Account Statment
Account Statment
Account Statment
(Non transferrable / Not negotiable)
Note * Premature Closure will attract penal rates as per Bank rules. * Maturity value is subject to TDS deduction, wherever applicable. * Facility of renewal with
retrospective effect not available to deposit that have been overdue beyond fourteen days.
1. As per section 194A of the income Tax Act, 1961, interest, other than interest on securities, shall be liable to TDS at the applicable rate for interest if
the projected interest exceeds the prescribed limit during the financial year (Please refer the section 194A of the income Tax Act, 1961, for detailed
provisions for tax deducted at source)
2. Senior Citizen customers, 60 years and above can submit declaration in Form 15H duly signed in duplicate, subject to eligibility under section
197A(1C) of the Income Tax Act, for non- deduction of TDS from interest on term deposits (Senior Citizen rates are not applicable for NRI Customers)
3. A fresh declaration in Form 15G/15H, both for non-cumulative and cumulative fixed deposits, is required to be submitted at the start of each financial
year. (Not applicable for NRI Customers)
4. Fixed Deposit Plus Deposits (Retail & Corporate) cannot be closed prior to date of maturity. Premature withdrawal is not permissible under this
scheme except for exception cases which include bankruptcy/ winding up/ directions by court/ regulators/ receiver/ liquidator/ deceased cases
5. The special rates for senior citizens and staff will not be applicable for NRI Deposits
6. Interest earned by a Non-resident Indian (NRI) from the NRO deposits is taxable in India as per provisions of Sec 9 (1) (V)of the Income tax Act, 1961
and TDS will be effected as mentioned in the Finance act. The rate at present is 30% plus surcharge and education cess (Not applicable on NRE &
FCNR deposits for NRIs)
Premature Encashment:
a. For Rupee Term Deposits of a contracted amount less than Rs 5 Crores opened/renewed on or after May 1, 2014 (including Flexi deposits), interest
rate shall be 1.00% below the card rate, prevailing as on the date of deposit, as applicable for the period the deposit has remained with the bank.
However, for Rupee Term Deposits closed within 14 days from the date of booking of the deposit interest rate shall be rate applicable for the period
the deposit has remained with the bank
b. For Rupee Term Deposits of a contracted amount of Rs 5 Crores and above, interest rate shall be 1% below the card rate prevailing as on the date of
deposit, as applicable for the period the deposit has remained with the bank . This would also be applicable on Rupee Term Deposits closed within 14
days from the date of booking of the deposit
c. No penalty for individual NRE Deposits below INR 5 crores. Penalties on respective FCNR currencies are available on Bank’s website. No interest
payable on premature withdrawal within 1 year for NRE and FCNR Deposits
Please visit for additional terms and conditions that are applicable for Term Deposits.
For Queries and Information:
Toll Free
Write to
Resident Customer - 1860-419-5555/1860-500-5555
Resident Customer -
NRI Customer -
Non-Resident Customer -
REGISTERED OFFICE - AXIS BANK LTD,TRISHUL,Opp. Samartheswar Temple, Near Law Garden, Ellisbridge,Ahmedabad. 380006