LKPD Cause and Effect
LKPD Cause and Effect
LKPD Cause and Effect
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan model Problem based learning, peserta
2. Menentukan struktur teks dalam memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan
3. Menerapkan unsur kebahasaan (connector: because ... etc.) dari sebuah teks dalam
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat dengan sintaks yang
4. Menerapkan unsur kebahasaan (connector: because of ... etc.) dari sebuah teks dalam
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat dengan sintaks yang
B. Uraian Materi
1. Social Function
To explain
To give a reason
To express thankfulness
Activity 1.
Task 1
Look at the ficture below and answer the questions aftereward!
Thanks to GOD,
I’m successful now
4. Why did the girl say “Thanks to God, I’m successful now”?
2. Generic Structure
Understanding the text generic structure.
Spoken Teks
Response (Cause and effect expression)
Written Text
Topik sentence
Supporting detail
Concluding sentence
Task 2
Read the two dialoges below and find the cause and effect expression in them! Discuse
with your friend what situation that triggers the expression.
Dialogue 1
Dialogue 2
Task 3
Read the two paragraphs below skimmingly. In group, define the topic, the supporting
details, and the concluding sentence. Use the two cause and effect pattern below to help
Effect Cause
Effect Cause
Pattern 1 Pattern 2
Text 1
Smoking is very dangerous for your health. First smoking can cause lung disease.
This is because the smoke from nicotine is actually toxic into the human lungs while we know
that lung function itself is a respiratory filter. This can cause chronic respiratory problems
Secondly, smoking can cause cancer, more than 60 chemicals contained in cigarettes are
carcinogens or cause cancer, which is very harmful to the human body, and the third one
can also cause other diseases such as; heart, stoke, hypertension, diabetes, wrinkled skin,
and pregnancy / fetal disorders. Therefore, nowadays smoking has begun to be appealed to
be reduced.
Teks 2
Dani went home very late last night after taking her mother to the emergency room
for vertigo. He woke up very late this morning but however he decided to attend the class.
Not far from his house, his motorcycle broke, so he must to service it. When he’s back on the
road, the traffic was jammed and he’s trapped. That’s why he was 30 minutes late to the
class this morning.
Task 4
Present your review to the other groups!
3. Laguage Fatures
Understanding the sentence structure
Activity 2.
Task 5
Look at the poster below! Give your conclutions on how to determine which one is the cause
and which one is the effect!
Practice 1
Read the sentences and find the cause or effect. The first one has been done for
1. The milk spilled all over the floor, so Jane got a mop and cleaned it up.
Cause : …
Effect : …
3. The greenhouse gases trap the heat in the air, so the earth becomes warmer.
Cause : …
Effect : …
4. Because the sumatran tigers were almost extinct, the Indonesian government
declared them as endangered species.
Cause : …
Effect : …
Practice 2
Read the cause, write the effect, then write the complete sentence using signal words. The
first one has been done for you
Sentence : it was very windy; therefore, all the flights were cancelled.
Effect : …
Sentence : …
Effect : …
Sentence : …
4. Cause : He is afraid to fly
Effect : …
Sentence : …
Effect : …
Sentence : …
Task 6
Connector used:
Because of
Thanks to
As a result of
Due to
As a consequence of
Owing to
Practice 3
Arrange the cause and effect into as a good sentence as the two examples above. Don’t
forget to use one of the connector provided
1. - her kindness
- Mia gave her a gift
2. - this
cooking book
- I am able to cook my own meal
3. - Bella’s nervousness
- She did not pass the driving test
4. - the rain
- we canceled the outing
Connector used:
As a result
Practice 4
Arrange the cause and effect into as a good sentence as the two examples above. Don’t
forget to use one of the connector provided
1. - This
bag is expensive
- The famous brand Chanel made it
Practice 4
Find 4 factual experience/topic of your own. Write 2 sentences about using the syntax of both Cause
(Noun) and effect and Cause (Claus/S + Verb) and effect .
4. Examination