is added. BS_WriteXSTnaEventConfig, BS_ReadXSTnaEventConfig is added. BS_WriteXSTnaEventExConfig, BS_ReadXSTnaEventExConfig is added. BS_WriteXSSaveImageEventConfig, BS_ReadXSSaveImageEventConfig is added. BS_WriteXSInputConfig, BS_ReadXSInputConfig is added. BS_WriteXSWiegandConfig, BS_ReadXSWiegandConfig is added. BS_WriteXS485NetworkConfig, BS_ReadXS485NetworkConfig is added. BS_WriteXSSerialConfig, BS_ReadXSSerialConfig is added. BS_WriteXSOPModeConfig, BS_ReadXSOPModeConfig is added. BS_ WriteXSDisplayConfig, BS_ReadXSDisplayConfig is added. BS_SetImageLogCall is added. 2010-10-04
fullCardCustomID item in BECommandCard is added. customID item in BSUserHdrEx is changed to unsigned int. BSiClassConfig and BSiClassCardHeader is added. BSBlacklistItemEx struct is added. BS_WriteiClassConfiguration,BS_ReadiClassConfiguration is added. BS_ChangeiClassKey is added. BS_WriteiClassCard, BS_ReadiClassCard is added, BS_FormatiClassCard is added.
BS_AddBlacklistEx,BS_DeleteBlacklistEx,BS_ReadBlacklistEx is added.
DSTnaEventConfig ,DSTnaEventExConfig,DSSerialConfig, DS485NetworkConfig DSOPModeConfig, DSFaceConfig, DSDisplayConfig, DSInputConfig , DSFingerprintConfig, DSWLANPreset, DSSaveImageEventConfig and DSWLANConfig is added BSLogRecordEx and BSImageLogHdr structure is added for D-Stations log. D-Station USB Communication API. For this, BS_OpenUSBEx is added. D-Station Log Management API. For this, BS_ClearLogCacheEx, BS_ReadLogCacheEx, BS_ReadLogEx andBS_ReadNextLogEx is added. D-station Image Log Management API. For this, BS_ReadImageLog, BS_GetImageLogCount, BS_DeleteImageLog, BS_DeleteAllImageLog and BS_ReadSpecificImageLog is added. Display Setup API, BS_SendNoticeEx is added. D-station User Management API. For this, BS_GetUserImage, BS_SetUserImage, BS_GetUserFaceInfo,BS_EnrollFace,BS_EnrollUserDStation,BS_EnrollMultipleUser DStation,BS_GetAllUserInfoDStation,BS_GetUserInfoDStation,BS_GetUserDStation
2010 by Suprema Inc. 2
and BS_ReadFaceData is added D-Station Configuration API. For this TNA Event, SaveImageEvent, Face, Input, Wiegand, 485Network, Serial, OPMode, Display, Fingerprint and WLANs Read/Write API is added. The C++ and VB examples are modified to support D-Station devices.
BS_OpenSocketEx function is added. BS_OpenSocketEx function can open the network interface to the target IP with specific host IP.
'disableAutoResult' field in BSDisplayConfig is added. 'openOnce' field in BSDoor is added. 'deviceID' field in BSInputFunction is added. 'deviceID' field in BSOuptutEvent is added. 'support100BaseT' field in BEConfigData and BEConfigDataBLN is added. 'useTermination' field in BEConfigDataBLN is added
Default Timeout of USB Connection is changed from 2 seconds to 4 seconds. Supports server APIs which can be used for making server applications. Supports interactive APIs, which can be used for displaying user defined messages, images, and sounds.
Integration of 3rd party RF device is supported. For this, BSOPModeConfig, BSIOConfig, BEConfigData, BEConfigDataBLN structures are changed and BS_WriteCardReaderConfig, BS_ReadCardReaderConfig, BS_ReadRFCardIDEx, BS_WriteCardReaderZoneConfig, BS_ReadCardReaderZoneConfig, and BS_CardReaderDoorControl functions are added.
masterId field is added BEZoneMemberEx structure. The C++ example is modified to support 3rd party RF device.
BETnaEventExConfig, BEConfigDataBLN, and BESysInfoDataBLN structures are added for BioLite Net. These structures are used for BS_WriteConfig and BS_ReadConfig functions. BS_TNA_AUTO constant is added for the tnaMode field of BEConfigDataBLN. BS_DEVICE_BIOLITE constant is added as a device type. The password field is added to BEUserHdr structure. This field is effective only for BioLite Net. The C++ and C# examples are modified to support BioLite Net devices.