SSR 2021
SSR 2021
SSR 2021
Submitted To
February 2021
Jesus and Mary College, established in 1968, recognized under Sections 2(f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act is a
premier constituent College of Delhi University. The College is situated in the exclusive neighbourhood of the
Diplomatic Enclave in Chanakyapuri that inhabits a 14.101-acre plot with lush green landscaped lawns that
enhances the College atmosphere to an educational paradise. The built-in area encompasses two four-storied
buildings that comprises of well-furnished airy classrooms and the administrative offices.
A state-of-the-art multipurpose auditorium with a seating capacity of about 700 at two levels also houses the
computer laboratories and one mini conference rooms. The library is a four-storied building that lends itself to a
quiet and reflective ambience for the students as well as the faculty members. It is well-stocked with 51,576
books, 72 Journals/ Magazines and about 5000 e-journals that is accessed through N-list.
Codes of professional ethics guide all stakeholders of the College about its principles of integrity,
accountability, inclusiveness, commitment and sustainability. All stakeholders work within the institutional
policies and practices so as to satisfy the Vision and Mission of the College.
The College practices a well-structured system of mentoring to provide proper guidance to the students in not
only choosing the right career path but also to help them to become confident and emotionally secure
The College is committed to making students conscious of their social responsibility through outreach
programmes organized by NSS, NCC, WSDC, AICUF, JMCEP, etc. to enhance students’ social awareness
and sensitivity towards the upliftment of the underprivileged sections of the society.
The College celebrated its Golden Jubilee Year in 2017-2018 with a sense of great pride and fulfilment in
achieving this landmark. The inaugural ceremony was graced by the presence of the Honorable President of
India, Shri Ramnath Kovind and the year-long celebrations culminated in an International Conference on the
theme “Empowering Women with Transformative Education”. The College has been imparting quality
education as a means of empowering women so that they recognize and fulfill their roles and responsibilities as
equal contributors towards nation building and making India a forerunner on the global map.
The Vision and Mission of Jesus and Mary College are reviewed and redefined in view of changing national
and global trends in education. Goals are set to attain the objectives enshrined in national policy for higher
education. In the present context, the vision of the College is to be a global leader in education and a valuable
JMC, partnering in the vision of Christ, makes its contribution to the society through providing transformative
education. The vision of the College defines its educational policy and has been one of its major strengths and
characteristic features from the time of its inception till date. JMC provides a caring and nurturing environment
where our students come into their own, blossoming into confident young women ready to face the world.
Untiring efforts are made to instill the values of mutual trust, team work and promotion of social capital, easy
sharing of knowledge, skills and resources to create a vibrant society. At JMC, we appreciate, respect and
promote the perspectives, rights and dignity of each individual.
The institution’s mission reflects the distinctive characteristics of the institution. The College caters to the
educational, social, cultural and economic needs of the society. All these characteristics are reflected in its
policies. High quality educational programmes and healthy practices are being implemented keeping in mind
the policy of uncompromising adherence to the values and principles of inclusion, responsibility and social
The success of the institution’s mission is driven by value-based ethical behaviour of its committed faculty
members, staff and students. The College believes that all aspects of education focus on the core values of
contributing to national development while keeping in view the philosophy of having professional ethics and a
sound uniform ethical conduct.
The mission of the College is not merely confined to imparting knowledge in the classroom, but is a means of
reinforcing values of love, compassion, equality and justice. The College aspires to produce academically
oriented, sensitive and responsible citizens who will contribute towards making the world a better place.
We accompany and mentor our students so that they develop as women of competence, compassion and
conscience, and empowered with ignited minds and hearts, pursue the goal of transformation of our society
As a leading women’s liberal arts College, the main strength of the College rests on providing a gender-
sensitive and empowering education which assist students to realise their potential and self-worth and enabling
them to make a significant contribution in all spheres of national and global development.
The College follows a dialogic process with its stakeholders and has a robust system of collecting feedback
from students, teachers, alumni, employers, parents, and the non-teaching staff. The continuous evaluation and
suggestions given by the stakeholders are regularly analysed and appropriate action is taken to incorporate such
suggestions into all aspects of functioning in the institution.
JMC seeks to uphold the dignity and worth of every individual who is part of the institution particularly its
young student community. It has a ‘zero-tolerance policy’ towards sexual harassment. All members of the staff
refrain from verbal, non-verbal and/or physical misconduct of a sexual nature in their interactions with students,
other college staff, and visitors to the college.
Members of the Governing Body are eminent and experienced academicians and administrators who contribute
substantially towards quality enhancement.
The College admits students from diverse national and international backgrounds which promotes a multi-
cultural ethos on the campus.
An active Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) plays a central role in the monitoring, augmentation and
sustenance of the overall quality of the institution.
There is a vibrant Research and Collaboration Committee that encourages research activities among the faculty
and students of JMC. It is also the nodal agency for developing academic collaborations between JMC and
other Institutes of Higher Education both national and international.
The Placement Cell and individual departments constantly provide a vibrant platform to meet the different
needs of students for employability. They also provide opportunities for internship, fellowship and summer
training, etc.
JMC strives to create a model of education that is based on fostering a culture of eco-friendly practices and
making the campus environmentally sustainable. It is a campus that is plastic free, produces minimal waste,
conserves energy, protects biodiversity and practices self-sustainability in areas of power, water and
Institutional Weakness
For enhancement of institutional growth and development, the number of permanent teaching staff in the
College needs to be increased.
JMC is primarily an undergraduate college which focuses on teaching and learning activities rather than on
research. Therefore, there is a limited scope in enhancing the research rigor on campus.
The College being a constituent College of University of Delhi is bound to follow the curriculum devised by
the University and therefore does not allow for flexibility in curriculum design and delivery.
Limited resources in the use of digital technology to enhance teaching- learning on campus.
The College is funded by the UGC but has limited financial resources to cater to the growing academic needs
that support funding requirements to enhance teaching-learning resources for faculty members. Generation of
funds is often a serious limitation in expansion and upgradation of campus facilities.
Institutional Opportunity
The potential to collaborate with Universities in India and abroad and develop multidisciplinary academic
collaborations/ faculty and student exchange programmes etc., is abundant as JMC has a wide network of
working relationships with academicians and practitioners both at the national and international levels.
JMC provides ample scope to promote and create a more harmonious and peaceful world through its students
who are groomed to be agents of social transformation in keeping with its vision and mission.
Highly qualified, efficient and committed faculty members who are capable of organizing and conducting high
quality seminars, workshops, conferences is an added opportunity to further partner with eminent institutions
both nationally and internationally, to carry out certificate programmes, add-on courses, etc. This will provide
the scope to create more teaching-learning material and contribute to the various fields of education.
With the recent employment trends that require a more highly skilled workforce, JMC can initiate professional
and job-oriented courses that meet the current needs of the society.
Senior and retired faculty members are equipped with knowledge and skills to train and conduct FDPs that
induct the younger generation of students and faculty into the high quality of teaching and learning skills that
stem from the timeless values and ethos of JMC.
Given the emerging educational needs and the constant change in the structures of work and employability,
JMC has a large repertoire of its alumnae who can enhance learning experiences on campus adding relevance to
the current programmes offered. This effort will strengthen the social capital of the college with the alumnae.
Over the years JMC has developed its own credibility and established strong bonds with industrial partners
through its Placement Cell and internships of various departments. The scope to expand these linkages wider
between the industry and the academic fraternity should be able to strengthen innovation and entrepreneurship
activities in more tangible outcomes.
Institutional Challenge
Although the College offers two PG courses in English and Hindi but neither teaching nor research is
conducted at the level of the institution. The admission and examinations are controlled by the University of
Delhi and only tutorials are held in the College. Therefore, there is limited scope for teaching and research at
the post graduate level.
It is a challenge to obtain the Grants and Funding for pursuing research projects.
JMC caters to a large number of students who hail from the marginalized sections of society, many of whom
are first generation learners. The challenge of meeting their day-to-day educational and personal needs is an
urgent and immediate need.
The initiation of any new academic programme requires a long and complicated procedure for getting
permissions from multiple authorities which often delays the process.
The demand ratio for most courses remains consistently high, which leads to mismatch between the intake and
the institutional capacity.
The commercialization of education and change in the societal values presents a challenge to the service motto
of the College.
Jesus and Mary College is a constituent college of Delhi University, and as such follows a pre-
determined syllabus. However, the college innovates within these established academic structures,
committed to providing holistic development for its all-women student body.
Academic processes in JMC are streamlined, with timetables, workloads and other administrative tasks
prepped well in advance of teaching sessions.
The intellectual teaching body of JMC is supported by relevant ICT. The college enjoys technologically
enabled and inclusive infrastructure including a well-equipped library, which makes it possible for the
students to participate in a modern teaching-learning process. (
Our teachers regularly update their disciplinary knowledge through active involvement in faculty
development programmes, curriculum reviews, evaluation, and participation in different decision-
making bodies of the University.
Experiential learning through internships projects and field trips is specifically facilitated. JMC
incorporates an empathetic approach, endeavoring to familiarize the students about how gender-based
inequalities, neglect of environmental concerns and lack of ethics hamper an individual's and societal
Bolstering its academic credentials, JMC is one of the few colleges that offers a range of dedicated add-
on certificate courses in Graphic Designing, Mass Communication and Media Studies, Data Analysis
and Artificial Intelligence, Camera and Photography etc. These aid students’ skill development and
prepare them for the professional world.
Complementing these pursuits is the strong tutorial and mentor-ward system. Smaller groups of students
are created, so that academic and other discussions are individualized. Interdisciplinarity and sensitivity
form a significant aspect of our vision of providing transformative education to women.
At JMC, education is dialogic, and it is the feedback system that gives it this transparency and
accountability. Feedback is taken on forms available on website, the data is compiled, analysed and
shared with each Department and concerned individuals for prompt action. Channels for communication
with different stakeholders are kept warm by responding to diverse needs. The IQAC conducts annual
internal audits and all Departments are encouraged to undertake self-assessment to critically reflect on
their practices. This approach supports the amalgamation of the interests of the stakeholders as well as
the Institution.
JMC focuses on holistic intellectual, social, emotional and aesthetic development of the students. We try
to we work conscientiously to reflect upon and enhance our pedagogic methods.
Right from admission, the college follows a well-administered and transparent procedure with ease of
availability of information on our website. A Grievance Committee looks into admission related
problems of the students. (
With the intention to develop critical and innovative thinking, student centered pedagogies are evolved
at the department level. Some prefer case study approach, while others prefer brainstorming duly
supported by ICT and e-resources.
Remedial courses and elaborate tutorial sessions are aimed at supporting learners in small groups so that
teachers can provide individual support. Special attention is given to students with special needs and
also from economically weaker sections. Students are also supported through a well-designed mentor
ward system as displayed on JMC website.
The evaluation procedure is elaborated upon in the prospectus and restated during subsequent classes to
ensure effective implementation of the internal assessment. Students are assessed on a continuous basis
through innovative and reformed techniques such as group discussions, assignments, analytical tests,
practicals and projects. Accordingly, remedial classes and other techniques are used to support learners
with different abilities and pace. Students with advanced needs are encouraged to research and given
more challenging tasks. All students are encouraged to participate in inter-college competitions to
optimize their potential.
Students are given multiple opportunities to succeed. Through internal assessment students are
encouraged and guided to improve their responses with more than one attempt at times. An online
system helps students to view their marks at the end of each semester. Aiding that is a democratic
teacher-student interaction, which makes it easier to report any discrepancies in the process before
marks are uploaded on the University portal.
The robust evaluation process is not the only parameter to assess the integrity of the teaching-learning
process. There is also a strong online feedback system in place, which is critically analysed and
addressed, to ensure quality enhancement. (
The research output of the college has increased manifold since the last SSR (56 papers in Journals in
UGC care list, 80 books/chapters in books and 153 papers in Conference volumes published during the
review period). (SSR:3.3.2 and 3.3.3)
To facilitate more research, the Research Committee (an IQAC initiative) organised Conferences,
Seminars and FDPs. ( conferences). A 2-day International
Conference, “Empowering Women through Transformative Education” in October 2018 was organised
( Another
International Conference on the theme ‘Social Media Marketing’ was organised by the Department of
Commerce in March 2019.
Besides the two International Conferences, 8 National Seminars/Conferences were organised during
2015-2020 by various departments focussing on latest developments and research. More than 270 talks,
workshops, field visits, 19 Webinars were organised by departments and various societies on various
themes including Research Methodology and Industry-Academia interactions. (SSR:3.2.2)
A peer reviewed Interdisciplinary Journal with ISSN “JMC Review” was launched in 2017.
In order to address evolving needs of students and bridge the gap with the world of work JMC offers
add-on certificate courses like Artificial Intelligence and Data
Science, Media Studies, Advertising & Marketing etc. which are transacted by practitioners.
Extension Activities are organised by seven college societies (in collaboration with government and non-
government entities and communities). These include: National Service Scheme (NSS), Women’s
Studies Center, JMC Education Programme, ENACTUS, All India Catholic University Federation,
Green Society, National Cadet Corps (NCC). Departments and other societies also organise activities to
sensitise students about social realities and challenges. Almost all students were involved in a large
number of socially relevant activities (448 activities during the last 5 years). As part of the Golden
Jubilee Year Celebrations, an MOU was signed with NDMC for total quality improvement in NDMC
Senior Secondary School, Bapu Dham for 3 years. (SSR:3.4.3 and 3.4.4)
Internships and fieldtrips are encouraged to strengthen experiential learning. Departments of Education
and B.Voc have formal agreements with institutions (schools and hospitals etc.) for on-the-job training
and internships. (SSR:3.5.1)
Research and Collaboration Committee, IQAC facilitated MOUs with 3 universities of repute in China,
Thailand and Romania. (SSR:3.5.2)
Set against the backdrop of extensive green cover, Jesus & Mary College has aesthetically designed
buildings which are architecturally striking and responsive to environmental concerns. A deliberate
attempt has been made to preserve the natural habitat as much as possible. The infrastructure provides
easy access to differently abled people thereby making it infrastructurally inclusive.
The teaching block has well-appointed and spacious ICT enabled classrooms, tutorial and department
rooms. The Psychology, Elementary Education, B.Voc. (Healthcare Management), and Computer
departments have labs that are well-designed and adequately equipped with learning resources. The
three floored library building is air conditioned, wi-fi enabled with relevant hardware and software, and
a rich repertoire of learning resources.
The college makes great efforts to provide the latest technology to students, keeping them up to date
with the world. With a total hardware capacity of 730 workstations, it maintains a student to computer
ratio of 1:1.
The majestic Thevenet Hall houses an auditorium with a seating capacity of 1000 persons, and an
excellent light and sound system. A spacious Amphitheatre provides a vibrant space for various
exhibitions, street plays and music performances. (
The college also takes pride in its comprehensive sports and fitness infrastructure. The outdoor sports
facilities include a football court, cricket pitch, open space for yoga etc. Indoor arrangements include a
badminton court, table tennis and judo room, which is also used for taekwondo and wrestling. A fully
equipped gymnasium with trained instructors and the latest exercise machines, round off the state-of-the-
art facilities in the college. (
Additionally, a Canteen Committee makes monthly visits to the Canteen, keeping regular checks on the
infrastructure, and conducting hygiene checks in the kitchen and related areas to ensure a qualitatively
satisfactory food experience for our students. (
The College has a five-year contract for the maintenance of the rooftop solar plant including monthly
cleaning by the company.
JMC ensures regular maintenance and upkeep of all facilities through trained and efficient staff and a
system of periodic checks.
JMC has created a fabric of social inclusion and empowerment, through student-centric financial
incentives and welfare measures.
JMC provides a number of scholarships and fellowships in addition to the government freeships
available to the students. The college has a scheme called the Student-Aid-Fund (SAF) to support
marginalized students in continuation of education and to reduce the dropout rate. Many students have
benefitted from this funding support over the last five years, highlighting JMC’s contribution in
broadening access to higher education.
In addition to financial support, JMC has active students’ grievance redressal mechanisms that help
them seek redressal for complaints, including those about sexual harassment and ragging. For the
students’ emotional well-being, JMC also offers formal in-house counseling
As the number of students seeking admission to undergraduate education has increased over the last five
years, there have also been a significant number of students graduating from JMC and pursuing higher
education in India and abroad. Institutional provisions facilitate vertical movement of students to higher
levels and gainful employment, with an average of 87.76% students progressing to higher education in
the last five years.
The Placement cell facilitates the students’ professional growth and success as many leading Corporates
like Deloitte, KPMG, Bain, etc, and non-corporates like schools and ‘Teach for India’ recruit a
substantial number of students from the college. (
JMC also facilitates students’ representation and engagement in various administrative, and co-
curricular activities through a formal student council body that is elected annually by active
participation of all students.
The institution has various co-curricular, cultural and sports activities to ensure the holistic development
of the students. Students actively participate in extension activities through NCC, NSS, JMCEP, WDC
523 sports and cultural events have been held at Jesus and Mary College over the last five years. The
college has been bagging the Delhi University Vice-Chancellor's Excellence Trophy in Sports for the
past 25 years, reflecting JMC’s strong impetus to sports.
JMC has a transparent and multi layered governance system. The Governing Body of the college meets
on a regular basis to discuss issues related to the overall development of the institution. Similarly, Staff
Council meetings are held periodically for the effective planning and implementation of teaching,
learning and administrative programmes. Student Council meetings are also held at regular intervals to
address student related issues.
As per Governmental rules, the college has implemented welfare schemes, and a range of development-
oriented programmes for the teaching and non-teaching staff.
JMC governance is marked by transparency, inclusivity and accountability. Feedback from various
stakeholders like students, teachers, employers and alumni is invited through online feedback forms. It
is then analysed, and appropriate action is taken and shared with the Governing Body. (https://www.jmc
111-JUN-19301501.pdf). Staff Council and IQAC monitor the quality of the teaching-learning process,
while the management facilitates smooth functioning of teaching and support systems.
An Internal Audit Report is given by IQAC to each department. Each department is also given a tool for
self-reflection (Self-Assessment Proforma) to take suitable action collectively. They give all
departments and concerned staff of the college feedback to critically reflect on their practices and plan
sessment%20Proforma%20of%20Departments/) Besides this, external academic audit is also conducted
regularly. Teachers are encouraged to carry out a self-appraisal every year so as to gain insight into the
effectiveness of their teaching style and its impact on students.
The College follows performance appraisal procedures as per the norms of Government of India.
Accordingly, each employee is expected to fill an Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) and
submit it to the concerned authority. The grievances are further heard by the College Grievance Cell
under the chairpersonship of the Principal.
The college conducts internal and external financial audits on a regular basis. The audit wing of the
UGC visits the college periodically and inspects all files pertaining to the financial matters that the
college has availed of, as well as all the receipts and payments in the college.
In keeping with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs 2030), JMC has initiated
several sustainable practices on campus.
The Colleges’ best practice “The Gift of Green: Towards Building a Sustainable and Clean Campus"
aims to build an environmentally sustainable campus that is plastic free, produces minimal waste,
conserves energy, protects biodiversity and practices self-sustainability in areas of power, water and
cleanliness through notable projects on campus:
Energy and Water Conservation Facilities on campus such as Solar Power Plant and Rainwater Harvesting.
Degradable and non-degradable wastes through two successful projects, DHARA and IFFAT. From 2019, JMC
is a Plastic Free Campus.
Greening of the campus the college by planting and nurturing 642 trees.
Responding to the needs of differently abled persons the campus is fitted with 6 ramps, 3 automatic lifts,
2 disabled-friendly washrooms and wheelchair and Braille signages. The Equal Opportunity Cell
organises training sessions for students.
JMC values inclusionary practices at multiple levels. We celebrate cultural, regional, linguistic, socio-
economic diversities through various student societies.
JMC educates students about their Fundamental Rights and Duties through various programmes
organised by Departments/Societies.
JMC fosters a Code of Professional Ethics and Conduct for students, teaching and non-teaching staff
and the governing body to promote the core values of the college.
Our best practice “Campus Placements/Internships: Empowerment through Employment” empowers
our students through employability, making them socially, politically and economically active citizens.
Given the skewed male-female ratio in urban professional spaces, the Placement Cell and individual
departments connect young women with potential employers and provide opportunities for internship,
fellowship and summer training.
JMC’s institutional distinctiveness lies in the empowerment of women from all strata of society
addressing the changing needs of students and society in the most innovative, engaged, compassionate
way while providing cutting edge, competitive education.
The Women’s Study Centre plays a critical role in fostering gender sensitivity. From 2015 JMC has
organised 121 gender equity programmes. The Internal Complaints Committee handles cases of sexual
JMC offers formal in-house Counselling and guidance services for its students through professionally
trained counsellors regularly on its campus.
Name and Address of the College
State Delhi
Pin 110021
Type of Institution
By Shift Regular
Any Other
Establishment Details
University to which the college is affiliated/ or which governs the college (if it is a constituent
Details of autonomy
Details of Programmes Offered by the College (Give Data for Current Academic year)
Teaching Faculty
Recruited 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yet to Recruit 0 0 0
Non-Teaching Staff
Recruited 33 9 0 42
Yet to Recruit 8
Sanctioned by the 0
or Other Authorized
Recruited 0 0 0 0
Yet to Recruit 0
Technical Staff
Recruited 6 4 0 10
Yet to Recruit 15
Sanctioned by the 0
or Other Authorized
Recruited 0 0 0 0
Yet to Recruit 0
Permanent Teachers
Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ph.D. 0 0 0 1 27 0 1 18 0 47
M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 7 0 1 3 0 11
PG 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 0 8
Temporary Teachers
Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ph.D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 16 0 20
M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 16
PG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 26
Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ph.D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 3
M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
PG 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2
Provide the Following Details of Students Enrolled in the College During the Current Academic Year
Programme From the State From Other NRI Students Foreign Total
Where College States of India Students
is Located
Certificate / Male 0 0 0 0 0
Female 54 9 0 0 63
Others 0 0 0 0 0
PG Male 0 0 0 0 0
Female 15 13 0 0 28
Others 0 0 0 0 0
UG Male 0 0 0 0 0
Female 675 402 0 0 1077
Others 0 0 0 0 0
Provide the Following Details of Students admitted to the College During the last four Academic
SC Male 0 0 0 0
Female 4 0 2 0
Others 0 0 0 0
ST Male 0 0 0 0
Female 34 9 71 36
Others 0 0 0 0
OBC Male 0 0 0 0
Female 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0
General Male 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0
Others Male 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0
Extended Profile
1 Program
Number of courses offered by the Institution across all programs during the last five years
16 16 16 16 14
2 Students
Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule year-wise during last five
Number of outgoing / final year students year-wise during last five years
3 Teachers
Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
4 Institution
Response: 62
Total Expenditure excluding salary year-wise during last five years ( INR in Lakhs)
Number of Computers
Response: 732
Jesus and Mary College is a constituent college of University of Delhi, and as such follows a pre-
determined syllabus set by the parent University. The college innovates within these established
academic structures, committed to providing holistic development for its students.
Academic processes are streamlined, with timetables, workloads and other supporting
administrative tasks prepped well in advance of teaching session. Departmental reports are collated
at the end of each academic session, documenting the academic and extracurricular work
undertaken by the department in that year, thereby compiling its response in a systematic manner.
For continuous growth, our teachers regularly update their knowledge through active involvement
in Research and Faculty Development Programmes. They are also members of various bodies of
the University contributing to curriculum reviews, assessment and evaluation.
ICT supplements the intellectual teaching body of JMC. The college employs technologically
enabled infrastructure for everyone, with special infrastructural assistance for our students with
disabilities, which makes it possible for all our students to engage in an appropriate teaching-
learning process. Experiential learning for the students through internships, projects, and field trips
is specifically facilitated. JMC library provides access to a vast repertoire of international and
national journals, reports, books etc as well as e-resources to strengthen the teaching learning
Besides its academic credentials, JMC is one of the few colleges that offer dedicated certificate add-
on courses like Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Financial Management and Corporate
Communications, Media Studies, Advertising & Marketing, language courses like French and
Spanish, and even creative ones like Camera and Photography. These courses impart life skills and
are transacted by practitioners, thus providing opportunity to students for hands on experience and
building bridges with the world of work.
Complementing the pursuit of effective curriculum transaction is the strong tutorial and mentor-
ward system. Smaller groups of students are created, so that academic and other discussions are
individualized. JMC prioritizes the amalgamation of academic and mental health of our students
through the mentor-ward system where each student is assigned a faculty mentor for academic and
extra-academic guidance. Through focused interactions and guidance offered by the teachers,
students are able to have their academic and other issues suitably addressed.
At JMC, education is a dialogic process, and it is the robust feedback system that gives it this
accountability. Feedback forms for students, teachers, alumni, employers, parents, and the non-
teaching staff are displayed on the college website for the requisite stakeholders to confidentially
give the college their evaluations and suggestions. The institution strives to incorporate these into
all aspects of its functioning.
JMC champions an empathetic approach, endeavoring to raise the consciousness of our students
about how gender-based inequalities, neglect of environmental concerns and lack of ethics hamper
an individual's growth. This allows them to participate in society as mindful individuals.
Interdisciplinarity and sensitivity form a significant aspect of our vision of providing transformative
education to women.
1.1.2 The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of CIE
Being a constituent college of the University of Delhi, JMC follows the Academic Calendar issued
by the University at the beginning of the academic year. It clearly delineates a schedule for
teaching, examination, semester break and vacations, that is strictly followed by the college to
ensure smooth and efficient functioning of its teaching and administrative processes. Within the
same framework, the college also prepares its own calendar of events and activities before the
commencement of the Academic Session and the same is communicated to all. For transparency of
functioning, both the University and the college academic calendars are placed on the college
All the aforementioned information is reinforced during the collegiate and departmental orientation
of new students at the beginning of academic session.
The Principal also conducts meetings with the Teacher-in-charge(s), faculty from individual
Departments, and entire Staff including non-teaching to ensure smooth implementation of the
activities as scheduled.
For the purpose of conducting Continuous Internal Evaluation, teachers prepare their schedule of
teaching, class tests and assignments in accordance with their allotted time table keeping the
academic calendar and planned co-curricular activities of the college in mind.
The students are informed well in advance about the deadline for assignment submissions, dates for
class tests and presentations, as well as their final internal assessment marks. Criteria for
assessment is also shared with the students. They are encouraged to seek guidance from teachers
during the designated tutorial slots or the latter’s free time. The mentor-ward periods are created
specially to supplement this kind of academic framework with the extra-academic support that the
students might require.
Multiple assessments are taken, with the aim of allowing the students to incorporate suggestions
offered by the teacher, thereby making learning a continuum and creating various opportunities for
the students to succeed. The institution’s approach is reoriented to suit the learner’s pace, ensuring
the mitigation of any pressure on the students.
Project work, field work and presentation components of the syllabus and assessment are arranged
keeping in mind the pre-planned academic calendars.
Mid-Semester break, a week long break offered by University of Delhi, is utilized for the
abovementioned field work, project work, excursions, industrial visits, etc. which form an integral
part of CIE. This allows for students to recuperate and yet enhance their worldviews through
innovative learning methodologies.
JMC calendar bears testament to the diverse arenas in which our students enthusiastically
contribute and excel. It is equally important to carve a space for collegiate events like the ‘Sports
Day’, ‘Montage’ (college festival), ‘Octet’ (celebrating diversity through the cultural festival of
Ethnic Eight Society) in the lives of our students as the qualitative impact of an inclusive and
balanced education allows for all-round development of the students.
Everything in the institution is geared towards providing transformative education in a structured manner
to our students, with accessibility, comprehensibility, and transparency as our watchwords in this process.
Response: 81.25
Response: 13
1.2.2 Number of Add on /Certificate programs offered during the last five years
Response: 42 How many Add on /Certificate programs are offered within the last 5 years.
9 7 9 8 9
1.2.3 Average percentage of students enrolled in Certificate/ Add-on programs as against the total
number of students during the last five years
Response: 6.67 Number of students enrolled in subject related Certificate or Add-on programs year wise
during last five years
JMC stands for values likes compassion and commitment to development of self and society. The
college has compulsory student societies like JMCEP (Jesus and Mary College Educational
Programme), WSC (Women’s Study Centre), AICUF (All India Catholic Federation), Green
Society and Peace Society, which regularly organize socially relevant events and outreach
programmes so that students learn to engage with socio-cultural issues in a constructive manner.
Academically, Generic Electives, Skill Enhancement Courses and Ability Enhancement
Compulsory Courses are offered within and across departments, to help students critically examine
issues related to gender, environment and ethics.
Psychology Department conducted a project to assess menstrual health of girls living in low socio-
economic areas, body image issues among male adolescents so as to develop a
nuanced understanding of the workings of power and its impact on an individual’s psyche. The
Economics Department organized a discussion on workplace ethics and confidence building with
an industry leader.
JMC firmly believes in rigorous implementation of professional ethics; students are made cognizant
of the significance of proper referencing in assignments, intellectual property rights issues,
consequently discouraging any kind of plagiarism.
Students from Sociology Department make ethnographic films on issues of gender, sustainability,
and disability. The Department of Elementary Education facilitates its students to visit special
schools, slum areas, and understand aspects of marginalization so that they become reflective
practitioners, learning the significance of inclusive pedagogies.
In 2017-18, JMC celebrated its Golden Jubilee. Theme for the year-long celebrations was
“Empowering Women through Transformative Education”. A two-day International Conference
was also organized and a variety of gender-related issues were discussed. This was further explored
by the departments using different disciplinary perspectives throughout the year.
Strengthening its commitment to the community, JMC signed an MOU with NDMC in 2017 for a
three-year collaboration with NDMC Senior Secondary Co-ed School, Bapu Dham. The aim is to
enrich curricular processes towards quality enhancement on a sustainable basis. This collaboration
was initiated by the President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, at the opening ceremony of Golden
Jubilee Celebrations.
JMC has carefully planned its infrastructure so as to prioritize conservation of the environment.
There has been a conscious effort to preserve rock base to a large extent. The building is well
provisioned for students with disability.
Students undertook COP+25 International Climate Action Course by IARC for United Nations.
In 2019, The Department of B.A. Programme organized an E-waste awareness campaign and
collection drive in collaboration with Karo Sambhav, an organization co-creating sustainable
solutions for E-waste management. Enactus JMC, Mercatus, Green and Peace Societies organized
two cycles of plastic collection in collaboration with Shayna, a GOI recognized plastic recycling
company. IQAC organized the JMC Staff Swap Shop Meet, which sensitized everyone about the
need to reduce carbon footprint.
The institution believes in the holistic development of students who are not only intellectually ready to face
the world but are also empathetic human beings striving for an egalitarian and sustainable society.
1.3.2 Average percentage of courses that include experiential learning through project work/field
work/internship during last five years
Response: 2.8 Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work/field
work/internship year-wise during last five years
22 21 15 10 9
1.3.3 Percentage of students undertaking project work/field work/ internships (Data for the latest
completed academic year
Response: 24.13
Response: 792
1.Feedback collected, analysed and action taken and feedback available on website
2.Feedback collected, analysed and action has been taken
3.Feedback collected and analysed
4.Feedback collected
5. Feedback not collected
Response: A. Feedback collected, analysed and action taken and feedback available on website
Response: 100 Number of sanctioned seats year wise during last five years
2.1.2 Average percentage of seats filled against reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc.
as per applicable reservation policy ) during the last five years ( exclusive of supernumerary seats)
Response: 94.28 Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year-wise during the last five
The assessment of the learning levels of the students is done by the teachers in the classrooms during
lectures and through conducting class tests, assignments, tutorials, etc; on the basis of which slow and
advanced learners are identified. Specific teaching-learning methodologies oriented to the needs of such
students are then discussed and implemented.
An integrated approach is followed in the classes by our faculty. Traditional teaching methods are aided by
new age technological methods to make learning more engaging and relatable.
Slow Learners:
Tutorials and remedial classes are organized, the purpose of which is to give special coaching in areas
where they need support.
Additional reading material and books in simple form is made available to increase their understanding of
the subject. E-links are also suggested to the students to help them gain an in-depth knowledge of the
Bilingual explanations and discussions are done in the class with the aim of reaching out to the slow
learners so that they can be brought at par with the rest of the class.
Additional tests are conducted outside the curriculum to assess the learning ability of students.
Peer learning is encouraged through group discussions and presentations. This aids in building a culture of
team work and helps to develop leadership as well as interpersonal skills.
Advanced Learners:
During lectures, tutorials, class tests, assignments and interaction outside the class, the teachers are able to
assess the calibre of the students and identify the advanced learners.
Departments through a combination of academic and co-curricular activities encourage the advanced
learners to optimize their potential. Such students are encouraged to participate in inter college
The faculty helps the students to get relevant research projects and publish papers in the field of their
They are suggested advanced readings in the relevant topics to enhance their understanding of the subject
to enable them to pursue research in future.
They are encouraged to help and provide support to the weaker students by engaging in group discussions
and presentations.
They are given an opportunity for micro teaching in the class as well as making individual presentations.
They are involved in special projects like book and movie reviews, analysis of current issues of relevance
to their subjects.
The College library provides the Inflibnet facility and other e-resources (linked to Delhi University) to help
the advanced learners to broaden their horizons.
Students who are advanced learners are encouraged to upgrade their knowledge and skills through add-on
courses provided by the college along with special lectures organized by expert resource persons.
Students are given recognition for their achievements at various forums in terms of cash awards, medals,
appreciation certificates and scholarships. They are also motivated to secure rank and distinction in
University examination.
2.2.2 Student- Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
Response: 25:1
The College makes continuous and conscious efforts to enable its students to realize their potential
and evolve as leaders and transforming agents of society. Some of the methods employed by the
college in this process are:
Finance and Investment Cell provides students with an environment conducive to continuous
intellectual development for all the finance-enthusiasts. They are also provided with a
simulated stock market trading platform to gain practical knowledge of stock trading.
The Entrepreneurship Cell provides the platform for innovative thinkers to take forward
their entrepreneurial ideas.
The Research and Skill Development Cell helps students conduct independent research in
survey methods, data collection, and social outreach.
Fully equipped Experiential/Simulative Labs for Bachelor of Vocational Studies are created
to familiarize them with the actual working environment. Students also intern with hospitals
and leading retail chain stores to gain hands-on experience and make them professionally
Field trips to biodiversity parks, heritage sites, etc. are organized to promote grass root
understanding of concepts.
Extensive use of Case Studies to improve the problem-solving ability of the students.
The college employs an interactive approach through discussions, debates, oral group
presentations to encourage greater participation and interactive learning.
Project work is assigned in all practical subjects to encourage teamwork and participative
Newsletters and Magazines are published by various Departments and Societies to nurture
creativity and other skills.
Short-duration Add-on Courses like Financial Management, Media Studies, Advertising and
Marketing, and many others are conducted to fill the gaps in knowledge and give students a
competitive edge.
Professional Counsellors are employed to enhance the learning process by supporting them
Physical Education Practicum Camps, physical education lesson planning and developing
games are organized for school children by B.El.Ed students. This enhances their experiential
learning as part of their training to become teachers.
As part of the B.El.Ed course, Fourth Year students engage in a four month long internship in
various government schools (Directorate of Education, Navyug and NDMC) in Delhi.
2.3.2 Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process.
Teachers of the College try to make the best use of the technology in their teaching process. Teachers
have the knowledge and skills to use new digital tools to help all students achieve high academic
standards. ICT has enabled better and swifter communication; presentation of ideas in an effective
and relevant way. It is an effective tool for acquiring information from multiple sources to help
students to enhance their knowledge database.
The College has a Wi-Fi Enabled Campus which helps the teachers and students to stay
connected to the internet and learn and teach the updated information. The college has ICT
Enabled Classrooms having Desktops, Laptops, Projectors which helps in the e-learning
process. Some teachers use and share E-books which are very useful for the students as they
are handy and saves the cost of buying the physical books. Teachers use microphone-
connected speakers to enable them to reach to all the students in the classroom effectively.
The college has an Automated Library which enables the students to find the location of the
books easily. The library provides accessibility to e-resources vide INFLIBNET to teachers
and students. This provides resources to enable them to do research. The digital library also
helps in accessing information from anywhere in the world, easy search and retrieval of
information, etc.
The college has well equipped Computer Labs. The teachers take practical classes for courses
like Mathematics, Commerce, Computer Science, Economics, etc. The curriculum of these
courses has practical components which require the use of computer labs. The labs are
updated with new softwares like Tally, R, Matlab, Microsoft Office, the latest Excel utility
downloaded from the Income Tax Department website, etc.
The Department of Psychology has developed a Psychology Lab which is used to emphasize
training in applied psychological skills with the purpose of creating students with high intra-
psychic and interpersonal sensitivity.
Teachers make and present PowerPoint presentations in the classrooms which help them
have an interactive conversation with the students. Presentations are the best way to make
notes as they can be updated with the latest changes in the knowledge, presenting diagrams,
charts, etc.
Teachers have started taking lectures online on Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.
FDPs are conducted to enable/familiarize the teachers with these online platforms. Besides
using the e-books in the e-classrooms, educational podcasts and videos, such as Ted Talks,
YouTube Content, etc which further adds quality to lecture delivery.
Teachers share reading materials, short notes, e-books over different media like Google
Classroom, E-Mail, College Portal,Blogs, WhatsApp,etc.
Teachers most often use ICTs for 'routine tasks' (lesson plan development, information presentation,
basic information searches on the Internet, record keeping and so on). Faculty is adapting to the
usage of ICT tools to provide quality education to the students.
2.3.3 Ratio of students to mentor for academic and other related issues (Data for the latest completed
academic year )
Response: 25:1
Response: 129
Response: 94.23
Year wise full time teachers and sanctioned posts View Document
for 5years(Data Template)
2.4.2 Average percentage of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality /
D.Sc. / D.Litt. during the last five years (consider only highest degree for count)
Response: 58.82 Number of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. / D.N.B Superspeciality / D.Sc. /
D.Litt. year wise during the last five years
82 80 74 70 62
2.4.3 Average teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution (Data for the latest
completed academic year in number of years)
Response: 13.61
Response: 1756.32
JMC, being a constituent college of University of Delhi, is bound by the University rules regarding
Internal Assessment. It gives 25% weightage in overall assessment of the students.
5% through Attendance.
Teachers ensure that the students are aware of the Internal Assessment Evaluation Criteria.
It is discussed with them in detail to enhance transparency and rigor with a view to focus on
individual and original work.
The criterion is objective and transparent devoid of any bias on the part of the teacher.
Students are informed in advance that independent learning, original thinking and new ideas
will be given additional points.
Assignments and tests are regularly conducted and students are given multiple opportunities
to improve their performance.
A variety of techniques and methods such as MCQs, Analytical tests, Case studies, Book
Reports, Classroom presentations, individual and group projects are employed.
The College encourages the teachers to adopt innovative methods such as Open Book Tests,
MCQs and Analytical Tests, etc. on a continuous basis before semester-end examinations held
by the University.
Teachers also bridge the knowledge gap of the students through innovative pedagogical
practices employed in tutorials.
Remedial classes are also offered in various subjects to provide additional help.
Students are given the opportunity to improve upon their performance through re-tests and
one to one discussion in tutorials.
Teachers are given free hand to design their own evaluation methods in this category,
whereby students are encouraged to participate in interactive sessions, group discussions,
powerpoint presentations, projects and assignments.
Students are also encouraged to apply the theoretical concepts taught in class to real life
situations/problems through these projects, assignments etc. In some programmes like B.Voc,
role plays are conducted to make the course content relevant to real life.
Curriculum of some courses allow skill enhancement through Practical Sessions and
continuous evaluation is done through testing of skills developed. Disciplines such as
Commerce, Computer Applications, Economics and Mathematics have Practical Components
as part of their Curriculum which focus on problem solving skills using ICT techniques and
2.5.2 Mechanism to deal with internal/external examination related grievances is transparent, time-
bound and efficient
Jesus and Mary College is a constituent college of Delhi University and therefore it follows the
guidelines set by the University for the conduct of examinations. At the end of each semester, there is
a final exam which is uniformly conducted for students across all the constituent colleges of Delhi
University. The final exam for each paper has 75% weightage of overall assessment and the
remaining 25% constitute internal assessment marks.
The Internal Assessment forms a part of a continuous evaluation system conducted through
Class Tests, Tutorials, Assignments, Projects and Presentations. All of these together
constitute an integral part of Internal Examination which is carried out in a well-planned and
systematic manner.
The institution has a well-defined system in place to deal with examination related
The College has adopted an online system where each student can view her total assessment
marks at the end of each semester and can report discrepancies, if any, within a specified time
period after which the marks are finally uploaded on the University portal.
The College follows a completely web-enabled (online) internal assessment and attendance
management system. Assignment and test / project marks are uploaded on the College
website. The students can check their marks and approach the concerned teacher directly in
case of any clarification or discrepancy.
The faculty addresses the rightful grievances of the students pertaining to the marks obtained
in the internal assessment.
The evaluated papers related to internal examination consisting of class tests, assignments,
projects, etc. are returned to students with detailed remarks and suggestions for
improvement. Any query of students regarding the feedback and evaluation is thoroughly
addressed by the respective teachers.
The marks are sent to the university only after each student has been given ample
opportunity and time to review and register her complaint, if any.
The final Internal Assessment marks are reviewed by the Departments. There is a
Moderation Committee at the college level that looks into any discrepancies in Internal
Assessment marks and takes requisite steps to ensure transparency and objectivity.
If any error is detected in the final mark-sheet in spite of rigorous scrutiny, it is promptly
reported to the University by the College.
Hence the College employs a robust multi-tiered mechanism to ensure transparency and objectivity
in dealing with grievances related to internal examinations.
The Program Outcomes (PO) and Course Outcomes (CO) are adopted for all programs offered by the
The Learning Outcomes-based Curriculum Framework (LOCF) is intended to suit the present day
needs of the student in terms of securing their path towards higher studies or a terminal degree
guiding students towards career choices.
Learning outcomes form an integral part of college vision, mission and objectives.
The learning objectives are communicated through various means such as college prospectus,
Principal’s address to students and parents, Alumni meets and dissemination in classroom by
concerned staff. These are also prominently featured on college boards, college magazine and other
publications brought during conferences and seminars.
Informing the stakeholders, especially the parents, persuade students towards skill oriented and
value based courses.
Students are made aware of the course specific outcomes through orientation programme,
classroom discussion, expert lectures and practicals.
Teachers are also well communicated about the outcomes.
The college deputes teachers for workshops, seminars, conferences and FDPs to enrich them to
attain the outcomes while teaching learning in the classes.
Teachers actively participate in workshops on revision of syllabus organized by the university.
Many teachers are also the members of syllabus sub committees, thus the process of perception and
outcomes takes place in exact manner and excel the quality of teaching learning.
Successful alumni students are also invited to interact with both students and teachers at specific
events and meetings where they share how their individual course shaped their career thus helping
existing students align better with the specified course outcomes.
2.6.2 Attainment of programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution.
The Institution regularly evaluates the performance of students through various methods for
measuring the attainment of each of the Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and
Course Outcomes.
Evaluation Process: The programme outcomes and Programme Specific outcomes are assessed with
the help of course outcomes of the relevant programme through direct evaluation process. It is
provided through University Examinations, terminal exams, internal and home assignments, unit
tests, surprise tests, open book tests, etc.
Throughout the year the faculty records the performance of each student on each programme
outcome. At the same time remedial coaching is also provided to slow learners to make pace with the
desired progression.
Average attainment in Evaluation Process: Students under university examination are evaluated for
75% of total marks and institution for 25% marks as internal assessment.
Students enrolled for Add On/Certificate Courses offered by the institution are evaluated by the
institution itself. At the same time, observations of student knowledge and skills against measurable
course outcomes are evaluated throughout the year.
1.Annual and End Semester University Examination: The affiliating University conducts
examinations as per semester and annual pattern through which the institution measures
programme outcomes based on the course attainment level fixed by the programme. It is a
direct evaluation process.
2.Internal and External Assessment: Internal assignments are given to the students which are
mostly aligned with Programme Outcomes of the respective subject. External Assessment is
evaluated by external experts for the Practical examinations, appointed by the University
through Viva-Voce and practical files.
3.Institutional Examination and Tests: Students are assessed and evaluated throughout the
year at institutional level through unit test, surprise test, terminal examination and the
performance of the student is analyzed for assessing the attainment level of programme
outcomes and programme specific outcomes.
4. Feedback Evaluation: The Institution collects feedback from students, Alumni, Employers
and Parents which is an important method of measuring attainment with objectives of
identifying the attainment level of students in terms of programme, subject, course and
syllabus outcomes and to understand the impact of teaching learning process.
5.Internships: Students are encouraged to take up internships, projects, fieldwork, etc. This
helps them to obtain necessary skills and practical experience in their chosen discipline.
7.Higher Studies: Another parameter to measure attainment of POs, PSOs and COs is through
progression of students towards higher studies in educational institutions in India such as
IITs, IIMs, and for post-graduation in Indian and Foreign Universities.
Response: 92.63 Number of final year students who passed the university examination year-wise during the
last five years Number of final year students who appeared for the university examination year-wise during
the last five years
Response: 3.31
Response: 66.19 Total Grants from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects ,
endowments, Chairs in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
10 27.02 24.17 0 5
3.1.2 Percentage of teachers recognized as research guides (latest completed academic year)
Response: 6.2
Response: 8
3.1.3 Percentage of departments having Research projects funded by government and non
government agencies during the last five years
Response: 13.56 Number of departments having Research projects funded by government and non-
government agencies during the last five years
1 3 2 0 2
12 12 12 12 11
Jesus and Mary College encourages students not only to absorb current knowledge but also to be
enterprising and try to create new knowledge, products and ideas. The activities undertaken by several
student societies have created an ecosystem for innovations and other initiatives for the creation and
transfer of knowledge. Most important among these are;
Entrepreneurship-Cell organizes various talks by new and established entrepreneurs (including our
alumni) about the practical aspects of starting an enterprise and the problems and challenges they faced in
their journey. The cell supports innovative ideas and helps the students getting access to funds for putting
their ideas into practice.
Mercatus, the Marketing Society organizes talks, Sales events and other activities through the year for
developing marketing skills among students. Prominent amongst these is the Annual Marketing
Convention attended by hundreds of students from JMC and other colleges who participate in various
competitive and learning activities.
Finance and Investment Cell (FIC) organizes many informative talks and interactive sessions with
members from the industry and academia including from the Stock Exchange. The society also organized
various online and offline (inter-college) competitions to encourage and develop skills for financial and
investment activities including trading in securities on virtual and real platforms and visits to SEBI
headquarters in Delhi.
Enactus earlier called SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) is an international society which organizes
students’ competition in countries around the world. The activities of the teams are judged on the basis of
their impact in encouraging entrepreneurial activities and increase in the incomes of individuals with low
income in the communities. Enactus JMC students have undertaken many projects in partnership with
various Government and Non-Government organisations. Many of these projects have received National as
well as International accolades and laurels.
As a result of the above societies and the programmes organized by them, many of our students/ex-students
have successfully launched their own start-ups. These budding and established alumni entrepreneurs are
invited to come and interact with present students from time to time in order to motivate them to charter a
carrier in entrepreneurship. Some of them are:
Other initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge include support and motivation for Research by
students. Research Incubation Centers have been set up by students from various departments (in particular
Mathematics and Economics) for undertaking theoretical and applied research under the supervision of
faculty from their own and other departments. Some of them have written papers and presented them at
National and International Conferences and also published in reputed journals. The college organises many
National and International Conferences which provide opportunities for students to learn about latest
developments in knowledge.
Response: 277
65 76 58 35 43
Response: 1.13 How many Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher within last five years
Response: 9 Number of teachers recognized as guides during the last five years
Response: 8
List of PhD scholars and their details like name of View Document
the guide , title of thesis, year of award etc
3.3.2 Number of research papers per teachers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the
last five years
Response: 0.09 Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five
4 2 4 0 1
3.3.3 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in
national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five years
Response: 1.16 Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in
national/ international conference proceedings year-wise during last five years
50 39 30 20 6
Jesus and Mary College organizes extension activities in the neighborhood community that sensitizes
students towards community issues, gender disparities, social inequity, etc., and inculcate social values and
commitment to society. A brief description of some of the student societies follows:
National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Youth
Affairs & Sports that aims to develop the personality of student volunteers through community services
and to make them sensitive and responsible human beings who are aware of the socio-economic realities of
Women’s Studies Center (WSC) brings about awareness and sensitivity in the students and instill the
desire to work for an equitable, safe, and just society for women through various activities such as poster
making, photography competitions, debates, and panel discussions with eminent personalities and an
annual festival ‘Jagriti’ on International Women’s Day. The society offers certificate courses on related
themes and brings out an annual magazine and a bi-annual newsletter.
Jesus and Mary College Education Programme (JMCEP) is an initiative where children of the lower
economic groups in the neighborhood community (Bapu Dham) attending the regular school come to the
college premises twice a week. JMC students provide them with one-on-one help with their school
curriculum and create awareness about issues of cleanliness, sanitation, disease control, etc. through fun
activities including Diwali party, movie screening, and an Annual event where the children are encouraged
to showcase their talents.
Enactus JMC is a Social Entrepreneurship society that aims at the empowerment of people from
marginalized and underprivileged sections by helping them become entrepreneurs. Since its inception, the
Enactus JMC team has undertaken various projects that left an indelible mark on the target segments. Two
current projects were shortlisted in the top 12 teams across the world for the World Water Race
All India Catholic University Federation (AICUF) is a national-level university students’ movement.
The AICUF unit at Jesus and Mary College organizes various socially relevant and personality
development-oriented programs for its members through which the students get practical exposure to the
day-to-day living of the underprivileged and the marginalized.
Green society works towards promoting the ethos of preservation and protection of our environment and
to instill a feeling of responsibility for a better, greener, and cleaner environment through initiatives like
plantation drives, competitions (online and Offline), and sale of plastic alternatives, talks by eminent
speakers, excursions, screening of documentaries and campaigns on social media, etc.
National Cadet Corps (NCC) –The Youth wing of the Indian Armed Forces trains young students to live
a life of discipline and service to society through various activities including residential training camps.
JMC unit of NCC has been actively participating in various camps/activities and have won many awards.
Besides these societies, each department conducts Seminars, Workshops, Talks, Donation Drives, Field
trips, etc. to sensitize students and most teachers work towards inculcating these values in their classroom
teaching and as living examples.
(Please see the details of activities under 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 and also the Supporting Documents)
3.4.2 Number of awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government/
government recognised bodies during the last five years
Response: 0 Total number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government/
Government recognised bodies year-wise during the last five years.
0 0 0 0 0
3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through
NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC etc., during the last five years ( including Government initiated programs
such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. and those organised in collaboration
with industry, community and NGOs)
Response: 448 Number of extension and outreached Programmes conducted in collaboration with industry,
community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., year-
wise during the last five years
121 117 84 69 57
3.4.4 Average percentage of students participating in extension activities at 3.4.3. above during last
five years
Response: 80.43
with industry, community and Non- Government Organizations such as Swachh Bharat, AIDs
awareness, Gender issue etc. year-wise during last five years
3.5 Collaboration
3.5.1 Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/
internship per year
Response: 103 Number of Collaborative activities for research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/
internship year-wise during the last five years
28 27 16 15 17
3.5.2 Number of functional MoUs with institutions, other universities, industries, corporate houses
etc. during the last five years
Response: 10 Number of functional MoUs with Institutions of national, international importance, other
universities, industries, corporate houses etc. year-wise during the last five years
3 6 0 0 1
Jesus & Mary College has constantly endeavoured to provide quality education and ensure all round
development of the students in order to create aware, responsible and empowered women. Set in the
backdrop of an extensive green cover, the college has an aesthetic landscape which is architecturally
striking. The institution has a well maintained, user friendly and resilient infrastructure conducive to
teaching, learning and comprehensive development of students.
The Teaching Block has well-appointed and spacious classrooms, tutorial rooms, department
rooms, B.El.Ed lab, B.Voc. Lab and Psychology lab. The classrooms are equipped with
projectors so that ICT can be used for strengthening academic discourse.
There are three computer labs available for the students. These labs have adequate computer
equipment, internet connectivity and projectors to support practical sessions. In addition, the
college provides access to software packages such as Python, R, SPSS, MATLAB, Tally ERP9,
Java etc.
The Lab for B.Voc. Healthcare Management course is designed to simulate a hospital setting. It
has various sections in it, for instance: Billing Section, Doctor’s Room, Out Patient Section,
Pharmacy. The students often engage in simulation and mock exercises to get a better
understanding of how hospitals function. The B.El.Ed lab and Psychology lab have their own lab
assistants who maintain the equipment.
The campus is Wi-Fi enabled for the benefit of students and faculty.
The well-stocked College Library is spread over three floors of an impressive building, with a
total area of 1686.81 sq meters. It is fully air-conditioned, Wi-Fi enabled and has a seating capacity
of 220 users. The ground floor of the library has a property counter, librarian’s room, circulation
(Issue/Return) counter, Online Public Access Catalogue, Processing Section, and Stacks. The first
floor has a Text-Book Section, Periodical Section and computer access. Reading room for faculty
and students is available on the ground floor as well as the first floor. The second floor is dedicated
to the e- library, which has 100 mbps internet bandwidth to access e-journals through INFLIBNET
and N-LIST, Reference Section, Book Bank, a seminar room, a research & audio-visual room and a
The Administrative Block of the college consists of the Principal’s Office, the Accounts Office,
the General Office, and the Caretaker’s office which are fully ICT enabled.
The magnificent Multi-Purpose Hall with an Auditorium, established in 2006, has a total area of
2979.55 sq. m. Academic events like conferences, seminars, talks etc. and student activities are
hosted in the auditorium
The Research & Audio Visual Room is equipped with a tripod, 2 Handycams and other aids for
teaching and learning. The facility can be used to record lectures and create e-content. The room
receives optimal natural light, it can accommodate up to 60 people, giving students a live
multimedia experience.
The college has a Book Shop and a Photocopy unit providing services to the students at
subsidized rates.
4.1.2 The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor),
gymnasium, yoga centre etc.
The college is committed to offering resourceful infrastructure for holistic growth of students. It provides
adequate facilities for cultural activities, indoor and outdoor sports as well as other student and faculty
support amenities.
A spacious Amphitheatre, fully equipped and air-conditioned Auditorium, Common Room and
Multi-Purpose Hall are available for the students to organize and participate in co-curricular,
recreational and cultural activities.
The Multi-purpose building and hall, inaugurated in 2006, has an area of 2979.55 sq. m. The
Auditorium is situated within this building.
The auditorium is equipped with state of the art infrastructure and apparatus. It has a seating
capacity of 600 persons. The auditorium has excellent acoustics and has a JBL sound system with
twelve speakers, four amplifiers and a mixer. There are two hand mikes, one collar mike, two floor
mikes and eight standing microphones. The auditorium has been provided with a screen and a
projector. There is Full Stage System of lights consisting of 60 lights and a mixer.
The hall has an air conditioning system. There is a generator for power back-up and the fire-
fighting system is in place. There are 25 hand fire extinguishers and six exit points in the hall.
The basement of the hall consists of seminar rooms and fully equipped computer laboratories.
It also has an area for indoor games like Judo, Badminton and Table Tennis.
The roof of the MPH has the 48 KWh on-grid solar power plant which supplies green energy to the
entire campus.
The Amphitheatre provides an outdoor, vibrant space for various exhibitions and festivals. It has
been an active space used for cultural activities like music, theatre in particular street plays, talks,
poetry reading sessions, art and photography competitions.
The college takes pride in its comprehensive sports training and fitness infrastructure.
The outdoor sports facilities include football court, basketball court, cricket pitch, tennis court,
open space for yoga etc.
Indoor arrangements comprise of a badminton court, table tennis and judo room which is also used
for taekwondo and wrestling.
A fully equipped gymnasium is open for the students and staff from 7:30am to 5:30pm. Trained
Instructors are available for assistance, guidance and training. It is a popular spot for both sports
enthusiasts and the health-conscious. The gymnasium has latest equipment and machines: Cross
Trainer, Power Rack, Stationary Bike, Treadmill, Vibration Plate, to name a few.
The Sauna (Steam Bath) unit in the gymnasium is quite sought-after by the students.
There is an open gymnasium set in the verdant greens which is accessible to everyone.
Training arrangements are often made with experts for activities like swimming, shooting, cricket,
tennis, music, choreography, debating, dramatics etc.
4.1.3 Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class,
LMS, etc. (Data for the latest completed academic year)
Response: 100
Response: 62
4.1.4 Average percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during
last five years(INR in Lakhs)
Response: 590.33 Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year-wise during last five
years (INR in lakhs)
The College Library is fully air-conditioned, wi-fi enabled and has a seating capacity of 220 users.
An e-resource Centre has been established on the second floor of the Library consisting of 25 nodes
to enable students to access information for their academic pursuits through internet and e-
resources. Additionally, 5 computers have been installed for the faculty.
The Library uses Troodon ILMS software, version 4.0 which was fully automated in 2006. Some of
the key features of the software provided by Comtek Services Pvt. Ltd. are easy to use- Graphical
User Interface, unicode support with Multilingual Search and export facility for most reports.
The Online Public Access Catalogue module of the software allows library database searching by
entering preferred terms and is mainly used for information retrieval.
The Circulation module of the software covers all the operations of circulation right from creating
member records to printing of reminders for outstanding books. The key features of the module are
single screen Issue, Return and Renewal with total details of members, membership records with
photo and statistical reports on membership.
The Database Maintenance module covers all operations of database creation and maintenance. It
takes records from the acquisition module for the books recently acquired. The key features of the
module are duplicate checks with on-screen record comparison, provision to scan and add News
Paper Clipping Article Indexing and Accession register printing. Additionally, the software has an
excellent Support and Updates system.
To ensure original writing among students and teachers, the Library also has access to a fully
automated software, URKUND which checks submitted text for plagiarism.
3.Shodhganga Membership
6.Remote access to e-resources
4.2.3 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e-
journals during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
Response: 9.84
4.2.4 Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students ( foot falls and login data for
online access) during the last completed academic year
Response: 26.39 Number of teachers and students using library per day over last one year
Response: 900
4.3 IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi
Hardware Infrastructure
Institute has 100 Desktops/Workstations and a total of 659 laptops out of which 655 are available
for students.
The college uses Acer and HP workstations.
Computer Labs have adequate number of desktops maintaining student to computer ratio of 1:1
most of the times.
In addition there are 18 HP Deskjet printers in the administrative block.
The college uses 53 LCD projectors (Hitachi/Epson), 5 in the computer Lab, 1 in the IQAC room, 6
in the library (block), 2 in the auditorium and the rest are used in the teaching block.
This infrastructure is complemented by Risograph, computer networking devices, scanners and
interactive teaching board etc.
The College has employed a full time IT consultant for maintenance and support of the ICT
In general, computing and internet facilities are available to all teachers and students on the
The institution provides access to desktop systems and laptops to both faculty and students which
allows them to use computer aid for academic projects, practical sessions and for learning.
To make the learning process more effective various innovative methods are used by the teachers.
This includes giving group assignments and having power point presentations, where students can
discuss and explore their knowledge together. Learning combined with visual presentations or
working on certain software is much more enjoyable and comprehensive for the students.
Software Infrastructure
The College has four high configuration servers to allow fast transmission of data to the various
computers. These servers are: Windows Based Active Directory, Kaspersky antivirus, Library
All the computers are supported by a 100mpbs LAN and a 2500-user capacity Wi-fi system.
The desktops are running on windows 7, windows 7 pro, windows 10 and windows 10 pro
operating systems while the laptops operate on Ubuntu.
Most of the desktops have office 2010 pro installed and a few are running on office 365 and office
2016 pro. Laptops are functioning on open office.
Office automation packages like Open Office, MS Office and Antivirus are purchased by the
college and updated regularly.
The college provides all standard Econometrics, Statistical, computational and scientific typesetting
packages such as Python, R, SPSS, Stata, MATLAB, Wolfram Mathematica, Tally ERP9, Taxman
for education, Visual Studio 2010, Miktex, Java, Maxima and Pascal. These are either open access
software or available through Delhi University. Stata 13 license was purchased by the college, this
was upgraded to version 14 later.
A back up is taken for all the systems every three months, windows and anti-virus are updated on a
regular basis. LAN and Network connections are also monitored by the IT consultant.
4.3.2 Student - Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
Response: 4:1
Response: 19.34
4.4.2 There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic
and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
The College ensures regular maintenance and upkeep of all infrastructural facilities. A full time Care Taker
supervises the maintenance work carried out by trained in-house experts. Maintenance is also outsourced to
appropriate external agencies. Furniture and equipment are purchased on regular basis as per the
requirements with Purchase Committee consisting of the Principal as Chairman, Bursar, 3 faculty members
and SO, Accounts holding regular meetings to approve necessary purchases for maintenance of College
infrastructure. IT machines and softwares are continuously upgraded to ensure the market relevance of
acquired skills.
The College has a separate Teaching Block with ICT enabled, well-functioning and maintained
classrooms and tutorial rooms.
Floor in-charges on every floor of the Classroom Building help students with ICT related work and
report to the full time Care Taker with respect to maintenance of the classrooms.
Servicing of Class Projectors’ Lenses and Filters is done annually.
A team of efficient workers is responsible for keeping the college premises clean.
The College has a Psychology Lab with Psychometric tools, maintained by a Lab Attendant. The
precision of the Lab instruments is frequently checked internally with external help taken whenever
The B.El.Ed Lab containing print, audio-visual and teaching-learning resources is maintained by a
full time non-teaching staff member. She maintains records of resources, handles issue and return
of resources, maintains them and supports faculty in use of resources.
A Healthcare Lab has been established for students opting for B.Voc-Healthcare Management
Course to provide them with hands-on training in hospital functioning. All inventory kept in the
Lab is maintained by a faculty member.
A Library Committee comprising of the Principal, Librarian and TICs of all Departments meets
twice a year to discuss improvement/update of facilities provided by the library.
The Library is maintained by 7 staff members headed by the Librarian. Daily dusting of books is
done and occasionally, vacuum cleaner is used.
A team of 7 Faculty members and the entire Library staff conduct stock verification involving
counting of books and matching the numbers with official records every year.
Around 800- 900 books are sent every year for binding, to keep them in good form.
IT Infrastructure
All computers in the college have UPS facility with Server Windows monitored and Antivirus
updated on a daily basis and full system backup of MS Office done every quarter.
The College has appointed an IT Consultant to provide regular support services relating to
computer hardware and software.
A three member team, also consisting of the IT Consultant checks projectors in College yearly and
College Computer systems half yearly.
A Sports Committee comprising of 2 faculty members from the Department of Physical Education
and 3 faculty members from other Departments holds monthly meetings for maintenance of sports
The Gymnasium and Open Gymnasium, both established in 2017 are cleaned regularly. The
Gymnasium has a Fitness Trainer and a Gymnasium Attendant who ensure that the equipment is in
perfect working condition. Some of the equipment is under warranty, maintained by Power House
Sports International.
The College has a Sports Store room with sports equipment for 30 sports. A sports room has also
been established for conducting official work related to sports. Both the Sports room and Sports
Store room are maintained by a Sports Attendant. He also ensures regular upkeep of Yoga room,
Badminton Court and Table Tennis Court.
The Lawn Tennis and Cricket Fields are being maintained by MaxTennis Academy and S.M.
Cricket Academy respectively.
The Football Ground in College is maintained by a team of dedicated gardeners and a ground man.
College Lawns
The College has a team of six efficient and experienced gardeners to maintain the lawns and flora
of the College.
Under an initiative by Enactus JMC, around 2000 kgs of compost is produced yearly through pits
located in College.
JMC is the first Delhi University College to set up an on grid Solar Plant.
It is a 40 kW Solar Grid Interactive Power Plant with a unit generation capacity of 57600 per year,
installed and maintained by Boond Engineering & Development Private Ltd.
The system installed has generated around 171 MW energy from 16/02/2016 to 07/05/2019.
The plant also helps in providing Environmental Science students on-site exposure to working of a
solar power plant.
Other Information
The College water tanks are cleaned annually by a company named ‘Tanclean’.
The College also has an RO water Plant on the roof installed by Ion Exchange Company.
A water chiller plant has also been installed by Voltas.
A Firewater Pumping System has been set up that covers the entire College.
An annual contract with Otis Elevator Company ensures maintenance of the three lifts in College.
The College has a power generator, serviced annually by Vidyut Engineers.
To conserve water, rainwater harvesting system has been developed in the College.
Response: 0.29 Number of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government
year-wise during last five years
9 27 6 3 2
upload self attested letter with the list of students View Document
sanctioned scholarship
5.1.2 Average percentage of students benefitted by scholarships, freeships etc. provided by the
institution / non- government agencies during the last five years
Response: 7.46 Total number of students benefited by scholarships, freeships, etc provided by the institution /
non- government agencies year-wise during last five years
5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the
1.Soft skills
2.Language and communication skills
3.Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)
4.ICT/computing skills
5.1.4 Average percentage of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career
counselling offered by the Institution during the last five years
Response: 54.93 Number of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career
counselling offered by the institution year wise during last five years
5.1.5 The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances
including sexual harassment and ragging cases
Response: 10.18 Number of outgoing students placed year - wise during the last five years.
118 140 93 74 49
5.2.2 Average percentage of students progressing to higher education during the last five years
Response: 83.55 Number of outgoing student progression to higher education during last five years
Response: 853
Response: 50.73 Number of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations (eg:
IIT/JAM/ NET/ SLET/ GATE/ GMAT/CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/ State government
examinations, etc.)) year-wise during last five years
0 15 7 4 3 Number of students appearing in state/ national/ international level examinations (eg:
JAM/CLAT/NET/ SLET/ GATE/ GMAT/CAT,GRE/ TOFEL/ Civil Services/ State government
examinations) year-wise during last five years
0 25 11 5 6
Response: 160
university/state/national / international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) year-
wise during the last five years.
52 55 31 14 8
5.3.2 Institution facilitates students’ representation and engagement in various administrative, co-
curricular and extracurricular activities following duly established processes and norms (student
council, students representation on various bodies)
The JMC Student Council, first formed in 1970, is elected annually through a fair and democratic
process by active participation of all students.
The Student Council consists of a President (Third year student), Vice-President (Second year
student), departmental and societal presidents, vice presidents, treasurers, and class representatives.
In the academic year of 2018-19, for instance, the Student Council was supported by a cabinet of
98 Presidents and Vice-Presidents leading various student societies and academic associations
within college and an organizing committee of 35 members.
The Student Council is officially recognized and felicitated during the annual PTSA ceremony.
During the ceremony, all members of the Student Council led by the President and the Vice-
President of the council take an oath to serve in the interest of the institution and the society with
integrity and devotion.
The Student Council - elected to represent the fellow students - work with the Principal, faculty
convenors, and students for organizing events and also building a bridge between the faculty
members, administrative staff, and students.
The Student Council members help the faculty and administration in the Admission process and
the Orientation Programmes organised for new students annually.
The student council members also help in organising Freshers’ Welcome Party, Teacher’s Day,
PTSA, the annual College Fest – Montage and Farewell to the Final year students.
Funding for the activities organized by the council comes from the fees paid towards student aid
fund, sponsorships, advertisements, donations etc.
The Board of Management and Staff at JMC actively encourages the Student Council to engage in
a process of dialogue and consultation to help address student concerns.
Student societies: The College focuses on educating young women and training them
in responsibility and accountability, enabling them to take their positions in a competitive world.
Students are encouraged to participate in activities beyond their academic curricula so they become
confident and well balanced individuals.
There are several student societies that cater to a range of interests encouraging the students
to hone their unique talents and managerial skills. At present, there are more than 25 such
societies ranging from Indian classical dance and music societies to marketing and
entrepreneurship cells.
Besides representing the institution at different colleges and Universities, these societies
also organize competitive events and showcase their talents in the various in-house events
organized within JMC.
Academic Association: Each student, by default after admission also becomes a member of an
Academic Association depending on the course joined. Each academic association is led by a
President (Third year student), Vice-President (Second year student), and a Treasurer/ Secretary
(First year student). Guided by the association in-charge (a faculty member), the association
organizes seminars, symposia, debates, lectures, academic festivals etc. throughout the academic
Class Representative System: Besides an active Student Council, each class also has a Class
Representative who acts as a bridge between her fellow students and the teachers. She ensures
timely dissemination of information regarding events, examinations, and even learning material.
5.3.3 Average number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution
participated during last five years (organised by the institution/other institutions)
Response: 100.8 Number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution
participated year-wise during last five years
170 140 90 69 35
The JMC Alumni society – Old Students Association is a non-profit making registered Society, under the
Societies Registration Act 1860, New Delhi bearing the Registration No: S/ND/507/2014. The Association
is dedicated to bringing together the alumni committee on a common platform to build another channel of
personal and professional support to members through “Self Help” within the community. The Mission of
JMC OSA is to provide a vibrant, global network and forum that connects and engages the alumni with
their Alma Mater.
To plan and organize successful reunions which JMC has been doing in the second week of January
(2nd Saturday) on an annual basis.
Involve alumni in student development through participation in ongoing academic activities
including teaching, research, workshops, conferences, and placements.
Champion all relevant fundraising activities to the development of the college
To promote best practices in different areas of social life for the benefit of society
JMC envisions a transformative and empowering role for the students in today’s digitalized world. The
OSA family is proud of students who are achievers in every field, carrying with them the values imparted
by JMC and are making a significant contribution to society.
In order to foster a warm relationship, the College maintains regular contact with the alumni and former
faculty through various email groups and social networking sites such as Facebook. The Alumni is very
active in promoting, mentoring and guiding the current students of the College. It has worked extensively
in connecting the alumni with its Alma Mater through motivational talks, workshops by eminent Alumni at
various levels. Our former faculty and alumni have been keenly involved in all major college functions
such as the annual college festival.
Independently, various Departments of the College have taken initiatives to organize Departmental Meets
which have facilitated the strengthening and widening of OSA family. The Sociology Department of the
college had taken the first initiative of organizing an alumni meet of its own students on the 1st of April,
2017 that coincided with the ushering in of the Golden Jubilee Year of the Alma Mater. The meet was a
great success not only in terms of the numbers who attended but also because those who had distinguished
themselves in different fields came together to exchange stories of their career and life’s journey for the
benefit of younger students.
In the subsequent years, other departments like Economics, Commerce, Hindi, Political Science have also
had their own Alumni meets. The objective has been the same, to build a strong alumni network which will
participate in keeping the JMC banner flying high.
We are an able bodied team with a lot of enthusiasm, motivation and dedication to promote the Society
under the able guidance of the core team.
5.4.2 Alumni contribution during the last five years (INR in lakhs)
The Vision and Mission of Jesus and Mary College are reviewed and redefined in view of
changing national and global trends in education. Goals are set to attain the objectives
enshrined in national policy for higher education. In the present context, the vision of the
College is to be a global leader in education and a valuable partner in the evolution of a just,
humane and inclusive society in India.
The institution strives to stand true to the aspirations of St Claudine `Thevenet, the foundress
of the Congregation of Religious of Jesus and Mary. She devoted her life for the cause of
women’s education and upliftment in the eighteenth and early decades of the nineteenth
century. The institution is governed by the Congregation and holds the spirit of inclusiveness
and empowering those women who are at the margins of our society.
The institution’s Vision and Mission reflect the distinctive characteristics of the institution.
The College caters to the educational, social, cultural and economic needs of the society. All
these characteristics are reflected in its policies. High quality educational programmes and
healthy practices are being implemented keeping in mind the policy of uncompromising
adherence to the values and principles of inclusion, responsibility and social accountability.
The Governing Body and the Principal together work towards the designing and
implementation of the institutional quality policy. The various administrative and academic
departments of the College are effectively governed through a constitution of mandatory
bodies such as IQAC, Staff Council, ICC, EOC, Purchase Committee etc. having well-defined
roles and principles keeping in sync with the vision and mission of the College.
The Principal forms the committees under the convenorship of a teacher or a non-teaching
staff with members from teaching staff, non-teaching staff and students for overall
management of the various operations of the college, such as, admission, academic
coordination, conduct of examinations, promotion of research and extension activities,
development of infrastructure-facilities, appointment of staff, maintenance of service records,
encouraging cultural activities, implementation of healthy practices in the campus and
inculcation of the spirit of national integrity and social responsibility.
The Principal is ably supported by the Teachers-in-Charge who help in executing the
strategic and perspective plans through their department members.
The College strives to address the needs of the society through innovative actions, plans and
policies. In addition to a number of extra- curricular societies, there are numerous other
cultural societies dedicated to Indian Culture, Choreography, Dramatics, Magazine,
Photography, Western Music, and so on. The teacher supervisors and the student office
bearers of these societies make efforts to motivate students for their overall development
through various skill-based and talent-enhancing activities so that they can contribute to
society as responsible citizens.
The management mobilizes funds for enhancement of infrastructure, laboratory, library and
office equipment, apart from creating environment friendly campus/premise.
The concern and commitment of the Principal and the Governing Body towards the goals of
higher education is evident through their continuing efforts of mobilizing resources and
introducing job-oriented courses.
6.1.2 The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and
participative management
Jesus and Mary College follows the practice of decentralisation in its true sense, in all the
three important pillars of the institution, viz. academics, administration and extra-curricular
The practice of decentralisation and participatory management is reflected in all the activities
of the College through a strong and efficient Organogram of Committees/Societies which
includes the IQAC, the Staff Council, Student Council, Time Table Committee and various
Cultural Societies.
All the major stakeholders of the College including Management, The Governing Body, The
Principal, Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff, Parents, Students and Alumni work in a
democratic way of governance following the tacit rules of accountability in execution of their
duties and responsibilities.
Montage, the Annual Cultural Festival of the College showcases the practice of
decentralisation and participative management in entirety.
The primary objective of decentralisation with regard to this particular cultural event is to
reorient organisational culture, thin out the official hierarchy, extend opportunities for
teachers as well as students to contribute profoundly, enrich the decision-making process, and
nurture greater democratic professionalism, together with proficient event management.
The decision to hold the Annual Cultural Festival is taken by the Staff Council and then the
Student Council of the College is entrusted with the task of organizing the event.
The students, non-teaching staff and teachers work together as active members in managing
the entire event. To strengthen the idea of participative decision making, the Principal of the
College has consultations with the staff members and student representatives.
Under the guidance of Staff Advisors to Student Council, various Committees and Sub-
Committees are constituted to take care of Sponsorship, Finance and Accounts, Programmes,
Stalls, Security, Publicity and Logistics.
The Sponsorship Committee seeks opportunities for arranging funds from various sources
such as corporate houses, business establishments, individual donors etc.
The Finance and Accounts Committee allocates funds to the societies for their respective
events based on the budget prepared by the societies and presented to the Committee.
The Stalls Committee manages the setup of food and goods stalls during the two days of the
The Security Committee in co-ordination with Delhi Police ensures that the event is
conducted in a safe and secure environment.
The Montage Core Committee and The Principal put up Duty Charts for Teaching and Non-
Teaching Staff. Each staff member has to voluntarily sign up for the slots of duties on both
days of the event.
The institutional perspective plan aligns with the vision and mission of the institution which are the
constant driving factors for improving academic quality policies and strategies.
At the beginning of the academic year, various bodies and committees that constitute the
Organogram of the institution, chalk out the strategic plan of events and activities which will
support the growth and development in these key areas and at the end of the year, a review is taken
about implementation and the outcomes of the perspective plans.
One such broad area in which the Institutional Perspective and Strategic Plan has been successfully
implemented is that of Teaching, Learning and Research. This has been achieved through the
deployment of Action Plan for the following initiatives:
1. Faculty Development Programmes by RCC (Research and Collaboration Committee) and the
5. Introduction of new UG programs in Vocational Studies (B.Voc) in Health Care Management and
Retail Management & IT.
6. The College has applied for Undergraduate Courses in Management Studies (BMS), B.Ed, and
Post Graduate Program in History. The applications are under process by the University of Delhi.
7. New certificate courses are introduced keeping in mind their relevance and market needs, in order
to empower young women through targeted recruitment, internship programs, MOU’s with various
industries and other professional enrichment opportunities.
8. The College has also introduced an E-journal entitled, 'The JMC Review' which is an
interdisciplinary refereed e-journal published annually. It is a journal of criticism, practice and
theory. It is an interdisciplinary journal covering a range of subjects like anthropology, cultural
studies, economics, education, English studies, history, international relations, philosophy, political
science, psychology and sociology. It aims at providing an interdisciplinary platform for scholarly
debates and exchange of ideas. To facilitate access to the same, it is available free of cost on the
College website.
10. Research Training workshops are organised for students to equip them with the latest research
11. Conferences and Seminars are organized by various departments to give an exposure to both
faculty and students about the latest global trends in academics, industry, sciences and environment.
6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies,
administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc.
The Organizational Structure of the College consists of the Management, Governing body, the Principal,
the teaching staff, the non-teaching staff and the students.
The Management of the College constitutes of the Congregation of the Sisters of Jesus and Mary. It is the
highest decision-making body which is in constant touch with the Principal on all matters pertaining to the
smooth functioning of the institution.
This is followed by the Governing Body of the College which meets at least thrice a year to discuss issues
relating to finance, infrastructure, faculty recruitment and the matters related to the overall development of
The Principal is assisted by the Teachers-in-Charge (TIC) of the Departments, the Staff Council (all
teaching faculty) and the Non-Teaching Staff which comprises of the Administrative Officer, Section
Officers (one for Accounts Office and one for the General Administration), Senior and Junior Office
Assistants and manual staff.
The TIC oversees the smooth functioning of the department for which meetings are held on a regular basis
to discuss issues and concerns relating to curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Staff Council meetings are held at least twice every semester for the effective planning and
implementation of programmes like teaching, learning, academic administration, curricular and extra-
curricular activities.
The College also has Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) which works towards realisation of the
goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The IQAC plays an important role for monitoring the
internal quality of the institution.
Student Council meetings are held regularly to address the student related issues and organizing extra-
curricular activities through various Cultural Societies.
The Library organization includes Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Library clerks and library
College Committees: Various committees are constituted for the planning, preparation and execution of
academic, administrative and extra-curricular purposes. Each committee consists of the Convenor and its
The Anti Ragging Cell, Grievance Redressal Committee, Anti-Smoking Cell and the Internal
Complaints Committee: The objective of these committees is to ensure that no violation of rules takes
place within the College and work towards addressing and settling grievances if
2.Finance and Accounts
3.Student Admission and Support
8 days of casual leave plus 2 RH are provided to both teaching and non-teaching staff.
20 half-pay leave can be availed by the permanent teaching staff after completing one year of
service. Commuted leave not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave is granted on the basis of
medical certificate. Non-teaching staff is allotted 10 half-pay leave in the month of January and 10
half-pay leave in July.
Duty leaves of maximum 30 days to the teaching staff are provided to attend various
Orientation/Refresher/Seminar/workshops/Training Programs as per the Government rules. Non-
teaching staff is also given duty leave.
Female teaching and non-teaching staff can avail a Maternity Leave of 180 days as per Government
Male teaching and non-teaching staff can avail Paternity Leave of 15 days.
Study leave up to 3 years is provided to both teaching and non-teaching staff.
A Sabbatical Leave of 2 years may also be availed by the teaching staff subject to certain
Leave given to teaching staff to participate and present papers and to the non-teaching staff for
participation in Conference/ Seminars/ Workshops/ FDP,etc.
GPF (General Provident Fund) which allows Pension to employees after superannuation.
CPF: In accordance with the University guidelines, the College has offered the option of
Contributory Provident Scheme whereby the Management contributes its share equal to the share of
the employee every month.
NPS (National Pension Scheme for employees who joined services after 01.01.2004)
Encashment of Earned Leave
Medical Benefits
Loan Benefits
Both the teaching and non-teaching staff can avail Loan facilities as per Government rules .
Quick Provident Fund Loan Facility – 100% of those who applied have availed the benefit.
Faculty Enhancement programmes for skill up-gradation and training are organized for both
teaching and non-teaching staff.
Permission is readily granted to participate in Refresher Courses/ Orientation Programmes/ Short-
Term Courses to the teaching staff for professional development.
Computer Training Courses are provided for teachers to help them hone their e-skills and the non-
teaching staff is sent to attend computer training courses organized by the University.
Support Facilities
Staff Cafeteria
Grievance Redressal cell.
Internal Complaints Committee
Parking facilities for both teaching and non-teaching staff.
Clean drinking water facilities.
Bank facilities
Facilities such as lifts, ramps, braille, and others for differently abled
ICT Facilities
Response: 5.03 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and
towards membership fee of professional bodies year wise during the last five years
4 10 3 6 8
Response: 2
0 2 2 5 1
Response: 6.35 Total number of teachers attending professional development Programmes viz., Orientation /
Induction Programme, Refresher Course, Short Term Course year-wise during the last five years
4 7 7 11 10
6.3.5 Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff
The College requires that the teachers furnish a self-evaluation form every year ,available on the
College website. This provides an insight into one’s own assessment of effectiveness of the
teaching style and its impact on the students. It highlights how the teacher handles different
situations that affect the learning progress of the students. It also makes known the involvement of
the teacher in both academic and administrative activities . Through this form, a teacher can
showcase his/her continuous professional development( paper presentations, publications, seminars
and conferences attended) etc.
Departments collate the data for appraisal of teaching-learning activities of teachers in the form of
departmental reports which are then forwarded to the Principal.
The IQAC of the college assesses the report submitted by the faculty/department and does an
academic audit which is then shared with the departments.
Next, the departments fill a self assessment proforma and prepare an Action Taken Report,
appraised by the external auditor who is an expert in the discipline.
The performance appraisal is also used for Career Advancement of the teachers who are updated
about their performance at each level. If there is a scope for improvement on the part of the teacher,
they are advised to upgrade themselves. This is crucial for later promotions as per the norms. The
whole system is carried out in a confidential manner. The respective teacher is informed about the
Non-Teaching Appraisal
The College follows the performance appraisal procedures as per UGC norms.
Each employee fills and submits online the Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR). This
Document is then Certified by the respective Reporting Officer of the employee and further
certified by Reviewing Officer.
Both Reviewing and Reporting Officers accord points to the concerned employee on a scale of 10
after a careful insight into the self-appraisal report filled . A constructive feedback is given to the
employee so that they can further enhance their performance level and efficiency.
The administrative audit is conducted by IQAC and external agency.
Students are given the opportunity to provide their feedback of the teachers.
As per the procedures outlined by the IQAC, the feedback forms are available online on College
website and the Teacher-in-Charge (TIC) ensures that the students of the department fill the
feedback questionnaire.
The questionnaire is structured to elicit responses for parameters like communication skills, subject
knowledge, discipline, work-ethics, curriculum to provide effective mentoring and career guidance
to students and grade the teacher's ability in creating an interactive, discussion-oriented and
democratic classroom.
These forms are then evaluated by TIC and the Principal of the institution with the help of IQAC
who analyses all the reports and meets with teachers with constructive feedback and corrective
Internal Audit:
Internal audit is a continuous process which ensues after each and every financial
transaction, whereby the college itself carries out the initial stage of the internal audit.
In the initial stage, the officer in-charge scrutinizes and verifies the financial data. This is
again scrutinized by the Administrative Officer and the Principal for clarity, authenticity,
transparency and financial accuracy.
Income/Expenditure is closely monitored by the Bursar, the Principal and the Section Officer
(Accounts). The Institution is liberal, yet follows the strategy of restraint as far as the
expenditure is concerned.
Proper procedure for purchases is adopted. Quotations are called for and prices are
compared. The Institution has formed a Purchase Committee for the purpose.
The audit wing of the UGC visits the college periodically and inspects all the files pertaining
to the financial matters that the college has availed of and all the receipts and payments in the
Corrections are effected on the basis of the audit report and clarifications called by them are
submitted as an audit reply.
For the grants received from the UGC, utilization certificates are prepared according to the
allowed expenditure under various heads.
External Audit:
The external audit takes place annually after the completion of every financial year. The
Chartered Accountant, who works as an auditor is appointed by the College. The program
goes on for 8 to 15 days during the month of May.
The bills and vouchers of the revenue expenditure are checked. The vouchers and proper
record with the concerned Department of the capital expenditure is also checked and verified.
The Utilisation Grant Certificates are also audited by the external auditor.
6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the
last five years (not covered in Criterion III)
Response: 257.27 Total Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, Philanthropers year wise during
the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources
The college mobilizes funds for its regular activities and development from different agencies and
individuals. The mobilized fund is optimally used by the college.
8.Booking of MPH, Football and Cricket Ground
Utilization of Resources
The College has a Governing Body, Planning and Purchase Committee, Library and various
associated bodies which help in the preparation, division, allocation and utilization of funds.
UGC funds are deposited in a separate bank account. The utilization of these funds is ensured
through financial auditing at the end of each financial year.
Grants received for B. Voc. Courses are used to start the courses, setting up of new laboratories and
payment to teachers.
Fees received from students are used for development of the college, non-grant faculty and staff
salaries, and are properly audited. Physical and Academic facilities are augmented for students.
Library services and Sports services are strengthened. Laboratories are augmented and IT
infrastructure is increased.
Number of workshops and seminars are organized. National and International Conferences are
organized. Guest lectures, field trips, industrial visits are organized for students.
The Purchase Committee decides the policy and procedure for purchasing any item. Each item is
purchased by comparing a minimum of three quotations received from different vendors.
All purchases are done through a tender system. Each and every transaction is supported by the
All the collections are deposited in the bank and all expenditure, recurring and non-recurring, are
incurred through Cheques/Electronic mode. Only authorized persons by management can operate
the transaction through the bank.
The accounts are done by Tally Software, so all the entries can be monitored by authorities.
For each and every financial transaction proper permission is taken from the Principal of the
Jesus and Mary College has a rich culture of institutional functioning through participation among all
stakeholders especially faculty, students and the non-teaching staff. The IQAC plays an important role in
ensuring quality of the functioning of administrative and academic units of the college. In order to make
the students aware of the current and futuristic challenges and opportunities, the teaching faculty is
encouraged and motivated to develop a scientific temper so as to propagate a research culture amongst the
students. This is achieved by constantly sharing new research findings in their respective fields with the
1.Promotion of Research
2.Streamlining of Administration
Promotion of Research
IQAC recognizes the significance of promoting a research environment amongst staff and students. To this
end, IQAC has established a Research and Collaboration Centre in the College.
It is run by a committee, comprising the Principal of the college and six senior teachers from various
departments. The main thrust of RCC is towards:
Helping the interested teachers in writing research project proposals and publishing the research
works by conducting Research Methodology Workshops.
Providing the latest information about the quality journals of Scopus and UGC Care list and
encouraging them to publish prolifically.
IQAC takes care of the needs of the administrative staff to improve their work atmosphere, both at the
professional and emotional fronts. The IQAC proposes a number of best practices in various aspects of
functioning of the administrative branch.
6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations
and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the
incremental improvement in various activities ( For first cycle - Incremental improvements made
for the preceding five years with regard to quality For second and subsequent cycles - Incremental
improvements made for the preceding five years with regard to quality and post accreditation
quality initiatives )
It has been one of the primary concerns of IQAC to adopt practices, which will provide quality
education to the students through an effective and meaningful teaching-learning process. This plays
an instrumental role in enhancing the quality of the academic and co-curricular endeavours of the
College in keeping with its vision and mission.
2.Collecting feedback from stakeholders like students, parents, staff and alumni to facilitate
teaching-learning reforms. This helps in obtaining an unbiased and honest opinion about the
institutional performance especially in academics. Student feedback of teachers is conducted
regularly. A careful analysis of the feedback received is done and communicated to the
teachers to enable them to enhance their teaching skills and their relationship with the
Based on the information received due to implementation of the above two practices, IQAC, post
accreditation, has been able to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to
bring about reforms in teaching-learning process, structure, methodologies and learning outcomes.
Two broad areas where these reforms are reflected are as follows:
IQAC promotes the culture of research amongst students by organizing Research Workshops
for students.
Departments are encouraged to organize Conferences and Seminars on themes relevant to the
educational needs and futuristic growth of the students.
Collaborations are established with foreign Universities and Colleges so as to provide global
exposure to the students through Student Exchange Programmes to attend short term
courses. This helps to widen the horizons of the students enabling them to gain in depth
understanding of the course content.
Internship opportunities are made available to the students by inviting reputed companies to
the College through the Placement Cell or the Departments.
Many Industry-Academia collaborations are established wherein students get the opportunity
to keep themselves abreast of the latest trends in the various sectors viz, media, journalism,
artificial intelligence, data analysis, film making, fashion designing etc. These add to the
learning outcomes of the undergraduate programmes and courses being taught to the
JMC is one of the few colleges that offer dedicated certificate add-on courses. These courses
impart life skills and are transacted by practitioners, thus providing opportunity to students
for hands on experience and building bridges with the world of work.
IQAC has ensured that all classrooms and labs are fully equipped with ICT facilities.
In the past five years, after accreditation (Ist Cycle), new laboratories have been constructed
for two B.Voc (Bachelor of Vocation) Courses in (a) Healthcare Management (b) Retail
Management & IT introduced in the year 2016.
There has been infrastructure augmentation wherein new classrooms have been constructed
which are multimedia equipped with projectors and whiteboards as screens.
An Audio-Visual Room has been set up to facilitate teachers to record their lectures.
Teachers are encouraged to use ICT tools to prepare and deliver their lectures through
audios, videos and PPTs.
Workshops are organized to familiarize the faculty with the various teaching and
communication platforms.
Research and Collaboration Centre has been established in the Library to facilitate teachers
to use the ICT and e-resources for the purpose of doing research.
1.Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Feedback collected, analysed
and used for improvements
2.Collaborative quality intitiatives with other institution(s)
3.Participation in NIRF
4.any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international agencies (ISO
Certification, NBA)
As a leading women’s liberal arts college, our vision rests on creating a safe space for our students
and providing a gender sensitive and empowering education.
The pedagogy of gender sensitization is not limited to classrooms alone. We pride ourselves in
having created a vibrant campus environment that allows students to think critically, and question,
act and resist creatively.
The college has organised an impressive number of formal events related to gender each year: from
2015-16, 25; 2016-17, 29; 2017-18, 28; 2018-19, 29; and 2019-20, 10.
The Women’s Study Centre (WSC) plays a critical role in fostering gender sensitivity on campus.
Programmes in the form of lectures, conferences, and workshops are organised throughout the year
that aim to provide an intersectional approach in creating awareness amongst students about the
inequalities confronting all genders.
The focus of the WSC has been to provide adequate space for students to engage in open
discussions and think critically on various issues such as: 1. women and labour 2. gender and
sexuality 3. violence at home 4. influence of media 5. laws and rights 6. health and hygiene.
Each department organises events that reinforce the institution’s larger vision and mission to
provide empowering education to young women.
JMC’s year-long Golden Jubilee celebrations culminated in a two-day International Conference,
3rd-4th October 2018, titled “Empowering Women through Transformative Education”. This
Conference created a dialogue on the issues of gender empowerment, its meanings, importance and
role of various agencies, in general, and higher education, in particular.
In 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic necessitated lockdown, JMC organised webinars
addressing gender issues.
JMC has an active Internal Complaints Committee, a statutory body formed to register complaints
of harassment and to undertake formal proceedings to resolve them.
The ICC and WSC have also organised various awareness orientation programmes and workshops
for all the students, teaching and non-teaching staff on the issue of sexual harassment at the
JMC has been cognizant of the view that gender sensitization and messages of gender equality
cannot be imparted in isolation from the larger community. Surveys and research projects that
further the goal of community inclusion:
1.Survey and research projects on PG safety and Safety Audits have been conducted in the
neighbouring areas by WSC.
2.Results from the former have helped create a dossier of good and safe PGs for outstation students.
3.The Research and Outreach Cell, Economics Department, conducted a research project at Sanjay
Camp, an urban slum located in Chanakyapuri. Focusing specifically on the situation of women, the
survey collected information on living conditions, employment, educational qualification,
demographics and health and sanitation.
Special attention has also been paid to issues relevant to women in the 21st century, especially
those of mental health, sexual identities, and sexual harassment in the workplace. For more
personal and individualised help, the WSC has engaged counsellors to be available to students.
Geotagged Photos:
7.1.2 The Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation
1.Solar energy
2.Biogas plant
3.Wheeling to the Grid
4.Sensor-based energy conservation
5.Use of LED bulbs/ power efficient equipment
7.1.3 Describe the facilities in the Institution for the management of the following types of
degradable and non-degradable waste (within 500 words)
Following the Government of India’s resolution to ban all single-use plastics, the college
administration declared the JMC campus plastic free. The ban is applicable to all entities.
A Steel Crockery Bank has been set up as an alternative to single-use plastic crockery.
Enactus JMC and Mercatus JMC, through their Anti-Plastic Campaign, have collected more than
200 kg of plastic. This was used to launch Project Sugam to recycle plastic to build eco-brick
We organized the first Clothes Swap Shop Meet ever held at an educational institution in India to
highlight and address the waste in the Fast Fashion industry.
In 2016, Enactus JMC launched Project Dhara. Enactus JMC vermicomposts organic waste to
produce a low-cost environment friendly alternative to expensive synthetic fertilizers like NPK.
This initiative has empowered members of the local underprivileged community by training them to
treat and manage waste to produce and sell vermicompost. We have pits in 4 locations - JMC, a
school in Pusa Road called DTEA, Panipat and Dwarka. Our location in Panipat is self-sufficient.
Project Dhara has diverted nearly 200 tonnes of annual organic waste away from landfills.
Collection drives for newspapers and posters have been held by NSS and Green Society.
Recycling workshops held amongst students by the Green Society raise awareness about plastic
waste, food waste and menstrual waste.
Project Iffat, an Enactus JMC project, recycles used soap bars collected from hotels like Crown
Plaza, Rohini and The Park, CP and turns them into new soap cakes which are sold in areas facing
sanitation issues.
Iffat has recycled more than 1482 kg of soap and conserved 606.7 gallons of water.
Project Iffat addresses 10 out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Project Dhara’s process of vermicomposting, segregation of liquid waste from solid waste has
helped conserve 6,00,000 litres of water.
The college has systematically reduced water wastage by building 88 Indian style toilets out of a
total of 153.
Various department and student level sensitization programmes have been organised.
Reuse of waste water produced by Reverse Osmosis (RO) system in the college by channelizing
this water in the washrooms.
Grease trap system is installed with three sedimentary tanks to remove excess oil and organic
impurities of canteen waste before the waste water is released. This way the Biochemical Oxygen
Demand is reduced in the effluent waste water produced by the JMC canteen.
E-Waste Management
100 kg of e-waste that was handed over to Karo Sambhav to responsibly recycle.
Various department and student level sensitization programmes have also been organised.
7.1.6 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution and any
awards received for such green campus initiatives:
1.Green audit
2.Energy audit
3.Environment audit
4.Clean and green campus recognitions / awards
5.Beyond the campus environmental promotion activities
7.1.8 Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance
and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and other diversities
(within 500 words).
JMC, as a minority institution values inclusionary practices at multiple levels including its admission
policy, where students from diverse cultures are admitted. JMC has a total of 16 scholarships and awards to
encourage inclusion and diversity. All festivals like Diwali, Onam, Christmas etc. are celebrated with equal
We celebrate and protect cultural, regional, linguistic, communal, socio-economic diversities through
student societies like Jesus and Mary College Educational Programme (JMCEP), Ethnic Eight: North East
Society, All India Catholic University Federation JMC (AICUF), Enactus JMC, Hindi Dramatics, Hindi
Debating, Poetry, Magazine, Women’s Study Centre (WSC) etc.
JMCEP inculcates values of inclusion and respect for people from all strata. It makes students key
agents in the process of empowering young minds through education.
JMCEP was started in 1979 with the motto of “Learning to help by helping to learn” as a
National Adult Education Programme where 54 college girls taught ‘arithmetic’ to the
elderly, kids and women from Bapu Dham.
JMCEP witnessed a vibrant growth and it now has around 300 volunteers imparting
education to underprivileged children.
JMC signed an MOU in 2017 with NDMC School, Bapu Dham to positively impact it through
transformative practices.
Ethnic Eight: North East Society is a compulsory society that specifically caters to the needs of
students from North-Eastern states and the representation of their cultural and regional identities.
Since the last two years, it has started including students from Ladakh and Nepal.
Since 2016, it has been organizing north east specific presentations and festivals to promote
and preserve the socio-cultural diversity of northeast India and integrate them with the
AICUF stands for the service and liberation of all people, irrespective of caste, sex, language and
belief. AICUF JMC achieves this through outreach programs that provide students with practical
exposure to the lives of the marginalized.
Enactus JMC empowers people from marginalized segments through creating livelihood
opportunities towards achieving sustainable development for themselves and their communities.
Projects Dhara and Iffat have made differences to poor slum dwellers and women affected by
HIV/AIDS, respectively.
Nrityanjali and Tarannum: The Indian Dance and Music societies celebrate diverse cultures
through folk dance and music performances from different parts of the country, respectively.
Linguistic Diversity Initiatives: JMC encourages and promotes linguistic diversity through the
Hindi Department celebrates Hindi Diwas with a range of events.
Hindi Dramatics Society and Hindi Debating Society through their activities spread
appreciation for Hindi and its various dialects in and around Delhi.
Poetry Society events promote the many languages of poetry.
Magazine Society produces the college magazine with content in English, Hindi and
WSC engages with cultural, regional, communal, socio-economic and sexual diversities from a
variety of gendered perspective.
The college time table has weekly slots for Catechism and Mass.
UGC sponsored remedial classes are conducted and have a book bank for SC/ST/OBC and other
students who need additional help in English, Hindi, Maths and Computer Science.
7.1.9 Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations:
values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens (within 500 words).
Jesus and Mary College has been committed to educating our students as constitutionally aware citizens
sensitized to their Fundamental Rights and Duties. Various programmes and activities are organised both
by departments as well as societies.
The National Cadet Corps (NCC) unit of JMC is dedicated to creating a ‘sense of patriotic commitment’
for national development. The NCC appoints Campus Ambassadors in their SVEEP programme besides
participating in the Republic Day Camp and Annual Prime Minister’s Rally. JMC has an active National
Service Scheme (NSS) unit where students engage in community service programmes. Through the Jesus
and Mary College Education Programme (JMCEP) students teach children of underprivileged
backgrounds, in sync with the 86th Constitutional Amendment Act (2002) recognizing their Fundamental
Right to Education. JMC observes a Vigilance Awareness Week by organizing activities to foster honesty
and orient students towards fighting corruption. National Unity Day is observed with a pledge to celebrate
our glorious history of national integration. History Department organizes Sansad, a Mock Youth
Parliament around issues of national relevance like Freedom of Speech and Expression and National
Education Policy. Visits to the Parliament are organised by the Political Science Department.
To promote the ideal of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, JMC organises cleanliness drives like Swachhta
Pakhwada. JMC also initiated the anti-plastic and recycling campaign inaugurated by Mr Gautam Gambhir
(M.P.) in 2019. International Yoga Day has been observed by the college through sessions on ‘Ashtanga
Yoga’ organised by the Peace Society and a webinar on Yoga: Guardian of the Mind, Body and Spirit.
Hindi Debating Society organizes debates on issues of national relevance, such as ‘Bharat ke samagr vikas
mein dharm hi ek badhak tatv he’,’Vimudrikaran- vikas ke liye uthaya gaya ek mahatvpurn kadam
hai’,and ‘Bhrashtachar hi rashtra nirman mein badhak hai’. Dastaan, the Art and Architecture Society
organises educational walks to historical sites, sensitizing the students to the need to protect our rich
cultural heritage.
JMC believes that promoting religious harmony is very important to maintain peace in our diverse society
in accordance with the principle of secularism as enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitution. In 2017,
Dalai Lama Lhama Dhondrub visited JMC and addressed students on the oneness of humanity and
religious harmony. JMC also helps the Christian community to preserve their heritage and culture in
accordance with Articles 29 and 30 of the Constitution through activities of the All India Catholic
University Federation (AICUF). AICUF in JMC has held panel discussions inviting eminent speakers from
different religious backgrounds on topics including Celebrating Diversity Rooted in Divinity, Can Science
and Religion Converse among others. Academic discussions at JMC regularly highlight the salience of
national unity and social harmony. Lectures on topics such as ‘Pluralism, Tolerance and
Multiculturalism’, freshers’ debates on ‘The House believes that India needs a stronger law on sedition’
and screening of documentaries like Nero’s Guests: The Age of Inequality inculcate values of liberty,
equality and fraternity among the students.
7.1.10 The Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and
other staff and conducts periodic programmes in this regard.
7.1.11 Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and
festivals (within 500 words).
Commemorating days, events and festivals of national importance honors the great heritage of India.
Recognising the momentous contributions of historical figures to freedom and justice, likewise, inspires
the youth. JMC observes several nationally and internationally significant occasions to educate our
students on the history, traditions and practices of India in engaging and participatory ways.
JMC celebrates India’s Independence Day with much fanfare, usually on a prior working day. Students,
teachers and administrative staff join in the celebrations, which commence with the singing of the National
Anthem, and include cultural performances carefully curated by the Indian Cultural Society. The Republic
Day is marked in college with various programmes organized by JMCEP. As a tribute to the father of our
nation, on 2nd October, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, programmes by the Peace Society,
Green Society, NSS, etc., familiarize students with the life and philosophy of Gandhiji. Since its launch on
2nd October 2014, as part of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan which seeks to accomplish one of the cherished
principles of Gandhiji, JMC undertakes several measures to enlighten students about the importance of
hygiene and sanitation on an individual, local, regional and national level.
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan’s birth anniversary on 5th Sept, observed nationally as Teacher’s Day, is
celebrated at both the department and college level. Numerous programmes organized by our students on
the occasion remember and pay homage to the valuable contributions of the teaching community. Sardar
Vallabhai Patel’s birthday on 31st October is commemorated as National Unity Day. National integration
activities like Run for Unity and Unity Pledge are organized to honour the ‘Iron Man of India’. Peace
Society, JMC, organizes different motivational events on Swami Vivekananda’s life and teachings on 12th
January, his birthday, observed as National Youth Day.
In December 2014, the United Nations General Assembly Resolution adopted 21st June as International
Yoga Day. Since 2015, JMC celebrates this day, acknowledging the transnational role of Yoga, an ancient
Indian knowledge system, in promoting physico-mental health. International Girl Child’s Day is celebrated
on 11th October by WSC and NSS through various events sensitizing students to the challenges faced by a
girl child in our society. The WSC also commemorates International Women’s Day on 8th March with
street plays, student seminars and discussions to honour the historical and contemporary struggles of
women for empowerment.
On 25th January, National Voter’s Day, NSS, JMC strives to spread awareness about the importance of
elections and the role of citizens as voters. Our Hindi Department observes Hindi Diwas on 14th
September to commemorate the adoption of Hindi as an official language of India by the Constituent
Assembly in 1949.
JMC celebrates pan-Indian festivals like Diwali and Christmas. Sparsh, NSS’ Annual Diwali Mela, has
stalls by many NGOs and local artisans showcasing their products at JMC. Christmas celebrations every
year features the singing of Christmas carols, among other activities. JMC celebrates these and other
regional festivals like Onam to inculcate a sense of respect for our religio-cultural diversity among
1. Title of the Practice: “The Gift of Green”: Towards Building a Sustainable and Clean College
At JMC, we strive to create a model of education that is based on compassion and mindful living. The
Green Campus initiative began with an objective of fostering a culture of eco-friendly practices and
making the campus environmentally sustainable. We aim to build a campus that is plastic free, produces
minimal waste, conserves energy, protects biodiversity and practices self-sustainability in areas of power,
water and cleanliness. This is a collective endeavor of our students, staff and neighbouring community in
an effort to recognize our place and responsibility on this planet.
The relationship between JMC and nature is a long and enduring one, something that students and staff of
the college are aware of. The buildings of this educational institution stand on the solid rock of the Aravali
range, a topographical feature that the Congregation along with the Northern Construction Company have
consciously chosen to preserve and protect. 11.88% of the 14.1 acre lush campus in the Diplomatic
Enclave is built up. The rest of the campus can be categorized as playgrounds, lawns and gardens. A huge
area is left in its natural form and acts as a natural habitat for biodiversity. The variety of species of
grasses, herbs, shrubs and trees also help in recharging of groundwater.
Climate change is no myth: The rate of environmental degradation in the 21st century industrial,
consumerist society is alarming. JMC has been consistently working towards creating and maintaining an
eco-friendly and clean campus.
Infrastructural Practice
• While cutting trees on campus is strictly prohibited, JMC plants new trees each year and maintains a
Kitchen Garden and Green House. Bird watching and tree identification walks are often carried out.
• The campus is single-use plastic free. Steel crockery is used in the canteen.
• Environment-friendly, energy-saving electrical appliances that reduce wasteful inefficiencies have been
installed. The electrical wiring is protected against leakage and short circuit at three levels: MCBs on all
floors; ELCBs for each building; and Electric feeder station for the campus set up by NDMC. We have
phased out 95% of CFL and conventional light sources with LED lighting.
• The college uses solar energy and practices rain water harvesting.
• Waste water coming out of the Reverse Osmosis (RO) system is reused by channelizing this water to
the washrooms.
• Grease trap system is installed with three sedimentary tanks to remove excess oil and organic impurities
of canteen waste before the waste water is released. This reduces Biochemical Oxygen Demand in the
effluent waste water produced by the JMC canteen.
• To engage the larger community of students, industry experts, policy makers, and academicians, we
organized two National Conferences titled ‘National Resources Management for Sustainable
Development’ and ‘Innovative Approaches for Plastic Free India’.
• Green initiatives in college are student driven. The Green Society boasts of over 300 active student
members. It has organized innumerable events to raise awareness around environmental issues, some of
which have been under the directive of Ministry of Environment, Government of Delhi.
• Enactus JMC has undertaken noteworthy waste management projects, namely Project Dhara and Project
Iffat, that tackle the problem of waste management and provide employment to women from marginalized
• Single-use plastic ban by college was accompanied by the Anti-Plastic Collection and Recycling
Campaign led by Enactus JMC, Mercatus and Green Society.
• As the ban on plastic use extends to invited business entities like stall owners, external caterers,
promotional stalls, etc., Mercatus began a Crockery Bank to supply caterers with steel crockery for college
• Recognizing that the Fast Fashion industry is a major polluter, we slowed the movement of clothes to
the landfill and encouraged reuse, sharing and swapping of clothes, by organizing a Clothes Swap Shop
Meet. The idea was to bring about an ideological shift in our relationship with fast fashion.
• Plastic Collection drives have recycled 200 kg of plastic waste. Subsequently, Enactus JMC launched
Project Sugam using this waste to build sustainable eco-brick bathrooms. It has successfully raised Rs.
2,00,000 from crowdfunding on Milaap.
• Project Dhara has conserved 600 tonnes of water and diverted nearly 205 tonnes of annual organic
waste away from landfills and reduced approximately 10.43 tonnes of toxic gas emissions. It was listed in
the top 4 projects in the 2018 World Water Race.
• Project Iffat has conserved 2932 litres of water in 2019-20 and recycled 3271.575 kg of soap since its
inception. It was named in the top 12 projects in the 2018 World Water Race.
• Enactus JMC projects placed second in the Adidas X Parley Run for the Oceans competition.
• We re-introduced 200 items of clothing into the circular economy and away from landfills through our
Clothes Swap Shop Meet, thus initiating an ideological shift in our relationship with fast fashion.
• Tree plantation drives are carried out annually. There are approximately 350 trees, 1000 shrubs and 1.5
acres of grass cover. 56 species of trees have been identified and tagged.
We faced problems in efficient maintenance of solar power generation. There were technical faults
including failure of one of the inverters. This reduced the efficiency of in-house solar panels.
An inadequate supply of plastic alternatives increases their cost which makes them less popular in society.
The pandemic has adversely affected our ongoing green initiatives. Maintenance of the lush green cover
has been difficult due to the manpower availability being impacted by the lockdown.
Due to the onset of COVID-19, (a) Project Dhara had to halt the production of its manure, keeping the
health of its beneficiaries in mind, (b) Project Iffat was unable to collect soaps, as the hotel industry is
adversely affected (c) Project Sugam stands suspended and (d) the Swap Shop initiative could not be
implemented at the student level.
Some suggestions for future green initiatives as deliberated upon in the IQAC. The aim is to encourage
students to become genuine agents of change, committed to treasuring the campus environment and the
a). Initiatives within the campus: creating eco-friendly interior spaces, setting up vertical gardens, creating
a students gardeners team, and organising healthy competitions between departments based on green
b). Make JMC a college that actively spreads the green ideology in the neighborhood and city. To identify
and adopt “The JMC tree”, gift it to neighbouring institutions and start green dialogues with them.
c). Further initiatives linked with fast fashion like upcycling and recycling in collaboration with women
tailors, encouraging pre-cycling.
More information about the Future Green Initiatives can be found here:
The Placement Cell and individual departments constantly provide a vibrant platform to meet the different
needs of students for employability.
Given the skewed male-female ratio in urban professional spaces, the Placement Cell and
individual departments connect young women with potential employers, empowering them through
employability, making them socially, politically and economically active citizens.
The Placement Cell and the departments also provide opportunities for internship, fellowship and
summer training, etc.
In addition, the institution also organizes talks on academic and career development, training
programs and workshops to bridge the knowledge gap between students and the job market.
The Periodic Labour Force Survey by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (2017-18)
recorded the Work Participation Rate (WPR) for women as 18.2 percent in urban areas and the number of
female workers is recorded as 28 million in 2018-19. Women’s employment in urban areas is hence low
and has not increased substantially in the last decade.
JMC was a pioneer at Delhi University in starting a Placement Cell in 1998 to offer an
institutionalized mechanism to facilitate placements.
Helping young women to become economically independent through providing a wide range of
employment and entrepreneurship opportunities has been the principle objective.
Internships, training programmes and field visits are additionally a crucial focus of departments like
B.El.Ed, B.Com and B.Voc.
Placing students in summer internships enables the students to get hands-on training to make
informed career decisions. It also facilitates potential employers to assess the suitability of
JMC coordinates with various organizations for campus placements. It began with a single company (GE
Capital) in 1998, but now more than 100 reputed multi-national companies, banks, and other corporates
such as Deloitte, Accenture, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Wipro are keen to recruit our students.
JMC scrutinizes the companies’ profiles and schedules a preliminary presentation by them which
informs the students about the job profile, working conditions and growth opportunities. The
companies then conduct their standard recruitment procedures such as written tests, group
discussions and interviews.
JMC is one of the few women’s colleges to offer a Bachelors degree in Vocational Studies. It is
also the only college in DU to offer both Healthcare and Retail Management as areas of study.
Aimed at training students in specific skills required by the job market, JMC’s B.Voc department
ensures one-month internship programmes for its final year students. The B.Voc department
students have interned and have been placed in reputed organisations and hospitals like Accenture,
Marks & Spencer, PWC, Godrej Properties, DLF, Primus, Fortis, Medanta, CK Birla, etc.
In addition to corporate placements, the department of Elementary Education has placed our
students in some of the best schools in the country, such as Santa Maria School, Hyderabad, Shiv
Nadar School, Noida, GD Goenka Public School, Ryan International School, Presidium School and
Heritage School, New Delhi, Delhi Public School International, Ghaziabad, etc.
The Department of Commerce has started Neev: A Training & Development Centre that provides
internship opportunities to students across departments by organizing internship fairs.
The college also offers 7 add-on courses on an average to move beyond the curriculum knowledge.
E-cell that was established in 2014 provides a platform to our innovative young minds to showcase
their brilliant business ideas.
In July 2018, the Economics Department established a Research and Skill Development Cell with
the objective of training students to conduct independent research and in the process reach out to
the disadvantaged sections of society.
JMC also offers certificate courses in foreign languages like French and Spanish that add value to
the students’ profile.
The college has invited a wide variety of organizations and educational institutions such as Harvard
University, Indian School of Development Management, Young India Fellowship, Gandhi
Fellowship, Flarrio, Asmat India, GRE Institutions, GMRI, Indian School of Business and Teach
for India to conduct presentations, seminars and career guidance programmes.
Given that JMC primarily offers Liberal Arts and Commerce at the undergraduate level, the placement
record of the college is extremely successful when compared to its peers.
Clarity regarding student employment through College’s Placement Cell and other departments for
2015-20 is provided below.
Data of internship:
Year Internships
Placement Cell Research &NEEV B.El.Ed
B.Voc B.Voc Retail Skill
Healthcare Management &Development
2015-16 Started in 2016 Started in 2016 Established inEstablished in34
2018-19 2019-20
2016-17 45 46 - - 29
2017-18 91 94 - - 31
2018-19 145 140 48 - 31
2019-20 149 143 * 87 45
In 2019-20, Research & Skill Development Cell was renamed as Research and Outreach Cell.
Instead of internships now the students conduct outreach activities and publish their research
Inadequate support from the Govt. agency NSDC and respective Sector Skill Council meant to facilitate
placements for B.Voc Healthcare and B.Voc Retail Management.
There has been a considerable improvement in the resources provided for placement activities in the last
five years. However, further resources are required for better multimedia rooms and other infrastructural
resources to meet the increasing demand for placements in better companies.
Internships is to promote industry academia collaboration and to provide opportunities for professional
growth and employment. Many Industry-Academia collaborations are established wherein students get the
opportunity to keep themselves abreast of the latest trends in the various sectors viz, media, journalism,
artificial intelligence, data analysis, film making, fashion designing etc. These add to the learning
outcomes of the undergraduate programmes and courses being taught to the students.
7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust
within 1000 words
Jesus and Mary College is a beacon of hope and empowerment for women from all strata of society across
India in the field of higher education. It has a stellar track record in transforming the lives of the countless
young women students that have passed through its portals. JMC continues to challenge itself to stay ahead
of the curve and address the changing needs of its students and society in the most innovative, engaged,
compassionate way while providing cutting edge, competitive education.
Jesus and Mary College was founded in 1968 with a mission to provide quality education to young women.
Last year we celebrated our Golden Jubilee marking 50 years of ‘Empowering Women through
Transformative Education’.
Our vision has been to provide the kind of transformative education that will enable our students to
As a leading women’s liberal arts college, we prioritize creating a safe space for our students to
gain a gender sensitive and empowering education.
All courses at JMC offer papers that are gender oriented, though the pedagogy of gender
sensitization extends beyond the classroom. We take pride in having created a vibrant campus
environment that allows students to think critically, to question, act and resist creatively.
The vast and open amphitheater, the Common Room, and the various lawns at JMC provide spaces
to students to hold public discussions and interactive sessions. Our Women’s Study Centre often
uses these spaces to hold jan sunwais (public hearings).
Each department organises events that reinforce the institution’s larger vision and mission to
provide empowering education to young women.
In 2015-16, twenty-five formal events related to gender were organised; 2016-17, twenty-nine;
2017-18, twenty-eight; 2018-19, twenty-nine; and 2019-20, ten.
Jesus and Mary College’s year-long Golden Jubilee celebrations culminated in a two-day
International Conference on 3rd and 4th October 2018 titled “Empowering Women through
Transformative Education”. This Conference created a dialogue on the issues of gender
empowerment, its meanings, importance and role of various agencies, in general, and higher
education, in particular. Around 40 delegates presented their papers in 4 Thematic Technical
Sessions. Both the Chief Guest Prof. Yogesh K. Tyagi, Vice Chancellor of University of Delhi and
Keynote Speaker Prof. (Retd.) Karuna Chanana highlighted the need for education to be truly
In 2020, during the lockdown necessitated by the Covid-19 pandemic, JMC organised webinars
The Women’s Study Centre (WSC) and Its Specialized Role in the Institution
WSC, JMC plays a critical role in fostering gender sensitivity on campus. Programmes in the form
of lectures, conferences, and workshops are organised throughout the year to create an
intersectional awareness amongst undergraduate students about the inequalities confronting
different genders.
From 2015-20, the WSC has been focused on providing adequate space for students to think
critically and engage in open discussions about various issues such as:
1. women and labour 2. gender and sexuality 3. violence at home 4. influence of media 5. laws and
rights 6. health and hygiene.
Special attention has been paid to issues relevant to women in the 21st century, especially those of
mental health, sexual identities, and sexual harassment in the workplace.
For more personal and individualised help, the WSC has engaged counsellors to be available to
students. These counsellors not only meet students for individual sessions but also meet with
teachers to further help them to create a gender sensitive and enabling classroom environment.
During the Covid-19 necessitated lockdown, JMC organized several webinars that sought to
address student related issues like mental and physical health, meditation and well-being and
careers in a post-Covid world. JMC also organized a webinar for the faculty titled “Understanding
and Mentoring Young People” to equip faculty members to be better mentors.
The college has constituted an ICC in accordance with the guidelines delineated by the UGC and
notifications issued by the University of Delhi pertaining to the Sexual Harassment of Women at
Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressed) Act, 2013.
ICC comprises of elected students and nominated members from the teaching and administrative
communities. It registers complaints of workplace sexual harassment and undertakes formal
proceedings to resolve them.
Every year the ICC organizes a special session on what constitutes sexual harassment and explains
the procedure of filing a complaint with the ICC. Information of the ICC members is displayed in
important places in the college and on the college website.
In 2018-19, the Research and Outreach Cell, Department of Economics, conducted a research
project at Sanjay Camp, an urban slum located in Chanakyapuri. Focusing specifically on the
situation of women, the survey collected information on living conditions, employment,
educational qualification, demographics and health and sanitation. The objective was to conduct an
outreach programme focusing on aspects which showcased the weakest indicators. The cell
conducted a session on menstrual hygiene, contraceptives and legal rights since many women were
unaware of these issues.
The JMC WSC and ICC have been committed to include and engage with the local community.
They recognize the fact that gender sensitization and messages of gender equality cannot be
imparted in isolation from the larger community.
Each year, the WSC undertakes projects that further the goal of community inclusion vis-a-vis
issues of women’s safety. For example:
1. Survey and research projects on PG safety and Safety Audits conducted in the neighbouring areas.
2. The results of the same have been submitted to the office of Delhi Commission of Women and UGC.
3. Results from the former have helped create a dossier of good and safe PGs for outstation students.
Additional Information :
1994 was a landmark year in which JMC became a pioneering College to offer the 4-year Bachelor of
Elementary Education Course in collaboration with Delhi University’s Department of Education (CIE).
Apart from offering Undergraduate Programs in Arts, Mathematics and Commerce, the College has also
introduced two courses on Healthcare Management and Retail Management & IT in Bachelor of Vocational
Studies in the year 2016.
Since 1975, the College has been a Centre for NCWEB and since 1978, it has also been running a centre for
In keeping with its goal of imparting education that focuses on all round integrated development of our
students, JMC encourages and facilitates active participation in sports by our students.
In the year 2000, which was the Jubilee Year of Jesus Christ, the College was honoured by the Government of
India by naming the road in front of the College ‘Jesus and Mary College Marg’.
The institution has about 30 societies for extra-curricular activities and our students have been winning many
laurels in national and international events.
The College recognizes the significance of promoting a research environment amongst staff and students. To
achieve this end, a Research and Collaboration Centre has been established in the College.
JMC brings out the annual edition of The JMC Review, an interdisciplinary refereed e-journal.
A variety of Add-on Courses are offered to students to give them an edge in today’s job market.
To preserve and nurture the bond with its alumni, the college maintains an active Alumnae Association.
The College has Energy and Environment Policies to protect and conserve ecological systems and resources
within the campus.
The College implements E-governance in all functioning of the institution in order to provide simpler and
efficient system of governance which promotes transparency and accountability within the institution.
The institution believes in inclusion of people with disabilities by promoting the rights and dignity of each
Concluding Remarks :
In 52 years since its inception, the College has expanded its horizons, attaining many a milestone.
The College has introduced two B.Voc courses in Healthcare Management and Retail Management & IT in
2016 and is running successfully. The students are receiving industry relevant skill-based education with the
objective to meet the rising demand in the healthcare and retail sector job market.
Research Incubation Centers have been set up by Research and Collaboration Committee (RCC) for
undertaking theoretical and applied interdisciplinary research for both students and faculty. Some of the
students have written papers and presented them at National and International Conferences and also published
in reputed journals.
RCC has been successfully conducting FDPs and establishing academic collaborations with eminent
Universities such as Chang Mai University of Thailand, American Business School in Paris, North China
University of Technology, to name a few.
Many Industry-Academia collaborations are established wherein students get the opportunity to keep
themselves abreast of the latest trends in the various sectors viz, media, journalism, artificial intelligence, data
analysis, film making, fashion designing etc through Add-on-Courses. A few of these courses are: Financial
Management, Media Studies, Camera and Photography etc.
As of date, the College e-journal ‘The JMC Review’ has published four volumes since 2017.
An Audio-Visual Room has been set up to facilitate teachers to record their lectures.To support
interactive/classroom pedagogical methodologies, the teachers are also encouraged to use ICT tools to deliver
their lectures using audios, videos and PPTs.
Numerous renowned companies visit the College annually and a large number of our students find placements
with them.
The College has been winning the Vice Chancellor’s Trophy for Sports for the past 25 years. Our NCC
students are trained to be of assistance to the country in any National Emergency.
The college is proud of many of its alumnae who have made a mark for themselves in various spheres of
academics, media, journalism, politics, public services, business entrepreneurship, corporate and film industry.
The college strives to fulfill its vision of imparting transformative education for the empowerment of young
women and promotion of a more just and humane society.
1.Metrics Level Deviations
Metric ID Sub Questions and Answers before and after DVV Verification
1.1.3 Teachers of the Institution participate in following activities related to curriculum
development and assessment of the affiliating University and/are represented on the following
academic bodies during the last five years
1.4.1 Institution obtains feedback on the syllabus and its transaction at the institution from the
following stakeholders
1) Students
Remark : As per supporting document , count of is more than, which has not
possible. So DVV has change the input in as same as
2.1.2 Average percentage of seats filled against reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC, Divyangjan, etc.
as per applicable reservation policy ) during the last five years ( exclusive of supernumerary
seats) Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year-wise during the last
five years
Answer before DVV Verification:
2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
Remark : DVV has made the changes as per the report provided by HEI.
3.1.1 Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects,
endowments, Chairs in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) Total Grants from Government and non-governmental agencies for research
projects , endowments, Chairs in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
Answer before DVV Verification:
2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
0 27.02 24.17 0 5
10 27.02 24.17 0 5
Remark : DVV has made the changes as per shared e-copies of grant award letters by HEI in 3.1.3
3.3.2 Number of research papers per teachers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the
last five years Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last
five years.
Answer before DVV Verification:
2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
19 11 18 4 7
4 2 4 0 1
3.3.3 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in
national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last five years Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers
in national/ international conference proceedings year-wise during last five years
Answer before DVV Verification:
2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
76 53 54 37 40
50 39 30 20 6
4.1.4 Average percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during
last five years(INR in Lakhs) Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year-wise during last
five years (INR in lakhs)
Answer before DVV Verification:
2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
Remark : DVV has made the changes as per addition of highlighted fixed assets in audited
4.2.3 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e-
journals during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
Remark : DVV has made the changes as per the audit statement provided by the HEI.
5.3.3 Average number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution
participated during last five years (organised by the institution/other institutions)
178 142 94 71 38
170 140 90 69 35
6 16 6 9 9
4 10 3 6 8
Remark : DVV has made the changes as per shared financial support letter by HEI in first level.
DVV has not considered list for teachers.
7 6 2 5 4
0 2 2 5 1
6 15 7 11 10
4 7 7 11 10
7.1.6 Quality audits on environment and energy regularly undertaken by the Institution and any
awards received for such green campus initiatives:
1. Green audit
2. Energy audit
3. Environment audit
4. Clean and green campus recognitions / awards
5. Beyond the campus environmental promotion activities
3.2 Total Expenditure excluding salary year-wise during last five years ( INR in Lakhs)