MPA 2.0 - Sell
MPA 2.0 - Sell
MPA 2.0 - Sell
RTR-buyer reach to resistance and then SS sell start it create Resistance and then seller reach to area
where they get push from buyerwait for these push,prices goes below it and now it is sell.
Buyer reach to resistance RTR then it create resistance (SS,R)and then Push (WFP) create HH and HL
buyer and then S/R Voilated and R1 is sell.sell goes below NHBP/Push then look for buyer and sell
WFR- wait fr range.Breask ST CH-context change- to sell.
Seller hit and volume increase avg of big red is 3 times bigger thn last candle.Monitor the on 3 min
After buyer come then I said. DS-discount start,DE-discount end,LRB last run for buyer-GBDE-goes
below discount end.
3 is break it create memory,1 and 2 is like no higher high and 4 th is range moneyspot. 5 th again
break and new memory and at 6 in 3 min we can do sell.
SB-Structure Break against seller.
HL-Higher low’
LL_Lower low
ST-seller Stop
3 min
SS- seller sell,STseller stop,R -resistance,
SB-structure break after that sell will happen at R and at SBFC there will be range and seller goes
below it.
On 3 min
CO- cash out happen
NHH- no higher high after that
SL- sell at SL level.
Another example
BT- buyer territory
LL-Lower Low
HH-HL-Higher high higher low
NHH-no higher high.
Point to be remembered:
LH and LL-Lower high and Lower low formed after breach most of time.
1) At first point we get breach (Either no higher high or range) long enough
2) We get Lower Low-LOL
3) Buyer comes and LH-Lower high
BB- Breach
Seller comes
LH-Lower high
BT-Buyer territory
LH-Lower High
BC-Buyer come
LH-Lower high
SB- Strucure break
Learning-get whole picture first and then act,try to see level of direction..