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Iso TR 27245-2007

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REPORT 27245

First edition

Cranes — Tower cranes — International

Standards for design, manufacture, use
and maintenance requirements and
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Grues à tour — Normes
internationales sur les exigences et les recommandations de
conception, de fabrication, d'utilisation et de maintenance

Reference number
ISO/TR 27245:2007(E)

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ISO/TR 27245:2007(E)

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Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved
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ISO/TR 27245:2007(E)

Contents Page

Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 1
2.1 Particular International Standards for tower cranes......................................................................... 1
2.2 Additional international standards useful for tower cranes............................................................. 6
2.2.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 IEC standards for electrical requirements ......................................................................................... 6
2.2.3 ISO standards for acoustics ................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.4 Graphical symbols................................................................................................................................ 7
Annex A (informative) Standards not applicable to tower cranes................................................................. 8
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................................... 9


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ISO/TR 27245:2007(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

In exceptional circumstances, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that
which is normally published as an International Standard (“state of the art”, for example), it may decide by a
simple majority vote of its participating members to publish a Technical Report. A Technical Report is entirely
informative in nature and does not have to be reviewed until the data it provides are considered to be no
longer valid or useful.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO/TR 27245 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 96, Cranes, Subcommittee SC 7, Tower cranes.

Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved
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Cranes — Tower cranes — International Standards for design,

manufacture, use and maintenance requirements and

1 Scope
This Technical Report provides a list of International Standards that can be completely or partly applied in the
design of tower cranes. A bibliography refers to other useful documents (FEM publications, European
standards and national standards).

Annex A gives International Standards which are not applicable to tower cranes, even if the scope does not
exclude them explicitly.

2 Requirements

2.1 Particular International Standards for tower cranes

The International Standards marked with an X are also applicable for cranes in use.

ISO 4301-1 Cranes and lifting appliances — Classification — Part 1: General

Abstract: Establishes a general classification of cranes based on the number of

operating cycles to be carried out during the expected life of the crane and a load
spectrum factor which represents a nominal state of loading. Classification considers
only the operating conditions which are independent of the type of crane and the
way it is driven.

ISO 4301-3 Cranes — Classification — Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Establishes the classification of tower cranes based on the number of

operating cycles to be carried out during the expected life of the appliance and its
mechanisms, and a load spectrum factor which represents the nominal state of

ISO 4306-1 Cranes — Vocabulary — Part 1: General

Abstract: Defines terms concerning the main types of cranes, parameters, general
concepts and component parts in English, French and Russian.

ISO 4306-3 Cranes — Vocabulary — Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Establishes a vocabulary and defines the terms relating to tower cranes.

ISO 4308-1 X Cranes and lifting appliances — Selection of wire ropes — Part 1: General

Abstract: Specifies two methods for the selection of wire rope to be used on lifting
appliances as designated in ISO 4306-1, one based on the value of the rope
selection factor C and the other based on the value of the coefficient of utilisation Zp.

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ISO/TR 27245:2007(E)

ISO 4308-1 establishes the minimum requirements for acceptable strength and
performance levels of wire ropes with respect to the design, application and
maintenance of the lifting appliance. ISO 4308-1 establishes the minimum
requirements for the diameters of drums and sheaves that are to be associated with
the selected wire rope.

ISO 4309 X Cranes — Wire ropes — Care, maintenance, installation, examination and discard

Abstract: Details the essential guidelines for examination of wire ropes in service on
a lifting appliance, and enumerates discard criteria relating to wire breaks, wear,
corrosion and deformation which are to be applied to ensure the efficient and safe
usage of the equipment.

ISO 4310 Cranes — Test code and procedures

Abstract: Specifies the tests and procedures to be followed in order to verify that a
crane conforms to its operational specifications and is capable of lifting rated loads.
Defines test procedures such as conformity tests, visual inspection and lifting
competence testing.

ISO 7296-1 Cranes — Graphical symbols — Part 1: General (including amendment 1)

Abstract: Gives 67 symbols and defines the various colours to be used with cranes.
Contains the alphabetical indexes in English, French and Russian.

ISO 7296-3 Cranes — Graphic symbols — Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Gives symbols and combination of symbols particular to tower cranes.

ISO 7363 Cranes and lifting appliances — Technical characteristics and acceptance

Abstract: Establishes the form of presentation and content of the documents which a
manufacturer should provide with the equipment. Documents give technical
information and include acceptance documents for the equipment to facilitate its
installation, testing and use. Specimen acceptance documents are given in the
annex. Applies to all types defined in ISO 4306-1.

ISO 7752-1 Lifting appliances — Controls — Layout and characteristics — Part 1: General

Abstract: Deals with the arrangement of those crane controls which are used in
positioning loads and serves as a general basis for the elaboration of detailed
International Standards for particular types. It defines basic requirements of these
controls, safe crane operation conditions and criteria for the layout of control levers
and pedals.

ISO 7752-3 Cranes — Controls — Layout and characteristics — Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Establishes the arrangement, requirements and direction of movement of

the basic crane controls for travelling, traversing, slewing, cab driving, lifting, hoisting
and lowering operations for tower cranes as defined in ISO 4306-3.

ISO 8566-1 Cranes — Cabins — Part 1: General

Abstract: Establishes the general requirements for cabin construction, driver's seat,
visibility, control elements, information, noise, vibration, heating and air-conditioning
for cranes as defined in ISO 4306-1.


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ISO/TR 27245:2007(E)

ISO 8566-3 Cranes — Cabins — Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Establishes the requirements for cabin construction, driver's seat, control
elements, heating and cooling for tower cranes as defined in ISO 4306-3.

ISO 8686-1 Cranes — Design principles for loads and load combinations — Part 1: General

Abstract: Establishes general methods for calculating loads and principles to be

used to select load combinations for proof of competence for the structural and
mechanical components for cranes as defined in ISO 4306-1. It is based on rigid-
body kinetic analysis and elasto-static analysis. It provides the general form, content
and range of parameter values for more specific standards and also a framework for
agreement on loads and load combinations between manufacturer and purchaser.

ISO 8686-3 Cranes — Design principles for loads and load combinations — Part 3: Tower

Abstract: Establishes the application of ISO 8686-1 to tower cranes as defined in
ISO 4306-3 and gives specific values for the factors to be used.

ISO 9373 X Cranes and related equipment — Accuracy requirements for measuring parameters
during testing

Abstract: Specifies the principal requirements for instruments and measurement

systems of test loads, distances, time and other relevant parameters for cranes and
related equipment. It gives recommended limit values of relative errors in
measurement during testing.

ISO 9374-1 Cranes — Information to be provided — Part 1: General

Abstract: Specifies, in general, the information to be provided by the purchaser and

the manufacturer so that the most suitable crane can be supplied for the duty
requirements and service conditions. Refers to ISO 4301-1 and ISO 7363.

ISO 9374-3 Cranes — Information to be provided for enquiries, orders, offers and supply —
Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Specifies information to be provided by a purchaser in enquiring about or

ordering a tower crane, and a manufacturer in tendering for supplying a tower crane.

ISO 9926-1 X Cranes — Training of drivers — Part 1: General

Abstract: Specifies the minimum training to be given to trainee drivers of cranes, to

develop basic operational skills and to impart the requisite knowledge for the proper
use of those skills. Does not specify any procedure for evaluating capabilities or
qualifications of the trainees.

ISO 9926-3 X Cranes — Training of drivers — Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Covers the specific subjects considered necessary for training tower crane

ISO 9927-1 X Cranes — Inspections — Part 1: General

Abstract: Specifies the regular inspections to be carried out on cranes as defined in

ISO 4306-1, ISO 4306-2 and ISO 4306-3.

ISO 9927-3 X Cranes — Inspections — Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Specifies the regular inspections to be carried out on tower cranes.

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ISO 9928-1 Cranes — Crane driving manual — Part 1: General

Abstract: Gives guidance on the contents and the presentation of a crane driving
manual which include: technical data, special safety advice, driver's aids and
controls, driver's instructions, load diagrams and load tables, safety devices and
environmental conditions.

ISO 9942-1 Cranes — Information labels — Part 1: General

Abstract: Specifies the minimum requirements for labels for the identification and
operation of cranes.

ISO 9942-3 Cranes — Information labels — Part 3: Tower cranes


Abstract: Gives minimum requirements concerning information labels for tower


ISO 10245-1 Cranes — Limiting and indicating devices — Part 1: General

Abstract: Specifies general requirements for limiting and indicating devices for lifting
appliances that are applicable to loads and motions, performance and environment.
These devices restrict operation and/or provide the driver or other persons with
operational information.

ISO 10245-3 Cranes — Limiting and indicating devices — Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Specifies the requirements for limiting and indicating devices of tower
cranes for loads, motions, performance and environment.

ISO 10972-1 Cranes — Requirements for mechanisms — Part 1: General

Abstract: Establishes requirements which apply generally to mechanisms and

related components of cranes and lifting appliances as described in ISO 4306-1,
ISO 4306-2 and ISO 4306-3.

ISO 10972-3 Cranes — Requirements for mechanisms — Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Establishes requirements which apply generally to mechanisms and

related components of tower cranes.

ISO 10973 Cranes — Spare parts manual

Abstract: Provides guidelines on the general requirements necessary for the

preparation and presentation of spare-parts manuals for cranes.

ISO 11660-1 Cranes — Access, guards and restraints — Part 1: General

Abstract: Establishes the general requirements for access to control stations and
other installations of cranes as defined in ISO 4306-1, during normal operation,
maintenance inspection, erection and dismantling. Guards and restraints are also
dealt with in general, regarding the protection of persons on or near the crane as
related to moving parts, falling objects or live parts.

ISO 11660-3 Cranes — Access, guards and restraints — Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Establishes the particular requirements relating to the access, guards and
restraints for tower cranes as defined in ISO 4306-1 and gives criteria for the
selection of the appropriate equipment under the conditions of use expected of the
tower crane.

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ISO 11994 Cranes — Availability — Vocabulary

Abstract: Establishes the generally accepted terms and definitions relating to

availability of all types of cranes as defined in ISO 4306-1, with the aim of making
contracts and mutual understanding easier. The terms and definitions are to be used
by crane designers, manufacturers, inspecting authorities, users and others.

ISO 12478-1 Cranes — Maintenance manual — Part 1: General


Abstract: Establishes guidelines on the general requirements necessary for the

preparation and presentation of maintenance manuals for cranes.

ISO 12480-1 X Cranes — Safe use — Part 1: General

Abstract: Establishes required practices for the safe use of cranes, including safe
systems of work, management, planning, selection, erection and dismantling,
operation and maintenance of cranes and the selection of drivers, slingers and

ISO 12480-3 X Cranes — Safe use — Part 3: Tower cranes

Abstract: Establishes required practices for the safe use of tower cranes. Subjects
covered include safe systems of work, management, planning, selection, erection
and dismantling, special base, operation and maintenance of tower cranes and the
selection of drivers, slingers and signallers.

ISO 12482-1 X Cranes — Condition monitoring — Part 1: General

Abstract: Ensures that the design constraints of the intended use of a crane are
clearly identified and defines actions to be taken when the crane has been used
over a period of time and has approached these constraints, to ensure a new safe
working period. A description is given of the special assessment required to monitor
the condition of a crane.

ISO 12485 Tower cranes — Stability requirements

Abstract: Specifies the conditions to be met when verifying, by calculation, the

stability of tower cranes that is subject to tipping and drifting.

ISO 13200 Cranes — Safety signs and hazard pictorials — General principles

Abstract: Establishes general principles for the design and application of safety
signs and hazard pictorials permanently affixed to cranes. It describes the basic
safety sign formats, specifies colours for safety signs and provides guidance on
developing the various panels that together constitute a safety sign.

ISO 14518 X Cranes — Requirements for test loads

Abstract: Establishes methods for composition and measurements of test loads and
gives procedures for the application of test loads during the testing of cranes.

ISO 15513 Cranes — Competency requirements for crane drivers (operators), slingers,
signallers and assessors

Abstract: Gives competency requirements applicable for the selection, training,

assessment and verification of crane drivers (operators), slingers, signallers and
their assessors.

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ISO/TS 15696 Cranes — List of equivalent terms

Abstract: Establishes a list of equivalent terms in English, French and Russian of the
most commonly used terms in the field of cranes and defined or listed in
International Standards developed by ISO Technical Committee ISO/TC 96. This
Technical Specification contains terms concerning the main types of crane,
parameters, general concepts and component parts.

ISO 23853 X Cranes — Training of slingers and signallers

Abstract: Specifies the minimum training to be given to trainee crane slingers and
crane signallers to develop the basic slinging skills and to impart knowledge for
competency required for slingers and signallers

2.2 Additional international standards useful for tower cranes

2.2.1 General

ISO 12100-1 Safety of machinery — Basic concepts, general principles for design — Part 1: Basic
terminology, methodology

Abstract: Defines basic terminology and specifies general design methods, to assist
designers and manufacturers in achieving safety in the design of machinery.

ISO 12100-2 Safety of machinery — Basic concepts, general principles for design — Part 2:
Technical principles

Abstract: Intended to be used with ISO 12100-1 when considering the solution to a
specific problem. The two parts of ISO 12100 can be used independently of other

2.2.2 IEC standards for electrical requirements

IEC 60204-32 Safety of machinery — Electrical equipment of machines — Part 32: Requirements
for hoisting machines

Abstract: Applies to equipment or parts of equipment not exceeding 1 000 V a.c. or

1 500 V d.c. between lines, and with nominal frequencies not exceeding 200 Hz.
Additional and special requirements can apply to the electrical equipment of hoisting
machines that are used in potentially explosive and/or flammable atmospheres. It
does not cover individual items of electrical equipment other than their selection for
use and their erection.

2.2.3 ISO standards for acoustics

ISO 3744 Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise
sources using sound pressure — Engineering method in an essentially free field
over a reflecting plane

Abstract: Specifies a method of measurement. Gives requirements for the test

environment and instrumentation, as well as techniques for obtaining the surface
sound pressure level from which the sound power level of the source is calculated,
leading to results which have a grade 2 accuracy.

ISO 4871 Acoustics — Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and

Abstract: Gives information on the declaration of noise emission values, describes

acoustical information to be presented in technical documents and specifies a
method for verifying the noise emission declaration.


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ISO 11203 Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Determination of

emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions
from the sound power level

Abstract: Specifies two methods for determining the emission sound pressure levels
of machinery and equipment at a work station and at other specified positions
nearby, by calculation from the sound power level. Permits the comparison of the
sound power of different units of a given family of machinery.

ISO/TR 11688-1 Acoustics — Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and
equipment — Part 1: Planning

Abstract: Serves as an aid to understanding the basic concepts of noise control in

machinery and equipment. The recommended practice presented is intended to
assist the designer at any design stage to control the noise of the final product.
Makes references to numerous technical publications dealing with acoustical

2.2.4 Graphical symbols

ISO 3864-1 Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Part 1: Design principles
for safety signs in workplaces and public areas

Abstract: Establishes the safety identification colours and design principles for safety
signs to be used in workplaces and in public areas for the purpose of accident
prevention, fire protection, health hazard information and emergency evacuation. It
also establishes the basic principles to be applied when developing standards
containing safety signs.

ISO 3864-2 Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Part 2: Design principles
for product safety labels

Abstract: Establishes additional principles to ISO 3864-1 for the design of safety
labels for products, i.e. any items manufactured and offered for sale in the normal
course of commerce, including but not limited to consumer products and industrial
equipment. The purpose of a product safety label is to alert persons to a specific
hazard and to identify how the hazard can be avoided.

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Annex A

Standards not applicable to tower cranes


This Annex mentions International Standards which are not applicable to tower cranes, even if the scope does
not exclude them explicitly.

ISO 4302 Cranes — Wind load assessment

Abstract: Gives a simplified method of calculation and assumes that the wind blows
horizontally from any direction, that the wind blows at a constant velocity and that
there is a static reaction to the loadings applying to the crane structure. Includes
built-in allowances for the effects of gusting (rapid changes in wind velocity) and for
dynamic response.

ISO 4304 Cranes other than mobile and floating cranes — General requirements for stability

Abstract: Specifies the conditions to be met when verifying, by calculation, the

stability of all crane types defined in ISO 4306-1 that are subject to tilting. It
assumes that they are standing on a firm, level supporting surface or track. The
sliding of cranes on their tracks is not covered.

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ISO/TR 27245:2007(E)


[1] EN 14439, Cranes — Safety — Tower cranes

[2] FEM 1.001, Rules for the design of hoisting appliances

[3] FEM 1.004, Recommendation for the calculation of tower crane structures in out-of service condition

[4] AS 1418.4, Cranes, hoists and winches — Tower cranes

[5] AS 2550.4, Cranes, hoists and winches — Safe use — Tower cranes

[6] BS 7121:1, Code of practice for safe use of cranes — Part 1: General

[7] BS 7121:2, Code of practice for safe use of cranes — Part 2: Inspection, testing and examination

[8] BS 7121:5, Code of practice for safe use of cranes — Part 5: Tower cranes

[9] ASME B30.3-2004, Construction Tower Cranes


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