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Digital Rights Management in

the OTT Ecosystem

Authored by
Ajinkya Jawanjal

I n t ro d u c t i o n 1

What is Encryption? 2
Is Encryption Enough?

What is DRM? 2
C o n te n t Pa c k a g i n g & C o n s u m p t i o n 3

C o n te n t Pa c k a g i n g

C o n te n t C o n s u m p t i o n
Le a d i n g D R M S y s te m s 5
E n c r y p t i o n & A d a p t i v e S t re a m i n g 6
H o w D o e s P l a y b a c k Wo r k ? 8

Multi-DRM Overview 9
A d v a n c e m e n t s i n t h e D R M M a r ke t 10

Conclusion 12
R e f e re n c e s 13

Digital Rights Management in OTT

This white paper focuses on the role of DRM in the OTT ecosystem. We will understand the workflow of
DRM and understand how the protected content is delivered to an end-user.

Content delivered over the internet, known as over-the-top content (OTT), is becoming more popular than
ever. Users are gravitating to online media consumption, and streaming platforms are witnessing a 100%
increase in sign-ups. Sooner or later, OTT services will sideline traditional TVs and grab the lion’s share of
the media consumption market.

This is good news for streaming platforms, but there is also the potential for major revenue losses due
to piracy. Recent research revealed that media platforms in the US alone lost $9.1B in 2019 and are
expected to lose $12.5B by 2024. These figures are alarming, and may continue to rise at the rate at
which this market is growing.

Rising demand has resulted in an increasing need for secure media access and management; It is crucial
to restrict unauthorized access. One option is to have encryption in place, but encryption alone will not
solve the problem. In the sections below, we will discuss why encryption is insufficient and explore end-
to-end content solutions.

Digital Rights Management in OTT 1

What is Encryption?
Encryption helps users protect data by scrambling text into an unreadable format. When a provider wants
to sell encrypted content to a user, they need to provide an encryption key (to decrypt the content) along
with the content.

Is Encryption Enough?

Encryption only works when the user holding the key is authorized to access the digital content -
providing the key to anyone else negates the purpose of encryption - but it can’t prevent users from
copying a file and sharing the content with unauthorized users. Unauthorized users can then access
premium content without paying a premium fee to the provider.

So, how can we distribute the key to the authorized user to access the content while at the same time
protecting content from illegal access?

Apart from encryption, we need a system to manage the key (which is required to decrypt the content).
Also, content owners or broadcasters want to apply specific rules and regulations to how the media is
being consumed. This is where digital rights management (DRM) comes to the rescue and is one of the
best solutions available to satisfy our requirements. In today’s era, DRM is an integral part of the OTT

What is DRM?
DRM (Digital Right Management) is a systematic approach to the copyrighted protection of media
content. It is a comprehensive system for managing online media content that provides protection from
unauthorized access, securing the distribution, promotion, and sale of digital content.

DRM prevents consumers from copying content and converting it to other media formats and helps
content owners enforce content access policies. These access policies are determined by the content
owner and contain details on how the content is meant to be consumed.

Digital Rights Management in OTT 2

Content Packaging & Consumption
Two major parts are required for an end-to-end solution: how the content is packaged before distribution
and how the consumer consumes the content. An understanding of both processes helps to explain both
encryption and decryption.

Content Packaging

Once content is created, the primary task is to encode and encrypt it before it is made available to the

1. The packager requests a key from the DRM.

2. The DRM returns a key, which it maintains at license servers.
3. The packager encodes and encrypts the content with the key.
4. The encrypted content is transferred to the storage or content delivery network (CDN) and available
for users.

Figure 1: Content packaging and content consumption flow

Digital Rights Management in OTT 3

Content Consumption

1. The user requests content from a device.

2. The client requests the content played by the user.
3. The content delivery network (CDN) returns the requested encrypted content to the client.
4. The client initiates a license request from the DRM system (requested either before playing back the
content or once it discovers a license is required after playback begins).
5. The DRM system processes the license request and sends the response back to the client. The
license* will contain the key to unlock the encrypted media, along with a set of rights and rights
restrictions that specify exactly what can be played back.
6. After receiving the license response, the client parses the rights and rights restrictions and
begins playback.

*The license consists of the encrypted key, as well as the access policies for that content. To ensure safety and avoid compromising the
license data and tampering with access policies, the DRM License is also encrypted and protected with the unique key of the client’s device.

Digital Rights Management in OTT 4

Leading DRM Systems
There are various DRM platforms and providers available. Below are the prominent players in this space. Focusing
on these DRMs can deliver protected content to the vast majority of relevant platforms in browsers, smartphones,
gaming consoles, and smart TVs.

Widevine is a proprietary DRM technology provider used by Google Chrome and Firefox web browsers (and
some of its derivatives), Android MediaDrm, Android TV, and other consumer electronic devices. Google acquired
Widevine Technologies in 2010.

PlayReady is a successor of Windows Media DRM. It is available on most connected TV devices (LG, Samsung,
etc.), Windows operating systems, Windows Mobile, and Xbox. It was announced in February 2007.

FairPlay is a DRM technology developed by Apple Inc. This DRM solution is intended to encrypt content packaged
using HLS and is meant for use with all iOS devices, Apple TV, QuickTime, and content stored locally on
Apple Music.

Figure 2: Popular platforms and their compatibility with the DRMs

Digital Rights Management in OTT 5

Encryption & Adaptive Streaming

Figure 3: ABS and Encryptions supported by Major DRMs

Dash (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) and HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) are adaptive bitrate
streaming protocols that enable high-quality streaming of media content over the internet. Both work by
breaking the actual media content into various small media segments encoded at different bit rates and
are delivered to the client using a playlist.

The references for these segments are maintained in the manifest file. The manifest file also contains the
DRM system data and additional metadata info. The industry-standard manifest files for HLS and DASH
are .m3u8 and .mpd, respectively.

Figure 4: Pictorial representations of HLS and DASH stream

ABS ensures consistent playback without any interruptions due to bandwidth issues. The player switches
between different encoded bit rates, depending upon the available bandwidth. If the bandwidth is good,
the player will switch to higher rate streams. In cases of low bandwidth, it will automatically switch to lower
bit rate streams. ABS enables the best media viewing experience with very little buffering and load time.

PlayReady and Widevine support common encryption standards, as mentioned in MPEG-CENC*. Apple
officially supports SAMPLE-AES.

*The Common Encryption Scheme (CENC) specifies standard encryption and key mapping methods that can be utilized by
one or more digital rights and key management systems (DRM systems) to enable decryption of the same file using different
DRM systems.

Digital Rights Management in OTT 6

The media content can be encrypted using a single key or multiple keys, as per business rules and
requirements. A multi-keys approach can be used in many ways. Here are a few:

1. Encrypt audio and video using different keys

2. Encrypt different bit rate streams with the help of different keys
3. Implement key rotation over time, etc.

Figure 5: Multiple bit rates being packaged before distribution

The encryption keys are generated at runtime during the encryption process. With each content key,
there is an associated key identifier (KID). The content key is a private value, whereas the KID is a public
value. The content key and the KID are stored in the key management server. The KID is packaged with
encrypted content and delivered to the client. The client, with the help of the KID, requests a license
server for the content key. With the help of this content key, the player decrypts the media content and
renders it to the user.

Digital Rights Management in OTT 7


During encryption and decryption, the keys and

other DRM-related information are exchanged
across various entities and setups. It is of utmost
importance to keep this data extremely secure
and make it available to multiple setups whenever

There are various ways in which this protected

data can be exchanged across multiple setups,
but these are DRM vendor-specific. To address
this, DASH-IF developed platform-independent
specifications known as CPIX (Copy Protection
Information Exchange)

CPIX is a specification that states how protected Figure 6: Logical setup that exchanges DRM information
information should be stored. CPIX is an XML- and media
based document that contains the content keys
and the DRM-related information required for
encryption and decryption of media content. The
CPIX document significantly reduces the complexity
of exchanging protected data across setups.

How Does Playback Work?

For native applications, the player interacts directly with its native DRMs to acquire the key to decrypt
content to play on the device. Apart from this, OS also provides the APIs to handle the license and apply
the required access policies. In the case of browsers, playback will be achieved through HTML5 EME*.

*EME (Encrypted Media Extensions) is a specification provided by W3C that enables communication between web
browsers and DRM agent software to allow HTML5 video playback of encrypted content without third-party
media plugins.

Digital Rights Management in OTT 8

Multi-DRM Overview

In the past few years, there has been a trend to use a single DRM and its client SDK. We’ve seen
constant growth in the use of streaming devices, but with each new device and platform comes new
configurations. It becomes an uphill task to maintain and update numerous settings that vary from platform
to platform. As a result, OTT providers are shifting towards a native DRM approach. Each native DRM
supports its own native DRM client, so a multi-DRM setup comes into the picture.

The delivery of protected content is simplified with the help of the CENC standard in a multi-DRM
setup. Before CENC, each DRM platform supported its own encryption standard. That resulted in
multiple encrypted copies of the same asset, which in turn impacted cost and latency. With CENC,
many platforms started supporting common standards for encryption. CENC helped reduce the cost of
managing the encrypted content, improving latency and storage because fewer encrypted copies now
need to be maintained for the same asset (primarily one for HLS and the other for DASH, as discussed in
previous sections). A multi-DRM setup also has the advantage of eliminating the licensing cost because
native DRM clients are usually free on their platforms.

The main task for service providers is to procure the right to make content available to the consumer.
The multi-DRM setup helps service providers gain the trust of content owners, studios, or broadcasters
because it assures that their content is highly secured. This is a result of decryption happening at the
player level, and the player itself interacts with the DRM systems to decrypt the content.

With CPIX, the exchange of protected information across multiple setups in the OTT delivery ecosystem
becomes simplified and interoperable.

One of the important aspects to keep in mind while using a multi-DRM setup is that not all DRMs support
similar functionality. Often the supported functionality is rather basic and does not fit the business rules
and requirements. For example, FairPlay does not support any business rules at all. It requires significant
effort to create a unique experience across all devices.

There are many multi-DRM solution providers present in the market who provide the following:

1. Extended security capabilities to meet content protection requirements as per business rules
2. Enabled service features that are required by end-users and businesses, such as download and
3. Fast recovery, in case there is any data breach or risk

There are many advancements in the DRM market, resulting in universal standardization of encryption and
how protected data is exchanged with the help of a unified API. We will discuss this in more detail in the
next section.

Digital Rights Management in OTT 9

Advancements in the DRM Market

DRM solution providers need to implement a custom API to exchange protected information between
encoders, origin servers, and DRM system key servers. A custom API requires effort to develop and
is unique for every solution provider. There is an incremental cost and effort needed for every new

The above-mentioned scenario is solved using SPEKE (Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange).
The genesis of SPEKE resulted from the need to create an abstracted and standardized way for key
exchange between encoders and DRM systems. SPEKE is an open-source Rest API specification that
uses CPIX as a standard for key exchange. It builds on CPIX by adding the specifications, such as a
method for authenticating and communicating between encoders and DRM systems.

SPEKE has the single purpose of simplifying the complex process of exchanging protected information
across the OTT delivery system. It replaces various complex proprietary API integrations between multi-
DRM setups with a single open API standard.

SPEKE helps remove the redundant code for these integrations and thus makes applications lighter with
improved latencies. It also allows DRM solution providers to focus on core functionalities, rather than
spending time and money on developing custom API interfaces.


For many years, Apple supported the HLS protocol, which used the MPEG transport stream container
format. Other companies used the DASH protocol with the fragmented mp4 form. To serve all the major
devices in the market, it was necessary to maintain files in two different formats, one packaged with HLS
and the other with DASH.

Figure 7: Before CMAF, multiple copies of the asset needed to be maintained

Digital Rights Management in OTT 10

In recent years, there has been a lot of traction to support a
single set of encryption and maintain a single copy instead of
two (to support both HLS and DASH). This is now possible
with the help of CMAF (Common Media Application Format).

CMAF was designed in a collaboration between Microsoft

and Apple with linear streaming, content protection, and
ad signaling in mind. CMAF uses the ISO Base Media
File Format (ISOBMFF) container with common encryption

Unlike DASH and HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), CMAF isn’t a

presentation format. It’s a container format that can contain
one set of audio/video files, with manifest files for multiple
presentation formats and multiple DRMs. Figure 8: CMAF container structure

In a nutshell, CMAF replaces these multiple copies with

a single set of audio/video mp4 files and their respective
adaptive bitrate manifest files.

CMAF is superior to legacy systems in many ways. Here are a few:

• DASH/HLS with CMAF reduces storage and packaging costs

• Improves edge caching latency, essential for linear streaming and Origin Storage Source
• Enables device interoperability

Figure 9: With CMAF, a single copy with multiple manifest files

Digital Rights Management in OTT 11

In the era of OTT, content is the most crucial resource, and DRM helps safeguard it. DRM is here for good
and has already gone through many changes. In the foreseeable future, it will also see the same growth.
Currently, the DRM market is moving toward standardization and unification to make the setup simpler and
more manageable.

CMAF is unquestionably the game-changer in the DRM market. But being new in the market, many legacy
systems and devices do not have support for it. To reach a broader market, providers still need to manage
multiple copies of assets. This scenario will change in the coming year as legacy devices and systems
start phasing out.

A multi-DRM setup is best suited to support a larger audience and a more extensive range of devices.
Numerous multi-DRM solution providers in the market help deliver protected content. By choosing the
right multi-DRM solution provider, companies gain agility, reduce costs, and strengthen security. The best
provider also reduces the time required to launch a product to the market and take advantage of the
OTT wave.

Digital Rights Management in OTT 12

About the Author
Ajinkya Jawanjal works as an Associate Consultant at GlobalLogic. He has 7+ years of experience in
developing iOS, tvOS, and Roku applications, with vast experience in developing Media Streaming and
OTT applications.


• Digital Rights Management (DRM) Architectures

• ISO/IEC 23001-7:2015 - Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 7:
Common encryption in ISO base media file format files
• MPEG-DASH — Unified Streaming
• DASH-IF Implementation Guidelines: Content Protection Information Exchange Format (CPIX)
• ISO/IEC 23000-19:2018 - Information technology — Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) —
Part 19: Common media application format (CMAF) for segmented media
• WAVE Overview Part 1: CMAF and the WAVE Content Specification

Digital Rights Management in OTT 13

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