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Iec61850 90 5 Draft2

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Project number IEC 61850-90-5 TR Ed.1

IEC/TC or SC Secretariat
TC 57 Germany
Distributed on Voting terminates on
2011-06-10 2011-08-12
Also of interest to the following committees Supersedes document
TC 95 57/1086/DC - 57/1141/INF
Functions concerned

Safety EMC Environment Quality assurance



IEC 61850-90-5 TR Ed.1:
Communication networks and systems for power utility automation – Part 90-5:
Use of IEC 61850 to transmit synchrophasor information according to IEEE

NOTE 1: The French NC stated that it will not provide a French version for this project.

NOTE 2: It has been agreed to include the following note in the foreword of the future IEC technical

“This technical report has been prepared in a joint effort between IEC and IEEE as a response to
57/999/NP. A task force consisting of members from the IEC WG10 as well as the IEEE Power System
Relay Committee has prepared that report with task force meetings both at the regular meetings of
WG10 as well as at the regular meetings of the IEEE Power System relay Committee.

A first version of this document has been circulated as 57/1086/DC. Once the technical report is
approved and published, the results will be integrated as amendments into the relevant parts of IEC

Copyright © 2011 International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC. All rights reserved. It is

permitted to download this electronic file, to make a copy and to print out the content for the sole
purpose of preparing National Committee positions. You may not copy or "mirror" the file or
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® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission 2009-01-09
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) –2–

1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 9
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................... 9
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................... 11
4 Abbreviated terms .......................................................................................................... 12
5 Use cases ...................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Wide Area Applications Utilizing Synchrophasors .................................................. 15
5.2 Synchro-check ....................................................................................................... 16
5.3 Adaptive relaying ................................................................................................... 17
5.4 Out-of-step (OOS) protection ................................................................................. 20
5.5 Situational awareness ........................................................................................... 22
5.6 State Estimation and on-line security assessment ................................................. 25
5.7 Archive data (event & continuous) ......................................................................... 27
5.8 Wide Area Controls ............................................................................................... 29
5.8.1 Special Protection Schemes ...................................................................... 29
5.8.2 Predictive Dynamic Stability Maintaining System ....................................... 31
5.8.3 Under Voltage Load Shedding ................................................................... 33
5.8.4 Phenomenon assumption type WAMPAC ................................................... 34
6 Modeling considerations ................................................................................................. 35
6.1 System Hierarchy .................................................................................................. 36
6.2 PMU Model ............................................................................................................ 37
6.3 Phasor Data Concentrators (PDCs) ....................................................................... 38
6.3.1 Substation PDC Model ............................................................................... 38
6.3.2 Regional or System Level PDC .................................................................. 39
7 Communication requirements ......................................................................................... 40
7.1 Direct connection with tunnelling or R-SV service .................................................. 40
7.2 The gateway approach .......................................................................................... 42
7.3 Requirement summary ........................................................................................... 43
7.4 TCP use ................................................................................................................ 44
8 Security Model ................................................................................................................ 46
8.1 Key Management and Cryptographic Support ........................................................ 49
8.2 Key Distribution Center (KDC) ............................................................................... 50
9 Services ......................................................................................................................... 52
9.1 Command Service ................................................................................................. 52
9.1.1 Control Blocks ........................................................................................... 53 Sampled Values over IP Control Block: R-MSVCB ...................... 54 GOOSE over IP Control Block: R-GOCB ..................................... 55 Explanation of additional attributes ............................................. 55
9.2 Configuration Request Service .............................................................................. 56
9.2.1 CFG-1 Type of Configuration Data – Capabilities ....................................... 57
9.2.2 CFG-2 or CFG-3 Type of Configuration Data – Measurements ................... 57
9.2.3 Online access to CFG-1 configuration information ..................................... 57
9.2.4 Offline access to CFG-2 and CFG-3 configuration information ................... 57
9.3 Header Information Service ................................................................................... 57
9.4 Data Transmission Service .................................................................................... 57
9.4.1 General ..................................................................................................... 57
9.4.2 Coding Synchrophasors Data .................................................................... 58 GOOSE Data Coding .................................................................. 58
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9.5 Specific Data Mapping ........................................................................................... 58

9.6 Common Data Fields ............................................................................................. 58
9.7 Time Synchronization ............................................................................................ 58
9.8 Redundancy .......................................................................................................... 59
10 IEC Logical Node Modeling for Synchrophasor Measurements ....................................... 60
11 Synchrophasor Profile Mappings .................................................................................... 61
11.1 A-Profiles .............................................................................................................. 62
11.1.1 A-Profile GOOSE, SV, and Management A-Profile .................................... 64 Application Layer ........................................................................ 64 Session Layer ............................................................................. 67 ITU X.234 A-Profile Options ........................................................ 81
11.1.2 KDC Profile ............................................................................................... 81 Signature Hash Algorithm ........................................................... 82 Identification Payload .................................................................. 82 Payload Identification .................................................................. 85 Key Download Payload ............................................................... 91
11.1.3 Internet Group Management Protocol version 3 A-Profile ........................... 93
11.2 T-Profiles .............................................................................................................. 93
11.2.1 Protocol differentiation of T-Profiles by A-Profile ........................................ 94 T-Profile to support IGMPv3 ........................................................ 96
11.2.2 Common Network Layer............................................................................. 96 IPv4 Based Network Layer (mandatory) ...................................... 96 Data Link Layer ........................................................................... 98 Physical Layer ............................................................................ 98
12 Effects on IEC 61850-5 ................................................................................................... 99
13 Effects on the IEC 61850-6 (SCL) ................................................................................. 100
13.1 SCL Extensions to support IEC 61850-90-5 defined profiles ................................ 100
13.1.1 General engineering process ................................................................... 100
13.1.2 Control Block Extensions ......................................................................... 101 SV Control Block Extensions ..................................................... 101 GSE Control Block Extensions .................................................. 102
13.1.3 KDC Access Point ................................................................................... 103
13.1.4 Addressing Extensions ............................................................................ 104 IPv6 addresses ......................................................................... 105 String Representation of IP Address (DNSName) ...................... 105 IEEE C37.118 IP Port Definition (C37-118-IP-Port) ................... 105
13.2 SCL Extensions to support the configuration of IEEE C37.118.2 .......................... 106
13.2.1 The underlying protocol ........................................................................... 107
13.2.2 The data values ....................................................................................... 107
13.2.3 SCL example ........................................................................................... 108
14 Effect on IEC 61850-7-2 ............................................................................................... 109
15 Effect on IEC 61850-7-4 ............................................................................................... 109
15.1 Namespace definition .......................................................................................... 109
15.2 Extension of ClcMth............................................................................................. 109
15.3 Addition of Rate of Change of Frequency (ROCOF) DataObject .......................... 109
Annex A - Full SCL Example for C37.118 configuration (Informative) .................................. 111
Annex B - SCL Examples for Direct PMU and PDC oriented Communication
(Informative) ................................................................................................................. 119
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B.1 Direct PMU Communication Example .................................................................. 119

B.2 PDC Communication Example ............................................................................. 124
Annex C - Migration from IEEE C37.118 to IEC 61850 (informative) .................................... 132
C.1 General ............................................................................................................... 132
Annex D - Open System Interconnect (OSI) Model (Informative) ......................................... 136
Annex E –IPv6 (informative)................................................................................................ 141
E.1 Additions to normative references ....................................................................... 141
E.2 A-Profile .............................................................................................................. 141
E.3 T-Profile .............................................................................................................. 141
E.3.1 IPv6 Options ............................................................................................ 142
E.4 SCL Modifications ............................................................................................... 142
Annex F – Edge Authentication (Informative) ...................................................................... 143
Annex G – Example of A-Profile encodings (Informative) .................................................... 144
Annex H – Improving Reliability of R-SV Transmissions (Informative) ................................. 145
Annex I – Guidance on HMAC and Truncation (Informative) ................................................ 146
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Figure 5-1: Use case diagram for Synchro-check .................................................................. 16

Figure 5-2: Use case diagram for adaptive relaying .............................................................. 17
Figure 5-3: Use case diagram for out-of-step (OOS) protection ............................................. 20
Figure 5-4: Use case diagram for situational awareness ....................................................... 22
Figure 5-5: Use case diagram for state estimation ............................................................... 25
Figure 5-6: Use case diagram for archiving data ................................................................... 27
Figure 5-7: Use case diagram for wide area controls ............................................................. 29
Figure 6-1: Basic IEC 61850 model of WAMPAC fucntions .................................................... 36
Figure 6-2: Substation PDC model with legacy PMUs ........................................................... 38
Figure 6-3: Regional PDC object model ................................................................................ 39
Figure 7-1: Synchrophasor communication modelling for direct connection ........................... 41
Figure 7-2: PDC as phasor concentrator and (proxy) gateway ............................................... 42
Figure 7-3: Application locality and time scale ....................................................................... 44
Figure 8-1: End-to-End Cryptographic Integrity for IEC 61850-9-2 implementations .............. 47
Figure 8-2: State Transitions for Key Usage .......................................................................... 50
Figure 11-1: General Service Mappings ............................................................................... 62
Figure 11-2: IEC 61850-90-5 A-Profiles ............................................................................... 63
Figure 11-3: General Byte Ordering of Session Protocol ...................................................... 67
Figure 11-4: Structure of IEC TR 61850-90-5 Session Protocol ............................................ 68
Figure 11-5: Encoding of TimetoNextKey .............................................................................. 73
Figure 11-6: IEEE 802.3 Frame format for SV and GOOSE ................................................... 78
Figure 11-7 - Virtual LAN Tag ............................................................................................... 79
Figure 11-8: General format for IEC 61850-90-5 Payload Extensions ................................... 84
Figure 11-9: Policy Response Frame .................................................................................... 90
Figure 11-10: Key Download Response Payload Definition ................................................... 92
Figure 11-11: A-Profile association to various T-Profiles ....................................................... 94
Figure 11-12: From RFC 768 ............................................................................................... 95
Figure 11-13: Format of IP Header ........................................................................................ 97
Figure 11-14 – ToS Byte Field Definition RFC-2474 and RFC-3168 ...................................... 97
Figure 11-15: Security Field definition from RFC 1108 .......................................................... 98
Figure 13-1: Extension to tSampledValueControl ................................................................ 101
Figure 13-2: Extension to agSmvOpts ................................................................................. 102
Figure 13-3: Extension of tGSEControl ............................................................................... 102
Figure 13-4: Definition of tPredefinedTypeOfSecurityEnum ................................................. 103
Figure 13-5: AccessPoint SCL production indicating a KDC function ................................... 103
Figure 13-6: IED SCL producting indicating the KDC(s) to be used ..................................... 104
Figure 13-7: SCL tKDC type ................................................................................................ 104
Figure 13-8: Extension to tPredefinedPTypeEnum .............................................................. 104
Figure 13-9: tP_IPbase extension for IPv6 addresses ......................................................... 105
Figure 13-10: Definition of tP_DNSName ............................................................................ 105
Figure 13-11: Definition tp_ C37-118-IP-Port ...................................................................... 106
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Figure 15-1 Single line for SCL example ............................................................................. 111

Figure 15-2: Tasks of the OSI Model Layers ....................................................................... 136
Figure 15-3: Comparison between OSI Model and Internet Models ..................................... 136
Figure 15-4: Visualizing Adding Layer Headers ................................................................... 137
Figure 15-5: Peer-to-Peer Data Exchange in the OSI Model ................................................ 137
Figure 15-6: Relationship of OSI services to protocol data units (PDUs) ............................. 138
Figure 15-7: OSI Model Addressing .................................................................................... 139
Figure 15-8: Example Encoding of GOOSE A-Profile .......................................................... 144
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Table 9-1 – Equivalent Commands ........................................................................................ 52

Table 9-2: R-MSVCB class definition .................................................................................... 54
Table 9-3 – R-GOCB Definition ............................................................................................. 55
Table 9-4: Current PHYCOMADDR Structure ........................................................................ 55
Table 9-5: UDPCOMADDR Structure .................................................................................... 56
Table 10-1: Extension to ClcMth to allow P-Class and M-Class ............................................. 61
Table 11-1: Example encodings of SPDU Length .................................................................. 72
Table 11-2: IEC 61850 Ethertype values ............................................................................... 78
Table 11-3: Allowed values for MAC signature value calculations ......................................... 80
Table 11-4: RFC-3547 Assigned Payload Identifiers ............................................................. 82
Table 11-5: RFC-3547 Assigned Payload Identifiers ............................................................. 83
Table 11-6: IEC 61850-90-5 Assigned Payload Identifiers ..................................................... 85
Table 11-7: RFC-3547 Key Download Type Identifiers .......................................................... 91
Table 11-8: IEC 61850-90-5 Key Download Type Identifiers .................................................. 92
Table 11-9: UDP Field Implementation Requirements ........................................................... 95
Table 11-10: Network Protocol Conformance Implementation Statement (PICS) for IPv4
based T-Profiles.................................................................................................................... 96
Table 15-1: Migration steps from C37.118 to IEC 61850 .................................................... 135
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Synchrophasor data as measured and calculated by PMUs are considered to be useful

information to assess the condition of the electrical power network.

The synchrophasors and related message formats to transmit synchrophasor data over long
distances are defined in IEEE C37.118.

Even though the communication according to IEEE C37.118 has proven to be well usable and
working, there is a desire to have a communication mechanism that is compliant to the
concept of IEC 61850. This document lays out how this shall be done.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) –9–

1 Scope

The primary scope of this document is to provide a way of exchanging synchrophasor data
between PMUs, PDCs WAMPAC ( Wide Area Monitoring, Protection, and Control), and between
control center applications.The data, to the extent covered in IEEE C37.118-2005, is
transported in a way that is compliant to the concepts of IEC 61850.

However, given the primary scope and use cases, this document also provides routable
profiles for IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE and IEC 61850-9-2 SV packets. These routable packets
can be utilized to transport data that general IEC 61850 data as well as synchrophasor data.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

FIPS 180-1 Secure Hash Standard. Also known as SHA-1.

IEC 61850-6:2009 Communication networks and systems in substations Part 6: Configuration description
language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs
IEC 61850-9-2 Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 9-2: Specific
Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) – Sampled values over ISO/IEC 8802-3
IEC TR 61850-90-4 Network Engineering Guidelines
IEC 61850-7-2 Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 7-2: Basic communication
structure for substation and feeder equipment – Abstract communication service
interface (ACSI)
IEC 61850-8-1 Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 8-1: Specific
Communication Service Mapping (SCSM) – Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO
9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3 Reference
IEEE 802.1Q Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks
IEEE C37.118.1 Standard for Synchrophasor Measurements for Power
ISO/IEC 19772 Information technology — Security techniques — Authenticated encryption.
Also available as: NIST SP 800-38D.
ITU-T X.234 Information Technology – Protocol for Providing the OSI Connectionless-mode
Transport Service
ITU-T X.234 Amendment Information Technology – Protocol for Providing the OSI Connectionless-mode
1 Transport Service Amendment 1: Addition of Connectionless-Mode Multicast Capability
RFC 1108 U.S. Department of Defense Security Options for the Internet Protocol
RFC 1240 OSI connectionless transport services on top of UDP
RFC 2104 HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
RFC 2407 Internet Key Exchange (IKEv1) Protocol
RFC 2474 Definition of Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in IPv4 and IPv6 Headers
RFC 2991 Multipath Issues in Unicast and Multicast Next-Hop Selection
RFC 3168 The Addition of Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP
RFC 3246 An Expedited Forwarding PHB (Per-Hop Behavior)
RFC 3376 Internet Group Management Protocol, Version 3
RFC 3547 The Group Domain of Interpretation
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 10 –

RFC 5771 IANA Guidelines for IPv4 Multicast Address Assignments

RFC 791 Internet Protocol DARPA Internet Program Protocol Specification
RFC 826 An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol
RFC 894 A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over Ethernet Networks
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 11 –

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this technical report, the terms and definitions given in the following
standards apply:

• IEC 61850-2

• IEC 61850-7-2

• IEEE C37.118

Additionally, the following definitions apply:

IED Tool short for IED configuration tool or IED configurator in the sense of 61850-6
Part(ial) System a part of a complete system, with a defined, self consistent part functionality
Project a system part with ownership of a set of IEDs, typically those located in one
substation, and handled by one system configuration tool.
Gateway Per IEC TR 61850-90-1: Gateways connect multiple substation networks by
establishing "indirect access" to functions in remote stations.
Within the context of this document, Gateways connect multiple networks by
establishing “indirect” or proxied access to functions.
System the complete system considered, with all functionality. Spans in this context several

System Tool short for system configuration tool or system configurator in the sense of 61850-6

Tunnel Per IEC TR 61850-90-1: "Tunnelling" means a method to connect multiple

substation networks that allows "direct access" to functions in remote stations.
Within the context of this document “Tunnelling” means a method to connect
multiple networks that allows “direct access” to functions.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 12 –

4 Abbreviated terms

The following abbreviations apply to this document.

APDU Application Protocol Data Unit

A-Profile Application Profile
CDC Common Data Class
CID Configured IED Description
CT Current Transformer
DA Data archiver
DNS Domain Name Service
DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point
ECN Explicit Congestion Notification
EF Expedited Forwarding
ESP Electronic Security Perimeter
ET Event Trigger
FACTS Flexible Alternative Current Transmission Systems
FC Functional constraint
FCD Functionally Constrained Data
FCDA Functionally Constrained Data Attribute
FSS Functional Software Specification
GCM Galois Counter Mode
GDOI Group Domain of Interpretation
GMAC Galois Message Authentication Code
GOCB GOOSE Control Block
GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation Event
GW Gateway
HMI Human Machine Interface
HW Hardware
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
ID Identification
IED Intelligent Electronic Device – any programmable or configurable device in the system
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IID IED Instance Description. Describes an IED instance in a project.
IP Internet Protocol
IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
KDC Key Distribution Center
LAN Local area network
LD Logical Device (IEC 61850)
LI Length Identifier. This value contains the length of the SI or PI with which it is associated.
LN Logical Node (IEC 61850)
m Mandatory – shall be implemented
MAC Media Access Control
MSV Multicast Sampled Value
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 13 –

MSVCB Multicast Sampled Values Control Block

o Optional – may be implemented
OOS Out-of-step
ORG Originator
OSI Open System Interconnect
PDC Phasor Data Concentrator
PI Parameter Identifier. This identifier is used to identify a specific session protocol parameter.
PICS Protocol Conformance Implementation Statement
PMU Phasor Measurement Unit
POP Proof of Posession
PSP Physical Security Perimeter
r Readable
RAS Remedial Action Scheme
SA Substation Automation
SCD System Configuration Description in the sense of 61850-6. Output of a system tool of a project
to configure the IEDs belonging to the project (imported by IED tools).
SCL Substation Configuration description Language according to IEC 61850
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SED System Exchange Description: an SCL file containing a part of a system for exchange of
interfacing and responsibility data between projects

SEQ Sequence
SHA-1 Secure Hash 1.
SI Session Identifier. This identifier is used to identify the session protocol that is in use.
SIPS System Integrity Protection System
SONET Synchronous Optical NETwork
SP Synchrophasor
SPDC Substation Phasor Data Concentrator
SPDU Session Protocol Data Unit
SPS Special Protection Scheme
SS Substation System
SSDU Session Service Data Unit
SV Sampled Values
SVCB Sampled Value control block; here used to send synchrophasor data periodically
R-SV Routable Sampled Value service via UDP
R-GOOSE Routable GOOSE via UDP
SW Software
TCI Tag Control Information
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TOS Type of Service
TPDU Transport Protocol Data Unit
TPID Priority Tagging Identification (for IEEE 802.1Q networks)
T-Profile Transport Profile
TSAP Transport Service Access Point.
TSDU Transport Service Data Unit
TSEL Transport Selector
UDP User Datagram Protocol
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VT Voltage Transformer. Also known as a Potential Transformer (PT).

w Writeable
WAMPC Wide Area Monitoring, Protection, and Control
WAN Wide area network
XML eXtensible Markup Language
XSD eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Definition
R-MSVCB Routable Multicast Sampled Value Control Block
R- GOCB Routable GOOSE Control Block

NOTE Abbreviations used for the identification of the common data classes and as names of the attributes are
specified in the specific clauses of this document and are not repeated here.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 15 –

5 Use cases

Synchrophasor communication can be used within a substation such as for synchrocheck or

substation level state estimation, or from several substations to a center which performs
regional or network level alarms and stability calculations. Both areas of use are described
and delineated in the following sections.

In the following use cases, the arrows indicate data flow from one device to another. The
solid like arrows are the basic data flow for all illustrated applications, and the dashed arrows
are optional data frow from additional locations. The dashed boxes around groups of objects
are co-located equipment as labelled.

5.1 Wide Area Applications Utilizing Synchrophasors

In the majority of the applications, the sources and sinks for the synchrophasor data are
separated by large distances. In this context "large" means distances which extend essentially
further than a typical local area network (LAN).

One of the options to transmit data over arbitrary large distances is using the Internet Protocol
(IP). The IP allows the routing of data packets (IP packets) between different networks over
any distance. This document focuses on options that utilize IP.

The use of UDP for the streaming of the synchrophasor data is a proven and functional
method. The many working applications of the IEEE C37.118 protocol confirm this. Thus, a
method utilizing UDP for streaming the SV data is again required. TCP can also be and has
been used but with the reservations outlined in 6.4.

In all use cases, the latency requirement refers to end-to-end communications delay. This is
the interval of time from when the message is sent from the measurement device to when it is
received by the application. It includes all communication delays including LAN, WAN, and
router delays as well as delay in intermediate processing units such at SPDC and PDC units.
It does not include measurement delays from the signal input to synchrophasor calculation. It
is specified for each use case as a general guideline for communication planning for the
described application. Individual application needs will vary and those particular requirements
need to be assessed at the time of implementation.

For an application which takes an action based on data it receives, lost packets effectively
increase delay in response. A single lost packet will cause a delay equivalent to the interval
between packets set by the data reporting rate. The application can tolerate lost packets up
to the allowable delay for response. It can thereby tolerate greater numbers of successive
lost packets by using higher data rates. Some applications may be able to estimate values for
lost data from previous ones, but even this will result in a delayed action. In all cases,
applications dependent on transmitted data require a time out to detect excessive packet loss
and a fall back operating mode and/or alarm when this occurs.

Applications that record data or build response curves for calculation or visualisation will
usually tolerate some data loss with little problem. They can approximate missing values with
various patching techniques. The problem is more in the pattern of loss rather than just loss.
Short loss intervals are much easier to patch with reasonable accuracy than long ones. Loss
consisting of short dropouts of a few successive samples is more tolerable than less frequent
longer dropouts. Any response will be delayed as previously described. A data loss detection
timeout and fall-back operating mode and/or alarms are also required.

Jitter, or variation in delay, will cause a variation in action time of any application that uses
the data. As long as the jitter is considerably lower than the data rate interval, it should not
have much effect on the application. If it approaches the allowable delay time which could be
larger or smaller than the interval between successive data samples, it will have an effect on
the response and can be the limiting factor. Data concentration will be delayed by jitter as the
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 16 –

process must wait for all data to arrive before assembling a complete packet and forwarding
it. In all cases, jitter needs to be included in the worst case delay calculations.

5.2 Synchro-check

In this application data is sent from one or more PMU devices to a sync check relay. The
relay uses this information to assure the phase angles of the voltage on two sides of a
breaker are close enough that the breaker can be closed without harm.

V, I
check Breaker
values Relay

V, I

Figure 5-1: Use case diagram for Synchro-check

Name Role description
PMU Computes synchrophasors & frequency
Relay Checks phase angle between selected inputs
Breaker Connects/disconnects power line

Name Service or information provided
Data sampling & phasor estimate PMU estimates synchrophasor and frequency values from voltages and
Data sending & receiving PMU sends values that are received by relay
Relay decision Checks phase angle between selected inputs and issues a signal to
breaker if included angle is within limits

Basic flow:

Data origination & sending

Use case step Description

Step 1 PMU computes V & I synchrophasors & system frequency
Step 2 PMU selects phasors and frequency at given output rate
Step 3 PMU packages data with appropriate status and time stamp
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Step 4 PMU sends data to relay

Data receiving & action

Use case step Description

Step 1 Relay receives synchrophasor data
Step 2 Relay extracts appropriate phase angle data and checks status flags
Step 3 Relay checks phase angle between selected inputs
Step 4 Relay makes decision & issues command if needed


Synchrophasor measurements can be communicated at a variety of rates and may conform to

other standards such as IEEE C37.118. The following table summarizes a minimum
measurement transmission rate, maximum delay in data transmission, and maximum
measurement time error. The measurement timing error contributes directly to error in phase
angle measurement which is critical for this application. Such measurement errors are
governed by IEEE C37.118.1.

Minimum rate Maximum communication delay Maximum measurement

(latency) time timing error
4/second 0.1 s 0.05 ms

5.3 Adaptive relaying

In this application data is sent from one or more PMU devices to a relay supervision function.
The receiving device uses this information to adjust relaying parameters or settings so the
relay is making optimal decisions based on the actual system configuration. This type of
application as currently envisioned is a low-speed application that takes advantage of the
precision and wider observability of the phasor measurement system.

Use case diagram

V, I

Phasor Relay
values Supervision

V, I

Other measurements
if needed

Figure 5-2: Use case diagram for adaptive relaying

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 18 –

Name Role description

PMU Computes synchrophasors & frequency
Relay supervisor Receives data & makes setting adjustments based on pre-determined
algorithm and tables using syncrophasor measurements


Name Service or information provided

Data sampling & phasor estimate PMU estimates synchrophasor and frequency values from voltages and
Data sending & receiving PMU sends values that are received by relay supervisor
Relay supervisor decision Compares measurements with reference values using given algorithms;
changes relay parameters as needed.

Basic flow:

Data origination & sending

Use case step Description

Step 1 PMU computes V & I synchrophasors & system frequency
Step 2 PMU selects phasors and frequency at given output rate
Step 3 PMU packages data with appropriate status and time stamp
Step 4 PMU sends data to relay
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 19 –

Data receiving & action

Use case step Description

Step 1 Relay supervisor receives synchrophasor data
Step 2 Relay supervisor extracts voltage/current angle and magnitude and frequency
information as needed
Step 3 Relay supervisor computes settings based on algorithms and measurements
Step 4 Relay supervisor makes changes in relay settings as required


Synchrophasor measurements can be communicated at a variety of rates and may conform to

other standards such as IEEE C37.118. Since adaptive relaying is not an established
function, actual times and rates may vary considerably from this guideline. These values are
estimated to represent the highest data rate, the maximum communication delay, and
maximum measurement timing error that will be required by this application.

Minimum rate Transfer Time Class Time Synchronization

Accuracy Class
4/second TT3 0.1s T3 0.025 ms
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 20 –

5.4 Out-of-step (OOS) protection

In this application data is sent from two (or more) PMU devices to a controller that detects
out-of-step conditions between substations or system areas. It uses the phase angle and
frequency measurements to detect excessive and increasing phase angle, and takes action to
reduce the angle or island the system.
Use case diagram

PMU Control Power

signals system
Controller: detects out-of-step,
V, I sends control signals equipment
Substation 1


V, I
V, I …

Substation 2 Substation n

Figure 5-3: Use case diagram for out-of-step (OOS) protection


Name Role description

PMU Computes synchrophasor & frequency
Out-of-step controller Receive data from the local PDC & perform various processing,
alarming, and visualization functions
Power system control equipment Controls the power system through switching, FACTS power
controllers, DC controls, etc.


Name Service or information provided

Data sampling & phasor estimate PMU estimates synchrophasor and frequency values from voltages and
Data sending & receiving PMU sends values that are received by the controller
Out-of-step protection The controller compares the data from all PMUs to detect if the
protected areas are going out-of-step with each other. If it detects
conditions that indicate the areas are going OOS, it initiates control
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 21 –

Basic flow:

Data origination & sending

Use case step Description

Step 1 PMU computes V & I synchrophasors & system frequency
Step 2 PMU selects phasors and frequency at given output rate
Step 3 PMU packages data with appropriate status and time stamp
Step 4 PMU sends data to the controller

Data receiving & action

Use case step Description

Step 1 Controller receives synchrophasor data
Step 2 Controller selects appropriate data for processing
Step 3 OOS Application compares measurements from indicated PMUs and takes action
according to indicated conditions


OOS control actions must take place within a limited time. The measurements must be
validated within a short period of time. The data rate has to be rapid enough to support the
allowed latency between samples. The following table summarizes the minimum
measurement transmission rate, allowable latency range, and maximum measurement timing
error that can be tolerated in this application.

Minimum Transfer Time Class Time Synchronization Accuracy Class

10/second TT2 0.5 s T3 0.025 ms
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 22 –

5.5 Situational awareness

In this application data is sent from one or more PMU devices to alarm and display
applications in a control center. These applications may include processing and alarm
functions such as oscillation detection and path loading limits. These applications provide
alarms to operations personnel based on information derived from the data and compared
with pre-programmed criteria.

Use case diagram

Control Center
PDC phasor values Display, processing,
and alarm
All phasor


V, I V, I V, I V, I

Substation 1 Substation 2 Substation N

Figure 5-4: Use case diagram for situational awareness


Name Role description

PMU Computes synchrophasors & frequency
SPDC Substation Phasor Data Concentrator - collects, aligns, selects, & possibly
decimates data from several PMUs in the substation
PDC Phasor Data Concentrator - collects, aligns, selects, & possibly decimates data
from several PMUs or other PDCs
User applications Receive data from the local PDC & perform various processing, alarming, and
visualization functions
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 23 –


Name Service or information provided

Data sampling & phasor estimate PMU estimates synchrophasor and frequency values from voltages and
Data sending PMU sends synchrophasor & frequency values
Data receiving/sending If there is an SPDC, the data is received in the substation, combined
with data from other PMUs, and forwarded to the destination PDC
Data receiving PDC receives data from PMU or SPDC, combines with data from other
measuring units, and sends on to applications
Situational awareness applications Applications provide displays of information and process data for more
advanced alarms and displays

Basic flow:

Data origination & sending

Use case step Description

Step 1 PMU computes V & I synchrophasors & system frequency
Step 1 PMU selects phasors and frequency at given output rate
Step 2 PMU packages data with appropriate status and time stamp
Step 3 PMU sends data to the SPDC or PDC

Data receiving intermediate (alternate path)

Use case step Description

Step 1 SPDC receives synchrophasor data
Step 2 SPDC correlates and selects output data
Step 3 SPDC resends output data to PDC

Data receiving

Use case step Description

Step 1 PDC receives synchrophasor data
Step 2 PDC correlates and selects output data
Step 3 PDC resends output data to Applications

Applications process data and alert operators

Use case step Description

Step 1a Application 1 searches data for system oscillations, sends an alarm to operators when
one is located
Step 1b Application 2 computes system phase angles, computes limit violations, and sends
alarm to operators if there are exceptions
Step 1c Application 3 computes flows (MW & MVAR) at strategic points (flow gates) and
reports violations to operators
Step 1d Application 4 computes system voltages and sends alarms to operators for
deteriorating conditions or limit violations
Step 2 Additional displays of processed data results and alarm violation details are made
available to operators

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 24 –

Synchrophasor measurements can be communicated under a variety of rates. The

measurement may conform to other standards such as IEEE C37.118. The following table
summarizes the range of required measurement transmission rates, time delays for data
delivery, and maximum measurement time errors for the listed applications.

Application type Minimum rate Transfer Time Class Time Synchronization

Accuracy Clas s
Inter-area oscillation detection 10/second TT0 >1 s T3 0.025 ms
Local oscillation detection (up 50/second TT0 >1 s T3 0.025 ms
to 10 Hz)
Series resonance detection Rate > 3x(maximum TT0 >1 s T3 0.025 ms
(frequencies < f 0 ) frequency observed)
System phase angles 1/second TT0 >1 s T3 0.025 ms
Power flow 1/second TT0 >1 s T3 0.025 ms
Voltage profiles 1/second TT0 >1 s T0 10 ms
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 25 –

5.6 State Estimation and on-line security assessment

In this application data is sent from one or more PMU devices to state estimator and security
assessment applications in a control center. The state estimator determines all the voltages
and power flows in the grid. Security assessment determines the failure risks by applying
various criteria to the state estimate. State estimation will initially use synchrophasor data to
supplement traditional SCADA data for added functionality and improved performance since
phasor measurements will initially be too sparse to fully support its requirements. Once
sufficient measurements are available state estimation can operate exclusively with phasor

Control Center
PDC phasor values State estimation and
security assessment
All phasor


V, I
V, I V, I V, I

Substation 1 Substation 2 Substation N

Figure 5-5: Use case diagram for state estimation


Name Role description

PMU Computes synchrophasor & frequency
SPDC Substation Phasor Data Concentrator - collects, aligns, selects, &
possibly decimates data from several PMUs in the substation
PDC Phasor Data Concentrator - collects, aligns, selects, & possibly
decimates data from several PMUs or other PDCs
User applications Receive data from the local PDC, merge with SCADA measurements &
perform estimation and assessment functions


Name Service or information provided

Data sampling & phasor estimate PMU estimates synchrophasor and frequency values from voltages and
Data sending PMU sends synchrophasor & frequency values in continuous data
Data receiving/sending If there is an SPDC, the data is received in the substation, combined
with data from other PMUs, and resent on to the destination PDC
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 26 –

Name Service or information provided

Data receiving PDC receives data from PMU or SPDC, combines with data from other
measuring units, and sends to state estimator and security assessment
State estimation State estimator combines synchrophasor and SCADA data to create a
state estimate
Security assessment Security assessment uses state estimate and other data as required to
perform assessment function

Basic flow:

Data origination & sending

Use case step Description

Step 1 PMU computes V & I synchrophasors & system frequency
Step 2 PMU selects phasors and frequency at given output rate
Step 3 PMU packages data with appropriate status and time stamp
Step 4 PMU sends data to the SPDC or PDC

Data receiving intermediate (alternate path)

Use case step Description

Step 1 SPDC receives synchrophasor data
Step 2 SPDC correlates and selects output data
Step 3 SPDC resends output data to PDC

Data receiving

Use case step Description

Step 1 PDC receives synchrophasor data
Step 2 PDC correlates and selects output data
Step 3 PDC resends output data to Applications

Applications process data and alert operators

Use case step Description

Step 1 State estimator receives synchrophasor and SCADA data which is uses to produce an
estimate of the system state
Step 2 Security assessment functions use the state estimate and other data (synchrophasor
and other) to assess system security and report violations to operators


Synchrophasor measurements can be communicated at a rate suitable for the application it

serves. Traditional state estimation operates at a rate of seconds to minutes. State
estimation using phasor data can operate at sub-second intervals. There is some interest in
using high rate state estimation as a filter to provide corrected data for real-time controls, but
here it is being considered in the more traditional use for reporting and security assessment.
A key point is getting measurements that are taken at the same time regardless of the rate.
Measurements that conform to IEEE C37.118.1 will have this property. The following table
summarizes the required data transmission rates, data transmission delay, and acceptable
measurement time error.

Application type Range of rates Transfer Time Class Time Synchronization

Accuracy Clas
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 27 –

State estimation 1/(5 minutes) to TT0 >1 s T3 0.025 ms


5.7 Archive data (event & continuous)

Measurements from PMUs should be archived for system analysis. Archived data should
include both continuous measurements and snapshots triggered by anomalous events. This
data needs to be accessible for later retrieval and analysis. Continuous archiving is
accomplished by applications that either have sufficient storage space that they will not run
out between scheduled changes or which utilize size limiting features that delete the oldest
data at a time limit. Triggered archive functionality is initiated by an Event Trigger (ET), here
treated as a black box, which sends to one or more data archivers (DAs) an event notification
which indicates a need to archive the event data. Data archiving may be a function within
PDCs and SPDCs or may be a stand alone application.

Control Center
Phasor data
Data archiver (DA)
Event Trigger


V, I V, I V, I V, I

Substation 1 Substation 2 Substation N

Figure 5-6: Use case diagram for archiving data


Name Role description

PMU Computes synchrophasors & frequency
SPDC Substation Phasor Data Concentrator - collects, aligns, selects, &
possibly decimates data from several PMUs in the substation
PDC Phasor Data Concentrator - collects, aligns, selects, & possibly
decimates data from several PMUs or other PDCs
ET Event trigger – notifies PDCs and SPDCs to archive data within a
particular time frame for later retrieval / analysis

DA Data archiver – a functional unit with the ability to store continuous or

event data from a PDC or SPDC in non-volatile media for later retrieval
and analysis
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 28 –


Name Service or information provided

Data sampling & phasor estimate PMU estimates synchrophasor and frequency values from voltages and
Data sending PMU sends synchrophasor & frequency values
Data receiving/sending If there is an SPDC, the data is received in the substation, combined
with data from other PMUs, and forwarded to the destination PDC
Data receiving PDC receives data from PMU or SPDC, combines with data from other
measuring units, and sends on to applications
Event trigger detection & sending The ET determines when an event has occurred and sends a trigger
that has sufficient information for the Data Archiver to correctly record
the event
Event trigger receiving A DA receives a message from an ET specifying an event to be
archived for later retrieval or analysis.
Event data sending A PDC or SPDC sends data for the event to a DA.

Basic flow:

Data origination & sending

Use case step Description

Step 1 PMU computes V & I synchrophasors & system frequency
Step 1 PMU selects phasors and frequency at given output rate
Step 2 PMU packages data with appropriate status and time stamp
Step 3 PMU sends data to the SPDC or PDC

Data receiving intermediate (alternate path)

Use case step Description

Step 1 SPDC receives synchrophasor data
Step 2 SPDC correlates and selects output data
Step 3 SPDC resends output data to PDC

Data receiving

Use case step Description

Step 1 PDC receives synchrophasor data
Step 2 PDC correlates and selects output data
Step 3 PDC resends output data to Applications

Event trigger sending & receiving

Use case step Description

Step 1 ET detects event & sends trigger information to DA
Step 2 DA stores data according to requirements for the specified event


Latency and bandwidth are unlikely to be constraints in the archival process, since it is not a
real-time or near-real-time application. The main constraint is that the archival process be
lossless, i.e., the measurements generated at the PMUs on the system should be the same
measurements stored within the data archive.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 29 –

Activity Minimum Maximum communication delay Measurement and timetag accuracy

rate (latency) time
Event data N/A N/A Maximum accuracy of the PMUs used to
sending generate the event data

5.8 Wide Area Controls

There are several different use cases for using synchrophasors in the context of wide area controls.
The following clauses document the related use cases.
5.8.1 Special Protection Schemes
In this application, data is sent from one or more PMU devices to a controller located at a substation,
control center, or other appropriate facility. The data may go directly to the controller or may go
through SPDC or PDC data gathering devices. Using programmed algorithms, the controller will take
action based on these measurements. Control functions can include switching capacitors, reactors or
lines, generator dropping, SVC damping, and any other action that can be implemented. This action
can include both traditional special protection schemes (SPS, SIPS, RAS, etc) and more sophisticated
schemes that are based on measured system responses rather than pre-programmed responses.
Synchrophasors provide accurate high speed measurements useful for this purpose.

Substation or Control Center Power

Selected system
PDC phasor values Controller control

All phasor commands


V, I V, I V, I V, I

Substation 1 Substation 2 Substation N

Figure 5-7: Use case diagram for wide area controls


Name Role description

PMU Computes synchrophasors & frequency
SPDC Substation Phasor Data Concentrator - collects, aligns, selects, & possibly
decimates data from several PMUs in the substation
PDC Phasor Data Concentrator - collects, aligns, selects, & possibly decimates data
from several PMUs or other PDCs
Controller Receive data from the local PDC & execute algorithms that implement control
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 30 –

System control equipment Power system control elements including breakers, switches, FACTS power
controllers, DC controls, and similar equipment


Name Service or information provided

Data sampling & phasor PMU samples current and voltage and estimates synchrophasor and
estimate frequency values
Data sending PMU sends synchrophasor & frequency values in continuous data stream or
event reporting methods
Data receiving/sending If there is an SPDC, the data is received in the substation, combined with
data from other PMUs, and forwarded to the destination PDC
Data receiving PDC receives data from PMU or SPDC, combines with data from other
measuring units, and sends on to a controller
Power system controls Controllers receive data and determine actions based on data and control

Basic flow:

Data origination & sending

Use case step Description

Step 1 PMU computes V & I synchrophasors & system frequency
Step 2 PMU selects phasors and frequency at given output rate
Step 3 PMU packages data with appropriate status and time stamp
Step 4 PMU sends data to the SPDC or PDC or controller

Data receiving intermediate (alternate path)

Use case step Description

Step 1 SPDC receives synchrophasor data
Step 2 SPDC correlates and selects output data
Step 3 SPDC resends output data to PDC or controller

Data receiving

Use case step Description

Step 1 PDC receives synchrophasor data
Step 2 PDC correlates and selects output data
Step 3 PDC resends output data to controller

Controller actions

Use case step Description

Step 1 Controller receives and validates the data
Step 2 Controller executes control algorithms searching for conditions that require executing
control functions
Step 3 If a situation is found that requires a control function, controller sends control
command to indicated control equipment
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 31 –


Control actions must take place within a limited time. Some may need to be executed within
milliseconds, and some only within seconds. The data rate and latency must support
requirements of the particular control action. Control action speed will be limited by how
frequently data is sent (data rate) and the time it takes to receive the data after it has been
sent (latency). A wide variety of control actions can be implemented using a synchrophasor
based wide area system. The following table is only an example for some control actions but
by no means covers all situations. It should be used as a guideline for the higher-speed
applications regarding measurement transmission rate, timetag error, latency range, and
measurement timing error.

Minimum rate Transfer Time Class Time Synchronization Accuracy Clas

10/second TT2 0.5 s T3 0.025 ms

5.8.2 Predictive Dynamic Stability Maintaining System

a. Purpose
When a severe fault occurs in a loop or mesh network connecting two major power systems, an out-of-
step condition can occur between the two systems. By checking for a suitable indicator that would
denote the occurrence of a disturbance having a gradual onset of between 5 to 10 seconds an out-of-
step condition can be detected and by subsequently splitting the system at a specific point it is
possible to prevent the out-of-step occurring.

b. System description
The system is composed of PMUs which are used to gather information and are located at each major
point of the power system; the IED enables the splitting of the power system. The IED and PMU are
connected within a communication network.
Each PMU sends the voltage angle for its own part of the power system to the IED. The IED compares
the angles between the PMUs and predicts the future angle. If the predicted angles between the PMUs
in system A and the PMUs in system B exceed pre-determined values, the IED determines that an out-
of-step condition will occur and trips the CB.

Alternative method: The IED measures the angular difference between PMUs under normal
conditions. When a disturbance occurs, the change in angular difference is calculated from the
generator rotor angle (speed) or from frequency deviation.

~ V-phasor V-phasor
V PMU (Speed,Δf) PMU (Speed)
~ V-phasor
(Speed,Δf) PMU V
V PMU V-phasor (Speed)
(Speed) (Speed,Δf)

System A System B

PMU: Phasor Measurement unit

( ): Values for alternative method IED: Intelligent Electronic Device
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 32 –

c. Communication Requirement
1. Transmission: PMUs to IED
- Data transmitted: Voltage angle, Voltage amplitude, other status (CB; ON/OFF),
(Generator speed, ∆f)
- Data transmission interval: 2-cycles (40ms @ 50Hz)
- Transmission delay: within 20ms

2. PMU performance
- Synchronisation: within 0.05ms
- Time of data sampling to data sending: within 40ms

[1] Y. Ohura, M. Suzuki, K. Yanagihashi, M. Yamaura, K. Omata, T. Nakamura, S. Mitamura &
H. Watanabe: “A Predictive Out-of-step Protection Based on Observation of the Phase
Difference between Substations”, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, PWRD-5. No.4 Nov.1990
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 33 –

5.8.3 Under Voltage Load Shedding

a. Purpose
Major blackouts such as those that occurred in Tokyo and France in 1987 and those in the North
American eastern interconnections and southern Europe in 2003 were related to voltage instability.
Since transmission reinforcements are hard to justify as solutions to voltage instability and cascading
outages experienced under extreme conditions, under voltage load shedding would seem to be a
suitable alternative contingency.

b. System description
This scheme is composed of PMUs installed at four 500kV substations and IEDs installed at several
275 or 154/66 kV substations. The IEDs are connected to all PMUs.
One of the purposes of the IED is to detect long-term voltage collapse; this is executed at the 500kV
network level as opposed to the 275kV or lower voltage networks which are automatically regulated by
tap changing on the 500/275kV or 154kV transformers.
The IED affords high reliability by use of the following procedure. The IEDs detect slow types of
voltage collapse, in the range of eight seconds to two minutes by detecting unusual continuous ∆V/∆t
values. Fast voltage collapse can also be detected using a ∆V/∆t calculation with a one second data
window. Each IED can trip more than one line. When the IED detects a voltage collapse, it trips each
line CB following expiration of an on-delay timer which can be set independently for each line.
(Independent time settings are applied for each line)

500kV Main Grid

Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage


275kV, 154kV
Radial network V-phasor

275,154/66kV Voltage collapse detection
& Load Shedding

c. Communication Requirement
1. Transmission: PMUs to IED
- Data content transmitted: Voltage amplitude, other status (CB; ON/OFF)
- Data transmission interval: 2-cycles (40ms @ 50Hz)
- Transmission delay: within 20ms

2. PMU performance
- Synchronisation: within 100ms
- Time of data sampling to data sending: within 40ms

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 34 –

[1] “Undervoltage load shedding protection”, IEEE Power System Relaying Committee, C13
Working Group Report (available in http://www.pes-psrc.org/c/)
[2] Imai, S.; “Undervoltage load shedding improving security as reasonable measure for extreme
contingencies”, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2005, IEEE

5.8.4 Phenomenon assumption type WAMPAC

a. Purpose
When a very severe fault occurs, such as the complete loss of an important power corridor, generators
may lose synchronisation with the power network. It may also cause overload of transmission lines or
transformers. Imbalance between generation and consumption can occur when a power system
network is separated resulting in abnormal frequency conditions.
Phenomenon assumption type WAMPAC (Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control) executes
generator shedding or load shedding in order to avoid these types of unstable conditions on the power
system network based on a pre-fault calculation using on-line power system information.

b. System description
(1) System configuration
Phenomenon assumption type WAMPAC is composed of data collecting Terminal Equipment
(PMU_M: PMU class M), collecting and Triggering Terminal Equipment (PMU_P: PMU class P),
Controller Terminal Unit (IED) and Central Equipment (CE). PMU_M is located at the main substation
and the power station. PMU_P is located at the substation in which the detection of the faults predicted
(such as line faults) is possible. IED units are located at power stations in which the generators to be
shed are located. PDC and CE are typically located in a central control centre where on-line power
system information from PMU_M and PMU_P can be obtained.

Generators Bus
T-Line CB CT
G2 Power Grid

PMU_P V-phasor,
Gn I-phasor, V-phasor,
status I-phasor,
V-phasor, I-phasor,
status PDC

V-phasor, I-phasor, status (fast)

Level of generator shedding CE status

LP: Line Protection relay, PDC: Phasor Data Concentrator, CE: Center Equipment

(2) Process for each equipment

The operating procedure for each equipment type is described as follows:
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 35 –

CE retrieves the operational status of the power system i.e. connections and topology etc. and V and I
from PMU_M and PMU_P via the PDC in the form of on-line power system information. A power
system model representing the current status and the distribution of the flow of power on the grid is
generated in CE for analysis from the on-line power system information and stored as system facility
data. A transient stability calculation is undertaken for the assumed fault cases using the power
system model and the transient stability is checked for each case. The level of generator shedding
required to maintain stability is then calculated. The result is summarised in a tabular format and sent
to the IED. CE repeats this process every few tens of seconds. PMU_P detects faults within the power
system from information gathered from the operation of protection relays, change of CB status and
sends the information to the IED.

Under normal conditions, PMU_P and PMU-M measure V and I and obtains the status of the circuit
breakers and line disconnectors, and this information is sent to the PDC. Periodically the IED detects
changes in the information measured by PMU_P which is stored in a tabular format in CE. It contains
information identifying which generators are to be tripped to maintain stability for the severe faults

c. Communication Requirement
1. Transmission: PMU_P to IED
- Data transmitted: Voltage angle, Voltage amplitude, other status (CB; ON/OFF, the
operation of protection relays)
- Data transmission interval: 1-cycle (20ms @ 50Hz)
- Transmission delay: within 20ms

2. PMU_P performance
- Synchronisation: within 0.05ms
- Time of data sampling to data sending: within 20ms

3. Transmission: PMU_M and PMU_P to PDC

- Data transmitted: Voltage angle, Voltage amplitude, other status (CB; ON/OFF)
- Data transmission interval: 5-cycles (100ms @ 50Hz)
- Transmission delay: within 1s

4. PMU_M performance
- Synchronisation: within 0.05ms
- Time of data sampling to data sending: within 1s

6 Modeling considerations

To describe a system in IEC 61850, each client and server needs to be modelled as a logical
node on some IED. In case of substation internal synchrophasor applications probably
existing logical nodes can be used, like RSYN for the synchrocheck function and PPAM for
generator out-of-step protection. In case that the application itself is outside the IEC 61850
scope e.g. for pure monitoring and archiving purpose, the ITMI, IHMI or IARC logical nodes
can be used. In case that any controls are done with classical client server services like
Operate, the ITCI logical node can be used like for a network control center. However, there
are some wide area control and frequency stability applications, where controls must be given
in a time scale for which the classical Operate method might be too slow, so that UDP based
GOOSE needs to be used. In this case we need a logical node which is able to produce data
which can be packed into a GOOSE (command) message. The current IEC 61850-7-4
foresees for this purpose the GAPC logical node. However, to support a better semantic
description e.g. for automated engineering it might be worthwhile to introduce e.g. generic
WAC logical node (e.g. GWAC or CWAN) and a generic WAP logical node (e.g. GWAP or
PWAN). In special cases even the definition of application specific logical nodes might be
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 36 –

worthwhile. This needs a more detailed analysis of function implementation and needs to be
decided later on a per application base.

A basic logical node based architecture is illustrated in Figure 6-1.

WAMPAC function
Topological Node Power System
Generator, Line Angle/Freq. Monitoring
…… Voltage Stability Monitoring
Measurement Thermal Overload Monitoring
Control State Estimation
GWAP PTRC Real-Time Control
Power System Separation
IEC61850-90-5 Adaptive Protection

IEEE 1588 Wide Area Stabilization

Line Protection
IEEE C37.118
Substation IED IEC61850-90-1
{ i, v, P, f, .. }
MMXU Measured Value
Sampled Value


Figure 6-1: Basic IEC 61850 model of WAMPAC fucntions

The following clauses provide modelling guidance for synchrophasor based devices including:
PMUs and PDCs.

6.1 System Hierarchy

Protection, monitoring and control systems that use synchrophasors are complex hierarchical systems
with PMUs at the bottom of the hierarchy, and PDCs at the different levels of the hierarchy as shown in
Figure 1.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 37 –

Fig. 1 System hierarchy

6.2 PMU Model

The PMU is a function within an IED which is responsible for the calculation and publishing of
synchrophasor measurements as defined in IEEE C37.118.

These calculations are based on sampled values produced by the analog input module within the IED
containing the PMU function or based on streaming sampled values produced by one or more merging
units in the substation that the IED containing the PMU function is subscribing to.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 38 –

Fig. 2 PMU object model

If the PMU is publishing phase currents and voltages, one or more instances of MMXU will be used.

If the PMU is publishing sequence currents and voltages, one or more instances of MSQI will be used.

6.3 Phasor Data Concentrators (PDCs)

There are several recognized deployment options for PDCs: Substation and Regional. The
following clauses give guidance of the modelling of these entities.

6.3.1 Substation PDC Model

The substation Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC) is a function that receives over the substation LAN
data from multiple PMUs in the substation. The received data is sorted by their time-tags and provided
to other applications to use them. If necessary the PDC may need to perform re-sampling in order to
align measurements from devices using different publishing rates.

Figure 6-2: Substation PDC model with legacy PMUs

A data set containing a representative set of data as required by the upper levels of the system
hierarchy is created and published over a wide area interface using UDP multicast.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 39 –

It is recommended to model the PDC function as a PDC logical device with the Proxy data object in
logical node LPHD Proxy set to True.

The PDC model is based on the nesting of logical devices defined in Edition 2 of IEC 61850.

6.3.2 Regional or System Level PDC

The Regional level Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC) is a function that receives over the wide area
network data from multiple PDCs in different substations. The received data is sorted by their time-
tags and provided to other applications to use them. If necessary the PDC may need to perform re-
sampling in order to align measurements from devices using different publishing rates.

A data set containing a representative set of data as required by the upper levels of the system
hierarchy is created and published over a wide area interface using UDP multicast.

It is recommended to model the PDC function as a PDC logical device with the Proxy data object in
logical node LPHD Proxy set to True.

Figure 6-3: Regional PDC object model

The Regional PDC model is based on the nesting of logical devices defined in Edition 2 of IEC 61850.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 40 –

7 Communication requirements

The communication mechanisms laid out in this document shall serve the needs for Wide Area
Monitoring, Protection, and Control (WAMPAC) applications utilizing synchrophasors
measured according to IEEE C37.118.1.

The fast cyclic communication within the substation in IEC 61850 will typically be based on
the sampled value (SV) service, while additional event data can be communicated with
GOOSE or by reporting, dependent on its time criticality. Communication to receivers outside
a substation can be done either by tunnelling the SV service across some high speed
communication network like SDH or SONET, or via IP networks, if their communication delays
and delay jitter are acceptable by the application. For the second purpose the current IEC
61850 has to be enhanced by a mapping of samples and GOOSE messages onto an IP based
protocol. Due to the basically periodic nature of these services, UDP with multicast
addressing is the transport protocol chosen for this purpose. In the following it is assumed
that this new mapping of the SV service will be based on routable UDP, and therefore shortly
be called R-SV.

The usage of tunnelling Ethernet level messages across some other high speed medium is
already described in IEC61850-90-1. From an engineering point of view this is similar to
engineering within a substation, with additional use of SED files to exchange the phasor
related interface definitions between the different substation projects and the center

The source of periodic data like synchrophasors to be sent across a wide area communication
system can reside in an IED near the switch yard, or in a gateway from the substation to the
WAN, like a PDC. In case that R-SV data sources reside within the substation instead only at
its WAN boundary (like a PDC), these sources shall be the only ones visible for engineering of
the wide area communication connections. This can be handled from engineering point of
view like tunnelling of SV services across the WAN, i.e. by exchange of interface definition
files (SED) between the source LAN project containing these R-SV sources and the
destination LAN project at the other side of the WAN. It is up to this destination project to
decide how far routers at the WAN border shall be contained in the system interface exchange
description (SED file). This mechanism is called ‘direct connection’ (with or without

Another approach often used for synchrophasors is to assemble different phasor sources into
one telegram with synchronised phasor data, possibly even with resampling of the data. This
is done by a phasor data concentrator (PDC), which acts like a gateway from different sources
of phasor data streams to several sinks, most probably all needing the same now
synchronized phasor information (see also 5.5). Such a phasor concentrator acts from an IEC
61850 perspective like a gateway with data selection and possibly filtering function, however
with the additional functionality to forward all received phasor data synchronised and
resampled into one telegram to several intended destinations .

7.1 Direct connection with tunnelling or R-SV service

Engineering wise the interface definitions from several systems to a higher level system have
to be defined (e.g. use case 5.5). For direct connections these interface descriptions are
extracts from the internal interfaces in the source systems. A concrete example is given in
Figure 7-1.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 41 –

Center AA10KA1

SW1/2 SW2/2 SED2

SED1 61850 Bus, Subnet AA1WA1

Substation AA1 Substation AA2

SW1/1 SW2/2


Tunneling connection looks like switch

Figure 7-1: Synchrophasor communication modelling for direct connection

Figure 7-1 shows two substations AA1 and AA2, each having a protection device or PMU providing
synchrophasor data, namely IED AA1F1 in AA1, and AA2F1 in AA2. To engineer the data flow
to the center IED AA10KA1 in the center project, the SED1 file is exchanged between the AA1
project and the center project, and the SED2 interface file is exchanged between the AA2
project and the center project. The result is the center project containing the center IED
AA10KA1 as well as the PMUs AA1F1 and AA2F1 (grey area in Figure 7-1).

For complete engineering the following should be considered:

• If tunnelling is used, the two interfacing devices SW1/1 and SW1/2 (resp. SW2/1 and
SW2/2) look like providing different ports of the same switch, hiding the tunnel
connection (thick blue connecting line between them). In case of R-SV these may be
routers instead, which could be modelled in the SCD and SED files, if needed.

• The semantics of incoming signals can be kept in data objects of CDC ORG,
containing the object reference of the incoming signal source.

• If the SubNetwork identifications within all projects are identical, then the SED files
can be directly imported, else the SubNetwork name in the imported SED file has to be
adapted before import.

• As the names of the IEDs in the center project must be unique, these should be
harmonized across all projects. By using project specific substation designations (e.g.
AA1, AA2 in the example) this is automatically fulfilled.

• The semantic related to the power system can be exchanged by keeping the relevant
Substation parts in the SED files. Again this needs either harmonized power network
naming, or an appropriate renaming of the Substation section elements before import.

More details about usage of SED files and exchange of engineering rights for this purpose is
described in IEC 61850-6:2009.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 42 –

7.2 The gateway approach

If reduction of connections and synchronised sending of several phasor streams in one
message is important, the Phasor Data Concentrator concept comes into play. The PDC
device is a client to phasor streams from the PMUs respective substations, as described for
the center IED in 5.5. Further, the PDC might make a protocol translation from substation
internal SV service or from C37.118 to R-SV service across the WAN.

The PDC approach is illustrated in Figure 7-2. The PDC AA10TH1 concentrates phasor data
streams coming from AA1F1 and AA10F1. The names shall indicate that AA10F1 is a PMU in
the same project as AA10TH1 (and possibly even AA10KA1), while the interface to AA1F1 is
imported by means of a SED file e.g. as described in 7.1. The solid line ellipse indicates the
IEDs which belong to the PDC project, while the dotted ellipse contains the IEDs relevant for
the center project. The PDC AA10TH1 is the common connection between them.

Center project



PDC project AA1F1 AA10F1

Protection IED from AA1; PMU in PDC project
imported by SED file

Figure 7-2: PDC as phasor concentrator and (proxy) gateway

The engineering of the PDC concerning communication has two sides:

• The PDC is a client to several synchrophasor data streams. The synchrophasor data,
provided in the streams, can be provided by different protocols (e.g. IEEE C37.118,
IEEE 1815, IEC 61850, and others).This asynchronously delivered data needs to be
synchronized and forwarded. If the data is coming directly from substations, this is
handled as described in 7.1 for the direct communication. If it is coming from PMUs or
other PDCs, this is handled like a normal 61850 project, i.e. ICD and IID files of PMUs
and PDCs are needed. In some cases, the PDC may need to provide protocol
translation. Within the scope of this document, such translation is considered to be to
IEC 61850, and thus the PDC acts like a gateway being an IEC 61850 device
described with an IID file.

• The PDC acts as server to higher level clients / subscribers. In this view the PDC is a
‘normal’ IEC 61850 IED in the center project, and is handled together with the client
and probably other PDCs and PMUs like a normal IEC 61850 IED. Especially it needs
a formal description in form of an IID file.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 43 –

The special point for gateways in general and the PDC in this case is how to come from the
step 1 input to the IID file of the PDC needed in step 2 as input for higher level system
engineering. As this is from the IEC 61850 perspective IED engineering, it is private to the
implementation / tool of the gateway (PDC). However, as the data semantics inclusive the
connection to the power system shall be preserved during the engineering, there are
recommendations for the gateway engineering, especially those gateways whose primary
functionality is not concerned with data concentration rather with filtering and message

Recommended rules for creation of PDC IID file:

• Map all LDs of lower level (source) IEDs, whose data shall be forwarded, as Proxy
LDs. Optional data objects not needed may be removed.

• Name the proxy LDs according to the source IED, e.g. proxy LD name := Source IED
name + Source LD name (note LD name length restrictions!). Don’t forget to state the
IED name in the Proxy-LPHD.PhyNam data object.

• Take over all Substation sections from the source SED / SCD files to which data
source LNs are mapped, and replace the link to the source IED logical node by a link
to the PDC proxy LD logical node.

7.3 Requirement summary

The requirements for communication of synchrophasor data follow from the applications they
serve. These requirements include the rate at which the measurements are sent, the amount
of delay from measurement to application, variation in delay (jitter), and the reliability with
which they are delivered. The accuracy and precision of the measurement as well as the
instrument processing delays are also application requirements, but they are PMU functions
and are not addressed in this document.

The following table summarizes the requirements outlined in chapter 5. Columns have been
added for sensitivity to transmission jitter, lost data packets, and if the required service is
currently covered in 61850 services. The first 3 columns are derived directly from the
individual use cases. The jitter and lost packet columns indicate qualitative sensitivity based
on the expected operation of the application. The actual requirements will depend on the
details of the application and will need to be assessed in each individual case. In this table,
jitter is understood to be less than the time interval between successive samples.

Factor Reporting End-to- Measurement Sensitivity Sensitivity Currently

rate end timing error to to lost covered
range latency transmission packets in 61850

Sync-check ≥ 4/s 100 ms 50 µs Medium High SV


Adaptive ≥ 10/s 50 ms 50 µs Low Medium SV

relaying service

Out-of-step ≥ 10/s 50 – 50 µs Medium Medium SV

protection 500 ms service

Situational 1/s to 50/s 5s 50 µs Low to Low to Periodic

awareness medium medium reporting,
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 44 –


State- 1/300s to 5s 50 µs Low Medium Periodic

estimation 10/s reporting,
& security SV
assessment service

Data Any N/A 50 µs Low Medium All as

archiving needed

Wide area ≥ 10/s 50 – 50 µs Medium High SV

controls 500 ms service

As can be seen, the SV service covers in principle all applications. However, due to its direct
mapping to Ethernet it is not usable across wide area communication systems. Here is where
the R-SV mapping can be used. R-SV does not cover the most stringent requirements for
sampled values as needed for classical protection, however it can be used for application
requirements listed above in most cases. Figure 7-3 gives a rough overview on this. The
‘Sampled value’ range needs the SV service directly mapped to Ethernet, the ‘Rms’ range is
covered with event based or periodic reporting. The UDP based R-SV service roughly covers
the ‘Phasor’ range.

Figure 7-3: Application locality and time scale

7.4 TCP use

The SV / R-SV service is based on periodic sending without recovery of lost messages. It is
designed for high throughput rates and applications tolerating infrequent losses of single
samples. In case that a loss of samples is critical, but the response times need not be
deterministic, the TCP based reporting mechanism of IEC 61850-7-2 and IEC 61850-8-1 can
be used or, in case of needed high sample rates around a specific event, the disturbance
recording feature with later file transfer. TCP based services are restricted to point – point
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 45 –

associations between client and servers, however allow security by authentication as well as
by encryption with existing means as needed.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 46 –

8 Security Model

The security model, for IEC TR 61850-90-5, provides security functions based upon the
security threats and security functions found in IEC 62351-1:2007 and IEC 62351-2:2008.

Several aspects of security are addressed within this document with the following basic

• Information authentication and integrity (e.g.the ability to provide tamper detection) is


• Confidentiality is optional.

Theoretically, information authentication and integrity should be provided in an end-to-end

method, regardless of information hierarchies. The typical method to provide this security
function is through some type of information/message authentication code.

IEC 62351-6 specifies the use of digital signatures using asymmetric cryptography. However,
some members of IEC TC57 WG15 have expressed concerns about the impact of this specific
technology in terms of cost and CPU performance given the current class of hardware found
in PMUs, Relays, and Merging Units today. These concerns increase as the messaging rates
for Sample Values increases. Therefore, the security model needs to take performance
issues into account for use of the profiles/technologies specified within this document. This
document provides specifications for both asymmetric and symmetric key signature creation
as well as symmetric key encryption. The encryption is used to provide optional

There are two explicit uses for the mapping of the SampledValues Application Protocol Data
Unit (APDU) within this document. The APDU will be used to carry at least two types of
information: CT/PT information per IEC 61850-7-2 and Synchronized Measured Values per
IEEE C37.118.1. The messaging rates of these two types of data are different:

• CT/PT Information messaging rates can range from 50-240 messages/cycle and can
consume approximately 7.2-34.6 Mbits/second, or more, of Local Area Network traffic.

• Synchronized Measured Values messaging rates can range from 10-240


Thus CT/PT information/communication requirements are approximately sixty (60) times

greater than those of Synchronized Measured Values. This presumes a 50 or 60 Hz nominal
system. Based upon the messaging rates and types of information, different security
requirements and classes of traffic can be developed:

• Intra-substation (Class A): This class of traffic is characterized by the exchange of

high resolution waveform data within a substation. Intra-substation traffic should be
capable of supporting both the CT/PT and Synchronized Measured Values. This
requires a light-weight mechanism for Authentication and Tamper Detection (e.g. to
support the CT/PT maximum messaging rates).

• Inter-substation (Class B): This class of traffic is characterized by the exchange of

moderate resolution waveform data between different geographic locations. Inter-
substation traffic allows Synchronized Measured Value information to be exchanged
between different endpoints. Such endpoints include, but not limited to, other
substations and control centers,
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 47 –

An optional encryption functionality is specified in order to provide confidentiality for

this type of traffic, in addition to the Authentication and Tamper Detection..

Based upon the security requirements defined above, this technical report defines a means of
message Authentication and Tamper detection regardless of the route of the message. The
base security construct used to provide these types of security functions also provides the
integrity of the selected security mechanisms on an end-to-end basis. Within the context of
this technical report, several different types of endpoints have been identified:

• IEC 61850-9-2:2004 SV and IEC 61850-8-1:2004 publishers and subscribers:

Implementations claiming conformance to these standards send/receive the prescribed
messages via protocol profiles that do not provide a Network Layer protocol. As such,
these protocols do not inherently provide routing capability and would otherwise be
considered ClassA traffic. However, this technical report specifies a mechanism to
forward these packets as ClassB traffic. These protocols do not provide the
cryptographic integrity required for Authentication or Tamper Detection. However, IEC
62351-6:2007 does specify the required mechanism. As the mechanism specified in
IEC 62351-6:2007 is optional, it is possible to use these protocols with or without the
needed cryptographic integrity.

This technical report specifies a standardized mechanism to route IEC 61850-9-2 SV

and IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE packets by forwarding them as ClassB traffic. This report
specifies a mandatory mechanism to provide the needed cryptographic integrity.

o For implementations that do not implement IEC 62351-6:2007, cryptographic

integrity is provided between the IEC TR 61850-90-5 implementations and not
the original publisher and subscriber.

o For implementations that implement IEC 62351-6:2007, two levels of

cryptographic integrity occur: one between the publisher and subscriber and
another between the IEC TR 61850-90-5 implementations. The first level of
cryptographic integrity is provided by Ethernet publishers (per IEC 62351-
6:2007). The second level of cryptographic integrity is provided by IEC TR

Figure 8-1 shows the various cryptographic endpoints, protocols used, and the
specifications used to provide the cryptographic integrity between the

IEC 61850-9-2 IEC TR 61850-90-5 IEC 61850-9-2

IEC TR 61850-90-5
IEC 62351-6:2007

Figure 8-1: End-to-End Cryptographic Integrity for IEC 61850-9-2 implementations

This enveloping approach provides implementations of IEC TR 61850-90-5 inherent end-to-end

cryptographic integrity.

The use of end-to-end cryptographic integrity, within IEC TR 61850-90-5, allows packets to be sent
across multiple Physical Security Perimeters (PSPs) and multiple Electronic Security Perimeters
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 48 –

(ESPs). The actual definition of an actual PSP or ESP is established by the governance of the
defining utility. However, in general, the following examples of PSPs and ESPs can be shown:

Substation: This would typically not be classified as an ESP or a PSP due to the fact that many utilities
do not provide adequate access control/audit facilities that are typically required for a PSP (e.g. a
Substation fence does not inherently create a PSP). Note that substation devices located outside the
substation control house may need to be considered their own PSP and ESP.

Substation Control House: This would typically be considered a PSP and ESP.

Substation Devices not within the control house: These would typically need to be considered their
own PSP and ESP.

Control Center: These would typically need to be considered their own PSP and ESP.

From a security perspective, messages exchanged across PSP/ESP boundaries require end-to-end
cryptographic integrity. However, the need for confidentiality is typically determined by the path of the
packet transmission/delivery and the sensitivity of the information being conveyed. If the information is
accessible at endpoints that have varying levels of trust, the need for confidentiality would be
determined based upon the sensitivity of the information.
This standard specifies the use of encryption technology that can be applied within the
communicating end systems (e.g. PMUs, relays, PDCs, etc) and/or between communication
intermediate systems (e.g. routers). Although this technical report specifies an optional
mechanism to provide encryption within the end systems, this document also implements the
concept of “edge” security functions that allow intermediate systems to provide communication
path selection, but also encryption capability.

In order to provide “edge” security functionality:

• This document will provide a mechanism to authenticate traffic to the intermediate


• The manager of the intermediate system is assumed to be trusted.

• The intermediate system is capable of adding additional security protection to the

traffic (e.g. confidentiality, communication path selection, etc) based upon the
authentication parameters provided.

An intermediate system that provides this additional security functionality will be

referred to as an Edge Security Node.

One additional security protection an Edge Security Node might provide is confidentiality.
Although it is up to the manager of the Edge Security Node, there are two recognized
mechanisms for an Edge Security Node to provide confidentiality:

• The Edge Security Node can provide encryption of the traffic.

The security model does not specify the actual mechanism for encryption, rather a
authentication mechanism that would allow the Edge Security Node to identify the
need for encryption. Thus, as new technologies become available they can be

• The Edge Security Node can provide transmission path selection/assurance similar to
the red-zone/green-zone paradigms used in the past (e.g. selection of a trusted
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 49 –

communication path).

This document provides for APDU authentication and integrity through the use of a digital
signature. Although it is desirable to provide end-to-end authentication and integrity
protection, such protection can not be assured if the contents of multiple APDUs are
repackaged into another APDU. Such repackaging may occur within Phasor Data
Concentrators, Phasor Gateway, or data concentrators in general. The repackaging of IEC
62351-6:2007 based packets should include the integrity parameters in those packets.

From a security model perspective, it becomes incumbent upon the intermediate systems (e.g.
PDC, etc.) to provide an audit trail and chain of trust capability should repackaging occur.

8.1 Key Management and Cryptographic Support

Key management and cryptographic support needs to be designed to provide the following

• Synchrophasor information needs to be able to be exchanged in an un-interrupted

fashion. This continous delivery needs to be supported even if the digital keys, used
for encryption and signatures, are changed.

• Synchrophasor information is being delivered using connectionless services/protocols

and in typically a multicast environment.

• Both asymmetric and symmetric cryptographic support is desired.

The use of multicast, coupled with the need to support symmetric keys, requires the use of
what is known as a Key Distribution Center (KDC). It is the KDC that provides the symmetric
key coordination between the publisher and subscribers. Normal implementation practice
would have the KDC deployed as a separate standalone node that manages the coordination
for multiple publishers and subscribers. However, such a standalone entity raises concerns
regarding redundancy. Additionally, the use of separate KDCs can cause issues in providing
the un-interrupted delivery of information.

Therefore, the KDC function, for IEC TR 61850-90-5 shall allow the publishing IED, or
equivalent, to be its own KDC or to use an external KDC function. There is a benefit in having
the IED providing its own KDC function in that device can determine when to apply the next
key. Given this intelligence a mechanism for informing the subscribers of an impending key
change can allow the subscribers enough time to acquire the new key thereby being prepared
for the key change and thus allowing continuous information exchange. In order to accomplish
this, the IEC TR 61850-90-5 protocol needs to:

• Provide a mechanism to inform the subscribers of an impending key change.

This mechanism is provided through the TimeofNextKey session attribute (see page

• Provide a mechanism to inform the subscribers that a key change has occurred.

This mechanism is provided through the TimeofCurrentKey session attribute (see page

In order to accommodate the requirement to support symmetric and asymmetric technologies

and to allow new mechanisms to be used in the future, a mechanism to convey the encryption
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 50 –

and signature algorithms need to be provided. This mechanism is provided through the
SecurityAlgorithms session attribute (see page 73).

The publisher shall be configured to periodically change the symmetric keys used for the
signature and optional encryption. It is recommended that symmetric keys be changed at least
every forty-eight (48) hours. Additionally, the configuration shall allow the definition of the
maximum and minimum TimeofNext key values. The maximum value shall be used for
periodic updates of the keys. The minimum value shall be used for updates of the keys in
situations where the current key has been compromised. Should no configuration be
provided, the default values shall be:

Maximum Value: 48 hours (e.g. 2880 minutes)

Minimum Value: 30 minutes

The values shall be specified in minutes.

Idle Idle

Rxd PDU with

Assign Next Key

Request next key
from GKRM

Wait 1 minute


Wait for
TimeToNextKey=0 TimeOfCurrentKey
to change

Next Key is used

as current key
Changes value

Next Key is used

as current key

Publisher Subscriber

Figure 8-2: State Transitions for Key Usage

Figure 8-2 shows the interaction between the publisher and subscribers regarding key usage. When
the publisher starts the update process (T1) a new key is assigned within the KDC function. The
publisher sets the TimeToNextKey attribute value. Once a minute, the publisher checks to determine
if the TimeToNextKey has reached a value of zero (0). If not, the value is decremented. If the value is
zero, the new key starts being used as the current key and the TimeOfCurrentKey is updated with the
current timestamp.

When a subscriber detects a positive TimeToNextKey value, the subscriber interacts with the KDC to
obtain the next key. The subscriber then waits until the TimeOfCurrentKey value changes. The PDU
that has the changed value shall be the first PDU to use formerly next key as the current key.

8.2 Key Distribution Center (KDC)

There are several aspects to the functionality required by an IEC 61850-90-5 KDC server
function. These are:
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 51 –

• The KDC must be capable of authenticating KDC clients on a per information stream

There are several types of information streams within the IEC 61850 domain. These

o Ethernet multicast GOOSE.

o Ethernet multicast SV.

o UDP GOOSE (e.g. IEC 61850-90-5)

o UDP SV (e.g. IEC 61850-90-5)

o IEC 61850-90-5 Tunnel.

o IEC 61850-8-1 ISO-9506 (e.g. Client/Server)

Each information stream type needs to be further constrained in order to allow a more
granular authentication/key exchange. As an example, there may be two(2) publishers
(e.g. IED1 and IED2) to two(2) different destination multicast addresses (e.g. DMAC1
and DMAC2) A subscriber may be need to be restricted to a group that is only allowed
to be a group key member for DMAC1 and not DMAC2. Therefore, the KDC must allow
key group management based upon either the destination Ethernet or IP address.

However, a further restriction is also needed in protection/encryption based upon the

contents that are being sent to the destination. It is possible that the same destination
address is being used by two different publishers, but protection is needed on both
separately. In the case of GOOSE/SV, the content constraint/definition is in relationship
to the DataSet being published.

• The KDC shall support clients requesting keys as opposed to publishing keys to an
established group. The ability to publish the keys to a key group is out-of-scope of
this specification.

• The KDC shall allow Asymmetric cryptography to be used for identity establishment
and authentication of a client requesting a key.

• The KDC deployment architecture shall support KDC functions that are internal or
external functions to an IED/Server that is publishing IEC 61850-90-5.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 52 –

9 Services

IEEE C37.118 does not explicitly talk of "services". Instead, it specifies the synchrophasor
message format in chapter 6. It describes four message types (frames types):

• Data frame (chapter 6.3)

• Configuration frame (6.4)

• Header frame (6.5)

• Command frame (6.6).

The functions performed by exchanging the different frame types from IEEE C37.118 have to
be mapped to services of IEC 61850.

9.1 Command Service

This shall be the equivalent to the function performed by the command frame.

The different functions as specified by the command word in IEEE C37.118 can be performed
by equivalent IEC 61850 actions or services as specified in Table 9-1:

Table 9-1 – Equivalent Commands

Definition (IEEE C37.118) Equivalent IEC 61850 action /service
1 Turn off transmission of frames Disable SVCB (set SvEna in SVCB to False)
2 Turn on transmission of frames Enable SVCB (set SvEna in SVCB to True)
3 Send header Read information for FC “DC” and read SvCB (see 9.3)
4 Send CFG-1 information Obtain data model of PMU related functions (e.g. logical
device PMU or LNs representing PMU functions)
5 Send CFG-2 information Read actual measurements from data model (MMXU,
8 Extended frame n/a
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 53 –

9.1.1 Control Blocks

There are two (2) control blocks that need to be defined. The functions of these control
blocks allow:

• The sending of stream information (e.g. Sampled Values).

• The sending of event driven information (e.g. GOOSE).

In order to provide backward compatibility, the currently defined IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE and
SV control blocks will remain unchanged. Therefore, there are two new functional constraints
that will be added to LN0:

• RS – Indicates a functional constraint for routable SV packets based upon the profile
defined in this document. The control blocks with this constraint will be defined as

• RG – Indicates a functional constraint for routable GOOSE packets based upon the
profile defined in this document. The control blocks with this constraint will be defined

The introduction of new control blocks has impact on several different parts of the IEC 61850
standard. The impacted parts are:

• IEC 61850-8-1: Will need to be updated to:

o Specify the new FCs of RS and RG.

o Specify the mapping of the IEC 61850-7-2 GOCB to the R-GOCB.

• IEC 61850-9-2: Will need to be updated to:

o Specify the mapping of the IEC 61850-7-2 MSVCB to the R-MSVCB.

• IEC 61850-6 will need to be updated to allow the appropriate specification of both
the R-GOCB and R-MSVCB.

The following clauses specify the R-GOCB, R-MSVCB, and the Substation Configuration
Language changes that are required.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 54 – Sampled Values over IP Control Block: R-MSVCB

The synchrophasor stream will be transmitted via the use of Sampled Values, but over a
transport profile that utilizes IPv4 or IPv6. In order to accomplish this, and to support the
existing Ethernet multicast, the R-MSVCB structure will be similar to the MSVCB, but with the
enhancements of a SecurityEnable attribute, and the use UDPCOMADDR.

R-MSVCB control blocks shall have a functional constraint of RS.

Table 9-2 defines the R-MSVCB.

Table 9-2: R-MSVCB class definition

Attribute name Attribute type r/w m Value/value range/explanation
MsvCBName ObjectName - m MMS object name: the value of this
component shall be of the format of
ObjectReference and shall be limited to VMD
or Domain scoped NamedVariableLists.
MsvCRef ObjectReference - m Path-name of an instance of SvCB
SvEna BOOLEAN r/w m Enabled (TRUE) | disabled (FALSE), DEFAULT
Resv BOOLEAN r/w m
MsvID VISIBLE STRING129 r/w System wide unique identification****.
DatSet ObjectReference r/w m
ConfRev INT32U r m
SmpRate INT16U r/w (0..MAX)
refresh-time BOOLEAN r m TRUE = SV buffer contains the attribute
FALSE = attribute “RefrTm” is not available
in the SV buffer.
Shall be TRUE if TransportinUse is not
reserved BOOLEAN r m
sample-rate BOOLEAN r m TRUE = SV buffer contains the attribute
FALSE = attribute “SmpRate” is not available
in the SV buffer.
timestamp* BOOLEAN r m Include a TIMESTAMP if TRUE.
SmpMod ENUMERATED r/w m samples per nominal cycle (DEFAULT) | samples
per second | seconds per sample
DstAddress UDPCOMADDR*** r o
SecurityEnable*** ENUMERATED r o None, Signature, SignatureAndEncryption
* Additional OptFld added.
**The definition UDPCOMADDR can be found in
***Additional attribute to be added to the control block.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 55 – GOOSE over IP Control Block: R-GOCB

In order to send events over IP, the R-GOCB requires the ability to support IPv4 and IPv6
multicast. The R-GOCB will be similar to the GoCB structure but will be enhanced by the
SecurityEnable attribute, and the UDPCOMADDR.

. Table 9-3 shows the additional attributes that need to be added to the GOCB.

Table 9-3 – R-GOCB Definition

Attribute name Attribute type r/w m Value/value range/explanation
GoEna Boolean rw m

GoID Visible-string r m

DatSet Visible-string r m

ConfRev Unsigned r m

NdsCom Boolean r m

DstAddress UDPCOMADDR* r m

MinTime Unsigned r o

MaxTime Unsigned r o

FixedOffs Boolean r o

SecurityEnable** ENUMERATED r o None, Signature, SignatureAndEncryption

* The definition of UDPCOMADDR can be found in Table 9-5.
**Additional attribute to be added to the control block. Explanation of additional attributes UDPCOMADDR

The current definition of PHYCOMADDR, from IEC 61850-8-1, is shown in Table 9-4.

Table 9-4: Current PHYCOMADDR Structure

Attribute name Attribute type r/w m Value/value range/explanation

Addr OCTET-STRING r m Length is 6 Octets and contains the value of the

destination Media Access Control (MAC) address
to which the GOOSE message is to be sent. The
address shall be an Ethernet address that has the
multicast bit set TRUE.
PRIORITY Unsigned8 r m Range of values shall be limited from 0 to 7.
VID Unsigned16 r m Range of values shall be limited from 0 to
4 095.
APPID Unsigned16 r m As defined in Annex C in IEC 61850-8-1

The definition of UDPCOMADDR is similar to PHYCOMADDR and is defined in Table 9-5.

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 56 –

Table 9-5: UDPCOMADDR Structure

Attribute name Attribute type r/w m Value/value range/explanation

PRIORITY Unsigned8 r m Range of values shall be limited from 0 to 7.

VID Unsigned16 r m Range of values shall be limited from 0 to
4 095.
APPID Unsigned16 r m As defined in Annex C in IEC 61850-8-1
TransportInUse Unsigned8 r o Is an enumerated value whose values are: IPv4,
IPv6, and DNS assigned
IPClassOfTraffic Unsigned8 r c If TransportInUse=IPv4, the value shall represent
the IPv4 TypeOfService value.
If TransportInUse=IPv6, the value shall be the
IPv6 Class of Traffic field.
IPv6FlowLabel Unsigned32 r c If TransportInUse= IPv4, the value shall be
zero(0) and shall be ignored.

If the TransportInUse= IPv6, the value shall

contain the 24 bits of the IPv6 Flow Label field in
the least significant part of the unsigned value.

IPAddressLength Unsigned8 r c If TransportInUse= IPv4, the value shall be

If TransportInUse= IPv6, the value shall be
If TransportInUse= DNS, the value shall be the
length of the DNS string, not including terminating

IPAddress OCTET-STRING r c This attribute shall be 64 octets in size.

Any unused octets, based upon the
IPAddressLength attribute value, shall be zero (0).

In order to configure the additional information in SCL, the following additions to SCL need to
be made. The following “P” types need to be added:

• IPv6FlowLabel

• DNS String address.

Additionally, the IPv6 equivalents of tp_IP, tp_IP-SUBNET, and tp_IP-GATEWAY need to be

created to allow IPv6 representations in addition to IPv4 representations. Observe that the
values of transportInUse, IPClassOfTraffic and IPAddressLength are implicitly given by the
IPv4 respective IPv6 syntax of the IP address in SCL.

9.2 Configuration Request Service

This shall be the equivalent to the functions performed by the configuration frames.

There are three(3) kinds of configuration information in IEEE C37.118, named CFG-1, CFG-2,
and CFG-3.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 57 –

9.2.1 CFG-1 Type of Configuration Data – Capabilities

The capabilities correspond with the data model of the server that provides the SP data.

Getting this configuration information is equivalent to obtaining the data model structure of the

For this, IEC 61850 provides standardized methods.

9.2.2 CFG-2 or CFG-3 Type of Configuration Data – Measurements

The capabilities correspond with acquiring the data set member definitions of a particular
control block.

For this, IEC 61850 provides standardized methods (GetDataSetDirectory and

GetGOReference). However, IEC 61850 does not currently defined the equivalent of
GetSavReference (e.g. for Sampled Values). This document adds the GetSavReference

9.2.3 Online access to CFG-1 configuration information

For this, IEC 61850 servers provide the self description. A client can request information
about the control blocks, the assigned datasets and the datasets itself.

9.2.4 Offline access to CFG-2 and CFG-3 configuration information

The data model of the server, the control blocks, and the datasets are described in SCL
(Substation Configuration Language) files that describe the configured IED (SCD, CID).

9.3 Header Information Service

The header frames in IEEE C37.118 are intended to provide information in human readable

The defined semantics of the data in IEC 61850 provide a high degree of readability for
human users that are familiar with the concept.

Additional description attributes ("d" and dU") that can be used to provide further information
on the data attributes. This depends on the implementation of the data model. These
attributes reside under the functional constraint "DC" (description).

The access methods to the description data are the same as for the other configuration data.

No special methods need to be defined to resemble the functions of the header frames.

9.4 Data Transmission Service

This shall be the equivalent to the functions performed by the data frames.

9.4.1 General
IEEE C37.118 specifies RS-232 serial or a UDP or TCP protocol for the transmission of the
data frames, which hold the actual synchrophasor data. RS232 is becoming less used in
favour of networks, so only network communication will be addressed here. UDP and TCP
protocols are in any case IP based and therefore routable. This property of being routable
over wide area IP networks is necessary and suited for a protocol to be used with for wide
area applications, where PMUs are applied.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 58 –

For data with periodic transmission, IEC 61850 provides the sampled value service.

As described in IEC 61850-9-2, this is a layer two protocol, mainly intended for applications
within a substation. As a layer 2 protocol, it is not routable and therefore not suited for wide
area applications.

The remarks in IEC 61850-90-1 on Synchrophasors (clause 5.1.1) are an approach for
exchanging the sampled values between substations, but this is not really a useful option
solution for synchrophasor applications.

As far as the TCP option is concerned, IEC 61850 reporting would be an option. It would be
imaginable to use integrity reports (with some additional definitions on how data are retrieved
and synchronized with the integrity period) for the periodic transmission of the data. But as
the applications show, the TCP option in IEEE C37.118 is rarely applied in real applications.

For obvious reasons, the bulk of the applications transfer the data frames using UDP, and this
document focuses on providing an IEC 61850 mechanism exactly for this case.

9.4.2 Coding Synchrophasors Data

For the coding of the values of datasets, there are two options possible: for GOOSE and SV.
Neither of these offers the efficiencies of bytes transmitted as IEEE C37.118.2. However,
certain efficiencies are available. GOOSE Data Coding

There are two options provided for the encoding of GOOSE APDUs. One is the generic
ASN.1 and the other is Fixed Length Encoding. Although neither mechanism provides any
additional significant efficiency of octets transmitted, the Fixed Length encoding option (see
IEC 61850-8-1 allows more efficient processing.

9.5 Specific Data Mapping

The IEC 61850-9-2 encoding rules, for SV, are efficient and are largely optimized for byte
efficiency. There is a further optimization available should the synchrophasor information be
able to be conveyed in the data mapping of the UCA implementation guideline for sampled
values (e.g. IEC 61850-9-2LE).

9.6 Common Data Fields

There are some data which must be present in any case to make up a useful synchrophasor
protocol. These data shall be arranged at the beginning of the dataset in a defined order.

These fields are, but not limited to:

• Time stamp

• Time source and synchronization status information

9.7 Time Synchronization

UTC time is required for making synchrophasor measurements. Accuracy is dictated by the
requirements specified in the IEEE Synchrophasor Measurement Standard, C37.118.1. The
expected accuracy is 1 μs though the measurement can meet required accuracy with a timing
error of 26 μs (at 60 Hz) if all other measurements are perfect. The measurement is made
continuously and a typical measurement system requires continuous time accuracy at 5 μs or
better. Time can be provided by any source that can deliver UTC time at the required
accuracy and reliability. Typical time signals are provided by IEEE C37.238, and IRIG-B or
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 59 –

directly from GPS. Satellite navigation systems are currently the only widely available source
capable of delivering time at the accuracy required for synchrophasor measurements.

9.8 Redundancy
Based upon the use cases in clause 5, there is a need to specify mechanisms for redundancy. The
needed availability of synchrophasor information for Wide Area Situational Awareness and Control
requires that at least communication redundancy be provided. The implementation of LAN based
redundancy shall be a selected mechanism/architecture from IEC TR 61850-90-4.
From a wide area communication perspective (e.g. substation-to-substation, substation-to-control
center, control center-to-control center, etc), there are several communication system architectures
that need to be considered. These architectures are discussed in the following clauses.
Communication redundancy

The architecture uses a single communication node (e.g. router, etc.) to connect to two (2)
independent communication media infrastructures (e.g. T1 and Microwave or Sonet Ring with counter
rotating tokens).

This architecture provides redundancy protection from communication path failure.

This redundancy mechanism is a system design issue and is out-of-scope for this document.
Multi-path delivery

The architecture uses a single communication node (e.g. router), with a single communication port, to
send packets into a mesh network.

The mesh network then provides parallel multi-path delivery of the packets.

For the purposes of communication failure detection, it is the responsibility of the receivers of the
communication profile packets, as defined in this document, to enunciate problems when the expected
packets are not delivered in a timely manner or based upon protocol expectations (e.g. GOOSE
APDUs). Receivers shall mark the quality of the dataset members that have not been delivered within
the appropriate time with a quality.validity of “invalid” or “questionable” and a quality.detailedQual of

In the case of the profiles specified in this document, the use of multi-path delivery makes use of IP
based facilities to determine the appropriate paths. Such path determination shall be performed per
RFC 2991.
In order to provide duplicate packet delivery detection, at the receiving application the combination of
source IP address and SPDU number shall be unique. Security authentication must be performed
prior to duplicate packet discard.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 60 –

10 IEC Logical Node Modeling for Synchrophasor Measurements

Since this standard refers to the measurement techniques and filtering requirements of IEEE
C37.118.1, it is the semantics of the performance classes of protection and measurement that
shall be expressed.

From IEEE C37.118.1 (Informative):

"P class is intended for applications requiring fast response; it mandates no explicit filtering. M
class is intended for applications which could be adversely affected by aliased signals but do not
require the fastest reporting speed. “

This standard does not allow the correlation of signal filtering versus reporting rate.
Therefore, this standard defines:

• P-Class mandates no explicit signal filtering and provides the shortest signal response

• M-Class requires anti-alias filtering which could result in longer signal response times.

The characteristics of P-Class and M-Class shall be as defined in IEEE C37.118.1.

In order to allow the construct of P-Class and M-Class to be specified within the
context of IEC 61850, the IEC 61850-7-4 ClcMth shall be used. The set of allowed
values shall be expanded as shown in Table 10-1 .
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 61 –

The calculation method specifies how the Data Attributes that represent analogue values have
been calculated. The calculation method shall be the same for all Data Objects of a given logical
node instance.
The possible values shall be:
Value Description
PRES_OR_U Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes I and f) are
NKNOWN present or, more precisely, actual values.
TRUE_RMS Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes I and f) are
true r.m.s. values.
PEAK_FUND Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes I and f) are
AMENTAL peak fundamental values.
RMS_FUNDA Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes I and f) are
MENTAL r.m.s. fundamental values.
MIN Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes i and f) are
minimum values.
MAX Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes i and f) are
maximum values.
AVG Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes i and f) are
ClcMth average values.
SDV Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes i and f) are
standard deviation values.
PREDICTION Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes i and f) are
long term changes over time.
RATE Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes i and f) are
actual changes over time calculated with the actual value and value
P-CLASS Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes i and f)
meet the sampling and filtering characteristics specified in IEEE
C37.118.1 for P-class.
M-CLASS Indicates that all analogue values (i.e. all common attributes i and f)
meet the sampling and filtering characteristics specified in IEEE
C37.118.1 for M-class.
This DATA OBJECT shall be mandatory for all logical nodes that are intended to represent
statistical data, indicated by the common data classes, for example, CDC MV, CMV, WYE, etc.
NOTE 1 If different calculation periods are required for the Data Objects of a logical node, then
different logical nodes could be instantiated – with different calculation periods.
NOTE 2 The calculation algorithm and number of samples used for the calculation is an
implementation issue.

Table 10-1: Extension to ClcMth to allow P-Class and M-Class

11 Synchrophasor Profile Mappings

The control and configuration services use the conventional IEC 61850 methods with MMS
over TCP/IP. No extensions are required for this.

For the data transmission, new UDP mappings are required. However, it is also desirable to
be able to utilize/integrate the currently existing GOOSE and SV protocols without change.
Therefore, an ability to “tunnel” the currently existing Ethernet bound GOOSE and SV packets
over UDP/IP has been identified.

The figure depicts a general overview of the mapping of Synchrophasor Services. The
services identified in clause 9.1 will utilize the client/server A-profile as specified in IEC
61850-8-1 Ed.2 (Clause 6.2.2).
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 62 –

Figure 11-1: General Service Mappings

IEEE C37.118 supports the delivery of synchrophasor information using a streaming

mechanism. This type of information naturally maps into the IEC 61850-9-2 packet and
streaming mechanisms, however utilizing a T-Profile based upon UDP/IP. Analysis of several
use-cases has indicated that there is also a need for event driven communications (e.g. for
certain critical control applications). Therefore, GOOSE services also need to be supported.

11.1 A-Profiles
In general, the A-Profiles will consist of the current GOOSE and SV Application Protocol Data
Units (APDUs) encapsulated or tunnelled using session protocol that is defined in this

In order to reuse port 102 for UDP, RFC 1240 needs to be implemented, this means that ISO
Connectionless Transport must be used as well (ITU X.234).
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 63 –

OSI Layers
IEC 61850-90-5
Application extensions for IEC 61850-9-2
KDC function IEC 61850-8-1
Presentation Values
RFC-3547 (Internet Group IEC 61850 Protocol for sending
Management GOOSE and SV over
Protocol, OSI Connectionless Transport
Domain Version 3) ITU X.234
Session of
(OSI Connectionless Transport)


Figure 11-2: IEC 61850-90-5 A-Profiles

Figure 11-2 shows the Application Profile (A-Profile) that will be used to convey
synchrophasor information. In general it uses:

• IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE and IEC 61850-9-2 as the application and presentation layers.
The session protocol consists of:

o A session protocol detailed in clause This protocol is used to convey

key parameters that are required in order to satisfy the use cases identified in
this document.

o ITU X.234: OSI Connectionless Transport.

o RFC-1240: OSI Connectionless Transport over UDP

• RFC-3547 provides the KDC function. The RFC allows extensions to occur in a
standardized manner. This capabilility is used to provide IEC 61850-90-5 extensions.

• RFC-3376 provides the ability to have the routed networks configure IP multicast
routing paths based upon detecting client subscriptions.

The A-Profiles will be bound to one of the Transport Profiles (T-Profiles) specified in clause
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 64 –

11.1.1 A-Profile GOOSE, SV, and Management A-Profile

This A-Profile specifies the communication profile that allows GOOSE and SV to be
transported over an IP based network in a secure manner. This is called R-GOOSE respective
R-SV. Application Layer

This A-Profile allows for the transport of the GOOSE and SV APDUs, as defined in IEC
61850-8-1 and IEC 61850-9-2, to be sent in a secure and routable manner. It is intended that
these APDUs be utilized with a minimum of changes.

The following clauses detail the changes required to the GOOSE and SV APDUs in order to
achieve the functionality required by IEC 61850-90-5. Changes to required for IEC 61850-9-2

There are two (2) impacts on IEC 61850-9-2:

• Control block changes are required in order to accommodate the new profile(s).
These have been documented in clause

• There is a need to have an absolute TimeStamp for the streaming data.

Currently the Sampled Value message header contains the following information:
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 65 –

Abstract Buffer Format according to Coding in IEC 61850-9-2 Comments

IEc 61850-7-2
Attribute name Attribute type ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
SavPdu ::=
noASDU [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER Mapping specific
(1..65535), attribute.
Number of ASDUs, which
will be concatenated into
one APDU.
security [1] ANY OPTIONAL, Mapping specific
Reserved for future
definition (e.g. digital
asdu [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF ASDU 1 to n number of ASDUs
} as specified before.
ASDU ::=
MsvID VISIBLE svID [0] IMPLICIT VisibleString, Should be a system-wide
STRING unique identification.
DatSet ObjectReference datset [1] IMPLICIT VisibleString Value from the MSVCB
SmpCnt INT16U smpCnt [2] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING Will be incremented each
(SIZE(2)), time a new sampling
value is taken. The
counter shall be set to
zero if the sampling is
synchronised by clock
signal (SmpSynch = 1 or
2) and the synchronising
signal occurs.

When sync pulses are used

to synchronise merging
units, the counter shall be
set to zero with every sync
pulse. The value 0 shall be
given to the data set where
the sampling of the primary
current coincides with the
sync pulse.


interpreted as INT16U
ConfRev INT32U confRev [3] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING Value from the MSVCB
interpreted as INT32U.
RefrTm EntryTime refrTm [4] IMPLICIT UtcTime OPTIONAL, RefrTm contains the
refresh time of the SV
buffer. This is the
measurement time of the
synchrophasor data.
SmpSynch INT8U smpSynch [5] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING 2 = SV are synchronised
(SIZE(1)), by a global area clock
1 = SV are synchronised
by a local area clock
0 = SV are not
synchronised by an
external clock signal.
SmpRate INT16U smpRate [6] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING Value from the MSVCB
interpreted as INT16U.
Sample [1..n] Type depends sample [7] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING List of data values
on the CDC (SIZE(n)) related to the data set
defined in IEC definition.
For the encoding of the
Data, the rules for the
encoding of IEC 61850-
9-2 shall apply.

The SIZE(n) is the

cumulated size, in octets,
of all the data conveyed
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 66 –

Abstract Buffer Format according to Coding in IEC 61850-9-2 Comments

IEc 61850-7-2
Attribute name Attribute type ASN.1 Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
SavPdu ::=
as defined in the
SmpMod INT16U smpMod [8] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING Value from the MSVCB
interpreted as INT16U.
t* TIMESTAMP timeStamp [9] IMPLICIT UtcTime Absolute timestamp of
OPTIONAL the transmission time of
} the packet.

Inclusion of this field is

controlled by the control
block OptFld.timestamp
value. t - Timestamp

There is need, for wide area network communications, to convey an absolute timestamp that
represents the contents of the stream. Currently, the only available timestamp is the attribute
RefrTm. However, in IEC 61850-9-2, EntryTime is defined as a “48-bit TimeStamp as
defined in IEC 61850-8-1”.

In IEC 61850-8-1, EntryTime is defined to be:

“EntryTime shall be mapped to the MMS DataType of BINARY-TIME. The size of the
BINARY-TIME value shall be six (6) octets.

The MMS TimeOfDay epoch began at 0 hours on 1 January 1984 (MJD 40 587).
Times measured are designated in this standard as MMS TimeOfDay milli-
seconds GMT and TimeOfDay days GMT, and represent offets from the epoch. It
should be noted that exceptions to this mapping do occur.”

This means that the “absolute timestamp”, of a resolution required for synchrophasors can be
calculated by:

RefrTm + SmpCnt/(SmpRate)

Therefore, for synchrophasor information, RefrTm, SmpCnt, and SmpRate shall be sent in a
SV message.

For DataSet elements that are not sampled at that time, the DataSet element will need to
include its own timestamp. Additionally, the QUALITY for each DataSet element may need to
be included. As such, it is recommended that Functionally Constrained Data (FCD) and not
Functionally Constrained Data Attributes (FCDA) be utilized as DataSet members.

The timestamp calculation, based upon RefrTm, is valid for PMUs and CTs/VTs where the
actual sampling is actually occuring. However, at the Phasor Data Gateway level, the concept
of SmpRate and SampleCount are not appropriate. Therefore, timestamp field (e.g. “t”) has
been added to the SV APDU to allow the same PDU structure to be used at any level in the
hierarchy. Addition of Manament Services Protocol

Currently there is no equivalent to GetGOReferences and GetGOElementNumber services for

sampled values. However, in order to support the equivalence of IEEE C37.118.2 CFG-
2/CFG-3 commands, and to support run-time verification without SCL, these service shall be
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 67 –

added to IEC 61850-7-2. This means that the protocol productions (see clause
will need to be added to IEC 61850-9-2. Changes required for IEC 61850-8-1 and IEC 61850-9-2

It is recommended that the DataSet elements include their own timestamp. Additionally, the
QUALITY for each DataSet element may need to be included. As such, it is recommended
that Functionally Constrained Data (FCD) and not Functionally Constrained Data Attributes
(FCDA) be utilized as DataSet members. Session Layer


SPDU Octet 1 Octet 2 … Octet n

Octet 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

SPDUs SI LI Parameter Field User Information

PI units PI LI Parameter Value


Figure 11-3: General Byte Ordering of Session Protocol

Editor’s Note: ITU X.235 reserves a Session Identifier (SI) value of 64 (decimal) to indicate
OSI Connectionless Session. Therefore, this value may not be used.

Figure 11-3 shows the general construction of the session protocol, and the bit/byte ordering
for the protocol for transmission. In general, there will be a Session Identifier (SI) which has a
single byte length. This length covers the length of all of the parameter fields for the session
header, but not the user data of the session protocol.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 68 –

Figure 11-4: Structure of IEC TR 61850-90-5 Session Protocol

Figure 11-4 shows that the SI Length (LI) will provide the length of the Session Header. The
Session Header contains the following information:

• Session Protocol Data Unit (SPDU) Length

• Session Protocol Data Unit Number

• Session Protocol Version Number

• Security Information that contains

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 69 –

• TimeofCurrentKey: The time at which the current signature and encryption key was
first used.

• TimeofNextKey: A relative time that indicates the time before another key is put into
use for the signature and encryption.

• SecurityAlgorithms: Used to indicate which cipher suites and algorithms are used to
generate the Signature and used to encrypt the user payload.

The Session Header is then followed by Session User Information. The user information

• Length: This information represents the length of the user payload.

• User Payload: This represents a sequence of GOOSE, SV, or Tunnelled packets. The
actual contents are constrained based upon the actual Session Identifier.

• Signature: The contents of this field are calculated based upon the choice of security
algorithms specified in the value of the SecurityAlgorithm field. The signature is
calculated based upon the SPDU length including the Session Identifier, but not
including the Signature itself. Specifics of this will be provided in another clause.

The following ASN.1 production is used to show the structure and future expansion capability
of the session protocol, specifically the session identifier and header:

sessionIdentifier ::= CHOICE {

tunnelled [0] IMPLICIT SessionHeader,
goose [1] IMPLICIT SessionHeader,
sv [2] IMPLICIT SessionHeader,
mngt [3] IMPLICIT SessionHeader,

SessionHeader::= SEQUENCE {
} Session Identifier

For this part, there shall be three (3) Session Identifier values defined:

• For Tunnelled GOOSE and Sampled Value Packets: The SI shall have a hexadecimal
value of A0.

This SI allows for the Payload to contain both SV and GOOSE packets. However, the
Payload shall be constrained to only having a PDU type of Tunnelled.

• For SPDUs that contain non-tunnelled GOOSE APDUs: The SI shall have a
hexadecimal value of A1. This SI shall constrain the Payload to contain PDU types of
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 70 –

• For SPDUs that contain non-tunnelled Sampled Value APDU: The SI shall have a
hexadecimal value of A2. This SI shall constrain the Payload to contain PDU types of

• For SPDUs that contain non-tunnelled management APDU: The SI shall have a
hexadecimal value of A3. This SI shall constrain the Payload to contain PDU types of

The associated LI field, for the SI, shall be the length of the entire session header. Common Header

The standardized common session header contents shall be indicated by a PI whose value is
zero (80 hexadecimal). The PV of the session header shall contain a sequence of the
following values:

• SPDU Length

• SPDU Number

• Version

• TimeofCurrentKey

• TimetoNextKey

• SignatureAlgorithm

The representation and definition of these fields follows. SDPU Length

The maximum size of the SPDU length is based upon the maximum packet size for UDP.
Version 1 of this protocol does not support the IPv6 capability of Jumbograms and therefore
the maximum UDP packet size shall be: 65,535 octets. However, in future versions of this
protocol, Jumbograms may be supported. Therefore, the SPDU Length value shall be a 32-bit
unsigned integer value. Therefore, the SPDU Length parameter shall be four (4) octets.

Its maximum allowed value, for this version, shall be: 65,519 octets.

Note: This maximum value is determined by

Maximum UDP size: 65,535

Number octets in UDP protocol: - 8
Number octets in X.234: - 2
Number octets in SI: - 2
Number octets for common header: - 2
Number octets for SPDU Length: - 4
Maximum size: 65,517
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 71 –

Protocol data units received that have a value greater than the maximum value shall be
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 72 –

Examples of various SPDU length value encodings are provided:

Value Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4

1 00 00 00 01

255 00 00 00 FF

32,765 00 00 7F FD

65,517 00 00 FF ED

Table 11-1: Example encodings of SPDU Length SPDU Number

The SPDU Number is a value that can be used by the subscriber to detect duplicate or out-of-
order packet delivery. The SPDU number attribute shall be four (4) octets and represent an
Unsigned Integer Value whose range of values is 0 to 4,294,967,295.

The SPDU Number shall be maintained, by the sender, on a per destination basis. The initial
SPDU Number sent shall be a value of zero. Subsequent SPDU Number values shall be
incremented. When the maximum value is reached, the value shall start at a value of zero
(0). Version

The Version attribute shall contain the session protocol version number as specified by this
document. The attribute value shall be two (2) octets and represent an Unsigned Integer

The value assigned for the Version shall be: 1. Security Related Attributes

The security fields, in the Session Header are described in the following clauses. TimeofCurrentKey

The TimeofCurrentKey attribute shall be four (4) octets that represent an Unsigned Integer
value. The value of the attribute shall represent the SecondSinceEpoch. SecondSinceEpoch shall
be the interval in seconds continuously counted from the epoch 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.

NOTE SecondSinceEpoch corresponds with the Unix epoch.

Editor’s Note: Some operating systems have a 32-bit Signed value that represents SecondsSinceEpoch (e.g. Unix). For
implementations in such operating systems, it shall be the implementation’s responsibility to provide the appropriate time offsets
to allow the full range of the Unsigned Integer value to be used. TimetoNextKey

The TimetoNextKey attribute shall be two (2) octets that represent a Signed Integer value.
The value of the attribute represents the number of minutes prior to a new key being used. If
the Most Significant Bit is a value of one (1), representing a negative value, shall be used to
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 73 –

indicate that no new key has been scheduled to be placed into service. Any positive value
shall be used to indicate the number of minutes prior to the new key being placed into service.

0 – remaining bits indicate time to new key being placed into service
1 – indicates no new key has been scheduled

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit Numbers

Unsigned Integer Value range 0 - 32767

Figure 11-5: Encoding of TimetoNextKey

Prior to setting a positive value, the Group Manager (e.g. IED) shall determine the new key
that will be applied. This will allow the subscribers to use the Group Key Management
Protocol to obtain the new assigned key prior to expiration.

The positive number shall be the relative time until the new key is put into service. Therefore,
the number is decremented until the new key is in actual use. When the new key is placed
into use, the TimeofCurrentKey attribute value is updated. SecurityAlgorithms

The SecurityAlgorithms field is a two(2) octet field. The most significant octet shall be
reserved to indicate the type of encryption provided.

Octet Value Encryption Algorithm

0 None

1 AES-128-GCM

2 AES-256-GCM

The least significant octet shall contain the HMAC algorithm information regarding the
signature generation. The value shall be one of the values from Table 11-3. User Data

The session user data consists of two fields: Length and Payload. Length

The maximum size of the Length is based upon the maximum packet size for SPDU Length.
The maximum value may be no greater than the SPDU Length – 14 – Signature Size.

The Length attribute shall be a four (4) octet field that is an Unsigned Integer value.

Note: One-hundred octets shall be reserved for the Signature part of User Data.

Therefore, the allowed maximum value, for this version, is 65,399 octets. Payload

The payload section, as shown in Figure 11-4, allows multiple user data PDUs to be
aggregated within one SPDU. The types of PDUs that can be aggregated are constrained by
the Session Identifier (SI) of the SPDU (see page 69).
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 74 – Common Payload Attributes

The payloads of GOOSE, SV, or Tunnelled have two (2) common attributes: Simulation and
APPID. The following clauses define these common values. Simulation

Simulation shall be a BOOLEAN value (e.g. one octet) and shall be as defined in IEC 61850-
8-1. APPID

The APPID shall be a two (2) octet value and shall be as defined in IEC 61850-8-1. GOOSE APDU

A GOOSE APDU is defined as the goosePdu as defined in IEC 61850-8-1.

The normative ASN.1 productions can be found in IEC 61850-8-1 and the following are provided for
information only.

IEC 61850-8-1 Specific Protocol ::= CHOICE {


IECGoosePdu ::= SEQUENCE {

timeAllowedtoLive [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER,
t [4] IMPLICIT UtcTime,
numDatSetEntries [10] IMPLICIT INTEGER,
security [12] ANY OPTIONAL -- reserved for digital signature
} Sampled Value APDU

A Sampled Value APDU is defined as the savPdu as defined in IEC 61850-9-2.

The normative ASN.1 productions can be found in IEC 61850-8-1 and the following are
provided for information only.

IEC 61850-9-2 Specific Protocol ::= CHOICE {

9-1-Pdu [0] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, -- Reserved for 9-1 APDU

SavPdu ::= SEQUENCE {

noASDU [0] IMPLICIT INTEGER (1..65535),
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 75 –

security [1] ANY OPTIONAL,


Note: The savPdu and gseMngtPdu have the same ASN.1 tag (e.g. APPLICATION 0). There
is no conflict since the gseMngtPdu is out-of-scope of IEC TR 61850-90-5. Since the tags for
the goosePdu and savPdu are different, no additional tagging is needed for differentiation
within the user payload. This is important should the specification ever need to send GOOSE
and SV in a single user payload. MNGT APDU

A MNGT APDU is defined as the gseMngtPdu.

This clause adds additional service definitions to those defined in IEC 61805-8-1. The ASN.1
productions shall be:

IEC 61850-8-1 Specific Protocol ::= CHOICE {


MngtPdu ::= SEQUENCE {

Security [3] ANY OPTIONAL, -- reserved for future definition
requests [1] IMPLICIT GSEMngtRequests,
responses [2] IMPLICIT GSEMngtResponses

MngtRequests ::= CHOICE {

getGoReference [1] IMPLICIT GetReferenceRequestPdu,
getGOOSEElementNumber [2] IMPLICIT GetElementRequestPdu,
getGsReference [3] IMPLICIT GetReferenceRequestPdu,
getGSSEDataOffset [4] IMPLICIT GetElementRequestPdu,
getSavReference [5] IMPLICIT GetReferenceRequestPdu,
getSavElementNumber [6] IMPLICIT GetElementRequestPdu,


MngtResponses ::= CHOICE {

gseMngtNotSupported [0] IMPLICIT NULL,
getGoReference [1] IMPLICIT GSEMngtResponsePdu,
getGOOSEElementNumber [2] IMPLICIT GSEMngtResponsePdu,
getGsReference [3] IMPLICIT GSEMngtResponsePdu,
getGSSEDataOffset [4] IMPLICIT GSEMngtResponsePdu,
getSavReference [5] IMPLICIT GSEMngtResponsePdu,
getSavElementNumber [6] IMPLICIT GSEMngtResponsePdu,

GetReferenceRequestPdu ::= SEQUENCE {

ident [0] IMPLICIT VISIBLE-STRING, -- size shall support up to 129 octets
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 76 –




If the offset is NULL, this shall indicated that the response shall contain all of the references if
the references are able to fit in the APDU. Otherwise the error responseTooLarge shall be

If the provided datSet (DataSet Reference) does not correspond with the ident value specified,
the response shall be controlBlockConfigurationError.

GetElementRequestPdu ::= SEQUENCE {

ident [0] IMPLICIT VISIBLE-STRING, -- size shall support up to 129 octets

If the provided datSet (DataSet Reference) does not correspond with the ident value specified,
the respons shall be controlBlockConfigurationError.

GSEMngtResponsePdu ::= SEQUENCE {

ident [0] IMPLICIT VISIBLE-STRING, -- echos the value of the request
responsePositive [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE {
result [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF RequestResults
responseNegative [3] IMPLICIT GlbErrors


RequestResults::= CHOICE {
reference [1] IMPLICIT IA5STRING,
error [2] IMPLICIT ErrorReason

GlbErrors ::= INTEGER {

controlBlockConfigurationError (3),

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 77 –

ErrorReason ::= INTEGER {

other (0),
notFound (1),


The MNGT APDU shall only be used with unicast addresses (source and destination). Tunnelled

The tunnelled payload PDUs need to provide the key information required to re-emit the
appropriate frames at the end of the tunnel(s). In order to accomplish this, the following
information needs to be conveyed:

• Destination Address: This is the multicast destination Media Access Control (MAC)
address that the original GOOSE or SV message was sent to via Ethernet multicast.

• TPID and TCI: This is the VLAN tagging for VLAN identification as well as IEEE
priority tagging.

61850 Ethertype PDU and Ethernet padding: This information represents the Ethernet 61850
Ethertype field and associated information. In addition to the 61850 Ethertype PDUs, the
Ethernet padding needs to be included so that IEC 62351-6 security information can be

In Figure 11-6, the Ethertype PDU starts at octet 22 and includes all other octets except for
the Frame Check Sequence.
Octets 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Notes


Start of frame
Destination address
5 Refer to “Address
6 MAC Fields” section.
Source address
TPID Refer to ”Priority
13 Priority
14 tagged
TCI section.
16 Link HSR Tag See IEC 62439-3
17 redundancy 0x88FB (HSR optional field)
18 header Path – Size H
19 Size L
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 78 –

Octets 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Notes
20 Sequence number H
21 Sequence Number L
61850 Ethertypes
24 Length Start
26 Ethertype PDU
Length (m + 8)
Refer to “Ethertype
Reserved 1 and Other Header
29 Information”
30 section.
Reserved 2
length m)
m + 32
. IEC 6235-6 Security and
≤1521 (Pad bytes if necessary)
Frame check sequence
Figure 11-6: IEEE 802.3 Frame format for SV and GOOSE

The assigned IEC 61850 Ethertype values are shown in Table 11-2. The Ethertype values for
GOOSE Type 1, GOOSE Type 1A, and Sampled Values shall be allowed to be conveyed as
part of the tunnel. The GSE Management Ethertype, and its associated PDUs, are excluded
from use within the tunnel.

Use Ethertype value Comment

IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE Type 1 88-B8
IEC 61850-8-1 GSE Management 88-B9 Out-of-scope of this
IEC 61850-9-2 Sampled Values 88-BA
IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE Type 1A 88-B8

Table 11-2: IEC 61850 Ethertype values

The tag indicating a tunnelled GOOSE or SV PDU shall be: 83 hexadecimal.

The sequence that follows the tag shall be:

tunnel ::= SEQUENCE {

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 79 – destinationMACAddress

The destination Media Access Control (MAC) address field shall be six(6) octets in size. It
shall contain the original MAC address that the tunnelled PDU was sent to. The value shall
be in transmission order as defined by ISO/IEC 8802-3:2000. TPID and TCI

The structure of the tag header is defined in Figure 11-7

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
TPID 0x8100 (as per 802.1Q)
2 User C
TCI priority FI

Figure 11-7 - Virtual LAN Tag

TPID (Tag Protocol Identifier) Field: Indicates the Ethertype assigned for 802.1Q Ethernet encoded
frames. This value shall be 0x8100.

TCI (Tag Control Information) Fields: User Priority: BS3; user priority value shall be set by
configuration to separate sampled values and time critical protection relevant GOOSE messages from
low priority busload. If the priority is not configured, then the default values shall be used.

CFI (Canonical Format Indicator): BS1 [0]; a single bit flag value. For this standard the CGI bit value
shall be reset (value = 0).

NOTE 1 If set (value = 1), an Embedded Resource Identification Field (E-RIF) follows the Length/Type field in the
ISO/IEC 8802-3 tagged frame.

VID: The use of Virtual LAN support is optional. If this mechanism will be used the VLAN Identifier
(VID) shall be set by configuration, if it is not used it shall be set to zero (0).
The TPIDandTCI field shall be four(4) octets and shall contain the values received by the
subscriber (e.g. publishing end of the tunnel). The Ethernet transmission order, as shown in
Figure 11-7 shall be maintained. However, due to some system designs, the information may
not be received by the subscriber. In this case, all octets shall be set to a value of zero(0).

It is recommended that the receiving entity, of a tunnelled PDU, have the ability to re-map the
TPID and TCI information as needed by the local LAN segment. This mapping should include
the capability of mapping zero(0) values. This mapping function is a local issue and out-of-
scope of this standard. . tunnelledPduLength

The tunnelledPduLength field shall be an unsigned integer value of two(2) octets. The value
shall be the number of octets in the tunnelledPdu. The length shall include the IEC 61850
Ethertype octets through all other octets except the Frame Check Sequence as shown in
Figure 11-6.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 80 – tunnelledPdu

This field is the number of octets specified by the tunnelledPduLength field. Signature

The Signature production shall start with a one octet tag of a value of 84 hexademicmal. The
following octet shall be the length of the calculated signature. The third octet shall be the
most significant byte of the calculated signature value.

The calculated signature value shall be used for the authentication/integrity of the octets that
include the Session Identifier through the end of the user data payload. The
signature.calculations shall not include the Signature production. The value of the parameter
shall be calculated based upon the HMAC algorithm in RFC 2104.

The value of the HMAC and Signature production shall be treated as ASN.1 OCTETString

The allowed HMAC functions are: HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA256, and HMAC-

Additionally, the calculated HMAC value may be truncated, per RFC 2104. The allowed
truncations are 80, 128, and 256 bits.

Therefore, the HMAC enumerated values, used in the Security Alogrithm field (see clause shall be as defined in Table 11-3.

Enumerate Value HMAC Algorithm Numnber of bits Designation Mandatory (m),

Optional (o)
0 None None MAC-None c1
1 SHA-256 80 HMAC-SHA256-80 m
2 SHA-256 128 HMAC-SHA256-128 m
3 SHA-256 256 HMAC-SHA256-256 m
5 AES-GMAC 128 AES-GMAC-128 m
6 SHA3 80 HMAC-SHA3-80 c2
7 SHA3 128 HMAC-SHA3-128 c2
8 SHA3 256 HMAC-SHA3-256 c2
c1 – May only be used when encryption is also in use.
c2 – provided for future use.

Table 11-3: Allowed values for MAC signature value calculations

The MAC-None option is provided for testing and shall not be used in production systems. It
indicates that no signature value (e.g. MAC) is being calculated. Therefore, for MAC-None,
the length octet of the signature production shall contain a value of zero (0).

When a truncated value is used, the leftmost bytes of the computed value shall be used as the
value known as a Message Authentication Code (MAC). The output length, shall be no less
than ten(10) octets .
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 81 – ITU X.234 A-Profile Options

ITU X.234 defines several transport parameters. This clause specifies the parameters that
shall be supported and lengths for those parameters.

Transport Parameter Parameter LI value Mandatory/Optional/ Comment

Description Value eXcluded
Source TSAP 193 1 X Used to identify the
application emitter
within a node.
Destination TSAP 194 1 X
Checksum 195 X
User Data M

The variable parts of X.234 shall not be used within this standard. Therefore, only the LI and UD fields
shall be present (e.g. 2 octets).

11.1.2 KDC Profile

The IEC 61850-90-5 KDC profile is based upon RFC-3547: Group Domain of Interpretation
(GDOI). This RFC makes use of ISAKMP (RFC-2407) as part of the key requestion and
exchange mechanism. RFC-2407 allows user/private extensions in several areas, two of
which IEC 61850-90-5 makes use of:

1. The identification payload (clause 5.1 of RFC 3547): The payload identifier
indicates the information stream type for which a key is being requested.

2. The identification of the key payload (clause 5.5 of RFC 3547): The Key
Payload Type identifier indicates the type of the key being returned.

There are three phases of communication for GDOI for what is known as a GROUPKEY-

• Phase 1: Connection establishment and Authorization

Although there are two mechanisms of Authentication allowed by GDOI, IEC 61850-
90-5 implementations shall support the ability to use the GDOI client certificate
credentials exchanged at connection establishment time.

• Phase 2: Determining the policies in use for the group that is being requested.

This is accomplished through an GDOI Identification Payload Request. The KDC

responds to this request with the policies (e.g. encryption and signature algorithms)
that are supported. The policies are returned using GDOI SA which returns a SA KEK

If the client does not support the policies, the client shall abort (e.g. close the TCP
connection). If the client can support the policies, the client will issue the Key
Download (KD) payload request.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 82 –

• Phase 3: Obtain the keys to be utilized.

This is accomplished through the request of the appropriate KD payload.

The following clauses detail the IEC 61850-90-5 extensions to RFC 3547 for Phase 2 and
Phase 3. Signature Hash Algorithm

RFC 3547 allows several different signature hash algorithms to be supported (see RFC 3547
clause 5.3.6). The RFC 3547 specified algorithms are shown in

Algorithm Type Value





Private Use 128-255

Table 11-4: RFC-3547 Assigned Payload Identifiers

Implementations claiming conformance with IEC 61850-90-5 shall provide support for
SIG_HASH_SHA1 and SIG_HASH_SHA256. The Algorithm Type Value of 192 (decimal) shall
be used to indicate SIG_HASH_SHA256. Identification Payload

The GDOI Identification Payload (e.g. Phase 2 request) is shown in …. IEC 61850-90-5
defines a specific ID Type value and a format of the Identification Data.

RFC-3547, clause 5.4, specifies the following payload identifiers shown in Table 11-5:

Identifer Name Value

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 83 –

Reserved 0-10



Private Use 128-255

Table 11-5: RFC-3547 Assigned Payload Identifiers

IEC 61850-90-5 shall assign the following additional payload identfier. This identifier shall be
a value of 161 (decimal).This identifier shall be used to identify a sequence of octets that
define a payload extension. This extension mechanism is designed to allow other protocols or
organizations to make use of the IEC 61850-90-5 payload extension. The general sequence
for the payload extension is shown in Figure 11-8.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 84 –

Octet Definition/value Description

0 161 decimal Identifier for payload

A1 hexadecimal extension.

1 Length of

80 (hexadecimal) Tag indicating that the next

field is an Object Identifier

4 n Length of Object Identifier

5…5+n-1 Object Identifier Value

encoded per ASN.1

5+n Length of payload


5+n+2 Start of Payload

Figure 11-8: General format for IEC 61850-90-5 Payload Extensions

The general format consists of:
• Identifier of the payload extension. This shall be a value of 161 decimal.
• Length of the payload extension: This shall be a two (2) octet value. The Most Significant
Byte shall be octet number 1. The value shall be an unsigned integer.
• Object Identifer Tag: This octet shall be a value of 80 hexadecimal and shall be used to
indicate that the following octets contain the length and value of an ASN.1 encoded Object
• Length of Object Identifer: This length shall be an unsigned integer value and shall specify the
number of octets of the ASN.1 encoded ObjectIdentifier, whose value follows the length.
• ObjectIdentifer: This set of octets represents an ASN.1 encoded ObjectIdentifier. The value of
the identifier defines the payload that follows. It is the use of this ObjectIdentifier that will allow
other organizations or standards to utilize this payload extension process without definition

The ObjectIdentifer values used by IEC 61850-90-5 are defined in Table 11-6.

KDCs claiming conformance to this document shall support the identifiers that are marked as
mandatory (e.g. m).
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 85 –

Object Identifer Name Description Value m/o

61850_UDP _Tunnel Specifies that the payload is requesting a 1.2.840.10070.61850.8.1.4 m

key for a IEC 61850-90-5 Tunnel APDU that
is being sent to a particular destination IP

61850_ETHERNET_GOOSE Specifies that the payload is requesting a 1.2.840.10070.61850.8.1.1 o

key for a IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE APDU,
with IEC 62351-6 signature, that is being
sent to a particular destination Ethernet

61850_ETHERNET_SV Specifies that the payload is requesting a 1.2.840.10070.61850.9.2.1 o

key for a IEC 61850-9-2 SV APDU, with IEC
62351-6 signature, that is being sent to a
particular destination Ethernet address.

61850_UDP_ADDR_GOOSE Specifies that the payload is requesting a 1.2.840.10070.61850.8.1.2 m

key for a IEC 61850-90-5 GOOSE APDU
that is being sent to a particular destination
IP address.

61850_UDP_ADDR_SV Specifies that the payload is requesting a 1.2.840.10070.61850.9.2.2 m

key for a IEC 61850-90-5 SV APDU that is
being sent to a particular destination IP

61850_IP_ISO9506 Specifies that the payload is requesting a 1.2.840.10070.61850.8.1.3 o

key for a IEC 61850-8-1 ISO 9506 endpoint.
This payload definition is out-of-scope of
this specification.

Table 11-6: IEC 61850-90-5 Assigned Payload Identifiers Payload Identification

The following clauses detail the IEC 61850-90-5 payload identification values, Common Payload values

In order to achieve common and reusable definitions, each payload may be constructed from
the following definitions. VERSION

This is a single octet value that represents the version of the particular payload. Unless
otherwise specified, the value of the VERSION shall be one(1) DEST_MULTICAST_ETHERNET_ADDRESS

This is a value that consist of six(6) octets. The value shall be in specified per Ethernet
transmission order.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 86 – IP_ADDRESS

This value component allows the specification of either an IPv4 or IPv6 destination address
for which a key is being requested. The value component is a structure consisting of:

is_DNS_address BOOLEAN.
length_of_address UNSIGNED INTEGER16,
address octet[length_of_address]


TYPE_OF_ADDRESS_ENUMERATION: has the values of IPv4(0) and IPv6(1).

is_DNS_address: shall be FALSE if the IP address is numeric. The value shall

be TRUE if the address represents a DNS string.

length_of_address: specifies the number of octets contained in the address value.

If is_DNS_address is TRUE, the length shall not include a terminating NULL

address: contains the value of the IP address.

Bit Number
Octet 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 type_of_address
1 is_DNS_address
2 length_of_address(n)



The DATASET value component allows the specification of an IEC 61850 DataSet Reference
(DSRef), as specified in IEC 61850-7-2.

length_of_DataSet_Reference UNSIGNED INTEGER8,
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 87 –

dataSet_Reference octet[length_of_DataSet_Reference]
} 61850_UDP_ADDR_GOOSE and 61850_UDP_ADDR_SV

The payload for the IP versions of GOOSE and SV are the same. The payload is defined as:

Payload Identification ::= {

version VERSION,
ip_address IP_ADDRESS,
} 61850_UDP_Tunnel

The payload for the IEC 61850-90-5 Tunnel session protocol is defined as:

Payload Identification ::= {

version VERSION,
ip_address IP_ADDRESS

Editor’s Note: The reason that the dsRef is not present is that multiple Ethernet multicast
frames (e.g. GOOSE or SV) may be sent in one Tunnel SPDU. Therefore, only the
destination IP address allows for differentiation. 61850_ETHERNET_GOOSE and 61850_ETHERNET_SV

The payload for the Ethernet versions of GOOSE and SV are the same. The payload is
defined as:

Payload Identification::= {
version VERSION,
} 61850_IP_ISO9506

This payload identification is out-of-scope for this specification. Common IEC 61850-90-5 Payload Response Field Definitions

The IEC 61850-90-5 fields defined, for payload responses, are:

• Protocol ID (Prot-ID): Shall be the value of 161 decimal to indicate the use of IEC
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 88 –

• Tag: Is the ASN.1 Tag, specified by IEC 61850-90-5 to represent the Object Identifier
that was requested by the client.

• Length of OID: ASN.1 length of the Objective Identifier value.

• ASN.1 for OID: The ASN.1 encoded value fo the Object Identifier.

• Current Key ID (Cur KeyID): Shall be a value of one (1).

• SA Life Type ID (RFC 2407): Specifies the time-to-live for the overall security
association. When the SA expires, all keys negotiated under the association (AH or
ESP) must be renegotiated. The SA Life Type ID field shall be a value of one (1).

Note: RFC 4306 has superseeded RFC 2407. However, RFC 3547 is designed to work with
RFC 2407 and has not been updated to work with RFC-4306. Furthermore, RFC 2407 is not
interoperable with RFC 4306. Therefore, this specification uses RFC 2407 as normative.

• SA Life Type Value: The life type values are:

seconds 1
kilobytes 2

The value shall be a value of one(1) indicating the lifetime is specified in seconds.

• Remaining LifeTime Value: shall specify the number of seconds prior to the next
scheduled key change. A value of zero(0) shall indicate that no key change has been

• Authentication Algorithm ID (RFC 2407): Shall be a value of five(5).

• Authentication Algorithm Value: Shall be one of the following set of values:

HMAC-SHA256 value of 61440

AES-GMAC-128 value of 61441

• Key Algorithm: Shall be a value of 20 (decimal) and shall be used to indicate that the
next octet shall contain the Key Algorithm identification for the current key that is in

• Key Type ID: Shall be one of the following values:

0 – AES 128 1 – AES 256

• Key Length ID: As defined in RFC 2407. Used to indicate the current key length size.

• Next Key Length: number of octets of the key value.

• Current Key Key: The actual key being used currently. The number of octets is
governed by the Key Length that was specified.

• Next Key ID: shall be a value of 21 (decimal) and shall indicate that the payload
contains another key that should be used when the current key expires.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 89 –

• Key LifeTime Value: shall specify the number of seconds prior to the next scheduled
key change. A value of zero(0) shall indicate that no key change has been scheduled.

• Next Key Key: The next key to be used. The number of octets is governed by the Next
Key Length that was specified. Policy response

The policy response shall be of the template:

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 90 –

0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-! /* SA */
! NP = 0 ! RESERVED = 0 ! Payload Length !
! DOI = 2 !
! Situation = 0 !
! SA Attribute NP = 16 ! RESERVED2 = 0 !
! NP = 0 ! RESERVED = 0 ! Payload Length ! /* TEK */
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-!
! Prot-ID = 161 ! Tag = 0x80 ! Length of OID ! /* 90-5 */
! ASN.1 for OID used in Payload Identifier Request ~
! Cur KeyId = 1 ! SA LT ID = 1 ! SA LT V = 1 ! RESERVED = 0 ! /* CurKey */
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-! /* Policy */
! Remaining Lifetime Value = 0x3600 !
! AuthAlgID = 5 ! AuthAlg = 2 ! Key Alg = 20 !
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- !
! KT ID = 0 ! Key Length = 128 !
! Next KeyId = 2! SA LT ID = 1 ! SA LT V = 1 ! RESERVED = 0 ! /* NxtKey */
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-! /* Policy */
! Remaining Lifetime Value = 0xffff !
! AuthAlgID = 5 ! AuthAlg = 61440 ! Key Alg = 20 !
! KT ID = 1 ! Key Length = 256 !
Figure 11-9: Policy Response Frame
Figure 11-9 shows the field definitions and example values for a policy response frame.
The RFC 3547 field definitions are as follows:

• Next Payload (NP): Shall be a value of zero(0) as specified as RFC 3547.

• Payload Length: Length of the message as defined in RFC 3547.

• Domain of Informaiton (DOI): Shall be a value of two(2) to specify the GDOI protocol as
specified in RFC 3547.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 91 –

• Situation: Shall be a value of zero(0) as specified in RFC 3547.

• SA Attribute Next Payload: The definition, per RFC 3547, are decimal values:

o 15 - SAK Payload

o 16 – SAT Payload

The definitions of the IEC 61850-90-5 specific values are defined in clause

The octets following, and including the Next Key octet, shall not be present in the Key
Payload under the following conditions:

1. If the Payload is being pushed to group members.

2. If the authentication credential of the client expires prior to the expiration of the
current key.

3. If the next key has not been assigned or computed. Key Download Payload

Clause 5.5 of RFC-3547 specifies the general format for the group keys that are to be
provided to group members. The key download (KD) Type allows for the definition of private
key download formats. It is this extensibility that IEC 61850-90-5 will utilize.

Identifer Name Value

Reserved 0





Private Use 128-255

Table 11-7: RFC-3547 Key Download Type Identifiers

The Key Download (KD) Payload identifiers, for IEC 61850-90-5, shall specify several
identifiers. These identifiers will be assigned from the Private Use range of identifiers (128-
255). The private use range shall be used as standardized identifiers within the domain of
IEC 61850-90-5. The following numbers shall be used as defined in Table 11-8 :

KD Type Identifer Name Value

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 92 –


61850_90_5_SESSION 193

61850_8_1_ISO9506 194

Table 11-8: IEC 61850-90-5 Key Download Type Identifiers Common Key Payload for Current and Next Keys

Within the scope of IEC 61850-90-5, there is a recognized need to provide authenticated
clients with the current key and the next key that is intended to be used. The payload
containing both of these keys shall be:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

SA Life Type ID SA Life Type Value Reserved – shall be a value of zero(0)

Remaining Lifetime Value

Authentication Algorithm ID Authentication Algorithm Key Algorithm

Key Type ID Key Length ID Key Length

Current Key Key

Next Key ID SA Life Type ID SA Life Type Value Reserved– shall be a value of

Key Lifetime Value

Authentication Algorithm ID Auth Alg. Value Key Algorithm

Key Type ID Key Length ID Next Key Length

Next Key Key

Figure 11-10: Key Download Response Payload Definition

Figure 11-10 depicts the format of a IEC 61850-90-5 Key Download Response Payload. The
definitions of the fields can be found in clause

The octets following, and including the Next Key octet, shall not be present in the Key
Payload under the following conditions:

4. If the payload is being pushed to group members.

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 93 –

5. If the authentication credential of the client expires prior to the expiration of the
current key.

6. If the next key has not been assigned or computed.

Clients that receive the the key download response shall compare the policies of the key
download with the actual policy response. If policies do not match, the client shall discard the
information. 62351_ETHERNET_GOOSE_OR_SV Key Download Type

The 62351_ETHERNET_GOOSE_OR_SV shall be present for Payload Identifiers (see Table

11-6) values 195 or 196.

The Key Payload shall be as specified in 61850_90_5_SESSION Key Download Type

The 62351_ETHERNET_GOOSE_OR_SV shall be present for Payload Identifiers (see Table

11-6) values 192, 193, or 194.

The Key Payload shall be as specified in 61850_8_1_ISO9506 Key Download Type

The 62351_ETHERNET_GOOSE_OR_SV shall be present for the Payload Identifiers (see

Table 11-6) value 197. The actual format of this payload is out-of-scope for this specification.

11.1.3 Internet Group Management Protocol version 3 A-Profile

IGMP version 3 (RFC 3376 shall be supported by implementations that are subscribers for
the routable GOOSE and SV as specified in clause 11.1.1.

11.2 T-Profiles
There are three (3) different A-Profiles, as specified in IEC 61850-90-5. Each of these A-
Profiles makes use of three (3) independent Transport Profiles (T-Profiles). The correlation
between the A-Profiles and T-Profiles is shown in Figure 11-11.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 94 –


KDC A-Profiles
SV RFC 3376

RFC 768 RFC 793 Transport

RFC-791– Internetworking Protocol

RFC 826 – An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol Network
RFC 894 - Standard for the transmission of IP
datagrams over Ethernet Networks
RFC 3168 - The Addition of Explicit Congestion
Notification (ECN) to IP

IEEE 802.1Q Data

ISO/IEC 8802-3

Figure 11-11: A-Profile association to various T-Profiles

Figure 11-11 shows that the various T-Profiles have common elements for the Network and
Layer 2 layers. However, there are some differences within the Transport layer.

11.2.1 Protocol differentiation of T-Profiles by A-Profile

The following clauses detail the differences between the T-Profiles required to support the
various A-Profiles. T-Profile to support GOOSE and SV A-Profile over Ethernet

This T-Profile shall be as specified in IEC 61850-8-1 and IEC 61850-9-2 respectively. This T-
Profile is utilized to create a IEC 61850-90-5 Tunnel as specified by the Session layer within
this document. T-Profile to support GOOSE and SV A-Profile (UDP)

The T-Profile, supporting the GOOSE and SV A-Profile, includes:

Protocol Description m/o

UDP – RFC 768 User Datagram Protocol m

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 95 –

Figure 11-12: From RFC 768

Figure 11-12 is a normative extract from the UDP specification (RFC 768). The Destination
Port shall be port 102 as prescribed by RFC 1240. The source port shall be locally assigned
and the specification of these is out-of-scope of this specification.

UDP Mandatory/Optional/
Source Port M
Destination Port M
Length M
Checksum M

Table 11-9: UDP Field Implementation Requirements

Table 11-9 specifies that all of the RFC 768 fields shall be implemented and transmitted. IEEE Quality of Service (IEEE 802.1Q)

Implementations claiming conformance to this standard shall provide a transport service data
interface that allows for the Destination IP Address, VLAN, and the Ethernet Class of Service
to be specified. T-Profile to support KDC (TCP and UDP)

The T-Profile, supporting the GOOSE and SV A-Profile, includes:

Protocol Description m/o

TCP – RFC 793 Transmission Control Protocol m

UDP – RFC 768 User Datagram Protocol m

The destination port, for GDOI requests, shall be 898 as assigned by IANA. The source
portsshall be locally assigned and the specification of these is out-of-scope of this
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 96 – T-Profile to support IGMPv3

The T-Profile, supporting the GOOSE and SV A-Profile, includes:

Protocol Description m/o

UDP – RFC 768 User Datagram Protocol m

The Destination Port shall be port 465 as prescribed by RFC 1240. The source port shall be
locally assigned and the specification of these is out-of-scope of this specification.

11.2.2 Common Network Layer

The Network Layer protocols are common between the T-Profiles. However, the network
layer may be differentiated into support for IPv4 and IPv6 (see Annex D.1). Implementations
claiming conformance to this specification shall support IPv4 at a minimum. IPv4 Based Network Layer (mandatory)

Implementations claiming conformance to this specification shall implement the network layer
protocols shown in Table 11-10.

Protocol Description m/o

RFC 791 Internetworking Protocol m

RFC 826 An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol m

RFC 894 Standard for the transmission of IP m

datagrams over Ethernet Networks

RFC 3168 The Addition of Explicit Congestion m

Notification (ECN) to IP

Table 11-10: Network Protocol Conformance Implementation Statement (PICS) for IPv4 based
The following clauses specify additional constraints based upon that shall be implemented for
by implementations claiming conformance to this specification. Internetworking Protocol version 4 (RFC 791)

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 97 –

Bits: 4 8 16 20 32

Version H.Length TOS Total Length

Identification Flags Fragment Offset
Time To Live Protocol Header Cheksum
32 bits Source Address
32 bits Destination Address

Figure 11-13: Format of IP Header

The fields of the IP Header, as defined in RFC 791, are shown Figure 11-13 . Treatment of
packets under congestion can be signaled using information contained in what was originally
refered to as the the TOS (Type of Service) field (8-bits in length). This field is now treated as
consisting of two sub-fields, DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) and ECN (Explicit
Congestion Notification). The format for the TOS field is shown in Figure Figure 11-14.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 11-14 – ToS Byte Field Definition RFC-2474 and RFC-3168

The DSCP field can be used to signal a particular treatment for a specific packet along its
end-end path through the network. At each hop, or router, the DSCP can be used to
implement a particular per-hop-behavoir (PHB) for the packet. The DSCP field can be set
when the packet is first transmitted by the originating host or it can be changed at any hop in
the network, depending on the implementation, in order to change the relevance of a
particular packet with regard to other packets (or traffic) at different points in the network (eg.
at edge-core boundary within a domain or at a domain boundary).

How different types of traffic are treated within a particular domain must be relevant to the
policy set forth in the domain. Recommendations are available from various router vendors
regarding baseline settings for DSCP values for particular traffic classes (eg. VoIP, Video,
Data, Best Effort Traffic and others).

It is recommended that ECN bits are set per RFC-3168 by the intermediate systems.
Furthermore, it is recommended that IP packets, delivered to a subscriber, indicating
congestion should provide a notification to the application of packet loss. The actual
notification mechanism is out-of-scope of this specification.

Both T- an A-Profiles merit being marked as Expedited Forwarding (EF), described in RFC-
3246. Additionally, scheduling of this traffic into Low Latency Queues in order to expedite it’s
handling vs other types of traffic is indicated.

The actual specifics for classification will depend on the particular implementation and specific
mix of A- and T-Profile traffic within a utility network domain and their relative importance to
problem resolution. How traffic is handled in cross-domain situations will need to be
negotiated between the various domain administrations.

Additionally, RFC 791 includes the provision of an optional Security Field. (e.g. one of the IP
Option fields). However, the format and use of this field has been superseded by RFC 1108.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 98 –

Although this field is optional in RFC 791, implementations claiming conformance to this
standard shall implement and send this field per RFC 1108. A representation of the field

Type=130 Length Classification Level Protection Authority Flags

Figure 11-15: Security Field definition from RFC 1108

Implementations should be able to be configured with a range of values for the security field.
However, the default values shall be:

• Classification Level: Confidential

• Protection Authority Bits: Field Termination Indicator (7)

Implementations, claiming conformance to this specification, shall be able to support unicast

and multicast IP addresses. The support of IP multicast addresses shall conform to RFC

Editor’s Note: Some operating systems default the UDP/IP Time to Live (TTL) parameter
value to a value of one(1) that prevents the packet from being routed. Since the intent is to
have routable packets, the minimum allowed TTL needs to be specified.

The Time to Live parameter shall be set to a value of thirty-two(32), or greater, to allow the
routing of the UDP/IP packets. The value of 255 shall not be used. The value shall be
specified in the implementation’s PIXIT. Data Link Layer

Shall be as specified in IEC 61850-8-1.

Additionally, the T-profile supporting the GOOSE and SV A-Profile shall implement IEEE
802.1Q per IEC 61850-8-1. Physical Layer

Shall be as specified in IEC 61850-8-1.

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 99 –

12 Effects on IEC 61850-5

The current IEC 61850-5 standard does not have sufficient time class definitions to support the
synchrophasor use cases set forth within this document. Therefore, the following performance classes
should be added to IEC 61850-5.

This message type includes the output data from synchronized measuring devices independent from
the calculation and synchronization methods. The data will consist of continuous streams of
synchronized measurements from each IED, interleaved with data from other IEDs.

Transfer time means for the stream of synchronized measurements a constant delay resulting in a
delay for the functions using the measurements (e.g. for protection, visualization or other). Therefore,
this transfer time shall be dependent on the requirements of the application. For protection applications
it should be small, so no negative impact on an application function is experienced.

Performance class Requirement Transfer Time Transfer Time Typical for

Class Interface (IF)
P13 Delay acceptable TT6 < 3 ms IF8
for protection
functions using the
measurements in
the substation
P14 Delay acceptable TT5 < 10 ms IF8
for other functions
using the
measurements in
the substation
P15 Delay acceptable TT6 < 3 ms IF11
for protection
functions using the
P16 Delay acceptable TT5 < 10 ms IF11
for other functions
using the
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 100 –

13 Effects on the IEC 61850-6 (SCL)

There are three (3) major identified impacts on the Substation Configuration Language (SCL)
as defined in IEC 61850-6. The extensions of IEC 61850-6 are required due to the need to:

• Express the new IEC 61850 UDP/IP profile, as defined in this document, and the new
synchrophasor functions.

• Provide a mechanism to express IEEE C37.118.2 packet information configuration via

SCL. This is needed to allow IEEE C37 migration to the use of IEC 61850.

• Provide a mechanism to express the configuration of Phasor Data Concentrators.

Additionally, the creation of routable profiles has an impact on SCL. The following clauses
detail the extensions/changes needed.

13.1 SCL Extensions to support IEC 61850-90-5 defined profiles

For the purpose defined above, the following SCL enhancements are suggested:

• Indication of new SV service mapping R-SV as a sub element (Protocol) at the SV

control block respective GOOSE control block (Protocol R-GOOSE) with
mustUnderstand property. This allows running SV and R-SV service in parallel on the
same IED, and both as a part of the IEC 61850 protocol without needing a new
protocol type. The implementation as an element with mustUnderstand property
prohibits usage of this control block by ‘old’ tools and IEDs which do not know the R-
SV mapping.

• R-SV and R-GOOSE client capability shows that a client is able to receive appropriate

• The use of IPv4 or IPv6 in the profiles also requires extensions. These additions can
be found in clause and 13.1.4.

The exchange of SED files and the connected engineering rights is already defined in IEC

The description of routers and physical connections to switches and other IEDs is already
defined in IEC 61850-6:2009.

See clause Annex B for example SCL XML.

13.1.1 General engineering process

Independent from the basic scenario (SED or IID import), the general engineering flow
contains always the steps described below (side A = source substation, or PMU / protection
IED; the receiving client is a PDC or an application IED in a center project):

1. identify the signals at side A to be transferred to PDC respective to center IED

2. generate side A image in SCL (SED, IID, ICD)

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 101 –

3. Import side A image at PDC/Center project

4. marshall incoming signals to clients

5. identify signals from PDC/Center to side A (if needed at all)

6. generate PDC/center IED & signal image in SCL (SED)

7. Import SED back to side A, and wire PDC/Center signals to A destinations (if needed
at all)

Note that steps 5, 6, 7 can be skipped, if there are no signals going down from the higher
level to the source substation (side A), and replaced by providing a client IED file to side A for
correct data flow presentation in step 1 and performing step 4 after step 1 with the side A
system tool.

13.1.2 Control Block Extensions

The following clauses detail the extensions needed, within the Substation Configuration
Language, to support the R-GOCB and R-MSVCB. SV Control Block Extensions

The SCL XSD for a SV needs to be extended to include the security field and the new R-SV
service mapping:

<xs:complexType name="tSampledValueControl">
<xs:extension base="tControlWithIEDName">
<xs:element name="SmvOpts">
<xs:attributeGroup ref="agSmvOpts"/>
<xs:element name="Protocol" fixed="R-SV" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:normalizedString">
<xs:attribute name="mustUnderstand"
type="xs:boolean" use="required"
<xs:attribute name="smvID" type="tMessageID" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="multicast" type="xs:boolean" default="true"/>
<xs:attribute name="smpRate" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="nofASDU" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="optional" default="1"/>
<xs:attribute name="smpMod" type="tSmpMod" use="optional" default="SmpPerPeriod"/>
<xs:attribute name="securityEnable" type="scl:tPredefinedTypeOfSecurityEnum" use="optional"
Figure 13-1: Extension to tSampledValueControl
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 102 –

The Protocol element may only be used with multicast SV control blocks.
Note that agSmvOpts needs to be extended as follows:

<xs:attributeGroup name="agSmvOpts">
<xs:attribute name="refreshTime" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="sampleSynchronized" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" fixed="true"/>
<xs:attribute name="sampleRate" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="dataSet" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="security" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="timestamp" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
Figure 13-2: Extension to agSmvOpts
In order to utilize SV over wide areas, the timestamp attribute shall be True. GSE Control Block Extensions

The SCL XSD for a GSE Control block needs to be extended to allow for the security attribute
and the new R-GOOSE service mapping:

<xs:complexType name="tGSEControl">
<xs:extension base="tControlWithIEDName">
<xs:element name="Protocol" fixed="R-GOOSE" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:normalizedString">
<xs:attribute name="mustUnderstand" type="xs:boolean" use="required"
<xs:attribute name="type" type="tGSEControlTypeEnum" use="optional" default="GOOSE"/>
<xs:attribute name="appID" type="tMessageID" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="fixedOffs" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="securityEnable" type="scl:tPredefinedTypeOfSecurityEnum" use="optional"
Figure 13-3: Extension of tGSEControl SecurityEnable

This attribute, if present, allows an IEC 61850 client to read the current usage of security. The
attribute may have the following enumerated values:

• None: No security mechanisms are in use.

• Signature: This value indicates that the Session Security Parameter will be present.

• SignatureAndEncryption: This value indicates that both Signature and Encryption is in

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 103 –

Implementations claiming conformance to this document shall support the Signature value.

If the attribute is not present in the control block(s) then there shall be no security used.

Additionally, if the attribute value of DstAddress.TransportinUse is ETHERNET, the value of

the SecurityEnabled attribute shall be None.

In order to provide the proper enumeration, the SCL XSD needs to be extended with the
following new enumeration:

<xs:simpleType name="tPredefinedTypeOfSecurityEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:normalizedString">
<xs:enumeration value="None"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Signature"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SignatureAndEncryption"/>
Figure 13-4: Definition of tPredefinedTypeOfSecurityEnum

13.1.3 KDC Access Point

The IEC 61850-6 SCL shall be extended to indicate if an Access Point contains a KDC
function. This shall be accomplished through the addition of the “kdc” attribute as show in
Figure 13-5.

<xs:complexType name="tAccessPoint">
<xs:extension base="tUnNaming">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
<xs:element name="Server" type="scl:tServer">
<xs:unique name="uniqueAssociationInServer">
<xs:selector xpath="./scl:Association"/>
<xs:field xpath="@associationID"/>
<xs:element ref="scl:LN" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element name="ServerAt" type="tServerAt"/>
<xs:element name="Services" type="scl:tServices" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="GOOSESecurity" type="tCertificate" minOccurs="0"
<xs:element name="SMVSecurity" type="tCertificate" minOccurs="0"
<xs:attribute name="name" type="tAccessPointName" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="router" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="clock" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>
<xs:attribute name="kdc" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>

Figure 13-5: AccessPoint SCL production indicating a KDC function

SCL shall further be extended to indicate the KDC(s) that an IED will use. This shall be accomplished
throught the addition of any number of KDC elements as shown in Figure 13-6.

<xs:complexType name="tIED">
<xs:extension base="tUnNaming">
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 104 –

<xs:element name="Services" type="tServices" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="AccessPoint" type="tAccessPoint" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:unique name="uniqueLNInAccessPoint">
<xs:selector xpath="./scl:LN"/>
<xs:field xpath="@inst"/>
<xs:field xpath="@lnClass"/>
<xs:field xpath="@prefix"/>
<xs:element name="KDC" type="tKDC" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="name" type="tIEDName" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:normalizedString" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="manufacturer" type="xs:normalizedString" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="configVersion" type="xs:normalizedString" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="originalSclVersion" type="tSclVersion" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="originalSclRevision" type="tSclRevision" use="optional"/>
<xs:attribute name="engRight" type="tRightEnum" use="optional" default="full"/>
<xs:attribute name="owner" type="xs:normalizedString" use="optional"/>
Figure 13-6: IED SCL producting indicating the KDC(s) to be used

The tKDC type of Figure 13-7 needs to be added:

<xs:complexType name="tKDC">
<xs:attribute name="iedName" type="tIEDName" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="apName" type="tAccessPointName" use="required"/>
Figure 13-7: SCL tKDC type

13.1.4 Addressing Extensions

In order to allow IPv4 and IPv6 addressing, as part of the tConnectedAP, the appropriate
enumerations must first be added to the tPredefinedPTypeEnum.

<xs:simpleType name="tPredefinedPTypeEnum">
<xs:restriction base="xs:Name">
<xs:enumeration value="IP"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IP-SUBNET"/>
<xs:enumeration value="IP-GATEWAY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OSI-NSAP"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OSI-TSEL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OSI-SSEL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OSI-PSEL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OSI-AP-Title"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OSI-AP-Invoke"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OSI-AE-Qualifier"/>
<xs:enumeration value="OSI-AE-Invoke"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MAC-Address"/>
<xs:enumeration value="APPID"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VLAN-PRIORITY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="VLAN-ID"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SNTP-Port"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MMS-Port"/>
<xs:enumeration value=”DNSName”/>
<xs:enumeration value=”C37-118-IP-Port”/>
Figure 13-8: Extension to tPredefinedPTypeEnum
The extensions are: DNSName, and IPv6 syntax for the IP element. For describing the mapping of
C37.118 IEDs additionally the corresponding IP port needs to be configurable as C37-118-IP-Port. The
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 105 –

extensions result in new P-Types needing to be defined. These definitions are found in the following
clauses. IPv6 addresses

In order to allow IPv6 addresses to be configured, the abstract type tP_IPbase needs to be
extended with a pattern for IPv6. The definition is found in Figure 13-9. This definition
supports only the standard presentation without suppression of zero fields.

<xs:complexType name="tP_IPbase" abstract="true">

<xs:restriction base="tP">
<xs:pattern value="([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-
5])\.([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.([0-9]{1,2}|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])" id="IPv4"/>
<xs:pattern value="([0-9,a-f,A-F]{1,4}:){7}[0-9,a-f,A-F]{1,4}" id="IPv6"/>

Figure 13-9: tP_IPbase extension for IPv6 addresses

This modification will then be automatically propagated to the concrete P-Types tP_IP, tP_IP-

The default “id” type shall be IPv4 if the “id” is not present. String Representation of IP Address (DNSName)

In order to provide wide area addressability between multiple addressing domains, as may be
required for Wide Area Measurement systems or exchanges between utilities, a DNS string
representation of an IP address may allow easier coordination between systems.

An xsi:type of tP_DNSName is shown in Figure 13-10. The purpose of this definition is to

allow for XML tools to validate the format of the value. The definition is:

<xs:complexType name="tP_DNSName">
<xs:restriction base="tP">
<xs:pattern value="\S*"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="tPTypeEnum" use="required" fixed="DNSName"/>
Figure 13-10: Definition of tP_DNSName IEEE C37.118 IP Port Definition (C37-118-IP-Port)

The implementations of IEEE C37.118.2 do not have a specified IP Port address. The general
practice, in the industry has been that each vendor/installation assigns its own destination
port addresses. In order to allow IEEE C37.118.2 to be able to be represented in SCL, the P-
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 106 –

Type of C37-118-IP-Port has been added. This P-Type shall not be used for any
configuration other than IEEE C37.118.2.

The SCL type definition is found in Figure 13-11.

<xs:complexType name="tP_C37-118-IP-Portl">
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="1025"/>
<xs:maxInclusive value="65535"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" type="tPTypeEnum" use="required" fixed=" C37-118-IP-Portl"/>

Figure 13-11: Definition tp_ C37-118-IP-Port

Note: Since IANA has not a defined port address for C37.118.2, only private port numbers may be

13.2 SCL Extensions to support the configuration of IEEE C37.118.2

The C37.118 application level can be mapped to different lower level protocols. The mapping
defined here restricts itself to a mapping onto TCP and UDP. Further mappings might be
added later.

This mapping restricts on mapping process data to the IEC 61850 data model. Configuration
data is not mapped, but replaced by the IEC 61850 model itself respective its SCL description.
Due to the specific nature of the telegrams, which is similar to sampled value telegrams in IEC
61850, the mapping is done only to the process data values of the C37.118 telegrams. Any
time stamped IEC 61850 data needs to derive the time from the common time stamp of the
telegram, and the value quality from the appropriate quality bits as described in C37.118.

The mapping to the IEC 61850 vector data can be naturally made for the polar representation
of phasors. If the phasor data within the telegram is rectangular, AND it shall be converted to
an IEC61850 based access model, it has to be converted by the receiving client to polar
representation. If only the semantics of the data shall be communicated to the application, this
is not necessary, i.e. the application then must directly handle the rectangular representation,
and the SCL description is only used to transfer the semantics to the application.

The phasor data and the frequency contained in the telegram map directly to data objects of a
logical node of LN class MMXU within IEC 61850. The unspecified analog and digital data in a
C37.118 telegram can be mapped to any IEC 61850 data object fitting to the appropriate data
type and carrying the needed semantic. The appropriate IEC 61850 logical node class and
data object name has to be chosen to document the semantics of the value.

The IEC 61850 data object for rate of frequency needs to be defined. This definition is found
in clause 15.3 .It it is modelled by an extension of the LNs PFRC, MMXU or MMXN e.g. by a
data object HzRte. This is simpler to use than the first recommended method, however needs
to be standardized in IEC 61850-7-4.

Note: This version does not support the mapping of binary status data to switch positions (IEC
61850 attribute type Dbpos).
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 107 –

13.2.1 The underlying protocol

This mapping supports UDP and TCP as underlying protocol. All IEDs communicating with the
same protocol are connected with their appropriate access point to a SubNetwork defining this
protocol. The following SubNetwork types are defined for this purpose:

Protocol type Address parameters Remarks

C37-118-UDP IP, IP-SUBNET, GOOSE and SV addresses not
IP-GATEWAY, allowed, the IP address can be a
C37-118-IP-Port multicast address

The definition of C37-118-IP-Port is

found in clause
C37-118-TCP IP, IP-SUBNET, GOOSE and SV addresses not
IP-GATEWAY allowed

13.2.2 The data values

The mapping of data values shall create a relation between the values in the C37.118
telegram and the IEC 61850 data model. To create this relation, two options are possible:

• use the sAddr attribute at the data attribute level to map them to the telegram

• define a Private address type which may be allocated to the needed level of the data

As the identification of a telegram source is done by its IP source address, and the values
within the telegram are identified only by their location in the telegram, a more hierarchical
addressing scheme than that at attribute level is not needed; therefore this is recommended
and suggested here. For Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC) telegrams, which might have a
repeating structure, it is optionally allowed to specify the repetition identification at the logical
device level, i.e. above the data attribute level.

Values map to the C37.118 data telegram only. The configuration telegrams are not mapped,
as their information respective equivalent information will be supplied by the IEC 61850 data
model itself. E.g. if the values of a PDC telegram belong to different PMUs, each one shall be
modelled by a different logical device.

The sAddr string shall have the following syntax:

[<repeatno>], <118Type>,<count> [ ,<bitoffs>]

with the following meaning:

Syntax element Range Meaning

repeatno 0..n Repetition number of the data value structure part
(ASDU). If repeatno is missing, its value is either stated
at the LDevice level, or is zero.
118Type PHASORS, ANALOG, The type of data as described in C37.118
Count 0..n The value of n depends on the 118 type. It is the relative
offset of the data value within all data elements of the
same type. For PHASORS the offset of the data per
Bitoffs 0..15 The bit within the 16 bit value identified by count. Each bit
maps to an IEC61850 data attribute of type BOOLEAN, or
a health respective alarm Enum ,where bit value 0 is
mapped to OK (1), and bit value 1 to Alarm (3). Only
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 108 –

needed for 118Type = DIGITAL

To specify the repeatno at LDevice level, the following Private type is introduced:



<LDevice inst=”LD0”>
<Private type=”C37.118-repeatno”>5</Private>


13.2.3 SCL example

The following example illustrates the usage at the data object instance on the IED.

Observe that sAddr attributes can be attached at IED instance level as well as at
DataTypeTemplate level. The last choice might need more data type template definitions,
however saves the definition at instance level, if several PMUs of the same type (with same
address values) are in the same SCD file.

<IED name=”MyPMU” …>

<LN lnClass=”MMXU” ….>
<DOI name=”PhV”>
<SDI name=”phsA”>
<SDI name=”cVal”>
<SDI name=”mag”>
<DAI name=”f” sAddr=”0,PHASORS,2” />
<!-- floating point value of voltage phasor phase A amplitude is the second phasor value in the first
ASDU -->
<SDI name=”ang”>
<DAI name=”f” sAddr=”,PHASORS,2” />
<!-- floating point value of voltage phasor phase A angle is found at the same place; this part or this
sAddr might therefore be skipped; missing repeatno indicates value 0, as no repeatno is defined at
LDevice level -->

For a full SCL example, see clause Annex A.

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 109 –

14 Effect on IEC 61850-7-2

In order to provide the equivalent of the IEEE C37.118.1 CFG-2 and CFG-3 configuration
commands, GetSavReference and GetSavElementNumber service shall be added.

15 Effect on IEC 61850-7-4

This document specifies several modifications needed to IEC 61850-7-4. These

modification/extensions shall be designated by a well defined namespace.

The following clauses detail the changes and namespace definition.

15.1 Namespace definition

The namespace used to identifying the definition additions to IEC 61850-7-4, and potentially
other parts of IEC 61850, shall be: “IEC TR 61850-90-5:2011”.

15.2 Extension of ClcMth

The extension to the ClcMtd enumerated set of definitions to include P-CLASS and M-CLASS
(see Table 10-1).

15.3 Addition of Rate of Change of Frequency (ROCOF) DataObject

IEEE C37.118.1 defines the estimation technique for the value representing the Rate of
Change of Frequency (ROCOF).

The normative estimation method is defined in IEEE C37.118.1. The following text is an
extract from IEEE C37.118.1 and shall be considered informative:

“A PMU shall calculate and be capable of reporting frequency and rate of change of frequency (ROCOF).
For this measurement, the following standard definitions shall be used. Given a sinusoidal signal
X(t) = Xm cos [ψ(t)]

frequency is defined by
Error! Objects cannot be created from editing field

and the rate of change of frequency ROCOF = df(t)/dt

Synchrophasors are always computed in relation to the system nominal frequency (f0). If the cosine
argument is represented as ψ(t) = ω0t + ϕ(t) = 2πf0t + ϕ(t) = 2π [f0t + ϕ(t)/ 2π], the formula for frequency
f(t) = f0 + d[ϕ(t)/2π]/dt = f0 + Δf (t)
where Δf(t) is the deviation of frequency from nominal and
ROCOF = d2[ϕ(t)/2π]/dt2 = d(Δf(t))/dt

Frequency in phasor measurements may be reported as the actual frequency f(t) or the deviation of
frequency from nominal, ∆f(t). In steady-state conditions, ∆f(t) can be represented as a scalar number
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 110 –

For the purposes of IEC 61850, a conditional DataObject shall be added to the MMXU and / or MMXN
Logical Node definition in IEC 61850-7-4. The DataObject name shall be “HzRte” indicating the rate of
change of the frequency. “HzRte” shall be of the Common Data Class (CDC) MV. This DataObject
may only be present for MMXU or MMXN LNs that have ClcMth value of P-CLASS or M-CLASS.
It is recommended that the floating point representation be used. The units shall be Hz/second as
specified IEC 61850-7-3. It is recommended that the multiplier be “milli” as defined in IEC 61850-7-3.
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 111 –

Annex A - Full SCL Example for C37.118 configuration


To make the example shorter, all address mappings are in the instance part, and the
DataTypeTemplate definitions are removed. Observe that the semantic is carried at two
levels: first the data model of the IED, second the allocation of IED logical nodes to the
substation single line.

This example is based on the bay single line shown in Figure 15-1, and describes one PMU
named AA1FP1, sending phasor data of this bay to a client AA1KA1.












Figure 15-1 Single line for SCL example

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 112 –

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SCL xmlns:sxy="http://www.iec.ch/61850/2003/SCLcoordinates" xmlns="http://www.iec.ch/61850/2003/SCL" version="2007" revision="B" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<Header id="SynchroPhasor AA1 SED" toolID="SSI-Tool"/>
<Substation name="AA1" desc="Substation">
<VoltageLevel name="D1" desc="Voltage Level">
<Bay name="Q1" desc="Bay" sxy:x="55" sxy:y="62" sxy:dir="vertical">
<LNode iedName="AA1FP1" ldInst="PMU" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1"/>
<ConductingEquipment name="BI1" desc="Current Transformer" type="CTR"
sxy:x="8" sxy:y="15" sxy:dir="vertical">
<LNode iedName="AA1FP1" ldInst="PMU" lnClass="TCTR" lnInst="1"/>
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N2" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N2"
substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N3" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1"
<ConductingEquipment name="QC2" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="10"
sxy:y="21" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N6" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N6"/>
<Terminal name="grounded" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/grounded" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1"
<ConductingEquipment name="BU2" desc="Voltage Transformer 3Phase" type="VTR" sxy:x="12" sxy:y="14" sxy:dir="vertical">
<LNode iedName="AA1FP1" ldInst="PMU" lnClass="TVTR" lnInst="1"/>
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N3" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N3"/>
<ConductingEquipment name="QB2" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="12" sxy:y="4" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1QBBN4" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/QBB/N4" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="QBB" cNodeName="N4"/>
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5"/>
<ConductingEquipment name="QC1" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="10" sxy:y="8" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5"/>
<Terminal name="grounded" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/grounded" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1"
<ConductingEquipment name="BI3" desc="Current Transformer" type="CTR" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="19" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N6" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N6"/>
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N4" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N4" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N4"/>
<ConductingEquipment name="QA1" desc="Circuit Breaker" type="CBR" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="11" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N3" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N3"/>
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5"/>
<ConductingEquipment name="BI2" desc="Current Transformer" type="CTR" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="17" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N2" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N2" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N2"/>
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N4" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N4" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N4"/>
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 113 –
<ConductingEquipment name="QB1" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="6" sxy:y="4" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5"/>
<Terminal name="AA1D1QBBN1" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/QBB/N1" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="QBB" cNodeName="N1"/>
<ConductingEquipment name="QB4" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="23" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N1" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N1" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N1"/>
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N6" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N6"/>
<ConductingEquipment name="QC3" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="10" sxy:y="35" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N1" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N1" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N1"/>
<Terminal name="grounded" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/grounded" substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1"
<ConnectivityNode name="N1" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N1" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="31"/>
<ConnectivityNode name="N2" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N2" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="16"/>
<ConnectivityNode name="N3" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N3" sxy:x="9" sxy:y="13"/>
<ConnectivityNode name="N6" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N6" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="21"/>
<ConnectivityNode name="N5" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N5" sxy:x="9" sxy:y="6"/>
<ConnectivityNode name="N4" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N4" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="18"/>
<Bay name="QBB" desc="Bay" sxy:x="63" sxy:y="36" sxy:dir="vertical">
<ConnectivityNode name="N3" pathName="AA1/D1/QBB/N3" sxy:x="48" sxy:y="12"/>
<ConnectivityNode name="N2" pathName="AA1/D1/QBB/N2" sxy:x="47" sxy:y="17"/>
<ConnectivityNode name="N4" pathName="AA1/D1/QBB/N4" sxy:x="25" sxy:y="18"/>
<ConnectivityNode name="N1" pathName="AA1/D1/QBB/N1" sxy:x="22" sxy:y="20"/>
<SubNetwork name="AA1WA1" desc="C37.118 UDP network" type="C37.118-UDP">
<ConnectedAP iedName="AA1KA1" apName="S1" desc="the client receiving the messages >
<P type="IP"></P>
<P type="IP-SUBNET"></P>
<P type="C37-118-IP-Port">110</P>
<ConnectedAP iedName="AA1FP1" apName="S1">
<P type="IP"></P>
<P type="IP-SUBNET"></P>
<IED name="AA1KA1" desc="Client receiving Synchrophasor data" type="OPCServer" manufacturer="ME" configVersion="1.0" >
<AccessPoint name="S1">
<LN inst="1" lnClass="IHMI" lnType="IHMI_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 114 –
<!-- shall receive the phasor data from the PMU -->
<IED name="AA1FP1" type="PMU" manufacturer="Whatever" configVersion="1.0">
<ConfDataSet max="50" maxAttributes="240"/>
<SMVSettings datSet="Conf">
<AccessPoint name="S1">
<Authentication none="true"/>
<LDevice inst="PMU">
<LN0 inst="" lnClass="LLN0" lnType="LLN0_RELx_IEC61850">
<!-- SMV data set and control block definitions are optional. They might be used to define the logical data flow (i.e. to the clients) in case this is not
defined at the clients itself as incoming data. The link to the C37.118 message is done by means of the sAddr definitions at the data objects -->
<DataSet name="PMUdata">
<FCDA ldInst="PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="A.phsA" fc="MX"/>
<FCDA ldInst="PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="A.phsB" fc="MX"/>
<FCDA ldInst="PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="A.phsC" fc="MX"/>
<FCDA ldInst="PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="Health" fc="ST"/>
<FCDA ldInst="PMU" prefix="" lnClass="LPHD" lnInst="1" doName="PhyHealth" fc="ST"/>
<SampledValueControl name="SyPh_SVCB1" desc="Phasor SVCB" datSet="PMUdata" confRev="1" smvID="MyPhasors AA1" smpRate="2"
<LN inst="1" lnClass="LPHD" lnType="Physical Device_RELx_IEC61850">
<DOI name="PhyHealth">
<DAI name="stVal" sAddr="0, DIGITAL, 0,0" />
<LN inst="1" lnClass="TCTR" lnType="CT_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<LN inst="1" lnClass="TVTR" lnType="VT_RELx_IEC61850">
<DOI name="FuFail">
<DAI name="stVal" sAddr="0, DIGITAL, 0,1" />
<LN inst="1" desc="Synchrophasor measurements" lnClass="MMXU" lnType="Syph_RELx_IEC61850">
<DOI name="PhV">
<DAI name="angRef">
<SDI name="phsA">
<SDI name="cVal" >
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 115 –
<SDI name="mag" >
<DAI name="f" sAddr="0,PHASORS,0" />
<SDI name="phsB">
<SDI name="cVal" >
<SDI name="mag" >
<DAI name="f" sAddr="0,PHASORS,1" />
<SDI name="phsC">
<SDI name="cVal" >
<SDI name="mag" >
<DAI name="f" sAddr="0,PHASORS,2" />
<DOI name="A">
<DAI name="angRef">
<SDI name="phsA">
<SDI name="cVal" >
<SDI name="mag" >
<DAI name="f" sAddr="0,PHASORS,3" />
<SDI name="phsB">
<SDI name="cVal" >
<SDI name="mag" >
<DAI name="f" sAddr="0,PHASORS,4" />
<SDI name="phsC">
<SDI name="cVal" >
<SDI name="mag" >
<DAI name="f" sAddr="0,PHASORS,5" />
<DOI name="Hz">
<SDI name="mag">
<DAI name="f" sAddr="0,FREQ" />
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 116 –
<LNodeType id="IHMI_OPCServer_IEC61850" lnClass="IHMI">
<DO name="Beh" type="aIns_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Health" type="aIns_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Mod" type="aInc_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="NamPlt" type="aLpl_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="EEHealth" type="aIns_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="EEName" type="aDpl_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Loc" type="aSps_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="OpCnt" type="aIns_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="OpCntRs" type="aInc_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="OpTmh" type="aIns_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
<LNodeType id="LLN0_RELx_IEC61850" lnClass="LLN0">
<DO name="Beh" type="tcBeh_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Health" type="tcHealth_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="LEDRs" desc="LED Reset" type="tcSPCRO_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Mod" type="tcROMod_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="NamPlt" type="tcLPLIdNs_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<LNodeType id="Syph_RELx_IEC61850" lnClass="MMXU">
<DO name="Beh" type="tcBeh_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Health" type="tcHealth_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Mod" type="tcROMod_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="NamPlt" type="tcLPL_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="PhV" desc="Voltage phasors" type="tcSyphWYE"/>
<DO name="A" desc="Current phasors" type="tcSyphWYE"/>
<LNodeType id="CT_RELx_IEC61850" lnClass="TCTR">
<DO name="Beh" type="tcBeh_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Health" type="tcHealth_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Mod" type="tcROMod_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="NamPlt" type="tcLPL_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<LNodeType id="VT_RELx_IEC61850" lnClass="TVTR">
<DO name="Beh" type="tcBeh_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Health" type="tcHealth_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Mod" type="tcROMod_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="NamPlt" type="tcLPL_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="FuFail" desc="VT supply failure (MCB)" type="tcSPS_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<LNodeType id="Physical Device_RELx_IEC61850" lnClass="LPHD">
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 117 –
<DO name="PhyNam" type="tcDPL_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Beh" type="tcBeh_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="PhyHealth" desc="Relay ready" type="tcHealth_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name="Proxy" type="tcSPS_RELx_IEC61850"/>
………………………………………<!-- other data type definitions removed -->
<EnumType id="ctlModel">
<EnumVal ord="0">status-only</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="1">direct-with-normal-security</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="2">sbo-with-normal-security</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="3">direct-with-enhanced-security</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="4">sbo-with-enhanced-security</EnumVal>
<EnumType id="Beh">
<EnumVal ord="1">on</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="2">blocked</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="3">test</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="4">test/blocked</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="5">off</EnumVal>
<EnumType id="Health">
<EnumVal ord="1">Ok</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="2">Warning</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="3">Alarm</EnumVal>
<EnumType id="Mod">
<EnumVal ord="1">on</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="2">blocked</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="3">test</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="4">test/blocked</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="5">off</EnumVal>
<EnumType id="dir">
<EnumVal ord="0">unknown</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="1">forward</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="2">backward</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="3">both</EnumVal>
<EnumType id="angid">
<EnumVal ord="0">Va</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="1">Vb</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="2">Vc</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="3">Aa</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="4">Ab</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="5">Ac</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="6">Vab</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="7">Vbc</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="8">Vca</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="9">Vother</EnumVal>
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 118 –
<EnumVal ord="10">Aother</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord="11">Synchrophasor</EnumVal>
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 119 –
Annex B - SCL Examples for Direct PMU and PDC oriented
Communication (Informative)

B.1 Direct PMU Communication Example

This describes an example SED file from the source substation AA1 to the center system
project (see Figure 7-1 for the communication configuration, and Figure 15-1 for the bay single
line). It just contains the phasor related interface information of the source substation, and the
internal reporting client needed to allocate correct report control blocks in case reporting shall
also be used to the center. The SV control block indicates UDP based service (<Protocol>R-
SV</Protocol>). Observe the transfer of data flow engineering right at AA1FP1 to the center

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SCL xmlns:sxy = "http://www.iec.ch/61850/2003/SCLcoordinates" xmlns:xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation = "http://www.iec.ch/61850/2003/SCL;C:\Data\data\IECTC57\SCL-XML\Schema2007\SCL2.0\SCL.xsd"
xmlns = "http://www.iec.ch/61850/2003/SCL">
<Header id = "SynchroPhasor AA1 SED" toolID = "SSI-Tool" nameStructure = "IEDName"/>
<Substation name = "AA1" desc = "Substation">
<VoltageLevel name = "D1" desc = "Voltage Level">
<Bay name = "Q1" desc = "Bay" sxy:x = "55" sxy:y = "62" sxy:dir = "vertical">
<LNode iedName = "AA1FP1" ldInst = "PMU" lnClass = "MMXU" lnInst = "1"/>
<ConductingEquipment name = "BI1" desc = "Current Transformer" type = "CTR" sxy:x = "8" sxy:y = "15" sxy:dir =
<LNode iedName = "AA1FP1" ldInst = "PMU" lnClass = "TCTR" lnInst = "1"/>
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N2" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N2" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N2"/>
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N3" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N3"/>
<ConductingEquipment name = "QC2" desc = "Isolator" type = "DIS" sxy:x = "10" sxy:y = "21" sxy:dir = "vertical">
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N6" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N6"/>
<Terminal name = "grounded" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/grounded" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "grounded"/>
<ConductingEquipment name = "BU2" desc = "Voltage Transformer 3Phase" type = "VTR" sxy:x = "12" sxy:y = "14" sxy:dir
= "vertical">
<LNode iedName = "AA1FP1" ldInst = "PMU" lnClass = "TVTR" lnInst = "1"/>
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N3" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N3"/>
<ConductingEquipment name = "QB2" desc = "Isolator" type = "DIS" sxy:x = "12" sxy:y = "4" sxy:dir = "vertical">
<Terminal name = "AA1D1QBBN4" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/QBB/N4" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "QBB" cNodeName = "N4"/>
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N5"/>
<ConductingEquipment name = "QC1" desc = "Isolator" type = "DIS" sxy:x = "10" sxy:y = "8" sxy:dir = "vertical">
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N5"/>
<Terminal name = "grounded" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/grounded" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "grounded"/>
<ConductingEquipment name = "BI3" desc = "Current Transformer" type = "CTR" sxy:x = "8" sxy:y = "19" sxy:dir =
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N6" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N6"/>
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N4" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N4" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N4"/>
<ConductingEquipment name = "QA1" desc = "Circuit Breaker" type = "CBR" sxy:x = "8" sxy:y = "11" sxy:dir = "vertical">
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N3" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N3"/>
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N5"/>
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 120 –
<ConductingEquipment name = "BI2" desc = "Current Transformer" type = "CTR" sxy:x = "8" sxy:y = "17" sxy:dir =
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N2" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N2" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N2"/>
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N4" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N4" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N4"/>
<ConductingEquipment name = "QB1" desc = "Isolator" type = "DIS" sxy:x = "6" sxy:y = "4" sxy:dir = "vertical">
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N5"/>
<Terminal name = "AA1D1QBBN1" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/QBB/N1" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "QBB" cNodeName = "N1"/>
<ConductingEquipment name = "QB4" desc = "Isolator" type = "DIS" sxy:x = "8" sxy:y = "23" sxy:dir = "vertical">
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N1" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N1" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N1"/>
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N6" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N6"/>
<ConductingEquipment name = "QC3" desc = "Isolator" type = "DIS" sxy:x = "10" sxy:y = "35" sxy:dir = "vertical">
<Terminal name = "AA1D1Q1N1" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/N1" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "N1"/>
<Terminal name = "grounded" connectivityNode = "AA1/D1/Q1/grounded" substationName = "AA1" voltageLevelName =
"D1" bayName = "Q1" cNodeName = "grounded"/>
<ConnectivityNode name = "N1" pathName = "AA1/D1/Q1/N1" sxy:x = "8" sxy:y = "31"/>
<ConnectivityNode name = "N2" pathName = "AA1/D1/Q1/N2" sxy:x = "8" sxy:y = "16"/>
<ConnectivityNode name = "N3" pathName = "AA1/D1/Q1/N3" sxy:x = "9" sxy:y = "13"/>
<ConnectivityNode name = "N6" pathName = "AA1/D1/Q1/N6" sxy:x = "8" sxy:y = "21"/>
<ConnectivityNode name = "N5" pathName = "AA1/D1/Q1/N5" sxy:x = "9" sxy:y = "6"/>
<ConnectivityNode name = "N4" pathName = "AA1/D1/Q1/N4" sxy:x = "8" sxy:y = "18"/>
<Bay name = "QBB" desc = "Bay" sxy:x = "63" sxy:y = "36" sxy:dir = "vertical">
<ConnectivityNode name = "N3" pathName = "AA1/D1/QBB/N3" sxy:x = "48" sxy:y = "12"/>
<ConnectivityNode name = "N2" pathName = "AA1/D1/QBB/N2" sxy:x = "47" sxy:y = "17"/>
<ConnectivityNode name = "N4" pathName = "AA1/D1/QBB/N4" sxy:x = "25" sxy:y = "18"/>
<ConnectivityNode name = "N1" pathName = "AA1/D1/QBB/N1" sxy:x = "22" sxy:y = "20"/>
<SubNetwork name = "AA1WA1" desc = "IEC61850 through both stations" type = "8-MMS">
<ConnectedAP iedName = "AA1OPC1" apName = "S1">
<P type = "SA">0</P>
<P type = "IP"></P>
<P type = "IP-SUBNET"></P>
<P type = "OSI-AP-Title">1,3,9999,23</P>
<P type = "OSI-AE-Qualifier">23</P>
<P type = "OSI-TSEL">0001</P>
<P type = "OSI-PSEL">00000001</P>
<P type = "OSI-SSEL">0001</P>
<ConnectedAP iedName = "AA1FP1" apName = "S1">
<P type = "SA">0</P>
<P type = "IP"></P>
<P type = "IP-SUBNET"></P>
<P type = "OSI-AP-Title">1,3,9999,23</P>
<P type = "OSI-AE-Qualifier">23</P>
<P type = "OSI-TSEL">0001</P>
<P type = "OSI-PSEL">00000001</P>
<P type = "OSI-SSEL">0001</P>
<SMV desc = "Phasor SVCB" ldInst = "PMU" cbName = "SyPh_SVCB1">
<P type="VLAN-ID">004</P>
<P type="VLAN-PRIORITY">4</P>
<P type="APPID">3001</P>
<P type = "IP"></P>
<P type = "IP-SUBNET"></P>
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 121 –
<IED name = "AA1OPC1" desc = "OPC Server" type = "OPCServer" manufacturer = "Whatever" configVersion = "1.0"
engRight = "fix" owner = "AA1">
<AccessPoint name = "S1">
<LN inst = "1" lnClass = "IHMI" lnType = "IHMI_OPCServer_IEC61850"/>
<IED name = "AA1FP1" type = "PMU" manufacturer = "Whatever" configVersion = "1.0"
engRight = "dataflow" owner = "AA1">
<ConfDataSet max = "50" maxAttributes = "240"/>
<ConfReportControl max = "100"/>
<ReportSettings datSet = "Conf" rptID = "Dyn" optFields = "Dyn" bufTime = "Dyn" trgOps = "Dyn" intgPd = "Dyn"/>
<SMVSettings datSet = "Conf"/>
<AccessPoint name = "S1">
<Authentication none = "true"/>
<LDevice inst = "PMU">
<LN0 inst = "" lnClass = "LLN0" lnType = "LLN0_RELx_IEC61850">
<DataSet name = "PMUdata">
<FCDA ldInst = "PMU" prefix = "" lnClass = "MMXU" lnInst = "1" doName = "A.phsA" fc = "MX"/>
<FCDA ldInst = "PMU" prefix = "" lnClass = "MMXU" lnInst = "1" doName = "A.phsB" fc = "MX"/>
<FCDA ldInst = "PMU" prefix = "" lnClass = "MMXU" lnInst = "1" doName = "A.phsC" fc = "MX"/>
<FCDA ldInst = "PMU" prefix = "" lnClass = "MMXU" lnInst = "1" doName = "Health" fc = "ST"/>
<FCDA ldInst = "PMU" prefix = "" lnClass = "LPHD" lnInst = "1" doName = "PhyHealth" fc = "ST"/>
<DataSet name = "StatUrgentA" desc = "Status Data used to update process pictures and to generate alarms.">
<FCDA ldInst = "PMU" prefix = "" lnClass = "LPHD" lnInst = "1" doName = "PhyHealth" fc = "ST"/>
<FCDA ldInst = "PMU" prefix = "" lnClass = "TVTR" lnInst = "1" doName = "FuFail" fc = "ST"/>
<FCDA ldInst = "PMU" prefix = "" lnClass = "LLN0" doName = "Mod" fc = "ST"/>
<ReportControl name = "rcb_A" datSet = "StatUrgentA" confRev = "2" bufTime = "100" buffered = "true">
<TrgOps dchg = "true" qchg = "true"/>
<RptEnabled max = "5">
<ClientLN iedName = "AA1OPC1" ldInst = "none" lnInst = "1" lnClass = "IHMI"/>
<SampledValueControl name = "SyPh_SVCB1" desc = "Phasor SVCB" datSet = "PMUdata" confRev = "1" smvID =
"MyPhasors AA1" smpRate = "2" nofASDU = "1">
<Protocol mustUnderstand=”true”>R-SV</Protocol>
<SmvOpts refreshTime = "true" sampleRate = "true"/>
<IEDName>AA1OPC1</IEDName> <!-- the destination IED -->
<LN inst = "1" lnClass = "LPHD" lnType = "Physical Device_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<LN inst = "1" lnClass = "TCTR" lnType = "CT_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<LN inst = "1" lnClass = "TVTR" lnType = "VT_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<LN inst = "1" desc = "Synchrophasor measurements" lnClass = "MMXU" lnType = "Syph_RELx_IEC61850">
<DOI name = "PhV">
<SDI name = "phsA">
<DAI name = "angRef">
<SDI name = "phsB">
<DAI name = "angRef">
<SDI name = "phsC">
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 122 –
<DAI name = "angRef">
<DOI name = "A">
<SDI name = "phsA">
<DAI name = "angRef">
<SDI name = "phsB">
<DAI name = "angRef">
<SDI name = "phsC">
<DAI name = "angRef">
<LNodeType id = "Syph_RELx_IEC61850" lnClass = "MMXU">
<DO name = "Beh" type = "tcBeh_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "Health" type = "tcHealth_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "Mod" type = "tcROMod_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "NamPlt" type = "tcLPL_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "PhV" desc = "Voltage phasors" type = "tcSyphWYE"/>
<DO name = "A" desc = "Current phasors" type = "tcSyphWYE"/>
<LNodeType id = "CT_RELx_IEC61850" lnClass = "TCTR">
<DO name = "Beh" type = "tcBeh_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "Health" type = "tcHealth_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "Mod" type = "tcROMod_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "NamPlt" type = "tcLPL_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<LNodeType id = "VT_RELx_IEC61850" lnClass = "TVTR">
<DO name = "Beh" type = "tcBeh_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "Health" type = "tcHealth_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "Mod" type = "tcROMod_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "NamPlt" type = "tcLPL_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "FuFail" desc = "VT supply failure (MCB)" type = "tcSPS_RECx_IEC61850"/>
<LNodeType id = "Physical Device_RELx_IEC61850" lnClass = "LPHD">
<DO name = "PhyNam" type = "tcDPL_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "Beh" type = "tcBeh_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "PhyHealth" desc = "Relay ready" type = "tcHealth_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<DO name = "Proxy" type = "tcSPS_RELx_IEC61850"/>
<DOType id = "ABB_aWYECMV" cdc = "CMV">
<DA name = "cVal" fc = "MX" dchg = "true" bType = "Struct" type = "ABB_aVector"/>
<DA name = "q" fc = "MX" qchg = "true" bType = "Quality"/>
<DA name = "t" fc = "MX" bType = "Timestamp"/>
<DA name = "angRef" fc = "CF" bType = "Enum" type = "angid"/>
<DOType id = "tcSyphWYE" cdc = "WYE">
<SDO name = "phsA" type = "ABB_aWYECMV"/>
<SDO name = "phsB" type = "ABB_aWYECMV"/>
<SDO name = "phsC" type = "ABB_aWYECMV"/>
<DAType id = "ABB_aVector">
<BDA name = "mag" bType = "Struct" type = "ABB_aAnalogueValue"/>
<BDA name = "ang" bType = "Struct" type = "ABB_aAnalogueValue"/>
<DAType id = "ABB_aAnalogueValue">
<BDA name = "f" bType = "FLOAT32"/>
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 123 –
<EnumType id = "ctlModel">
<EnumVal ord = "0">status-only</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "1">direct-with-normal-security</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "2">sbo-with-normal-security</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "3">direct-with-enhanced-security</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "4">sbo-with-enhanced-security</EnumVal>
<EnumType id = "Beh">
<EnumVal ord = "1">on</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "2">blocked</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "3">test</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "4">test/blocked</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "5">off</EnumVal>
<EnumType id = "Health">
<EnumVal ord = "1">Ok</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "2">Warning</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "3">Alarm</EnumVal>
<EnumType id = "Mod">
<EnumVal ord = "1">on</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "2">blocked</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "3">test</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "4">test/blocked</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "5">off</EnumVal>
<EnumType id = "angid">
<EnumVal ord = "0">Va</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "1">Vb</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "2">Vc</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "3">Aa</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "4">Ab</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "5">Ac</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "6">Vab</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "7">Vbc</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "8">Vca</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "9">Vother</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "10">Aother</EnumVal>
<EnumVal ord = "11">Synchrophasor</EnumVal>
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 124 –

B.2 PDC Communication Example

This example SCD file describes the center project of Figure 7-2 with IED AA1TH1 as PDC for
AA1F1 and AA10F1. The synchrphasor data belongs to bay AA1D1Q1, whose single line is
shown in Figure 15-1. From this it is easily seen how the IID file for AA1TH1 would look like
(just remove AA10KA1 and all references to it).

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SCL xmlns:sxy="http://www.iec.ch/61850/2003/SCLcoordinates"
XML\Schema2007\SCL2.0\SCL.xsd" xmlns="http://www.iec.ch/61850/2003/SCL">
<Header id="SynchroPhasor AA1 SED" toolID="SSI-Tool" nameStructure="IEDName" />
<Substation name="AA1" desc="Substation">
<VoltageLevel name="D1" desc="Voltage Level">
<Bay name="Q1" desc="Bay" sxy:x="55" sxy:y="62" sxy:dir="vertical">
<LNode iedName="AA10TH1" ldInst="AA1F1PMU" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" />
<ConductingEquipment name="BI1" desc="Current Transformer" type="CTR" sxy:x="8"
sxy:y="15" sxy:dir="vertical">
<LNode iedName="AA10TH1" ldInst="AA1F1PMU" lnClass="TCTR" lnInst="1" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N2" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N2" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N2" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N3" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N3" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QC2" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="10" sxy:y="21"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N6" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N6" />
<Terminal name="grounded" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/grounded"
substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="grounded" />
<ConductingEquipment name="BU2" desc="Voltage Transformer 3Phase" type="VTR"
sxy:x="12" sxy:y="14" sxy:dir="vertical">
<LNode iedName="AA10TH1" ldInst="AA1F1PMU" lnClass="TVTR" lnInst="1" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N3" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N3" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QB2" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="12" sxy:y="4"
<Terminal name="AA1D1QBBN4" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/QBB/N4"
substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="QBB" cNodeName="N4" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QC1" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="10" sxy:y="8"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5" />
<Terminal name="grounded" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/grounded"
substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="grounded" />
<ConductingEquipment name="BI3" desc="Current Transformer" type="CTR" sxy:x="8"
sxy:y="19" sxy:dir="vertical">
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 125 –
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N6" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N6" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N4" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N4" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N4" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QA1" desc="Circuit Breaker" type="CBR" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="11"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N3" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N3" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5" />
<ConductingEquipment name="BI2" desc="Current Transformer" type="CTR" sxy:x="8"
sxy:y="17" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N2" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N2" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N2" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N4" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N4" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N4" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QB1" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="6" sxy:y="4"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1QBBN1" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/QBB/N1"
substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="QBB" cNodeName="N1" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QB4" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="23"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N1" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N1" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N1" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N6" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N6" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QC3" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="10" sxy:y="35"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N1" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/N1" substationName="AA1"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N1" />
<Terminal name="grounded" connectivityNode="AA1/D1/Q1/grounded"
substationName="AA1" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="grounded" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N1" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N1" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="31" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N2" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N2" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="16" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N3" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N3" sxy:x="9" sxy:y="13" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N6" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N6" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="21" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N5" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N5" sxy:x="9" sxy:y="6" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N4" pathName="AA1/D1/Q1/N4" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="18" />
<Bay name="QBB" desc="Bay" sxy:x="63" sxy:y="36" sxy:dir="vertical">
<ConnectivityNode name="N3" pathName="AA1/D1/QBB/N3" sxy:x="48" sxy:y="12" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N2" pathName="AA1/D1/QBB/N2" sxy:x="47" sxy:y="17" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N4" pathName="AA1/D1/QBB/N4" sxy:x="25" sxy:y="18" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N1" pathName="AA1/D1/QBB/N1" sxy:x="22" sxy:y="20" />
<Substation name="AA2" desc="Substation" sxy:x="120" sxy:y="62">
<VoltageLevel name="D1" desc="Voltage Level">
<Bay name="Q1" desc="Bay" sxy:x="55" sxy:y="62" sxy:dir="vertical">
<LNode iedName="AA10TH1" ldInst="AA10F1PMU" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" />
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 126 –
<ConductingEquipment name="BI1" desc="Current Transformer" type="CTR" sxy:x="8"
sxy:y="15" sxy:dir="vertical">
<LNode iedName="AA10TH1" ldInst="AA10F1PMU" lnClass="TCTR" lnInst="1" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N2" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N2" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N2" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N3" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N3" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QC2" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="10" sxy:y="21"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N6" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N6" />
<Terminal name="grounded" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/grounded"
substationName="AA2" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="grounded" />
<ConductingEquipment name="BU2" desc="Voltage Transformer 3Phase" type="VTR"
sxy:x="12" sxy:y="14" sxy:dir="vertical">
<LNode iedName="AA10TH1" ldInst="AA10F1PMU" lnClass="TVTR" lnInst="1" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N3" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N3" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QB2" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="12" sxy:y="4"
<Terminal name="AA1D1QBBN4" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/QBB/N4"
substationName="AA2" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="QBB" cNodeName="N4" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QC1" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="10" sxy:y="8"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5" />
<Terminal name="grounded" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/grounded"
substationName="AA2" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="grounded" />
<ConductingEquipment name="BI3" desc="Current Transformer" type="CTR" sxy:x="8"
sxy:y="19" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N6" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N6" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N4" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N4" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N4" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QA1" desc="Circuit Breaker" type="CBR" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="11"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N3" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N3" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N3" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5" />
<ConductingEquipment name="BI2" desc="Current Transformer" type="CTR" sxy:x="8"
sxy:y="17" sxy:dir="vertical">
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N2" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N2" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N2" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N4" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N4" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N4" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QB1" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="6" sxy:y="4"
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 127 –
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N5" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N5" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N5" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1QBBN1" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/QBB/N1"
substationName="AA2" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="QBB" cNodeName="N1" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QB4" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="23"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N1" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N1" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N1" />
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N6" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N6" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N6" />
<ConductingEquipment name="QC3" desc="Isolator" type="DIS" sxy:x="10" sxy:y="35"
<Terminal name="AA1D1Q1N1" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/N1" substationName="AA2"
voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="N1" />
<Terminal name="grounded" connectivityNode="AA2/D1/Q1/grounded"
substationName="AA2" voltageLevelName="D1" bayName="Q1" cNodeName="grounded" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N1" pathName="AA2/D1/Q1/N1" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="31" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N2" pathName="AA2/D1/Q1/N2" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="16" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N3" pathName="AA2/D1/Q1/N3" sxy:x="9" sxy:y="13" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N6" pathName="AA2/D1/Q1/N6" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="21" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N5" pathName="AA2/D1/Q1/N5" sxy:x="9" sxy:y="6" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N4" pathName="AA2/D1/Q1/N4" sxy:x="8" sxy:y="18" />
<Bay name="QBB" desc="Bay" sxy:x="63" sxy:y="36" sxy:dir="vertical">
<ConnectivityNode name="N3" pathName="AA2/D1/QBB/N3" sxy:x="48" sxy:y="12" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N2" pathName="AA2/D1/QBB/N2" sxy:x="47" sxy:y="17" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N4" pathName="AA2/D1/QBB/N4" sxy:x="25" sxy:y="18" />
<ConnectivityNode name="N1" pathName="AA2/D1/QBB/N1" sxy:x="22" sxy:y="20" />
<SubNetwork name="AA1WA1" desc="IEC61850in center project" type="8-MMS">
<ConnectedAP iedName="AA10KA1" apName="S1">
<P type="SA">0</P>
<P type="IP"></P>
<P type="IP-SUBNET"></P>
<P type="OSI-AP-Title">1,3,9999,23</P>
<P type="OSI-AE-Qualifier">23</P>
<P type="OSI-TSEL">0001</P>
<P type="OSI-PSEL">00000001</P>
<P type="OSI-SSEL">0001</P>
<ConnectedAP iedName="AA10TH1" apName="S1">
<P type="SA">0</P>
<P type="IP"></P>
<P type="IP-SUBNET"></P>
<P type="OSI-AP-Title">1,3,9999,23</P>
<P type="OSI-AE-Qualifier">23</P>
<P type="OSI-TSEL">0001</P>
<P type="OSI-PSEL">00000001</P>
<P type="OSI-SSEL">0001</P>
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 128 –
<SMV desc="Phasor SVCB" ldInst="PDC" cbName="SyPh_SVCB1" />
<IED name="AA10KA1" desc="OPC Server" type="OPCServer" manufacturer="Whatever"
<AccessPoint name="S1">
<LN inst="1" lnClass="IHMI" lnType="IHMI_OPCServer_IEC61850" />
<IED name="AA10TH1" type="PDC" manufacturer="Whatever" configVersion="1.0">
<DynAssociation />
<GetDirectory />
<GetDataObjectDefinition />
<DataObjectDirectory />
<GetDataSetValue />
<ConfDataSet max="50" maxAttributes="240" />
<ReadWrite />
<ConfReportControl max="100" />
<GetCBValues />
<ReportSettings datSet="Conf" rptID="Dyn" optFields="Dyn" bufTime="Dyn" trgOps="Dyn"
intgPd="Dyn" />
<SMVSettings datSet="Conf" />
<AccessPoint name="S1">
<Authentication none="true" />
<LDevice inst="PDC">
<LN0 inst="" lnClass="LLN0" lnType="LLN0_RELx_IEC61850">
<DataSet name="PMUdata" desc=”Common Synchrophasor message” >
<FCDA ldInst="AA1F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="A.phsA"
fc="MX" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA1F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="A.phsB"
fc="MX" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA1F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="A.phsC"
fc="MX" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA1F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="Health"
fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA1F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="LPHD" lnInst="1" doName="PhyHealth"
fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA10F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="A.phsA"
fc="MX" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA10F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="A.phsB"
fc="MX" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA10F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="A.phsC"
fc="MX" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA10F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="MMXU" lnInst="1" doName="Health"
fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA10F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="LPHD" lnInst="1" doName="PhyHealth"
fc="ST" />
<DataSet name="StatUrgentA" desc="Status Data used to update process pictures and to
generate alarms.">
<FCDA ldInst="AA1F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="LPHD" lnInst="1" doName="PhyHealth"
fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA1F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="TVTR" lnInst="1" doName="FuFail"
fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA1F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="LLN0" doName="Mod" fc="ST" />
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 129 –
<FCDA ldInst="AA1F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="LPHD" lnInst="1" doName="PhyHealth"
fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA1F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="TVTR" lnInst="1" doName="FuFail"
fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="AA1F1PMU" prefix="" lnClass="LLN0" doName="Mod" fc="ST" />
<FCDA ldInst="PDC" prefix="" lnClass="LPHD" lnInst="1" doName="PhyHealth" fc="ST"
<FCDA ldInst="PDC" prefix="" lnClass="LLN0" doName="Mod" fc="ST" />
<ReportControl name="rcb_A" datSet="StatUrgentA" confRev="2" bufTime="100"
<TrgOps dchg="true" qchg="true" />
<OptFields />
<RptEnabled max="5">
<ClientLN iedName="AA10KA1" ldInst="none" lnInst="1" lnClass="IHMI" />
<SampledValueControl name="SyPh_SVCB1" desc="Phasor SVCB" datSet="PMUdata"
confRev="1" smvID="MyPhasors AA1+ AA2" smpRate="1" nofASDU="1" >
<Protocol mustUnderstand=”true”>R-SV</Protocol>
<SmvOpts refreshTime="true" sampleRate="true" />
<LN inst="1" lnClass="LPHD" lnType="Physical Device_RELx_IEC61850">
<DOI name="Proxy">
<DAI name="stVal" valKind="RO">
<LDevice inst="AA1F1PMU">
<LN0 inst="" lnClass="LLN0" lnType="LLN0_RELx_IEC61850" />
<LN inst="1" lnClass="LPHD" lnType="Physical Device_RELx_IEC61850">
<DOI name="Proxy">
<DAI name="stVal" valKind="RO">
<LN inst="1" lnClass="TCTR" lnType="CT_RELx_IEC61850" />
<LN inst="1" lnClass="TVTR" lnType="VT_RELx_IEC61850" />
<LN inst="1" desc="Synchrophasor measurements" lnClass="MMXU"
<DOI name="PhV">
<SDI name="phsA">
<DAI name="angRef">
<SDI name="phsB">
<DAI name="angRef">
<SDI name="phsC">
<DAI name="angRef">
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 130 –
<DOI name="A">
<SDI name="phsA">
<DAI name="angRef">
<SDI name="phsB">
<DAI name="angRef">
<SDI name="phsC">
<DAI name="angRef">
<LDevice inst="AA10F1PMU">
<LN0 inst="" lnClass="LLN0" lnType="LLN0_RELx_IEC61850" />
<LN inst="1" lnClass="LPHD" lnType="Physical Device_RELx_IEC61850">
<DOI name="Proxy">
<DAI name="stVal" valKind="RO">
<LN inst="1" lnClass="TCTR" lnType="CT_RELx_IEC61850" />
<LN inst="1" lnClass="TVTR" lnType="VT_RELx_IEC61850" />
<LN inst="1" desc="Synchrophasor measurements" lnClass="MMXU"
<DOI name="PhV">
<SDI name="phsA">
<DAI name="angRef">
<SDI name="phsB">
<DAI name="angRef">
<SDI name="phsC">
<DAI name="angRef">
<DOI name="A">
<SDI name="phsA">
<DAI name="angRef">
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 131 –
<SDI name="phsB">
<DAI name="angRef">
<SDI name="phsC">
<DAI name="angRef">
…. Same as in previous example
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 132 –
Annex C - Migration from IEEE C37.118 to IEC 61850

C.1 General

In 2005, IEEE C37.118 - Synchrophasors for Power Systems was published. The scope of
this standard was:

“This is a standard for synchronized phasor measurement systems in power systems. It

addresses the definition of a synchronized phasor, time synchronization, application of
timetags, method to verify measurement compliance with the standard, and message
formats for communication with a phasor measurement unit (PMU). In this context, a
PMU can be a stand-alone physical unit or a functional unit within another physical unit.
This standard does not specify limits to measurement response time, accuracyunder
transient conditions, hardware, software, or a method for computing phasors.” [From
IEEE C37.118]

Based upon the scope, there are two aspects to the standard:

1. Measurement and time tagging specifications that allow for the creation of a
synchronized phasor measurement.

2. A message format to convey the measured information.

This message format specifies a packet structure, but does not standardize a
communication profile over which to exchange the packet.

During the standardization process, the use of IEC 61850 was discussed as an
alternative to the “packet” structure. However, due to time constraints and industry
pressures, the inclusion of IEC 61850 did not occur for the first publication of the

In the late 2008-early 2009, IEEE requested IEC for a joint logo regarding IEEE C37.118.
However, with the scope defined in IEEE C37.118, such a request needed to be coordinated
between two different IEC Technical Committees (TCs).

TC95 Scope: Standardization of measuring relays and protection equipment used in the
various fields of electrical engineering covered by the IEC, taking into account
combinations of devices to form schemes for power system protection including the
control, monitoring and process interface equipment used with those systems.

TC57 Scope: To prepare international standards for power systems control equipment
and systems including EMS (Energy Management Systems), SCADA (Supervisory
Control And Data Acquisition), distribution automation, teleprotection, and associated
information exchange for real-time and non-real-time information, used in the planning,
operation and maintenance of power systems. Power systems management comprises
control within control centres, substations and individual pieces of primary equipment
including telecontrol and interfaces to equipment, systems and databases, which may
be outside the scope of TC 57.

In order to accommodate IEEE coordination with the two (2) IEC TCs, and to allow
synchrophasor information to be exchanged via IEC 61850, IEEE issued a Project
Authorization Requests (PAR) in 2010 to split the IEEE C37.118 standard into two distinct
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 133 –

IEEE C37.118.1 - Measurement and time tagging specifications for synchronized

phasors, frequency, and rate of change of frequency.. This part deals with the
measurements only and is intended to be coordinated for dual logo status through IEC

IEEE C37.118.2 - A message format to convey the measured information. This part
supports te legacy C37.118 formats and will remain an IEEE standard.

The intent of the two standards is to provide as much backward compatibility with the IEEE
C37.118:2005 standard, but to provide some enhancements. In the case of IEEE C37.118.1,
substantial enhancements are ongoing to provide dynamic performance/measurement
standardization as well as providing standardization for testing and calibration.

In regards to IEEE C37.118.2, there was a substantial set of requested enhancements as well
as a limited set of problem resolutions. Upon evaluation of the enhancement requests, it was
recognized that an equivalent protocol suite to IEC 61850 would need to be developed and
that interoperability would probably not be able to be maintained should all of the
enhancements be implemented. A decision was made that the IEEE C37.118.2 should
standardize the current packet specification of IEEE C37.118:2005 with the resolution to
several of the problematic issues. It was further decided that IEC 61850 should be used to
provide the enhanced functionality.

The question became how to provide discrete and manageable steps from IEEE C37.118.2
into IEC 61850 for users/vendors that desired to use IEC 61850 or the enhanced functionality.
The sequence of “manageable steps” constitutes a migration strategy. As such, the starting
and end points of the strategy are readily understood. The starting point is IEEE
C37.118:2005 and soon IEEE C37.118.2. The end point, for synchrophasors, would be IEC
61850 as modified by TR 61850-90-5 (this document). For both endpoints, the measurement
techniques referenced would be IEEE C37.118.1.

The steps in the migration strategy can be summarized.

Starting Point: IEEE C37.118:2005 or IEEE C37.118.2

This starting point provides the industry with the capability to proceed with
projects and deployments using internationally recognized and stable standards.

Step 1: Provide standardized configuration capability for C37.118.1 communicating


One of the major enhancement requests for C37.118 has been to provide a
mechanism to configure a Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) or Phasor Data
Concentrator (PDC) to provide a subset the information available in the unit (e.g.
PMU or PDC) for communication within the C37.118 Data packet.

Note: In essence, this represents the ability to define the contents of IEEE
C37.118 CFG-2 responses based upon a subset of the IEEE C37.118 CFG-1

In the world of IEC 61850, the Substation Configuration Language (SCL) is used
to define the overall information contents of a unit (e.g. CFG-1) and to define a
61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 134 –
subset of the information to be communicated (e.g. CFG-2) via a construct called
a DataSet. Therefore, in order to provide the aforementioned configuration
capability, Step 1 makes use of SCL to configure a C37.118 device.

Although the communication packet definition, via the creation of

subsets/DataSets, is the primary focus of this migration step there are other
benefits as well.

There are several types of SCL files that are applicable for use: Instantiated IED
Description (IID) or IED Capability Description (ICD) SCL files. It is preferable to
utilize the IID file due to the fact that the file reflects the configuration of the
communication parameters as well as user definitions for the DataSet
configurations. The ICD file is provided by the vendor of the unit and represents a
default configuration.

Step 2: Provide a first step to using the IEC 61850 protocol.

This step provides a user the functionality for using the protocol, models, security,
etc. as published within IEC 61850-90-5 (e.g. this document) without the
requirement of using ISO 9506 (e.g. the MMS profile in IEC 61850-8-1). This step
basically provides a more enhanced protocol and service capability (e.g. supports
events in addition to streams) as well as security. In essence, this step utilizes
GOOSE and SV over a new routable profile. The configuration of the
communication streams is still performed via SCL (same as in Step 1). However,
without using ISO 9506, the enabling and disabling of the streams also needs to
be performed in the SCL file.

End Point: Full IEC 61850 capability.

The end point provides the capabilities of Step 2 and adds the full capabilities of
the other services and features of IEC 61850. As an example, this allows the
Control blocks to be enabled/disabled dynamically (e.g. via communication and
not just through SCL) as well as dynamic creation of DataSets.

In general the steps can be represented in tabular form as follows:

61850-90-5/DTR  IEC:201X (E) – 135 –

Table 15-1: Migration steps from C37.118 to IEC 61850

Capability Starting Point Step 1 – adds to Step 2 End Point – adds to Step
Starting Point 2
Enable/Disable of IEEE C37.118.2 SCL CID File could be Same as IEC 61850 control blocks
synchrophasor data Enable/Disable used to automatically Step 1’s use provide the equivalent
exchange commands enable/disable. of SCL. functionality of C37.118.2
commands for
enabling/disabling as well.
Header exchange – IEEE C37.118.2 SCL CID would be used Same as Provides file transfer
obtaining descriptive Header to configure the Step 1’s use possibility as well as
information Exchange descriptive information of SCL. dynamic query capability
Command as well as being able be similar (e.g. allows for
used to retrieve it. This descriptions to be retrieved
would be accomplished via communication and not
through the use of the file exchange).
description fields
defined in the object
Provide a IEEE C37.118.2 SCL CID file would be Same as Adds ability to browse and
description of the CFG-1 used. Step 1’s use validate via
capabilities of the of SCL. or communications.
device the extended
Provide a IEEE C37.118.2 SCL CID file would be Same as Adds ability to browse,
description of the CFG-2 used. Additionally, Step 1’s use validate, and create
configuration of the multiple stream of SCL or the additional DataSets
information being definition capability extended dynamically.
sent in the data would be available due 61850
exchange to the ability to GOOSE/Sav
configure DataSets and management
ControlBlocks. services.
Annex D - Open System Interconnect (OSI) Model

The Open System Interconnect (OSI) model is a layered representation of the communication
functionality required to implement communication interchange in an interoperable manner.
The model is often referred to as the 7-layer model, because it describes seven (7) layers of

In general, the layers of functionality are recognized to be: Application; Presentation; Session;
Transport; Network; Datalink; and Physical Layers. Each layer can be considered to “answer”
a different set of questions about how to communicate with another device, as illustrated in
Figure 15-2.

Application What is the job the network needs to do?

Presentation How is the data encoded?

Session How can several conversations take place?

Transport How to recover from link errors & failures?

What route should the messages
Data Link Who gets to talk on the link when?

Physical What are the physical signals and wires?

Figure 15-2: Tasks of the OSI Model Layers

Together, the seven layers are often known as a “stack”. The software at each layer of the
stack has its own address, its own data header that it adds to a message (an “envelope”), and
its own processing rules.

It is important to note that while the OSI model was developed to describe the International
Standards Organization (ISO) suite of protocols, it can be used to describe communications
using any set of protocols. Figure 15-3 shows roughly how OSI terminology corresponds to
Internet Protocol (IP) terminology for naming layers.

Application Application



Transport Transport

Network Network

Data Link Network Interface


Figure 15-3: Comparison between OSI Model and Internet Models

To send data, a message must travel to the bottom of the stack, across to another device at
the physical layer, and back up to the top of the stack. Moving down the stack, headers are
added to a message. It is useful to think of encapsulating a mail envelope in a larger envelope
with a different address on the outside, as shown in Figure 15-4. Moving up the stack, the
“envelopes” or headers are read, opened and removed.

Figure 15-4: Visualizing Adding Layer Headers

Each layer knows only its own addressing. As shown in Figure 15-5, each layer
communicates only with its peer layer on other devices and the layer immediately above and

In order to achieve interoperability, the software implementing each layer on a given device
must be the “peer” of the equivalent layer software on the remote device (i.e. both peers must
agree to use the same choices for protocols and implementation parameters).

“peer” protocol exchange








Figure 15-5: Peer-to-Peer Data Exchange in the OSI Model

Each layer must pass information between the local layers. There is a convention for
describing what the message is called as it is passed between the layers, as shown in Figure
Presentation Protocol Unit (PPDU)

Session Presentation Protocol Unit (PPDU)


Transport TPDU SPDU Presentation Protocol Unit (PPDU)

Network Service Data Unit



Figure 15-6: Relationship of OSI services to protocol data units (PDUs)

Each layer offers a communications service interface to the layer above it. These interfaces
are standardized so that one layer may use the services of a variety of different underlying
layers. This permits the underlying layers to be “mixed and matched” in an interoperable
manner. For instance, an Internet Protocol (IP) network layer may use an Ethernet data link
layer or a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) serial data link layer.

A message is called a Protocol Data Unit, or PDU.The diagram shows that a Presentation
Protocol Data Unit (PPDU) is passed to the Session layer. The session layer adds additional
information to the PPDU, and the combination is called a Session Protocol Data Unit (SPDU).
This is in turn passed onto the Transport layer, etc. as was previously described in the
“envelope” analogy.

It is the layer’s PDUs that are used to create the “peer” relationships that allow for information
to be exchanged.

In some cases, one service provided by a layer may be the ability to segment or re-assemble
information. Two Good examples of this are the Transport and Network layers. In particular,
the Network Layer is responsible for segmenting the information sent to it by the Transport
layer so that the packet size does not exceed the maximum packet size for the Data Link
layer. In this case, sending one TPDU can cause multiple Network Protocol Data Units
(NPDUs) to be transmitted.

A special naming convention is used to discuss this capability. While the name PDU is used
for the message produced out the “bottom” of a layer, the name “Service Data Unit” is used
for the data presented at the “top” of the next layer. Thus the concept of a Network Service
Data Unit (NSDU) is used to represent the entire TPDU that causes multiple NPDUs to be
sent. The service concept applies to other layers, particularly the Transport layer, where
segmentation can also occur. For layers that do not segment, the PDU produced by a layer
is equivalent to the Service Data Unit (SDU) it received with the header for that layer added

Selector SSEL/Port Number


TSEL/Protocol ID Session Service Access Point (SSAP)



Figure 15-7: OSI Model Addressing

At each layer of the OSI Model, it is possible to use more than one different protocol. The OSI
Model describes the use of special addresses called “selectors” to choose which protocol is
going to be utilized at a given layer. For each layer in the model, there is a selector (SEL)
that specifies which protocol is to be utilized.

In the case of an incoming message arriving at the Network Layer from an Ethernet Data Link
layer, the selection of the use of RFC 791 (IP) is designated by the EtherType ID of 800 hex.A
message to be processed by a different network layer (say, the ISO connectionless network
layer, or Novell IPX) would be labelled with a different EtherType. Therefore, The EtherType
is the equivalent of an ISO Network Selector (NSEL).

The transport protocol to be used is chosen via a Transport Selector (TSEL). The equivalent
of a TSEL, in the IP world, is the Protocol Identifier used to differentiate between UDP and

The next level protocol would be specified by a Session Selector (SSEL). In the Internet
world, the SSEL is the IANA TCP Port Number that specifies the actual application protocol to
be used (e.g. Port 80 for HTTP, Port 21 for FTP).

The total address information, including all of the selectors, is known as a Service Access
Point. As an example, the addressing information needed to locate a particular Session
protocol is known as a Session Service Access Point (SSAP). The SSAP includes all of the
lower layer selectors.
Annex E –IPv6 (informative)

This annex provides the information needed to use/specify the use of Internet Protocol version 6
(IPv6). It is anticipated that an IPv6 T-Profile will be used in parallel to the IPv4 T-Profile initially.
Additionally, it is the IPv6 T-Profile that will allow more wide area routing ability for larger scale
integration/information exchange.

E.1 Additions to normative references

The following should be added to the normative references:

RFC 2460 Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification

RFC 2147 TCP and UDP over IPv6 Jumbograms
RFC 2461 Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
RFC 2464 Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks
RFC 2375 IPv6 Multicast Address Assignments
RFC 3697 IPv6 Flow Label Specification
RFC 2474 Definition of the Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers
RFC 5095 Deprecation of Type 0 Routing Headers in IPv6
RFC 5722 Handling of Overlapping IPv6 Fragments
RFC 5871 IANA Allocation Guidelines for the IPv6 Routing Header

E.2 A-Profile

Shall be the same as in clause 11.1.

However, with the use of IPv6, there is a potential to send UDP packets that exceed a length
supported by IPv4. These are called Jumbo Datagrams and shall not be used. This means
that the use of RFC 2147 is excluded.

E.3 T-Profile


RFC-2326 – IP Authentication Header*

RFC-2460– Internetworking Protocol version 6

RFC 2461 – Neighbor Discovery for IPv6
RFC 2464 - Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks
RFC 2375 - IPv6 Multicast Address Assignments
RFC 1108 – U.S. Department of Defense Security
options for the Internet Protocol

IEEE 802.1Q

ISO/IEC 8802-3 Ethertype

ISO/IEC 8802-3
E.3.1 IPv6 Options

The implementation of IPv6 shall support both unicast and multicast addressing.

Bits: 4 12 16 24 32

Version Class of Traffic Flow Label

Payload Length Next Header Hop Limit

128 bits Source Address

128 bits Destination Address

Additionally, the ClassOfTraffic and FlowLabel fields shall be configurable. The

recommendations found in RFC 3697 and RFC 2474 shall be followed.

E.4 SCL Modifications

The current SCL definitions in IEC 61850-6 do not support the expression of an IPv6 address,
subnets, or gateways. Therefore, it will eventually be necessary to add a mechanism to
express this address.

These extensions are found in 13.1.4.

Annex F – Edge Authentication (Informative)

Edge Authentication is typically a local issue. However, this specification recommends that
such authentication be performed using RFC 2406 – IP Encapsulating Security Payload.

The key negotiations, needed to support this protocol, are supported by the KDC mechanism
(e.g. RFC 3547).
Annex G – Example of A-Profile encodings (Informative)

Figure 5-1 shows an example ecoding of the GOOSE and SV A-Profile.

Example of Single GOOSE APDU

LI SIG For Entire Packet RFC-1240

TI 40 ITU X.234
LI 00
SI A1 IEC 61850-90-5
LI 13
80 commonHeader
LI 12
00 00 FF ED Doesn’t support jumbo packets for SPDU User Data
now Length
00 10 00 00 For duplicate packet delivery and SPDU Number
00 01 Version Number
4C F6 D9 FE Second Since Epoch: 11970-01-01 TimeOfCurrentKey
00:00:00 UTC (value = December
1, 2010 23:27:58 UTC)
00 10 Minutes until key change TimeToNextKey
00 High byte = Encryption information Security
(none, AES-128, AES-256) Algorithms
02 Low byte = HMAC algorithm Security
(none, SHA1-80, SHA1-128, Algorithms
SHA256-80, SHA256-128, SHA256-
256, MD5-80, MD5-128, MD5-256)
00 00 xxxx+6 User Data Lenght
61 User Info =
False Simulation
00 01 APPID
xxxx APDU Length
84 Signature
LI 10 Length of HMAC
16 octets For SHA1-128 HMAC

Figure 15-8: Example Encoding of GOOSE A-Profile

Annex H – Improving Reliability of R-SV Transmissions

The use of multicast (UDP or Ethernet) does not guarantee message/data delivery. In most multicast
protocols a lost packet is not automatically detected and re-transmitted.
The GOOSE send service and message, as specified in IEC 61850-8-1, addresses this issue through
a repeat mechanism where the transmitted dataset is repeated several times after the initial changed
data packet is sent. As such, there is a very high probability, given that the network is intact, that a
lost GOOSE message will eventually be received. The R-GOOSE, in that is inherits the operational
characteristics of the GOOSE, will possess this message repeat function.
Sample Values, on the other hand, does not possess a repeat mechanism. In certain circumstances
(especially at low message send rates), it may be desirable to increase the reliability of the received
data. This can be achieved through a re-transmit of the R-SV data packet. In as much as the
subscriber is designed to identify and reject duplicate packets, re-sending the exact same data packet
is an effective way to achieve higher-reliability when desired. The re-launch mechanism, number of
re-tries, and time between retries is a local issue.
For such re-transmissions, the SPDU Number needs to be identical to the original packet. This is
required in order to allow the subscriber to detect duplicate delivery should the original packet have
been received. It is further recommended that the contents of the entire SPDU be a duplicate of the
original packet that is being repeated.
Annex I – Guidance on HMAC and Truncation

HMAC is a standard approach for achieving two-party authentication via shared symmetric
keys. The HMAC standards and guidelines [3], [1], [2], [5], [6] provide techniques and
protocols to use HMAC such that the resulting authentication protocol is secure and resistant
to replay attacks. One effective approach for dealing with replay attacks is to ensure that
there is either a unique sequence number or a nonce for each message for any given shared
key. This can be achieved by using either sequence numbers or nonces [5]. When HMAC is
used for authentication, truncation of the output is an option occasionally used to conserve
bandwidth. Truncation is considered reasonable in HMAC standards [1], [6] and is also used
in practice; e.g., in TLS [4].

The following are some guidelines regarding the use of truncation from HMAC standards and

• “The results in this area are not absolute as for the overall security advantages of truncation.
... Applications of HMAC can choose to truncate the output of HMAC by outputting the t
leftmost bits of the HMAC computation for some parameter t ... We recommend that the output
length t be not less than half the length of the hash output (to match the birthday attack
bound) and not less than 80 bits.” [3]

• “When a truncated HMAC is used, the leftmost bytes of the HMAC computation shall be used
as the MAC. The output length, shall be no less than four bytes ... However, t shall be at least
L/2 bytes unless an application or protocol makes numerous trials impractical” [1]. Note that
FIPS 198 [1] has been superseded by FIPS 198-1 [2], which defers to NIST-SP800-107 for
truncation [6].

• “The length of a MacTag shall be sufficiently long to prevent false acceptance of forged
data. For most applications, a length of 64 to 96 bits is sufficient.” [6]

As a practical example, TLS recommends a 96 bit truncated output [4].

Citations here:

[1] National Institute of Standards and Technology, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication
Code (HMAC), (Standard, 2002). Available at http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips198/fips-

[2] National Institute of Standards and Technology, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication
Code (HMAC), (July, 2008).

[3] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and Canetti, R. 1997 Hmac: Keyed-Hashing for Message
Authentication. RFC. RFC Editor.

[4] S. Blake-Wilson, et. al. RFC 4336 Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extensions, Network
Working Group (IETF 2006). Available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4366.txt.

[5] International Standards Organization, International Electrotechnical Commission, ISO/IETF

9798- 4:1999 Information technology Security techniques Entity authentication Part 4:
Mechanisms using a cryptographic check function, (Standard, 1999). Available at

[6] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Recommendation for Applications Us- ing
Approved Hash Algorithms, (Special Publication 800-107, 2009). Available at

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