Customer Churn Prediction
Customer Churn Prediction
Customer Churn Prediction
II. RELATED WORK system based on data analytics and machine learning
techniques. This system should accurately identify customers
Several studies shows that different techniques are used at risk of churning and provide actionable measures to
tofind out Customer Churn Rate in different fields: implement retention strategies. Developing a predictive model
Amol, Chole,in 2023 evaluated Random Forest (RF), capable of accurately identifying customers who are at risk of
Support Vector Machine (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbors churn in the future. This involves analyzing historical
(KNN), and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) customer data, transaction records, interaction history, and
algorithmsfor predicting NonChurn customers. other relevant information to recognize churn patterns.
Ziyu Zhu,in 2023 study explored Logistic Regression and
Random Forest algorithms, reporting AUC values of IV. KEY HIGHLIGHTS
78%and 69%˙
Vani Haridasan ,in 2023 study introduced the Arithmetic Retention
Optimization Algorithm (AOA) and Stacked Bidirectional The primary goal is to retain valuable customers. By
Long Short-Term Memory (SBLSTM), demonstrating the identifying those at risk of churning, a business can implement
effectiveness of the AOASBLSTM model in classifying strategies to get them back.
CR and NCR classes
Micheal Olaolu Arowolo , in 2022 study compared Revenue Preservation
CNN and Random Forest classifiers, reporting prediction Churn prediction helps businesses protect their revenue
accuracies of 94% and 91 %, for forecasting the churn rate by preventing customer loss. Retaining existing customers is
in telecom companies. often more cost-effective than acquiringnew ones.
Dr. K. Geetha ,in 2022 study investigated Decision Trees,
Random Forests, and XGBoost algorithms, capable of Customer Experience Improvement
efficiently excluding non-essential data and forecasting the Understanding why customers churn provides the areas
training model ahead of time. where improvements are needed. This information can guide
Sena Kasim ,in 2022 research identified Logistic product and serviceenhancements.
Regression, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree,
Random Forest, XGBoost, and K-NN algorithms, Marketing Optimization
indicating the suitability of ten features for churn analysis. Churn prediction enables businesses to allocate
Edemealem Desalegn Kingawa,in 2022 study explored marketing resources more efficiently. So that companies can
Logistic and Multiple Regression, SVM, DNN, and more focus on retaining high-risk customers and serving the
Random Forest algorithms, ultimately selecting a Deep loyal ones.
Neural Network model for prediction, with a
recommendation to train and test it on a large dataset V. PROPOSED SYSTEM
Sulim Kima,in 2022 study focused on Decision Trees for
churn prediction in e-commerce, comparing original data A proposed system for customer churn prediction
with predicted results to accurately identify churners, involves a detailed approach to identify and predict customers
highlighting how advancements in e-commerce have who are likely to leave a bank or stop using its services.
provided customers with numerous purchasing options.
Dr. S.B. Kishor,in 2022 study utilized Deep Learning
(DL), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), preprocessing raw
data to convert categorical values and balancing the dataset
to 7032 instances, emphasizing the telecom industry’s
dependence on customer feedback.
Madhavi Kasa,in 2021 study compared Random Forest,
Decision Tree, and Na¨ıve Bayes algorithms, highlighting
the superior efficiency of the rough set-based model in
classifyingchurns from non-churns.
In today’s highly competitive business world, customer Fig. 1. Flowchart of proposed system
retention is a critical factor for sustained growth and
profitability. Organizations face the challenge of high Here’s a detailed outline of Customer Churn Prediction
customer churn rates, which are affecting revenue and a system that involves the following steps:
decreasing the ability to achieve long-term success. To address Collection of Bank Details Record.
this issue, we need an advanced customer churn prediction
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ROC 0.508 0.506 0.746 [2]. Siva Bala Krishnan Akshara Santharam. Survey on
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[6]. Edemealem Desalegn Kingawa Tulu Tilahun Hailu.
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Fig. 2. Graph of Exited Vs Age Basic Science Research, 2022.
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The above graphs show us the churn rate with age. churn prediction using machine learning approach.
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