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Analysis of Titan

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The Company’s Corporate Governance philosophy has been further strengthened through
the Tata Code of Conduct and the Company’s Codes of Fair Disclosure and Conduct. The
Tata Code of Conduct, which articulates the values, ethics and business principles, serves as
a guide to the Company, its Directors and Employees and is supplemented with an
appropriate mechanism to report any concerns pertaining to nonadherence to the said Code.
Overall, the Company’s Corporate Governance practices are a reflection of its value system
encompassing its culture, policies, and relationships with its stakeholders.

Titan strongly believes that a company can emerge as a strong leader only by following
good and sound corporate governance principles. Good corporate governance is a synonym
for sound management, transparency and disclosure, encompassing good corporate
practices, procedures, standards and implicit rules which propel a company to make sound
decisions, thus maximising long-term stakeholder value without compromising on integrity,
societal obligations, environment and regulatory compliances. Effective corporate
governance practices constitute the strong foundation on which successful commercial
enterprises are built to last. Strong leadership and effective corporate governance practices
have been the Company’s hallmark inherited from the Tata culture and ethos.


Titan is promoted by the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Limited (TIDCO)
and the Tata Group. As on 31st March 2023, the Company had 12 Directors, comprising 11
Non-Executive Directors and 1 Executive Director.

The Board of Directors met seven times during the financial year 2022-23. The Board
meetings were held on 26th April, 3rd May, 5th August and 4th November in 2022 and 2nd
February, 23rd February and 29th-30th March in 2023.

The Audit Committee of the Board was constituted in 1999. The constitution of Audit
Committee is in conformity with the requirements of Section 177 of the Act and also as per
the requirements of Regulation 18 of the SEBI LODR.

Powers of the Audit Committee - The Audit Committee shall have powers, which include
the following:

a) To investigate any activity within its terms of reference;

b) to seek information from any employee;

c) to obtain outside legal or other professional advice;

d) to secure attendance of outsiders with relevant expertise, if it considers necessary; and

e) to have full access to information contained in the books of accounts and the Company’s
facilities and personnel.
Mr. Ashwani Puri, Chairman of the Audit Committee was present at the last Annual General
Meeting of the Company held on 26th July 2022. As at the year-end, the Audit Committee
of the Board comprised of seven members, five of them being Independent Directors. All
members are financially literate and have relevant finance and/or audit exposure. Mr.
Ashwani Puri has accounting and financial management expertise. The Audit Committee
met five times during the financial year 2022-23. The Audit Committee meetings were held
on 2nd May, 4th August and 3rd November in 2022 and on 1st February and 14th March in


The Committee is responsible for devising a policy on Board diversity and recommend to
the Board appointment of Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) and executive team members
of the Company as defined by the Committee. The Committee also supports the Board and
Independent Directors in evaluating the performance of the Board, its committees and
individual Directors which include “Formulation of criteria for evaluation of Independent
Directors and the Board”. It also decides whether to extend or continue the terms of
appointment of the Independent Directors on the basis of the report of performance
evaluation, which includes overseeing the performance review process of the KMPs and the
executive team of the Company, recommending to the Board the remuneration policy for
Directors, Executive team/KMPs as well as the rest of the employees, identifying and
recommending to the Board, including their remuneration, the appointment and TITAN
COMPANY LIMITED Annual Report 2022-23 170 removal of persons for the
positions/offices one level below the Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director/ whole-
time director/manager (including chief executive officer/manager, in case chief executive
officer/manager is not a part of the Board), specifically including the functional heads
identified by the Management, and the Company Secretary and the Chief Financial Officer.

The Company has during the year paid remuneration to its Managing Director by way of
salary, perquisites and commission within the limits approved by the Shareholders. The
Board of Directors on the recommendation of the BNRC approves the annual increment



The Company has constituted Stakeholders Relationship Committee (Committee or SRC)
and the terms of reference of the Committee are to review statutory compliance relating to
all security holders, consider and resolve the grievances of security holders of the Company
including complaints related to transfer of securities, non-receipt of annual report/declared
dividends/notices/balance sheet, oversee compliances in respect of dividend payments and
transfer of unclaimed amounts to the Investor Education and Protection Fund, oversee and
review all matters related to the transfer of securities of the Company, approve issue of
duplicate certificates of the Company and transmission of securities, review movements in
shareholding and ownership structures of the Company, ensure setting of proper controls
and oversee performance of the Registrar and Transfer Agent, recommend measures for
overall improvement of the quality of investor services, review of measures taken for
effective exercise of voting rights by shareholders, review of adherence to the service
standards adopted by the Company in respect of various services being rendered by the
Registrar and Transfer Agent, review of various measures and initiatives taken by the
Company for reducing the quantum of unclaimed dividends and ensuring timely receipt of
dividend warrants/annual reports/statutory notices by the Shareholders of the Company


The Board of Directors had constituted Risk Management Committee (Committee or
RMC) to identify elements of risk in different areas of operations and to develop a policy
for actions associated to mitigate the risks.
RMC includes formulation of detailed Risk Management Policy, ensuring that appropriate
methodology, processes and systems are in place to monitor and evaluate risks associated
with the business of the Company; monitor and oversee implementation of the Risk
Management Policy, including evaluating the adequacy of risk management systems;
periodically review the Risk Management Policy; to keep the Board of Directors informed
about the nature and content of its discussions, recommendations and actions to be taken.


The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (Committee or CSR) oversees, inter-alia,
corporate social responsibility and other related matters as may be referred by the Board of
Directors and discharges the roles as prescribed under Section 135 of the Act read with
Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, as amended, which
includes formulating and recommending to the Board a Corporate Social Responsibility
Policy indicating the activities to be undertaken by the Company, as per Schedule VII to
the Act; recommending the amount of expenditure to be incurred; Annual Action Plan and
monitoring the CSR Policy of the Company.

 Related Party Transactions:
 Disclosure on Materially Significant Related Party Transactions
 Disclosure on website
 Disclosure of Accounting Treatment
 Disclosure by Senior Management
 CEO/CFO Certification
 Details of mandatory requirements and adoption of the non-mandatory
 Details of Non-Compliance
 Whistle Blower Policy
 Subsidiary Companies
 Disclosure of commodity price risks and commodity hedging activities

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