Metabolic, v.54:07,and
zootechnical, e20220615,
health profile2024
of Girolando calves conceived through in vitro fertilization.
ISSNe 1678-4596
Animal reproduction
Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul, Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil.
Núcleo de Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão em Pecuária (NUPEEC), Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), 96010-900, Capão do Leão, RS,
ABSTRACT: This study determined the zootechnical, metabolic, and health performance of Girolando calves born with high or low birth
weight, conceived through in vitro fertilization. The study was carried out on a commercial dairy farm located in Passos, Minas Gerais,
Brazil. For this, a hundred Girolando calves were divided into two groups: The Control, which consisted of calves that were born weighing
≤ 35 kg; and high birth weight (HBW) calves, which were born weighing > 35 kg. The calves were monitored for zootechnical parameters;
epidemiological indices, for diseases such diarrhea and pneumonia; as well as serum concentrations of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine
aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, cholesterol, triglycerides, paraoxonase1, albumin, urea, and globulin.
Calves from the HBW group had a higher general mortality rate, but no effects on the zootechnical performance or metabolism were observed.
The results obtained allow us to conclude that Girolando calves generated by IVF and heavier at birth have a greater chance to present diseases
such as omphalophlebitis, tympany, and bovine parasitic sadness, and have a higher rate of general mortality. Conversely, birth weight of the
calves does not influence diarrhea or pneumonia, the zootechnical performance, or the metabolism.
Key words: neonates, bovine, metabolism, zootechnical performance, health.
RESUMO: Este estudo determinou o desempenho zootécnico, metabólico e saúde de bezerras Girolando nascidas com alto ou baixo peso,
concebidas por fertilização in vitro. O estudo foi realizado em uma fazenda leiteira comercial localizada em Passos, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Cem
bezerras Girolando foram divididas em dois grupos: Controle, que consistiu em bezerras que nasceram com peso ≤ 35 kg; e HBW, bezerras
que nasceram com peso > 35 kg. As bezerras foram monitoradas quanto aos parâmetros zootécnicos; índices epidemiológicos para doenças
como diarreia e pneumonia; bem como as concentrações séricas de aspartato aminotransferase, alanina aminotransferase, fosfatase alcalina,
gama-glutamil transferase, colesterol, triglicérides, paraoxonase1, albumina, uréia e globulina. As bezerras do grupo HBW apresentaram maior
taxa de mortalidade, mas nenhum efeito no desempenho zootécnico ou metabolismo foram observados. Os resultados permitem concluir que
bezerras Girolando provenientes de FIV que nascem mais pesadas têm maior chance de apresentar doenças, como onfaloflebite, timpanismo e
tristeza parasitária bovina, tendo uma maior taxa de mortalidade geral. Porém, o peso ao nascimento das bezerras não influenciou a ocorrência
de diarreia ou broncopneumonia, o desempenho zootécnico e o perfil metabólico.
Palavras-chave: neonatos, bovino, metabolismo, desempenho zootécnico, saúde.
cell junctions, transport, RNA processing, and stress feed supply, and a bottle for milk and water intake,
in bovine embryos (LI et al., 2019). Consequently, were all present for individual use. The management
in addition to greater weight at birth, an abnormal of calves was described by WEILLER et al. (2021).
enlargement of organs has been observed in animals All calves were conceived through IVF,
with overgrowth, for example, in their hearts, livers, from a cross between the Holstein and Gir breeds,
and kidneys (CHEN et al., 2013), which may cause utilizing half Holstein–Gir donors (n = 51) and Gir
metabolic changes in these animals. donors (n = 49). For the IVF procedure, semen from
Although, high birth weight may be nine Holstein bulls (bull “A” to “I”) were used (A: 19
associated with an increase in the average daily gain vs. 20; B: 7 vs. 6; C: 16 vs. 18; D:1 vs. 0; E:1 vs. 0: F:
and height of calves (SWALI & WATHES, 2006), 1 vs. 2; G: 2 vs. 1; H: 3 vs.2, and I: 0 vs. 1), resulting
this condition may also be a risk factor for increasing in calves that were three-fourth Holstein–Gir (n = 51)
dystocia, due to the incompatibility between the size and half Holstein–Gir (n = 49). All bulls used in this
of the calf and the mother’s pelvis (PAPUTUNGAN study had the expected difference in progeny positive
et al., 2000). Consequences of dystocia may include for calving ease. The oocyte donors and recipients
neonatal asphyxia, metabolic and respiratory acidosis, were cows from the same property, so all were
reduced immunoglobulin absorption, increased subjected to the same climatic conditions. Recipients
susceptibility to diseases, and death (JACOBSEN et were primiparous (n = 55) or multiparous (two or
al., 2000). more calvings, n = 45) cows Holstein–-Gir (half n =
High birth weight is associated with 23; three-fourths n = 69; five-eighths n = 4; seven-
perinatal mortality in calves (JOHANSON & eighths n = 4). All recipients were cows presenting an
BERGER, 2003), having a great economic impact average milk production of 20 liters/day, with body
(MEYER et al., 2001; SCHILD et al., 2020). In condition score between 2.5 and 3.5 (WILDMAN et
Holstein cattle, it was demonstrated that lower al., 1982) at the moment of embryo transfer. The in
birth weight tends to have a lower risk of mortality, vitro production system was the same throughout the
otherwise, calves with around or above average study and fresh embryos were transferred from May
birth weight have an exponentially increased risk of to September 2017.
mortality (JOHANSON & BERGER, 2003). These For the study, the animals were distributed
facts support the hypothesis of this study that high into two groups, according to the birth-weight
birth weight IVF calves have a higher predisposition criterion. Given this, at birth, all calves were weighed
toward health disorders. using a tape measure for medium-sized animals,
Although, other studies investigate the obtaining an average weight of 35.45 ± 4.6 kg
influence of birth weight on calf health (SWALI & and a median weight of 35.50 kg. Using the birth
WATHES, 2006; GLOVER et al., 2019), there are weights, the calves were included into two distinct
still a few studies that correlate this parameter with groups, according to the average weight of Girolando
the performance and metabolic profile of neonates females, which is 29.57 ± 4.2 kg at birth (OLIVEIRA
from IVF. Thus, due to the great importance of the & NOGUEIRA, 2006): Control (n = 50) — including
Girolando breed for dairy production, as well as due calves that were born weighing 35 kg or less; and
to the increasing use of reproductive biotechnologies HBW group (n = 50) — including calves with a birth
in dairy farms, an evaluation of the effects of these weight higher than 35 kg. For the composition of
techniques on the health and initial zootechnical these two groups, the median was used as a reference
performance become important/ to contribute to the measure. The bull semen, recipient parity, and the
decision-making within the production system. In degree of blood of the Holstein–Gir were evenly
this sense, this study determined the influence of birth distributed between the groups.
weight on the metabolic, zootechnical, and health
profile of Girolando calves conceived through IVF. Assessing passive transfer of immunity
Failure of passive transfer of immunity
MATERIALS AND METHODS (FPTI) was determined in the calves (n = 100)
through assessment of their serum levels of total
The study was conducted on a commercial protein (TP). For this, blood was collected through
dairy farm located in Passos, Southern Minas Gerais, jugular venipuncture, between 24 and 48 hours of
Brazil. To conduct this, one hundred Girolando life, using a vacuum system and tubes, without any
female calves, kept in a tropical (Argentinean) calf anticoagulant (Vacuplast CRAL, São Paulo, Brazil).
house system, were used. A shade cloth, a trough for After collection, the samples were centrifuged for 10
Control and HBW groups (P > 0.05). The general with a birth weight greater than 35 kg were more
mortality rate was higher in HBW (P = 0.01). Calves likely to die.
in the HBW group were eight times more likely to die The relationship between the calves’ birth
when compared with those in the Control group (RR: weight and survival, and the incidence of disease
8; 95% CI: 1.03–61.6; P = 0.01), and 3.4 times more and zootechnical performance have been evaluated
likely to present other diseases (omphalophlebitis, in a few studies. There is evidence that high birth
ruminal tympany, and bovine parasitic sadness; RR: weight is associated with perinatal mortality in
3.4; 95% CI: 1.3–8.5; P = 0.004) (Table 1). calves (JOHANSON & BERGER, 2003), with
ADG showed interaction (Group*time, P = a great economic impact (MEYER et al., 2001).
0.01), and on day 80, the ADG of the Control group Very heavy calves at birth can predispose cows to
was lower than that of the HBW group (1.12 ± 0.05 various degrees of dystocia; consequently, leading
vs. 1.38 ± 0.05 kg, P < 0.05); furthermore, the effect to other perinatal changes such as neonatal asphyxia,
of time (P < 0.001) was observed. As expected, the reduced immunoglobulin absorption, and increased
body weight was higher in the HBW group every susceptibility to diseases (JACOBSEN et al., 2000).
time it was evaluated (P < 0.05). The body weight and IVF may be linked to the birth of heavier calves, and
thoracic perimeter showed interaction (Group*Time, also may be associated with an increase in mortality
P < 0.001), effect of group (P < 0.001) and time (P (CAMARGO et al., 2010; BONILLA et al., 2014)
< 0.001). The HBW group showed a higher weight corroborating the obtained results; although, we did
and greater thoracic perimeter than the Control group not observe a high rate of FPTI.
every time they were evaluated (P < 0.05) (Figure 1). According to BLOCK et al. (2003), 18% of
The mean concentrations of total calves born following embryo transfer using in vitro
protein, albumin, globulins, AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, production were born dead or died within 24 hours
cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, and PON1, were of birth. Other studies have also reported increased
not different between the HBW and Control groups incidence of stillbirths and neonatal mortality,
during the evaluated period (P > 0.05, Table 2). ranging from 7.8% to 22.2% in calves obtained via
2000; BONILLA et al., 2014), which is in accordance
We investigated the hypothesis that IVF with the 9% reported in this experiment. However,
calves born with greater body weight were more results demonstrated that not only IVF, but the birth
susceptible to developing diseases. Surprisingly, there weight of the calves produced by IVF can influence
were no differences in the occurrence of diarrhea and mortality. In this study, calves that were born with
respiratory disease. However, although, there is no bodyweight > 35 kg had a higher mortality rate and
chance of a higher incidence of illness, calves born were eight times more likely to die when compared to
Table 1 - Incidence and relative risk of diseases in Girolando calves conceived through in vitro fertilization with high birth weight.
Control: constituted by calves that were born weighing ≤ 35 kg; HBW: calves that were born weighing more than 35 kg. Results
obtained from the chi-square test, the differences being considered significant when P < 0.05. *Insufficient percentage to estimate the
relative risk of diseases; 195% confidence interval.
Figure 1 - Average weight (A), average daily gain (B), thoracic perimeter (C), withers height (D) and width of the croup (E) from birth to
60 or 80 days of age in Girolando calves conceived through in vitro fertilization and born with weight of 35 kg or less (Control)
or with more than 35 kg (HBW).
control calves. Despite this, there were no differences (CHASE et al., 2008), as it increases the mechanisms
in the occurrence of diarrhea and respiratory disease of defense in the neonate (CORTESE, 2009). In this
between the Control and HBW groups, but there were study, there was no difference between groups in
a greater number of cases of other diseases, such the percentage of animals that presented with FPIT,
as, omphalophlebitis, tympany, and bovine parasitic therefore, the highest number of deaths in heavy
sadness. Between these diseases, the omphalophlebitis calves cannot be credited to this. Over the 80 days
can be caused by structural changes in the navel, of the study, we found a diarrhea morbidity of 77%,
which are reported in individuals obtained through very similar to those 77.9% reported by WEILLER
IVF (LARCHER et al., 2023), facilitating the entry et al. (2020). The results are within the expected for
of pathogens into the blood circulation and thus the Brazilian reality (53.6–100%) (LANGONI et al.,
contributing to high mortality. Also, tympany may be 2004).
associated with failure of the reticular groove reflex in Despite the high weight-related mortality,
very large calves with a low sucking reflex (BIRGEL those animals that do not die perform better, as
JUNIOR, et al., 2011), as well as, macroglossia seen by greater weight gain, thoracic perimeter, and
(enlarged tongue) which is a characteristic of LOS height. Directly related to puberty, age at first calving,
(CHEN et al., 2013), causes feeding difficulties, and and the higher productivity of the future cow, the
thus contributing to mortality. Still, anaemia and other females bovine growth is an important characteristic
blood- and plasma-related conditions (erythrocyte within the farm system (SHIVLEY et al., 2018).
and haemoglobin decrease), which are observed The relationship between birth weight and animal
in calves obtained by reproductive biotechniques performance has been assessed in some studies.
(MEIRELLES et al., 2009), may have contributed YAYLAK et al. (2015), using Holstein animals,
to the high morbidity due to bovine parasitic sadness demonstrated that the weaning weight was directly
and deaths. influenced by the animals’ birth weight. In this
It is known that satisfactory ingestion of context, animals that were born heavier also remained
high-quality colostrum is essential to protect neonates heavier for at least the first 15 life months (SWALI
against pathogens during their first weeks of life & WATHES, 2006). This was also observed in our
Table 2 - Biochemical parameters during the first 60 days of life of Girolando calves conceived through in vitro fertilization with high
birth weight.
Control: constituted by calves that were born weighing ≤ 35 kg; HBW: calves that were born weighing more than 35 kg. Data are
represented by the mean ± standard error of the mean. Values of P < 0.05 were considered significant. † Time: collection realized at
birth (between 24 and 48 hours) and on days 7, 14, 21, 28, and 60.
TPP:Total plasma protein; 2AST: Aspartate aminotransferase; 3ALT:Alanine aminotransferase; 4GGT: Gama glutamyl transferase;
ALP: Alkaline phosphatase.
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