ID: 22B061006
Hello, my name is Shakirova Moldir. On April 5th, I will turn 19 years old. I was born in April
2005 in the western capital of our country, Kazakhstan, in the city of Atyrau. I come from a large
family, consisting of my grandmother, father, mother, and my two younger sisters, as well as my
aunts and their children. I am the oldest daughter and granddaughter in our family. My parents
moved to Almaty for work with my sisters, while I stayed with my grandmother. I attended a
school-gymnasium in my hometown of Atyrau until the sixth grade, then moved to Almaty to live
with my parents. In Almaty, I attended the fortieth school near our house, where I met many new
people. Adapting to the new place and people was incredibly difficult for me, but I managed to
overcome it. I attended various courses such as English, wrestling, drawing, and playing the
dombra. I also attended many different master classes, such as drumming, painting, yoga and
pilates, hip-hop dancing, horseback riding, and etc. I received musical education for seven years,
specializing in playing the dombra, and graduated with honors in 2019. I excelled academically in
school and graduated with a gold medal. By the way, I was the only "Altyn Belgi" from my school.
In 2022, I graduated from school, applied to KBTU, and successfully received a scholarship to this
After school, I didn't know what to do besides studying, so I began searching for my hobbies,
something I enjoyed outside of academics. I attended many different master classes, such as
drumming, painting, yoga, Pilates, hip-hop dancing, horseback riding, and much more. During my
first year at university, I was solely focused on studying, leaving no time for anything else. But in
the second semester, I realized I couldn't continue living like that. That's when I enrolled in a
«Social Media Marketing» course with a mentor, which turned out to be the best decision of my
life. This profession opened up new opportunities for me, and I discovered my passion -
After completing my first year, during the summer break, I indulged in all my favorite activities
and hobbies. Some people enjoy cooking, some knitting, while others express themselves through
painting. There are countless hobbies out there; their variety is endless! Everyone has something
they enjoy doing the most and dedicate more time to it. And if you decide to pursue a particular
activity, it will surely bring you immense pleasure. Perhaps what you engage in will evolve into
your future profession.I spent a lot of time horseback riding, practically 3-4 times a week, attended
yoga classes, and freelanced. However, mainly I earned money for myself, for my desires and
hobbies. In reality, people spend their entire lives trying to understand themselves. I know many
cases where people, teenagers of my age, still don't know what they want, what they like, or what
their goals and dreams are. I think I wouldn't have known who I am and what I do if it weren't for
psychology in my life.One day I read a book called "You Can Heal Your Life" by the well-known
American author Louise Hay. This book was small but very informative and thick. Louise Hay
experienced many hardships in her long life; she wrote about her experiences, wisdom, and much
more. After reading this book, I became interested in psychology. Over the course of three years
studying psychology, I, as a person, have progressed, realized my strengths and weaknesses, and
accordingly work on them to turn weaknesses into strengths and enhance strengths further. I read 12
different parts of Louise's book, and they all deeply resonated with me.So, what did this book and
psychology teach me? Life is like a huge train heading in one direction, through various roads. And
this train can lead to different points of the world - London, Dublin, Doha, Warsaw, Melbourne,
Male, Helsinki, and other destinations. Consequently, the paths we take are also different. Life is an
interesting thing, with ups and downs, joy, and sorrow, yet it is unique. Let's think of our train as
consisting of ten carriages. Just imagine, we were born and set off on our journey. Our childhood
friends from kindergarten board our carriage, and perhaps they will get off at the third station. And
at the fourth station, a school friend joins us, but he doesn't stay on our train for long; he gets off at
the fifth station. And suddenly, at the twelfth station, two girls or boys join us. We met them at
school and became friends. And maybe they will travel with you on your train to the fortieth station,
or maybe they will travel with you to the end of the journey. That is, what I wanted to say. Various
people come into our lives, but they don't meet you by chance. I believe that "The world is your
mirror." All the people in your life appear at a certain moment in life, possibly to teach you
something, whether good or bad; it's still an experience that helps us further develop and move
forward. All the people who were on my short journey taught me something.
Sometimes I wonder, "What is the meaning of life?" and indeed, what is it? I know that perhaps
you all have many different variations of the meaning of your life. But based on my personal
experience, I dare to say that "The meaning of life is changing others." Every person influences you
in one way or another; it's inevitable. Similarly, Louise Hay's book influenced my life. I understand
that I want to influence people only in a positive way; I want to meet people who are better than me
in spirit; I want to learn from these people. Life is short, and in this period of life, I want to bring as
much good as possible into this world; I want to try everything in this world, from karate to
building rockets at NASA. At 18, I am amazed at how interested I can be in such things. But I am
grateful for the experience, knowledge, and people in my life.