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Worksheet Ques of GST 1 Ques

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provides you the details of various activities undertaken during the month of

September, 2021 as follows

S. Particulars Amount


i)Outward supplies made during the month-

a. Within the Jharkhand 24,00,000

b. Outside the Jharkhand 5,00,000
(ii) |Purchase of raw materials from registered dealers
within the Jharkhand which includes materials worth
2,00,000 purchased from Mr. Krisihna, a registered
person who is paying tax under composition scheme. 7,00,000


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


(ii) Bus purchased from a registered dealer in Tatanagar,

Jharkhand. Bus used to ferry its 25 workers to and from

Assume the rates of GST applicable on various supplies as follows


Nature of supply

.5% 0.5%
Composition supplies
14% 14% 28%

Raw material 6% 6% 12%

9% 9% 18%
Washing Machines & Mixer Grinders
Opening Balances of Input Tax Credit as on 01/09/2021 were as follows

20,000 5,000 95,000

Note: ) All the figures mentioned above are exclusive oftaxes.

within the State of
(i) Both Inward & Outward supplies
Intra-State supplies and
Jharkhand are to be considered
outside the state of Jharkhand are Inter-State supplies
(i) Subject to information given above, all the other
necessary for availing 1TC have been fulfilled.
minimum GST payable in Cash by Zeon
lculate the amount of net
themonth of September, 2021.
Particulars Amount
No. (excluding
The company had given on hire 5 trucks to one of the 3,75,000
transporters of Vadodara (a goods transport agency)
for transporting goods for 10 days. The hiring charges
for the trucks were 7,500 per truck per day
2 The company sold goods to X & Co. of Delhi 6 |5,00,000

January 2021 with a condition that interest@ 2% per|

month will be charged on invoice value if X & Co.
failed to make payment within 30 days ofthe delivery
of the goods. Goods were delivered and also the
invoice was issued on 6h January 2021. X & Co. paid
the consideration for the goods on 20h February along
with applicable interest.
The company sought legal consultancy services for it's 1,50,000
business from A & Advocates, a partnership fim of
advocates situated at Bhuj, Gujarat.
The company ordered 3,000 packets of tools which are 5,00,000
to by the supplier of Delhi via 3 lots of
be delivered
1,00 packets monthly. Thesupplierraised the invoice
for full quantity in February 2021 and the last
would be delivered in April 2021.
The company supplied 10,000 packets of tools to one of i's
customer at? 10
per packet in Gujarat in January 2021.
Afterwards, the company re-values it at ? 9 per packet in February
2021 and the company issued credit note to the customer for 1 per


OThe Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

registered conditioners
of capacity
Electronics is a
of air
5. X that purchase will
with dealers, than 50 units
quantity of m o r e
It 2020 of
of October,
the month
1.5 Ton in
discount. 50,00,000
them for 10% 2020 is
during the month of October
Interstate supply made
supply: Amount K)|
Details of Intrastate
Particulars 15,00,000
Supply of Microwave Stabilizers being a mixed
Supply of is 28% (14%
on Refrigerator
rate of GST
supply, Stabilizer is 18% (9%
rate of
GST on
& 14% SGST),
CGST&9% SGST) 50,00,000
of capacity
1.5 Ton @
of Air
50,000 per Air Conditioner
Intrastate inward supplies Amount ()
Particulars 20,00,000
Raw material
Paid Gym membcrship for employees 30,00,000
transportation ofgoods
Truck purchased for
to only
Conditioners (capacity 1.5 Ton)
X Electronics made supply of Air
dealer named Mr. L.
X Electronics under

for employees is not obligatory for

Gym membership
any law.
is under
Opening Balance of ITC

SGST 70,000

Chartered Accountants of India

O The Institute of


Rate of CGST, SGST and IGST are 9%, 9% and 18% respectively
both inward and outward supplies except where specifically provided.
) Both inward and outward supplies are exclusive of taxes.
i) All the conditions for availing the ITC have been fulfilled.
ompute the Net GST payable in cash by X Electronics for the month of
ctober, 2020.
Star Ltd. a registered supplier in Karnataka has provided the following 8
details for supply of one machine:

Partlculars Amount in

1) List price of Machine supplied [Exclusive of items 80,000

given below from (2) to (4)]
) |Tax levied by Local Authority on sale of such machine 6,000
Discount of 2% on the list price of machine was
provided (recorded in the invoice of Machine)
Packing expenses for safe transportation charged 4,000
separately in the invoice


O The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Star Lid. received 5,000 as subsidy from a NGO on sale of each such
machine. The Price of 7 80,000 of the machine is after considering such
During the month of February, 2020, Star Ltd. supplied three machines to
Intra-state customers and one machine to Inter-state customer.
Star Ltd. purchased inputs (intra-state) for 1,20,000 exclusive of GST for
supplying the above four machines during the month.
The Balance of ITC at the beginning of February, 2020 was:

18,0004,000 26,000
Rate of CGST, SGST and IGST to be 9%, 9% and 18% respectively
for both inward and outward supplies.
)All the amounts given above are exclusive of GST.

) All the conditions necessary for availing the ITC have been fulfíilled.
mpute the minimum net GST payable in cash by Star Ltd. for the month
February, 2020.
mpuS procurea were
used and 30% were in stock the end
at of
the January, 2020)
(ii) Raw materials B
s0,000 50,000
(of which 90 % material received in factory
and remaining material completely
damaged due to a road accident on the way
to factory. There was no negligence on the
part of the KNK Ltd.)
(ii) Construction of pipelines laid outside the| 30,000 30,000
factory premises
iv) Insurance Charges paid for trucks used for| 55,000 55,000
transportation ofgoods.

O The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Additional Information:
(i) There is opening balance of any Input Tax Credit and all the

conditions necessary for availing the Input Tax Credit

(ITC) have been
(i) Details of GST paid inward supplies are available in GSTR-2A

except for item (i) i.e. Raw Material A, for which supplier has not filed
its GSTR-1 for the month of
January 2020, hence corresponding Input
Tax Credit (ITC) is not
reflecting in GSTR-2A of KNK Ltd. in
January, 2020.
Compute the following :
Amount of eligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) available for the month of
January, 2020.
(ii) Net minimum GST payable in Cash, for the month of January, 2020
after ning otoilnhla T
S. Particulars Amount
Intra-State supply of taxable goods 4,00,000
Purchase of goods destroyed due to fire before being put into the production 5,50,000
process (t is an intra-State transaction)
() Services provided to a foreign diplomatic mission located in India (t is an 1,00,000
intra-State transaction)
iv) Intra-State purchase of food items for being served to the customers, free of 1,75,000
cOst. (t is an intra-Statetransaction)
Goodstransport services received from a GTA. GST is payable5% (tis 2,00,000
an inter-State transaction)
(vi) Inter-State services provided to Dhruv Ltd. in respect of a business exhibition 10,000
held in Delhi
(vii) Inter-State security services provided to Torrent Higher Secondary School 15,000
(unregistered under GST) for their annual day function organised in Katyani
Auditorium outside the School campus
(vi) Inputs to be received i 3 lots, out of which 2nd lot was received during the 40,000

he company has following balances of ITC with it at the beginning of the tax period:
Particulars Amount()
CGST 57,000
IGST 50,000
) Rates of CGST, SGST and IGST are 9%, 9% and 18% respectively unless otherwise mentioned
(i) Both inward and outward supplies are exclusive of taxes, wherever applicable.
(ii) All the conditions necessary for availing the ITC have been fulfilled.
(iv) The turnoverof Sreshth Pvt. Ltd. was 2.5 crore in the previous financial year.
Compute the minimum GST, payable in cash, by Sreshth Pvt. Ltd. for the month of February. Ma
suitable assumptions as required. (8 Mark
|jAmount has been paid by recipient directly to the supplier. However, it
was Prithviraj Pvt.Ltd.'sliabilityto paythe saidamount.)
Installation andtesting chargesatthe premises oftherecipient 25,000
Subsidy received from Shri Ram Trust 50,000
(Subsidy isdirectly inkedtothepriceofthe machine]
Items given in points (i) to (iv) have been excluded while arriving at price of the machine given in poin
) above. The contract inctudes installtion and testing of machine at the recipient's premises.
Prithviraj Pvt. Ltd. has made supply of 10 such machines in the month of July. t also provided the
olowing details pertaining to the purchases made/services availed during said month:
Sr. Particulars Amount
(4)Raw material(tobereceived in September) 10,00,000
(2) Membership of a club availed for employees working in the factory
(3) Trucks used for transport of raw material
(4) Capital goods (out of 3 items, invoice for 2 items is missing and GST paid on 7,00,000
those two items is 18,000)
pute the net GST payable in cash by Prithviraj Pvt. Ltd. for the given month assuming that all the=
d and outward supplies are intra-State supplies. Assume the rates of taxes to be as under:
articulars Rates of tax
entral tax (CGST) 9%
ate Tax (SGST) 9%
egrated tax (IGST) 18%
uitable assumptions, wherever necessary. All the conditions necessary for availing the ITC have=
Ifilled. Opening balance of the innut tay cradit for the relavant noriod ie Ai:I (9 M e u l e )
5. Mr. Himanshu, a
registered supplier of chemicals,
pays GST under regular
scheme. He is not eligible for any threshold exemption. He has made the
following outward taxable supplies for the month of September 2018:
Intra-State supply of goods
Inter-State supply of goods
He has also made the following inward supply:
Intra-State purchase of goods from Registered Dealer
Intra-State purchase of goods from Unregistered Dealer 2,00,000

Inter-State purchase of goods from Registered Dealer 74,00,000

Balance of ITC at the beginning of September 2018:

Additional Information:

.He purchased a car (ntra-State supply) used for business purpose at a

price of 6,72,000/- including CGST of ? 36,000& SGST of

36,000) on September 15, 2018. He capitalized the full value
including GST in the books on the same date to claim depreciation.
Out of Inter-State purchase from registered dealer, goods worth
1,00,000 were received on October 3, 2018 due to road traffic

O The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

i) Rate of CGST, SGST and IGST to be
99%, 99% and 18% respectively.
i) Both inward and outward
supplies given above are exclusive of taxes,
wherever applicable.
ii) All the conditions necessary for availing the ITC have
been fulfilled
except mentioned above.
Compute the net CGST, SGST and IGST payable in cash by Mr. Himanshu
for the month of September 2018.
Ms. Grey has also received the following inward supplies:

Giv) Inter-state supply of goods (out of which invoice for

goods worth ? 20,000 is missing and no other tax páying

document is available)

(v)Repairing of bus with seating capacity of 20 passengers 50,000

used to transport its employees from their residence,
being intra-state supply.

Details of opening balances of ITC as on 1-4-2019 are as

follows: ()
CGST 5,000

SGST 5,000

IGST 40,000

Following additional information is provided

(a) Rate of GST in respect of al inward and outward supplies except item
(ü) above is 18%. i.e. CGST and SGST@ 9% and IGST 18%.
(b) All figures mentioned above are exclusive of taxes.

C)All the conditions for availing the ITC have been fulfilled except
specifically given and M/s. Grey is not eligible for any threshold
Compute the minimum net GST payable in cash by M/s. Grey for the month
of April 2019.


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