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STANDARD 15118-2

First edition

Road vehicles — Vehicle-to-Grid

Communication Interface —
Part 2:
Network and application protocol
Véhicules routiers — Interface de communication entre véhicule et
réseau électrique —
Partie 2: Exigences du protocole d'application et du réseau

Reference number
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2014


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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)



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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. v
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ vi
1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................ 1
3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................... 3
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms .......................................................................................................... 7
5 Conventions ........................................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Definition of OSI based services ......................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Requirement structure .......................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Usage of RFC references ...................................................................................................................... 8
5.4 Notation used for XML schema diagrams........................................................................................... 9
6 Document overview ............................................................................................................................... 9
7 Basic requirements for V2G communication ................................................................................... 11
7.1 General information ............................................................................................................................ 11
7.2 Service primitive concept of OSI layered architecture .................................................................... 11
7.3 Security concept.................................................................................................................................. 12
7.4 V2G communication states and data link handling ......................................................................... 21
7.5 Data Link Layer .................................................................................................................................... 26
7.6 Network Layer ...................................................................................................................................... 26
7.7 Transport Layer ................................................................................................................................... 28
7.8 V2G Transfer Protocol ........................................................................................................................ 32
7.9 Presentation Layer .............................................................................................................................. 36

7.10 Application Layer ................................................................................................................................ 46
8 Application Layer messages .............................................................................................................. 55
8.1 General information and definitions.................................................................................................. 55
8.2 Protocol handshake definition ........................................................................................................... 56
8.3 V2G Message Definition...................................................................................................................... 60
8.4 V2G Communication Session and BodyElement Definitions ......................................................... 62
8.5 Complex data types........................................................................................................................... 104
8.6 Identification Modes and Message Set definitions ........................................................................ 137
8.7 V2G communication timing .............................................................................................................. 170
8.8 Message sequencing and error handling ....................................................................................... 184
8.9 Request-Response Message Sequence examples ........................................................................ 206
Annex A (informative) Mapping of Part 1 use case elements .................................................................... 214
Annex B (informative) Mapping of ISO 15118 message element names to SAE J2847/2 terms ............ 250
Annex C (normative) Schema definition ..................................................................................................... 254
Annex D (informative) Message examples ................................................................................................. 278
Annex E (informative) Application of certificates ...................................................................................... 299
Annex F (normative) Certificate profiles ..................................................................................................... 313
Annex G (informative) Encryption for the Distribution of Secret Keys .................................................... 321
Annex H (normative) Specification of Identifiers ....................................................................................... 323
Annex I (informative) Message sequencing for renegotiation.................................................................. 326
Annex J (informative) Overview on XML Signatures ................................................................................. 330

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Annex K (informative) Summary of requirements..................................................................................... 334

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................... 341


Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO

technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described
in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of
ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the
ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives).

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent
rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of
patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents).

Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.

For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment,
as well as information about ISO's adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)
see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information

The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 3, Electrical
and electronic equipment.

ISO 15118-2 was developed in conjunction with IEC TC 69, Electric road vehicles and electric industrial

ISO 15118 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Vehicle-to-Grid
Communication Interface:

 Part 1: General information and use-case definition

 Part 2: Network and application protocol requirements

 Part 3: Physical and data link layer requirements 1

1 To be published.

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The pending energy crisis and necessity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has led the vehicle
manufacturers to a very significant effort to reduce the energy consumption of their vehicles. They are
presently developing vehicles partly or completely propelled by electric energy. Those vehicles will reduce the
dependency on oil, improve the global energy efficiency and reduce the total CO2 emissions for road
transportation if the electricity is produced from renewable sources. To charge the batteries of such vehicles,
specific charging infra-structure is required.

Much of the standardization work on dimensional and electrical specifications of the charging infrastructure
and the vehicle interface is already treated in the relevant ISO or IEC groups. However the question of
information transfer between the EV and the EVSE has not been treated sufficiently.

Such communication is necessary for the optimization of energy resources and energy production systems so
that vehicles can recharge in the most economical or most energy efficient way. It is also required to develop
efficient and convenient billing systems in order to cover the resulting micro-payments. The necessary
communication channel may serve in the future to contribute to the stabilization of the electrical grid as well as
to support additional information services required to operate electric vehicles efficiently and economically.

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Road vehicles — Vehicle-to-Grid Communication Interface —

Part 2: Network and application protocol requirements

1 Scope
This part of ISO 15118 specifies the communication between battery electric vehicles (BEV) or plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles (PHEV) and the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment. The application layer message set
defined in this part of ISO 15118 is designed to support the energy transfer from an EVSE to an EV. ISO
15118-1 contains additional use case elements (Part 1 Use Case Element IDs: F4 and F5) describing the
bidirectional energy transfer. The implementation of these use cases requires enhancements of the
application layer message set defined herein. The definitions of these additional requirements will be subject
of the next revision of this International Standard.

The purpose of this part of ISO 15118 is to detail the communication between an EV (BEV or a PHEV) and an
EVSE. Aspects are specified to detect a vehicle in a communication network and enable an Internet Protocol
(IP) based communication between EVCC and SECC.

1 Scope of ISO/IEC FDIS 15118-2:2013(E)
2 Message definition considers use cases defined for communication between SECC to SA

Figure 1 — Communication relationship among EVCC, SECC and secondary actor

This part of ISO 15118 defines messages, data model, XML/EXI based data representation format, usage of
V2GTP, TLS, TCP and IPv6. In addition, it describes how data link layer services can be accessed from a
layer 3 perspective. The Data Link Layer and Physical Layer functionality is described in ISO 15118-3.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 3166-1, Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions ― Part 1: Country

ISO 15118-1, Road vehicles ― Vehicle to grid communication interface ― Part 1: General information and
use-case definition

IEC 61851-1, Electric vehicle conductive charging system ― Part 1: General requirements (Ed 2.0 2010)

IEC 61851-22, Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 22: AC electric vehicle charging station

IEC CDV 61851-23, Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 23: D.C. electric vehicle charging
station (Ed 1.0 2012)

IEC 62196, Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets - Conductive charging of electric

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W3C EXI 1.0, Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Format 1.0, W3C Recommendation (March 2011)

W3C XML Signature Syntax and Processing Version 1.1, - W3C Recommendation (April 2013)

IETF RFC 768, User Datagram Protocol (August 1980)

IETF RFC 793, Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA Internet Program - Protocol Specification (September

IETF RFC 1981, Path MTU Discovery for IP version 6 (August 1996)

IETF RFC 2460, Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification (December 1998)

IETF RFC 6960, X.509 Internet Public Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status Protocol - OCSP (June

IETF RFC 3122, Extensions to IPv6 Neighbor Discovery for Inverse Discovery Specification (June 2001)

IETF RFC 3315, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) (July 2003)

IETF RFC 3484, Default Address Selection for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) (February 2003)

IETF RFC 6582, The NewReno Modification to TCP's Fast Recovery Algorithm (April 2012)

IETF RFC 4291, IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture (February 2006)

IETF RFC 4429, Optimistic Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) for IPv6 (April 2006)

IETF RFC 4443, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP v6) for the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
specification (March 2006)

IETF RFC 4861, Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6) (September 2007)

IETF RFC 4862, IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (September 2007)

IETF RFC 5095, Deprecation of Type 0 Routing Headers in IPv6 (December 2007)

IETF RFC 5116, An Interface and Algorithms for Authenticated Encryption (January 2008)

IETF RFC 5234, Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF (January 2008)

IETF RFC 5246, The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2 (August 2008)

IETF RFC 5280, Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
Profile (May 2008)

IETF RFC 5289, TLS Elliptic Curve Cipher Suites with SHA-256/384 and AES Galois Counter Mode (GCM)
(August 2008)

IETF RFC 5480, Elliptic Curve Cryptography Subject Public Key Information (March 2009)

IETF RFC 5722, Handling of Overlapping IPv6 Fragments (December 2009)

IETF RFC 6066, Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extensions: Extension Definitions (January 2011)

IETF RFC 6106, IPv6 Router Advertisement Options for DNS Configuration (November 2010)

IETF RFC 6961, The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Multiple Certificate Status Request Extension (June


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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

IANA Service&PortRegistry, Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry [viewed 2011-01-
16], Available from: http://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-

NIST FIPS PUB 180-4: Secure Hash Standard (SHS) (March 2012)

NIST Special Publication 800-56A: Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using
Discrete Logarithm Cryptography (Revised) (March 2007)

NIST Special Publication 800-38A: Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods and
Techniques (2001)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms in ISO 15118-1 and the following apply.

Basic Charging

charging phase during a charging session controlled by IEC 61851-1 only

charging limits
set of physical constraints (e.g. voltage, current, energy, power) that is negotiated during a V2G
Communication Session for a charging session

Communication Setup Timer
Timer monitoring the time from plug-in until the Session Setup message

Contract Certificate
certificate issued to EVCC either by V2G Root CA or by Sub-CA, which is used in XML Signatures in
application layer so that SECC or secondary actor can verify the Contract issued to the EVCC and signatures
issued by the EVCC

CP State
Control Pilot (Vehicle) State according to IEC 61851-1 signalled on Control Pilot Line

anything that provides the basis for confidence, belief, credit, etc.

EXAMPLE Examples include certificates, passwords, user names etc.

Data Link Setup
setup phase for establishing the data link

Note 1 to entry: Entry Condition: Any valid control pilot signal according to IEC 61851-1; Exit Condition: D-

Distinguished Encoding Rules = ASN-1 encoding rule
method for encoding a data object, such as an X.509 certificate, to be digitally signed or to have its signature

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global address
IP address with unlimited scope

High Level Communication Charging
charging phase during a charging session controlled by ISO 15118

link-local address
IP address with link-only scope that can be used to reach neighbouring interfaces attached to the same link

Identification Mode
mandatory and optional messages and parameters with respect to charging scenarios using External
Identification Means (EIM) and charging scenarios using Plug and Charge (PnC) for identification

Note 1 to entry: An Identification Mode covers a set of similar charging scenarios for a specific identification means.

(IP) address
IP-layer identifier for an interface or a set of interfaces

Maximum Transfer Unit
maximum size (in bytes) of the largest protocol data unit that the Data Link Layer that can be pass onwards

Message Set
set of mandatory V2G messages and parameters for the EVCC or SECC covering one or multiple use case

Message Timer
Timer monitoring the exchange of a Request-Response-Pair

network segment
collection of devices that can exchange data on Data Link Layer level directly via Data Link Addresses

EXAMPLE Ethernet: all devices which can see each other via MAC addresses.

device that implements IPv6

OEM Provisioning Certificate
certificate issued to the EVCC, so that a Contract Certificate can be securely requested and received from a
secondary actor

Performance Time
non-functional timing requirement defining the time a V2G Entity shall not exceed when executing or
processing certain functionality

Note 1 to entry: This is a fixed time value.

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private environment
area with (physical) access limited to a small number of vehicles (EVs), which may be a private parking
garage or a garage / parking lot of a company with its own EV fleet, where one or several private wall-box(es)
are used instead of public charging stations as EVSE, and where in order to keep the private wall-box simple
and cheap in production and operation it is allowed to stay offline permanently, which allows a private wall-box
to use leaf certificates with a longer maximum validity than allowed for public charging stations and using a
private root certificate which is different to the V2G root certificates and which has to be installed into each EV
that is allowed to charge within this specific private environment, resulting in a limited number of EVs
belonging to one private environment, the difference to a “trusted environment” being that in a (pure; i.e. not
additionally “trusted”) private environment TLS and the corresponding data encryption at connection level is
always used, and solely certificate handling is simplified for the private wall-box (EVSE) since it may stay
offline permanently, resulting in unrestricted certificate validity periods, shorter certificate chain length, omitting
OCSP, and an additional “pairing mode”

Identification Mode
group of mandatory and optional Message Sets covering a set of similar charging scenarios for a specific
identification means

messaging for updating the agreement on the charging schedule between EV and EVSE during a V2G
Communication Session by retransmitting the parameters SASchedule and ChargingProfile

Request-Response Message Pair
request message and the corresponding response message

Request-Response Message Sequence
predefined sequence of Request-Response Message Pairs

SDP Client
V2G Entity that uses the SDP server to get configuration information about the SECC to be able to access the

SDP Server
V2G Entity providing configuration information for accessing the SECC

SECC Certificate
certificate issued to SECC either by V2G Root CA or by Sub-CA, which is used in TLS so that the EVCC can
verify the authenticity of the SECC

Sequence Timer
Timer monitoring a Request-Response Message Sequence

subordinate certificate authority who issues SECC Certificates and/or Contract Certificates on behalf of the
V2G Root CA

Note 1 to entry: The ability of issuing the certificates are delegated from V2G Root CA, and V2G Root CA can revoke the
Sub-CA at any time.


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Sub-CA Certificate
certificate issued to Sub-CA

socket/interface for data transfer based on TCP connection

timing requirement defining the time a V2G Entity monitors the communication system for a certain event to

Note 1 to entry: If the specified time is exceeded the respective V2G Entity initiates the related error handling. This is a
fixed time value.

device or piece of software used in an implementation for measuring time.

Note 1 to entry: Depending on the specific use case a timer is used to trigger certain system events as well.

Trusted Environment
closed user group (e. g. members of car sharing system) with some pre-distributed token for access to the
SECC charging service (e.g. key to home garage, RFID token for car sharing), which is something where a
person or instance is responsible for, for example (not limited to) a person with its home garage, a car sharing
operator or a taxi operator

V2G Charging Loop
V2G messaging phase for controlling the charging process by ISO 15118

V2G Communication Session
association of two specific V2G Entities for exchanging V2G messages

V2G Entity
primary actor participating in the V2G communication using a mandatory or optional transmission protocol
defined by ISO 15118-2

V2G Message
message exchanged on application layer

Note 1 to entry: Refer to Clause 8 Application Layer messages.

V2G Setup
setup phase for V2G messaging

Note 1 to entry: Entry Condition: D-LINK_READY.indication(DLINKSTATUS=LinkEstablished); Exit Condition:

PowerDeliveryReq with ChargeProgress equals Start or Stop.

V2G Transfer Protocol
communication protocol to transfer V2G messages between two V2GTP entities

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V2GTP Entity
V2G Entity supporting the V2G Transfer Protocol

V2G Root CA
certificate Authority (CA) who issues Contract Certificates and/or SECC Certificates, or who delegates ability
to issue such Certificates to Sub-CA

V2G Root Certificate
certificate issued to V2G Root CA

4 Symbols and abbreviated terms

For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviated terms apply:

BEV Battery Electric Vehicle

CA Certificate Authority

CRL Certificate Revocation List

DH Diffie Hellman

DER Distinguished Encoding Rules

ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm

EMAID E-Mobility Account Identifier

EMOCH E-Mobility Operator Clearing House (see also 15118-1, [12])

EV Electric Vehicle

EVCC Electric Vehicle Communication Controller

EVSE Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment

EXI Efficient XML Interchange

OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer


NACK Negative Acknowledgement

PDU Protocol Data Unit

PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

PKI Public Key Infrastructure

PLC Power Line Communication

PnC Plug and Charge

SA secondary actor

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SDP SECC Discovery Protocol

SDU Service Data Unit

SECC Supply Equipment Communication Controller

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

V2G Vehicle to Grid Communication

V2G CI Vehicle-to-Grid Communication Interface

V2GTP V2G Transfer Protocol

UDP User Datagram Protocol

XML Extensible Markup Language

5 Conventions

5.1 Definition of OSI based services

ISO 15118-2 is based on the conventions discussed in the OSI Service Conventions (refer to ISO 10731) as
they apply for the individual layers specified in this document.

This part of ISO 15118-2 describes requirements applicable to layer 3-7 according to the OSI layered

5.2 Requirement structure

This document uses a requirement structure i.e. a unique number identifies each individual requirement
included in this document. This requirement structure allows for easier requirement tracking and test case
specification. The following format is used:

"[V2G"Y"-"XXX"]" requirement text Where:

 "V2G" represents the ISO 15118 set of standards,

 Y represents the document part of the ISO 15118 document set

 XXX represents the individual requirement number and

 "requirement text" includes the actual text of the requirement.

EXAMPLE [V2G2-000] This shall be an example requirement.

5.3 Usage of RFC references

When RFCs are referenced all “shall/ shall not” requirements are mandatory.

[V2G2-001] In this document, if a referenced RFC has been updated by one or several RFC, the update is
fully applicable.

[V2G2-002] If an update or part of an update applicable to an RFC referenced herein is not compatible with
the original RFC or the implementation described by this standard the update shall not apply.

[V2G2-003] All published Errata, for the ISO 15118 referenced RFCs, are fully applicable in this standard.

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5.4 Notation used for XML schema diagrams

This standard makes use of XML as a description format for V2G messages. For details with regards to the
XML schema diagram notation used in this document refer to Altova XMLSpy Manual.

Allowing for an easy way to distinguish the types used for the XML schema definitions in this standard
following naming conventions apply:

 complex type use capitalized first letters

 simple types use non capitalized first letters

6 Document overview
Figure 2 describes the organization of the different ISO 15118 documents and the usage of the subclauses ,
according to the OSI layered architecture.

As indicated by the bold framed shapes this Part of ISO 15118 defines requirements applicable to layers 3-7
according to the OSI layered architecture. Layer 1 and 2 requirements including the V2G Standardized
Service Primitive Interface are specified in Part 3 of this standard.


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Vehicle to Grid Communication

ISO/IEC 15118-1

Application Layer Messages (8)

OSI Layer 7

OSI Layer 6 EXI (7.9)


ISO/IEC 15118-2
OSI Layer 5 V2GTP (7.8)

OSI Layer 4 TCP,UDP,TLS (7.7)


OSI Layer 3 IP,ICMP,SLAAC (7.6)


V2G Standardized Service Primitive Interface

OSI Layer 2
Data Link
ISO/IEC 15118-3

OSI Layer 1

OSI Layers and applicable requirements described in this Part of ISO 15118
OSI Layers and applicable requirements defined in other Parts of ISO 15118

Figure 2 — Vehicle to Grid Communication document overview


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7 Basic requirements for V2G communication

7.1 General information

This Part of ISO 15118 describes the realization of the V2G use cases elements defined by Part 1 of this

7.2 Service primitive concept of OSI layered architecture

7.2.1 Overview

This subclause explains how the OSI layered architecture is applied for the purpose of this document. It is
intended to provide simple means for describing the interfaces between the individual communication protocol
layers required by this document and furthermore allows for defining timing requirements more precisely.

Services are specified by describing the service primitives and parameters that characterize a service. This is
an abstract definition of services and does not force a particular implementation.

Figure 3 depicts a simplified view of OSI layer interaction sufficient to understand the OSI layered architecture
principles for the context of this document.

PDUX: Protocol Data Unit of network entity x
PCI: Protocol Control Information
SDUX: Service Data Unit of network entity x

Figure 3 — OSI layered architecture principles

When a layer i+1 instance of V2G Entity m exchanges data with a layer i+1 instance of V2G Entity m+1 each
instance uses services of an instance of layer i. A service is defined as a set of service primitives.

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7.2.2 Syntax of service primitives

Service primitives are described with the following syntax:

[Initial of layer]-[NAME].[primitive type](parameter list)

 whereas [initial of layer] is one out of the following seven:

[Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application]

 whereas [NAME] is the name of the primitive

EXAMPLE Typical examples for [Name] are CONNECT, DISCONNECT, DATA; other names are used in this Part
and Part 3 of this standard.

 whereas [primitive type] is one out of the following four:

[request, indication, response, confirmation]

 whereas (parameter list) includes a list of parameters separated by comma the user of the service is
supposed to provide when using the respective service primitive; optional parameters are marked with
brackets "[..]".

NOTE In this document, the primitive type ".indication" always indicates an event asynchronously to the upper layer.

7.3 Security concept

7.3.1 Call Flows (Flow Charts)

The following two figures (Figure 4 and Figure 5) depict the principal approach for the semi-online and the
online case from a security point of view, showing the necessary security services applied as well as an
abstract view on the different data necessary for the operation.

The full data flow / sequence charts can be found in subclause 8.8 of this document. In these overview figures
only the security relevant information shall be highlighted.

The security concept provides a basic transport based protection mechanism. For certain scenarios, the
usage of Transport Layer Security (TLS) for the transport communication between EVCC and SECC is
mandated. For some other scenarios, the usage of TLS is optional. Specific messages are protected on
application layer (XML-messages), if data has to be protected on the way from or to a secondary actor, or if
the protection has to last longer than the existence of the TLS channel. Also the concept is independent from
any further protection mechanisms on lower levels than layer 3 in the OSI layer model.

Figure 4 shows an example use case for a semi-online connection for a Plug and Charge scenario:

In this Plug-and-Charge example, all TCP/IP based communication is protected using a unilaterally
authenticated TLS channel between the two peers. (Note: TLS is not mandatory for certain Identification
Modes other than the Plug-and-Charge Identification Mode). All communication is terminated at the SECC.
The meter reading is cyclically signed by the vehicle to support the billing process (refer to This
information may be used for billing if local regulations permit it. The EVSE provides the charging records,
containing the signed meter reading to the backend for further processing.

NOTE 1 The communication between SECC and SA in Figure 4 is shown for informational purpose only and not
intended to specify a particular message sequence.

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Figure 4 — Example for semi-online communication (1 of 2)


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Figure 5 shows an example for an online Plug and Charge use case:

As in the semi-online case, in this Plug-and-Charge example, all TCP/IP based communication is protected
using a unilaterally authenticated TLS channel between the two peers. (Note: TLS is not mandatory for certain
Identification Modes other than the Plug-and-Charge Identification Mode). Some of the information provided
by the vehicle may need to be sent to the SA for further processing, like the eMAID or the vehicles credentials
to be able so sign the tariff information. The EVCC calculates a charging profile (refer to subclause
and sends it to the SECC. The SECC may send it to SA systems like Smart Grid or Demand Clearing House.
The further process is similar to the semi-online case with the exception, that the final charging data can be
directly submitted to the SA. It is assumed that the SECC will also use a secure transport connection to the
SA, although the security of the vehicle communication to the SA is secured on application layer.

NOTE 2 The communication between SECC and SA in Figure 5 is shown for informational purpose only and not
intended to specify a particular message sequence.


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EVCC SECC Secondary Actor (SA)

seq Begin of charging process

seq Communication Setup

seq Establish IP-based Connection

seq Establish TLS Session

Client Hello()

Server Hello()
V2G Root Certificate EVSE Certificate with
needed to verify EVSE key and chain needed
... continue according to subclause 7.7.3
certificate as TLS server



... continue according to subclause 8.8

seq Identification, Authentication and Authorization

Contract Certificate with key PaymentDetailsRes()
and chain needed
V2G Root Certificate
AuthorizationRes() needed

seq Target Setting and Charge Scheduling

seq Request individual tariff tables

ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes() MO Sub-CA 2 Certificate

Online request for individual tariff with key needed
... continue according to subclause 8.8 tables for EMAID
(outside socpe of this specification)

loop Charge control and Re-scheduling



opt Metering

Contract Certificate with key MeteringReceiptRes()


seq End of charging process

... finish according to subclause 8.8

seq Forward Receipt (PnC only)

online exchange of signed V2G Root Certificate

meter receipt data for Plug'n Charge profile needed
(outside scope of this standard)

Figure 5 — Example for online communication

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There are further use cases where security mechanism are needed on application layer. These are the initial
enrolment of contract keys and certificate as well as the update of the certificate. In this case vehicle specific
OEM keys are used. Those mechanisms are described in Annex 0. An overview on all needed certificates can
be found in Annex F.

7.3.2 Certificate and key management

The call flows shown in subclause 7.3.1 require the existence of multiple certificates to be applied for the
different security layers. There are SECC Certificates used in the TLS layer for EVCC to authenticate SECC.
There are Contract Certificates used at the application layer to authenticate against an SECC and/or
secondary actor. There are V2G Root Certificates and possibly Sub-CA Certificates which certify SECC
Certificates and Contract Certificates.

Separate from above certificates, there may be OEM Root Certificates and OEM Provisioning Certificates to
be used for installing and updating Contract Certificates.

For an overview over all possible certificate profiles, see Annex F.

[V2G2-004] Each V2G Entity shall use X.509v3 certificates due to the need of extensions for storing EC-
parameters. For details refer to IETF RFC 5280.

Table 1 shows what fields a X.509v3-certificate consists of:

Table 1 — Basic Certificate Fields

Certificate field Description

Version Version of certificate (for 15118 shall be v3 = 0x2)

Serial number Unique number of certificate (within the domain of the issuer)
Signature algorithm Used signature algorithm
Issuer Entity, who has issued and signed the certificate
Validity period Time period, in which the certificate is valid
Subject Entity, to which the certificate is issued
Public key Public key corresponding to a private key
Issuer UID Optional issuer unique identifier
Subject UID Optional subject unique identifier
Extensions Optional (see Table 2)
Signature Signature of the certificate generated by the issuer
NOTE 1 For those not familiar with the various fields refer to IETF RFC 5280.

Depending on the use case additional information may be included using so called certificate extensions.
Table 2 summarizes common certificate extensions.

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Table 2 — Certificate extension examples

Certificate extensions Description

Usage of the corresponding private key (e.g. Digital Signature,

Key usage
Non-Repudiation, Key Encipherment, …)
Further specification of key usage using OIDs, e.g.:
Server Authentication (
Client Authentication (
Note, sometimes here also the following values are encoded:
Netscape SGC (
Extended Key Usage
Microsoft SGC (2.16.840.1.113730.4.1)
SGC stands for Server Gated Crypto and indicated that the server
may also use strong cryptography for the connection with the
client’s browser. This extension was used at the time of strong
crypto export control to enable financial web site to provide
appropriate protection of the data transfer.
CRL distribution point Location to retrieve certificate revocation lists
OCSP Location to retrieve OCSP response (exists only for SubCA
certificates). Refer to IETF RFC 6960 for details.
Authority information Additional authorization information
Subject alternative name Alternative names of the entity
Basic constraint = CA True if the certificate is V2G Root Certificate or SubCA certificate.
NOTE 2 For those not familiar with OIDs, e.g., refer to: Object Identifier (OID) Repository.

[V2G2-005] Each V2G Entity shall support Hash-operation SHA-256 (signature process) according to NIST
FIPS PUB 180-4 (for Part 1 Use Case Element ID: F1).

[V2G2-006] For each V2G Entity the signature operation shall be ECC-based using elliptic curves
(secp256r1[SECG notation]) with signature algorithm ECDSA (for Part 1 Use Case Element
ID: F1).

[V2G2-007] The key length for ECC based asymmetric cryptography each V2G Entity uses shall be 256 bit.

[V2G2-885] All certificate validations shall be carried out in conformance with RFC 5280. The EVCC and
the SECC may cache certificate validation results during one charging session.

[V2G2-926] The certificate extensions mentioned in Annex F shall be supported. Deviations are specified
where necessary.

[V2G2-925] A leaf certificate shall be treated as invalid, if the trust anchor at the end of the chain does not
match the specific root certificate required for a certain use, or if the required Domain
Component value is not present.

[V2G2-910] The EVCC should implement a mechanism to check the validity periods of certificates and
OCSP responses.

[V2G2-886] The EVCC may choose the accuracy of its time source at its own discretion, but it shall respect
the chosen accuracy when using the time source. The accuracy should be at least one day.

NOTE 3 This requirement theoretically even allows for precisions of e.g. one year. The implementer should carefully
weigh the security consequences of such a decision.

NOTE 4 If a TLS connection is built up successfully, the EVCC might use the time from a EVSETimeStamp field sent
from the SECC through said connection for synchronization of its internal clock, however the implementer should carefully
weigh the security consequences of such a decision.


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[V2G2-887] The SECC shall ensure that at any point in time it has a certificate for itself, which is valid for at
least one more hour.

7.3.3 Number of root certificates and root validity, certificate depth and size

[V2G2-008] Each EVCC shall support at least one V2G Root Certificate.

[V2G2-877] Each SECC shall support the storage of at least 10 V2G Root Certificates.

NOTE 1 Due to overlapping validity periods, up to 10 concurrently valid certificates may exist. See V2G2-012

NOTE 2 A number of five (5) V2G Root Certificates is strongly recommended. However, just one is mandatory. Having
less than 5 or just 1 certificate brings a risk to the OEM. Having just 1 V2G Root Certificate allows the car to charge just in
that one region. The OEM will need to state in the manual and during offering the car to customers, that this car charges
only in its "home" region. If an OEM is afraid, that 5 V2G Root Certificates are not sufficient to cover the "usage radius" of
its cars, OEM is free to provide more root certificate storage locations.

NOTE 3 It is assumed that the V2G Root Certificates applied on OSI layer 4 are also used on OSI layer 7. Additionally
it is assumed that in Europe there will be a single root certificate authority similar to the Trust Center that was established
for the EURO5/EU5. It is also assumed that other regions of the world will also manage to have a root certificate authority
covering a greater number of actors. This leads to the assumption that 5 root certificates for 5 world-regions are sufficient.
If one decides for more space for certificates this doesn’t affect compatibility. For the SECC however it is mandatory to
store more since there might be 10 root certificates valid concurrently for each world-region.

[V2G2-009] The path length constraint of the PKI certificate tree shall be limited to 3.

NOTE 4 The path length constraint defines the number of non self signed certificates in a certification path, i.e. there
will be up to 3 certificate layers derived from the root certificate.

[V2G2-010] The size of a certificate in DER encoded form shall be not bigger than 800 Bytes. For
transmission, all certificates shall be DER encoded.

[V2G2-011] The validity period of any V2G Root Certificate shall be 40 years.

[V2G2-012] At any point in time there shall be a V2G Root Certificate available which is valid for each V2G
Root CA at least the next 35 years.

NOTE 5 For explanations of certificate validity, number of root certificates, certificate depth and size refer to Annex E.1.

[V2G2-878] The maximum number of concurrently valid V2G Root Certificates for one Root CA shall be
never more than 10.

[V2G2-867] A V2G root shall not issue a leaf certificate.

NOTE 6 Leaf certificates can only be issued by a Sub-CA.

[V2G2-869] No CA or Sub-CA shall issue and sign a certificate which is valid for longer than the validity
period of itself as the signing entity.

[V2G2-911] If only one Sub-CA layer is used, i.e. a Sub-CA signed by a Root CA directly signs leaf
certificates, the profile of Sub-CA 2 shall apply for that Sub-CA.

The following requirements enable simplified certificate handling within Private Environments. See Annex E.2
for a more detailed explanation.

[V2G2-882] Each EVCC shall be able to store at least one Private Operator Root Certificate which shall be
replaceable by the car owner.

[V2G2-927] The EVCC shall consider stored Private Operator Root Certificates as trust anchors for SECC
Certificate verification.

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[V2G2-883] The validity times of SECC Certificates having a trusted Private Operator Root Certificate as
their trust anchor may be chosen by the certificate signer at his own discretion.

[V2G2-868] For a Private Environment, Sub-CAs and OCSP responses are not supported.

NOTE 7 That means, a Private Operator Root Certificate directly signs a leaf certificate.

7.3.4 Support and Application of TLS

[V2G2-630] Support of TLS is mandatory for the EVCC for all Identification Modes except for Identification
Mode "EIM" with Message Set EIM charging AC and Message Set EIM charging DC, in both
cases excluding Message Set VAS as defined in subclause 8.6.

[V2G2-631] Support of TLS is mandatory for the SECC for all Identification Modes except for Identification
Mode "EIM" in a Trusted Environment with Message Set EIM charging AC and Message Set
EIM charging DC, in both cases excluding Message Set VAS as defined in subclause 8.6.

Based on the transport layer setup of either TCP or TLS, the following restrictions apply:

[V2G2-632] If a V2G Communication Session without TLS is used, the SECC shall only provide the EIM
Identification Mode and the Message Sets EIM charging AC or EIM charging DC by indicating
"ExternalPayment" in the parameter PaymentOptionList of the ServiceDiscoveryRes message
as defined in subclause

[V2G2-633] If a V2G Communication Session without TLS is used, the EVCC shall only accept the EIM
Identification Mode with Message Sets EIM charging AC or EIM charging DC, no matter if the
SECC offers also other Identification Modes and Message Sets.

[V2G2-634] If a V2G Communication Session without TLS is used, the SECC shall not provide the PnC
Message Sets.

[V2G2-635] If a V2G Communication Session without TLS is used, the EVCC shall not apply the PnC
Message Sets.

[V2G2-636] If a V2G Communication Session without TLS is used, the SECC shall not provide the
Message Set VAS.

[V2G2-637] If a V2G Communication Session without TLS is used, the EVCC shall not apply the Message
Set VAS.

[V2G2-638] Security measures for Value Added Services enabled by the Message Set VAS (offered in
ServiceDiscoveryRes) are out of scope of this standard.

[V2G2-639] If TLS is not applied both sides have to ensure that an Identification Mode change from EIM to
another Identification Mode and a Message Set change from EIM AC or EIM DC to another
Message Set in the current charging session is not possible (avoiding security downgrade of
the changed to session).

[V2G2-640] If TLS is applied both sides shall ensure that switching off TLS shall result in ending the
charging session (avoiding security downgrade of the actual session).

The support, usage and restrictions regarding TLS are illustrated in Table 3 and Table 4.

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Table 3 — TLS implementation / support for EIM Identification Modes

Other Environment (not trusted) Trusted Environment c

Sets a

optional optional mandatory mandatory optional optional mandatory mandatory
TLS support
mandatory mandatory mandatory mandatory optional optional mandatory mandatory
TLS support
EV shall EV shall EV shall EV shall
decides, decides,
TLS usage use TLS, use TLS, use TLS, use TLS,
negotiation EVSE shall EVSE shall refer to refer to EVSE shall EVSE shall
shall shall
reject, if reject, if Table 4 Table 4 reject, if reject, if
using SDP b accept accept
EV uses EV uses EV uses EV uses
no TLS no TLS no TLS no TLS
decision decision
a This refers to messages as defined in this standard. In case of VAS, of course any other connections (which are not part of this
standard) are possible
b Rejecting means to stop communication
c See Section 3 for a definition
NOTE 8 Not supporting TLS in the SECC might lead in general to aborted charging sessions with particular EVs as it is
in the responsibility of the EV to accept sessions without TLS.

Table 4 — SDP handshake with AC and DC EIM Identification Mode in trusted environment

EVCC TLS support SECC TLS support SDP request by EVCC SDP response SECC

EVCC signals TLS SECC shall respond TLS

SECC has TLS support
EVCC signals TCP SECC shall respond TCP
SECC can indicate that it does no
support TLS with indicating "0x10 =
EVCC has TLS No transport layer security" in its SDP
support EVCC signals TLS response. The EV can decide, if it
SECC has no TLS
support wants to establish TCP without TLS,
or otherwise stop the communication
EVCC signals TCP SECC shall respond TCP
SECC has TLS support EVCC signals TCP SECC shall respond TCP
EVCC has no TLS
support SECC has no TLS
EVCC signals TCP SECC shall respond TCP
NOTE 9 For the Message Set "EIM AC" and "EIM DC" it is in the responsibility of the EV to decide on not using TLS
and accepting the risk of an unsecured connection.

NOTE 10 If TLS is applied, it is always used with unilateral (EVSE-side) authentication. If TLS is not used, there is no
EVSE side authentication towards the EV as well as further protection of the communication channel on transport layer.

NOTE 11 Any functional safety related risks occurring through overvoltage and overcurrent (accidental or purposeful)
need to be addressed by implementing the related electrical safety standards (e.g. IEC 61851 and ISO 17409)

Any functional safety related risks occurring through overvoltage and overcurrent are to be handled according
requirements listed below:

[V2G2-643] The EVSE shall support the safety measures described in IEC 61851-1 and IEC 61851-22 to
protect against overvoltage and overcurrent when using the AC EIM Identification Mode

[V2G2-644] The EVSE shall support the safety measures described in IEC 61851-1 and IEC CDV 61851-23
to protect against overvoltage and overcurrent when using the DC EIM Identification Mode.

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7.4 V2G communication states and data link handling

V2G messaging on application layer requires the establishment of the lower layer protocols to enable V2G
message exchange between EVCC and SECC. This document focuses on protocols above the Data-Link
layer. The data link layer is described in Part 3 of this standard.

This subclause defines the basic requirements for establishing communication above the data link layer. The
standard does not imply any implementation. The figures in this chapter only show the basic sequencing for
managing the protocol stack.

The timer , timeout and performance time values used in this subclause are described in subclause 8.8.

Figure 6 depicts the general communication states of the V2G communication from an EVCC perspective.

The following applies for the EVCC:

[V2G2-014] After data link layer connection is established (D-LINK_READY.indication(DLINKSTATUS=Link

established), the EVCC shall initiate the IP address assignment mechanism as defined in
subclauses and

[V2G2-016] The EVCC shall process the IP address assignment mechanism as defined in subclauses and

[V2G2-017] The EVCC shall stop the IP address assignment mechanism as defined in subclauses
and when V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timer is equal or larger than

[V2G2-018] After a link-local IP address is assigned, the EVCC shall start the process for discovering the
SECC address as defined in subclause 7.10.1.

[V2G2-019] The EVCC shall start the SDP client according to subclause 7.10.1.

[V2G2-645] Depending on the requested security and transport protocol in the SDP request message and
the awaited security and transport protocol sent by SDP server, the EV shall decide on the
application of TLS.

[V2G2-020] The EVCC shall stop the SDP when V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timer is equal or
larger than V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timeout.

[V2G2-021] If the EV decides to apply a secured connection, the EVCC shall establish the TLS connection
to the SECC as described in subclause 7.7.3 after the SECC IP address, port and available
transport protocol and security options are discovered.

[V2G2-646] If the EV decides to apply an unsecured connection, the EVCC shall establish a TCP
connection to the SECC as described in subclause 7.7.1 after the SECC IP address, port and
available transport protocol and security options are discovered.

[V2G2-022] Depending on [V2G2-021] and [V2G2-646], the EVCC shall attempt to establish a TLS or TCP
connection according to 7.7.3.

[V2G2-023] The EVCC shall stop to attempt to establish a TLS or TCP connection when
V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timer is equal or larger than

[V2G2-024] After the TLS or TCP connection is established, the EVCC shall initiate the V2G
Communication Session as defined in clause 8.

[V2G2-025] The EVCC shall terminate the TLS or TCP connection after stopping the V2G Communication


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[V2G2-717] If the EVCC sent the message SessionStopReq with parameter ChargingSession equal to
"Terminate" it shall terminate the Data-Link (D-LINK_TERMINATE.request()) after receiving the
message SessionStopRes.

[V2G2-718] If the EVCC sent the message SessionStopReq with parameter ChargingSession equal to
"Pause" it shall pause the Data-Link (D-LINK_PAUSE.request()) after receiving the message
SessionStopRes and continue with [V2G2-014].

[V2G2-719] Whenever the EVCC receives the indication for a missing Data-Link (D-
LINK_READY.indication (DLINKSTATUS=No link), the EVCC shall continue with [V2G2-014].

[V2G2-720] If the EVCC identifies any error it shall indicate an Data-Link error (D-LINK_ERROR.request())
and continue with [V2G2-014].

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IP address assignment [V2G2-016]



SECC Discov ery [V2G2-019],

[V2G2-020] [V2G2-645]


TCP/TLS connection establishment



EVCC V2G Communication Session



TCP/TLS connection termination

[V2G2-717], [V2G2-718], [V2G2-720]

[V2G2-720] [V2G2-719]

No communication No link

Figure 6 — Overview V2G communication states EVCC


Figure 7 depicts the general communication states of the V2G communication from an SECC perspective.

The following applies for the SECC:

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[V2G2-721] After indication of a successful Data-Link establishment (D-

LINK_READY.indication(DLINKSTATUS=Link established), the SECC shall initiate the address
assignment mechanism.

[V2G2-026] The SECC shall configure an IP address (static or dynamic) by any appropriate mechanism.

NOTE 1 To enable the integration of an SECC in different communication infrastructures, the definition of the address
assignment for the SECC is out of scope of this standard. This enables the operator to assign an appropriate mechanism.
E.g. the operator may chose any existing mechanism providing a valid IP address like e.g. a static IP or the mechanism
described in subclauses and

NOTE 2 The SECC shall be configured with an valid IP address for enabling a connection to a EVCC. The IP
assignment mechanism for the SECC has no impact on compatibility and is not defined by this standard.

[V2G2-027] After the IP address is assigned, the SECC shall start the SDP server as defined in subclause

NOTE 3 It is not required that the SECC discovery service is implemented in the SECC directly. It is also possible to
have a separate unit providing the SECC discovery service.

[V2G2-723] The SECC shall stop the SDP server when SECC_CommunicationSetup_Timer is equal or
larger than V2G_SECC _CommunicationSetup_Performance_Time.

[V2G2-029] The SECC shall stop the IP address assignment mechanism when
V2G_SECC_CommunicationSetup_Timer is equal or larger than

[V2G2-030] After the SDP server is started successfully, the SECC shall wait for a TLS or TCP connection
initialization depending on the SDP response message as defined in subclause

[V2G2-031] The SECC shall wait until the TLS or TCP connection is established.

[V2G2-032] The SECC shall stop waiting for establishing the TLS connection when
V2G_SECC_CommunicationSetup_Timer is equal or larger than

[V2G2-033] After the TLS or TCP connection is established, the SECC shall wait for the initialization of the
V2G Communication Session as defined in clause 8.

[V2G2-722] If [V2G2-033] applies the SECC can stop the SDP server after successful establishment of a
TCP or TLS connection.

[V2G2-034] The SECC shall terminate the TLS or TCP connection after stopping the V2G Communication

[V2G2-724] If the SECC received the message SessionStopReq with parameter ChargingSession equal to
"Terminate" it shall terminate the Data-Link (D-LINK_TERMINATE.request()) after sending the
message SessionStopRes.

[V2G2-725] If the SECC received the message SessionStopReq with parameter ChargingSession equal to
"Pause" it shall pause the Data-Link (D-LINK_PAUSE.request()) after sending the message
SessionStopRes and continue with [V2G2-721].

[V2G2-726] Whenever the SECC receives the indication for a missing Data-Link (D-
LINK_READY.indication (DLINKSTATUS=No link), the SECC continue with [V2G2-721].

[V2G2-727] If the SECC identifies any error it shall indicate an Data-Link error (D-LINK_ERROR.request())
and continue with [V2G2-721].

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IP address assignment [V2G2-026]



SECC Discov ery [V2G2-028]



TCP/TLS connection establishment



SECC V2G Communication Session



TCP/TLS connection termination


[V2G2-724], [V2G2-725], [V2G2-727]

[V2G2-727] [V2G2-726]

No Link
No communication

Figure 7 — Overview V2G Communication Session states SECC

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7.5 Data Link Layer

The definitions in this document assume the Data Link layer to support the transport of IP packets as defined
in the requirements. Part 3 of this standard defines additional details on Data Link Layer to be covered.

[V2G2-035] If the EVCC communicates by PLC, the EVCC shall comply with ISO 15118-3.

[V2G2-036] If the SECC communicates by PLC, the SECC shall comply with ISO 15118-3.

7.6 Network Layer

7.6.1 General

The protocol specified in this standard is based on the Internet Protocol standard known as IPv6 (see
IETF RFC 2460).

7.6.2 Applicable RFCs and limitations and protocol parameter settings IPv6

[V2G2-037] A V2G Entity shall support IPv6 as defined in IETF RFC 2460.

[V2G2-038] While IETF RFC 2460 defines IPsec as mandatory, a V2G Entity is not required to implement

[V2G2-039] No V2G Entity shall implement the RH0 routing header as specified IETF RFC 5095, which
updates IETF RFC 2460.

NOTE 1 The IANA allocation guidelines for the routing type field in the IPv6 routing header are described in
IETF RFC 5871. It is recommended to adhere to these guidelines.

[V2G2-040] A V2G Entity shall implement path MTU discovery according to IETF RFC 1981.

[V2G2-041] A V2G Entity shall support handling of overlapping IP fragments according to IETF RFC 5722.

NOTE 2 A V2G Entity should comply with the specification in IETF RFC 5220, which extends IETF RFC 2460.

[V2G2-042] When sending an IPv6 packet from EVCC to SECC or from SECC to EVCC no IP
fragmentation shall be used.

NOTE 3 The communication between EVCC and secondary actors is out of scope of this Part of ISO 15118 and may
or may not use IP fragmentation.
--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCPV6)

Data-link requirements are described in Part 3 of this standard. The EVCC starts the address assignment
triggered by the data-link when a data-link connection is established. This is done according to subclause using SLAAC, which is mandatory according to this standard. DHCPv6 might be implemented as an
optional IP configuration method.

[V2G2-043] If an EVCC chooses to implement a DHCPv6 client it shall implement it according to

IETF RFC 3315.

[V2G2-044] If the infrastructure the EV is connected to (EVSE) chooses to implement a DHCPv6 server, it
shall implement it according to IETF RFC 3315.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) Neighbor Discovery (ND)

The EVCC uses IPv6 stateless address auto configuration for generating addresses for its interface. All
interfaces have a link-local address. To ensure unique addresses and to support global addresses the
neighbour discovery protocol is used.

[V2G2-045] The EVCC shall implement neigborhood discovery as defined in IETF RFC 4861.

[V2G2-046] The EVCC shall comply with IETF RFC 4429 allowing assignment of IP addresses before
Duplicate Address Detection is finished. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is used to send error messages (e.g. a requested service is
not available, a host could not be reached etc.).

[V2G2-047] Each V2G Entity shall implement ICMPv6 as specified in IETF RFC 4443.

[V2G2-049] Each V2G Entity shall implement the RFCs referred to in column 'Reference' of Table 5
describing the implementation details for the respective ICMP message type.

Table 5 — Mandatory ICMP Message Set

ICMP message type ICMP message name Reference

1 Destination Unreachable IETF RFC 4443

2 Packet Too Big IETF RFC 4443
3 Time Exceeded IETF RFC 4443
4 Parameter Problem IETF RFC 4443
128 Echo Request IETF RFC 4443
129 Echo Reply IETF RFC 4443
133 Router Solicitation IETF RFC 4861
134 Router Advertisement IETF RFC 4861
135 Neighbor Solicitation IETF RFC 4861
136 Neighbor Advertisement IETF RFC 4861
137 Redirect Message IETF RFC 4861
141 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation Message IETF RFC 3122
142 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement Message IETF RFC 3122

7.6.3 IP Addressing General

This clause specifies how an EVCC retrieves valid IP addresses to communicate over an IP-based network.
Following addresses are considered for the purpose of this standard:

 Link local IP address of EVCC

 Global IP address of EVCC, if router is present in local link

 IP address of SECC

NOTE An IPv6 host may have multiple IP addresses assigned to one physical network interface e.g. link-local and
global address.


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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) Stateless auto address configuration (SLAAC)

[V2G2-050] Each V2G Entity shall support the configuration of a link-local IPv6 unicast address as specified
in IETF RFC 4291.

[V2G2-051] The interface ID of the Link-Local address of a V2G Entity shall be generated from its IEEE
48 bit MAC identifier according to the definition in IETF RFC 4291.

[V2G2-052] The EVCC shall support auto configuration of IP6 addresses as described in IETF RFC 4862.

[V2G2-053] If the SECC provides the Message Sets Certificate Install, Certificate Update, or Value Added
Services as defined in subclause 8.6.2 it shall support IETF RFC 6106 for providing a DNS
server address. Address selection

[V2G2-054] If multiple IPv6 addresses are supported, the IPv6 Default Address Selection shall be
performed according IETF RFC 3484.

7.7 Transport Layer

7.7.1 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Overview

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) allows applications of V2G Entities to establish a reliable data
connection to other entities. To exchange in a reliable way and in-order delivery of sender to receiver data.
Additionally TCP provides flow control and congestion control and also provides for various algorithms to
handle congestion and influence flow control. Applicable RFCs, limitations and protocol parameter settings

[V2G2-055] Each V2G Entity shall implement TCP as specified in IETF RFC 793. TCP Performance and checksum requirements

The following requirements define TCP implementation details relative to congestion control, retransmission,
timing, initial window size and Selective Acknowledgement for the purpose of improving the overall
performance of TCP.

It is recommended to use the following congestion control and retransmission algorithms in addition to the
standard TCP methods:

[V2G2-057] Each V2G Entity should implement TCP congestion control according to IETF RFC 5681.

[V2G2-058] Each V2G Entity should implement the NewReno Modification to TCP's Fast Recovery
Algorithm according to IETF RFC 6582.

[V2G2-059] Each V2G Entity should compute TCP's retransmission timer according to IETF RFC 6298.

[V2G2-060] To increase TCP’s performance each V2G Entity should implement TCP Extensions for High
Performance according to IETF RFC 1323.

[V2G2-061] Each V2G Entity should support TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options according to
IETF RFC 2018.

[V2G2-062] Each V2G Entity should implement the User Timeout Option according to IETF RFC 5482.

[V2G2-063] The urgent pointer for TCP shall not be used by any V2G Entity.


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It is recommended to use the following checksum algorithm:

[V2G2-064] The checksum fields required in TCP headers should be implemented according to
IETF RFC 1624.

7.7.2 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Overview

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a connectionless protocol. UDP does not provide the reliability and
ordering guarantees that TCP does. Packets may arrive out of order or may be lost without notification of the
sender or receiver. However, UDP is faster and more efficient for many lightweight or time-sensitive purposes.
UDP is located on the Transport Layer of the OSI layered architecture model.

Currently there is no use case utilizing UDP, for which security mechanisms on UDP would be required (refer
Part 1 Annex B for details on security use cases). Applicable RFC, limitations and protocol parameter settings

[V2G2-065] Each V2G Entity shall implement User Datagram Protocol according to IETF RFC 768.

7.7.3 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Overview

Security on Transport Layer is being provided by using TLS. This allows to establish an authenticated and
encrypted (ensures integrity protection and confidentiality protection) channel between the EVCC and the
SECC. TLS allows for unilateral or mutual authentication. For ISO 15118 security it was agreed to use
unilateral authentication (the EVCC authenticates the SECC). Applicable RFCs

[V2G2-067] For the considered use cases unilateral authentication with TLS version 1.2 according to
IETF RFC 5246 with extensions according to IETF RFC 6066 shall be supported by each V2G
Entity. The EVCC authenticates the SECC by verifying the SECC Certificate (chain) provided
from the SECC to the EVCC.

With unilateral authentication the EVCC authenticates the SECC according to [V2G2-067] , which can also be

used to protect the cyclic meter reading between the SECC and the EVCC. Application of unilaterally
authenticated TLS saves the additional digital signature of meter readings on the SECC side due to the
availability of a secure session.

NOTE 1 In case of payment at the SECC, the cyclic meter reading is terminated at the SECC and does not
need to be sent to a third party. Thus, there is no further signature of the billing relevant data necessary,
contrary to the use cases ISO 15118-1 / C1 and C2 (contract credentials necessary), where billing relevant
information is signed at application layer by the EVCC, if local regulations permit it, and forwarded through
the SECC to the backend.

The application of unilateral authentication prohibits the SECC to verify the correctness of EVCC. Thus, the
SECC may not detect, if the connecting EVCC is authentic. Verification of correctness of the EVCC can be
achieved in the application layer as described subclause 7.9.2. Transport Layer Security Usage

[V2G2-068] The SECC shall always act as the TLS server component.

[V2G2-070] Each EVCC shall check the validity of the Sub-CA Certificates (in the SECCs certificate chain)
via an OCSP response according to IETF RFC 6960, when TLS is used. The OCSP Requests

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shall be transported as part of the TLS handshake using the extension defined in
IETF RFC 6961.

NOTE 1 It is not intended, that the EVCC requests an OCSP response for an SECC leaf certificate during TLS

A "pairing mode" supports simple certificate management in private environments (see Annex E.2).

[V2G2-870] The EV can be set into a “pairing mode” using an OEM proprietary mechanism. This “pairing
mode” shall only be activatable by explicit user interaction. This mode shall automatically be
reset after 120 seconds.

NOTE 2 The pairing mode can be re-activated any time.

NOTE 3 The OEM is suggested to explain the usage and the threats of the pairing mode e.g. in the user manual.

[V2G2-649] SECC should update (cache) the OCSP response at least once a week. One solution for
updating might be for example an online connection.

[V2G2-876] The validity period of an OCSP response for a Sub-CA 1 and Sub-CA 2 shall be not longer that
4 weeks.

NOTE 4 This is aligned to the validity period of an SECC leaf certificate.

[V2G2-650] Although a valid time in the EVCC is not mandatory, the EVCC should implement a mechanism
discarding outdated certificates from the SECC.

NOTE 5 It is out of scope of this standard how errors are handled. It is up to the OEM how these errors are handled.

[V2G2-651] The EVCC shall send a list of V2G Root Certificates it possesses, an extension of type
"trusted_ca_keys" in the (extended) client hello as defined in IETF RFC 6066.

[V2G2-871] If an SECC is deployed in an environment that is not a private environment, it shall send its
own certificate and a chain up to a root (excluding the root certificate itself) which shall be one
of those roots previously indicated by the EVCC as being present in the EVCC. If the EVCC
has requested OCSP responses, for each certificate that the TLS server responds with, an
OCSP response shall be sent to EVCC, as defined in IETF RFC 6961. The OCSP responder
shall fill the field “certs” in the OCSP response (BasicOCSPResponse) structure according to
IETF RFC 6960sec 4.2.1. The SECC shall also send the certificate of the OCSP responder if it
is not the corresponding Sub-CA itself.

NOTE 6 As defined in IETF RFC2560, an OCSP Responder might either be the Sub-CA itself, or it might be an entity
which is directly signed by the corresponding Sub-CA using a key pair with a special extended key usage flag in the

[V2G2-923] If the SECC cannot provide a certificate with a chain up to one of the roots which the EVCC
signalled as being present in EVCC, the SECC shall provide within the TLS handshake a valid
certificate including a chain to a root certificate (The root certificate itself shall not be

[V2G2-924] If the SECC has provided a certificate chain that does not trace up to a root certificate in the list
of trusted certificates, the EVCC shall only accept such a certificate, if it successfully validated
the certificate chain using an out of band validation mechanism (e.g. server based certificate
validation protocol, SCVP, according to RFC 5055). If the validation using such a service is not
done, gives a negative result or fails (e.g. due to missing connectivity), the EVCC shall treat
the certificate chain as not validated.

[V2G2-872] If an SECC is deployed in a private environment, the SECC shall not send an OCSP response ,
but the SECC shall include its own private root certificate in the certificate chain it sends.

NOTE 7 This supports the “pairing mode”

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[V2G2-873] In case the EVCC previously required an OCSP response via TLS “client hello”, and the TLS
server has not sent OCSP responses in “server hello”, the EVCC shall do the following:

 If the TLS server certificate chain contains only one leaf certificate and one root certificate,
which is one of the root certificates that the EV has stored as a private root, the EV ignores
the fact, that the server has not sent OCSP responses.

 If the TLS server certificate chain is linked to a V2G root, the EVCC shall abort the TLS

[V2G2-874] If the pairing mode is currently activated, the EVCC receives a new root certificate from the
SECC during TLS handshake, and the new root certificate fulfils the requirements for private
root certificates (see [Certificate Profiles]), then the EVCC shall accept the new root certificate,
store it permanently, and treat it as a private root certificate.

[V2G2-875] The EVCC shall verify the SECC Certificate, the complete certificate chain and all OCSP
responses (if applicable, including the validity of OCSP responder). The EVCC shall also verify
that the SECC Certificate has the Domain Component set to "CPO". If at least one of these
verifications fails, the EVCC shall abort the TLS setup process and apply [V2G2-023].

[V2G2-810] The SECC shall support Maximum Fragment Length Negotiation according to IETF RFC 6066.

[V2G2-811] The SECC shall be able to support, but not be limited to a maximum fragment length of 2^9
bytes according to IETF RFC 6066. Transport Layer Security Credentials and Cipher Suites

For transport layer security, EVCC authenticates SECC using SECC Certificate. This is being achieved by
SECC having a private key corresponding to SECC Certificate, and EVCC having V2G Root Certificate and
verifying the certificate chain from the V2G Root Certificate to the SECC Certificate. The validity check of Sub-
CA Certificate in the Certificate chain is performed via the OCSP response received during TLS-handshake
(for details refer to IETF RFC 6066). Mechanisms to revoke SECC Certificates are not required but instead, it
is required to be short term certificates.

As SECC is not aware of which V2G Root Certificate EVCC has, among 10 currently valid V2G Root
Certificates for one region, thus 50 currently valid V2G Root Certificates worldwide. Therefore it is necessary
for EVCC to provide a list of V2G Root Certificates that EVCC posses, through TLS handshake. SECC
provides a certificate chain of its own SECC Certificate whose root certificate is possed by EVCC, together
with OCSP response for the Sub-CA Certificate in the chain. It is strongly recommended that the OCSP
response is freshed at least every week.

The communicated message between EVCC and SECC is encrypted using a symmetric key (one-way “key
agreement”) negotiated during the TLS key negotiation phase. Therefore the message will not be
eavesdropped and both EVCC and SECC can be certain that the opponent is indeed identical throughout the
session. (There can be no session hijacking.)

[V2G2-071] Each V2G Entity shall provide the credentials and security information stated in Table 6, if TLS
is used.


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Table 6 — TLS authentication

TLS Authentication Requirements to EVCC Requirements to SECC

SECC Certificate and corresponding

Availability of root certificates to check private key OCSP response to provide
the authenticity of the SECC Certificate information about the validation state of
Unilateral Functional support for OCSP own SECC Certificate
(server side) request/response processing to check the The SECC shall cache and store
validation state of the SECC Certificate internally OCSP responses for its own
during TLS handshake chain of sub-cs certificates regularly (at
least once per week).
[V2G2-602] The SECC shall support all cipher suites defined in Table 7, if TLS is used.

[V2G2-603] The EVCC shall support at least one cipher suite as listed in Table 7, if TLS is used.

Additional cipher suites may be supported by any V2G Entity.


NOTE The OEM can decide, which cipher suite the EVCC supports, based on the offer which Table 7 gives. One is
sufficient allowing for compact implementations. For interoperability, of course, the SECC shall support all cipher suites as
listed in Table 7.

Table 7 — Supported cipher suites

Cipher suite RFC



7.8 V2G Transfer Protocol

7.8.1 General Information

The V2G Transfer Protocol (V2GTP) is a compact communication protocol to transfer V2G messages
between two V2GTP entities. It mainly consist of a header and payload definition that allows to separate and
process V2G messages efficiently. V2GTP is the standard transfer protocol between the EVCC and SECC but
may also be used for communication with other V2G Entities that support the V2GTP protocol.

7.8.2 Supported ports

V2GTP is based on TLS+TCP. TLS+TCP uses a pair of IP addresses (source address and destination
address) and a pair of port numbers (source port and destination port) to establish and identify a connection
for bidirectional exchange of byte streams. The connection is established from the source address and source
port to the destination address and destination port. The ports listed in Table 8 are used by V2GTP entities.

Table 8 — Supported TCP ports for V2GTP

Name Protocol Port number Description

V2GTP source port at a

Port number in the range of
Primary Actor (e.g. EVCC)
V2G_SRC_TCP_DATA TCP(unicast) Dynamic Ports (49152-65535)
that implements the V2GTP
as defined in IETF RFC 6335.
Port number at V2GTP entity
providing a V2GTP
destination port number in the
range of Dynamic Ports
V2GTP destination port at a
V2G_DST_TCP_DATA TCP (unicast) (49152-65535) as defined in
Primary Actor (e.g. SECC)
IETF RFC 6335. For a SECC
it will be dynamically
assigned by the SDP
mechanism (7.10.1)
For V2GTP entities implementing the V2GTP the following general requirements apply:

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[V2G2-073] A V2GTP entity providing a destination port shall support at least one connection on the local
port V2G_DST_TCP_DATA as defined in Table 8.

[V2G2-074] A V2GTP entity providing a destination port may support multiple simultaneous connections on
the local port V2G_DST_TCP_DATA as defined by Table 8.

[V2G2-075] A V2GTP entity using a source port shall support at least one connection on the local port
V2G_SRC_TCP_DATA as defined in Table 8.

[V2G2-076] A V2GTP entity using a source port may support multiple connections on the local port
V2G_SRC_TCP_DATA as defined in Table 8.

Especially, for an EVCC and an SECC the following applies:

[V2G2-077] The EVCC shall use a source port V2G_SRC_TCP_DATA as defined in Table 8.

[V2G2-078] The SECC shall provide a destination port V2G_DST_TCP_DATA as defined in Table 8.

[V2G2-079] The EVCC shall support at least one connection for a V2G Communication Session on port

[V2G2-080] The SECC shall support at least one connection for a V2G Communication Session on port

[V2G2-081] The EVCC shall use the port V2G_DST_TCP_DATA returned in the last SECC Discovery
response message (refer to sub-clause for connecting the SECC

7.8.3 Protocol Data Unit Structure

The V2GTP PDU consists of a header and a body section as shown in Figure 8.

Header Payload
(8 Bytes) (0-4294967295 Bytes)

Figure 8 — V2GTP Message structure

The payload contains the application data (e.g. a V2G message). The header separates the payloads (i.e.
individual V2GTP messages) within a byte stream and gives information for the payload processing.

The V2GTP message header structure is shown in Figure 9 and described in Table 9. The supported payload
types are described in Table 10.

Figure 9 — V2GTP Message header structure

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[V2G2-082] A V2GTP entity shall use the header structure as shown in Figure 9.

[V2G2-083] A V2GTP entity shall send the 8 bytes of the V2GTP header in the order as shown in Figure 9.

[V2G2-084] A byte with a lower number shall be sent before a byte with a higher number. The header starts
with byte 1 and ends with byte 8.

[V2G2-085] A V2GTP entity shall send the fields “payload type” and “payload length” in big endian format:

The most significant byte is sent first, the least significant byte is sent last.

Table 9 — Generic V2GTP header structure

Header field description Header field values

Protocol V2GTP version 1
Identifies the protocol version of V2GTP messages.
Version 0x00, 0x02-0xFF:
reserved by document
Contains the bit-wise inverse value of the protocol version
Inverse which is used in conjunction with the V2GTP protocol
Protocol version as a protocol verification pattern to ensure that a 0xFE: V2GTP Version 1
Version correctly formatted V2GTP message is received.
Equals the <Protocol_Version> XOR 0xFF
Contains information about how to decode the payload Refer to Table 10 for a complete list of
following the V2GTP header. payload type values.

Payload Contains the length of the V2GTP message payload in bytes

Length (i.e. excluding the generic V2GTP header bytes). 0…4294967295 (= <d>)

Table 10 — Overview on V2GTP payload types

d type Payload type name Specified in subclause

- Reserved not applicable
0x8001 EXI encoded V2G Message
- Reserved not applicable
0x9000 SDP request message
0x9001 SDP response message
- Reserved not applicable
- Manufacturer specific use not applicable
[V2G2-086] A V2GTP entity shall use the V2GTP message structure as shown in Figure 8 to send V2G
messages as defined in clause 8.

[V2G2-087] A V2GTP entity shall use the definitions as defined in Table 9 and Table 10.

[V2G2-088] For EXI encoded V2G messages (payload 0x8001) a V2GTP entity shall use a separate
V2GTP message for each V2G message.

NOTE Requirement [V2G2-088] implies that the payload field can include neither a part of a message nor multiple

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) Header Processing

For the processing of the payload the V2GTP entity has to process the header first. For this, a V2GTP entity
that receives a V2GTP message checks the header field step by step. The header processing as defined
below is illustrated in Figure 10.

[V2G2-089] A V2GTP entity shall process the V2GTP header as defined in Table 9 before processing the
payload as defined in Table 10.

[V2G2-090] A V2GTP entity shall check the protocol version and inverse protocol version fields
(synchronization pattern) before any other header fields.

[V2G2-092] A V2GTP entity shall check the Payload Type after the successful check of the version and
inverse version field.

[V2G2-094] A V2GTP entity shall check the Payload Length after the successful check of the Payload Type.

[V2G2-096] If the header processing was successful the V2GTP entity shall process the payload.

[V2G2-800] If the V2GTP header contains wrong data (e.g., not supported payload type, wrong payload
length, or not supported V2GTP version) the V2GTP entity shall ignore this message.

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Start Header Check


Check Version and Inv erse

Version Field


Check payload type


Check message length


Stop Header Check


Figure 10 — V2GTP generic header handler

7.9 Presentation Layer

7.9.1 XML and Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Overview

For the purpose of describing the V2G Message Set the presentation layer uses the widely adopted XML data
representation accordingly the document defines messages (i.e. data structures and data types) based on
XML Schema which allows the type aware use of XML and enables simplified validity evaluation of exchanged

[V2G2-097] When transmitting V2G messages defined in this standard by using XML all V2G Entities shall
use encoding format according to definitions in W3C EXI 1.0.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) Efficient XML Interchange

The Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) format allows to use and process XML-based messages on a binary
level. Thus, the EXI format increases the processing speed of XML-based data as well as reduces the
memory usage. Basically, EXI is a W3C recommendation. The EXI format uses a relatively simple grammar
driven approach that achieves very efficient encodings for a broad range of use cases. It is not uncommon for
EXI messages to be up to 100 times smaller than equivalent XML documents. The EXI specification describes
in a predefined process how schema information has to be transformed into EXI grammar. The reason for
doing so is that EXI grammar is much simpler to process, compared to XML Schema information.
Nevertheless the parsing can be performed in the same accurate way as it is possible in XML.

There are different kinds of coding mechanism with EXI. To meet the demands in ISO 15118 in terms of
efficient processing, less resources usage, message size, and message extendibility schema-aware settings
should be selected (see subclause for the requirement EXI settings for ISO 15118).

In general, EXI streams can be created in a very efficient way if all encoded information (elements/attributes)
are defined by an underlying XML Schema (Schema-informed Grammars). Deviant information based on XML
Schema knowledge is encoded in a more generic way. The EXI coder encodes the qualified names
(namespace and element/attribute name) of such unknown information in a string-based manner. However,
simple types of the schema deviations may be still encoded type-aware.

EXI decoders are able to decode the efficient EXI streams by using the same underlying XML Schema which
was used for the encoding process. Schema deviations are recognized in the EXI stream. These deviations
(unknown elements or attributes) can be either processed or skipped.

Figure 11 summarizes the Efficient XML Interchange concept for the ISO 15118 domain. Due to the high
limited resource restriction the EVCC may only be able to handle the XML-based data using a corresponding
data structure representation. Such data structures can be used to serialize or deserialize ISO 15118
application messages. Meanwhile, the SECC may be able to handle the data as data structure and/or the
more resource intensive Document Object Model (DOM) or in a traditional plain-text XML variant.


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Figure 11 — Basic concept of EXI applied to V2G communication EXI Settings for application layer messages

The following EXI settings are used for the EXI-based V2G communication.

[V2G2-098] The XML Schema with the namespace “urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgDef” that represents this ISO
15118 version 2.0 (major version “2”, minor version “0”) shall be used for encoding and
decoding EXI streams.

[V2G2-099] The EXI coder for encoding and decoding of the ISO 15118 communication shall use the
default EXI coding options according to W3C EXI 1.0 subclause "EXI Options" with the
exception of the options listed in Table 11.

Table 11 — EXI option settings

EXI Option Description ISO 15118 value

Specifies the total capacity of value partitions in a


valuePartitionCapacity 0
string table
[V2G2-100] The EXI header (refer to W3C EXI 1.0 clause "Header") shall be used in a way that fulfils the
ISO 15118 needs. That means, the optional EXI Cookie ($EXI) shall never be used and the
Presence Bit for EXI Options shall be always set to 0 (=false). As a consequence the optional
EXI Options shall never be part of an ISO 15118 message. Each EXI implementation (on
EVCC or SECC side) shall discard messages that do not respect the ISO 15118 EXI header

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[V2G2-101] An element/attribute which is not defined in “urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgDef” namespace shall

be encoded and decoded as schema deviation case according to W3C EXI 1.0 subclause
"Adding Productions when Strict is False".

[V2G2-600] The EXI coder for encoding and decoding of the ISO 15118 communication shall use the EXI
profile settings W3C EXI Profileaccording to Table 12.

NOTE For details describing the EXI profile refer to W3C EXI Profile.

Table 12 — EXI profile settings

EXI profile parameter Description ISO 15118


This option is the maximum number of built-in

maximumNumberOfBuiltInElementGrammars element grammars for which dynamically
productions other than AT(xsi:type)
productions have been added.
This option is the maximum number of top-
maximumNumberOfBuiltInProductions level productions that can be dynamically
inserted in built-in element grammars
excluding AT(xsi:type) productions.
[V2G2-102] A simple type/value of an element/attribute which is not defined in the
“urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgDef” namespace shall be encoded and decoded type-aware.

7.9.2 Message Security Overview

XML Signature is a W3C recommendation that addresses the authenticity requirements of some data
fragments (e.g. metering information) of the XML-based V2G. XML Signature defines a mechanism by which
messages and message parts can be digitally signed to provide integrity, to ensure that the data is not
tampered with, and authentication, to verify the identity of the message producer. For protecting
confidentiality, a hybrid encryption scheme based on the Diffie-Hellman-Protocol is applied. Application layer credentials and cipher suites

Credentials to be applied on application layer shall be suitable for the targeted XML security. Here, XML
signature is chosen to protect billing relevant information between EVCC, SECC and/or SA. Moreover, binary
encryption provides a confidentiality protected way for private key provisioning to the EVCC without having

intermediaries access this private key. Both approaches require asymmetric key material. The credentials for
EVCC signing are provided by the Contract Certificate and credentials for EVCC receiving encrypted data are
provided by an ECDH key exchange as described in Annex G.

[V2G2-103] The maximum lifetime of the ContractCertificate shall be no longer than 2 years.

[V2G2-104] The minimum lifetime of the certificate used for XML signature and providing mechanisms for
encryption shall be 4 weeks. If the contract lifetime is less, the certificate validity period shall be
mapped to the contract lifetime.

NOTE 1 For explanation of certificate validity period refer to Annex E.1

NOTE 2 If the certificate is not used for charging it might be used for provisioning. An OEM Provisioning Certificate
enables an EVCC to request a valid Contract Certificate for plug and charge.

NOTE 3 The private keys of the Contract Certificate and the OEM Provisioning Certificate are sensitive data. Once a
private key gets compromised, it cannot be trusted anymore and therefore should not be used anymore. If one of these
private keys could be read by an attacker, the attacker could impersonate the original EVCC and receive electricity at the
expense of the original vehicle owner. As a countermeasure, the EVCC may choose to additionally protect said keys. This
may range from simple security measures such as setting readout protection fuse bits in the EVCC microcontroller to more
advanced protection via secure boot facilities, debug access protection, and embedded hardware security modules
(HSM). The latter offer a high level of security including protection against physical attacks. A suitable HSM provides a

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secure environment for private key operations. It offers interfaces to use the private key but ensures that the key cannot
be read out or manipulated, even from a program running on the EVCC. A customized HSM may even accept input of an
encrypted Contract Certificate private key, so that the private key is never accessible outside of the HSM in plain,
unencrypted form. Such a HSM may be integrated into the EVCC as a separate physical package or as an on-chip
microcontroller extension.

NOTE 4 In order to reduce the number of required certificate update requests for the EV, the mobility operator which
issues the charging contract certificates, is suggested to choose longer validity periods (up to maximum), if this is
meaningful with regards to contract validity period and cancellation period. Contract Certificates as XML signature credentials

Contract Certificate is bound to a EMAID and used in XML signature to authorize the vehicle for charging. The
Contract Certificate can be verified even if the SECC is offline. The contract binding is handled as follows:

[V2G2-108] The EMAID shall be encoded in the subject of the certificate.

--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- XML Security specifics for 'PnC' Message Set(s) XML Data Structures for Application Layer Security

Security on Application Layer is provided using signature and encryption of messages. Information targeted
for SA services is exchanged using XML data structures. Consequently, this information can be protected
end-to-end using XML Security.

Typical information exchanged between EVCC and SECC:

Signed meter reading approval from the vehicle used for online and semi-online connections. The meter
readings from the SECC are sent via the TLS protected tunnel. They may include the signature of the
electricity meter providing source authentication to protect them additionally. The vehicle in turn signs the
meter readings to provide a base for the billing process if local regulations permit it. This approach saves the
meter reading signatures on the SECC side. The meter readings are cumulated so that the latest signed
meter reading is the base for the billing. Here XML Signatures are used. They ensure integrity protection with
the possibility for all intermediate and participating entities to rely on this information. XML Signature mechanism

This subclause is intended as an introduction to XML Signatures.

NOTE 1 For an Overview on XML Signatures see also Annex J.

XML Signatures as defined in W3C XML Signature Syntax and Processing Version 1.1 can be applied to
arbitrary digital content (data objects) in the same way as digital signatures are calculated. When applying a
digital signature to data objects, the data objects are first digested (hashed) and the result is then signed using
an asymmetric algorithm like RSA or ECDSA. In the case of XML, the digest is placed in an XML element,
together with additional information. This element is then hashed and cryptographically signed. This standard
uses detached XML Signatures according to W3C XML Signature Syntax and Processing Version 1.1. That
means the signature and data can be in separate (externally detached) or in the same XML document
(internally detached) as sibling elements. The signature may comprise only a part of the XML document
referenced by an ObjectID.

Figure 12 shows the schema diagram of the XML Signature element included in the V2G message header.

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Signature ds:SignedInfo ds:CanonicalizationMethod








Figure 12 — Schema Diagram – XML Signature

Figure 13 shows the schema diagram of the element Reference included in the element SignedInfo which is
part of the XML Signature depicted in Figure 12.



Reference ds:Transform s



Figure 13 — Schema Diagram – Element Reference included in element SignedInfo

NOTE 2 The meter values from the SECC may already been signed. This signature value is treated as informational
element and is required for the gauging process. It may optionally be checked by the vehicle. The signature may comprise
also the meter ID.

[V2G2-117] Each V2G Entity shall support detached XML signatures.

[V2G2-119] For XML signature operations, the data which gets signed, shall be the EXI representation of
this data.

[V2G2-764] As canonicalization method EXI with schema-informed fragment grammar shall be used.


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[V2G2-765] Each message, that needs the XML Signature framework shall use the value
"http://www.w3.org/TR/canonical-exi/" as Algorithm attribute within the CanonicalizationMethod

[V2G2-766] Each message, that needs the XML Signature framework shall use the value
"http://www.w3.org/TR/canonical-exi/".as Algorithm attribute within the Transform element.

[V2G2-767] The maximum number of Transforms is limited to one (1) (i.e. per referenced element where a
signature is to be transmitted for, just one single Transform algorithm can be indicated).

[V2G2-768] "The parts which have to be signed in the XML-based messages shall be encoded as EXI
schema-informed fragment.

[V2G2-769] Each message, that needs the XML Signature framework shall use the value
"http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#ecdsa-sha256" as Algorithm attribute within the
SignatureMethod element.

[V2G2-770] Each message, that needs the XML Signature framework shall use the value "
http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256" as Algorithm attribute within the DigestMethod

[V2G2-771] The following message elements of the XML Signature framework shall not be used when
transmitting signatures in the header of the a V2G message:

- Id (attribute in SignedInfo)
- ##any in SignedInfo – CanonicalizationMethod
- HMACOutputLength in SignedInfo – SignatureMethod
- ##other in SignedInfo – SignatureMethod
- Type (attribute in SignedInfo-Reference)
- ##other in SignedInfo – Reference – Transforms – Transform
- XPath in SignedInfo – Reference – Transforms – Transform
- ##other in SignedInfo – Reference – DigestMethod
- Id (attribute in SignatureValue)
- Object (in Signature)
- KeyInfo

[V2G2-909] The signature shall not reference more than 4 signed elements.

NOTE 3 This allows to determine an upper bound for the size of the signature header.

For the application of XMLDsig, any element which should be signed must be addressable. In this standard,
this is achieved by an URI referencing the ID attribute of such an element. Therefore, any message element
that is signed carries an ID attribute. If a specific element is to be signed in all use cases, the ID attribute is
marked mandatory in the XSD. Otherwise, if it is signed in only some use cases, the ID attribute is marked
optional and can be omitted when not needed.

NOTE 4 Presence of an ID attribute does not necessarily indicate that a signature is used, i.e. if no signature is used,
an ID can be present nevertheless. Encryption mechanism

Private keys belonging to contract certificates need to be protected (i.e. encrypted) when distributed from the
SA to the EVCC. For a more detailed explanation please refer to Annex G.

[V2G2-121] The EVCC shall support calculation of the ECDH secret and the key derivation function for the
decryption of encrypted information like private keys.

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[V2G2-122] Each V2G Entity shall have mechanisms to process ECDH Key exchange. Public parameters
are derived from the public ECDSA parameters.

[V2G2-814] The private key corresponding to the contract certificate shall be transmitted only in encrypted
format within ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey in the messages CertificateInstallationRes
and CertificateUpdateRes.

[V2G2-815] The private key corresponding to the contract certificate shall be encrypted by the sender (the
SA) using the session key derived in the ECDH protocol (see [V2G2-818]), applying the
algorithm AES-CBC-128 according to NIST Special Publication 800-38A. The initialization
vector IV shall be randomly generated before encryption and shall have a length of 128 bit and
never be reused. The IV shall be transmitted in the 16 most significant bytes of the
ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey field.

NOTE 5 It is implied that proper random generation of IVs will result in them being not reused with an extremely high
probability equivalent to certainty for cryptographic needs.

[V2G2-816] The byte order of the private key shall be big endian, including leading zeros.

NOTE 6 As ECDSA with secp256r1 curve is used, the private key is 256 bit long.

NOTE 7 Padding of the plain text (private key) is not required as its length is a multiple of the block size of the used
encryption algorithm.

[V2G2-817] The private key corresponding to the contract certificate shall be decrypted by the receiver
(EVCC) using the session key derived in the ECDH protocol (see [V2G2-818]), applying the
algorithm AES-CBC-128 according to NIST Special Publication 800-38A. The initialization
vector IV shall be read from the 16 most significant bytes of the
ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey field.

[V2G2-818] For session key agreement, the ephemeral-static ECDH protocol “ One-Pass Diffie-
Hellman, C(1, 1, ECC CDH)” as defined in NIST Special Publication 800-56A shall be used.
The KDF shall be the “concatenation KDF”, where the hash function shall be SHA256. The SA
shall act as party U (as defined in said NIST document) and the EVCC shall act as party V. The
protocol shall use elliptic curves as defined in Annex F. The algorithm ID shall be one character
0x01. The sender name IDU shall be one character "U" = 0x55 , the receiver name IDV shall be
one character "V" = 0x56. A symmetric encryption key of exactly 128 bits shall be derived.

NOTE 8 The authenticity of the transmission is ensured by the surrounding signature. The authenticity check is vital for
the security of the ECDH protocol.

[V2G2-819] Ephemeral public keys shall be encoded as “Subject Public Key” as defined in IETF RFC 5480,
and be contained in the XML element “DHpublickey”. The uncompressed form shall be used

NOTE 9 DHpublickey is 65 bytes long. The first byte has the fixed value 0x04 indicating the uncompressed form.

[V2G2-820] In the message CertificateInstallationRes, the receiver public key QV shall be the public key
contained in the existing OEM Provisioning Certificate.

[V2G2-821] In the message CertificateUpdateRes, the receiver public key QV shall be the public key
contained in the existing Contract Certificate.

[V2G2-822] A certificate whose key pair is used for ECDH shall have its key usage flags keyAgreement set.
This applies to all Contract Certificates and all OEM Provisioning Certificates. This shall be
enforced by all participating parties.

[V2G2-823] Upon receipt of a contract certificate, the EVCC shall verify that the private key received with
the certificate is a valid private key for that certificate: Its value must be strictly smaller than the


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order of the base point, and multiplication of the base point with this value must generate a key
matching the public key of the contract certificate. Random Number Generation

The ECDSA algorithm strongly relies on the fact that an attacker does not have information about the random
nonce. Otherwise, signatures would leak information about the secret key. Depending on the type of defect of
the random generator implementation, this may enable an attacker to derive the secret key after a certain
number of signatures. In the worst case, simple reuse of the random nonce will enable an attacker to calculate
the secret key after only two signatures. Therefore, it is vital to have a suitable random number generator
(RNG), a so-called cryptographically secure RNG. In addition, for generating the Initialization Vector in AES-
CBC, and for generating a challenge a cryptographically secure RNG is needed.

[V2G2-835] Whenever a V2G Entity requires random numbers within this standard, a state-of-the-art
cryptographically secure random number generator shall be used.

NOTE 10 There may already be a suitable, cryptographically secure random number generator available in the
implementation. As the actual implementation does not affect interoperability, this standard does not prescribe a specific
way in order to be future-proof and to avoid duplication. However, established standards should be followed, for example
NIST SP 800-90 A [13] and the German BSI AIS 20/AIS 31 [14]. Application of security mechanisms to XML message

In general, two pairs of Security mechanisms are supported:

 Authenticity and Integrity: Signature generation  Signature verification;

XML based signature is applied. The entity, which creates the XML message, signs certain or all fields of
an XML message. The receiver verifies the signature.

 Confidentiality: Encryption  Decryption;

Asymmetric encryption is applied. The entity, which creates the message, encrypts a single binary field of
the XML message. The receiver decrypts that binary field.

The following tables provide an overview of the applied security mechanisms.

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Table 13 — Overview of applied XML based signatures

signing entity
XML Message protected fields entity

message body / all fields (if

AuthorizationReq EVCC SECC
GenChallenge present)
EVCC; signed
with Contract
Certificate, chain secondary
CertificateUpdateReq message body / all fields
transmitted in actor
message body
secondary actor: certificate
ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey Certificate chain stored
DHpublickey Provisioning after
Service successful
EVCC; signed
with OEM
CertificateInstallationReq message body / all fields Certificate,
transmitted in
message body
secondary actor: certificate
ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey Certificate chain stored
DHpublickey Provisioning after
Service successful
MeteringReceiptReq message body / all fields (optionally) EVCC SECC
secondary actor:
SalesTariff (optional, required for Mobility
ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes EVCC
PnC) Operator Sub-
CA 2

Table 14 — Overview of applied encrytion

encrypting decrypting
XML Message protected fields
entity (sender) entity (receiver)

CertificateUpdateRes ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey secondary actor EVCC

CertificateInstallationRes ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey secondary actor EVCC
[V2G2-652] Each V2G Entity shall be able to generate XML signatures as specified in Table 13.

[V2G2-653] Each V2G Entity shall be able to verify XML signatures as specified in Table 13. Certificate Provisioning

The Mobility Operator creates credentials for the EVCC, consisting of a Contract Certificate including a private
key, which has been asymmetrically encrypted specifically for that EVCC. The Mobility Operator then forwards
the credentials to the Certificate Provisioning Service. The Certificate Provisioning Service asserts the
correctness and authenticity of the credentials with a signature and relays the signed message fragment to the
SECC, who compiles a CertificateInstallationRes or CertificateUpdateRes message and transmits that to the
EVCC. The Certificate Provisioning service is considered trustworthy. It is therefore not required that the
EVCC is able to verify the certificate it has received.

The role "Certificate Provisioning Service" can be assumed, for example, by the mobility operator himself, the
SECC operator, a completely stand-alone service, or (under careful consideration of the security implications)
even the EVCC itself.


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Figure 14 — Process for CertificateInstallationRes and CertificateUpdateRes

7.10 Application Layer

7.10.1 SECC Discovery Protocol

--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- General Information

An EVCC uses the SECC Discover Protocol (SDP) to get the IP address and port number of the SECC. The
SDP client sends out SECC Discovery Request messages to the local link (multicast) expecting any SDP
server to answer its request with a SECC Discovery Response message containing this information.

After the EVCC received the IP address and the port number of the SECC, it can establish a transport layer
connection to the SECC (refer to subclause 7.3.4).

[V2G2-123] An SDP server shall be accessible in the local link.

NOTE As common for internet technologies, SDP server may be implemented on the same physical device as the
SECC and may also interface to the same IP address. If this is not the case, optimistic DAD as specified in RFC 4429
won't lead to a benefit.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) Supported ports

SDP is a UDP based protocol. The ports listed in Table 15 are used by SDP.

Table 15 — Supported UDP ports for SDP

Name Protocol Port number Description

V2G_UDP_SDP_CLIENT UDP (unicast) Port number in the SDP client source port at the
range of Dynamic EVCC
Ports (49152-65535)
as defined in
IETF RFC 6335.

V2G_UDP_SDP_SERVER UDP 15118 SDP server port which accepts

(multicast) UDP packets with a local-link IP
multicast destination address.

[V2G2-124] An SDP client shall support the port V2G_UDP_SDP_CLIENT as defined in Table 15 for
sending and receiving SDP messages.

[V2G2-125] An SDP server shall support the port V2G_UDP_SDP_SERVER as defined in Table 15 for
receiving and sending SDP messages.

NOTE Depending on the implementation of the EVCC the dynamically assigned V2G_UDP_SDP_CLIENT port will
be assigned once during or before the first transmission of a UDP packet to a SECC or can be dynamically re-assigned for
each individual UDP request message and response. Also depending on whether messages are repeatedly sent,
response messages may arrive asynchronously and may not be associated to the exact corresponding request anymore.

[V2G2-126] The SDP client shall be able to handle asynchronously arriving SECC Discovery Response
messages. Protocol Data Unit Structure

An SDP message is based on the V2GTP message format as defined in subclause

[V2G2-127] An SDP client shall support the definitions in subclause

[V2G2-128] An SDP client shall use a separate UDP packet for each request message.

[V2G2-129] An SDP client shall locate the first byte of the request message header as defined in Figure 9
and Table 9 in the first byte of the UDP packet payload.

[V2G2-130] An SDP server shall support the definitions in subclause

[V2G2-131] An SDP Server shall use a separate UDP packet for each response.

[V2G2-132] An SDP server shall locate the first byte of the response message header as defined in
Figure 9 and Table 9 in the first byte of the UDP packet payload.


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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) Header Processing

An SDP header processing is based on the V2GTP message header processing as defined in subclause

[V2G2-133] An SDP client shall apply to the header processing as defined in subclause

[V2G2-134] An SDP server shall apply to the header processing as defined in subclause SECC Discovery Request Message

The SDP client uses the SECC Discovery Request message to request the IP address and the port number of
the SECC.

[V2G2-135] Only an SDP client shall send SECC Discovery Request messages.

[V2G2-136] An SDP client shall send SECC Discovery Request messages with the source IP address on
which it expects the SECC Discovery Response message.

[V2G2-137] An SDP client shall send SDP request messages to destination port V2G_UDP_SDP_SERVER
as defined in Table 15.

[V2G2-138] An SDP client shall send SDP request messages with source port V2G_UDP_SDP_CLIENT as
defined in Table 15 on which it expects the SECC Discovery Response message.

[V2G2-139] An SDP client shall send SECC Discovery Request message to the destination local-link
multicast address (FF02::1) as defined in IETF RFC 4291.

[V2G2-140] The SDP client shall send the SECC Discovery Request message with payload type value
0x9000 as defined in Table 10.

[V2G2-141] The SDP client shall send the SECC Discovery Request message with the payload length 2.

[V2G2-142] The SDP client shall send the SECC Discovery Request message with the payload as defined
in Figure 15.

[V2G2-622] An SDP client shall send the payload in the order as shown in Figure 15. A byte with a lower
number shall be sent before a byte with a higher number. The payload starts with byte 1 and
ends with byte 2.


Figure 15 — SECC Discovery request message payload

[V2G2-623] An SDP client shall use the encoding for the requested security option and the requested
transport protocol as defined in Table 16.

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Table 16 — SDP security and protocol option encoding

Description Security Transport protocol

Byte no. SDP request message 1 2

Byte no. SDP response message 19 20
0x00 = secured with TLS 0x00= TCP
0x01-0x0F = reserved 0x01-0x0F = reserved
Applicable values
0x10 = No transport layer security 0x10 = reserved for UDP
0x11-0xFF = reserved 0x11-0xFF = reserved SECC Discovery Response Message

The SDP server uses the SDP Response message to respond to an SDP Request message and provide the
IP-address and the port of the SECC to the client.

[V2G2-143] The SDP server shall be able to extract the source IP address and source port of a received
UDP packet (client IP address and port number) and send a UDP packet to the identified IP
address and port number.

[V2G2-144] An SDP server shall reply to any SECC Discovery Request messages with an SECC Discovery
Response Message.

NOTE 1 This requirement ensures that an SDP server serving multiple clients can be reached at any time. This
supports charging of multiple EVs at an EVSE with a single SECC.

[V2G2-145] An SDP client shall not reply to any SECC Discovery Request message.

[V2G2-146] An SDP server shall only send response messages after an SECC Discovery Request
message has been received.

[V2G2-147] An SDP server shall send an SECC Discovery Response messages after an SECC Discovery
Request message has been received.

NOTE 2 For detailed timing requirements refer to requirements [V2G2-159] - [V2G2-162].

[V2G2-149] An SDP server shall send an SDP response with source port V2G_UDP_SDP_SERVER as
defined in Table 15.

[V2G2-150] An SDP server shall send an SECC Discovery Response message to the SDP client which
sent the SECC Discovery Request message.

[V2G2-151] An SDP server shall send an SECC Discovery Response message to the port of the SDP client
which sent the SECC Discovery Request message.

[V2G2-152] An SDP server shall send the SECC Discovery Response message with the payload type value
0x9001 as defined in Table 10.

[V2G2-153] An SDP server shall send the SECC Discovery Response message with payload length 20.

[V2G2-154] An SDP server shall send the SECC Discovery Response message with the payload as
defined in Figure 16.

[V2G2-155] An SDP server shall send the payload in the order as shown in Figure 16. A byte with a lower
number shall be sent before a byte with a higher number. The payload starts with byte 1 and
ends with byte 20.

[V2G2-156] An SDP server shall send the fields “SECC IP Address” and “SECC Port” in big endian format:
The most significant byte is sent first the least significant byte is sent last.

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NOTE 3 The mechanism used by the SDP server to determine its own IP address is out of the scope of this standard.

NOTE 4 The source IP address and the source port of a received UDP packet is usually provided by the TCP/IP stack.

Figure 16 — SECC Discovery response message payload

[V2G2-624] An SDP server shall use the encoding for the requested security option and the requested
transport protocol as defined in Table 16 to define the supported transmission security and
transport protocol for the port provided in the same payload as the security and transport
protocol bytes. Timing and Error Handling

The process of SECC discovery is based on the application time out definitions as described in
subclause 7.10.1. This subclause describes additional timing and error handling for the SECC Discovery

[V2G2-157] The SDP client shall count the number of SECC Discovery Request messages until a valid
SECC Discovery Response message has been received.

[V2G2-158] The SDP client shall reset the counter for sent SECC Discovery Request messages after a
valid SECC Discovery Response message has been received.

[V2G2-159] After sending an SECC Discovery Request message, the SDP client shall wait for an SECC
Discovery Response message for at least 250ms.

[V2G2-160] After unsuccessfully waiting for an SECC Discovery Response message the SDP client shall
send a new SECC Discovery Request message and increment the counter for sent SECC
Discovery Response messages.

[V2G2-161] If the SDP client has not received any SECC Discovery Response message after sending in
maximum 50 consecutive SECC Discovery Request messages it shall stop the SECC

[V2G2-162] After unsuccessfully stopping the SECC Discovery, the SDP client should go to the same state
as defined for an timeout (refer to [V2G2-020] and Figure 6). Protocol and Security Options Handling

For SDP request and response handling, the SDP client and SDP server shall implement the following

[V2G2-625] If the SDP client sends an SDP request with a protocol option code for TCP ("TCP" in
Table 16), the SECC shall send an SDP response with protocol option code "TCP".

[V2G2-626] If the SDP client sends an SDP request with a security option code for TLS ("secured with TLS
" in Table 16), and the SECC supports TLS, the SDP server shall send an SDP response with
security option code TLS.

50 --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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[V2G2-627] If the SDP client sends an SDP request with a security option code for TLS ("secured with TLS
" in Table 16), and the SECC does not support TLS, the SDP server shall send an SDP
response with security option code "No transport layer security".

For TCP/TLS establishment, the following requirements apply:

[V2G2-628] Depending on the use case and security requirements of the EVCC, the EVCC shall either use
the protocol as indicated in the SDP response from the SDP server or stop communication

[V2G2-629] If the EVCC tries to communicate with a transport protocol as defined in Table 16 that differs
from the protocol options indicated in the SDP response from the SDP server, the SECC shall
not accept this communication.

[V2G2-163] If SDP returns a global SECC IP-address, the EVCC shall not indicate the discovered SECC
IP-address before the EVCC has configured a global IP address as defined in subclause and

[V2G2-164] If the SDP returns a global SECC IP-address, the EVCC shall indicate the discovered SECC
IP-address after a global address assignment as defined in and is indicated.

7.10.2 Vehicle to Grid application layer messages

The Vehicle to Grid application layer message definitions describe the client-server based message exchange
between EVCC and SECCs for the purpose of initializing and configuring the charge process of an EV. The
Message Set is designed to cover the use cases defined in Part 1 of this standard. The messages and the
required message flow (i.e. communication protocol) represent the application layer according to the OSI
layered architecture model.

The Message Set, message flow and the behaviour specific to a certain message are described in clause 8
Application Layer messages.

7.10.3 Application layer service primitives

--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- A-Data.request

The A-Data.request notifies an action for V2G messaging. Table 17 describes the service primitive and its

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Table 17 — A-Data.confirmation service primitive

Primitive name A-Data.request

Entity to support EVCC

Parameter Name Description

- Session Setup
- Service Discovery
- Service Detail
- Service and Payment Selection
- Payment Details
- Charge Authorization
- Charge Parameter Discovery
- Power Delivery
A_Msg - Charging Status
- Metering Receipt
- Certificate update
- Certificate installation
- Cable Check
- Pre Charging
- Current Demand
- Welding Detection
- Session Stop

A-Data.request (A_Msg= “message name”) requests the lower layer to send out a V2G request
message for the V2G message type that is given by A_Msg.

EXAMPLE A-Data.request (A_Msg= Session Setup) initiates the sending of the SessionSetupReq message as
defined in subclause A-Data.indication

The A-Data.indication notifies an action for V2G messaging. Table 18 describes the service primitive and its


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Table 18 — A-Data.indication service primitive

Primitive name A-Data.indication

Entity to support SECC

Parameter Name Description

- Session Setup
- Service Discovery
- Service Detail
- Service and Payment Selection
- Payment Details
- Charge Authorization
- Charge Parameter Discovery
- Power Delivery
A_Msg - Charging Status
- Metering Receipt
- Certificate update
- Certificate installation
- Cable Check
- Pre Charging
- Current Demand
- Welding Detection
- Session Stop

A-Data.indication (A_Msg= “message name”) indicates the reception of a V2G request message for the
V2G message type that is given by A_Msg to the higher layer.

EXAMPLE A-Data.indication (A_Msg= Session Setup) initiates the reception of the SesstionSetupReq message as
defined in subclause A-Data.response

The A-Data.response notifies about the status V2G messaging. Table 19 describes the service primitive and
its parameter(s).


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Table 19 — A-Data.response service primitive

Primitive name A-Data.response

Entity to support SECC

Parameter Name Description

- Session Setup
- Service Discovery
- Service Detail
- Service and Payment Selection
- Payment Details
- Charge Authorization
- Charge Parameter Discovery
- Power Delivery
A_Msg - Charging Status
- Metering Receipt
- Certificate update
- Certificate installation
- Cable Check
- Pre Charging
- Current Demand
- Welding Detection
- Session Stop

A-Data.response (A_Msg= “message name”) indicates to the lower layer to send out a V2G response
message for the V2G message type that is given by A_Msg.

Example: A-Data.response (A_Msg= Session Setup) initiates the sending of the SesstionSetupRes message
as defined in subclause A-Data.confirmation

The A-Data.confirmation notifies about the status V2G messaging. Table 20 describes the service primitive
and its parameter(s).

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Table 20 — A-Data.confirmation service primitive

Primitive name A-Data.confirmation

Entity to support EVCC

Parameter Name Description

- Session Setup
- Service Discovery
- Service Detail
- Service and Payment Selection
- Payment Details
- Charge Authorization
- Charge Parameter Discovery
- Power Delivery
A_Msg - Charging Status
- Metering Receipt
- Certificate update
- Certificate installation
- Cable Check
- Pre Charging
- Current Demand
- Welding Detection
- Session Stop

A-Data.confirmation (A_Msg= “message name”) indicates the successful reception of a response message for
the V2G message that is given by A_Msg to the higher layer.

EXAMPLE A-Data.confirmation (A_Msg= Session Setup) indicates the successful reception of a SessionSetupRes
Message as defined in subclause

8 Application Layer messages

8.1 General information and definitions

A V2G message uses the EXI-based Presentation Layer as described in 7.9.1. The communication between
EVCC and SECC at application layer level is based on a client/server architecture. The EVCC always acts as
a client (service requester) during the entire charging process, whereas the SECC always acts as a server
(service responder). Hence the EVCC always initiates communication by sending a request message to the
SECC which then returns the corresponding response message. All messages exchanged between EVCC
and SECC are described with their syntax and their semantics in subclauses 8.2, 8.3, 0. and 8.5. The entire
XML Schema definition describing both V2G Message Set is included in Annex C.

Subclause 8.6 defines the V2G message and respective message elements required to be supported for a
certain set of use case elements described in Part 1 of this standard.

Subclause 8.7 defines message timing and error handling for the V2G communication message exchange.

Examples for typical message sequences are shown in subclause 8.8.

V2G communication consists of two different Message Sets:

 V2G application layer protocol handshake messages (refer to 8.2)

 V2G application layer messages (refer to 8.3)


[V2G2-809] When transmitting application layer messages the big endian byte order rule shall be applied:
The most significant byte is sent first, the least significant byte is sent last.

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8.2 Protocol handshake definition

8.2.1 Handshake sequence

[V2G2-165] Before starting the application layer message exchange, an appropriate application layer
protocol including its version shall be negotiated between the EVCC and the SECC.

In order to negotiate the protocol between the EVCC and the SECC the following application layer protocol
handshake is performed.

[V2G2-166] The EVCC shall initiate the handshake sending a supportedAppProtocolReq message as
depicted in Figure 17 to the SECC. This request message provides a list of charging protocols
supported by the EVCC.

[V2G2-167] Each entry in the list of supported EVCC protocols shall include the ProtocolNamespace, the
VersionNumberMajor and VersionNumberMinor, the unique SchemaID dynamically assigned
by the EVCC and the Priority of the protocol entry. The Priority in the EVCC request message
enables the EVCC to announce the preferred application layer protocol where Priority equal to
1 indicates the highest priority and Priority equal to 20 indicates the lowest priority. The number
of protocols included in the request message is limited to 20.

[V2G2-168] The SECC shall respond with the supportedAppProtocolRes message as depicted in Figure 18
indicating the protocol to be used for the subsequent message exchange by both, the EVCC
and the SECC.

[V2G2-169] The response message shall include a ResponseCode and the SchemaID of the
protocol/schema which is agreed as application protocol for the following communication
session. Thereby, the SECC shall select from its own list of supported protocols the protocol
with highest Priority indicated by the EVCC.

[V2G2-170] The SECC shall confirm (positively respond) an EVCC supported protocol even if the values of
the VersionNumberMinor in EVCC request message does not match with the
VersionNumberMinor of an SECC supported protocol where the VersionNumberMajor

NOTE A higher value in the VersionNumberMinor indicates that (in comparison to a lower value) additional data
elements will be transmitted from either the EVCC or SECC. Implementations only supporting the lower
VersionNumberMinor value may not be able to process the data and may have to ignore this data, however a difference in
the VersionNumberMinor value between EVCC and SECC does not lead to an incompatibility. Refer to subclause 8.2.4
showing examples for successful protocol negotiation.

[V2G2-171] All additional data elements defined by the respective minor version shall be encoded as
schema deviated case by the EXI coder (see also EXI option settings in subclause ).

[V2G2-172] Usually it is expected that the SECC is able to support the relevant application layer protocols
indicated by the EVCC. However when none of the application layer protocols included the list
received from the EVCC is supported by the SECC, the ResponseCode in the response
message shall be equal to Failed_NoNegotiation indicating that the protocol negotiation was
not successful. In this error scenario the response message shall not include a SchemaID.

[V2G2-173] If no successful protocol negotiation can be achieved the EVCC shall not initialize a
communication session.

[V2G2-174] This protocol handshake between EVCC and SECC shall be performed prior to the actual V2G
application layer message exchange. Only the Message Set defined in the agreed protocol
shall be used in the V2G message flow except for minor deviations.

8.2.2 Message definition supportedAppProtocolReq and supportedAppProtocolRes

[V2G2-175] The SECC and EVCC shall implement the message and message elements as defined in
Figure 17.

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ProtocolNam espace

VersionNum berMajor

supportedAppProtocolReq AppProtocol VersionNum berMinor

Schem aID


Figure 17 — Schema Diagram – supportedAppProtocolReq

[V2G2-176] The SECC and EVCC shall implement the message and message elements as defined in
Figure 18.

Schem aID

Figure 18 — Schema Diagram – supportedAppProtocolRes

NOTE Refer to Annex C.2 for the XML schema code.

8.2.3 Semantics description supportedAppProtocol messages

[V2G2-178] The message elements of the messages defined in Figure 17 and Figure 18 shall be used as
defined in Table 21 and Table 22.


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Table 21 — Semantics and type definition for supportedAppProtocolReq message elements

Element/Attribute Name Type Semantics

This message element is used by the EVCC for

complexType: transmitting the list of supported protocols. Each
protocol with a particular version supported by
AppProtocol includes the message the EVCC is represented by one AppProtocol
elements defined in this table entry in the request message (maximum number
of entries: 20)
protocolNamespaceType This message element is used by the EVCC to
uniquely identify the Namespace URI of a
ProtocolNamespace string (max length: 100)
specific protocol supported by the EVCC, i.e.
refer to Annex C.2 for the this is the protocol name of the related protocol.
type definition
simpleType This message element is used by the EVCC to
unsignedInt indicate the major version number of the
refer to Annex C.2 for the protocol indicated in the message element
type definition ProtocolNamespace.

simpleType This message element is used by the EVCC to

unsignedInt indicate the minor version number of the
refer to Annex C.2 for the protocol indicated in the message element
type definition ProtocolNamespace.

simpleType: This message element is used by the EVCC to

indicate the SchemaID assigned by the EVCC to
SchemaID the protocol indicated in the message element
refer to Annex C.2 for the ProtocolNamespace, VersionNumberMajor and
type definition VersionNumberMinor.
priorityType This message element is used by the EVCC for
indicating the protocol priority of a specific
Priority unsignedByte (range 1..20)
protocol allowing the SECC to select a protocol
refer to Annex C.2 for the based on priorities. See also [V2G2-167]
type definition

Table 22 — Semantics and type definition for supportedAppProtocolRes message elements

Element/Attribute Name Type Semantics

simpleType: Optional:
unsignedByte This message element is used by the SECC to
refer to Annex C.2 for the reference one of the EVCC supported protocols
type definition received in the request message.

simpleType: This message element is used by the SECC for

responseCodeType indicating whether the list of protocols received
ResponseCode enumeration from the EVCC includes at least one protocol
refer to Annex C.2 for the matching with the protocols supported by the
type definition SECC.

8.2.4 Message Examples Protocol prioritization

V2G message example 1 and V2G message example 2 illustrate the exchange of supportedAppProtocol
messages between the EVCC and the SECC. In the request message, the EVCC sends a prioritized list of
supported application layer protocols (15118:2:2013 with version 2.0, 15118:2:2010 with version 1.0) to the
SECC where the first has the higher priority. In the response message the SECC confirms protocol
15118:2:2013 with version 2.0 using a ResponseCode equal to 'OK_SuccessfulNegotiation' and a SchemaID
equal to ten (10).


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<n1:supportedAppProtocolRes xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:15118:2:2010:AppProtocol ../V2G_CI_AppProtocol.xsd"

V2G message example 1 – supportedAppProtocolReq: protocol prioritization

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<n1:supportedAppProtocolRes xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:15118:2:2010:AppProtocol ../V2G_CI_AppProtocol.xsd"


V2G message example 2 – supportedAppProtocolRes: protocol prioritization Minor Deviation

V2G message example 3 and V2G message example 4 illustrate the exchange of supportedAppProtocol
messages between the EVCC and the SECC. In the request message, the EVCC sends just one supported
application layer protocol (15118:2:2013 with version 2.0) to the SECC. The SECC support protocol version
2.1 only. In the response message the SECC confirms protocol 15118:2:2013 with VersionNumberMajor
equal to two (2) using a SchemaID equal to one (1). However, the ResponseCode is equal to
OK_SuccessfulNegotiationWithMinorDeviation signalling that a minor version deviation applies. The EVCC
may now expect message elements which are not known to the EVCC but can be ignored.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<n1:supportedAppProtocolRes xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:15118:2:2010:AppProtocol ../V2G_CI_AppProtocol.xsd"

V2G message example 3 – supportedAppProtocolReq: deviation in minor version

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<n1:supportedAppProtocolRes xsi:schemaLocation="urn:iso:15118:2:2010:AppProtocol ../V2G_CI_AppProtocol.xsd"

V2G message example 4 – supportedAppProtocolRes: deviation in minor version

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8.3 V2G Message Definition

8.3.1 Overview

Sub-clause 8.3 describes the messages of the V2G Messages and their contents. It is structured into the
following 3 sub-clauses:

 V2G Message definition (refer to subclause 8.3.2)

 V2G Message header definition (refer to subclause 8.3.3)

 V2G Message body definition (refer to subclause 8.3.4)

NOTE Refer to Annex C for the XML schema code.

The ISO 15118 application layer Message Set is signalized by the XML schema namespace "
urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgDef". Refer to the XML schema definition in Annex C for details relative to
subnamespace definitions used for the message definition.

8.3.2 Message definition

Figure 19 shows the schema definition of the V2G application layer message.

[V2G2-179] The EVCC and the SECC shall implement the V2G message structure as defined in Figure 19.





Figure 19 — Schema Diagram – V2G message

[V2G2-180] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 23.

Table 23 — Semantics and type definition for a V2G message

Element Name Type Semantics

Root element that identifies this XML document as
V2G_Message includes the message a V2G message. It contains two child elements, a
elements defined in this Header and Body element.

complexType: This element contains the content of the message

header. It includes generic information for protocol
Header MessageHeaderType
flow and is not directly related to the semantics of
refer to subclause 8.3.3 each particular message defined in 0.
complexType: This element contains the content of the message
Body BodyType body. The message body provides the actual
refer to subclause 8.3.4 semantics of each message defined in subclause 0.

V2G message example 5 shows an instance of a SessionSetupReq message. The header contains a
SessionID equal to zero (0) because a new communication session is about to be started. The body contains
the message specific content. In this case the message contains the message element EVCCID.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_b="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgBody"

V2G message example 5 - Example for a SessionSetupReq message

8.3.3 Message Header Definition

The message header contains general information that is included in all messages. Figure 20 shows the
schema definition of the V2G message header.


MessageHeaderType Notification

xm lsig:Signature

Figure 20 — Schema Diagram – Message header

[V2G2-181] The message elements of the message header shall be used as defined in Table 24.

Table 24 — Semantics and type definition for a V2G message header

Element Name Type Semantics

This message element is used by EVCC and
simpleType: SECC for uniquely identifying a V2G
SessionID SessionIDType: hexBinary (max Communication Session. Refer to subclause
length: 8) 8.4.2 for requirements relative to this
message element.
Notification This element is used by the SECC for
NotificationType, see subclause
transmitting additional fault information when
an error occurred on the SECC side.
separate namespace:
xmlsig:Signature This element is used if a certain V2G
message requires to be signed.

[V2G2-182] Each V2G message containing signed elements shall include the xmlsig:Signature element in
the header to be able to transmit the signature attached to signed body message elements of

the respective message.

8.3.4 Message Body Definition

The message body contains information details related to a specific message. Figure 21 shows the schema
definition of the V2G message body. The messages described in the following clause are derived from
BodyBaseType, which represents the abstract message content (refer to subclause 8.3.2). The different
application messages are defined by the BodyElement and described in detail in subclause 0.

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BodyType BodyElem ent

Figure 21 — Schema Diagram – Message body

[V2G2-183] The BodyElement shall be used as defined in Table 25.

Table 25 — Semantics and type definition for a V2G message body

Element Name Type Semantics

BodyElement is a head element of a substitution
complexType: group and does not appear itself in an instance
BodyElement BodyBaseType, see of a message. Instead one of the body elements
subclause 0 defined in the substitution group in clause 0 is

8.4 V2G Communication Session and BodyElement Definitions

8.4.1 General

A V2G Communication Session in this document is defined as the exchange of V2G messages between two
V2G Entities in a predefined sequence (see chapter 8.8) for managing the charging process. A V2G
Communication Session always starts with the SessionSetupReq/Res message pair and always ends with the
SessionStopReq/Res message pair.

All messages of a V2G Communication Session carry a SessionID that allows to manage the V2G
Communication Sessions between V2G Entities on application level. The SessionID is negotiated by the
EVCC and the SECC in the SessionSetupReq/Res message pair. All V2G messages of a V2G
Communication Session except the SessionSetupReq message use the same SessionID.

The SessionID enables pausing and resuming of a charging session using multiple V2G Communication
Sessions. For this, the EVCC and the SECC apply the same SessionID in all V2G Communication Sessions
during a charging session. Applying multiple V2G Communication Sessions for pausing and resuming a
charging session enables the EVCC and the SECC to stop all layers and restart all layers when resuming
while keeping the same application context and charging process management data. This for example allows
the EV and the EVSE to switch off the ISO 15118 communication module completely during pausing to save

In ISO 15118 a V2G Communication Session pausing is controlled by the parameter ChargingSession in
SessionStopReq with its values “Terminate” and ”Pausing”. The parameter can be used independently from
the charging profile. This means that an EV can initiate a pausing at any time after sending PowerDeliveryReq
with ChargeProgress equal to 'Stop' and according to [V2G2-739].

The example in Figure 22 — V2G Communication Session handling shows two V2G communication sessions
with pausing and their relation over time to the TCP/TLS connections, the data link establishment, and the
charging session.

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Figure 22 — V2G Communication Session handling

8.4.2 Session Handling

The following applies for the EVCC:

[V2G2-739] An EVCC shall pause a V2G Communication Session with the parameter ChargingSession set
to value ‚Pause’ in message SessionStopReq and shall stop the V2G Communication Session
(terminate the transport layer).

NOTE 1 When pausing a V2G Communication Session, the EVCC terminates its transport layer connection which
induces as well a charging pause. No value added services are usable during a charging pause either.

[V2G2-740] If an EVCC resumes a previously paused V2G Communication Session, the following
parameter values provided by the EVCC in the previous V2G Communication Session shall be
provided again for the resumed V2G Communication Session:

- SessionID which was communicated in the header of the SessionSetupRes message in

the previous V2G Communication Session (for all request messages starting from

- SelectedPaymentOption (PaymentServiceSelectionReq)

- RequestedEnergyTransferMode (ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq)

[V2G2-742] If an EVCC wants to resume a previously paused V2G Communication Session, it shall send
the parameter DepartureTime in ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq reduced by the elapsed time.

[V2G2-743] If an EVCC wants to resume a previously paused V2G Communication Session, it shall send
the parameter EAmount in ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq reduced by the energy that was
already charged.

[V2G2-744] If [V2G2-739] applies, the EVCC shall take care that [V2G2-740] is fulfilled as long as no CP
State A, E, or F was detected in the EVCC as defined in IEC 61851-1.

[V2G2-746] When sending the first SessionSetupReq message after connecting the EV with the EVSE
(plug-in), the EVCC shall set the parameter SessionID in the message header equal to zero (0).

[V2G2-747] The header of any message sent by the EVCC during an active V2G Communication Session
shall include the SessionID value returned by the SECC in the response to the
SessionSetupReq initiating the currently active V2G Communication Session.

[V2G2-748] An EVCC can resume a charging session by sending a SesstionSetupReq with a message
header including the SessionID value from the previously paused V2G Communication

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[V2G2-749] If the V2G Communication Session is resumed according to [V2G2-754] and if the EVCC wants
to change the charging parameters listed in [V2G2-740], it shall use the renegotiation
mechanism defined in this standard.

The following applies for the SECC:

[V2G2-741] If an EVCC resumes a previously paused V2G Communication Session, the following
parameter values provided by the SECC in the previous V2G Communication Session shall be
provided again for the resumed V2G Communication Session:

- SessionID which was communicated in the header of the SessionSetupRes message in

the previous V2G Communication Session if the SessionID communicated in the
header of SessionSetupReq matches the stored value (for all request messages
starting from SessionSetupReq)

- PaymentOptionList (ServiceDiscoveryRes). Only the payment option previously

selected by the EVCC shall be provided.

- ChargeService (ServiceDiscoveryRes)

- SAScheduleTuple (ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes). At least the SAScheduleTuple

(including the related PMaxSchedule and SalesTariff data) whose ID was selected by
the EVCC in its ChargingProfile in the previous V2G Communication Session shall be
provided. This tuple ID must not change during a V2G Communication Session. The
period of time this SAScheduleTuple applies for shall be reduced by the time already

NOTE 2 This is to ensure that a ChargingProfile calculated by an EVCC during the previous V2G Communication

Session(s) is still valid after a charging break for the entire charging session.

NOTE 3 The EV can choose between following the stored ChargingProfile or creating a new one based on the
additional SAScheduleTuples provided in the SAScheduleList of the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes.

[V2G2-745] If [V2G2-739] applies, the SECC shall take care that [V2G2-741] is fulfilled as long as no CP
State A, E, or F was detected in the SECC as defined in IEC 61851-1.

[V2G2-750] When receiving the SessionSetupReq with the parameter SessionID equal to zero (0), the
SECC shall generate a new (not stored) SessionID value different from zero (0) and return this
value in the SessionSetupRes message header.

[V2G2-751] The SessionID value returned by the SECC in the SessionSetupRes message shall not change
as long as the V2G Communication Session is not terminated (i.e. value of parameter
ChargingSession of SessionStopReq has not been set to ‘Terminate’ at any time).

[V2G2-752] The header of any message sent by the SECC during an active V2G Communication Session
shall include the SessionID value returned by the SECC in the response to the
SessionSetupReq initiating the currently active V2G Communication Session.

[V2G2-753] If an EVCC chooses to resume a charging session by sending a SesstionSetupReq with a

message header including the SessionID value from the previously paused V2G
Communication Session, the SECC shall compare this value to the value stored from the
preceding V2G Communication Session.

[V2G2-754] If the SessionID value received in the current SessionSetupReq is equal to the value stored
from the preceding V2G Communication Session, the SECC shall confirm the continuation of
the charging session by sending a SessionSetupRes message including the stored SessionID
value and indicating the resumed V2G Communication Session with the ResponseCode set to
"OK_OldSessionJoined" (refer also to [V2G2-463] for selecting the appropriate response

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[V2G2-755] If the V2G Communication Session is resumed according to [V2G2-754] and if the SECC
wants to change the charging parameters listed in [V2G2-741], it shall use the renegotiation
mechanism defined in this standard.

[V2G2-756] If the SECC receives a SessionSetupReq including a SessionID value which is not equal to
zero (0) and not equal to the SessionID value stored from the preceding V2G Communication
Session, it shall send a SessionID value in the SessionSetupRes message that is unequal to
"0" and unequal to the SessionID value stored from the preceding V2G Communication
Session and indicate the new V2G Communication Session with the ResponseCode set to
"OK_NewSessionEstablished" (refer also to [V2G2-462] for applicability of this response code).

NOTE 4 Refer to subclause 8.8.3 for additional requirements relative to the usage of in Part 2 defined response codes
applicable to the parameter SessionID.

8.4.3 Common Messages Overview

Messages defined as common messages can be applied to the message sequence in any charging mode
defined in ISO 15118. SessionSetupReq/Res SessionSetupReq

By using the SessionSetupReq message the EVCC establishes a V2G Communication Session.

[V2G2-188] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined Table 104
and according to Figure 23.


SessionSetupReq EVCCID

Figure 23 — Schema Diagram – SessionSetupReq

[V2G2-189] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 26.

Table 26 — Semantics and type definition for SessionSetupReq

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: Specifies the EV’s identification in a readable
evccIDType format. It contains the MAC address of the
EVCCID hexBinary (max length: 6) EVCC as six hexBinary encoded bytes, i.e. the
element shall have a length of six bytes.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type

[V2G2-879] The EVCC shall transmit an EVCCID with six byte in length, and it shall fill it with its MAC

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) SessionSetupRes

By using the SessionSetupRes the SECC responds to a SessionSetupReq. With the SessionSetupRes the
SECC notifies the EVCC with an enclosed ResponseCode, whether establishing a new session or joining a
previous Communication Session was successful or not.

[V2G2-190] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 24.



SessionSetupRes EVSEID

EVSETim eStam p

Figure 24 — Schema Diagram – SessionSetupRes

[V2G2-191] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 27

Table 27 — Semantics and type definition for SessionSetupRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the acknowledgment
ResponseCode enumeration status of any of the V2G messages received by
refer to Annex C.6 for the type the SECC.
Any ID that uniquely identifies the EVSE and
the power outlet the vehicle is connected to.
simpleType: The format of this message element is defined
EVSEID evseIDType in Annex H. If an SECC cannot provide such ID
string (min length: 7, max length:37) data, the value of the EVSEID is set to zero

Timestamp of the current SECC time. Format is
“Unix Time Stamp”.
This message element may be used by the
EVCC to decide whether a specific contract
simpleType certificate can be used for contract based
long charging during the current communication
refer to Annex C.6 for the type session.
definition Based on this information the EVCC might
implement a strategy when certificate updates
are required.
Based on this information the EV might
synchronize its local time, if no other means are
available in the EV.

[V2G2-192] The SECC and the EVCC shall use the format for EVSEID as defined in Annex H.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) ServiceDiscoveryReq/Res ServiceDiscoveryReq/Res Handling

The Service Discovery enables the EVCC to find all services provided by the SECC. This document only
describes relevant aspects of the interface between EVCC and SECC with regards to charging the EV.
Nevertheless the basis for discovery of future value added services is already considered and offers means
for extensibility. Therefore the Service Discovery differentiates between various service types and scopes. ServiceDiscoveryReq

By sending the ServiceDiscoveryReq message the EVCC triggers the SECC to send information about all
services offered by the SECC. Furthermore, the EVCC can limit for particular services by using the service
scope and service type elements.

[V2G2-193] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 25.



Figure 25 — Schema Diagram – ServiceDiscoveryReq

[V2G2-194] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 28.


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Table 28 — Semantics and type definition for ServiceDiscoveryReq

Element Name Type Semantic

Defines the scope of the Service Discovery. A
scope is defined by a unique URI which
corresponds to a service provider (e.g. mobility
simpleType: provider, Value Added Service provider etc.).
serviceScopeType By applying a scope to the service discovery the
ServiceScope string (max length: 32) resulting list of services returned in the
ServiceDiscoveryRes can be limited to a certain
refer to Annex C.6 for the type scope, thus enables pre-filtering. The SECC
definition always returns all supported services for all
scopes if no specific ServiceScope has been
indicated in request message.
The definition of an URI adheres to IETF RFC
1630 and is implementation specific.
Defines the service category for the Service
Discovery (e.g. EV charging, internet access
etc.). By applying a category to the Service
Discovery the resulting list of services returned in
ServiceCategory enumeration the ServiceDiscoveryRes can be limited to a
refer to Annex C.6 for the type certain category of services, thus enables pre-
definition filtering. The SECC always returns all supported
services for all categories if no specific category
has been indicated in request message by using
the ServiceCategory message element. ServiceDiscoveryRes

After receiving the ServiceDisoveryReq message of the EVCC the SECC sends the ServiceDiscoveryRes
message. In case of a successful service discovery, the response lists all available services of the SECC for
the defined criteria. In case the service discovery failed the service list is empty and the ResponseCode
indicates potential reasons.

[V2G2-195] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 26.



Paym entOptionList


Figure 26 — Schema Diagram – ServiceDiscoveryRes

[V2G2-196] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 29.


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Table 29 — Semantics and type definition for ServiceDiscoveryRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the
ResponseCode enumeration acknowledgment status of any of the V2G
refer to Annex C.6 for the type messages received by the SECC.
This element includes the list of payment
complexType: options an SECC offers to the EVCC
PaymentOptionListType indicating what method could be chosen
to pay for the services. The EVCC can
refer to only select one payment method for all
services used by the EVCC.
ChargeServiceType Available charging services supported by
the EVSE.
refer to subclause
A list containing information on all other
services than charging services offered by
the EVSE. The returned service list is a
ServiceList ServiceListType filtered list based on the ServiceScope
refer to subclause and ServiceType indicated in the
ServiceDiscoveryReq message.
The number of service elements is limited
to eight ServiceDetailReq/Res ServiceDetailReq

By sending the ServiceDetailReq message the EVCC requests the SECC to send specific additional
information about services offered by the EVSE.

[V2G2-197] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 27.


ServiceDetailReq ServiceID

Figure 27 — Schema Diagram – ServiceDetailReq

[V2G2-198] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 30.

Table 30 — Semantics and type definition for ServiceDetailReq

Element Name Type Semantic

serviceIDType This element identifies a service which has been
ServiceID unsignedShort offered by the SECC in the ServiceDiscoveryRes
refer to Annex C.6 for the type message.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) ServiceDetailRes

After receiving the ServiceDetailReq message of an EVCC the SECC sends the ServiceDetailRes message
and provides details about services.

[V2G2-199] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 28.



ServiceDetailRes ServiceID

ServiceParam eterList

Figure 28 — Schema Diagram – ServiceDetailRes

[V2G2-200] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 31.

Table 31 — Semantics and type definition for ServiceDetailRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the
ResponseCode enumeration acknowledgment status of any of the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type V2G messages received by the SECC.
serviceIDType This element identifies a service which
ServiceID unsignedShort has been offered by the SECC in the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type ServiceDiscoveryRes message.

complexType: Includes the list of parameters for a

ServiceParameterListType specific serviceID received from the
SECC in the ServiceDiscoveryRes
refer to subclause message. PaymentServiceSelectionReq/Res Payment and Service Selection Handling


Based on the provided services and the corresponding payment options by the SECC this message pair
allows the transmission of the selected PaymentOption, SelectedServices and related ParameterSets.
Depending on the selected payment additional messages (PaymentDetails message pair) are exchanged. PaymentServiceSelectionReq

This request message transports the information on the selected services and on how all the selected
services are paid (see subclause

[V2G2-201] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined Table 104
and according to Figure 29.

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Paym entServiceSelectionReqType

SelectedPaym entOption
Paym entServiceSelectionReq

Figure 29 — Schema Diagram – PaymentServiceSelectionReq

[V2G2-202] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 32.

Table 32 — Semantics and type definition for PaymentServiceSelectionReq

Element Name Type Semantics

paymentOptionType This element is used for indicating
the payment type selected for the
SelectedPaymentOption enumeration use of all selected services in the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type selectedServiceList.

complexType: List contains all selected

ServiceIDs and the optional
SelectedServiceList SelectedServiceListType
parameterSetID for applicable for
refer to subclause the respective serviceID. PaymentServiceSelectionRes

With this message the SECC informs the EVCC whether the selected services and payment option were
accepted. Depending on the selected payment additional messages (PaymentDetails message pair) are

[V2G2-203] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 30.

Paym entServiceSelectionResType

Paym entServiceSelectionRes ResponseCode

Figure 30 — Schema Diagram – PaymentServiceSelectionRes

[V2G2-204] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 33.


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Table 33 — Semantics and type definition for PaymentServiceSelectionRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the
ResponseCode enumeration acknowledgment status of any of the V2G
refer to Annex C.6 for the type messages received by the SECC.
definition PaymentDetailsReq/Res PaymentDetailsReq/Res Handling

The payment details message pattern is only used when some particular payment details have to be
exchanged (e.g. in case of contract based charging an eMAID would be necessary). PaymentDetailsReq

With the PaymentDetailsReq the EVCC provides the payment details in case the selected payment was
“Contract”. By sending the signature certificate chain and eMAID, the EVCC requests the SECC to send a

[V2G2-205] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined Table 104
and according to Figure 31.

Paym entDetailsReqType

Paym entDetailsReq

Figure 31 — Schema Diagram – PaymentDetailsReq

[V2G2-206] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 34.

Table 34 — Semantics and type definition for PaymentDetailsReq

Element Name Type Semantics


This element identifies the charging
eMAID string (min length: 14, max contract. The format is defined in
length: 15) Annex H.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type
This element contains the Contract
ContractSignatureCertChain CertificateChainType
Certificate and optional SubCertificates
refer to subclause PaymentDetailsRes

With the PaymentDetailsRes the SECC informs the EVCC whether the previously provided payment details
were accepted or not. The SECC sends also a challenge in the form of a random number, which has to be
signed by the EVCC.

[V2G2-208] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 32.

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Paym entDetailsResType


Paym entDetailsRes GenChallenge

EVSETim eStam p

Figure 32 — Schema Diagram – PaymentDetailsRes

[V2G2-209] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 35.

Table 35 — Semantics and type definition for PaymentDetailsRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the
ResponseCode enumeration acknowledgment status of any of the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type V2G messages received by the SECC.
The challenge sent by the SECC. This
GenChallenge base64Binary element contains the generated random

(length 16) number.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type
Timestamp of the current SECC time.
Format is “Unix Time Stamp”.
This message element may be used by
the EVCC to understand, why the SECC
has not accepted the transferred
simpleType contract certificate and/or chain (as
transferred from EVCC to SECC in
long message “PaymentDetailsReq”.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type Based on this information the EVCC
definition might implement a strategy when
certificate updates are required (for
future sessions).
Based on this information the EV might
synchronize its local time, if no other
means are available in EV.

[V2G2-825] The GenChallenge field shall be exactly 128 bits long.

[V2G2-826] The entropy of the GenChallenge field shall be at least 120 bits.

[V2G2-898] In case of PnC, the EVCC shall send its Contract Certificate including the certificate chain (up
to, but not including the root certificate) in the element ContractSignatureCertChain of the
message PaymentDetailsReq.

[V2G2-899] In case of PnC, the SECC shall receive the Contract Certificate including its certificate chain in
the element ContractSignatureCertChain of the message PaymentDetailsReq. It shall validate
the certificate including its chain, verify that it traces back to a trusted Mobility Operator Root
Certificate. If any of the aforementioned verifications and validations fail, the SECC shall
consider the Contract Certificate as invalid. It shall also not use said Contract Certificate for any
further verifications.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) AuthorizationReq/Res AuthorizationReq

If a generated challenge was sent by the SECC in a previous message, the EVCC sends back this challenge
and the respective signature. Otherwise, the message is empty.

[V2G2-210] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 33.





Figure 33 — Schema Diagram – AuthorizationReq

[V2G2-211] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 36.

Table 36 — Semantics and type definition for AuthorizationReq

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: Optional:
ID This attribute is used for referencing
Id string the message body in the signature
refer to Annex C.6 for the type header when a signature needs to
definition be applied.

The challenge sent by the SECC in
GenChallenge base64Binary
PaymentDetailsRes message. This
(length 16)
element contains the generated
refer to Annex C.6 for the type random number.

[V2G2-697] The GenChallenge field shall be exactly 128 bits long.

[V2G2-698] The entropy of the GenChallenge field shall be at least 120 bits. AuthorizationRes

Finally, the SECC verifies the challenge signature (and the certificate with its chain if not done before) and
sends the corresponding authorization response message.

[V2G2-212] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 34.


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Figure 34 — Schema Diagram – AuthorizationRes

[V2G2-213] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 37.

Table 37 — Semantics and type definition for AuthorizationRes

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: Parameter indicating that the EVSE
EVSEProcessingType has finished the processing that was
EVSEProcessing enumeration initiated after the AuthorizationReq or
refer to Annex C.6 for the type if the EVSE is still processing at the
definition time, the response message was sent.

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the
ResponseCode enumeration acknowledgment status of any of the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type V2G messages received by the SECC.

[V2G2-900] In case of PnC, and if it sends a challenge previously received from the SECC, the EVCC shall
sign the body element of the AuthorizationReq using the Contract Certificate private key it has
sent in PaymentDetailsReq in this session.

[V2G2-901] In case of PnC, the SECC shall verify, that the body element of the AuthorizationReq is
correctly signed by the private key corresponding to the Contract Certificate previously received
in the PaymentDetailsReq message in this session, and that the GenChallenge field has the
same content as the GenChallenge field the SECC has previously sent in the
PaymentsDetailsRes message. If any of the aforementioned verifications and validations fail,
the SECC shall consider the Signature as invalid. See also [V2G2-475]. ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq/Res ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq/Res Handling

After being authorized for charging at the EVSE (SECC) the EVCC and the SECC negotiate the charging
parameters with the ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq/Res message pair.

Concepts treated for an optimal supply of energy that corresponds to the customer needs:

The charging parameters negotiation that precedes the delivery of energy or may be engaged during the
energy delivery phase is destined to ensure that the client will be satisfied while at the same time ensuring
that the energy will effectively be available and fall within the capacity of power supply grid at the local level
(private network) and at the regional level (public network). This required negotiation will become more and
more necessary as the number of EVs increases, as well as local renewable volatile production.

Initially, before the onset of the energy supply, the EV will negotiate with EVSE operator, and third party actors
indirectly, to fit to the known or predicted available electric power. The available energy may evolve once the
charging has started due to sudden lack of power source, or increase in demand of other consumptions (e.g.
other EV arrival). New negotiation shall be allowed to cope with difficulties encountered, locally or regionally.

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Such re-negotiation shall be included within the communication protocol between EVSE and EV during the
charging period. Upper level systems, to be designed in the future, using this protocol, will manage to combine
these functions in order to reach the optimum between satisfaction of end user needs and other constraints. ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq

By sending the ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq message the EVCC provides its charging parameters to the
SECC. This message provides status information about the EV and additional charging parameters, like
estimated energy amounts for recharging the vehicle, capabilities of the EV charging system and the point in
time the vehicle operator intends to leave the EVSE.

[V2G2-214] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 35.

[V2G2-215] If there is no DepartureTime information available the EVCC shall not include this message
element in the ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq message.

[V2G2-761] If the EVCC does not send a departure time as part of the ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq, the
SECC shall assume that the EV intends to begin charging without any delay.

ChargeParam eterDiscoveryReqType


ChargeParam eterDiscoveryReq RequestedEnergyTransferMode

v2gci_t:EVChargeParam eter

AC_EVChargeParam eter

DC_EVChargeParam eter

Figure 35 — Schema Diagram – ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq

[V2G2-216] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 38.


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Table 38 — Semantics and type definition for ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: Indicates the maximal number of
entries in the SAScheduleTuple
MaxEntriesSAScheduleTuple (applies for both Pmax and Tariff).
refer to Annex C.6 for the type
The EVSE can transmit up to the
maximum number of entries
defined in the parameter.
EnergyTransferModeType Selected energy transfer mode for
RequestedEnergyTransferMode enumeration charging that is requested by the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type EVCC.
definition and the Table 63
AC_EVChargeParameterType This element is used by the EVCC
AC_EVChargeParameter substitutes abstract type for initiating the target setting
EV_ChargeParameterType process for AC charging.
refer to subclause
DC_EVChargeParameterType This element is used by the EVCC
DC_EVChargeParameter substitutes abstract type for initating the target setting
EV_ChargeParameterType process for DC charging.
refer to subclause

The definition of EnergyTransferModeType supports the connectors Type 1, 2, and 3 as defined in IEC 62196-
2 and the connectors as defined in IEC 62196-3 Annex cc, dd, ee, and ff. Based on the supported connectors
the EVCC can choose the charging services as defined in subclause

[V2G2-784] An EVCC shall support 12 entries for PMaxScheduleEntry and SalesTariffEntry elements inside
one SAScheduleTuple if MaxEntriesSAScheduleTuple is not transmitted in

[V2G2-786] An SECC shall support in minimum 12 entries for PMaxScheduleEntry and SalesTariffEntry
elements inside one SAScheduleTuple.

[V2G2-785] If an SECC can not provide the number of entries for PMaxScheduleEntry and SalesTariffEntry
elements inside one SAScheduleTuple that is required by MAXEntriesSAScheduleTuple, it
shall send the maximum number of entries that is supported in SAScheduleTuple. ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes

With the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message the SECC provides applicable charge parameters from the
grid’s perspective. Next to general charge parameters of the EVSE this optionally includes further information
on cost over time, cost over demand, cost over consumption or a combination of these. The term cost refers
to any kind of cost (see subclause specified in this version of the standard and is not limited to
monetary costs. Based on this cost information the EV may optimize its charging schedule for the requested
amount of energy.

NOTE 1 By "cost", the EVSE may stimulate - not force - the EV to charge in periods where it is advantageous for the
grid (e.g. because in these periods, a lot of wind-power is to be expected, etc.)

[V2G2-218] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 36.


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ChargeParam eterDiscoveryResType



ChargeParam eterDiscoveryRes v2gci_t:SASchedules


v2gci_t:EVSEChargeParam eter

AC_EVSEChargeParam eter

DC_EVSEChargeParam eter

Figure 36 — Schema Diagram – ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes

[V2G2-219] All sales tariffs provided in the SASchedules element shall be originating from the same SA.

[V2G2-220] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 39.

Table 39 — Semantics and type definition for ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes

Element Name Type Semantics

Parameter indicating that the EVSE has

simpleType: finished the processing that was initiated
EVSEProcessingType after the ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq
enumeration or that the EVSE is still processing at
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition the time, the response message was

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the
ResponseCode acknowledgment status of any of the
V2G messages received by the SECC.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition

Includes several tuples of schedules
SAScheduleListType substitutes from secondary actors. The SECC shall
abstract type SASchedulesType only omit the parameter
refer to subclause 'SAScheduleList' in case
EVSEProcessing is set to 'Ongoing'.

AC_EVSEChargeParameterType This element is used by the SECC for
AC_EVSEChargeParameter substitutes abstract type initiating the target setting process for
EVSE_ChargeParameterType AC charging.
refer to subclause
DC_EVSEChargeParameterType This element is used by the SECC for
DC_EVSEChargeParameter substitutes abstract type initating the target setting process for
EVSE_ChargeParameterType DC charging.
refer to subclause
NOTE 2 By using the EVSEProcessing parameter, the EVSE can indicate to the EVCC that the processing is not
finished but a response message has to be sent to fulfil the timeout and performance requirements defined in subclause
8.7.2. This allows continuing the communication session while fulfilling the performance and timeout requirements.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) PowerDeliveryReq/Res PowerDeliveryReq/Res Handling

The Power Delivery message exchange marks the point in time when the EVSE provides voltage to its output
power outlet and the EV can start to recharge its battery.

[V2G2-286] The SAScheduleTupleID element shall identify the selected SAScheduleTuple element (see
subclause in the list of SAScheduleTuple elements (see subclause provided
in the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message (see subclause PowerDeliveryReq

By sending the PowerDeliveryReq the EVCC requests the SECC to provide power on and transmits the
ChargingProfile the EVCC will follow during the charging process.

NOTE 1 The point in time this message is sent does not necessarily correlate with the start of the charging process.
The EV may decide on the basis of its schedule when the charge process starts.

[V2G2-221] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 37.






Figure 37 — Schema Diagram – PowerDeliveryReq

[V2G2-222] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 40.

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Table 40 — Semantics and type definition for PowerDeliveryReq

Element Name Type Semantics

This message element is used to

request the EVSE to fulfill all
conditions that the energy transfer
can start as soon as the EV onboard
system begins to retrieve energy
without any further action to be taken
(i.e. the EVSE is requested to close
simpleType: its contactors successfully).
chargeProgressType If ChargeProgress is equal to ‘Start’
ChargeProgress enumeration the EVSE is requested to prepare the

energy flow for an immediate start, if
refer to Annex C.6 for the type
ChargeProgress is equal to ‘Stop’ the
EVSE is requested to stop the energy
flow, if ChargeProgress is equal to
‘Renegotiate’ the energy flow is
neither stopped nor started, instead
the renegotiation mechanisms defined
in this standard apply.

simpleType: Unique identifier within a charging

SAIDType session for a SAScheduleTuple
SAScheduleTupleID short element. An SAID remains a unique
refer to Annex C.6 for the type identifier for one schedule throughout
definition a charging session.

Allows an EV to reserve a specific
ChargingProfile ChargingProfileType charging profile for the current
refer to subclause charging session (i.e. maximum
amount of power drawn over time).
DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameter This element is used by the EVCC for
substitutes abstract type
transmitting the parameters for power
refer to subclause
NOTE 2 In Part 1 of the this standard the term 'ChargingProfile' is also referred to as 'charging schedule'. Refer to
Part 1 for the description of 'charging schedule'. PowerDeliveryRes

After receiving the PowerDeliveryReq message of the EVCC the SECC sends the PowerDeliveryRes
message including information if power will be available.

[V2G2-223] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 38.

Pow erDeliveryResType

Pow erDeliveryRes



Figure 38 — Schema Diagram – PowerDeliveryRes

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[V2G2-224] The SECC shall always accept the ChargingProfile of the EVCC (see subclause if it
does not exceed the PMax values of all PMaxScheduleEntry elements (see subclause according to the chosen SAScheduleTuple element (see subclause in the
last ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message sent by the SECC (see subclause

[V2G2-777] The maximum delay time allowed for the EV to adjust to a new nominal power level (falling
edge) during charging shall be 5 seconds. Only if the delay time is exceeded and the power
drawn by the EV exceeds the nominal value by more than 10%, the EVSE may drop the EV.

[V2G2-225] The SECC shall send the negative ResponseCode FAILED_ChargingProfileInvalid in the
PowerDelivery response message if the EVCC sends a ChargingProfile (see subclause which is not adhering to the PMax values of all PMaxScheduleEntry elements (see
subclause according to the chosen SAScheduleTuple element (see subclause in the last ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message sent by the SECC (see

[V2G2-226] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 41.

Table 41 — Semantics and type definition for PowerDeliveryRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the acknowledgment
ResponseCode enumeration status of any of the V2G messages received by
refer to Annex C.6 for the type the SECC.
AC_EVSEStatusType This element is used by the SECC for indicating
AC_EVSEStatus substitutes abstract type the EVSE status and for signalling an event the
EVSEStatusType SECC expects the EVCC to react to.
refer to subclause
DC_EVSEStatusType This element is used by the SECC for indicating
DC_EVSEStatus substitutes abstract type the EVSE status and for signalling an event the
EVSEStatusType SECC expects the EVCC to react to.
refer to subclause CertificateUpdateReq/Res CertificateUpdateReq/Res Handling

Updating the certificate of the EVCC is required when the certificate is still valid but is about to expire. In this
use case the EVCC requests new certificate from the SECC to be installed into the EVCC.

[V2G2-227] The EVCC shall request the required certificate at the SECC, provided the SECC offers this
service as previously indicated in the element ServiceList in the message

NOTE 1 If the SECC is not able to deliver the requested certificate an appropriate error handling has to be performed,
see [V2G2-471]. If an EVSE is not able to support this function in general, it should be marked for instance as “offline
EVSE” (e.g. by an label at the EVSE).

NOTE 2 It is only allowed to use the Certificate Update (as described here) if the ContractSignatureCertChain is not
corrupted; i.e. they shall be fully valid to perform this procedure. Otherwise, the same procedure has to be used as for the
initial storage of the Contract Certificate in the EVCC. One possibility to do this is using the message types
CertificateInstallationReq and CertificateInstallationRes.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) CertificateUpdateReq

By sending the CertificateUpdateReq the vehicle requests the SECC to deliver new certificate that belongs to
the currently valid contract of the vehicle.

[V2G2-228] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 39.







Figure 39 — Schema Diagram –CertificateUpdateReq

[V2G2-229] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 42.

[V2G2-888] The EVCC shall sign the body element of CertificateUpdateReq using the Contract Certificate
for which this update is requested.

[V2G2-889] The Provisioning Service shall verify the signature of the body element of CertificateUpdateReq
using the included Contract Certificate from the field ContractSignatureCertChain. The
Provisioning Service shall validate said Certificate including the chain from the same field and
ensure that it traces back to a trusted Mobility Operator Root CA. If any of the aforementioned
fails, the Certificate Provisioning Service shall regard the signature as invalid, abort, and induce
the SECC to return an error.


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Table 42 — Semantics and type definition for CertificateUpdateReq

Element Name Type Semantics

ID This element is used for referencing
the entire message body in the
Id string message header when a signature
refer to Annex C.6 for the type needs to be applied.
Contains the currently available
signature certificate including the
certificate chain in the EVCC. The
complexType: SECC uses this certificate(chain) to
ContractSignatureCertChain CertificateChainType check the message signature included
in the header of the message.
refer to subclause
The complete chain is transmitted to
allow stand-alone verification of the
This element identifies the charging
eMAID string (min length: 14, max contract. The format is defined in
length: 15) Annex H.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type
complexType: This list contains the Certificate IDs of
ListOfRootCertificateIDs ListOfRootCertificateIDsType all Root Certificates currently installed
refer to subclause in the EVCC. CertificateUpdateRes

After receiving the CertificateUpdateReq of the EVCC the SECC retrieves the requested certificate from the
SA. It therefore needs to establish an online connection. Then the SECC sends the CertificateUpdateRes
including the new certificate to the EVCC. Finally the EVCC installs this certificate.

[V2G2-230] The EVCC shall possess a certificate and corresponding private key usable for signature and

key agreement to support the decryption of encrypted information.

[V2G2-231] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 40.





CertificateUpdateRes ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey




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Figure 40 — Schema Diagram – CertificateUpdateRes

[V2G2-232] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 43.

[V2G2-928] If the ResponseCode in this messages indicates failure (i.e. starts with FAILED), the EVCC
shall ignore all other elements except the RetryCounter.

Table 43 — Semantics and type definition for CertificateUpdateRes

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: ResponseCode indicating the

responseCodeType acknowledgment status of any of
enumeration the V2G messages received by the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition SECC.

complexType: The transmitted certificate chain is

SAProvisioningCertificateChain CertificateChainType used by the EVCC to verify the
refer to subclause signature in the message header.

complexType: The new certificate chain for

ContractSignatureCertChain CertificateChainType signature purposes that has to be
refer to subclause installed in the EVCC.

The private key that belongs to the

new certificate for signature
purposes. It has to be installed in
the EVCC as well.
This is secret data that has to be
complexType: encrypted using the old Contract
ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKeyType Certificate of the EVCC (based on
refer to subclause ContractSignatureCertChain
contained in message
CertificateUpdateReq) and using
the calculated DH secret for
encryption as described in

Diffie Hellman ephemeral public

complexType: key parameter from the SA for
DiffieHellmanPublickeyType generating the session key at the
EVCC in order to encrypt the
refer to for the type definition Contract Signature Private Key at
the SA and decrypt it a the EVCC.

complexType: This element identifies the

eMAID EMAIDType charging contract. The format is
refer to for the type definition defined in Annex H.

If the ResponseCode was
or “FAILED_ContractCanceled”,
this field contains information,
when the EVCC should try to get
RetryCounter short the new certificate again. The
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition following entries are possible:
x > 0: after “x” days
0: immediately (at next
-1: never

[V2G2-233] The SECC shall request the required certificate at a secondary actor..

[V2G2-696] When there is a failed response, the response message shall also provide the RetryCounter

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NOTE 1 The SECC offers the service for certificate installation or update only in case it has connectivity to the issuing
mobility operator.

NOTE 2 If the SECC is not able to deliver the requested certificate an appropriate error handling has to be performed,
see [V2G2-469]. If an EVSE is not able to support this function in general, it should be marked for instance as “offline
EVSE” (e.g. by an label at the EVSE).

NOTE 3 It is only allowed to use the Certificate Update (as described here) if the ContractSignatureCert was not
corrupted; i.e. they shall be fully valid to perform this procedure. Otherwise, the same procedure has to be used as for the
initial storage of the Contract Certificate in the EVCC. One possibility to do this is using the message types
CertificateInstallationReq and CertificateInstallationRes.

[V2G2-827] A contract certificate intended to replace a contract certificate already installed in a vehicle shall
be usable (validity period) by an EV as soon as it has been transmitted with the

NOTE 4 This is to prevent that the EVCC is required to store and manage two contract certificates at once.

[V2G2-890] The Certificate Provisioning Service shall sign the following elements of the
CertificateUpdateRes Message: ContractSignatureCertChain,
ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey, DHpublickey, eMAID. It shall include the certificate
chain for verification of this signature in the field SAProvisioningCertChain. The Certificate
Provisioning Service also shall verify that the data, which is covered by the signature, is
received from the preceding Secondary Actor in an authentic manner.

[V2G2-891] The EVCC shall verify the signature of the CertificateUpdateRes Message using the signer
certificate chain SAProvisioningCertChain, validate said chain and ensure that it traces back to
a valid V2G Root Certificate. It shall ensure that the signer certificate has a DC
(DomainComponent) field with the content "CPS" set. It shall ensure that exactly the following
elements are included in the signature: ContractSignatureCertChain,
ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey, DHpublickey, ContractID. The EVCC shall validate the
signer certificate and ensure that it traces back to a trusted V2G Root Certificate. If any of the
aforementioned fails, the EVCC shall regard the message as invalid, and discard the message.
Else, the EVCC shall store the parts of the certificate chain that it does not already have.

[V2G2-892] The ContractSignatureCertChain received in the CertificateUpdateRes Message shall be stored

persistently in such a way, that it can be applied later on for the purpose of verifying tariff
tables. The Mobility Operator Sub-CA2 certificate is required to verify tariff tables.

NOTE 5 It is not required that the EVCC is able to verify the certificate it has received. It is the task of the Certificate
Provisioning Service to provide only valid certificates. CertificateInstallationReq/Res CertificateInstallationReq/Res Handling

Installing the contract certificate into the EVCC is required if EVCC currently does not possess a valid contract
certificate; e.g. because no contract certificate is stored, or existing contract certificates are expired or
revoked. In this use case the EVCC requests the certificate from the SECC to be installed into the EVCC. This
procedure typically happens before charging since charging with authorisation can only be started if a valid
certificate is available in the EVCC. The SECC may have to request the certificate from a SA and they may
have to be created by this SA. After installation of this certificate, the charging process at the EVSE the EV it
is connected to may start.

NOTE 1 It is the decision of the OEM whether an OEMProvisioningCert is used. If the OEM decides to do so, the
procedure described here may be used for the installation of the Contract Certificate. If no OEMProvisioningCert is
available in the EVCC, this procedure can not be used and the initial Contract Certificate has to be installed into the
EVCC by other means. Other mechanisms than using an OEMProvisioningCert for installing the Contract Certificate are
out of scope of this standard. For details on OEM Provisioning Certificates refer to Annex 0.

[V2G2-234] The SECC shall request the required certificate at a secondary actor if it has online capabilities.


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NOTE 2 If the SECC is not able to deliver the requested certificate an appropriate error handling has to be performed.
If an EVSE is not able to support this function in general, it should be marked for instance as “offline EVSE” (e.g. by a
label at the EVSE). If the EVCC does not possess a valid certificate assigned with its contract, it is not able to use plug
and charge until a certificate installation process is performed successfully.

NOTE 3 For a more detailed explanation of the certificate installation process, see Annex 0. CertificateInstallationReq

By sending the CertificateInstallationReq the vehicle requests the SECC to deliver the certificate that belong
to the currently valid contract of the vehicle.

[V2G2-235] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 41.







Figure 41 — Schema Diagram – CertificateInstallationReq

[V2G2-236] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 44.

Table 44 — Semantics and type definition for CertificateInstallationReq

Element Name Type Semantics

ID This element is used for referencing the
entire message body in the message
Id string header when a signature needs to be
refer to Annex C.6 for the type applied.
An EV specific certificate that was
earlier installed in the EVCC typically by
an OEM. The ID of this certificate
together with the information stored at
the SA (contract partner) is used to
simpleType identify the currently valid contract of
certificateType the EV.
base64Binary The certificate ID is given to the SA by
(max. length 800) the customer using a different
communication channel. The certificate
refer to Annex C.6 for the type
itself (i.e. its public key) is used to
encrypt in the CertificateInstallationRes
later on.
The certificate is DER encoded.
Please refer also to Annex E.1 and
Annex 0.
complexType: This list contains the Certificate IDs of
ListOfRootCertificateIDs ListOfRootCertificateIDsType all Root Certificates currently installed
refer to subclause in the EVCC.

[V2G2-893] The EVCC shall sign the body element of CertificateInstallationReq using its OEM provisioning

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[V2G2-894] The Certificate Provisioning Service shall verify the signature of the body element of
CertificateInstallationReq using the included OEM Provisioning Certificate from the field
OEMProvisioningCert. The Provisioning Service shall validate said OEM Provisioning
Certificate including the chain from the same field and ensure that it traces back to a trusted
OEM Root Certificate. It shall verify, that the OEM Provisioning Certificate has the DC
(DomainComponent) "OEM" set. If any of the aforementioned fails, the Certificate Provisioning
Service shall regard the signature as invalid, abort, and induce the SECC to return an error. CertificateInstallationRes

After receiving the CertificateInstallationReq from the EVCC, the SECC sends the CertificateInstallationRes
including the requested certificate. Then the EVCC installs this certificate.

There is only one certificate delivered to the EVCC: the one for signing messages. It belongs to the currently
valid contract of the EV.

[V2G2-237] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 42.







Figure 42 — Schema Diagram – CertificateInstallationRes

[V2G2-238] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 45.


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Table 45 —Semantics and type definition for CertificateInstallationRes

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: ResponseCode indicating the

responseCodeType acknowledgment status of any of
enumeration the V2G messages received by the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition SECC.

complexType: The transmitted certificate chain is

SAProvisioningCertificateChain CertificateChainType used by the EVCC to verify the
refer to subclause signature in the message header.

complexType: The new certificate chain for

ContractSignatureCertChain CertificateChainType signature purposes that has to be
refer to subclause installed in the EVCC.

The private key that belongs to the

new certificate for signature
purposes. It has to be installed in
the EVCC as well.
This is secret data and therefore
complexType: has to be encrypted using the
ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKeyType provided OEM Provisioning
refer to subclause Certificate of the EVCC (based on
the OEMProvisioningCert
contained in message Certificate
Installation Request) and using the
calculated DH secret for encryption
as described in

Diffie Hellman public key from the

complexType: SA for generating the session key
DHpublickey DiffieHellmanPublickeyType at the EVCC in order to encrypt the
refer to for the type definition Contract Signature Private Key at
the SA and decrypt it a the EVCC.

complexType: This element identifies the

eMAID EMAIDType charging contract. The format is
refer to for the type definition defined in Annex H.

[V2G2-895] The Certificate Provisioning Service shall sign the following elements of the
CertificateInstallationRes Message using the Provisioning Service Certificate:
ContractSignatureCertChain, ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey, DHpublickey,
ContractID. It shall include the certificate chain for verification of this signature in the field
SAProvisioningCertChain. The Certificate Provisioning Service also shall verify that the data,
which is covered by the signature, is received from the preceding Secondary Actor in an
authentic manner.

[V2G2-896] The EVCC shall verify the signature of the CertificateInstallationRes Message using the signer
certificate chain SAProvisioningCertificateChain, validate said chain, and ensure that it traces
back to a valid V2G Root Certificate. It shall ensure that the signer certificate has a DC
(DomainComponent) field with the content "CPS" set. It shall ensure that exactly the following
elements are included in the signature: ContractSignatureCertChain,
ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey, DHpublickey, ContractID. If any of the aforementioned
fails, the EVCC shall regard the message as invalid, and discard the message. Else, the EVCC
shall store the parts of the certificate chain that it does not already have.

[V2G2-897] The ContractSignatureCertChain received in the CertificateInstallationRes Message shall be

stored persistently in such a way, that it can be applied later on for the purpose of verifying tariff
tables. The Mobility Operator Sub-CA 2 certificate is required to verify tariff tables.

NOTE It is not required that the EVCC is able to verify the certificate it has received. It is the task of the Certificate
Provisioning Service to provide only valid certificates.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) Offline Certificate Installation

As an alternative to the procedure described in this subclause, a Contract Certificate may have to be
transmitted to the vehicle without using the charge protocol. This may be for instance necessary if the
infrastructure, the secondary actor or the vehicle does not support the CertificateInstallationReq / Response.
In such cases the Contract Certificate that has to be installed is transmitted to the customer (e.g. per postal
mail, electronic mail) and then to the EV (e.g. using the diagnosis interface of the vehicle or an internet access
to the vehicle). That means, all these transmissions occur offline and not via the charge protocol. The file
(given to the customer) contains the certificate chain and the corresponding private key (similarly to
CertificateInstallationRes). In order to avoid incompatible file formats and the necessity for the realization of
transformation algorithms, a uniform file format shall be used by all secondary actors when distributing
Contract Certificate files:

[V2G2-648] Whenever a secondary actor distributes a file that contains a Contract Certificate, certificate
chain and private signature key, it shall be provided in a PKCS#12 format.

NOTE It is the decision of the secondary actor whether it encrypts the data contained in this file. If the data is
encrypted, a password has to be delivered to the customer additionally. For the password transmission a sufficiently
secure channel has to be used. Alternatively, the data contained in the PKCS#12-file may not be encrypted but
transmitted to the customer via a secure channel (e.g. delivered personally). SessionStopReq/Res SessionStopReq/Res Handling

This V2G message pair shall be used for terminating a V2G Communication Session initiated by preceding
SessionSetupReq message. SessionStopReq

By sending the SessionStopReq the EVCC requests termination of the charging process.

[V2G2-239] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 43.


SessionStopReq ChargingSession

Figure 43 — Schema Diagram – SessionStopReq

[V2G2-738] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 46 — Semantics and
type definition for SessionStopReq

Table 46 — Semantics and type definition for SessionStopReq

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: ChargingSession indicates the intention

ChargingSessionType of the EVCC to either pause or
enumeration terminate a V2G Communication
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition Session.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) SessionStopRes

After receiving the SessionStopReq of the EVCC the SECC sends the SessionStopRes informing the EVCC if
terminating the charging process was successful.

[V2G2-240] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as in Table 104 and
according to Figure 44.


SessionStopRes ResponseCode

Figure 44 — Schema Diagram – SessionStopRes

[V2G2-241] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 47.

Table 47 — Semantics and type definition for SessionStopRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the
ResponseCode acknowledgment status of any of the
V2G messages received by the SECC.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition MeteringReceiptReq/Res MeteringReceiptReq/Res Handling

When sending a MeteringReceiptReq message the EVCC acknowledges that the data elements MeterInfo
record, SessionID and the SAScheduleTupleID included in the ChargingStatusRes message prior to this
request have been received from the SECC. This confirmation is implemented by applying a signature to the
message body of the MeteringReceiptReq message. The signature applied by the EVCC is intended only to
confirm that the EVCC, together with the currently applied charging contract certificate, which was selected for
this charging session, has received the data elements MeterInfo record, SessionID and the
SAScheduleTupleID included in the Charging Status Res message prior to this request. It is not intended to
confirm that the amount of energy indicated in the previous MeterInfo record is correct in the context of billing.
However, the signed meter info record might be used by any mobility operator for billing purposes in general.
It is out of scope of this standard to define the billing process which is subject to local regulations.

[V2G2-902] The element MeterInfo sent by SECC in the message ChargingStatusRes shall in any case be
exactly the same data which the meter puts out. It shall contain the raw meter reading in a form
which is in general machine readable.

NOTE This would allow the EVCC in general to analyse the meter reading, if desired. MeteringReceiptReq

When sending the MeteringReceiptReq the EVCC confirms that the data elements MeterInfo record,
SessionID and the SAScheduleTupleID have been received from the SECC. This confirmation is implemented
by applying a signature to the message body of the MeteringReceiptReq message.

[V2G2-245] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according Figure 45.


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Figure 45 — Schema Diagram – MeteringReceiptReq

[V2G2-246] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 48.

Table 48 — Semantics and type definition for MeteringReceiptReq

Element Name Type Semantic

simpleType: Optional:
ID This attribute is used for referencing the
string message body in the signature header when
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition a signature needs to be applied.

This message element is used by EVCC and

simpleType: SECC for uniquely identifying a V2G
SessionIDType Communication Session. This element is
SessionID identical with the one included in the
hexBinary (max length: 8) message header. It is placed in the body in
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition addition to be able to apply a signature to it
(complete body is signed).
Unique identifier within a charging session
simpleType: for a SAScheduleTuple element. This
element is just an echo of the value
SAIDType received either in the ChargingStatusRes
short (during AC charging) or the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition CurrentDemandRes (during DC charging)
message from the SECC.
An SAID remains a unique identifier for one
schedule throughout a charging session.
If the SECC indicated in the
ChargingStatusRes (AC charging)/
CurrentDemandRes (DC charging) that a
complexType MeteringReceiptReq is required this
MeterInfo MeterInfoType message element is the echo of the
refer to subclause MeterInfo record received in the
ChargingStatusRes (AC charging)/
CurrentDemandRes (DC charging) from the

[V2G2-776] If included, the message element SAScheduleTupleID shall always be equal to the
SAScheduleTupleID value received in the preceding ChargingStatusRes (AC charging)/
CurrentDemandRes (DC charging) message.

[V2G2-903] The EVCC shall sign the body MeteringReceiptReq message using the private key belonging to
the Contract Certificate it has sent in PaymentDetailsReq in this session.


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[V2G2-904] The SECC/SA may verify the signature of the body element of the MeteringReceiptReq
message using the Contract Certificate it has received in PaymentDetailsReq in this session. If
this verification fails, the metering receipt shall be regarded as invalid.

NOTE 1 The SECC may submit the Contract Certificate to a Secondary Actor along with the signed MeteringReceipt,
so that the Secondary Actor can later re-verify the receipt. In case the Secondary Actor has stored the Contract Certificate
already, an ID and the issuing CA for the Contract Certificate may suffice.

NOTE 2 The EVCC might not be able to verify the signature SigMeterReading, which was generated by the SECC and
which is included in the MeterInfo Element, e.g. because some data necessary for the signature is not transmitted.
Therefore the signature applied by the EVCC in this subclause only serves as an acknowledgement that the EVCC has
seen this data, and does not constitute any assertion of correctness. MeteringReceiptRes

After receiving the MeteringReceiptReq from the EVCC the SECC sends the MeteringReceiptRes informing
the EVCC whether the receipt was successfully received and accepted by the SECC.

[V2G2-247] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 46.





Figure 46 — Schema Diagram – MeteringReceiptRes

[V2G2-248] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 49.

Table 49 — Semantics and type definition for MeteringReceiptRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the acknowledgment
ResponseCode enumeration status of any of the V2G messages received by the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type SECC.
AC_EVSEStatusType This element is used by the SECC for indicating the
AC_EVSEStatus substitutes abstract type EVSE status and for signalling an event the SECC
EVSEStatusType expects the EVCC to react to.
refer to subclause
DC_EVSEStatusType This element is used by the SECC for indicating the
DC_EVSEStatus substitutes abstract type EVSE status and for signalling an event the SECC
EVSEStatusType expects the EVCC to react to.
refer to subclause

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8.4.4 AC-Messages Overview

Messages defined as AC-Messages belong to the AC Message Set(s). ChargingStatusReq/Res ChargingStatusReq/Res Handling

The Charging Status message pair provides sanity checks on the meter readings provided by the SECC. On
the basis of the iteratively exchanged Charging Status messages the EV has means to check and validate the
power drawn from the EVSE. Also, it allows the SECC requesting the EVCC to sign the meter info record
included in the ChargingStatusRes message by using the meter receipt message pair. Usage of this signed
meter information for billing purpose may be subject of regulation in certain countries. In addition the request
message is used to keep a communication session alive (for session handling refer to subclause 8.7.2). ChargingStatusReq

[V2G2-242] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 47.



Figure 47 — Schema Diagram – ChargingStatusReq ChargingStatusRes

After receiving the ChargingStatusReq from the EVCC, the SECC sends the ChargingStatusRes. In case of a
successful Metering Status Request, the response provides the current meter readings from the smart
meter installed in the EVSE. In case the reading of the meter failed no meter reading are provided. The
failure is indicated by the ResponseCode.

[V2G2-243] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 48.

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ChargingStatusRes EVSEMaxCurrent




Figure 48 — Schema Diagram – ChargingStatusRes

[V2G2-244] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 50.

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Table 50 — Semantics and type definition for ChargingStatusRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the
ResponseCode enumeration acknowledgment status of any of the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type V2G messages received by the SECC.
Any ID that uniquely identifies the
simpleType: EVSE and the power outlet the vehicle
evseIDType is connected to. The format of this
EVSEID string (min length: 7, max length:37) message element is defined in
refer to Annex C.6 for the type Annex H. If an SECC cannot provide
definition such ID data, the value of the EVSEID
is set to zero ("ZZ00000").
Unique identifier within a charging
simpleType: session for a SAScheduleTuple
SAIDType element. This is used by the SECC to
indicate which Tariff applies for the
SAScheduleTupleID short
energy currently transferred.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type An SAID remains a unique identifier for
definition one schedule throughout a charging
complexType This element is used by the SECC to
EVSEMaxCurrent PhysicalValueType indicate the maximum line current per
phase the EV can draw. This element is
refer to subclause not included in the message if any AC
PnC Message Set has been selected.

complexType Optional:
MeterInfo MeterInfoType Includes the meterInfo record
containing the latest meter reading and
refer to subclause other meter relevant data.
This element is used by the SECC to
indicate that the EVCC is required to
send a MeteringReceiptReq message
for the purpose of signing the meter
boolean info record. If ReceiptRequired is equal
refer to Annex C.6 for the type to True, the EVCC is required to send a
definition MeteringReceiptReq message including
the a signature. If ReceiptRequired is
equal to False the EVCC is not required
to send a MeteringReceiptReq
This element is used the by the SECC
AC_EVSEStatus substitutes abstract type
for indicating the SECC status.
refer to subclause

8.4.5 DC-Messages Overview

Messages defined as DC-Messages belong to the DC Message Set(s) (for details refer to CableCheckReq/Res CableCheckReq/Res Handling


For a safe DC charging a cable check shall be performed.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) CableCheckReq

The CableCheckReq asks for the cable check status of the EVSE and e.g. tells the EVSE if the connector is
locked on EV side and if the EV is ready to charge.

[V2G2-249] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 49.


CableCheckReq DC_EVStatus

Figure 49 — Schema Diagram – CableCheckReq

[V2G2-250] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 51.

Table 51 — Semantics and type definition for CableCheckReq

Element Name Type Semantics

DC_EVStatus DC_EVStatusType Current status of the EV
refer to subclause CableCheckRes

After receiving the CableCheckReq from the EVCC the SECC sends the CableCheckRes informing the EVCC
about result of cable check and EVSE status.

[V2G2-251] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 50.



CableCheckRes DC_EVSEStatus


Figure 50 — Schema Diagram – CableCheckRes

[V2G2-252] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 52.

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Table 52 — Semantics and type definition for CableCheckRes

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: Parameter indicating that the EVSE has

EVSEProcessingType finished the processing that was initiated after
EVSEProcessing the CableCheckReq or if the EVSE is still
processing at the time, the response message
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition was sent.
responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the
ResponseCode acknowledgment status of any of the V2G
messages received by the SECC.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
DC_EVSEStatus DC_EVSEStatusType Current status of the EVSE
refer to subclause
NOTE By using the EVSEProcessing parameter, the EVSE can indicate to the EVCC that the processing is not
finished but a response message has to be sent to fulfil the timeout and performance requirements defined in subclause
8.7.2. This allows continuing the communication session while fulfilling the performance and timeout requirements. PreChargeReq/Res PreChargeReq/Res Handling

Pre charge is used for adjusting the EVSE output voltage to the EV battery voltage. PreChargeReq

The PreChargeReq is used to start the Pre Charge process from EV side.

[V2G2-253] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as in Table 104 and
according to Figure 51.



PreChargeReq EVTargetVoltage


Figure 51 — Schema Diagram – PreChargeReq

[V2G2-254] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 53.

Table 53 — Semantics and type definition for PreChargeReq

Element Name Type Semantics

DC_EVStatus DC_EVStatusType Current status of the EV
refer to subclause
EVTargetVoltage PhysicalValueType Target Voltage requested by EV
refer to subclause

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EVTargetCurrent PhysicalValueType Current demanded by EV
refer to subclause PreChargeRes

After receiving the PreChargeReq from the EVCC the SECC sends the PreChargeRes informing the EV about
the EVSE status and the present EVSE output voltage.

[V2G2-255] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 52.



PreChargeRes DC_EVSEStatus


Figure 52 — Schema Diagram – PreChargeRes

[V2G2-256] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 54.

Table 54 — Semantics and type definition for PreChargeRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the acknowledgment
ResponseCode status of any of the V2G messages received by
the SECC.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
DC_EVSEStatus DC_EVSEStatusType Current status of the EVSE
refer to subclause
Output voltage of the EVSE as defined in
EVSEPresentVoltage PhysicalValueType
IEC CDV 61851-23.
refer to subclause CurrentDemandReq/Res CurrentDemandReq/Res Handling

For DC charging control cyclic exchange of the requested current from EV side is necessary. Also the target
voltage and the difference in current and voltages is transferred. CurrentDemandReq

By sending the CurrentDemandReq the EV requests a certain current from the EVSE. Also the target voltage,
current and voltage difference are transferred.

[V2G2-257] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 53.

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CurrentDem andReqType



EVMaxim um VoltageLim it

EVMaxim um CurrentLim it

EVMaxim um Pow erLim it

CurrentDem andReq
BulkChargingCom plete

ChargingCom plete

Rem ainingTim eToFullSoC

Rem ainingTim eToBulkSoC


Figure 53 — Schema Diagram – CurrentDemandReq

[V2G2-258] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 55.


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Table 55 — Semantics and type definition for CurrentDemandReq

Element Name Type Semantics

DC_EVStatus DC_EVStatusType Current status of the EV
refer to subclause
Instantaneous current requested by the
EVTargetCurrent PhysicalValueType
refer to subclause
EVMaximumVoltageLimit PhysicalValueType
Maximum voltage allowed by the EV
refer to subclause
EVMaximumCurrentLimit PhysicalValueType
Maximum current allowed by the EV
refer to subclause
EVMaximumPowerLimit PhysicalValueType
Maximum power allowed by the EV
refer to subclause
simpleType Optional:
BulkChargingComplete boolean If set to TRUE, the EV indicates that bulk
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition charge (approx. 80% SOC) is complete.

If set to TRUE, the EV indicates that full
ChargingComplete boolean
charge (100% SOC) is complete.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
complexType Optional:
RemainingTimeToFullSoC PhysicalValueType Estimated or calculated time until full
refer to subclause charge (100% SOC) is complete

complexType Optional:
RemainingTimeToBulkSoC PhysicalValueType Estimated or calculated time until bulk
refer to subclause charge (approx. 80% SOC) is complete

EVTargetVoltage PhysicalValueType Target voltage requested by the EV.
refer to subclause CurrentDemandRes

After receiving the CurrentDemandReq from the EVCC the SECC sends the CurrentDemandRes informing
the EV about the EVSE status and the present EVSE output voltage and current.

[V2G2-259] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 54.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

CurrentDem andResType





EVSECurrentLim itAchieved

EVSEVoltageLim itAchieved

EVSEPow erLim itAchieved

CurrentDem andRes
EVSEMaxim um VoltageLim it

EVSEMaxim um CurrentLim it

EVSEMaxim um Pow erLim it





Figure 54 — Schema Diagram – CurrentDemandRes

[V2G2-260] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 56.

Table 56 — Semantics and type definition for CurrentDemandRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the
ResponseCode acknowledgment status of any of the V2G
messages received by the SECC.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
DC_EVSEStatus DC_EVSEStatusType Current status of the EVSE
refer to subclause
Present output voltage of the EVSE. Refer to
EVSEPresentVoltage PhysicalValueType
SAE – ISO Mapping Table
refer to subclause

Present output current of the EVSE. Refer to

EVSEPresentCurrent PhysicalValueType
SAE – ISO Mapping Table
refer to subclause

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Element Name Type Semantics

If set to TRUE, the EVSE has reached its
EVSECurrentLimitAchieved boolean
current limit.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
If set to TRUE, the EVSE has reached its
EVSEVoltageLimitAchieved boolean
voltage limit
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
If set to TRUE, the EVSE has reached its
EVSEPowerLimitAchieved boolean
power limit
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
EVSEMaximumVoltageLimit PhysicalValueType
Maximum voltage the EVSE can deliver
refer to subclause

EVSEMaximumCurrentLimit PhysicalValueType
Maximum current the EVSE can deliver
refer to subclause
EVSEMaximumPowerLimit PhysicalValueType
Maximum power the EVSE can deliver
refer to subclause
Any ID that uniquely identifies the EVSE and
simpleType: the power outlet the vehicle is connected to.
evseIDType The format of this message element is
hexBinary (max length:32) defined in Annex H.2. If an SECC cannot
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition provide such ID data, the value of the
EVSEID is set to zero (00hex).
Unique identifier within a charging session
simpleType: for a SAScheduleTuple element. This is
SAIDType used by the SECC to indicate which tariff
short applies for the energy currently transferred.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition An SAID remains a unique identifier for one
schedule throughout a charging session.

complexType Optional:
MeterInfo MeterInfoType Includes the MeterInfo record containing the
latest meter reading and other meter
refer to subclause relevant data.
This element is used by the SECC to
indicate that the EVCC is required to send a
MeteringReceiptReq message for the
purpose of signing the meter info record. If
ReceiptRequired boolean ReceiptRequired is equal to True, the EVCC
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition is required to send a MeteringReceiptReq
message including a signature. If
ReceiptRequired is equal to False the EVCC
is not required to send a
MeteringReceiptReq message. WeldingDetectionReq/Res WeldingDetectionReq/Res Handling

The Welding Detection messages described in this subclause allow to implement the Welding Detection
mechanism according to IEC CDV 61851-23. WeldingDetectionReq

By sending the WeldingDetectionReq the EV requests welding detection on EVSE side.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

[V2G2-261] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 55.


WeldingDetectionReq DC_EVStatus

Figure 55 — Schema Diagram – WeldingDetectionReq

[V2G2-262] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 57.

Table 57 — Semantics and type definition for WeldingDetectionReq

Element Name Type Semantics

DC_EVStatus DC_EVStatusType Current status of the EV
refer to subclause Welding Detection Response

After receiving the WeldingDetectionReq from the EVCC, the SECC sends the Welding Detection Response
informing the EV about the EVSE status and the present EVSE output voltage.

[V2G2-263] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement the mandatory messages and message elements as defined in
Table 104 and according to Figure 56.



WeldingDetectionRes DC_EVSEStatus


Figure 56 — Schema Diagram – WeldingDetectionRes

[V2G2-264] The message elements of this message shall be used as defined in Table 58.


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Table 58 — Semantics and type definition for WeldingDetectionRes

Element Name Type Semantics

responseCodeType ResponseCode indicating the acknowledgment
ResponseCode status of any of the V2G messages received by
the SECC.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
DC_EVSEStatus DC_EVSEStatusType Current status of the EVSE
refer to subclause
Present voltage of EVSE, refers to SAE Voltage
EVSEPresentVoltage PhysicalValueType
refer to subclause

8.5 Complex data types

8.5.1 Overview

In this clause complex data types are defined which are used in the messages. Complex data types are
composed of several elements which themselves are based on simple data types.

8.5.2 Common ServiceType

This Type represents a tag for a specific service. It gives a short definition and identification of a specific

[V2G2-265] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 57.


ServiceNam e

ServiceType ServiceCategory



Figure 57 — Schema Diagram – ServiceType

[V2G2-266] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 59.


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Table 59 —Semantics and type definition for ServiceType

Element Name Type Semantics

ServiceID unsignedShort Unique identifier of the service
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
serviceNameType Optional:
string (max length: 32) Human readable service name
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
serviceCategoryType Category of a service, corresponds to the defined
enumeration services, derived from the base service
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
serviceScopeType Optional:
string (max length: 64) Additional information about usage of that service
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
This element is used by the SECC to indicate if a
service can be used by the EVCC free of charge or
simpleType: not. If FreeService is equal to true, the EV can use
FreeService boolean the offered service without payment. If FreeService
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition is equal to false, the service, if used by the EV, will
be billed using the payment method negotiated
using the payment option message element. ServiceListType

[V2G2-267] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 58.

ServiceListType Service


Figure 58 — Schema Diagram – ServiceListType

[V2G2-268] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 60.

Table 60 — Semantics and type definition for ServiceListType

Element Name Type Semantics

complexType: Contains all information for identifying a service.

Service serviceType The ServiceList includes at least one Service and
refer to subclause may include up to 8 Services, ChargeServiceType

EV charging specific service derived from ServiceType (refer to subclause which contains additional
information about SupportedEnergyTransferMode(s) offered by the EVSE.

[V2G2-271] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 59 — Schema
Diagram – ChargeServiceType

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ServiceType (extension)


ServiceNam e

ChargeServiceType ServiceCategory




Figure 59 — Schema Diagram – ChargeServiceType

[V2G2-272] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 61.

Table 61 — Semantics and type definition for ChargeServiceType

Element Name Type Semantics

complexType: This set of message elements is inherited from

ServiceType ServiceType. Refer to Table 59 for the semantic
refer to for the type definition description of these message elements.

SupportedEnergyTrans Available energy transfer modes supported by the
ferMode EVSE.
refer for the type definition

The definition and usage of the EnergyTransferModeType within the SupportedEnergyTransferModeType

supports the connectors Type 1, 2, and 3 as defined in IEC 62196-2 and the connectors as defined in
IEC 62196-3 Annex cc, dd, ee, and ff. SupportedEnergyTransferModeType

[V2G2-757] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement this type as defined in Table 62 and according to Figure 59.

SupportedEnergyTransferModeType EnergyTransferMode


Figure 60 — Schema Diagram – SupportedEnergyTransferModeType

[V2G2-758] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 62.

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Table 62 — Semantics and type definition for SupportedEnergyTransferModeType

Element Name Type Semantics

EnergyTransferModeType Energy transfer mode for charging
that is supported by the SECC.
EnergyTransferMode enumeration Refer to Table 63 for details.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type Max occurrence is 6.
definition and Table 63.

[V2G2-759] The EVCC and the SECC shall use the EnergyTransferModeType as described in Table 63.

Table 63 — Semantics for EnergyTransferModeType

EnergyTransferMode Offered charging service

AC_single_phase_core AC single phase charging according to IEC 62196.

AC_three_phase_core AC three phase charging according to IEC 62196.
DC_core DC charging according to IEC 62196 on the core pins.
DC charging using the extended pins of an IEC 62196-3 Configuration EE or
Configuration FF connector.
DC charging using the core pins of an IEC 62196-3 Configuration EE or
Configuration FF connector.
DC_unique DC charging using a dedicated DC coupler.
NOTE The SECC may provide multiple options for charge services. Depending on these options, the EVCC has to
select one of the offered options. For example, if the EVSE offers AC_single_phase_core and DC_core, the EVCC has to
select either AC_single_phase_core or DC_core because both options can technically not be supported at the same time
(refer to EnergyTransferModeType, to Annex C.6). CertificateChainType

This data type stores the client certificate, and all certificates in the chain up to the root. The root certificate is
not included in this data type. In the special (but unlikely) case, that a client certificate is directly signed by the
root, the “SubCertificates” filed is empty. In all other cases, this field contains an ordered list of Sub-CA-
certificates to follow the trust-path from the client certificate up to the root.

[V2G2-274] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 61.





Figure 61 — Schema Diagram – CertificateChainType

[V2G2-275] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 64.

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Table 64 — Semantics and type definition for CertificateChainType

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: Optional:
ID This attribute is used for referencing the message
Id element in the signature header when a signature
needs to be applied. It is used in response
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition messages only.
certificateType An x.509v3 Certificate (the “client” certificate). The
base64Binary (max length: 800) certificate is DER encoded.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
complexType: Optional:
SubCertificates SubCertificatesType The Chain with all Subcertificates to the Root-
refer to subclause Certificate (not including root certificate) MeterInfoType

[V2G2-276] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 62.



MeterInfoType SigMeterReading



Figure 62 — Schema Diagram – MeterInfoType

[V2G2-277] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 65.

Table 65 — Semantics and type definition for MeterInfoType

Element Name Type Semantics

MeterID ID of the meter in the EVSE
string (max length: 32)
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
simpleType: Optional:
MeterReading unsignedLong Current meter reading in Watthours from the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition EVSE

simpleType: Signature of the meter reading
SigMeterReading This signature is generated by the EVSE
base64Binary (max length: 64) meter. It is not verified at the EVCC. It might
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition be used by a SA system for billing purposes if
local regulations on metering permit it

simpleType: Optional:
meterStatusType Current status of the meter. The definition of
MeterStatus the content of the MeterStatus is out of scope
of the standard. The content may be defined
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition by the EVSE operator or utility.

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Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType Optional:
TMeter short Timestamp of the current Meter time using the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition Unix Time Stamp format.

[V2G2-830] When processing the message element MeterReading the SECC and the EVCC shall apply the
base unit Watt-hour (Wh).

[V2G2-831] When using the message element MeterReading the SECC and the EVCC shall apply the
value range definition as defined in Table 66.

Table 66 — Value range definition of message element MeterReading

Unit symbol Physical unit Minimum value Maximum value

MeterReading Wh Watt-hour 0 999,999,999 PhysicalValueType

[V2G2-278] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 63.


PhysicalValueType Unit


Figure 63 — Schema Diagram – PhysicalValueType

[V2G2-279] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 67.

Table 67 — Semantics and type definition for PhysicalValueType

Element Name Type Semantics

unitMultiplierType The Multiplier defines the exponent to base 10
Multiplier (dec). The final physical value is determined
byte (range: -3..+3) by: Value * 10 ^ Multiplier [Unit]..
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
Unit Unit of the value
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
Value short Value which has to be multiplied
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition

[V2G2-832] For all message elements of type PhysicalValueType the SECC and the EVCC shall apply the
value range and unit definition as according to Table 68.


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Table 68 — Value range and unit definition for message elements using PhysicalValueType

Element Name unitSymbolType Physical unit Minimum value Maximum value

ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower W Watt 0 200000

EAmount Wh Watt-hour 0 200000
EVEnergyCapacity Wh Watt-hour 0 200000
EVEnergyRequest Wh Watt-hour 0 200000
EVMaxCurrent A Ampere 0 400
EVMaximumCurrentLimit A Ampere 0 400
EVMaximumPowerLimit W Watt 0 200000
EVMaximumVoltageLimit V Volt 0 1000
EVMaxVoltage V Volt 0 1000
EVMinCurrent A Ampere 0 400
EVSECurrentRegulationTolerance A Ampere 0 400
EVSEEnergyToBeDelivered Wh Watt-hour 0 200000
EVSEMaxCurrent A Ampere 0 400
EVSEMaximumCurrentLimit A Ampere 0 400
EVSEMaximumPowerLimit W Watt 0 200000
EVSEMaximumVoltageLimit V Volt 0 1000
EVSENominalVoltage V Volt 0 1000
EVSEMinimumCurrentLimit A Ampere 0 400
EVSEMinimumVoltageLimit V Volt 0 1000
EVSEPeakCurrentRipple A Ampere 0 400
EVSEPresentCurrent A Ampere 0 400
EVSEPresentVoltage V Volt 0 1000
EVTargetCurrent A Ampere 0 400
EVTargetVoltage V Volt 0 1000
PMax W Watt 0 200000
RemainingTimeToBulkSoC s Seconds 0 172800
RemainingTimeToFullSoC s Seconds 0 172800
startValue W Watt 0 200000

--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- NotificationType

[V2G2-280] This optional message element is included in the header of a V2G message and allows to
notify the receiving entity about a parsing error or any other error related to the decoding of a
V2G message. The message element shall be implemented according to Figure 64.


Figure 64 — Schema Diagram – NotificationType

[V2G2-281] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 69.

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Table 69 — Semantics and type definition for NotificationType

Element Name Type Semantics

Identifies a parsing error or any other fault related to
FaultCode enumeration the decoding of the V2G message.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type
string (max length: 64)
FaultMsg Includes fault related information which may be used
refer to Annex C.6 for the type for fault analysis.
definition PaymentOptionListType

[V2G2-282] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC and the EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to
Figure 65.

Paym entOptionListType Paym entOption


Figure 65 — Schema Diagram – PaymentOptionListType

[V2G2-283] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 70.

Table 70 — Semantics and type definition for PaymentOptionListType

Element Name Type Semantics

This type includes the list of payment options an
paymentOptionType SECC offers to the EVCC indicating what method
PaymentOption enumeration could be chosen to pay for the services. The
EVCC can only select one payment method for all

refer to Annex C.6 for the
services used by the EVCC.
type definition ChargingProfileType

[V2G2-284] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 66.

ChargingProfileType ProfileEntry


Figure 66 — Schema Diagram – ChargingProfileType

[V2G2-606] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 71.

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Table 71 — Semantics and type definition for ChargingProfileType

Element Name Type Semantics

complexType: Element used for encapsulating an individual

ProfileEntry ProfileEntryType, charging profile entry of the charge schedule. The
refer to subclause number of ProfileEntry elements is limited to 24. ProfileEntryType

[V2G2-288] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 67.


ProfileEntryType ChargingProfileEntryMaxPow er

ChargingProfileEntryMaxNum berOfPhasesInUse

Figure 67 — Schema Diagram – ProfileEntryType

[V2G2-607] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 72.

Table 72 —Semantics and type definition for ProfileEntryType

Element Name Type Semantics

unsignedInt Time when chargingProfileEntry starts to
refer to Annex C.6 for the be valid. Offset in seconds from NOW.
type definition
complexType: Maximum power in Watt consumed by
the EV within the current charging profile
PhysicalValueType entry (beginning from
refer to subclause ChargingProfileEntryStart)

This element is used by the EV to
(min value: 1 indicate the maximum number of phases
max value: 3) it intends to use during the time interval
defined by ChargingProfileEntryStart of
refer to Annex C.6 for the
this ProfileEntry.
type definition

[V2G2-289] The value of the ChargingProfileEntryStart element shall be defined as point in time when this
element of ProfileEntryType starts to be active.

[V2G2-290] The value of the next ChargingProfileEntryStart element in the list of elements of
ProfileEntryType (see subclause shall be defined as point in time when this element
of ProfileEntryType becomes inactive.


[V2G2-289] and [V2G2-290] define the period of time an element of ProfileEntryType is active.

[V2G2-291] The last element in the list of elements of type ProfileEntryType is active until the list is updated
according to [V2G2-305].

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[V2G2-292] The value of the ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower element shall be defined as maximum power
in Watts consumed by the EV within the active period of an element of type ProfileEntryType.

[V2G2-293] The values of the ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower element shall be equal to or smaller than the
limits in respective elements of the PMaxScheduleType (see subclause provided in
the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message.

[V2G2-829] If the EV is capable of determining the number of phases which will be used within an individual
time interval (ChargingProfileEntryStart), the EVCC shall indicate for each time interval the
maximum number of phases it intends to use during this time interval by using the parameter

NOTE 2 The information about the usage of phases during a certain time interval might be used by the SECC to
optimize the energy distribution over the available phases. SAScheduleListType

[V2G2-294] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 68.

SAScheduleListType SAScheduleTuple


Figure 68 — Schema Diagram – SAScheduleListType

[V2G2-608] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 73.

Table 73 — Semantics and type definition for SAScheduleListType

Element Name Type Semantics

complexType: Includes several tuples of schedules from

SAScheduleTuple SAScheduleTupleType secondary actors. The number of
refer to subclause SAScheduleTuple elements is limited to 3.

[V2G2-296] The EVCC may implement a mechanism to compare different SAScheduleTuple elements in
order to optimize the charge schedule considering any given kind of cost according to [V2G2-
803] and [V2G2-337].

[V2G2-297] The first SAScheduleTuple element in the SAScheduleListType shall be defined as default

[V2G2-298] If the EVCC is not capable of comparing different SAScheduleTuple elements or comparison
fails, the EVCC shall choose the default SAScheduleTuple according to [V2G2-297]. SAScheduleTupleType

[V2G2-299] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 69.


SAScheduleTupleType PMaxSchedule


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Figure 69 — Schema Diagram – SAScheduleTupleType

[V2G2-609] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 74.

Table 74 — Semantics and type definition for SAScheduleTupleType

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: Unique identifier within a charging session for a

SAIDType SAScheduleTuple element
unsignedByte An SAID remains a unique identifier for one
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition schedule throughout a charging session.

complexType: Encapsulating element describing all relevant

PMaxSchedule PMaxScheduleType details for one PMaxSchedule from the
refer to subclause secondary actor

complexType: Optional:
SalesTariff SalesTariffType Encapsulating element describing all relevant
details for one SalesTariff from the secondary
refer to subclause actor

[V2G2-773] The SECC shall use the values 1 to 255 for the parameter SAScheduleTupleID.

[V2G2-300] The SAScheduleTupleID element shall be unique within all SAScheduleTuple elements in the
SAScheduleListType and uniquely identifies a tuple of PMaxSchedule and SalesTariff elements
during the entire charging session.

[V2G2-301] The SECC shall provide a PMaxSchedule element based upon the limits of the local installation
if no secondary actor provides a grid schedule.

[V2G2-303] The sum of the individual time intervals described in the PMaxSchedule (refer to and
SalesTariff (see provided in the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message shall match
the period of time indicated by the EVCC in the message element DepartureTime of the
ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq message.

[V2G2-304] If the EVCC did not provide a DepartureTime Target Setting (refer to subclause and in the ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq message, the sum of the individual time
intervals described in the PMaxSchedule and SalesTariff provided in the
ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message, shall be greater or equal to 24 hours..

[V2G2-305] If the number of SalesTariffEntry elements in the SalesTariff or the number of

PMaxScheduleEntry elements in the PMaxSchedule provided by the secondary actor(s) are not
covering the entire period of time until DepartureTime, the Target Setting EAmount (refer to
subclause and has not been met and the communication session has not
been finished, it is the responsibility of the EVCC to request a new element of type
SAScheduleListType as soon as the last SalesTariffEntry element or the last
PMaxScheduleEntry element becomes active by sending a new
ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq message.

NOTE 1 The EVCC may request an update of tariff information by applying the renegotiation process at
any time during the charging loop.

[V2G2-306] If the number of SalesTariffEntry elements provided by the secondary actor is not covering the
entire time period until DepartureTime, it is in the responsibility of the EVCC to optimize the
schedule based on the available information.

NOTE 2 The algorithm for optimizing the charging profile is out of scope of this standard.


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[V2G2-307] In case of PnC, and if a Tariff Table is used by the secondary actor, the secondary actor shall
sign the field SalesTariff of type SalesTariffType. In case of EIM, the secondary actor may sign
this field.

[V2G2-905] In case the secondary actor uses the SalesTariff-Mechanism, the SECC shall forward this
information to the EVCC using the SalesTariff field of type SalesTariffType.

NOTE 3 If the secondary actor is unaware of which authentication mode is used during EVCC-SECC communication
(EIM/ PnC), it can simply always sign the SalesTariff.

[V2G2-308] The SECC shall not change the signature attached to the message element SalesTariff when
receiving tariff information from the secondary actor.

NOTE 4 This presumes that the data structure used by the secondary actor for the provisioning of the SalesTariff is
identical with the data structure defined in this standard.

[V2G2-309] The SECC shall 'copy' the signature value received from the SA and transmit this value in the
header of the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message (see subclause and 8.3.3).

[V2G2-906] If the element SalesTariff is signed, it shall be signed by the same private key that was used to
issue the leaf contract certificate that the EVCC used during this connection for contract
authentication ( PnC).

NOTE 5 This allows the EVCC to verify the integrity of the tariff table by performing only one ECC verification.
SECC/SA implementation shall use the EVCC contract certificate chain which was transmitted in the element
ContractSignatureCertChain of the message PaymentDetailsReq during contract authentication to identify the private key
which shall be used for tariff table signature. This requirement could be fulfilled by cooperation between SECC and SA
including online communication; or the signed tariff tables may be cached.

[V2G2-907] In case of PnC, the EVCC, after receiving the SalesTariff field of type SalesTariffType, shall
verify the signature using the same Sub-CA Certificate that was used to issue the Contract
Certificate that the EVCC previously used for contract authentication ( PnC). If this verification
fails, the EVCC shall treat the SalesTariff as invalid. See [V2G2-908].

NOTE 6 In case of EIM, the EVCC may ignore the signature (if it exists).

NOTE 7 The EVCC needs to perform only one ECC verification, because the signature of the tariff table was
created by the same private key which was used to issue the leaf contract certificate which EVCC used during contract
authentication cycle ( PnC). The EVCC therefore already has the certificate for tariff table verification stored (as part of its
Contract Certificate chain).

[V2G2-908] If the EVCC treats the SalesTariff as invalid, it shall ignore the SalesTariff table, i.e. the
behaviour of the EVCC shall be the same as if no tariff tables were received. Furthermore, the
EVCC may close the connection. It then may reopen the connection again. PMaxScheduleType

[V2G2-310] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 70.

PMaxScheduleType PMaxScheduleEntry


Figure 70 — Schema Diagram – PMaxScheduleType

[V2G2-610] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 75.


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Table 75 — Semantics and type definition for PMaxScheduleType

Element Name Type Semantics

List of PMaxScheduleEntry elements. The

complexType: number of PMaxScheduleEntry elements is
PMaxScheduleEntry PmaxScheduleEntryType limited by the parameter
refer to subclause MaxEntriesSAScheduleTuple (according to
[V2G2-261]). The maximum value shall be 1024. PMaxScheduleEntryType

[V2G2-313] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 71.

EntryType (extension)

PMaxScheduleEntryType Tim eInterval

RelativeTim eInterval


Figure 71 — Schema Diagram – PMaxScheduleEntryType

[V2G2-611] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 76.

Table 76 — Semantics and type definition for PMaxScheduleEntryType

Element Name Type Semantics

Extends the TimeIntervalType and defines the
RelativeTimeInterval substitutes abstract
RelativeTimeInterval time interval the PMaxScheduleEntry is valid
element TimeInterval.
for based upon relative times.
refer to subclause

complexType: Defines maximum amount of power for a time

interval to be drawn from the EVSE power
PMax outlet the vehicle is connected to.
This value represents the total power over all
refer to subclause selected phases.

[V2G2-314] An extension of the TimeInterval element according to [V2G2-330] shall define the active period
of time for the respective parent element of type PMaxScheduleEntryType..

[V2G2-315] The PMax element shall define the maximum amount of power to be drawn from the EVSE
power outlet when the element of type PMaxScheduleEntryType is active.

NOTE In case an EV changes from 3-phase charging to 1-phase charging the EV has to recalculate the Pmax. SalesTariffType

The sales tariff table in this standard provides means for optimizing the charge schedule in the EVCC based
upon cost-based information. This cost information is provided within the sales tariff information. The term
“cost” refers to any given kind of cost defined in this standard (refer to subclause However, this
version of the standard does not allow to provide absolute price information or an advice of charge to the EV
user. This functionality may be implemented through other means being out of scope of ISO 15118.

[V2G2-316] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 72.

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SalesTariffType SalesTariffID


Num EPriceLevels



Figure 72 — Schema Diagram – SalesTariffType

[V2G2-612] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 77.

Table 77 — Semantics and type definition for SalesTariffType

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: Optional:
ID This attribute is used for referencing the
string message element in the signature header when a
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition signature needs to be applied.

simpleType: SalesTariff identifier used to identify one sales

SAIDType tariff.
short An SAID remains a unique identifier for one
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition schedule throughout a charging session.

tariffDescriptionType Optional:
SalesTariffDescription A human readable title/short description of the
string (max. length: 32)
sales tariff e.g. for HMI display purposes
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition

simpleType Optional:
NumEPriceLevels unsignedByte Defines the overall number of distinct price
levels used across all provided SalesTariff
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition elements.
Encapsulating element describing all relevant
complexType: details for one time interval of the SalesTariff.
The number of SalesTariffEntry elements is
SalesTariffEntry SalesTariffEntryType
limited by the parameter
refer to subclause MaxEntriesSAScheduleTuple (according to
[V2G2-261]). The maximum value shall be 1024.

[V2G2-317] The value of the SalesTariffID element shall uniquely identify an element of type
SalesTariffType during the entire charging session.

[V2G2-318] The NumEPriceLevels element shall be defined as the overall number of distinct EPriceLevel
elements used across all SalesTariff elements.

NOTE 1 If several sales tariffs are used, they have to be provided from one secondary actor (SA). Therefore one
signature of this SA fits for all sales tariffs.

EXAMPLE 1 If only one SalesTariff is provided as part of the SAScheduleList element, where different price levels for
e.g. on-peak, mid-peak, off-peak intervals are defined, the resulting value for NumEPriceLevels element shall be set to 3.

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EXAMPLE 2 If only one flat rate SalesTariff is provided as part of the SAScheduleList element with one price level at
all times, the resulting value for NumEPriceLevels element shall be set to 1.

EXAMPLE 3 If two SalesTariffs are provided as part of the SAScheduleList element, where the first SalesTariff T1 has
three different price levels and the second SalesTariff T2 has two different price levels and all price levels from both
SalesTariffs T1 and T2 are distinct from each other, the resulting value for NumEPriceLevels element shall be set to 5.

EXAMPLE 4 If two SalesTariffs are provided as part of the SAScheduleList element, where the first SalesTariff T1 has
three different price levels and the second SalesTariff T2 has two different price levels and one price level from each
SalesTariffs T1 equals one price level in SalesTariff T2, the resulting value for NumEPriceLevels element shall be set to 4.

NOTE 2 Refer to Annex D.3.7 for detailed examples.

[V2G2-805] If no price information is available but an element of type SalesTariffType is still present to be
able to transmit consumption cost information (CarbonDioxideEmission and
RenewableGenerationPercentage only), the elements NumEPriceLevels and EPriceLevel shall
not be included in the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message. SalesTariffEntryType

[V2G2-321] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as in Table 104 and according to Figure 73.

EntryType (extension)

SalesTariffEntryType Tim eInterval

RelativeTim eInterval


Consum ptionCost


Figure 73 — Schema Diagram – SalesTariffEntryType

[V2G2-613] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 78.

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Table 78 — Semantics and type definition for SalesTariffEntryType

Element Name Type Semantics

Extends the TimeIntervalType and defines the
RelativeTimeInterval substitutes abstract
RelativeTimeInterval time interval the SalesTariffEntry is valid for
element TimeInterval.
based upon relative times.
refer to subclause
simpleType Defines the price level of this SalesTariffEntry
EPriceLevel unsignedByte (referring to NumEPriceLevels). Small values for
the EPriceLevel represent a cheaper TariffEntry.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition Large values for the EPriceLevel represent a
more expensive TariffEntry.
complexType: Optional:
ConsumptionCost ConsumptionCostType Defines additional means for further relative
refer to subclause price information and/or alternative costs.

NOTE The definition of EPriceLevel allows simple price-based optimization by the EVCC without any ConsumptionCost element.

[V2G2-322] Any extension of the TimeInterval element shall define the active period of time for the
respective parent element of type SalesTariffEntryType.

[V2G2-803] The value of EPriceLevel element shall indicate which price level is used for the interval of this

NOTE 1 The value of EPriceLevel element only defines which price level is valid for this interval of the SalesTariff. The
value of EPriceLevel element does not indicate the actual costs within the interval of this SalesTariffEntry. Applicable
relative costs may optionally be defined in the ConsumptionCost element defined in subclause The
EPriceLevel element can be used by the EV for calculating a price optimized charging schedule in addition to power limits.

[V2G2-324] The valid range for the value of EPriceLevel element shall be defined as being between 0 and
the value of NumEPriceLevels element (see subclause including the boundary values.

[V2G2-802] In case the value of NumEPriceLevels is equal to "0" (and only then), the value of EPriceLevel
shall be "0".

NOTE 2 The elements EPriceLevel and NumEPriceLevels are set to "0" in case the SA wants to transmit consumption
costs for type RenewableGenerationPercentage and CarbonDioxideEmission only.

[V2G2-325] The EPriceLevel shall adhere to the following rule: The smaller the values for EPriceLevel, the
cheaper is the actual price level in the respective Interval. The higher the values for
EPriceLevel, the more expensive is the actual price level in the respective Interval. RelativeTimeIntervalType

[V2G2-327] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 74.

RelativeTim eIntervalType

Figure 74 — Schema Diagram – RelativeTimeIntervalType

[V2G2-614] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 79.


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Table 79 — Semantics and type definition for RelativeTimeIntervalType

Element Name Type Semantics

duration unsignedInt
Duration of the interval, in seconds.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
start unsignedInt Start of the interval, in seconds from NOW.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition

[V2G2-328] The value of the start element shall be defined in seconds from NOW.

[V2G2-329] The value of the start element shall simultaneously define the start time of this interval and the
stop time of the previous interval.

[V2G2-330] The value of the duration element shall be defined as period of time in seconds.

[V2G2-331] The duration element shall only be used for the last interval of the SalesTariff (see subclause or PMaxSchedule (see subclause

NOTE 1 It indicates the end of the coverage time of the delivered SalesTariff or PMaxSchedule information.

NOTE 2 A relative time specification is used to avoid synchronization of clocks. While message turnaround
time may take several seconds, a SECC should accept a small grace period. For example: If an EVCC starts
charging earlier or ends later than defined within start element, the SECC should not end charging session
with an error condition and accept this event within grace period as correct

[V2G2-833] At the point in time when a new ChargingProfile time slot begins as indicated by
ChargingProfileEntryStart (n+1), the EVSE shall accept the power consumption by the EV as
indicated in the ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower (n) for the previous time slot defined by
ChargingProfileEntryStart (n) up to 120s longer than defined in ChargingProfileEntryStart (n+1),
even if the value of the ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower (n) is higher than the
ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower (n+1).

[V2G2-834] At the point in time when a new ChargingProfile time slot begins as indicated by
ChargingProfileEntryStart (n+1), the EVSE shall accept the power consumption by the EV as
indicated in the ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower (n+1) for the previous time slot defined by
ChargingProfileEntryStart (n) up to 120s earlier than defined in ChargingProfileEntryStart (n+1),
even if the value of the ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower (n+1) is higher than the
ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower (n). ConsumptionCostType

[V2G2-332] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 75.

Consum ptionCostType


Figure 75 — Schema Diagram – ConsumptionCostType

[V2G2-615] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 80.

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Table 80 — Semantics and type definition for ConsumptionCostType

Element Name Type Semantics

complexType: Encapsulating element describing all relevant

Cost CostType cost details for this consumption block in this
refer to subclause TariffEntry.

complexType The lowest level of consumption that defines the

starting point of this consumption block. The
startValue PhysicalValueType
block interval extends to the start of the next
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition interval.

[V2G2-333] Referring to

[V2G2-328] the first element in the list of elements of type ConsumptionCostType shall always start with the
startValue set to 0.

[V2G2-334] The maximum number of Cost elements in the ConsumptionCostType shall be limited to the
number of different enumeration types defined in the costKindType (refer to Table 82). CostType

[V2G2-335] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 76.


CostType am ount

am ountMultiplier

Figure 76 — Schema Diagram – CostType

[V2G2-616] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 81 and Table 82.

Table 81 — Semantics and type definition for CostType

Element Name Type Semantics

amount unsignedInt The estimated or actual cost per kWh
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
simpleType Optional:
unitMultiplierType The amountMultiplier defines the exponent to base
(min value: -3 ; max value: 3) 10 (dec). The final value is determined by:
refer to Annex C.6 amount * 10 ^ amountMultiplier

simpleType: The kind of cost referred to in the message

CostKindType element amount (refer to Table 82 for the
enumeration semantics description of individual enumeration
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition values defined for this type).

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Table 82 — Semantics for CostKindType

CostKindType Semantics

Relative value. Price per kWh, as percentage relative to the maximum

price stated in any of all tariffs indicated to the EV.
Relative value. Percentage of renewable generation within total
CarbonDioxideEmission Absolute value. Carbon Dioxide emissions, in grams per kWh.

[V2G2-336] The unit of measure for any kind of cost shall be kWh.

[V2G2-337] The applicable costs per unit of measure according to

[V2G2-336] shall be defined with the amount element.

[V2G2-338] Within one CostType the amount element shall always refer to its respective costKind element.

[V2G2-339] For relative kinds of costs (refer to Table 82) the amount element shall be defined as
percentage relative to the highest cost of the same kind.

[V2G2-775] The amount element in case of a relativePricePercentage costKind shall not exceed 100%.

[V2G2-340] For absolute kinds of costs (refer to Table 82) the amount element shall be defined as absolute
value of the cost.

EXAMPLE If the multiplier is 2 and the transmitted value 1, the value to be calculated is 1*10^2=100.

[V2G2-806] If the costKindType in one SalesTariff includes an absolute cost type, all other SalesTariffs
included in the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message shall also include this absolute cost
type to allow for comparison of the different SalesTariffs.

[V2G2-807] If the costKindType in one SalesTariff includes a relative cost type, all other SalesTariffs
included in the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message shall also include this relative cost
type to allow for comparison of the different SalesTariffs.

[V2G2-808] If a relative cost type is used in the SalesTariff it shall be normalized to a common base across
all SalesTariff elements by the provider of the SalesTariff data.

NOTE If this precondition is not satisfied, the EVCC is not able to compare different tariffs.

[V2G2-772] If at least one SalesTarifEntry includes a consumptionCost element, all SalesTariffEntries

included in all SAScheduleTuples transmitted from the SECC to the EVCC during one specific
charging session, shall include consumptionCost elements with an identical structure (i.e.
number of costTypes and intervals per SalesTariffEntry shall be identical). ServiceParameterListType

[V2G2-343] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and
SECC and the EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to
Figure 77.

ServiceParam eterListType Param eterSet


Figure 77 — Schema Diagram – ServiceParameterListType

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[V2G2-344] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 83.

Table 83 —Semantics and type definition for ServiceParameterListType

Element Name Type Semantics

complexType: Defines parameters for a specific serviceID

ParameterSet ParameterSetType received from the SECC in the
refer to subclause ServiceDiscoveryRes message. ParameterSetType

[V2G2-345] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the

SECC and the EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to
Figure 78.

Param eterSetID
Param eterSetType
Param eter


Figure 78 — Schema Diagram – ParameterSetType

[V2G2-346] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 84.

Table 84 —Semantics and type definition for ParameterSetType

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: This element is used to select a specific

parameter set for a specific ServideID when
ParameterSetID short
selecting a service using the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition PaymentServiceSelectionReq message.
This element is used by the SECC to indicate
complexType: which service specific parameters can be
selected for a certain service using the
Parameter ParameterType
refer to subclause The number of Parameter elements is limited
to 16. ParameterType

[V2G2-347] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC and the EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to
Figure 79.

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Nam e

Param eterType





Figure 79 — Schema Diagram – ParameterType

[V2G2-348] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 85.

Table 85 —Semantics and type definition for ParameterType

Element Name Type Semantics

This element is used to indicate the name of
Name string
the parameter.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
boolean (boolValue)
One of the element: byte (byteValue)
 boolValue short (shortValue)
 byteValue int (intValue) This element is used to indicate the value for
the parameter indicated by the element Name.
 shortValue string (stringValue)
A choice of 6 different element types. Only
 intValue refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition one for each parameter can be selected.
 physicalValue
 stringValue complexType:

PhysicalValueType (physicalValue)
refer to subclause SelectedServiceListType

[V2G2-349] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC and the EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to
Figure 80.

SelectedServiceListType SelectedService


Figure 80 — Schema Diagram – SelectedServiceListType

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[V2G2-350] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 86.

Table 86 —Semantics and type definition for SelectedServiceListType

Element Name Type Semantics

This element is used to indicate the selected
SelectedService SelectedServiceType
ServiceID and the associated parameterSet.
refer to subclause SelectedServiceType

[V2G2-351] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC and the EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to
Figure 81.

Param eterSetID

Figure 81 — Schema Diagram – SelectedServiceType

[V2G2-352] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 87.

Table 87 —Semantics and type definition for SelectedServiceType

Element Name Type Semantics

ServiceID unsignedShort Unique identifier of the service
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition

simpleType: This element is used to select a specific

parameter set for a specific ServideID when
ParameterSetID short
selection a service using the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition PaymentServiceSelectionReq message. SubCertificatesType

[V2G2-353] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 82.

SubCertificatesType Certificate


Figure 82 — Schema Diagram – SubCertificatesType

Respect that, because of [V2G2-656] and [V2G2-009], an element of type SubCertificatesType may contain 2

elements of type certificateType at maximum.

[V2G2-354] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 88.

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Table 88 —Semantics and type definition for SubCertificatesType

Element Name Type Semantics

certificateType An x.509v3 certificate. The certificate is DER
base64Binary (max length: 800) encoded.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition

[V2G2-656] The number of Certificates in the SubCertificates shall not exceed 2. ListOfRootCertificateIDsType

[V2G2-355] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 83.

ListOfRootCertificateIDsType RootCertificateID


Figure 83 — Schema Diagram – ListOfRootCertificateIDsType

[V2G2-356] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 89.

Table 89 —Semantics and type definition for ListOfRootCertificateIDsType

Element Name Type Semantics

xmlsig:X509IssuerSerialType This message element uniquely identifies
RootCertificateID a V2G Root Certificate installed in the
string (max length: 40) EVCC.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKeyType

[V2G2-778] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 84.


Figure 84 — Schema Diagram – ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKeyType

[V2G2-779] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 90.

Table 90 —Semantics and type definition for ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKeyType

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: This attribute is used for referencing the

ID message element
Id ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey in
string the signature header when a signature
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition needs to be applied. DiffieHellmanPublickeyType

[V2G2-780] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 85.

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DiffieHellm anPublickeyType

Figure 85 — Schema Diagram – DiffieHellmanPublickeyType

[V2G2-781] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 91.

Table 91 —Semantics and type definition for DiffieHellmanPublickeyType

Element Name Type Semantics

This attribute is used for referencing the
ID message element DHpublickey in the
string message header when a signature needs
to be applied.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition EMAIDType

[V2G2-782] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 86.


Figure 86 — Schema Diagram – EMAIDType

[V2G2-783] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 92.

Table 92 —Semantics and type definition for EMAIDType

Element Name Type Semantics

ID This element is used for referencing the
Id message element eMAID in the message
string header allowing to apply a signature.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

8.5.3 AC AC_EVSEStatusType

[V2G2-358] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the SECC and the
EVCC shall implement this type as in Table 104 and according to Figure 87.

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EVSEStatusType (extension)



Figure 87 — Schema Diagram – AC_EVSEStatusType

[V2G2-359] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 93.

Table 93 —Semantics and type definition for AC_EVSEStatusType

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType Indicates the current status of the Residual

Current Device (RCD). If RCD is equal to true,
RCD the RCD has detected an error. If RCD is equal
refer to Annex C.6 for the type to false, the RCD has not detected an error. This
definition status flag is for informational purpose only.

simpleType This value is the time in seconds from the point in

time this message is sent (relative time) and
expected to perform the action immediately. "
NotificationMaxDelay This element is inherited from
EVStatusType. The SECC uses the NotificationMaxDelay
element in the EVSEStatus to indicate the time
refer to Annex C.6 for the type until it expects the EVCC to react on the action
definition request indicated in EVSENotification.
This value is used by the SECC to influence the
simpleType behaviour of the EVCC. The EVSENotification
EVSENotificationType contains an action that the SECC wants the
EVCC to perform. The requested action is
Enumeration expected by the EVCC until the time provided in
EVSENotification This element is inherited from NotificationMaxDelay. If the target time is not in
EVStatusType. the future, the EVCC is expected to perform the
refer to Annex C.6 for the type action immediately.
definition During normal operation the value of
EVSENotification is set to “none”.
NOTE The behaviour of the EVSE and EV after a shutdown (shutdown time unequal to zero) has been performed is
not in the scope of this document. This rather depends on the specific system implementation.

EXAMPLE The implementation of a charging session which continues after a shutdown has occurred could allow 3
retries to establish a charging session before the SECC would switch into a failure or maintenance mode. AC_EVChargeParameterType

[V2G2-360] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC and the EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to
Figure 88.

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EVChargeParam eterType (extension)

AC_EVChargeParam eterType DepartureTim e

EAm ount




Figure 88 — Schema Diagram – AC_EVChargeParameterType

[V2G2-361] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 94.


Table 94 — Semantics and type definition for AC_EVChargeParameterType

Element Name Type Semantics

This element is used to indicate when the
DepartureTime This element is inherited from
vehicle intends to finish the charging process.
Offset in seconds from the point in time of
refer to Annex C.6 for the type sending this message.
Amount of energy reflecting the EV's estimate
complexType how much energy is needed to fulfill the user
configured charging goal for the current
EAmount PhysicalValueType
charging session. This might include energy
refer to subclause for other purposes than solely charging the
HV battery of an EV.
complexType The RMS of the maximal nominal voltage the
EVMaxVoltage PhysicalValueType vehicle can accept, measured between one
refer to subclause phase and neutral.

Maximum current supported by the EV per
EVMaxCurrent PhysicalValueType
refer to subclause
EVMinCurrent is used to indicate to the SECC
that charging below this minimum is not
energy/cost efficient for the EV. It is
recommended that the SECC considers this
value during the target setting process (e.g.
complexType sale tariff table should account for this value).
EVMinCurrent PhysicalValueType However, if there is physical limitations or
refer to subclause limitations indicated by the PWM signal these
limitations overwrite the EVMinCurrent the EV
indicated. It is implementation specific
whether a vehicle chooses not charge if the
EVMinCurrent is higher than the physical
limitations for efficiency reasons. AC_EVSEChargeParameterType

[V2G2-362] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC and the EVCC shall implement this type as in Table 104 and according to Figure 89.

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EVSEStatusType (extension)



Figure 89 — Schema Diagram – AC_EVSEChargeParameterType

[V2G2-363] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 95.

Table 95 —Semantics and type definition for AC_EVSEChargeParameterType

Element Name Type Semantics

AC_EVSEStatus AC_EVSEStatusType Current status of the EVSE
refer to subclause
Line voltage supported by the EVSE.
This is the voltage measured between
one phases and neutral. If the EVSE
complexType supports multiple phase charging the EV
might easily calculate the voltage
EVSENominalVoltage PhysicalValueType between phases.
refer to subclause This parameter is also used as reference
for calculating the corresponding
maximum charging current out of the
PMax values in the SASchedule entities.
Maximum allowed line current restriction
set by the EVSE per phase. If the PWM
complexType ratio is set to 5% ratio then this is the
only line current restriction processed by
EVSEMaxCurrent PhysicalValueType
the EVCC. Otherwise the EVCC applies
refer to subclause the smaller current constraint from the
EVSEMaxCurrent value and the PWM
ratio information.

[V2G2-708] The EVSE shall calculate the PMax values in the SASchedule based on the parameter

[V2G2-709] The EV shall use the value EVSENominalVoltage provided by the EVSE to calculate the
maximum available charging current based on the PMax values in the element SASchedule of
the ChargeParameterDiscoveryResponse and the ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower values in the
element ChargingProfile Power Delivery Request.

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8.5.4 DC DC_EVSEStatusType

[V2G2-364] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC and the EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to
Figure 90.

EVSEStatusType (extension)




Figure 90 — Schema Diagram – DC_EVSEStatusType

[V2G2-365] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 96.

Table 96 — Semantics and type definition for DC_EVSEStatusType

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType This value is the time in seconds from the point

in time this message is sent (relative time) and
expected to perform the action immediately. "
NotificationMaxDelay This element is inherited from
EVStatusType. The SECC uses the NotificationMaxDelay
element in the EVSEStatus to indicate the time
refer to Annex C.6 for the type until it expects the EVCC to react on the action
definition request indicated in EVSENotification.
This value is used by the SECC to influence the
simpleType behaviour of the EVCC. The EVSENotification
EVSENotificationType contains an action that the SECC wants the
EVCC to perform. The requested action is
Enumeration expected by the EVCC until the time provided
EVSENotification This element is inherited from in NotificationMaxDelay. If the target time is not
EVStatusType. in the future, the EVCC is expected to perform
refer to Annex C.6 for the type the action immediately.
definition During normal operation the value of
EVSENotification is set to “none”.
simpleType: Optional:
isolationLevelType Indicates the isolation condition (result of the
EVSEIsolationStatus enumeration isolation monitoring).
refer to Annex C.6 for the type The parameter shall be handled according to
definition IEC CDV 61851-23

Indicates the internal state of the EVSE.
DC_EVSEStatusCode enumeration
Refer to Table 98 for details.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type

[V2G2-801] The EVCC shall use the EVSEIsolationStatus as described in Table 97.

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Table 97 — Semantics and type definition for isolationLevelType

Element Name Semantics

Invalid An isolation test has not been carried out.

The isolation test has been carried out successfully and did not result
in an isolation warning or fault.
The measured isolation resistance is below the warning level defined
in IEC CDV 61851-23.
The measured isolation resistance is below the fault level defined in
IEC CDV 61851-23
The EVSE does not contain an IMD and therefore cannot carry out an
isolation test.

[V2G2-366] The SECC shall use the EVSEStatusCodes as described in Table 98 when any of the DC
Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2 has been selected.

Table 98 — Semantics and type definition for EVSEStatusCodeType

Element Name Semantics

EVSE_NotReady Not authorized, StandBy, on maintenance, …

EVSE_Ready Charging procedure is running
EVSE_Shutdown Charger Shutdown, Customer Initiated Shutdown
Utility Interrupt Event, Utility or Equipment operator has requested a
temporary reduction in load.
After the Charging Station has confirmed HV isolation internally, it will
remain in this state until the cable isolation integrity is checked
Charging System Incompatibility, Emergency Shutdown or 'E-Stop'
button pressed at charging station.
EVSE_Malfunction A non-recoverable charger fault has occurred (Isolation Failure, …)
Reserved 8-C Reserved by ISO/IEC for future use. DC_EVStatusType

[V2G2-367] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC and the EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to
Figure 91.


DC_EVStatusType EVErrorCode


Figure 91 — Schema Diagram – DC_EVStatusType

[V2G2-368] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 99.

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Table 99 — Semantics and type definition for DC_EVStatusType

Element Name Type Semantics

EVReady boolean If set to TRUE, the EV is ready to charge.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
DC_EVErrorCodeType Indicates the EV internal status.Refer to
enumeration Table 100 for details.
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
EVRESSSOC State of charge of the EV’s battery (RESS)
byte (range: 0-100)
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition

[V2G2-369] The EVCC shall use the EVErrorCodes as described in Table 100 when any of the DC
Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2 has been selected.

Table 100 — Semantics and type definition for EVErrorCodeType

Element Name Semantics

NO_ERROR Default value, when EVCC has no Error detected

Battery Temperature Inhibit, Battery too hot/cold to accept
FAILED_EVShiftPosition Vehicle Shift Position, Vehicle is not in Park
Charger Connector Lock Fault, Vehicle has not detected the
FAILED_ChargerConnectorLockFault Charge cord connector locked into the inlet or failure where
connector cannot be unlocked from the charging inlet.
Vehicle RESS Malfunction, Any non-recoverable fault or error
condition of the Vehicle RESS.
Charging Current Differential, Indication that vehicle has
FAILED_ChargingCurrentdifferential stopped the charging session after detecting that the charging
station is not able to maintain the current request.
Charging voltage out of range, Indication that vehicle has
FAILED_ChargingVoltageOutOfRange stopped the charging session after detecting that the RESS is
either under or above normal operating voltage range.
Reserved A-C Reserved by ISO/IEC for future use.
Charging System Incompatibility, if the vehicle determines that
the charging station is incompatible. Using this value is
optional; as an alternative, the vehicle can use EVReady in
DC_EVStatusType equal to “FALSE”

No Data, Only used when vehicle has not yet determined its
operating state. DC_EVChargeParameterType

[V2G2-370] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC and the EVCC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to
Figure 92.

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EVChargeParam eterType (extension)

DC_EVChargeParam eterType DepartureTim e


EVMaxim um CurrentLim it

EVMaxim um Pow erLim it

EVMaxim um VoltageLim it





Figure 92 — Schema Diagram – DC_EVChargeParameterType

[V2G2-371] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 101.


Table 101 — Semantics and type definition for DC_EVChargeParameterType

Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType This element is used
to indicate when the
unsignedInt vehicle intends to
DepartureTime This element is inherited from finish the charging
EVChargeParameterType process. Offset in
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition seconds from the
point in time of
sending this message.
Current status of the
DC_EVStatus DC_EVStatusType
refer to subclause
Maximum current
EVMaximumCurrentLimit PhysicalValueType
supported by the EV
refer to subclause

complexType Optional:
EVMaximumPowerLimit PhysicalValueType Maximum power
refer to subclause supported by the EV
Maximum voltage
EVMaximumVoltageLimit PhysicalValueType
supported by the EV
refer to subclause

complexType Optional:
EVEnergyCapacity PhysicalValueType Energy capacity of the
refer to subclause EV
EVEnergyRequest PhysicalValueType Amount of energy the
refer to subclause EV requests from the

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Element Name Type Semantics

simpleType: Optional:
FullSOC percentValueType SOC at which the EV
byte (range: 0-100) considers the battery
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition to be fully charged
SOC at which the EV
BulkSOC percentValueType
considers a fast
byte (range: 0-100)
charge process to
refer to Annex C.6 for the type definition
end. DC_EVSEChargeParameterType

[V2G2-372] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 93.

DC_EVSEChargeParam eterType


EVSEMaxim um CurrentLim it

EVSEMaxim um Pow erLim it

EVSEMaxim um VoltageLim it

DC_EVSEChargeParam eter EVSEMinim um CurrentLim it

EVSEMinim um VoltageLim it




Figure 93 — Schema Diagram – DC_EVSEChargeParameterType

[V2G2-373] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 102.


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Table 102 — Semantics and type definition for DC_EVSEChargeParameterType

Element Name Type Semantics

DC_EVSEStatus DC_EVSEStatusType Current status of the EVSE
refer to subclause
Maximum current the EVSE
EVSEMaximumCurrentLimit PhysicalValueType
can deliver
refer to subclause
Maximum power the EVSE
EVSEMaximumPowerLimit PhysicalValueType
can deliver
refer to subclause
Maximum voltage the EVSE
EVSEMaximumVoltageLimit PhysicalValueType
can deliver
refer to subclause
complexType Minimum current the EVSE
EVSEMinimumCurrentLimit PhysicalValueType can deliver with the expected
refer to subclause accuracy

complexType Minimum voltage the EVSE

EVSEMinimumVoltageLimit PhysicalValueType can deliver with the expected
refer to subclause accuracy

complexType Optional:
EVSECurrentRegulationTolerance PhysicalValueType Absolute magnitude of the
regulation tolerance of the
refer to subclause EVSA
Peak-to-peak magnitude of
EVSEPeakCurrentRipple PhysicalValueType
the current ripple of the EVSE
refer to subclause
complexType Optional:
EVSEEnergyToBeDelivered PhysicalValueType Amount of energy to be
refer to subclause delivered by the EVSE DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameterType

[V2G2-374] Depending on the selected Message Set(s) as defined in subclause 8.6.2, the EVCC and the
SECC shall implement this type as defined in Table 104 and according to Figure 94.


DC_EVPow erDeliveryParam eterType BulkChargingCom plete

ChargingCom plete

Figure 94 — Schema Diagram – DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameterType

[V2G2-375] The message element shall be used as defined in Table 103.


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Table 103 — Semantics and type definition for DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameterType

Element Name Type Semantics

DC_EVStatus DC_EVStatusType Current status of the EV.
refer to subclause
simpleType: Optional:
boolean If set to TRUE, the EV indicates that
refer to Annex C.6 for the type bulk charge (approx. 80% SOC) is
definition complete.

boolean If set to TRUE, the EV indicates that full
refer to Annex C.6 for the type charge (100% SOC) is complete.

8.6 Identification Modes and Message Set definitions

8.6.1 Overview

Part 1 of this standard defines use case elements covering different charging scenarios. Depending on a use
case and a charging scenario only a subset of the messages and parameters defined in this document have
to be supported and transmitted by the EVCC and the SECC, respectively.

This chapter defines the mandatory and optional messages and parameter with respect to charging scenarios
using External Identification Means (EIM) and charging scenarios using Plug and Charge (PnC) for
identification. In the following these are referred to as “Identification Mode”.

Figure 95 shows the relation between the Identification Modes PnC and EIM with respect to the messages
and parameters as defined in this document. While Identification Mode PnC may use all definitions in this
standard, EIM uses a subset of messages excluding the definitions for Plug and Charge support.


Figure 95 — Relation of Identification Modes and definitions for messages and parameter

NOTE 1 Because the main difference between the Identification Modes PnC and EIM is the support of definitions for
plug and charge, an ISO 15118 implementation for a charging scenario with Identification Mode PnC can also support the
same charging scenario with Identification Mode EIM.

NOTE 2 If both, an EV and an EVSE, support the Identification Modes PnC and EIM the EV is free to select the preferred
identification mode.

In the following, mandatory messages and parameters covering the use cases and charging scenarios defined
in Part 1 are defined. Annex A gives a detailed mapping of the use case elements as defined in Part 1 and the
mandatory V2G messages and parameters as defined in the following subclauses.

This document distinguishes between the mandatory/optional support of messages and parameters in the
EVCC and the SECC and mandatory/optional definitions for parameters in the XML Schema definitions:

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 Mandatory/optional support: The support of mandatory messages and parameters defines the subset of
messages and parameters, an EVCC and an SECC shall be able to process. This definition ensures a
well known set of functionalities and therefore the compatibility with respect to a set of use cases.

 Mandatory/optional parameter definitions in the XML Schema: The definition of mandatory and optional
parameters in the XML schema is derived from mandatory/optional support of parameters in the EVCC
and the SECC for all use cases. As long as a parameter is mandatory in all use cases the parameter is
defined as mandatory in the XML Schema. If a parameter is optional in at least one use case it is defined
as optional in the XML schema. This enables the sending of messages with only the required parameters
and omits parameters that are not mandatory for a use case.

NOTE 3 The mandatory support of a message or parameter in one V2G Entity does not necessarily mean that this
message or parameter will be transmitted. E.g. if the support of a parameter is optional in the EVCC and the same
parameter is defined to be mandatory in the SECC, the EVCC can choose to send this parameter. The mandatory support
of this parameter in the SECC only ensures that it can be assumed that the SECC is able to process the value if sent by
the EVCC. If an parameter is defined to be optional on both sides, this parameter can only be used if both sides support
the parameter and it is transmitted.

NOTE 4 The focus of the definition of mandatory and optional parameters in the XML schema is to optimize the
transmission of V2G messages. In general it is not possible to derive the mandatory and optional parameters that shall be
supported in an EVCC and an SECC. E.g. if the support of 2 parameters is mandatory in the EVCC and the support in the
SECC is only mandatory for one parameters, the SECC can decide to send only one parameter in a response message.
For this use case the XML schema defines one parameter optional and the other mandatory. But the XML schema does
not allow to decide at which side the support of the two parameters is mandatory or optional for a certain use case.

The XML Schema with all mandatory and optional definitions is described in subclause 8.3 and Annex C in
detail. The following subclauses focus on the definition of mandatory and optional messages and parameters
to be supported by the EVCC and the SECC Message Sets for the Identification Modes PnC and EIM.

A Message Set defines mandatory messages and parameters for the EVCC and the SECC covering one or
multiple use case elements of Part 1 of this standard. An Identification Mode combines one or multiple
mandatory and optional Message Sets covering a set of similar charging scenarios. An Identification Mode
consists of at least one mandatory Message Set providing the basis for a specific set of charging scenarios.
An Identification Mode may additionally use one or multiple additional Message Sets which allow to extend the
charging scenarios.

Figure 96 shows an overview of the mandatory and optional Message Sets for the Identification Modes. The
Identification Mode External Identification Means (EIM) defines messages and parameters for charging
scenarios with authorization outside the EV as defined in Part 1, subclause 7.5 "Identification, authentication
and authorisation [D]". The Identification Mode Plug and Charge (PnC) defines messages and parameters for
charging scenarios with authorization inside the EV as defined in Part 1, subclause 7.5 "Identification,
authentication and authorisation [D]".

This standard defines four Message Sets to be applied depending on the Identification Mode (EIM, PnC) and
the charging mode (AC charging or DC charging):

 AC Charging EIM

 DC Charging EIM

 AC Charging PnC

 DC Charging PnC

Optionally, the four Message Sets can be extended by optional Message Sets defining the necessary
mandatory and optional parameters and messages for the support of additional use cases. Optional Message
Sets may overrule definitions of the basic Message Sets.

[V2G2-760] If an optional Message Set defines parameters already defined in a Message Set, the definition
of the optional Message Set applies.

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[V2G2-828] If an ISO 15118 enabled EV supporting the message set „EIM charging AC” measures a
nominal duty cycle in CP State B before the PaymentServiceSelectionReq message, it shall
indicate "ExternalPayment" in the parameter SelectedPaymentOption in
PaymentServiceSelectionReq message as defined in subclause

External Identification Means (EIM) Plug and Charge (PnC)

AC Charging DC Charging AC Charging DC Charging


Optional Optional
Value Value
Added Added
Services Services

Optional Optional
Optional Optional Optional Optional
Value Value
Added Added
Services Services Certificate Certificate Certificate Certificate
(VAS) (VAS) Update Install Update Install

Identification Mode Message Set

Figure 96 — Overview on Identification Modes and Message Sets

8.6.2 Supported Message Sets Overview

The EV manufacturer and the EVSE manufacturer can choose to support either one or multiple Message Sets
as shown in Figure 96. Table 104 defines all mandatory parts of the message sets as shown in Figure 96.

For the EVCC the following applies in general:

[V2G2-659] An EVCC shall support a message or parameter in a Message Set if it is marked with an "M"
for the EVCC.

[V2G2-660] If not defined differently by requirements, an EVCC may support a parameter in a Message Set
if it is marked with an "O" for the EVCC.

[V2G2-661] An EVCC shall not support any parameter in a Message Set that is marked with an "-" for the

[V2G2-662] An EVCC shall send a parameter if it is marked with an "M" for the EVCC in a request

[V2G2-663] An EVCC shall support the processing of a parameter if it is marked with an "M" for the EVCC
in a response message.

For the SECC the following applies in general:

[V2G2-664] An SECC shall support a message or parameter in a Message Set if it is marked with an "M"
for the SECC.


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[V2G2-665] If not defined differently by requirements, an SECC may support a parameter in a Message Set
if it is marked with an "O" for the SECC.

[V2G2-666] An SECC shall not support any parameter in a Message Set that is marked with an "-" for the

[V2G2-667] An SECC shall send a parameter if it is marked with an "M" for the SECC in a response

[V2G2-668] An SECC shall support the processing of a parameter if it is marked with an "M" for the SECC
in a request message.


Copyright International Organization for Standardization
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Table 104 — Mandatory messages and message elements of Message Sets

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

AC DC AC DC Option Option Option
Chargi Charging Chargi Charging : : : VAS
ng EIM ng PnC Certifi Certifi

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

EIM PnC cate cate
Updat Install

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

e ation
/ /
supportedAppProtocol M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ProtocolNamespace M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
VersionNumberMaj M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
VersionNumberMin M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SchemaID M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

Priority M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
supportedAppProtocol M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SchemaID M O M O M O M O - - - - - -
SessionSetupReq M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
EVCCID M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionSetupRes M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 141
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
EVSEID M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
DateTimeNow O O O O O O O O - - - - - -
ServiceDiscoveryReq M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ServiceScope O O O O O O O O - - - - - -
ServiceCategory O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
ServiceDiscoveryRes M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
PaymentOptions M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
PaymentOpti M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
PaymentOpti M O M O M O M O - - - - - -

142 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


Provided by IHS under license with ISO

ChargeService M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ServiceID M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ServiceName O O O O O O O O - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

ServiceCateg O M O M O M O M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

ServiceScope O O O O O O O O - - - - - -
FreeService M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SupportedEn M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Energ M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ServiceList O O O O O O O O M M M M M M
Service M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Servic M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Servic O O O O O O O O - - - - - -

Not for Resale

Servic O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
Servic O O O O O O O O - - - - - -
FreeS M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ServiceDetailReq O O O O O O O O M M M M M M
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 143

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

ServiceID M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ServiceDetailRes O O O O O O O O M M M M M M
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ServiceID M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ServiceParameterLi M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ParameterSet M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Param M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Param M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

ServicePaymentSelect M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SelectedPaymentO M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SelectedServiceList O O O O O O O O M M M M M M
SelectedServi M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Servic M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

144 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Param M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

ServicePaymentSelect M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
PaymentDetailsReq - - - - M M M M - - - - - -

Header - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Notification - - - - O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg - - - - M M M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Body - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
eMAID - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
ContractSignatureC - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Certificate - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
SubCertificat - - - - O O O O - - - - - -
Certifi - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
PaymentDetailsRes - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Header - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Notification - - - - O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode - - - - M M M M - - - - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 145

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

FaultMsg - - - - M M M M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Body - - - - M M M M - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

ResponseCode - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
GenChallenge - - - - M M M M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

DateTimeNow - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
AuthorizationReq M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
GenChallenge - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
AuthorizationRes M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
EVSEProcessing M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ChargeParameterDisc M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -

146 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
MaxEntriesSASche O M O M O M O M - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

RequestedEnergyTr M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

AC_EVChargePara M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
DepartureTim O M - - O M - - - - - - - -
Eamount M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
EVMaxVoltag M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
EVMaxCurre M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
EVMinCurren M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
DC_EVChargePara - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
DepartureTim - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
DC_EVStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

EVRe - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRE - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
EVErr - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRE - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVMaximum - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVMaximum - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
EVMaximum - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 147

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

EVEnergyCa - - O M - - O M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

EVEnergyRe - - O M - - O M - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

FullSOC - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
BulkSOC - - O M - - O M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

ChargeParameterDisc M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
EVSEProcessing M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SASchedule M O M O M O M O - - - - - -
SAScheduleT M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

SASc M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
PMax M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
PMaxSche M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
PMAaxSch M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
RelativeTimeInterval M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
start M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
duration M O M O M O M O - - - - - -
Pmax M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Sales M O M O M O M O - - - - - -
SalesTariffI M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

148 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

SalesTariff O O O O O O O O - - - - - -
NumEPrice M O M O M O M O - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

SalesTariff M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

RelativeTimeInterval M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
start M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
duration M O M O M O M O - - - - - -

EPriceLe M O M O M O M O - - - - - -
ConsumptionCost M O M O M O M O - - - - - -
Start Value M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Cost M O M O M O M O - - - - - -
AC_EVSEChargeP M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
AC_EVSESta M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
RCD M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
Notific M M - - M M - - - - - - - -

Not for Resale

EVSE M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
EVSENomina M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
EVSEMaxCur M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
DC_EVSEChargeP - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
DC_EVSESta - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEI - - M O - - M O - - - - - -
EVSE - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 149

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Notific - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization


No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

EVSE - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEMaximu - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEMaximu - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEMaximu - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEMinimu - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEMinimu - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

EVSECurrent - - O O - - O O - - - - - -
EVSEPeakC - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEEnergy - - O O - - O O - - - - - -
PowerDeliveryReq M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -
Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ChargeProgress M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

150 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


SAScheduleTupleID M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

ChargingProfile O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
ProfileEntry M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Chargi M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization


No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

ChargingProfileEntry M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ChargingProfileEntry O M - - O M - - - - - - - -
DC_EVPowerDelive - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
DC_EVStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRe - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRE - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
EVErr - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

EVRE - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
BulkCharging - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
ChargingCom - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
PowerDeliveryRes M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 151

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

ResponseCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
AC_EVSEStatus M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
RCD M M - - M M - - - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

NotificationM M M - - M M - - - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

EVSENotifica M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
DC_EVSEStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEIsolatio - - M O - - M O - - - - - -
EVSEStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
NotificationM - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSENotifica - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
CertificateupdateReq - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
Header - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
SessionId - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
Notification - - - - - - - - M M - - - -

Not for Resale

FaultCode - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
FaultMsg - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
Body - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
ContractSignatureC - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
Certificate - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
SubCertificat - - - - - - - - O O - - - -
Certifi - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
eMAID - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
ListOfRootCertificat - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
RootCertificat - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
CertificateupdateRes - - - - - - - - O O - - - -

152 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Header - - - - - - - - M M - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

SessionId - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
Notification - - - - - - - - O M - - - -
FaultCode - - - - - - - - M M - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

FaultMsg - - - - - - - - M M - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - O M - - - -
Body - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
ResponseCode - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
SAProvisioningCerti - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
ContractSignatureC - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
Certificate - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
SubCertificat - - - - - - - - O O - - - -
Certifi - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
ContractSignatureE - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
Dhpublickey - - - - - - - - M M - - - -

Not for Resale

eMAID - - - - - - - - M M - - - -
RetryCounter - - - - - - - - M O - - - -
CertificateinstallationR - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
Header - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
SessionId - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
Notification - - - - - - - - - - O M - -
FaultCode - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
FaultMsg - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
Body - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
OEMProvisioningCe - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
ListOfRootCertificat - - - - - - - - - - M M - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 153

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

RootCertificat - - - - - - - - - - M M - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

CertificateinstallationR - - - - - - - - - - O O - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Header - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
SessionId - - - - - - - - - - M M - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

Notification - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
FaultCode - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
FaultMsg - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - O M - -
Body - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
ResponseCode - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
SAProvisioningCerti - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
ContractSignatureC - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
Certificate - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
SubCertificat - - - - - - - - - - O O - -
Certifi - - - - - - - - - - M M - -

Not for Resale

ContractSignatureE - - - - - - - - - - M M - -

Dhpublickey - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
eMAID - - - - - - - - - - M M - -
SessionStopReq M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ChargingSession M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
SessionStopRes M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
Header M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

154 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

SessionId M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Notification O M O M O M O M - - - - - -
FaultCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M M M M M M M - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Signature (see sep. - - - - M M M M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

Body M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode M M M M M M M M - - - - - -
ChargingStatusReq M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
Header M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
SessionId M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
Notification O M - - O M - - - - - - - -
FaultCode M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Body M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
ChargingStatusRes M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
Header M M - - M M - - - - - - - -

Not for Resale

SessionId M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
Notification O M - - O M - - - - - - - -
FaultCode M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
FaultMsg M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Body M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
ResponseCode M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
EVSEID M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
SAScheduleTupleID M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
EVSEMaxCurrent M O - - O O - - - - - - - -
MeterInfo M O - - M O - - - - - - - -
MeterID M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
MeterReadin O O - - O O - - - - - - - -
SigMeterRea O O - - O O - - - - - - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 155

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

MeterStatus O O - - O O - - - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

TMeter O O - - O O - - - - - - - -
ReceiptRequired - - - - M O - - - - - - - -
AC_EVSEStatus M M - - M M - - - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

RCD M M - - M M - - - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

NotificationM M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
EVSENotifica M M - - M M - - - - - - - -
MeteringReceiptReq - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
Header - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
SessionId - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
Notification - - - - O M - - - - - - - -
FaultCode - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
FaultMsg - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
Body - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
SessionID - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
SAScheduleTupleID - - - - O M - - - - - - - -

Not for Resale

MeterInfo - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
MeterID - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
MeterReadin - - - - O O - - - - - - - -
SigMeterRea - - - - O O - - - - - - - -
MeterStatus - - - - O O - - - - - - - -
Tmeter - - - - O O - - - - - - - -
MeteringReceiptRes - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
Header - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
SessionId - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
Notification - - - - O M - - - - - - - -
FaultCode - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
FaultMsg - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Body - - - - M M - - - - - - - -

156 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


AC_EVSEStatus - - - - M M - - - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

RCD - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
NotificationM - - - - M M - - - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

EVSENotifica - - - - M M - - - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

DC_EVSEStatus - - - - - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEIsolatio - - - - - - M O - - - - - -
EVSEStatus - - - - - - M M - - - - - -
NotificationM - - - - - - M M - - - - - -
EVSENotifica - - - - - - M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode - - - - M M - - - - - - - -
CableCheckReq - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Header - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
SessionId - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Notification - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
FaultCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

FaultMsg - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Body - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
DC_EVStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVReady - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRESSConi - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
EVErrorCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRESSSO - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
CableCheckRes - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Header - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
SessionId - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Notification - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
FaultCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 157

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

FaultMsg - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Body - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

ResponseCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEProcessing - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

DC_EVSEStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEIsolatio - - M O - - M O - - - - - -
EVSEStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
NotificationM - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSENotifica - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
PreChargeReq - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Header - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
SessionId - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Notification - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
FaultCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

FaultMsg - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Body - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
DC_EVStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVReady - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRESSConi - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
EVErrorCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRESSSO - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVTargetVoltage - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVTargetCurrent - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
PreChargeRes - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Header - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
SessionId - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Notification - - O M - - O M - - - - - -

158 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

FaultCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

FaultMsg - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Body - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

DC_EVSEStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEIsolatio - - M O - - M O - - - - - -
EVSEStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
NotificationM - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSENotifica - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEPresentVoltag - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
CurrentDemandReq - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Header - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
SessionId - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Notification - - O M - - O M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

FaultCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Body - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
DC_EVStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVReady - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRESSConi - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
EVErrorCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRESSSO - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVTargetCurrent - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVMaximumVoltage - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
EVMaximumCurrent - - O M - - O M - - - - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

EVMaximumPowerL - - O M - - O M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

BulkChargingCompl - - O M - - O M - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

ChargingComplete - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
RemainingTimeToF - - O M - - O M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

RemainingTimeToB - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
EVTargetVoltage - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
CurrentDemandRes - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Header - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
SessionId - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Notification - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
FaultCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Body - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

DC_EVSEStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEIsolatio - - M O - - M O - - - - - -
EVSEStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
NotificationM - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSENotifica - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEPresentVoltag - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEPresentCurre - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSECurrentLimitA - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEVoltageLimitA - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEPowerLimitAc - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEMaximumVolt - - M O - - M O - - - - - -

160 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


Provided by IHS under license with ISO

EVSEMaximumCurr - - M O - - M O - - - - - -
EVSEMaximumPow - - M O - - M O - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

EVSEID - - M M - - M O - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

SAScheduleTupleID - - M M - - M O - - - - - -
MeterInfo - - - - - - M O - - - - - -
MeterID - - - - - - M M - - - - - -
MeterReadin - - - - - - O O - - - - - -
SigMeterRea - - - - - - O O - - - - - -
MeterStatus - - - - - - O O - - - - - -
Tmeter - - - - - - O O - - - - - -
ReceiptRequired - - - - - - M O - - - - - -
WeldingDetectionReq - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
Header - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
SessionId - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Notification - - O M - - O M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

FaultCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
FaultMsg - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Body - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
DC_EVStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVReady - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRESSConi - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
EVErrorCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVRESSSO - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
WeldingDetectionRes - - O M - - O M - - - - - -
Header - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
SessionId - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Notification - - O M - - O M - - - - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 161

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

FaultCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

FaultMsg - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Body - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
ResponseCode - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

DC_EVSEStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEIsolatio - - M O - - M O - - - - - -
EVSEStatus - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
NotificationM - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSENotifica - - M M - - M M - - - - - -
EVSEPresentVoltag - - M M - - M M - - - - - -

Not for Resale

162 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
ISO 15118-2:2014(E) Common

[V2G2-762] If an SECC operates in the EIM Identification Mode and if the SECC chooses to send a sales
tariff it shall send the sales tariff that was selected at the EVSE (e.g. using an RFID card) in the
first entry (SAScheduleTuple) within the parameter SAScheduleList in the message

[V2G2-763] If an EVCC operates in the EIM Identification Mode it shall process the first entry
(SAScheduleTuple) in the parameter SAScheduleList included in the message
ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes only.

NOTE In PnC the parameter sales tariff might contain several tariffs allowing the EVCC to select one for internal
charge schedule optimization. In EIM Identification Mode the selection of the sales tariff is implemented at the EVSE which
means that the SECC transmits the selected sales tariff to the EVCC and the EV might use this information for charge

schedule optimization. AC EIM

If an EVCC/SECC supports the EIM Identification Mode for AC charging it supports the corresponding
Messages Sets.

[V2G2-376] If an EVCC supports AC charging and the EIM Identification Mode it shall support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “AC Charging EIM”,
sub column “EVCC”.

[V2G2-377] If an SECC supports AC charging and the EIM Identification Mode it shall support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “AC Charging EIM”,
sub column “SECC”.

If an EVCC/SECC supports the Message Set “AC Charging EIM” it may additionally support the Message Set
“Value Added Services”.

[V2G2-378] If an EVCC supports the Message Set “AC Charging EIM“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: VAS”, sub
column “EVCC”.

[V2G2-379] If an SECC supports the Message Set “AC Charging EIM“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: VAS”, sub
column “SECC”. PnC

If an EVCC/SECC supports the PnC Identification Mode for AC charging it supports the corresponding
Messages Sets.

[V2G2-380] If an EVCC supports AC charging and the PnC Identification Mode it shall support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “AC Charging PnC”,
sub column “EVCC”.

[V2G2-381] If an SECC supports AC charging and the PnC Identification Mode it shall support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “AC Charging PnC”,
sub column “SECC”.

If an EVCC/SECC supports the PnC Identification Mode for AC charging it may additionally support the
Message Set, “Value Added Services”, “Certificate Update”, and “Certificate Install“.

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 163

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

[V2G2-384] If an EVCC supports the Message Set “AC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: VAS”, sub
column “EVCC”.

[V2G2-385] If an SECC supports the Message Set “AC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: VAS”, sub
column “SECC”.

[V2G2-386] If an EVCC supports the Message Set “AC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: Certificate
Installation”, sub column “EVCC”.

[V2G2-387] If an SECC supports the Message Set “AC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: Certificate
Installation”, sub column “SECC”.

[V2G2-388] If an EVCC supports the Message Set “AC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Certificate Update”,
sub column “EVCC”.

[V2G2-389] If an SECC supports the Message Set “AC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Certificate Update”,
sub column “SECC”. DC Charging EIM

If an EVCC/SECC supports the EIM Identification Mode for DC charging it supports the corresponding
Messages Sets.

[V2G2-390] If an EVCC supports DC charging and the EIM Identification Mode it shall support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “DC Charging EIM”,
sub column “EVCC”.

[V2G2-391] If an SECC supports DC charging and the EIM Identification Mode it shall support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “DC Charging EIM”,
sub column “SECC”.

If an EVCC/SECC supports the Message Set “DC Charging EIM” it may additionally support the Message Set
“Value Added Services”.

[V2G2-392] If an EVCC supports the Message Set “DC Charging EIM“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: VAS”, sub
column “EVCC”.

[V2G2-393] If an SECC supports the Message Set “DC Charging EIM“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: VAS”, sub
column “SECC”. PnC

If an EVCC/SECC supports the PnC Identification Mode for DC charging it supports the corresponding
Messages Sets.

[V2G2-394] If an EVCC supports DC charging and the PnC Identification Mode it shall support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “DC Charging PnC”,
sub column “EVCC”.


Copyright International Organization for Standardization
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

[V2G2-395] If an SECC supports DC charging and the PnC Identification Mode it shall support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “DC Charging PnC”,
sub column “SECC”.

If an EVCC/SECC supports the PnC Identification Mode for DC charging it may additionally support the
Message Set “Value Added Services”, “Certificate Update”, and “Certificate Install“.

[V2G2-396] If an EVCC supports the Message Set “DC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: VAS”, sub
column “EVCC”.

[V2G2-397] If an SECC supports the Message Set “DC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: VAS”, sub
column “SECC”.

[V2G2-398] If an EVCC supports the Message Set “DC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: Certificate
Installation”, sub column “EVCC”.

[V2G2-399] If an SECC supports the Message Set “DC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Option: Certificate
Installation”, sub column “SECC”.

[V2G2-400] If an EVCC supports the Message Set “DC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Certificate Update”,
sub column “EVCC”.

[V2G2-401] If an SECC supports the Message Set “DC Charging PnC“ it may additionally support the
messages and parameters marked with “M” and "O" in Table 104, column “Certificate Update”,
sub column “SECC”.

8.6.3 Selection of Message Sets Message Sets for AC/DC Charging EIM/PnC

The selection of the Message Set is based on the selected payment option in the
PaymentServiceSelectionReq message.

Figure 97 shows an overview for selecting the Messages Sets “AC Charging EIM”, “DC Charging EIM”, AC
Charging PnC”, and “DC Charging PnC” based on the definitions for PaymentServiceSelectionReq (refer to
subclause and ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq (refer to subclause

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 165

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)



External Payment Contract

External Identification Plug and Charge(PnC)


ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq() ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq()

PEVRequestedEnergyTransfer PEVRequestedEnergyTransfer

AC_single_phase_core AC_single_phase_core DC_extended
AC_three_phase_core AC_three_phase_core DC_combo_core

AC Charging DC Charging AC Charging DC Charging


Profile Message Set Parameter Based Selection

Figure 97 — Selection of Message Sets

[V2G2-402] If an EVCC sends the payment option “External Payment” in the parameter
“SelectedPaymentOption” of the message “PaymentServiceSelectionReq” and sends
“AC_single_phase_core” or “AC_three_phase_core” in the parameter
“RequestedEnergyTransferMode” of the Message “ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq” it shall use
the Message Set “AC Charging EIM”.

[V2G2-403] If an EVCC sends the payment option “External Payment” in the parameter
“SelectedPaymentOption” of the message “PaymentServiceSelectionReq ” and sends

“DC_core” or “DC_extended” or “DC_combo_core” or “DC_unique” in the parameter

“RequestedEnergyTransferMode” of the Message “ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq” it shall use
the Message Set “DC Charging EIM”.

[V2G2-404] If an EVCC sends the payment option “Contract” in the parameter “SelectedPaymentOption” of
the message “PaymentServiceSelectionReq” and sends “AC_single_phase_core” or
“AC_three_phase_core” in the parameter “RequestedEnergyTransferMode” of the Message
“ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq” it shall use the Message Set “AC Charging PnC”.

[V2G2-405] If an EVCC sends the payment option “Contract” in the parameter “SelectedPaymentOption” of
the message “PaymentServiceSelectionReq” and sends “DC_core” or “DC_extended” or
“DC_combo_core” or “DC_unique” in the parameter “RequestedEnergyTransferMode” of the
Message “ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq” it shall use the Message Set “DC Charging PnC”.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E) Message Set Metering Receipt

As shown in Figure 1, the Message Set “Meter Status Receipt” is mandatory for the EVCC/SECC if it supports
the Message Set “AC Charging PnC” or "DC Charging PnC". While the implementation of the Message Set
“Meter Status Receipt” is mandatory to ensure compatibility, the application of the Message Set is optional.

[V2G2-406] If an EVCC selected the Message Set “AC Charging PnC” as described in subclause
and an SECC requires a metering receipt from an EVCC, the SECC shall set the Parameter
“ReceiptRequired” in the message “ChargingStatusRes” to value “TRUE”.

[V2G2-407] If an EVCC selected the Message Set “AC Charging PnC” as described in subclause
and an SECC does not require any metering receipt from an EVCC, the SECC shall set the
Parameter “ReceiptRequired” in the message “ChargingStatusRes” to value “FALSE”.

[V2G2-408] If an EVCC selected the Message Set “AC Charging PnC” as described in subclause it
shall use the Message Set “Metering Receipt” if the SECC sets the Parameter
“ReceiptRequired” to value “TRUE” in the message “ChargingStatusRes”.

[V2G2-787] If an EVCC selected the Message Set “DC Charging PnC” as described in subclause
and an SECC requires a metering receipt from an EVCC, the SECC shall use the optional
parameter “ReceiptRequired” in the message “CurrentDemandRes” and set its value to

[V2G2-788] If an EVCC selected the Message Set “DC Charging PnC” as described in subclause
and an SECC does not require any metering receipt from an EVCC, the SECC shall use the
optional parameter “Receipt Required” in the message “CurrentDemandRes” and set its value
to “FALSE”.

[V2G2-789] If an EVCC selected the Message Set “DC Charging PnC” as described in subclause it
shall use the Message Set “Metering Receipt” if the SECC includes the parameter
“ReceiptRequired” with value “TRUE” in the message “CurrentDemandRes”.

[V2G2-691] When operating in EIM Identification Mode, the SECC shall always set the value for the
parameter ReceiptRequired to 'FALSE' when sending the message ChargingStatusRes.

NOTE It could be valuable for the EV to validate the amount of energy transferred. If the EV finds a divergence
between the received amount of energy and the amount of energy indicated by EVSE, it may stop the charging process
and make a proprietary error code entry for later analysis (Detection of "T-branches"). Certificate Install

[V2G2-410] If an SECC offers the certificate installation service in the parameter “ServiceList” in the
message “ServiceDiscoveryRes” it shall use the Message Set “Certificate Installation”.

[V2G2-411] If an EVCC intends to use certification installation services offered by an SECC in the
parameter “ServiceList” in the message “ServiceDiscoveryRes” it shall use the Message Set
“Certificate Installation”. Certificate Update

[V2G2-412] If an SECC offers the certificate update service in the parameter “ServiceList” in the message

“ServiceDiscoveryRes” it shall use the Message Set “Certificate Update”.

[V2G2-413] If an EVCC intends to use certification update services offered by an SECC in the parameter
“ServiceList” in the message “ServiceDiscoveryRes” it shall use the Message Set “Certificate

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Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E) Message Set Value Added Services

[V2G2-414] If an SECC offers the use of Value Added Services in the parameter “ServiceList” in the
message “ServiceDiscoveryRes” it shall use the Message Set “Value Added Services (VAS)”.

[V2G2-415] If an EVCC intends to use Value Added Services offered by an SECC in the parameter
“ServiceList” in the message “ServiceDiscoveryRes” it shall use the Message Set “Value Added
Services (VAS)”. Selection of services

This subclause defines the reserved ServiceID ranges and the ranges that can be used implementation
specific. Table 105 defines the ServiceIDs defined and reserved by this standard. In addition it defines the
parameter sets for Certificate services and InternetAccess services including the respective parameterSetIDs
(refer to Table 106 and Table 107). Also this subclause includes requirements defining the usage of
ServiceDiscoveryReq, ServiceDiscoveryRes, ServiceDetailsReq, ServiceDetailsRes,
PaymentServiceSelectionReq and PaymentServiceSelectionRes.

NOTE 1 Refer to Annex D.1 for an example how the parameter set for an InternetAccess service is selected using the
definition in this subclause.

[V2G2-416] The EVCC and the SECC shall use the ServiceIDs in the range from 1 to 4 as defined in this

[V2G2-417] The EVCC and the SECC shall conform to the ServiceID, ServiceName, ServiceCategory as
defined in Table 105.

Table 105 — Definition of ServiceID, Service Category, Service Name, and Service Scope

ServiceName ServiceCategory Description

0 Reserved by ISO/IEC

All charging services as defined by

1 AC_DC_Charging EVCharging SupportedEnergyTransferMode in
Service allowing to update or install
2 Certificate ContractCertificate
Contract Certificates.
Service for standard protocols like HTTP,
3 InternetAccess Internet
HTTPs, FTP, etc.
Service enabling the exchange of use
4 UseCaseInformation EVSEInformation case specific information about the
5 – 60000 Reserved by ISO/IEC
60001 – 65535 Reserved for implementation specific use

[V2G2-418] The ServiceDiscoveryRes shall contain information about the offered services which requires
the appropriate ResponseCode, PaymentOptionList, ChargeService and optional a ServiceList.

[V2G2-419] The requirements [V2G2-420] and [V2G2-421] shall apply if a ServiceList is offered.

[V2G2-420] The ServiceList shall contain a list of offered services and for each offered service an
information if the service can be used for free or if the customer needs to pay for the service.

[V2G2-421] An offered service shall be identified by it's ServiceID, the offered value shall comply with
Table 105. An offered service may contain one or multiple additional information like
ServiceName, ServiceCategory and ServiceScope.


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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

[V2G2-422] The EVCC shall request ServiceDetails prior using one or multiple services offered in the
ServiceList of the ServiceDiscoveryRes.

[V2G2-424] The EVCC shall provide the ServiceID for which the service details are requested. The
ServiceID shall be used according to Table 105.

[V2G2-425] The SECC shall respond with a negative ResponseCode 'FAILED_ServiceIDInvalid' if the
EVCC provided a not previously retrieved ServiceID in the ServiceDetailsReq.

[V2G2-426] The SECC shall respond with the ServiceParameterList containing the detailed information
about the requested ServiceID.

[V2G2-427] The ServiceParameterList shall contain a ParameterSetID and details to the offered

[V2G2-428] The ServiceParameterList shall comply with Table 106 if service details for ServiceID 2
'Certificate' is requested

Table 106 — ServiceParameterList for certificate service


ParameterSetID ParameterName
(unsignedshort) = Service

0 Reserved by ISO/IEC

stringValue Service to install a Contract Certificate in

= Installation the EVCC, according to

stringValue Service to update a Contract Certificate in

= Update the EVCC, according to

4 – 60000 Reserved by ISO/IEC

60001 – 65535 Implementation specific use

[V2G2-429] The ServiceParameterList shall comply with Table 107 if service details for ServiceID 3
'InternetAccess' is requested.

Table 107 — ServiceParameterList for internet access service

ID ParameterName = ParameterName =
(unsig Protocol Port

0 Reserved by ISO/IEC

1 intValue = 20 Service to use internet access using FTP protocol via port 20
= ftp
2 intValue = 21 Service to use internet access using FTP protocol via port 21
= ftp
3 intValue = 80 Service to use internet access using HTTP protocol via port 80
= http
4 intValue = 443 Service to use internet access using HTTPS protocol via port 443,
= https
service name port number
5– according to according to Additional protocol port combinations which are supported by the
65535 IANA Service&PortR IANA Service&Por SECC for internet access
egistry tRegistry

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[V2G2-430] If the SECC supports additional protocol / port combinations beyond the definitions in
Table 107, it shall use the service names and the assigned port numbers according to
IANA Service&PortRegistry (i.e. the service name defined in IANA Service&PortRegistry is
transmitted as the "Protocol" and the port number defined in IANA Service&PortRegistry is
transmitted as "Port").

NOTE 2 It is assumed if a IANA Service&PortRegistry defined service name and port number combination is applicable
for both transport protocols, TCP and UDP, the SECC supports connections on TCP or UDP or on both for the respective

[V2G2-431] The PaymentServiceSelectionReq shall contain a list of selected services.

[V2G2-432] Each selected service shall be defined according to a ServiceID and a ParameterSetID which
are previously retrieved from the SECC using ServiceDiscovery and ServiceDetail Message

[V2G2-433] The SECC shall respond with a negative ResponseCode 'FAILED_ServiceSelectionInvalid' if

the EVCC provided a not previously retrieved ServiceID, ParameterSetID pair in the

[V2G2-774] If the EVCC and the SECC agreed on the usage of VAS "Internet Access" (Service ID 3,
AuthorizationRes with ResponseCode = OK & EVSEProcessing = Finished) the SECC shall
provide the VAS for the entire charging session.

8.7 V2G communication timing

8.7.1 Overview

This subclause describes the timing and error handling for the V2G Communication Session. The error
handling is based on timers enabling the EVCC and the SECC to monitor the V2G message exchange. For
the detection of missing or delayed messages the EVCC and the SECC use predefined timeout values as
error criteria. Whenever a timer is equal of larger than the related timeout the related error handling is

A timer counts the duration from the last time it was reset and then started. The value of a timer is the duration
from its most recent reset and start time to the present time. The monitoring of a V2G communication
message exchange is based on two Timer categories:

 Message Timer: Monitors the exchange of a request message and the corresponding response message

 Sequence Timer: Monitors the exchange of multiple Request-Response-Pairs.

To enable error handling for a V2G Communication Session setup the EVCC monitors the time between plug-
in and the reception of the SessionSetupRes and the PowerDeliveryRes, respectively. This allows the EVCC
to decide about a successful or failed charging session after the defined timeouts.

The monitoring of a V2G Communication Session is based on the following timing concepts:

 Message timing: Monitors the timing between the request and the response of a Request-Response-Pair.
This allows e.g. the EVCC application to initiate the error handling if no response is sent.

 Sequence timing: Monitors the timing of subsequent Request-Response-Pairs. This allows e.g. the SECC
application to initiate the error handling if an expected next request message was not sent.

 Ongoing timing: Monitors the timing in case of sending a Request-Response-Pair repeatingly based on
the parameter EVSEProcessing equal to "Ongoing". This allows an e.g. the EVCC to initiate the error

handling in case the SECC exceeds the processing time.

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 Communication Setup timing: Monitors the time from the moment of an established data link until the
Session Setup message. It allows deciding if the communication setup was successful within a defined

 CableCheck timing: The monitoring of the Cable Check is carried out by the EV using the
V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timer. It is started when the EV requests the EVSE to start the Cable Check,
and ends when the EVSE has finished the Cable Check, or when the V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timer

 PreCharge timing: The monitoring of the Pre Charge is carried out by the EV using the
V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timer. It is started when the EV starts the Pre Charging by sending the first
PreChargeReq message, and ends when the Pre Charging has finished, indicated by the EV determining
that the EVSE output voltage, as measured inside the EV, has sufficiently been adjusted to the EV RESS
voltage, or when the V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timer expires.

The timers are compared to predefined time values as decision criterion. The EVCC and the SECC distinguish
between two categories:

 Timeout: If the specified time is exceeded the related error handling is initiated.

 Performance Time: If the specified time is exceeded the performance requirement is not fulfilled.

NOTE While exceeding a timeout always causes an error handling, the performance time does not necessarily cause
error handling if not defined differently by requirements. Depending on the system behaviour (e.g. transmission time) no
error may occur if the corresponding communication partner does not detect a timeout but the probability for causing a
timeout is high.

8.7.2 Message sequence and communication session Definitions

Message Timers, Sequence Timers, Timeouts, and Performance Times are defined for EVCC and SECC
separately and are summarized in Table 108. Timeouts and Performance Times are parameterized for
messages separately to describe different processing times. Table 109 defines the values for each V2G
message type.

Table 108 — EVCC and SECC Timers, Timeouts, Performance Times

Applicable for
Name Type

V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer Message Timer in the EVCC x

V2G_SECC_Msg_Timer Message Timer in the SECC x
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer Sequence Timer in the EVCC x
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timer Sequence Timer in the SECC x
V2G_EVCC_Ongoing_Timer Ongoing Timer in the EVCC x
V2G_SECC_Ongoing_Timer Ongoing Timer in the SECC x
Timeout for the Message Timer
V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout The value is defined depending on the

(MessageType) parameter MessageType as defined in
Table 109.
Performance Time for the Message Timer
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time The value is defined depending on the
(MessageType) parameter MessageType as defined in
Table 109.
Performance Time for the Sequence Timer
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time x
as defined in Table 109.

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Timeout for the Sequence Timer

V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout x
as defined in Table 109.
V2G_EVCC_Ongoing_Timeout Timeout for Ongoing Timer x
V2G_SECC_Ongoing_Performance_Time Performance Time for Ongoing Timer x

Table 109 — EVCC and SECC Message sequence and session timing parameter values

Name MessageType Value [s]

SupportedAppProtocolReq 2
SessionSetupReq 2
ServiceDiscoveryReq 2
ServiceDetailReq 5
PaymentServiceSelectionReq 2
PaymentDetailsReq 5
AuthorizationReq 2
ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq 2
ChargingStatusReq 2
MeteringReceiptReq 2
PowerDeliveryReq 5
CableCheckReq 2
PreChargeReq 2
CurrentDemandReq 0,25
WeldingDetectionReq 2
SessionStopReq 2
CertificateInstallationReq 5
CertificateUpdateReq 5


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Name MessageType Value [s]

SupportedAppProtocolRes 1,5
SessionSetupRes 1,5
ServiceDiscoveryRes 1,5
ServiceDetailRes 4,5

PaymentServiceSelectionRes 1,5
PaymentDetailsRes 4,5
AuthorizationRes 1,5
ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes 1,5
ChargingStatusRes 1,5
MeteringReceiptRes 1,5
PowerDeliveryRes 4,5
CableCheckRes 1,5
PreChargeRes 1,5
CurrentDemandRes 0,025
WeldingDetectionRes 1,5
SessionStopRes 1,5
CertificateInstallationRes 4,5
CertificateUpdateRes 4,5
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time (all messages) 40
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout (all messages) 60
Response messages with
V2G_EVCC_Ongoing_Timeout parameter EVSEProcessing 60
equal to 'Ongoing'
Response messages with
V2G_SECC_Ongoing_Performance_Time parameter EVSEProcessing 55
equal to 'Ongoing'

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Figure 98 illustrates how the Message Timers, Sequence Timers, Timeouts, and Performance Times are
applied in the EVCC and the SECC.

Application Application
Layer Layer





time time

Threshold: Timeout (Error Criteria)

Threshold: Performance Time (Performance Criteria)

Figure 98 — Message sequence and session timing

[V2G2-434] The EVCC shall implement the EVCC specific Timeouts and Performance Times defined in
Table 108 and Table 109.

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[V2G2-435] The SECC shall implement the SECC specific Timeouts and Performance Times defend in
Table 108 and Table 109. EVCC Timing for Request-Response Message Pairs

[V2G2-436] The EVCC shall set the timeout V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout depending on the value
MessageType as defined in Table 109, reset the V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer and start monitoring
the V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer when it sends a request message.

NOTE 1 In this document sending a request message is described by A-Data.request.

[V2G2-437] The EVCC shall wait for the response message corresponding to the request message sent

[V2G2-438] The EVCC shall stop waiting for the response message and stop monitoring the
V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal or larger than
V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout(MessageType) and no response message was received. It shall
then apply the error handling as defined in subclause 8.8.

NOTE 2 In this document receiving a response message is described by A-DATA.confirmation.

[V2G2-439] The EVCC shall stop waiting for the response message and stop monitoring the
V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout(MessageType) and it received a response message. It shall then
process the response message as defined in subclause 8.8.

NOTE 3 In this document receiving a response message is described by A-Data.confirmation.

[V2G2-440] The EVCC shall ignore any message that is not a valid response message. SECC Timing for Response-Request Message Sequence

[V2G2-441] The SECC shall set the timeout V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout to the value as defined in
Table 109, reset the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timer and start monitoring the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timer when it sends a response message.

NOTE 1 In this document sending a response message is described by A-Data.response.

[V2G2-442] The SECC shall wait for a request message.

[V2G2-443] The SECC shall stop waiting for a request message and stop monitoring the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timer when V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timer is equal or larger than
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout and no request message was received. It shall then stop the
V2G Communication Session..

NOTE 2 In this document receiving a request message is described by A-Data.indication. A-Data.indication

(A_Msg=“message name”) signalizes the successful reception of a valid request message for the V2G message that is
given by A_Msg where “Valid message” means that all mandatory elements are filled in so that it can be deserialized.

[V2G2-444] The SECC shall stop waiting for a request message and stop monitoring the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timer when V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout and it received a request message. It shall then process the
response message as defined in subclause 8.8.

NOTE 3 In this document receiving a request message is described by A-Data.indication.

[V2G2-445] The SECC shall ignore any message that is not a valid request message.

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8.7.3 Session setup and ready to charge Definitions

Timing parameters applicable to the communication session setup and ready to charge time defined in this
standard are shown in Table 110. Table 111 define the values for the related performance times and the

Table 110 — EVCC and SECC V2G Communication Session setup timing parameters

Parameter name Definition

V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timer Communication Setup Timer in the EVCC x

V2G_SECC_CommunicationSetup_Timer Communication Setup Timer in the SVCC x
V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timer Cable Check Timer in the EVCC x
V2G_SECC_CableCheck_Timer Cable Check Timer in the SECC x
V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timer PreCharge Timer in the EVCC x
V2G_SECC_PreCharge_Timer PreCharge Timer in the SECC x
Timeout for the Communication Setup Timer
V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timeout x
as defined in Table 111.
V2G_SECC_CommunicationSetup_Performance_ Performance Time for the Communication
Time Setup Timer as defined in Table 111.
Timeout for the CableCheck Timer as defined
V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timeout x
in Table 111.
Performance Time for the CableCheck Timer
V2G_SECC_CableCheck_Performance_Time x
as defined in Table 111.
Timeout for the PreCharge Timer as defined
V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timeout x
in Table 111.
Performance Time for the PreCharge Timer
V2G_SECC_ PreCharge_Performance_Time x
as defined in Table 111.

[V2G2-605] The EVCC and SECC shall implement the timing parameter values defined in Table 111.

Table 111 — EVCC and SECC Message sequence and session timing parameter values

Parameter name Value [s]

V2G_SECC_CommunicationSetup_Performance_Time x

V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timeout x

V2G_SECC_CableCheck_Performance_Time x

V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timeout x

V2G_SECC_PreCharge_Performance_Time x

V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timeout x

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Figure 99 illustrates how the timing parameters defined in Table 110 are applied.

Application Application
Layer Layer

D- D-
STATUS=Link established) TATUS=Link established)






time time

Threshold: Timeout (Error Criteria)

Threshold: Performance Time (Performance Criteria)

Figure 99 — CommunicationSetup timing EVCC Timing for communication session setup

[V2G2-446] The EVCC shall set the timeout V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timeout to the value as
defined in Table 111, reset the V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timer and start monitoring
the V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timer when a successful Data-Link establishment is
indicated (D-LINK_READY.indication(DLINKSTATUS=Link established)).

[V2G2-447] The EVCC shall wait for the SessionSetupRes message.

[V2G2-448] The EVCC shall stop waiting for the SessionSetupRes message and stop monitoring the
V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timer when V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timer is
equal or larger than V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timeout and no SessionSetupRes
message was received. It shall then stop the V2G Communication Session.

NOTE 1 In this document receiving the response message “SessionSetupRes” is described by A-


[V2G2-449] The EVCC shall stop waiting for the SessionSetupRes message and stop monitoring the
V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timer when V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timer is
smaller than V2G_EVCC_CommunicationSetup_Timeout and a SessionSetupRes message
was received. It shall then process the response message as defined in subclause 8.8.

NOTE 2 In this document receiving the response message “SessionSetupRes” is described by A-


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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) SECC Timing for communication session setup

[V2G2-714] The SECC shall set the timeout V2G_SECC_CommunicationSetup_Performance_Time to the

value as defined in Table 110, reset the V2G_SECC_CommunicationSetup_Timer and start
monitoring the V2G_SECC_CommunicationSetup_Timer when a successful Data-Link
establishment is indicated (D-LINK_READY.indication(DLINKSTATUS=Link established).

[V2G2-715] The SECC shall wait for the SessionSetupReq message.

[V2G2-716] The SECC shall stop waiting for SessionSetupReq and stop monitoring the
V2G_SECC_CommunicationSetup_Timer when V2G_SECC_CommunicationSetup_Timer is
equal or larger than V2G_SECC_CommunicationSetup_Performance_Time and no
SessionSetupRes message was sent. It shall then apply [V2G2-034].

NOTE 1 In this document sending the response message “SessionSetupRes” is described by A-

Data.response(SessionSetupRes). EVCC Timing for EVSEProcessing parameter

[V2G2-710] If the EVCC receives a V2G response message with parameter EVSEProcessing equal to
'Ongoing' for the first time in a response message it shall start the timer
V2G_EVCC_Ongoing_Timer and wait for parameter EVSEProcessing equal to 'Finished'.

[V2G2-711] If [V2G2-710] applies, the EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when
V2G_EVCC_Ongoing_Timer is equal or larger than V2G_EVCC_Ongoing_Timeout and no
parameter EVSEProcessing equal to 'Finished' has been received. SECC Timing for EVSEProcessing parameter

[V2G2-712] If the SECC sends a V2G response message with parameter EVSEProcessing equal to
'Ongoing' for the first time in a response message it shall start the timer

[V2G2-713] If [V2G2-712] applies, the SECC shall try to send ResponseCode equal to "FAILED" when
V2G_SECC_Ongoing_Timer is equal or larger than V2G_SECC_Ongoing_Performance_Time
and no parameter EVSEProcessing equal to 'Finished' has been sent. The SECC shall stop the
V2G Communication Session. EVCC Timing for cable check

[V2G2-700] The EVCC shall set the timeout V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timeout to the value as defined in
Table 111, reset the V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timer and start monitoring the
V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timer when sending the message CableCheckReq for the first time
in a charging session.

NOTE 1 In this document, sending a request message is described by A-Data.request.

[V2G2-701] The EVCC shall wait for the Cable Check of the EVSE to finish indicated by the reception of a
CableCheckRes with ResponseCode equal to “OK” and EVSEProcessing equal to “Finished”.

NOTE 2 In this document, receiving a response message is described by A-Data.confirmation.

[V2G2-702] The EVCC shall stop waiting for the Cable Check of the EVSE to finish and stop monitoring the
V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timer when V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timer is equal or larger than
V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timeout. It shall then apply the error handling as defined in
subclause 8.8.

[V2G2-703] The EVCC shall stop waiting for the Cable Check of the EVSE to finish and stop monitoring the
V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timer if V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timer is smaller than

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V2G_EVCC_CableCheck_Timeout and a CableCheckRes message with ResponseCode equal

to “OK” and EVSEProcessing equal to “Finished” was received. It shall then process the
response message as defined in subclause 8.8.

NOTE 3 In this document, receiving a response message is described by A-Data.confirmation. EVCC Timing for pre charging

[V2G2-704] The EVCC shall set the timeout V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timeout to the value as defined in
Table 111, reset the V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timer and start monitoring the
V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timer when sending the message PreChargeReq for the first time in
a charging session.

NOTE In this document, sending a request message is described by A-Data.request.

[V2G2-705] The EVCC shall wait for the Pre Charging to finish, indicated by the EV determining that the
EVSE output voltage, as measured inside the EV, has sufficiently been adjusted to the EV
RESS voltage.

[V2G2-706] The EVCC shall stop waiting for the Pre Charging to finish and stop monitoring the
V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timer when V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timer is equal or larger than
V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timeout. It shall then apply the error handling as defined in subclause

[V2G2-707] The EVCC shall stop monitoring the V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timer when

V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_PreCharge_Timeout and Pre
Charging has finished, indicated by the EV determining that the EVSE output voltage, as
measured inside the EV, has sufficiently been adjusted to the EV RESS voltage. It shall then
process the response message as defined in subclause 8.8.

8.7.4 V2G message synchronization with IEC 61851-1 signalling Overview

ISO 15118 based charging control extends the IEC 61861-1 signaled charging. For this, the messaging on
application layer is synchronised with the CP States defined in IEC 61851-1.

ISO 15118 based messaging is able to manage the AC and DC charging process for a complete charging
session from the beginning to the end in 5% duty cycle case.

For AC, ISO 15118 also allows to start charging based on IEC 61851-1 (Basic Charging, BC) and switch to
ISO 15118 based charging control (High Level Communication Control, HLC-C) later.

In this subclauses, terms and definitions in requirements are applied as defined in Part 3 and IEC 61851-1.

Figure 100 shows an example for AC and DC charging with BC and HLC-C in relation to the phases Data Link
Setup, V2G Setup, and V2G Charging Loop during a V2G Communication Session. The figure also shows an
example for the most important entry and exit conditions for the phases. In case of AC a BC phase can be
applied. In general, BC before HLC-C requires a nominal Duty Cycle instead of a 5% Duty Cycle.

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Figure 100 — AC Example for BC and HLC-C charging in relation to a V2G Communication Session

The V2G Charging Loop is defined as V2G messaging phase for controlling the charging process by ISO
15118 in normal operation. The charging phase under control of ISO 15118 is defined as High Level
Controlled Charging (HLC-C).

The entry and exit conditions for the V2G Charging Loop are as follows:

 Entry Condition: PowerDeliveryRes message with parameter ResponseCode equal to OK after

PowerDeliveryReq with ChargeProgress equals "Start".

 Exit Condition: PowerDeliveryRes with parameter ResponseCode equal to OK after PowerDeliveryReq

with ChargeProgress equals "Stop".

Besides the requirements for Request-Response Message Pairs and Request-Response Message
Sequences as defined in subclause 8.8.4 the EVCC and the SECC shall conform to the requirements as
defined in subclause,, and Common requirements

The following requirements apply for the EV:

[V2G2-836] The EVCC shall use the message PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress set to
“Start” to start HLC-C based charging.

[V2G2-837] If [V2G2-836] applies and the PowerDeliveryRes message has been received with
ResponseCode set to OK, the EV shall apply the Charging Limits according to the V2G

[V2G2-838] The EV shall stop charging (no current drawn by EV) before sending the message
PowerDeliveryReq with the parameter ChargeProgress set to “Stop”.

[V2G2-839] The EVCC shall use the message PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress set to
“Stop” to stop HLC-C based charging.

[V2G2-840] The EVCC shall use the message PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress set to
“Renegotiation” to initiate a renegotiation messaging.

[V2G2-841] The EVCC shall not send the message PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress set
to “Renegotiation” before sending PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress set to
“Start. (see [V2G2-837]).

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[V2G2-842] If [V2G2-841] applies the EVCC shall set the parameter ChargeProgress to “Start” in the next
following message PowerDeliveryReq to apply the negotiated charging limits after a

In General, ISO 15118 is based on the requirements as defined in IEC 61851-1.

[V2G2-843] An ISO 15118 enabled EV shall conform to IEC 61851-1.

[V2G2-844] During HLC-C, the EV shall apply all charging limits as negotiated by ISO 15118 in addition to
the limits defined by IEC 61851-1.

NOTE For DC charging only ISO 15118 limits apply.

[V2G2-845] If the Message Set “EIM charging AC” or “EIM charging DC” is selected and the parameter
EVSEProcessing is set to „Ongoing_WaitingForCustomerInteraction“ in AuthorizationRes the
EV shall resent the AuthorizationReq message.

[V2G2-731] If [V2G2-508] or [V2G2-728] applies, the EVCC can establishing a new or resumed V2G
Communication Session by applying [V2G2-014].

[V2G2-737] If the EVCC measures CP State E or F it shall stop the V2G Communication Session and
continue with [V2G2-728].

The following requirements apply for the EVSE:

[V2G2-850] ISO 15118 enabled EVSE shall conform to IEC 61851-1.

[V2G2-854] If identification mode EIM has been selected by the parameter SelectedPaymentOption equal
to "External Payment" in message ServicePaymentSelectReq and no positive EIM information
is available an SECC shall set the parameter EVSEProcessing to
„Ongoing_WaitingForCustomerInteraction“ in AuthorizationRes.

[V2G2-855] If identification mode PnC has been selected by the parameter SelectedPaymentOption equal
to "Contract" in message ServicePaymentSelectReq and no positive PnC information is
available an SECC shall set the parameter EVSEProcessing to „Ongoing“ in AuthorizationRes.

[V2G2-856] If an SECC positive authorization information is available the SECC shall set the parameter
EVSEProcessing to „finished“ in AuthorizationRes.

NOTE2 [V2G2-856] applies the same behaviour for positive authorization for identification mode EIM and PnC.

[V2G2-733] If [V2G2-571] or [V2G2-539] or [V2G2-729] applies, the SECC can allow to establish a new or
resumed V2G Communication Session by applying [V2G2-027]. AC specific requirements

The following requirements apply for the EV:

Before entering HLC-C in PWM 5% case, the EV shall signal CP State B.

[V2G2-930] The EV shall measure a PWM of 5% or nominal duty cycle before sending the message

[V2G2-846] In case of PWM is 5% or nominal PWM without BC the EV shall signal CP State B before
sending the first PowerDeliveryReq with ChargeProgress equals "Start" within V2G
Communication SessionPowerDeliveryReq.

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[V2G2-847] The EV shall signal CP State C or D no later than 250ms after sending the first
PowerDeliveryReq with ChargeProgress equals "Start" within V2G Communication

[V2G2-848] The EV shall signal CP State B no later than 250ms after sending PowerDeliveryReq with
ChargeProgress equals "Stop".

[V2G2-849] If [V2G2-847] applies and no error has been identified, the EV shall not change the CP State
until [V2G2-848] applies.

NOTE 1 In case of renegotiation the Contactor stays closed to allow charging based on the existing charging limits
during renegotiation.

The following requirements apply for the EVSE:

The EVSE will provide a PWM of 5 % to signal to the EV that ISO 15118 is required for charging. With a PWM
of 10 – 95 % and EIM, ISO/IEC15118 can be supported in parallel to IEC 61851-1.

[V2G2-931] The EVSE shall signal a PWM of 5 % or nominal duty cycle after sending the message

[V2G2-851] If no energy is available an EVSE shall apply a duty cycle of 100 %.

[V2G2-852] If no positive authorization information from an EIM has been received the EVSE shall apply
PWM equal to 5 %.

[V2G2-853] If an EVSE receives positive authorization information from an EIM the EVSE shall apply a
nominal duty cycle.

The SECC waits for positive authorization and availability of energy before entering the Charging Loop.

[V2G2-857] If [V2G2-856] applies and the EVSE PWM signal equals 5 % the EVSE shall not change the
PWM value until the end of a V2G communication session.

NOTE 2 If the EVSE cannot provide energy (EVSE signals a PWM equal to 100 %) the EVSE can provide the time of
availability of energy in the parameter SASchedule in the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message. The EV then has the
opportunity to start with a PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress equal to "Stop" to start with pausing.

The EVSE Contactor must be closed before sending the PowerDeliverRes message.

[V2G2-858] After receiving a PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress equal to "Start" the SECC
shall monitor the Contactor status and start the V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Timer.

[V2G2-859] In case of High-level communication based charging, the SECC shall not close the Contactor
before receiving PowerDeliveryReq(ChargeProgress = Start).

[V2G2-860] If no error is detected, the SECC shall close the Contactor no later than 3s after measuring CP
State C or D.

[V2G2-861] The SECC shall respond with PowerDeliveryRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the SECC measures a closed

[V2G2-862] The SECC shall respond with PowerDeliveryRes containing “ResponseCode =

FAILED_ContactorError” if V2G_SECC_Msg_Timer is equal or larger than
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance of 'PowerDelivery' according to Table 109. and SECC
measures opened Contactor.

[V2G2-863] After receiving a PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress equal to "Stop", the SECC
shall monitor the Contactor status and start the V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Timer.


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[V2G2-864] The SECC shall respond with PowerDeliveryRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the SECC measures an open

[V2G2-865] The SECC shall respond with PowerDeliveryRes containing “ResponseCode =

FAILED_ContactorError” if V2G_SECC_Msg_Timer is equal or larger than
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance of 'PowerDelivery' according to Table 109 and SECC
measures a closed Contactor.

[V2G2-866] If [V2G2-862] or [V2G2-865] applies, the SECC shall set the PWM to 100 % no later than
250 ms after sending PowerDeliveryRes.

NOTE 3 ISO 15118 does not require a specific implementation for controlling the Contactor in an EVSE. Control of the
power Contactor depends on the EVSE architecture.

NOTE 4 For AC, the latest point in the messaging sequence for providing energy (closing Contactor, Voltage at EV
inlet) is before sending the PowerDeliveryRes message by the SECC. If a CP State C or D was signalled earlier, the
EVSE may provide energy earlier. E.g. if the EVSE and the EV support BC before HLC-C the EVSE will signal a PWM
between 10 % and 96 %, the EV will signal CP State C or D, and the EVSE close the Contactor and provide energy as
defined IEC 61851-1. In any case the timing limits as defined in IEC 61851-1 must be fulfilled. DC specific requirements

The following requirements apply for the EV:

[V2G2-912] After receiving a ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message and before sending a

CableCheckReq message, the EVCC shall change to CP State C or D as defined in
IEC 61851-1.

[V2G2-913] After sending a PowerDeliveryReq message with ChargeProgress equal to “STOP” and
receiving the corresponding PowerDeliveryRes message, the EVCC shall change to CP State
B as defined in IEC 61851-1 before sending the next Request Message.

[V2G2-914] If [V2G2-912] applies and no error has been identified, the EV shall not change the CP State
until [V2G2-913] applies.

The following requirements apply for the EVSE:

[V2G2-915] The EVSE shall apply a CP duty cycle of 5 % from start of Data Link Setup until end of V2G
Communication Session.

The SECC waits for positive authorization and availability of energy before entering the Charging Loop.

[V2G2-916] After receiving a CableCheckReq message, the SECC shall monitor the CP State and start the

[V2G2-917] The SECC shall respond with CableCheckRes containing “ResponseCode = "OK" within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the SECC measures a CP
State C or D.

[V2G2-918] The SECC shall respond with CableCheckRes containing “ResponseCode = "FAILED" within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the SECC measures no CP
State C or D.

[V2G2-919] After sending a PowerDeliveryRes message with parameter ResponseCode set to "OK" in
response to a PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress set to “Stop”, the SECC shall
try to measure CP state B.


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[V2G2-920] After receiving a WeldingDetectionReq message or a SessionStopReq message, the SECC

shall wait for a maximum of V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time to measure CP state B.

[V2G2-921] After receiving a WeldingDetectionReq message or a SessionStopReq message, the SECC

shall send the corresponding Response message with parameter ResponseCode set to 'OK'
within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 103, if CP State B was

[V2G2-922] After receiving a WeldingDetectionReq message or a SessionStopReq message, the SECC

shall send the corresponding Response message with parameter ResponseCode set to
'FAILED' within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 103, if CP State B
was not measured.

NOTE If the EVSE cannot provide energy (EVSE signals a PWM equal to 100 %) the EVSE can provide the time of
availability of energy in the parameter SASchedule in the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message. The EV then has the
opportunity to start with a PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress equal to "Stop" to start with pausing.

8.8 Message sequencing and error handling

8.8.1 Overview

In a V2G Communication Session the EVCC and the SECC exchange Request-Response Message Pairs
based on a predefined sequence. In this document this is referenced as Request-Response Message
Sequence. These Request-Response Message Sequences allow both sides to synchronize the process in
any situation and to control the communication between two V2G Entities.

The basic error handling concept in ISO 15118 is based on application level timers for Request-Response
Message Sequences. This enables a V2G Entity to manage any processing error and communication error on
application level after waiting for the expected behaviour until a specified timeout. Therefore, a V2G Entity can
decide on a successful processing after waiting for the positive result until a timeout. In case there is no error
in the communication layers below the application layer, the application has the option to terminate the TCP
communication in case of application error. A terminated TCP connection before a SessionStopRes is always
interpreted as an error by the EVCC or the SECC.

Besides the timeout concept defined in this document, the standard does not limit additional error detection
mechanisms as long as such mechanisms do not lead to incompatibility.

Within a Charging Session, an EVCC can establish a new V2G Communication Session after an error by
applying the V2G communication state processing as described in subclause 7.4. In this case, the EVCC and
the SECC start the communication in the same way as for the first V2G session setup.

In general, the processing time of a request message in an SECC is limited by the performance requirements
defined in subclause 8.7.2. If an SECC requires more processing time it may apply the parameter
EVSEProcessing (set to Ongoing) to avoid a timeout at the EVCC by explicitly indicating that the processing is
not finished yet and the EVCC has to wait for finishing the processing before proceeding with the message
sequence. The EVCC will then repeat the request message periodically until the EVSE signals the finishing of
the processing by the parameter EVSEProcessing (set to Finished).

8.8.2 Basic Definitions for Error Handling

The basic error handling for a Request-Response-Message Pair and a Request-Response Message
Sequence is based on the ResponseCode included in the Response Message of the SECC. Depending on
the value in the ResponseCode the EVCC decides if it can proceed with the standard Request-Response
Message Sequence or if it has to handle an error.

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In this standard, the ResponseCode as defined in Annex C.6 is interpreted by the EVCC as follows:

 OK:
Any Value starting with “OK” or “OK_” indicates an positive response. Detailed information may be
provided by OK_<additional info>. This information may be used to differentiate the reaction on the
positive response.

Any Value starting with “FAILED” or “FAILED_” indicates a negative response. Detailed information may
be provided by FAILED_<additional info>. This information may be used to differentiate the reaction on
the negative response.

The processing of the remaining parameters in a response message in the EVCC depends on the parameter
ResponseCode. If the ResponseCode contains a value starting with OK indicating that no error was detected,
the EVCC can process other parameters of the response message mandatorily or optionally as defined in
subclause 8.6. If the ResponseCode contains a value starting with FAILED indicating that an error was
detected, the EVCC shall ignore other parameters of the response message.

As long as the message content of the received request message is valid and the request message is
accepted in the current SECC state (sequencing), the ResponseCode is set to OK. This is also true for
response messages with EVSEProcessing set to Ongoing. With the ResponseCode set to OK the SECC
indicates that the request message is accepted and valid, but cannot be finally answered at this moment and
more time is needed to send the valid values in the response message. When the valid values are sent in the
response message, the SECC indicates this with the parameter EVSEProcessing (set to Finished) and the
EVCC can proceed with the sequence as expected for the first request message before receiving the
parameter EVSEProvessing (set to Ongoing). If the SECC sets the ResponseCode to FAIL it identified an
error in processing or an invalid message and the standard error handling applies.

8.8.3 ResponseCode handling Common requirements

Besides the requirements for Request-Response Message Pairs and Request-Response Message
Sequences as defined in subclause 8.8.4 the EVCC and the SECC shall conform to the following

[V2G2-734] If the ResponseCode contains a value starting with OK, the EVCC shall process the other
parameters of the response message as defined in subclause 8.8.

[V2G2-735] If the ResponseCode contains a value starting with FAILED, the EVCC shall ignore the other
parameters of the response message.

[V2G2-736] If the SECC sends a ResponseCode containing a value starting with FAILED all mandatory
parameters shall be filled in with arbitrary XSD conform values. Additionally, all values shall be
chosen in a way that results in a minimal size of the response message.

In general each response message can contain two types of ResponseCode values 'OK' or 'FAILED'.

[V2G2-457] A response message shall contain the ResponseCode 'OK' in the 'ResponseCode' attribute if
the processing of the request message was successful. If later on a specific positive
'ResponseCode' is defined for a dedicated situation, this ResponseCode shall be used.

[V2G2-458] A response message shall contain the ResponseCode 'FAILED' in the 'ResponseCode'
attribute if the processing of the request message was not successful and no specific
'ResponseCodeType' is defined for the concrete error case.

[V2G2-459] The response message shall contain the ResponseCode 'FAILED_SequenceError' if the SECC
has received an unexpected request message.

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[V2G2-460] The response message shall contain the ResponseCode 'FAILED_UnknownSession' if the
SessionID in any request message except SessionSetupReq is not equal to the SessionID
value stored for the currently active V2G Communication Session.

[V2G2-461] The response message shall contain the ResponseCode 'FAILED_SignatureError' if the
validation of the Security element in the message header failed.

[V2G2-462] The message 'SessionSetupRes' shall contain the specific ResponseCode

'OK_NewSessionEstablished' if processing of the SessionSetupReq message was successful
and a different SessionID is contained in the response message than the SessionID in the
request message.

[V2G2-463] The message 'SessionSetupRes' shall contain the specific ResponseCode

'OK_OldSessionJoined' if processing of the SessionSetupReq message was successful and
the same SessionID as used in the request message is contained in the response message.

[V2G2-464] The message 'ServiceDetailRes' shall contain the ResponseCode 'FAILED_ServiceIDInvalid' if

the ServiceID contained in the ServiceDetailReq message was not part of the offered
ServiceList during ServiceDiscovery.

[V2G2-465] The message 'PaymentServiceSelectionRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_PaymentSelectionInvalid' if the SelectedPaymentOption contained in the
PaymentServiceSelectionReq message was not part of the offered PaymentOptionList of

[V2G2-467] The message 'PaymentServiceSelectionRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_ServiceSelectionInvalid' if the SelectedServiceList contained in the
PaymentServiceSelectionReq message contains a ServiceID which was not contained in the
offered ServiceList of ServiceDiscoveryRes.

[V2G2-804] The message 'PaymentServiceSelectionRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_NoChargeServiceSelected' if the SelectedServiceList contained in the
PaymentServiceSelectionReq message does not contain a ServiceID value equal to 1 which
was offered by the SECC with the parameter ChargeService in the ServiceDiscoveryRes.

[V2G2-468] The message 'CertificateInstallationRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_CertificateExpired' if the OEMProvisioningCert contained in the
CertificateInstallationReq message is not valid.

[V2G2-469] The message 'CertificateInstallationRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_NoCertificateAvailable' if the new certificate can not be retrieved from secondary actor
within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109.

[V2G2-470] The message 'CertificateUpdateRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_CertChainError' if the ContractSignatureCertChain contained in the
CertificateInstallationReq message is not valid.

[V2G2-471] The message 'CertificateUpdateRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_NoCertificateAvailable' if the new certificate can not be retrieved from secondary actor
within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109.

[V2G2-472] The message 'CertificateUpdateRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

FAILED_ContractCanceled if the EMAID provided by EVCC during CertificateUpdateReq is not
accepted by secondary actor.

[V2G2-473] The message 'CertificateUpdateRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_CertificateExpired' if the Contract Certificate contained in the CertificateUpdateReq
message is not valid.

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[V2G2-474] The message 'PaymentDetailsRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_CertificateExpired' if the Contract Certificate contained in the PaymentDetailsReq
message in attribute ContractSignatureCertChain is expired.

[V2G2-824] The message 'PaymentDetailsRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_CertificateExpired' if the Contract Certificate contained in the PaymentDetailsReq
message in attribute ContractSignatureCertChain is not yet valid.

[V2G2-475] The message 'AuthorizationRes' shall contain the ResponseCode 'FAILED_ChallengeInvalid' if

the challenge response contained in the AuthorizationReq message in attribute GenChallenge
is not valid versus the provided GenChallenge in PaymentDetailsRes.

[V2G2-476] The message 'ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_WrongEnergyTransferMode' if the content of attribute
'RequestedEnergyTransferMode' in the ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq message is not valid,
or does not fit to the content of attribute EVChargeParameter.

[V2G2-477] The message 'ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_WrongChargeParameter' if the content of attribute 'EVChargeParameter' in the
ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq message is not valid, e.g. wrong parameter set is provided,
one or multiple parameters can not be interpreted.

[V2G2-478] The message 'PowerDeliveryRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_ChargingProfileInvalid' if the content of attribute 'ChargingProfile' in the
PowerDeliveryReq message violates a power limitation provided in

[V2G2-479] The message 'PowerDeliveryRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_TariffSelectionInvalid' if the content of attribute 'ChargingProfile' in the
PowerDeliveryReq message contains a SAtupleID which was not contained in the
'SASchedules' attribute provided in 'ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes'.

[V2G2-480] The message 'PowerDeliveryRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_PowerDeliveryNotApplied' if the EVSE is not able to deliver energy.

[V2G2-481] The message 'MeteringReceiptRes' shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_MeteringSignatureNotValid' if the SECC is not able to validate the signature, or the
contained meter reading does not fit to the provided meter reading during 'ChargingStatusRes'
and the SECC requires that the signature is valid.

[V2G2-690] If the SECC is capable of comparing the validity of a contractCertificate with the current time,
the SECC shall set the responseCode for the PaymentServiceSelectionRes to
OK_CertificateExpiresSoon if the received certificate will expire in 21 days or fewer.

[V2G2-693] The message AuthorizationRes shall contain the ResponseCode 'FAILED_CertificateRevoked'

if the SECC matches the ContractCertificate with a CRL and the ContractCertificate is marked
as revoked.

[V2G2-694] The message CertificateInstallationRes shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_CertificateRevoked' if the SECC matches the OEM Provisioning Certificate with a
CRL and the ContractCertificate is marked as revoked.

[V2G2-695] The message CertificateUpdateRes shall contain the ResponseCode

'FAILED_CertificateRevoked' if the SECC matches the ContractCertificate with a CRL and the
ContractCertificate is marked as revoked.

NOTE ResponseCodes that are not defined in this chapter can be used implementation specific.

Table 112 shows an overview on the ResponseCode values and the messages as defined before.

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Table 112 — Overview on application of ResponseCodes

V2G application
layer protocol
V2G application layer messages


ResponseCode (Enumeration)





OK x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
OK_CertificateExpiresSoon x
OK_NewSessionEstablished x
OK_OldSessionJoined x
FAILED x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
FAILED_SequenceError x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
FAILED_SignatureError x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
FAILED_UnknownSession x x x x x x x x x x x x

FAILED_ServiceIDInvalid x



FAILED_CertificateExpired x x x

FAILED_CertificateRevoked x x x
FAILED_NoCertificate x x x
FAILED_CertChainError x
FAILED_ContractCanceled x
FAILED_ChallengeInvalid x







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FAILED_NoChargeServiceSelected x

FAILED_ContactorError x

FAILED_CertificateNotAllowedAtThisEVSE x

8.8.4 Request-Response Message Sequence requirements General requirements

[V2G2-672] During a specific V2G Communication Session the SECC shall apply unique
SAScheduleTupleIDs in the parameters SAScheduleTuple.

NOTE 1 Unique identifiers are required to ensure that the EVCC and the SECC can refer to specific SASchedule
during an entire V2G Communication Session This also ensures that an EVCC can select a valid charging profile during
renegotiation. In general, during renegotiation the EVCC can select the currently applied charging profile again or select a

new charging profile based on the latest SASchedule provided by the SECC.

[V2G2-673] The EVCC shall calculate a charging profile that does not violate the parameter limits of a
specific SAScheduleTuple (represented by a particular TupleID) included in SASchedules,
which has been received in the latest ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message.

[V2G2-674] If the EVCC sends a valid parameter ChargingProfile in the message PowerDeliveryReq the
EVSE shall ensure that the charging profile can be fulfilled for all entries
ChargingProfileEntryStart and ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower.

[V2G2-675] In case of renegotiation the EVCC shall decide to either send the currently applied parameter
ChargingProfile (same SAScheduleTupleID as before the renegotiation) or to send a new
parameter ChargingProfile that does not violate the parameter limits of a specific
SAScheduleTuple (represented by a particular TupleID) included in SASchedules, which has
been received in the latest ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message.

[V2G2-676] If the EVCC sends a parameter ChargingProfile in the message PowerDeliveryReq that either
fulfils the limits of a SAScheduleTuple provided in the parameter SASchedules sent by the
SECC in the latest ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes or the currently applied charging profile
(same SAScheduleTupleID as before the renegotiation), the EVSE shall ensure that the
charging profile can be fulfilled for all entries in the parameter ChargingProfile.

[V2G2-677] If the SECC does not intend to send a Notification request to the EVCC it shall set parameter
EVSENotification in EVSEStatus to value 'None'.

[V2G2-678] If the parameter EVSENotification in the EVSEStatus is equal to None the EVCC shall ignore
the value of the parameter NotificationMaxDelay in the EVSEStatus.

[V2G2-679] If the parameter EVSENotification in EVSEStatus is equal to StopCharging, the EV should stop
charging within the number of seconds provided in NotificationMaxDelay.

NOTE 2 After indication of a StopCharging the SECC may stop the charging from EVSE side e.g. by turning-off the
pilot signal or opening the mains contactors after the duration of NotificationMaxDelay.

[V2G2-680] If the parameter EVSENotification in EVSEStatus is equal to ReNegotiation, the EV shall

initiate a renegotiation within the number of seconds provided in NotificationMaxDelay (refer to
[V2G2-521], [V2G2-522] and [V2G2-686]).

NOTE 3 The decision of an EV for accepting or rejecting an EVSE initiated renegotiation is out of scope of this
specification, but depends on the specific context of the charging process e.g. the closed charging contract. A
renegotiation can be in severe conflict with the user expectation and is discouraged if it is not explicitly indicated

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beforehand to the user during the first Negotiation. Thus the renegotiation only provides technical means to support use
cases which have to be cleared beforehand with the user. EVCC

The EVCC behaviour defining all valid Request-Response Message Sequences for AC is shown in Figure 101
and for DC is shown in Figure 102. Common requirements

[V2G2-482] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session whenever it receives a response
message that does not correspond to the last request message sent.

NOTE 1 This means for example that the EVCC shall only accept an SessionSetupRes if the message sent before was
a SessionSetupReq message.

[V2G2-483] The EVCC shall send a supportedAppProtocolReq.

[V2G2-484] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout of 'supportedAppProtocolRes' according to
Table 109.

[V2G2-485] After receiving the supportedAppProtocolRes, the EVCC shall send a SessionSetupReq while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

[V2G2-486] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of 'SessionSetupRes'
according to Table 109.

[V2G2-487] After receiving the SessionSetupRes, the EVCC shall send a ServiceDiscoveryReq while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

[V2G2-488] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of '
ServiceDiscoveryRes' according to Table 109.

[V2G2-489] After receiving the ServiceDiscoveryRes, the EVCC shall send a ServiceDetailReq while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if
the SECC offers a ServiceList in ServiceDiscoveryRes and the EVCC intends to use a service
from the ServiceList.

[V2G2-490] After receiving the ServiceDiscoveryRes, the EVCC shall send a PaymentServiceSelectionReq,
while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if no service details are necessary for the
remaining process.

[V2G2-491] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of 'ServiceDetailRes'
according to Table 109.

[V2G2-492] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of
'PaymentServiceSelectionRes' according to Table 109.

[V2G2-509] After receiving the PaymentServiceSelectionRes, the EVCC shall send a AuthorizationReq,
while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than

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© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

[V2G2-493] After receiving the ServiceDetailRes, the EVCC shall send a PaymentServiceSelectionReq
while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if there are no further ServiceDetailReq intended.

[V2G2-494] After receiving the ServiceDetailRes, the EVCC shall send an additional ServiceDetailReq
while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if further ServiceDetailReq are necessary to
retrieve the detailed information from the SECC.

[V2G2-495] After receiving the PaymentServiceSelectionRes, the EVCC shall send a PaymentDetailsReq,
while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if the Message Set “AC Charing PnC” or “DC
Charging PnC” is selected and the EVCC does not intend to use the Message Sets “Certificate
Install” or “Certificate Update”.

[V2G2-496] After receiving the PaymentServiceSelectionRes, the EVCC shall send a

CertifiacteInstallationReq, while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if the ServiceDetailRes indicates that
CertificateInstallation is available and the EVCC wants to use the Message Set “Certificate

[V2G2-497] After receiving the PaymentServiceSelectionRes, the EVCC shall send a CertifiacteUpdateReq,
while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if the ServiceDetailRes indicates that
CertificateUpdate is available and the EVCC wants to use the Message Set “Certificate

[V2G2-498] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of
'CertifiacteInstallationRes' according to Table 109.

[V2G2-499] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout of 'CertifiacteUpdateRes' according to Table 109.

[V2G2-500] After receiving the CertificateInstallationRes, the EVCC shall send a PaymentDetailsReq while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

[V2G2-501] After receiving the CertificateUpdateRes, the EVCC shall send a PaymentDetailsReq while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

[V2G2-502] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of 'PaymentDetailsRes'
according to Table 109.

[V2G2-503] After receiving the PaymentDetailsRes, the EVCC shall send a AuthorizationReq while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

[V2G2-504] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of 'AuthorizationRes'
according to Table 109.

[V2G2-505] After receiving the AuthorizationRes with parameter ‘EVSEProcessing' set to 'Finished’, the
EVCC shall send a ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is
smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

[V2G2-506] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of
'ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes' according to Table 109.

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[V2G2-799] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of 'PowerDeliveryRes'
according to Table 109.

[V2G2-507] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of 'SessionStopRes'
according to Table 109.

[V2G2-508] After receiving the SessionStopRes, the EVCC shall terminate the communication by applying

[V2G2-728] After the EVCC stopped the V2G Communication Session with an error it shall terminate the
communication by applying [V2G2-025].

The EVCC may renegotiate the charging schedule as follows:

[V2G2-683] If an EVCC initiated a renegotiation (refer to [V2G2-521], [V2G2-522] and [V2G2-686]) and
receives the PowerDeliveryRes the EVCC shall send a ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

If the SECC suspends a message sequence by EVSEProcessing set to 'Ongoing' the following applies for the

[V2G2-684] After receiving the AuthorizationRes, the EVCC shall send an empty AuthorizationReq while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time as
long as the parameter EVSEProcessing is equal to 'Ongoing'.

NOTE 2 The EV only sends a AuthorizationReq message containing a Signature, Id and GenChallenge included as the

first AuthorizationReq message. Consecutive messages that are only required when a AuthorizationRes message was
received with EVSEProcessing set to Ongoing are sent without this information.

[V2G2-685] After receiving the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes, the EVCC shall resend the identical
ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time as long as the parameter EVSEProcessing is
equal to 'Ongoing'. AC specific requirements

[V2G2-510] After receiving the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes with parameter ‘EVSEProcessing' set to

'Finished’, the EVCC shall send a PowerDeliveryReq while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is
smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

[V2G2-511] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of 'ChargingStatusRes'
according to Table 109.

[V2G2-512] After receiving the ChargingStatusRes, the EVCC shall send a MeteringReceiptReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if
Message Set “Meter Status Receipt” is selected, indicated if the Parameter “Receipt Required"
is set to value "TRUE” in the message “ChargingStatusRes".

[V2G2-513] After receiving the ChargingStatusRes, the EVCC shall send a PowerDeliveryReq with
parameter ChargProgress is set to’Stop’, while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if the charge process is stopped in the EV and
Message Set “Meter Status Receipt” is not selected which means that the Parameter “Receipt
Required" was set to value "FALSE” in the message “ChargingStatusRes".

[V2G2-514] After receiving the PowerDeliveryRes, the EVCC shall send a ChargingStatusReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

[V2G2-516] After receiving the ChargingStatusRes, the EVCC shall send a ChargingStatusReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if
the charge process is continued and the Parameter “ReceiptRequired" was set to value
"FALSE” in the message “ChargingStatusRes".

[V2G2-517] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of
'MeteringReceiptRes' according to Table 109.

[V2G2-518] After receiving the MeteringReceiptRes, the EVCC shall send a ChargingStatusReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if
the charge process is continued.

[V2G2-519] After receiving the MeteringReceiptRes, the EVCC shall send a PowerDeliveryReq with
parameter ChargeProgress set to ’Stop’, while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if the charge process is stopped in the EV.

[V2G2-520] After receiving the PowerDeliveryRes, the EVCC shall send a SessionStopReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if a
PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress is set to ‘Stop’ was sent.

The EVCC may renegotiate the charging schedule as follows:

[V2G2-521] An EV can decide to perform a renegotiation for adapting its charge schedule as follows. After
ChargingStatusRes has been received and the Parameter “Receipt Required" set to value
"FALSE”, it shall initiate a renegotiation by sending a PowerDeliveryReq with parameter
ChargeProgress set to ’Renegotiate’, while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than

[V2G2-522] An EV can decide to perform a renegotiation for adapting its charge schedule as follows. After
MeteringReceiptRes has been received, the EVCC shall initiate a renegotiation by sending a
PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress set to ’Renegotiate’, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

[V2G2-689] If the parameter EVSENotification in EVSEStatus is equal to ReNegotiation in

ChargingStatusRes, the EV shall initiate a renegotiation as described in [V2G2-521] and
[V2G2-522] within the number of seconds provided in NotificationMaxDelay.

NOTE 1 The EV can decide to renegotiate by applying the process as described in [V2G2-521] and [V2G2-522]. The
EVSE triggered renegotiation is basically the same process as EV initiated renegotiation but triggered by the EVSE as
described in [V2G2-689].

NOTE 2 The decision for initiating renegotiation on EV side is up to the EV. E.g. if a ChargingProfile, once accepted by

the SECC, has to be changed by the demand of user’s convenience or request from grid utilities, EVCC can trigger a
renegotiation process that exchanges the SASchedule and ChargingProfile again and make a new agreement with SECC.

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Wait for supportedAppProtocolRes


Wait for SessionSetupRes


Wait for Serv iceDiscov eryRes [V2G2-488]

[V2G2-490] Wait for Serv iceDetailRes


Wait for Serv icePaymentSelectionRes



[V2G2-496] Wait for

CertificateUpdateRes [V2G2-499]

Wait for
CertificateInstallationRes [V2G2-498]

[V2G2-500] [V2G2-501]

Wait for PaymentDetailsRes [V2G2-502]

Stop Communication Session -
[V2G2-684] Error
Wait for AuthorizationRes [V2G2-504]


Wait for ChargeParameterDiscov eryRes

[V2G2-683] [V2G2-510]

Wait for Pow erDeliv eryRes [V2G2-799]


Wait for
Wait for MeteringReceiptRes

Wait for SessionStopRes [V2G2-507]


Stop Communication Session - No Error

Figure 101 — EVCC Communication states for AC V2G messaging

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© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) DC specific requirements

[V2G2-880] All DC_EVSEStatusCodes in Table 98 for which there are no explicit requirements in this
document are for information purpose only. They shall not influence the EVSE charging

NOTE 1 EVSE_EmergencyShutdown” may be used by the SECC to inform the EVCC that the EVSE is in the process
of, or has just executed, an emergency shutdown. However, to force the EV to participate in the emergency shutdown, the
SECC does not use this value, but instead uses the CPL in accordance with IEC 61851-1. In all other cases, the expected
value for DC_EVSEStatusCode is “EVSE_Ready” or “EVSE_IsolationMonitoringActive”, even though they do not influence
the EV charging process.

[V2G2-599] After receiving the ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes, the EVCC shall send a CableCheckReq
while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than

[V2G2-524] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of 'CableCeckRes'
according to Table 109.

[V2G2-617] After receiving the CableCheckRes, the EVCC shall send a new CableCheckReq while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time as
long as the parameter EVSEProcessing is equal to 'Ongoing'.

[V2G2-525] After receiving the CableCeckRes with parameter ‘EVSEProcessing' set to 'Finished’, the
EVCC shall send a PreChargeReq while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time and the parameter.

[V2G2-526] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of ' PreChargeReq '
according to Table 109.

[V2G2-527] After receiving the CurrentDemandRes, the EVCC shall send a PowerDeliveryReq with
parameter ChargeProgress is set to ’Stop’, while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if the charge process is stopped.

[V2G2-618] After receiving the PreChargeRes, the EVCC shall send a PreChargeReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time and
the value of the parameter EVSEPresentVoltage does not fulfil the voltage threshold
requirement of the EV.

NOTE 2 In addition the EV may utilize internal voltage measurement methods for evaluating the input voltage value
received in the PreChargeRes message (EVSEPresentVoltage).

[V2G2-528] After receiving the PreChargeRes, the EVCC shall send a PowerDeliveryReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time and
the value of the parameter EVSEPresentVoltage fulfils the voltage threshold requirement of the

[V2G2-530] After receiving the PowerDeliveryRes, the EVCC shall send a CurrentDemandReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

[V2G2-619] After receiving the PowerDeliveryRes as a response to a previous PowerDeliveryReq message

with ChargeProgress equal to “Stop”, the EVCC shall send a SessionStopReq while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time if
the EV does not wish to perform a Welding Detection.

[V2G2-531] After receiving the CurrentDemandRes with the parameter “ReceiptRequired” set to value
“FALSE”, the EVCC shall send a CurrentDemandReq, while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is


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Provided by IHS under license with ISO
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if the EV wants to continue the

charging process.

[V2G2-790] After receiving the CurrentDemandRes, the EVCC shall send a MeteringReceiptReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if
the parameter “ReceiptRequired" in the CurrentDemandRes message is set to value "TRUE”.

[V2G2-791] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAIL' of 'MeteringReceiptRes'
according toTable 109 — EVCC and SECC Message sequence and session timing parameter

[V2G2-792] After receiving the MeteringReceiptRes, the EVCC shall send a CurrentDemandReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time., if
the charge process is continued.

[V2G2-793] After receiving the MeteringReceiptRes, the EVCC shall send a PowerDeliveryReq with
parameter ChargeProgress set to ’Stop’, while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if the charge process is stopped by the EV.

[V2G2-532] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of 'CurrentDemandRes'
according to Table 109.

[V2G2-533] After receiving the PowerDeliveryRes as a response to a previous PowerDeliveryReq message

with ChargeProgress equal to “Stop”, the EVCC shall send a WeldingDetectionReq while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time, if
the EV wishes to perform a Welding Detection.

[V2G2-534] The EVCC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timer is equal
or larger than V2G_EVCC_Msg_Timeout or 'ResponseCode = FAILED' of
'WeldingDetectionRes' according to Table 109.

[V2G2-620] After receiving the WeldingDetectionRes, the EVCC shall send a WeldingDetectionReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time and
Welding Detection function has not finished on EV side.

[V2G2-535] After receiving the WeldingDetectionRes, the EVCC shall send a SessionStopReq, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

The EVCC may renegotiate the charging schedule as follows:

[V2G2-686] An EV can decide to perform a renegotiation for adapting its charge schedule as follows. After
CurrentDemandRes has been received and the EVCC intends to renegotiate, it shall initiate a
renegotiation by sending a PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress set to
’Renegotiate’, while V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than

[V2G2-794] An EV can decide to perform a renegotiation for adapting its charge schedule as follows. An EV
can decide to perform a renegotiation for adapting its charge schedule as follows. After a
MeteringReceiptRes has been received, the EVCC shall initiate a renegotiation by sending a
PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress set to ’Renegotiate’, while
V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Timer is smaller than V2G_EVCC_Sequence_Performance_Time.

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© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


Wait for supportedAppProtocolRes


Wait for SessionSetupRes


Wait for Serv iceDiscov eryRes [V2G2-488]

[V2G2-490] [V2G2-491]
Wait for Serv iceDetailRes


Wait for Serv icePaymentSelectionRes [V2G2-492]

[V2G2-495] Wait for [V2G2-499]
[V2G2-509] CertificateUpdateRes
Wait for [V2G2-498]


Wait for PaymentDetailsRes

Wait for AuthorizationRes [V2G2-504]

Stop Communication Session - Error
Wait for ChargeParameterDiscov eryRes


Wait for [V2G2-524]

[V2G2-617] CableCheckRes

[V2G2-618] [V2G2-526]
Wait for PreChargeRes


[V2G2-527][V2G2-686] Wait for

Pow erDeliv eryRes

Wait for [V2G2-533] [V2G2-532]


[V2G2-620] Wait for Welding [V2G2-534]


[V2G2-531] [V2G2-619] [V2G2-535]

[V2G2-790] [V2G2-792] [V2G2-507]

Wait for SessionStopRes

Wait for [V2G2-508]


Stop Communication Session - No Error

Figure 102 — EVCC Communication states for DC V2G messaging


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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) SECC

The SECC behavior defining all valid Request-Response Message Sequences for AC is shown in Figure 103
and for DC in Figure 104. Common requirements

[V2G2-536] The SECC shall enter a wait state for supportedAppProtocolReq, set the timeout
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout to the value MessageType as defined in Table 109, reset the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timer and start monitoring the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timer.

NOTE Before the first message the SECC did not send any response message. Therefore the SECC has to start its
Sequence Timer when starting to wait for the first message.

[V2G2-537] The SECC shall stop the V2G Communication Session when V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timer is
equal or larger than V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout according to Table 109.

[V2G2-538] The SECC shall respond with the corresponding response message containing a
“ResponseCode = FAILED_SequenceError' within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time
according to Table 109, if request message was received that the SECC does not expect in the
wait state.

[V2G2-539] After the SECC sent a "ResponseCode = FAILED" it shall terminate the communication by
applying [V2G2-034].

[V2G2-729] After the SECC stopped the V2G Communication Session it shall terminate the communication
by applying [V2G2-034].

[V2G2-540] After receiving a supportedAppProtocolReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-541] The SECC shall respond with a supportedAppProtocolRes within

V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109. The allowed next request shall
be ServiceSetupReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-542] After receiving a SessionSetupReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-543] The SECC shall respond with a SessionSetupRes containing “ResponseCode = OK' within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109. The allowed next request shall
be ServiceDiscoveryReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to
Table 109.

[V2G2-544] After receiving a ServiceDiscoveryReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-545] The SECC shall respond with a ServiceDiscoveryRes containing “ResponseCode = OK' within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is passed successfully. The allowed next request shall be ServiceDetailReq and
PaymentServiceSelectionReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to
Table 109.

[V2G2-546] The SECC shall respond with ServiceDiscoveryRes containing “ResponseCode=FAILED”

within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful.

[V2G2-547] After receiving a ServiceDetailReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-548] The SECC shall respond with ServiceDetailRes containing “ResponseCode = OK' within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The allowed next request shall be ServiceDetailReq and

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© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

PaymentServiceSelectionReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to

Table 109.

[V2G2-549] The SECC shall respond with ServiceDetailRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful.

[V2G2-550] After receiving a PaymentServiceSelectionReq, the SECC shall process the received

[V2G2-551] The SECC shall respond with PaymentServiceSelectionRescontaining “ResponseCode = OK'

within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The allowed next request shall be PaymentDetailsReq,
CertificateInstallationReq and CertificateUpdateReq if Message Set “AC Charging PnC” is
selected and AuthorizationReq if Message Set “AC Charging EIM” is selected.
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-552] The SECC shall respond with PaymentServiceSelectionRescontaining “ResponseCode =

FAILED” within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing
of the information is not successful.

[V2G2-553] After receiving a CertificateInstallationReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-554] The SECC shall respond with CertificateInstallationRes containing “ResponseCode = OK'
within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The allowed next request shall be PaymentDetailsReq and
the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-555] The SECC shall respond with CertificateInstallationRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED”
within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful.

[V2G2-556] After receiving a CertificateUpdateReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-557] The SECC shall respond CertificateUpdateRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The allowed next request shall be PaymentDetailsReq and
the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-558] The SECC shall respond with CertificateUpdateRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED”
within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful. The allowed next request shall be PaymentDetailsReq and the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-559] After receiving a PaymentDetailsReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-560] The SECC shall respond with PaymentDetailsRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The allowed next request shall be AuthorizationReq and the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-561] The SECC shall respond with PaymentDetailsRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED”
within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109.

[V2G2-562] After receiving a AuthorizationReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-563] The SECC shall respond with AuthorizationRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” and
"EVSEProcessing=Finished" within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to
Table 109, if the processing of the information is successfully passed and the authorization is


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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

finished. The allowed next request shall be ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq and the

V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-564] The SECC shall respond with AuthorizationRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful.

[V2G2-566] The SECC shall respond with ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes containing “ResponseCode =

FAILED” within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing
of the information is not successful.

[V2G2-567] After receiving a PowerDeliveryReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-568] The SECC shall respond with PowerDeliveryRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed and the request contained ChargeProgress set to ’Stop’.
The allowed next request shall be SessionStopReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is
set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-569] The SECC shall respond with PowerDeliveryRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful.

[V2G2-812] The SECC shall respond with PowerDeliveryRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed and the request contained ChargeProgress set to
’Renegotiate’ and no PowerDeliveryReq with ChargeProgress set to ’Start’ as been received

[V2G2-570] After receiving a SessionStopReq, the SECC shall process the received information and start
the V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Timer.

[V2G2-571] The SECC shall respond with SessionStopRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109 and shall terminate the
communication by applying [V2G2-034], if the processing of the information is successfully
passed. The V2G Communication Session is then stopped without error.

[V2G2-572] The SECC shall respond with SessionStopRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful.

[V2G2-687] The SECC shall respond with AuthorizationRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” and
"EVSEProcessing=Ongoing" within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to
Table 109, if the processing of the information is successfully passed and the authorization is
ongoing. The allowed next request shall be AuthorizationReq and the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-688] The SECC shall respond with ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes containing “ResponseCode =

OK” and "EVSEProcessing=Ongoing" and no parameter SASchedule within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed and the calculation of the parameter SASchedule is ongoing.
The allowed next request shall be ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq and the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

The EVCC may renegotiate the charging schedule as follows:

[V2G2-813] The SECC shall respond with PowerDeliveryRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed and the request contained ChargeProgress set to


Copyright International Organization for Standardization
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

’Renegotiate’. The allowed next request shall be ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq and the

V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109. AC specific requirements

[V2G2-573] The SECC shall respond with ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes containing “ResponseCode =

OK” and "EVSEProcessing=Finished" and a valid parameter SASchedule within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The allowed next request shall be set to PowerDeliveryReq
and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-574] After receiving a ChargingStatusReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-575] The SECC shall respond with ChargingStatusRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The SECC sets “ReceiptRequired = FALSE" indicating that
the Message Set MessageReceipt shall not be used by the EVCC. The allowed next request
shall be ChargingStatusReq, PowerDeliveryReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is
set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-576] The SECC shall respond with PowerDeliveryRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed and the request contained ChargeProgress set to ’Start’.
The allowed next request shall be ChargingStatusReq and the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-577] The SECC shall respond with ChargingStatusRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The SECC sets “ReceiptRequired = TRUE" indicating that
the Message Set MessageReceipt shall be used by the EVCC. The allowed next request shall
be MeteringReceiptReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to
Table 109.

[V2G2-578] The SECC shall respond with ChargingStatusRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the

information is not successful.

[V2G2-579] After receiving a MeteringReceiptReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-580] The SECC shall respond with MeteringReceiptRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The allowed next request shall be ChargingStatusReq,
PowerDeliveryReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-581] The SECC shall respond with MeteringReceiptRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED”
within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)



Process Wait for [V2G2-538]

supportedAppProtocolReq supportedAppProtocolReq [V2G2-537]

Wait for
Process [V2G2-542]
SessionSetupReq [V2G2-537]
Wait for
[V2G2-544] Serv iceDiscov eryReq [V2G2-537]
Serv iceDiscov eryReq [V2G2-546]
[V2G2-545] Wait for [V2G2-537]
Serv iceDetailDescriptionReq or
Serv icePaymentSelectionReq [V2G2-547]
Process [V2G2-549]
[V2G2-548] Serv iceDetailReq
Process [V2G2-552] Negativ e
Serv icePaymentSelectionReq Response
[V2G2-551]Wait for PaymentDetailsReq Message
or AuthorizationReq or
CertificateInstallationReq or [V2G2-537]
CertificateUpdateReq [V2G2-539]
CertificateUpdateReq [V2G2-729]
CertificateInstallationReq [V2G2-555] Stop Communication Session - Error
[V2G2-554] [V2G2-558]
[V2G2-562] [V2G2-559]
Wait for [V2G2-538]
PaymentDetailsReq [V2G2-537]
Process [V2G2-561]
Wait for
Process AuthorizationReq [V2G2-537]
AuthorizationReq [V2G2-687] [V2G2-564]
[V2G2-563] [V2G2-538]
Wait for
Process [V2G2-688] [V2G2-537]
ChargeParameterDiscov eryReq
ChargeParameterDiscov eryReq
[V2G2-565] [V2G2-566]

Wait for [V2G2-538]
Pow erDeliv eryReq
[V2G2-813] [V2G2-567]

Process Pow erDeliv eryReq [V2G2-569][V2G2-812]

[V2G2-576] Wait for [V2G2-538]

ChargingStatusReq [V2G2-537]
[V2G2-574] Process [V2G2-578]
Wait for ChargingStatusReq or
Pow erDeliv eryReq
Wait for [V2G2-538]
MeteringReceipt [V2G2-537]

Wait for
SessionStopReq [V2G2-570]
SessionStopReq [V2G2-572] Error Fork

Stop Communication Session - No Error Response Fork

Figure 103 — SECC Communication states for AC V2G messaging

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E) DC specific requirements

[V2G2-881] All EVErrorCodes in Table 104 for which there are no explicit requirements in this document
are for information purpose only. They may be used for information to the customer, but they
shall not influence the EVSE charging process.

NOTE 1 This means that the EVSE shall not change its behavior based on the value of EVErrorCode. If the EV detects
a situation that requires a termination of the charging process, the EV will use other means to execute this shutdown, e.g.
ramp down the current request, or, in case an emergency shutdown is required, change to CP State B in accordance with
IEC 61851-1. In all other cases, the expected value for EVErrorCode is “NO_ERROR”.

[V2G2-582] The SECC shall respond with ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes containing “ResponseCode =

OK” and "EVSEProcessing=Finished" and a valid parameter SASchedule within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The allowed next request shall be CableCheckReq and the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-583] After receiving a CableCheckReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-584] The SECC shall respond with CableCheckRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” and
"EVSEProcessing=Finished" within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to
Table 109, if the processing of the information is successfully passed and cable check is
finished. The allowed next request shall be PreChargeReq and the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-621] The SECC shall respond with CableCheckRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” and
"EVSEProcessing=Ongoing" within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to
Table 109, if the processing of the information is successfully passed and the Cable Check is
ongoing. The allowed next request shall be CableCheckReq and the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-585] The SECC shall respond with CableCheckRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful.

[V2G2-586] After receiving a PrechargeReq, the SECC shall process the received information and start the

[V2G2-587] The SECC shall respond with PreChargeRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The allowed next requests shall be PrechargeReq and
PowerDeliveryReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-588] The SECC shall respond with PreChargeRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful.

[V2G2-589] After receiving a PowerDeliveryReq, the SECC shall process the received information and start
the V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Timer.

[V2G2-590] The SECC shall respond with PowerDeliveryRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed and the request’s parameter ChargeProgress is set to
‘Start’. The allowed next request shall be CurrentDemmandReq and PowerDeliveryReq and the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-601] The SECC shall respond with PowerDeliveryRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed and the request‘s parameter ChargeProgress is set to ‘Stop’.

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 203

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

The allowed next request shall be ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq and WeldingDetectionReq

and SessionStopReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-592] After receiving a CurrentDemandReq, the SECC shall process the received information and
start the V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Timer.

[V2G2-593] The SECC shall respond with CurrentDemandRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The SECC sets “ReceiptRequired = FALSE" indicating that
the Message Set MessageReceipt shall not be used by the EVCC. The allowed next request
shall be CurrentDemandReq and PowerDeliveryReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout
is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-595] The SECC shall respond with CurrentDemandRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED”
within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful.

[V2G2-795] The SECC shall respond with CurrentDemandRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The SECC sets “ ReceiptRequired = TRUE " indicating that
the Message Set MessageReceipt shall be used by the EVCC. The allowed next request shall
be MeteringReceiptReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to
Table 109.

[V2G2-796] After receiving a MeteringReceiptReq, the SECC shall process the received information.

[V2G2-797] The SECC shall respond with MeteringReceiptRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The allowed next request shall be CurrentDemandReq,
PowerDeliveryReq and ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq and the
V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-798] The SECC shall respond with MeteringReceiptRes containing “ResponseCode = FAIL” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is not successful.

[V2G2-596] After receiving a WeldingDetectionReq, the SECC shall process the received information and
start the V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Timer.

[V2G2-597] The SECC shall respond with WeldingDetectionRes containing “ResponseCode = OK” within
V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109, if the processing of the
information is successfully passed. The allowed next request shall be WeldingDetectionReq
and SessionStopReq and the V2G_SECC_Sequence_Timeout is set according to Table 109.

[V2G2-598] The SECC shall respond with WeldingDetectionyRes containing “ResponseCode = FAILED”
within V2G_SECC_Msg_Performance_Time according to Table 109 if the processing of the
information is not successful.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


Wait for [V2G2-538]
Process [V2G2-540] supportedAppProtocolReq [V2G2-537]
Wait for [V2G2-538]
[V2G2-542] SessionSetupReq [V2G2-537]
SessionSetupReq [V2G2-543]
Wait for [V2G2-538]
[V2G2-544] Serv iceDiscov eryReq [V2G2-537]
Process [V2G2-546]
Serv iceDiscov eryReq
[V2G2-545] Wait for
Serv iceDetailDescriptionReq [V2G2-537]
Serv icePaymentSelectionReq[V2G2-547]
Process [V2G2-549]
Serv iceDetailReq
Process [V2G2-552]
Serv icePaymentSelectionReq Negativ e
Wait for PaymentDetailsReq [V2G2-538] Response
or AuthorizationReq or Message
CertificateInstallationReq or [V2G2-537]

[V2G2-559] CertificateUpdateReq
[V2G2-556] Process [V2G2-539]
Process [V2G2-553]
[V2G2-562] [V2G2-554]
Stop Communication Session - Error
Wait for [V2G2-538]
[V2G2-559] [V2G2-537]
Process [V2G2-561]
PaymentDetailsReq [V2G2-729]
Wait for [V2G2-538]
Process AuthorizationReq [V2G2-537]
AuthorizationReq [V2G2-562]
Wait for [V2G2-538]
Process ChargeParameterDiscov eryReq [V2G2-537]
ChargeParameterDiscov eryReq [V2G2-565] [V2G2-566]
Wait for [V2G2-538]
[V2G2-583] [V2G2-537]
Process CableCheckReq

Wait for PreChargeReq [V2G2-538]


Process PreChargeReq
[V2G2-586] Wait for PreChargeReq or
[V2G2-587] Pow erDeliv eryReq
Process [V2G2-569][V2G2-812]
Pow erDeliv eryReq
[V2G2-589] [V2G2-538]
Wait for CurrentDemandReq or
[V2G2-590] Pow erDeliv eryReq [V2G2-537]


Process [V2G2-592]
CurrentDemandReq [V2G2-593]
Wait for [V2G2-538]

Process [V2G2-796] MeteringReceiptReq [V2G2-537]


Process Welding
DetectionReq [V2G2-597] Wait for WeldingDetectionReq or [V2G2-538]
ChargeParameterDiscov eryReq
or SessionStopReq [V2G2-537]
Process [V2G2-572]
[V2G2-571] SessionStopReq
Response Fork
Stop Communication Session - No Error

Figure 104 — SECC Communication states for DC V2G messaging

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

8.9 Request-Response Message Sequence examples

8.9.1 AC EIM

Figure 105 depicts an example for a Request-Response Message Sequence for the EIM Identification Mode
without any errors including optional messages.

EV controller EVSE controller

including IEC including IEC
61851-1 handling 61851-1 handling

State B()

seq Communication Setup

seq Establish IP-based Connection





seq Identiication, Authentication and Authorization

Serv iceDiscov eryReq()

Serv iceDiscov eryRes()

opt VAS
Serv iceDetailReq()

Serv iceDetailRes()





Figure 105 — Overview AC Request-Response Message Sequence EIM Identification Mode

(1 of 2)

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

seq Target Setting and charge scheduling

ChargeParamterDiscov eryReq()

ChargeParameterDiscov eryRes()

Pow erDeliv eryReq()

State C()


Pow erDeliv eryRes()

loop Charge control and Re-scheduling



seq End of charging process

Pow erDeliv eryReq()

State B()

Pow erDeliv eryRes()



(from AC Charging (from Actors) (from Actors) (from AC Charging

PnC) PnC)

Figure 105 — Overview AC Request-Response Message Sequence EIM Identification Mode

(2 of 2) PnC

Figure 106 depicts an example for a Request-Response Message Sequence for the PnC Identification Mode
without any errors including optional messages.


© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 207

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

EV controller EVSE controller

including 61851-1 including 61851-1
handling handling

State B()

seq Communication Setup

seq Establish IP-based Connection





seq Identiication, Authentication and Authorization

Serv iceDiscov eryReq()

Serv iceDiscov eryRes()

opt VAS




opt Certiication Installation

[contract certiicate is not installed]


opt Certiication Update

[contract certiicate will expire soon]







Figure 106 — Overview AC Request-Response Message Sequence PnC Identification Mode

(1 of 2)

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

seq Target Setting and charge scheduling

ChargeParamterDiscov eryReq()

ChargeParameterDiscov eryRes()

Pow erDeliv eryReq()

State C()

Pow erDeliv eryRes()

loop Charge control and Re-scheduling



opt Metering


seq End of charging process

Pow erDeliv eryReq()

State B()

Pow erDeliv eryRes() opened



(from Actors) (from Actors)

Figure 106 — Overview AC Request-Response Message Sequence PnC Identification Mode

(2 of 2)

8.9.2 DC EIM

Figure 107 depicts an example for a Request-Response Message Sequence in EIM Identification Mode
without any errors including optional messages.

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

EV controller EVSE controller

including IEC including IEC
61851-1 handling 61851-1 handling

State B()

seq Communication Setup

seq Establish IP-based Connection





seq Identification, Authentication and Authorization

Serv iceDiscov eryReq()

Serv iceDiscov eryRes()

opt VAS Serv iceDetailReq()

Serv iceDetailRes()

Serv iceandPaymentSelectionReq()

Serv iceandPaymentSelectionRes()



Figure 107 — Overview DC Request-Response Message Sequence EIM Identification Mode

(1 of 2)

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

seq Target Setting and charge scheduling

ChargeParamterDiscov eryReq()

ChargeParameterDiscov eryRes()

State C()

loop Cable check



loop PreCharge


Pow erDeliv eryReq()

Pow erDeliv eryRes()

loop Charge control



seq End of charging process

Pow erDeliv eryReq()

Pow erDeliv eryRes()

State B Transition()





(from Actors) (from Actors)

Figure 107 — Overview DC Request-Response Message Sequence EIM Identification Mode

(2 of 2)

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 211

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E) PnC

Figure 108 depicts an example for a Request-Response Message Sequence in PnC Identification Mode
without any errors including optional messages.

EV controller EVSE controller

including IEC including IEC
61851-1 handling 61851-1 handling

State B()

seq Communication Setup

seq Establish IP-based Connection





seq Identification, Authentication and Authorization

Serv iceDiscov eryReq()

Serv iceDiscov eryRes()

opt VAS




opt Certification Installation



opt Certification Update







Copyright International Organization for Standardization
© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Figure 108 — Overview DC Request-Response Message Sequence PnC Identification Mode

(1 of 2)

seq Target Setting and charge scheduling

ChargeParamterDiscov eryReq()

ChargeParameterDiscov eryRes()

State C()

loop CableCheck


loop PreCharge


Pow erDeliv eryReq()

Pow erDeliv eryRes()

loop Charge control



seq End of charging process



State B()

opt Certification Installation





(from Actors) (from Actors)

Figure 108 — Overview DC Request-Response Message Sequence PnC Identification Mode

(2 of 2)

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 213

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


Annex A

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Mapping of Part 1 use case elements

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

A.1 Relation of Identification Modes and Use Case Elements
The Identification Modes External Identification Means (EIM) and the Identification Mode Plug and Charge (PnC) cover various Use Cases elements as defined in
Part 1. Table A. 1 gives a detailed overview on the Message Sets as defined in subclause 8.6, and the covered Use Case Elements A1 – H1 as defined in Part 1.

Table A. 1 — Message Set(s) and covered use case elements

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti
Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e
Upd Insta
ate llatio

Not for Resale

supportedAppProtocolReq B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
ProtocolNamespace B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
VersionNumberMajor B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
VersionNumberMinor B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
SchemaID B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
Priority B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
supportedAppProtocolRes B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
ResponseCode B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
SchemaID B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
SessionSetupReq B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
Header B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
SessionId B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
Notification B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
FaultCode B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -

214 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

FaultMsg B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
Signature (see sep. B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
Body B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
EVCCID B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
SessionSetupRes B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
Header B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
SessionId B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
Notification B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
FaultCode B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
FaultMsg B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
Signature (see sep. - - B1 B1 - - -

Not for Resale

Body B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
ResponseCode B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
EVSEID B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
DateTimeNow B1 B1 B1 B1 - - -
ServiceDiscoveryReq D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Header D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
SessionId D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Notification D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
FaultCode D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
FaultMsg D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Signature (see sep. D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 215
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

table) D4 D4 D2 D2
Body D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
ServiceScope D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
ServiceCategory D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
ServiceDiscoveryRes D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Header D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
SessionId D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Notification D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -

Not for Resale

D4 D4 D2 D2
FaultCode D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
FaultMsg D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Signature (see sep. - - D1, D1, - - -
table) D2 D2
Body D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
ResponseCode D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
PaymentOptions D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
PaymentO D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
ption D4 D4 D2 D2
PaymentO D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
ption D4 D4 D2 D2
ChargeService D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -

216 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO

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Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

D4 D4 D2 D2
ServiceID D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
ServiceNa D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
me D4 D4 D2 D2
ServiceCat D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
egory D4 D4 D2 D2
ServiceSco D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
pe D4 D4 D2 D2
FreeServic D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
e D4 D4 D2 D2
Supported D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
EnergyTran D4 D4 D2 D2

Not for Resale

EnergyTransf D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
erMode D4 D4 D2 D2
ServiceList - - - - C1 C2 G1,
Service - - - - C1 C2 G1,
ServiceID - - - - C1 C2 G1,
ServiceName - - - - C1 C2 G1,
ServiceCateg - - - - C1 C2 G1,
ory G2
ServiceScope - - - - C1 C2 G1,
FreeService - - - - C1 C2 G1,
ServiceDetailReq - - - - C1 C2 G1,

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 217

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO

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EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

Header - - - - C1 C2 G1,
SessionId - - - - C1 C2 G1,
Notification - - - - C1 C2 G1,
FaultCode - - - - C1 C2 G1,
FaultMsg - - - - C1 C2 G1,
Signature (see sep. - - - - C1 C2 G1,
table) G2
Body - - - - C1 C2 G1,
ServiceID - - - - C1 C2 G1,

Not for Resale

ServiceDetailRes - - - - C1 C2 G1,
Header - - - - C1 C2 G1,
SessionId - - - - C1 C2 G1,
Notification - - - - C1 C2 G1,
FaultCode - - - - C1 C2 G1,
FaultMsg - - - - C1 C2 G1,
Signature (see sep. - - - - C1 C2 G1,
table) G2
Body - - - - C1 C2 G1,


218 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

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rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
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EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

ResponseCode - - - - C1 C2 G1,
ServiceID - - - - C1 C2 G1,
ServiceParameterList - - - - C1 C2 G1,
Parameter - - - - C1 C2 G1,
Set G2
ParameterSet - - - - C1 C2 G1,
Parameter - - - - C1 C2 G1,
ServicePaymentSelectionR D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
eq D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
Header D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,

Not for Resale

D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
SessionId D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
Notification D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
FaultCode D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
FaultMsg D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
Signature (see sep. - - D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
table) D2 D2 G2
Body D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
SelectedPaymentOption D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
SelectedServiceList D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
SelectedSe D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 219

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO

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EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta

ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

rvice D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
ServiceID D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
ParameterSet D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
ID D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
ServicePaymentSelectionR D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
es D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
Header D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
SessionId D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
Notification D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
FaultCode D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,

Not for Resale

D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
FaultMsg D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
Signature (see sep. D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
table) D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
Body D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
ResponseCode D3, D3, D1, D1, C1 C2 G1,
D4 D4 D2 D2 G2
PaymentDetailsReq - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
Header - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
SessionId - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
Notification - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
FaultCode - - D1, D1, - - -

220 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

D2 D2
FaultMsg - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
Signature (see sep. - - D1, D1, - - -
table) D2 D2
Body - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
eMAID - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
ContractSignatureCertC - - D1, D1, - - -
hain D2 D2

Certificate - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
SubCertific - - D1, D1, - - -

Not for Resale

ates D2 D2
Certificate - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
PaymentDetailsRes - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
Header - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
SessionId - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
Notification - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
FaultCode - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
FaultMsg - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
Signature (see sep. - - D1, D1, - - -
table) D2 D2
Body - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 221

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

ResponseCode - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
GenChallenge - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
DateTimeNow - - D1, D1, - - -
D2 D2
AuthorizationReq D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Header D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
SessionId D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Notification D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
FaultCode D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -

Not for Resale

D4 D4 D2 D2
FaultMsg D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Signature (see sep. D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
table) D4 D4 D2 D2
Body D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
GenChallenge D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
AuthorizationRes D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Header D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
SessionId D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Notification D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2

222 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti


Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

FaultCode D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
FaultMsg D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
Signature (see sep. D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
table) D4 D4 D2 D2
Body D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
EVSEProcessing D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
ResponseCode D3, D3, D1, D1, - - -
D4 D4 D2 D2
ChargeParameterDiscover E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
yReq E2 E5, F3

Not for Resale

Header E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
SessionId E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
Notification E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
FaultCode E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
FaultMsg E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
Signature (see sep. E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
table) E2 E5, F3

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 223

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

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rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

Body E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
MaxEntriesSAScheduleT E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
uple E2 E5, F3
RequestedEnergyTransf E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
erMode E2 E5, F3
AC_EVChargeParamete E1, - E3, - - - -
r E2 E5,
DepartureT E1, - E3, - - - -
ime E2 E5,

Not for Resale

Eamount E1, - E3, - - - -
E2 E5,
EVMaxVolt E1, - E3, - - - -
age E2 E5,
EVMaxCurr E1, - E3, - - - -
ent E2 E5,
EVMinCurr E1, - E3, - - - -
ent E2 E5,
DC_EVChargeParamete - E4 - E4, - - -
r F3
DepartureT - E4 - E4, - - -
ime F3
DC_EVStat - E4 - E4, - - -
us F3

224 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

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rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
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EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

EVReady - E4 - E4, - - -
EVRESSConi - E4 - E4, - - -
ditioning F3
EVErrorCode - E4 - E4, - - -
EVRESSSO - E4 - E4, - - -
C F3
EVMaximu - E4 - E4, - - -
mCurrentLi F3

EVMaximu - E4 - E4, - - -
mPowerLi F3
EVMaximu - E4 - E4, - - -

Not for Resale

mVoltageLi F3
EVEnergyC - E4 - E4, - - -
apacity F3
EVEnergyR - E4 - E4, - - -
equest F3
FullSOC - E4 - E4, - - -
BulkSOC - E4 - E4, - - -
ChargeParameterDiscover E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
yRes E2 E5, F3
Header E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
SessionId E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 225

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
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EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

Notification E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
FaultCode E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
FaultMsg E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
Signature (see sep. E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
table) E2 E5, F3
Body E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3

Not for Resale

ResponseCode E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
EVSEProcessing E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
SASchedule E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
SASchedul E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
eTuple E2 E5, F3
SAScheduleT E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
upleID E2 E5, F3
PMaxSchedul E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
e E2 E5, F3

226 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

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rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
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EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

PMaxSch E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
eduleID E2 E5, F3
PMAaxS E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
cheduleE E2 E5, F3
ntry F3
RelativeTimeInterval E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
start E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
duration E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3

Not for Resale

Pmax E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
SalesTariff - - E3, E4, - - -
E5, F3
SalesTari - - E3, E4, - - -
ffID E5, F3
SalesTari - - E3, E4, - - -
ffDescript E5, F3
ion F3
NumEPri - - E3, E4, - - -
ceLevels E5, F3
SalesTari - - E3, E4, - - -
ffEntry E5, F3

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 227

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

RelativeTimeInterval - - E3, E4, - - -
E5, F3
start - - E3, E4, - - -
E5, F3
duration - - E3, E4, - - -
E5, F3
EPrice - - E3, E4, - - -
Level E5, F3
ConsumptionCost - - E3, E4, - - -
E5, F3

Not for Resale

Start - - E3, E4, - - -
Value E5, F3
Cost - - E3, E4, - - -
E5, F3
AC_EVSEChargeParam E1, - E3, - - - -
eter E2 E5,
AC_EVSE E1, - E3, - - - -
Status E2 E5,
RCD E1, - E3, - - - -
E2 E5,
NotificationM E1, - E3, - - - -
axDelay E2 E5,

228 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

EVSENotifica E1, - E3, - - - -
tion E2 E5,
EVSENomi E1, - E3, - - - -
nalVoltage E2 E5,
EVSEMax E1, - E3, - - - -
Current E2 E5,
DC_EVSEChargeParam - E4 - E4, - - -
eter F3
DC_EVSE - E4 - E4, - - -
Status F3
EVSEIsolatio - E4 - E4, - - -

Not for Resale

nStatus F3
EVSEStatus - E4 - E4, - - -
Code F3
NotificationM - E4 - E4, - - -
axDelay F3
EVSENotifica - E4 - E4, - - -
tion F3
EVSEMaxi - E4 - E4, - - -
mumCurre F3
EVSEMaxi - E4 - E4, - - -
mumPower F3
EVSEMaxi - E4 - E4, - - -
mumVoltag F3
EVSEMini - E4 - E4, - - -
mumCurre F3

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 229

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

EVSEMini - E4 - E4, - - -
mumVoltag F3
EVSECurre - E4 - E4, - - -
ntRegulatio F3
EVSEPeak - E4 - E4, - - -
CurrentRip F3
EVSEEner - E4 - E4, - - -
gyToBeDeli F3
PowerDeliveryReq E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3

Not for Resale

Header E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3

SessionId E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
Notification E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
FaultCode E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
FaultMsg E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
Signature (see sep. E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
table) E2 E5, F3

230 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS

g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

Body E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
ChargeProgress E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
SAScheduleTupleID E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
ChargingProfile E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
ProfileEntry E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3

Not for Resale

ChargingProfi E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
leEntryStart E2 E5, F3
ChargingProfi E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
leEntryMaxP E2 E5, F3
ower F3
ChargingProfileEntryMaxN E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
umberOfPhasesInUse E2 E5, F3
DC_EVPowerDeliveryPa - E4 - E4, - - -
rameter F3
DC_EVStat - E4 - E4, - - -
us F3
EVReady - E4 - E4, - - -
EVRESSConi - E4 - E4, - - -
ditioning F3

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 231

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

EVErrorCode - E4 - E4, - - -
EVRESSSO - E4 - E4, - - -
C F3
BulkChargi - E4 - E4, - - -
ngComplet F3
ChargingC - E4 - E4, - - -
omplete F3
PowerDeliveryRes E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
Header E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3

Not for Resale

SessionId E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
Notification E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
FaultCode E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
FaultMsg E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
Signature (see sep. E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
table) E2 E5, F3
Body E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3

232 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

AC DC AC DC Opti Opti Opti

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Cha Char Char Char on: on: on:
rgin ging ging ging Certi Certi VAS
g EIM PnC PnC ficat ficat
EIM e e

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

ResponseCode E1, E4 E3, E4, - - -
E2 E5, F3
AC_EVSEStatus E1, - E3, - - - -
E2 E5,
RCD E1, - E3, - - - -
E2 E5,
Notification E1, - E3, - - - -
MaxDelay E2 E5,

EVSENotifi E1, - E3, - - - -
cation E2 E5,

Not for Resale

DC_EVSEStatus - E4 - E4, - - -
EVSEIsolat - E4 - E4, - - -
ionStatus F3
EVSEStatu - E4 - E4, - - -
sCode F3
Notification - E4 - E4, - - -
MaxDelay F3
EVSENotifi - E4 - E4, - - -
cation F3
CertificateupdateReq - - - - C1 - -
Header - - - - C1 - -
SessionId - - - - C1 - -
Notification - - - - C1 - -
FaultCode - - - - C1 - -
FaultMsg - - - - C1 - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - C1 - -

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Body - - - - C1 - -
ContractSignatureCertC - - - - C1 - -
Certificate - - - - C1 - -
SubCertific - - - - C1 - -
Certificate - - - - C1 - -
eMAID - - - - C1 - -
ListOfRootCertificateIDs - - - - C1 - -
RootCertific - - - - C1 - -
CertificateupdateRes - - - - C1 - -

Not for Resale

Header - - - - C1 - -
SessionId - - - - C1 - -
Notification - - - - C1 - -
FaultCode - - - - C1 - -
FaultMsg - - - - C1 - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - C1 - -

Body - - - - C1 - -
ResponseCode - - - - C1 - -
SAProvisioningCertificat C1 - -
ContractSignatureCertC - - - - C1 - -
Certificate - - - - C1 - -
SubCertific - - - - C1 - -

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Certificate - - - - C1 - -
ContractSignatureEncryp - - - - C1 - -
Dhpublickey - - - - C1 - -
eMAID - - - - C1 - -
RetryCounter - - - - C1 - -
CertificateinstallationReq - - - - - C2 -
Header - - - - - C2 -
SessionId - - - - - C2 -
Notification - - - - - C2 -
FaultCode - - - - - C2 -
FaultMsg - - - - - C2 -

Not for Resale

Signature (see sep. - - - - - C2 -
Body - - - - - C2 -
OEMProvisioningCert - - - - - C2 -
ListOfRootCertificateIDs - - - - - C2 -

RootCertific - - - - - C2 -
CertificateinstallationRes - - - - - C2 -
Header - - - - - C2 -
SessionId - - - - - C2 -
Notification - - - - - C2 -
FaultCode - - - - - C2 -
FaultMsg - - - - - C2 -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - C2 -
Body - - - - - C2 -

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ResponseCode - - - - - C2 -
SAProvisioningCertificat - C2 -
ContractSignatureCertC - - - - - C2 -
Certificate - - - - - C2 -
SubCertific - - - - - C2 -
Certificate - - - - - C2 -
ContractSignatureEncryp - - - - - C2 -
Dhpublickey - - - - - C2 -
eMAID - - - - - - -
SessionStopReq H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -

Not for Resale

F3 F3 F3 F3
Header H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
SessionId H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
Notification H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
FaultCode H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
FaultMsg H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - -
Body H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
ChargingSession H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3

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SessionStopRes H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
Header H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
SessionId H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
Notification H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
FaultCode H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
FaultMsg H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
Signature (see sep. - - H1, H1, - - -
table) F3 F3
Body H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -

Not for Resale

F3 F3 F3 F3
ResponseCode H1, H1, H1, H1, - - -
F3 F3 F3 F3
ChargingStatusReq E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
Header E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
SessionId E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
Notification E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,


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FaultCode E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
FaultMsg E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
Signature (see sep. E1, - E3, - - - -
table) E2, E5,
F0 F0,
Body E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,

Not for Resale

F0 F0,
ChargingStatusRes E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
Header E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
SessionId E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
Notification E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,

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Copyright International Organization for Standardization

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

FaultCode E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
FaultMsg E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
Signature (see sep. E1, - E3, - - - -
table) E2, E5,
F0 F0,
Body E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,

Not for Resale

ResponseCode E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
EVSEID E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
SAScheduleTupleID E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
EVSEMaxCurrent E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
MeterInfo E1, - E3, - - - -

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E2, E5,
F0 F0,
MeterID E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
MeterReadi E1, - E3, - - - -
ng E2, E5,

F0 F0,
SigMeterR E1, - E3, - - - -
eading E2, E5,
F0 F0,

Not for Resale

MeterStatu E1, - E3, - - - -
s E2, E5,
F0 F0,
TMeter E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
ReceiptRequired E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
AC_EVSEStatus E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,
F0 F0,
RCD E1, - E3, - - - -
E2, E5,

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F0 F0,
Notification E1, - E3, - - - -
MaxDelay E2, E5,
F0 F0,
EVSENotifi E1, - E3, - - - -
cation E2, E5,
F0 F0,
MeteringReceiptReq - - F1 F1 - - -
Header - - F1 F1 - - -
SessionId - - F1 F1 - - -
Notification - - F1 F1 - - -

Not for Resale

FaultCode - - F1 F1 - - -
FaultMsg - - F1 F1 - - -
Signature (see sep. - - F1 F1 - - -
Body - - F1 F1 - - -
SessionID - - F1 F1 - - -
SAScheduleTupleID - - F1 F1 - - -
MeterInfo - - F1 F1 - - -
MeterID - - F1 F1 - - -
MeterReadi - - F1 F1 - - -
SigMeterR - - F1 F1 - - -
MeterStatu - - F1 F1 - - -
Tmeter - - F1 F1 - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 241
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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

MeteringReceiptRes - - F1 F1 - - -
Header - - F1 F1 - - -
SessionId - - F1 F1 - - -
Notification - - F1 F1 - - -
FaultCode - - F1 F1 - - -
FaultMsg - - F1 F1 - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - -
Body - - F1 F1 - - -
AC_EVSEStatus - - F1 F1 - - -
RCD - - F1 F1 - - -
Notification - - F1 F1 - - -

Not for Resale

EVSENotifi - - F1 F1 - - -
DC_EVSEStatus - - F1 F1 - - -
EVSEIsolat - - F1 F1 - - -
EVSEStatu - - F1 F1 - - -
Notification - - F1 F1 - - -
EVSENotifi - - F1 F1 - - -
ResponseCode - - F1 F1 - - -
CableCheckReq - E4 - E4 - - -
Header - E4 - E4 - - -
SessionId - E4 - E4 - - -
Notification - E4 - E4 - - -

242 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

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Copyright International Organization for Standardization

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

FaultCode - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultMsg - E4 - E4 - - -
Signature (see sep. - E4 - E4 - - -
Body - E4 - E4 - - -
DC_EVStatus - E4 - E4 - - -
EVReady - E4 - E4 - - -
EVRESSC - E4 - E4 - - -
EVErrorCo - E4 - E4 - - -
EVRESSS - E4 - E4 - - -
CableCheckRes - E4 - E4 - - -

Not for Resale

Header - E4 - E4 - - -
SessionId - E4 - E4 - - -
Notification - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultCode - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultMsg - E4 - E4 - - -
Signature (see sep. - E4 - E4 - - -
Body - E4 - E4 - - -
ResponseCode - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEProcessing - E4 - E4 - - -
DC_EVSEStatus - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEIsolat - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEStatu - E4 - E4 - - -

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 243
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

Notification - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSENotifi - E4 - E4 - - -
PreChargeReq - E4 - E4 - - -
Header - E4 - E4 - - -
SessionId - E4 - E4 - - -
Notification - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultCode - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultMsg - E4 - E4 - - -
Signature (see sep. - E4 - E4 - - -
Body - E4 - E4 - - -

Not for Resale

DC_EVStatus - E4 - E4 - - -
EVReady - E4 - E4 - - -
EVRESSC - E4 - E4 - - -
EVErrorCo - E4 - E4 - - -
EVRESSS - E4 - E4 - - -
EVTargetVoltage - E4 - E4 - - -
EVTargetCurrent - E4 - E4 - - -
PreChargeRes - E4 - E4 - - -
Header - E4 - E4 - - -
SessionId - E4 - E4 - - -
Notification - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultCode - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultMsg - E4 - E4 - - -

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
ate llatio

No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

Signature (see sep. - E4 - E4 - - -
Body - E4 - E4 - - -
ResponseCode - E4 - E4 - - -
DC_EVSEStatus - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEIsolat - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEStatu - E4 - E4 - - -
Notification - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSENotifi - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEPresentVoltage - E4 - E4 - - -

Not for Resale

CurrentDemandReq - E4 - E4 - - -
Header - E4 - E4 - - -
SessionId - E4 - E4 - - -
Notification - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultCode - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultMsg - E4 - E4 - - -
Signature (see sep. - E4 - E4 - - -
Body - E4 - E4 - - -
DC_EVStatus - E4 - E4 - - -
EVReady - E4 - E4 - - -
EVRESSC - E4 - E4 - - -
EVErrorCo - E4 - E4 - - -
EVRESSS - E4 - E4 - - -

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

EVTargetCurrent - E4 - E4 - - -
EVMaximumVoltageLimit - E4 - E4 - - -
EVMaximumCurrentLimit - E4 - E4 - - -
EVMaximumPowerLimit - E4 - E4 - - -
BulkChargingComplete - E4 - E4 - - -
ChargingComplete - E4 - E4 - - -
RemainingTimeToFullSo - E4 - E4 - - -
RemainingTimeToBulkS - E4 - E4 - - -
EVTargetVoltage - E4 - E4 - - -
CurrentDemandRes - E4 - E4 - - -

Not for Resale

Header - E4 - E4 - - -
SessionId - E4 - E4 - - -
Notification - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultCode - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultMsg - E4 - E4 - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - -
Body - E4 - E4 - - -
ResponseCode - E4 - E4 - - -
DC_EVSEStatus - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEIsolat - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEStatu - E4 - E4 - - -
Notification - E4 - E4 - - -


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Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

EVSENotifi - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEPresentVoltage - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEPresentCurrent - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSECurrentLimitAchiev - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEVoltageLimitAchiev - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEPowerLimitAchieve - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEMaximumVoltageLi - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEMaximumCurrentLi - E4 - E4 - - -

Not for Resale

EVSEMaximumPowerLi - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEID - - - E4 - - -
SAScheduleTupleID - - - E4 - - -
MeterInfo - - - E4 - - -
MeterID - - - E4 - - -
MeterReadi - - - E4 - - -
SigMeterR - - - E4 - - -
MeterStatu - - - E4 - - -
Tmeter - - - E4 - - -
ReceiptRequired - - - E4 - - -
WeldingDetectionReq - E4 - E4 - - -
Header - E4 - E4 - - -

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Upd Insta
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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

SessionId - E4 - E4 - - -
Notification - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultCode - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultMsg - E4 - E4 - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - -
Body - E4 - E4 - - -
DC_EVStatus - E4 - E4 - - -
EVReady - E4 - E4 - - -
EVRESSC - E4 - E4 - - -
EVErrorCo - E4 - E4 - - -

Not for Resale

EVRESSS - E4 - E4 - - -
WeldingDetectionRes - E4 - E4 - - -
Header - E4 - E4 - - -
SessionId - E4 - E4 - - -
Notification - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultCode - E4 - E4 - - -
FaultMsg - E4 - E4 - - -
Signature (see sep. - - - - - - -
Body - E4 - E4 - - -
ResponseCode - E4 - E4 - - -
DC_EVSEStatus - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEIsolat - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEStatu - E4 - E4 - - -

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Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Upd Insta
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Notification - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSENotifi - E4 - E4 - - -
EVSEPresentVoltage - E4 - E4 - - -

Not for Resale

© ISO 2014 – All rights reserved 249
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Annex B

Mapping of ISO 15118 message element names to

SAE J2847/2 terms

B.1 SAE J2847/2 status codes

Table B.1 and Table B.2 define the name mapping of the enumerated signal types used in the context of
SAE J2847/2 and their corresponding message element names in ISO 15118. In general, the term vehicle and
charger are replaced by the abbreviations EV and EVSE, respectively.

Table B.1 — Mapping of naming for SAE J2847/2 Vehicle Error Code

Definition in SAE J2847/2 Definition in ISO 15118

(Vehicle Error Code)

0x0 Vehicle Not Ready EVReady (Value = false)

Vehicle Charging or Energy DC_EVStatus:

Transfer EVReady (Value = true)
0x2 RESS Temperature Inhibit
DC_EVErrorCode (Value = FAILED_RESSTemperatureInhibit)
0x3 Vehicle Shift Position
DC_EVErrorCode (Value = FAILED_EVShiftPosition)

Charger Connector Lock DC_EVStatus:

Fault DC_EVErrorCode (Value = FAILED_ChargerConnectorLockFault)
0x7 Vehicle RESS Malfunction
DC_EVErrorCode (Value = FAILED_EVRESSMalfunction)

Charging current DC_EVStatus:

differential DC_EVErrorCode (Value = FAILED_ChargingCurrentdifferential)

Charging voltage out of DC_EVStatus:

range DC_EVErrorCode (Value = FAILED_ChargingVoltageOutOfRange)
0xA – 0xC Reserved
DC_EVErrorCode (Value = Reserved_A .. Reserved_C)

Charging System DC_EVStatus:

Incompatibility DC_EVErrorCode (Value = FAILED_ChargingSystemIncompatibility)
0xE Other Vehicle Faults Refer to ResponseCode calues
0xF No Data
DC_EVErrorCode (Value = NoData)
NOTE 1 The data being transferred correspond to the Vehicle Status Codes as described in the SAE J2847/2.

Table B.2 — Mapping of naming for SAE J2847/2 Charger Status Code

Definition in SAE J2847/2 Definition in ISO 15118

(Charger Status Code)

Charger Standby / Not DC_EVSEStatusCode

Ready (value = FAILED_NotReady)

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0x1 Charger Ready / Charging
(value = OK_Charging)

Charger Prepaid Limits responseCode

Exceeded (value = FAILED_ContractCanceled)
0x3 Charger Shutdown
(value = EVSE_Shutdown)
0x4 Utility Interrupt Event
(value = EVSE_UtilityInterruptEvent)
Isolation Monitoring
0x5 n.a.
0x6 Isolation Monitoring Active
(value = EVSE_IsolationMonitoringActive)

Charger Emergency DC_EVSEStatusCode

Shutdown (value = EVSE_EVSE_EmergencyShutdown)
0x8 – 0xC Reserved
(value = Reserved_8 .. Reserved_C)

Charging System responseCode
Incompatibility (value = FAILED_WrongChargeParameter)
0xE Charger Malfunction
(value = EVSE_Malfunction)
0xF No Data n.a
NOTE 2 The data being transferred correspond to the Charger status codes as described in the SAE J2847/2.

B.2 SAE J2847/2 Energy Transfer Types

Table B. 3 and Table B.4 define the name mapping for the SAE J2847/2 Vehicle Requested Energy Transfer
Type and Charger Supported Energy Transfer Type.

Table B. 3 — Mapping of naming for SAE J2847/2 Vehicle Requested Energy Transfer Type

Definition in SAE J2847/2 Definition in ISO 15118

(Vehicle Requested Energy Transfer Type) (RequestedEnergyTransferMode)

(reserved for) AC Type 1/Type 2 – single

0x00 AC_single_phase_core
phase on core pins
(reserved for) AC Type 2 – three phase on
0x01 AC_three_phase_core
Type 2 core pins
0x02 DC Type 1/Type 2 on core pins DC_core
0x03 DC combo 1/combo 2 on extended pins DC_extended
0x04 DC combo 1/combo 2 on core pins DC_combo_core
(reserved for) Dedicated DC on unique
0x05 DC_unique
0x08 – 0x0E Reserved for future use Reserved_8.. Reserved_E
0x0F Undetermined Undetermined

B.3 SAE J2847/2 signals

Table B. 4 defines the name mapping for the SAE J2847/2 signals to ISO 15118 message elements.

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Table B. 4 — Mapping of naming for SAE J2847/2 signals to ISO 15118 message elements

SAE J2847/2 signal definition ISO 15118 message element definition

Bulk Charging Complete
Bulk SOC
Charge Current Request
Charger Current Limit Achieved
Charger Current Regulation Tolerance
Charger Energy to be delivered
Charger Maximum Current Limit
Charger Maximum Power Limit
Charger Maximum Voltage Limit
Charger Minimum Current Limit
Charger Minimum Voltage Limit
Charger Peak Current Ripple
Charger Power Limit Achieved

Charger Status DC_EVSEStatus

Charger Voltage Limit Achieved
Current Output
Connector Locked n.a
Full SOC
Vehicle Energy Capacity
Vehicle Energy Request

Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

SAE J2847/2 signal definition ISO 15118 message element definition

Vehicle Maximum Current Limit
Vehicle Maximum Power Limit
Vehicle Maximum Voltage Limit
Vehicle RESS SOC
Vehicle Error Code DC_EVErrorCode
Voltage Output

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Annex C

Schema definition

C.1 Overview
The V2G application layer message specification consists of four XML Schema documents with the following

 “V2G_CI_AppProtocol”: Defines the protocol handshake messages

 “V2G_CI_MsgDef”: Defines the message structure Definition

 “V2G_CI_MsgHeader”: Defines the message Header

 “V2G_CI_MsgBody”: Defines the message Body

 “V2G_CI_MsgDataTypes”: Defines the data types

 "xmldsig-core-schema": Defines the W3C schema for XML signatures

Figure C.1 shows the dependency graph for all five XML Schema documents.

V2G_CI_AppProtocol V2G_CI_MsgDef

- XML schema definition - XML schema definition

V2G_CI_MsgHeader V2G_CI_MsgBody

- XML schema definition - XML schema definition


xmldsig-core-schema V2G_CI_MsgDataTypes

- XML schema definition - XML schema definition

Figure C.1 — Dependency Chart of the V2G CI XML Schema Definitions

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C.2 V2G_CI_AppProtocol.xsd
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"

<xs:element name="supportedAppProtocolReq">
<xs:element name="AppProtocol" type="AppProtocolType" maxOccurs="20"/>

<xs:element name="supportedAppProtocolRes">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="SchemaID" type="idType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="AppProtocolType">
<xs:element name="ProtocolNamespace" type="protocolNamespaceType"/>
<xs:element name="VersionNumberMajor" type="xs:unsignedInt"/>
<xs:element name="VersionNumberMinor" type="xs:unsignedInt"/>
<xs:element name="SchemaID" type="idType"/>
<xs:element name="Priority" type="priorityType"/>
<xs:simpleType name="idType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedByte"/>
<xs:simpleType name="protocolNameType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="30"/>
<xs:simpleType name="protocolNamespaceType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:anyURI">
<xs:maxLength value="100"/>
<xs:simpleType name="priorityType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedByte">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="20"/>
<xs:simpleType name="responseCodeType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="OK_SuccessfulNegotiation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OK_SuccessfulNegotiationWithMinorDeviation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Failed_NoNegotiation"/>

C.3 V2G_CI_MsgDef.xsd
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
xmlns="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgDef" xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"
xmlns:v2gci_b="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgBody" targetNamespace="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgDef"
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified" version="15118 2.0">
<!-- attributeFormDefault="unqualified" -->
<xs:import namespace="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader" schemaLocation="V2G_CI_MsgHeader.xsd"/>
<xs:import namespace="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgBody" schemaLocation="V2G_CI_MsgBody.xsd"/>
<!-- Message Structure -->
<xs:element name="V2G_Message">
<xs:element name="Header" type="v2gci_h:MessageHeaderType"/>

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<xs:element name="Body" type="v2gci_b:BodyType"/>


C.4 V2G_CI_MsgHeader.xsd
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:import namespace="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgDataTypes" schemaLocation="V2G_CI_MsgDataTypes.xsd"/>
<xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd"/>
<!-- Message Header -->
<xs:complexType name="MessageHeaderType">
<xs:element name="SessionID" type="v2gci_t:sessionIDType"/>
<xs:element name="Notification" type="v2gci_t:NotificationType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="xmlsig:Signature" minOccurs="0"/>


C.5 V2G_CI_MsgBody.xsd
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:import namespace="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgDataTypes" schemaLocation="V2G_CI_MsgDataTypes.xsd"/>
<!-- Body -->
<xs:complexType name="BodyType">
<xs:element ref="BodyElement" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="BodyElement" type="BodyBaseType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="BodyBaseType" abstract="true"/>
<!-- ....................... -->
<!-- Common Messages (AC/DC) -->
<!-- ....................... -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Session Setup -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="SessionSetupReq" type="SessionSetupReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="SessionSetupReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="EVCCID" type="v2gci_t:evccIDType"/>
<xs:element name="SessionSetupRes" type="SessionSetupResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="SessionSetupResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEID" type="v2gci_t:evseIDType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSETimeStamp" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0"/>

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<!-- -->
<!-- Service Discovery -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="ServiceDiscoveryReq" type="ServiceDiscoveryReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="ServiceDiscoveryReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ServiceScope" type="v2gci_t:serviceScopeType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ServiceCategory" type="v2gci_t:serviceCategoryType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ServiceDiscoveryRes" type="ServiceDiscoveryResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="ServiceDiscoveryResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="PaymentOptionList" type="v2gci_t:PaymentOptionListType"/>
<xs:element name="ChargeService" type="v2gci_t:ChargeServiceType"/>
<!--<xs:element name="ServiceList" type="v2gci_t:ServiceTagListType" minOccurs="0"/> -->
<xs:element name="ServiceList" type="v2gci_t:ServiceListType" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Service Detail -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="ServiceDetailReq" type="ServiceDetailReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="ServiceDetailReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ServiceID" type="v2gci_t:serviceIDType"/>
<xs:element name="ServiceDetailRes" type="ServiceDetailResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="ServiceDetailResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="ServiceID" type="v2gci_t:serviceIDType"/>
<xs:element name="ServiceParameterList" type="v2gci_t:ServiceParameterListType" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Service Payment & Selection -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="PaymentServiceSelectionReq" type="PaymentServiceSelectionReqType"
<xs:complexType name="PaymentServiceSelectionReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="SelectedPaymentOption" type="v2gci_t:paymentOptionType"/>
<xs:element name="SelectedServiceList" type="v2gci_t:SelectedServiceListType"/>
<xs:element name="PaymentServiceSelectionRes" type="PaymentServiceSelectionResType"
<xs:complexType name="PaymentServiceSelectionResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">


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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Payment Details -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="PaymentDetailsReq" type="PaymentDetailsReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="PaymentDetailsReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="eMAID" type="v2gci_t:eMAIDType"/>
<xs:element name="ContractSignatureCertChain" type="v2gci_t:CertificateChainType"/>
<xs:element name="PaymentDetailsRes" type="PaymentDetailsResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="PaymentDetailsResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="GenChallenge" type="v2gci_t:genChallengeType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSETimeStamp" type="xs:long"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Authorization-->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="AuthorizationReq" type="AuthorizationReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="AuthorizationReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="GenChallenge" type="v2gci_t:genChallengeType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID"/>
<xs:element name="AuthorizationRes" type="AuthorizationResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="AuthorizationResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEProcessing" type="v2gci_t:EVSEProcessingType"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Charge Parameter Discovery -->

<!-- -->
<xs:element name="ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq" type="ChargeParameterDiscoveryReqType"
<xs:complexType name="ChargeParameterDiscoveryReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="MaxEntriesSAScheduleTuple" type="xs:unsignedShort" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- new -->
<xs:element name="RequestedEnergyTransferMode" type="v2gci_t:EnergyTransferModeType"/>
<xs:element ref="v2gci_t:EVChargeParameter"/>

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<xs:element name="ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes" type="ChargeParameterDiscoveryResType"

<xs:complexType name="ChargeParameterDiscoveryResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEProcessing" type="v2gci_t:EVSEProcessingType"/>
<xs:element ref="v2gci_t:SASchedules" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="v2gci_t:EVSEChargeParameter"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Power Delivery -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="PowerDeliveryReq" type="PowerDeliveryReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="PowerDeliveryReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ChargeProgress" type="v2gci_t:chargeProgressType"/>
<xs:element name="SAScheduleTupleID" type="v2gci_t:SAIDType"/>
<xs:element name="ChargingProfile" type="v2gci_t:ChargingProfileType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="v2gci_t:EVPowerDeliveryParameter" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="PowerDeliveryRes" type="PowerDeliveryResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="PowerDeliveryResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element ref="v2gci_t:EVSEStatus"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Metering Receipt -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="MeteringReceiptReq" type="MeteringReceiptReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="MeteringReceiptReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="SessionID" type="v2gci_t:sessionIDType"/>
<xs:element name="SAScheduleTupleID" type="v2gci_t:SAIDType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="MeterInfo" type="v2gci_t:MeterInfoType"/>
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID"/>

<xs:element name="MeteringReceiptRes" type="MeteringReceiptResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="MeteringReceiptResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element ref="v2gci_t:EVSEStatus"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- SessionStop -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="SessionStopReq" type="SessionStopReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="SessionStopReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">

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<xs:element name="ChargingSession" type="v2gci_t:chargingSessionType"/>
<xs:element name="SessionStopRes" type="SessionStopResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="SessionStopResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Certificate Update -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="CertificateUpdateReq" type="CertificateUpdateReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="CertificateUpdateReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ContractSignatureCertChain" type="v2gci_t:CertificateChainType"/>
<xs:element name="eMAID" type="v2gci_t:eMAIDType"/>
<xs:element name="ListOfRootCertificateIDs" type="v2gci_t:ListOfRootCertificateIDsType"/>
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="CertificateUpdateRes" type="CertificateUpdateResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="CertificateUpdateResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="SAProvisioningCertificateChain" type="v2gci_t:CertificateChainType"/>
<xs:element name="ContractSignatureCertChain" type="v2gci_t:CertificateChainType"/>
<xs:element name="ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey"
<xs:element name="DHpublickey" type="v2gci_t:DiffieHellmanPublickeyType"/>
<xs:element name="eMAID" type="v2gci_t:EMAIDType"/>
<xs:element name="RetryCounter" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Certificate Installation -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="CertificateInstallationReq" type="CertificateInstallationReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="CertificateInstallationReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="OEMProvisioningCert" type="v2gci_t:certificateType"/>
<xs:element name="ListOfRootCertificateIDs" type="v2gci_t:ListOfRootCertificateIDsType"/>
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="CertificateInstallationRes" type="CertificateInstallationResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="CertificateInstallationResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="SAProvisioningCertificateChain" type="v2gci_t:CertificateChainType"/>
<!-- new -->
<xs:element name="ContractSignatureCertChain" type="v2gci_t:CertificateChainType"/>
<xs:element name="ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKey"


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<xs:element name="DHpublickey" type="v2gci_t:DiffieHellmanPublickeyType"/>
<xs:element name="eMAID" type="v2gci_t:EMAIDType"/>
<!-- ....................... -->
<!-- AC-Messages -->
<!-- ....................... -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Charging Status -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="ChargingStatusReq" type="ChargingStatusReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="ChargingStatusReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ChargingStatusRes" type="ChargingStatusResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="ChargingStatusResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEID" type="v2gci_t:evseIDType"/>
<xs:element name="SAScheduleTupleID" type="v2gci_t:SAIDType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEMaxCurrent" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="MeterInfo" type="v2gci_t:MeterInfoType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ReceiptRequired" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="AC_EVSEStatus" type="v2gci_t:AC_EVSEStatusType"/>
<!-- ....................... -->
<!-- DC-Messages -->
<!-- ....................... -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Cable Check -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="CableCheckReq" type="CableCheckReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="CableCheckReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="DC_EVStatus" type="v2gci_t:DC_EVStatusType"/>
<xs:element name="CableCheckRes" type="CableCheckResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="CableCheckResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="DC_EVSEStatus" type="v2gci_t:DC_EVSEStatusType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEProcessing" type="v2gci_t:EVSEProcessingType"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Pre-Charge -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="PreChargeReq" type="PreChargeReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="PreChargeReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="DC_EVStatus" type="v2gci_t:DC_EVStatusType"/>
<xs:element name="EVTargetVoltage" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType"/>


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<xs:element name="EVTargetCurrent" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType"/>

<xs:element name="PreChargeRes" type="PreChargeResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="PreChargeResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="DC_EVSEStatus" type="v2gci_t:DC_EVSEStatusType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEPresentVoltage" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Current Demand -->
<!-- -->
<xs:element name="CurrentDemandReq" type="CurrentDemandReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="CurrentDemandReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="DC_EVStatus" type="v2gci_t:DC_EVStatusType"/>
<xs:element name="EVTargetCurrent" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVMaximumVoltageLimit" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="EVMaximumCurrentLimit" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="EVMaximumPowerLimit" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="BulkChargingComplete" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ChargingComplete" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="RemainingTimeToFullSoC" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="RemainingTimeToBulkSoC" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="EVTargetVoltage" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="CurrentDemandRes" type="CurrentDemandResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="CurrentDemandResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="DC_EVSEStatus" type="v2gci_t:DC_EVSEStatusType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEPresentVoltage" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEPresentCurrent" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSECurrentLimitAchieved" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEVoltageLimitAchieved" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEPowerLimitAchieved" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEMaximumVoltageLimit" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEMaximumCurrentLimit" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEMaximumPowerLimit" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEID" type="v2gci_t:evseIDType"/>
<xs:element name="SAScheduleTupleID" type="v2gci_t:SAIDType"/>
<xs:element name="MeterInfo" type="v2gci_t:MeterInfoType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ReceiptRequired" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Welding Detection -->

<!-- -->
<xs:element name="WeldingDetectionReq" type="WeldingDetectionReqType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="WeldingDetectionReqType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="DC_EVStatus" type="v2gci_t:DC_EVStatusType"/>

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<xs:element name="WeldingDetectionRes" type="WeldingDetectionResType" substitutionGroup="BodyElement"/>
<xs:complexType name="WeldingDetectionResType">
<xs:extension base="BodyBaseType">
<xs:element name="ResponseCode" type="v2gci_t:responseCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="DC_EVSEStatus" type="v2gci_t:DC_EVSEStatusType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEPresentVoltage" type="v2gci_t:PhysicalValueType"/>

C.6 V2G_CI_MsgDataTypes.xsd
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" schemaLocation="xmldsig-core-schema.xsd"/>
<!-- =================== -->
<!-- Complex types -->
<!-- =================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- service-related types -->
<!-- -->
<xs:complexType name="ServiceType">
<xs:element name="ServiceID" type="serviceIDType"/>
<xs:element name="ServiceName" type="serviceNameType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ServiceCategory" type="serviceCategoryType"/>
<xs:element name="ServiceScope" type="serviceScopeType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="FreeService" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:complexType name="ServiceListType">
<xs:element name="Service" type="ServiceType" maxOccurs="8"/>
<xs:complexType name="SelectedServiceListType">
<xs:element name="SelectedService" type="SelectedServiceType" maxOccurs="16"/>
<xs:complexType name="SelectedServiceType">
<xs:element name="ServiceID" type="serviceIDType"/>
<xs:element name="ParameterSetID" type="xs:short" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="ServiceParameterListType">
<xs:element name="ParameterSet" type="ParameterSetType" maxOccurs="255"/>
<xs:complexType name="ParameterSetType">
<xs:element name="ParameterSetID" type="xs:short"/>
<xs:element name="Parameter" type="ParameterType" maxOccurs="16"/>
<xs:complexType name="ParameterType">
<xs:element name="boolValue" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="byteValue" type="xs:byte"/>
<xs:element name="shortValue" type="xs:short"/>
<xs:element name="intValue" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element name="physicalValue" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="stringValue" type="xs:string"/>

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<xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:complexType name="ChargeServiceType">
<xs:extension base="ServiceType">
<xs:element name="SupportedEnergyTransferMode" type="SupportedEnergyTransferModeType"/>
<xs:complexType name="SupportedEnergyTransferModeType">
<xs:element name="EnergyTransferMode" type="EnergyTransferModeType" maxOccurs="6"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- security related types -->
<!-- -->
<xs:complexType name="ContractSignatureEncryptedPrivateKeyType">
<xs:extension base="privateKeyType">
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
<xs:complexType name="DiffieHellmanPublickeyType">
<xs:extension base="dHpublickeyType">
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
<xs:complexType name="EMAIDType">
<xs:extension base="eMAIDType">
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID" use="required"/>
<xs:complexType name="CertificateChainType">
<xs:element name="Certificate" type="certificateType"/>
<xs:element name="SubCertificates" type="SubCertificatesType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID"/>
<xs:complexType name="SubCertificatesType">
<xs:element name="Certificate" type="certificateType" maxOccurs="4"/>
<xs:complexType name="ListOfRootCertificateIDsType">
<xs:element name="RootCertificateID" type="xmlsig:X509IssuerSerialType" maxOccurs="20"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- metering related types -->
<!-- -->
<xs:complexType name="MeterInfoType">
<xs:element name="MeterID" type="meterIDType"/>
<xs:element name="MeterReading" type="xs:unsignedLong" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="SigMeterReading" type="sigMeterReadingType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="MeterStatus" type="meterStatusType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="TMeter" type="xs:long" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Physical value type -->
<!-- -->
<xs:complexType name="PhysicalValueType">


Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<xs:element name="Multiplier" type="unitMultiplierType"/>
<xs:element name="Unit" type="unitSymbolType"/>
<xs:element name="Value" type="xs:short"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- header related types -->
<!-- -->
<xs:complexType name="NotificationType">
<xs:element name="FaultCode" type="faultCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="FaultMsg" type="faultMsgType" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Tariff related types -->
<!-- -->
<xs:complexType name="SASchedulesType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="SASchedules" type="SASchedulesType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="SAScheduleList" type="SAScheduleListType" substitutionGroup="SASchedules"/>
<xs:complexType name="SAScheduleListType">
<xs:extension base="SASchedulesType">
<xs:element name="SAScheduleTuple" type="SAScheduleTupleType" maxOccurs="3"/>
<xs:complexType name="SAScheduleTupleType">
<xs:element name="SAScheduleTupleID" type="SAIDType"/>
<xs:element name="PMaxSchedule" type="PMaxScheduleType"/>
<xs:element name="SalesTariff" type="SalesTariffType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="SalesTariffType">
<xs:element name="SalesTariffID" type="SAIDType"/>
<xs:element name="SalesTariffDescription" type="tariffDescriptionType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="NumEPriceLevels" type="xs:unsignedByte" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="SalesTariffEntry" maxOccurs="1024"/>
<xs:attribute name="Id" type="xs:ID"/>
<xs:complexType name="PMaxScheduleType">
<xs:element ref="PMaxScheduleEntry" maxOccurs="1024"/>
<xs:element name="Entry" type="EntryType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="EntryType" abstract="true">
<xs:element ref="TimeInterval"/>
<xs:element name="SalesTariffEntry" type="SalesTariffEntryType" substitutionGroup="Entry"/>
<xs:complexType name="SalesTariffEntryType">
<xs:extension base="EntryType">
<xs:element name="EPriceLevel" type="xs:unsignedByte" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ConsumptionCost" type="ConsumptionCostType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3"/>
<xs:element name="PMaxScheduleEntry" type="PMaxScheduleEntryType" substitutionGroup="Entry"/>
<xs:complexType name="PMaxScheduleEntryType">
<xs:extension base="EntryType">
<xs:element name="PMax" type="PhysicalValueType"/>


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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<xs:complexType name="IntervalType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="TimeInterval" type="IntervalType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="RelativeTimeInterval" type="RelativeTimeIntervalType" substitutionGroup="TimeInterval"/>
<xs:complexType name="RelativeTimeIntervalType">
<xs:extension base="IntervalType">
<xs:element name="start">
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="16777214"/>
<xs:element name="duration" minOccurs="0">
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedInt">
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="86400"/>
<xs:complexType name="ConsumptionCostType">
<xs:element name="startValue" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="Cost" type="CostType" maxOccurs="3"/>
<xs:complexType name="CostType">
<xs:element name="costKind" type="costKindType"/>
<xs:element name="amount" type="xs:unsignedInt"/>
<xs:element name="amountMultiplier" type="unitMultiplierType" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- EV/EVSE related types -->
<!-- -->
<xs:complexType name="EVSEStatusType" abstract="true">
<xs:element name="NotificationMaxDelay" type="xs:unsignedShort"/>
<xs:element name="EVSENotification" type="EVSENotificationType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEStatus" type="EVSEStatusType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="AC_EVSEStatus" type="AC_EVSEStatusType" substitutionGroup="EVSEStatus"/>
<xs:complexType name="AC_EVSEStatusType">
<xs:extension base="EVSEStatusType">
<xs:element name="RCD" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:complexType name="EVStatusType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="EVStatus" type="EVStatusType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="DC_EVSEStatus" type="DC_EVSEStatusType" substitutionGroup="EVSEStatus"/>
<xs:complexType name="DC_EVSEStatusType">
<xs:extension base="EVSEStatusType">
<xs:element name="EVSEIsolationStatus" type="isolationLevelType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEStatusCode" type="DC_EVSEStatusCodeType"/>


Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<xs:element name="DC_EVStatus" type="DC_EVStatusType" substitutionGroup="EVStatus"/>
<xs:complexType name="DC_EVStatusType">
<xs:extension base="EVStatusType">
<xs:element name="EVReady" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element name="EVErrorCode" type="DC_EVErrorCodeType"/>
<xs:element name="EVRESSSOC" type="percentValueType"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- EVSE/EV Charge Parameter related types -->
<!-- -->
<xs:complexType name="EVChargeParameterType" abstract="true">
<xs:element name="DepartureTime" type="xs:unsignedInt" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="EVChargeParameter" type="EVChargeParameterType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="AC_EVChargeParameter" type="AC_EVChargeParameterType" substitutionGroup="EVChargeParameter"/>
<xs:complexType name="AC_EVChargeParameterType">

<xs:extension base="EVChargeParameterType">
<xs:element name="EAmount" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVMaxVoltage" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVMaxCurrent" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVMinCurrent" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="DC_EVChargeParameter" type="DC_EVChargeParameterType"
<xs:complexType name="DC_EVChargeParameterType">
<xs:extension base="EVChargeParameterType">
<xs:element name="DC_EVStatus" type="DC_EVStatusType"/>
<xs:element name="EVMaximumCurrentLimit" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVMaximumPowerLimit" type="PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="EVMaximumVoltageLimit" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVEnergyCapacity" type="PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="EVEnergyRequest" type="PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="FullSOC" type="percentValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="BulkSOC" type="percentValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:complexType name="EVSEChargeParameterType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEChargeParameter" type="EVSEChargeParameterType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="AC_EVSEChargeParameter" type="AC_EVSEChargeParameterType"
<xs:complexType name="AC_EVSEChargeParameterType">
<xs:extension base="EVSEChargeParameterType">
<xs:element name="AC_EVSEStatus" type="AC_EVSEStatusType"/>
<!--<xs:element name="EVSEMaxVoltage" type="PhysicalValueType"/> -->
<xs:element name="EVSENominalVoltage" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEMaxCurrent" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="DC_EVSEChargeParameter" type="DC_EVSEChargeParameterType"
<xs:complexType name="DC_EVSEChargeParameterType">
<xs:extension base="EVSEChargeParameterType">

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<xs:element name="DC_EVSEStatus" type="DC_EVSEStatusType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEMaximumCurrentLimit" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEMaximumPowerLimit" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEMaximumVoltageLimit" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEMinimumCurrentLimit" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEMinimumVoltageLimit" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSECurrentRegulationTolerance" type="PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEPeakCurrentRipple" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<xs:element name="EVSEEnergyToBeDelivered" type="PhysicalValueType" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- EV Power Delivery related types -->
<!-- -->
<xs:complexType name="EVPowerDeliveryParameterType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="EVPowerDeliveryParameter" type="EVPowerDeliveryParameterType" abstract="true"/>
<xs:element name="DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameter" type="DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameterType"
<xs:complexType name="DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameterType">
<xs:extension base="EVPowerDeliveryParameterType">
<xs:element name="DC_EVStatus" type="DC_EVStatusType"/>
<xs:element name="BulkChargingComplete" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="ChargingComplete" type="xs:boolean"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- ChargingProfileType -->
<!-- -->
<xs:complexType name="ChargingProfileType">
<xs:element name="ProfileEntry" type="ProfileEntryType" maxOccurs="24"/>
<xs:complexType name="ProfileEntryType">
<xs:element name="ChargingProfileEntryStart" type="xs:unsignedInt"/>
<!-- <xs:element name="ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower" type="PMaxType"/> -->
<xs:element name="ChargingProfileEntryMaxPower" type="PhysicalValueType"/>
<!-- 2013-06-20 VR: added per DE 101 and AT 5 -->
<xs:element name="ChargingProfileEntryMaxNumberOfPhasesInUse" type="maxNumPhasesType" minOccurs="0"/>
<!-- end add-->
<!-- =================== -->
<!-- Simple types -->
<!-- =================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- General Types -->
<!-- -->
<xs:simpleType name="percentValueType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:byte">
<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="100"/>
<xs:simpleType name="faultMsgType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="64"/>
<xs:simpleType name="EVSEProcessingType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Finished"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Ongoing"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Ongoing_WaitingForCustomerInteraction"/>


268 Organization for Standardization

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<xs:simpleType name="EVSENotificationType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="None"/>
<xs:enumeration value="StopCharging"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReNegotiation"/>
<xs:simpleType name="chargeProgressType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Start"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Stop"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Renegotiate"/>
<xs:simpleType name="chargingSessionType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Terminate"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Pause"/>
<xs:simpleType name="serviceNameType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="32"/>
<xs:simpleType name="serviceCategoryType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="EVCharging"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Internet"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ContractCertificate"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OtherCustom"/>
<xs:simpleType name="serviceScopeType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="64"/>
<xs:simpleType name="maxNumPhasesType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:byte">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="3"/>
<xs:simpleType name="valueType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="bool"/>
<xs:enumeration value="byte"/>
<xs:enumeration value="short"/>
<xs:enumeration value="int"/>
<xs:enumeration value="physicalValue"/>
<xs:enumeration value="string"/>
<xs:simpleType name="meterStatusType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:short"/>

<!-- -->
<!-- EnergyTransferType -->
<!-- -->
<xs:simpleType name="EnergyTransferModeType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="AC_single_phase_core"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AC_three_phase_core"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DC_core"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DC_extended"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DC_combo_core"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DC_unique"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- security types -->
<!-- -->
<xs:simpleType name="genChallengeType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:base64Binary">

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<xs:length value="16"/>
<xs:simpleType name="certificateType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:base64Binary">
<xs:maxLength value="800"/>
<xs:simpleType name="dHpublickeyType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:base64Binary">
<xs:maxLength value="65"/>
<xs:simpleType name="privateKeyType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:base64Binary">
<xs:maxLength value="48"/>
<xs:simpleType name="sigMeterReadingType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:base64Binary">
<xs:maxLength value="64"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Identification Numbers -->
<!-- -->
<xs:simpleType name="sessionIDType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:hexBinary">
<xs:maxLength value="8"/>
<xs:simpleType name="evccIDType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:hexBinary">
<xs:maxLength value="6"/>
<xs:simpleType name="evseIDType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="7"/>
<xs:maxLength value="37"/>
<xs:simpleType name="serviceIDType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedShort"/>

<xs:simpleType name="eMAIDType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="14"/>
<xs:maxLength value="15"/>
<xs:simpleType name="meterIDType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="32"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Tariffs and payment -->
<!-- -->
<xs:simpleType name="SAIDType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:unsignedByte">
<xs:minInclusive value="1"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="255"/>
<xs:simpleType name="tariffDescriptionType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="32"/>
<xs:simpleType name="costKindType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="relativePricePercentage"/>
<xs:enumeration value="RenewableGenerationPercentage"/>

Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<xs:enumeration value="CarbonDioxideEmission"/>
<xs:complexType name="PaymentOptionListType">
<xs:element name="PaymentOption" type="paymentOptionType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="2"/>
<xs:simpleType name="paymentOptionType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Contract"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ExternalPayment"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Fault and Response Codes -->
<!-- -->
<xs:simpleType name="faultCodeType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="ParsingError"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NoTLSRootCertificatAvailable"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UnknownError"/>
<xs:simpleType name="responseCodeType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="OK"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OK_NewSessionEstablished"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OK_OldSessionJoined"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OK_CertificateExpiresSoon"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_SequenceError"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_ServiceIDInvalid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_UnknownSession"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_ServiceSelectionInvalid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_PaymentSelectionInvalid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_CertificateExpired"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_SignatureError"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_NoCertificateAvailable"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_CertChainError"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_ChallengeInvalid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_ContractCanceled"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_WrongChargeParameter"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_PowerDeliveryNotApplied"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_TariffSelectionInvalid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_ChargingProfileInvalid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_MeteringSignatureNotValid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_NoChargeServiceSelected"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_WrongEnergyTransferMode"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_ContactorError"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_CertificateNotAllowedAtThisEVSE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_CertificateRevoked"/>
<!-- -->
<!-- Multiplier and Unit Types -->
<!-- -->
<xs:simpleType name="unitMultiplierType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:byte">
<xs:minInclusive value="-3"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="3"/>
<xs:simpleType name="unitSymbolType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="h">
<xs:documentation>Time in hours</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="m">
<xs:documentation>Time in minutes</xs:documentation>


© ISO for
Copyright International Organization 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<xs:enumeration value="s">
<xs:documentation>Time in seconds</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="A">
<xs:documentation>Current in Ampere</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="V">
<xs:documentation>Voltage in Volt</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="W">
<xs:documentation>Active power in Watt</xs:documentation>
<xs:enumeration value="Wh">
<xs:documentation>Real energy in Watt hours</xs:documentation>
<!-- -->
<!-- only DC related -->
<!-- -->
<xs:simpleType name="DC_EVSEStatusCodeType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="EVSE_NotReady"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EVSE_Ready"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EVSE_Shutdown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EVSE_UtilityInterruptEvent"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EVSE_IsolationMonitoringActive"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EVSE_EmergencyShutdown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EVSE_Malfunction"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Reserved_8"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Reserved_9"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Reserved_A"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Reserved_B"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Reserved_C"/>
<xs:simpleType name="isolationLevelType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="Invalid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Valid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Warning"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Fault"/>
<xs:enumeration value="No_IMD"/>
<xs:simpleType name="DC_EVErrorCodeType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="NO_ERROR"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_RESSTemperatureInhibit"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_EVShiftPosition"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_ChargerConnectorLockFault"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_EVRESSMalfunction"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_ChargingCurrentdifferential"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_ChargingVoltageOutOfRange"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Reserved_A"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Reserved_B"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Reserved_C"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FAILED_ChargingSystemIncompatibility"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NoData"/>


272 Organization for Standardization

Copyright International © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

C.7 xmldsig-core-schema.xsd
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE schema PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XMLSchema 200102//EN" "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema.dtd" [
<!ATTLIST schema
xmlns:ds CDATA #FIXED "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
<!ENTITY dsig 'http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#'>
<!ENTITY % p ''>
<!ENTITY % s ''>
<!-- Schema for XML Signatures
$Revision: 1.1 $ on $Date: 2002/02/08 20:32:26 $ by $Author: reagle $

Copyright 2001 The Internet Society and W3C (Massachusetts Institute

of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en
Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved.

This document is governed by the W3C Software License [1] as described

in the FAQ [2].

[1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software-19980720
[2] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/IPR-FAQ-20000620.html#DTD
<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"
targetNamespace="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" version="0.1" elementFormDefault="qualified">

<!-- Basic Types Defined for Signatures -->

<simpleType name="CryptoBinary">
<restriction base="base64Binary">

<!-- Start Signature -->

<element name="Signature" type="ds:SignatureType"/>

<complexType name="SignatureType">
<element ref="ds:SignedInfo"/>
<element ref="ds:SignatureValue"/>
<element ref="ds:KeyInfo" minOccurs="0"/>
<element ref="ds:Object" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>

<element name="SignatureValue" type="ds:SignatureValueType"/>

<complexType name="SignatureValueType">
<extension base="base64Binary">
<attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>

<!-- Start SignedInfo -->


<element name="SignedInfo" type="ds:SignedInfoType"/>

<complexType name="SignedInfoType">
<element ref="ds:CanonicalizationMethod"/>
<element ref="ds:SignatureMethod"/>
<element ref="ds:Reference" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>

<element name="CanonicalizationMethod" type="ds:CanonicalizationMethodType"/>

<complexType name="CanonicalizationMethodType" mixed="true">
<any namespace="##any" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<!-- (0,unbounded) elements from (1,1) namespace -->

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<attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required"/>

<element name="SignatureMethod" type="ds:SignatureMethodType"/>

<complexType name="SignatureMethodType" mixed="true">
<element name="HMACOutputLength" minOccurs="0" type="ds:HMACOutputLengthType"/>
<any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<!-- (0,unbounded) elements from (1,1) external namespace -->
<attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required"/>

<!-- Start Reference -->

<element name="Reference" type="ds:ReferenceType"/>
<complexType name="ReferenceType">
<element ref="ds:Transforms" minOccurs="0"/>
<element ref="ds:DigestMethod"/>
<element ref="ds:DigestValue"/>
<attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
<attribute name="URI" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
<attribute name="Type" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>

<element name="Transforms" type="ds:TransformsType"/>

<complexType name="TransformsType">
<element ref="ds:Transform" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<element name="Transform" type="ds:TransformType"/>

<complexType name="TransformType" mixed="true">
<choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
<!-- (1,1) elements from (0,unbounded) namespaces -->
<element name="XPath" type="string"/>

<attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required"/>

<!-- End Reference -->

<element name="DigestMethod" type="ds:DigestMethodType"/>

<complexType name="DigestMethodType" mixed="true">
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<attribute name="Algorithm" type="anyURI" use="required"/>

<element name="DigestValue" type="ds:DigestValueType"/>

<simpleType name="DigestValueType">
<restriction base="base64Binary"/>

<!-- End SignedInfo -->

<!-- Start KeyInfo -->

<element name="KeyInfo" type="ds:KeyInfoType"/>
<complexType name="KeyInfoType" mixed="true">
<choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<element ref="ds:KeyName"/>
<element ref="ds:KeyValue"/>
<element ref="ds:RetrievalMethod"/>
<element ref="ds:X509Data"/>
<element ref="ds:PGPData"/>
<element ref="ds:SPKIData"/>
<element ref="ds:MgmtData"/>
<any processContents="lax" namespace="##other"/>
<!-- (1,1) elements from (0,unbounded) namespaces -->

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<attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>


<element name="KeyName" type="string"/>

<element name="MgmtData" type="string"/>

<element name="KeyValue" type="ds:KeyValueType"/>

<complexType name="KeyValueType" mixed="true">
<element ref="ds:DSAKeyValue"/>
<element ref="ds:RSAKeyValue"/>
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

<element name="RetrievalMethod" type="ds:RetrievalMethodType"/>

<complexType name="RetrievalMethodType">

<element ref="ds:Transforms" minOccurs="0"/>
<attribute name="URI" type="anyURI"/>
<attribute name="Type" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>

<!-- Start X509Data -->

<element name="X509Data" type="ds:X509DataType"/>

<complexType name="X509DataType">
<sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
<element name="X509IssuerSerial" type="ds:X509IssuerSerialType"/>
<element name="X509SKI" type="base64Binary"/>
<element name="X509SubjectName" type="string"/>
<element name="X509Certificate" type="base64Binary"/>
<element name="X509CRL" type="base64Binary"/>
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>

<complexType name="X509IssuerSerialType">
<element name="X509IssuerName" type="string"/>
<element name="X509SerialNumber" type="integer"/>

<!-- End X509Data -->

<!-- Begin PGPData -->

<element name="PGPData" type="ds:PGPDataType"/>

<complexType name="PGPDataType">
<element name="PGPKeyID" type="base64Binary"/>
<element name="PGPKeyPacket" type="base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/>
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<element name="PGPKeyPacket" type="base64Binary"/>
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<!-- End PGPData -->

<!-- Begin SPKIData -->

<element name="SPKIData" type="ds:SPKIDataType"/>

<complexType name="SPKIDataType">
<sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
<element name="SPKISexp" type="base64Binary"/>
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"/>

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<!-- End SPKIData -->

<!-- End KeyInfo -->

<!-- Start Object (Manifest, SignatureProperty) -->

<element name="Object" type="ds:ObjectType"/>

<complexType name="ObjectType" mixed="true">
<sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<any namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>
<attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>
<attribute name="MimeType" type="string" use="optional"/> <!-- add a grep facet -->
<attribute name="Encoding" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>

<element name="Manifest" type="ds:ManifestType"/>

<complexType name="ManifestType">
<element ref="ds:Reference" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>

<element name="SignatureProperties" type="ds:SignaturePropertiesType"/>

<complexType name="SignaturePropertiesType">
<element ref="ds:SignatureProperty" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>

<element name="SignatureProperty" type="ds:SignaturePropertyType"/>

<complexType name="SignaturePropertyType" mixed="true">
<choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
<any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
<!-- (1,1) elements from (1,unbounded) namespaces -->

<attribute name="Target" type="anyURI" use="required"/>
<attribute name="Id" type="ID" use="optional"/>

<!-- End Object (Manifest, SignatureProperty) -->

<!-- Start Algorithm Parameters -->

<simpleType name="HMACOutputLengthType">
<restriction base="integer"/>

<!-- Start KeyValue Element-types -->

<element name="DSAKeyValue" type="ds:DSAKeyValueType"/>

<complexType name="DSAKeyValueType">
<sequence minOccurs="0">
<element name="P" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
<element name="Q" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
<element name="G" type="ds:CryptoBinary" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="Y" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
<element name="J" type="ds:CryptoBinary" minOccurs="0"/>
<sequence minOccurs="0">
<element name="Seed" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
<element name="PgenCounter" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>

<element name="RSAKeyValue" type="ds:RSAKeyValueType"/>

<complexType name="RSAKeyValueType">

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<element name="Modulus" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>
<element name="Exponent" type="ds:CryptoBinary"/>

<!-- End KeyValue Element-types -->

<!-- End Signature -->



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Annex D

Message examples

D.1 Value Added Service selection

The XML instances shown is this subclause provide an example how the selection of VAS can be
implemented. The following assumption is made: EVCC wants to use InternetAccess with the protocols HTTP
and FTP, if offered.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_d="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgDef"
<v2gci_t:ServiceName>Fast Internet</v2gci_t:ServiceName>

V2G message example 6 – ServiceDiscoveryRes message

In this message the SECC offers AC and DC Charging, Internet Access, Certificate handling. The offered
payment options are Contract and ExternalPayment

Now the EVCC requests the details for Certificate and InternetAccess using the ServiceDetailsReq. The
ServiceDetailReq/Res pair for Internet Service looks like:

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"

V2G message example 7 – ServiceDetailsReq message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"
<v2gci_t:Parameter v2gci_t:Name="Protocol">
<v2gci_t:Parameter v2gci_t:Name="Port">
<v2gci_t:Parameter v2gci_t:Name="Protocol">
<v2gci_t:Parameter v2gci_t:Name="Port">


V2G message example 8 – ServiceDetailsRes message

The response message shows that the SECC offers internet access via HTTP using port 80 and via HTTPS
using port 443, therefore the EVCC is not allowed to use FTP (Parameter Set ID = 1 or 2) but to use HTTP or

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Now, the EVCC request the desired services using the PaymentServiceSelectionReq

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"
<!-- charge service -->
<!-- internet service -->

V2G message example 9 – PaymentServiceSelectionReq message

D.2 EXI encoded message examples

The following subclause shows 3 examples (SessionSetupRes, ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq, and
CurrentDemandRequest) of plain XML V2G message instances and the equivalent EXI format representation.

D.2.1 SessionSetupRes message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"

V2G message example 10 – Plain XML representation of a SessionSetupRes message

80 98 02 0C 0C 4C 8C CD 0D 4D 8D D1 E0 00 39 19 49 04 C8 CD 14 D0 D5 08 DC E1 0C 80

V2G message example 11 – EXI data stream representation of the SessionSetupRes message

D.2.2 ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq message (AC-based)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"

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V2G message example 12 – Plain XML representation of a ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq message


80 98 02 0C 0C 4C 8C CD 0D 4D 8D D0 94 00 64 0C 30 09 01 88 1C C0 20 61 81 00 18 60 00 00

V2G message example 13 – EXI data stream representation of the ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq


D.2.3 CurrentDemandReq message

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"


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V2G message example 14 – Plain XML representation of a CurrentDemandReq message

80 98 02 0C 0C 4C 8C CD 0D 4D 8D D0 D1 00 1B 81 86 07 84 10 C4 0C 20 30 00

V2G message example 15 – EXI data stream representation of the CurrentDemandReq message

D.3 Schedules and tariff information

D.3.1 Overview

This clause provides an overview for best practices on how different tariff models may be implemented as part
of the ChargeParameterDiscovery Req/Res pattern. The following examples are given:

 Dynamic GridSchedule w/o SalesTariff over ISO 15118 V2G CI (see D.3.2)

 “Time Of Use”-based SalesTariff including constant value for GridSchedule (see D.3.3)

 “Time Of Use”-based SalesTariff with dynamic GridSchedule (see D.3.4)

 “Consumption”-based SalesTariff with constant value for GridSchedule (see D.3.5)

 Multiple SalesTariffs with different Demand Limits in GridSchedule (see D.3.6)

 Time of Use-based SalesTariffs with relativePricePercentage (see D.3.7)

NOTE 1 All following examples show the body element of the ChargeParameterDiscovery Response for AC-based

NOTE 2 The list of examples given in this Annex is not exhaustive. Variations & combinations of such schedule and
tariff information may be applicable based on the underlying e.g. business model.

D.3.2 Dynamic GridSchedule w/o SalesTariff over ISO 15118 V2G CI

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"

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V2G message example 16 – ChargeParameterDiscovery Response example for GridSchedule w/o


D.3.3 “Time Of Use”-based SalesTariff with constant value for GridSchedule

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"

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<v2gci_t:SalesTariff v2gci_t:Id="ID001">


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V2G message example 17 – ChargeParameterDiscovery Response example for “Time of Use”-based

SalesTariff with constant value for GridSchedule

D.3.4 “Time Of Use”-based SalesTariff with dynamic GridSchedule

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"


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<v2gci_t:SalesTariff v2gci_t:Id="ID001">
<!-- used by XML Signature Framework for signature assignment in msg header -->
</v2gci_t:SAScheduleList> --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---


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V2G message example 18 – ChargeParameterDiscovery Response example for “Time of Use”-based

SalesTariff with dynamic GridSchedule

D.3.5 “Consumption”-based SalesTariff with constant value for GridSchedule

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"
<v2gci_t:SalesTariff v2gci_t:Id="ID001">


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V2G message example 19 – ChargeParameterDiscovery Response example for “Consumption”-based

SalesTariff with constant value for GridSchedule

D.3.6 Multiple SalesTariffs with different Demand Limits in GridSchedule

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"
<v2gci_t:SalesTariff v2gci_t:Id="ID001">
<!-- used by XML Signature Framework for signature assignment in msg header -->

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<v2gci_t:SalesTariff v2gci_t:Id="ID002">
<!-- used by XML Signature Framework for signature assignment in msg header -->

V2G message example 20 – ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes example for Multiple SalesTariffs with

different Demand Limits in GridSchedule

D.3.7 Time of Use-based SalesTariffs including relativePricePercentage

EXAMPLE 1 Time of use-based SalesTariff T1 with optional ConsumptionCosts of costKind relativePricePercentage

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EPriceLevel SalesTariff T1 relativePricePercentage SalesTariff T1

3 100%
(NumEPriceLevels = 3)


90% 95% 95%

0 50%

Relative TimeInterval [s] Relative TimeInterval [s]

Figure D.1 — Examples for EpriceLevel and relativePricePercentage SalesTariff 1

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"

<v2gci_t:SalesTariff v2gci_t:Id="ID001">
<!-- used by XML Signature Framework for signature assignment in msg header -->
<v2gci_t:SalesTariffDescription>SalesTariff T1</v2gci_t:SalesTariffDescription>

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V2G message example 21 – Charge Parameter Discovery Response example for Time-of-Use based
SalesTariff T1 with relativePricePercentage

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EXAMPLE 2 Time of use-based SalesTariff T2 with optional ConsumptionCosts of costKind relativePricePercentage

EPriceLevel SalesTariff T2 relativePricePercentage SalesTariff T2

2 100%
(NumEPriceLevels = 2)


70% 70%
0 50%

Relative TimeInterval [s] Relative TimeInterval [s]

Figure D.2 — Examples for EpriceLevel and relativePricePercentage SalesTariff 2

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"

<v2gci_t:SalesTariff v2gci_t:Id="ID001">
<!-- used by XML Signature Framework for signature assignment in msg header -->
<v2gci_t:SalesTariffDescription>SalesTariff 2</v2gci_t:SalesTariffDescription>

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V2G message example 22 – Charge Parameter Discovery Response example for Time-of-Use based
SalesTariff T2 with relativePricePercentage

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EXAMPLE 3 In this example the exact same SalesTariffs T1 and T2 from the previous two examples are now provided
as two tariffs within one ChargeParameterDiscovery Req/Res pattern. Note, the different assignment of EPriceLevels for
T1 and T2 as well as relativePricePercentage for T1.

EPriceLevel SalesTariff T1 relativePricePercentage SalesTariff T1

5 100.00%
(NumEPriceLevels = 3)

4 90.00%

86.86% 86.86%
3 80.00%
2 70.00% 73.14%
1 60.00%
0 50.00%

Relative TimeInterval [s] Relative TimeInterval [s]

EPriceLevel SalesTariff T2 relativePricePercentage SalesTariff T2

5 100%
(NumEPriceLevels = 2)

4 90%

3 80%
2 70%
70% 70%
1 60%
0 50%

Relative TimeInterval [s] Relative TimeInterval [s]

Figure D.3 — Examples for EpriceLevel and relativePricePercentage SalesTariff 3

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"
<v2gci_t:SalesTariff v2gci_t:Id="ID001">

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<!-- used by XML Signature Framework for signature assignment in msg header -->
<v2gci_t:SalesTariffDescription>SalesTariff T1</v2gci_t:SalesTariffDescription>


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<v2gci_t:SalesTariff v2gci_t:Id="ID002">
<!-- used by XML Signature Framework for signature assignment in msg header -->
<v2gci_t:SalesTariffDescription>SalesTariff 2</v2gci_t:SalesTariffDescription>


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V2G message example 23 – Charge Parameter Discovery Response example for Time-of-Use based
SalesTariffs T1 and T2 with relativePricePercentage


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Annex E

Application of certificates

E.1 General information

E.1.1 Overview

This Annex provides an overview about the application of certificates and the demands, which need to be
fulfilled covered by the certificate concept implemented in this standard. It also explains the certificate
parameters like validity, size, chain length and others. This annex does not constitute further requirements.

Informative note:

In the charge protocol the following types of certificates are used:

 V2G Root Certificates: These are globally valid (top level) root certificates of the PKI (Public Key
Infrastructure). They are used to check the authenticity of certificates. The corresponding private keys are
in possession of the respective Root CAs.

 Mobility Operator Root Certificate: This kind of certificate is used to sign (via a chain of Sub-CAs) contract

 Contract Certificate: This kind of certificate is used in the Plug and Charge use case (i.e. contract-based
charging) to represent a contract between a vehicle and a secondary actor (the Mobility Operator). It is
stored in a EVCC along with the corresponding private key. The EVCC uses it to prove the existence of
the corresponding contract to the EVSE. Contract Certificates are derived from a Mobility Operator Root

 SECC Certificate: This kind of certificate is used to authenticate the SECC to the EVCC. The
corresponding private key is in possession of the SECC. SECC Certificates are derived from the V2G
Root Certificates mentioned above.

 Private Operate Root Certificate: A Private Operate Root Certificate is very similar to a Mobility Operator
Root Certificate. The only difference is that it is organizationally handled differently (described in E.2). Its
purpose is to facilitate setting up private charging infrastructure for cars that are under immediate control
of the infrastructure owner.

 OEM Provisioning Certificate: This kind of certificate is individual for each vehicle (installed e.g. at vehicle
production) and used to verify the identity of a vehicle at the beginning of the provisioning process (see
also 0 for Certificate Provisioning).

 OEM Root Certificate: Such an OEM root certificate is used to sign OEM provisioning certificates. Each
OEM may create a (top level) root certificate and distribute it to the secondary actors. The root certificate
of an OEM is not part of the global PKI; i.e., it is not necessarily signed by a V2G Root Certificate.

In the following we explain the general demands and restrictions caused by the OEMs (refer to clause E.1.2)
and the secondary actors (refer to clause E.1.3) with respect to these kinds of certificates. Using this starting
point, we argue why the decisions made in this document are necessary or at least meaningful (refer to clause
E.1.4). Finally, we give a visual overview of the resulting certificate structure and usage (refer to clause E.1.5).

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E.1.2 Demands of the OEM

An OEM typically has the following general demands that result from his desire to keep control units (here the
SECC) from becoming very expensive. For the same reasons, manual treatment of a control unit (e.g. in a
garage) causes much effort and has to be avoided.

R1 Installing a certificate into a vehicle is only simple at vehicle production. Later, installation actions result
in much effort in a garage. To enable certificate installation only at vehicle production, a certificate has
to be “static”. That means, the certificate needs a very long validity. Since vehicles are used for 20
years or longer, the certificate needs an even longer validity. Such static certificates for instance may be
the root certificates (of the PKI) that are stored in the vehicle.

R2 Static certificates cannot be used for all purposes: The validity of a Contract Certificate (used for Plug
and Charge) typically is only as long as the validity of the contract. Furthermore, the contract may not
exist at vehicle production time and, therefore, the Contract Certificate then still does not exist. It has to
be possible to install “non-static” certificates into a vehicle in an acceptable manner: Ideally, the
certificate installation happens automatically via the charge protocol. If this is not possible for any
reason, the certificate may be sent from the secondary actor to the customer as a file and has to be
installed into the vehicle by using an online connection or the diagnosis interface (in a garage).
Thereby, format transformations have to be avoided to reduce costs and guarantee compatibility with all
secondary actors. Therefore a standardized file format is required for certificate files (especially for
Contract Certificates because they cannot be of static manner).

R3 Control units with much (persistent) storage are expensive, especially if the storage has to allow a large
number of write cycles. In order to reduce the amount of storage (e.g. flash), memory required for
certificates has to be kept small. This results in the following sub-demands: (R3a) The size of a single
certificate has to be small. (R3b) Whenever the EVCC has to store a whole certificate chain, the chain
length has to be short. (R3c) Whenever it is necessary to store multiple certificates of the same type
(e.g. multiple root certificates) in the EVCC, the number of these certificates has to be small.

E.1.3 Demands of the Secondary Actors

A secondary actor resp. the organization that manages its PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) typically has the
general demands listed below. They result from the fact that the organizational overhead to manage a PKI has
to be kept small. This overhead increases if multiple companies or organizations have to coordinate their
actions or when task cannot be distributed to multiple organizations because of the certificate structure
defined in this standard.

R4 In order to be able to distribute a common root certificate (that is for instance installed in each vehicle),
the secondary actors have to build a group that uses a common (i.e. single) root certificate. All
certificates created by these secondary actors are derived (indirectly) from this root certificate (i.e. the
certificates are signed with the private key that belongs to this root certificate). It is difficult to achieve
that all secondary actors (world-wide) work together in only one group. Probably, multiple groups are
required for secondary actors of different continents or of different kind (e.g. operators of EVSEs,
utilities, mobility providers). If many different groups are built it becomes easier to organize these
groups (each with its own root certificate).

R5 A central organization of each group creates its root certificate and the corresponding (very secret)
private key. It is not realistic that this organization creates (and signs) all certificates that are required by
all secondary actors (e.g. all Contract Certificates of all customers). Instead, each secondary actor
needs to have the possibility to create its certificates itself. For this purpose, it needs an “intermediate
certificate” that is signed by the root certificate and used to sign the (leaf) certificates created by this
secondary actor. That means, a chain of certificates is required. Furthermore, it is not realistic that the
central (root) organization directly signs the “intermediate certificates” of all secondary actors. Instead,
“intermediate organizations” are needed (e.g. one for each country). This results in a certificate chain
with 2 “intermediate certificate”. If more “intermediate certificates” (i.e. levels for intermediate
organizations) are used it becomes easier to manage the cooperation between the different

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R6 Communication between a SECC and a SA IT system results in communication costs. Furthermore,

such communication delays the start of the charging procedure and reduces the availability of the EVSE
(since communication may fail). Therefore, such communication should be avoided when possible (from
the perspective of a secondary actor). Best, it should be possible that an EVSE stays offline during a
whole charging procedure.

NOTE Demand R6 respects communication costs and delays before start charging. However, there may be other
priorities of the participants as well. Furthermore, there may exist scenarios where no relevant communication costs are
created in fact (e.g. if the EVSE possesses a LAN or WLAN connection to the internet resp. its backend system). For
example in the use case [C2] of Part 1 of this standard, the EVCC communicates directly with the Secondary Actor using
a direct TLS channel. If it is intended that this communication link exists permanently during charging, demand R6 is not
applicable. As another example, the SECC may offer an internet connection or a TCP/IP connection to an arbitrary server
as (value added) service to the vehicle. This connection may exist the whole time during charging (or even longer) and
results in communication traffic as well. In both examples, the implementation of the SECC has to handle the
communication traffic appropriately.

E.1.4 Rationale for Decisions in this Standard

Based on the demands presented in clause E.1.2 and E.1.3 we now present and explain the decisions made
in this standard. Since some of the demands result in conflictive goals, some of the decisions are a
compromise between the demands of the OEMs and the demands of the secondary actors.

D1 Size of a single certificate: Because of demand R3a, certificate size is limited. According to [V2G2-010]
the size of a certificate in DER encoded form is not bigger than 800 Bytes. This can be reached by the
issuing secondary actor if no irrelevant information is included in the certificate (e.g. no address of the

D2 Length of certificate chains: Because of demand R3b complete certificates incl. their chains have to be
small. Demand R5, however, demands long chains since they are easier to manage. As a compromise,

[V2G2-009] defines that the path length is limited to 3 (i.e. chains with 3 certificates below the root
certificate). That means that there may exist 2 “intermediate certificates” between the root certificate
and the leaf certificate. This compromise is realistic, because now each group (cf. R1) is able to create
an arbitrary number of “intermediate organizations” (cf. Figure E.1) and sign the “intermediate
certificates” with the (top level) root private key. Each “intermediate organization” can create “company
certificates” for their secondary actors which may be used by the secondary actor itself to create leaf
certificates (which represent for instance Contract Certificates that are distributed to the customers).

D3 Number of root certificates: All existing root certificates have to be stored in each vehicle. Because of
demand R3c, a small number of root certificates is preferred. Demand R4, however, demands a large
number of root certificates. As a compromise, requirement [V2G2-008] defines that at least one root
certificate is required, but the note related to it recommends a minimum of 5 certificates. This number
(5) corresponds to the number of continents. In principle, it should be possible that the secondary actors
of each continent build one common group, because this has been also achieved for EURO5/EU5:
Here, one single trust center with one single root certificate was established for Europe.

D4 Validity of root certificates: Because of demand R1 the (static) root certificates (installed already at
vehicle production time) need to have an almost infinite validity. Respecting the lifetime of a vehicle,
[V2G2-012] requests for any point in time there is a root certificate available which is valid for at least 35
years. In order to avoid the necessity to create root certificates very often (manageability of certificates,
cf. R4 and R5), [V2G2-011] requests that the validity period of a newly created root certificate is 40

D5 Validity of OEM provisioning certificates: OEM provisioning certificates are static certificates as well. For
the same reasons as discussed in D4, it is requested that new OEM provisioning certificates have a
validity period of 30 years.

D6 Installation of Contract Certificates: As described in R1, the best solution for the OEM would be to install
all certificates at vehicle production. Because of R6, it is not possible to use the OEM provisioning
certificate directly for (contract-based) charging since this would prevent offline EVSEs. The reason is
that without communication to the backend system, it is not possible to verify whether a contract exists

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for a vehicle that only transmits a static OEM provisioning certificate (installed already at vehicle
production independent of the existence of a charge contract).

a. Therefore, Contract Certificates have to be installed into the vehicle and exchanged from time to time.
To avoid costs for the customer, OEM, and secondary actor this has to happen automatically via the
charge protocol. [V2G2-235] and [V2G2-237] request that the SECC has to support the messages
CertificateInstallationReq/Res. [V2G2-228] and [V2G2-231] requests that the SECC has to support the
messages CertificateUpdateReq / Response. With these messages, installation of the first Contract
Certificate resp. installation of further Contract Certificates (if the Contract Certificate installed in the
vehicle will expire soon) becomes possible.

b. In all cases where it is not possible to perform certificate installation automatically, the effort for manual
Contract Certificate installation has to be minimized. As described in demand R2, this can be achieved
by using a standardized file format when shipping a Contract Certificate as file to the customer. The file
format is defined by [V2G2-648].

D7 Validity of Contract Certificates: Contract Certificates should not be exchanged very often in a vehicle in
order to avoid unnecessary write cycles for the storage of the EVCC (cf. demand R3). To avoid that
Contract Certificates are replaced extremely often (e.g. at each charging session) [V2G2-104] requests
that the minimum lifetime of such a certificate is 4 weeks (unless the contract lifetime is shorter). For the
case that the Contract Certificate is shipped to the customer and has to be installed manually in a
garage (cf. demand R2 and decision D6b), its lifetime has to be much longer to avoid inacceptable
effort and costs for the customer. Then, the validity of the Contract Certificate should be as long as the
lifetime of the contract.

D8 Validity period of SECC Certificates: Mechanisms to revoke SECC Certificates are not specified but
instead, SECC certificates are short term certificates.


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E.1.5 Overview of the resulting certificate structure

Figure E.1 — Overview certificate structure

Figure E.1 provides a visual overview of the resulting certificate structure and relevant validity periods.

As one can see, the OEM Provisioning Certificates are independent from the PKI of the secondary actors
below the (global) root certificates. The root certificate of an OEM Provisioning Certificate is created by the
OEM itself. Therefore, there is no need to have a (longer) certificate chain. (For an explanation of the usage of
the OEM Root Certificate and the OEM Provisioning Certificate refer to Annex 0. It is, however, allowed to
reuse a V2G Root as a Mobility Operator Root Certificate or an OEM Root Certificate (suggested with dotted

All certificate chains have a maximum length of 3; i.e. including the root certificate 4 certificates are involved.

The certificate chain of an SECC is transmitted to the EVCC to enable an authenticity check of the SECC
before a TLS connection is established (cf. above: in order to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks).

The certificate chain of a Contract Certificate is transmitted into the EVCC without a Root CA. This limits the
transmission to 3 certificates, but this also means, that the vehicle cannot verify its own Contract Certificate.

E.2 provides an example of simplified certificate management in private environments.


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E.2 Simplified certificate management in Private Environment

E.2.1 Overview (motivation)

The main use cases of this standard imply that the EVSE is a public charging station. However, the EVSE can
also be a private wall-box. A private wall-box is located in a private resp. small-company environment (e.g.
private parking garage, garage or parking lot of a company with its own EV fleet). In order to keep the
production and operation costs of a private wall-box low, the following special characteristics have to be

 There is no connection to a backend (except e.g. a setup phase upon installation)

 Maintenance needs to be minimized, i.e. on regular operation there is no human intervention necessary
at all.

 No secondary actor is involved. In particular, a wall-box does not need to communicate any bills to a
backend, because no special accounting for energy is done.

This means, OCSP and short lived certificates cannot be applied here. But even in a private environment, the
communication between SECC and EVCC is required; e.g. to enable the transmission of charge profiles
(which may contain data with the preferred charging time, which is at night from 0:30-6:00 when lots of energy
is available). In order to explicitly enable this use case regardless, this standard provides tailored exceptions.

E.2.2 Solution for private environments

E.2.2.1 General

For each local environment, a separate individual Private Operator Root CA is created. Each wall-box in this
local environment, is outfitted with a SECC Certificate (signed by the Private Operator Root Certificate of this
local environment).

For example, these wall-boxes are delivered to the customer, together with the corresponding Private
Operator Root Certificate. This Private Operator Root Certificate is installed into each vehicle that shall be
able to charge in this private environment, e.g. using the pairing mechanism or other, OEM proprietary


Figure E.2 — Charging in private environments

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The EVCC stores one Private Operator Root Certificate for each private environment that it wants to use.
Compared to the regular V2G certificate structure, the private structure does not allow Sub-CAs, and therefore
all leaf certificates are directly signed by the Private Operator Root Certificate.

In order to avoid frequent exchange of certificates in the wall-box, their SECC Certificates for TLS uses a
special validity policy:

The validity of a SECC Certificate installed in a private wall-box and derived from a Private Operator Root
Certificate can be as long as defined by the Private Operator, in contrast to the shortened validity times of
SECC Certificates.

This almost arbitrary validity does not result in a problem for the security of other vehicles: The SECC
Certificate is only accepted by vehicles that have the corresponding Private Operator Root Certificate
installed, i.e. the vehicles of this private environment. Therefore, a compromised SECC Certificate results only
in a problem for the vehicles that belong to this individual private environment. It is the responsibility of the
operator of this private environment to ensure that the SECC Certificates cannot be easily stolen from the
wall-boxes, as well as to perform appropriate actions for the case that a leaf certificate was stolen
nevertheless (refer to subclause E.2.2.4).

E.2.2.2 Installation of a Private Root Certificate into a Vehicle

The operator of the local environment possesses the Private Operator Root Certificate that belongs to the
corresponding wall-boxes (e.g. the certificate is included in the wall-box delivery). This Private Operator Root
Certificate has to be installed into all vehicles that shall be able to charge at this private environment. (Then it
is ensured that the vehicle can check the SECC Certificate of the wall-box and that it will perform the TLS
handshake.) The corresponding installation procedure can be performed in different ways.

This standard allows for an easy pairing mechanism: The owner first activates a the pairing mode of the
EVCC, e.g. by pushing a button or selecting the appropriate menu item. This mode will expire after a specified
time. While this mode is active, he connects the vehicle to the EVSE, and the certificate is automatically
accepted and installed into the EVCC.

Certificate installation could also be done by using any other communication channel to the vehicle the OEM
offers for this purpose. This communication channels may include an OEM online service, a diagnostic
interface of the vehicle used at a garage, an USB interface contained in the vehicle, etc.

E.2.2.3 Charging in a Private Environment

From the perspective of the vehicle, charging in a private environment is exactly the same as in a non-private
environment. This is important, since the vehicle does not know where it is currently located. In a private
environment, the wall-box transmits its (private) SECC Certificate to the EVCC. The EVCC checks (as always)
whether the certificate is still valid and whether it is derived from one of the root certificates stored in the
vehicle. Thereby, V2G Root Certificates as well as Private Operator Root Certificates are recognized.

E.2.2.4 Compromised Certificate of a Wall-box

An SECC Certificate of a private wall-box can get compromised; e.g., when it was stolen. Each vehicle that
belongs to this private environment (i.e. possessing the corresponding Private Operator Root Certificate) can
be attacked with this stolen leaf certificate by a man in the middle attack (all vehicles that do not belong to this
private environment are still safe). This attack is possible at each EVSE, even outside of the private
environment. Therefore, in that case, it is the responsibility of the owner of the private environment to disable
the Private Operator Root Certificate in all vehicles of the private environment. To reinstate the charging
functionality, the operator will then have to deploy a completely new certificate structure starting from a new
Private Operator Root Certificate.

As the description of the process shows, two aspects are crucial in this scenario:

a) The SECC Certificates in the wall-boxes are either secured safely or their theft is detected reliably.


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b) The effort that results in case of a theft from exchanging the Private Operator Root Certificates of all
vehicles and all wall-boxes of this environment is acceptable.

Therefore, the described solution is only suitable for closed and small environments; i.e. a small number of
vehicles and a small number of EVSEs in a private environment or an environment of a small organizational

E.3 Use of OEM Provisioning Certificates

E.3.1 Introduction

The difficulty with the handling of Contract Certificates (as defined in this document) for the OEM is to bring
such a certificate into a vehicle. This becomes necessary in many situations as e.g. vehicle hand-over to
customer, energy contract conclusion, changing the mobility provider, exchanging the component containing
the Contract Certificate at vehicle repair, expired Contract Certificates, etc.

Using a diagnosis tool to write a file containing a Contract Certificate (that the customer received from the
mobility provider at contract conclusion) into the vehicle is impractical, since such a manual procedure in a
garage causes high costs. Other solutions, like installation via a customer web page, also cause effort, can be
error-prone, and require the existence of a communication channel into the vehicle.

Therefore, an automatic procedure for the installation of such a Contract Certificate is required: certificate
provisioning. This procedure is supported by the charge protocol by offering the messages
CertificateInstallationReq/Res. These messages transmit a Contract Certificate from a secondary actor (e.g.
mobility provider) to the vehicle for installation and are secure by using encrypted communication. In order to

enable certificate provisioning, activities which happen outside the charge protocol are required additionally.
These activities are sketched in Figure E.3 and described in the following:

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1 Vehicle Production:
create OEM
(unique for each
inidividual vehicle)

This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.


This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.
install in vehicle Max Mustermann

Max Mustermann

2 Vehicle Delivery:

CertID of the OEM Provisioning Certificate is given to customer

(e.g. in a Information Sheet / Customer Letter)

This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.

Max Mustermann

Clearing House / utility:

3 Contract Conclusion: assign vehicle (CertID)
to the contract


This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.

Max Mustermann

when confirming a contract:

send CertID of the OEM Provisioning Certificate to the
contract partner (mobility provider / utility)

4 First Charging (with this contract):


forward OEM
This is a certificate.
This is a certificate. This is a certificate.

transmit OEM
This is a certificate. This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.

Max Mustermann Max Mustermann

2011/01/24 Provisioning Certificate Provisioning Certificate

This is a certificate. 2011/01/24

create & send a

This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.

This is a certificate.
Max Mustermann This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.

store Contract Certificate in

Max Mustermann

This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.
This is a certificate.
Contract Certificate
vehicle (OEM Provisioning Cert.
Max Mustermann

(incl. its Private Key) check OEM

remains in the vehicle) Provisioning
Certificate and
identify contract

Figure E.3 — Activities required for OEM Certificate Provisioning

E.3.2 Processes

E.3.2.1 Vehicle Production

At vehicle production time, unique OEM Provisioning Certificates and the corresponding private keys are
installed in each vehicle (refer to Figure E.3 – Step 1 ). Each OEM Provisioning Certificate contains a unique
ID (for short: CertID) and is derived from the OEM Provisioning Root Certificate of the issuing OEM.

E.3.2.2 Vehicle Hand-Over

At or before vehicle hand-over, the customer is informed about his/her CertID (refer to Figure E.3 – Step 2)
e.g. by distributing information sheets, integrating the CertID in the vehicle documentation, offering online
access to the CertID, etc.


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E.3.2.3 Contract Conclusion

At conclusion of an energy contract (refer to Figure E.3 – Step 3) the customer forwards the CertID to the
contract partner (mobility provider, utility, etc). The contract partner assigns (in its IT system) the contract
information with this CertID. Furthermore, the contract partner creates a Contract Certificate and assigns the
Contract Certificate with this CertID as well. The information about the existence of a contract for this CertID is
forwarded to the Clearing House (of this country) – ideally together with the Contract Certificate (in order to
avoid delays later on during communication in Step 4).

E.3.2.4 Certificate installation

At first charging of the vehicle (or whenever it does not possess a valid Contract Certificate), the vehicle
transmits its OEM Provisioning Certificate to the SECC using the message CertificateInstallationReq (refer to
Figure E.3 – Step 4). The SECC forwards this message resp. certificate to the clearing house (or all known
resp. its own mobility provider(s) if there does not exist a central clearing house in this country). The clearing
house (i) checks whether the OEM provisioning certificate is authentic (i.e. valid) by using the root certificate
of the OEM and (ii) verifies the certificate and checks whether a contract for this provisioning certificate is
registered. If the corresponding Contract Certificate was not send to the clearing house in Step 3 the clearing
house requests a Contract Certificate from the mobility provider which concluded in the contract. Then, the
Contract Certificate (including the certificate chain necessary for validation) and the corresponding encrypted
private key are sent via the SECC to the vehicle by using the message CertificateInstallationRes (see below).
This certificate provisioning procedure is used in all cases mentioned above; e.g. conclusion of a new
contract, changing the mobility provider, etc. – or regarded from the perspective of the vehicle if no Contract
Certificate is available in the vehicle, the Contract Certificate is expired, or it was revoked; i.e. whenever the
vehicle does not possess a valid Contract Certificate.

E.3.2.5 Certificate Update

If the current Contract Certificate is not expired yet, it is used in the messages CertificateUpdateReq /
Response in order to renew that Contract Certificate. This avoids manual effort for exchanging an expired
Contract Certificate as well. The certificate update messages may even be used by vehicles which do not
possess an OEM Provisioning Certificate at all or do not realize the provisioning procedure. However, if the
Contract Certificate is expired (e.g. because the vehicle was not charged for a longer time at a public / online
charging station) the provisioning procedure described above is needed to refresh the Contract Certificate (or
manual effort becomes necessary).

E.3.2.6 Component replacement

When in case of a vehicle repair, the component containing the Contract Certificate needs to be exchanged,
the new component may contain a different OEM Provisioning Certificate with a different CertID. The reason is
that the private key belonging to the original OEM Provisioning Certificate was stored solely inside the defect
component and is lost. In such a case, the customer (or the garage) announces the replacement of the CertID
to all relying parties. Then a current Contract Certificate can be installed using the standard certificate
installation procedure (See E.3.2.4). That means that even after a vehicle repair no manual treatment of
Contract Certificates becomes necessary.


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E.4 Security appliances and their associated certificates

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This subclause provides an overview over the different security use cases.

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Table E.1 — Security use cases and their associated certificates

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Relevant Credentials

Security Appliances Comment EVCC (EV) SECC (EVSE) Secondary Actor

Simplified Certificate DC/AC Charging with simplified PE Private Root CA Certificate PE TLS Key Pair PE Private Root CA Key Pair
management in Private key management (PE TLS Private Key and
Environment  TLS Authentication of SECC Certificate) certified by PE Private
Please refer to Annex E.2  TLS based Confidential Data
Exchange between EV and SECC PE Private Root CA Certificate
(Service Discovery, Power (only to communicate it to the EV)
Delivery, Metering)
 TLS based Integrity of Data
between EV and EVSE
(Service Discovery, Power
Delivery, Metering)
TLS: AES used for Stream /
Session Encryption, ECDH used

Not for Resale

for Key Exchange

DC/AC Charging with EIM  TLS Authentication of SECC V2G Root Certificates SECC Leaf Key Pair (up to 10 none
(External Identification Means) generations depending on the
 TLS based Confidential Data
aging V2G RootKey)
Exchange between EV and EVSE
 transport security, (SECC Leaf Private Key and
(Service Discovery, Power
Certificate for TLS) certified by a
 payment at EVSE Delivery, Metering)
Sub-CA which was certified by a
 TLS based Integrity of Data V2G Root CA
between EV and EVSE (Service
Discovery, Power Delivery, All CPO Sub-CA Certificates of
Metering) the certificate chain below the
SECC Leaf Certificate
TLS: AES used for Stream /
OCSP Response Ticket(s) for the
Session Encryption, ECDH used
corresponding CPO-Sub-CA
for Key Exchange


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Relevant Credentials

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Security Appliances Comment EVCC (EV) SECC (EVSE) Secondary Actor

DC/AC Charging with Plug &  TLS Authentication of SECC V2G Root Certificates SECC Leaf Key Pair (up to 10 V2G Root Certificates

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Charge generations depending on the
 Contract Authentication on
Contract Key Pair aging V2G RootKey) MO Root CA Certificate (if not
Application Layer

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 DC/AC Charging with transport (Contract Private Key and (SECC Leaf Private Key and below a V2G Root)
 TLS based Confidential Data Certificate for Contract based Certificate for TLS) certified by a
Exchange between EV and EVSE Payment) certified by a CA which Sub-CA which was certified by a All MO-Sub-CA Certificate of the
 contracts based payment, with (Service Discovery, Power can be certified by a V2G Root CA. V2G Root CA certificate chain below the MO-Sub-
Meter Status Receipt Delivery, Metering) CA Key Pair issuing Contract
 individual / dynamic tariff tables  TLS based Integrity of Data All MO Sub-CA Certificates of the All CPO Sub-CA Certificates of Certificates
for customer between EV and EVSE certificate chain below the Contract the certificate chain below the
(Service Discovery, Power Certificate SECC Leaf Certificate MO Sub-CA Key Pair (SA Private
Delivery, Metering) Key and Certificate) for Contract
Certificate Signing
 Meter Receipt Signing based on All MO Root CA Certificates of
Contract Key Pair the MOs the CPO has contract
agreements with.
Appl.Layer: AES for Data
Encryption, ECDH used for Key OCSP Response Ticket(s) for the
Exchange, ECC for Digital corresponding CPO-Sub-CA
Signature for Tariff Signing
V2G Root Certificate (for
TLS: AES used for Stream / considered region)

Not for Resale

Session Encryption, ECDH used
for Key Exchange

310 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Relevant Credentials

Provided by IHS under license with ISO

Security Appliances Comment EVCC (EV) SECC (EVSE) Secondary Actor

DC/AC Charging with Plug &  TLS Authentication of SECC V2G Root Certificates SECC Leaf Key Pair (up to 10 V2G Root Certificates

Copyright International Organization for Standardization

Charge with dynamic tariffs, generations depending on the
 Confidential Data Exchange
Contract Key updates and Contract Key Pair aging V2G RootKey) MO Root CA Certificate (if not
between EV and EVSE (Service

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Provisioning (Contract Private Key and (SECC Leaf Private Key and below a V2G Root)
Discovery, Power Delivery,
 DC/AC Charging with transport Certificate for Contract based Certificate for TLS) certified by a
security Payment) certified by a CA which Sub-CA which was certified by a All MO-Sub-CA Certificates of the
 Integrity of Data between EV and can be certified by a V2G Root CA. V2G Root CA certificate chain below the MO-Sub-
 contracts based payment, with EVSE (Service Discovery, Power CA Key Pair issuing Contract
Meter Status Receipt Delivery, Metering) All MO Sub-CA Certificates of the All CPO Sub-CA Certificates of Certificates
 individual / dynamic tariff tables  Integrity of tariff data based on certificate chain below the Contract the certificate chain below the
for customer digital signature Certificate SECC Leaf Certificate MO Sub-CA Key Pair (SA Private
Key and Certificate) for Contract
 Contract Certificate Update and  Integrity of Contract Keys / Certs OEM Prov Key Pair All MO Root CA Certificates of certificate and Tariff Signing
Provisioning based on digital signature (OEM Prov Private Key and the MOs the CPO has contract
 Confidentiality of private key of Certificate for Contract agreements with. Contract Key Pair to be delivered
new Contract Certificates Provisioning) to the car
based on encryption OCSP Response Ticket(s) for the
corresponding CPO-Sub-CA All Prov-Sub-CA Certificates of
the certificate terminating by a V2G
Appl.Layer: AES for Data V2G Root Certificate (for Root
Encryption, ECDH used for Key considered region)
Exchange, ECC for Digital Leaf Certificate Prov Key Pair
Signature for Tariff Signing and

Not for Resale

(Leaf Prov Private Key and
Contract Provisioning Certificate for Contract
installation/update) certified by a
TLS: AES used for Stream / Sub-CA which was certified by a
Session Encryption, ECDH used V2G Root CA
for Key Exchange
OEM Root CA Certificates (if not
below a V2G Root)

All OEM-Sub-CA Certificate of the
certificate chain below the OEM
Prov Certificate

OEM Prov Certificate for

Encryption of Contract Key Pair

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Annex F

Certificate profiles

[V2G2-884] Each certificate used in this standard shall comply to the appropriate profile specified in this
annex i.e. in Table F.1, Table F.2, Table F.3, Table F.4, Table F.5, or Table F.6.

Certificate profiles are presented in tables, divided into several thematic clusters each containing profiles for
specific certificate types. In each cluster, the root certificate shall be a V2G Root certificate, if not specified


Cells that are shaded in grey have identical requirements in all certificate profiles.

A cell's content has the following meaning:

x Required
(x) Optional
- Must not be present
c This extension is critical, see IETF RFC 5280. If a implementation recognizes that a
“critical” extension is present, but the implementation cannot interpret the extension, the implementation has to
reject the certificate.
nc This extension is non-critical, see IETF RFC 5280. If a implementation recognizes that a “non-critical” extension
is present, but the implementation cannot interpret the extension, the extension can be ignored. Therefore, all
optional fields should also be “non-critical”.
Quote from RFC 5280: “A certificate-using system MUST reject the certificate if it encounters a critical extension it
does not recognize or a critical extension that contains information that it cannot process. A non-critical extension
MAY be ignored if it is not recognized, but MUST be processed if it is recognized."
PCID Provisioning Certificate ID (max. 17)
CPID Charge Point ID
PEID Private Environment ID

NOTE 1 The following OIDs apply: { iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) signatures(4) ecdsa-with-
SHA2(3) 2 } and {iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) curves(3) prime(1) prime256v1(7) }

NOTE 2 Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP), defined in IETF RFC 6960 is a protocol used for obtaining the
revocation status of an X.509 certificate. OCSP is as an alternative to certificate revocation lists (CRL), OCSP is an online
service. This means, that a backend infrastructure has to support OCSP services in order to be able to use that service.
As access to OCSP services can not be guaranteed during charging, the usage of OCSP can only be recommended but
not be mandatory.

Within a x.509 certificate, the id-ad-ocsp OID is used within the Authority Information Access as
accessMethod if revocation information for the certificate containing this extension is available using the
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP). When id-ad-ocsp appears as accessMethod, the accessLocation
field is the location of the OCSP responder, using the conventions defined in IETF RFC 6960.

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Table F.1 — V2G Root Certificate

Cluster: V2G Root

Name: V2G Root
Typ: Root
tbsCertificate Version 2 (X.509v3)
SerialNumber Integer
Signature ecdsa-with-SHA256
Issuer Country (x)
Organization x
Organization Unit (x)
Common Name x
Validity 40 years
Subject Country (x)
Organization x
Organization Unit (x)
Common Name x
Domain Component "V2G"
SubjectPubli Public Key x
Cryptographic Algorithm id-ecPublicKey
Parameters ECParameters (namedCurve secp256r1)
Extensions AuthorityKeyIdentifier (x) / nc
SubjectKeyIdentifier (x) / nc
KeyUsage c
digitalSignature -
nonRepudiation -
keyEncipherment -
dataEncipherment 0
keyAgreement -
keyCertSign (x)
cRLSign (x)
encipherOnly -
decipherOnly -
ExtendedKeyUsage -
CertificatePolicies (x) / nc
BasicConstraints c
CA true
PathLength -
CRLDistributionPoints (x) / nc
Authority Information (x) / nc

Access (OCSP) id-ad-ocsp / location of the OCSP responder

Signature Cryptographic Algorithm ecdsa-with-SHA256

314 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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Table F.2 — Charge Point Operator Certificates

Cluster: Charge Point Operator (CPO) OCSP

Name: CPO Sub 1 CPO Sub 2 SECC Cert OCSP Cert
Typ: Sub Sub Leaf Leaf
tbsCertificate Version 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3)
SerialNumber Integer Integer Integer Integer
Signature ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with-
SHA256 SHA256 SHA256 SHA256
Issuer Country (x) (x) (x) (x)
Organization x x x x
Organization Unit (x) (x) (x) (x)
Common Name x x x x
Validity 4 years 1-2 years 2-3 month up to 1 year
Subject Country (x) (x) x -
Organization x x x x
Organization Unit (x) (x) (x) (x)
Common Name x x CPID x
Domain Component (x) (x) "CPO" (x)
SubjectPublic Public Key x x x x
KeyInfo Cryptographic Algorithm id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey
Parameters ECParameters ECParameters ECParameters ECParameters
(namedCurve (namedCurve (namedCurve (namedCurve
secp256r1) secp256r1) secp256r1) secp256r1)
Extensions AuthorityKeyIdentifier (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
SubjectKeyIdentifier (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
KeyUsage c c c c
digitalSignature - - x -
nonRepudiation - - - -
keyEncipherment - - - -
dataEncipherment 0 0 0 0
keyAgreement - - - -
keyCertSign (x) (x) - -
cRLSign (x) (x) - -
encipherOnly - - - -
decipherOnly - - - -
ExtendedKeyUsage - - -
.9 -
CertificatePolicies - - - -
BasicConstraints c c c c
CA true true false false
PathLength 1 0 - -
CRLDistributionPoints (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
Authority Information (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
Access (OCSP) id-ad-ocsp / id-ad-ocsp / id-ad-ocsp / id-ad-ocsp /
location of the location of the location of the location of the
responder responder responder responder
Cryptographic Algorithm ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with-
SHA256 SHA256 SHA256 SHA256
Signature Octect-String Octect-String Octect-String Octect-String

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Table F.3 — Certificate Installation Service Certificates (Provisioning)

Cluster: Certificate Installation Service (Prov)

Name: Prov Sub 1 Prov Sub 2 Prov Service
Typ: Sub Sub Leaf
tbsCertificate Version 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3)
SerialNumber Integer Integer Integer
Signature ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with-
SHA256 SHA256 SHA256
Issuer Country (x) (x) (x)
Organization x x x
Organization Unit (x) (x) (x)
Common Name x x x
Validity 4 years 1-2 years 2-3 months
Subject Country (x) (x) x
Organization x x x
Organization Unit (x) (x) (x)

Common Name x x x
Domain Component (x) (x) "CPS"
SubjectPublic Public Key x x x
KeyInfo Cryptographic Algorithm id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey
Parameters ECParameters ECParameters ECParameters
(namedCurve (namedCurve (namedCurve
secp256r1) secp256r1) secp256r1)
Extensions AuthorityKeyIdentifier (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
SubjectKeyIdentifier (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
KeyUsage c c c
digitalSignature - - x
nonRepudiation - - -
keyEncipherment - - -
dataEncipherment 0 0 0
keyAgreement - - -
keyCertSign (x) (x) -
cRLSign (x) (x) -
encipherOnly - - -
decipherOnly - - -
ExtendedKeyUsage - - -
CertificatePolicies - - -
BasicConstraints c c c
CA true true false
PathLength 1 0 -
CRLDistributionPoints (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
Authority Information (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
Access (OCSP) id-ad-ocsp / id-ad-ocsp / id-ad-ocsp /
location of the location of the location of the
OCSP responder OCSP responder OCSP responder
Cryptographic Algorithm ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with-
SHA256 SHA256 SHA256
Signature Octect-String Octect-String Octect-String

316 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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Table F.4 — Mobility Operator Certificates

Cluster: Mobility Operator

Name: MO Root CA MO Sub 1 MO Sub 2 Contract Cert
Typ: Root Sub Sub/Leaf Leaf
tbsCertificate Version 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3)
SerialNumber Integer Integer Integer Integer
Signature ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with-
SHA256 SHA256 SHA256 SHA256
Issuer Country (x) (x) (x) (x)
Organization x x x x
Organization Unit (x) (x) (x) (x)
Common Name x x x x
Validity [up to MO] [up to MO] [up to MO] 4 weeks - 2
Subject Country (x) (x) (x) -
Organization x x x x
Organization Unit (x) (x) (x) (x)
Common Name x x x EMAID
Domain Component (x) (x) (x) (x)
SubjectPublic Public Key x x x x
KeyInfo Cryptographic Algorithm id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey
Parameters ECParameters ECParameters ECParameters ECParameters
(namedCurve (namedCurve (namedCurve (namedCurve
secp256r1) secp256r1) secp256r1) secp256r1)
Extensions AuthorityKeyIdentifier (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
SubjectKeyIdentifier (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
KeyUsage c c c c
digitalSignature - - x x
nonRepudiation - - x x
keyEncipherment - - - x
dataEncipherment 0 0 0 0
keyAgreement - - - x
keyCertSign (x) (x) (x) -
cRLSign (x) (x) (x) -
encipherOnly - - - -
decipherOnly - - - -
ExtendedKeyUsage - - - -
CertificatePolicies (x) / nc - - -
BasicConstraints c c c c
CA true true true false
PathLength - 1 0 -

CRLDistributionPoints (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc

Authority Information (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
Access (OCSP) id-ad-ocsp / id-ad-ocsp / id-ad-ocsp / id-ad-ocsp /
location of the location of the location of the location of the
responder responder responder responder
Cryptographic Algorithm ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with-
SHA256 SHA256 SHA256 SHA256
Signature Octect-String Octect-String Octect-String Octect-String

NOTE 1 The Mobility Operator Sub-CA 2 has two purposes: First, it certifies Contract Certificates. Second, it signs tariff
information destined for the owners of those Contract Certificates.

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NOTE 2 The ID of the Provisioning Certificate (CertID) is used by the Mobility Operator to identify the contract that
belongs to this EV. This is possible because the customer has given the CertID (CN and O, see below) to the Mobility
Operator when creating the contract. For this purpose, CertID should be a short string that is unique to the OEM that
created the Provisioning Certificate. Furthermore it is contained in the Provisioning Certificate.

[V2G2-932] CertID shall be an alphanumeric String with at maximum length of 18 characters (i.e. A..Z, a..z,

[V2G2-933] CertID shall be contained in the subject field of the Provisioning Certificate as follows:

- The CertID itself (see [V2G2-932]) shall be the value of the Common Name (CN) of the
Distinguished Name (DN) .

- The name of the OEM shall be encoded in the field Organization (O) using a unique identifier
chosen by the OEM, to identify this OEM. Together with CN it builds a unique name.

- The X.500 name in the subject field shall not contain any further values.


318 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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Table F.5 — OEM Provisioning Certificates

Cluster: OEM
Name: OEM Root OEM SUB 1 OEM SUB 2 OEM Prov. Cert
Typ: Root Sub Sub Leafs
tbsCertificate Version 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3)
SerialNumber Integer Integer Integer Integer
Signature ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with-
SHA256 SHA256 SHA256 SHA256
Issuer Country (x) (x) (x) (x)
Organization x x x x
Organization Unit (x) (x) (x) (x)
Common Name x x x x
Validity [up to OEM] [up to OEM] [up to OEM] [up to OEM]
Subject Country (x) (x) (x) -
Organization x x x x
Organization Unit (x) (x) (x) (x)
Common Name x x x PCID
Domain Component (x) (x) (x) "OEM"
SubjectPublic Public Key x x x x
KeyInfo Cryptographic Algorithm id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey
Parameters ECParameters ECParameters ECParameters ECParameters
(namedCurve (namedCurve (namedCurve (namedCurve
secp256r1) secp256r1) secp256r1) secp256r1)
Extensions AuthorityKeyIdentifier (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
SubjectKeyIdentifier (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
KeyUsage c c c c
digitalSignature - - - x
nonRepudiation - - - -
keyEncipherment - - - -
dataEncipherment 0 0 0 0
keyAgreement - - - x
keyCertSign (x) (x) (x) -
cRLSign (x) (x) (x) -
encipherOnly - - - -
decipherOnly - - - -
ExtendedKeyUsage - - - -
CertificatePolicies (x) / nc - - -
BasicConstraints c c c c
CA true true true false
PathLength - 1 0 -
CRLDistributionPoints (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
Authority Information (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc (x) / nc
Access (OCSP) id-ad-ocsp / id-ad-ocsp / id-ad-ocsp / id-ad-ocsp /
location of the location of the location of the location of the
responder responder responder
Cryptographic Algorithm ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with- ecdsa-with-
SHA256 SHA256 SHA256 SHA256
Signature Octect-String Octect-String Octect-String Octect-String

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)
--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 319
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Table F.6 — Certificates for a Private Environment

Cluster: Wallbox / Private Environment

Name: PE Root Priv. Env. SECC Cert.
Typ: Root Leaf
tbsCertificate Version 2 (X.509v3) 2 (X.509v3)
SerialNumber Integer Integer
Signature ecdsa-with-SHA256 ecdsa-with-SHA256
Issuer Country (x) (x)
Organization x x
Organization Unit (x) (x)
Common Name x x
Validity 40 years 2 - 20 years
Subject Country (x) x
Organization x x
Organization Unit (x) (x)
Common Name x PEID
Domain Component (x) (x)
SubjectPublic Public Key x x
KeyInfo Cryptographic Algorithm id-ecPublicKey id-ecPublicKey
Parameters ECParameters ECParameters
(namedCurve secp256r1) (namedCurve secp256r1)
Extensions AuthorityKeyIdentifier (x) / nc (x) / nc
SubjectKeyIdentifier (x) / nc (x) / nc
KeyUsage c c
digitalSignature - x
nonRepudiation - -
keyEncipherment - -
dataEncipherment 0 0
keyAgreement - -
keyCertSign (x) -
cRLSign (x) -
encipherOnly - -
decipherOnly - -
ExtendedKeyUsage - -
CertificatePolicies - -
BasicConstraints c c
CA true false
PathLength 0 -
CRLDistributionPoints (x) / nc (x) / nc
Authority Information (x) / nc (x) / nc
Access (OCSP) id-ad-ocsp / location of the id-ad-ocsp / location of the
OCSP responder OCSP responder

Cryptographic Algorithm ecdsa-with-SHA256 ecdsa-with-SHA256

Signature Octect-String Octect-String

320 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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Annex G

Encryption for the Distribution of Secret Keys

G.1 Overview
In the ISO 15118, Contract Certificates are created and then distributed from an SA to the EVCC. In order to
minimize roundtrips and communication processing time, and ease organizational processes, it was decided,
that the SA (and not the EVCC) generates the key pair for the certificate, then the corresponding certificate
itself, and finally distributes the certificate and the private key to the EVCC. Since the private key must be kept
confidential, appropriate mechanisms must be used.

To this end, the ISO 15118 uses an ephemeral-static Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol to derive a
session key where the receiver's keys are static. The SA then uses this session key to transmit the private key
in encrypted form to the EVCC.

Since ECDSA, a variant of the DSA algorithm based on elliptic curves, is already used in the ISO 15118, the
same elliptic curve as for ECDSA is also used for the ephemeral-static Diffie-Hellman protocol. Furthermore,
the key pair used by EVCC for ECDSA is also used as the static key pair for the key agreement protocol.

G.2 Ephemeral-static Diffie-Hellman key agreement

The Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol describes how a shared secret can be established between two
entities using asymmetric cryptographic algorithms over an insecure channel. Both parties can then calculate
the shared secret from which a session key is derived by a key derivation function. In order to meet the
aforementioned goals regarding roundtrips and communication processing time, the ephemeral-static Diffie-
Hellman protocol was chosen.

In the ephemeral-static variant of the Diffie-Hellman protocol, the public key of the receiver (EVCC) does not
change, i.e. is static, and is already known to the sender (SA). The sender, however, still uses an ephemeral
public key that is transmitted to the receiver. In this manner, both sender and receiver can derive the same
session key without a reply message from the receiver. Only one communication message is required (see
Figure G.1).

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Sender U Receiver V
(Secondary Actor) (EVCC)

Elliptic Curve secp256v1 using base point G

Static key pair (dV,QV)

Public Key QV
QV:= dV G

Generate ephemeral key pair (de,U,Qe,U))

Qe,U:= de,U G


Compute Z = de,UQV Compute Z = dVQe,U

Both parties use the same Z:

de,UQV= de,UdVG = dVde,UG = dVQe,U

Figure G.1 — Ephemeral-static Diffie-Hellman key agreement (informational depiction, do not use for

G.3 Key pairs

The EVCC reuses the key pair that it also uses for ECDSA signatures, i.e. the key pair whose public key is
stored in its current Contract Certificate respectively OEM Provisioning Certificate (depending on the message
type). In both cases, the certificate and thus its public key is already known to the SA. The SA can therefore
pre-compute new certificates and private keys for the EVCC and encrypt these with a session key without any
message from the EVCC. The next time the EVCC connects to the SA (via the SECC), the pre-computed
encrypted message can be retrieved and decrypted after only a single message from the SA, without any
cryptographic processing on the side of the SA, and without any further message from the EVCC.

The SA uses ephemeral keys and hence the session keys will be different for each certificate and private key
distribution. Note however that the ephemeral-static Diffie-Hellman protocol does not provide perfect forward
secrecy, i.e. if the static private key of the EVCC is leaked to an adversary, then this adversary can decrypt
any past and future communication between SA and EVCC, and also generate signatures, as the key for
signatures is the same as the encryption key.

322 --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Annex H

Specification of Identifiers

H.1 e-Mobility Account Identifier (EMAID)

H.1.1 EMAID Syntax

NOTE The e-Mobility Account Identifier (EMAID) is the corresponding data field to Contract ID, which is defined
within ISO 15118-1. It may be renamed to Contract ID in future versions of this standard, because it is not describing an
account ID but a Contract ID. The data part "eMA Instance" may also be renamed to Contract Number within future
versions of this standard.

The EMAID shall match the following structure (the notation corresponds to the augmented Backus-Naur
Form (ABNF) as defined in RFC 5234):

<EMAID> = <Country Code> <S> <Provider ID> <S> <eMA Instance> <S> <Check Digit>

<Country Code> = 2 ALPHA

; two character country code according to ISO 3166-1 (Alpha-2-Code)

<Provider ID> = 3 (ALPHA / DIGIT)

; three alphanumeric characters, defined and listed by eMI3 group

<eMA Instance> = 9 (ALPHA / DIGIT)

; nine alphanumeric characters

<Check Digit> = *1 (ALPHA / DIGIT)

; Optional but highly recommended, see subclause H.1.3 for its computation

ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A

; according to IETF RFC 5234(7-Bit ASCII)

DIGIT = %x30-39

; according to IETF RFC 5234 (7-Bit ASCII)

<S> = *1 ( “-” )

; optional separator

An example for a valid EMAID therefore is “DE8AA1A2B3C4D59” or with dashes “DE-8AA-1A2B3C4D5-9”.

H.1.2 EMAID Semantics

The <EMAID> shall be interpreted case insensitive, i.e. “DE8AA1A2B3C4D59” is exactly the same ID as
“de8aA1A2b3C4d59”. A hyphen (“-“) can be used between the elements <Country Code>, <Provider ID>,
<eMA Instance> and <Check Digit> in communication with users of EV or EVSE to allow for better reading,

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Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

spelling and typing. An example for such an illustration is “DE-8AA-1A2B3C4D5-9”. If such an illustration is
chosen, the separators shall be set at all three places. Each <EMAID> has a length of at least fourteen and at
most fifteen characters excluding the optional stars or seventeen respectively eighteen characters including
the optional separators. While the <Provider ID> shall be assigned by a central issuing authority (e.g. eMI3
group), each provider with an assigned <Provider ID> can chose the <eMA Instance> within the above
mentioned rules freely.

H.1.3 Calculation of the check digit

An alphanumeric character is calculated with the first 14 character of the <EMAID> and attached at the 15th
position of the <EMAID>.

H.2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment ID (EVSEID)

H.2.1 EVSEID Syntax


The EVSEID shall match the following structure (the notation corresponds to the augmented Backus-Naur
Form (ABNF) as defined in IETF RFC 5234):

<EVSEID> = <Country Code> <S> <EVSE Operator ID> <S> <ID Type> <Power Outlet ID>

<Country Code> = 2 ALPHA

; two character country code according to The following documents, in whole

or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for
its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.

ISO 3166-1 (Alpha-2-Code)

<EVSE Operator ID> = 3 (ALPHA / DIGIT)

; three alphanumeric characters, defined and listed by eMI3 group

<ID Type> = “E”

; one character “E” indicating that this ID represents an “EVSE”

<Power Outlet ID> = (ALPHA / DIGIT) *30 (ALPHA / DIGIT / <S>)

; sequence of alphanumeric characters or separators, start with alphanumeric


ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A

; according to IETF RFC 5234 (7-Bit ASCII)

DIGIT = %x30-39

; according to IETF RFC 5234 (7-Bit ASCII)

<S> = *1 ( “*” )

324 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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; optional separator

An example for a valid EVSEID is “FR*A23*E45B*78C” with “FR” indicating France, “A23” representing a
particular EVSE Operator, “E” indicating that it is of type “EVSE” and “45B*78C” representing one of its power

NOTE In contrast to the EMAID, no check digit is specified for the EVSEID in this document.

H.2.2 EVSEID Semantics

Each <EVSEID> has a variable length with at least seven characters (two characters <Country Code>, three
characters <EVSE Operator ID>, one character <ID Type>, one character <Power Outlet ID>) and at most

thirty-seven characters (two characters <Country Code>, three characters <EVSE Operator ID>, one
character <ID Type>, thirty-one characters <Power Outlet ID>). While the <EVSE Operator ID> shall be
assigned by a central issuing authority, each operator with an assigned <EVSE Operator ID> can chose the
<Power Outlet ID> within the above mentioned rules freely.

NOTE In future versions of this standard EVSEID may be interpreted case insensitive to avoid misspellings.

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Annex I

Message sequencing for renegotiation

I.1 Overview
This chapter gives message sequence examples to make the comprehension of the renegotiation mechanism

In ISO 15118-2, the renegotiation mechanism is used to change charge target settings and scheduling during
a charging loop. Renegotiation can be initiated either by the EVCC or SECC.

To initiate a renegotiation by the SECC, the SECC has to set EVSENotification in EVSEStatus to
'ReNegotiation'. If so, the EVCC shall initiate a renegotiation in a limited time (see also [V2G2-680]).

To initiate a renegotiation by the EVCC, the EVCC can decide to perform a renegotiation by sending
PowerDeliveryReq with parameter ChargeProgress set to ‘Renegotiate’ (see also [V2G2-522], [V2G2-686]
and [V2G2-683]. The EVCC may renegotiate the charging schedule as follows:

326 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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seq Begin of charging process

seq Identification, Authentication and Authorization

seq Communication Setup

seq Target Setting and charge scheduling

ChargeParamterDiscov eryReq()

ChargeParameterDiscov eryRes()

Pow erDeliv eryReq()

Pow erDeliv eryRes()

loop Charge control and Re-scheduling



opt Metering


opt Renegotiation
PowerDeliveryReq(ChargeProgress = Renegotiate)

If EVCC plans to perform a renegotiation,

PowerDeliveryRes() it shall start by sending PowerDeliveryReq
with 'ChargeProgress' parameter set to
'Renegotiate' followed by an exchange of
ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq/Res and
ChargeParamterDiscoveryReq() PowerDeviveryReq/Res message-pairs and
then re-enter the charging loop.




seq End of charging process

(from Actors) (from Actors)

Figure I.1 —Sequence diagram for EVCC initiated renegotiation

ISO 15118-2:2014(E) --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


seq Begin of charging process

seq Identification, Authentication and Authorization

seq Communication Setup

seq Target Setting and charge scheduling

ChargeParamterDiscov eryReq()

ChargeParameterDiscov eryRes()

Pow erDeliv eryReq()

Pow erDeliv eryRes()

loop Charge control and Re-scheduling




SECC sets
EVSENotification to
opt Metering ReNegotiation to ask
MeteringReceiptReq() EVCC to proceed to a


opt Renegotiation
If EVCC receives ChargingStatusRes with
PowerDeliveryReq(ChargeProgress = Renegotiate)
EVSENotification=ReNegotiation when
MeteringReceipt is not required, or
PowerDeliveryRes() receives MeteringReceiptRes with
EVSENotification=ReNegotiation when
MeteringReceipt is required, EVCC shall
start another round of negotiation by
ChargeParamterDiscoveryReq() sending PowerDeliveryReq followed by an
exchange of
ChargeParameterDiscoveryReq/Res and
ChargeParamterDiscoveryRes() PowerDeviveryReq/Res message-pairs.



seq End of charging process

(from Actors) (from Actors)

Figure I.2 —Sequence diagram for SECC initiated renegotiation

328 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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I.2 Renegotiation after resuming a V2G Communication Session

The renegotiation process is only allowed after a first successful negotiation.

If one of EVCC or SECC wants to perform a renegotiation after resuming a V2G Communication Session,
they first have to go through the V2G messaging until PowerDeliveryReq/Res message pair and apply the
corresponding renegotiation mechanism as described in this standard and in the two examples provided

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Annex J

Overview on XML Signatures

J.1 Overview
In the ISO 15118, XML signatures are used to sign e.g. sales tariffs, meter readings or complete message
bodies. This chapter gives and short introduction to XML signatures. A complete example using valid data,
keys and signature values is given to allow a complete understanding, how XML signatures are used for ISO

J.2 Signature generation


Signing data using XML signatures requires two main steps: reference generation and signature generation.
Reference generation includes all steps that are required to add some XML data that should be signed to the
SignedInfo XML element. Signature generation then calculates the signature value.

All EXI, hash and signature values given in this example are valid and can be checked using the following key

 Public Key (raw x,y data):

 Private Key (raw x data):

The following example shows the complete workflow that is required to generate a valid signature for a
AuthorizationReq message with the following content:

<v2gci_b:AuthorizationReq v2gci_b:Id="ID1">

The following XML fragment can be used as a basic template for ISO 15118 when generating XML
Signatures. Required algorithm identifiers and the minimum required elements are already added. A valid
signature only requires extension of the <Reference>-Element and the concrete digest and signature values.

<xmlsig:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/canonical-exi/"/>
<xmlsig:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#ecdsa-sha256"/>
<xmlsig:Reference URI="#ID1">
<xmlsig:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/canonical-exi/"/>

330 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<xmlsig:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>

The first step generating the signature is to add the Reference XML element to the data that should be signed.
For this, the URI attribute is set to the ID of the element and the data is EXI transformed (Reference
transformation) using the EXI schema-informed fragment grammar based on the V2G_CI_MsgDef schema.

The resulting EXI stream for the given AuthorizationReq is

The next step is to hash the EXI stream using SHA256. This hash value is then base64 encoded and added
together with the URI to the SignedInfos Reference element as DigestValue (marked red).

<xmlsig:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/canonical-exi/"/>
<xmlsig:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#ecdsa-sha256"/>
<xmlsig:Reference URI="#ID1">
<xmlsig:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/canonical-exi/"/>
<xmlsig:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>

NOTE 1 If required, this step is repeated for all references that should be added to the signature (e.g. for multiple Sales

NOTE 2 In contrast to textual XML in the presentation of this example, EXI encodes binary data natively, so the base64
encoding step will not be applied there.

After reference generation the next step is the signature generation. For this step the original data is not
needed anymore. XML signatures only signs the SignedInfo element. Therefore this element needs to be EXI
encoded using the schema-informed fragment grammar based on the XMLdsig schema (Canonicalization).
The resulting EXI stream is the following:

ISO 15118-2:2014(E) 331

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

This stream is then hashed using SHA256. The resulting hash value is:

This hash value is used as input for the signature algorithm (ECDSA with secp256r1 curve). Signature
calculation is done using the private key. The resulting signature value is then base64 encoded and added as
SignatureValue to the Signature XML data (marked red):

<xmlsig:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/canonical-exi/"/>
<xmlsig:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#ecdsa-sha256"/>
<xmlsig:Reference URI="#ID1">
<xmlsig:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/canonical-exi/"/>
<xmlsig:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>

Putting all together results in the following V2G message that will be transmitted from the EVCC to the SECC:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<v2gci_d:V2G_Message xmlns:v2gci_h="urn:iso:15118:2:2013:MsgHeader"
<xmlsig:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/canonical-exi/"/>
<xmlsig:SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#ecdsa-sha256"/>
<xmlsig:Reference URI="#ID1">

332 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

<xmlsig:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/canonical-exi/"/>
<xmlsig:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>

<v2gci_b:AuthorizationReq v2gci_b:Id="ID1">

V2G message example 24 – Signature Generation for AuthorizationReq message

J.3 Signature generation for secondary actors

For sales tariffs the signature generation needs to be done by the secondary actor. Therefore some
information about the charging session needs to be transmitted from the SECC to the SA before generating
the final ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes message. This information includes necessarily the used schema
version and optionally eMAID, required amount of energy, departure time, list of EVs root certificates and - if
needed - some more EVSE data that can be used for sales tariff generation. The SA has to get the XSD files
for the used schema version. During signature generation these files can be used together with a generic EXI
generator, e.g. EXIficient, to create the EXI fragment grammar streams during <Reference> transformation
and <SignedInfo> canonicalization.

The sales tariffs are created as XML data that is valid according to the used schema version. The detached
XML signature is generated by the SA (see [V2G2-307]) as described in the workflow above. The used
certificate shall be derived from an EV root certificate and this key information may be added to the signature
as well.

The XML data (sales tariffs and signature) is transmitted in an arbitrary way to the SECC. The
ChargeParameterDiscoveryRes that includes the received sales tariffs and the corresponding signature is
then generated by the SECC, EXI encoded and transmitted to the EVCC (see [V2G2-308] and [V2G2-309]).

NOTE One signature value is used to sign all sales tariffs. In this scenario multiple <Reference> elements
will be included in the <SignedInfo> element.

J.4 Signature validation

Validation of XML signatures requires also two main steps, reference validation and signature validation.
During reference validation first the canonicalization of the SignedInfo element is calculated. This means that
the SignedInfo element is EXI encoded using the schema-informed fragment grammar based on the XMLdsig

Then the DigestValue element for each Reference element is checked. This requires URI de-referencing as
the first step. Here the original signed data needs to be returned and transformed using the EXI schema-
informed fragment grammar based on the V2G_CI_MsgDef schema. The generated EXI stream is than
hashed using SHA256 and compared against the received DigestValue element.

If reference validation passes for all references the signature value is validated. The canonicalization/EXI
stream that represents the SignedInfo element is hashed using SHA256 and based on this value the received
SignatureValue is validated using the public key.

ISO 15118-2:2014(E) 333

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Annex K

Summary of requirements

This Annex lists in Table K.1 the requirements defined in this standard to allow for easy requirement
management. It is also used for maintaining a change history concerning the requirements in this standard.

Table K.1 — Requirement summary

Subclause including
List of requirement numbers
5.3 Usage of RFC references [V2G2-001][V2G2-002][V2G2-003]
7.3.2 Certificate and key [V2G2-004] [V2G2-005][V2G2-006][V2G2-007][V2G2-885][V2G2-926][V2G2-
management 925][V2G2-886][V2G2-887][V2G2-910]
7.3.3 Number of root certificates [V2G2-008][V2G2-009][V2G2-010][V2G2-011][V2G2-012] [V2G2-877][V2G2-
and root validity, certificate depth 878][V2G2-867][V2G2-869][V2G2-882][V2G2-927][V2G2-883][V2G2-868][V2G2-
and size 911]
7.3.4 Support and Application of [V2G2-630][V2G2-631][V2G2-632][V2G2-633][V2G2-634][V2G2-635][V2G2-
TLS 636][V2G2-637][V2G2-638][V2G2-639][V2G2-640][V2G2-643][V2G2-644]
7.4 V2G communication states and 027][V2G2-029][V2G2-030][V2G2-031][V2G2-032][V2G2-033][V2G2-
data link handling 034][V2G2-645][V2G2-646][V2G2-717][V2G2-718][V2G2-719][V2G2-
7.5 Data Link Layer [V2G2-035][V2G2-036] IPv6 [V2G2-037][V2G2-038][V2G2-039][V2G2-040][V2G2-041][V2G2-042] Dynamic Host Control
Protocol (DHCPV6) Neighbor Discovery (ND) [V2G2-045][V2G2-046] Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP) Stateless auto address
configuration (SLAAC) Address selection [V2G2-054] Applicable RFCs,
limitations and protocol parameter [V2G2-055]
settings (TCP) TCP Performance and [V2G2-057][V2G2-058][V2G2-059][V2G2-060][V2G2-061][V2G2-062][V2G2-
checksum requirements 063][V2G2-064] Applicable RFC, limitations
and protocol parameter settings [V2G2-065]
(UDP) Applicable RFCs (TLS) [V2G2-067]
[V2G2-068] [V2G2-070] [V2G2-649][V2G2-650][V2G2-651][V2G2-870][V2G2- Transport Layer Security


ISO 15118-2:2014(E)
Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Subclause including
List of requirement numbers
requirement(s) Transport Layer Security
Credentials and Cipher Suites
7.8.2 Supported ports (V2GTP)
[V2G2-082][V2G2-083][V2G2-084][V2G2-085][V2G2-086][V2G2-087][V2G2- PDU Structure (V2GTP)
088] PDU Header Processing
[V2G2-089][V2G2-090] [V2G2-092] [V2G2-094] [V2G2-096][V2G2-800]
(V2GTP) Overview (XML/EXI) [V2G2-097] EXI Settings for application
layer messages Application layer
credentials and cipher suites Contract Certificates as
XML signature credentials XML Signature [V2G2-117] [V2G2-119][V2G2-121] [V2G2-764][V2G2-765][V2G2-766][V2G2-
mechanism 767][V2G2-768][V2G2-769][V2G2-770][V2G2-771][V2G2-909]
[V2G2-121][V2G2-122][V2G2-814][V2G2-815][V2G2-816][V2G2-817][V2G2- Encryption mechanism
818][V2G2-819][V2G2-820][V2G2-821][V2G2-822][V2G2-823] Random Number
Generation Application of security
mechanisms to XML message General Information
(SDP) Supported ports (SDP) [V2G2-124][V2G2-125][V2G2-126] Structure [V2G2-127][V2G2-128][V2G2-129][V2G2-130][V2G2-131][V2G2-132] Header Processing [V2G2-133][V2G2-134] SECC Discovery Request [V2G2-135][V2G2-136][V2G2-137][V2G2-138][V2G2-139][V2G2-140][V2G2-
Message 141][V2G2-142][V2G2-622][V2G2-623]
[V2G2-143][V2G2-144][V2G2-145][V2G2-146][V2G2-147] [V2G2- SECC Discovery
Response Message
155][V2G2-156] Timing and Error
Handling Protocol and Security [V2G2-625][V2G2-626][V2G2-627][V2G2-628][V2G2-629][V2G2-163][V2G2-
Options Handling 164]
8.1 General information and
8.2.1 Handshake sequence [V2G2-165][V2G2-166][V2G2-167][V2G2-168][V2G2-169][V2G2-170][V2G2-
(Protocol handshake) 171][V2G2-172][V2G2-173][V2G2-174]
8.2.2 Message definition
supportedAppProtocolReq and [V2G2-175][V2G2-176]
8.2.3 Semantics description
supportedAppProtocol messages

ISO 15118-2:2014(E) --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 335

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Subclause including
List of requirement numbers
8.3.2 Message definition (V2G

8.3.3 Message Header Definition [V2G2-181]

(V2G messages) [V2G2-182 ]
8.3.4 Message Body Definition
(V2G messages)
8.4.2 Session Handling 745][V2G2-746][V2G2-747][V2G2-748][V2G2-749][V2G2-750][V2G2-
[V2G2-188][V2G2-189][V2G2-190][V2G2-191] SessionSetup [V2G2-192 ]
[V2G2-879] ServiceDiscovery [V2G2-193][V2G2-194][V2G2-195][V2G2-196] ServiceDetail [V2G2-197][V2G2-198][V2G2-199][V2G2-200] PaymentServiceSelection [V2G2-201][V2G2-202][V2G2-203][V2G2-204]
[V2G2-205][V2G2-206][V2G2-208][V2G2-209] PaymentDetails
[V2G2-210][V2G2-211][V2G2-212][V2G2-213] Authorization [V2G2-697 ][V2G2-698]
[V2G2-900][V2G2-901] [V2G2-214][V2G2-215][V2G2-216] [V2G2-218][V2G2-219][V2G2-
ChargeParameterDiscovery 220][V2G2-761][V2G2-784][V2G2-785][V2G2-786]
[V2G2-221][V2G2-222][V2G2-223][V2G2-224][V2G2-225][V2G2-226][V2G2- PowerDelivery

928] CertificateUpdate
[V2G2-233 ][V2G2-696][V2G2-888][V2G2-889][V2G2-827][V2G2-890][V2G2-
[V2G2-234][V2G2-235][V2G2-236][V2G2-237][V2G2-238][V2G2-648] [V2G2- CertificateInstallation 893][V2G2-894]
[V2G2-895][V2G2-896][V2G2-897] SessionStop [V2G2-239][V2G2-240][V2G2-241][V2G2-738]
[V2G2-245][V2G2-246][V2G2-247][V2G2-248][V2G2-902] [V2G2-903][V2G2-904] MeteringReceiptReq/Res
[V2G2-776] ChargingStatus [V2G2-242][V2G2-243][V2G2-244] CableCheck [V2G2-249][V2G2-250][V2G2-251][V2G2-252] PreCharg [V2G2-253][V2G2-254][V2G2-255][V2G2-256] CurrentDemand [V2G2-257][V2G2-258][V2G2-259][V2G2-260] WeldingDetection [V2G2-261][V2G2-262][V2G2-263][V2G2-264]
[V2G2-265] ServiceType
[V2G2-266 ] ServiceListType [V2G2-267][V2G2-268]

336 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Subclause including
List of requirement numbers
requirement(s) ChargeServiceType [V2G2-271][V2G2-272] [V2G2-757][V2G2-758]
e [V2G2-759 ] CertificateChainType [V2G2-274][V2G2-275]

[V2G2-276][V2G2-277] MeterInfoType
[V2G2-830 ][V2G2-831]
[V2G2-278][V2G2-279] PhysicalValueType
[V2G2-832 ] NotificationType [V2G2-280][V2G2-281] PaymentOptionListType [V2G2-282][V2G2-283]
[V2G2-284] ChargingProfileType
[V2G2-288] ProfileEntryType [V2G2-289 ][V2G2-290][V2G2-291][V2G2-292][V2G2-293] [V2G2-
[V2G2-294] SAScheduleListType
[V2G2-296 ][V2G2-297][V2G2-298][V2G2-608]
[V2G2-299][V2G2-300][V2G2-301] [V2G2-303][V2G2-304][V2G2- SAScheduleTupleType 305][V2G2-306][V2G2-307][V2G2-308][V2G2-309] [V2G2-609]
[V2G2-773 ][V2G2-905][V2G2-906][V2G2-907][V2G2-908] PMaxScheduleType [V2G2-310][V2G2-610]
[V2G2-313] PMaxScheduleEntryType
[V2G2-314 ][V2G2-315][V2G2-611]
[V2G2-316] SalesTariffType
[V2G2-317 ][V2G2-318][V2G2-612][V2G2-805]
[V2G2-321] SalesTariffEntryType
[V2G2-322 ] [V2G2-324][V2G2-325][V2G2-613][V2G2-803][V2G2-802]
[V2G2-327] RelativeTimeIntervalType [V2G2-328 ][V2G2-329][V2G2-330][V2G2-331][V2G2-614][V2G2-833][V2G2-
[V2G2-332] ConsumptionCostType
[V2G2-333 ][V2G2-334][V2G2-615]
[V2G2-335] CostType [V2G2-336 ][V2G2-337][V2G2-338][V2G2-339][V2G2-340][V2G2-616][V2G2-
ServiceParameterListType ParameterSetType [V2G2-345][V2G2-346] ParameterType [V2G2-347][V2G2-348] SelectedServiceListType [V2G2-349][V2G2-350]

ISO 15118-2:2014(E)
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Provided by IHS under license with ISO
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Subclause including
List of requirement numbers
requirement(s) SelectedServiceType [V2G2-351][V2G2-352]
[V2G2-353][V2G2-354] SubCertificatesType
[V2G2-656 ]
ContractSignatureEncryptedPriv [V2G2-778][V2G2-779]
DiffieHellmanPublickeyType EMAIDType [V2G2-782][V2G2-783] AC_EVSEStatusType [V2G2-358][V2G2-359]
AC_EVChargeParameterType [V2G2-362][V2G2-363]
AC_EVSEChargeParameterType [V2G2-708 ][V2G2-709]
[V2G2-364][V2G2-365] DC_EVSEStatusType [V2G2-366 ]
[V2G2-367][V2G2-368] DC_EVStatusType
[V2G2-369 ]
DC_EVPowerDeliveryParameterTy [V2G2-374][V2G2-375]
8.6.1 Overview [V2G2-760][V2G2-828] Overview (Supported [V2G2-659][V2G2-660][V2G2-661][V2G2-662][V2G2-663][V2G2-664][V2G2-
Message Set(s)) 665][V2G2-666][V2G2-667][V2G2-668] Common [V2G2-762][V2G2-763] AC (Supported Message [V2G2-376][V2G2-377][V2G2-378][V2G2-379][V2G2-380][V2G2-381][V2G2-
Set(s)) 384][V2G2-385][V2G2-386][V2G2-387][V2G2-388][V2G2-389] DC (Supported Message [V2G2-390][V2G2-391][V2G2-392][V2G2-393][V2G2-394][V2G2-395][V2G2-
Set(s)) 396][V2G2-397][V2G2-398][V2G2-399][V2G2-400][V2G2-401] Message Sets for AC/DC
[V2G2-402][V2G2-403][V2G2-404] [V2G2-405]
Charging EIM/PnC Message Set Metering [V2G2-406][V2G2-407][V2G2-408] [V2G2-691] [V2G2-787][V2G2-788][V2G2-
Receipt 789] Certificate Install [V2G2-410][V2G2-411] Certificate Update [V2G2-412][V2G2-413] Message Set Value Added

338 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Subclause including
List of requirement numbers
[V2G2-418 ][V2G2-419][V2G2-420][V2G2-421][V2G2-422][V2G2-424][V2G2- Selection of services 425][V2G2-426][V2G2-427][V2G2-428]
[V2G2-429 ]
[V2G2-430 ][V2G2-431][V2G2-432][V2G2-433][V2G2-774] Definitions (Message
Timing) EVCC Timing for Request-
Response Message Pairs SECC Timing for
Response-Request Message [V2G2-441][V2G2-442][V2G2-443][V2G2-444][V2G2-445]
Sequence Definitions (Session

Setup Timing) [V2G2-605 ] EVCC Timing for
communication session setup SECC Timing for
communication session setup EVCC Timing for
EVSEProcessing parameter SECC Timing for
EVSEProcessing parameter EVCC Timing for cable
check EVCC Timing for pre

charging Common requirements [V2G2-836][V2G2-837][V2G2-838][V2G2-839][V2G2-840][V2G2-841][V2G2-
(Message synchronization with 842][V2G2-843][V2G2-844][V2G2-845][V2G2-850][V2G2-854][V2G2-855][V2G2-
IEC 61851-1 signalling) 856] [V2G2-731][V2G2-737] [V2G2-733]
[V2G2-846][V2G2-847][V2G2-848][V2G2-849][V2G2-851][V2G2-852][V2G2- AC specific requirements 853][V2G2-857][V2G2-858][V2G2-859][V2G2-860][V2G2-861][V2G2-862][V2G2-
[V2G2-912][V2G2-913][V2G2-914][V2G2-915][V2G2-916][V2G2-917][V2G2- DC specific requirements
Error! Reference source not 463][V2G2-464][V2G2-465] [V2G2-467][V2G2-468][V2G2-469][V2G2-
found. Common requirements 470][V2G2-471][V2G2-472][V2G2-473][V2G2-474][V2G2-475][V2G2-
(ResponseCode Handling – 476][V2G2-477][V2G2-478][V2G2-479][V2G2-480][V2G2-481][V2G2-
Message Sequencing) 690][V2G2-693][V2G2-694][V2G2-695][V2G2-734][V2G2-735][V2G2-
736][V2G2-804][V2G2-824] General (Message [V2G2-672][V2G2-673][V2G2-674][V2G2-675][V2G2-676][V2G2-677][V2G2-
Sequencing) 678][V2G2-679][V2G2-680]

ISO 15118-2:2014(E) 339

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Subclause including
List of requirement numbers
506][V2G2-507][V2G2-508] [V2G2-510][V2G2-511][V2G2-512][V2G2- EVCC (Message
513][V2G2-514] [V2G2-516][V2G2-517][V2G2-518][V2G2-519][V2G2-
527][V2G2-528] [V2G2-530][V2G2-531][V2G2-532][V2G2-533][V2G2-
790][V2G2-791][V2G2-792][V2G2-793] [V2G2-799][V2G2-880][V2G2-599]
560][V2G2-561][V2G2-562][V2G2-563][V2G2-564] [V2G2-566][V2G2- SECC (Message 567][V2G2-568][V2G2-569][V2G2-570][V2G2-571][V2G2-572][V2G2-
Sequencing) 573][V2G2-574][V2G2-575][V2G2-576][V2G2-577][V2G2-578][V2G2-
585][V2G2-586][V2G2-587][V2G2-588][V2G2-589][V2G2-590] [V2G2-
Annex F (normative)
Certificate profiles

340 ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

Copyright International Organization for Standardization
Provided by IHS under license with ISO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


[1] IETF RFC 5871, IANA Allocation Guidelines for the IPv6 Routing Header (May 2010)

[2] ISO 10731, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model -
Conventions for the definition of OSI services

[3] IETF RFC 5220, Problem Statement for Default Address Selection in Multi-Prefix Environments:
Operational Issues of RFC 3484 Default Rules (July 2008)

[4] Altova XMLSpy Manual [viewed 2011-01-12], Available from ,


[5] IETF RFC 5280, Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
(CRL) Profile (May 2008)

[6] Object Identifier (OID) Repository [viewed 2011-01-12], Available from <http://www.oid-info.com/>

[7] W3C XML, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition) (November 2008)

[8] W3C XMLSchema 0, XML Schema Part 0: Primer Second Edition (October 2004)

[9] W3C XMLSchema 1, XML Schema Part 1: Structures Second Edition (October 2004)

[10] W3C XMLSchema 2, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition (October 2004)

[11] ANSI X9.62, Public Key Cryptography For The Financial Services Industry: The Elliptic Curve Digital
Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) (2005)

[12] ISO 15118-1, Road vehicles – Vehicle to grid communication interface – Part 1: General information
and use-case definition

[13] NIST SP 800-90 A, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random
Bit Generators (January 2012)

[14] BSI AIS 20/AIS 31: A proposal for: Functionality classes for random number generators (2011)

[15] W3C EXI Profile, Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) Profile, W3C Candidate Recommendation (July

[16] IETF RFC 1323, TCP Extensions for High Performance (May 1992)

[17] IETF RFC 1624, Computation of the Internet Checksum via Incremental Update (May 1994)

[18] IETF RFC 2018, TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options (October 1996)

[19] IETF RFC 5482, TCP User Timeout Option (March 2009)

[20] IETF RFC 5681, TCP Congestion Control (September 2009)

[21] IETF RFC 6298, Computing TCP's Retransmission Timer (June 2011)

[22] IETF RFC 6335, Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Procedures for the Management of the
Service Name and Transfer Protocol Port Number Registry (August 2011)


ISO 15118-2:2014(E)
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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)

[23] IETF RFC 1630, Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW (June 1994)


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Copyright International Organization for Standardization

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ISO 15118-2:2014(E)


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