Preah Karuna Preah Bat Sâmdach Preah Bâromneath Norodom Sihamoni Saman
Bhumichat Sasana Rakkhata Khattiya Khmeraratrat Putthintra Mohaksat Khemareacheana
Samuhobhas Kampuchea Ekareacharath Bureanasanti Subheamagala Sirivibunla Khmera
Sri Bireat
Preah Chao Krung Kampuchea Dhibodi
Law on Electronic Commerce which was enacted by the National Assembly on 8 October
2019 at its third plenary session off the sixth legislature, and entirely reviewed and
approved by the Senate on its form and legal concept on 18 October 2019 at its
extraordinary session of the fourth legislature, with the following content:
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Chapter 1
General Provisions
Article 1: Purposes
The purposes of this law are as follows:
1. To govern electronic commerce in the Kingdom of Cambodia and with the international;
2. To create legal certainty in the civil and commercial transactions by electronic system;
3. To give confidence to the public in the usage of electronic communication.
Article 2: Goals
The goals of this law are as follows:
1. To determine the authenticity, perfection and reliability of an electronic form;
2. To promote the development of legal and business framework in order to conduct safe
electronic commerce;
3. To prevent and enforce against acts which are harmful to data and information systems;
4. To eliminate obstacles which hinder electronic commerce and which created by the
uncertainty of requirements of written documents and signature;
5. To facilitate electronic filing of documents with public institutions and promote an efficient
delivery of services of public institutions through the use of reliable electronic records; and
6. To establish rules, regulations and standards regarding the authenticity and perfection of
electronic records.
Article 3: Scope
This law shall apply to all activities, documents and civil and commercial transactions that are
made via electronic system except for the activities, documents and transactions relating to:
1.Formation or enforcement of Power of Attorney;
2.Formation or execution of a testament, codicil or other matters relating to succession;
3. Any contract for sale, transfer or disposition of rights to immovable property or any
interests in such property;
4. Transfer of immovable property or any interests relating to the immovable property; and
5. Any other exceptions as provided for by Sub-Decree.
Article 4: Definitions
All important terms use in this law are defined in the glossary found in the annex of this law.
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Chapter 2
Validity of Electronic Communications
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1. Contains the same information or substantially the same information as prescribed form;
2. Is accessible, intelligible, and retrievable for subsequent use; and
3. Can be retained by the person who received the information.
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signature in the contract or any transaction as agreed between the parties; or
b. Set additional requirements in relation to form or authenticity of the contract or the
transaction as agreed between the parties.
Chapter 3
Electronic Communications Process
Article 15: Time and place of dispatch and receipt of information in electronic
1. Information in an electronic communication is deemed dispatched when:
a. The information leaves the information system that is under the control of the originator
or of the party who sent it on behalf of the originator; or
b. In case that the information is sent but it has not left the information system that is under
the control of the originator or of the party who sent it on behalf of the originator, the
information is deemed that it is dispatched when such information is received at any
2. Information in an electronic communication is deemed to be dispatched from the place of
business of the originator, no matter where it is dispatched.
3. The time of receipt of an information is the time when the information becomes capable of
being retrieved by the addressee at the electronic address designated by the addressee. The
information is deemed to be received at the place where the addressee has its place of
4. If a specific electronic address has not been provided by the addressee, the time of receipt of
an information is the time when the addressee becomes aware of the dispatch and
retrievability at any electronic address and the information is deemed to be received at the
place of business of the recipient.
5. If the electronic address is provided by the addressee, the information in the electronic
communication is deemed to be received when it reaches the electronic address of the
addressee, and is deemed to be received at the place where the addressee has its place of
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Article 18: Error of information input in electronic communication
Where a natural person makes an information input error in an electronic communication with the
automated system of another party, and the automated system does not provide the person with an
opportunity to correct the input error, that person, or the party on whose behalf that person was
acting, has the right to make correction or withdraw the input error in case:
1. The person notifies the other party of the error as soon as possible after having learned of
the error, and indicates that he had made an error in the electronic communication; and
2. The person has not benefitted in any way from the error, prior to notification to the other
party, and has not caused any damages of interest to the other party or any third party.
The provision as stated in this Article shall not be applicable to the securities sector.
Chapter 4
Secure Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures
Chapter 5
Intermediaries and Electronic Commerce Service Providers
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provider to be free from:
a. Any obligation established pursuant to a law or legal norms /regulations;
b. Any obligation to comply with an order or direction of a court or other competent
authority; or
c. Any contractual obligation.
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Article 26: Provision of issuance of a permission letter or a license
1. An intermediary and an electronic commerce service provider shall request for a permission
letter or a license from the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Posts and
2. The Ministry of Commerce provides a permission letter or a license including:
a. A permission letter to operate an electronic business for a natural person.
b. A license to allow the operation of electronic commerce service provision for a legal
3. The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications shall provide an online service
4. The exception, the determination of type for license, the formalities, and the procedure of
providing a permission or license shall be determined by a sub-decree.
Article 27: Professional code of conduct and regulations on intermediaries and electronic
commerce service providers
1. An intermediary or an electronic commerce service provider shall comply with the
approved professional code of conduct and regulations relating to electronic commerce
determined by inter-ministerial Prakas between the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry
of Posts and Telecommunications.
2. The professional code of conduct referred to the provisions in paragraph (1) shall be
determined and prepared by the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Posts and
Telecommunications in cooperation with the relevant competent ministries-institutions and
related parties.
Chapter 6
Consumer Protection
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Chapter 7
Government Activities and Transactions via Electronic System
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a. Where evidence is adduced that supports a fact finding/confirming that the
electronic system or other similar instrument was operating properly is when the
electronic recording is presumably recorded and stored or when it is used as
evidence or in the event that the electronic system or other similar instrument was
not operating properly or not working at all but the perfection of the electronic
record was not affected by such circumstances, and there are no other reasonable
grounds to doubt the perfection of the record;
b. Where it is established that the electronic record was recorded or stored by a party to
the proceedings who is adverse in interest to the party seeking to introduce it as
evidence in accordance with legal procedures; or
c. Where it is established that the electronic record was recorded or stored in the usual
and ordinary course of business by a person who is not a party to the proceedings
and who did not record or store it under the control of the party seeking to
use/introduce the electronic record as evidence in the proceedings in accordance
with legal procedures.
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Article 43: Violation of Coding
Any person shall not encode in electronic communications via electronic system which is an
evidence that could lead to an accusation or encode the data or evidence in electronic system in
relation to an offense.
Chapter 9
Electronic Payments and/or Electronic Funds Transfers
2. The National Bank of Cambodia shall be the competent authority to formulate regulations
relating to electronic payment.
2. Before executing an electronic fund transfer, the payment service providers shall clearly
identify the customers identit and re-authenticate the electronic fund transfer. The
payment service providers shall be held liable in the following cases:
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3. The payment service providers shall not be held liable in case of force majeure event or
customers defaults.
4. In the case where the payment service providers are to be held liable, the service providers
shall reimburse to the customer no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of receiving
the notification of the customer as defined in Article 48 of this law the transaction fee,
charges, and a fi ne for late payment resulting from this transaction, without accounting
for damages which may be suffered by the customer.
5. Any person shall not, without authorization, issue a card or transform the card into
another form different from that of the original in bad faith for forgery or cheating
purposes, which could cause damage/injury to another person.
Chapter 10
Competency, complaint and Procedures for a Fine
In case where a person refuses to comply with above measures, the Ministry of Commerce and
the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications may refer the case to the competent court.
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decision within 30 (thirty) days at the latest.
3. Any person who are not satisfied with the decision of the Minister of Commerce and the
Minister of Posts and Telecommunications shall have the rights to lodge their complaint
to the competent court of the Kingdom of Cambodia within 30 (thirty) days at the latest
from the date of receipt of the notification of the decision.
Chapter 11
If any person used to be subjected to the measure prescribed in paragraph 1 already, and the same
offence has been committed, he/she shall be punishable by an imprisonment from 1 (one) year to 3
(three) years and a fine from 2,000,000 (two million) Riel to 6,000,000 (six million) Riel.
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Article 57: Offence for Failure to Comply with the Provision Regarding Minimum
Information in Electronic Commerce
To be subjected to a written warning for those who act in violation of the provisions in paragraph 1
and paragraph 2 of Article 29.
Where the written warning was once given, but the same offence as prescribed in paragraph 1
above has been committed, the license or the authorization of the electronic commerce provider
shall be suspended or revoked.
Where the written warning was once given, but the same offence has been committed as set forth in
paragraph 1 above, the licensed or authorized of an intermediary or the electronic commerce
service provider shall be suspended or revoked or disable the media or closed down the electronic
medium of the originator.
Article 59: Offence for Electronic System Forgery and Malicious Code
To be punishable by an imprisonment from 6 (six) months to 3 (three) years and a fine from
1,000,000 (one million) Riel to 6,000,000 (six million) Riel for those who act in violation of the
provisions of Article 31.
Article 60: Offence for Failure to Comply with Data Protection Obligations
To be punishable by an imprisonment from 1 (one) year to 2 (two) years and a fine from 2,000,000
(two million) Riel to 4,000,000 (four million) Riel for those who store information in an electronic
form for a personal purpose, which is contrary to the provision of paragraph 1 of Article 32.
To be punishable by an imprisonment from 1 (one) year to 2 (two) years and a fine from 2,000,000
(two million) Riel to 4,000,000 (four million) Riel for those who act in violation of the provision of
paragraph 2 of Article 32.
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Article 64: Offence for Electronic Payment Instrument Forgery
To be punishable by an imprisonment from 1 (one) year to 3 (three) years and a fine from
2,000,000 (two million) Riel to 6,000,000 (six million) Riel for those who act in violation of the
provision of paragraph 5 of Article 47.
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Chapter 12
Final Provision
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11. Electronic Address means any number or addressee which is used for sending or
receiving notifications, documents, information or electronic communication.
12. Authenticit refers to an accuracy and credibility of electronic communications.
13. Electronic commerce refers to activities involving purchase, sale, rental, exchange of
goods or services, including business activities and civil as well as activities and
various transactions by the state through electronic system.
14. Electronic Pa ment Instrument means any cards/payment cards or any payment
instruments which is in an electronic form and has function to make a cash payment.
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15. Electronic communication means information which is communicated, processed, recorded,
displayed, created, stored, received or transmitted by electronic means.
16. Electronic device means any devices designed to manage, control, and operate through
electronic system.
17. Electronic evidence means any information, data or documents which are created, stored,
sent or received in electronic format or electronic communication for being used to prove facts
in legal proceedings, and such information, data or documents shall be authentic in accordance
with the e-Commerce Law.
18. Electronic form refers to form of information, data or document which are created,
sent/transmitted, received or stored in electronic system.
19. Electronic fund transfer means any transaction which is conducted through an electronic
fund transfer counter or via any movable electronic devices or via electronic devices of similar
functions in order to instruct banking and financial institutions to debit or credit an account.
20. Electronic record refers to a record which is made, communicated, received, stored or
processed in an electronic system or which is for transmission from one electronic system to
21. Electronic commerce service provider means a person who uses electronic means to supply
goods and/or services except for insurance establishments.
22. Electronic signature means any signatures which are created through electronic means for
using to identify the signatory, including digital signature, biometric signature and other
23. Electronic s stem refers to an electronic device or a group of devices interconnected or
inter-related via an electronic program, which may perform automatic processing of data,
information or documents, including electronic devices for the storage of such data,
information or documents.
24. Information s stem refers to a system for generating, sending, receiving, storing or
otherwise processing electronic records.
25. Intermediar refers to a person who providing services, sending, receiving, transmitting or
storing services, either on a temporary or permanent basis, of the electronic communication or
provides other services relating to the electronic communication, including the following
1. A person representing the sender, receiver, transmitter, or the custodian;
2. Telecommunication service providers;
3. Network service providers;
4. Internet service providers;
5. Search engines providers;
6. Online payment service providers;
7. Online auction service providers;
8. Online marketplaces service providers and internet commerce service provider.
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26. Issuer refers to banking and financial institutions or any person who obtained approval to
issues a payment card.
27. Malicious code refers to a program or a hidden function of a program that infects data,
information or documents by or without leaving any trace/mark of the virus in the infected
electronic file, and the virus is capable of spreading over the system with or without human
28. Originator refers to a party or a representative who initiates the operation to create, store or
transmit data via electronic means, excluding the intermediary.
29. Pa ment Service Provider refers to banking and financial institutions or any other person
who is authorized by or obtained the license from the National Bank of Cambodia to operate
the payment system, issue electronic payment instrument or electronic means of payment or to
conduct any operations considered to be an electronic payment to the public.
30. Place of business refers to:
(a) A place indicated by the sender or addressee, unless there is a party who claims
otherwise that the sender or addressee does not have the place of business in the
area where they claim to be.
(b) If any party has not specifically indicated his place of business, and such party has
more than one place of business, the place of business shall be then the one which
has the closest relationship with the contract involved, taking into consideration the
circumstances known to or examined by the party any time before or during the
time of executing the contract.
(c) For a natural person who has no place of business, the place of business shall be
their permanent address.
The followings shall not be a place of business of a party:
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34. Securit procedure refers to a procedure which is established by law or a contract or a
decision of any party, and is applied for the purpose of:
(a) Verifying that the signature, communication or transaction in the electronic system
is belong to particular person, or
(b) Detecting error or alteration in the communication, or in the place where the
electronic record is stored from any specific period of time.
The above security procedure may require the use of algorithms formula or codes, identifying
words or numbers, coding, answerback (secret question) or acknowledgment of any procedures,
or similar security devices.
35. Writing/written refers to any information or other records which is written, inscribed or
printed on paper or other materials.
36. Email or Electronic Message refers to message or information which is created or sent or
received from electronic system, indulging attachments in texts, image, sound, video, and any
electronic record which can be transmitted with the message.
37. Succession or Will refers to the assignment of right and duties of the decedent to one or
more successors at will or by law.
38. Acceptance refers to an expression of will in which a person has expressed his consent to an
offer made by other persons in order to form a contract.
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