22-23 Elks Directory
22-23 Elks Directory
22-23 Elks Directory
2022 – 2023
1-888-843-3557 Fax 306-565-2860
PROVINCIAL CHAPLAIN Dave (Brenda) Davis Eugene (Charlotte) Hartter Ph: 306-843-2972
Cell: 306-999-0138 530 – A – Toronto St. Box 918 Cell: 306-843-7607
dave_775_2212@hotmail.com Regina, SK S4R 1M6 Wilkie, SK SOK 4WO eugenehartter@yourlink.ca
All SEA Executive & Committee Chair people, Foundation Directors & Bert (Mauraine) Hale
Committee Chair people, & the Senior Homes Management Committee sit 403 – 701 Henry St. Cell: 306-577-9035
on this Committee to promote the Order. Estevan, SK. S4A 2B7 d.mhale@sasktel.net
Ritual Patrol
SECRETARY/TREASURER, Tony (Bev) Koval Ph: 306-249-2826 Glen Jensen, 1992-1993 DECEASED
312-2213 Adelaide St. E Fax: 306-249-5467 Cell: 306-227-4018 Harold Willfong, 1993-1994 DECEASED
Saskatoon, SK S7J 0J6 bevtonykoval@shaw.ca
Glen Trenouth, 1994-1995 DECEASED
Gordon (Louise) Frerichs, 1996-1997 Ph: 306-374-3149
PAST PROVINCIAL PRESIDENTS 1605 Shannon Cr. Cell: 306-221-2982 Fax: 306-373-8149
Saskatoon, SK S7H 2T8 glferichs@sasktel.net
Sam Van Buskirk, 1972-1973 DECEASED
Dale (Charlotte) Strandlund, 1997-1998 Ph: 306-545-2497
Cliff (Stella) Blackmuir, 1974-1975, PGER Ph: (780) 922-0957 1626 McIntosh Street North Cell: 306-536-9189
#13 – 52112 R.G. Rd. 222 Sherwood Park, Alberta T8C 1H6 Regina, SK S4X 4T1 dalestrandlund@sasktel.net
Dale Reed, 1998-1999 Cell: 306-921-7770
Gerry (Lorraine) Cooper, 1975-1976 DECEASED Box 1155 Fax: 306-752-4995
David (Blossom) Ames, 1976-1977 DECEASED Melfort, SK S0E 1A0 reeddrilling@sasktel.net
Jim (Gladys) Whiteside, 1977-1978 DECEASED Colin (Gerry) Cowan, 1999-2000 Ph: 306-773-3033
621 – 19th Ave. N.E. Fax: 306-778-6768 Lake:306-773-1407
Dick (Leona) Hollier, 1983-1984, PGER Ph:306- 373-0002 Swift Current, SK S9H 2Y6 cgcowan@sasktel.net
502 Egbert Ave. Saskatoon, SK S7N 2K9 dickandleona@shaw.ca Bruce (Bonney) Schwanbeck, 2000 – 2001 Ph: 306-978-0863
Joe (Linda) Calder, 1984-1985, PGER Ph: 306-374-0355 Apt. #706 – 606 Victoria Ave. bschwanbeck@sasktel.net
212-2213 Adelaide St. E. Cell: 306-463-7335 Saskatoon, SK S7N 0Z1
Saskatoon, SK S7J 0J6 joe.calder@sasktel.net Raymond (Natalie) Allen, 2001 – 2002 Ph: 306-867-2009
Box 1141 Outlook, SK S0L 2N0 nrosin@sasktel.net
John (Norma) Houston, 1985-1986 Ph: 306-462-2211
Box 153 Bus/Fax: 306- 462-2008 Dale (Judy) Gowen, 2002 - 2003 Ph:306- 662-4471
Kisbey, SK S0C 1L0 john.houston@sasktel.net Box 87 Cell: 306-661-7667
Maple Creek, SK SON 1NO choco_dusty@hotmail.com
Bill (Irene) Turner, 1986-1987 DECEASED
District #3
District Representative District Sec. District #7
District Representative District Sec.
Ron (Karen) Boerrichter Zonie Krawchuk
Box 1355 Unity, SK S0K 4L0 Box 726 Harold Claffey Ken Mathers
Ph: 306-228-3565 Cell: 306-228-8711 North Battleford, S9A 2Y9 4 – 1146 1st Ave NW 412 Coteau St. W.
rkboerrichter@sasktel.net Ph: 306-445-5007 Fax: 306-445-5674 Moose Jaw, SK. S6H 3N3 Moose Jaw, SK. S6H 5E2
Cell: 306-630-4641 Ph: 306-692-2530
District #8
District Representative District Sec. SASKATCHEWAN ELKS FOUNDATION CORP.
2022 - 2023
Brenda (Brian) Beswick Kira Andreen
Box 122 Box 325
Ph: 306-257-4132 Ph: 306-257-3605 CHAIRMAN
Cell: 306-227-5126 Cell: 306-881-0241 Joe (Linda) Calder, (2019-2022) Ph/Fax: 306-374-0355
b.beswick@xplornet.com kandreen@live.ca 212-2213 Adelaide St. E. Cell: 306-463-7335
Saskatoon, SK S7JOJ6 joe.calder@sasktel.net
Lodges: Allan # 546 Asquith #526
Bladworth #575 Hanley #153 Saskatoon #12
Bill (June) Tarr (2021-2024) Ph: 306-731-2746
Box 24 Cell: 306-529-9286
District #9 Craven, SK S0G 0W0 j.tarr@sasktel.net
District Representative District Sec.
Kalvin (Kathy) Nankivell Ryan Davis Ron (Debi) Potter, SCH Chairman Cell: 306-434-7762
Box 53 Kisbey, SK. SOC 1L0 Box 782 Moosomin, SK. S0G 3N0
Ph: 306-462-2007 Cell: 306-457-7775 306-462-2122 r.d.potter@sasktel.net
Fax: 306-462-2188 306-575-9884
kathynankivell@sasktel.net ryan.david@sasktel.net Kyle (Mel) Stevenson, President Cell: 306-297-8630
Box 695 Shaunavon, SK. SON 2MO
Lodges: Estevan #113 Esterhazy #459 kyle.stevenson@robertsonimplements.com
Moose Mountain #483 Moosomin #340
Brenda (Brian) Beswick, 1st Vice Cell: 306-227-5126
Box 122 Ph: 306-257-4132
Allan, SK. S0K 0C0 b.beswick@xplornet.com
District #10
District Representative District Sec. Investigating/Advertising & Promotions Committee
Andy Cox Andy Cox
Box 346 Box 346 Andy Cox (2021-2024) Ph: 306-297-2854
Shaunavon, SK. SON 2MO Shaunavon, SK. SON 2MO Box 346 Cell: 306-297-8486 Bus/Fax: 306-297-2315
Cell: 306-297-8486 Cell: 306-297-8486 Shaunavon, SK S0N 2MO awjcox@sasktel.net
awjcox@sasktel.net awjcox@sasktel.net
Norm (Corrine) McNally, Chairman Cell: 306-531-5210 Barry (Sharon) Off, (2022 - 2025) Cell:306-745-6504
3 Gale Street Box 1465
Regina, SK S4R 4E2 norm.mcnally@gmail.com Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0 offn.running@sasktel.net
Brenda (Brian) Beswick Cell: 306-227-5126
Box 122 Ph: 306-257-4132 Dale (Karen) Reeves (2022-2025) Ph: 306-544-2624
Allan, SK. S0K 0C0 b.beswick@xplornet.com Box 478
Hanley, SK. S0G 2E0
2022– Host Lodge - Shaunavon Pledge Forms
Andy Cox – Chairman available at the office
306-297-8486 MOOSE JAW
2023– Host Lodge – Melfort Art (Iris) Watson, (2022 - 2025) Ph: 306-692-9698
Gail Jones – Chairman Box 2001 Stn. Main Cell: 306-681-7769
306-921-3717 Moose Jaw, SK S6N 7N7 art.watson@sasktel.net
SASKATCHEWAN ELKS SENIOR CITIZEN HOMES Mel (Hazel) Durant, (2022-2025) Ph: 306-435-2169
MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Box 689 Cell: 306-434-6221
Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 melandhazeldurant@myaccess.ca
CHAIRMAN: Ron (Debi) Potter Cell: 306-434-7762
(2022-2025) Box 782 Moosomin, SK. S0G 3N0 NIPAWIN
Raymond Nicloux, (2020 - 2023) Cell: 306-6090265
Box 322 raymondnicloux@gmail.com
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Joe (Linda) Calder Ph: 306-374-0355 Carrot River, SK S0E 0L0
(2021-2023) 212-2213 Adelaide St. E Cell: 306-463-7335
Saskatoon, SK S7J 0J6 joe.calder@sasktel.net PRINCE ALBERT
2022 – 2023