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Adobe Scan 31-Oct-2023

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Probability and expectation of R.V.

Scleet the correct answer fronn given alternatives.
I) The probability of any event is always betwcen
a) O
and 5 b0and | c)0 and o d) -l and +|

2)A box consists of 5red, 4 vwhite and 3 black oulls. A bali is dravn at
random from the box. What is the probability dhat it is red or b!ack?
2/3 b)i/3 c)S/12 d)7/12

3) Abag consists of 20 tickets numbered Ito 20.One ticket is drawnat

random.Find the probability that it will be multipie of 3 or 5?
a)3/20 b)7/20 c9/20 d)2/5
4)Two persons Mr. X and Y appear executive's post a! alpha
multinational co.The probability of X's selection is 1/5 and that of Y's is
1/3.What is the probability that exactly one of themis selected?
a)4/5 b)1/3 c)4/15 d)2/5

5) For the above same problem 4, what is the probability that none of
them is selected?
way 8/15 b)2/!5 c)1/5 d)0

6) Throwing of 2 unbiased coins simultaneously. Mr. X bets with Mrs.

X. that he will receive Rs.4 from her, if gets 2 heads and ie will give
Rs.4 to her otherwise. Find Mr. X.'s expectation?
loss of Rs.2 b)gain of Rs. I c)loss of Rs.3 d)gain of Rs.2
AA card is dravn at random from a well shuffled pack of cards and
kept aside. Then the second card is drawn. WIhat is the probability that
both cards are kings?
a)2/221 b)5/221 c)4/51 d)l/221

8)The probability of total sample space is

a) o b)0 d)10

9)The mathematical expectation of a R.V. xis given by

a) E(x)= xp(x)
U) E(x)= x.p(x)
c) E(x)= x.p(x)
d) E(x)= (x.p(x)*
Solve the following problems.
1) 'A' speaks the truth in 60% cases and 'B' speaks the truth in 70%
cases. In what percentage of cases are they likely to contradict each
other in stating the same fact? (46%)
2) P(A)=3/14,-P{B)=+/6, P(G)=1/3, PA and C)=|/7, P(B/C)=5/21
Find P(A/C), P(C/A), P(B and C), P(C/B)
3) If a hurricane forms in the castern half of the gulf of Mexico,
ther: is 76% chance that it vwill strike western coast of Florida. From

determined !hut probability of its
the past data of 50 years it is
occurring in this aroa in any given year is 0.85 castern gulfof cxico
:)wha: is the probalbility that it will occur in the
and strike Florida tinis ycar.
b) ifa hurricane in castern part of
Mexico is seeded (induced to t.inb.
striking t
addition of chemicals from aircraljits probabilt, o
is decidcd to scd it:
western cTast is reduced by ytte fourth .f i: probability
hurricanc in the castern gulf, what is the new value of the

4) what is the probability that a leap

year selected et rarndom wil!
contain 53 Sundays?
empioyee records the persona!
5) From a corputer tally based onirm finds thut I5%of the firm's
nnanager of a large manufacturing graduates. iie aiso
cmployees are supervisors and 25% are cullege college graduatcs. Ii an
discovers that 5%are both supervisors and
employee is selected at random from records what is the probability
selecting a person
a who is both college graduate and supervisor
b) neither supervisor nor college graduate.
busincss problems are &:
6) The odds aguinst the student X solving i4:16
and odds in favor cf student Y solving the problem ar: the to:h t:
probiem is solved if
a) what is the chance that
independentiy to solve?
b) what is the probability that none of hem are able
25%. 35% and 43°.
7) Three maclines MI, M2, M3 produce deíective
respectively of total number of bolts in a factcry. The 9% of
A boit fro:i
bolts of these machines are 5%, 4% and 2% respectively. defetive.
is found to be
day's production is seiected at random and it
machine M2?
What is the probability that the bolt was produced by
Ans: 28/69
the last month.
8) Friendly's Dept. store has targeted many shoplifters incaught. The data
But owing to security precautions, 250 shoplifters are
was summarized as föllows.
Sex First time offenders Repeat offenders
Male 60 70
Female 44 76

Total 104 146

Assuming that an apprehended shopiifter is chosen, tind
a) the prob. That shoplifter is male
b) the prob. That shoplifter is first time offender given that he is male
Hint: P(FIM)=P(F and M)/P(M)
c) the prob. That shoplifter is female given that she is repeat
time oftender
d) the prob. That shoplifter is female given that she is first
e) the prob. That shoplifter is male given that he is repeat offender
(Ans: 0.520, 0.462, 0.521, 0,423, 0.280)

Questions for cutry belaviour test.
Sclect tlhe corrct answer from
)For perfectly normal distribution giveu alternaives.
mcan-mcdian=mode blmcan>median>modc
c)mcan<med:an<mode d)nonc of tUicse
2)The probab1luy of any cvent is always
alercater thanl bbctwecn 0 and I
c)less than 0 d)infinitc.
3)Thc nncan wd ncdian of the sct of
)30, 40 bT0, 30 c)30. 20
d)l0. 20
10, 200, 30, 40, 50 arc

4)A card is drawn rom a well

Drobability shuMed pack of 52 cards. What is the
that it is heart?
a) 3/4 b)l/2 d)s/4
5)he standard deviation of the set of
obscrvations 5, 5, 5,5,5 is

G)The \valuc which occurs nore

called as frcquently in the sct of
observations is
a) mean b) median node d)range
7)A box contans 50 articles of whicl1 5 are
selectcd randonnl trom the delective An article is
box What is the
delecive? brobab1itv that it is non
b)|/0 c)2/5 d)3/10
8)The total area under the normal
b)0.95 probabilitv cure is assuncd as
c0.90 dnone of tlhese
9)The area belween x|g under the
a) 90% bGs% normal une is approximatcly
c)95% d)28%

10)There ue S tickets
Ore ticket is drawn andnumbered l.2.4.5, 6, 8. 10, | °e hept in a ba
keot aside Then the second icket
What is çhe probability that bo th shÍw un is dravwn
a) 9/14 b) 3/10
even number?
eS/14 d)9/14
11) The mean and variance of
a) nD. npa binomial d1stribution is
blna. nDa

12)Binomial disribution is based on

a) poisson trials b)bernoulli's tnals
d)random trials cFisher's trials

13) For a R.V. x which follows poisson distribution, the distribution
function is by
a)P(X=N)=c n m x! b) P(X=x)=e" m !
c) P(X=x)=c " /x! d) P(X=x)=e"/s!
14) Find lne shaded area from the ollowing curve given tnat
the areo
7= t15 is 0 SGG4

a) 0.0158 b)0.0728 c)0.06G8 d)0.3379

1S)Find the area of shad ed region from the given data

The area between F0 o =5 is ).4332

The area betwecn z=0 vo = | is ).34 13
a)0. 1019 b)0 7745 c)0,066S d)0.2856

16) The area to the left of ordinate z=0 is always

3(mean- A) 0 c)0.3 d)0,9
mean n ocke meeiem)
(17)Ii mean and median of the distribution is 40 and 30 respectively. the
o3o) value ofnode
Lo- m: 3( a) 42 b)36 c)34 d)40

i8) When the quantitative dala is aranged in the ascending or

descending order of magnitude the middjemost value is called
a)mean b)mode Slmedian d)range
19) A box consists of,red, 5 blue and 4 green balls. A ball is drawn at
random [rom the box. What is the probability that it is nolred"
b)I/4 c)|/3 d)l/6

20) If any dis1ritbution is divided into 4 equal parts. then the point
division is call2d
a)percentile Kquarule c)decile d)volaule
(4: 1-o)
p:lo-s) Binomial, Poisson and Normal distribution.
Sclect an appropriate alternative.
2) If the probability of male birth is 0.5. Find the probability that in
a family of 4 children there will be exactly onc
los). boy.
a)0.5 b)0.52 e0.25 d) 0.75
P(.) , 12(os
2) In anexamination, 60% candidates arc unsuccessful. What is thc
probabilty that out of a group of 4 candidatcs, nonc of tlcm pass
the cxam.
a) 0.1296 b)0.2196 c)0.9126
3) The total arca under nomal
probability curve is assumed as
a) 0 c) o d)0.95
4) The area under the normal probability curve between the
ordinates z=+2 is considered as
Varite a) 0.9545 b)0.9455 c)0.95 d)0.9999
5) When n is large and p is small but np is finite then the binomial
distribution is approximated to
a) Normal distribution , Poisson distribution c)t-distribution
d)log-normal distribution
6) The mean and varjance of a binomial distribution are 4 and 8/3
respectively. Find values of n, p, qin this order.
a12, 1/3, 2/3 b) 12, 4/3, 2/3 c)6, 1/3, 2/3 d)1, 2/3,

7) 2% of eggs are brown. If 6 eggs are packed at

random into a
carton, what is the probability that none are brown?
a) 0.8256 b)0.8754 0.8858 d)0.8990
n 8) The customers' account of a certain departmental store have an
average balance of Rs. 120 and S. D. Rs. 40. Assuming that the
6-0 account balances are nomally distributed
br.-(0 o) (0AB) i) what is the proportion of accounts is between Rs. 100 and
P(x-o): Rs.140?
a.3830 b) 0.3380 c)0.3330 d)0.3583
ii) what proportion of accounts is over Rs. 140?
o-8853. a) 0.3385 by0.3085 c) 0.3835 d)0.3580

9) For which of the following distributions mean and varjance are

a) Binomial bPoisson c) Normal d) Beta

10) Exactly 99% area under the normal probability curve is

a) +1.96 b) +1.28 c) +2.58 d) +1.645

11) The central limit claims that the sampling distribution of mean
a) is always normal b) approaches normality as n
d) approaches Poisson
c) is a t-distribution if n<30
are defcctive.
Illustration 1: Abox contains 100 transistors of which 20
that 2 arc
Six transistors are sclcctcd randomly. What is thc probability

Illustration 2: Assuming half the population of a town is vegetarian they are
investigators cach take 10 individuals, to find out whether
repeat that 3 or
vegetarian, how many investigators would you expect to
less people are vegetarian?
page of a book is
Illustration 3: The average number of misprints per from misprints?
page is free
1.5. What is the probability that a particular
many of these contain more than l
If the book contains 800 pages, how
company has developed a new
Illustration 4: Vice president of an insurance employees work various stages
training program that is entirely self paced. material is learncd. His program has
at their own pace. Completion
occurs when
especially effective in speeding process as an employee's salary during
been completion.
training is only 67% that of earned on average completion of program
In last several years,
has been 44 days and s.d. 12 days. complete program
g) find probability an employee who
in 33 to 42 days?
finishing program less
h) What is the probability of
than 33 days?
i) What is the probability of finishing the program less
than 25 or more than 60 days?
Average daily sales for a shop follows normal
Illustration 5: Rs.I24 is 0.0228
probability that the average daily sales are less than the mean and
probability that it exceeds 331 is 0.I587. Find
and the distribution
Standard Deviation of

Manager of ABC computers is deliberating on existing

Case study :A Presently 60 cartridges are order per
printer cartridges. On
policy of ordering
runs out of stock one out of every S months.
month, but the firm cartridges per month. It is assumed that monthly
average, firm sells 45 manager wants to
for cartridges is normally distributed, the stock during
cartridges so that probability of running out of
should order?
order enouglh cartridges he
than 0.10. How many
any month is not nmore


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