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Nati Income

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of Printed Pages : 8 EEC-010


Term-End Examination
June, 2021



Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Weightage : 70%)

Note : This question paper consists of two Sections :

Section A and Section B. Attempt the questions as
per instructions given in each section.

(Long Answer Questions)

Attempt any two questions from this section : 220=40

1. Define Social Sector. List the various services

provided under this sector. Explain the
relationship between Human Development,
Social Security and Social Sector.

2. Explain the concept of Environmental

Accounting. How do you measure
environmentally corrected GDP ?
EEC-010 1 P.T.O.
3. What is National Income ? In what way is its
study useful in understanding the structure of an
economy ?

4. What is Economic Welfare ? How do you measure

it ? How does Human Development Index help in
measuring economic welfare ?

EEC-010 2
(Medium Answer Questions)

Attempt any five questions from this section : 512=60

5. Write a note on the evolution of National Income

Accounts in post-Independence India.

6. Briefly state the relationship between Investment

and Growth. How is investment measured in
India ?

7. Distinguish between National Income at Current

Prices and National Income at Constant Prices.
How is National Income at Constant Prices
estimated ? What is its significance ?

8. What are the six aggregates of National Income ?

How are they arrived at ?

9. Explain the concept of Transfer Payments.

Distinguish between Current and Capital
Transfers. State different kinds of Current

10. Why do we need to update the SNA system of

accounts ? What are the various suggestions put
forward to update SNA system ?

11. What difficulties are encountered in India while

estimating National Income ?
EEC-010 3 P.T.O.
12. Define any three of the following : 34=12

(a) Factor Payments

(b) Incremental Capital – Output Ratio

(c) Unorganised Sector

(d) Net Indirect Taxes

EEC-010 4
ñZmVH$ Cnm{Y H$m`©H«$_
gÌm§V narjm
OyZ, 2021

EopÀN>H$ nmR>çH«$_ : AW©emñÌ

B©.B©.gr.-010 : amîQ´>r¶ Am¶ boIm§H$Z
g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 100
(Hw$b H$m : 70%)
ZmoQ> : Bg àíZ-nÌ Ho$ Xmo ^mJ h¢ : ^mJ H$ Am¡a ^mJ I & à˶oH$
^mJ _| {XE JE {ZX}emZwgma àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE &

^mJ H$
(XrK©-CÎmar` àíZ)
Bg ^mJ go {H$Ýht Xmo àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE : 220=40

1. gm_m{OH$ joÌ H$s n[a^mfm Xr{OE & Bg joÌ _| àXmZ H$s

JB© {d{^Þ godmAm| H$s gyMr ~ZmBE & _mZd {dH$mg,
gm_m{OH$ gwajm Am¡a gm_m{OH$ joÌ Ho$ ~rM g§~§Y
g_PmBE &

2. n`m©daUr` boIm§H$Z H$s g§H$ënZm H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE &

Amn n`m©daUr` ê$n go g§emo{YV (n`m©-g_§{OV) gH$b
Kaoby CËnmX (GDP) H$m _mnZ {H$g àH$ma H$a|Jo ?
EEC-010 5 P.T.O.
3. amîQ´>r¶ Am¶ Š`m hmoVr h¡ ? {H$gr AW©ì`dñWm H$s g§aMZm
H$mo g_PZo Ho$ {bE amîQ´>r` Am` H$m AÜ``Z {H$g àH$ma
Cn`moJr hmoVm h¡ ?

4. Am{W©H$ jo_ Š`m hmoVm h¡ ? Amn Bgo H¡$go _mn|Jo ? _mZd

{dH$mg gyMH$m§H$ Am{W©H$ jo_ Ho$ _mnZ _| {H$g àH$ma
ghm`H$ hmoVm h¡ ?

EEC-010 6
^mJ I
(‘ܶ‘-CÎmar` àíZ)

Bg ^mJ go {H$Ýht nm±M àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE : 512=60

5. ñdmV§Í`moÎma ^maV _| amîQ´>r` Am` boIm§H$Z Ho$ H«$_{dH$mg

na EH$ {Q>ßnUr {b{IE &

6. {Zdoe Am¡a g§d¥{Õ _| g§~§Y g§jon _| ~VmBE & ^maV _|

{Zdoe H$m _mnZ {H$g àH$ma {H$`m OmVm h¡ ?

7. àM{bV µH$s_Vm| na amîQ´>r` Am` VWm pñWa µH$s_Vm| na

amîQ´>r` Am` _| A§Va ñnï> H$s{OE & pñWa µH$s_Vm| na
amîQ´>r` Am` H$m AmH$bZ {H$g àH$ma {H$`m OmVm h¡ ?
BgH$m Š`m _hÎd hmoVm h¡ ?

8. amîQ´>r` Am` Ho$ N>h g_§H$ Š`m h¢ ? BZH$m AmH$bZ {H$g

àH$ma hmoVm h¡ ?

9. A§VaU ^wJVmZm| H$s g§H$ënZm H$s ì`m»`m H$s{OE & Mmby

Am¡a ny±OrJV A§VaUm| _| A§Va ñnîQ> H$s{OE & {d{^Þ àH$ma
Ho$ Mmby A§VaU ~VmBE &

10. h_| SNA boIm§H$Z nÕ{V H$mo AÚVZ H$aZo H$s

Amdí`H$Vm Š`m| hmo ahr h¡ ? Bg SNA nÕ{V H$mo AÚVZ
H$aZo Ho$ {bE Š`m {d{^Þ gwPmd {XE JE h¢ ?

11. ^maV _| amîQ´>r` Am` Ho$ AmH$bZ _| Š`m H${R>ZmB`m± AmVr

h¢ ?
EEC-010 7 P.T.O.
12. {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go {H$Ýht VrZ H$s n[a^mfm Xr{OE : 34=12

(H$) H$maH$ ^wJVmZ

(I) d¥{Õerb ny±Or – CËnmX AZwnmV
(J) Ag§J{R>V joÌ
(K) {Zdb AàË`j H$a

EEC-010 8

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