Ullmann S Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry - 2014 - Gahleitner - Polypropylene
Ullmann S Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry - 2014 - Gahleitner - Polypropylene
Ullmann S Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry - 2014 - Gahleitner - Polypropylene
active in producing polyethylene (PE) with also elucidated around the same time; ANDREW
a high molecular mass, resulting in a first KELLER presented his concept for chain folding
patent [2]. Such combinations of transition in PE crystals in Bristol in 1957 [6].
metal compounds with an aluminum alkyl later The patent dispute over crystalline poly-
became known as Ziegler–Natta (ZN) Cata- propylene in the USA between NATTA and
lysts, thereby acknowledging the immense con- Montecatini on the one side and Phillips Petro-
tribution of GIULIO NATTA to discovering and leum Company on the other was clearly a result
characterizing polypropylene (PP) and other of different legislation between the USA and
(stereoregular) a-olefin polymers in 1954. Europe. The dispute started in 1958 and became
NATTA, Professor and Director of the Milan one of the longest in industrial history, only
Institute of Industrial Chemistry, was a consul- ending 20 years later [7]. Phillips’ polymeriza-
tant to Montecatini, to whom he assigned his tion catalyst, consisting of chromium-ion-pro-
patents. The close collaboration between moted silica–alumina, has not been used in any
ZIEGLER and NATTA was acknowledged in commercial plant to manufacture iPP.
1963 by the joint award of a Nobel Prize in New applications for the polymer with the
Chemistry for their outstanding contributions to impressive combination of a melting point of
polymer science (a fascinating account of these 165 C and a density of 900 kg/m3 were con-
discoveries is provided by MCMILLAN [3]). stantly being found, in 1959 with the produc-
NATTA’s discovery of the stereospecific polym- tion of the PP fiber Meraklon, and in 1962 with
erization of propene to produce isotactic (and first attempts at PP suitcases made by Hoechst.
hence crystalline) polypropylene (iPP) [4] The ZN catalysts also proved to be suitable for
resulted first in products with an isotacticity the production of elastomers based on ethylene
of only around 40%. This regularity was and propene [8]. For a polymer having its glass
increased to 80% within one year through transition around 0 C this turned out to be a
modification of the catalyst, allowing the first decisive factor for evolving into technical appli-
Montecatini production facility for iPP with a cations requiring mechanical stability over a
production volume of 6.103 t/a to go into oper- wide temperature range. Together with the
ation in Ferrara, Italy, in 1957. availability of an initially cheap monomer,
In retrospect, it is clearly recognizable that this resulted in a rapid growth of the production
with the chain branching of PE and the stereo- volume from less than 100103 t/a in 1960 to
structure of PP, two crucial general control 6.1106 t/a in 1980 to more than 53106 t/a in
factors for the crystallinity and mechanics of 2012, making it the most produced single ther-
polymers had been discovered [5]. Finally, the moplastic material (see Fig. 1) [9]. In the same
crystallization structures of the polymers were period, the production volume of new plants
increased to 200–400103 t/a. A massive HECOs with high impact strength. Modern ZN
regional shift to Asia has occurred in recent catalysts allow the production of reactor-based
years, with Northeast Asia and especially China thermoplastic elastomers with high impact
now having the biggest share in production (see toughness in a temperature range from þ80
Fig. 2) and fewer than ten companies producing to 30 C.
more than 60% [10]. In the field of catalysts, NATTA had already
Technical factors for this massive volume discovered the fundamental suitability of met-
increase are numerous, but mostly related to a allocenes for the homogeneous polymerization
clever combination of catalyst chemistry and of olefins. In 1975 a crucial step forward in the
polymerization technology. A key step in terms practical use was taken with the discovery by
of application range was certainly the develop- KAMINSKY in Hamburg of methylaluminoxane
ment of products long referred to as “block (MAO) as a massively reaction accelerating
copolymers”. These combine a crystalline cocatalyst [12]. This enabled MC-based PE,
PP matrix with embedded particles of and BRINTZINGER in Konstanz extended the con-
ethylene–propene rubber (EPR) and PE, which cept with the use of bridged MCs for iPP in
determine impact resistance and low-tempera- 1984. While the market penetration of metal-
ture resistance [11], and should more correctly locenes and other single-site catalysts has been
be referred to as heterophasic copolymers significantly slower than anticipated, due in
(HECOs) or PP impact copolymers. Important part to the continuous improvement of the
for their development were improved catalysts traditional—and cheaper—ZN systems, the
and the availability of multireactor polymeri- former have enabled unprecedented fine-tuning
zation plants. With the second generation of ZN of chain microstructure by ligand design.
catalysts it became possible from the mid-
1970s to produce “technical” HECOs, but 2. Polymer Structure
with only a moderate EPR content. The intro-
duction of the third generation of ZN catalysts 2.1. Molecular and Chain Structure
at the end of the 1970s together with the break-
through of bulk processes for polymerization Since PP is the largest single thermoplastic
without solvents enabled reliable synthesis of material [9] the structure, morphology, and
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4 Polypropylene
properties of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) have syndiotactic stereoisomers of PP are both semi-
been studied extensively. As the propene crystalline polymers. The melting points are in
monomer is asymmetric, polypropylene can the range of 165 C for iPP and 130 C for sPP.
be produced with different stereochemical con- Isotactic PP dominates the polypropylene mar-
figurations [13]. The different stereoisomers of ket because it is easily produced with hetero-
PP were isolated and characterized by NATTA geneous ZN and metallocene catalysts. In
et al. in 1954–1955. The most common types of addition, it shows easier processing behavior
PP, shown in Figure 3, are isotactic (iPP), and better mechanical properties. Syndiotactic
syndiotactic (sPP), and atactic (aPP). In iPP PP shows a slower crystallization rate and can
all methyl groups are located on the same side only be produced with some metallocene cata-
of the backbone, in sPP on alternating sides, lysts; therefore, it is commercially almost
and in aPP the methyl groups are arranged nonexistent.
randomly along the polymer chain. State-of-the-art ZN catalysts make isotactic
Atactic PP is an amorphous material with PP with only a minor atactic fraction.
much less practical importance than its regular The industrially used ZN systems favor the
counterparts, but it has some niche applications 1,2-insertion and head-to-tail enchainment
like hot-melt adhesives. The isotactic and (Fig. 4). Defects such as a 2,1-insertion
Figure 5. Characteristic hierarchy of morphological scales in PP. The skin–core morphology of an injection-molded specimen
is shown to illustrate the morphology on the visual scale (redrawn after [16])
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6 Polypropylene
Crystal form System r (20 C), g/cm3 Chains per unit cell Tm , C
Figure 6. TEM image of the morphology of a commercial high-impact EP copolymer with 16.5 wt% elastomer (Borealis
BD310MO). Dark regions correspond to the elastomeric phase with crystalline PE inclusions; contrasted with RuO4 (scale bar
¼ 1 mm)
Table 3. Propene properties relevant to PP production propene) technologies the used diluents can
Property Value
be removed more easily.
Heat of polymerization 2514 kJ/kg
Boiling point 47.7 C 3.3. Catalysts [27]
Critical temperature 92 C
Critical pressure 4.6 MPa
Vapor pressure at 20 C 0.98 MPa
Heterogeneous ZN catalyst systems still largely
dominate commercial production of highly iso-
tactic PP. The catalyst system consists of a solid
transition metal halide, usually TiCl4, a Lewis
base (referred to as internal electron donor, e.g.,
3.2. Polymerization Diluents
1,3-diethers) on a support (mostly MgCl2), and
an organoaluminum alkylating agent such as
The polymerization of propene can be per-
triethylaluminum (TEA), and a second Lewis
formed under slurry and gas-phase conditions
base (usually called external donor, e.g., alkox-
and combinations thereof. The first commercial
ysilanes) added separately to the polymeriza-
processes used inert hydrocarbons ranging from
tion mixture. An overview on the development
butane to dodecane and refined petroleum frac-
phases of propene polymerization catalysts is
tions as diluents. Typically there is twice as
given in Table 4.
much diluent in the reactor as polymer, and
consequently the demands on the purity of the
diluent are as stringent as for the monomers. 3.3.1. TiCl3-Based Catalysts
The inert diluent helps to transfer the propene to
the solid catalyst and to convey the heat of TiCl3 can form four different crystalline mod-
polymerization to the water-cooled reactor ifications (i.e., a, b, g, and d) dependent on the
jacket. Polar impurities, such as alcohols, car- preparation method used. The a, b, and d
bonyl compounds, water, and sulfur-containing forms are purple, while the fourth is brown
compounds, must be kept below 1–5 ppm. The (b) and not used for PP production due to its
quality of the diluent is monitored regularly by poor stereospecificity. All purple forms have a
means of standard analytical methods, prefera- layer lattice consisting of chlorine atoms with
bly on-line analytics, to prevent accumulation hexagonal (a), cubic (g), or random succes-
of oxidized species and catalyst fragments. sion of hexagonal and cubic close packing (d)
At the end of the polymerization process the (Fig. 7).
used diluent has to be removed completely to The most important process of industrial
guarantee compliance of the PP material with TiCl3 production has been the reduction of
food and drug regulations. Since state-of-the- TiCl4 by means of Al metal or Al alkyls. A
art polymerization plants are based on gas- major refinement in Al alkyl-reduced TiCl3
phase and bulk (polymerization in liquid systems has been made by Solvay [28, 29] in
Figure 7. Models of chlorine packing in the different TiCl3 modifications: a (left), g (center), d (right) (adapted from [27])
their three-stage process, which gives a four- to titanium catalysts by Montedison (now
fivefold increase in activity: LyondellBasell) in Italy and Mitsui Petro-
chemical Industries (now Mitsui Chemicals)
1. Preparation of a reduced solid by reducing in Japan [30]. Collaboration and cross-licensing
TiCl4 with diethylaluminum chloride between these two companies eased the com-
(DEAC) at 0–2 C, and then heating the mercial success and avoided incipient interfer-
mixture to 65 C. The obtained brown solid ence claims. Starting with finely milled MgCl2,
is a b-TiCl3 (TiCl3x AlCl3y AlEtCl2, where which has a similar structure to violet TiCl3, in
x 0.15 and y 0.20). 1968, routines were identified to create highly
2. The brown b-TiCl3 solid is treated with active and stereoselective catalysts. Though
diisoamyl ether to dissolve out most of other supports with layered structures (e.g.,
the Al compounds. MgBr2, MnCl2, and others) in principle can
3. The above solid is treated with excess TiCl4 also be used to make stereospecific catalysts
diluted in hydrocarbons at 60–70 C to give a for PP, MgCl2 has been used almost exclusively
violet d-TiCl3x (AlEtnCl3–n)y (i-Am2O) because it gives catalysts the highest activity
composition (n ¼ 0–2, x < 0.2, and 0.01 and stereospecificity.
< y < 0.11). After washing with hydro- For the preparation of particle-form sup-
carbons to remove adsorbed TiCl4 and ported catalyst three main procedures have
other byproducts, a catalyst with high been developed:
surface area (150–200 m2/g), high porosity
(> 0.2 cm3/g), and very high activity is 1. Mechanical routes: the different catalyst
obtained. components (usually MgCl2, TiCl4, and a
Lewis base) are milled together in suitable
Similar catalysts have also been described ratios.
by other companies, e.g., the Chisso Corpora- 2. Combined mechanical and chemical routes:
tion, Japan. Adding a Lewis base (benzoic MgCl2 or precursors of MgCl2 are co-milled
esters, alkoxysilanes) is claimed to afford with the Lewis base, followed by one or
high isotacticity and activity. more treatments with excess TiCl4 at tem-
peratures > 80 C and washing with hydro-
3.3.2. MgCl2-Supported TiCl4 Catalysts carbons to remove unconverted TiCl4.
3. Chemical routes: the active MgCl2 is formed
A decisive step in the research on ZN PP simultaneously with the incorporation of the
catalysts was the development of supported Ti compound and the Lewis base.
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10 Polypropylene
a. MgCl2 and the Lewis base (e.g., an several groups discovered accidentally that
alcohol) react to form a complex, traces of water improve the catalyst activity
which is subsequently treated with of metallocene-based homogenous catalysts in
the internal donor (Di) and excess the presence of trimethylaluminum (AlMe3).
TiCl4 at temperatures > 80 C, fol- SINN and KAMINSKY first identified the potential
lowed by washing with hydrocarbons. of AlMe3/H2O activators for metallocene-cata-
b. Solid Mg(OR)2 or Mg(OR)Cl is lyzed ethylene polymerization [32]. Since the
treated with Di and excess TiCl4. 1980s the performance of metallocene-based
The MgCl2 is formed by the reaction catalyst systems been improved substantially to
of the Mg compound with TiCl4, and produce isotactic, syndiotactic, and stereoblock
the byproducts (Ti alkoxides) are PP on an industrial scale [33]. Metallocenes
eliminated by subsequent washing. suitable for isotactic PP manufacturing gener-
c. MgR2 or MgRCl (optionally dispersed ally seem to be based on zirconocenes sup-
on SiO2, Al2O3, or other carriers) react ported on inert solids to preserve particle size
with a chlorinating agent to form and shape. This makes them more compatible
active MgCl2, followed by hot treat- with the advanced process technologies of the
ment with Di and excess TiCl4 (as major operators, who refer to them as “drop-in
above). catalysts”. The concept of single-site catalysts
has been expanded to bridged half-sandwich Ti
d. First a solution of MgCl2 or other
amide complexes, which became known as
Mg compounds (e.g., Mg(OR)2,
constrained-geometry catalysts [34]. For
Mg(OCOR)2, MgR2, or Mg silyla-
many years the focus of metallocene catalyst
mide) in suitable solvents such as
development was on group 4 transition metals
ROH, trialkyl phosphate, Ti(OR)4,
such as Ti, Zr, and Hf. Today the potential of
epoxychloropropane, and others is pre-
late transition metal complexes of Ni, Pd, Co,
pared. The solution is then either
and Fe is recognized as well, with heavy patent-
treated with a chlorinating agent to pre-
ing in the field. With the development of single-
cipitate MgCl2, which is then loaded
site catalysts it became possible to specifically
with Ti and Di as described above, or
design polyolefins with narrow molecular mass
directly treated with Di and excess
distribution (polydispersity Mw/Mn ¼ 2), well
defined regio- and stereoregularity, and molar
e. In a recent development, Borealis mass independent random or sequenced
described a method [31] for in situ comonomer incorporation (see Fig. 8).
formation of the catalyst carrier par- Although isotactic PP remains the poly-
ticle and the actual active species by propylene with the highest commercial interest,
solidifying the catalyst from solution. the opportunities of controlling the micro-
A solution of a complex of a group 2 structure by catalyst design have helped to
metal (Mg compound) and an electron achieve a better understanding of basic struc-
donor in an organic liquid is mixed with ture–property correlations of PP and to expand
a transition metal compound (Ti) to its property range.
produce an emulsion. By changing
temperature and stirring conditions 3.3.4. Aluminum Alkyl Cocatalysts and
solid catalyst particles with regular Donors
spherical shape are obtained.
The cocatalysts used with MgCl2-supported
3.3.3. Single-Site Catalysts catalyst systems are preferably Al trialkyls,
triethylaluminum (TEA), and triisobutylalumi-
Metallocenes have been used for 30 years as num (TIBA). Al alkyl chlorides afford a much
model compounds for ZN reactions. They were poorer performance and can only be used in
quite unsuitable for commercial reactors combination with trialkyls. TEA is made com-
because of their extremely low activity and mercially from aluminum, ethylene, and hydro-
poor stereocontrol. During the mid-1970s gen. Trimethylaluminum is available as methyl
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Polypropylene 11
Figure 8. Correlations between metallocene structures and PP architecture (adapted from [32])
Figure 9. Catalytic cycle for propene polymerization at a heterogeneous TiCl3 catalyst according to COSSEE and ARLMAN
(adapted from [35])
polymer chain grows by one monomer unit. replaced by an alkyl group. In this way, a
Simultaneously, the vacant site becomes free Ti–C bond is generated at the surface of the
again for complexation of a monomer TiCl3 particle. The propene (olefin) can insert
molecule. into this Ti<C->C bond provided there is a
Together with ARLMAN, COSSEE explained vacant site for olefin complexation. This
how the active sites are formed at the surface incoming propene molecule approaches the
of TiCl3. The chloride anions form a closely active site, whose immediate crystal geometry
packed array with gaps where the much smaller controls both the initial coordination and the
Ti cations are located. Each Ti cation is then configuration as the monomer inserts into the
surrounded octahedrally by six chloride anions. titanium–alkyl s bond. Accordingly, this is a
At the surface, the titanium centers and the template-type polymerization controlled by the
chloride anions are exposed (Fig. 10), and surface shape, and not by the previously
thus accessible to other components. In the inserted monomer unit. Atactic polymer is
proposed mechanism one chloride ion reacts formed at more open surface sites having two
with the alkyl aluminum compound and is vacancies or two weakly bonded chlorine
atoms. On complexation of one propene mole-
cule to the Ti center, the complex shown in
Figure 10 (the figure shows ethene complex-
ation) is formed. In Figure 10, the three chlorine
ions at the surface of the TiCl3 particle are
shown together with the CH2 group of the
growing chain; the nearest-neighbor chlorine
ion inside the crystal cannot be seen. A propene
molecule occupies the sixth Ti coordination
site. Starting from this transition state, propene
is inserted into the Ti–C bond. One catalytic
cycle, as shown in Figure 9, is thus completed.
In addition to the main reaction, chain
propagation (with the monomer as the reaction
partner), there are further reactions at the
active site, such as b-hydride elimination,
which leads to removal of the polymer
Figure 10. Structure of the active center with a complexed chain from the active center along with the
ethylene molecule formation of a vinyl group at the chain end,
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Polypropylene 13
or chain-transfer reactions with hydrogen and Table 5. Some typical PP processes (homopolymer reactor)
alkyl aluminum compounds. Regime Process (technology supplier)
It is very unlikely that the active sites on the
TiCl3 crystal are all uniform, so a distribution of Gas phase Unipol (Dow)
Innovene PP (Ineos)
imperfections results. This is why ZN catalysts Horizone (JPP)
are referred to as multisite catalysts to empha- Spherizone (LyondellBasell)
size the observed wide distribution of polymer Novolen (Novolen)
chain lengths and stereoregularities. In MgCl2- Bulk Spheripol (LyondellBasell)
Borstar (Borealis)
supported titanium chloride systems, it is Hypol II (Mitsui)
assumed that about 10–20% of the Ti is in ExxonMobil
the form of active sites. Surface geometry still Slurry Several
controls stereoregularity, but Lewis bases are
much involved in this regulation [39] (see also
Chap. 3).
Metallocene and other single-site catalysts Historically the suspension processes are
have well-defined structures, which in turn lead the oldest ones; three facts are decisive for
to narrow molecular mass distributions and the design:
better control of chain irregularities, including
new types of chain defects obtained with 1. The limited polymerization yield of the
selected combinations of metallocenes and alu- catalyst, which on the one hand resulted
minoxanes. Metallocenes can be used in solu- in the necessity to remove the catalyst resi-
tion, but for better control of particle size and dues. On the other hand, it implied the use of
shape, heterogenized systems are preferred. serial reactors for improving productivity.
Supported single-site catalysts can be used as 2. The necessity to remove amorphous frac-
so-called drop-in catalysts to emphasize the tions (atactic PP, which is found at ZN
ease of using these systems in existing plants catalysts in low molecular masses and
without spoiling catalyst or plant performance. waxy form) because of the limited stereo-
control in the polymerization.
3. The fact that complex copolymers with
5. Industrial Polymerization multiphase structure and various solubility
Processes [40] were soon considered as important products
to expand the application range of PP.
Since the start of industrial PP production in
1957 the advances in catalyst technology and In Figure 11 the block design for an early PP
the demand for improved product performance process is compared with a fourth-generation
have been the main drivers for the development ZN catalyst setup. Especially the advances in
of propylene polymerization processes [41]. catalyst technology led to the design of more
The processes can be grouped into three efficient processes, and thus the elimination of
main categories: gas-phase, bulk, and improved some process steps.
slurry. All state-of-the-art process technologies For slurry- and gas-phase reactors the poly-
employ a gas-phase or bulk reactor system for mer is formed around heterogeneous catalyst
the production of homopolymers and random particles. Slurry technologies can be divided
copolymers. For the polymerization of impact into diluent and bulk processes. In diluent
copolymers (heterophasic copolymers) an addi- technologies, an inert diluent (typically a
tional gas-phase reactor is connected in series. C4–C6 alkane) is used to disperse the growing
The typical current PP processes are listed in polymer particles, while the monomer (propene
Table 5. and ethylene as comonomer) is introduced as a
Polyolefin production lines have been gas and other comonomers (higher a-olefins)
developed to extremely efficient and large are fed as liquids. In bulk technology the
machines, starting with annual capacities of polymerization takes place in the liquid propyl-
about 5 103 t in 1963 to more than 400 ene monomer. Slurry technology can be used
103 t for the newest plants being built now. for the production of PE and PP, while bulk
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14 Polypropylene
(nitrogen) fluidizes the polymer particles, while (or other comonomers). Higher concentrations
mechanical stirring is responsible for suspend- of the comonomer or the production of rubber
ing the polymer particles in gas-phase SBRs. phases (ethylene–propylene rubber) in hetero-
This reactor type can be subdivided into hori- phasic copolymers are not feasible due to the
zontal and vertical reactors. solubility of the rubber in the liquid monomer.
For the production of these materials hybrid
processes (see Section 5.3 or multistage gas-
5.1. Liquid-Phase Processes phase reactors) are used.
Loop reactors account for production of
The first commercial PP production processes about 50% of all commercial polyolefins (PE
were based on slurry technology. The main and PP) and many different reactor configura-
advantage of using slurries rather than the tions are used in industrial processes. The loop
gas phase is the far better heat-transfer capacity reactor can be placed in the vertical (Phillips,
when the polymer particles are suspended in a Spheripol, Borstar processes) or horizontal
liquid. However, slurry processes require a position (USI process). The loops can have
workup section for the diluent, leading to extra up to 12 legs (the loop shown in Fig. 12 has
costs in the investment and operation of the four legs), and each leg can be up to 60 m tall.
plant. The volume of a typical loop reactor is on the
Most first-generation PP processes used order of 100 m3, which corresponds to a capac-
slurry conditions (Hercules and Montecatini) ity of roughly 250 103 t/a. The solid content is
with hexane as diluent. Two to four stirred tank in the range of 40–50 vol%, mainly limited by
reactors (autoclaves operated at 60–80 C and the viscosity of the slurry. A pump provides for
5–15 bar) not only allowed good monomer circulation of the slurry at the bottom of one of
conversion, but also the production of copoly- the legs. High fluid velocities (10–30 m/s)
mers with multiphase structure. The limits are create a turbulent flow, which helps to prevent
defined here by the copolymer solubility but particle settling and also improves the heat-
also the available heat-transfer surface per unit transfer coefficient.
volume compared with loop reactors.
The workup of the reaction mixture in these
early processes was rather tedious. Both the 5.2. Gas-Phase Processes
atactic fractions and the catalyst, which is still
used today for producing PP grades with very Gas-phase processes are an economical and
high purity, which are, for example, required energy-efficient alternative to liquid-phase
for producing capacitor films, had to be polymerization. Separation of polymer from
removed. The catalyst is decomposed with a the unconverted monomer is easy, since the
mixture of alcohol and NaOH/H2O, followed monomer is in the gas phase. There is no
by separation of the organic and aqueous need to flash off large amounts of liquids, which
phases. The aqueous stream is distilled, leaving means a significant cost reduction compared to
the catalyst residue in the wastewater. The slurry processes. Another advantage of gas-
organic stream is then sent to a centrifuge for phase processes is their potentially broader
removing the iPP part. From the diluent stream product window, as there are no solubility
the aPP is recovered in a thin-film evaporator, limits for hydrogen and monomers in the
while the iPP is purified with steam and dried. reaction medium. Polypropylenes with very
Polymerization in liquid propene as polym- high melt flows (low viscosities) and high
erization medium (bulk process) can be per- comonomer contents can be produced. How-
formed in continuous stirred-tank reactors or ever, the actual flexibility of the process
loop reactors. In both cases the use of liquid depends on the reactor size and the residence-
monomer as polymerization medium maxi- time distribution (RTD). A drawback of gas-
mizes the polymerization rate due to the high phase reactors is their limited heat-transfer
monomer concentration. Bulk processes are capability. To enhance the thermal character-
used to produce homopolymers and random istics of these reactor types special actions must
copolymers with less than 5 wt% of ethylene be taken. One possibility is to inject small
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16 Polypropylene
amounts of liquid components below their dew on a horizontal stirred gas-phase reactor. The
points or the use of inert gas-phase compounds reaction conditions are 65–85 C for the homo-
with a higher heat capacity than nitrogen. polymer reactor and a pressure in the range of
From a process design perspective gas-phase 25–30 bar. The residence time per reactor is
reactors are available as FBRs and SBRs in typically 1 h. The spacing of the injection
vertical and horizontal configuration, as well as points for the catalyst and cocatalyst appear
the multizone-circulating reactor (MZCR) to be critical for this type of reactor. If they are
introduced by LyondellBasell. to close one encounters lump formation in the
The Unipol process by Dow was initially feed zone; if they are too far apart the catalyst is
developed for PE production in the late 1970s not properly activated. Adding the ethylene–
and later adapted for the polymerization of PP propene rubber in a second gas-phase reactor
by introducing Shell high-activity catalysts can make heterophasic copolymers.
(SHAC) [23]. The process is based on a large Vertical stirred gas-phase reactors were
FBR for the production of homopolymers and developed first by BASF, Novolen technology,
random copolymers and can be extended by a and put into operation in 1967. Originally the
second, smaller, gas-phase reactor for the pro- design was that of a stirred autoclave with a
duction of heterophasic copolymers. The basic bottom-mounted helical stirrer. This stirrer is
design of the process is shown in Figure 13. The designed to convey the particles up the reactor
expanded upper section in the reactor is wall and let them fall down through the center
designed to reduce gas velocity and powder of the bed. The special design of the agitation
entrainment. Reaction conditions are reported system is considered to be responsible for
as 60–70 C for the homopolymer reactor and a forming subsegments in the reactor. Thus, it
pressure in the range of 25–30 bar. The resi- is claimed that the reactor behaves like a
dence time per reactor is typically 1 h. Thus, the cascade of a large number of CSTRs. The
grade transition times are comparable with heat is removed by circulating monomer gas
those of loop reactors. The Unipol process through an external heat exchanger. For impact-
has a unique product discharge system, using modified PP, a rubber phase is polymerized in
a cyclone separator. the second gas-phase reactor connected in
The Innovene and the Japan Polypropylene series. Figure 14 shows the design of the Novo-
(JPP) Horizone process technology are based len process.
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a) Primary reactor; b) Copolymerizer; c) Compressors; d) Condensers; e) Liquid pump; f) Filters; g) Primary cyclone;
a) Primary fluidized bed; b) Copolymer fluidized bed; c) Compressors; d) Coolers; e), f) Discharge cyclones; g) Purge
h) Deactivation/purge
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18 Polypropylene
for tailoring the rubber phase with respect described process design PP manufacturers
to molecular weight and comonomer can produce a wide range of product qualities,
concentration. but this must be balanced with the capital
The Mitsui Hypol bulk polypropylene pro- investments needed for full-fledged reactor
cess was originally based on two stirred auto- train.
clave reactors in place of the loop reactors
shown for the Spheripol process in Figure 12,
followed by two stirred FBRs. In the Hypol II 6. Product Finishing
process loop reactors replace the stirred auto-
claves. The gas-phase reactors are also used to The so-called dry end of a polymerization
produce homopolymers, enabling a broader plant starts at the discharge point from the
polymer-property window. last polymerization reactor and involves
The design and operation of the ExxonMobil deactivation, powder purification, and in most
PP process technology was originally based on cases melt compounding. Even if the polymer is
the Hypol design but has been modified with planned to be sold as powder, it must be stabi-
respect to gas-phase reactor operation. lized, as PP is far more susceptible to radical
Borealis has developed the Borstar poly- attack and degradation than PE. In any case, the
olefin process technology for the production transport and sale of PP can be handled both in
of PE and PP. A basic design of the Borstar PP bulk form (silo trucks or railway cars) and in
technology is given in Figure 16. The platform packages of various sizes, ranging from 25 kg
for making homopolymers and random copoly- bags to big-bags and octabins (corrugated card-
mers is based on a loop reactor followed by an board containers with PE-film inlays) contain-
FBR. The loop reactor allows polymerization ing up to 1000 kg.
under sub- or supercritical conditions. For PE Melt homogenization can provide several
this is done in propane and PP is polymerized in functions for the final product, ranging from
liquid propene. The advantage of running the homogenization (especially relevant for poly-
loop reactor under supercritical conditions is mers with a bimodal or generally broad molec-
the possibility of increased hydrogen and ular mass distribution (MWD) and heterophasic
comonomer concentration without the forma- copolymers [43]) through the dispersion of
tion of gas bubbles. In the next section an stabilizers and other functional additives to
ethylene–propene rubber is made in an FBR generating a product with homogeneous parti-
for producing impact copolymers. Powder cle (pellet) size. With increasing plant size,
transfer from the homopolymer FBR to the the respective equipment has also increased
rubber gas-phase reactor allows complete gas in throughput from 15–20 t/h in 1990 to
separation for better design of the rubber. An 50–75 t/h in 2010. In addition to cost, extruders
additional rubber FBR can be added to the are selected according to the following factors:
reactor train if high elastomer contents are powder morphology, product melt flow rate
required. (MFR) range, melt filtration needs, devolatal-
The hybrid processes are the workhorses of ization options, throughput flexibility, temper-
the polypropylene industry. Loop reactors dom- ature control, mixing needs, and additive feeds.
inate the bulk polymerization processes due to Single-screw machines are hardly used any
the better heat-transfer capacity and thus higher more, while twin-screw extruders with co-rotat-
production rates. Hybrid processes contain up ing and segmented screws dominate the market
to six reactors split between a sector dedicated because of their high flexibility and good mix-
to homopolymers and random copolymers and ing efficiency. A balance between mixing
a second sector used for the production of a quality and polymer degradation must always
rubbery phase (ethylene–propylene rubber) to be kept, with temperature (220–260 C) and
increase the toughness of the polymers. This specific energy input (SEI) as decisive
second block contains only FBRs. The two factors. A gear pump between the die plate
blocks are almost always separated by a kind and the discharge end of the screw can
of gas lock/flash in order to better control the be used both to reduce the SEI and to increase
properties of the different phases. With the the throughput.
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j) Purge bin
a) Prepolymerizer; b) Loop reactor; c) First gas-phase reactor; d) Second gas-phase reactor; e) Third gas-phase reactor; f) Coolers; g) Separators; h) Low-pressure degasser; i) Dryer;
Figure 16. Borstar PP process scheme (four-reactor setup)
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Polypropylene 21
hydrogen abstraction (cleavage of the weakest but also simple glyceryl monostearate, reduce
C–H bond). This leads to the formation of the surface resistivity from >1013 to ca. 107 V.
hydroperoxide (ROOH), which is relatively The mechanism involves slow diffusion of the
unstable and decomposes into the reactive alk- additive to the surface, where it picks up atmo-
oxy radical (RO ) and the hydroxy radical spheric moisture. Time and humidity are impor-
( OH). ROO reacts with the H donor to tant, and while at 50% RH most of the
form stable ROOH. Hydroperoxide decompos- recommended additives are satisfactory, dryer
ers (secondary antioxidants) are used to induce environments require the use of fatty amine
(from ROOH) the formation of inert alkoxy derivatives.
(RO ) and hydroxy radicals ( OH) to avoid Slip and antiblocking agents are mainly used
chain fracture, which otherwise results in dis- in film production where high-speed handling
coloration and brittleness. requires a controlled reduction in frictional
A further contribution to long-term stabil- forces; 0.1–0.5 wt% of oleamide, erucamide,
ity is the use of acid scavengers for neutraliz- or mixtures thereof is usually sufficient. Fine,
ing decomposition products of ZN catalysts, spherical particles of silica or other minerals
especially HCl. The most common is Ca stea- prevent layers of film adhering to each other
rate (0.05–0.1 wt%), which also prevents during storage.
equipment corrosion. It behaves as a mild Nucleating agents for PP crystallization [45]
slip agent and suppresses attack of HCl on are applied both for improving processability
certain antioxidants. Stearates or oxides of and final performance. The combination of
zinc and magnesium are also in use, and moderately slow crystal growth at large under-
synthetic hydrotalcite (a hydrated magnesium coolings together with the practical absence of
aluminum hydroxycarbonate) is the latest sporadic nucleation makes iPP, which melts at
addition to this class. 160–170 C but crystallizes at 100–130 C, an
Besides the thermomechanical loading to be ideal material for controlled nucleation. In
expected for a specific application, additive addition, the different crystal modifications of
packages are also defined by critical environ- iPP (a, b, and g) can be controlled in their
mental interactions, e.g., NOx with fibers or respective expression, and thus affect the
detergent solutions with appliance components. mechanical and optical profile of the material.
The choice of stabilizer is further influenced by A wide range of chemically very different
regulatory constraints such as global or specific substances (see Fig. 18) can be used; decisive
migration limits. is the crystalline and not the molecular struc-
Continuous outdoor exposure also requires ture, because nucleation happens by epitaxy
protection from the damaging effects of UV and “lattice matching”. These additives must
radiation, for which UV absorbers (in the sim- be distributed very well. Different routes can be
plest case carbon black or TiO2) or radical applied here, and the Borealis nucleation tech-
scavengers are used. Polymer photooxidation nology (BNT) has a special position: Because
results from the combined action of light and the dispersion occurs already during the polym-
oxygen. First, the polymer chain is excited by erization step, a very low concentration of a
the absorption of light (hn), and UV absorbers polymeric nucleating agent is sufficient for
act in this stage of degradation. In the presence optimum performance [46]. Improvements of
of oxygen and further light, an alkyl radical stiffness (modulus) and the related heat deflec-
(R ) is formed, and radical scavengers (HALS) tion temperature by selectively nucleating the a
are used to scavenge radicals. In contrast to UV modification is one of the key targets. Another
light, the effect of high-energy radiation like target of a nucleation is improved transparency
electrons or g rays cannot be prevented by and clarity; here nucleation will even help to
additives alone; polymer design measures prevent haze increase during steam sterilization
must be considered here. (normally caused by postcrystallization at the
Antistatic agents act against static charges elevated temperature used). As crystallization
and resulting dust deposits on many plastics; is also accelerated, nucleation also helps to
0.2–1.0 wt% of polar additives such as poly- reduce cycle times in injection molding and
ether fatty amide and fatty amine condensates, to allow higher speed in extrusion processes.
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Polypropylene 23
Specific b nucleation is a useful tool for most important filler, while calcium carbonate,
improving impact strength and reducing crack kaolin, wollastonite, and mica are used to a
growth in pipe materials, where it has already lesser extent.
been used for many years [20]. Careful balanc- When using glass fibers (GF), which give
ing of the overall additives recipe is essential in the highest strength, further improvements are
any case, because both adverse and beneficial possible by modifying the fiber surface (siz-
interactions occur between some of the ing) and using compatibilizers (adhesives).
components. Both short (S) GF having an initial fiber length
of 3–5 mm and long (L) GF are applied. While
SGF compounds are produced in normal melt
6.2. Compounding and Blending mixing, LGF–PP is produced by impregnating
continuous GF rovings with a high-MFR
For PP, modification after the polymerization matrix and cutting the resulting strand after
process plays a major role in expanding the solidification to 10–15 mm length. Special
property range. Besides the already mentioned processing operations are required in the latter
co-rotating twin-screw extruders with special case to avoid excessive fiber breakage [48],
mixing elements for improving the quality of but the resulting material is well suited for
dispersion and resulting phase structure, other metal replacement, especially in the automo-
kneaders and mixers are used for special tive area.
requirements. The Farrel kneader, for example, Organic reinforcing fibers are obtained
has a large blending chamber for adding EPR, from natural (regenerative) sources such as
EPDM, and other elastomers in form of a bale, hemp, flax, sisal, and wood, including high-
while the Buss co-kneader allows more gentle crystallinity man-made cellulose fibers [49].
dispersion of glass fibers by combining rotating The strength of glass fiber reinforced materials
and pulsating melt movement. is not achieved with such additives and the lot-
Modifications of mechanical properties as to-lot variations of natural fibers are a problem;
well as shrinkage and thermal expansion are the full combustibility and improved sustain-
possible through the addition of fillers and ability of such composites are, however, seen as
reinforcements of mostly mineral nature. The an advantage.
respective effects are determined by the prop- Modification or blending with elastomeric
erties of the base polymer as well as by the or polymeric components for further expand-
quantity and nature of the filler [47]. Talc with ing the property range of PP is discussed in
an average particle size of 0.6–10 mm is the Section 7.4.
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24 Polypropylene
The chain structure of PP homopolymers is much more randomly distributed along the
affected by stereo- and regiodefects, the latter chain. At the same time, higher a-olefins
only being relevant for single-site catalysts like 1-butene and 1-hexene can be copoly-
(SSC). An absolute quantification of stereo- merized more easily.
regularity is only possible by 13C NMR spec-
troscopy in solution, with isotactic triads (mm) A very special case of PP-H is syndiotactic
or pentads (mmmm) being used for quantifica- polypropylene (sPP), which is characterized
tion. Commercial PP has a pentad regularity of by significantly lower crystallinity and
>92%, and very high stereoregularity of >97% stiffness [58]. It can be polymerized with
is achievable with modern ZN catalysts and specific SSCs, both MC and constrained-
suitable external donors, even without remov- geometry types, and varied over a wide
ing any soluble (atactic) byproduct. Besides a range by controlling the relative content of
broad MWD, high isotacticity is a further tool isotactic, syndiotactic, and atactic sequences.
for reaching highest stiffness [54]. Alternative Its commercial relevance is, however, so
measures for isotacticity are FTIR spectroscopy far rather limited, largely as a consequence
(in the solid state, where sample preparation of the high solubility in various organic
must be considered) and the content of hep- solvents.
tanes-soluble fraction. For some applications An overview of the most relevant properties
like nonwovens with thermobonded fibers or of different PP product families can be found in
biaxially oriented PP (BOPP) film, processing Table 6.
can be facilitated by reduced isotacticity or
chain regularity in general. This is readily
achieved by lowering the donor feed in polym- 7.2. Random Copolymers
erization, or by introducing small amounts of
copolymerized ethylene. Similar to the variation of density and mechan-
When isotactic PP is produced by SSC or, ical properties when moving from high density
more specifically, metallocene catalysts (MC), polyethylene (HDPE) to linear low density
three major product-related differences over polyethylene (LLDPE) by copolymerization
ZN catalysts are evident [56, 57]: with higher a-olefins like 1-butene (C4) and
1-hexene (C6), the properties of PP can be
1. The polymers have a much lower poly- modified already in one-step polymerizations.
dispersity, with Mw/Mn in the range of Incorporating ca. 2–5 wt% of ethylene (C2) into
1.8–3. Also, the amount of solubles, meas- the chain lowers the overall crystallinity, gives a
ured both in cold xylene (XCS) and in broader softening range with reduced melting
boiling hexane (C6) is reduced significantly, points (see Figure 19), lowers the glass transi-
as is the level of hydrocarbon emissions. All tion temperature, increases the fraction of sol-
of these advantages can be explained by the uble polymer, and improves transparency and
reduced amount of oligomers generated in surface gloss [59]. Ethylene–propene random
SSC-based polymerization. copolymers (EP-RACOs) are somewhat
2. Besides the stereoregularity, the presence of tougher than homopolymers, and do not exhibit
regiodefects (misinsertions of monomers) the familiar stress-whitening behavior of the
must be considered. Most relevant are the tougher copolymer impact grades. These
2,1 regiodefects commonly defined as the changes for EP-RACOs are determined by
sum of 2,1-erythro and 2,1-threo regiode- the amount of comonomer and its distribution
fects, which can be present up to 2 mol% along the chain, with significant differences
depending on the MC type. While MC- resulting from catalyst and donor type. The
based PP-H types can have a high isotactic- randomness or rather the probability for iso-
ity, these defects cause a significant reduc- lated C2 units in the chain decreases with
tion of the melting point and limit both heat increasing amount, leading to phase-separation
resistance and stiffness [57]. phenomena in case of ZN catalysts at contents
3. All chain defects, but also the insertions of >5 wt%; higher values can be achieved with
comonomers—and specially ethylene—are metallocene catalysts.
Soft (1) Standard (2) Random (3) Impact (4) HCPP (5) Talc Glass fiber Filler & elastomer
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Polypropylene 27
Figure 19. Effect of comonomer effect in EP random copolymers on melting point (^) and crystallinity (&) (data from [60])
All changes in mechanical properties and lattice. While for the g phase some advantages
optics are related to a reduced crystallization regarding transparency and ductility can be
speed and a lower lamellar thickness caused by found and promotion by a-nucleating agents
the comonomer-related chain defects [60]. This is possible [45], no specific technical benefits of
also results in a better quenchability of EP- the d phase have been identified so far.
RACOs to the mesomorphic state, making them
ideal materials for highly transparent cast films,
where also the broader melting or sealing range 7.3. Impact Copolymers
is an advantage.
The increased amount of XCS- and C6- Sections 5.2 and 5.3 describe multistage
soluble material in EP-RACOs is, however, copolymerization systems for producing high-
limiting their applicability in this and other impact copolymers of PP. These combine a
areas, especially when packaging of food or crystalline PP matrix (produced in the first
pharmaceutical products is the intended use. A 1–2 reactors) with embedded particles of
better balance between softness and solubles EPR and PE (produced in one or more follow-
content is possible with C4 copolymers, per- ing reactors) giving impact and low-tempera-
haps because the solubles are produced at semi- ture resistance [63]. While often still referred to
exposed catalyst sites more easily accessible to as block copolymers, the correct term for
ethylene [59]. The higher Tg and lower tough- such products is heterophasic copolymers
ness of C3/C4 copolymers can be compensated (EP-HECOs) or PP impact copolymers.
by producing terpolymers with C3, C4, and C2, In-reactor production of EP-HECOs has
for which also other advantages like improved been found to be more effective than com-
processability are found [61]. Typical applica- pounding (see Section 6.2) for producing
tions for these specialty grades are sealing impact-modified PP. On the one hand, cost
layers in coextruded films. and energy are saved by eliminating the exter-
Common to all random copolymers is a shift nal elastomer components and the compound-
in crystalline structure from the predominant ing step, and on the other hand morphology and
monoclinic a modification to the orthorhombic performance advantages are achieved. The
g phase. A new crystal modification was iden- structure of these reactor blends has been
tified in MC-based copolymers with higher shown to be rather complex: Besides the PP
a-olefins [62]. The trigonal d modification matrix and the amorphous ethylene–propene
allows better incorporation of side chains rubber (EPR), they can also comprise crystal-
resulting from these comonomers in the crystal line copolymers having both PP and PE
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28 Polypropylene
crystallizable segments, and even neat high- matrix–dispersed phase compatibility, and the
density PE (HDPE). The elucidation of processing conditions.
this complex structure has been progressing One critical factor is already the catalyst
by combining cross-fractionation with morphology. In the production of EP-HECOs,
various thermal, spectroscopic, and chromato- the morphology of the produced polymer
graphic techniques correlating the molecular particles replicates the morphology of the
structure to the performance of these materials employed catalyst particles. Spherical
[64, 65]. aggregates of microcrystalline MgCl2 are con-
Since their development in the 1970s [11], ventionally used as support material for
these materials have conquered a wide range of the TiCl4 in ZN catalysts [63], offering a
applications from seemingly trivial packaging porous structure with large surface area.
uses to technically complex parts. The matrix The maximum amount of EPR/PE which
consisting of a PP homopolymer or, in the can be accommodated in the polymer granule
case of random heterophasic copolymers, an without causing stickiness appears to primar-
EP-RACO is responsible for retaining good ily depend on the porosity of the catalyst
high-temperature performance and adequate particle. Figure 20 shows the difference in
stiffness, while the particulate EPR/PE phase distribution of the EPR phase between the
contributes good toughness. Depending on original reactor “powder” (defined by the
the composition of the EPR component the catalyst structure) and the pelletized or proc-
respective Tg can be as low as 60 C, resulting essed polymer [66].
especially in improved impact performance at While details of the EPR composition and its
subzero temperatures. While such low glass viscosity ratio relative to the matrix are highly
transitions can be achieved by a high ethylene relevant for product design in detail, a key
content in the EPR phase, high propene content factor for increasing the energy absorption
in the same will enhance the compatibility to capacity is to increase the EPR weight fraction
the matrix, allowing better transparency [21]. in EP-HECOs. Here, the toughness is improved
Overall, the size, shape, internal structure, and by reducing the interparticle distance, resulting
spatial packing of the dispersed EPR domains in a stepwise brittle-to-tough transition as a
(which generally range from 0.2 to 4 mm in function of EPR concentration, combined
average diameter under equilibrium conditions) with linear reduction of tensile modulus (see
are critical parameters affecting not only the Fig. 21). The blend concentration at which this
mechanical performance but also properties transition occurs is determined by the chemical
like surface appearance and migration. The composition of matrix and dispersed phase as
morphology is a complex result of the rheolog- well as their viscosity ratio, but also on the
ical parameters of the single components, the geometry and test conditions. For PP/EPR
Figure 20. Relation between powder morphology (left) and granule morphology (right), revealed by RuO4-contrasted
transmission electron microscopy (TEM); high-impact EP copolymer type with 26 wt% ethylene and 22 wt% elastomer (EPR;
xylene-soluble fraction); EPR is dark because of lower crystallinity; PP matrix and PE inclusions in particles are light; scale
bars 2 mm
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Polypropylene 29
Figure 21. Effect of EPR concentration on stiffness (flexural modulus, ISO 178) and toughness (Charpy notched impact
strength, ISO 179 1eA) at 23 C for a series of random-heterophasic copolymers with constant matrix and EPR composition
(data from [21])
blends the phase transition and the respective For the still-used external EPRs or ethyl-
development of the mechanical performance ene–propene–diene elastomers (EPDM) based
has been comprehensively discussed [67]. on vanadium catalysts, a two-stage process in
which the elastomer is first compounded with
PP to give a 50–70 wt% masterbatch of the
7.4. Composites and Blends rubber as free-flowing granules is commonly
used. Only rather C2-rich EPR types are suf-
An extension or even an alternative to multi- ficiently crystalline to be pelletized in pure
stage polymerization with the production of form [69]. Also different PE types can be
EPR can be the addition of external elastomers. added in minor amounts for property design.
This was historically the first approach to In the presence of an EPR phase, preferably
impact modification of PP, for example, blend- reactor-made, the PE will be located inside
ing of PP-H with 10–20 wt% of polyisobuty- and towards the center of these rubber droplets
lene (PIB) elastomer. Nowadays this route is [70], and mostly enhances the room-tempera-
instead used for fine-tuning the property pro- ture impact strength and limits shrinkage.
file. High impact strengths can be achieved with Addition of HDPE is especially suitable for
ethylene-co-octene or -butene plastomers and the reduction of stress whitening or scratch
elastomers based on polymerization with sin- sensitivity.
gle-site catalysts in solution [68]. The Blends of PP with other polymers were
comonomer content and the molecular mass studied intensely in the 1990s and were even
of these homogeneous copolymers can be var- commercialized in some cases. Three blend
ied over a wide range, allowing applicability in partners were most studied (in order of increas-
a wide range of stiffness and MFR. For special ing polarity): polystyrene (PS), poly(methyl
purposes, styrene-based elastomers of the di- or methacrylate) (PMMA), and polyamide-6
triblock type have found uses despite their (PA-6). In all cases, besides viscosity matching
higher price. Mostly hydrogenated styrene– as with other multiphase PP systems, also the
butadiene triblock systems (SEBS) are used, use of an appropriate block or graft copolymer
which can be designed in a wide range of as compatibilizer is required for delivering
compatibility and viscosity by varying the good property combinations [71, 72].
molecular mass and individual block lengths. While PS can add stiffness, surface gloss,
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30 Polypropylene
and print- as well as paintability, PA-6 was 7 kg, with a wide span between developing
shown to deliver a good combination of modu- countries, the BRIC-countries (e.g., India at 2.1
lus and temperature resistance, especially when kg), and highly industrialized countries (West-
combined with glass-fiber reinforcement. The ern Europe 18.4 kg) [73].
most relevant example of blend commerciali- The wide range of PP applications [74]
zation was the Hivalloy product line of Himont clearly results from the possibility to adapt
(now LyondellBasell), based on a reactive mod- the polymer structure, its processability, and
ification concept with PS and PMMA as blend final performance to many conversion routes
partners. Introduced on the market in 1994 and and requirement profiles. A general trend
produced as pure blends but also reinforced towards material substitution has allowed PP
with glass fibers, the product line was stopped to grow by replacing more costly polymers like
in 2001 and finally considered a commercial polycarbonate (PC) and acrylonitrile–butadi-
failure. ene–styrene terpolymers (ABS), but also
“traditional” materials like glass and metal.
This process, often involving a redesign of
8. Processing and Applications the respective application (e.g., going from
metal cans to stand-up pouches for food
In the global application distribution for PP (see packaging) and can result in a significant over-
Fig. 22) the extrusion segments (films and all reduction of raw material and energy con-
fibers, but also coating and pipe extrusion) sumption (see Chap. 9).
used slightly more than 50%, while injection
and blow molding made up less than 50% of the
consumption. In 2010, the global PP market 8.1. Injection Molding
was about 50 106 t/a, with more than 50% of
this being used in the Asian-Pacific region. Injection molding is used for a wide range of
Further perspectives for volume growth can packaging material and general purpose items
be illustrated best with the annual per-capita with limited requirements, as well as for most
consumption: The global average in 2010 was of the technical uses of PP. As these two
Figure 22. Global application distribution for PP in 2010 (CMAI data, after [73])
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Polypropylene 31
1. Household articles and general consumer 0.4–1.0 MPa [79]. High molecular mass poly-
products, covering such diverse uses as mers having an MFR of ca. 1.0–2.5 g/10 min,
kitchenware, garden furniture, toys, and combined with low melt temperatures at the die
luggage. Kitchen bowls and storage contain- of 200–210 C, provide a suitably stiff melt. If the
ers were among the first articles produced melt stress in a heavy PP parison exceeds ca.
from PP, and outdoor furniture such as 20 kPa, then the resulting tension thinning will
stadium seats also already has a long be troublesome as regards parison stability and
application history. Nevertheless, the devel- uniform wall thickness. EBM is cheaper and
opment of highly transparent molding simpler to operate, but the produced articles
grades and improved UV stabilization con- will always show a certain degree of surface
cepts have improved the possibilities roughness limiting the transparency and gloss. In
significantly. modern processing equipment, control of the
2. Packaging systems, ranging from thin- final container wall thickness by modifying
walled cups and beakers through buckets the parison thickness along its extrusion direc-
and pails to folding boxes and crates for tion can significantly improve appearance and
transport packaging. The requirements vary performance [80]. A variation of the EBM pro-
broadly, but weight reduction and materials cess is the blow, fill, and seal (BFS) process,
savings have been the main factor in recent mostly used in the medical area for ampoules and
years. High-crystallinity PP grades, very infusion bottles. While LDPE is mostly used in
often as heterophasic copolymers with a this process, special PP grades are also gradually
good subzero impact performance, domi- becoming available.
nate the transport packaging segment, while Injection blow molding (IBM) and the more
nucleated random copolymers give the best common injection stretch blow molding
product visibility. (ISBM) are two-stage processes in which first
3. Medical articles and pharmaceutical a preform is produced by injection molding.
packaging systems have special require- Blowing (in IBM) or a sequence of stretching
ments in terms of allowed additives and and blowing (in ISBM) takes place in a second
required purity. Disposable syringes were mold which maintains the high-definition
the first PP application here, and already neck and thread of the preform. In both cases,
required sterilizability as a further parame- the produced bottles or wide-mouth containers
ter. The entrance barriers for polymer pro- are characterized by better optical and
ducers are higher here, mostly due to the mechanical performance, but also by
long approval processes [78]. improved dimensional accuracy. Significantly
different polymers are required here [81]
which have an MFR of 10–25 g/10 min and
8.2. Blow Molding are preferably nucleated random copolymer
types in order to facilitate processing. While
For producing bottles, canisters, and other con- PP is used in much smaller volumes than
tainers, blow molding processes have been poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) for ISBM
employed mostly for PE for a long time already. bottles, it has a number of clear advantages in
While PP has been slower in the initial market water-vapor permeability and heat resistance,
development, advantages of this polymer, such which enable hot filling and/or steam
as better heat resistance and transparency, have sterilization.
enabled the gradual development of a signifi- Products from these processes are mostly
cant application volume. Two different pro- used for packaging in the food area (dairy
cesses with different degrees of complexity products, fresh juices, still water), the nonfood
and different requirements for the material area (household cleaners, dishwashing liquids,
used are distinguished here: cosmetics, body-care products), and also the
In extrusion blow molding (EBM) medical/pharmaceutical area. EBM processes
an extruded molten parison (tube) is transferred can also be used for technical applications like
to a mold in which the end is clamped and fluid containers for cars, dishwashers, and
it is inflated with low-pressure air at other household equipment. A special use for
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Polypropylene 33
PP-based ISBM bottles are sterilizable baby and melt pumps before the 8–20 spinnerets
bottles, as well as reusable sports bottles. having 50–250 holes each. For the CF process,
Like in films or injection molding, multi- a long spinline is preferred which can combine
layer constructions resulting from coextruded spinning and finishing stages as well as out-of-
parisons (EBM) or two-component preforms line drawing options. An air-cooling gap of 2–5
can be used as precursors for the bottles m is needed between the die plate and the wind-
when special barrier properties are required. up roll. Line speeds up to 1000 m/min at the
Most commonly, a central layer of ethylene– spinning stage, increasing to 3000 m/min dur-
vinyl alcohol copolymer (EVOH) to reduce ing solid drawing over hot rolls, require com-
oxygen diffusion is combined with moisture- plex and expensive haul-off, drawing, and
protective outer layers of propene–ethylene windup sections. The product is preferably
random copolymer to give containers suitable sold as continuous yarn or tow.
for storing oxygen-sensitive food products. The BCF process is mostly used for carpet
face and upholstery yarns and characterized by
the addition of a “bulking” step after spinning
8.3. Fibers and Flat Yarns or spinning and orientation. The bulking or
texturizing at 140–160 C in a jet with com-
One of the biggest application areas of PP pressed air has a similar effect to the crimping
homopolymers are fibers and tapes as well as process used for other textile fibers, causing
their derivatives. The respective applications fibers to have a wavy to curly structure for
cover a wide range of physical forms, including higher volume. While the MFR range is the
increasing amounts of versatile nonwoven fab- same as for CF, broader molecular mass distri-
rics [82, 83]. Monoaxial orientation in the solid bution and higher crystallinity can give advan-
or semisolid state can be applied to conven- tages here.
tional spinneret yarns, as with polyamides and In spunbonding, filament spinning and web
polyesters, and to flat tapes made from extruded formation are integrated into one process,
film. These application forms differ in various yielding a continuous bonded mat of partially
respects listed in Table 7. oriented yarn as a consequence of some draw in
The three conventional PP fiber operations the venturi-type haul-off operating at up to
are continuous filament (CF), bulked continu- 5000 m/min. There is no further drawing as
ous filament (BCF), and staple fiber (SF). In the fiber is collected as a mat on the take-off
any case the formation of the primary molten belt for conversion into nonwoven fabrics.
fiber by extrusion through a die plate perforated These are used, for example, in geotextiles,
by many small holes is crucial. High melt furnishings, and carpet backing [85]. The bal-
temperatures (230–280 C) and melt flow rates ance between drawdown rate and orientation in
(MFR 10–30 g/10 min; preferably combined this process is influenced by the polymer
with narrow molecular mass distribution for molecular mass distribution.
high extensibility [84]) are applied on short Figure 24 depicts a compact shortspin pro-
extruders, mostly combined with manifolds cess for staple fiber production using a die
Long spin 0.2–3.0 high-tenacity monofilament; drawing integral or separate; high output
BCF yarn 0.2–2.0 special case of long spin making only bulked continuous fiber
Spunbonded 0.2–2.0 venturi haul off; no 2nd stage draw; bonded mat output
Shortspin 0.2–40 compact unit; tow stretched and cut in line for staple
Melt blown 0.002–0.02 low orientation, very fine fiber; only bonded mat output
Fibrillated yarn 110–500 oriented slit film; fibrillated for baler twine, rope, etc.
Weaving tape ca. 110 nonfibrillated slit film for carpet backing, sacks, etc.
Strapping tape 500–1000 thick, oriented tape as a steel alternative
tex ¼ weight in grams of 1000 m of yarn; equivalent cylindrical fiber diameter in mm ¼ 37 tex.
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34 Polypropylene
control over this step. The products are familiar The more common processing step is film
as baler twine, string, and some ropes. casting with extrusion from a slit die onto a
Highly oriented fibers or tapes are also the (relatively) cold roll. The so-called chill roll is
starting point for the production of self- kept at temperatures between 15 and 80 C by
reinforced PP parts [86, 87]. The ability to liquid cooling or heating, depending on the
reach very high specific strength in fiber spin- polymer processed and its final destination. If
ning processes by post-drawing in the solid or the film is applied directly after solidification in
semi-solid state is used in combination with this step, in which only a limited degree of
weaving and sintering of such high-strength PP orientation in machine direction is achieved, it
fibers to plates for later thermoforming. These is known as cast film, which covers a thickness
products are marketed under the trade name range of ca. 30–300 mm. The rapid cooling
Curv and can reach modulus values of up to leads to films of low crystallinity and good
5000 MPa. The geometrical design is however optics, which can be influenced in performance
limited to thermoformed parts. both by a choice of polymer and additives and
Thick, 0.3–0.9 mm, oriented tapes are estab- by variation of the processing conditions [89].
lished alternatives to steel bands in many strap- If the film runs from the chill/take-up roll
ping applications. They are generally made by further through a calendar-like arrangement of
the water-quench process operating at draw rolls for solidifying and annealing, it is known
ratios of 9–10. Thicker tapes are made from as roll-stack film with a primary thickness
foil or individually extruded film tapes. High range of 300–2000 mm (see Fig. 27). These
molecular mass, MFR 0.4–2.0 g/10 min, PP films or sheets are primarily used for subse-
homopolymers and EP impact copolymers with quent thermoforming applications. For this pro-
added chalk and polyethylene largely suppress cess a variety of methods can be used
fibrillation. A further precaution here is to depending on the desired shape and dimension.
emboss the finished tape with a diamond pat- Both in-line and off-line processes are applied
tern. A useful aspect of PP strapping tapes is with two essential steps, heating and shaping,
their higher elongation and elastic recovery the former mostly by infrared irradiation and
which helps them to remain tight on packages the latter by mechanical force, air pressure, or
prone to shrink or settle. vacuum. Thermoforming is the only film
different requirements, such as sealability, ster- These particles are then foamed and fused
ilizability, and integration of barrier layers (for under elevated temperatures into the desired
this, polar polymers like EVOH or oriented PA shape. Normal pipe or even thermoforming
are used) or peel-layers for a more easy opening grades can be used here, but an addition of
of a packaging (here multiphase systems like some long-chain branched PP (high melt
PE–PP blends are applied). Through metalliza- strength PP, HMS-PP [51, 52] allows for a
tion (e.g., by chemical vapor deposition, CVD) lower final foam density.
and lamination even more complex structures In contrast, HMS-PP is absolutely required
can be designed. Preferably multilayer co- for extrusion foaming processes and especially
extrusion with specially design film extrusion solvent-free processes applying carbon dioxide
heads ahead of the die is used for producing [97]. Extruded PP foam has excellent mechani-
such constructions. Lamination with hot-melt cal properties including high temperature
or reactive adhesives is applied whenever non- resistance and can be tailored in its toughness
polymeric (e.g., paper or metal), specially ori- by blending HMS-PP homopolymers with EP
ented (e.g., oriented PA) or already printed impact copolymers. The final application
(e.g., PET) layers are required. In this case, ranges from extruded sheets thermoformed
and also whenever printing or gluing of the film into food trays or packaging components to
is intended, the film surface is activated by pipe insulation layers.
corona, plasma, or flame treatment. Corona Other processes facilitated or even enabled
treatment is the most common process here, by HMS-PP are thermoforming at high draw
but the fact that surface polarity generated with ratios (deep shapes) and especially extrusion
this method will decay over time must be coating [98], which is otherwise a clear domain
considered when planning production pro- of long-chain branched LDPE. The Recart pro-
cesses [94]. cess of Tetra-Pak, in which sterilizable coated
In summary PP films cover an extremely cardboard packages are produced for food
broad area that reaches from textile packaging packaging, is based on such materials
through medical applications up to electronic which have a higher MFR than for foaming
components like capacitors. Special require- (8–15 g/10 min as compared to 2–4 g/10 min)
ments can be achieved partly by specific proc- and must be free of crosslinked fractions which
essing or material combinations, but in other would form gels in the coating process.
areas like sterilizability [95], low-temperature
toughness, or resistance to aggressive media,
special polymer design is required. 8.6. Technical Applications
Figure 30. Comparison of the carbon footprint (CO2 equivalents) of different standard and advanced thermoplastics (data
collected from www.plasticseurope.org in July 2013)
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Polypropylene 41
reinforcing fibers, although glass fibers still The Mg, Ti, and Al residues are
dominate the market, the use of organic fibers mostly oxides or hydroxides from the
from renewable sources is increasing in recent deactivation step with water vapor (free
years [49]. Whether this improves the LCA and HCl or other residual chlorides
the sustainability in general depends, however, are handled by acid scavengers, see
on the achieved thermomechanical perform- Section 6.1)
ance of the thus-produced composites [117]. The amount is very low (<400 ppm) due
Normal LCAs will find their limits of to the high productivity of modern
comparability whenever toxic waste streams catalysts.
are involved in the production process. Pro-
pene and ethylene monomers themselves are
nontoxic asphyxiant gases whose flammable 9.2. Mechanical Recycling
nature calls for the usual extensive fire pre-
cautions, as ignition by static electricity is The chemical structure and inherent properties
possible with high-pressure leaks and acciden- of PP make it well suited to recycling opera-
tal discharges. Monomer recycling is a stan- tions [118]. There is no fear about cross-
dard element in industrial production linking, nor of complications with plasticizers
processes, but some waste gas will still end or chlorine-rich species. Re-extruding PP usu-
up in traditional flare stacks or modern ground ally lowers its molecular mass and narrows the
flares. In the latter, the visual impact of flares molecular mass distribution, particularly in
as well as the noise level is reduced signifi- aged feedstock. This can be helpful in some
cantly. Since emission certificates for CO2 are applications requiring enhanced flowability, but
a relevant cost factor in many countries world- it negatively affects the mechanical perform-
wide, producers are working continuously on ance and especially the impact strength. Other
reducing flaring volumes. factors to be considered in reprocessing and
Although catalyst components constitute aging are loss of oxidation stability,
only a very small proportion of plant materials, discoloration, contamination, and odor
both their manufacture and disposal involve development.
noxious substances. Titanium tetrachloride is As a rule, increasing heterogeneity (even
used for all catalysts, sometimes in considera- within the same polymer class), contamination,
ble excess for high-activity systems. Whereas and age of the starting material for mechanical
expensive recycle and recovery stages may be recycling will reduce the possibilities for pro-
installed as capacities increase, some remaining ducing high-value secondary grades. Even
complex residues will require disposal. Often, elaborate cleaning and sorting operations
this involves hydrolysis with water to generate have been generally found to be unable to really
corrosive HCl and titanium dioxide suspen- purify and upgrade highly mixed waste streams
sions. After neutralization with alkali, these [119].
slurries are either discharged as aqueous efflu- In PP production, off-specification materials
ent or settled out and used in landfill. Lower will result from grade transitions, production
aluminum alkyls are pyrophoric, react violently faults, technical flaws, and test runs for the
with water, and are intensely aggressive introduction of new grades. Resulting devia-
towards exposed skin. Safe handling usually tions in MFR, copolymer characteristics, and
calls for full protective clothing. Disposal can the like will determine whether the respective
be by burning in special facilities to generate material can be added to prime products in
alumina, or quite often, by controlled hydroly- minor amounts in a process normally called
sis with water after deactivation with alcohols. trimming. Otherwise, these are pelletized sep-
Some alkyl manufacturing plants will accept arately and re-classified as low-requirement
returned waste alkyls for disposal in their own products to be sold to processors or independent
dedicated facilities. compounders.
In contrast to those toxic ingredients the Recycling in the conversion industry is
catalyst residues in the final polymer are not based on the fact that turning PP into moldings,
critical as: pipes, film, etc. invariably involves some scrap
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42 Polypropylene
production. Apart from substandard articles, least a reduction of the nonthermoplastic con-
there are sprues from moldings, edge trim tent will facilitate recycling [121]. Closed-loop
from film and sheet, parison waste, and recycling systems are another option for large-
stamped sheet from thermoforming. These volume applications and especially helpful in
are recovered for recycling by the converter recycling high-performance materials in tech-
himself if the application allows, or sometimes nical applications.
by an external compounder. Problems may
arise here due to stabilizer consumption in
multiple melting processes as well as by the 9.3. Chemical and Energetic Recycling
presence of foreign polymers like in multilayer
co-extrusion. PP can be cracked to liquid hydrocarbons by
A quite different situation arises when trying thermal pyrolysis at 400–550 C or even lower
to recycle PP after its service life, as in recy- temperatures in the presence of suitable cata-
cling of post-consumer plastic waste [118, lysts. Other thermoplastics, such as PE and PS,
119]. Unless collected separately, thermoplas- can also be pyrolyzed to liquid products, allow-
tic materials make up 8–12 wt% of the munici- ing mixed feedstock recycling for MSW frac-
pal solid waste (MSW) stream in industrialized tions not suitable for mechanical recycling
countries and will only contribute positively to processes [122].
the calorific value of MSW if incinerated (see Modern MSW incineration technology, with
below). Recovery of a useable plastic fraction energy recovery in the form of electricity gen-
from MSW after undifferentiated disposal is a eration, can take advantage of the high calorific
hopeless task, but even the recovery and reuse value of thermoplastics. Municipal waste calo-
of mixed plastics is quite difficult. The devel- rific values average 10 kJ/g, compared with 30–
opment of specific low-profile applications and 35 kJ/g for coal. At 44 kJ/g, PP and other
fabrication processes for such comingled poly- polyolefins have the same calorific value as
mers, which are largely incompatible and con- fuel oil. Moreover, PP has an exceptionally
taminated, has natural limits. Using mixed low sulfur content, which makes it a very clean
thermoplastic waste for massive products, fuel with no apprehensions about toxic flue-gas
such as posts, construction boards, and other emissions.
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