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Revision A: 1502250001, Content updated. Mini Split 3D

DC Inverter Air Conditioner


Table of Contents

1. Precaution
2. Part Names
3. Dimension
4. Refrigerant Cycle Diagram
5. Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram of Outdoor Unit
6. Installation Details
7. Operation Characteristics
8. Electronic Function
9. Troubleshooting
10. Disassembly Instructions


• Installation MUST conform with local building codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the
National Electrical Code NFPA70/ANSI C1-1993 or current edition and Canadian Electrical
Code Part1 CSA C.22.1.
• The information contained in the manual is intended for use by a qualified service technician
familiar with safety procedures and equipped with the proper tools and test instruments
• Installation or repairs made by unqualified persons can result in hazards to you and others.
• Failure to carefully read and follow all instructions in this manual can result in equipment
malfunction, property damage, personal injury and/or death.

This Manual Is For Qualified Service Engineer Use Only

Table Of Contents

1. Precaution ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Safety Precaution ..........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Warning ..........................................................................................................................................1
2. Part Names.................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Model Names of Indoor/Outdoor units ..........................................................................................4
2.2 Part names of Indoor/Outdoor units ..............................................................................................5
3. Dimension ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Indoor Unit .....................................................................................................................................6
3.2 Outdoor Unit...................................................................................................................................8
4. Refrigerant Cycle Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 9
5. Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram of Outdoor unit ....................................................... 10
6 Installation Details....................................................................................................................................... 12
6.1 Wrench torque sheet for installation ............................................................................................12
6.2 Connecting the cables .................................................................................................................12
6.3 Pipe length and the elevation ......................................................................................................12
6.4 Installation for the first time..........................................................................................................13
6.5 Adding the refrigerant after running the system for many years .................................................14
6.6 Procedure when servicing the indoor unit refrigeration circuit. ..................................................14
6.7 Evacuation after servicing the outdoor unit refrigeration circuit. ................................................16
7. Operation Characteristics ......................................................................................................................... 18
8. Electronic function ..................................................................................................................................... 19
8.1 Abbreviation .................................................................................................................................19
8.2 Display function ...........................................................................................................................19
8.3 Main Protection ............................................................................................................................20
8.4 Operation Modes and Functions .................................................................................................21
9. Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................... 26
9.1 Indoor Unit Error Display .............................................................................................................27
9.2 Outdoor unit error display ............................................................................................................28
9.3 Diagnosis and Solution ................................................................................................................31
10 Disassembly Instructions......................................................................................................................... 56
10.1 Indoor unit ..................................................................................................................................56
10.2 Outdoor unit ...............................................................................................................................60
Sharp edges could cause injury, be especially
careful of the case edges and the fins on the
1. Precaution
condenser and evaporator.
n For installation, always contact the
1.1 Safety Precaution
dealer or an authorized service center.
n To prevent injury to the user or other n Do not install the product on a
people and property damage, the following defective installation stand.
instructions must be followed. n Be sure the installation area does not
n Incorrect operation due to ignoring deteriorate with age.
instruction will cause harm or damage. If the base collapses, the air conditioner could
n Before service the unit, be sure to fall with it, causing property damage, product
read this service manual at first. failure, and personal injury.
n Do not let the air conditioner run for a
long time when the humidity is very high
1.2 Warning
and a door or a window is left open.
Ø Installation n Take care to ensure that power cable
n Do not use a defective or underrated could not be pulled out or damaged during
circuit breaker. Use this appliance on a operation.
dedicated circuit. There is risk of fire or electric shock.
There is risk of fire or electric shock. n Do not place anything on the power
n For electrical work, contact the dealer, cable.
seller, a qualified electrician, or an There is risk of fire or electric shock.
authorized service center. n Do not plug or unplug the power
Do not disassemble or repair the product, supply plug during operation.
there is risk of fire or electric shock. There is risk of fire or electric shock.
n Always ground the product. n Do not touch (operation) the product
There is risk of fire or electric shock. with wet hands.
n Install the panel and the cover of n Do not place a heater or other
control box securely. appliance near the power cable.
There is risk of fire of electric shock. There is risk of fire and electric shock.
n Always install a dedicated circuit and n Do not allow water to run into
breaker. electrical parts.
Improper wiring or installation may cause It may cause fire, failure of the product, or
electric shock. electric shock.
n Use the correctly rated breaker of n Do not store or use flammable gas or
fuse. combustible near the product.
There is risk of fire or electric shock. There is risk of fire or failure of product.
n Do not modify or extend the power n Do not use the product in a tightly
cable. closed space for a long time.
There is risk of fire or electric shock. Oxygen deficiency could occur.
n Do not install, remove, or reinstall the n When flammable gas leaks, turn off
unit by yourself (customer). the gas and open a window for ventilation
There is risk of fire, electric shock, explosion, before turn the product on.
or injury. n If strange sounds or smoke comes
n Be caution when unpacking and from product, turn the breaker off or
installing the product. disconnect the power supply cable.
There is risk of electric shock or fire. product.
n Stop operation and close the window It can avoid vibration of water leakage.
in storm or hurricane. If possible, remove n Do not install the product where the
the product from the window before the noise or hot air from the outdoor unit could
hurricane arrives. damage the neighborhoods.
There is risk of property damage, failure of It may cause a problem for your neighbors.
product, or electric shock. n Use two or more people to lift and
n Do not open the inlet grill of the transport the product.
product during operation. (Do not touch the n Do not install the product where it will
electrostatic filter, if the unit is so equipped.) be exposed to sea wind (salt spray) directly.
There is risk of physical injury, electric shock, It may cause corrosion on the product.
or product failure. Corrosion, particularly on the condenser and
n When the product is soaked, contact evaporator fins, could cause product
an authorized service center. malfunction or inefficient operation.
There is risk of fire or electric shock.
n Be caution that water could not enter Ø Operational
the product. n Do not expose the skin directly to
There is risk of fire, electric shock, or product cool air for long time. (Do not sit in the
damage. draft).
n Ventilate the product from time to n Do not use the product for special
time when operating it together with a stove purposes, such as preserving foods, works
etc. of art etc. It is a consumer air conditioner,
There is risk of fire or electric shock. not a precision refrigerant system.
n Turn the main power off when There is risk of damage or loss of property.
cleaning or maintaining the product. n Do not block the inlet or outlet of air
There is risk of electric shock. flow.
n When the product is not be used for a n Use a soft cloth to clean. Do not use
long time, disconnect the power supply plug harsh detergents, solvents, etc.
or turn off the breaker. There is risk of fire, electric shock, or damage
There is risk of product damage or failure, or to the plastic parts of the product.
unintended operation. n Do not touch the metal parts of the
n Take care to ensure that nobody product when removing the air filter. They
could step on or fall onto the outdoor unit. are very sharp.
This could result in personal injury and n Do not step on or put anything on the
product damage. product. (outdoor units)
n Always insert the filter securely.
Ø CAUTION Clean the filter every two weeks or more
n Always check for gas (refrigerant) often if necessary.
leakage after installation or repair of A dirty filter reduces the efficiency of the air
product. conditioner and could cause product
Low refrigerant levels may cause failure of malfunction or damage.
product. n Do not insert hands or other objects
n Install the drain hose to ensure that through air inlet or outlet while the product
water is drained away properly. is operated.
A bad connection may cause water leakage. n Do not drink the water drained from
n Keep level even when installing the the product.
n Use a firm stool or ladder when
cleaning or maintaining the product.
Be careful and avoid personal injury.
n Replace the all batteries in the remote
control with new ones of the same type. Do
not mix old and new batteries or different
types of batteries.
There is risk of fire or explosion.
n Do not recharge or disassemble the
batteries. Do not dispose of batteries in a
They may burn of explode.
n If the liquid from the batteries gets
onto your skin or clothes, wash it well with
clean water. Do not use the remote of the
batteries have leaked.

2. Part Names

2.1 Model Names of Indoor/Outdoor units

Series Capacity Indoor units Outdoor units
Inverter 18k MSMBC-18CRDN1-MP0W MOC-18CDN1-MP0W

2.2 Part names of Indoor/Outdoor units

3. Dimension

3.1 Indoor Unit

Model W D H
810 mm 200 mm 300 mm
(31.89in) (7.87in) (11.81in)
980 mm 225 mm 325 mm
(38.58in) (8.86in) (12.80in)
1090 mm 235 mm 338 mm
(42.91in) (9.25in) (13.31in)




3.2 Outdoor Unit

More than 30cm(11.8in)

More than 60cm(23.6in)

(Service space)
More than 30cm(11.8in)
ob ce o
sta r

More than 60cm(23.6in)

More than 70cm(27.6in)

Note: The above drawing is only for reference. The appearance of your units may be different.
Model W D H W1 A B
780mm 250mm 540mm 843mm 549mm 276mm
(30.7in) (9.8in) (21.3in) (33.2in) (21.6in) (10.9in)
760 mm 285 mm 590 mm 823 mm 530 mm 290 mm
(29.92in) (11.22in) (23.23in) (32.4in) (50.87in) (11.42in)
845mm 320mm 700mm 908mm 560mm 335mm
(33.3in) (12.6in) (27.6in) (35.7in) (22.0in) (13.2in)

4. Refrigerant Cycle Diagram

For cooling only models,






5. Printed Circuit Board Connector Wiring Diagram of Outdoor unit
290-330VDC (standby) connect TO REACTOR
CN27 CN26 210-300VDC (Running) 2-10V AC(standby);
AC FAN-CAPACITOR - + 30-150V AC(running);
208-230VAC CN20 CN1

connect to outdoor AC FAN
3-4 0VAC / 208-230VAC (high speed running) 4 [1.4]2014.02.20
2-4 0VAC / 208-230VAC (low speed Running) 5
1 C54
FAN_C CN27 E8 CN20

~ ~ RY4
connect to compressor heater C17


when heater is ON, output 208-230VAC R78

4-WAY-L 4 CN26 FAN_C CN1 CN21
CN12 CN11 R38

CN12 CN11 RY5 R39

connect to the 4-WAY R58
5 R59
when 4-way is ON, output 208-230VAC
RY3 C77 BR1
C2 C22



C6 D1
R2 R21
C48 C9
L1 D2


R15 C7 R33
RY1 R36 R10 C11
C12 R82 C18
connect to the compressor
IC2 E1 E4 R91 C47
C8 D3 E11
W V 0VAC (standby)
R18 R51 R48 R89
10-200VAC (running)

R8 C15 C36 D6 C23

LS 3

LS 2
CN14 D13
R17 D4 C49
R4 IC8 C63
C46 C45 E2 C51 R49 C71 R67 CN2
R88 LS1

R6 3 R 40
Earth R3 C1
R60 R24 R64
CN9 E2-Burning CN28
R5 R50
E13 R46
CN25 S D5 C91
L3 R25 C89 R35
C38 IPM1

C85 C16 C76
X1 E16
V E17 U DZ1
C4 LED2 RED C113 R47 R45 R55 D7 C43 C81
R23 C44
C100 C30 DZ5
E10 CN22 C29
CN24(L-IN)-CN23(N-IN) T3-Tipe T4-OutDoor TP
D14 C58 C80
power supply IC4-1

R145 R97

R11 8

R1 22

LED1 R44 FO3

CN24 L-IN R94 C52 R41 R42


208-230V AC Yellow

6 5 4 3 2 1 + R6 C26


connect to the terminal

IC6 R111 R84 R99
R26 R43
C9 8

R9 6
C 90

PC851 R103 R101 C41 R92 R146

R37 C39 R83








E9 R31 E12
C108 R129 R20


R34 C61
R87 R86 R85 C42 R65
ZR1 E5 R30 C27 C40 C82 C32 C34 C21 C83 C25 R54
Q1 R29
R27 C35 C28
IC5 PC817 DZ2 R61 R66 R56 R57
FUSE1 T20A/250VAC C10 R7 R52 R77 CN42 Simulation CN29
R1 3

C13 D8
202302130949 CE-KFR26W/BP2(MDY02+1243).D.13.WP2-1 R9

CN22 CN29 CN28 CN14

Exaust temp sensor(5-6) RT NO USE LED1 test port
room temp sensor(3-4) RT connect to detector
pipe temp sensor(1-2) RT



6 Installation Details Standa Max.
Max. Additional
Models rd Length
6.1 Wrench torque sheet for Elevation refrigerant
length A
MSMBB-12CRDN1-MP0W+ 7.5m 10m 25m 15g/m
Additional tightening
Outside diameter Torque MOB1-12CDN1-M P0W (24.6ft) (32.8ft) (82.0ft) (0.16oz/ft)

Ф6.35mm 1/4in 1500N.cm(153kgf.cm) 1600N.cm(163kgf.cm) MSMBC-18CRDN1-MP0W+ 7.5m 20m 30m 15g/m

MOC-18CDN1-M P0W (24.6ft) (65.6ft) (98.4ft) (0.16oz/ft)

Ф9.52mm 3/8in 2500N.cm(255kgf.cm) 2600N.cm(265kgf.cm)

7.5m 20m 30m 30g/m
Ф12.7mm 1/2in 3500N.cm(357kgf.cm) 3600N.cm(367kgf.cm)
(24.6ft) (65.6ft) (98.4ft) (0.32oz/ft)
Ф15.9mm 5/8in 4500N.cm(459kgf.cm) 4700N.cm(479kgf.cm)

Ф19mm 3/4in 6500N.cm(663kgf.cm) 6700N.cm(683kgf.cm)

6.2 Connecting the cables

The power cord should be selected according
to the following specifications sheet.
Appliance Amps AWG Wire Size
10 18
13 16
18 14
25 12
30 10

The cable size and the current of the fuse or

switch are determined by the maximum
current indicated on the nameplate which
located on the side panel of the unit. Please
refer to the nameplate before selecting the
cable, fuse and switch.

6.3 Pipe length and the elevation

Pipe size

Gas Liquid

3/8in 1/4in
(Ф9.52mm) (Ф6.35mm)

1/2in 1/4in
(Ф12.7mm) (Ф6.35mm)

MSMBD-22CRDN1-MP5W+MOF1-22CDN1- 5/8in 3/8in

M P5W (Ф15.9mm) (Ф9.52mm)

manifold (usually yellow) to the vacuum
6.4 Installation for the first time
4) Fully open the handle for the low pressure
Air and moisture in the refrigerant system have gauge..
undesirable effects as below: 5) Start the vacuum pump and operate according
● Pressure in the system rises. to manufacture spec's.
● Operating current rises. 6) Perform an evacuation for a minimum of 30
● Cooling or heating efficiency drops. minutes and check that the low pressure
● Moisture in the refrigerant circuit may (compound) gauge indicates a vacuum of 29.9
freeze and block capillary tubing. in/hg (500 microns) A vacuum gauge should
● Water when mixed with the refrigerant and oil be used if available. If the proper vacuum
will create an acid that will damage the motor cannot be achieved the vacuum pump should
windings and components in the refrigerant be run for an additional 20 minutes. If after the
system. additional 20 minutes the vacuum still cannot
Therefore, the indoor units and the pipes be achieved the is a leak in the system and
between indoor and outdoor units must be leak must be located and repaired. follow the leak
tested and evacuated to remove gas and checking procedure as mentioned before. If
moisture from the system. the vacuum is achieved, close the low pressure
Gas leak check (Soap water method): gauge handle off and shut the vacuum pump
Apply soap water or a liquid neutral off. Recheck the reading after 10 minutes, the
detergent on the indoor unit connections or vacuum may change slightly, this is normal.
outdoor unit Connections with a soft brush to 7) The system is now dry and free of
check for leakage of the connecting points of contaminates, refrigerant pressure should
the piping. If bubbles come out, the pipes have now be added to the system from a source
leakage. other than the system before opening the 2
1. Air purging with vacuum pump way and 3 way valves for system operation.
8) The 2 way and 3 way valve can now be
opened for the system operation

2. Air purging by refrigerant

1) Completely tighten the flare nuts of the

indoor and outdoor units, confirm that both
the 2-way and 3-way valves are set to the Procedure:
Front seated. 1). Confirm that both the 2-way and 3-way
2) Connect the low pressure gauge to the 3 way valves are set to the closed position.
service valve access port.. 2). With a container of refrigerant and a gauge
3) Connect the middle hose of the gauge manifold set, connect the low pressure gauge hose
to the 3 way valve service port and a charging must be in the open position.
cylinder to the service port of the 3-way valve. 3rd step; the air in the gauge hoses needs to be
3). Open the valve on the refrigerant container and purged out. use the pressure from the system to
the low pressure gauge to allow the refrigerant to purge the low side line, loosen the connection on
enter the system, next loosen the flare connection the manifold for a second, next open the to valve
on the 2 way valve line to purge the air and on the refrigerant container to pressurize the line,
contaminants from the system for 30 to 50 now loosen that hose at the manifold for a second
seconds, then retighten the connection. and purge that line.
4). Next allow the pressure from the refrigerant to 3) Next step is to set the refrigerant container on
reach 100 psi and then close the low pressure an electronic charging scale and record the weight
gauge and the refrigerant container and check the or zero the scale depending on the scale used.
2 way and 3 way valve line connections for leaks Next determine the refrigerant charge to be
with liquid soap or electronic leak detector. added.
5). After the system has been check for leaks the 4) Start the unit in the cooling mode and lower the
pressure should be adjusted to about 25 to 50 psi. set point so the unit wont shut off during the
6). You can now disconnect the gauge manifold charging procedure.
and refrigerant container from the system and 5) Refrigerant can now be added to the system,
open the 2 way and 3 way valves for system open the low pressure valve on the gauge manifold
operation set to start charging the unit with liquid refrigerant,
7). Mount the valve stems nuts and the service keep track of the refrigerant being added to the
port cap. system (do not overcharge the system)
Be sure to use a torque wrench to tighten the 6). Once the correct charge has been added to the
service port cap to a torque 18N·m(13.27 ft.lbs). system close the low pressure valve on the gauge
Be sure to check the gas leakage. manifold set and record the operating pressure.
The system is now charged and the unit can be
6.5 Adding the refrigerant after running
shut off. Close the valve on the refrigerant
the system for many years
container and disconnect the hose from the
manifold set, also disconnect the hose from the 3
way valve and replace and torque all caps.
7). Mount the valve stem caps and the service
Use torque wrench to tighten the service port
cap to a torque of 18N.m(13.27 ft,lbs).
Always leak check after servicing the refrigerant

6.6 Procedure when servicing the indoor

unit refrigeration circuit.
1). 1st step; Connect the low pressure gauge from 1. Pumping down the system (isolating the
the gauge manifold set to the 3 way service valve refrigerant charge in the condensing unit)
(this is the blue hose on most sets) 2nd step;
Connect the middle hose from the manifold set to
the refrigerant container (this is the yellow line on
most sets). with refrigerant 410A the container
must be inverted (upside down) when adding the
refrigerant. Note that the 2 way and 3 way valves

pressure will rise during this time, this is normal.
There will be some pressure left in the system this
is normal, The indoor unit is now ready to be
Disconnect the charge set, and tighten the
2-way and 3-way valve’s stem nuts.
Use a torque wrench to tighten the 3-way valves
service port cap to a torque of 18N.m(= 13.27
Be sure to check for gas leakage.
Procedure 2. Sweeping (air purging) the system with
1). With the unit in the cooling mode and a low set refrigerant after the service to the
point remove all caps from the 3 way and 2 way refrigerant circuit of the indoor unit is
valves, next attach the low pressure gauge to the 3 complete.
way service valve port and purge the air from that
hose by loosening the hose at the manifold for a
second, be sure the low pressure gauge valve is
closed. be sure to record the operating
pressure, you will need to know this when you
complete the service on the indoor unit and restart
the system. Now prepare to close both valves on
the unit starting with the 2 way valve (this is called
front seating the valve) also prepare to shut the
power off to the outdoor unit.
2). Connect the charge hose with the push pin Procedure:
of handle lo to the 3-way valves gas service Sweeping the system can be used when the unit
port. has been pumped down, this eliminates the need
3). Air purging of the charge hose. to loosen the flare connection on the 2 way valve
Open the handle Lo valve of the manifold valve (loosening and retightening flare connections
slightly to purge air from the charge hose for 5 could cause a refrigerant leak)
seconds and then close it quickly. 1). Confirm that both the 2-way and 3-way
4). Now close the 2 way valve and monitor the low valves are set to the closed position.
pressure gauge. the pressure will start to drop. 2). Connect the charge set and a charging
5). Operate the unit in the cooling mode and cylinder to the service port of the 3-way valve
disconnect the power to the outdoor unit when the Leave the valve on the Refrigerant container.
low side gauge reads a slight vacuum, running the 3). Do not loosen the flare connection, Start with
compressor in a vacuum could damage the motor the hose from the low pressure gauge that has
windings. Note that units with extended lines and been connected to the 3 way valve service port
additional refrigerant charge may not be able to and loosen it at the gauge manifold connection,
achieve a vacuum, this is because the outdoor next open the 2 way valve 1/2 half of a turn (this
unit can only store a certain amount of refrigerant, will release the refrigerant that has been isolated in
this is normal (the amperage of the compressor the outdoor unit) The refrigerant will travel thru
will have to be monitored in this case) Stop the small refrigerant line and evaporator coil in the
compressor when the amperage approaches the indoor unit and back out the low pressure hose
name plate FLA rating indicates 0.1Mpa(14.5Psi). that has been loosened let the refrigerant sweep
6). Now close the 3 way valve right away. the for about 50 seconds, this will push and remove
any air moisture and noncodensables from the Procedure:
refrigeration circuit. After 50 seconds has passed 1). Confirm that both the 2-way and 3-way
tighten the hose on the low pressure gauge. The valves are set to the opened position.
sweep is now complete. 2). Connect the vacuum pump to 3-way valve’s
Next step, open the 2 way valve all the way then service port.
the 3 way valve all the way and check for leaks. 3). Evacuation for approximately one hour.
4). Next step, Start the unit in the cooling mode Confirm that the compound meter indicates
and check the pressure (remember the pressure -0.1Mpa(14.5Psi), 500 Microns / 29.9 in,hg.
you recorded?) The unit is going to be low on 4). Close the valve (Low side) on the charge set,
refrigerant from the sweeping process, add turn off the vacuum pump, and confirm that the
refrigerant as needed from the refrigerant gauge needle does not move (approximately 5
container in the liquid state to achieve the minutes after turning off the vacuum pump).
operating pressure that you recorded. The process 5). Disconnect the charge hose from the
is now complete. vacuum pump.
Check the flare connections for gas leakage.
5). Discharge the refrigerant. 2. Refrigerant charging
Close the valve on the charging cylinder and
discharge the refrigerant by loosening the flare
nut on the 2-way valve approximately 45’ until
the gauge indicates 0.3Mpa(43.5Psi) to 0.5
6). Disconnect the charge set and the charging
cylinder, and set the 2-way and 3-way valves to
the open position
Be sure to use a hexagonal wrench to operate
the valve stems.
7). Mount the valve stems nuts and the service Procedure:
port cap 1). Connect the charge hose to the charging
Be sure to use a torque wrench to tighten the cylinder, open the 2-way valve and the 3-way
service port cap to a torque 18N.m. valve
Be sure to check the gas leakage. Connect the charge hose which you
disconnected from the vacuum pump to the
6.7 Evacuation after servicing the outdoor
valve at the bottom of the cylinder. If the
unit refrigeration circuit.
refrigerant is R410A, make the cylinder bottom
1. Evacuation of the complete refrigeration up to ensure liquid charge.
circuit, Indoor and outdoor unit. 2). Purge the air from the charge hose
Open the valve at the bottom of the cylinder
and press the check valve on the charge set to
purge the air (be careful of the liquid
3) Put the charging cylinder onto the electronic
scale and record the weight.
4). Open the valves (Low side) on the charge
set and charge the system with liquid refrigerant
If the system cannot be charge with the
specified amount of refrigerant, or can be
charged with a little at a time (approximately
150g each time) , operating the air conditioner
in the cooling cycle; however, one time is not
sufficient, wait approximately 1 minute and then
repeat the procedure.
5).When the electronic scale displays the
proper weight, disconnect the charge hose from
the 3-way valve’s service port immediately
If the system has been charged with liquid
refrigerant while operating the air conditioner,
turn off the air conditioner before disconnecting
the hose.
6). Mounted the valve stem caps and the
service port. Use torque wrench to tighten the
service port cap to a torque of 18N.m. Be sure
to check for gas leakage.

7. Operation Characteristics

Cooling operation Heating operation Drying operation
17℃~32℃ 0℃~30℃ 10℃~32℃
Room temperature
(62℉~90℉) (32℉~86℉) (50℉~90℉)
-15°C~50°C -15°C~30°C 0°C~50°C
Outdoor temperature
(5°F~122°F) (5°F~86°F) (32°F~122°F)
(For the models with
low temperature cooling system)


1. If the air conditioner is used beyond the above conditions, certain safety protection features may
come into operation and cause the unit to operate abnormally.
2. The room relative humidity should be less than 80%. If the air conditioner operates beyond this
figure, the surface of the air conditioner may attract condensation. Please set the vertical air flow louver to
its maximum angle (vertically to the floor), and set HIGH fan mode.
3. The optimum performance will be achieved during this operating temperature zone.

8. Electronic function Dispalys ‘ ’ for three seconds when Fresh,

Swing, Turbo or Silence feature is cancelled.

8.1 Abbreviation
Dispalys ‘ ’ under deforsting operation.
T1: Indoor room temperature

T2: Coil temperature of evaporator Dispalys ‘ ’ when anti-cold air feature is

T3: Coil temperature of condenser activated under heating mode.

T4: Outdoor ambient temperature Dispalys ‘ ’ during self clean operation (if
T5: Compressor discharge temperature

8.2 Display function Dispalys ‘ ’ under 8℃ heating operation (if

8.2.1 Icon explanation on indoor display board. aplicable).

When ECO function(optional) is actived,the

“ ” illuminates gradually one by one as

In one second interval.

WIFI control display(optional)

Displays when the WIFI control feature is

Digital display:
acticated.(Not available when the unit does not
Displays the temperature settings when the air
have this function)
conditioner is operational.

Displays the room temperature in FAN mode.

Displays the self-diagnostic codes.
A guide on using the infrared remotr is included
Dispalys ‘ ’ for three seconds when Timer
in this literature package.
ON, Fresh, Swing, Turbo or Silence feature is


Dispalys ‘ ’ for three seconds when Timer

OFF is set.

8.3 Main Protection function.
8.3.7 Compressor preheating functions
8.3.1 Three minutes delay at restart for
Preheating permitting condition:
When T4(outdoor ambient temperature)<
Less than 1 minute delay for the 1st time
3°C(37.4°F), the preheating function will be
stand-up and 3 minutes delay for others.
8.3.2 Temperature protection of compressor
8.3.8 Sensor protection at open circuit and
breaking disconnection.
The unit will stop working when the compressor
When there’s only one temperature sensor in
top temp. protector cut off, and will restart after
malfunction , the air conditioner will keep
the compressor top temp. protector restart.
working but show the error code, in case of any
8.3.3 Temperature protection of compressor
emergency use.
When there’s more than one temperature
Compressor discharge temp. T5>115℃(239°F)
sensor in malfunction, the air conditioner will
for 5s, compressor stops.
stop working
8.3.4 Fan speed is out of control
8.3.9 Zero crossing detection error
When Indoor fan speed keeps too low
(300RPM) for certain time, the unit will stop and
If AC detects time interval is not correct, the unit
the LED will display the failure
will stop and the LED will display the failure.
8.3.5 Inverter module protection
8.3.10 Refrigerant leakage detection
The Inverter module has a protection function
This function is only active in cooling mode. It
about current, voltage and temperature. If these
can better prevent the compressor being
protections happen, the corresponding code
damaged by refrigerant leakage or compressor
will display on indoor unit and the unit will stop
Open condition:
8.3.6 Indoor fan delayed open function
When compressor is active, the value of the
When the unit starts up, the louver will be active
Coil temperature of evaporator T2 has no
immediately and the indoor fan will open 10s
change or very little change.
If the unit runs in heating mode, the indoor fan
will be also controlled by anti-cold wind

8.4 Operation Modes and Functions Indoor fan running rules
In cooling mode, indoor fan runs all the time
8.4.1 Fan mode
and the speed can be selected as high,
(1) Outdoor fan and compressor stop.
medium, low and auto.
(2) Temperature setting function is disabled,
When the setting temp. is reached,if the
and no setting temperature is displayed.
compressor stop running,indoor fan motor will
(3) Indoor fan can be set to high/med/low/auto.
run in Minimum speed or setting speed.
(4) The louver operates same as in cooling
The indoor fan is controlled as below:
Setting fan
T1-Td ℃(°F) Actual fan speed
(5) Auto fan: speed
T1 H
A H(=H)
a D M(M=M)
b F

c L+(L+=L+D)
G L(L=L)
d L
e I

The auto fan acts as below rules:

8.4.2 Cooling Mode T1 Compressor running rules

When T1-Ts<-2℃(28.4°F), the compressor will a
stop, b
when T1—TS>-0.5℃(31.1°F),,the compressor c
will be activated. d
When the AC run in mute mode, the
compressor will run with low frequency.
When the current is more than setting value, Condenser temperature protection
the current protection function will be activated,
and the compressor will stop.
Off Outdoor fan running rules Decrease
The outdoor unit will be run at different fan
speed according to T4. Hold

For different outdoor units,the fan speeds are Resume


A+ When condenser temperature temp. is more

than setting value, the compressor will stop.
A Evaporator temperature protection

When Evaporator temperature temp.is less
than setting value, the compressor will stop

8.4.4 Auto-mode
This mode can be chosen with remote 8.4.6 Forced operation function
controller and the setting temperature can be Enter forced operation function:
changed between 17°C(62.6°F)~30°C(86°F). When the machine is off, pressing the touch
In auto mode, the machine will choose cooling, button will carry the machine to forced auto
heating or fan-only mode according to ΔT mode. If pressing the button once again within
(ΔT =T1-Ts). 5 seconds, the machine will turn into forced
cooling mode.
T1-Ts In forced auto, forced cooling or any other
operation mode, pressing touch button will turn
Cooling off the machine. In forced operation mode, all general
protections and remote control are available.
Fan only Operation rules:
Forced cooling mode:
The compressor runs at F2 frequency and
indoor fan runs as breeze. After running for 30
minutes. the machine will turn to auto mode as
Heating*: For cooling only models, they will run 24°C(75.2°F) setting temperature.
at fan speed Forced auto mode:
Indoor fan will run at auto fan of the relevant The action of forced auto mode is the same as
mode. normal auto mode with 24°C(75.2°F) setting
The louver operates same as in relevant mode. temperature.
If the machine switches mode between heating
and cooling, the compressor will keep stopping 8.4.7 Auto-Restart function
for certain time and then choose mode The indoor unit is equipped with auto-restart
according to T1-Ts. function, which is carried out through an
If the setting temperature is modified, the auto-restart module. In case of a sudden power
machine will choose running function again. failure, the module memorizes the setting
conditions before the power failure. The unit will
8.4.5 Drying mode resume the previous operation setting (not Indoor fan speed is fixed at breeze and including swing function) automatically after 3
can’t be changed. The louver angle is the same minutes when power returns.
as in cooling mode. If the memorization condition is forced cooling Low indoor room temperature protection mode, the unit will run in cooling mode for 30
In drying mode, if room temperature is lower minutes and turn to auto mode as 24°C(75.2°F)
than 10°C(50°F), the compressor will stop and setting temp.
not resume until room temperature exceeds If AC is off before power off and AC is required
12°C(53.6°F). to start up now, the compressor will have 1 Evaporator anti-freezing protection, minute delay when power on. Other conditions,
condenser high temperature protection and the compressor will have 3 minutes delay when
outdoor unit frequency limit are active and the restarts.
same as that in cooling mode. The outdoor fan operates the same as
in cooling mode.

7.4.10 Point check function

Press the LED DISPLAY or LED or MUTE button of the remote controller three times, and then press

the AIR DIRECTION or SWING button three times in ten seconds, the buzzer will keep ring for two

seconds. The air conditioner will enter into the information enquiry status. You can press the LED

DISPLAY or AIR DIRECTION button to check the next or front item’s information.

When the AC enter the “information enquiry” status, it will display the code name in 2 seconds, the

details are as follows.

Enquiry information Displaying code Meaning

T1 T1 T1 temp.
T2 T2 T2 temp.
T3 T3 T3 temp.
T4 T4 T4 temp.
T2B Tb T2B temp.
TP TP TP temp.
TH TH TH temp.
Targeted Frequency FT Targeted Frequency
Actual Frequency Fr Actual Frequency
Indoor fan speed IF Indoor fan speed
Outdoor fan speed OF Outdoor fan speed
EXV opening angle LA EXV opening angle
Compressor continuous running time CT Compressor continuous
running time
Causes of compressor stop. ST Causes of compressor
Reserve A0
Reserve A1
Reserve 0
Reserve 1
Reserve 2
Reserve 3
Reserve 4
Reserve 5
Reserve 6
Reserve L
Reserve A
Reserve U
Reserve T

When the AC enter into the information enquiry status, it will display the code value in the next 25s, the

details are as follows.

Enquiry Display value Meaning Remark
T1,T2,T3,T4, -1F,-1E,-1d,-1c,- -25,-24,-23,-22,-21,-2 1. All the displaying temperature is actual
T2B,TP,TH, 1b,-1A 0 value.
Targeted -19—99 -19—99 2. All the temperature is °C no matter what
Frequency, A0,A1,…A9 100,101,…109 kind of remote controller is used.
Actual b0,b1,…b9 110,111,…119 3. T1,T2,T3,T4,T2B display range:-25~70,
Frequency c0,c1,…c9 120,121,…129 TP display range:-20~130.
d0,d1,…d9 130,131,…139 4. Frequency display range: 0~159HZ.
E0,E1,…E9 140,141,…149 5. If the actual value exceeds the range, it
F0,F1,…F9 150,151,…159 will display the maximum value or minimum

Indoor fan 0 OFF

speed 1,2,3,4 Low speed, Medium For some big capacity motors.
/Outdoor fan speed, High speed,
speed Turbo
14-FF Actual fan For some small capacity motors,
speed=Display value display value is from 14-FF(hexadecimal),
turns to decimal the corresponding fan speed range is from
value and then 200-2550RPM.
multiply 10. The unit
is RPM.
EXV opening 0-FF Actual EXV opening
angle value=Display value
turns to decimal
value and then
multiply 2.
Compressor 0-FF 0-255 minutes If the actual value exceeds the
continuous range, it will display the maximum
running time value or minimum value.
Causes of 0-99 For the detailed Decimal display
compressor meaning, please
stop. consult with engineer
Reserve 0-FF

9. Troubleshooting


Electricity power is still kept in capacitors even the power supply is shut off. Do not forget to discharge the electricity
power in capacitor.

Electrolytic Capacitors

For other models, please connect discharge resistance (approx.100Ω 40W) or soldering iron (plug) between +, -
terminals of the electrolytic capacitor on the contrary side of the outdoor PCB.

Note: The picture above is only for reference. The plug of your side may be different.

9.1 Indoor Unit Error Display
Timer lamp Display LED STATUS
☆ 1 time X E0 Indoor unit EEPROM parameter error
☆ 2 times X E1 Indoor / outdoor units communication error
☆ 3 times X E2 Zero-crossing signal detection error
☆ 4 times X E3 Indoor fan speed has been out of control
Indoor room temperature sensor T1 open circuit or short
☆ 5 times X E4
Evaporator coil temperature sensor T2 open circuit or
☆ 6 times X E5
short circuit
☆ 7 times X EC Refrigerant leakage detection

☆ 1 times O F0 Overload current protection

Outdoor ambient temperature sensor T4 open circuit or
☆ 2 times O F1
short circuit
Condenser coil temperature sensor T3 open circuit or
☆ 3 times O F2
short circuit
Compressor discharge temperature sensor T5 open
☆ 4 times O F3
circuit or short circuit
☆ 5 times O F4 Outdoor unit EEPROM parameter error
☆ 6 times O F5 Outdoor fan speed has been out of control
☆ 1 times ☆ P0 IPM malfunction or IGBT over-strong current protection
☆ 2 times ☆ P1 Over voltage or over low voltage protection
High temperature protection of compressor top
☆ 3 times ☆ P2
diagnosis and solution
☆ 5 times ☆ P4 Inverter compressor drive error
O(light) X(off) ☆(flash)

9.2 Outdoor unit error display



1 C54
FAN_C CN27 E8 CN20

~ ~ RY4

4-WAY-L 4 CN26 FAN_C CN1 CN21
CN12 CN11 R38
IC10 R58
5 R59

RY3 C77 BR1

C2 C22



C6 D1
R2 R21
L1 D2


R15 C7 R33

RY1 R36 R10 C11
C12 R82 C18
IC2 E1 E4 R91 C47
C148 W
C8 D3 E11 R90
R18 R51 R48 R89

R8 C15 C36 D6 C23


CN14 D13
R17 D4 C49
R4 IC8 C63
C46 C45 E2 C51 R49 C71 R67 CN2
R88 LS1
R63 R40
Earth R3
C1 R60 R24 R64
CN9 E2-Burning CN28
R5 R50
CN25 S D5 C91 R46
L3 R25 C89 R35
C38 IPM1

C85 C16 C76
X1 E16
V E17 U DZ1

C4 LED2 RED C113 R47 R45 R55 D7 C43 C81

R23 C44
C100 C30 DZ5
E10 CN22 C29
D14 C58 C80
T3-Tipe T4-OutDoor TP

R145 R97



LED1 R44 FO3
CN24 L-IN R94 C52 R41 R42



6 5 4 3 2 1 + R6 C26



IC6 R111 R84 R99
R26 R43


PC851 R103 R101 C41 R92 R146

R37 C39 R83








E9 R31 E12
C108 R129 R20


R34 C61

R85 C70
R87 R86 C42 R65 R30
ZR1 E5 C27 C40 C82 C32 C34 C21 C83 C25 R54
Q1 R29
R27 C35 C28
IC5 PC817 DZ2 R61 R66 R56 R57
FUSE1 T20A/250VAC C10 R7 R52 R77 CN42 Simulation CN29


C13 D8
202302130949 CE-KFR26W/BP2(MDY02+1243).D.13.WP2-1 R9


status light, by which you can judge the unit Normal or Error
(standby) Flashing once per second(low speed flashing)
(error) Flashing once per half second (high speed flashing)
(running) aways on


No. Problems IU display
(Green) (Red)
1 standby for normal O X

2 Operation normally X O

3 IPM malfunction or IGBT over-strong current protection ☆ X P0

4 Over voltage or too low voltage protection O O P1

5 Over voltage or too low voltage protection O ☆ P1

6 Inverter compressor drive error X ☆ P4

7 Inverter compressor drive error ☆ O P4

8 Inverter compressor drive error ☆ ☆ P4


9.3 Diagnosis and Solution
9.3.1 EEPROM parameter error diagnosis and solution(E0/F4)
Error Code E0/F4

Malfunction decision Indoor or outdoor PCB main chip does not receive feedback
conditions from EEPROM chip.
Supposed causes ● Installation mistake
● PCB faulty
Trouble shooting:

Power off , then restart the

unit 2 minutes later.


Replace the indoor /outdoor

main PCB.

EEPROM: a read-only memory whose contents can be erased and reprogrammed using a pulsed
voltage. For the location of EEPROM chip, please refer to the below photos.

Indoor PCB Outdoor PCB(18k model)

Note: The two photos above are only for reference, it’s may be not same totally with the ones on
your side.

9.3.2 Indoor / outdoor unit’s communication diagnosis and solution(E1)
Error Code E1

Malfunction decision Indoor unit does not receive the feedback from outdoor unit during
conditions 110 seconds and this condition happens four times continuously.
Supposed causes ● Wiring mistake
● Indoor or outdoor PCB faulty
Trouble shooting:

Use a multimeter to test the DC voltage
between L2 port and S port of outdoor
unit. The red pin of multimeter connects
with L2 port while the black pin is for S

When AC is normal running, the voltage

will move alternately between -50V to

If the outdoor unit has malfunction, the

voltage will move alternately with positive

While if the indoor unit has malfunction,

the voltage will be a certain value.

Use a multimeter to test the resistance
of the reactor which does not connect
with capacitor.
The normal value should be around zero
ohm. Otherwise, the reactor must have
malfunction and need to be replaced.

9.2.3 Zero crossing detection error diagnosis and solution(E2)

9.3.4 Fan speed has been out of control diagnosis and solution(E3)
Error Code E3/F5

Malfunction decision When indoor fan speed keeps too low (300RPM) for certain time,
conditions the unit will stop and the LED will display the failure.
Supposed causes ● Wiring mistake
● Fan ass’y faulty
● Fan motor faulty
● PCB faulty
Trouble shooting:

Index 1:
1:Indoor or Outdoor DC Fan Motor(control chip is in fan motor)

Power on and when the unit is in standby, measure the voltage of pin1-pin3, pin4-pin3 in fan motor

connector. If the value of the voltage is not in the range showing in below table, the PCB must has

problems and need to be replaced.

DC motor voltage input and output(voltage: 220-240V~)

NO. Color Signal Voltage
1 Red Vs/Vm 280V~380V
2 --- --- ---
3 Black GND 0V
4 White Vcc 14-17.5V
5 Yellow Vsp 0~5.6V
6 Blue FG 14-17.5V

DC motor voltage input and output(voltage :115V~)

NO. Color Signal Voltage
1 Red Vs/Vm 140V~190V
2 --- --- ---
3 Black GND 0V
4 White Vcc 14-17.5V
5 Yellow Vsp 0~5.6V
6 Blue FG 14-17.5V

2. Outdoor DC Fan Motor (control chip is in outdoor PCB)

Power on ,and check if the fan can run normally, if the fan can run normally, the PCB must has

problems and need to be replaced, If the fan can’t run normally, measure the resistance of each two

pins. If the resistance is not equal to each other, the fan motor must have problems and need to be

replaced, otherwise the PCB must has problems and need to be replaced.

3. Indoor AC Fan Motor

Power on and set the unit running in fan mode at high fan speed. After running for 15 seconds,

measure the voltage of pin1 and pin2. If the value of the voltage is less than 100V(208~240V power

supply)or 50V(115V power supply), the PCB must has problems and need to be replaced.

9.3.5 Open circuit or short circuit of temperature sensor diagnosis and solution(E5)
Error Code E4/E5/F1/F2/F3

Malfunction decision If the sampling voltage is lower than 0.06V or higher than 4.94V,
conditions the LED will display the failure.
Supposed causes ● Wiring mistake
● Sensor faulty
Trouble shooting: PCB faulty

9.3.6 Refrigerant Leakage Detection diagnosis and solution(EC)
Error Code EC

Malfunction decision Define the evaporator coil temp.T2 of the compressor just starts
conditions running as Tcool.
In the beginning 5 minutes after the compressor starts up, if T2
<Tcool-2°C(Tcool-35.6°F) does not keep continuous 4
seconds and this situation happens 3 times, the display area will
show “EC” and AC will turn off.

Supposed causes ● T2 sensor faulty

● Indoor PCB faulty
● System problems, such as leakage or blocking.
Trouble shooting:

9.3.7 Overload current protection diagnosis and solution(F0)
Error Code F0

Malfunction decision An abnormal current rise is detected by checking the specified

conditions current detection circuit.
Supposed causes ● Power supply problems.
● System blockage
● PCB faulty
● Wiring mistake
● Compressor malfunction

9.3.8 IPM malfunction or IGBT over-strong current protection diagnosis and solution(P0)
Error Code P0

Malfunction decision When the voltage signal that IPM send to compressor drive chip
conditions is abnormal, the display LED will show “P0” and AC will turn off.
Supposed causes ● Wiring mistake
● IPM malfunction
● Outdoor fan ass’y faulty
● Compressor malfunction
● Outdoor PCB faulty
Trouble shooting:

For example:

Note: The photos below are only for reference, it’s may be not same totally with the ones on your







9.3.9 Over voltage or too low voltage protection diagnosis and solution(P1)
Error Code P1

Malfunction decision An abnormal voltage rise or drop is detected by checking the

conditions specified voltage detection circuit.
Supposed causes ● Power supply problems.
● System leakage or block
● PCB faulty
Trouble shooting:

Measure the DC voltage
between P and N port. The
normal value should be
P N around 310V.

9.3.10 High temperature protection of compressor top diagnosis and solution(P2)
Error Code P2

Malfunction decision If the sampling voltage is not 5V, the LED will display the failure.
Supposed causes ● Power supply problems.
● System leakage or block
● PCB faulty
Trouble shooting:

9.3.11 Inverter compressor drive error diagnosis and solution(P4)
Error Code P4

Malfunction decision An abnormal inverter compressor drive is detected by a special

conditions detection circuit, including communication signal detection,
voltage detection, compressor rotation speed signal detection
and so on.
Supposed causes ● Wiring mistake
● IPM malfunction
● Outdoor fan ass’y faulty
● Compressor malfunction
● Outdoor PCB faulty
Trouble shooting:

Main parts check
1. Temperature sensor checking
Disconnect the temperature sensor from PCB, measure the resistance value with a tester.

Temperature sensors.
Room temp.(T1) sensor,
Indoor coil temp.(T2) sensor,
Outdoor coil temp.(T3) sensor,
Outdoor ambient temp.(T4) sensor,
Compressor discharge temp.(T5) sensor.
Measure the resistance value of each winding by using the multi-meter.

Appendix 1 Temperature Sensor Resistance Value Table for T1,T2,T3,T4 (°C--K)
°C °F K Ohm °C °F K Ohm °C °F K Ohm °C °F K Ohm
-20 -4 115.266 20 68 12.6431 60 140 2.35774 100 212 0.62973
-19 -2 108.146 21 70 12.0561 61 142 2.27249 101 214 0.61148
-18 0 101.517 22 72 11.5 62 144 2.19073 102 216 0.59386
-17 1 96.3423 23 73 10.9731 63 145 2.11241 103 217 0.57683
-16 3 89.5865 24 75 10.4736 64 147 2.03732 104 219 0.56038
-15 5 84.219 25 77 10 65 149 1.96532 105 221 0.54448
-14 7 79.311 26 79 9.55074 66 151 1.89627 106 223 0.52912
-13 9 74.536 27 81 9.12445 67 153 1.83003 107 225 0.51426
-12 10 70.1698 28 82 8.71983 68 154 1.76647 108 226 0.49989
-11 12 66.0898 29 84 8.33566 69 156 1.70547 109 228 0.486
-10 14 62.2756 30 86 7.97078 70 158 1.64691 110 230 0.47256
-9 16 58.7079 31 88 7.62411 71 160 1.59068 111 232 0.45957
-8 18 56.3694 32 90 7.29464 72 162 1.53668 112 234 0.44699
-7 19 52.2438 33 91 6.98142 73 163 1.48481 113 235 0.43482
-6 21 49.3161 34 93 6.68355 74 165 1.43498 114 237 0.42304
-5 23 46.5725 35 95 6.40021 75 167 1.38703 115 239 0.41164
-4 25 44 36 97 6.13059 76 169 1.34105 116 241 0.4006
-3 27 41.5878 37 99 5.87359 77 171 1.29078 117 243 0.38991
-2 28 39.8239 38 100 5.62961 78 172 1.25423 118 244 0.37956
-1 30 37.1988 39 102 5.39689 79 174 1.2133 119 246 0.36954
0 32 35.2024 40 104 5.17519 80 176 1.17393 120 248 0.35982
1 34 33.3269 41 106 4.96392 81 178 1.13604 121 250 0.35042
2 36 31.5635 42 108 4.76253 82 180 1.09958 122 252 0.3413
3 37 29.9058 43 109 4.5705 83 181 1.06448 123 253 0.33246
4 39 28.3459 44 111 4.38736 84 183 1.03069 124 255 0.3239
5 41 26.8778 45 113 4.21263 85 185 0.99815 125 257 0.31559
6 43 25.4954 46 115 4.04589 86 187 0.96681 126 259 0.30754
7 45 24.1932 47 117 3.88673 87 189 0.93662 127 261 0.29974
8 46 22.5662 48 118 3.73476 88 190 0.90753 128 262 0.29216
9 48 21.8094 49 120 3.58962 89 192 0.8795 129 264 0.28482
10 50 20.7184 50 122 3.45097 90 194 0.85248 130 266 0.2777
11 52 19.6891 51 124 3.31847 91 196 0.82643 131 268 0.27078
12 54 18.7177 52 126 3.19183 92 198 0.80132 132 270 0.26408
13 55 17.8005 53 127 3.07075 93 199 0.77709 133 271 0.25757
14 57 16.9341 54 129 2.95896 94 201 0.75373 134 273 0.25125
15 59 16.1156 55 131 2.84421 95 203 0.73119 135 275 0.24512
16 61 15.3418 56 133 2.73823 96 205 0.70944 136 277 0.23916
17 63 14.6181 57 135 2.63682 97 207 0.68844 137 279 0.23338
18 64 13.918 58 136 2.53973 98 208 0.66818 138 280 0.22776
19 66 13.2631 59 138 2.44677 99 210 0.64862 139 282 0.22231

Appendix 2 Temperature Sensor Resistance Value Table for T5 (°C --K)
°C °F K Ohm °C °F K Ohm °C °F K Ohm °C °F K Ohm
-20 -4 542.7 20 68 68.66 60 140 13.59 100 212 3.702
-19 -2 511.9 21 70 65.62 61 142 13.11 101 214 3.595
-18 0 483 22 72 62.73 62 144 12.65 102 216 3.492
-17 1 455.9 23 73 59.98 63 145 12.21 103 217 3.392
-16 3 430.5 24 75 57.37 64 147 11.79 104 219 3.296
-15 5 406.7 25 77 54.89 65 149 11.38 105 221 3.203
-14 7 384.3 26 79 52.53 66 151 10.99 106 223 3.113
-13 9 363.3 27 81 50.28 67 153 10.61 107 225 3.025
-12 10 343.6 28 82 48.14 68 154 10.25 108 226 2.941
-11 12 325.1 29 84 46.11 69 156 9.902 109 228 2.86
-10 14 307.7 30 86 44.17 70 158 9.569 110 230 2.781
-9 16 291.3 31 88 42.33 71 160 9.248 111 232 2.704
-8 18 275.9 32 90 40.57 72 162 8.94 112 234 2.63
-7 19 261.4 33 91 38.89 73 163 8.643 113 235 2.559
-6 21 247.8 34 93 37.3 74 165 8.358 114 237 2.489
-5 23 234.9 35 95 35.78 75 167 8.084 115 239 2.422
-4 25 222.8 36 97 34.32 76 169 7.82 116 241 2.357
-3 27 211.4 37 99 32.94 77 171 7.566 117 243 2.294
-2 28 200.7 38 100 31.62 78 172 7.321 118 244 2.233
-1 30 190.5 39 102 30.36 79 174 7.086 119 246 2.174
0 32 180.9 40 104 29.15 80 176 6.859 120 248 2.117
1 34 171.9 41 106 28 81 178 6.641 121 250 2.061
2 36 163.3 42 108 26.9 82 180 6.43 122 252 2.007
3 37 155.2 43 109 25.86 83 181 6.228 123 253 1.955
4 39 147.6 44 111 24.85 84 183 6.033 124 255 1.905
5 41 140.4 45 113 23.89 85 185 5.844 125 257 1.856
6 43 133.5 46 115 22.89 86 187 5.663 126 259 1.808
7 45 127.1 47 117 22.1 87 189 5.488 127 261 1.762
8 46 121 48 118 21.26 88 190 5.32 128 262 1.717
9 48 115.2 49 120 20.46 89 192 5.157 129 264 1.674
10 50 109.8 50 122 19.69 90 194 5 130 266 1.632
11 52 104.6 51 124 18.96 91 196 4.849
12 54 99.69 52 126 18.26 92 198 4.703
13 55 95.05 53 127 17.58 93 199 4.562
14 57 90.66 54 129 16.94 94 201 4.426
15 59 86.49 55 131 16.32 95 203 4.294
16 61 82.54 56 133 15.73 96 205 4.167
17 63 78.79 57 135 15.16 97 207 4.045
18 64 75.24 58 136 14.62 98 208 3.927
19 66 71.86 59 138 14.09 99 210 3.812

Appendix 3:

°C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F °C °F
-5 23 21 69.8 51 123.8 82 179.6 113 235.4
-4 24.8 22 71.6 52 125.6 83 181.4 114 237.2
-3 26.6 23 73.4 53 127.4 84 183.2 115 239
-2 28.4 24 75.2 54 129.2 85 185 116 240.8
-1 30.2 25 77 55 131 86 186.8 117 242.6
0 32 25.5 77.9 56 132.8 87 188.6 118 244.4
0.5 32.9 26 78.8 57 134.6 88 190.4 119 246.2
1 33.8 27 80.6 58 136.4 89 192.2 120 248
1.5 34.7 28 82.4 59 138.2 90 194 121 249.8
2 35.6 29 84.2 60 140 91 195.8 122 251.6
2.5 36.5 30 86 61 141.8 92 197.6 123 253.4
3 37.4 31 87.8 62 143.6 93 199.4 124 255.2
3.5 38.3 32 89.6 63 145.4 94 201.2 125 257
4 39.2 33 91.4 64 147.2 95 203 126 258.8
4.5 40.1 34 93.2 65 149 96 204.8 127 260.6
5 41 35 95 66 150.8 97 206.6 128 262.4
6 42.8 36 96.8 67 152.6 98 208.4 129 264.2
7 44.6 37 98.6 68 154.4 99 210.2 130 266
8 46.4 38 100.4 69 156.2 100 212 131 267.8
9 48.2 39 102.2 70 158 101 213.8 132 269.6
10 50 40 104 71 159.8 102 215.6 133 271.4
11 51.8 41 105.8 72 161.6 103 217.4 134 273.2
12 53.6 42 107.6 73 163.4 104 219.2 135 275
13 55.4 43 109.4 74 165.2 105 221 136 276.8
14 57.2 44 111.2 75 167 106 222.8 137 278.6
15 59 45 113 76 168.8 107 224.6 138 280.4
16 60.8 46 114.8 77 170.6 108 226.4 139 282.2
17 62.6 47 116.6 78 172.4 109 228.2 140 284
18 64.4 48 118.4 79 174.2 110 230 141 285.8
19 66.2 49 120.2 80 176 111 231.8 142 287.6
20 68 50 122 81 177.8 112 233.6 143 289.4

2.Compressor checking
Measure the resistance value of each winding by using the tester.

Position Resistance Value

Blue - Red
1.57Ω 1.75Ω 0.95Ω
Blue - Black
(20℃/68℉) (20℃/68℉) (20℃/68℉)
Red - Blue

3. IPM continuity check
Turn off the power, let the large capacity electrolytic capacitors discharge completely, and dismount the IPM. Use a digital
tester to measure the resistance between P and UVWN; UVW and N.
Digital tester Normal resistance value Digital tester Normal resistance value
(+)Red (-)Black (+)Red (-)Black
∞ V

V (Several MΩ) W (Several MΩ)
W (+)Red

4.Indoor AC Fan Motor

Measure the resistance value of each winding by using the tester.

Position Resistance Value

RPG20E(YKFG-20-4-5) RPG28D(YKFG-28-4-1) RPG45C(YKFG-45-4-22)
Black - Red 388Ω±8% (20℃) 260Ω±8% (20℃) 168Ω±8% (20℃)
(Brand: Weiling) (Brand: Weiling) (Brand: Weiling)
White - Black 360Ω±8% (20℃) 385Ω±8% (20℃) 141Ω±8% (20℃)
(Brand: Weiling) (Brand: Weiling) (Brand: Weiling)

5: Pressure On Service Port
Cooling chart:

ODT 75 85 95 105 115

IDT (23.89) (29.44) (35) (40.56) (46.11)
BAR 70/59 8.2 7.8 8.1 8.6 10.1
BAR 75/63 8.6 8.3 8.7 9.1 10.7
BAR 80/67 9.3 8.9 9.1 9.6 11.2

ODT 75 85 95 105 115

IDT (23.89) (29.44) (35) (40.56) (46.11)
PSI 70/59 119 113 117 125 147
PSI 75/63 124 120 126 132 155
PSI 80/67 135 129 132 140 162

ODT 75 85 95 105 115

IDT (23.89) (29.44) (35) (40.56) (46.11)
MPA 70/59 0.82 0.78 0.81 0.86 1.01
MPA 75/63 0.86 0.83 0.87 0.91 1.07
MPA 80/67 0.93 0.89 0.91 0.96 1.12






75 (23.89) 85 (29.44) 95 (35) 105 (40.56) 115 (46.11)

Heating Chart:

°F ODT 57/53 47/43 37/33 27/23 17/13

(°C) IDT (13.89/11.67) (8.33/6.11) (2.78/0.56) (-2.78/-5) (-8.33/-10.56)
BAR 55 30.3 28.5 25.3 22.8 20.8
BAR 65 32.5 30.0 26.6 25.4 23.3
BAR 75 33.8 31.5 27.8 26.3 24.9

°F ODT 57/53 47/43 37/33 27/23 17/13

(°C) IDT (13.89/11.67) (8.33/6.11) (2.78/0.56) (-2.78/-5) (-8.33/-10.56)
PSI 55 439 413 367 330 302
PSI 65 471 435 386 368 339
PSI 75 489 457 403 381 362

°F ODT 57/53 47/43 37/33 27/23 17/13

(°C) IDT (13.89/11.67) (8.33/6.11) (2.78/0.56) (-2.78/-5) (-8.33/-10.56)
MPA 55 3.03 2.85 2.53 2.28 2.08
MPA 65 3.25 3.00 2.66 2.54 2.33
MPA 75 3.38 3.15 2.78 2.63 2.49





20.0 55


57/53 47/43 37/33 27/23 17/13
(13.89/11.67) (8.33/6.11) (2.78/0.56) (-2.78/-5) (-8.33/-10.56)

10 Disassembly Instructions
Note: This part is for reference, the photos may have slight difference with your machine.

10.1 Indoor unit

No. Parts name Procedures Remarks

1 Front panel How to remove the front panel.

1) Pull the below side of

the panel toward you and

remove the cover

2) Release the connector of

the display ass’y.

3) Release the two clips and

then remove the panel.

4) Remove the filter and the

horizontal louver.

5) Remove the two screws

and then remove the panel ⑤


2 Electrical How to remove the electrical
parts. ②

1) Remove the front

panel from procedure 1.

2) Pull out the room temp.

sensor (T1). Remove the two

screws for the ground


3) Remove the fixing screw. ②

4) Pull out the coil temp.


5) From the side direction,

open the electronic control box

cover fixing by clips. Pull out

the fan motor connector and

swing motor connector. Then

remove the electronic control

box. ⑤

3 Evaporator How to remove the evaporator.

1) After remove the

electrical parts from procedure

2, disassemble the pipe holder

at the rear side of the unit.

2) Remove the screws on the ②

evaporator at the fixed plate.

3) Remove the two screws

on the evaporator at the base

bearing side.

4) Then pull out the


4 Fan motor How to remove the fan motor.
and Fan
1) Remove the front

panel, electrical parts and

evaporator following procedure


2) Remove the two screws

and remove the fixing board of

fan motor. ②

3) Remove the fixing screw .

4) Pull out the fan motor and

fan ass’y from the side


10.2 Outdoor unit
No. Part name Procedures Remarks
1 Panel plate How to remove the panel plate.
Top cover
1) Stop operation of the

air conditioner and turn “OFF”

the power breaker.

2) Remove the top

cover.(8 screws)

3) Remove the front

panel.(10 screws)

4) Remove the side

Front panel Side panel
panel.(11 screws)
2 Fan ass’y How to remove the fan ass’y.

1) Remove the panel ②

plate from procedure 1

2) Remove the hex nut

fixing the fan.

3) Remove the fan.

4) Disconnect the

connector for fan motor from

the electronic control board.

5) Remove the fixing

screws.(4 pcs)

6) Remove the fan motor.


3 Electrical How to remove the electrical

1) Perform work of item


2) Remove the wires

connected with the

compressor. (On the IPM )

3) Remove the wires ③

Two blue
connected with 4-way valve.
4) Remove the red wire

connected with the capacitor

Remove the blue wire ④

connected with the reactor.

5) Remove the temp. sensor

connectors. Remove the

ground wire

of the compressor

6) Remove the two fixing

screws ⑤

7) Remove the electronic

control box.

4 Compressor How to remove the

1) Perform work of item

2) Remove ground wire and
remove the discharge pipe
and suction pipe with a burner.
3) Remove the nuts and
washers fixing the compressor
on bottom plate.
4) Lift the compressor ③
from the base pan assembly.

No. Part name Procedures Remarks
1 Panel plate How to remove the panel plate.

1) Stop operation of the

air conditioner and turn “OFF”

the power breaker.

2) Remove the top

cover.(6 screws)

3) Remove the front

panel.(10 screws)

4) Remove the side

panel.(10 screws)

2 Fan ass’y How to remove the fan ass’y.

1) Remove the panel ② ③

plate from procedure 1

2) Remove the hex nut

fixing the fan.

3) Remove the fan.

4) Disconnect the

connector for fan motor from

the electronic control board. ④

⑤4 screws

5) Remove the fixing

screws.(4 pcs)

6) Remove the fan motor.

3 Electrical How to remove the electrical


1) Perform work of item

1,2. ②

2) Remove the two

connectors for the compressor

and the reactors.

3) Remove two blue wires

connected with the four way


4) Remove the connectors

for the condenser coil temp.

sensor(T3),outdoor ambient
④ T3,T4,T5
temp. sensor(T4) and

discharge temp. sensor(T5).

(two black connectors, one

white connector)

5) Remove the ground

wires . ⑤

6) Remove the fixing screws.

7) Remove the electronic

control box. two screws

4 Compressor How to remove the


1) Perform work of item
2) Remove the ground wire

and remove the discharge
pipe and suction pipe with a
3) Remove the hex nuts
and washers fixing the
compressor on bottom plate.
4) Lift the compressor ③

from the base pan assembly.


No. Parts name Procedures Remarks

1 Panel plate How to remove the panel plate.

Top cover

1) Stop operation of the

air conditioner and turn “OFF”

the power breaker.

2) Remove the top Side panel

cover.(9 screws)

3) Remove the front

panel.(2 screws)

4) Remove the side Air outlet panel Front panel

panel.(10 screws)

5) Remove the air

outlet panel.(9 screws)

2 Fan ass’y How to remove the fan ass’y.
② ③
1) Remove the panel

plate from procedure 1.

2) Remove the hex nut

fixing the fan.

3) Remove the fan.

4) Disconnect the

connectors for fan motor from

the electronic control board.

(There are blue wire, red wire

④3 pcs wires.

and black wire. The blue wire

and red wire are on the

capacitor. The black wire is

connected with terminal four.)

5) Remove the fixing

screws.(3 pcs)

6) Remove the fan
⑤3 screws

3 Electrical How to remove the electrical

parts parts.

1) Perform work of item ②


2) Remove the screw on

the middle metal plate.

3) Remove the wires

connected with the

compressor.(Red wire

connects with terminal one, the

blue wire and white wire

connect with the compressor

capacitor) ③3 pcs wires.

4) Remove the wires

connected with the 4-way


5) Remove the electrical


4 Compressor How to remove the


1) Perform work of item


2) Remove the ground wire

and remove the discharge pipe

and suction pipe with a burner.

3) Remove the nuts and

washers fixing the compressor ④

on bottom plate.

4) Lift the compressor

from the base pan assembly.


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