Crossfit Workout
Crossfit Workout
Crossfit Workout
Workout 1 1 Deadlift
(Compound Movement) 2 Muscle-ups
Push Press (Standing shoulder press) 3 Squat Cleans
Dip (Rings) 4 Handstand push-ups
Burpees For 3 rounds
10 reps each
Workout 2 5 Pull-ups
Wall balls 10 Push-ups
Box jumps 15 Air Squats
Semi lift (Standing Srug) For 30mins every minut (1 min rest and start for 1 min
Alternate Kettle bell/Rope for 30 mins)
3 rounds/1 min each
Workout 3 5 Pull-ups
Head stand push up 10 Push-ups
Clean and jerk 15 Squats
For 8mins For 20mins AMRAP
Workout 4 MARY
15 Toes to bar 5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Deadlifts 10 Pistols
5 Snatches 15 Pull-ups
1 Clean and jerk For 20mins AMRAP
For 9mins/AMRAP
Workout 5 (Crossfit HERO WOD)
Warm-up Wall Balls
100 Double-unders Box jumps
WOD Kettle Bell swings
10 Dumbell Deadlift Reps 50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10
10 Dumbell Front Squats
10 Handstands Push-ups THE SEVEN
For 5 rounds (Crossfit HERO WOD)
THEN 7 Handstand Push-ups
100 Double-unders 7 Thrusters (135/95lbs)
7 Kness to Elbows
Workout 6 7 Deadlifts (245/155lbs)
7 Dumbell Squats Clean Thrusters (35lbs) 7 Burpees
10 Pull-ups 7 Kettle bell swings (2/1.5lbs)
For 5 rounds 7 Pull-ups
For 7 rounds, for time
Workout 7
Warm-up FRAN
300m run Medicine balls Thrusters
THEN Ring Rows/Pull-ups
15 Push-ups Reps 21 – 15 – 9
15 Sit-ups
5 Sumo squats BARBARA
For 2 rounds 20 Pull-ups
WOD 30 Push-ups
Kettle bell Swings 40 Sit-ups
Burpees Box jumps 50 Squats
Reps 21 – 15 – 9 For 5 rounds
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45lbs)
30 Pulls-ups