Calderon M5assign
Calderon M5assign
Calderon M5assign
1. Many people think of human nature consisting of innate traits that all
humans share. Is this conception of human nature a suitable basis for
morality? Explain why.
No, I disagree to the conception of the majority about to human
nature consisting of innate traits that all humans share. Even though the
concept of human nature may provide some insight into ethical questions, it
should not be seen as a definitive or unquestionable basis for morality.
Instead, we should rely on complex moral frameworks that take into
account a wide range of factors, including social context, individual values,
and empirical evidence. Only by approaching ethical dilemmas in a
distinctive and critical way can we hope to develop a more just and
sustainable society. It is hard to determine which aspects of human nature
should be used as a basis for morality, and who gets to decide which traits
are considered moral or immoral. Furthermore, human nature is not static
and can be influenced by various factors such as environment, upbringing,
and experiences. Lastly, a more strong and comprehensive approach to
morality is needed that considers diverse perspectives and includes values
such as empathy, compassion, and justice.
2. Suppose that most animals behaved in a certain way. Would that provide
evidence that it is natural for us to follow their lead? Explain why.
Based on my opinion, even animals behaved in a certain way this
wouldn’t enough to be as an evidence that it is natural for us to follow their
lead. Therefore, I stand to disagree to the question. My reason behind
disagreeing is because of the definition of man. We, humans, are being
defined as rational being. That means we are born with our own senses
and reasoning intelligence. So, why do we follow animals that behaved in a
certain way? Animals have only their senses and we are having our own
intelligence to solve our problems. In conclusion, I recognized people’s
lives as more superior being in this world compared only to animals
because we have our own intellect that defines as a rational being.
4. How are moral laws different from the laws of physics or chemistry? Do
these differences undermine the natural law theory?
Moral laws differ from the laws of physics or chemistry in terms of
their definition and practices. Laws of physics or chemistry most likely are
concerning with the regularities and patterns of our nature or environment.
Also, it is practiced through experimental or laboratory activities that
involves machineries or technologies and chemicals. While the moral laws
are concerned of how the people behave in his or her society. Moral Laws
basically teach or dictates ethical and moral standard for a person must
obtain in his or her society. Also, moral laws leads us to be a good, virtuous
person, and can help us to harmonize with God. The differences of the two
laws do not undermine for the natural law because the moral and
physics/chemistry laws related to each other based on my opinion because
it has different objects of what the two laws are concerning.
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"I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized help on this
assignment, and that this work is my own.”