CCSA Effects of Cannabis Use During Adolescence Summary 2015 en
CCSA Effects of Cannabis Use During Adolescence Summary 2015 en
CCSA Effects of Cannabis Use During Adolescence Summary 2015 en
ca Report in Short
* The Effects of Cannabis Use during Adolescence is part of the Substance Abuse in Canada series, which covers key substance abuse
issues and highlights areas for action in both policy and practice. All volumes in the series are available on the CCSA website.
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Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse • Centre canadien de lutte contre les toxicomanies
The Effects of Cannabis Use during Adolescence
be observed. This report cuts through the abundance of information circulating about cannabis from
various perspectives to clearly identify what we know, what we do not yet know and what evidence is
emerging about the effects of cannabis use during adolescence.
The evidence reviewed in the report supports efforts to reduce harm to youth by decreasing the
number who use cannabis or delaying the start of use for those who choose to use it. By situating the
relevant neuroscience in the broader behavioural and social contexts of youth cannabis use, the
report provides a much-needed resource for developing youth policies, programs and practices
related to cannabis. Finally, the report identifies areas where future studies are needed to clarify the
relationships between cannabis use and outcomes for youth to reduce cannabis-related harms.
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The Effects of Cannabis Use during Adolescence
onset and chronic use. Thus, delaying the age of use onset might protect the brain, as there are
fewer cannabinoid receptors present in the mature brain than in the developing brain.38
Cannabis Impairs Driving Abilities
Cannabis can produce deficits in attentional focus, information processing, motor coordination and
reaction time, making it unsafe to operate a motor vehicle while impaired.11 People who drive under
the influence of cannabis are at a significantly increased risk of motor vehicle collisions compared to
drivers who have not used cannabis, alcohol or other drugs.40,41 This risk is further increased when
cannabis is consumed together with alcohol.11 Drivers who use cannabis have been shown to
attempt to compensate by driving slower, but have reduced control when more complex tasks are
involved. This impairment results in more lane weaving, slower reaction times, difficulties paying
attention to multiple things at once, and flawed eye–hand coordination and reaction times.42–45
Cannabis is Linked to Mental Health Concerns
It is well established that regular cannabis use is associated with experiencing psychotic symptoms
and developing schizophrenia, especially among those who have a personal or family history of
psychotic disorders.46–50 Whether drug use induces psychosis and schizophrenia, or whether these
illnesses put people at risk for drug use is still unknown.
The connections between cannabis use and other mental illnesses, especially anxiety, are less clear.
Some studies have found that regular cannabis use by adolescents is associated with an increased
risk of depression,51,52 worsening symptoms of depression, anxiety53 and bipolar disorder,54–57
suicidal thoughts and attempts,58 eating disorders,59 and childhood disorders.60
It was once thought that adolescents with anxiety and mood disorders self-medicated with cannabis
to improve their symptoms.61,62 However, longitudinal studies have found that this theory does not
account for the pattern of cannabis use among adolescents and young adults with depression,
anxiety or bipolar disorder.53,63 Nonetheless, social anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder are
risks for the onset of problematic cannabis use among adolescents and young adults,64,65 as people
living with these conditions may use cannabis for its anxiety-inhibiting properties.66 Indeed, some
studies have shown that activation of the endocannabinoid system can reduce symptoms of
anxiety.67,68 There is a complex relationship between cannabis and anxiety such that anxiety may
either be enhanced or reduced after use of cannabis. Further research, taking into account biological
and environmental factors, is needed to achieve a better understanding of this relationship.
Regardless of which occurs first, symptoms of mental illness or cannabis use, the detrimental effects
of consuming cannabis could be related to malfunctioning of the cannabinoid system in the brain. A
gene might make individuals vulnerable to both cannabis use and developing schizophrenia,69,70 or
might interact with early cannabis exposure to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia or
psychosis.71,72 Alternatively, cannabis might lead to dysregulation of the body’s stress response
system, which has implications for developing mood and anxiety disorders.73 Further research is
needed to completely understand the interrelations between genes, experiences and poor outcomes.74
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The Effects of Cannabis Use during Adolescence
daily.11 More than one in 20 Canadians ages 15–24 met the criteria for cannabis abuse or dependence
in 2012.78 Among those with a cannabis use disorder, withdrawal can occur, with individuals
experiencing irritability, anxiety, restlessness, appetite changes and sleep disturbances.79
How can we recognize who will develop dependence? The influence of genes might contribute to how
an individual responds to their first exposure to cannabis, yet the exact genes and the pathways
through which they exert their influences are still unclear. Genes may account for 51–59% of
determining problematic cannabis use, whereas shared environments, such as being raised in the
same household, account for 15–20%, and unshared environments, such as having different peer
groups, account for 26–29%, depending on gender.80 Psychosocial factors found to contribute to risk
of cannabis dependence were early initiation (by age 15), low socioeconomic status, use of other
drugs, male gender, regular cannabis use, anti-social behaviour, persistent tobacco use, living alone,
using cannabis as a coping mechanism, and number and type of recent negative life events.81–84
Though studies have shown that cannabis use can be associated with an increased risk of using
other illegal drugs,85,86 there are many factors influencing an individual’s drug use trajectory. It might
be that risk factors for using additional drugs are the same factors that led an individual to use
cannabis in the first place, as opposed to cannabis being the cause of subsequent drug use.
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The Effects of Cannabis Use during Adolescence
Call to Action
The evidence summarized in this report indicates that cannabis is not a harmless drug. The negative
effects of regular use by the large percentage of youth, combined with misperceptions of this drug,
have the potential to impact society as a whole, as youth represent the future of our country. We
have a strong knowledge base about the risks and harms associated with cannabis use, and we can
use this information to inform effective programs, policy and practice.
The knowledge in this report can inform prevention programs that need to be comprehensive, factual
and multi-faceted to be effective. These programs should involve family members, schools and the
community, and speak to youth about their misperceptions of cannabis being a benign substance.
The findings reveal that the youth brain might be particularly vulnerable to the effects of cannabis,
and thus education and prevention programs that encourage delaying cannabis use could be
Healthcare providers are well placed to identify and intervene early when cannabis use concerns are
observed. The development of a youth-focused screening tool for cannabis use may be beneficial to
increase the capacity of frontline clinicians to identify youth in need of help, and to provide an
entryway into educating youth about the harmful effects of cannabis use.
Similarly, youth need to know the potentially fatal dangers of driving after using cannabis. Greater
education and public awareness of this issue is critical. The development and implementation of
improved roadside screening for cannabis is needed to begin to address these acute harms.
Continuing to learn about factors leading to initiation, patterns and impacts of use, to concretely
identify cause and effects of use will provide a clearer picture of where to focus prevention and
treatment efforts. An opportunity exists to develop pilot programs using the evidence within this
report, including comparing longer-term interventions against brief, technology-based or assisted
interventions. Investments in young people, such as these research studies and others listed in the
technical report, can yield long-term improvements in health and socioeconomic outcomes for
individuals and families.
Additional Resources
• The Effects of Cannabis Use during Adolescence
• Clearing the Smoke on Cannabis Series
• Canadian Drug Summary: Cannabis
• Marijuana for Non-Therapeutic Purposes: Policy Brief
• Marijuana for Non-Therapeutic Purposes: Policy Considerations
• What Canadian Youth Think About Cannabis
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The Effects of Cannabis Use during Adolescence
1 Analysis based on the Statistics Canada 2013 Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey. Computation and
interpretation of these data are entirely that of the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.
2 Porath-Waller, A.J., Brown, J.E., Frigon, A.P., & Clark, H. (2013). What Canadian youth think about cannabis. Ottawa, ON:
Journal of Medicine, 370, 2219–2227. Figure reproduced with permission, Massachusetts Medical Society.
4 Breivogel, C. S., & Sim-Selley, L. J. (2009). Basic neuroanatomy and neuropharmacology of cannabinoids. International
functional imaging studies in chronic cannabis users: A systematic review of adolescent and adult findings. PLoS One, 8(2),
8 Bossong, M.G., Jansma, J.M., van Hell, H.H., Jager, G., Oudman, E., Sliasi, E., … Ramsey, N.F. (2012). Effects of delta 9-
Recent advances, neurodevelopmental influences, and sex differences. Neuropsychological Review, 23, 117–137.
11 Hall, W. (2014). What has research over the past two decades revealed about the adverse health effects of recreational
interference? An fMRI investigation in young adults using the Counting Stroop task. Journal of Addiction Research and
Therapy, 5(4), 197–203.
13 Meier, M.H., Caspi, A., Ambler, A., Harrington, H., Houts, R., Keffe, R.S., & Moffitt, T.E. (2012). Persistent cannabis users
show neuropsychological decline from childhood to midlife. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA,
109(40), e2657–2664.
14 Mokrysz, C., Gage, S., Landy, R., Munafo, M.R., Roiser, J.P., & Curran, H.V. (2014). Neuropsychological and educational
outcomes related to adolescent cannabis use, a prospective cohort study. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 24, S695–696.
15 Porath-Waller, A.J. (2009). Clearing the smoke on cannabis: Chronic use and cognitive functioning and mental health.
on response inhibition: An fMRI study in young adults. Journal of Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 1, 24–33.
19 Solowij, N., & Battisti, R. (2008). The chronic effects of cannabis on memory in humans: A review. Current Drug Abuse
Review, 1, 81–98.
20 Ashtari, M., Avants, B., Cyckowski, L., Cervellione, K.L., Roofeh, D., Cook, P., … Kumra, S. (2011). Medial temporal structures
and memory functions in adolescents with heavy cannabis use. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(8), 1055–1066.
21 Battistella, G., Forari, E., Annoni, J., Chtioui, H., Dao, K., Fabritius, M., … Giroud, C. (2014). Long-term effects of cannabis
intensified novelty seeking among adolescents that abuse methamphetamine and cannabis. Developmental Neuroscience,
34(4), 310–317.
23 Cousijn, J., Wiers, R.W., Ridderinkhof, K.R., Brink, W.V., Veltman, D.J., & Goudriaan, A.E. (2012). Grey matter alterations
associated with cannabis use: Results of a VBM study in heavy cannabis users and healthy controls. NeuroImage, 59,
24 Filbey, F.M., Aslan, S., Calhoun, V.D., Spence, J.S., Damaraju, E., Caprihan, A., & Segall, J. (2014). Long-term effects of
marijuana use on the brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 111(47), 16913–16918.
25 Gilman, J.M., Kuster, J.K., Lee, S., Lee, M.J., Kim, B.W., Makris, N., … Breiter, H.C. (2014). Cannabis use is quantitatively
associated with nucleus accumbens and amygdala abnormalities in young adult recreational users. Journal of
Neuroscience, 34(16), 5529–5538.
26 Gruber, S. A., Dahlgren, M., Sagar, K.A., Gonenc, A., & Lukas, S.E. (2014). Worth the wait: Effects of age of onset of
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27 McQueeny, T., Padula, C.B., Price, J., Medina, K.L., Logan, P., & Tapert, S.F. (2011). Gender effects on amygdala
abstinent adolescent marijuana users: Subtle gender effects. Addiction Biology, 14(4), 457–468.
29 Medina, K.L., Nagel, B.J., & Tapert, S.F. (2010). Abnormal cerebellar morphometry in abstinent adolescent marijuana
marijuana and alcohol use during adolescence on hippocampal volume and asymmetry. Neurotoxicology and Teratology,
29, 141–152.
31 Schacht,J.P., Hutchison, K.E., & Filbey, F.M. (2012). Associations between cannabinoid receptor-1 (CNR1) variation and
hippocampus and amygdala volumes in heavy cannabis users. Neuropsychopharmacology, 37, 2368–2376.
32 Houck, J. M., Bryan, A. D., & Feldstein Ewing, S. W. (2013). Functional connectivity and cannabis use in high-risk
connectivity in adolescent cannabis users. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 39(6), 372–381.
34 Arnone, D., Barrick, T. R., Chengappa, S., Mackay, C. E., Clark, C. A., & Abou-Saleh, M. T. (2008). Corpus callosum
damage in heavy cannabis use: Preliminary evidence from diffusion tensor tractography and tract-based spatial statistics.
NeuroImage, 41(3), 1067-1074.
35 Ashtari, M., Cervellione, K., Cottone, J., Ardekani, B.A., & Kumra, S. (2009). Diffusion abnormalities in adolescents and
young adults with a history of heavy cannabis use. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 43(3), 189–204.
36 Bava, S., Frank, L.R., McQueeny, T., Schweinsburg, B.C., Schweinsburg, A.D., & Tapert, S.F. (2009). Altered white matter
95(11), 433–443.
40 Asbridge, M., Hayden, J.A., & Cartwright, J. (2012). Acute cannabis consumption and motor vehicle collision risk:
and alcohol on simulated driving: Influences of dose and experience. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 50, 879–886.
44 Hartman, R. L., & Huestis, M. A. (2013). Cannabis effects on driving skills. Clinical Chemistry, 59(3), 478–492.
45 Lenne, M.G., Dietze, P.M., Triggs, T.J., Walmsley, S., Murphy, B., & Redman, J.R. (2010). The effects of cannabis and
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46 Andréasson, S., Engström, A., Allebeck, P., & Rydberg, U. (1987). Cannabis and schizophrenia: A longitudinal study of
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48 Large, M., Sharma, S., Compton, M.T., Slade, T., & Nielssen, O. (2011). Cannabis use and earlier onset of psychosis: A
schizophrenia in Swedish conscripts of 1969: Historical cohort study. BMJ, 325, 1199–1201.
51 Brook, D. W., Brook, J.S., Zhang, C., Cohen, P., & Whiteman, M. (2002). Drug use and the risk of major depressive
disorder, alcohol dependence, and substance use disorders. Archives of General Psychiatry, 59(11), 1039–1044.
52 Fergusson, D.M., Horwood, L.J., & Swain‐Campbell, N. (2002). Cannabis use and psychosocial adjustment in
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55 Baethge, C., Baldessarini, R.J., Khalsa, H.M., Hennen, J., Salvatore, P., & Tohen, M. (2005). Substance abuse in first-
episode bipolar I disorder: Indications for early intervention. American Journal of Psychiatry, 162(5), 1008–1010.
56 Lev-Ran, S., Le Foll, B., McKenzie, K., George, T.P., & Rehm, J. (2013). Bipolar disorder and co-occurring cannabis use
disorders: Characteristics, co-morbidities and clinical correlates. Psychiatry Research, 209(3), 459–465.
57 Strakowski, S.M., DelBello, M.P., Fleck, D.E., Adler, C.M., Anthenelli, R.M., Keck, P.E., ... & Amicone, J. (2007). Effects of
co-occurring cannabis use disorders on the course of bipolar disorder after a first hospitalization for mania. Archives of
General Psychiatry, 64(1), 57–64.
58 Pedersen, W. (2008). Does cannabis use lead to depression and suicidal behaviours? A population‐based longitudinal
use and cannabis use disorders and their relationship to mental disorders: A 10-year prospective-longitudinal community
study in adolescents. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,88, S60–S70.
63 Strakowski, S.M., McElroy, S.L., Keck Jr, P.E., & West, S.A. (1996). The effects of antecedent substance abuse on the
anxiety disorder as a risk factor for alcohol and cannabis dependence. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 42(3), 230–239.
65 Cornelius, J.R., Kirisci, L., Reynolds, M., Clark, D.B., Hayes, J., & Tarter, R. (2010). PTSD contributes to teen and young
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68 Grant, J.E., Odlaug, B.L., Chamberlain, S.R., & Kim, S.W. (2011). Dronabinol, a cannabinoid agonist, reduces hair pulling
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71 Caspi, A., Moffitt, T. E., Cannon, M., McClay, J., Murray, R., Harrington, H., ... & Craig, I. W. (2005). Moderation of the effect of
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75 Anthony, J.C. (2006). The epidemiology of cannabis dependence. In R.A. Roffman & R.S. Stephens (Eds.) Cannabis
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77 Ridenour, T.A., Lanza, S.T., Donny, E.C., & Clark, D.B. (2006). Different lengths of times for progressions in adolescent
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81 Chen, C.Y., O’Brien, M.S., & Anthony, J.C. (2005). Who becomes cannabis dependent soon after onset of use?
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82 Coffey, C., Carlin, J.B., Lynskey, M., Li, N., & Patton, G.C. (2003). Adolescent precursors of cannabis dependence:
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83 Lev-Ran, S., Le Strat, Y., Imtiaz, S., Rehm, J., & Le Foll, B. (2013). Gender differences in prevalence of substance use
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84 van der Pol, P., Liebregts, N., de Graaf, R., Korf, D.J., van den Brink, W., & van Laar, M. (2013). Predicting the transition
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87 Miller, W.R., & Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational interviewing: Preparing people for change. New York: Guilford Press.
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