Fabm 1 PT 11 Q3 02
Fabm 1 PT 11 Q3 02
Fabm 1 PT 11 Q3 02
and Management 1
Accountancy, Business, and Management
Name: Date:
Learning Standards
Task Requirement
In fulfilling the task, you will need to enumerate the different users of accounting
information and describe them in an informative and innovative way.
The goal is to identify and pin-point the profile of internal and external users of accounting
As an entry-level accountant, you are tasked with identifying who uses which accounting
information to understand the people you are going to work with.
Your mentors will rate your understanding of the users of accounting information.
To strengthen the customer service at the accounting firm, your manager wanted everyone
to understand the significance of accounting information to the different stakeholders of
the business. As a special assignment, you are asked to creatively share your insights on
this subject through a presentation during a team meeting.
Create profiles of internal and external users using posters.
Performance Levels
Criteria Suggested
1 2 3 4 Score
Beginning Developing Average Advanced
Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency
Creativity Creativity is not The mood board Creativity is The mood board
present in the is creative but present in the is creative and
mood board due to lack of mood board. All cohesive. More
presented. effort, it can elements of the so, the mood ×2
still be mood board are board is highly
improved. cohesive. personalized.
Originality Some parts of the posters are The posters are completely
observably copied from sources original and show personal flavor
and do not show any personal to the audience. ×1
input or flavor.
Name: Date:
Instructions: Paste your poster in the box below. Feel free to duplicate this document if