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Carbohydrate Polymers
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Article history: The rheological properties of hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) with a low molar substitution (MS) dissolved
Received 21 December 2014 in 8 wt% NaOH–water were studied as a function of solution temperature, polymer concentration and
Received in revised form 24 January 2015 molar substitution. Special attention was paid to gelation kinetics. Similar to cellulose dissolved in alkali
Accepted 28 January 2015
or ionic liquids, the intrinsic viscosity of HEC decreased with temperature increase, indicating a decrease
Available online 16 February 2015
of solvent thermodynamic quality. The gelation time of HEC solutions decreased exponentially with
temperature but the kinetics is much slower than the gelation of microcrystalline cellulose solutions in
the same solvent. Higher molar substitution leads to slower gelation. The small amount of introduced
Low molar substitution hydroxyethyl groups prevented cellulose aggregation thus increasing solution stability.
NaOH–water solvent © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Intrinsic viscosity
0144-8617/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
86 W. Wang et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 124 (2015) 85–89
η, Pa s
10 4%
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
shear rate, 1/s
Fig. 2. Viscosity versus shear rate for HEC-0.13 solutions of 4, 5, 6 and 7 wt% at 20 ◦ C.
Fig. 3. Viscosity versus HEC-0.13 concentration for 20 and 40 ◦ C. Solid lines are linear
(low concentration) and power-law (higher concentrations, Eq. (2)) approximations.
acetate (EmimAc) ionic liquid (Gericke, Schlufter, Liebert, Heinze, Inset: master plot for HEC-0.13 for 20, 30 and 40 ◦ C.
& Budtova, 2009; Rudaz & Budtova, 2013). Huggins constants for
all HEC samples varied from 0.53 to 0.65; no trend as a function
of temperature or molar substitution could be observed. The val-
region), which correlates well with the values found via intrinsic
ues obtained indicate that 8% NaOH is a theta with a slight trend
to good solvent for low-substituted HEC. Temperature increase
Relative viscosity is used for excluding the influence of tem-
decreases the thermodynamic quality of most of cellulose solvents,
perature on solvent. The profiles of relative viscosities at three
and the presence of grafted hydroxyethyl groups does not change
temperatures of 20, 30 and 40 ◦ C against polymer concentration
this trend.
perfectly fall on one master plot as shown in the inset of Fig. 3.
The overlap concentration was calculated as the inverse intrin-
The viscosity decreases with the increase of temperature as
sic viscosity. It varies from 0.0028 to 0.0032 g/ml (equivalent to
shown in Fig. 3 for the temperature interval of 20–40 ◦ C. The influ-
0.26–0.3 wt%, respectively), which is lower than that obtained for
ence of temperature on the properties of HEC solutions has to
MCC dissolved in 8 wt% NaOH–water or in 0.7 wt% ZnO–8 wt%
be taken with care: as it will be shown below, above the over-
NaOH–water (around 1 wt%) (Liu et al., 2011; Roy et al., 2003) due
lap concentration, solutions in semi-dilute state are gelling with
to the higher molecular weight of cellulose used in this study.
time and/or temperature increase. To apply the classical analysis
An example of the steady-state shear flow curves for HEC-0.13
of viscosity-temperature dependence (Arrhenius approach), only
solutions with various concentrations is shown in Fig. 2. Similar
rather low temperatures (here, below 40 ◦ C) can be used. The acti-
results were acquired for the other two HEC samples. A Newtonian
vation energy Ea was determined according to Eq. (3).
plateau is seen at low shear rates. The increase of shear rates leads
to shear thinning which occurred at lower shear with the increase E
of solution concentration. = A × exp (3)
Fig. 3 shows viscosity of HEC-0.13 solutions in 8 wt% NaOH sol-
vent as a function of solution concentration at two temperatures. where is viscosity mean value in the Newtonian region, A is a con-
Data were collected from two sets of measurements: at low solu- stant, and T is the absolute temperature of the HEC solutions. The
tion concentrations, viscosity was taken from the measurements activation energy for HEC solutions varies from 27 to 33 kJ/mol for
in Ubbelohde viscometer, and in the semi-dilute region the mean the concentrations studied, which is located in the range of values
value of viscosity in Newtonian region was calculated from the obtained for cellulose in the same solvent (Egal, 2006).
steady state experiments. We checked that for solutions in dilute
region with the viscometer used and at flow times obtained the
flow was Newtonian for the shear rates developed in the capil- 3.2. Gelation of HEC solutions
lary. The values from two different techniques match very well by
allowing the analysis of the whole viscosity-concentration depend- Similar with MCC solutions in 7–9 wt% NaOH–water, HEC–8 wt%
ence and building a master plot of relative viscosity /0 versus NaOH–water solutions are gelling with time at a given tempera-
concentration (see inset of Fig. 3). A linear dependence of vis- ture and with temperature increase. An example of the evolution
cosity on concentration was recorded for polymer solutions with of elastic (G ) and viscous (G ) moduli of 6 wt% HEC-0.13 solu-
low concentrations, as expected. At high concentrations power-law tions as a function of time at two temperatures, 60 and 70 ◦ C, is
dependence was observed with n being around 3.7–3.8: shown in Fig. 4. At short times, G is lower than G indicating that
HEC–0.13–8 wt% NaOH are visco-elastic solutions. With time, G
∼C n (2)
increases and overpasses G : solution is reaching a gel point. In the
Similar results were found for cellulose–EmimAc solutions (n = 4 first approximation, we can determine gelation time as the moment
below 40 ◦ C) and cellulose–LiCl–DMAc solutions (n = 3 for bacterial when G = G = Ggel .
cellulose and n = 4 for cotton linters) (Gericke et al., 2009). The over- The modulus at the gel point Ggel of HEC–0.13–8 wt%
lap concentration obtained from the turning point of the viscosity NaOH–water as a function of polymer concentration at various tem-
versus concentration curve in Fig. 3 is around 0.3 wt% (end of linear peratures is shown in Fig. 5. Higher HEC concentration, higher the
88 W. Wang et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 124 (2015) 85–89
G'', 70°C 10
0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
time, min
T, °C
Fig. 4. Time dependence of G and G of 6 wt% HEC-0.13 8 wt% NaOH aqueous
solution at 60 and 70 ◦ C. The corresponding gelation times are shown with arrows. Fig. 6. Gelation time of HEC-0.13 (this study) and of MCC solutions (Liu et al., 2011)
with various concentrations as a function of temperature. Solid lines are approxi-
mations according to Eq. (5).
modulus, as expected; the trend can be described with a power law
similar to Eq. (2) for viscosity–concentration dependence:
Gelation time tgel as a function of temperature is presented in
Ggel ∼C m (4) Fig. 6 for HEC-0.13 solutions with various concentrations together
with data for MCC dissolved in 8% NaOH–water taken from previous
For HEC-0.13 solutions, the exponent m varies from 3.4 for 30 ◦ C
study (Liu et al., 2011). It was shown that gelation time of MCC–8%
to 4.6 for 70 ◦ C. Similar values were obtained for gelling MCC–8 wt%
NaOH solutions is exponentially proportional to temperature (T)
NaOH–water solutions (Gavillon & Budtova, 2007). Similar scaling
(Gavillon & Budtova, 2007; Liu et al., 2011; Roy et al., 2003):
exponent, close to 3, was reported for gelling methylcellulose aque-
ous solutions (Sarkar, 1995; Li, 2002) and around 3.6–4.4 for gelling tgel ∼A × exp(−aT ) (5)
hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose (Sarkar, 1995). Gelation of cellulose
is accompanied by chains aggregation and microphase separation where “A” and “a” are adjustable constants characteristic for each
which can be the reason of strong concentration dependence. solution. In the case of cellulose grafted with hydroxyethyl groups,
Fig. 5 also shows that the Ggel decreases with the increasing the gelation time also exponentially decreases with temperature,
temperature. A similar trend has been reported in the rheological but the rate of gelation is very different: the slope of the fitting line
study of MCC–NaOH solutions (Roy et al., 2003). Chain mobility, for tgel versus temperature is much steeper for MCC solutions than
which increases with temperature, may counterbalance interac- that for HEC solutions (Fig. 6). For HEC-0.13 solution, the exponent
tions between HEC chains resulting in the formation of weaker “a” value varies from 0.084 to 0.096 for concentrations from 4 to
gels. 7 wt% which is three to four times lower than the values obtained
for the MCC solution, a = 0.3–0.4 (Gavillon & Budtova, 2007; Liu
et al., 2011; Roy et al., 2003). The gelation times at a given tempera-
1000 ture of HEC solutions are much longer as compared to MCC solution
Ggel, Pa
as demonstrated in Figure 6, although the MCC has lower DP. For
example, at 30 ◦ C, a 4 wt% solution of MCC in 8% NaOH–water is
gelling in 7 min while a 4 wt% HEC-0.13 solution in 8% NaOH–water
30°C is gelling in 43 h. Grafted hydroxyethyl groups increase the distance
100 between macromolecules and decrease their interactions, which
50°C seems to prevent cellulose aggregation and thus delay the gelation.
The influence of grafted groups on the gelation of HEC solu-
60°C tions is demonstrated in Fig. 7 which shows the gelation time as
a function of temperature for three HEC solutions of the same con-
centration (6 wt%). The exponent in Eq. (5) is identical for three
solutions but the constant “A” decreases with the decrease of the
amount of grafted groups. It takes a longer time to gel HEC-0.20
solution than HEC-0.13 or HEC-0.15 solution. A 6 wt% commercial
HEC dissolved in 8 wt% NaOH–water is gelling in 8 h at 60 ◦ C. In
other words, higher the molar substitution is, slower the gelation
1 is. The increase of the number of grafted hydroxyethyl groups pre-
1 10 vents the formation of hydrogen bonds between cellulose chains
CHEC-0.13, wt% and thus aggregation/gelation becomes more difficult.
The gelation time is shorter with the increased polymer concen-
Fig. 5. Modulus at gel point (G = G ) of HEC-0.13 as a function of polymer concen-
tration at various temperatures. Lines are power-law approximations according to tration as demonstrated in Fig. 8 for the inverse of tgel as a function
Eq. (4). of HEC-0.13 solution concentration at various temperatures. It
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