Alieza Om
Alieza Om
Alieza Om
Project Management typically involves: TIME, COST and ROLES – clearly defined roles
⮚ A short-term project are required to move a project through stages:
▪ Project Manager
⮚ A specific outcome
▪ Product Owner
⮚ Resources – human and capital
▪ Team Members
THE PROCESS ▪ Stakeholders
1. Define goal/outcome
2. Plan ▪ Users
⮚ Time
⮚ Cost
⮚ Strategy
⮚ Scope
⮚ Milestones
3. Implement
4. Evaluate ⮚ Resource Allocation
1. DEFINE ⮚ Adjustments
⮚ Documentation
❖ Leading with transparency and ❖ You are on their side and they need to
honesty feel that all times.
❖ Supporting your employees with ❖ Then help them succeed with all the
clear direction and removing their (reasonable) requests for technology
road blocks for them or time that they need.
❖ Embracing technology
❖ An expert in the field
❖ A good manager always keeps an eye ❖ Even if it’s more personal than
out of technology that will promote business-related, do not ignore the
the productivity of the team. emotions of your employees
❖ Through some employees may be ❖ Doing so will create unnecessary and
resistant to change, the bottom line is possibly harmful distance between
that technology may be able to take you and the employee, eroding the
care of the more tedious aspects of trust in your relationship and
their job responsibly, which frees up compromising productivity in the
time to be more strategic in their workplace.
❖ When approached with a situation, be
sure to stay calm and use the rules of
effective communication to resolve
RECOGNITION the issue-listen, question, facilitate
❖ You can never praise someone too and direct
6. Estimate activity duration, costs, and Most project plans need to incorporate the
following subsidiary plans:
Scope Resource Stakeholder
Management Management Engagement
The cost, duration and resources required to Schedule Communication Requirement
complete the project activities depend on the Management Management Management
scope of the project. Proper estimating is Cost Risk Change
important for any project, as it helps determine Management Management Management
if the plan is viable, set expectations, and keep Quality Procurement Configuration
costs under control. Management Management Management
baseline or the project work, which will serve
as a control tool for your project. Then,
compare the execution of the project to your
baseline to measure and manage performance.
These baselines can be established through
Develop a Mission, ❖ WHY?
Vision, Goals, and ❖ HOW?
Objectives for the
Project Allows you to discern the
information needed to better understand,
encompass, clarify, structure, frame a
Learning Objectives: situation; as this way of thinking allows you to
explore all the dimensions from different
● To define mission, vision, and perspectives
This tool is very popular amongst
● To understand the importance of
journalists whilst also being used and applied
developing a mission, vision, and
to different contexts.
objectives in project management
● To define and assess project risks
Allows you to guide all your team
members and to gather all the factual elements
Defining the Problem needed for a complete and objective
● Every project solves a problem of
some kind, but people are inclined to Mission and Vision Statement
skip over the definition of the
● From the perspective of an ● message to the rest of the world about
organization, the problem may be that what you intend to accomplish with
you are not focusing on what you your project.
want to achieve and how you will
achieve it. ● statement needs to express your
purpose without overwhelming the
Project Problem reader with obscure or overly detailed
● The group or individual understand
and can prioritize the current ● Not the place for a history of the
challenges that they require to company or the reason for the project
● A project is a plan of work that
● description or declaration of what an
ideally gets you to the desired
organization/project team wants to
obtain or accomplish upon the
completion of a project.
● It is when there are obstacles that
make it difficult to reach the goal that
● used as a very general road map for
one has a problem
projects, pinpointing where it should
be heading and what the ultimate goal
The Questioning Method and objectives are.
Developing Project Objectives
● Project objectives are what you plan
to achieve by the end of your project.
This might include deliverables and
⮚ Having a clear end date or
assets, or more intangible objectives
like increasing productivity or time frame defined helps
motivation. everybody involved as it lets
them know when they need
● It is important because they offer a to prioritize this objective.
measurable threshold to monitor a
project's progress and then determine Assessing Project Risks
whether the project was a success. Once you have established your
objectives, you can develop plans for how to
● According to Dysart (2023), project achieve them. Unfortunately, the best plans
objectives are the concrete, practical, sometimes don’t work. One safeguard in
measurable tasks you need to managing projects is to think about the risks
complete in order to achieve your ahead that could sink the job. This can be done
business goals. for critical objectives and for other parts of the
Objective must be SMART
Risks are anything that can
potentially disrupt your project or your team.
The key to a great project objective is
Since every project is unique, no two projects
clarity; the best way to achieve it is with the
are likely to have the same risks.
SMART framework, an acronym that stands
Risk Analysis vs. Risk Identification vs. Risk
o Specific Management
⮚ Ensure your objective is
clearly defined. Narrow the RISK ANALYSIS
scope of your objective until Risk analysis is the process that
it has a very tangible and figures out how likely that a risk will arise in a
specific outcome. project. It studies uncertainty and how it
would impact the project in terms of schedule,
o Measurable quality and costs if in fact it was to show up.
Two ways to analyze risk is quantitative and
⮚ Ensure you can quantify the qualitative. But it’s important to know that risk
objective; after all, you analysis is not an exact science, it’s more like
won't know when the project an art.
objective has been met if it's
Risk identification is also a process,
but in this case, it lists all the potential project
o Attainable risks and what their characteristics would be.
If this sounds like a risk register, that’s
⮚ Ensure you have the because your findings are collected there. This
resources required to information will then be used for your risk
accomplish the objective analysis. Though this process starts at the
you’re setting forth. beginning of the project, it’s an iterative
process and continues throughout the project
o Realistic life cycle.
● Time limited
● process of prioritizing risks for
▪ Avoid Potential Litigation
further analysis or action
● Planning Responses
● helps with decision-making,
● Documenting and Tracking especially when there is uncertainty,
and creates cost, schedule or scope
● Communicating Risks targets that are realistic
● Exchange of text messages between ▪ Information can be sent to a list of
mobile phones, pagers, or personal team members.
digital assistants (PDAs)—devices
▪ Messages can be saved to document
that hold a calendar, a contact list, a
task list, and other support programs the process in case of a
misunderstanding or
miscommunication. COMMUNICATION PLAN
▪ Files can be attached and distributed.
A communication plan template is a document
that outlines the strategies and objectives for
PROJECT BLOG internal and external communication within an
A blog is an online journal that can
be private, shared by invitation, or made 1. Identify your stakeholders (to whom)
available to the world. many decisions in
project management are made with incomplete 2. Identify stakeholder expectations
knowledge, and reflecting on previous (why)
decisions to develop this decision-making skill
is important to growth as a project manager. 3. Identify communication necessary to
satisfy stakeholder expectations and
REALLY SIMPLE SYNDICATION (RSS) keep them informed (what)
Web pages with RSS news feeds have 7. Document items templates, formats,
labeled links. or documents the project must use for
● To assign responsibilities
● Historical Data
● Level of Detail
● Ownership of Estimate
● Human Productivity
The figure demonstrates what
● Time/Cost/Resource Tradeoff typically results when an individual is working
on multiple tasks.
INEFFICIENCIES when there are more than one
▪ Considered the best source for project individual doing a task
estimates o additional communications
▪ Sample questions: o possible conflicts
o logical break points
1. How long did this task take to
● The smaller the unit of the work, the THREE-POINT ESTIMATES TECHNIQUE
more accurate your estimate is likely
to be. ● Used to identify the level of
uncertainty in an estimate using three
OWNERSHIP OF THE ESTIMATE sets of assumptions
project from outside the performing
Three sets of Assumptions organization
Conduct Procurement:
Close Procurement:
● Adjust
- Historical Data