Meat Products Order
Meat Products Order
Meat Products Order
This order regulates manufacture, quality and sale of meat and all meat
products. Provisions are meant to control production, quality and distribution
of raw and processed meat. This makes it illegal to transport meat unless it has
been prepared and processed according to the provisions of the order and
carries the mark of inspection.
It provides means to
(b) Ensure that the preparation and handling of meat and meat products is
conducted in a clean and sanitary manner
(d) See that every piece of cut meat is inspected before sale to ensure its
Regulation for the production of meat products are covered by the Meat
Food Products Order, 1973.
The order also lays down the rules and conditions for procedure to be
adopted for the selection of disease free animals, slaughterhouse practices and
further treatment of the meat so as to maintain the meat in a wholesome
manner, devoid of pathogens.
Codex Alimentarius Commission
· It brings all together all the interested parties like scientists, technical
experts, governments, consumers and industry representatives to help
develop standards for food manufacturing and trade.
The Codex secretariat is located at Rome and is financed jointly by the FAO and
the WHO. At present there are 170 countries, including India as Codex
members and this covers
98 per cent of the world‟s population. The codex commission meets every two
years either in Rome or in Geneva.
3. The six regional coordinating committees are based in Africa, Asia, Europe,
Latin America and Caribbean, North America and South West Pacific and the
near East.
Codex decisions are not binding on its members not has any formal legal
status, prior to the signing of the General Agreement on Tariff and trade, GATT
in December 1994. Foods everywhere will ultimately be influenced by codex in
many different dimensions- in safety standards, food additives, pesticide uses,
labeling of pre- packed foods, international trade, competition and pricing, be
the foods locally grown or imported from the other side of the world.
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS PROCEDURAL MANUAL: Criteria for the establishment
of work priorities:
If the proposal falls in an area outside the Committee‟s terms of reference the
proposal should be reported to the Commission in writing together with
proposals for such amendments to the Committee‟s terms of reference as may
be required.
(f) Coverage of the main consumer protection and trade issues by existing or
proposed general standards.