Sample UOW Assignment
Sample UOW Assignment
Sample UOW Assignment
Why it is important
A solid understanding of right-angled trigonometry is particularly nesscary for students
considering Mathematics Advanced or higher for Stage 6. For example, the calculus topics
(NESA, 2012). Furthermore, trigonometry has various current day applications in a number of
fields such as physics, digital design and navigation.
How Trigonometry will be adapted to suit the need and abilities of my class
Mathematically talented students
I will seek to extend and challenge these students as they learn trigonometry and not provide
repetitious tasks (Goos, et al., 2017, p. 364). Opportunities to collaborate with other
mathematically talent students (e.g. Lesson 3 group activity) along with progressing them
towards completing higher-order-thinking tasks (e.g. generalising trigonometric ratios in the
ICT task for Lesson 1 and 2) will be provided (Cavanagh & Prescott, 2015, pp. 164-165).
Students with learning difficulties in mathematics
Literature suggests that these students learn best through “explicit teaching and inquiry
approaches” (Goos, et al., 2017, p. 356). As a result, trigonometric ratios are introduced through
investigation of side length ratios in similar right-angled triangles in Lesson 1 and 2 as opposed
to rote learning. Further, explicit teaching is used throughout. For example, a think-aloud is
used in Lesson 3 to model how to deconstruct and solve word-based problems.
Indigenous students
Many of these students come from a LBOTE, hence similar adjustments are made as above
(Cavanagh & Prescott, 2015, p. 161). Additionally, many (not all) prefer to learn through
observation, trial-and-error, and hands-on/real-life situations (Cavanagh & Prescott, 2015, p.
162). This is catered for by using an inquiry-based approach to learning trigonometry and with
various outdoor activities in Lessons 4 and 5 where students solve real-life problems.
Furthermore, storytelling is used as a pedagogical tool to introduce these activities (Garvis &
Pramling, 2017, pp. 45-58).
and extra parts for these questions. Inquiry and problem-based learning through open-ended
tasks and teacher questions are also used that invite correct responses at different levels (Goos,
et al., 2017, pp. 346-349). The outdoor activities in Lesson 4 and 5 are examples of this.
Often, an over-emphasis is placed on rote-learning trigonometry which leads to numerous
misconceptions in the long-term, including misconceptions about trigonometric ratios and side
names (Gür, 2009, p. 68). As a result, ICT is used, particularly in Lesson 1 and 2, in order for
students to observe and visualise the patterns of what happens to the ratios of side lengths for
right-angled triangles when the dimensions are changed. This inquiry-based approach fosters
a rigorous understanding (Goos, et al., 2017, pp. 78-90).
Formative Assessment
Various types of formative assessment are used to “advance students’ learning and [inform my]
instructional decisions” (Goos, et al., 2017, p. 139). Through this, I can identify where each
student is at and hence, effectively pace the unit of work to meet the needs of my students. This
is done through various informal methods such as exit tickets, “do-now” activities, think-pair-
shares and teacher questioning (Goos, et al., 2017, p. 147). Furthermore, a rich assessment will
be used at the end of Lesson 5 following the “height of a flag pole” activity (Goos, et al., 2017,
p. 150).
Classroom discussion
Classroom discussions are used as an opportunity to summarise new ideas along with involving
members of the class by giving students an opportunity to share their problem-solving
strategies with each other such as the Trig River activity in Lesson 4 (Cavanagh & Prescott,
2015, p. 106).
Summary Duration
In this unit, students will use their knowledge of ratios and similar triangles to observe the 5 weeks
consistency of side/side ratios of similar right-angled triangles. This will be used to introduce Twelve 50-minute lessons
trigonometric ratios, and students will be able to use this knowledge to solve a wide range of
problems including practical problems such as finding the height of objects and using compass
bearings to find the distance of a journey.
Unit overview
Lesson 1: Identifying sides of a right-angled triangle and investigating consistency of side/side ratios of similar right-angled triangle
Lesson 2: Introducing trigonometric notation and linking to side/side ratios of similar right-angled triangles
Lesson 3: Finding unknown sides of a right-angled triangle
Lesson 4: Finding the distance across a river using trigonometry
Lesson 5: Finding the height of a flag pole using trigonometry
Lesson 6-7: Angles of depression/elevation and finding angles
Lesson 8-9: Using degrees and minutes
Lesson 10-12: Understanding and solving problems involving bearings
› MA5.2-1WM selects appropriate notations and conventions to communicate mathematical Summative Assessment:
ideas and solutions › Mid-unit project
› MA5.2-2WM interprets mathematical or real-life situations, systematically applying appropriate › End of unit test
strategies to solve problems
› MA5.2-13MG applies trigonometry to solve problems, including problems involving bearings
Students to work independently. C
Students with learning difficulties in mathematics:
▪ When labelling sides, help them break down the process. First find
the hypotenuse. Then the side opposite of angle and finally, the
4cm B
side adjacent of angle
Low-literacy and EAL/D students:
4. Using the above question, what does it mean for two
▪ Ensure they have understanding of key words: hypotenuse, side
opposite of angle and side adjacent to angle triangles to be similar.
▪ Help with understanding Task 2, repeat what they have to do with
this task
Mathematically talented students:
Introduction to Trigonometry ICT Investigation Task
▪ Ask questions such as: “How can you be sure you are right?”
▪ Extend and challenge them using Task 3.
Exit Card [5mins]: Before students leave, get them to fill a card asking to
label the sides of a right-angle triangle given a specific angle. Use this
to check for understanding.
Use similarity to investigate the constancy of Lesson 2 Intentions Initial problem-solving activity:
the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for a given angle in right-angled Students will be able to:
triangles (ACMMG223)
› Define sine, cosine and tangent ratios for right-angled triangles
› label the side lengths of a right-angled triangle in relation to a › Use a calculator to approximate trigonometric ratios for a given Find the height of the building:
given angle, eg side c is opposite angle C angle
› define the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for angles in right- › Begin solving right-angled triangle problems to find unknown
angled triangles sides when given a diagram
› Begin to use trigonometric notation
› use trigonometric notation, eg sinC
Height = ?
Teaching strategies:
› use a calculator to find approximations of the trigonometric-
ratios for a given angle measured in degrees
› Use of geometric software
› Open-ended questions
Apply trigonometry to solve right-angled triangle problems
› Differentiated worksheets
› Building on prior knowledge
› › Think aloud
select and use appropriate trigonometric ratios in right-angled 𝜃
triangles to find unknown sides, including the hypotenuse › Glossary
20m 10m
Lesson Outline
Initial Problem-solving Activity [10mins]: Give students 10 minutes to
solve the problem on the board written below. They can work with their
shoulder partner. Provide scaffolding for students who need it.
Examples are:
▪ What is the question asking us to do?
NSW Education Standards Authority – Program Builder –
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the NSW Education Standards Authority for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright. 3
▪ How can we use similar triangles to solve this problem?
Ask students to get their calculators out, and show them the sin, cos
and tan buttons. Find sin(30o), cos(60o) and tan (45o) to check students
can use their calculators and that they are all in degrees mode. Prepare
them for the investigation task by discussing how we are going to
explore what these functions represent. Hand out worksheet and ask
students to get their laptops out and work through the sheet. For those
who attempted Task 3 in the previous lesson, hand out 2nd
differentiated worksheet instead as shown in resources.
Again, use scaffolding questions if needed.
Get students to copy this down. And provide the glossary of key terms
for student (focus on EAL/D and low literacy students). Emphasise the
importance of knowing what this actually means and tell students this
is why we spent the last two lessons investigating these relationships
without the names.
Worked Example [10mins]: Get the class thinking about how they can
use this new knowledge to solve problems. Put the following question
up on the board. Allow students to use glossary.:
Exit Card
Provide hints and scaffolding such as: angle 𝜃
▪ Have you tried labelling the sides?
▪ What trig ratio has this angle and these given sides? 𝜃
▪ How can you rearrange this equation to solve for ?
Side adjacent to angle 𝜃
Afterwards, discuss the answer to the above question using a think- sin 𝜃 =
aloud and introduce the following process for finding an unknown side:
▪ Redraw the triangle
▪ Find the position and value of the given angle cos 𝜃 =
▪ Label the sides of the right-angle triangle based off the angle
▪ Identify which trig. ratio to use based off the unknown and
the known sides. Write this down tan 𝜃 =
▪ Rearrange the equation to solve for the unknown
Exit Card [5mins]: Again, get students to fill out the following exit class Do these values change for similar triangles? Explain.
before leaving for formative assessment. Shows understanding of
trigonometric ratios, and how it is fixed for similar right-angled
triangles when considering the same angle.
Lead this into discussing how trigonometry can be used to solve 3. Find 𝑦 correct to 2 decimal places.
practical problems for 7 minutes. Put up the following question on the
board. “How do we go about solving such a problem?”
Using a think-aloud, model the following steps necessary to solve a
word problem:
▪ Reading the problem and finding key words. Then translating
the description of the question into a diagram … in this case 7
a triangle.
▪ Labelling what the question is asking us to find. “What is the 5. BONUS: Find the length of XY correct to 1 decimal place.
problem asking me to do?”
▪ Solve for these variables using the skills we know [p.430, Cambridge university press, David Greenwood, 2014]
▪ Use this to answer the question. “Does my answer make
Ask the following questions as you assist students: Group Literacy Problem Solving Activity
▪ What strategy is your group using to solve this problem?
▪ Can you describe how this diagram relates to the problem?
▪ Is your answer reasonable? Is there a way to check it?
Teaching strategies:
› Open-ended problem-solving tasks
› Storytelling
› Scaffolding
› Demonstration
Lesson Outline
Group Problem-solving Activity [10mins]: Give students 10 minutes at Group Literacy Problem Solving Activity
the start to finish off the group problem-solving activity from the
previous lesson. Continue asking them questions listed in last lesson
outline. For those who have finished, ask them to continue writing each
other word problems to solve.
Then introduce the next activity as being scenario as we’re a town who
want to build a bridge over the river, and the town is trying to figure
out how long to make this bridge which requires knowledge of the
distance across the river. Communicate that this can be done using
trigonometry, and that we are going to solve this problem using a
protractor and a trundle wheel. Remind students how to use these tools
through an up-the-front demonstration.
Group Incursion Activity [30mins]: Split class into mixed-ability groups Trig River Group Incursion Activity Worksheet
of 3 (done previously). One person from each group to collect a
protractor, trundle wheel and initial problem sheet. Get a student to
read out the intro paragraph on the problem sheet.
Trig River
Starting points
For groups who bring an answer to you, ask following questions to the
▪ How did your group reach this solution?
▪ How do you know your answer is reasonable?
Head back to the classroom with 5 minutes to spare. Get a group who
were on the right track to present their solution. Give a small prize to
the group that was closest to the solution. Afterward, discuss how next
lesson we’ll be doing a similar activity with a short-written task
› use a calculator to find an angle correct to the nearest degree, Lesson 5 Intentions
Students will be able to:
given one of the trigonometric ratios for the angle
▪ Use clinometers, trundle wheels and trigonometry to find the
height of a flag pole
▪ Have an attempt at communicating, reasoning and justifying their
problem-solving strategies
Teaching strategies:
› Rich assessment task
› Open-ended measuring and problem-solving task
› Scaffolding
› Demonstration
Lesson Outline
NSW Education Standards Authority – Program Builder –
Program Builder contains NSW syllabus content prepared by the NSW Education Standards Authority for and on behalf of the State of New South Wales which is protected by Crown copyright. 8
Explanation of Task [5 mins]: Explain how similar to the last lesson, we’ll
be solving a practical problem outside using trigonometry in the same
groups of 3. The first 20 minutes will be having time to do
measurements and the next 25 minutes will be doing calculations
individually. Inform that I will collect these and look over them in the
future to determine where everyone is at with their learning. Do not
reveal the problem, but rather discuss that the groups will need to
decipher the problem by themselves.
Rich Formative Assessment Task [25 mins]: Gather everyone back to the
class. Hand out the task. To be worked on individually by students in “How High is That Pole?” – Formative Assessment Task
silence. Encourage students to answer the 1st optional question if they
get stuck with the other questions in the task, as it will help scaffold
them. Provide dummy results if a student asks for them during the task,
take record of this.
› select and use appropriate trigonometric ratios in right-angled Lessons 6-7 Using trigonometry to find angles:
triangles to find unknown angles correct to the nearest degree › [various questions]
Solve right-angled triangle problems, including those involving angles-
of-elevation-and-depression (ACMMG245) Angles of elevation and depression:
o connect the alternate angles formed when parallel lines qMkf5ZRmzchN.pdf [angle of elevation and depression
depression (Reasoning)
› interpret three-figure bearings (eg 035°, 225°) and compass Lesson 10 - 12 › Bearing partner exercise [Where am I?]:
bearings (eg SSW)
o interpret directions given as bearings and represent
them in diagrammatic form (Communicating, › Making a compass:
› solve a variety of practical problems involving bearings, including a-homemade-compass/
problems for which a diagram is not provided › Finding the bearing game:
o draw diagrams to assist in solving practical problems
involving bearings (Communicating, Problem
o check the reasonableness of solutions to problems
involving bearings (Problem Solving)
a) Now, label the sides of right-angle triangle below. Label the hypotenuse first.
Word Bank:
𝜃 ▪ Hypotenuse
▪ side opposite angle 𝜃
▪ side adjacent to angle 𝜃
a) Move the white dots. What do you notice about the value of ? How is this
related to ratios?
b) What happens to the value of when you move the blue slider and change
the angle?
c) Click the other two “Look at this …” boxes and repeat the above questions.
What do you notice?
Task 3 [for early finishers]: Keep the above link open and open this link as well:
a) Change the sliders on both apps such that the angle is the same in both
triangles. Compare the output ratios of both apps. What can you say about
sin 𝜃, cos 𝜃and tan 𝜃?
LESSON 2 RESOURCES [Self-made resource]
Use the link above to create right-angled triangles with different angles and
fill out the table below. Give all answers to 2 decimal places.
Q4: What do you notice about the last two columns for each question?
LESSON 2 RESOURCES [Self-made resource]
Investigation of Sine, Cosine and Tangent
Use the link above to create right-angled triangles with different angles and fill out the table below. Give all answers to 2 decimal places.
𝜃 = 28𝑜
Q2: Using the above table, write an equation for sin 𝜃, cos 𝜃 𝑎𝑛𝑑 tan 𝜃 in terms of the sides of a right-angled triangle
Q3: Hence, find the value of sin α, cos 𝛼 𝑎𝑛𝑑 tan 𝛼 for the right-angled triangle below.
𝛼 Alan
LESSON 2 RESOURCES [Self-made resource]
Trigonometry Glossary
LESSON 3 RESOURCES [Adapted from (Palmer, Greenwood, Woolley, Goodman, & Vaughan, 2018)]
a) Label the sides of the right-angled triangle (hypotenuse, opposite and adjacent to angle 21𝑜 )
b) Which side is the vertical distance travelled? Which side is the horizontal distance travelled?
c) Using trigonometric ratios, find the vertical distance travelled to the nearest metre.
d) Using trigonometric ratios, find the horizontal distance travelled to the nearest metre.
Problem 1 (Challenging):
LESSON 3 RESOURCES [Adapted from (Palmer, Greenwood, Woolley, Goodman, & Vaughan, 2018)]
A 5-metre-long ladder is leaning against a vertical wall. It makes an angle of 65𝑜 with the ground.
This is shown in the diagram below:
with wall
up wall
a) Label the sides of the diagram with hypotenuse, adjacent and opposite to angle 65𝑜 .
b) How high up the wall does the ladder reach? Answer to 2 decimal places.
c) How far is the bottom of the ladder from the wall? Answer to 2 decimal places.
Problem 2 (Challenging):
A 5m long ladder, leaning against a vertical wall makes an angle of 65𝑜 with the ground.
b) How high up the wall does the ladder reach? Answer to 2 decimal places.
c) How far is the foot of the ladder from the wall? Answer to 2 decimal places.
LESSON 3 RESOURCES [Adapted from (Palmer, Greenwood, Woolley, Goodman, & Vaughan, 2018)]
Problem 3:
A 5-metre-long ladder is leaning against a vertical wall. It makes an angle of 30𝑜 with the wall. This
is shown in the diagram below:
30𝑜 Wall
a) Label the sides of the diagram with hypotenuse, adjacent and opposite to angle 30𝑜 .
b) How high up the wall does the ladder reach? Answer to 2 decimal places.
c) How far is the bottom of the ladder from the wall? Answer to 2 decimal places.
LESSON 4 RESOURCES [Self-made/Adapted from (TeachEngineering, 2019)]
Reference Point
Reference Point
Starting Points
Problem: Your group has been hired by the Department of Education to measure the
height of your school’s flag pole. Using a clinometer, trundle wheel, measuring tape
and a little bit of trigonometry, find the height of the flag pole as indicated below in
the diagram.
Find this
Question 1 [OPTIONAL]
a) Label the sides of the following right-angled triangle using the word bank.
Word Bank:
▪ Hypotenuse
▪ Side Opposite Angle 𝜃
𝜃 ▪ Side Adjacent to Angle 𝜃
Question 2: A student in another school also tried to measure the height of their
school’s flag pole. Their measurements are shown in the diagram below:
Height of
flag pole
10 metres
a) On the diagram, label the hypotenuse, side opposite angle 50o and side
adjacent to angle 50o.
b) Using trigonometry, find the height of the flag pole, to the nearest metre
[Raise your hand if the measurements you took were inadequate. Extra
measurements will be provided]
Find this
a) Describe the strategy your group used for finding the height of the flag pole.
b) Use trigonometry to find the height of the flag pole. HINT: Question 2 may
assist you.
c) Why did we need to measure the height of the student who used the
Question 4: We are told that a height of a flag pole is 10 metres. Currently we are 10
metres from the base of the flag pole. We are asked to find the angle (𝜃) as shown in
the diagram below:
this metres
10 metres
a) Write a trigonometric ratio that includes the angle and the two side lengths
c) For the following flagpole. Is the value of the angle 𝛼 the same as angle 𝜃?
Why/why not?
2 metres
Cavanagh, M., & Prescott, A. (2015). Your professional experience handbook: A guide for preservice
teachers (1st ed.). Melbourne: Pearson Australia.
Department of Education. (2018). Cognitive load theory in practice: Examples for the classroom.
Retrieved May 4, 2019, from Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation:
Gür, H. (2009). Trigonometry Learning. New Horizons in Education, 57(1), 67-80.
Garvis, S., & Pramling, N. (2017). Narratives in Early Childhood Education: Communication, Sense
Making and Lived Experience (1st ed.). New York: Routledge.
Goos, M., Vale, C., Stillmann, G., Makar, K., Herbert, S., & Geiger, V. (2017). Teaching secondary
school mathematics: Research and practice for the 21st century (2nd ed.). Sydney: Allen &
NESA. (2012). NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics K-10 Syllabus. Retrieved
May 1, 2019, from Mathematics K–10 Syllabus (2012):
Palmer, S., Greenwood, D., Woolley, S., Goodman, J., & Vaughan, J. (2018). CambridgeMATHS
NSW Year 10 5.1/5.2/5.3 Second Edition (2nd ed.). Port Melbourne, VIC: Cambridge
University Press.
Student Success Implementation Branch. (2015). Knowing and Responding to Learners in
Mathematics. Retrieved May 4, 2019, from EduGains:
TeachEngineering. (2019). Hands-on Activity: Trig River. Retrieved May 3, 2019, from Teach
Windle, J., & Miller, J. (2012). Approaches to teaching low literacy refugee-background students.
Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 35 (3), 317-333.