P13 - BPP - Billing and Interco - 010 - Manage and Control Contract
P13 - BPP - Billing and Interco - 010 - Manage and Control Contract
P13 - BPP - Billing and Interco - 010 - Manage and Control Contract
4.2 Trigger
The process begins with the validation of the billing plan in CRM by the billing agent. After
final validation, the contract will be replicated in ECC for final check.
1. Check the billing plan type, frequency, amount, item categories, free use or free of
2. Check the billing dates in the billing plan
3. Check the pricing conditions in the price details such as total value of the contract
4. Check the tax parameters:
a. - EU transactions : customer tax classification (header) and product tax
classification (items)
b. – US transactions : check material group at item level
c. – US transactions : check USF-relevance flag
5. For project billing, check the billing block
6. Check billing and payment parameters (e.g. invoice grouping rule, payment terms…)
All those checks need to be done for each new contract or contract amendment.
After changing the status of the billing plan, an alert will be send to CAM for further actions.
For the Purchase order, use following in the additional data block of the contract :
It is also possible to choose the way you want to send the invoices to the customer.
Defaulting is one invoice by contract but other options are possible like :
Grouping invoices:
One invoice covering all contracts with same payment terms, billing address, SES bank
account, contact person, counterparty, currency.
PO Grouping:
ItemCat grouping:
One invoice which is grouping items from different contracts of the same customer. The
items must be similar. Ex.: all bandwidth lines together in one invoice and all uplink lines
together in another invoice.
At header level, the text will appear on the top of the invoice (just below the invoice dates)
Be careful when you enter a reference, the text should not be too long otherwise you may
face some issue with the text indicator on the invoice.
Contract in ECC
After activation of the contract in CRM, it will be replicated in ECC in order to trigger the
billing. Note that no modification of the contract can be done in ECC, as CRM is the master.
If a modification needs to be performed before billing, please go in CRM to make this
change or revert to CAM.
The system shows the last contract replicated from CRM. Select this contract number or
enter it manually and press Enter or click on the green flag on the left upper side.
This function drives the billing frequency. Check the recurrence and the periodicity.
Indicates the legal dates of contract start and end. It might be different than the billing
If the billing date is different than contract start date, these dates will trigger the billing
start and end.
PI02 Inter-company %
Indicates and calculates the level of percentage to be back-charge to another legal entity
through the intercompany process. See the business process procedure Manage and control
contract with back-to-back process for more details.
Indicates if any down payment process needs to be done. See the business process
procedure of Down Payment Request Settlement for more details.
!!! The purchase order number can be found in the field “Your reference” !!!