Talcott-Parsons-And-Rk-Merton-Sociological-Theories (Set 1)
Talcott-Parsons-And-Rk-Merton-Sociological-Theories (Set 1)
Talcott-Parsons-And-Rk-Merton-Sociological-Theories (Set 1)
chapter in
Sociological Theories
1 of 2 sets
7. The groups to which people compare their behaviour and try to act like them are
known as
A. Membership group
B. Reference group
C. Mutual groups
D. Non-membership group
12. Samuel Stouffer’s The American Soldier (1949) inspired Merton to propound
A. Anomie
B. Functional Analysis
C. Middle-Range Theory
D. Reference Group
13. Social Theory and Social Structure written by R.K. Merton was published in
A. 1946
B. 1947
C. 1948
D. 1949
14. A rejection of both socially accepted goals and means and replaced by different
means and goals is
A. Retreatism
B. Rebellion
17. In the Mertonian frame work, what does conformity refer to?
A. Both goals and means are accepted
B. Goals are accepted and means are rejected
C. Both goals and means are rejected
D. Means are accepted and goals are rejected
19. Which among the followings is not a pattern variable according to Parsons?
A. Ascription and Achievement
B. Affectivity and Effectivity
21. Which of the following is not the functional pre-requisites of Talcott Parsons’
social system?
A. Adaptation
B. Goal Attainment
C. Integration
D. Particularism
26. By ____________, Parsons means the need to coordinate, adjust, and regulate
relationships among various actors or units within the system in order to keep the
system functioning.
A. Goal attainment
B. Adaptation
C. Integration
D. Latency
31. Conformists have accepted the cultural goal of success through legitimate
means. Who among the following will be the best example to explain conformist?
A. Student
B. Terrorist
C. Politician
D. Drug addict
32. A politician who wants to win an election but uses dirty tricks to discredit an
opponent would be an example for
A. Conformity
B. Retreatism
C. Innovation
D. Rebellion
36. Homeless and drug addict are best example of which types of R.K. Merton’s
adaptation or deviance
A. Rebellion
B. Retreatism
C. Ritualism
D. Conformity
37. Merton’s adaptation which involves rejecting goals while accepting the means
A. Innovation
B. Ritualism
C. Retreatism
D. Rebellion