06lab Gejon Hosea
06lab Gejon Hosea
06lab Gejon Hosea
3. Re-examine the program that you created during the demonstration and answer the following questions:
a.On what specific part of the program were the java.awt and javax.swing packages used? Explain how. (Essay:
15 points)
When building or creating FlowLayout and setFont objects (used to set the text font of the outputArea
(from Java.swing)).
For creating input and output objects such as JPanels, JFrames, JTextFields, and JLabels. are employed
to create the panel's background and JFrames, which enclose it and give it a beautiful form. JLablels
are used to offer labels to help the user enter an IP address into the textfield, while JTextFields are used
to provide a space for the user to type. Additionally, the JButtons are utilized to store the IP addresses
and then either "clear" or "okay" the text input or send it to the rest of the application.
b .On what specific part of the program was the java.awt.event package used? Explain how.
(Essay: 15 points)
4. In line with the concept of the program that you created (a program that generates IP address), search
for at least one (1) framework that can be used in creating the same program. Explain how you will
implement the framework. (Essay: 15 points)
You can write a program that produces IP addresses, just like the one I developed, using the
JavaFX framework. For Java projects, Swing and JavaFX are GUI toolkits that facilitate software
replication. Because FX and Swing share identical components and terminology, programmers
who are used to working with Swing will find the transition to be reasonably easy. Though FX is
constantly releasing new components, Swing has a larger range of UI elements.
Look for at least five (5) mobile user interface (UI) toolkits that are not included in 06 Handout 1
after reviewing the program again and locating another appropriate framework. Give each
toolbox the following information.
5. After re-examining the program and finding another suitable framework, search for at least five (5)
mobile user interface (UI) toolkits which are not included in 06 Handout 1. Provide the following details
for each toolkit:
a. Toolkit name (3 points)
• Pivot (WTK) • Fox Toolkit • GTK • GNUstep • Shoes
a. Toolkit creator/developer (2 points)
• Apache Software Foundation • Jeroen van der Zijp, FOX community • The GNOME Project,
eXperimental Computing Facility (XCF) • GNUstep Developers • Team Shoes
b. Short toolkit description (5 points)
• An open-source platform for constructing feature-rich web applications in Java or any JVM-
compatible language, released under the Apache License version 2.0.
• An open-source, cross-platform widget toolkit, composed in C++, with language bindings
available for Python, Ruby, and Eiffel.
• A free and open-source cross-platform widget toolkit popular for the Wayland and X11
windowing systems.
• A free software implementation of the Cocoa Objective-C frameworks, widget toolkit, and
application development tools for Unix-like operating systems and Microsoft Windows. It
features a cross-platform, object-oriented IDE.
• A GUI toolkit based on the Ruby programming language, Shoes runs on Microsoft Windows,
Mac OS X, and Linux (GTK+), leveraging the underlying technologies of Cairo and Pango. Shoes
prioritizes simplicity in design.
c. Base on your understanding, how will this toolkit help developers and designers create a better
user interface? Cite some examples, if possible. (Essay: 15 points)
• Pivot employs BXML files for GUI design, streamlining the creation of Java object hierarchies.
Designers can easily place WTK components and set properties without writing Java code,
enabling the development of entire Pivot applications without any compiled code.
• The Fox toolkit is compatible with various hardware and operating systems, offering
developers the opportunity to reach a broad customer base. Applications developed with Fox
can run on different platforms, providing a strategic advantage in markets where competitors
may be absent. The FOX GUI Library offers a platform-independent escape hatch relying on core
system facilities present in modern operating systems.
• GTK, designed using an XML file, allows for code-free user interface design in a What You See
Is What You Get manner. Designers can utilize Glade# bindings and the gtk-dotnet.dll assembly
for GUI application design. The support for the standard GTK/GNOME stack, along with Glade#
bindings, facilitates the creation of GUI applications with ease.
• GNUstep includes graphical applications like ProjectCenter and Gorm to assist developers in
managing, creating, designing, and editing projects. With these tools, developers can swiftly
build cross-platform applications in Objective-C or Java, design various project types, and
customize every aspect of the user interface. Gorm allows for easy drag-and-drop placement of
objects like menus, buttons, tables, and browsers, with powerful inspectors for editing.
• Shoes offers a range of common widgets for graphical application creation, along with graphic
primitives for drawing. It features an embedded MRI/cRuby Ruby, eliminating the need for end-
users to install Ruby. Shoes provides a customized Rubygems environment, avoiding conflicts
with existing Ruby installations. Developers can package and share their scripts easily with
others who have Shoes installed.